

Stories and news about how Kempe is leading the fight against child abuse and neglect,
and how your support is making all the difference in these young lives.
A publication of the
Spring 2010
starts at the top.
Dear Friends,
Sometimes the needle moves forward
slowly, but it is moving nonetheless! I
am very happy to share some great
news with you.
We now know that child maltreatment
rates in the U.S. dropped significantly
from the early 1990’s to 2006 according to the U.S.
Department of Human Services as it released the 4th National
Incidence Study (NIS-4) on child abuse and neglect. And
yet, this remarkable report was released quietly on the
Internet without much fanfare. This is a shame as mitigating
child abuse truly saves lives and saves money. You already
know this as you have been investing in Kempe for that very
reason. Now you know your support for child abuse has
truly paid off…
This report means the quality of life has improved for
hundreds of thousands of children, hopefully leading to
better life outcomes (e.g. lower school dropout rates) for
them. This leverages into a very meaningful economic benefit
to society as well.
It also means that evidence-based prevention and awareness
programs do work over the long term. Sometimes we have
to be very patient to see the good results. The public is now
more aware of child maltreatment, is more proactive, and less
tolerant. Your voice, actions, and concern have positively
impacted the way children are treated.
You, the frontline sentinels: teachers, nurses, doctors, social
workers, parents, police, and community leaders, are an
important component and are to be congratulated for your
significant role in reducing child abuse rates.
Although we are pleased that some progress has been made,
we can’t afford to be complacent. We have a long way to go
and your continued focus, voice and investment is critical.
Economic distress and poverty contribute to the risk of child
abuse and the full effects of the current economic downturn
are not yet known. The NIS-4 study was completed at the
peak of the business cycle in 2006. Since then, the economy
has shed millions of jobs. Colorado state and county budgets
are eroding in areas that may affect child abuse rates – e.g.
fewer public safety officials, child welfare domestic violence
programs, after school programs. Official child maltreatment
statistics can lag up to two years. We know the progress made
may not hold. We must do our best to prevent a backward
slide from the painstaking gains that have been made.
1) Our vision is to end child abuse and neglect in this
country. Realistic? Maybe not. However, we need to set
the bar high as, even with the drop in abuse, there were still
over 1.25 million children who were maltreated in 2006 per
the report. This strains the entire child protection system,
from the courts to case loads to foster care homes.
Continued on next page
The Kempe Foundation at The Gary Pavilion • The Children’s Hospital • Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 E 16th Ave, B390 • Aurora, CO 80045 •
2) Continue being a voice for children. Most people would
agree investing in children is a core value in this country. Yet,
our children’s share of the federal budget has declined by
over 20% since 1960! Children are simply not a national
investment priority based on this measure. We feel they
should be and we know that you do, too.
abused children! We need your partnership and help more
than ever. Please continue on this journey with us in our
vision to end child abuse and neglect…
3) We must find ways to grow our economy while shoring
up resources for those in need. The simple fact is that rates
of abuse and neglect are 2-3 times higher in homes with
unemployed parents. Given this difficult economic period,
we suspect child maltreatment is increasing. We need to
continue to invest in social safety net services for children and
families who really need them.
Best Regards,
Thank you for your support, care, and advocacy.
Congratulations for truly making a difference in the lives of
I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming Kempe events,
or volunteering in our preschool, or just stopping by our new
building for a tour and to say “hi.”
Jesse Wolff
CEO and President
The Kempe Foundation
P.S. In case you were wondering, child abuse and neglect
dropped 26% over the 13 year period of the study. The study
is available on the Child Abuse Facts page of
The mission of The Kempe Foundation is to increase awareness, engage in advocacy and secure
and provide resources for the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect.
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
In 1983, increasing awareness of
the need to ensure the safety and
welfare of children led to a presidential
proclamation declaring April as Child
Abuse Prevention Month. Through the
years, The Kempe Foundation has been
a leader in local efforts to rally the public
as we strive to end child abuse. This
year, Kempe will partner with several
corporations and media outlets to get
our message of hope and compassion
into the community.
participate in a text-giving campaign to
help Kempe raise funds.
King Soopers
Cherry Creek Sneak
During the month of April, King Soopers
shoppers will have the opportunity to
make a gift to The Kempe Foundation
at checkout. Please consider making
a donation whenever you visit your
favorite King Soopers during April.
Robinson Dairy
Since 1885, generation after generation
of Colorado families have trusted
Robinson Dairy for consistently fresh,
healthy and great-tasting products.
During April, the Robinson’s have
donated one of their milk carton
panels to Kempe enabling us to invite
thousands of their customers to
w w w. k e m p e . o r g
Kempe Takes Manhattan
Please join us April 16 at the Denver
Marriott City Center as we recreate
the iconic excitement and glamour of
New York City for an evening to benefit
Kempe. Our guests will be celebrating in
New York style to raise funds to support
abused and neglected children treated
by Kempe. Visit
The Kempe Foundation has been named
the charity beneficiary for this Denver
tradition that has been around since
1982. Whether a walker or runner,
child or adult this invigorating run has
something for everyone. The Sneak is
Sunday, April 25. Visit
for registration and pledging details.
CAPM Media
Also during April, listen and watch for
The Kempe Foundation appearing on
many of your favorite stations and in
many of your favorite publications.
Some of these include: Colorado Homes
& Lifestyles, Colorado Expressions,
ColoradoBiz and Denver
Magazines; The Villager and
The Denver Post Newspapers;
KMGH-7, KUSA-9, Comcast,
and Altitude TV; Hot 107
FM, Alice 105, KEZW
1430, The Mountain 99.5, KOSI 101,
and Colorado Public Radio; and CBS
Outdoor Billboards.
Please visit for details on our
many upcoming events and activities.
Miami and the “Haiti 80”
By Michele Kelly, Psy.D., Licensed Psychologist, Child Protection Team
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine
Photos courtesy of Haiti 80
With the January 12 devastating
earthquake in Haiti, the call went out for
mental health professionals who could
volunteer their time to help transport
Haitian orphans to their adoptive parents
waiting in the U.S. One of Kempe’s
newest Board members, Beth Klein,
literally worked around the clock to secure
a charter flight for the orphans to be
safely transported to the U.S. She kept
volunteers updated with the constantly
changing crisis. In crisis work, people are
trained to be ready to leave at a moments
notice. This bit of wisdom proved to
be true as I found myself making last
minute travel arrangements. The Child
Protection Team’s administrative assistant,
Linda Jensen, quickly packed a bag with
crayons, paper, markers and stickers for
the children; The Kempe Foundation
generously covered my expenses and
provided their unwavering support.
In Miami, our spontaneous crisis “team”
met for the first time at the Miami
International Airport. The team included
Renee Branson-Yung, a therapist and
crisis worker from Colorado; Allison Stone,
a vibrant young attorney from Miami;
Ben Escobar, a seasoned international aid
worker; and me. We arrived with a true
sense of gratitude for the opportunity to
help the children and their newly adoptive
parents. The 81 Haitian children, dubbed
the “Haiti 80” by the media, all came
from a well-respected orphanage, God’s
Littlest Angel (GLA). Due to owner
Dixie Bickel’s exceptional organization,
she had the ability to take the children’s
paperwork to the embassy to have them
processed to leave the country.
The adoptive parents were from
throughout the U.S. Many had been to
Haiti several times as they had waited up
to two-and-a-half-years for their children.
Our team met with the couples to answer
questions, provide information and discuss
any concerns they might have. We had
ample time to get to know each other as
we waited 24 hours for the children. The
flights were difficult and delayed. Once
in Miami, one agent had to process 81
children through customs. Arriving at 1
a.m. they finally entered the country eight
hours later.
Exhausted, hungry and close to
dehydration, many children looked
stunned while others were ill. One
child was rushed to a local hospital
for emergency brain surgery for a life
threatening infection. All wanted to
be held and fed. The adult volunteers
worked quickly, feeding and diapering
children. The older children began to
play and sing. The parents had to wait a
little longer with more paperwork. One
by one, the children were united with
their new parents. True excitement and
joy permeated the room with sounds
of laughter and tears. Some families
adopted siblings; many were first time
parents while others had their older
biological children with them.
The parents were incredibly loving,
devoted and patient. One little boy who
had his adoptive father and uncle waiting
for him was known to be frightened of
having men hold him. After spending
time soothing and cradling the little
boy with his new father, maintaining
constant eye contact with him, we were
able to transition the child to his patient,
expectant father. The parents understand
their children may need to regress to an
earlier stage of development in order
to recapture missed developmental
milestones. They know their child may
have a tendency to want to eat more than
they may physically need. They know
that even before the earthquake, their
child lived in the poorest country in the
Western Hemisphere. For these children,
their parents’ will and determination has
already made a difference in their young
lives. A month after being with their
adoptive parents, two siblings, 4- and
2-years-old, living in Colorado are already
thriving. Their biological, single, 40-yearold mother in Haiti gave up all of her 5
children because she could not feed them.
The 4-year-old has gained 3 pounds
in 4 weeks. The 2-year-old is learning
English with ease. Both children dislike
the cold and snow. Yet, they are happy
to be loved and nurtured. They are very
affectionate, enjoy playing and calling out
“mama” and “papa,” knowing their new
parents will respond.
These families come from communities
where they feel supported. In the future,
if they need additional support and
guidance, The Kempe Center will be there
with its dedicated staff and wealth of
expertise. Kempe will provide the most
professional and compassionate care
available for all children and their families.
Michele’s Channel 7 interview is available on the
Kempe in the News page at
Left: Dr. Michele Kelly (second from left) and other volunteers await the arrival of the children; Middle: Haitian children arrive in
Florida; Right: Two girls show each other pictures of their new brothers.
w w w. k e m p e . o r g
Kempe Completes New Consultation and
Education Distance Learning Center
The Kempe Foundation for the Prevention and Treatment of
Child Abuse and Neglect recently completed the installation
of its Consultation and Education Distance Learning Center
in its facilities at The Gary Pavilion. The new Learning
Center will utilize broadband technology, digitalized imagery,
interactive video-conferencing, simultaneous multi-screen
viewing, and other elements to deliver training, analyze
research, and provide consultation services throughout
Adams County and to Colorado’s rural locations. Kempe
installed state-of-the-art components in six conference,
training, therapy and interview rooms ranging in size and
purpose to accommodate from 2 to 50 people.
The purpose of the Center is to increase the dissemination of
research and best practices through trainings, conferencing,
and consulting. Interactive real-time technologies will allow
forensic interviews to be conducted and recorded with less
trauma to victims as multiple agencies’ staff will be able to
observe and participate in sessions without being physically
present. Individual therapies for children will improve as
the training of future psychologists and psychiatrists will
be enhanced by mentor monitoring and input directly into
the sessions. Kempe’s pioneering efforts in the modeling of
multidisciplinary teamwork of actual case consultations will
be more effective with expanded off-site video capabilities.
Medical records including digitalized diagnostic images will
be authoritatively analyzed and discussed in order to start
treatments and help children heal more quickly.
The Learning Center will enable Kempe’s experts to reach
practitioners who might otherwise be unable to best
serve their communities. Teams will be able to meet with
participants from various agencies throughout the state and
nation. Children and families who need to testify will benefit
from a one-time multidisciplinary interview, rather than the
trauma of going to several locations and having to relive
their experiences to meet different agencies’ requirements.
Additionally, Kempe will now have the opportunity
to increase the number of its training programs. Past
videoconferencing allowed the expertise of Kempe’s
staff to reach participants off-site, but due to problems
with scheduling the use of other institutions’ broadcast
services, not all requests could be accommodated. National
conferences may now be broadcast in Kempe’s conference
rooms with active participation by local attendees who will
w w w. k e m p e . o r g
The new Center at Kempe offers a variety of equipment for
presentations, trainings and video-conferences.
be able to dialogue with other world renowned professionals.
Examples of highly specialized courses offered are:
Medical Aspects of Child Maltreatment
Developmental Consequences of Child Maltreatment
Interdisciplinary Case Conflict Management
Treatment Planning for Abused Children
Interdisciplinary Case Conflict Management
Maternal Substance Abuse
Medically Fragile and Developmentally Delayed Foster
• Transitioning Foster Care Youth to Permanency
• Sexual Health for Foster Care Children and Adolescents
Adams County submitted the grant application on behalf
of Kempe. Funding for the technology came from: State of
Colorado-Department of Local Affairs Energy and Mineral
Impact Assistance Program $385,565, Adams County
$25,000, Weld County $25,000, Logan County $5,000,
Jefferson County $15,000, Mesa County $25,000, and
Prowers County $5,000.
Dr. Sirotnak Named President of Children’s Hospital Medical Staff
a privilege and an honor to serve the faculty and community
medical staff.
During the Annual Meeting of The
Children’s Hospital Medical Staff in
January, Dr. Andrew Sirotnak
officially took over as the 68th
President of the 1420-member medical
staff for the 2010-2012 term.
Dr. Sirotnak will serve as President of
the Medical Board and Chairman of
Dr. Andrew Sirotnak
its Executive Committee, preside at
general meetings, appoint committee
members, and serve as spokesperson with the Chief Medical
Officer for the Medical Staff in its external professional and
public relations.
Dr. Sirotnak was elected by the board’s nominating
committee to this leadership position. He considers this both
Dr. Sirotnak currently serves as the Interim Executive Director
of The Kempe Center and has been the Director of the
Kempe Child Protection Team since 1996. Additionally,
he is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University
of Colorado School of Medicine and is the Director of the
Child Abuse and Neglect Fellowship Program. He lectures
extensively about child abuse and neglect to a wide range of
audiences. He has maintained a very active faculty pediatric
career as a clinician and teacher. His current clinical work and
clinical research focuses on child maltreatment.
Dr. Sirotnak has been qualified as an expert witness in
pediatrics and child abuse by civil, criminal, and federal
courts in the Rocky Mountain region.
Trauma’s Newest Program Expert
By Monica M. Fitzgerald, Ph.D.
I recently moved to Colorado from
Charleston, SC where I worked at
the National Crime Victims Research
and Treatment Center coordinating a
statewide initiative to bring evidence
supported mental health treatment
services to abused and traumatized
children and their families. Evidence
Supported Treatments (EST) are
“treatments that work” for a particular
problem or population, or treatment
or intervention protocols that have
the best scientific, empirical research
evidence for their efficacy and
effectiveness. Fortunately, in the past
two decades, several ESTs have been
identified as highly effective at reducing
trauma-related symptoms in youth and
their families. However, throughout
the U.S., few traumatized children
and their families receive these types
of treatments, primarily due to lack of
effective training and implementation
efforts (Chadwick Center, 2004).
I first became keenly aware of the
prevalence and impact of child abuse,
and the large gap between science
and practice when I worked with
young emotionally and behaviorally
disturbed children in child psychiatric
hospital settings nearly 13 years ago
after completing college. My fellow
milieu staff and I developed strong,
trusting relationships with the children,
most of whom had suffered from
severe and complex trauma exposure.
During our eight hour intensive shifts,
we had prime opportunities to teach
and reinforce children’s coping skills
and implement intervention strategies.
While I am sure we played a key role
in children’s recovery, we often felt
frustrated by the lack of progress made
in the complex trauma cases and were
unsure of the best treatment directions,
given that we lacked formal training
in trauma-informed ESTs. When I
left residential treatment, I aimed to
one day help empower professionals
serving children and families affected
by trauma and make a larger impact on
training and dissemination of effective
trauma focused treatments.
In my position at Kempe, I am
excited about the opportunity to
build collaborative partnerships in the
community to raise awareness of child
trauma, ESTs, and increase access to
quality services for traumatized children
in Colorado. In the past six months,
we have developed a year-long
clinical externship training program
for university predoctoral students. The
students represent
the future of our field
and they deserve
to receive the best
possible training in
implementing ESTs
for trauma-exposed
Fitzgerald, Ph.D.
children and families.
We are tracking child/family outcomes
as a result of treatment and researching
ways to most effectively “transport”
evidence supported treatments into
the field. This evaluation component
is crucial for maintaining quality work
and increasing community capacity to
deliver high quality trauma informed
services to children in Colorado.
I was attracted to working at Kempe
given its strong reputation as a center
of excellence and our collaborative is
one of 60 U.S. active member sites
in National Child Traumatic Stress
Network (NCTSN). I was also thrilled
to return to the West where I grew up.
Monica M. Fitzgerald, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical
psychologist and Assistant Professor at The
University of Colorado-Denver in the Department
of Pediatrics in the School of Medicine. She
serves as Director of Training and Evaluation in
the Child Trauma Program at The Kempe Center.
w w w. k e m p e . o r g
Social Media Sites
We want to connect with you. Check
out our social media sites and learn
how you can get involved in the fight
against child abuse and neglect.
Facebook Fan Page
Become a fan of Kempe on Facebook
and see event photos, news,
announcements and more - facebook.
Facebook Cause Page
Join the Kempe Cause - search
Causes on
Kempe Blog
Discover a variety of articles, stories,
news items, polls and more on our
blog - www.kempefoundation.
Watch Kempe videos and stories
about our activities -
Read up-to-the-minute news
alerts and announcements on our
Twitter page -
Text Giving
Kempe supporters can now text KIDS
to 50555 to donate $5.
Program Director Receives Steele Award
During 25th Annual NAPN Conference
By Kempe
Foundation Staff
Gail Ryan, Director
of the Perpetration
Prevention Program
at the Kempe Center,
received the Brandt F.
Gail Ryan
Steele, M.D. Award
during the 25th Annual
National Adolescent Perpetration
Network’s (NAPN) Conference held
recently in Denver.
The Steele Award honors Dr.
Steele’s lifelong intellectual curiosity
and interest in early childhood
When presenting the award to Gail,
Don Bross, JD, PhD, The Kempe Center
Director, Education and Legal Counsel,
said, “Brandt’s work is carried on by
you as others will carry on your work.
One important characteristic that
Brandt respected very much is found
in people not just working with the
theory of care giving, but practicing
care giving and modeling care giving
for every person possible.”
In addition to her work at Kempe,
Ryan is also an Assistant Clinical
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
at the University of Colorado Denver
School of Medicine. For more than
25 years, The Kempe Perpetration
Prevention Program has been
developing and sharing information
with professionals around the country.
The Program’s training teaches
practical and specific prevention and
intervention strategies to reduce the
risk of abusive behaviors in children
and adolescents.
The National Adolescent Perpetration
Network (NAPN) is a cooperative
network of multidisciplinary
professionals working with sexually
abusive youth in the US and abroad.
w w w. k e m p e . o r g
Founded by Gail in 1983, the
primary goal is to facilitate services
for adolescents who are at risk of
becoming the next generation of
sexual offenders. Membership has
grown to more than 1,000 members
and represents over 800 adolescent
and 300 preadolescent treatment
The Network is a diverse group of
professionals and paraprofessionals
from many disciplines and a spectrum
of systems that work together to help
prevent future perpetration.
In 2005, the 20th NAPN Conference
in Denver celebrated the network’s
‘coming of age,’ celebrated the
pioneers of the field, and rolled out
juvenile models for treatment of
sexually abusive youth which were
very different from the modified adult
programs the field started during the
1980’s. Good news abounded in
discoveries from research that informed
a more comprehensive holistic
understanding of the functioning
of youth. With current intervening
economic stresses, it becomes
increasingly important to maximize the
effective use of scarce resources and
to advocate for successful strategies in
our communities.
“Balancing the Terrain,” the 25th
Annual NAPN Conference in Denver
February 20-22, brought together
diverse, multidisciplinary professionals,
who deal with sexually abusive youth
in a variety of roles and settings, to
explore the implications of research
and clinical experience specifically
relevant to juveniles. By addressing
factors that decrease the risks of sexual
deviance and abusive dynamics while
increasing the opportunity for healthy
relationships and successful outcomes,
treatment is likely to achieve results far
beyond the initial goals of containment
and risk management.
and your generous gifts are changing kids lives.
Adams County
Alpha Beta Conclave, Eta State
Alpha Conclave, Alpha Beta State
Alpha Rho Conclave, Alpha State
The Anschutz Foundation
Atlantic Trust
AXA Foundation
Beta Epsilon Conclave
Beta Epsilon Conclave, Delta State
Bowana Foundation
Tim and Libby Brown Foundation
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP
Campbell Foundation Fund
The Capital Group Companies Charitable
Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Cherry Creek Wesleyan Church
Chi Conclave, Eta State
The Children’s Hospital Foundation
CLFS Equities, LLP
Colorado Business Bank
Colorado Department of Public Health and
Colorado Department of Public Safety
The Colorado Health Foundation
Cordillera Energy Partners
The Patricia Crown Family
Daniels Fund
Delta Conclave, Chi State
Audrey K. Dines Memorial Fund
Douglas County Child Care Association
Ekman Design Studio
EnCana Cares (USA) Foundation
EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.
Eta Conclave, Eta State
Eta Conclave, Phi State
First American State Bank
FirstBank of Colorado
Fraternal Order of Eagles #4019
Gallery 3 Ltd.
Gamma Beta Conclave, Alpha State
Gamma Conclave
Give with Liberty
Great West Life & Annunity
GT Car Shop Inc
Harweb Foundation
Haynes Family Foundation
The Helen M. McLoraine Kempe Children’s
Foundation Endowment Fund
Hewit Family Foundation
Hewlett-Packard Co.
The Humphreys Foundation
Injoy Productions Inc.
Intrepid Potash, Inc.
Investment Security Group, Inc.
JETKids, Inc.
Joe and Gina Murray Foundation Fund
Kappa Conclave, Psi State
Kappa Kappa Iota
Kappa Kappa Iota, Gamma Eta
Keller Family Fund
Kurz Family Foundation
Langston Family Foundation
Greater Milwaukee Foundation Lawlis Family
Lea for Justice Foundation
Littleton Sunrise Rotary Club
Ludlow-Griffith Foundation
Macy’s Foundation
Management And Training Resources
Manufacturing Technology, Inc.
Marsico Enterprises, LLC
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
North Area Newcomers & Social Club
Periquin Strategy Inc.
Jordon Perlmutter & Company
Petroleum Development Corporation
Pinnacol Assurance
Rose Community Foundation
Sand Creek Raiders
Saunders Construction, Inc.
Fred E. Scholl Charitable Foundation
Sigma Conclave, Alpha State
Southglenn Mens Golf Association
Forest City Stapleton, Inc.
Tau Conclave, Theta State
Tau Conclave, Xi State
TeleTech Community Foundation
Ten Strawberry Street Ltd.
Theta Conclave, Lambda State
Thomson Reuters
Toxicology Associates Professional LLC
U.S. Bank
Verizon Foundation
Zeta Conclave, Chi State
Contributions made from July 2009 to December 2009
Drs. Ralph D. and Elizabeth L. Aarons
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Abelson
Ms. Kate Abrams
Ronald and Miriam Abreu
Steven Abreu
Mr. Steve Addison
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Aertker
Mr. Clay Alberty
Mr. Laurence D. Allen
Ms. Alexandra Allen
Mr. Gregg Alpert
Mr. Jonathan Alpert
Mr. and Mrs. Leland J. Alpert
Ms. Devra Altman and Mr. Robert Maulitz
Brooke Altomari
Mrs. Theresa Alvarez
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Ambler
Ms. Nicole Ament and Mr. Jonathan Ament
Dr. and Mrs. Jules Amer
Mr. Scott Amerman
Mr. James Anderson
Mr. Darrell Anderson
Ms. Linda Anderson
Ms. Katherine Anderson
Brooks Andrisen
Robin Andrisen
Ms. Christine Angelini
Mr. Brad Anzman
Mr. and Mrs. Max Appel
Ms. Lesley A. Argent
Ms. Deb Armbruster
Ms. Mary J. Armstrong
Ms. Jordana Ash and Mr. Oliver Lignell
Mr. Kevin Attard
Ms. Judy Atwater
Mr. Christopher Awadalla
Dr. Nicki Bacon
Mieko Bailey
Ms. Alicia Bailey
Ms. Sylvia M. Baird
David and Jody Baker
Mr. and Mrs. John Baker
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Banks
Ms. Suzanne M. Banning
Bobbie Bardt
Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Barela
Mr. Michael Barkin
Jim and Pamela Basey
Ms. Jessica Bass
Ms. Barbara Baumgartner
Ms. Christi L. Beach
Ms. Tahlia Beacham
Ms. Sallie Beauman
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Becher
Ms. Wanda Beck
Ms. Vivienne Belmont
Ms. Kelly Bennett
Ms. Martha L. Bennett
Mr. Ryan Bennett
Mr. Bret Berglund
Ms. Cynthia Bero
Mimi Bible
Terry and John Biddinger
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Billows
Mr. Eric Bindner
Ms. Nancy J. Bingham
Mr. Michael Bird
Ms. Mitra Bishop
Ms. Shelley Blas
Mr. Jourdan Block
Ms. Tamra N. Block
Mike and Julie Bock
Mr. Andrew Boian
Ms. Susan Bonsall Rosenberry
Mr. James Booth
Ms. Melinda Borchardt
Ms. Susie Bosley
Mr. Don Bosson
Ms. Lauren Bottonari
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Brady
Daryl and Wendy Brady
Dr. and Mrs. H.L. Brammell
Ms. Virginia Bray and Mr. Louis Bindner
Ms. Alma Bray
Ms. Alexia Bregman
Dr. Jeffrey Brent
Mrs. Karen C. Breschini
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bretall
Mr. Leslie Bretzke Jr.
Ms. Tabby Briggs
Mr. James A. Broderick
Ms. Lynn Bronikowski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Brook
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brooks
Mr. Brad Brooks
Ms. Alexis Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Brophy
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Brown
Ms. Christina A. Brown
Ms. Candace Bruno
Diane and Darrel Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bryant
Ms. Laurice Buchanan
Ms. Mary Estill Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buche
Mr. Warren Buettner
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Burge
Blair Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. J. Todd Cagle
Ms. Mary Ellen Caiati
Lowell Campbell
Reynolds and Maureen Cannon & Family
Ms. Charla Cannon
Mr. Connor Cantrell
Dr. Hendrika Cantwell
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Carroll
Mr. Randall Carter
Shallon Casey
Mr. Jonathan Cerf
Mr. and Mrs. Collis Chandler
Mr. Trevor Chapin
Ms. Janice M. Chase
Ms. Heidi Chesley
Ms. Nicole Chiantello
Ms. Sandra A. Christiansen
Mr. and Mrs. Vern C. Church
Ms. Rita Claar
Ms. Marjery Clark
Mr. Richard Clark
Mr. Floyd H. Clark
Ms. Leigh Clasby and Mr. Benjamin Kallechey
Mr. Matt Clemo
Mr. Thomas Cline
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cline
Ms. Mary J. Cline
Mr. Jonah Clyman
Ms. Vanessa Coats
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin M. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Cohen
Mr. Dave Cohen
Nikki Cohn
Ms. Wanda Colburn
Shea Cole
Mr. and Mrs. H. Schuyler Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Collins
Mr. Keith Connaghan and Ms. Kelsey
Wennesland Connaghan
Ms. Barbara A. Connelly
Mr. Sean Conrad
Mr. Michael Cook
Cameron Cook
Ms. Deborah Cooling
Ms. Cami Cooper
Mr. Tom Coulson
Mrs. Lucia Cowperthwaite
Ms. Elizabeth A. Cox
Taylor Cox
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Craig
Ms. Peggy Crane-Epand
Mr. Cal Crawley
Ms. Jenny Crichton
Ms. Myrna Criswell
Ms. Jenny Cudahy
Ms. Jeni Cuddie
Lynne Cuddie
Dr. Sara Culhane and Mr. James Culhane
Ms. Jeanie Curley
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Rindone
Jetta Dailey
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Daiss
Ms. Helen Damaskos
Ms. Jana Danhauer
Blair Daniels
Stephen and Dee Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. David Dansky
Ms. Kate Daugherty
Ms. Shelly Davis
Ms. Sara Dawkins
Ms. Pamela J. Decker
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deering
Ms. Rachel Dehner
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Del Vicario
Mr. Michael Delarosa
Mr. William DeLisio
Ms. Doretta Delisio
Dr. and Mrs. Colman L. DeLisio
Angela and John DellaSalle
Mr. Spencer Denison and Ms. Kara Horner
Mr. Matthew Denning
Mae Desaire
Ms. Emily Desaire
Mr. Tom Devine
Mr. Jason DeVinny
Ms. Ashtyn Dickmeier
Ms. Cydney DiPiazza
Mr. Frank Dipippa
Mr. Stan Doida
Mrs. Jane H. Dolton
Ms. Amy Domokos
Mr. Mike Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Donohue
Robert and Lisa Douglas
Ms. Katherine N. Douglas
Mr. Kevin Dowling
Mr. Michael Dunahay
Ms. Tara Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dunn
Mr. Jospeh T. Duran
V.J. Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. James Dyer
Ms. Erin Eads
Ms. Kathy Earl
Mr. Warren Eckloff Jr.
Mr. Craig Edelmann
Mr. Stephen Edmonds
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ehrlich
Ms. Julia Eisenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Elias
Ms. Bonnie Ellwood
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall J. England
David Evans
Ms. Delinda Evans
Mr. Richard Eyre
Ms. Elizabeth Faestel
Ms. Carolyn Faille
Mr. Brad Farber
Mr. John Farnam and Mr. Paul Heitzenrater
Ms. Maureen Farrell-Stevenson
John D. Faught
Mr. Edward Fay
Ms. Melody Federico
Ms. Carolyn J. Feely
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Feldmann
Ms. Esther Feldmann
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Feldmann
Ms. Anne Fendrich
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fenton
Mr. Curtis Fentress and Ms. Agatha Kessler
Ms. Deborah Ferraro
Mr. Anthony Ferretti
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Finger
Mr. John S. Finn
Orah Fireman
Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Fischer
Mr. Brendan Fisher
Mr. Steve Fitzgerald
Mr. James Flavin
Ms. Laura Flechner
Renee Fleisher
Mr. Alec Fleisher
Mr. and Mrs. A. Craig Fleishman
Mr. Mark Fleming
Mr. Craig Flom
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Flower
Ms. Angela Flug
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fochtman
Ms. Mary P. Fodor
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Forker
Mr. Bruce A. Fowler, Esq.
Ms. Ann E. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. John M. French
Ken and Judy Friednash
Ms. Ann Frost Bailey
Hiroaki Fujii
Ms. Mara Dee Fulwider
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Funk
John and Jeneane Furstenberg
Ms. Sandi Garcia Boyer
Ms. Faye Gardenswartz
Edward Garrido, Ph.D.
Ms. Natalie Gart
Mr. and Mrs. Caleb F. Gates, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gaydos
Ms. Stephanie Geneser
Mr. and Mrs. John Gennerman
Ms. Amy Gerber
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Getsch
Mr. William Geuder
Ms. Kathleen A. Gibbard
Ms. Anna Gibson
Mr. Alan J. Gilbert
Mr. David L. Giles and Ms. Laura J. Meley
Ms. Margaret Glasco
Ms. Juliet Glaser
Ms. Melanie R. Glowacki
Mr. Rob Glucksman
Ms. Nepeta Godec
Ms. Sandra J. Goralnik
w w w. k e m p e . o r g
Ms. Jacqueline Gorden
Ms. Adele Gordon
Ms. Margaret S. Gorsuch
Mr. Josh Gouker
David Graebel
George and Marti Graff
Mr. George Gramer
Mr. Gerald Grammens
Ms. Pepi Gramshammer
Ms. Melissa Grandchamp
Mr. Kenneth Gray and Ms. Shannon Smith
Mr. Warren Green
Marni Greenberg
Ms. Erin Greene
Charles and Mary Ellen Greene
Ms. Claire Gregory
Mr. Dennis Greufe
Mr. William Groom
Mr. Jeffrey Groom
Mr. Adam Groom
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Grossman
Mrs. Phyllis Gruda
Ms. Miriam Grynberg
Mrs. Vivian Guzofsky
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gwaltney
Mr. John Hagan
Mr. Ted Halaby
Ms. Susan Halstedt
Mr. Darrell Hamilton
Ms. Lindsey Hanahan
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hanks
Mr. Douglas Hanna
Ms. Gayle Hanna
Ms. Macayla M. Hansen
Ms. Polly Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hanson, Jr.
Ms. Stacy Hanson
Ms. Amy Harmon
Mr. Michael D. Harris
James and Joy Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hartmann
Ms. Mandy Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Cannon Y. Harvey
Ms. Sheila R. Haskell
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Haskell
Mrs. Bertha E. Haugen
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Hawkey
Ms. Carlyn M. Haze
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Healy
Mr. Richard Healy
Mr. David Healy
Mr. Edward Hein
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Heinze
Courtney Heller
Mr. Norman Helwig
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Henderson
Mr. Joel Hendrickson
Ms. Sylvia Henry
Ms. Lauren Henry
Ms. Roberta L. Herbertson
Dr. and Mrs. Jacinto A. Hernandez
Ms. Carrie Hetrick
Ms. Katrina Hettinger
K.C. Higgins
Ms. Stephanie Hinkle-Betts
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Hoagland
Mr. Lewis Hoffman
Mr. Richard Hogen
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Hollis
Ms. Linda Holmes
Michael and Betsy Holweger
Mr. Michael Honeyman
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Hood
Mr. and Mrs. James Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hopkins
Ms. Colleen Hoppe
Ms. Peggy Horrigan
Ms. Anne Marie Hotop
Ms. Becky Howell
Ms. Karen Hriso
Ms. Mary E. Huddleston
Ms. Sarah Hussion
Ms. Stephanie Hutchinson
Ms. Ardis Ibarra
Mr. George Ibarra
Ms. Pamela Ignat and Mr. Joe Ignat
Walt and Georgia Imhoff
Ms. Sonia M. Immasche
Ms. Kylie Inglee
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ingram
Mr. Howard Jacobsen
Joshua and Kara Jacobson
Ms. Rachel Jamison
Ramchander Jayaraman
Ms. Ruby Jebbour
Mr. Nathan Jenkins
Ms. Kristin Jensen
Mr. Matthew Joblon
Ms. Jo Ellen John
Gail and George Johnson
Howard and Dorcie Johnson
Mr. Peter Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Craig C. Jonas
Melissa and Colin Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Jones
Mr. James W. Jones
w w w. k e m p e . o r g
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery E. Jones
Ms. Rollie Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Pat P. Joy
Ms. Michelle Kabadi
Dr. Ruby L. Kadota
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Kaeuper
Mr. Fred Kail
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kaminsky
Dr. Linda Reinstein Kaplan and Mr. Arnold R.
Ms. Becky Karlin
Ms. Joey Kasamis
Ms. Lark Katchur
Ms. Judy S. Kava
Ms. Mary Keating
John and Carole Keaveney
Ms. Julie Keegan
Ms. Gail M. Keeley
Ms. Rachel Keller
Ms. Barbara J. Kelley
Ms. Anne Kellogg
Michele Kelly, Psy.D.
Ms. Annie Kempe
Ms. Lois Kennedy
Ms. Teresa M. Kennedy
Ms. Anita Khaldy, M.B.A
Ms. Julie Kinney
Mr. Chad Kirby
Ms. Beth Klein
Jordan Klein
Georgia Knapp
Dr. Rosalyn Knepell
Ms. Evelyn M. Knox
Mr. Jason M. Koch
Ms. Jennifer Koch-Zapfel
Dr. and Mrs. Jerald W. Koepke
Mr. Steven Kohen and Ms. Cherilyn Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Kohler
Ms. Lorraine C. Kondrat
Mr. Jason Konzak
Ms. Nancy Bruner-Koontz and Mr. Bob Koontz
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kornfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Kortz
Ms. Moira Kotowski
Ms. Renee Krause
Ms. Susan Kruger
Drs. Mary and Richard Krugman
Jon and Teri Kruljac
Ms. Kim Kruljac
Ms. Judith Kugler
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kurtz
Mr. Stephen Kurtz
Ms. Carolyn Laetz
Lennart LaFleur
Yanki Lama
Sharon Langendoerfer, M.D.
Ms. Sydney Lapidus
Mr. Larry Larsen
Mr. Chester T. Latcham
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Latimer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lattion
Mr. Daniel R. Lecain
Pat and Karen Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Lee
Ms. Sera Lee
Mrs. Mary Ann Lee
Erin Lefkowits
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Leif
Ms. Roxanne Lenny
Mr. Charles Lepley
Tom Leversee
Ms. Paula Levin
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Levin
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Levine
Ms. Julie Levy
Mr. Mark Lewis
Ms. Jenet Lewis
Dr. Barry Lindstrom
Ms. Sharon Linhart
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Link
Mr. Steven Litvak
Mrs. Joann I. Litvak
Mr. Edward Lobb
Drs. Charles and Gretchen Lobitz
Mr. Ryan Lockwood
Ms. Kathleen Logan
Patty Lorie
Mr. and Mrs. John Loss
Ms. Colette B. Lottor
Ms. Ellen D. Lowe
Ms. Natalie Lucero
Ms. Donna Lynne
Ms. Brianne Lyons
Mr. Brian Maass
Bill and Melissa Mackiernan
Mr. Mike Madarasz
Mr. James Madore
Mr. John W. Majeski, Jr.
Mr. Anthony Malinowski
Ms. Margaretha Maloney
Catherine Manchester
Mr. Thomas Margenau
Mr. and Mrs. Mort Marks
Mr. Colin Marks
Mr. and Mrs. James Connors
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff M. Gruitch
Mr. and Mrs. Lance M. Marr
V. Diane Marsh
Mr. Jonathan Marsico
Mr. Peter Marsico
Mr. James Marsico
Mr. Nick Martin
Mr. Shane Martin
Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Martin
Marty Mashe
Ms. Hilary Mast
Mr. Larry Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. May
Mr. William McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McClard
Mr. and Mrs. John McClure
Ms. Gretchen Gagel McComb
Ms. Alicia McCown
Tate and Eileen McCoy
Ms. Carla McElroy
Kate McGoldrick, Ph.D.
Michael McKibbin
Carole McKinney
Ms. Heather K. McLaughlin
Ms. Molly McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McNicholas
Mr. Timothy A. Meinert
Ms. Katie Melstrom
Ms. Maria Mendelsberg
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Meyer
Ms. Nina Michelson
Mr. Larry Miller
Mr. James H. Miller
Mr. Elliot Miller
Ms. Mia Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Miller
Ms. Holly Milton
Mr. and Mrs. Pres Minnick
Ms. Paula Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mitchell
Ms. Ronnie A. Mitzner
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Mohatt
Mr. Richard Mohatt
Mr. Donald Johnson and Mrs. Arlene MohlerJohnson
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Mohr
Brenda and Stefan Mokrohisky
Mr. Alan Molk
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Morgridge
Ms. Alison Mork
Ms. Kelly Moroney
Ms. Jessica Morse
Brooke Mrzlikar
Neil Mulholland
Mr. Wesley Munsil
Ms. Rachael Murray
Ms. Donna L. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Murray
Mr. Richard P. Myers
Marcia Gold Naiman Fund
Lynne and Tom Napolilli
Mr. David Naus
Ms. Rebecca Nelsen
Ms. Stephanie Nelson
Ms. Stephanie Neves
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Newcomb
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Newman
John and Mary Nice
Robin Nicholson
Dr. Gary L. Niemann
Ms. Joan Norblom
Ms. Patricia T. Norris
Mr. Kent Nossaman
Dr. and Mrs. Norman D. Numerof
Mr. Dan O’Connell
Mr. Sean O’Connor
Mr. Bryan Odom
Mr. Randall C. Ohlson
Ms. Stacy Ohlsson
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Olinger
Leslie Oliver
Ms. Julie Olivett
Mrs. Geraldine Olson
Ms. Pamela Orth
Mr. Greg Overzat
Ms. Mary Alyce Owens and Mr. Brian L. Curtis
Ms. Lori Palmer
Dr. Richard Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Ian B. Paton
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Paton
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Pearl
Ms. Sarah Peay
Ms. Joan P. Pechman
Mr. Scott Peikin
Lindsay Penvose
Mr. Tristin Perkins
Mr. Joseph Nathan Perry
Casey Perry
Ms. Nancy Pertcheck
Mr. and Mrs. Courtland H. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Pethick
Ms. Mary Petryszyn
Mr. and Mrs. David Pettijohn
Mr. Matthew Pezel
Mr. Gregory Phare
Ms. Gerda Pichler
Ms. Shanna J. Pickel and Mr. Florian Weber
Mr. Tony Pierangeli
The Honorable and Mrs. Charles D. Pierce
Kim Pierpoint and Paul Liscom
Ms. Peggy Pilkinton
Mrs. Frances L. Pizer
Mr. Keith Platte
Mrs. Margaret Platte
Ms. Teresa Porter
Ms. Eva Potter
Ms. Katie Prendergast
Ms. Tamara Pressel
Mr. John B. Quam
Ms. Linda C. Quattrochi
Mr. Brian Quinlan
Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Rabinowitz
Ms. Lorii K. Rabinowitz
Ms. Debi Racanelli
Ms. Marcela E. Rascon
Ms. Kay S. Rasmussen
Mr. Jeffrey Rasp
Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Ratliff
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ray
Christian Ray
Susan Grant Raymond
Ms. Betty L. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. William Reid
Mr. and Mrs. David Repka
Mr. Richard Replin
Ricki Rest
Ms. Susan Reynolds
Mr. Austin Rial
Mr. James Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ringquist
Donald and Karen Ringsby
Ms. Melissa Risteff
Ms. Susan Ritchey
Onaiza Rizvi
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold F. Roane
Norwood and Barbara Robb
Mr. Jordan Robbins
Ms. Shawna Robbins
Mr. Gerald R. Roberts
Ms. Amanda Robertson
Kael Robinson
Ms. Elizabeth Robinson
Mrs. Suzanne Robinson
Mr. Henry R. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Robl
Ms. Sabine Rocho
Mr. Todd Roebken
Mr. Brian Rook
Ms. Marit R. Rosacci
Mr. Anthony Rosacci
Dr. Lynn Rosdal
Mr. Steven Rosdal
Mr. Aaron Rosdal
Casey Rosen
Mr. Jeff Rosenblum
Dr. and Mrs. Edward F. Rosenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ross, Jr.
Mr. Neil Ross
Mr. Thomas Rosson
Ms. Melanie M. Roth
Mr. Steve Rothman
Mr. Mickey S. Rovner
Ms. Kristen Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rozell
Ms. Martha Rubi
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rudden
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Ruyle
Ms. Caroline A. Ryan
Ms. Juana Salazar
Ms. Nancy Salerno
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert J. Samford
Jynx Sanders
Ms. Patti Sandler
Ms. Anne Sandler
Ms. Rachel Sanford
Ms. Beth Saperstein
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Saunders
David and Robin Savitz
Ms. Anna Maria Scerbo
Mr. Larry Schaap
Mr. Al Scheopner
Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Schiff
Mr. Alan Schill
Mr. Harlan Schillinger
Ms. Brigitte Schmidt
Ms. Christine R. Schmidt
Ms. Kathleen Schmidtke
Mr. Paul Schnaitter
Ms. Jenny Schnase
Ms. Amy Schneider
Mr. Brian Schoeneman
Ms. Sharon Schonhaut
Ms. Rosalie Schreiber
Mr. Jack Schroeder
Ms. Marissa Schultz
Mr. Timothy Schultz and Ms. Debbie Jessup
Ms. Stacy Schurman
Lynn Schutzman
Ms. Rebecca Schwartz
Ms. Linda Sciez
Ms. Summer Sciez
Ms. Stephanie Sciez
Ms. Linda Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Scott
Ms. Patricia M. Scully
Ms. Amy L. Sebring
Philip and Gretchen Seefried
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Seewald
Ms. Susan K. Shaner
Ms. Rebecca Shank
Mr. Ezra Shanken
Felisa Shaoul
Ms. Jacqui Shapiro
Mr. Tony Sharp
Ms. Sarah Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Marston C. Shelton
Mr. Robert Sherman
Mr. Ben Shloss
Megan and Steve Shoflick
Ms. Sally S. Shotwell
Mrs. Mary K. Shultz
Norma Shultz
Ms. Sara Siegesmund
Len Siekmeier
Ms. Maureen Silva
The Silvestri Family
Mr. and Ms. Josh Simon
Mr. Glen Simpson
The Singerman Family
Dr. Andrew P. Sirotnak
Mr. Craig Skelly
Mr. Edwin S. Small
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Smith
Mr. Scot Smith and Mrs. Susan Blake-Smith
Ms. Debra E. Smith
Mr. Joseph M. Smith
Ms. Frances G. Smith
Mark J. Smith
Terri Smith
Ms. Megan Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Smith
Ms. Audrey C. Snyder
Mr. David Sobb
Ms. Sandra Hagen Solin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Solomon
Ms. Tara Sonenstein
Mr. Marty Soudani
Ms. Jennifer Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. John Spiegleman
Tracey Stanley
Ms. Susan S. Stark
Mr. Josh Steck
Mr. Jeff Steenhoek
Ms. Beth Stefl
Ms. Salye R. Stein
Mr. Kent P. Steines
Mr. Ryan Stelzner
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Stem
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart
Marguerite Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stone
Tom Stone
Mr. Brett Story
Ms. Cheryl H. Stratten
Ms. Nancy Stuke
Mr. John Stumpf
Lynne Sullivan
Ms. Katherine Sullivan-Sisneros
Mr. Victor Sulzer
Ms. Kay Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold L. Swartz
Ms. Jessica Sweeney
Mr. Joseph Szyliowicz
Mr. Michael Szyliowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Otavio R. Tabacchi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Tallmadge
Mr. and Mrs. James Tanner
Mr. Brett Miller and Dr. Heather N. Taussig
Dr. Lynn and Lisa Taussig
Ms. Jennifer Taussig
Dylan and Gabrielle Taylor
Ms. Karin M. Teichmann-Souza
Ms. Marsha Temple
Ms. Sharon Thomas
Ms. Amy Thoming
Ms. Sheila M. Thompson
Mr. S. Andrew Thompson
Carolyn and Scott Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Thorson
Mr. Austin Tillack
Keith and Darnel Topinka
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Trainor
Ms. Debbie Trainor and Mr. Greg Trainor
Ms. Tara Trujillo
Kelly Trujillo
Mr. Sean Tufts
Mr. John Tynan
Mr. Daniel Tytler
Mr. Kyle Underwood
Ms. Chantal Unfug and Mr. Doug Unfug
Mr. Mike Urban
Mr. and Mrs. N. Scott Urquhart
Mr. Trevor Valentine
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Valore-Caplan
Mr. and Mrs. Jan-Willem van den Dijssel
Mr. Colin Van Kampen
Mr. Matthew Van Sistine
Ms. Caroline Van Velkinburgh
Ms. Lynda R. Vernikoff
Ms. Jessica Vicic
Buzz and George Ann Victor
Ms. Amanda Vigil
Ms. Madonna J. Vogt
Ms. Barbara Vollmer, Ph.D.
Ms. Brenda Vonstar
Mr. Stephen Voran
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wagner
Mr. Scott Waknin
Ms. Marilyn Waldman
James and Lucy Wallace
Mr. William E. Walters and Ms. Christy Cutler
Ms. Cassie Ward
Mr. Bruce Waters
Mr. Philip Weathers
Ms. Erin Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Weigand
Mr. Brad Weinig
Mr. Allan Weiss
Mr. Matt Weiss
Dr. Kathryn Wells
Ms. Kareina Westlund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weston
Ms. Pamela J. Wharton
Ms. Judith Wharton
Ms. Bettilynn Whitfield
Ms. Jennifer Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Williams
Ms. BeBe Williams
Mr. Matthew Williams
Mr. Christopher D. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wiltshire
Ms. Patricia A. Wimberly
Adrien Winger
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wise
Ms. Elise Wiss
Ms. Mary Lou Witaschek
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wolf
Mr. Adam Wolf
Jesse and Molly Wolff
Mr. Robert Wolfson
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Randal H. Woods
Ms. Janet Woods
Dennis, Trish and Morgan Woodward
Dr. and Mrs. Roy R. Wright
Ms. Christina Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Writer
Mr. Marvin Young
Mr. Norman Young
Mr. Alan Yue
Mr. Samuel Zaitz
Mark and Carol Zaitz
Ms. Julie Zaveral
Mr. Ryan Zboril
Dr. Claire Zilber
Mr. Daniel Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Zimmerman
Endowment Funds
Brandt F. Steele, M.D. Endowment Fund
The Berger Fellow
The Jack and Viki Thompson Chair for Child
Maltreatment and Family Health
The Helen M. McLoraine Kempe Children’s
Georgia R. Imhoff Endowment Fund
In-Kind Donations
American Furniture Warehouse
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk E. Anderson
April O’Hare Photography
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP
Maureen Regan Cannon
Ms. Tricia Caputo
Cornerstar Wine and Liquor, LLC.
Pamela and Jim Crowe
Ms. Sara Downey
Ms. Renesia Fontenot
Ms. Angelina Fox
Garbanzo Mediterranean Grill
Staci Genchi
Ms. Pamela Hann
Kroenke Sports Enterprises
Ms. Genia Larson
Ms. Sera Lee
Ms. Kayla Manzel
MC Liquor 02, LLC
Mr. Sean McNicholas
Mr. David Medina
Dr. and Mrs. Shriram Nene
Mr. Brian Nieder
Laurie and Donald Nielsen
The Patron Spirits Company
Project Linus
Ms. Suellen Riedel
Riverside Indonesian Fellowship
Ms. Sharon Schonhaut
Ms. Ashleigh Sedbrook
Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church
Signed & Sealed by Steph
Dr. Andrew P. Sirotnak
Mr. and Mrs. George Solich
Mr. and Mrs. David Solin
Stellar Painting & Remodeling
Jessica and Brian Stutz
The Tavern Hospitality Group
Mr. Craig Walker
Ms. Pamela J. Wharton
In Honor of Sandra Hagen-Solin
Ms. Diane L. Hagen
In Honor of Heather Taussig
Mrs. Ruth Peter
In Honor of The Adams Family Children
Ms. Joan Slaughter
In Honor of Juanita Tuntevich
Ms. Debra Wilbur
In Honor of Bergamo Montessori School
Ms. Virginia Taylor
In Honor of Dale Varner
Dr. Ruby L. Kadota
In Honor of Henry and Ann Biermann
Mr. and Mrs. David McDaniel
In Honor of Pamela Wharton
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wharton
In Honor of Blue Sky Fund
Ms. April O’Hare
In Honor of Alexis Woodrow
Ms. Diane Brown
In Honor of Michael Chase
Dr. Ruby L. Kadota
In Honor of Morgan Woodward
Ms. Kathleen Schmidtke
In Honor of Children’s Dentistry of Cherry
Ms. Joanna Levin
In Honor of Bill Wright
Dr. Ruby L. Kadota
In Honor of Colorado Bills Backers
Mr. Craig Skelly
In Honor of June Crenshaw
Ms. Katrina Crenshaw
In Honor of Jim and Susan Dreisbach
Mr. and Mrs. John Sabel
In Honor of Alec Fleisher
Ms. Sharon Schonhaut
Ms. Kandace Soiland
In Honor of Aaron and Loretta Swanson
Mr. David Ross
Ms. Adrienne Swanson
In Honor of Lisa and Lynn Taussig
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lowe
In Memory of Althea Blomsness
The Seff Group, P.C.
In Memory of Carol Bryan Brady
Mr. Douglas M. Brady
In Memory of Robert Carmona
Miss Adrean Pepper
In Memory of Karen Eastwood
Evelyn Yingling
In Memory of Robert Frankel
Dr. Karen Frankel and Mr. Doug Carrel
In Honor of Jeff Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson
In Memory of William French, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Jolivet
In Honor of Kim Hicks
Mr. Frank Stanley
In Memory of Norton Frickey
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Young
In Honor of Laurie Nielsen and Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Medley
Ms. Joyce Hillshafer
In Memory of Georgia Imhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Alexander, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Ambler
Mr. and Mrs. Gene R. Andrist
Bank of Choice
Mr. Louis Bansbach IV
Wayne and Debra Berger
Terry and John Biddinger
Ms. Jeanne Bistranin
Mr. Gene Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Boryla
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Box
Ms. Iris J. Boyer
Ms. Trisha Brase
Kathleen K. Brock
Ms. Elizabeth Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Campbell
Ms. Ruth Carrel
Judge Edward Carelli
Caring for Colorado Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Chase
Ms. Judy L. Chirila
Chancellor Robert D. Coombe
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coors
Miles and Jan Cortez
Ms. Margaret Cunningham
Mr. Fred Davine
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deering
Mr. Eugene Dell
Angela and John DellaSalle
The Denver Broncos Charities Fund, a fund of
the McCormick Tribute Foundation.
Ms. Martha Diss Sundby
Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Dunn
Ms. Dianne Eddolls and Mr. Glenn Jones
Exelcomm Commercial Advisors, Inc.
Faught Foundation
First American State Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Foster
Mr. Sanford Zisman and Mrs. Janis Frame
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Franzgrote
Ruth Nauts and John Gallagher
Margot and Allan Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Grant
Greenlee Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Groshek
Ms. Elise Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Hamill
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hanks
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Harrison
Mr. Martin T. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hasten
Helen K. and Arthur E. Johnson Foundation,
Ms. Paula Heller
Mr. and Mrs. David Herlinger
Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Hoch
Mr. and Mrs. Delwin Hock
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Hood
Aleah Horstman
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Howell
In Honor of Walt Imhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Campbell
John & Marcy in honor of their marriage
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Tallmadge
In Honor of Jose, Juan, Colin Marks,
Minnie Marks, Evan Marks, Evelyn
Epstein, The Leinbachs, Sue, Jeff, Haley,
Alyssa, The Clarks, Renwick Harvey
Bobbie Bardt
In Honor of Dr. Ruby Kadota
Mr. Daniel Oberg
Mr. Dale Varner
In Honor of Elizabeth Kincannon
Dr. Ruby L. Kadota
In Honor of Carolyn King
Ms. Jillian vanIngen
In Honor of Jack Koller
Mr. Scott Navratil
In Honor of Drs. Mary and Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Bernau
In Honor of Dick Krugman
The Telluray Foundation
In Honor of Lee and Loren Larson
Mr. and Mrs. John Wisotski
In Honor of Bill Mackiernan
Mr. Barry J. Goldstein
In Honor of William Marsh
Dr. Ruby L. Kadota
In Honor of Cindy and Al Meyer
Ms. Leslie Reingold and Mr. Thomas Eskelson
In Honor of Great-Grandchildren, Noah
& Bella
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Pool
In Honor of Dan Oberg
Dr. Ruby L. Kadota
In Honor of Pamela Ann Myers Purvis
Mr. Thomas G. DePetro
In Honor of Tracy Rivera
Ms. Veronica Casias
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elfenbein
In Honor of Cindy Satel
Mr. Darrell David
In Honor of Jack Schroeder
Ms. Carrie McConnell
Ms. Janice Schroeder
In Honor of Scott Smith
Dr. Ruby L. Kadota
w w w. k e m p e . o r g
In Memory of Georgia Imhoff (continued)
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hutchens
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hutchison
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Huttner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Imhoff
The Walter & Georgia Imhoff Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Isaacs
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Isaak
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnson
Gail and George Johnson
Drs. Doug and Ann Jones
Ms. Joanne Kalish
Kirchhof Group, Inc.
Koelbel Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koeppe
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Kortz
ZeZe Kreidle
Dr. Mary and Richard Krugman
Jon and Teri Kruljac
Ms. Judith Kugler
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Langer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leafstrand
Mr. and Mrs. Chuan Li
Jim and Marcia Lyons
Ms. Sue R. Mackenzie
Ms. Susan J. McFarlane
Mr. James McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Messina
Mr. Gerald Middleton
Mike Shaw Chevy Buick Saab
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Miller
Mr. James Morgese
National CineMedia, LLC
Gordon and Jane Netzorg
Ronald New
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Newman
John and Mary Nice
Ms. Elizabeth Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Nill
LaDean Nuanes
Mr. and Mrs. James Nussbaum
Ms. Annie Pinnick
Ms. Adrienne Porterfield
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Robinson
Rocky Mountain PBS
Ms. Teresa Roe
Saint Joseph Hospital Foundation
Geri and Meyer Saltzman
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert J. Samford
Mr. L.T. Sandvik
Saunders Construction, Inc.
David and Robin Savitz
Mr. Gene Schnabel
Ms. Rebecca Shreck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Sickler
David and Leslie Sogge
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spurway
St. Mary Land & Exploration Company
Mr. Dave Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Stevens
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc.
Stonehocker Family Foundation
Lynne Sullivan
Mr. Brett Miller and Dr. Heather N. Taussig
Dr. Lynn and Lisa Taussig
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Tepper
Mr. and Mrs. S. Lee Terry
Mr. Michael Timmins
Mr. and Mrs. Warren M. Toltz
Howard and Carol Torgove
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Travis
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Unrein
Ms. Judith Wagner
Mr. George Walker
James and Lucy Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Watt
Mr. Steve Werner
Mr. and Mrs. E. Patrick Wiesner
Ms. Marsha Willis
Ms. Lucy Wirth
Mr. Thomas D. Wolf
Jesse and Molly Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Zemlyak
In Memory of Dr. Ruth Kempe
Ms. Meredith Appy
Ms. Brenda Beaty
Ms. Rose Bradycohen
Kathleen K. Brock
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Mark W. Brunvand
Mr. Peter Bunik
Ms. Diane Caldwell
Ms. Ruth Carrel
Ms. Susan Chidley
Ms. Patricia Cozetto
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Craft
Ms. Lori Crane
Mr. and Mrs. W. Perry Dickinson
Frances Dollard
Ms. Amanda Donnelly
Ms. Marion P. Downs
Shirley and Vincent Fulginiti
Dr. Robert J. Glaser
Jim and Ann Goldfarb
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Grosz
Ms. Elizabeth Hall
K.A and J.L. Hannah
Dr. Lawrence J. Hergott
Ms. Martha Huckaby
I.A.M.A.W. - Airline District Lodge 141
Walt and Georgia Imhoff
Gail and George Johnson
Marion L. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kane
Ms. Bernie C. Kern
Drs. Mary and Richard Krugman
Littleton Pediatric Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Littman
Ms. Rhonda Lloyd
Mr. James H. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Miller
Dr. Fred Mimmack
Paul and Barbara Moe
Ms. Barbara Morris
Mr. and Mrs. David Nowels
Mrs. Madeline O’Brien
Mr. Kyle Osborn
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Pulverman
Saunders Construction, Inc.
Stuart and Ida Schneck
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Seewald
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Seewald
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Silverman
Smith Brooks Bolshoun & Company
Ms. Laura Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Szilagyi
Mr. Brett Miller and Dr. Heather N. Taussig
Dr. Lynn and Lisa Taussig
Dr. and Mrs. Mitsuo Tottori, M.D.
Ms. Jane M. Wainwright
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Weiner
Anne and Joan Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Wicks
Jesse and Molly Wolff
In Memory of Jasmine McIntosh
Jan and Lonnie McIntosh
In Memory of Blake Wolfson
Mr. Robert Wolfson
The Kempe Foundation Welcomes Three New Board Members
The Kempe Foundation is pleased to announce the
appointment of new Board of Director members. We are
honored to have these incredible representatives from the
philanthropic community join Kempe.
Tim Brown, CEO of NRC Broadcasting and Sign
Language Marketing, has a thorough sales and
management background in the high technology/
telecommunications, radio broadcasting, and most
recently graphical printing and signage industries.
Tim Brown
Bruce A. Fowler is a partner with the law firm of
Fairfield and Woods, P.C. where he specializes his practice in
estates, trusts, and tax planning. The primary
focus of his practice is helping families transfer
their wealth to the next generation.
Beth Klein, Managing Shareholder in KLEIN |
FRANK, P.C. Denver and Boulder. The firm’s
emphasis is in commercial, complex, and
personal injury litigation and trials.
Bruce A. Fowler
We welcome these community leaders to Kempe
and look forward to the great work they will be
doing on behalf of the children we serve. Thank
you for your commitment to Kempe!
Beth Klein
The Kempe Foundation Board of Directors
Jon B. Kruljac, Board Chair
GVC Capital, LLC
Kenneth A. Friednash, Treasurer
Dakota Fresh-Mex, LLC
Gail B. Johnson, Secretary
Community Leader
Nicole Ament, Esq.,
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP
Andy Boian
dovetail solutions™
Tim Brown
Sign Language/NRC Broadcasting
Reynolds Cannon
Windsor Capital Partners, LLC
Steven A. Cohen
Anschutz Investment Company
Stephen R. Daniels, PhD, MD
CU School of Medicine/The
Children’s Hospital
w w w. k e m p e . o r g
John D. Faught, Esq.
Fognani & Faught
Bruce Fowler
Fairfield and Woods, PC
Walter F. Imhoff
Community Leader
Ruby Kadota, MD
Colorado Permanente Medical Group
Beth Klein
Klein/Frank, PC
Richard D. Krugman, MD
CU School of Medicine
Bill Mackiernan
Miller Weingarten Realty, LLC
Tate McCoy
Lockton Companies
Martha Rubi
International Investments Company
Richard C. Saunders
Saunders Construction, Inc.
David B. Savitz, Esq.
Attorney at Law
Andrew Sirotnak, MD
The Kempe Center, Interim Executive
Director and Kempe Child Protection
Team Director
Mark Smith
M.J. Smith & Associates
Jesse F. Wolff
The Kempe Foundation
Dean Prina, MD
Jeannie Ritter, First Lady of Colorado
Landri C. Taylor
Anne Trujillo
Ryta Sondergard
The Kempe Foundation Alliance
Lisa L. Taussig
Community Leader
Dylan Taylor
First Services
Kareina Westlund
US Bank
Jules Amer, MD
John Elway
Frances Owens
Howard Torgove
Recognizing our Supporters
The Kempe Foundation receives support
from generous organizations throughout
the year. Foundations, government
agencies and corporations make it
possible for The Kempe Foundation and
Center to provide programs and services
as we work toward the ultimate goal of
bringing an end to child abuse.
Major gifts and grants ($25,000
and above) received from July 1 to
December 31, 2009 designated for the
general operations and programs of
The Kempe Foundation and The Kempe
Center include:
• The Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation
has awarded its second consecutive
grant to Kempe’s Therapeutic
Preschool. Funds directly address
the Buell Foundation’s priorities to
support the healthy development
and education of young children.
• The Patricia Crown Family’s multiyear commitment to Kempe’s Child
Protection Team is designated to
support the staff and operations
necessary to provide assessments
and treatment to physically or
sexually abused or neglected
• The Daniels Fund ongoing support
of Kempe’s Fostering Healthy
Futures (FHF) program helps reduce
adolescent risk behaviors and
promote positive outcomes among
girls and boys ages 9-11 who have
been maltreated and placed in foster
care. FHF meets the Daniels Fund’s
priorities of youth development,
education, and disadvantaged
• The Lea for Justice Foundation
and Ludlow-Griffith Foundation’s
unrestricted grants will be used to
serve children and their families/
caregivers, develop pediatric law,
and promote public awareness in
our vision to end child abuse and
• The State of Colorado’s Tony
Grampsas Youth Services Program is
in its second year of helping to fund
Kempe’s Fostering Healthy Futures
• The State of Colorado’s Department
of Public Safety/Victims of Crime
Act Assistance Fund/American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of
2009 has granted Kempe’s Child
Trauma and Under Sixes Programs
funds to provide mental health
treatment and judicial support for
child victims of crime and their nonoffending caregivers.
Planned Giving
By Angela DellaSalle, Kempe Foundation Staff
Please join the Kempe Society and ensure that future
generations of children will have the opportunity to lead
successful lives. Kempe Society members are our generous
supporters who want to direct a gift that will assure their
philanthropic dedication continues beyond their lifetime.
As a member of the Kempe Society, there are several ways
you can make a difference by incorporating The Kempe
Foundation into your will or estate planning, and many of
these options can provide you with immediate or future
tax advantages.
• Retirement Accounts – contribute
assets to Kempe through your IRA,
401(k) or 403 (b).
• Life Insurance – name Kempe as the
beneficiary on a life insurance policy.
• Stocks – avoid paying income tax on
the gain from the sale of a stock by
Angela DellaSalle
making a donation to Kempe.
The Kempe Foundation can be named as a beneficiary in
your will or in any one of a number of ways:
Consult with your financial advisor or
attorney to understand how best to structure your estate
plan. The Kempe Society was created exclusively to honor
and recognize individuals who have helped to further lifesaving work for abused and neglected children through
planned giving.
• A Charitable Bequest – name Kempe as a beneficiary
in your will or trust with a gift of a designated amount,
percentage of your estate or specific assets.
For more information, please contact Angela DellaSalle,
Major Gifts Officer, at 303-864-5312 or e-mail
[email protected].
w w w. k e m p e . o r g
U.S. Postage 
The Gary Pavilion at The Children’s Hospital
Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 E. 16th Ave., B390
Aurora, CO 80045
Kempe Takes Manhattan
Come celebrate in New York style to support abused and neglected children
during the “Kempe Takes Manhattan” event at 6 p.m. on Friday, April
16 at the Denver Marriott City Center. The event will recreate the iconic
excitement and glamour of New York City during a dinner inspired by Big
Apple cuisine, a Broadway-themed musical revue, live auction, and Studio 54
dancing. Contact Mae Desaire at 303.864.5316 or [email protected].
Cherry Creek Sneak Benefiting Kempe
More than 10,000 runners and walkers will help support The Kempe
Foundation during the 28th Annual Cherry Creek Sneak on Sunday, April 25.
Participants can support Kempe by making an incremental donation during
registration or by raising pledges as part of a team or individually. To pledge
your support for abused kids, please visit Contact
Katie Kosters at 303.864.5301 or [email protected].
Kempe 101 Tour
On Wednesday, May 19 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., join The Kempe Foundation
for the Kempe 101 Tour. Learn more about Kempe and how you can make a
difference in the fight against child abuse and neglect. Contact Beth Stefl at
303.864.5315 or [email protected].
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