Barton Foundation - Lake Tahoe Sports Medicine


Barton Foundation - Lake Tahoe Sports Medicine
Barton Foundation
Fall 2013
What’s Inside
Letter from the Chair
Affordable Care Act
Barton Cardiology Expands 4
Quality Improvements
Barton Health Grants
Cocktail Contest Photos
Spirit of Philanthropy
Gearing Up for Festival
Donor Survey Results
2012 Donors
Barton Foundation
Board of Trustees
Bob Heffernan
Vice Chair
Ryan Ritchie
Mary Bittner
Karen Conant
Nancy Harrison
Brian Hogan
Melissa Jester
Ken Jillson
Ann Jones
Greg Klick
Katie Long
Angela Moore
Kim Montooth-Welker
Dan Norman, M.D.
Chris Proctor
Julie Regan
Ruby Turner
Diane Roeser-Kinney
John Williams
Foundation Staff
Kindle Craig, Executive
Sara Conrad, Development
Denise Earls, Donor Relations &
Finance Specialist
Jennifer Taylor, Special Events
Letter from the Chair
Dear Fellow Community Members,
As the new Chairman of the Barton
Foundation, I look forward to the
challenges of the coming year. It is
with some trepidation that we look
toward the roll-out of the Affordable
Care Act (ACA) and the many
challenges that it represents for
Barton Health and our community.
While many in our community
will benefit from having affordable
healthcare, how that will affect our
rural hospital remains to be seen.
Each day we learn something new,
and we won’t know the full effect of
healthcare reform for years to come.
As Chairman, it is my job to assist the
Hospital in improving the quality of
healthcare available to our community.
One of the Foundation’s primary roles
is that of fund raiser for Barton Health;
our vision statement is:
“To positively impact the health of everyone
in our community by providing the financial
resources necessary to fulfill Barton Health’s
This coming year, I think we will
have another role that may be just as
important, if not more, and that is to
help educate our community about
how to better access care and how to
improve their overall health. Basically,
we need to move the emphasis in this
country (not just this community)
from curing disease to preventing it
from happening altogether.
• Barton Health offers numerous
seminars that are free and open to
the public.
• Barton Health recently doubled
the size of the Barton Community
Health Center to better serve Lake
Tahoe residents and surrounding
The most affordable healthcare
program available today is prevention
and early detection. As the new
Chairman of the Barton Foundation, I
am committing myself to getting this
message out to the community. I look
forward to working toward achieving
our mission “inspiring philanthropy
for the health of our community”.
Bob Heffernan
Barton Foundation
Affordable Care Act
Ready or Not, Here it Comes
You can hardly listen to the radio, read
a newspaper, or turn on the television
without hearing something about
healthcare reform. Since October 1st
when Covered California and Nevada
Health Link launched, we’ve heard a
whole lot more.
2.The new law is not meant to replace
While we may be inundated with media
about the Affordable Care Act (aka
ObamaCare) how many of us actually
know what this means to our healthcare
coverage? Well, at Barton, we spend a
lot of time dissecting the legislation
and trying to figure out just what it
means for our community and how we
can help you to navigate the system.
We’ve attempted to give you a quick
primer on the law (we couldn’t possibly
include every detail of the 10,0000+
page document here) and how Barton
is helping our community navigate the
new system.
3.The Individual Mandate. We’ve all
is affected by the
Affordable Care Act because it
establishes new consumer protections
and benefits.
• Consumer protections: A ban
on lifetime limits and annual
dollar limits set by insurance
private employer-provided health
insurance or Medicare. It is really
meant to help individuals who may
be “locked out of the market” due
to high deductibles or pre-existing
heard this one bandied about – and
yes, every American who can afford
coverage will be required to purchase
health insurance or pay a tax penalty.
The tax penalty for individuals will
start at $95 a year or up to 1% of
your income - whichever is greater
- and by 2016 rises to $695 per year
or 2.5% of your income. For a family,
the tax is capped at $285 in 2014 and
rises to more than $2000 by 2016.
There are exceptions to the law too.
For instance, if you will be spending
more than 8% of your income on the
cheapest qualifying insurance plan
after tax credits and subsidies, you
are exempt.
4.New Ways to Buy and Afford
Health Insurance. Starting October
1, 2013 folks can shop for insurance via
online health insurance marketplaces
also known as “exchanges”. In
California the program is known as
Covered California and in Nevada it
is the Nevada Health Link. The great
thing about the state-based exchanges
is that they offer you a single “door” to
shop for insurance, get side-by-side
comparisons of the different offerings,
and if you qualify, you may also
receive a tax credit or enroll in MediCal (California’s Medicaid). The
exchanges are meant to increase ease
of use and expand health insurance to
those that might previously have not
been able to afford health insurance.
NOTE: You do not have to buy your
insurance through the exchange; you
can still purchase insurance on your
own directly through your broker.
Barton’s Role: Barton Health is gearing
up for reform. We have numerous
trained personnel ready to help with
enrollment. To find more information
about the plans offered by your state,
visit (1-800-300-1506)
or (1-855-7685465). You can enroll in a plan on your
own or give us a call at 530-600-1984
and we will be happy to assist you.
To find general information about
the Affordable Care Act, you can visit
Barton’s website where we have the
latest and greatest information on
• Better Benefits: The new law
also requires that all new policies
include free immunizations and
cancer screenings, well-woman
visits, screenings for gestational
diabetes and more.
• Expansion
Young adults can stay on their
parents’ plan until age 26, and
in 2014 people with pre-existing
conditions can no longer be
denied coverage or charged more
for premiums.
Available insurance financing
Medicaid (Medi-Cal) health coverage
(not all states are offering this benefit)
Single person
annual income
Family of four
annual income
Up to $15,302
Up to $31,155
Help to pay your premium, if you buy in
your State’s online marketplace
Subsidies for out-of-pocket costs, if you
buy in your state’s online marketplace
Up to $28,763
Up to $58,562
Source: Kaiser Family Foundation Subsidy Calculator
Barton Cardiology Expands
Taking Care of Your Heart, Closer to Home
At Barton Health, we’re committed
to strengthening the hearts of our
community by offering our residents
and visitors the care that they need right
here in the Tahoe basin. Led by David
Young, MD, Barton Cardiology, located
within Barton Memorial Hospital,
offers a comprehensive approach
that addresses prevention, diagnosis,
intervention or referral, and rehabilitation.
In the last two years, Dr. Young and his
staff have built a practice of more than
2,000 patients. While many of them reside
in Lake Tahoe, others travel from western
Nevada, eastern and coastal California.
Barton Cardiology offers a variety of
services to treat coronary artery disease,
congestive heart failure, valvular heart
disease, peripheral vascular disease, high
blood pressure, cholesterol abnormalities,
pacemakers, and defibrillators.
Dr. Young grew up in San Diego, California.
He started his undergraduate education
at Ithaca College in upstate New York. In
order to be closer to his father, who owns
a home in Incline Village, he decided to
transfer to the University of Nevada, Reno
where he completed his undergraduate
and medical degrees.
After medical school, Dr. Young returned
to his home town to complete his
residency in Internal Medicine at Scripps
Clinic in La Jolla, California. He remained
there for the next several years completing
his Cardiology Fellowship. Dr. Young met
his wife, Rebecca, during residency and
the two were married in Maui in 2007.
The couple has since started their family
and are the loving parents of two beautiful
little boys, Noah and Jacob.
In 2010, the family decided to move
back to Reno, where Dr. Young joined
Sierra Nevada Cardiology Associates and
worked at Renown Health. In late 2011,
Barton Community Health Center Open for Business!
Thanks to the generosity of our community,
the Barton Community Health Center
(formerly known as the Barton Community
Clinic) officially opened its doors in June.
At double its previous size, the new offices
will easily meet the expected increased
demand for healthcare in our community
while offering our patients a space that is
clean, bright, and welcoming.
In addition to the physical expansion, the
Health Center is also implementing many
operational changes to better meet the
needs of our patients. The first of those is
the addition of Saturday hours. any other
changes will be rolled out in the next
few months in an effort to provide more
convenient and efficient service.
The Health Center expansion was largely
funded by donations from our community
with the Barton Auxiliary doing the heavy
lifting with a donation of more than one
million dollars and the Barton Foundation
contributing just over $180,000 to the
Dr. Young joined Barton Health, initially
only a few days a week. The practice grew
quickly and now Dr. Young sees patients
all week, providing telehealth services on
Mondays and Fridays and seeing patients
in his office Tuesday through Thursday.
Dr. Young focuses on providing quality
care to each individual patient. He wants
to build relationships and prides himself
on being approachable and friendly. In
addition to providing comprehensive
cardiac care, he has drastically improved
Barton Memorial Hospital’s ability to
manage patients having an acute cardiac
event. Under his direction, along with
the expertise of his fellow physicians
at Barton, low-risk patients are now
able to stay here for treatment. With his
knowledge, the process of transferring
high-risk cases that require a more
advanced level of cardiac care to another
facility has been greatly improved.
Barton Cardiology is the beneficiary of
the Festival of Trees & Lights this year.
With the funds raised we will expand
the cardiology division and create a more
inviting and healing environment. The
office will be completely remodeled and
solely dedicated to provide for the needs
of the Cardiology department and their
patients. New provisions will include a
telemedicine room with state-of-the-art
technology and new exam rooms with
special beds designed specifically for
cardiac patients. In addition, Barton’s long
term vision is to offer cardiac rehabilitation
facilities, so patients returning to the basin
after their cardiac procedure can undergo
a supervised recovery plan and experience
better health outcomes, right here in South
Lake Tahoe.
Quality & Service Excellence
Patient Satisfaction & Quality on the Rise
At Barton Health, we have put a major
emphasis on patient safety, quality
and experience improvements over
the last three years. This includes the
early adoption of evidence-based best
practices; performance improvements
of front-line staff; and engaged
physicians. By proactively pursuing
good catches and looking critically at
errors, Barton is learning from its past to
significantly reduce the harm to future
patients. We would like to share some
of our most recent accomplishments in
our effort to provide our community
with consistently exceptional care.
Barton Memorial Hospital recently
earned the title of most improved
hospital from the California Hospital
Engagement Network (CALHEN).
Focusing on ten clinical areas of
improvement against 174 other
hospitals in the state, Barton showed
a 75% improvement in patient safety
over the last three years, which is
35% higher than the benchmark for
California hospitals.
Barton utilizes a nationwide patient
satisfaction survey to gain feedback on
a number of patient experience factors
including communication, pain, food,
quietness, and cleanliness. The hospital
has made significant strides in patient
perception, improving from 53.4% of
patients rating Barton a 9 or 10 out of
10 in late 2009, to 78.5% of patients
rating Barton a 9 or 10 out of 10 as of
March 31, 2013. Our latest score brings
Barton into the top 17% of all hospitals
in the United States and 6.5% above
the California state average for patient
Hospital once again earned the
Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of
Approval® for accreditation by
demonstrating compliance with the
Joint Commission’s national standards
for health care quality and safety in
hospitals. The accreditation award
recognizes Barton’s dedication to
continuous compliance with the
Joint Commission’s state-of-the-art
In achieving Joint Commission
accreditation, Barton has demonstrated
its commitment to the highest level of
care for its patients. Accreditation is a
voluntary process but one we believe
is important in elevating our standard
of care to instill confidence from our
Barton is
making a significant
investment in quality daily and
continues to put an emphasis
continually improving
the care we provide
Barton is proud to be
a leader in initiatives
that improve patient
care. We recognize
that, except in an
emergency, you have
a choice in who
you trust with your
health care so we
have made significant
investments in patient
satisfaction. To learn
more about our quality
measures, please visit
Barton posters tout our
patient satisfaction
improvements and
encourage staff to keep
their eye on the prize.
Barton Foundation Health Grants
Making a Difference in Our Community’s Health
We are proud of the impact we are
making on our community’s health.
Besides the obvious services that Barton
provides through our clinics, physician
offices and hospital, community lectures,
sports physicals, and many other
efforts, Barton is dedicated to making
a difference through other outreach
efforts such as our Community Advisory
Committee, the folks at Barton who sit
on numerous community committees,
and the Barton Health Grants that the
Barton Foundation funds each year.
“Your ongoing support has helped
to ensure this program continues to
empower children who have either
witnessed violence in their homes or have
been victims of violence.”
- Live Violence Free
The Barton Health Grants address
unmet health needs in our community
as identified by the Barton Community
Advisory Committee. This committee
is made up of local non-profits, Barton
employees, public service, public health,
and other community representatives.
This year’s grants addressed the three
2013 Health Grant Recipients
Project Description
South Tahoe Middle School
Club Live – Drug and Alcohol prevention
Tahoe Youth and Family Services
The Drug Store Project – anti-drug
education program for 6th graders
Lake Tahoe Unified School District
Resource Kit for at risk youth study team
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Emergency medications and housing for the
mentally ill
Tahoe Youth and Family Services
Individual/Group counseling at South Tahoe
Middle School & South Tahoe High School
Tahoe Magic
Dental care for uninsured children
Live Violence Free
Funding for child counseling services;
children who have witnessed or
experienced abuse
Transportation to medical
services/specialists outside our service area
key areas of concern identified in Barton
Health’s Community Health Needs
Assessment survey conducted in 2012.
Our greatest needs in order of priority
are 1) Substance abuse, 2) Access to
healthcare (transportation, etc.) and 3)
Mental illness.
This year the Foundation received 17
grant proposals totaling $110,000 and
was able to fund eight community
organizations (see above).
The Foundation’s Endowment Keeps Growing!
Portfolio Balance
Q4 2011 Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012 Q4 2012 Q1 2013 Q2 2013
The Barton Foundation’s
investment portfolio,
which includes the
Community Health
Endowment and restricted
funds continues to show
strong performance.
Your donations to the
Endowment ensure for
the future health of our
community. As the corpus
grows, so do the investment
earnings that are then
used to fund projects and
programs that benefit our
community’s health.
The Barton Buzzzzz...
Lots of physician newzzz.
Kimberly Evans, M.D has recently joined
Barton General Surgery. Dr. Evans received
her medical degree from University of
Florida College of Medicine in Gainesville,
FL, and performed her residency at UC
Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, CA.
2013 Cocktail Contest - Riva Grill
Get Involved!
Did you know that almost all of the Barton
Foundation’s Committees are open to the public? If
you would like to get involved in planning any of our
events or activities throughout the year we would love
to have you! Give us a call at 530-543-5909.
Barton’s 50th Anniversary
Amanda Stevens Weavil, M.D has
recently joined Barton Women’s Health.
Specializing in complete women’s care
services, Dr. Weavil joins Barton Women’s
Health from Stanford University Center
for Special Minimally Invasive & Robotic
Barton has just hired a Urologist, Dr.
Bradley Anderson, from Billings, Montana.
He will be on staff in early 2014.
Barton’s Board of Directors now includes
Dr. Keith Swanson and Mike Bradford,
CEO of Lakeside Inn. A big thank you to
retiring board members, Dr. Guy Lease
and RJ Clason.
Occupational Medicine has moved to
Barton’s Stateline location (right next
to Barton Urgent Care) in an effort
to dedicate more in-hospital space to
It’s been an Epic year for Barton – all
Barton physician offices and the hospital
are now up and running on the state of the
art Epic Care electronic medical record
system. This is a best in class system and
will offer you, our patients, better care
This just in…Dr. Noah Kaufman, one
of Barton’s Emergency Department
physicians, was a contender on NBC’s
American Ninja Warrior this summer – he
made it to the Venice Beach qualifier
– while there he put his emergency
physician skills to the test when a fellow
contender displaced his shoulder he
stepped in to help out – way to model the
“Barton Way” Noah!
Spirit of Philanthropy
Awarded to the Barton Auxiliary
This year, the Barton Foundation will
honor Barton Auxiliary with the Spirit
of Philanthropy Award. Coinciding
with the 50th anniversary of Barton
Health, this award signifies the
many ways the Barton Auxiliary had
supported Barton Health and our
community in the past half century.
7 million dollars over the last 53 years,
contributing to the purchase of an MRI
machine, CT Scanner, the remodel
of the Barton front lobby and most
recently the majority of funding for
the Barton Community Health Center.
The Spirit of Philanthropy
Award is presented each year
to an outstanding individual or
family that has demonstrated
extraordinary dedication to the
health of the South Lake Tahoe
community and to Barton Health.
Since 1960, Barton Auxiliary has
supported Barton Health patients
and staff through volunteerism,
fundraising and liaising with the
community to discover and solve our
community health challenges. The
doors to Barton Health opened three
years after the formation of the Barton
Auxiliary on November 26, 1963. The
Barton Auxiliary has raised more than
Led by President Larry Coffman, the
Auxiliary maintains a strong force
of 110 members who staff the Barton
Attic thrift store, the Barton Health
Gift Shop and Barton Health front
desk. Volunteers also aide the Skilled
Nursing Facility, ER, Public Relations
department and the Foundation.
One of the Auxiliary’s biggest fund
raisers is the Holiday Faire held
at St. Teresa’s the first Sunday in
November. Throughout the year,
Auxiliary saves and stores the best
items from the Attic to be sold to
the community. Over $10,000 will
be raised in just 6 short hours.
“What a time to be the President
of the Auxiliary. With the 50th
anniversary of the hospital, the
re-opening of the Community
Health Center and for the
Auxiliary to be honored with the
Spirit of Philanthropy award,
this has truly been our year. The
Spirit of Philanthropy Award
will be shared by all proud
Auxiliary members and will go
down as a one of the great moments
in our history,” said Coffman.
The Auxiliary will be presented with the
Spirit of Philanthropy Award at The Gala
on December 7, 2013 during the Festival of
Trees and Lights.
Fall’s Favorite Fundraiser Supports Barton Cardiology
Nothing kicks off Fall like the Barton
Foundation’s Signature Cocktail
Contest! This September, more than
170 people turned out to Riva Grill in
their finest cocktail attire to sample
and vote on winter-themed cocktails by
Chart House, Heavenly, LewMarNel’s,
MontBleu, Naked Fish and Riva Grill.
Jesse Kalin provided the tunes, Riva
Grill offered the spectacular food and
view, and TV and radio personality
Dreu Murin hosted the celebration,
our annual kick off for the 5th annual
Festival of Trees and Lights.
In addition, attendees participated
in a fantastic raffle including prizes
from the participating bartenders’
restaurants and a grand prize of a week
in a condo in Puerto Vallarta, donated
by Kinney’s Carpet Care.
The 4th annual Cocktail Contest
raised more than $4,000 for Barton
Cardiology, this year’s Festival of Trees
and Lights beneficiary.
“I’m excited that the Barton
Foundation is investing in Barton
Cardiology. We are
focused on preventing
and treating heart disease
and the expansion of
facility resources will
improve Barton’s ability
to serve our community
and strengthen our overall
heart health,” said Young.
to win Best Cocktail with their “Sierra
Sunset”, a delicious mix of Tahoe Blue
Vodka,raspberries, basil, Cointreau,
sweet & sour, lemonade and soda
water, to be enjoyed at this year’s 22nd
annual Gala at MontBleu on December
7, 2013.
Heavenly’s Dan Orr was
voted most congenial
Erick Martinez (center) of Riva Grill poses with Matt and
bartender with $120 in
tips. Riva Grill was excited Melody Levitt of Tahoe Blue Vodka after winning “Best
Cocktail” with the Sierra Sunset.
Barton Festival of Trees
and Lights Celebrates
Barton’s Golden Year
Barton Foundation’s largest annual
fundraiser and much anticipated
holiday celebration, the Festival of Trees
and Lights, promises to be especially
magical this year. Marking Barton
Health’s 50th anniversary,
the four-day Festival will
elaborate on a golden theme.
Saturday night’s Gala will
be decorated with golden
details from Thran’s table
down to Montbleu’s
raspberry cheesecake
dessert. Premier wines
from Jodar and sparkling
wine from Crystal Basin are
sure to be crowd pleasers.
Nearly 50 spectacularly
designed and brilliantly lit
Christmas trees, wreaths and holiday
vignettes will be on display, lighting
up Montbleu’s gorgeous ballroom, and
many will be live auctioned to raise funds
for the Community Health Endowment.
Santa Claus never misses the Festival
celebration and will be there for the
Festival’s 5th year during public
viewing to star in family photos and
receive holiday wish-list letters. Crafts
and special holiday entertainment such
as dance performances, balloon animals,
face-painting and a strolling minstrel
will delight children, and adults will
enjoy the four day raffle extravaganza
and much-anticipated silent auction,
packed with hand-picked holiday items
from glittering wreaths and décor to
plush, handmade pillows and stockings.
As part of the 50th anniversary
celebration, the Tallac Association is
producing three exclusive performances
of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”
play especially for Festival attendees
in the Montbleu showroom. The
irreverent family comedy about the true
meaning of Christmas is sure to delight
even Scrooge himself. The Best Christmas
Pageant Ever performances will run
Thursday, December 5 and
Friday, December 6 evenings,
with a special Sunday matinee
following the Teddy Bear
Brunch on December 8th.
raffles, silent auction
and the Gala’s “Fund a
Dream Appeal” support
a selected cause for
Barton Health. This year
the Barton Foundation
Board has elected to donate Festival
funds to Barton Health Cardiology.
The growing service line is focused on
preventing heart disease and addressing
cardiac health through diagnosis,
intervention, referral and rehabilitation.
Last year the Foundation donated more
than $80,000 to the Barton Emergency
Department’s Level III Trauma Center
initiative, and in 2011 the Foundation
donated $75,000 in support of the Barton
Community Health Center expansion.
To learn more about the Barton
Health Festival of Trees and Lights
and to purchase tickets, visit www.
the Festival on Facebook at www. and on Pinterest at
This is one celebration
you don’t want to miss!
Wednesday, December 4
2:00-4:00 p.m. Senior Stroll
6:00-7:00 p.m. Light Up a Life
Interfaith Memorial Ceremony
Thursday, December 5
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Public
6:00 p.m. The Best Christmas Pageant
Friday, December 6
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Public
5:00-9:00 p.m. Family Night
6:00 p.m. The Best Christmas Pageant
Saturday, December 7
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Public
5:30 p.m. The Gala
Sunday, December 8
11:30 a.m. Teddy Bear Brunch
2:00 p.m. The Best Christmas Pageant
MontBleu Convention Center
Public Viewing Admission:
Adults $5
Seniors (55+) $3
Children (2-12) $3
For More Information & Tickets:
or call the Barton Foundation at
* Presented by the Tahoe Tallac
Association in the MontBleu
Showroom. The Best Christmas
Pageant Ever is a funny,
memorable, and outrageous
family-friendly play.
Listening to Our Donors
Capital Campaign Planning
This past spring the Barton Foundation
embarked on a project to better
understand what our donors think of the
work we are currently doing and possible
projects we might undertake in the future.
This information was collected via inperson interviews and a web-based survey
that we sent out to our donors.
all the findings here but we will share
with you the major takeaways:
What services do we need in our
We proposed three projects to the
community to ascertain which of the
three they might be most interested in
supporting: Orthopedics, Cardiology,
or Oncology. Orthopedics garnered
the most votes, though it was closely
followed by the other two offerings.
Interestingly enough, the Foundation is
currently working on efforts to support
all three of these projects and there are
always opportunities for our donors to get
I feel the Foundation is doing great
work to improve the health of our
90% either agreed or strongly agreed with
this statement.
Cardiology - You will see on page 9
that we are giving all proceeds from the
Festival and the Gala “Fund a Dream”
appeal to support this effort.
Orthopedics – Barton Health has
convened a steering committee to study
the feasibility of expanding the Tahoe
Center for Orthopedics (TCO) whether
that includes increased services, better
care coordination, or a new all-inclusive
space, that is still to be determined.
Oncology – We are currently pursuing
grants to help us to provide our local
cancer patients with complementary
services such as massage, movement
classes, psychotherapy, and nutrition. Our
intent is to minimize the stress on the
patient and their families as they embark
on this journey.
What do you think of Barton and the
Barton Foundation?
We were thrilled to hear that many of
you think we are doing a pretty great job,
but of course, there is always room for
improvement. We can’t possibly outline
This newsletter is probably our best way
of communicating to you, our supporters
and you can see that in this issue we
took your comments to heart and tried
to highlight some of our current projects.
In our February issue we plan to give you
a report on the prior year so you have a
better understanding of where our money
goes and how it grows to support our
community’s health.
Which programs are most important to
46% said funds supporting Barton Health
programs and departments, most closely
followed at 25% by grants supporting
health and wellness in the community.
In addition, the Barton Foundation’s
newly updated donor walls feature
beautiful photographs by local artist
Jon Paul. The walls are just one of the
many ways that the Barton Foundation
recognizes the gifts given in support of our
community’s health.
The Foundation does a good job of
informing donors how their gifts are
60% either agreed or strongly agreed with
this statement.
As always, if you have ideas on how we
could do a better job communicating
with you, we would love to hear from you
[email protected].
So, this last item tells us we have some
work to do.
S A T U R D A Y , D E C E M B E R 7, 2013
5:30 P M – M I D N I G H T
Spirit of Philanthropy Honorees:
Barton Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
I N D I V I D U A L A D M I S S I O N ( S ) $175 P E R P E R S O N
P A T R O N T A B L E O F 10 $2000 P E R T A B L E
B E N E F A C T O R T A B L E O F 10 $3000 P E R T A B L E
22 N D A N N U A L G A L A W I L L
Thank You 2012 Donors
$10,000 and Above
Elite Island Resorts
$5,000 - $9,999
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Bannar
Benefit Intelligence Insurance Services,
Mr. and Mrs. George Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Andy T. Dauscher
Decorating Den Interiors
Deborah and Michael Fry M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jones
Mr. William Killebrew
Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority
Dr. Terrence and Dr. Beachy Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Ritchie
South Tahoe Refuse & Recycling Co., Inc.
Tahoe Emergency Physicians Medical
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walsh
Western Sign Company, Inc.
$1,000 - $4,999
Advanced Cosmetic Surgery & Derm.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Alling
Associated Energy Group
Mr. and Mrs. David Barnett
Gregory and Jean Bergner
Howard and Mary Bittner
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Byer
Carson Valley Medical Center
Carter-Kelly Inc.
Catseye Pest Control
Mr. and Mrs. John Cefalu
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cocking
Coldwell Banker Select
Mr. Jason Collin
Karen and Brian Conant
Ms. Phyllis M. Coors
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Craig
Creative Coverings
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Derby
Diamond Woodcraft
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Doherty
Edgewood Companies
Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course
Dr. Patricia L. Ferraro and Mr. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Fry
Dr. Paul Fry II
Len and Nanci Glogauer
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Grasberger
Ms. Amber Hall
Harrah’s/Harveys Resorts
Heavenly Mountain Resort
Heavenly Sports
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heffernan
Horizon Casino Resort
Hotel Le Bristol
International Petroleum Products &
Additives Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jester
Mr. Ken Jillson and Ms. Leslie Hamner
Mrs. LeAnne Kankel
Ms. Abby Killebrew
Lake Tahoe Coffee Company
Lake Tahoe Orthopaedic Institute
Lakeside Inn
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Ledbetter
Lincoln Financial Advisors
Mr. Bruce C. Lindstrom and Mr. Carl T.
Dr. Jean Peters and Mr. Thomas Makris
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Marlowe
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McFarlane
Dr. Corey McLeod
Dr. Marissa Muscat and Mr. Travis Feist
National Business Factors, Inc.
Liz and Dan Norman M.D.
Northern Trust of Arizona
Bob & Sue Novasel
Rich and Stacy Noyes
Dr. Diane Oliver and Mr. James Felchlin
Mr. and Mrs. William Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker
Linda and Alvaro Pascotto
Ms. Jennifer Patterson
porto elounda Golf & Spa Resort
Renown Health
Mr. Michael Riley
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Rork
Ms. Joy Rothschild
Scholastic Inc.
Mr. Ray Sidney
Sierra Nevada Medical Imaging
Ms. Deborah Simpson
Nan Simpson
Smith + Jones
Ms. Helga Strong
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Swanson
Dr. and Mrs. Kyle Swanson
Tahoe Center for Orthopedics
Tahoe Telephone Directories
The Resort Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tomasco
Toyon Associates, Inc.
Dr. Scott Welker and Ms. Kimberly
Wells Fargo Bank
West Lake Boulevard Productions, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wills
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zanobini
$500 -$999
Alpine Carpet One
Alpine Dental Care
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Andersen
Ms. Agnes V. Anderson
Ms. Lori A. Anderson
Barbara Page Interiors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Barile
Mr. and Ms. Tom Bucher
California Healthcare Insurance
Charter Business
Mrs. Terri Cherry
Clinicians Medical Group, Inc.
Mr. Frank Cockrell
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Cooper
Mr. and Ms. David Craig
Ms. Michelle Crook
D’Ascoli Orthodontics
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry David
Disneyland Resort
Ms. Laura Donnelley
El Dorado Savings Bank
Embassy Suites Phoenix - Biltmore
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Finnoff
Flowers by Terri
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Foster
Ms. Nancy Harrison
Hatch Electric
Ms. Sherry Hawks
Catie Hembrow
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen
Jeramie Lu Photography
JL Teamworks
Kiwanis Club of Tahoe Sierra
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Klick
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Knight
Lake Tahoe Golf Course
Lake Tahoe Yoga
Dr. and Mrs. Guy Lease
Les Schwab Tire Center
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Love
MAC Cosmetics
Mann Urrutia Nelson CPAs
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Marshall
Ms. Kelli Marshall
Mr. Briggs Matsko
Ms. Cyndi Mogus
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Moore
Ms. Joni O’Brien
Mrs. Patty Olson
Omni Hotels & Resorts
Optimist Club of South Lake Tahoe
Mrs. Stella Ortega
Paris Las Vegas
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Phelps
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rahbeck
Resort at Squaw Creek
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kinney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schwarte
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott
Mr. and Mrs. James Sesser
Sidestreet Boutique
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Suarez
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sweeney
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
Tahoe Spirits, LLC
Ms. Amber Tanaka
Ms. Marlene Taylor
Jillian Tepper
The Redwoods
This is Tara
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Truxler
U.S. Foods
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams
Bob and Becky Wolf
WorldMark by Wyndham
$1 - $499
Mr. and Mrs. George Abrahamson
Thank You 2012 Donors
$1 - $499 continued
Dr. Randall Acevedo
Mr. Pulido Adan
ADS-Myers, Inc
Ms. Lianne Aglietti
Mr. Alfonso Alamillo Jr.
Ms. Amy Alcorn
Alling and Jillson LTD
Alpine Smith, Inc. Snow Removal
American Conservatory Theater
Anaheim Fairfield Inn by Marriott
Ms. Lorraine Anderson
Ms. Tracy Anderson
Annette’s Beauty Spectrum
The Antigua Group, Inc.
Dr. Amy Anton
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Anton
Ms. Michelle Apodaca
Ms. Noemi Aqui
Ms. Iliana Arballo
Mr. and Ms. Alan Archer
Argh Ink, LLC
Ms. Randi Arias-Losado
Judy S. Arnold
Ms. Jean L. Atherton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Atkinson
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa
Ms. Ethel L. Aubrey
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Aust
Ms. Caryn Babcock
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Backfisch
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Baines
Mr. and Mrs. George Baker
Ms. Nailin Baker
Ms. Patricia Baker
Mr. Ernie Ballesteros
Ms. Sandra Bangert
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Barichievich
Ms. Emily Barkley
Mrs. Martha Barneson
Mr. and Mrs. John Baroni
Mr. Alvin D. Bartley
Ms. Jessica Barton
Mr. Lesley A. Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bayne
Ms. Linda Baysinger
Beach Blanket Babylon
Ed and Char Beauchamp
Ms. Nancy Beaulieu
Ms. Gladys Becerra
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Beck
Ms. Barbara Beckworth
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Beelar
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Belair
Ms. Tamberly Beltran
Ben & Jerry’s
Ms. Darlene Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Dario Bernardi
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bettencourt
Mr. Shivdeep Bhinder
Ms. Kathryn Biasotti
Mrs. Suzanne Bickert
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bienz
Mrs. Shannan Birkholm
Birkholm’s Water Sports
Dr. and Mrs. Allan Bisbee
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bishop
Mr. Ryan Blackwell
Akiko Blaho
Mr. Ron Bluff
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Boone
Mr. Todd Borg
Ms. Katherine Borges
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bostick
Dr. Dennis Bowman
Ms. Joyce Bowman
Mary Boykin
Marty & Darcie Breen
Sherry Brennan
Mr. Joseph A. Bright
Mr. and Ms. Lawrence D. Brilliant
Dr. and Mrs. James Brinton
Mr. and Mrs. Justin D. Brock
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Brooks
Ms. Ursula Brower
Ms. Michelle Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Brown
Mr. Ron Bruno
Phillip R. Bryant
Buckingham Vacation Rentals
Donna Buckman
Ms. Darlene Bujold
Mr. William H. Bull and Ms. Claire
Gary Burch
Barry Burgin
Mrs. Cynthia Burkart
Mr. and Mrs. David Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Burns
Mr. David Burtson
Mr. and Ms. Gregory F. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Byrne
Mr. Jimmy Cabanting
Ms. Diane Caccamise
Ms. Debra Caccamo
Ms. Leslie Campbell
Ms. Lois Campbell
Cantina Bar and Grill
Canyon Mesa Country Club
Ms. Sandra L. Capitani
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Cardanini
Mr. and Mrs. John Cardinale
Mr. and Mrs. David Carlow
Mr. Lennard Carlson
Mr. David Carneggie
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carpenter
Carson Valley Accounting, LLC
Carson Valley Sertoma Club
Ms. Susan Cartwright
Castle Rock Entertainment
Mrs. Anita Castles
Mrs. Betty L. Cattoni
Brooke Ceko
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Chamberlain
Mr. Robert Chester
Chevron Humankind
Chez Panisse
Dr. Jay Chung
Christine Cifelli
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cimino
City National Bank
Mr. RJ Clason
Cline Cellars
Coffey Communications Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Coffman
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Cole
Commerce Bank
Mr. and Ms. Robert Conner
Ms. Jeanne Cooksey
Ms. Barbara Cooper
Ms. Colleen Coots
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Corley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cosmi
Courtyard by Marriott Chicago
Downtown/River North
Ms. Debra K. Cragg
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Craven
Ms. Cristi Creegan
Ms. Paula J. Crist-Pickett
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond V. Cuenca
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cupaiuolo
Ms. Natalie Cusson
Ms. Theresa Cuthbertson
Amy Czesnowski
Melissa Dahl
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Paul and Barbara D’Anneo
Mr. and Mrs. Ashwin T. Datt
Mrs. Marjorie Daum
Ms. Susan Davila
Elizabeth Davinson
Christine Davis
Mr. Dave Davis
Allison Dean
Dr. Todd Degiovanni
Ms. Mary Delaney
Mr. and Ms. Eric R. Delapena
Mrs. Dawn Delariva
Ms. Maria Delrio
Tayah Delvecchio
Mr. Stephen DeNobriga and Ms. Karen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Dewing
Mr. Ronald Dick and Dr. Laura Dick
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Dicks
Mr. Michael Digiusto and Ms. Darya Vogt
DIY Home Center
Ms. Tara Dobyns
Mr. and Mrs. John Donmoyer
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Douglas
Ms. Denise E. Downie
Mr. and Ms. Richard S. Downing
Dr. Phil Show
Ms. Donna Duncan-Austin
Ms. Cynthia Durein
Ms. Jacqueline Durham
Debra Dutton
Dan Dvorak
Lauren Eades
Jeff and Denise Earls
Brig and Mary Ebright
Edward Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eggert
Elder Options
Elements Day Spa
Mr. Reginald Elings
Ms. Kelly Elliott-Pounds
Thank You 2012 Donors
$1 - $499 continued
Ms. Jane E. Ellis
Empire Ranch Golf Course
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Enterline
Ms. Tawny Enterline
Ms. Elaine Esquivel
Ms. Sierra Estrada
Mrs. Shelley Etherington
Mr. and Mrs. Andres Evangelista
Ms. Diana Exline
Susan Fairley and John Sherman
Mr. Dan Farrell
Mrs. Evelyn J. Farry
Mrs. Michelle Feeney
Zoltan and Catherine Fenyvesi
Mrs. Dorothy Ferreira
Ms. Andreana R. Figeroa
Ms. Patricia Fischer
Rhonda Fischer
Mel and Debbie Fisher
Ms. Susan E. Fisher
Adrienne J. Fletcher
Flight Deck Restaurant and Bar
Ms. Stacey Forst
Gina Foster
Pat Fountain
Fox & Hound
Fox Broadcasting Company
Ms. Karen Frates
Ms. Diana Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Freeman
Ms. April French-Altman
Ms. Jean Fricks-Glenn
Maureen Froyum
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Fry III
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fuchslin
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Fuentes
Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Fuller
Ms. Catherine Gaehwiler
Mr. and Ms. Ryan Galles
Mr. Gary Gapch
Mr. Francisco Garcia
Ms. Staci Garner
Ms. Veronica Garon
Jennifer Gaston
Dave Gay
Ms. Sharon Gay
Ms. Nancy Gayner
Ms. Blanca Geilenfeldt
Mr. and Mrs. Greg George
Ms. Diane Gibford
Mrs. Barbara Gibson
Ms. Tawnya Gilbert
Ms. Monica Givens-Day
Mr. and Mrs. Chris R. Gonzales
Mr. Pedro Gonzalez
Mr. Fredric Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon
Grand Lux Cafe
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Greco
Ms. Koko Green
Mr. Saul Greene
Ms. Trudy P. Greenough
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Greer
Ms. Doris M. Groelz
Mr. Robert Gudino
Ms. Maria Guerrero
Mr. Philip Gurian
Larry Guzman
Mrs. Verlene Haas
Lisa Haen
Ryan Hagerty
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Haglund
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hair
Dori Hall
Dr. Richard Hall D.D.S.
Ms. Brandy Hammaker
Ms. Mary Ann Hankoff
Ms. Guadalupe Harlan
Ms. Jean D. Harman
Sylvia Harman
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Harrington
Ms. Betty Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Harris
Ms. Katherine Harrison
Tamara Harrison
Dusan Hasta
Ms. Sandra J. Hatfield
Ms. Lucille I. Hays
Heart Rock Herb & Spice Company
Ms. Brenda L. Heermann
Ms. Patricia Heit
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Henderson
Ms. Helen Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson
Karissa Hensle
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hernandez
Ms. Sandra Hernandez
Ms. Gail Herritt
Mr. Arnold G. Hider
Ms. Karen Higgins
Ms. Veronica T. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill
Ms. Romelle Hinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Hirschfield
Ms. Lisa Hokholt
Denise Holmgren
Ms. Genevieve Hood
Mr. and Mrs. George Hopkins
Mr. Robert Horney
Joyce Horton
Hotel Shattuck Plaza
Ms. April Hower
Mrs. Karen Howey
Ms. Katy Howitt
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hoxie
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Huard
Mr. and Mrs. David Huber
Ms. Elsa Huerta
Mr. John Huerta and Ms. Linda M.
Ms. Susana Huerta
Ms. Deborah Huff
Mr. and Ms. Tim Hull
Ms. Marilynn Huston
Ms. Phyllis Iannetta
Interior Motives
Ironwood Cinemas
Dr. and Mrs. Wes Irwin
Mr. Alan Jackson
Jamba Juice
Peggy Jenner
Ms. Marisol Jimenez-Torres
Ms. Deborah D. John
Ms. Ellen Johnson
Kent & Robin Johnson
Anita Jones
Ms. Betty Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones
Ms. Sandra Jones
Ms. Diana Jonmarie
Mr. and Ms. Peter Jorgensen
Sheree Juarez
Mrs. Linda Kaczmar
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kagan
Mr. Kevin Kankel
Mr. and Mrs. Yusei Kato
Ms. Barbara Kaufman
Ms. Tracey Kaufman
Ms. Pat Keidel
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Keller
Mr. Brian Kelly
Ms. Michelle Kelly
Ms. Kelley Kelso
Kenneth Associates
Ms. Michele Kent
Stacy Kiger
Jennifer King
Kinney’s Carpet Care
Warren Kirk
Mr. Scott Fink and Ms. Kathy Klein
Sonya Klempner
Mrs. Julie Kline
Mr. Ivan Kochise
Nicole Koller
Donna Koltz
Mr. Dean Koontz
Ms. Valerie Korman
Mr. and Mrs. Leo M. Kozimko
Ms. Christine Kozlowski
Mrs. Audrey Krassow
Krazy Kyote Activities and Tours
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Krolicki
Mrs. Judy LaGreca
Lake Tahoe Holidays
Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel
Ms. Heather Lallement
Ms. Alice Lambrecht
Ms. Shannon Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Lang
Mr. Lloyd Langlie
Heidi Laroche
Chris & Lauren Larson
Late Show with David Letterman
Mr. Joe Laub
Mr. Mel Laub
Ms. Molly Lauer
Law Office of Douglas Cumming
Le Vigne Winery
Ms. Brandi Ledbetter Brown
Mr. Chuck Lee
Mrs. Ruth Leijon
Shelia A. Leijon
Susan Leon-guerrero
Mardi Lester
Mr. and Mrs. Marcien Leveque
Ms. Melody Levitt
Ms. Heather Lew
Lew Mar Nel’s
Thank You 2012 Donors
$1 - $499 continued
Ms. Amy Libby
Ms. Roselind A. Lindau
Ms. Rebecca Link
Ms. Amber Little
Live! With Kelly
Mr. Richard E. Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Logie
Ms. Susan Lohmeier
David Long
Ms. Elena Lopez
Sherri Lopez
Mr. Calvin B. Loring
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Losado
Mr. and Mrs. Pete J. Loughlin
Ms. Fran Lucero
Ms. Karen Lucia
Jennifer Ludwig
Ms. Juliet Lund
Ms. Maria Luquin
Mrs. Brittany Lynch
Ms. Jaclyn Lynch
Nancy Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lynds
Ms. Penelope Lynne
Ms. Brianne Madsen
Ms. Tamra Madsen-Lloyd
Mr. Steven Mah
Joann Maliska
Sylvia Manzano
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Marchini
Ms. Deborah Mariskanish
Mr. and Mrs. Les Marsh
Ms. Cindy Martinez
Ms. Tallee Mashburn
Mrs. Roberta Mason
Ms. Elizabeth Maul
Mr. and Mrs. John Maxhimer
Mr. Arthur McAlice
Mr. Benjamin McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. Darren McConville
Vicki McKenna
Cori Jo McKnight
Mrs. Susan McLaughlin
Mrs. Joyce McLean
Ms. Judy McLennan
Ms. Mona McNinch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McRoy
Mrs. Kim Medeiros
Mr. Mort Meier
Ms. Stacy Melhus
Mrs. Carole Melzer
Ms. Christine Mendoza
Ms. Merritt
Mr. James Messelbeck
Maria R. Meza
Mr. Midi Miles
Mr. David L. Miller
Mrs. Dottie Miller
Ms. Jayme Miller
Dr. Leigh W. Miller
Lorna Miller
Ms. Marilyn Miller
Ms. Mary C. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Miller
Ms. Marjorie Trudy Mills
Miracle Springs Resort & Spa
Ms. Janet Mock
Barbara Moniot
MontBleu Resort Casino & Spa
Ms. Barbara Moore
Ms. Donna Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Morris
Mr. and Ms. Michael Mosca
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Motta
Ms. Lora Mowat
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mueller
Mabelyn Munguia
Mr. Manny Munoz
Mr. Trask Munoz
Dr. Kindred and Mr. Michael Murillo
Ms. Michelle Murphy
Ms. Karoline Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nanzig
Ms. Cathy Navarrete
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Neiger
Nel’s Tahoe Hardware
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Nelson
Ms. Julie A. Nelson
Christine Netto
Ms. Elizabeth Neumeyer
Mr. Paul Neumeyer
Tom and Mary Neumeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Neumeyer
Ms. Marcia Neumeyer-Smith
New York Philharmonic
Ms. Claire Nightingale
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Nino
Ms. Tommie Nored-Black
Northern Trust Open
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Novak
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Nunnally
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Nussdorfer
NV Energy
Ms. Trudi Nye
Katherine Oakes
Ms. Kathleen O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Kris O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Offenbacher
Ms. Leslie Oliver
Mr. Robert Olsen
Mrs. Patricia Olson
Mr. Thomas Orler
Carlos Ortiz
Overland Meat Co.
Ms. Patricia Owen
Mr. and Ms. Charles W. Pace
Ms. Ruth E. Paine
Cecyle and Manuel Pantiga M.D.
Mr. Pieter Papegaay
Parallel Entertainment
Mr. Ryan Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parks
Damon B. Partridge
Ms. Ruth Paskal
Mr. and Mrs. Manish Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pavich
Ms. Karen Pavlakis
Pawfection Pet Salon
Mr. and Mrs. Dana C. Payne
Ms. Rosemarie Payne
Ms. Janet Peacock
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pecoraro
Peju Province Winery
Mr. and Mrs. Glynn A. Pence
Mrs. Nicky Penner
Ms. Angela Perez
Mr. George Perkins
Pet Station
Mrs. Lynn Petersen
Ms. Jennifer Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. John Petts
Ms. Barbara Phillips
Ms. Rebecca Phillipsen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pifer
Pine Ridge Vineyards
Timothy P. Pirie
Mr. Michael Planas
Mr. Tyrone Polastri
Ms. Koren Pollitt
Ibeth Prather
Mr. Roger Pratt
Ms. Veronica Preciado
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Preston
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Price
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Price
Pro Leisure
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Proctor
Ms. Donnalea Puckeylow
Ms. Chantel Puentes-Giunta
Punch Productions, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Quadri
Ms. Jamie Quinn
Ms. Gigi Radke
Kandas Rancour
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rauber
Debra Rau-jacques
Ms. Gary Rawlings
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reardon
Valerie Reeves
Kevin and Julie Regan
Robbin Rettig
Ms. Casey Reynolds
Ms. Marion Rhodes
Ms. Michelle Risdon
RISE Designs
Mr. and Ms. Dooley Riva
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Robertson
Arnold Robin
Ms. Elizabeth Robinson
Ms. Linda J. Robinson
Ms. Veronica Rodriguez
Maria E. Rodriguez-Carmona
Ms. Keely Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rolandson
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rollston
Rosarito Beach Hotel
Tom and Cass Rosenberg
Mr. Harry Rosenberger
Mr. Charlie Rossi
Rhonda Roth
Ms. Linda Rowe
Kari Runyon
Ms. Sharon Rusk
Ms. Krystal Russell
Maureen Ryan
Ms. Melissa Ryan
Ms. Dianne Salzenstein
Ms. Joanie San Agustin
San Francisco 49ers
San Francisco Ballet
San Francisco Giants Baseball Club
San Francisco Zoo
Thank You 2012 Donors
$1 - $499 continued
Mr. and Mrs. Angel F. Sanchez
Ms. Bertha Sanchez
Mr. Jose Sandoval
Ms. Julie Sandoval
Ms. Margaret Sapp
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Saulsbury
Mr. Ernie Sauvage
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scharer
Ms. Schimmel
Mr. Dave Schnoll
Mr. and Ms. Russ Schulz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sciuto
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Scoralle
Mrs. Joyce Scozzafava
Chuck & Beth Scully
Ms. Stephanie Seals
Debra Secada
Ms. Sharon D. Seegelken
Ms. Liv Seemann
Ms. Doris Segale
Ms. Victoria Seifert
Mrs. Mary Kay Sennings
Ms. Krista Serra
Sessions Salon
Dr. Rowena and Mr. Peter Shaw
Ms. Katie Shea
Ms. Colleen Sheehan
Ms. Dawn Shreve
Sierra Veterinary Hospital
Mr. Edward M. Silva
Chrissy Silverman
Ms. Dawn Sitchon
Ms. Mary Slater
Mr. and Mrs. Barry C. Slocum
Ms. Amy Smith
Cherise Smith
Mr. Jason Smith
Mr. Michael Smith
Ms. Christy Smithmeier
Mrs. Mary Snyder
Ms. Michelle Son
Mr. David W. Sorokwasz
South Shore Mad About Music
Mr. Adam Spicer
Mr. and Mrs. Antone L. Spinelli Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stalter
Steamers Bar and Grill
Ms. Natalie Stetson
Steve Stetson
Steve Hash Farms
Sharon Stevens
Ms. Kay Stewart
Mrs. Pattie Stockdale
Ms. Joanna Stockman
Bradley Stockton
Ms. Pamela Stoddart
Ms. Keri Strategier
Ms. Susanne L. Stuck
Sugar Pine Bakery
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Sullivan
Sunbasin Landscape & Nursery
Sunsational Tanning
Ms. Cathy Sunzeri
Mr. Reuel Sutton
Ms. Margaret Swall
Ms. Michelle Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Sean K. Sweeney
Taco Bell
Tahoe Best Friends
Tahoe Donner Association
Tahoe Ridge Winery & Marketplace
Tahoe Tot Spot
Tahoe Wellness Cooperative, Inc.
Tallac Consulting, LLC
Ms. Chandra Tamagni
Ms. Robyn Tamburini
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Tanzi
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Tapper
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Taricco
Mrs. Jennifer Taylor
Ms. Kelli Teteak
The Doctors
The Laurel Inn
The Rural Squirrel
The/Four Queens Hotel & Casino
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Theisen
Thomas Haen Company, Inc.
Jim and Peg Thomas
Thran’s Flower Shop
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Tibbetts
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tiffany
Ms. Maryon Tilley
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Tillson
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tornga
Mr. John Travolta
Ms. Terry Trease
Ms. Leonarda Tripp
Ann Truscott
Ms. Bonnie Turnbull
Mr. Douglas Tuttle and Ms. Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tweten
University of California
Ms. Jessica Urias
Mr. Al Vacek
Ms. Roberta Van Gorden
William G. Van Patten Jr. D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Vandermaas
Mr. Donald VanDyke
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Vetromile
Mr. Cesar B. Viajar Jr.
Ms. Patricia Voegeli
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Vogelgesang
Mrs. Lisa Vulpe-Fisher
Ms. Leanne C. Wagoner
Ms. Amy Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh
Ms. Myrna Waltzer
Rachael Ward
Warehouse Restaurant
Ms. Rebecca Wass
Waters Day Spa & Salon
Ms. Cheri Watson
Ms. Judy Watson
Dr. Randy Watson
Mr. John Weidman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weiss
Mrs. Angela Weitzel
Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc
West Gentry, Inc.
Kathleen Wharton
Ms. Catherine M. Whelan
A. R. White
Mr. and Mrs. Casey White
Mr. and Mrs. Mark White
Valree White
Ms. Jessica Whitney
Mr. Matt Wiggins
Ms. Dixie Williams
Ms. Frances Williams
Ms. Janice Williams
Jean M. Williams
Teri Williams
Mr. Robert Williamson
Marcel Wilmot
Mr. and Ms. Andrew Wilson
Debra A. Wilson
Ms. Karen K. Wilson
Winterhill Olive Oil
Mr. Doug T. Witt
Ms. Rosalyn Wolf
Ms. Kathie Wong-Machida
Mr. Robert Wood
Ms. Julie Worrall
Ms. Carolyn Wright
Ms. Kathleen Wright
Mrs. Peggy Wright
Mr. Rodney Wright
Ms. Carla Yant
Mr. Robert Young
Ms. Tracy Young
Pamela Zak
Marisa Zanobini
Ms. Luz Zepeda
Ms. Chelsea Zermani
Mrs. Jamie Zorn
* We apologize in advance for any
errors or omissions - we appreciate
every donor.
Barton Memorial Hospital Foundation
2092 Lake Tahoe Blvd., Suite 600
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Non-profit Org.
US Postage Paid
Permit No. 625
Reno, NV
Schedule of Events
October 16 - Wellness Lecture Series - Shoulder Injuries &
Treatment Options, Kahle Community Center, 6 p.m.
October 23 - Wellness Lecture Series - Shoulder Injuries &
Treatment Options, Kahle Community Center, 6 p.m.
November 6 - Wellness Lecture Series - Knee Injury
Awareness & Treatment, Lake Tahoe Community
College, 6 p.m.
November 8 - Philanthropy Day Luncheon, Riva Grill,
11:30 a.m.
November 13- Wellness Lecture Series - Knee Injury
Awareness & Treatment, Sierra Nevada College 6 p.m.
November 20 - Wellness Lecture Series - Knee Injury
Awareness & Treatment, Holiday Inn Express, Minden
6 p.m.
December 4-8 - 5th Annual Festival of Trees & Lights
MontBleu Resort Casino and Spa Convention Center
December 4 - Light Up a Life - Interfaith Memorial
Ceremony MontBleu Resort Casino and Spa
Convention Center, 6 p.m.
December 7 - The 22nd Annual Barton Foundation Gala
MontBleu Resort Casino and Spa Convention Center
Comments/Contact Info
[email protected]
Inspiring Philanthropy for the
Health of Our Community