314-961-1444 - Annunciation
314-961-1444 - Annunciation
Parish Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. (M-F) Phone: 314-962-5955 Fax: 314-961-0643 Website: www.goannunciation.com Pastor Fr. Bob Evans 314-962-5955, Ext. 128 [email protected] In Residence Msgr. Mark Rivituso, V.G. 314-962-5955, Ext. 124 Coordinator of Religious Education Annunciation 12 W. Glendale Road, Webster Groves, MO 63119 Cultivating Faith, Community & Academic Excellence May 10, 2015 Sixth Sunday of Easter Mr. John Bonsanti 314-961-7712, Ext. 439 [email protected] Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper Mrs. Barb Koch 314-962-5955, Ext. 121 [email protected] Bulletin Deadline: 8:00 p.m. Mondays Send to [email protected] Maintenance Mr. Mitch Dugan Parish Council President: Rob Huster 314-962-7646 [email protected] Parish Finance Chairperson: AJ Henken 314-918-0212 [email protected] Parish Stewardship Commission Chairperson: Chad Hemphill 314-482-1189 [email protected] Liturgical Music Mrs. Carolyn Vokoun 314-606-4295 [email protected] John 15 Youth Ministry Tim Lucchesi, 314-633-0165 www.john15ym.com [email protected] Baptisms Contact the rectory, 962-5955, to schedule baptisms & to sign up for baptism preparation class (for first family member being baptized) Must pre-register. Holy Cross Academy Dr. Amie Koenen, President 314-475-3436 Website: www.hca-stl.org Holy Cross Academy Middle School —Annunciation Campus Mrs. Janet Dolan, Principal 314-961-7712, Ext. 437 Mrs. Theresa Berra, Secretary 314-961-7712, Ext. 441 16 W. Glendale Road Fax 314-961-2157 Weekend Masses: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. Weekday Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday at 6:30 a.m. & 8:00 a.m. Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00—4:30 p.m. or by appointment Rosary: Every Sunday—Friday at 7:30 a.m. (before the 8:00 a.m. Mass) SECOND COLLECTION TO BE TAKEN UP ON WEEKEND OF MAY 17 FOR NEPAL: Archbishop Robert J. Carlson has requested that parishes in the archdiocese take up a special collection for the work of Catholic Relief Services in Nepal. Annunciation will have a second collection on the weekend of May 17 for Nepal. Catholic Relief Services is the official humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States and is already responding to the urgent needs for shelter, water and food in Nepal. For more information please go to www.crs.org. NEW REPORT: Massive Earthquake in Nepal and India: On April 25, a devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Nepal near Kathmandu, also affecting nearby parts of India. Avalanches were reported in the Himalayas, including on Mount Everest. The official death toll has surpassed 7,000. CRS and our partner Caritas Nepal plan to support 15,000 families with emergency shelter, blankets, water treatment kits and hygiene kits. Because this region is known for earthquakes, CRS had prepositioned emergency aid in nearby Bihar, India. Temporary shelter kits, water purification kits and hygiene kits for 2,000 families–are being transported to Nepal for immediate distribution. 2 DON’T FORGET YOUR SALADS/CASSEROLES THIS MONDAY: Extra gifts of packages of cookies or a loaf of bread are also appreciated. Coolers will be on the porch at 128 East Glendale Road by 7AM and will remain there until 10PM. Only casseroles, bags of salad and vegetables go in the coolers. Please place all non-perishables in the large Rubbermaid tub. This is critical since there are days when I will not be available to sort and rearrange placement of food. We need every bit of cooler space for the casseroles and salad. If you prepare a casserole for the program please make sure you label the lid before you place it in the freezer, the writing stays on much better that way. It needs to say “ALUMNI CLUB” and THE TYPE OF CASSEROLE on the lid. This makes it possible for St. Patrick’s to know what is in the pan, as they serve a different type of casserole each evening. Thank you for your help in this very important mission! Marty Useted, 799-7613, and Kristin Tegethoff, 963-7969 OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG ADULTS... The Society of St. Vincent De Paul is looking to establish its fourth chapter for twenty- and thirty-somethings at Immaculate Conception Parish in Maplewood. Volunteers will visit the needy of the local area in teams to provide rent, utility, clothing, and job/resource referral; volunteer work will be flexible to accommodate multiple schedules. To find out more, please contact Bryan Kirchoff at [email protected] or (314) 640-4366. Way of the Cross Garden – Ready for Spring! Now that the weather is finally warming up, we hope that everyone will visit our new Way of the Cross Garden. Hundreds of bulbs that were planted last fall are just itching to bloom and it is going to be beautiful. Make time to pray the Stations of the Cross or maybe just spend a few minutes enjoying the peacefulness and beauty of this wonderful new addition to our parish. If you have not yet purchased an engraved brick for the garden and would like to do so, orders may be submitted at any time. Forms are in the vestibule and the parish office, as well as in today’s bulletin. If you are searching for a unique and personal gift for the many occasions of Spring – 1st Communion, Confirmation, Mother’s Day, Graduations, Weddings, etc. – a personalized brick in our garden may be just what you are looking for. Please return order forms and payment to the parish office. Brick order questions may be directed to Michelle Brush at [email protected] M e s s a g e fr o m F a t he r B o b 3 Dear Friends, Grace and peace to you! Today we wish all our Mothers a Happy Mother’s Day. We thank God for your gift of life to all of us. May our Blessed Mother, Mary, be your model and watch over you forever. May God bless you today and always with great joy and happiness, and strengthen you as Christian Mothers. Hope you have a wonderful day. Thanks to all who have pledged to the Annual Catholic Appeal. In the first three weeks of pledge drive we have received $47,607.00 toward our goal of $66,633.00. Thank you very much! If you have not yet made a decision about contributing to the appeal, I would ask you to pray about it. This week we move into the next phase of our parish ACA campaign in that pledge cards will be mailed to all who have not yet had an opportunity to make a pledge. Thank you for your consideration. You may make a pledge or gift in a number of ways, you may mail your card to the parish office, drop it off at your convenience, drop it in the offertory basket, or make your pledge/gift on-line at www.archstl.org. Please remember that no gift is too small to help someone in need. God bless you as we continue to build His Church. Let’s pray for each other this week. Peace, Father Bob PARISH STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE FY15 SUNDAY ENVELOPES May 3 2015 $10,756.00 YEAR TO DATE BUDGET FY 15 (7/14-6/15) $586,384.92 LOOSE COLLECTION $238.00 YEAR TO DATE ACTUAL FY 15 $506,137.53 ONLINE DONATIONS $540.00 YEAR TO DATE SURPLUS/(SHORTALL) ($80,247.39) TOTAL SUNDAY $11,534.00 TOTAL NO. OF HOUSEHOLDS 727 WEEKLY BUDGET $13,326.93 TOTAL NO. OF ENVELOPES USED THIS WEEK 153 WEEKLY SURPLUS/(SHORTFALL) ($1,792.93) % OF HOUSEHOLD USING ENVELOPES 21% SPECIAL COLLECTIONS SVDP Eastern Europe $880.00 $1.00 Home Mission $25.00 Communications $5.00 Mother’s Day Roses Thank You for your Donations! $307.00 Pa r i s h Sc he d ul e s 4 MASS MASS INTENTIONS Monday May 11 6:30 a.m. Joel Hodapp 8:00 a.m. Gail Parentin Tuesday May 12 6:30 a.m. Jeane Sinease 8:00 a.m. Debby Keenan Wednesday May 13 6:30 a.m. Lee Loeffel 8:00 a.m. Taylor Munsterman Thursday May 14 SERVERS Monday May 11 8:00 a.m. John B., Fritz L. Tuesday May 12 8:00 a.m. Nathan T., Kathleen M. Wednesday May 13 8:00 a.m. Annie H., Michael P. 6:30 a.m. Joe Hittler 8:00 a.m. Purgatorial Society Thursday May 14 8:00 a.m. Colin G., Nathan D. Friday May 15 6:30 a.m. Fr. Rattermann 8:00 a.m. Joyce Beutenmiller Friday May 15 8:00 a.m. Samantha P., Joey P., Colleen W. Saturday May 16 5:00 p.m. Clarence Verhoff Saturday May 16 5:00 p.m. David K., Kyle C., Tommy R. Sunday May 17 8:00 a.m. George H., Elias Z., Caroline H. 10:00 a.m. Owen R., Miles S., Justin B. 11:30 a.m. Robbie K. Alex V., Rory F. Sunday May 17 8:00 a.m. Nancy Schuster Natoli 10:00 a.m. People of the Parish 11:30 a.m. Elizabeth Chitwood STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY SCHEDULE DATE TIME EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS LECTORS CANTORS MAY HOSPITALITY MINISTERS/USHERS Saturday May 16 5:00 p.m. Jill Lauman, Tim Kelly, Cathy Boncek, Cathy & Brian Bretsch Tom Goodman Sue Williams Ken Franklin, Bob Haddad, Ben Kraus, John Ponzillo Sunday May 17 8:00 a.m. Jackie & Walt Schuster, Marcia Riganti, Mollie Lucchesi, Don Eskridge Howard Place Jean Southall Dave Braun, John Picco, Hank Waldschmidt, Bob Waldschmidt Beth Forsee, Tim & Joann Corcoran, Jim & Jeanne Moore Jack Parsons Pam Reckamp Steve LaBarge, Joe Rudolph, Terry Strahan, Chris Weis Lucy Kebler Bill Beavin, Bill Halliday, Mike Madden, Jim Maloney Sunday May 17 10:00 a.m. Sunday May 17 11:30 a.m. Ann Kelly, Martha Steele, K.C. Ray LeBeau Schute “Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.” - 1 JOHN 3:18 Do you “walk the talk?” Does your action reflect what you say? If not, spend time every day in prayer, give some of your talent to help one of your parish’s ministries and give some of your money to support the work of the Church. DID YOU KNOW THE ROSARY is recited in church every Sunday –Friday at 7:30 a.m. (before the 8:00 a.m. Mass). All are invited to join us! APP CERTIFICATE SELLERS May 9 & 10 Vigil May 16 & 17 P. Gaines (4pm) T. Robinson(5pm) 8:00 a.m. M.P. Gilliam M. Wedel 10:00 a.m. J. & J. Moore M. Strahan MONEY COUNTERS Mon., May 11 Mon., May 18 J. McArthur S. Stock M. Wedel B. Haddad G. Burns M. Disbennett PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Ruth Henry Patty Cabot Marie Quirk Thomas Vogel Richard Timmerman Kevin Lickenbrock Helene Becker Margit Vincenz Tom Smith Gloria Smith Mary Strauss Kathryn Evans + + + Mike Vonderharr Robert Janecek Joann Wills Patricia Egan Drew Hittler EMAIL PRAYER CHAIN: If you have any requests for the Email Prayer Chain, call Sue Williams, 961-7209, or [email protected] (For name in the bulletin, please call or email parish office) News: Parish & Community 5 WEEKLY ANNUNCIATION PARISH CALENDAR Monday May 11 Tuesday May 12 Wednesday May 13 Thursday May 14 Friday May 15 St. Patrick Center Casserole/Salads HCA Band Concert HCA Board of Directors SVDP Society Adult Basketball 128 E. Glenwood Cafeteria MPH ANN Gym Church Church Church Church MPH ANN 7:00 p.m. Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Eucharistic Adoration (ends at 9 p.m.) Quilters Rosary for Religious Freedom HCA Marketing Committee Baptism Preparation Class (Preregistration Required) HCA (Dolan) 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Peregrine Society In Person Soccer/Volleyball Registration PSR (Mass) HCA Dance Recital Bible Study Men of the Parish Pray the Rosary MPH/ANN School Lobby Café, Church Gym & MPH/ANN Klocker House Outside Church 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 P.M. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Adult Basketball 8:00 a.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. HCA Middle School Attends 8am Mass Five O’Clock Shadows Bridge Club Saturday May 16 Gym, Cafeteria, & MPH/ANN closed for Graduation Sunday May 17 Gym, Cafeteria, & MPH/ANN closed for Graduation Cafeteria Gym Church Church MPH/ANN The newly forming Annunciation Grief Support Group is hosting an evening at the Klocker House 7pm on June 2, 2015. Dr. Sue Harvath, Professor at Kenrick Seminary, will be speaking on the topic of grief. Information about the future grief support meetings will be shared. All are welcome. Questions call Jeanne Place, 9180783, or Mary Hittler, 277-5116. WELCOME TO ANNUNCIATION PARISH NEW PARISHIONERS We welcome into our Annunciation Family: Chad & Melissa Mroz & Family + + + MAY THEY REST IN PEACE We pray for the repose of Cynthia Lynn Kiel, sister of Roxanne Reiner. May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. May the family know the compassion and comfort of the Risen Lord. Amen. + + + MAY GIVE-A-MEAL-A-MONTH MENU: Spam or Treet, canned potato salad, baked beans, Jello & pears). Some optional items: dry milk, dried beans, crackers (any kind), instant cereal, peanut butter & jelly, cocoa/drink mixes, laundry detergent. Nonfood optional items cannot be bought with food stamps. We specify Martha White mixes because they do not need milk. Please, no glass containers. HOSPITAL VISIT INFORMATION: If you or a someone you know would like a visit or a phone call from Fr. Bob during their hospital stay, please call the rectory office, 962-5955, x128. Due to privacy regulations, hospitals no longer contact the rectory when people are admitted. RCIA is a program for adults & older teenagers who are interested in becoming a disciple of Christ through membership in the Catholic Church. Contact Fr. Bob for more info, 962 -5955, or RCIA director Patrick Stack, 966-1022. The K-8 Holy Cross Academy Field Day was held on Friday, May 8th at the OLP Campus. The kids had a lot of fun and it was obvious they enjoyed playing games and spending the day together. They especially enjoyed the lunch! It takes a lot of organization to pull off an event this large. We are fortunate to have Mrs. Smyka as our PE teacher. Thank you Mrs. Smyka and all the volunteers for making this fun day possible for the children! Mrs. Laura Clark, Principal Holy Cross AcademyOur Lady of Providence Campus 314-842-2073 x211 [email protected] Please complete this form if you are not currently registered and wish to join the Parish. You can place it in the collec on basket or send it to the Parish Office, 12 W. Glendale Rd., Webster Groves, MO 63119. A registra on form will be mailed or emailed (if you provide your email address) to you. Parish Registraon Forms are also available on our parish website www.goannuncia on.com On the homepage, click on ‘Church’ then ‘Join Our Parish’ NAME______________________________ PHONE __________________ EMAIL______________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________CITY / ZIP CODE__________________________________ The beautiful roses in the sanctuary were donated by parishioners In Memory Of: Loretta Abkemeier Shirley Berlinger Mathilda Benten Bertha Berry Donna Baranyai Rose Bond Tina Boss Margaret DeRuntz Ivy Dietz Emma Duggins Jeannette Emmett Mary Emmett Virginia Flanagan Eleanor Fletcher Florabell Frangiosa Joan C. Frangiosa Rita Franklin Stella Gizinski Jacquelyn Goeke Frances Gowen Katharine Hadzima Catherine Hanselmann Emmy O. Hartman Denise Hein Mildred Henry Agnes Hess Harriett Holmes Verna Horn Alice Huber Alice Marie Jackson Kathleen Jamboretz Debby Keenan Olympia Kieffer Kay Kraft Grace Leisse Vera Lickenbrock Catherine Lowther Lois Lowther Mary Emma Lowther Geri Lucchesi Lucille Maher Estelle Martini Catherine Meyer Gena Morris Margaret Norath Gert Odle Mary Ohlman Margaret Paradoski Roberta Pelikan Rose Polliham Josephine Ponzillo Mary Reagan Jeanne Riganti Laura Riganti Melanie Schaufert Nancy Schuster Natoli Grace Severson Molly Sinner Blum Marie A. Smith Geneva Southall Ruth Spaeth Hilda Stock Anna Tesar Mary Timar Velma Torzewski Julie Vatterott Catherine Vincenc Holly Wedel In Honor Of: Sue Albers Barb Aufdenspring Helene Becker Mary Ellen Becherer Dot Berlinger Til Brenneman Ginny Brown Jenny Calabrese Jennifer Carcagno Kathleen Carter Delores Cassani Carol Gannon Katie Gray Sharon Hodapp Millie Hein Kay Hoelting Sandy Hughes Diane Johnson Mary Kay Jones (2) Barb Koch (2) Cathy LaBarge (2) Marie Gowen Lange Dorothy Lauman Mollie Lucchesi Catherine Martini-Emmett Mary Shocklee McEvoy Audrey Mehan Monika Miller Michele Mocciola (2) Jeanne Moore Diana Morris (2) Michelle Munsterman Mary Nussbaum Tricia Oldani Elaine Pace (2) Tracy Paloucek Mary Pelikan (2) Katharine Ponzillo Marcia Riganti Anne Schuster Lori Schuster Sr. Dorothy Guadalupe Schuster Jackie Schuster Sonja Schuster Trish Sinner Martha Smith Sheila Stock (2) Terri Sweney Marcia Riganti Sarah Wallace Mariann Wedel Erin Shocklee Weyerich Bobbie Wilson Monica Wilson (2) Adriana Zarky Ingela Zarky Jo Anne Zarky God Bless All Mothers Brian Noakes will be marrying Stephanie Zielonko on May 23, 2015 at St. Catherine Laboure ANNUNCIATION 2015-2016 PSR REGISTRATION IS GOING ON NOW! Classes will meet weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. during the school year. Registration forms are available for download on parish website at http:// www.goannunciation.com/ annunciation-psr.html or contact John Bonsanti, PSR Director, at 961-7712, x439, or [email protected]. (Or Barb Koch in the parish office at [email protected] or 962-5955, x121, to have the PSR forms mailed to your home.) Would you like to support Annunciation's Pro-Life efforts? Throughout the month of May, there will be envelopes in the pews marked "ProLife" for your contributions. Return the envelope in the collection basket or at the parish office. Checks should be made to: Annunciation Pro-Life Committee. Proceeds will be used to help support parish prolife activities such as the October Life Chain, the John 15 group's trip to the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., and contributions to Birthright and St. Vincent de Paul for care of infants in need. —Calling ALL current high school students and 8th grade graduates of the class of 2015! There are still spots available for the 2015 Steubenville Conference, July 10th-12th! —Calling ALL high school teens! There are still spots available for Project Life, a week-long service retreat from June 7th-13th. —All high school teens, you're invited to join us for youth group Thursdays from 7-9 pm and Sundays from 12:30-2:30 pm. Please contact Tim Lucchesi or go to John15ym.com for more information. Tim Lucchesi, Youth Minister, John15 Youth Ministry, 314-6330165, John15ym.com This is my commandment: J.E. REDINGTON CO. “Your Hometown Plumber Since 1929” 314-965-3200 Plumbing Repairs • Bath Remodeling Sewer Cleaning Exceptional Care for Exceptional People ✹ SHORT-TERM REHAB ✹ LONG-TERM CARE TONY ALTOBELLA, Administrator OLP Parishioner 401 CORPORATE PARK DRIVE ✹ CLAYTON, MO 63105 ✹ (314) 725-7447 The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-945-6629 See Your Ad in COLOR Call J.S. Paluch Today! 1.800.945.6629 AZAR ORTHODONTICS Webster Groves, MO 314-968-1800 www.azarorthodontics.com Perceptive Reflections on God’s Beauty Advertising here helps your parish www.jspaluch.com & your business. Defining Beauty Danielle Rose CD $17 email: [email protected] Call Dan Brady 800.945.6629 IMO’S PIZZA Thought-provoking Contemporary Music Dine-In - Carry out Delivery 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. 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