welcome to st. michael the archangel catholic community
welcome to st. michael the archangel catholic community
WELCOME TO ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Community, Personnel, & On-Going Information PARISH OFFICE STAFF Rev. Martin J Dobrzynski ….. [email protected] Pastor 322-4505, ext. 220 Rev. Benjamin Ross…………[email protected] Associate Pastor 322-4505, ext. 229 Deacon Edwin Gatons………[email protected] Permanent Deacon 322-4505, ext. 285 Deacon Jack Krol……………[email protected] Permanent Deacon 322-4505, ext. 286 Deacon Ron Pyle ……………[email protected] Permanent Deacon 322-4505, ext. 284 Mrs. Michaeline Gargas……[email protected] Executive Secretary 322-4505, ext. 220 Mrs. Monica Susoreny………[email protected] Communications Coordinator 322-4505, ext. 263 Miss Debbie Mangione……[email protected] Director of Liturgy & Music 322-4505, ext. 227 Mrs. Janice Gatons…………[email protected] Parish Nurse & RCIA Director 322-4505, ext. 241 Mrs. Shannon Jalocha………[email protected] Parish Accountant 322-4505, ext. 226 Mr. Gary Krieps……………[email protected] Operations Coordinator 322-4505, ext. 232 Mrs. Debbie Fotia…………[email protected] Administrative Assistant 322-4505, ext. 225 Mrs. Rhonda Haddad………[email protected] Bulletin Editor 322-4505, ext. 239 Mrs. Fran Hintz……………[email protected] Clerical Assistant 322-4505, ext. 234 Mrs. Joan Hamnik…………..322-4505, ext. 228 Head Sacristan PARISH OFFICE HOURS Office Hours: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Monday-Friday and by appointment Phone:……………...(219)322-4505 Fax………(219)322-4508 Email………………[email protected] Website…………….www.stmichaelparish.life ST. MICHAEL SCHOOL Office Hours: 8:00 AM-3:30 PM Monday-Friday Phone……(219)322-4531 Fax……..(219)322-1710 Website……………….www.stmichaelparish.life/school Miss Colleen Kennedy……[email protected] Principal Mrs. Dyana Butcher………[email protected] School Administrative Assistant FAITH FORMATION Office Hours: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Monday 12:00 PM-7:30 PM Tuesday & Wednesday By appointment on Thursday Phone …….(219)322-3077 Fax…….(219)322-1710 Mrs. Marge Swanson……[email protected] Director of Religious Education Mrs. Kelley Mills …………[email protected] Administrative Assistant Traditional Classes…Tuesday or Wednesday 6:00 PM-7:30 PM Good Shepherd Classes….Tuesday 6:00 PM-7:30 PM Sunday Family Classes…..Once a month 9:30 AM-11:00 AM Website: www.stmichaelparish.life SATURDAY LITURGY Vigil: 5:00 PM DAILY LITURGY Weekdays 7:00 AM Saturday 8:00 AM SUNDAY LITURGY 7:30, 9:30, & 11:30 AM HOLY DAY LITURGY See page 15 of the bulletin for Holy Day Mass Schedule. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT COME SHARE THE JOURNEY: To know and experience the mystery of our God by sharing with our brothers and sisters the power of prayer, compassion and healing as we pledge to create an environment in which we will: Meet Jesus in our lives and know Him more intimately, Strengthen and enrich our faith through common worship, Acknowledge that our individual journeys contribute to this one shared mission, Recognize, develop and affirm individual gifts for the benefit of the community and for the glory of God, Provide opportunities to seek and to promote social justice and peace, Place our trust in God and in the working of the Holy Spirit SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION Sacrament of Penance...Satur day 3:30 PM-4:30 PM Baptisms...Fir st time par ents at St. Michael must attend a Baptism Prep session before the baptism date can be scheduled. Please call Michaeline to schedule the prep session and/or baptism date. Marriage….The br ide, gr oom, their par ents or their gr andparents must be active registered members of the parish for at least three years prior to reserving a date for the wedding. The diocese requires that arrangements must be made at least six months in advance of the wedding date in order for the proper personal, spiritual and liturgical preparations of the couple to be completed. Sacrament of the Sick...Please call the office until 4:00 PM. After 4:00 PM, please call 322-6623 Monday-Friday and anytime on the weekend. Anointing of the Sick is celebrated on the third Saturday of each month at the 8:00 AM Mass in the chapel. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesdays from 1:00-6:00 PM in the chapel. HOSPITALIZED PARISHIONERS Please call our parish office with all requests for hospital visitations, receive Holy Communion, to have the Anointing of the Sick or to be added to our Prayer List. The Privacy Act prevents the office from giving out information regarding people on the Pray for the Sick list. BULLETIN DEADLINE: Monday prior to the Sunday printing 12:00 PM (Noon). Holidays have exceptions. Please submit potential bulletin articles by email to [email protected] or in print form to the office or by fax to 322-4508. St. Michael Parish 1 Wilhelm St. Schererville, IN 46375 Page 2 March 27, 2016 From the Pastor’s Desk The Sincere Alleluia! Years ago there was the phrase that was popularized: “We are an Easter People and Alleluia is our song.” Well, at first glance, this seems to be true. We are a people who are reborn in Christ in our baptism and so we have every reason to rejoice, to shout ALLELUIA! If this outlook alone was the one factor that oriented our daily lives, why is there so much suffering in our life? Why do I suffer the loss of loved ones, why do I experience pain, why do some days look bleak, why is it difficult to hold on to hope? The reality of our lives seems to question this cheery sentiment: “We are an Easter People and Alleluia is our song.” Singing our Alleluias without the shadow of the Cross, makes those alleluias seem trite and ineffectual. Alleluia is borne from the Cross. Ignoring the crosses that still demand the lives of the innocent, the crosses that tolerate and even promote injustice, the crosses that condemn whole groups of persons to poverty, the crosses that still make loved ones addicts, is to ignore the power of the Cross of Christ. These, and many other crosses, can only be overcome through the Cross of Christ. The triumph of Christ’s Cross is not some magical solution to personal and communal problems. Christ’s Cross can trump these other crosses we still suffer when we do what Jesus did, give ourselves over to God’s Will. Yet, we all too often cling to “my will.” We say: “I’ll do it my way.” In doing it “my” way, you and I deny God’s invitation to let Him guide us through the pains and problems of life. When I do it “my” way, I fail to recognize the many crosses that my willfulness permits. I realize that this is not the usual nice Easter Message. But, Christ’s resurrection did not make a lot of people happy. The leaders of the people, the Romans, the powers at be were all disrupted by this event. You and I are confronted with the reality of this Event as well. We feel obliged to say Alleluia, but do we act Alleluia!? To act alleluia is to be aware of the many forces that still seek to deny the suffering of the cross. That suffering is inflicted on many people and even the most innocent of society, the unborn. Are not the unborn the most powerless who have no voice that can equal the voice of a woman who does not want a child? Does not the more powerful person decide the fate of the powerless in this regard? It can be placed under the nicest language of “choice” but it is a choice that denies life to another human being, developing or not. In all honesty, our development does not end when we leave the womb. Our whole life, most obviously those early years, are about our development. For Christians, this development is not a matter of opinion but one of fact, a fact that needs our respect. This is just one example where the brokenness of our world wants to convince us that we can say alleluia without the Cross. Easter does not displace the Cross, rather it gives the Cross meaning, eternal meaning. The Cross we need to carry is one of personal responsibility, not personal freedom devoid of responsibility. Don’t be dissuaded by the passing splendor of individual rights or freedoms devoid of responsibility for our actions and decisions. Alleluia without the Cross is empty and leads only to death, not life. You and I live in God now and God is making us into a new creation. Our fear is transformed into trust, our hatred changed into undeserving love, our brokenness – made whole, and the wounds we suffer in body or spirit are healed by the Glorious Wounds of Christ risen from the dead for me and you. Alleluia, alleluia! Easter Egg Hunt next Sunday, Second Sunday of Easter — Divine Mercy after the 11:30 AM Mass Website: www.stmichaelparish.life Page 3 March 27, 2016 Spirituality and Worship Commission Commission Members: Director of Liturgy, Art & Environment, Eucharistic Minister, Hospitality, Lectors, Music, Sacristan, Altar Servers, Cross Bearers, Prayer Ministry, RCIA, Ministers of Care Thank You from the Art & Environment Committee A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the Easter Flower Collection. The money is used for the palms and the flowers you see in the Church and Chapel areas throughout the Easter Season. The remaining funds are placed in a reserved account for other decorative purposes throughout the year. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Ryan Buff, Jacob Rose, Justin Schuller and Kaitlyn Schuller were fully initiated into the Catholic Faith at the Easter Vigil through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue their journey of faith. RCIA is the process for those who are over the age of 8, baptized in another faith tradition, non-baptized, or only baptized in the Catholic faith and wish to complete their sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. For more information please contact Janice at 322-4505, ext. 241. Education and Formation Commission Commission Members: Director of Religious Education, School Principal, Sport/ School Advisory Board/HSA Representatives, Marriage Prep, Baptismal Prep, Adult Faith Education, Vocations Ministry, Youth Ministry, Bible Study High School Teens: Happy Easter from RADIATE! WE ARE COLLECTING HATS AND GLOVES FOR CHILDREN in GRADES K-5 TO DISTRIBUTE NEXT YEAR to Becky’s school in Gary. RADIATE, St. Michael’s High School Youth Ministry, offers all high school teens a place to bring your friends or make new ones with faith as a core. Any time is the perfect time to check us out. Come alone or bring a friend to the next RADIATE events: Apr. 3rd: GUEST SPEAKER: Get some R&R: “Right Relationships” with Ms. Debbie Tatum from the Diocese of Gary, 6:00-8:00 PM in St. Patrick Hall. Apr. 24th: Our Valentine’s Celebr ation r escheduled: What is Love & How Do You Know if You Found It? Bring your Valentine’s to share! Please bring your hat and gloves donations. 6:00-8:00 PM in St. Patrick Hall. May 1st: GUEST SPEAKER: Overcoming Hardship While Utilizing your Faith with Jeannie Ewing, Editor/ Author/Blogger/Life Coach, 6:00-8:00 PM in St. Patrick Hall. Our calendar might change so if you want to get the most updated info for RADIATE events, text “@radiate” to 81010. Questions? Contact Mike Reesman (Adult) at 670-1975,[email protected] or Jeannine Quigley (Adult) at 775-5356, [email protected] or Cami Wallace (teen) at 794-5146. Website: www.stmichaelparish.life Page 4 March 27, 2016 Education and Formation Commission SMS Student Council Visits Deer Creek A couple of weeks ago, the Student Council visited with the Deer Creek Residents. During their visit, they played Wheel of Fortune. The residents had such a great time, they asked the students to come back. The Student Council is making plans to return. Congratulations to SMS 5th Grade Girls’ Basketball Team! Our 5th grade girls’ basketball team recently won their tournament basketball game! Our Warriors are now CYO champs! Congratulations girls! We are so proud of you! There are no sports scheduled until the weekend of April 9th due to Spring Break. New Student Registration New student registration continues for Pre-School through 8th Grade. Please call 322-4531 if interested or would like to set up a tour. Website: www.stmichaelparish.life Page 5 March 27, 2016 Education and Formation Commission continued Why Adult Education in the Catholic Church? It is adults who shape the world, for good or ill, and it is adult Catholics who are called to be salt and light in a dying world. It is adults who vote. It is adults who work and who control the governments, schools, corporations, unions, social groups, charities, and other institutions of our society. It is adults who are called to form their own families. It is adults who guide others in instruction of the faith. Do we know the teachings of our Church regarding Sacraments, Education and Formation, Parish Life, Peace and Social Justice? Adults need to know what the Church teaches as we are on the firing line of Catholic ministry and social change. We need you! The Adult Education Committee helps assist the pastor in bringing educational and informational programs and talks to our parish. Please call Janice at 322-4505, ext. 241 for more information on how you can help. Website: www.stmichaelparish.life Page 6 March 27, 2016 Education and Formation Commission MARCH CALENDAR Mar. 29th: Traditional/Good Shepherd Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Mar. 30th: Traditional Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Apr. 3rd: Registration for 2016/17 School Year 9:00-11:00 AM Family Session 9:30-11:00 AM Apr. 4th: Adult Confirmation Classes 6:00 PM Apr. 5th: Registration for 2016/17 School Year 5:00-7:30 PM Traditional/Good Shepherd Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Apr. 6th: Registration for 2016/17 School Year 5:00-7:30 PM Traditional Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Apr. 11th: Adult Confirmation Classes 6:00 PM Apr. 12th: Registration for 2016/17 School Year 5:00-7:30 PM Traditional/Good Shepherd Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Apr. 13th: Registration for 2016/17 School Year 5:00-7:30 PM Traditional Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Apr. 16th: First Communion Pictures 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Apr. 19th: Traditional/Good Shepherd Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Apr. 20th: Traditional Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Apr. 21st: First Communion Practice Apr. 24th: First Communion Apr. 26th: Traditional/Good Shepherd Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Apr. 27th: Traditional Classes 6:00-7:30 PM April 28th: First Communion Practice May 1st: First Communion APRIL CALENDAR Peace & Social Justice Comission Commission Members: Ministry of Consolation and Hope, Good Samaritans, Armed Services, Pastoral Care, Respect Life, Health & Spirituality Committee, Parish Nursing, Rebuilding Hope Mission Team Jerry Kundich, Debbie Anderson, Sue Green, Elizabeth Rainford, Tim Hazard, Pat Morehouse, Evelyn Banzon, Joe Butynski, and all those in need of the healing touch of God. Life is precious; handle with prayer. Placing the name of a loved one or yourself in the bulletin Prayer List can be done through Michaeline or Debbie at 322-4505, ext. 220 in the parish office. The names are placed in the bulletin for a period of 4 weeks after which time they are either removed or placed in the Book of Intentions in the Chapel. In praying for a sick person we show our solidarity with that person and we remind ourselves to do all that is within our power to help in the healing done through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Please remember that the names of parishioners and non-parishioners who are still in need of our prayers after the 4 week period of time of being in the bulletin are placed in our Book of Intentions in the Chapel. It is updated weekly. St. Michael’s parishioners are in bold, italic print. Website: www.stmichaelparish.life Page 7 March 27, 2016 Peace & Social Justice Comission Bereavement Sessions Starting March 31st St. Michael’s Ministry of Consolation and Hope Following the loss of a loved one, a person may experience many different emotions. Trained Bereavement Ministers of St. Michael Ministry of Consolation and Hope and are hosting educational and support group sessions on Grief that include sharing and prayer. The seven sessions will be on Thursday evenings, March 31st through May 12th from 7:00—8:30 PM in the SW Meeting Room of St. Patrick Hall. Please call Janice at 322-4505, ext. 241 to register or for more information. The sessions are as follows: March 31: Mour ning Can Be Over whelming April 7: Under standing the “Stages of Gr ief” April 14: Sur viving Str ess and Loneliness April 21: Feelings of Denial, Bar gaining & s Guilt, plus Helping Children through Grief April 28: Our Feelings of Anger & Depr ession May 6: Spir itual Elements of Gr ief & Healing May 12: The Value of Memor ies We are here to assist anyone with temporary help. If you know someone from Schererville, Dyer, or St. John who could use help with their NIPSCO bill, rent, or groceries, please have that person in need (due to privacy act) call 322-4505, ext. 250 and leave a message. Blood Pressure, Glucose and Oxygen Level Screenings The next screenings are April 9th/10th in the east coat room after the 5:00 PM, 7:30 AM and 9:30 AM Masses by the parish nurses. Please call the parish nurse at 322-4505, ext. 241 for additional information. Parish Life Virtual Pilgrimage Experience May 14th at 9:00 AM St. Patrick Hall Enjoy a spiritual and prayerful “pilgrimage” with an experienced guide without the travel. The interactive journey agenda includes: The Invitation and History of Pilgrimage The Apparitions and Message of Lourdes The Footsteps of Bernadette Commission Members: Welcoming Ministry, Holy Name Society, Knights of Columbus, Festival Committee, Labors of Love, Comforting Chefs, Senior GEMS, Boy Scouts of America St. Michael Holy Name Easter Egg Hunt When: Sunday, April 3rd Where: Soccer field (if raining-gym) Time: After 11:30 AM Mass For Whom: Children10 years and younger Please visit our website for more information. Website: www.stmichaelparish.life Page 8 March 27, 2016 Parish Life Volunteers Needed The Easter Bunny needs help to fill eggs for the egg hunt. This will take place on Thursday, March 31st at 6:00 PM in St. Patrick Hall. All are welcome. Visiting Our Grottos Our Grottos are now open. They will be open on Sunday mornings after the 7:30 AM Mass and remain open until 4:00 PM. This schedule will remain in effect every Sunday until All Souls’ Day in November. Capital Campaign Totals as of March 17, 2016 Future Pledges $2,201,100.00 Amount needed to start repairs Amount collected Pledges to date $3,217,551.96 Amount pledged $1,213,278.24 Amount collected $3,300,000.00 Amount needed to repair church E Website: www.stmichaelparish.life $4,000,000.00 Amount needed for church repairs/ school A/C Page 9 F March 27, 2016 Parish Life Thank You from the St. Michael Parish Education Foundation Thank you to all the volunteers who made the St. Patrick Day Dinner a success. The food was delish. Rob's Homestyle Catering did a wonderful job catering the meal which included corned beef, sausage, sauerkraut, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, salad, chicken tenders, hot dogs & chips. Are you hungry yet? There was also a craft beer choice from a local brewery provided for attendees. Reuben the Leprechaun showed up and kids who colored a picture of St. Patrick received a treat from the Little Irish Store. We even had a Irish Silent Auction! We also sang a special birthday song to Fr. Ben who turned the BIG 3-0 that weekend. The support of all the attendees is greatly appreciated; if you weren't able to be with us this year, please plan on it next year. Upcoming event - 5th Annual Golf Outing Sunday, June 15, 2016 at Scherwood Golf Senior GEMS Anyone over 50 can join us on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 10:00 AM in St. Patrick Hall. Our first outing of the year is April 23rd to the Randolph Street Market in Chicago. It has over 100 vendors. We will meet in the church parking lot at 9:00 AM and carpool with 2 people to a car. It will be an all day event so wear your walking shoes. If you are interested in going, please make your reservation by calling Ursula Buchnat at 741-3276. Mark Your Calendars Knights of Columbus Council 12177 will be hosting their first Cinco De Mayo event on May 7th in St. Patrick Hall. Please visit our website www.stmichaelparish.life or the Parish and/or Knights of Columbus Facebook pages for more information. Registration for New Parishioners The next parish registration is April 17th after the 7:30 & 9:30 AM Masses in St. Patrick Hall. You may also register at the parish office Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM. We ask that you have the dates and places of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation and Marriage for all member s of the family. If you have any questions, please call Debbie at the Parish Office, 322-4505, ext. 225. From the Communications Department Fr. Marty, Fr. Ben, Deacon Ed, Deacon Jack, Deacon Ron, the St. Michael office staff and SMS staff and students would like to wish everyone a very Blessed and Happy Easter. May Christ’s message of eternal life fill you with love. Website: www.stmichaelparish.life Page 10 March 27, 2016 Stewardship & Parish Administration Commission Commission Members: Finance Council, Gardener Ministry, Education Foundation, Cemetery Committee STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE SUNDAY MARCH 27 EASTER SUNDAY Passport Ticket Sales After All Masses RCIA 9:30 AM March 13, 2016 Adult EFTs Children Loose The Rosary is said after 7:00 AM Weekday Mass Except Tuesday – after OLPH Devotions MONDAY MARCH 28 No School Parish Office Closed Centering Prayer 6:00 PM Catholic Bible Study 7:00 PM Total Weekly Offering $19,510.65 *Electronic Funds Transfer TUESDAY MARCH 29 No School Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions 7:30 AM Labors of Love 10:00 AM Faith Formation/Good Shepherd Classes 6:00 PM HUNGERING FOR CELEBRATION We prayed, fasted and gave alms—and now Rice Bowl ends in our own hearts, where Jesus reigns forever. Let us rejoice in our risen Lord—and in the lives we’ve changed this Lent in Colombia, Laos, Rwanda, Honduras, Madagascar and all over the world! Please turn in your Rice Bowls in the gathering space today and next weekend. WEDNESDAY MARCH 30 No School Eucharistic Adoration 1:00-6:00 PM Faith Formation Classes 6:00 PM Catholic Bible Study 7:00 PM THURSDAY MARCH 31 No School Easter Egg Prep 6:00 PM Bereavement Session 7:00 PM Choir/Cantor Practice 7:00 PM March 27, 2016 Stewardship: A Way of Life FRIDAY APRIL 1 No School SATURDAY APRIL 2 First Saturday Devotions Following 8:00 AM Mass Confessions 3:30-4:30 PM Passport Ticket Sales After Vigil Mass Smart Chicks Ticket Sales After Vigil Mass ~EDUCATION FOUNDATION~ Current Directors of the Foundation Rev. Martin J. Dobrzynski Colleen Kennedy, Principal Dr. Ed Udani, Chairman Kenneth Bohling Don Doffin $18,602.00 $170.00 $77.65 $661.00 Jef Jakalski David Jarzombek Patrick Cusick Joseph Townsend Donna Velez Look for us on the website: www.stmichaelparish.life. Website: www.stmichaelparish.life Page 11 O, what wondrous love is this! And oh, what a gift we’ve been given! The risen Christ transformed death into new life. For us and for our salvation, He came down from heaven, suffered death, and was buried, and on the third day, He rose again, as foretold. We’ve been given the most extraordinary gift. Today, and everyday, we can rejoice in the very presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, who will sustain us as we strive to put our own talents and time daily to work for God. I can imagine no better way to thank God for the gift of everlasting life! And while from death I'm free, I'll sing on. And while from death I'm free, I'll sing and joyful be, and through eternity I'll sing on, I'll sing on! This is the day the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad! March 27, 2016 Easter Flower Donations in memory of / in honor of family and friends. Mr. & Mrs. George Adam Mr. & Mrs. Edward Adamson +Adamson Family, +Clancy Family, +Hanik Family Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Adducci Mr. & Mrs. Charles Alexa Mr. & Mrs. Rick Alspach Dr. & Mrs. John Ancich Dr. & Mrs. Donald Anderson Mr. & Mrs. David Andrews Mrs. Zofia Anuszkiewicz Mr. & Mrs. David Arnold +Mariano Chua Yu King, +Que Kim Kuan,+Kyle N. Arnold, +Josefina Chua Chiaco, +Charles Fernandez, +Rufino & Conchita Fernandez, +Dwayne Culp, +Que Wat, +Que Suan, +Lillian Rife Mr. & Mrs. Richard Balcerzak Mr. Gino Baldin Mr. & Mrs. Othello Banaag +Raul/Renato Villalobos, +Pedro/Consolacion, +Antonio/Lydia Banaag, +Edgardo/Isidro/Florencia, Juanita/Leonardo Marana, +Zosima C. Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Giuseppe Barone Antonia e` Paolo, Birritteri Maria e`, Nicola Barone, Francesca Emanuele Tortino Mr. Jerry Barone +Anna & Matthew Scirica, +Liboria & Luca Barbiera, +Lina & Salvatore Scalzo, +Guiseppe Zabbara Mr. & Mrs. Burton Barrientez Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Bartok +Ann Shaughnessy, +Eugene Bartok, Sr., +Julia Bartok Mr. & Mrs. Steven Battig Mrs. Jean Bednar +John & Stella Bach, +Frank & Catherine Bednar, +Donald F. Bednar, +Patrick L. Bednar, +Amanda Bach Mr. & Mrs. David Bell Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Belzeski Mr. & Mrs. Robert Berkowicz +M/M Matt Berkowicz, +M/M Joseph Biegel Mr. & Mrs. Chester Bernacki Ms. Cynthia Biedakiewicz +John Biedakiewicz, Sr., +John F. Biedakiewicz, In honor of Jane Biedakiewicz Miss Helen Bielefeld +Francis & Elizabeth Bielefeld, +Richard Bielefeld Family, +Killian Schubert Family Mr. & Mrs. Stan Binek Mr. & Mrs. Henry Blake Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bocknick Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Boilek +Olga Sullivan, +Andrew & Mary Balog Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Borgia +Beverley Borgia Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Borowski Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bortz Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bosse Mrs. Debbie Bouck Mr. & Mrs. David Bougher Mr. & Mrs. James Boyle Mr. & Mrs. Donald Britton +Donald A. Britton Mr. & Mrs. David Brown Edward & Fran, Bill Brown, Jocelyn, All Holy Souls in Purgatory Mr. & Mrs. Philip Bruno Mr. & Mrs. Michael Buchler +Clarence & Barb Kuhn, +Ervin & Mary Bohling, +Ted Buchler, +Eugene & Veronica Schell, Matt & Adeline Kuhn Mrs. Ursula Buchnat +Ronald Buchnat, +Charlotte Buchnat, +Jerome Buchnat, +Erich Weis, +Gertrud Weis Mr. Curtiss Burgess Mrs. Barbara Burkus +Elmer E. Burkus, +Burkus Family Mr. & Mrs. Charles Butler +Eugene & Dorothy Riggin, +Jim & Norma Butler, +Anna Rataj, +Josephine Jercha, +Robert Hookstletler Ms. Phyllis Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Camp James Camp, Tyler Cherry, Camp Family, Cathy York Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Carlay +Patricio Carlay, Jr., +Adelina Casanay, +Mariano Navarro Mrs. Mindy Carlay +Patricio Carlay, Jr., +M/M Julio Macaya, Sr., +M/M Patricio Carlay, Sr., +Melba Ramos Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cary +Andrew & Mildred Huseman, +Paul & Esther Cary, +Hazel Cary, +All Feisen Uncles Mrs. Judith Casey +Carole, +David Mr. & Mrs. Julian Ceniceros Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Centanni +Joe & Evelyn Mihal, +Joe & Anne Centanni Mr. & Mrs. John Chavez Mr. & Mrs. Randy Chavez +Josephine Chavez, +Jesus Chavez, +Rojelio Castel, +John Castel Mrs. Elvira Churilla +Joseph Churilla, +Susan Latzko, +Andrew Latko Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Clark Mr. & Mrs. Otis Cochran Michael Cochran, Stephanie Cochran, Edna Rudman, Willie Mullins, Opal Cogdill Mrs. Susan Cohen +John & Anne Oliver, +Rosemary Boswell, +Charles & Sue W. Cohen, +Viola Brunner, +Clara McGuire Mr. David Colby Mr. John Companik Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Compton Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connors Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Copak Mr. & Mrs. Richard Copp Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cox +M/M Walter E. Cox, +M/M Edward Graske, +Mr. Ulrich Wicks, +Mr. Donald M. Cox Catherine Curley +Curley Family, +Quinn Family, +Giblin Family Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cusick Mr. & Mrs. James Dambek +Margaret Serafin, +Edward Serafin, +Barbara Knerr, +Germick Family, +Dambek Family Mr. & Mrs. Henry Davids Ms. Dawn DeBold +Luke DeBold Website: www.stmichaelparish.life Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DeBold +Luke DeBold Mr. & Mrs. Romeo DeLaurentis +Vincent Rusin, +Lorraine Rusin, +Romeo C. DeLaurentis, +Theresa DeLaurentis Mr. Michael Delinck Mrs. Loretta DePrez +Douglas DePrez, +Raymond & Sophie Pawlicki, +Jacob & Olga DePrez, +Walter Piechalak, +Stephanie Pawlicki Mrs. Madeline DeRosa +Clement DeRosa Mr. & Mrs. James Dinges +Jim & Sophie Dinges, +Al & Isabelle Govert Mr. & Mrs. Donald Doffin +Doffin & Warmelink Families Mr. & Mrs. Donald Doffin, Jr. Miss Patricia Doffin Mrs. Anna Dombrowski +Wokoniecki Families, +Dombrowski Families Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Dominguez Ms. Diana Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Fenton Doolin Mr. & Mrs. Louis Dorin +Louis & Grace Dorin, +Emil & Ann Gaydos Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Drzewiecki +Lottie & Ed Drzewiecki, +Sophie & Stanley Karwatka, +Phyllis Johnson Ms. Susan Dubczak Mr. & Mrs. William Duerr +Eugene Courtney, +Charles & Edith Duerr, +Eileen & Rex Donkel, +Mary Ellen Moran, +Judy Peigoss Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Duff +Helen R. Gard Ms. Elizabeth Eaton +Sophie Eaton, +Lawrence Eaton, +Barbara Nault, +Fran Fischer, +Margaret Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Eddy +Patrick Cripe Ms. Lee Ann Egan Mrs. Rose Emmett Mr. & Mrs. Edward Extin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fairchild Mrs. Charlene Falcone Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fancher +Joe & Pauline Tessmer, +Joan Kowal Mr. & Mrs. Dean Fanno Ms. Lisa Faulkner Mrs. Marion Fayta Dr. & Mrs. James Ferguson +James & Lupe Ferguson, +Frank & Loretta Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Fesenmyer Mrs. Leona Fiegle +William Fiegle Family, +George Peifer Family Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fotia Ms. Jennie Fryzel Mr. & Mrs. David Furman +Joseph Furman, +Rose Furman Ms. Carolyn Gabor Mr. & Mrs. Mario Garcia +M/M Manuel Rosales, M/M Mario Garcia, Sr. Mr. Frank Gard +Helen R. Gard Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gargas Deacon & Mrs. Edwin Gatons +Gatons & Sayer Families Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gaura Gaura/Pala Families Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Gercken Page 12 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gerlach +Herb & Margaret, +John & Mary, +John & Stanley, +Jimmy Mr. & Mrs. Allen Girnus Mr. & Mrs. John Giroux +Bill Giroux, +Kathryn White, +Richard White Ms. Dolores Gladys Mr. & Mrs. Robert Godoy Mr. & Mrs. Richard Good +Myrtle & Peter Matson, +Lauren Manler, +Marian & Swede Good, +Virginia Townsend, +Marie & Uwe Johannson Mr. & Mrs. Greg Gordon +Peter & Margaret Slupski, +Ronald Slupski, +Janice Sheely, +Jim Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gronek +Adele Courtright, +Carol Rudzinski Mr. & Mrs. James Grossmann +Dora Cera,+Sam Cera, +Beth Hayes, +Sue Lonsberg, +Ray Grossmann Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Guadagno +Phyllis White, +Nora Bryant, +Andrew L. Guadagno, +Lorraine Gish, +John Benesh Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Gubatanga Mrs. Natalie Guetschow +John Guetschow, +The Caposey Family Mr. Joseph Guillen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hahney Mr. Richard Hamernik Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hamnik +Kaleigh Hamnik, +Hamnik Family Members, +Green Family Members, +Luptak Family Members, +Babjak Family Members Mrs. Patricia Hansen +Robert Hansen, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hansen +Herlof Hansen, Jr., +Charles Hillan, Sr., +Herlof Hansen III, +Lorraine Hillan Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hansen +Robert L. Hansen, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hardig Mr. & Mrs. Scott Harris Mrs. Jean Hartnett Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hayes +Lawrence Muscarella, +Daniel Hayes, +Joyce Lenart, +Caroline Muscarella, +Carol Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hazard +Hazard Family, +Bedka Family Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Heintz +Alex & Elizabeth Chalko, +John & Stella Heintz, +Chalko Family, +Heintz Family Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hemann +Ryan Hemann, +Karl Felgenhauer, +Bernard Hemann & Families Mr. & Mrs. George Henson Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Hernandez +Carol Juranovich Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Herr Mrs. Guadalupe Herrera +Santos & Victorina Corpus, +Joseph Herrera Mrs. Betty Hetrick Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hillegonds +James Hillegonds, +Jack & Elizabeth Cerajewski, Arminta & Gilbert Ortega Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hirchak Jr. March 27, 2016 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hlad +The Stanish Family, +the Hlad Family Dr. & Mrs. John Hoehn Mr. & Mrs. Selwyn Hope Mr. John Hora Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Houston Ms. Pamela Howe Mr. & Mrs. Francis Jagiella In honor of our families Mr. & Mrs. David Jendraszkiewicz +Stanley Jendraszkiewicz, +Barney & Loretta Swida, In honor of Jill, David, Mick, & Devin Vagner, In honor of Darlene, Ray, Kendall, & Ryan Finley, In honor of Daryl, Laurie, Nathan, & Nolan Jendraszkiewicz Mrs. Dorothy Jendraszkiewicz +Stanley Jendraszkiewicz, +Casimir & Victoria Borucki, +Stanley & Rose Jendraszkiewicz Mr. & Mrs. David Johnson +Colin Johnson Ms. Patricia Jones Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jostes +Bruno Toczek, +M/M Bernie Jostes Mr. David Kaminski +Dorothy & Jose` Santiago, +Ben & Florett Dumbeck, +Roman Jercha, Jack Kaminski Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian Kanappilly +Cheeku, +Veronica, +George, +Theresa, +Paul, +Omana, +George, +Molly Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keilman +Marjorie & Sylvester Schweitzer, +Leonard & Ruth Keilman, Living & Deceased Members of John & Lauretta Schweitzer Family Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Keith Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Kender +Harry & Margaret Kender, +Casey & David & Leonard & Dan & Clare Bruzdzinski, +Frank & Josie & James Czechanski, +Edward & Helen Furticella, +Joe & Eleanor Kral Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kendys +Veronica & Walter Skarzynski, +Pat Moit, +Rose & Don Fazzini, +Joseph Kendys, +Pauline Hornacek Mrs. Mary Ketchmark +Deceased Members of Ketchmark Family, +Deceased Members of McDiarmid Family Mrs. Carol Keyl +Robert Keyl, +Sandy Simari Mrs. Cynthia Kinach +Paul Stupeck, +James & Francis Stupeck, +Otto & Margaret Hausman, +Carolyn Miller, +Frank & Arlene Kinach Mrs. Linda Kinzer +Nick Kinzer, Hank Kinzer, Peggy Kinzer, Leonard Grothouse, Marguerite Grothouse Kurt Knitter Paul Knueppel +Ellen Hacket Mr. & Mrs. James Koeling Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kolasinski Mrs. Rita Koleff +Joey Koleff, +Irene Edzik, +Anna Edzik, +Mary & Nick Koleff, +Steve Koleff Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kozub Mr. & Mrs. Julian Kras +Kras Families, +McCormick Families Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Krivickas Deacon & Mrs Jack Krol +Peter J. Krol, +Joseph Kocoj, +Patricia Kocoj Mrs. Karen Kucsera +Dolores Fossey, +William Fossey, +David Fossey, +Desudor Heinz, +Richard Kucsera Mrs. Geralyn Kudzia Mrs. Joan Kuhn Mrs. Helen Kwiatkowski +Chester Kwiatkowski Ms. Kathleen Lakatos Mr. & Mrs. John LaMagdeleine Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lasky Miss Sheryl Lazzaro +Marcella & Julius Petersen, +Elsie & Benny Lazzaro, +Fran & George Sirko, +Dolores & Andy Russo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lee +Ann Carnavacciolo, +Robert W. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Leluga +Rupert LeLuga, +Margaret & Stanley Kulig Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lennertz +Lennertz Family, +Vadeboncoeur Family Mr. & Mrs. James Lesniak +Alex Nowak, +Ervin Lesniak, +Mary Jaskolski, +Helen Welbes, +Mary Gregoavich Miss Alice Lewinski +Ann Marie Holtshouser Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Logue +Logue Family, +Barlog Family, +Ron Evans, +Jennifer Evans, +Christine Kennedy Mr. Kevin Lozier +Robert W. Lozier Miss Elizabeth Lukacek +John & Anna Lukacek, +John & Lucille Lukacek, Chris, & Buddy, +Walter & Anna Pieszchala, +Kori Pieszchala, +Mark Schmanke, +Ben & Marcie Burosh, +Vince & Judy Mihalik Mr. & Mrs. Henry Lyza +Deceased Members of the Lyza Bunchek Families Mr. & Mrs. Mark Macnak Mr. & Mrs. Jeff MacNeill Mr. & Mrs. John Madrigal +Aurelio Corona, +Hilario & Maria Corona, +Louis & Carmen Madrigal, +Corona Family Members Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Malinowski +Walter & Alma Malinowski, +Steve & Sylvia Gajdos, +Michael & Esther Gajdos, +Nancy Munday, +Holly Lacinsky, +Polly Geber, +Halaria Weber Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marco In honor of Anthony, Megan, & Madeline Marco Mr. & Mrs. Charles Markley Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Markley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marovich +John & Jeanette Pilarczyk, +Mike & Josephine Marovich, +Joseph Szczygiel, +Leonard Szczygiel Website: www.stmichaelparish.life Ms. Helen Marshall +Harry F. Marshall, +Helen K. Marshall Mrs. Jean Martone All Livovich Family Members, Geri Paginelli, Martone Family Mrs. William Mathews +William Mathews, +M/M Pete Redar Mr. & Mrs. Michael Matlock +Lucille Beslich, +Walter P. Wojcik, Sr., +Tony Beslich, +Michael Beslich, +Deceased Members of the Livovich Family Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Matlon Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Matonovich Ruth Townsend, Ray Townsend, Joseph Matonovich, Lorraine Matonovich, JoAnn Matonovich Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Matz Mr. & Mrs. William McKenna +Bob & Dorthy Sieracki Mr. & Mrs. David Mendoza +Helen Frantz, +Bill Frantz, +Rev. Patrick J. Connolly, +Lillian Tomlin, +Florence Fisher Mrs. Carol Miller +Paul & Dorothy Macak, +Carl & Shirley Redar, +Ruanne Vasquez Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Miotke Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Mis Mr. & Mrs. James Miskovich +Tony & Lois Otto Mrs. Kathleen Modrzejewski +Family & Friends Mr. & Mrs. Luis Molina +Ramiro C. Molina, +Maria Molina, +Veronica Molina Mrs. Joan Moore +Richard Moore Mrs. Patricia Moore Ms. Marie Mosher Mrs. Dorothy Mravinac Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Mrzlock Ms. Joyce Mullaney +Sarah & Charley Mullaney, +Chuck Mullaney, +Tom Mullaney, JoAnn Mullaney, +Catherine Coyne Mr. & Mrs. Philip Mullaney +Charles & Sarah Mullaney, +John & Margaret Bakovich Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Nagy +Nancy Nagy Miss Denise Nagy Mrs. Mary Nemitz +Michael Nemitz, +John & Grace Kovacs Mr. & Mrs. Son Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nowacki Mr. & Mrs. Scott Nowinski Mrs. Virginia Nunez +Edward Nunez, +Deceased Corpus Family Members Mr. & Mrs. William Nylen +Deceased Members of the Nylen & Jaronski Families Mr. & Mrs. Dan O'Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ochs Mr. & Mrs. Robin Olson +Eugene Olson, +Jayne Olson, +Al Romanchik, +Anna Tomaszewski, +Ben Tomaszewski, +Marion Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Olszewski +Ralph Hintz Mr. & Mrs. James Onik Page 13 +Charles, Dolores, Mary, Mario, Ed, Al, & Virg Abruzzini, +Rudy & Lill Loy, +Stanley, Pearl, Ed, Dorothy, & John Onik, +Josephine & Eugene Carpino, +Lovie & Roy Condon, +Dar Kessling, +Marilyn Williams, +Rose & Nick Dussias, +Harry & Eleanor Jurek, +Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ortega +John C. & Elizabeth J. Cerajewski, +Arminta & Gilbert Ortega Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Orze Mrs. Shirley Orze Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pachniak +Walter & Florence Bak, +John & Regina Pachniak Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Panega Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pankiewicz Mr. Leo Paratore +Sebastian Paratore, +Robert Paratore Mrs. Rose Paratore +Sebastian Paratore, +Robert Paratore Mr. & Mrs. Blaine Parker Blaine L. Parker, Jr., Ralph Parker, Ruth Parker, Tony Matia, Catherine Matia Mr. & Mrs. Mark Paswinski Michael Paulson +Helen & Louis Paulson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Pearson +Jean Podkul, +Frank J. Podkul, +Herb Pearson, +Marge Pearson Mrs. Vivian Peifer +Arnie Peifer, +Frank & Anna Place, +Merna Place, +James Fiegle, +Alice Darnell, +George & Susan Peifer Mrs. Marie-Therese Perry +Sandy Anthony Perry Mrs. Julie Pfotenhauer +George H. Pfotenhauer Mr. & Mrs. John Pilewski Mr. & Mrs. J Michael Pivarnik Ms. Betty Pocci +Dominic Pocci Mr. & Mrs. Steven Poskin Mrs. Henryka Prejmak Mrs. Mary Previs Mr. & Mrs. Hansford Price +Bernard & Pauline Roberts Mr. & Mrs. John Pryor +Jim Lough, +Emil Guerrieri, +Mercedes Pendleton, +James Pendleton Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Przybylinski Mr. Robert Puclik Mrs. Rita Pytel +Stanley Pytel Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ramos +Joseph Ramos II, +Lily Martinez, +Alfred Ramos Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Rau +Adam Arthur Rau, +Ben McMillen, +Helen & Alex Stofko, +Thelma & Arthur Rau, +John & Rudy Stofko, +Helen & Betty Stofko Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Redar +John Thomas Rich, +Sylvester Redar, +Robert Washington, +M/M Charles Keone, +M/M William Weaverling Mr. Richard Redman +Dolores Redman Mr. Donald Reiser March 27, 2016 Mrs. Theresa Revere +Balka Family, +Revere Family Mr. & Mrs. Fred Reyes Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ricciardi +Dale Christenson Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Rich +John Thomas Rich Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rich Mr. & Mrs. Mark Richardson +Remo Verta, +Rosemarie Schubert Mr. & Mrs. John Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Roberts +Raymond G. Roberts III, +Paula J. Curtis, +William Redar, +Sue Redar Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robertson +Fletcher Robertson, +Larry Robertson, +George Grcevich, +George J. Grcevich Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Roe Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Rose, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Damian Rosenbaum +Leo & Rita Rosenbaum, +Thomas Phillips, +Linda & Pio Poeta, +William & Nellie Phillips, +Helen & Adolf Linter, +Linda Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rossi +Maria D'ortenzio, +Mary McHugh, +Thomas McHugh, +Nicole Rossi, +James McHugh Mrs. Rita Rossignuolo Mr. & Mrs. John Roth +Harvey Roth,+Shirley Roth, +Larry Sartini Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ruesken Ms. Carol Rusich +Joseph Rusich, +Mary Rusich Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Rusin +Norbert Saber, +Lorraine Rusin, +Max Szumski, +Mark Saber Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ruzga Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rymarczyk +Frank Rymarczyk, +Julius Lazzareschi, +Shirley Lazzareschi, +Laura Rymarczyk, +Gordon Smith Mr. & Mrs. John Sadler Mr. & Mrs. Angel Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Santillan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sarnowski +Jillian Kenny, +Sophie Jedrzejczak, +Stanley Jedrzejczak, +Mary Sarnowski, +Ted Sarnowski Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Saunders +Deceased Family Members Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Schneider +Christine Panozzo, +Louis Panozzo, +Sally Schneider, +Elmer Schneider, +Sue Schneider Ms. Sandy Schug Mrs. Doris Schweitzer +Art Schweitzer Ms. Eileen Schweitzer +Arthur Schweizer Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seljan +Marge & Bill Gray, +Andy & Emily Seljan, +Bob & Judy Gray, +Judie Bzibziak, +Seljan & Gray Grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Seneczko Mr. Joseph Shaughnessy +Evelyn Shaughnessy, +Joseph Shaughnessy, +Michael Shaughnessy, +Rhonda Shaughnessy Mrs. Joan Shegich +Penny Maclennan, +Ted & Helen Mackowiak Mr. Wayne Sherrick Mr. Gilbert Shoaf Mr. & Mrs. Steven Sieracki Lucy Sierra +Peter Z. Sierra, +Victoria Sierra Mr. & Mrs. Garratt Simmonds +Adolph & Monica Nowicki, +Fran Baer, +Thomas & Marguerite Simmonds Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sipiora +Ann Dolak, +Natalie Sipiora, +Anthony Sipiora, +Stephen Dolak Mr. & Mrs. Harold Slager Mrs. Carol Smialek +Robert Smialek, +Walter Koltonski, +Irene Koltonski, +Geraldine Fruehauf Mr. & Mrs. James Smith Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Smolen Mr. & Mrs. Marc Sokol +Casimir Knapik, +Joanne Knapik Mrs. Eleanore Sopko","+Mary Areis, +John Areis, +Alex Sopko, +Robert Sopko Mr. & Mrs. Richard Spiller *denotes new or updated article *He is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stern +M/M Everett Clark, +M/M Joseph Stern, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Strayer Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Peter Svast Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Swanson +Anna Mildice, +Mary Swanson, +Gene Gozdecki, +Harriet Gozdecki, +Bill Mildice Mrs. Ann Swatosh Mr. & Mrs. Dan Szymanski Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Talaga +Kruto Family, +Talaga Family Mr. Michael Taulia +George & Irene Mr. & Mrs. Gino Testolin +Testolin Family, +Valente Family, +All Poor Souls Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thiel +Jule & Olive Bell, +Bernard & Myrtle Thiel, +Lorraine Brownfield, +Diana & John Robinson, +June & Ed Shultz Mr. Joseph Tomaszewski In honor of Colm & Caide Tomaszewski Mr. & Mrs. Steven Toth +Andrew & Mary Balog, +Steve & Maryann Toth, +John & Mary Sedor, +George & Mary Balog, +Joseph & Anna Rivich, +Margaret & Steve Toth Mrs. Kathe Tutto George Tutto, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Udani +George Kozak Miss Sharon Vail +Jeanette & Harold Vail, +Mark T. Vail, +Rose & Fred Lindberg, +Elsie & Roy Vail, +Thomas Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Van Over Mr. & Mrs. Paul Van Sickle Russell & Sylvia Van Sickle, Charles & Sadie Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Jack Velazquez Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Velez +Joe & Charlotte Guzik, +Joe & Adell Velez, +Dolores & David Felton, +Gloria & John Colmar Mr. & Mrs. Roy Villanueva Mr. & Mrs. Juan Vitela Ramirez Family & Poor Souls of Purgatory Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wagner Dr. & Mrs. Michael Walker Mr. & Mrs. John Wallace +Joseph Racich, +Rose Racich, +Wallace Family, +Burns Family, +Patricia Nicksic Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wantuch +Kathleen Wantuch, +Nora Christine Butler Mr. & Mrs. David Wartman +All Deceased Members of the Salas Family, +All Deceased Members of the Wartman Family Mrs. Maureen Weigand Mrs. Irene Wendlinger Mrs. Pamala Wesolowski Mr. & Mrs. John Whiting Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Wieser Mrs. Bernadette Williams +John P. Williams, +Chris Markowicz Mr. & Mrs. Craig Wilson +William Maslowski, +Helen Maslowski, +Cory Maslowski, +Carrol Maslowski, +Garth Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wisniewski Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Wladyka +Jessie Kowalski, +MaryAnn Wladyka Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wojcik Mr. & Mrs. James Wozniak Mrs. Rita Wysocki +Rich Wysocki, +John & Francis Gawrys, +Dolores Johnson, +Alice Novak, +John Gawrys, Jr., +Robert Wysocki, +Ed & Gert Wysocki Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Yates +John Boyle Mr. & Mrs. John Zaborske +Anna Kuzma, +Leone Zaborske Mrs. Patricia Zavala +Edward Zavala, +Pauline Carovich, +Nicholas Carovich Mr. Edward Zurawski Mrs. Rose Zych +Zych Family, +Rogowski Family Diocesan Life Information The Shrine is open 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM today, Easter Sunday. Come Take the Journey and experience what we are celebrating today! How blessed we are to be able to walk right into the Empty Tomb on Easter Sunday! What a beautiful pilgrimage we are all able to make, and it’s right here in our own backyard. We wish you a most Blessed Easter Season. Website: www.stmichaelparish.life Page 14 March 27, 2016 We Remember . . . We Prepare . . . SATURDAY MARCH 26 HOLY SATURDAY THURSDAY 7:30 PM Easter Vigil Service 7:00 AM SUNDAY MARCH 27 FRIDAY 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM All Souls All Souls All Souls 7:00 AM SATURDAY MARCH 28 MONDAY William Fayta Troy Hartog Kate Serianni 7:00 AM EASTER SUNDAY TUESDAY MARCH 29 7:00 AM Verl Elliott WEDNESDAY MARCH 30 7:00 AM Kyle Arnold MARCH 31 Sylvester & Marjorie Schweitzer APRIL 1 Doug DePrez-2nd Anniversary APRIL 2 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Rosemary Gordon Garner “Bud” Baker SUNDAY APRIL 3 7:30 AM 9:30 AM Ed & Sue Stanish Robert & Katherine Nagy Mary Jane Matthews Rosemarie Schubert St. Michael Parish 11:30 AM SUNDAY OF DIVINE MERCY indicates deceased THE WORD (Readings for April 3rd, Sunday of Divine Mercy) I. A cts of the A postles 5:12-16 Through the works of the apostles, many signs and wonders took place among the people. People in great numbers became believers, and many sick people were cured. II. Revelation 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19 The author of Revelation had a vision of seven gold lampstands. Among the lampstands was one like a son of man dressed in a robe, with a gold sash around his chest. III. John 20:19-31 One of the Twelve, Thomas, was absent when the risen Lord first appeared to the others. Later, when Thomas was with them, Jesus came and said, “bring your hand and put it into my side and ...believe.” Thomas cried, “My Lord and my God!” Website: www.stmichaelparish.life Page 15 March 27, 2016 The Parish Website Visit our new website, www.stmichaelparish.life for up-to-date information on upcoming events, St. Michael Catholic School, St. Michael Cemetery, photo gallery, information on all of our ministries/committees, and St. Patrick Hall and our adjacent meeting rooms. Dear Parish Members, Our Sunday bulletin is a primary way we use to communicate with you. The parish does not pay for the bulletin printing because of the generosity of our advertisers-many of which are our own parish members. Most are members of our local community. Please support our advertisers with your patronage. Let the business owner know that you appreciate their support of our parish through their advertising in the bulletin. A strong and vibrant parish is good for our community and a strong business community is good for our parish. INFORMATION PAGE FOR J.S. PALUCH CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Michael the Archangel 1 W. Wilhelm Street Schererville, IN 46375 PHONE 219-322-4505 Ext 220 - front office receptionist Ext 239 - bulletin editor CONTACT PERSON Rhonda Haddad, bulletin editor EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] SOFTWARE Microsoft® Publisher 2013 Adobe® Acrobat® 7.0 Standard Windows 7 PRINTER Canon iR3225 PCL6 TRANSMISSION TIME Thursday, 2:45 PM SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION March 27, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 17 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Website: www.stmichaelparish.life Page 17 March 27, 2016