Spring 2011 - Kids Kottage
Spring 2011 - Kids Kottage
o sK d i ge tta t o K port families in crisis to sup and p s i reve sion s i nt ch M E e g ta An h t r a gels ild abuse and neglect 11 0 2 g Sprin Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world...Virgil A. Kraft summer experiences for their children in spite of financial barriers. Some of our families will attend Kids Kottage annual weekend family camp. Ki ds K www.kidskottage.org Family camp is an asset building opportunity for a number of families to experience respite of a different kind. Sharing family camp experiences together means parents and children strengthen their relationships enjoying good old fashioned fun together. They will appreciate the help and support of volunteers and staff. Spring puddle jumping — the sport of toddlers. Kids Kottage is going green! If you would like to receive the newsletter electronically please email [email protected] to sign up! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter I’m quoting Anna Bradstreet when I say, “If we had no winter, spring would not be so pleasant...” When spring overcomes winter, we mortals shake off winter doldrums and embrace the new and beautiful season. We welcome new beginnings and second chances. Our dreams take flight with the restless excitement of spring fever. The Kids Kottage Board of Directors, staff and volunteers wish all of our donors, sponsors, and friends a blessed Easter. Spring is the time Kids Kottage Programs evaluate the previous fiscal year’s work and identify changes that are appropriate, finalize the new budget and determine the amount of new funding we must have. To view our wishlist visit: www.kidskottage.org Staff will encourage families to use spring as a time to plan for the summer that often proves difficult for vulnerable families to cope with. Kottage staff will support parents to plan positive All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today. Inside Highlights pg 4&5 Valentine Event is a Great Success pg 12Upcoming Kids Kottage Gala June 3, 2011 pg 3Radiothon 2010 Raises $92,000 1 RADIOTHON 2010 IS A GREAT SUCCESS! A very excited team of staff and volunteers began Radiothon Day 2010, December 16, with high hopes of raising badly needed funds to run Kids Kottage. The day of Radiothon was a flashback to the days when this fundraiser was a true event. Shine FM broadcasted live from West Edmonton Mall. The telephone teams arrived at their appointed times hoping they would be the ones who won the first or second prizes for bringing the most money with them. First place winner was Trish Hebert. Congratulations Trish! Visit www.kidskottage.org to read the story within this story. Second place winner, Kavis Reed, Edmonton Eskimo Coach, was awarded an adrenaline rush of a life time as the second place winner. Visit www.kidskottage.org for the rest of the story! Thanks to the “Pure Artists” who provided beautiful music throughout the day under the direction of Wes Inaba. Thanks as well to the volunteers who manned the phones, and entered the day’s data. The Kids Kottage newsletter is published three to four times annually. If you would like to contribute or have any questions or concerns, please contact us at: 10107 - 134 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5E 1J2 Telephone: (780) 448-1752 Fax: (780) 441-9893 Graphic Design: Rose Country Advertising & Public Relations Film: Ion Print Solutions Printing: Ion Print Solutions Board of Directors: Marie Stelmach, Honourary Chair Patricia Hebert, Board Chair Michelle Belland Gary Campbell QC Troy Chalifoux Karen Clipperton Judith Dyck Jeff Erlam Christine Felix Joseph Francese Patricia Hebert Rob Heron Joan Hertz-Benkendorf Ashif Mawji Cecilia Munro Rosanna Saccomani QC Patty Whiting Richard Wong Publications Mail Agreement Number: 40012822 Kids Kottage offers heartfelt thanks to the many sponsors who provided “match money” to help us build excitement and encourage donors to play, “That’s a match!” Al-Terra Tom & Caroline Baart Bee-Bell Health Bakery Bunches Flowers Cameron Plumbing Carol Quilliam Cedar Publishing Edmonton Public Teacher’s Association El Shadai Dairies Inc Investment Planning Council James Cornish James Mones Max Electric Ltd. M & Z Industrial Supplies One to One Mailing Schraders Holdings SCM Insurance Services Scott Builders S.D. Potgieter Professon Corp Starline Equipment Sales Ltd Timothy Muzika Professional Corportion T.P. Consulting Witten LLP Zedi Canada In Heartfelt thanks to Shine FM especially Johnny Rocket, Holly, Tara and Topher. Visit us at www.kidskottge.org to enjoy the whole Radiothon album and find out what happens if it is Radiothon Day and the laptop goes dead!!! Our generous donors raised $92,000 to keep children safe and families together! THANK YOU! 3 Rosanna Saccomani A Valentine Event to Remember A most successful valentine event took place on February 3, 2011 in the elegant ballroom of the Sutton Place Hotel. Valentine ambiance, wines for tasting from around the world, the delicacies of the duelling chefs of Sutton Place Hotel and the Fairmont Hotel Macdonald, the soft jazz music of Sandro Dominelli, the Spanish dancing of Vinok Worldance as well as an auction Mission Hill Winery of interesting and tantalizing items all in support of Kids Fiono Beland Kottage! When there is nowhere else for families to turn, there is KIDS KOTTAGE, with a vision for our community of safe children –strong families. Heartfelt thanks to our media sponsors, event sponsors, auction donors and wine suppliers. Fort-In-View Golf course Miller Boileau Family Law Group Hyatt Hotel, Anaheim 44 Kirwin LLP Wine and Spirits Suppliers Ramona Lablance Salon ANDREW PELLER LIMITED APPELLATION WINE MARKETING LTD. BACCHUS GROUP BF CANADA BROWN FORMAN CANADA CHRISTOPHER Dave Quest, MLA Strathcona County STEWART WINE & SPIRITS INC. CRUSH IMPORTS DAVID HERMAN & SON LTD. EMPSON CANADA INC. FINE VINE IMPORTS INC. FREE HOUSE WINE & SPIRITS LTD. Drew Borgwardt Photographer Gold Medal Marketing Inc. GRADY WINE MARKETING INC. HI BRIDGE CONSULTING INC. MARK ANTHONY GROUP INC. PACIFIC WINE & SPIRITS LTD. PB BEVERAGES INTERNATIONAL PETER MIELZYNSKI AGENCIES LTD. PMA CANADA Del Adora REDBACK WINE IMPORTS LTD. RENAISSANCE WINE & SPIRITS SAVERIO SCHIRALLI AGENCIES LTD. SELECT WINE MERCHANTS LTD. SIMMER FINE WINE & SPIRITS INC. TREASURY WINES TRIALTO WINE GROUP LTD. VINTAGE WEST - WINE MARKETING INC. Shawn Croden and Pierre Boileau Vinok Worldance Dr. Nakatsui 5 15th Annual Breakfast With The Premier Bell was the TITLE SPONSOR of the 15th annual, “Breakfast with the Premier”, held October 19th at Coast Edmonton East Hotel in Sherwood Park. The breakfast was hosted by Premier Stelmach and Kids Kottage Honorary Chair, Marie Stelmach. Premier Stelmach reminded attendees that for families in our community who have nowhere to turn, Kids Kottage is a vital resource that can offer help and support during those times when historically neighbours would have helped them. As always, Marie Stelmach addressed those in the room from her heart. In spite of the gravity of the needs that make Kids Kottage so vital to the health and well-being of our community, Danny Hooper entertained everyone with his quick wit that brought easy laughter. After a full breakfast, it was time to get down to work. It was time for everyone to give generously in order to keep the doors of Kids Kottage open for those in our community who need this resource. Our thanks go to each of our supporters who purchased auction items at the Breakfast. Thanks go also to the following businesses and individuals for providing auction items or other sponsorship. Louise Gibson of Carma and Herman Smit of Mammoet, representing our Earth Angels, hosted a table of special guests, including Allan Bleiken who graciously introduced the Premier. Bell CFCW Jurassic Forest & Learning Centre CMAC International Robert Bray Aeroflex Fitness Edmonton Country Club Edmonton Eskimo Alumni Norma Gordon Walter Jalosinski, Prestige Fleet A Vineyard View B&B CFCW Karen Wrotniah Boris Djordjevic Batstar Adventure Tours Thornhaven Winery Nixdorf Antique Car Tours Westjet Canadian Forces Base Edmonton Axe Productions Serene Daniels Warren Moon Greenland Garden Centre Fife ‘N Dekel The Bothy Bin 104 Northlands John Windwick Nev’r Dun Acres Kids Kottage raised $40,000 to keep children safe and families together! Premier Ed Stelmach and Marie Stelmach address attendees at Premier’s Breakfast 2010. Premier’s Breakfast volunteers 2010. Donors October to December 2010 Aeroflex Fitness Aeron and Brenda Howatt Agnes Youzefowich Airborne Social Club Al Belzile Al Houle Al Kalke Alan and Yvonne Aben Alberta Blue Cross Alberta Truss Alex Larson Alfred Hosker Alice Woudsma Allan Wachowich Allison Mones Al-Terra Engineering Ltd Alyssa Lalonde Angela Roth-Peters Angelee Schriever Angie Utz Anita Zabel Ann Tenbrink Anna Lisa Ptomley Annette Mymko Armand Boily Arne and Maureen F. Gronberg Astral Media Radio ATB Financial ATCO Gas Audrey and Len Yarbrough Ava-Jo Rea 6 Barry and Cindy Voogd Barry Sjolie BatStar Adventure Tours Becky Rivet Bell Canada Ben and Lorna Nicholson Ben Kennedy Benjamin Reich Bernard & Florence Kondel Bert and Edna Braiden Beryl Giffen Beryl Lukaniuk Bev and Bruce Munro Beverley Doman Beverley Shiels Beverly Campbell Bill Gillespie Billi Jo Irwin Bin 104 Fine Wine and Spirits Ltd Binthi Samuel Bird Construction Company Bissell Centre BMO - Employee Charitable Foundation Bob Buchanan Bob Lamoureux Boller Media Productions Bonnee McCabe Bonnie Howe Bray Robert - The Art of Photography Brenda Goddard Brenda Motta Brendan Guy Brett Whittington Brian and Elizabeth Jolly Brian Doroshuk Brian Mayes Brian Mulder Brittany Hazin Brownlee LLP Bruce & Beth Gaetz Bunches Flower Company Byron Critch Cal and Theresa Herauf Cameron Plumbing & Heating Cameron Quilliam Camille Wolfe Canadian Models/Actors Centre Carlyn Volome-Smith Carman Bush Carmen Powers Carol and Ken Arnold Carol and Michael Zukiwsky Carol Kunst Carol Quilliam Caroline and Neil Barton Carolyn Thibobeau Carrie Hryniw Caryn Troost Catherine Ryan Cathy and Dwaine Shupac Cathy Guenther Cathy Guenther Cathy Ponech Cathy Thompson Cedar Publishing Corporation Celestine Montgomery CFB Edmonton Chad and Karen Bergstreiser Chapel of St Luke & St John The Cheryl and William Haskell Cheryl Leland Cheryl Smith-John Chomicki Baril Mah LLP Chris and Crystal Lawrence Chris Lavin Chris Loblick Christa Sagert Christenson Equities Ltd Christian Strigl Christine Kearney CIBC CIIBIS Inc Cindy Villeneuve Citadel Theatre The Claudia Seiler-Mutton Clem Lozeau Cliff House Colin Lywood and Patricia Hebert Colleen Matheson Colleen Warren Company’s Coming Publishing Ltd Connie Yachimec Coronet Electric Inc Cosmopolitan International Club of Edmonton The Craig Gawryluik Crystal Parrell Culina Highlands Restaurant Culligan Cynthia Carnegie Dale Burnstad Dan Slabu Danielle Vallich Darcy Robinson Darren and Colleen Frank Dave Wiesinger David and Cathy Schneider David and Gail Riehl David Bogart David Quest Dawn Brown Debbie Reimer Debra Skitsko Denice Vaughn Denise DeWitt Dennis and Marlene Philps Dennis Sparkes Diana and Laurence Andriashek Diana Pylypa Doll Club of Edmonton Don and Sharon Rempel Donna Leclair Donna Melenka Doreen and Don Bourassa Doreen Jeannotte Doris Jeske Doris Paradis Doris Tachuk Dorothy Dean Doug and Nona Hait Doug Bienert Douglas Barr Douglas Clement Douglas Goss Douglas Sorenson Dr Darrell and Barbara Gotaas Drumheller Stettler P C Association Duane and Tanya Klapstein Duke of Cornwall Chapter IODE E Bitner E Madge and Hugh McColl Eddie’s Men’s Wear Ltd Edmonton Area Council One Society Edmonton Catholic School District Eldon and Anne Foote Fund at Edmonton Community Foundation Edmonton Country Club Edmonton Eskimo Alumni Association Edmonton Kenworth Ltd Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation, The Edmonton Public Teachers Local No 37 of the ATA Edward Cancilla Edward Graham Elaine and Walter Domning Elaine Machnach Elizabeth McLean El-Shaddai Dairies Inc Elsie Morelli Eric & Nate Soderling Erin Gillis Erin Rempel Estate of Pearl Landsman Evelyn Doberstein Evelyne Konzuk Fife N’ Dekel - 483696 Alberta Ltd Florence Lede Fort in View Golf & Driving Range Ltd Fort Road Victory Church Fortis Alberta Inc Frances Little Frank and Lori Wolfe Frank and Patricia Webster Freda Patterson Frontech Solutions Inc. Gabriella Iordache Garry and Joan Steinbrenner Gary and Monica Schmidt Gary Duncan Geoff Samagalski George Belter Geraldine Bidulock Germaine St Paul Girl Guides of Canada Gloria Korobko Golf Town Gord Waldie Gordon and Patricia 18th Annual Kids Kottage Golf Classic The Kids Kottage Classic Golf Tournament and silent auction held on August 19th at the Edmonton Golf and Country Golf Course was planned and implemented this year by ATB Financial. Thanks go out to all the sponsors and auction donors and buyers who helped to ensure the success of the 18th annual Golf Classic. Birdie Sponsors: Merck Frosst R&D Trailer Whitemud Iron Works Northlands Finning Canada Stantec Architecture Ltd. Sutton Place Hotel Edmonton Oxford Properties Sturgeon County Alberta Beverage and Container Recycling Corporation Eagle Sponsors: Williams Engineering IBM Canada West Canadian Eddie’s Men’s Wea Auction Donors: 790 CFCW ATB Financial Fort in View Culina’s Restaurant Peter Mielzyynki Agencies Ltd. Goodlife Fitness RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Presented by ATB Financial Bentall Towers Facilities Sutton Place Hotel Edmonton Golf Town Hardware Grill The Board Room Ruth’s Chris Steak House Henry Singer The Citadel Edmonton Oilers Hudson’s Tap House Steve and Denise Tambellini shared the podium with John Windwick to present prizes and Trish Hebert, Kids Kottage Board Chair, promoted the good work and successes of the crisis nursery explaining the importance of the funds raised at this event and expressed the Board’s sincere thanks for the attendees’ generosity. Golf volunteers Dave and Pam Luscombe. Steve and Denise Tambellini with two of the successful golf teams. Duckering Gordon King Professional Corporation Grace Saretsky Grant and Cori Lyn Gengenbach Greenline Hose & Filters Grit Program Gwen and Chad O’Hagan Gwen and Gordon Lamoureux Hardware Grill Harriette Guillaume Helen Catt Helen Schade Helen Smith Henry Singer Herb and Jennifer de Hoog Hill & Knowlton Holy Eucharist Parish Hon. Dave Hancock Hon. Ed Stelmach Hon. Frank Oberle Howard and Marilyn Bowes Hudson’s Tap House Head Office Hugh and Faye G Phillips Iain and Kim Petrie Iain Armstrong Ileen Brower Insurance Bureau of Canada Investment Planning Council - 470598 Alberta Ltd J R Kuzyk Holdings Ltd Jack Wozney Jacqueline and William Stoop Jacqueline Ashmore Jacquie Fenske Jalenne Tomm James & Lori Thomas James and Betty McQuarrie James and Eleanor Wharton James and Lori Buhiire James O Cornish Professional Corporation James Whipple Janet and Keith Reed Janet Sawatzky Jannett Wood Javaid and Henrietta Naqvi JDSC Ltd Jean Mardres Jean Percy Jeanette and John Fraietta Jeannette Hoffman Jeannine Labrecque Jeff Ivanochko Jennesta Lett Jennesta Lett Jennifer Mathew Jennifer Stewart Jill and Joe Burns Jill Haeubl Jill Szoke Steve and Denise Tambellini with ATB’s John Windwick. Jim and Jacqueline Bertelsen Jim and Sandra Mones Joan and Barry HertzBenkendorf Joan Forge Jo-Ann and Bryan Darke Joanne Darbyson Joanne Erickson Joanne Gill Joanne Moffat Jocelyn Shulhan Johanna Cunningham John and Elizabeth Ryan John Erdahl John McLennan John Nagel Joseph and Carla Buchan Joseph Collier Joseph Wysocki Joy Rushton Joyce and Stuart Tutt Joyce Harrison Judy and Eric Armstrong Judy and John Orfino Jurassic Forest Learning Centre Karen and Don Clipperton Karen and Philip Wierenga Karen and Ted Bohaychuk Karen Cloney Karen Ferguson Karen Lutz Karen Sorensen Karen Wrotniak Karen Ziegler Kathleen Zittlau Kelechi Ogbuneke Kelly Rance Kim Chaisson Kim Killeen Kristi Sam Kristie Derkson Kristina Gould Kyle Laube Lance Adamson Larana Holdings Ltd Larry and Donna Street Lauderdale Community League Laura and Doug Hertz Laura Nanninga Laureen Mathies Leda Drahanchuk Lee Pong Professional Corporation Leonard and Lilly Schellert Leslie Stewart Lil Pewarchuk Lillian Douglass Linda Cameron Linda Der Linda Gerke Linda Timms Lisa and Calvin Pereira Lisa Hait Logan Ough Lori and Joe Reiter Lorna Anton Lothar Schwabe Louise and Chris Gibson Louise Sirant Louise Smith Lucille Hicks Luke Dubbdidam Lynn and Alan CookStanhope Lynn Pollock M & Z Industrial Supply Ltd Maclab Enterprises Magen Knall Malcolm and Kharis Collins Mammoet Canada Western Ltd Margaret and Garth Osbaldeston Margaret Mitchell Margaret Siemens Maria Leonard Marie Tessier Mark Astner Mark Friesen Mark Leski Mark Middleton Mark Sluser Marla Miller QC Marlene and Erin Daniels Mary Chisholm Mary Jane James Mary Murray Mary Young Maryann Sosa Mary-Jo Brown Masilamani and Navamani Raju Mather Stelter Matthew Lefebvre Maureen Haczkewicz Maxine LePage McLee Professional Corporation Melinda Giebelhavs Merle and Anita Doherty Michael Coulter Michelle Gerbrandt Michelle Maser Michelle Podmore Michelle Ross Michelle Sadler Mike Mudry Monica Forbes Domenic Armani Antonio Pagnotta Kurt Jeske Michael Jones Randy Andison Rick Gagnon Roland Gagnon Scott McFarlane Todd Dutchak B. Olga Mihalcheon Brenda Findlay Joann Lloyd Ms. Julie Greenaway Martha Doiron Naomi Mah Patricia Hebert and Dr. Colin J. Lywood Raquel Maurier Shahinon Meghji Theresa Callaghan Trisha Chow Udo Reich Nancy Kortbeek Nathan Koelmans Nathaniel Wielenga Neida Dodd Neil and Rose Ritokoski Neil Bouzane Neil Bricker Nick Bitorajac Nicole and Willard Berg Nikki Bullis Nimi Kelloway Noami McGillis Noelle Rondeau Northlands Park Odette Maltby Our Lady of the Angels’ Parish P Terry Jeske Pam Goble 7 Community Events and Helpers St. Joseph’s Elementary School Before Christmas, St. Joseph’s Elementary School student teachers organized a giant collection for Kids Kottage. See more…www.kidskottage.org Next Gen (that’s Edmonton’s next Generation) Next Gen at the University of Alberta, with the help of volunteers, raised $1100 for Kids Kottage. They held a Pecha Kucha Night, an evening of presentations that explore local ideas in the areas of design, planning, technology, arts & culture and more. Rally Car Racing for Kids Boris Djordjevic, CEO of Frontier Technologies has decided to drive his rally car for Kids Kottage! Several Kids Kottage auction buyers and contest winners already have the privilege of enjoying this ‘wow’ experience in the coming months. Thanks to Colin Reid at Sign-A-Rama for sponsoring the rally car signs. See more at www.kidskottage.org Payless Shoes Donated Shoes to Our kids PAYLESS SHOES donated shoes to our kids by sending 50 coupons valued at $25/coupon to be redeemed at a Payless Shoe store in our community. Learn more at www.kidskottage.org. University of Alberta Hospital Staff and Physicians of General Systems ICU As busy as the ICU staff and physicians are at the University of Alberta, they took the time to visit Kids Kottage with an eye to seeing what items they could donate to help us to do our work better. The result was amazing. Go to www.kidskottage.org to read about the items they brought. Bountiful gifts from University Hospital. Pamela and Herbert Miller Patricia Chrabaszcz Patricia Smith Patrick Lashley Paula Nyitrai Paula Tetz Pauline Spiece Payless ShoeSource PCL Industrial Constructors Inc 8 Association - Sherwood Park Pearl Neumann R Christopher Beirnes Performance Paving Ralph and Carolyn Services Inc Hartwig Peter and Carole Randy and Donna Michalyshyn Woycenko Peter Mielzynski Agencies Reginald Dombroski Peter Woloshyn Rene Huellstrung Phil and Carolyn Renee Redinger Doroshuk Rhoda Lutz Phil McEvoy Rhonda Abbott Poly-Mor Canada Richard and Teresa Prestige Limousine Grynas Princess Auto Richard Gibson Progressive Conservative Richard Tomkow Rita Roseke Robb Stoddard Robert and Leah Lloyd Robert H Bekius Robert Hauptman Robert Hilchey Robert Willis Ron and Liz Yaciuk Ronald Seide Ronald Squire Rosanna Saccomani QC Rose and Donald Philippon Rose Country Communications Ltd Rose Minde Ruben Hansen Rudy and Debbie Van Berkel Russell Roper Ruth McPherson Ruthmary Thomson Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse S D Potgieter Professional Corporation Salloum Wealth Management Sara Correia Sara Kalra Schraders Holdings Ltd SCM Insurance Services Scott Builders Inc Scott Gamble Shane Yakoweshen Shari Korobko Sharla Nuijens Sharla Sanders Sharon and Ralph Montgomery Sharon Faye Sharon Myroniuk Sharon Rushton Sharon Siga Sharon Trelenberg Sharon Wilkinson Sheelagh McCourt Seba Beach Seniors Golden Age Shelley King Shelley Rudiger Sherry McBeth Sherwin Cholak Shiraz Jiwani Shirley Crouquet Shirley Wikstrom Shona Wards Shuquan Nie Sidney Nieuwenhuis Soeurs De Sainte Croix Southside Church of the Nazarene B’s Diner The folks from B’s Diner stepped forward to offer a full cooked meal to the children staying at Kids Kottage. The delicious food was greeted enthusiastically by all the children who were old enough to enjoy it. These folks actually blessed us twice because there was so much food, that the children who stayed at the Kottage the next day, enjoyed the wonderful food as well. Helping those who need help is a way of life for these generous folks. They are known to feed homeless and hungry people at their diner whenever Receiving new furniture is sure exciting. The ‘downer’ can sometimes be they see the need arise. I know they made their own Christmas happier just by figuring out how to remove old pieces in a timely manner. Troy James came forward to volunteer his time and vehicle to give us a solution to this dilemma. sharing as they did. Many thanks! Thanks Troy! The Brick Mattress Store Brick mattress store replaced our worn out twin bed frames and provided new mattresses and box springs as well as pillows for each bed as well as two couches and a chair. After 15 years, the crisis nursery is ready for upgrading and we thank The Brick Mattress Store for their contribution to this ongoing project. Hearty and scrumptious food from B’s Diner. Dirksen Remax Real Estate Team Children’s Gift Donation Just in time for Santa’s Workshop, members of the Dirksen ReMax Real Estate team arrived with a van full of Christmas gifts for the children. Individual staff decided on the gifts each would purchase and then the whole staff spent two hours one afternoon wrapping the gifts. Kids Kottage was so happy to be the recipient of Remax’s celebration of Christmas. The Brick. Troy brought truck and trailer. Dirksen Real Estate Team ReMax.. Sparky Financial Ventures Ltd Stan Boonstra Stanley and Stephany Stevens Starline Equipment Sales Ltd Stephen Carter Steve Ritz Steven Greenwood Strathcona County Stuart Houston Sunrise Bakery Limited Susan Saunders Susan Taylor Susan Vogelaar Susan Wagner Sutton Place Hotel The Suzanne McOrmond Sylvia Flannigan T P Consulting Ltd Taco Time Talia Beltgens Tammy Holba Ted and Dianne Cofer Telus Edmonton Community Board Teresa and Kevin Harder Teri Hamagami Terry Rossau Terry Zinchuk The Board Room The Bothy Wine & Wiskey Bar The Rebels Thomas and Charlene Fuechter Thornhaven Winery Tim and Karen Hicks Tim Shigemitsu Timothy G Muzyka Professional Corporation Titan Logix Corp Tom and Caroline Baart Tom Marriott Tom Schmit Tony and Patricia Pasolli Touch Canada Broadcasting Inc Tracy Mayowski Travis Beller Trisha Chow Trisha Johnsen Troy Chalifoux Ukrainian Catholic Parish Of St George Union No 52 Benevolent Society United Way of Calgary and Area United Way of Fort McMurray United Way of Greater Toronto United Way of the Alberta Capital Region Valarie and Francisco Segura Valerie Papple Victor Lalonde Vincent Holden Violette Realty Virginia Toane Vivian and Leo Broks Vivian Chevrier Vivian Otemu Walter VanLeest WarriorSage Edmonton Wayne & Leah Prins Wayne Cudmore Wendy and Mark Vanzandbeek WestJet William & Florence Lede Family Foundation William Armstrong Winni deHaan Witten LLP WTTU Martial Arts Yettaw, John YWCA of Edmonton Zedi Canada Inc Zion Baptist Church of Kensington 9 Children and Families Kick-off Christmas Celebrations Children and their families attended the Christmas party on November 27th. The afternoon was filled with Christmas crafts, games, Christmas carols and, of course, food. Children and moms and dads focussed on the fun they were having at the party. Problems were set aside for this time. I had a short visit with one of the moms who had faced big challenges in the past year. In conversation she told me she did not look forward to Christmas anymore; she wouldn’t care if it never happened. Christmas made her miss many loved ones who had passed away and she felt overwhelmed with responsibility and worry. I reminded her of the many challenges she had overcome in the past year for the sake of the small children in her family. She admitted that the fact that all the children in her family were healthy and in her care, especially at Christmas, was special. She realized that she had something to celebrate after all. She and her little ones joined Yok and Matthew as they led us all in Christmas carols. The children were especially enthusiastic about singing, “Here Comes 10 Santa Claus”. Santa brought a candy cane for each child. Jolly St. Nick posed with each family for a photo that each family took home as a memory of the party. As always, our annual Christmas party happens because of the generosity of volunteers and donors. Thank you to those who provided the food including Harlan Fairbank’s for the popcorn and serving bags, Foothills Creamery for their kind donation of ice cream, Save-on-Food (Namao) for the gift card, and Capital Packers for the wieners. Thanks also to the volunteers and staff! Without all of the donors and those who volunteer to help, there could never be a Kids Kottage Christmas party, nor, indeed, a Kids Kottage where children find refuge when their parents have nowhere else to turn. 11 Mark Your Calendar Kids Kottage Gala! Friday, June 3rd, 2011 Fairmont Hotel Macdonald Edmonton Tickets: $350.00 per person (tables of 10 @ $3,500) For tickets please call 780.448.1752 ATB Presents the Kids Kottage Classic Monday, August 29, 2011 Edmonton Golf and Country Club 1:00 pm Shotgun start Support Kids Kottage by accepting one of several sponsorship opportunities! Dreamin’ of a Cruise and Tour? Get the holiday of a lifetime while helping to protect the life and secure the future of a child! CALL HAROLD AT HAROLD SMITH TRAVEL for opportunities. Call 780.496.9015 or email [email protected] Ways You Can Help Volunteer: Call Glo at 780.944.2815 Make a monetary donation: Call Pam at 780.448.2545 Become a Guardian Angel and make monthly donations. Phone administration at 780.448.1752. Send a One Time Donation by cheque, on-line at www.kidskottage.org or drop off cash to: Kids Kottage Foundation 10107-134 Ave. Edmonton, Alberta T5E 1J2 Hold a Small Fundraiser of Your Own: Call Pam at 780.448.2545 for further information. Idea: Hold a garage sale and sell your gently used toys and clothes and donate the money to Kids Kottage. Leave a Legacy: to help ensure a future of safe children and strong families. Kids Kottage Foundation protects the privacy of your personal information. We do not rent, sell or trade mailing lists. The information you provide will only be used to keep you informed of the activities of Kids Kottage Foundation, including the services and programs we provide, special events, opportunities to volunteer or to donate. If at anytime you wish to be removed from this contact list please contact us by phone at 780.448.1752. 12
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