Prep Today - Fairfield - Fairfield College Preparatory School


Prep Today - Fairfield - Fairfield College Preparatory School
The Magazine for Fairfield College Preparatory School • Winter 2010
Including the Annual Report 2008–2009
Prep Today
nds of Fairfield Prep,
Dear Alumni, Parents, and Frie
s: “The world is charged
well in one of his famous poem
ley Hopkins (1844-89) said it so
k foil;”
flame out, like shining from shoo
with the grandeur of God. It will
their lives and in their
attentive to God’s presence in
on is to help students become
skills as a man or woman
presence with their talents, gifts
are indeed learning to use thei
world, so that they develop a
Arts program. Our Prep artists
htly to proclaim God’s
for others. In this issue you’ll
and for others by shining brig
rpret the world for themselves
eyes, hearts and hands to inte
the mundane and the magnific
attentive to God’s presence in
According to St. Ignatius of
ce in love and in generous serv
are moved to share our experien
leads us to gratitude. And
onstrate so often in their daily
which many Prep alumni dem
the St. Ignatius of Loyola Alum
blishing a new alumni award:
it ideoun
Thus I am very pleased
who you feel exemplifies
ider nominating a Prep alumnus
Award. Please read the
in order that our current stud
at one of Prep’s school liturgies
als from our school.
one of our Prep Man for Others.
ied by the real genuineness of
and staff may truly become edif
so many who
humbled by the generosity of
9 in this issue. I am continually
in so many
You will also find
ort of our important mission
. Thank you so much. Your supp
help to shape
munity we continue to
ol we are and the wonderful com
ways is a real
a New Year that is filled with
your loved ones be blessed with
grandeur of God. May you and
Rev. John J. Hanwell, S.J.
Fairfield College Preparatory School
announces establishment of the
St. Ignatius of Loyola Alumni Award
ll Jesuit schools seek to educate their students to become Men and
Women for Others. The various Jesuit high schools share a common
document: the Characteristics of the Graduate at Graduation. The recipient of
the Fairfield Prep St. Ignatius of Loyola Alumni Award will show evidence of
having fulfilled those characteristics’ expectations.
The five Characteristics of the Graduate at Graduation are:
I.Open to Growth
II.Intellectually Competent
III. Religious
V. Committed To Doing Justice
Details regarding nominating outstanding alumni will be available in early
March 2010, and will be communicated electronically and on our website.
Prep Today
Prep Today
Regional Wrap-up The fall has been a busy season for Fairfield
The Magazine for
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Business Breakfast Series came home to Fairfield County with Nick Perna
Winter 2010
Colleen Adams, P’08, ’11
Editor, “Prep Today”
Director of Communications
Margaret Galeano
Prep Alumni. Chicago and Atlanta alumni attended baseball games and our
’60, noted economist. . The Alumni Office traveled to Phoenix, Washington,
D.C., Boston, Tampa and Miami. . More travels are underway as the Central
and South Florida Chapters get set for their kick off receptions in the first
half of 2010. . A Miami area reception was held in January at South Beach.
. The Tampa area will follow in May with a reception. . The November
Washington reception was a great success and alumni are feverishly working
Development and
Alumni Office
pizza lunch with Father Hanwell, S.J., where area college students got to meet
Larry Carroll ’63
Vice President for Advancement
J Dillon Collins ’98
Director of Alumni Relations
Bob Donahue ’87
Director of Development
Kathy Norell
Special Events Coordinator
on setting up an event for this winter. . The Washington trip also included a
with their former classmates and friends. Students from both Georgetown
and George Washington Universities came. . Prep Crew traveled to Boston
J Dillon Collins ’98
Director of Alumni Relations
You are welcome to contact
me at 203.254.4200, ext. 2219
or [email protected]
to compete in the Head of the Charles, one of the country’s most prestigious Head races. Alumni and current
parents watched from the riverbanks. . The Boston Day of Service was a success as Prep alums gathered
to serve lunch to over 200 guests in need at the Pine Street Inn. . Alumni will be gathering for additional
service projects at the Merton Center and Columbus House in Connecticut. . Alumni just recently gathered
in New York City for a holiday reception at O’Casey’s; John Brennan, John Hanrahan and Lou Saracco joined
alums for a few drinks and plenty of cheer. . The annual Fairfield Prep Holiday Classic Basketball tournament
Development Staff
continues to get stronger each year. . Our Spring Event is set for May 1 and we encourage all alumni to come
Robyn Fry
Julie Pollard
to this annual dinner and auction run by our wonderful parent committee. The centerpiece will again be our
“Prep Today” is available on our
Prep Today, the Fairfield College
Preparatory School magazine,
is published twice a year by
Fairfield College Preparatory School.
Editorial offices are located in:
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Development and Alumni Office
Xavier Hall 112
Fairfield, CT 06824-5157
(203) 254-4237
$25,000 Tuition Raffle. (See back cover.) . If you would like to connect with alumni in your area or look at
starting a chapter, please contact me at [email protected].
A Safe and Happy 2010,
JDillon Collins
r with our Online Alumni Commun
P.S. Please remember to registe
the ID# printed above your
at Use
h for
ebook page as a fan. Searc
on the label. Also join our fac
“Fairfield Prep Alumni.”
Prep Pride Store opens in Berchmans Hall
Letters to the Editor:
Send to above address or
by email to:
[email protected]
or by fax: (203) 254-4071
Photo credits:
Colleen Adams, P’08, ’11
Wes Barlow ’11
Greg Enriquez, P’06, ’08, ’10
Jim Gruppo, P’05, ’08, ’09
Elliot Gualtiere
Deirdre Magner
Gus Powell
Joe Roberts, P’12, 13
Rev. Larry Ryan, S.J.
Tom Sacerdote
Seidler Photography
Robert Taylor Photography
Plus contributed photos
A new, permanent location for the Prep Pride Store has
been professionally designed and outfitted with store display shelves and units.
Beth Enriquez P’06, ’08, ’10, is the store manager. The store features many new and classic items, including all sportswear, spirit wear, gift wear, school accessories and more.
The store, located next to Berchmans Cafeteria, is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from
8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and accepts cash, check, Visa, MasterCard and Amercan Express. You
may now purchase ONLINE and ship direct. Visit
Prep Today
The Arts are Alive and Well and Living at Prep
By Frank Bramble and Dolores Tema, Fine Arts teachers
t is easy to see that the arts are alive and well at Prep,
alive with exciting performances, great art, a committed
faculty, and irrepressible students. For nearly forty years
Prep has recognized the importance of the arts for our students, our school and for the big, wide world out there.
Did you know that a study by the College Entrance Examination Board found that students who studied arts and music
scored significantly higher than the national average on the
Scholastic Aptitude Test? Students who had participated in
acting, play production, music performance and appreciation,
drama appreciation, and art history, scored an average of 31 to
50 points higher on their math and verbal sections (from Learning Through the Arts by Dee Dickinson).
As a Jesuit school, Prep continually engages in a process of
self examination asking ourselves “what is the best for our students?” This application of critical thinking is the same process
we teach in the arts.
When an artist engages in his work, be it in the performing, visual, or the written arts, it is all about the experience, the
reflection, and then the action. It’s very … Jesuit, very Ignatian.
Prep Today
St. Ignatius Loyola was a critical thinker so it is no wonder
that there is an affinity between the critical methodology we
use in the arts and the methodology of Jesuit education. We
have quite a tradition to live up to.
While our only requirement for art is in freshman year (a
choice of either music, drama or visual art), a student may elect
to continue taking art classes all the way through to his senior
year. Exciting things happen all along the journey.
Ours is a performance and visual based curriculum. Two
play performances, multiple concerts each year, both in the
imposing venue of Fairfield University’s Regina A. Quick Center
and New York’s Lincoln Center, and at the end of the year an
enormous art show in Arrupe Hall — all evidence of the number
of creative students engaged in the arts at Prep.
May we suggest that the next time you see a movie with a
favorite actor, admire an exhibit of someone’s stunning paintings, have the clever work of a graphic artist catch your eye,
walk into an architect’s sleek new building, or settle into your
seat at a concert, ask yourself this question — “Is that a Prep
Grad?” The answer could very well be “Yes!”
Continued on page 4
Prep Today
The Arts at Prep
Continued from page 2
By Christine Dominquez, Music Director
he Introduction to Music class, which
focuses on learning how to read
music and how to sing, most recently
finished a transcription project which
involved listening to a piece of music
and writing out the rhythm. Normally a
college-level exercise, Prep students mastered it effortlessly! They performed their
semester project piece with the Select
Chorus at the Quick Center for their
Christmas Concert. Select Chorus has
developed from singing two-part harmonies accompanied by a piano, to four-part
harmonies performed a cappella. Currently we are preparing the music for our
spring performance at Avery Fisher Hall.
The Symphonic and Concert
Bands have increased in quantity,
quality, and ability with their greatest
accomplishment so far being their
incredibly successful performance at
Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall on
December 9.
Other notable accomplishments include:
• Students being involved in the following audition-only groups: Greater
Bridgeport, Norwalk, and Stamford
Youth Orchestras, and the Fairfield
County Children’s Chorus.
• Members of the Prep Band performing
in China for the 2008 Olympics opening
• Recent Prep graduates Dylan Miraglia
’09, Michael Miraglia ’09, and
Tim DeMarco ’09 continuing their
studies in music at Ithaca College and
Marquette University respectively.
• Students participanting in various jazz
and orchestral 2009 summer music
camps at NYU and Julliard.
Prep Today
By Megan Hoover, Fine Arts Chair
y midnight on the evening of their
final performance, the cast of Don’t
Drink the Water find themselves standing
in an empty black room. There is a sense
of sadness and accomplishment as they
survey the now bare black box theatre. It
is strange to see the space vacant after
the three month’s worth of energy that
they brought there. This moment, at the
conclusion of each show, is part of what
makes the art of theatre so special.
Each year Prep Players, the theatre
ensemble on campus, presents two productions at the Regina A. Quick Center for
the Arts. While we hope that each performance entertains our audience, it is
not the only end that we work towards.
Mike Brelsford ’07, working towards his
teaching certification at Fairfield University, remembers working on productions
at Prep. “For me, the goal of each performance was to inspire the audience. In
my coming semester of student teaching,
I will have the same goal in front of the
classroom, and I know I will use a lot of
what I learned on stage.”
Theatre is a collaborative art; therefore, the idea of working as an ensemble
becomes a crucial element of the process.
The members must be able to rely on
one another, and we cultivate a feeling of
trust through games and exercises. They
learn that they succeed and fail together.
Students are exposed to a variety of
plays and musicals — from the classic
Guys and Dolls to the quirky Lucky Stiff.
Theatre offers us a lens through which we
can examine the world around us and it
is important that the works also speak to
contemporary issues. Four years ago, we
presented Dead Man Walking in conjunction with the seniors’ Social Justice curriculum as a means of facilitating dialogue
about the death penalty. In the midst
of the presidential election, Prep Players rehearsed 43 Plays for 43 Presidents.
This production provided both cast and
audience a window into the history and
humanity of the office of the President.
A political science major at Cambridge University, Richard Johnson ’09
credits his time studying theatre at Prep
with developing his skills as a writer
and speaker. “I not only learned how to
become a better actor; I learned about
history, language, culture, literature, and
communication. In studying what makes
an audience tick and through work-
Alumni in the Arts
Below is just a sampling of Prep
grads who are active in the arts.
Alumni are welcome to update Prep
by returning the Alumni Class News
coupon on page 32 or by joining our
Online Alumni Community.
Kwadwo Adae ’94: Non-Objective Oil
Vincent Appel ’03: Syracuse
Architecture NYC program
coordinator and teacher at Syracuse
George Bisacca ’73: Curator,
Metropolitan Museum of Art
ing with an ensemble, I gained insight into
human relationships. In spending countless
hours developing my characters before a
performance, I learned crucial lessons about
human nature. Through studying the director’s role, I have learned vital lessons about
leadership, management, and diplomacy. As
I look to a future in politics and government,
I know that the skills which I have developed
through my education in Prep’s theatre program will remain critically valuable throughout my life.”
There is something amazing about the
fact that theatre is created during a fleeting
exchange between actor and audience. The
students know that they have been a part
of something that can never be recreated
or altered, and they will carry these experiences with them for years to come.
Visual Arts
By Frank Bramble and Dolores Tema,
Fine Arts teachers
n the visual art classes, students not only
get in touch with their creative side, they
also study art history and learn the needed
“language” of critical methodology. It is not
unusual for visual art classes to take place
at the Walsh Gallery at The Regina A. Quick
Center. There they view
contemporary art work
and engage in discussions of an artist’s style
and the meaning of the
work. By the end of
their freshman year, our visual art students
have produced a portfolio, and considered
the importance art has for the individual and
for the many cultures, both historical and
contemporary, studied during the year.
Visual arts courses include: Visual Arts,
Drawing and Painting, Advanced Art Techniques, Studio Art III, and Architectural
Drafting and Design.
We continue to place our students in
some of the nation’s best art and architecture programs. From Syracuse to the Maryland Art Institute, Prep students are a part of
America’s future in the arts.
Pete Coughlin ’63: President, Cohan
Radio Group
Edward Crader ’76: MCL Productions,
operatic tenor, agent
Joseph Farrell ’93: Actor
Chris Fischer ’88: Actor (The Departed,
30 Rock)
Kevin Heffernan ’86: Director, writer,
actor, producer (Super Troopers,
Beerfest, How I Met Your Mother,
Curb Your Enthusiasm, others)
Dean Holland ’87: TV editor/director
(Parks and Recreation, The Office)
Gene Hull ’48: Musician, book author
Peter Jankowski ’82: Executive
producer (Law & Order)
Greg Jennings ’87: Emmy award winning
tv script writer.
Andrew Jonic ’93: Architect
Pat Jordan ’59: Writer
Kevin Kallaugher ’73: Cartoonist, The
Economist and Baltimore Sun,
Pulitzer Prize winner
Kevin King ’95: Architect
John Kramer ’72: Teacher, graphic
Jack Laurence ’57: ABC News
correspondent, writer and
documentary producer (The Cat from
Hue, 101st Airborne in Iraq)
Justin Long ’96: Actor, TV, film and
HT Owens ’86: TV Producer (The Biggest
Loser, Nashville Star)
Seth Mathurin ’00: Artist
Michael McGlone ’91: Actor, screen
writer (The Brothers McMullen,
She’s the One)
Sean McManus ’73: President, CBS
News & CBS Sports
Sergio Rosa ’06: Web design and
computer engineer
Sean Ryan ’96: Artist
Peter Saarsgard ’89: Actor (Golden
Globe and Screen Actors Guild
Jeff Sochrin ’85: Radio personailty
Chris Tart ’91: Studio drummer
Prep Today
N on - T raditiona l l e arnin g
ND Vision Conference
Reflection by Max Rein ’11
n June 2009 I attended the
ND Vision Conference. This
exciting retreat took place
at Notre Dame University. It
was a week filled with new experiences, new friends, and new
ways of becoming closer to God.
The week was busy, filled with
ten sessions with speakers giving
new insights and senses of who
we are, and how we can live our
life with God as our first priority.
The week was also…a BLAST.
We had plenty of free time
where we were able to create
new friendships which will last
a lifetime. One evening we participated in a scavenger hunt
searching for clues all over Notre
Dame’s campus. My fellow “Prep
Brothers” in attendance included
Sean Keane ’11, Ryan Brennan
’11, Connor Marr ’10, Frank Lupariello ’10, Kevin Leitao ’10, Cody
Bilcheck ’11, Johnny Garcia ’11,
Chris DiMuzio ’11, Matt Considine
’11, Tim Culligan ’11, Chris Walsh
’10, and Patrick Benedosso ’11.
We had an amazing time meeting new people from all over
the country, spending countless
hours talking, playing football,
Frisbee, and other fun and great
At some sessions we broke
down into small groups which
included a retreat leader, and an
actual student of Notre Dame.
This was where we were able to
connect with others and share
our deep experiences with each
other. These retreat leaders also
gave “faith talks” in our sessions
where they shared personal
Prep Today
experiences on our daily topics.
My favorite experiences from
the retreat included the Speakers
and Reconciliation. After receiving Penance, the Priest gave me a
special prayer which I will never
forget, “Come Holy Spirit, Kindle
in me, the power of your love.”
It taught me to love my family
more, my friends more, and God
more. I learned the three important L’s of life: Live your life; Lead
your life; Love your life.
Lenny, our director, also was a
speaker at one of our sessions. He
discussed the Saints, our Models
of Faith. A little boy he knew told
Lenny that he didn’t know who
the people were on stained glass
windows in churches. Lenny
replied, “Those are saints.” The
little boy then went out and told
everyone, “Saints, they’re the
people that let the light shine
through.” It is a simple, yet complex statement because they
physically and metaphorically let
their light shine through.
Another speaker told us about
how she felt no one truly loved
her. Then she found God. She
said, “Your deepest fear is not
that you are inadequate. Your
deepest fear is that you are powerful beyond measure.” It is so
true that we are all powerful in
God’s love and that we can truly
say the only life we have is God’s
life in us.
ND Vision 2009 was an outstanding experience and I surely
hope you will join me and my
other Prep Brothers for another
remarkable experience at ND
Vision next year.
Spain Summer Immersion
n June and July of 2010
Fairfield Prep students
will again be traveling
to Spain for a 4 week
immersion language program in Madrid. This unique
opportunity is open to students of Spanish of all levels who have a B average. This will be the fourth consecutive summer
that Prep has sponsored this program. Students
who have participated have benefited in a wide
variety of ways: obviously their command of the
language increases radically, but more than just
that, the participants mature in responsibility,
poise and self confidence. Included in the four
weeks of study are a wide variety of cultural
activities and it is capped off by a five day tour
of Andalucia. Information on this program will
be available in January 2010. Look for an email
or contact Ms. Deirdre Magner, [email protected] for more information.
c h ristian s e rvic e pro j e cts
Appalachia Immersion
Excerpts from reflection by Kyle Piscioniere ’11
n this trip we learned that helping someone does not mean they are less
of a person than you. We all need help at some time and some more
than others. Every person sees themselves in those they help; this stirs
compassion in the helper. Whether we were planting a garden in a community center to feed those in need or painting an old train car that stood as a town
landmark we came to understand the words of Jesus, “whatever you do to the least
of these you do unto me.” Never before have I bonded with a group on so many
levels. Never before have I done so much work and honestly enjoyed it for both its
nature and its purpose.
Jamaica Service Immersion Trip
Reflection by Sean Donoghue ’11
his July, seven Prep students, two faculty, and one
alumni traveled to Montego
Bay, Jamaica for a service
trip. The group served a charity called
Mustard Seed Communities, which
provides aid to disabled and abandoned children. The Prep group stayed
at Blessed Assurance, a compound that
houses 46 disabled children.
Every morning at 5:30 a.m. we
helped the staff get the children ready
for the day. We had time to bond with
and get to know them. At devotion
time we sang hymns and read scriptures. Next the heavy labor would
begin. We completed a wide range
of projects including digging a
trench, and clearing and organizing a
storage room. A highlight was putting
the finishing touches on the Blessed
Assurance Chapel, which had been under
construction for over a year. We commemorated this milestone occasion with
an inaugural mass celebrated by our own
Fr. Larry Ryan, S.J.
Overall, our Jamaican experience was
very eye-opening and touching. The
children, the dedicated caregivers, and
the impoverished country of Jamaica
touched all of our hearts. After a long
week of dedicated service, the Prep group
returned home more than satisfied with
their effort.
Participants included: J.J. Hubert ’11,
Paul Sikora ’11, Mark Rodas ’11, Sean
Donoghue ’11, James
Shea ’11, Kenny Duque ’11, Sebastian
Dumoulin ’10, Kevin Foley ’04, Elliott
Gualtiere, Director of Campus Ministry, and Fr. Larry Ryan S.J., Student
Chaplain. This service trip was a large
success and Fairfield
Prep plans to return
to Blessed Assurance
with another group
next year.
Prep Today
Bellarmine Guild presents
$71,000 gift to Prep
t the Bellarmine Guild Annual Fall Luncheon and Shopping
Extravaganza, “Fall into Fun,” past presidents of the Guild
presented Fr. Jack Hanwell, S.J. with a check in the amount of
$71,000 with an additional gift in kind. Colleen Busby and Jean
Moore were delighted to give Fairfield Prep this amount on
behalf of the 2008-2009 Bellarmine Board. The Fall
Luncheon was held on November 18, 2009 at the
Racebrook Country Club in Orange.
Students participate in Ignatian Family Teach-In
airfield Prep took part in the Ignatian Family Teach-In in November. Prep students Joe
Burgess ’10, Omar Cardona ’10, Quinn Rooney ’10,
Harry Whiteley ’10, Carmine Urciuoli ’10, Sam Anim
’11, and Andrew Passarelli ’11, accompanied by
Mr. Jon DeRosa, Father Larry Ryan, S.J. and Mr.
Tom Sacerdote, set out on the road to the Teach-In
in Columbus, Georgia by way of the Martin Luther
King National Historic Site in Atlanta. They took
part in this annual conference dealing with peace
Prep Today
and social justice issues. Since 1995, Jesuits, former Jesuits, lay pastoral leaders, and the broader
Ignatian family have gathered at the gates of Fort
Benning, GA, to call for the closure of the School of
the Americas (SOA) and to commemorate the deaths
of the Salvadoran Jesuit martyrs, their housekeeper
and her daughter, the four churchwomen, and the
many other men, women, and children who have
been innocent victims of civil war and bloodshed.
Sports News
Prep rugby players
shine on Union U-19
he 51st Annual New York Sevens Rugby
Tournament was held November 28,
on Randall’s Island, NY. This is America’s
largest seven-a-side tournament with over
120 teams from all over the world who
gather to play over 200 matches in one day.
It is hosted by the New York Rugby Club,
which is the oldest rugby club in the U.S.
In the high school division, Matt Leonard
’10, (left) and Mat Benedetto ’10 (right) both
senior co-captains of the Fairfield Prep
Rugby team, participated in the event on the Union U-19 rugby team. The team was
made up of high school players from the New York Metropolitan area and coached
by Lex Maccubbin. After winning their first three matches, Union U-19 defeated the
two-time defending champs, Xavier High School Rugby team of New York, in the
championship game, winning the U-19 Division of the tournament. Mat Benedetto
was selected MVP.
Cross Country team finishes 10-2
rep advanced to the State Open this year (the finals) and
even with a team that lost three of 7 starters to flu in the
last week of the season, finished 17th in the state.
Connor Rog ’12 was the class LL Champion surprising the
favorite runner (Sean Mueller of Cheshire) with a surge at the
end to win by several seconds. Connor went on to finish 13th
in the State Open (sick, but still ran) and 23rd in New England. Earlier he was 3rd in the SCC.
Connor was All-SCC, All-LL, All-State, and All-New England. He was also selected to both the New Haven Register and CT
Post all-area teams. The team finished its season running in
the Northeast Regionals for the Nike Cross National competition. Connor finished as 20th individual (16:28) and the team
finished 20th out of 25 teams selected for the Championship
race — 9 of the teams had won state championships.
Soccer achievements:
.Varsity advanced to the SCC championship and finished the season with a
15-4-1 record.
.Kevin Burt ’10 (left) was selected to
the All-State Team.
.Kevin Burt ’10, John Monroe ’10, and
Jaime Skelton ’10 were selected to
the SCC All-Quinnipiac Division Team.
.Kevin Burt and John Monroe were
selected for and played in the Senior
Bowl game.
JUST BEAT IT!! Prep Crew ‘pulls’ for classmate Ryan Brennan.
n support of Ryan Brennan ’11 who is undergoing cancer treatment at Sloan Kettering, the Prep Crew team proudly wear their
“Just Beat It” t-shirts at the New Canaan Sprints Regatta in Norwalk, Sunday, November 1.
Prep Today
School Happenings
Not your father’s textbook
s a new technology initiative at Prep, four
sections of classes are working in a tablet PC
lab. The Xavier Hall computer lab is operational,
using integrated learning with listening and
speaking. Teachers Maureen Bohan (math), Connie
Carrington (French), and Jen Mauritz (French) are
utilizing this new non-textbook approach to gain
student interactivity and feedback. Connie Carrington relates her experience with language:
“The students are ‘liberated’ from a traditional
hard-cover textbook, having access to a website
with the entire textbook with point of reference
links to two workbooks, videos, audio files, tests
and quizzes. The Basic French class meets in our
new tablet PC lab every day and can access all the
material anywhere there is an internet connection.
No more forgetting a book or losing a workbook!
If a student wants to hear a word pronounced,
all he has to do is click and he hears it. He can
access the grammar videos as often as he wishes.
The on-line quizzes and tests, with plenty of
writing exercises, are corrected by me and permanently available for the students. What is
still unclear is the actual
outcome—are the students
learning as much or as well
as with traditional textbooks? Of course,
what I’d like is for
them to learn
and love French
Prep Today
The Spirit of Christmas overflows for Toy Drive
nce again this year, in response to a request from the Office of Social Concerns,
Diocese of Bridgeport, Prep collected new, unwrapped toys. Hundreds of toys plus
packages of much-needed diapers filled Arrupe Hall. Freshmen Theology students
helped load the toys into vehicles. Shown on left side of tree, back row from left: Declan
Rowley, Ryan Orvis, Kieran Bracken; front row from left: Jonathan Johannes, Kyle Mollo,
James DeFelice. On right side, back row from left: Peter Riley, Paul Genco; front row from
left: Ray Kingsbury, Tony Pham.
Mad Dog unleashed at Fathers’ Club event
ports Night featuring Chris “MAD DOG” Russo from SiriusXM Radio
was held on November 10 in Prep’s Brissette Gymnasium. The “Mad
Dog” was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!! Over 400 Prep fathers, sons and faculty
were on hand for a night of good food, fun and fellowship. Planning is
underway for the 2010 Sports Night and the Fathers’ Club looks forward
to seeing you there. They thank the many parents and friends of Prep
who donated prizes to the raffle and auction. The event raised approximately $40,000 to benefit Fairfield Prep.
School Happenings
Front: Rev. John J. Hanwell, S.J. 2nd Row (l-r): TudorMatei Boran, Matthew Leonard, Dr. Robert Perrotta.
3rd row: Brendan Bercik, Joshua Jowdy. Back: Miles
Keegan, Kristof Toth, Joseph Burgess and David Oliver.
National Merit Scholars
airfield Prep is proud to announce recognition of eight seniors based on the PSAT/
National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test taken
in their junior year. Brendan Bercik was named
a National Merit Scholarship semifinalist, and
seven students were commended in the National
Merit Scholarship Program. Over one million students from across the nation entered the competition by taking the test, and the Prep winners
were selected based on top performance in the
highly competitive state of Connecticut.
Tom Shea ’73, Alumnus, Teacher and Coach, is new
Head Football Coach
airfield Prep is pleased to announce Tom Shea’73, current English teacher and past Freshman and JV
Football coach, has been selected as the new Varsity Football Head Coach. Tom has taught English
at Prep since 2005, following a successful business career as founder and chief business executive for
several communications ventures. Tom played football for Fairfield Prep and Harvard University, where
he received his B.A. He continued his studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science
where he earned a Master of Sciences. Tom met with enthusiastic Prep students on January 20, to
talk about his new position and the coming season: “I am honored and proud to be named just the 8th
coach in Prep football history, and I look forward to working with our young men to revitalize our winning
traditions. I feel we have the talent to be a good football team, but it is up to the players and their level of
commitment and dedication to determine when that will be.”
Columbian Squires inducted
Prep goes green with
recycling initiative
n November 6, members of the student body,
under the direction of the Student Government, placed recycling bins in every classroom
and office, as well as near every copy machine.
The recycling campaign involves students from
the Science Club, the Political Awareness Society, the Environmentalist Club, and the Student
Government. Because a school’s waste is mostly
composed of paper products, the students
believe recycling paper will greatly cut down on
our carbon footprint and also cut down costs
when it comes to waste dumping. The first bin
pick-up was on November 13. Helping out, shown
from left: Andrew Golankiewicz ’10, Ryan Cahalane ’10, Matt Fornshell ’11 and Tyler Cox ’11.
he Knights of Columbus has wanted to establish a Columbian Squires circle at Prep for some time.
Thanks to Mr. Bret Stockdale, S.J., theology and social studies teacher, we now have one.
On Sunday, November 8, Fairfield University hosted the annual Business Leaders’ Communion Breakfast. Bishop Lori celebrated Mass in Egan Chapel and the breakfast was held afterwards in the BCC Oak
Room. The keynote speaker was Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus.
Prep’s newly formed Columbian Squires group, the Rev. Donald M. Barry, S.J. Circle, had the honor of
meeting Carl Anderson afterwards. (Father Barry, RIP, was a teacher here at Prep for many years. He also
held several high-ranking positions in the Knights of Columbus.) Shown from left: Bret Stockdale, S.J., Greg
Marshall ’73, Daniel Passarelli ’13, Connor Ryan ’11, Grand Knight Carl Anderson, Derek Gebo ’11, Jake
Cogguillo ’12, Joseph Humes ’12, Michael Demakos ’12, Thomas Olsen, S.J.
Fathers’ Club responds
to local needs
In partnership with Groundwork Bridgeport,
members of the Fathers’ Club and their sons
worked over several fall weekends to help
rake leaves for the elderly in our community.
Pictured from left: Bob Boehringer, Dan Boyle
’12, Peter Tortora Sr., Peter Tortora Jr. ’12, Eric
Hoffman ’12, Joe Hoffman, Chris Cortina ’12,
Bob Cortina, Scott Craighead, Scott Sedgwick
’12 and Matthew Craighead ’12.
Prep Today
An English teacher’s pilgrimage through Europe,
following the steps of St. Ignatius Loyola
Spanish Journal:
The S
By Barry Wallace
n a small town outside of Pamplona called Javier, I
developed a case of traveler’s exhaustion one afternoon.
Never much of a group person, I decided I needed some
time to myself. I opted not to tour the castle of Francis Xavier (were all Jesuits born in castles? I’ll have to
ask some of my Jesuit friends when I return). Instead, I sat in
the cool quiet of the basilica near the castle and collected my
thoughts. Exactly what does it mean to be a modern-day pilgrim, and why had I taken this trip?
The early pilgrims thought the path to Javier would take
them to the end of the world. To this day, Javier remains a
remote and ruggedly beautiful place — a place where you don’t
feel silly thinking about God and wondering about the purpose
of your life. I looked up at the marble altar covered with sweetscented lilies. Above the altar, a figure of the Jesuit saint and cofounder stands gazing upward with his arms outstretched. He
holds a crucifix in his right hand; a gold halo rings his head. It
is the pose of sanctity I recognize from my Catholic school days.
But what does it mean to live spiritually today?
I sat for a long while in the church absorbing the coolness
and letting my own questions run freely from me. My back
stiffened in the wooden pew. I needed to lie down, but I didn’t
want to go back to my room. I left the church and followed a
walkway where I discovered a stone parapet overlooking miles
of hills and valleys. I was suddenly aware of standing at a great
height, but there wasn’t a place to lay my head. I leaned against
the church and rested my head on my hands. My eyes were
closed when I first heard the high-pitched sounds; I opened
them to see dozens of swallows and swifts weaving through the
air above me.
These small birds were flying into the towers of the basilica
and then soaring out over the stone parapet and high above the
fertile valley. They were dancing in the pure air, tumbling, turning and flipping on their own course of evanescence and delight.
As so often happens to me, the voice of God speaks through
nature. In the hot silence of the afternoon, in this remote village, I was hearing the sounds of the swallows and they filled
the air with wonder. Was this a religious experience, or a natural one? Was it a moment of simple beauty or a moment of
eternal truth somehow revealed through creation? I didn’t care
what it was. All at once, history, the church, the saints, the bus
travel, the food and the tour places came together for me. The
experience transfixed me and I could only let go and let it run
its course.
Prep Today
As so often happens to me, the voice of God speaks through
nature. … I was hearing the sounds of the swallows and they
filled the air with wonder. Was this a religious experience, or
a natural one?
I got up and followed a wooded trail behind the church. The
path was blooming with flowers and fragrant herbs — wild valerian and pink mallow. I heard the clear, unmistakable call of a
cuckoo in the woods. The upper path took me to a monastery
behind the cathedral. Two old priests were sitting in the garden
in the heat of the day. My Spanish isn’t very good, but it was
obvious they were discussing the state of the world. One of the
men was gesturing as if to indicate that things had gone to rack
and ruin. His friend nodded gently reminding him that nothing
really changes and that life is always good. I stood by the stone
wall listening to those men in the garden as if they were taking
parts of my own soul.
I left them to their conversation and walked to the edge of
the land. It dropped off suddenly into a steep ravine. One step
more and I would’ve been floating in space. We were so high up
that I could only see the crowns of the tall poplar trees from a
great distance. Beneath the trees I could see the sparkling river.
Patterned farm fields ran backward toward the foothills. In a
manner of speaking I, too, had come to the end of the world.
eople have been making pilgrimages for thousands of
years for a myriad of reasons. Some come to find God;
some to heal a troubled soul; some to heal the body- and
some, no doubt, to escape from their life for a while and head
out on an interesting journey. I asked myself in the midst of
all this overwhelming beauty in the birthplaces of these heroic
Jesuits, “What do you feel?”
A pilgrim certainly is permitted such questions. In fact, the
journey itself follows the curve of a question. Where do we go
next? What will it be like? How will I fit there? What part of my
soul will be concealed or revealed to me? Our ultimate destination was Rome, where Ignatius founded the Jesuit order, presided over its expansion and growth, and lived out his last years.
This made me think of an old Irish poem I much admire. It
was written during a period of dangerous yet ardent pilgrimages, much more difficult than our own plane rides and airconditioned motor coaches.
Continued on page 13
Uncle Lou honored at Celebration Dinner
pproximately 200 guests attended the Lou Saracco Celebration Dinner, held
on November 7 at Testo’s Restaurant in Bridgeport. Speakers honoring Lou’s
retirement and 50 years of service to Prep included: George L. Holmes, Jr. ’65,
Senator John P. McKinney ’82, Dolores P. Tema, Rev. John J. Hanwell, S.J., Peter M.
Nolin ’74, Rev. James C.L. Arimond, S.J. and Stephen M. Jakab ’84. All enjoyed a
video about Lou, produced by Peter Scifo ’98. To view the video and support the
Prep Scholarship Fund in his name, go to
Spanish Journal: The Swallows of Javier
Continued from page 12
To go to Rome
Is much of trouble, little profit;
The King whom thou seekest there,
Unless thou bring Him with thee, thou wilt
Not find.
Of course, it was early Celtic church tweaking their brothers
in Rome, but in its unique way it poses the essential question
with humor and a wink. When you take a journey of this type
into the vast spiritual and material riches of the past, you come
to realize something profound. No matter how marvelous the
churches you visit, the living faith truly resides in the hearts of
people and not in the marble and stone edifices that can only
give expression to something that lies too deep for words.
Yet isn’t this the very point of a pilgrimage? The travel and
the strangeness, the beauty and awe of the way awaken in you
what cannot be found at home. Indeed, only the long journey of
the foot can penetrate the fathomless distances of the heart. I go
back to my father’s often-stated belief that all journeys take us
home. The swallows of Javier did that for me. They encouraged
me to find spiritual meaning in ordinary life. They dove down
from the dizzying height of the steeple to skim humble earth.
This is the territory of faith joined by tiny wings and the soul of
We left Javier at 9:15 a.m. the next morning and headed
across the Spanish desert toward Barcelona. As the bus slowly
rolled through the narrow lanes, I looked back at the domed
basilica for one last glimpse of the birds. I would find them again
in Barcelona and later in St. Peter’s Square. With their guidance,
I wouldn’t lose sight of where I was going and where I had been
on this long and challenging pilgrimage.
Great golf at Great River
his year was another success for the Fairfield Prep
Annual Golf Outing at the picturesque Great River Golf
Club. Ninety eight alumni and friends attended on October
12. As always, a terrific day of golf, food
and camaraderie was had by all! A special thanks to the tournament committee chaired by John Chiota ’86 (left) and
consisting of John Chiota ’61; Kevin Foley
’73, Tom Welch ’83, Jim Butler ’86; Alex
Oracheff ’94, and Kevin Kozlowski ’99.
Prep Today
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Annual Report
July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009
e gratefully acknowledge the following alumni, parents, friends, companies, foundations, and organizations for
their support of Fairfield College Preparatory School’s annual, capital, restricted, and endowed funds, to ensure
the advancement of our mission as a Jesuit, Catholic high school of excellence.
•Tuition and Fees: 87%
Tuition and Fees
Private Gifts and Grants
Endowment Income and Grants
Auxiliary Enterprises
Invest Return – Plant Reserve
$ 13,309,000
$ 1,286,000
$ 15,420,000
•Private Gifts & Grants: 9%
Endowment Income • •Auxiliary Enterprises: 1%
& Grants: 3.4%
•Other: .4%
Gif t To ta l b y C o n s ti t u e n c y
Annual Giv ing Clu bs
President’s Council
Arrupe Society Loyola Circle Platinum Gold
Silver Junior*
*for graduates within the past 10 years
Xavier Club
Berchmans Club
Hearthstone Club
•Invest Return Plant Reserve: .2%
$10,000 – $24,999
$5,000 –
$2,500 –
$1,200 –
$ 600 –
$ 750 – $ 1,199
$ 250 – $ 749
$ 1 – $ 249
Bo ard o f Gove r nors
Mr. Francis P. Barron ’69
Mrs. Margaret M. Florentine
Mr. Peter W. O’Connor ’95
Mr. Albert J. Cass III ’84
Rev. John J. Hanwell SJ
Rev. Ronald V. Perry SJ
The Hon. John P. Chiota ’61
Mr. Timothy A. Hogan Jr.
Dr. Robert D. Russo Jr. ’65
Rev. Walter J. Conlan SJ
Mr. Traugott F, Keller ‘78
Mrs. Monica M. Walsh
Mrs. Mary R. Cunningham
Mr. Daniel J. King ’90
Mr. Mark B. Fasano
Mr. Randy S. Maultsby ’91
Unrestricted Annual Fund
Current Parents
Alumni Parents Friends of Prep Total Unrestricted Annual Fund
Special Events
Restricted Gifts
Total Giving
The Annual Fund received $654,075 from 222 Loyola
Circle donors ($1,200+). This accounted for 65% of the
2008-2009 Annual Fund total.
• Due to space limitations, all donors are listed in their primary
constituent group as of the 2008-2009 fiscal year.
• Class giving participation data is based on total alumni in a
class, excluding lost and deceased alumni.
• Gifts received after June 30, 2009 will be listed in the
2009-2010 Annual Report. If your name was overlooked
or improperly listed, please accept our sincere apologies.
Prep Today
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Annual Report 2008–2009
Unrestricted Gifts
Alumni Donors
By Class
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $327.78
65th Reunion
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $128.57
Berchmans Club
Mr. John N. Murray
Hearthstone Club
Dr. & Mrs. A. Richard Brazis
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Burns
Mr. Edward F. Fenton Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Greenwood
Mr. & Mrs. Harold T. Pitt
Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Savard
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $439.99
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. Robert J. Kravutske
The late Harold F. Mullen
Berchmans Club
The late Msgr. Lawrence J. McMahon
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Eisenmann
Dr. & Mrs. George W. Kearns
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Terrio
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony T. Varone
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $161.74
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Caliento
Berchmans Club
Rear Adm. & Mrs. Richard J. Grich USN
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Laske Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. O’Hara
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Connell
Dr. & Mrs. Earle F. Cote
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund F. Dailey
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ford
Mr. Edward F. Jurgielewicz
Mr. John S. Kartovsky
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Keegan
Mr. & Mrs. William N. McCormack
Mr. & Mrs. James C. McKelvey
Mr. & Mrs. John F. McMahon Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pasenelli
Msgr. Joseph D. Potter
The Honorable John H. Shannon
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Shea
Arrupe Society
Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Feroleto Jr.
Mr. William D. Walsh
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Gilhuly
Mr. John N. McMahon
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cosgrove
Mr. & Mrs. John F. DePledge
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Fitzpatrick
Mr. Thomas A. Flaherty
Mr. James P. Fogarty
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lambert
Mr. Jeremiah T. Quigley
Mr. Michael G. Stifil
Platinum Loyola Circle
Dr. & Mrs. Sal M. Santella
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. J. William Foster
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Di Camillo
Dr. & Mrs. Edward D. Jordan
Berchmans Club
Mr. Vincent D. Celentano
Dr. & Mrs. John J. McDougall
Mr. & Mrs. John W. McPadden
Rev. Msgr. Joseph W. Pekar
Mr. David M. Phelan
Dr. & Mrs. William F. Stephanak
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $270.00
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bestercy
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Bigley Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Gernat
Mr. Frank C. Grich
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Grosso
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hardiman
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Incerto
Mr. Robert Kapusta
Mr. James H. Keenan Jr.
Mr. Kenneth J. Kelly
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Keogh
Mr. Walter McVety
Atty. & Mrs. Joseph E. Meuser
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Murphy
Dr. & Mrs. Harold T. Oesau
Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel F. Ondeck
Mr. Robert R. Petrucelli
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Poillon Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Richard F. Quick
Mr. Edward Sisk
Atty. & Mrs. David J. Sullivan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond S. Tomasko
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Webb
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Welch Jr.
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert L. Auray
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Lannon
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Alvin D. Bodell
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Meehan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Miko
Rev. Walter R. Pelletier S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe R. Relihan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Spodnick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Terifay
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. J. Vincent Burns
The Honorable &
Mrs. Frank H. D’Andrea Jr.
Rev. Msgr. William A. Genuario JCD
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond F. Kiely
Mr. Daniel R. Mullins
J. Kendall Murphy PhD
John F. Piro MD
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Welch
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. John Goncar
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Johnson Jr.
Mr. Thomas J. Keeley
Mr. Robert H. McCoy
Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Niedermeier
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Nucera
Mr. Raymond Plouffe
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Scholz
60th Reunion
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $192.54
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Halloran
Mr. & Mrs. George V. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. J. Earl Lavery Jr.
Mr. Robert B. Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Pagliaro
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Pennington III
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Poeltl
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Reilly Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Valus Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Vitale Jr.
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $833.45
Arrupe Society
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Werner
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Leverty Sr.
The Honorable &
Mrs. John P. Maiocco Jr.
Mr. Alexander A. Micklos Jr.
Mr. John G. Phelan Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Stapleton
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Dunn
Dr. & Mrs. James P. Roach
Mr. Edward Sinanian
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Dwyer Sr.
The Honorable & Mrs. Joseph T.
Gormley Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Gromults Jr.
Mr. Edward J. Kelly
The Honorable & Mrs. John J. Ronan
Mr. & Mrs. Howard S. Rowan Jr.
Hearthstone Club
Dr. & Mrs. Edward G. Bednar
Mr. Charles L. DeSiena
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph P. Gentile
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $736.74
Arrupe Society
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. O’Keefe
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Shannahan
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Brown
Mr. Louis J. Carbone
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Clayton
Mr. Thomas M. Coonan Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Figmic Jr.
Mr. R. Michael Norko &
Ms. Ruth Fitzgerald
Mr. John F. O’Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. O’Neill Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Roger L. Ratchford
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Barry Brandt
Dr. & Mrs. Martin A. Buzas
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard K. Coiley Sr.
Mr. Biagio Coppolella
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Corr
Mr. Edward J. Dulemba
Rev. Michael A. Fahey S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Kennedy Jr.
Mr. J. Norman LeBlanc
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Lovely
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Mozier
Atty. & Mrs. Wilfred J. Rodie Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Schmeck
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Stankye Jr.
Mr. Francis Tomis
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $247.60
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Barnwell
Mr. & Mrs. Donal P. Sullivan
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Herman R. Charbonneau
President’s Council
Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Senfield
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Germain Jr.
Colonel & Mrs. Joseph F. Hellauer
Dr. & Mrs. Charles W. Jensen Jr.
Mr. George McGoldrick
Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Parillo
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Pavlik
Hearthstone Club
Mr. John J. Barnick
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Basdekian
Fr. Philip D. Evanstock CSSP
Dr. & Mrs. Thaddeus A. Figlock
Dr. & Mrs. Philip J. Goscienski
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Hickey
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hurley
Dr. & Mrs. Henry R. Jaenicke
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Keegan
Dr. & Mrs. Philip M. LaMastra
Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. McPadden Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Neuberger PE
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Palcak Sr.
Mr. & Ms. Jon RG Turner-Groot
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $248.98
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Pelletier
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Norman P. Rousseau
Xavier Club
Atty. & Mrs. Robert J. Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Keaveny
Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today
Unrestricted Gifts
Mr. Peter L. Knapp
Mr. & Mrs. Edward N. Linderfelt
Dr. Donald C. Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Rossi Jr.
D. Peter Saur MD
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Stark Jr.
Mr. James P. Zelle
Berchmans Club
Dr. & Mrs. Barry N. Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Albert V. J. Karg
Mr. James J. Quinn Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Rowan Jr.
Mr. Robert M. Skane
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Bonney
Mr. & Mrs. Santa Card
Mr. & Mrs. Ted D. Colangelo
Dr. Philip E. DiLeo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Downs
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Fagan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Fitzgibbon
Mr. & Mrs. Bertram J. Furgess
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Grosso
Dr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Humphrey
Atty. & Mrs. John W. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Lane III
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Lisi
Mr. Ronald E. Naves Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Pavluvcik
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Strada Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gail C. Surber
Mr. Richard D. Thomson
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Ulbrick
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Varnum Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Gordon Willard
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $287.00
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Marzik
Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Michaud Jr.
Xavier Club
Mr. Walter F. Naedele
Berchmans Club
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Alberti Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Cifatte
Dr. & Mrs. Harold R. Connelly Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Deilus
Rev. Gerald T. Devore
Drs. Jay and Patricia Dolan
Mr. Thomas R. Farrell
Dr. & Mrs. John H. Galla
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Muldoon
The late Richard J. Pulie &
Mrs. Barbara Pulie
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Brooks
Mr. Richard S. Cellar
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Conway
Dr. & Mrs. James F. Daly Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Delvecchio
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Farrington
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Felsmann Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Giacchi Jr.
Mr. William J. Gilhuly
Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. P. Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Izzarelli
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Keating Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Krewson
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Leary
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley E. Matyszewski
Prep Today
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Torres
Msgr. David M. Walker
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $366.84
Silver Loyola Circle
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Carolan
Berchmans Club
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Alexander
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Allen III
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Bown
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Callan
Rev. Stephen J. Gleeson Jr.
Atty. Peter M. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Zadravec
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Casano
Dr. Ronald C. Chisholm
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Constand
Drs. Raymond and Patricia Cormier
Mr. Gregory F. Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. F. Robert Kurimsky
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Lisi
Mr. Paul J. McCarthy
Mr. Clinton R. Peterson
Mr. David A. Power
Dr. & Mrs. Edward F. Rizy
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Carlin
Mr. Michael S. Chisarik
Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Green
Atty. & Mrs. Stephen A. Habetz
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Lesko Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Loughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. McQueeney Jr.
Mr. John C. Murphy
Mr. Raymond F. Nalewajk
Rev. Robert J. O’Neil
Mr. William P. Russell Sr.
Mr. Roger V. Schirmer
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Smith
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Ms. George Y. Bramwell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Daley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Deer Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Foley Sr.
Mr. Edward J. Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Goyette
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Hewitt
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley F. Janczewski
The Honorable &
Mrs. Joseph Q. Koletsky
Dr. & Mrs. Norman J. Kramer
The Honorable &
Mrs. William J. Lavery Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Liptak
Mr. & Mrs. George K. Lukach
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Manfreda
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Mizak Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Yorke E. Nelson CLU
Mr. Daniel F. Neylan
Mr. & Mrs. William E. O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Patchen
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Pistey
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Quirk
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Roach Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Saxe
Dr. & Mrs. J. David Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Viglione
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Vitka Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. Wilson Jr.
Fairfield College Preparatory School
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $188.89
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Sargent
55th Reunion
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Millbauer
Mr. & Mrs. Martin A. Mullen
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Ondek
Mr. & Mrs. F. James O’Neill
Mr. Jack L. Ringel
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Rourke
Mr. & Mrs. Nestor W. Shust
Dr. & Mrs. Edmond J. Skinski
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Weiss
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $406.95
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Kral Sr.
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Bernhard F. Bruder
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Hellauer
The Honorable &
Mrs. Alfred J. Jennings Jr.
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Bertasi Sr.
Mr. Alexander J. Bobalki
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Bues
Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Crichton
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph D’Apice
Dr. & Mrs. Frank N. Federico
Mr. & Mrs. Domenick J. Galluzzo
Annual Report 2008–2009
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Cavanagh
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Crake
Rev. & Mrs. John E. Crean Jr.
Raphael R. D’Ambruoso PhD
Mr. John D. Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. Forster
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Houghten
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Kabureck
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Kerigan
Mr. Thomas J. Kmetzo
Dr. & Mrs. Alan D. Kornblut
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Lenart
Daniel J. Mizak MD
Mr. Charles J. Ney
Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. Oates
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Piorkowski
Rev. Msgr. William J. Scheyd
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Sender
Dr. & Mrs. Robert T. Sherwin
Mr. Joseph P. Sincavage
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Spain
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sullivan
Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Trabert
Colonel & Mrs. John H. Valieant USA
Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Williams
toP 10
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $243.38
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Jakab
Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Zowine
Xavier Club
Mr. Patrick J. Cremins
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Connors
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Hafele
Mr. & Mrs. A. Thomas Kelly III
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Kulikowski
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. McLaughlin
Mr. George S. Mihalik
Dr. & Mrs. Edward M. Molloy
Robert D. Zsalman Esq.
Hearthstone Club
Captain Phillip J. Bull USCG
Mr. Bruce E. Cosmik
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Csontos
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Davenport
Mr. & Mrs. Vito R. DelVento Sr.
Dr. Roger A. Fazzone
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Guerra
Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Hill III
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kubica Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Monahan
Rev. Guido G. Montanaro
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Nishball
Mr. John G. O’Keeffe
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. O’Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Petro
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Rooney
Mr. Frederick W. Rowe
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Shea
See page 17
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $596.11
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. Robert P. Jursch
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Sullivan
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard C. Dietz
Mr. Thomas P. Kearney
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Krygier Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas S. Perna
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Santa
Nicholas A. Viner MD
Xavier Club
Rev. Msgr. J. James Cuneo JCD
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Piazza JD
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cummings
J. Andrew Daubenspeck PhD
Mr. & Mrs. William J. DeJoseph
Drs. Peter and Dorothy Denning
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander R. Nestor
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Parente
Mr. James P. Pezzullo
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Riccio
Mr. Woody Schempp
Mr. & Mrs. James P. White Jr.
Unrestricted Gifts
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Artell Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Attianese
Mr. & Mrs. F. Michael Bannon
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Carley
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Connolly Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Conron
The Honorable &
Mrs. Lawrence L. Hauser
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Kubicko
Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Lopusznick
Mr. Joseph A. Macaluso Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard F. McGovern Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gene J. Sorcinelli Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Spain
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley E. Thornton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Viola
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Whelan II
Berchmans Club
The Honorable & Mrs. F. Paul Kurmay
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Murray
Dr. & Mrs. Mark J. Peddle III
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence C. Shea
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Capossela
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Cassulo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. DeFonce
Mr. Joseph A. Derwin
Mr. Frank J. Finsinger
Mr. Anthony D. Fox
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kurylo III
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Pfeiffer
Mr. Stephen M. Tomasko Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Walzer PhD
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $363.89
Gold Loyola Circle
The Honorable & Mrs. John P. Chiota
Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Grywalski
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Boette
Mr. John F. Hughes Jr.
Berchmans Club
Dr. & Mrs. Charles G. Hemenway Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. D. Michael Lucey
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Martel
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Murphy Jr.
Mr. Jurgen F. Niffka
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Roberts Sr.
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Beckerer Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. DeFelice
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Delia
Mr. John A. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Drab
Lt. Col. William C. Gadus USA
Dr. & Mrs. Winthrop S. MacLaughlin Jr.
Dr. Thomas J. Minicucci
The Honorable &
Ms. Jerome J. Niedermeier
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Piazza
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Rizza
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Schiavone
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund M. See
Dr. & Mrs. Francis A. Stratford Jr.
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $770.67
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Paduano
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Riordan
Silver Loyola Circle
Atty. & Mrs. Stephen F. Donahue
Xavier Club
Mr. John J. Halapin
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $475.00
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Nassef
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. Lawrence F. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Roberts
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Caraluzzi Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Coughlin
Dr. & Mrs. James P. Lyddy
Mr. Peter G. Mack
Mr. & Mrs. Alan T. Vasse
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Boyle
Mr. Andrew R. Durkin
Mr. William A. Elias
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Henry
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Hudak
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Hunn
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. O’Connor
Mr. Carl F. Schaefer
Mr. Robert J. Wels
45th Reunion
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $578.97
Arrupe Society
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Altieri Jr.
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. John C. King
Silver Loyola Circle
Dr. & Mrs. Francis M. Palumbo
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie R. Boette
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Gazso
Mr. & Mrs. Henry V. Krokosky Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Leary
Dr. & Mrs. William L. Licamele
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond V. McKelvey
Dr. & Mrs. Brian H. Morris
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Staneck
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Zielinski
2009 Jubilarians’ Gift a Record-Setting $239,300
Fairfield Prep thanks the Class of 1959 for their extraordinary gift, and for establishing a scholarship
in honor of their 50th Reunion. Special thanks to the Planning Committee and donors. The class gift
participation rate was exceptionally high at 48%, and the weekend reunion was a huge success and
enjoyed by all.
50th Reunion
Golden Anniversary Class Gift
Commitment Total: $239,300
% Participation:
Donors in alphabetical order:
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Aiello
Mr. Robert C. Anderson
Mr. Robert C. Arsenault
Mr. Jeremiah J. Barrett
Kenneth P. Beardsley PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Berchem
Deacon & Mrs. Donald M. Brunetto
Dr. & Mrs. John W. Buckley
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas E. Burlinson
Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Carroll Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ceritelli
Joseph A. Chrzanowski PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cleary
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Comer
Mr. Anthony E. Coppola
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Coppola
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Coyle
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence M. Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dougherty
Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Douglas Jr.
Mr. Michael F. Dowley III
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley B. Eastman
Mr. Harold D. Edmonds
Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Falasco
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Ferry
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Warren A. French Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Julius F. Friese
Mr. Lee P. Gabriel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Glynn
Mr. Donald R Gniadek
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Green
Mr. Frank J. Halpin
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Harris
Captain Richard F. Healing
Mr. William A. Hellauer LTC
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hennessey
The late John Iacurci &
Mrs. Rosemary Iacurci
Deacon & Mrs. Daniel J. Ianniello
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Iosso
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koritko
Mr. Dean F. Kramer
Atty. & Mrs. Lee G. Kuckro
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Kuruc
Mr. William F. Lang Jr.
Mr. Thomas P. Leahy
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V. Lesko Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Link
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Luchansky
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Luparello
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Madeo
The Honorable &
Mrs. John R. Maher
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Maiocco
Mr. John A. McCarthy
Dr. & Mrs. Michael H. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. McGill III
Mr. & Mrs. John D. McGourthy Sr.
The Honorable &
Mrs. George F. McGunnigle
Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. Meehan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Montesi
Rev. George R. Murphy SJ
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Naves
Mr. John B. O’Rourke Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. O’Toole
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Redgate
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Reiss
Mr. & Mrs. Claude D. Renshaw
Mr. Anthony J. Retartha
Mr. & Mrs. C. John Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Rowe
Dr. & Mrs. Francis J. Scarpa
Mr. & Mrs. E. Peter Schneider Jr.
Mr. John A. Seymour
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Skowronski
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Smith
Dr. Gregory M. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Stanchina
Colonel George W. Streff USAF
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Terapane Jr.
Mr. James A. Trowbridge
Mr. William F. Valieant
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Varholy
Mr. & Ms. Robert Violetta Jr.
Mr. Thomas V. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Wilkinson
To Larry Carr
oll, VP Devel
This gives m
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I’ve never at
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should be qu
never forget
ite proud of ru
. Please tell
nning an
they did for us
f how much
we apprecia
te all
— Best regard
s, Wes Eastman
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today
Unrestricted Gifts
Dr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. William Cerino
Mr. Richard C. Dlugos
Mr. Greg Doyle
Mr. Warren H. Fondu
Dr. & Ms. Michael D. Healy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. McManus Jr.
Patrick F. O’Connell PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond S. O’Connor
Mr. Paul J. Roshka Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Smith III
Mr. & Mrs. James D. St. Clair
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Taylor
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $158.68
Berchmans Club
Fr. Jan F. Blonski
James M. Coleman MD
Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Fondu Jr.
Mr. & Ms. Robert E. Grant
Mr. & Ms. John L. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kopnicky
Mr. William Kosturko
Mr. Mark A. McCormack
Atty. & Mrs. Mark C. Valentine
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Westbrook
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent S. Zdanowicz
Thank you for supporting
the Annual Fund
his issue of Prep Today gratefully
acknowledges and thanks all those who
helped make the 2008–2009 Annual Fund
another great success! With the 2009–2010
Annual Fund now in full swing, we hope you
will once again continue to make a difference
in the lives of our 920 boys. Your loyal
generosity is always greatly appreciated!
For more information about the Annual
Fund, including making an online donation,
stock transfers and corporate matching gifts,
please visit the Prep web site at, or call the Development Office
at 203-254-4237.
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Anthony A. Antolics
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Baukus Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan C. Benedict
Mr. Robert A. Bogey
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Brandi
Mr. Christopher B. Coffey
Mr. Thomas A. Comer
Dr. & Mrs. John Y. Connolly
The Honorable &
Mrs. Joseph A. Egan Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Falango
Atty. & Mrs. Victor M. Ferrante
Dr. & Ms. Joseph E. Howard Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Kyte
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Legen
Mr. James W. Michalek
Mr. John F. Moriarty
Mr. William F. O’Brien Jr.
Mr. David Rizzardi & Ms. Martina Eng
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Santaniello
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander H. See Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Stapleton
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander A. Sulzycki Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick J. Thomas Jr.
Prep Today
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $655.21
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Bremer
Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Russo Jr.
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $352.35
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Bitel Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Maich
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Sheldon
Berchmans Club
Atty. & Mrs. Barry C. Knott
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Marcinko
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. McGovern
Mr. Dennis J. Ramey
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Suchy
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Castignoli
The Honorable & Mrs. Anthony J.
Mr. John Devlin &
Ms. JoAnn Grainger
Atty. & Mrs. William J. Fitzpatrick III
Mr. & Mrs. Craig L. Froehlich
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Hall Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. McBride
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Paul R. Beliveau
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Bodnar
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Hearthstone Club
Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Abeln
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Cozzolino
Mr. John D. Fado
Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Failla
Dr. & Mrs. Victor A. Frazao
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Ganser
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Howard Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Locke
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Lukach
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. McGowan
Mr. Robert J. Monaco
Mr. & Ms. Robert J. Niedermeier
Mr. Victor J. Paladino
Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Peters
Mr. Robert A. Pyrch
Mr. Vincent Reale
Mr. James J. Sullivan Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Verrilli
Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Zitnay
Annual Report 2008–2009
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Mehm
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Mikan
Mr. Michael P. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Zambardo
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. DeAngelo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Desmond
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Gauvin
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Lawn
Mr. & Mrs. Attila P. Levai
Mr. & Mrs. Crispin E. Love
Mr. Richard Mallette
Mr. & Ms. Michael A. Mastromonaco
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Murray Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Leif E. Petterson
Mr. Donald E. Rastelli
Mr. James D. Reilly
Mr. J. Kevin Russo
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Shukie
Mr. Thomas R. Ventre
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $529.45
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Lupariello
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Considine
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Timmons
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence V. Drula
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gerics EdD
Mr. & Ms. Paul H. Maich
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Gresko
Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Hawkins Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Izzo
Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Kugel
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Morello
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Mulvaney
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. O’Connor
Mr. Alan B. Picozzi
Mr. John H. Redgate
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sabo
Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Saloomey
Mr. & Ms. James M. Shaker
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Shukie
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Toohey
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Vitulano
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Wood
40th Reunion
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $1,860.08
President’s Council
Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Sica
Arrupe Society
Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Barron
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Dewhirst
Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Smith Jr.
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. Arthur C. Hadden
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Mulrenan
Mr. James D. Ryan Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Woods
Xavier Club
Mr. Gary P. Mineo
Berchmans Club
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Collins RPh
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Metrusky
Mr. & Ms. Robert J. Mitchell Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Rago
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Shippam
Dr. & Mrs. Frank M. Wilson
Hearthstone Club
Dr. Robert Dienes &
Dr. Elizabeth Dienes
Mr. Corey Fogg
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce J. Gardner
Mr. & Ms. Walter P. Halas
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Luysterborghs Jr.
Mr. Donald T. Milkavich
Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Munley
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Nealon
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. O’Grady
Mr. & Ms. Joseph M. O’Hehir
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Pandolfi
Mr. Alan E. Paules
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Plavcan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Puskar
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Reda
Mr. Timothy Reynolds
Mr. Daniel J. Ryan
Captain Andrew J. Sanislo
Mr. Robert Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Stevens
Mr. John F. Verrilli
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $203.46
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Leise
Xavier Club
Dr. & Mrs. Frank R. Scifo
Berchmans Club
Mr. Jeffrey M. Aquilante
Rev. Msgr. William V. Millea
Dr. & Ms. John R. Nelson
Mr. & Ms. Dennis J. Romano
Dr. Peter Seperack &
Dr. Elise Brownell
Msgr. Andrew G. Varga DMin
Mr. & Ms. Joseph T. Von Ehr
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Berke
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Bober
Atty. & Mrs. Michael J. Cacace
Karol J. Chacho MD
Dr. & Mrs. Donald M. DeDonato
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander J. Dembski
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Fallet
Mr. John S. Gaskell
Mr. & Mrs. Harold D. Heck Jr.
Unrestricted Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Hunihan Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Lesnick
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Lincoln
Dr. & Mrs. Benedict J. Marciano MD
Mr. & Mrs. David L. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pesavento
Mr. & Ms. Carl H. Wartman
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $322.25
Platinum Loyola Circle
Atty. Michael Wiseman &
Prof. Helen Garten
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Ms. Gregory J. Barron
Xavier Club
Colonel Michael Parkinson &
Dr. Rika Maeshiro
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Ms. George J. Ferrio Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Julian
Mr. Michael Marino
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Murphy
Mr. Maurice F. Noonan
Mr. & Mrs. John P. O’Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Petro Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Smriga
Lt. Cmdr. & Mrs. Sean P. Walsh
Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Zavodny
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk A. Bennett
Mr. Douglas C. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Cranston
Mr. & Ms. Francis J. Dance
Dr. & Ms. John H. Friar III
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hyde
The Honorable &
Mrs. John F. Kavanewsky Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Markiewicz
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Donald A. Plude USAF
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Vetter
Mr. Richard P. Zaremski
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $213.50
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. George P. Szondy
Xavier Club
Mr. John P. Kondub
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Arsenault
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Carley
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Conte
Dr. & Mrs. John T. Lynch Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Maxham
Mr. James Ritt
Mr. Robert Trosan
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beckett
Mr. William A. Brink
Rev. John F. Brinsmade
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Gaither
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Gallo
Mr. Raymond P. Guido Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Kaplita
Mr. William A. Marshall Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn J. McDonnell
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence F. Mulhern
Mr. Daniel F. O’Connor
Mr. Louie P. Pintek Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore R. Rappa
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy K. Redmond
Mr. & Mrs. John Riccio
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Roy
Mr. & Mrs. S. Tracy Santa
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Serino
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Vaccaro
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Vail
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Wrinn
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $523.06
Arrupe Society
Mr. & Mrs. W. Thomas Shea
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. McLeod
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Sean J. McManus
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Pengue
Xavier Club
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Craig C. Goodall
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Sneider Jr.
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Owen J. Black III
Dr. & Mrs. Angelo M. Guerrera
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Lyons
Hon. & Mrs. Michael G. Maronich
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. McNamara III
Dr. & Mrs. Michael B. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Reilly
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Salvatore J. Arena Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Bennett
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Boccuzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Bourdeau Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Capasso
Mr. & Mrs. Aris G. Crist AIA
Mr. Thomas A. Dailey
Mr. & Mrs. H. Richard Henning Jr.
Mr. & Ms. Paul M. Heroman
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Krukowski
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Makovich PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory H. Marshall
Mr. Lawrence J. McAndrews
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McKenna
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. McQuade
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Munchak
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffry H. Oldham
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Parry
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Quatrella
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Santa
35th Reunion
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $406.36
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $2,089.80
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. Donald J. Toumey
Arrupe Society
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Carley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Vanderslice
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. Paul J. Halas
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Santa Jr.
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Dolan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Ricca
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Stapleton
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Harkins
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Moore
Atty. & Mrs. Peter M. Nolin
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Winschel
Hearthstone Club
Mr. John F. Clancy
Mr. & Ms. John A. Collins III
Mr. David DeWall
Mr. & Mrs. J. Marc Garland
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. Zoltan L. Kadar Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. LaMastra Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Litwinovich
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. McGrath
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. O’Brien
Dr. & Mrs. Paul A. Pudimat
Dr. & Mrs. Steven C. Sheaffer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Stempel
Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Stollman
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Broadbin
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Clinkscales
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Duva
Mr. William R. Fitzsimmons Jr.
Mr. Thomas M. Foran
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Green
Mr. William H. McMahon IV
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Stankye III
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Stauder
Mr. Michael J. Ventricelli Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. T. Payson Wilber
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Berchmans Club
Mr. C. Scott McLeod
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Muldoon
Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Okarma
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Porter
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $492.00
Platinum Loyola Circle
Anthony D. Sabatelli PhD JD
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. William F. Barron
Mr. David A. Gerics
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Craig N. LaPlante
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Rovegno
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Ms. William J. Bonney III
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard A. Meany Jr.
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Vincent C. Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Baye
Captain & Mrs. Bennett V. Boccuzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Bogdan J. Dawidowicz
Mr. Kenneth P. D’Onofrio
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fortuna
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan McCann
Mr. Timothy A. O’Connell III
Thomas S. O’Keefe Esq.
Mr. James J. Orr
Mr. Roger W. Risley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Stack
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Zaremski
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Meyers
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Caseria
Dr. & Mrs. Adolph S. Flemister Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gulish
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Lemanski
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Macedonia
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Rozgonyi
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Berndt
Mr. & Ms. Thomas G. Boilard
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Condon
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Cronin
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Dreyer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Dully
Mr. Mark F. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Ficko Jr.
Mr. James F. Gerwien Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Massaro
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Murphy Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Roach
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Roach
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Sordellini
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Stankye
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Vietze
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Vossler
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Watson
35th Reunion
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $256.94
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $297.14
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent L. Ferraro
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. Christopher Kraus &
Ms. Darcy Stacom
Mr. Ralph Money & Ms. Laura Babala
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Candee
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Craven
Berchmans Club
Mr. Frank Giordanella
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. McGillicuddy
Mr. Charles T. Minotti Jr.
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Amidon III
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Brennan
Mr. Richard J. Caserta
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Haffey Sr.
Atty. & Mrs. Herbert F. Janick III
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Neary
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Pintek Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Gavin Watson
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $210.71
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Abate
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Clarke
Michael P. Gabor MD
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Julian
Mr. Donald L. Mauritz
Atty. & Mrs. David M. Murphy
Mark W. Russell Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Smeriglio
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Joseph L. Alberti Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Terence A. Andre Jr.
Mr. Douglas Banquer
Mr. Kenneth M. Catandella
Dr. & Mrs. Romualdo T. DeSouza
Mr. & Mrs. Jay R. Donofrio
Mr. Sean T. Enright
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Gardella Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Maffei
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene J. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Niedermeier
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Pulie Jr.
Atty. & Mrs. Wilfred J. Rodie Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Schmedlin CPA
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Siefert
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Traugott F. Keller
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today
Unrestricted Gifts
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $840.42
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $970.28
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Kristoff
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. O’Keefe
Arrupe Society
Mr. & Mrs. Chad A. Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Jankowski
The late John P. Flanagan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Ryan
Gold Loyola Circle
Joseph DeLucia Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas R. Loglisci Jr.
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Ms. Kevin M. Donohue
Berchmans Club
Mr. Brian J. Casl
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Cuneo
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Flaherty
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Gaughan Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. McBride
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Van de Berghe Jr.
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. Curran
Dr. & Mrs. Mark E. Dailey
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan J. Dolan
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. LaBash
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn M. Levinson
Whitney J. McBride MD
Mr. & Mrs. Cormac S. McLeod
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Meuser
Mr. & Mrs. James Pappas
Mr. Joseph E. Rosati
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Sposato
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Sutay
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Welch III
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Sullivan III
Silver Loyola Circle
Drs. Lawrence and Laura Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Leitao
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Ostrosky
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Terry
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Bertasi II
Berchmans Club
Rev. John R. Anderson
Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Beauvais
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Bouton
Mr. & Ms. Edward J. Kelley
Fr. Colin J. McKenna
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Urso
Number of Donors
Berchmans Club
Mr. Richard T. Clomiro
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Kabasakalian Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. McGovern
Mr. James P. Nealon
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Thornton
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Cipriano
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Collier III
Mr. Daniel J. Dunn Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Falcone
Mr. & Mrs. Randy R. Farrell
Dr. & Mrs. William B. Geiss
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Haffner III
Mr. Kevin M. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan M. Redwood
Mr. & Mrs. Todd D. Tuozzoli MFT
Prep Today
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Mr. & Mrs. Brett P. Traussi
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Vines
25th Reunion
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $836.86
Arrupe Society
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Cass III
Arrupe Society
Mr. Michael D. Martin
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Dailey
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Wasmer
Gold Loyola Circle
Atty. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Donofrio
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Anglim
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Mullany
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Barbieri
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Berry
Mr. & Mrs. Eric T. Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. W. Parker Dwelley III
Mr. Christopher P. Flaherty
Mr. Brian J. Flynn
Dr. & Mrs. John P. Lynch
Mr. Michael S. Maloney
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Matthews CFA
Mr. & Ms. Brian R. O’Connor
Mr. Michael D. Rastelli
Mr. Jon H. Ringel
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Squires
Kevin P. Porter ’76
James P. Roach ’50
Michael R. Roberts ’88
John F. Rovegno ’75
Christopher E. Silk ’88
Kenneth P. Sneider Jr. ’73
James F. Stapleton ’50
Robert Trosan ’72
Matthew J. Vossler ’80
Matthew R. Webber ’93
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $1,042.83
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. E. Andrew Barron
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Burke
Mr. Michael E. Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Diamond
Mr. Carl P. Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Lynn
Mr. David Rush & Mrs. Alicen Puebla
Atty. & Mrs. Thomas J. Welch
toP 10
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. Guimond
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Fortin
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Patrignelli
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Pengue
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Perry
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. DiBlasi
Dr. John Donahue &
Ms. Leslie Grattan
Mr. David Hoffman
Daniel Lupariello ’68
Craig A. Massaro ’78
Joseph J. Matthews ’83
Christopher K. McKiernan ’88
Jason T. Morris ’91
William E. Newbauer III ’85
John P. O’Donnell ’71
Robert F. O’Keefe ’51
Daniel R. Pengue ’73
Nicholas S. Perna ’60
Louie P. Pintek Jr. ’72
Mr. Peter S. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Shannon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Skane
Mr. Michael Smith &
Ms. Nora Demleitner
Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Valade Jr.
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. William H. Dully
David M. Attolino ’82
Richard J. Bernard ’88
Edward A. Boyle ’83
Dennis M. Brown ’85
Lawrence J. Bues ’57
Domenic W. Casablanca ’85
Joseph L. Castignoli ’67
Joseph C. Dolan Jr. ’95
Peter M. Harding ’87
Edward J. Krygier Jr. ’60
Kevin D. Leitao ’82
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Bigley
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Fitzsimmons
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald M. Hall II
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Harbert
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Lilly Jr.
Mr. Robert C. Manger Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Meuser
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Myers
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Plate USAF
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $616.70
Alumni Leadership Gift Team
Annual Report 2008–2009
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O. Kuryla
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Jakab
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Pategas
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Petrino Jr.
Xavier Club
Mr. John M. Carulli Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Sean L. Malloy
Mr. & Mrs. Craig M. Maloney
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Valus III
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Barry
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Blaskey Jr.
Mr. William C. Elias
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Flavin
Dr. & Mrs. Mark C. Fletcher
Mr. John C. Gisondi
Mr. Charles R. Kammerer
Mr. & Mrs. Francis B. Leyden
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McNeill Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso J. Minopoli
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Phelan Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Fiore F. Soviero
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Stauder
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Stockman
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Taber III
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Theodore A. Bishop Jr.
Mr. David J. Bochniak
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Cenatempo
Mr. Gary J. Cifatte
Mr. & Mrs. William D’Amore
Brian T. Donahue, PhD &
Tracey McHenry, PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory G. Dore
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Dragan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Falco
Mr. Francis T. Flaherty
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Flood
Mr. & Mrs. Drew A. Gagner
Mr. Michael L. Gagner
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Grich
Thomas X. Homza PhD
Mr. Alfred Kelley &
Ms. Marcela Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Shawah
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $561.63
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Murphy
Kevin W. Rethore Esq.
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Carroll III
Mr. Robert P. Handal Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Hanrahan
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Lesko
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. O’Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Jason E. Tremont
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Niall T. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Mullany
Berchmans Club
Mr. P. Daniel Birch
Mr. Peter D. Bohan
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Doyle
Mr. Frank E. Dully II
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Dwyer Jr.
Mr. & Ms. Peter R. Gil
Mr. Robert M. Lysik
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Newbauer III
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Rovner
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Stevenson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Zowine
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Ms. Richard J. Bogdany
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Bosak
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Broker
Mr. & Mrs. Elias P. Christakos
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Flaherty
Mr. Donald P. Goyette
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur N. Gravanis
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Harding
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Hatfield
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Horan
Mr. Gregory A. Jannotta
Mr. & Ms. Thomas M. Kugeman III
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Mathews Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Mizzoni
Mr. & Mrs. Hunter N. Norton
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Palattella
Mr. James E. Stacy Jr.
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $646.18
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Ferguson
Unrestricted Gifts
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cashion
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. Sean M. Culhane
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Chiota
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. O’Grady PE
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Renzulli
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Baird
Mr. James E. Butler
Mr. Michael T. R. Cronin
Mr. Gary T. Kroll
Mr. & Mrs. J. Barton Lautenbach
Mr. Robert E. Luysterborghs
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony V. Minopoli
Mr. Howard T. Owens III
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher H. Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Redgate
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Riccio
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Rotondo
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Christopher C. Buonanno
Mr. William F. Davidson III
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Day
Dr. Mark D. Guman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Kruzynski
Prof. & Mrs. Eric L. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Christian J. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Brad H. Norton
Mr. Joel F. Pleban
Mr. Kevin R. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Russell
Mr. David R. Shannon
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $463.24
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Barnard
Mr. Michael D. McCart
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Harding
Xavier Club
Mr. Richard J. Mizak
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Neal E. Amaral
Mr. Kevin B. Barry
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Bierman
Mr. John Brannelly Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Emmett E. Brown IV
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Carbone
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Cavallo
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Curtin
Mr. Brian D. Kaschel
Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Kilbride
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick S. McClymont
Mr. Thomas J. Modzelewski
Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. Sargent
Dr. & Dr. Brett J. Vassallo
Mr. David J. Vogel
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Baekey
Mr. Andrew M. Borzumato
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan M. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Colin P. Coolidge
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Lichtenberger
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Lofrisco
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Lyskowski
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Mellinger
Dr. Thomas Miller & Dr. Wendy Miller
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Papa
Mr. David R. Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan C. Wheeler
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $325.52
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Brett A. Burns
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Clawson II
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Rogers
M. Conrad Wasmer Esq.
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Bernard
Dr. & Mrs. George H. Canizares
Mr. Anthony N. Gravanis
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. McKiernan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Nedder
Mr. & Mrs. Liam O. Sargent
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Sweeney
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Haddad
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Jannotta
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Keeton
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Laganza Jr.
Mr. John LaGratta &
Dr. Maria LaGratta
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley J. Muller
Mr. & Mrs. John T. O’Connor IV
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Rotondo
Mr. Gregory M. Salmini Jr.
Dr. John E. Sather
Mr. Edward S. Shay
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Sternberg
20th Reunion
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $170.69
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Kane
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Emswiler
Mr. Vincent S. Kravec
Mr. & Mrs. Justin D. Krebs
Mr. Norman A. Roberts
Mr. Michael J. Tortora
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Bertie
Mr. Robert C. Bird
Dr. & Mrs. Peter J. Bonitatibus
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Camarro
Mr. & Mrs. Mark N. Clarke
Mr. Ricardo C. DeSantis
Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Desautels
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Dowd
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Figmic
Mr. Andrew J. Grace
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Hiltz PE
Mr. Wayne W. LaSalle Jr.
Mr. Jay P. Legenza
Mr. & Mrs. Christian E. Lund
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Matthews
Mr. Robert S. McCarthy
Mr. Richard McKenna &
Ms. Valerie Kellogg
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. Brett K. Minogue
Mr. William S. Morrison
Mr. Jason C. Mumbach
Mr. John P. Murphy
Mr. Patrick J. Murren
Mr. Matthew K. Openshaw
Mr. Michael A. Rossi
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Scrofani
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Viner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Walsh
Mr. Eric C. Wuchiski
Mr. David H. Zecchin
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $371.25
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. Daniel J. King
Xavier Club
Mr. Matthew S. Barnard
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Leyden Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jose S. Niell
Berchmans Club
Mr. Peter D. Loncto
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Bauersfeld
Mr. Patrick W. Beagan
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan T. Boos
Mr. James P. Cavallo
Mr. Kostas Christakos
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Donoghue
Mr. Christian L. Loban
Mr. & Mrs. Kristoffer D. Lutz
Mr. Timothy Moran &
Ms. Jennifer Kordell
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Palaia III
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Patton
Mr. & Mrs. G. Griffin Reidy
Mr. & Mrs. Scott L. Russo
Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher W. Schulz
Mr. Christopher L. Voytek
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Mark L. Falango
Mr. John K. Harchuck
Mr. Andreas L. Mang
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Masterson
Mr. Marshall N. McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan J. Mellinger
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. O’Connor
Mr. Michael R. Russell
Mr. F. Nicholas Savone
Mr. Dylan B. Tierney
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Webber
Mr. Brian C. Winfield
Mr. David R. Woodward Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Drew L. Zielinski
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Morello Jr.
Mr. Scott A. Nestor
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Tunstall
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $356.52
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Jason T. Morris
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. Randy S. Maultsby
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Sanseverino
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Dies
Mr. Thomas J. Giallanza Jr.
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $265.23
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Dowd
Mr. Kevin R. Votto
Berchmans Club
Mr. Brian P. Eckert
Mr. David M. Grella
Mr. Robert S. Ryan
Mr. Scott R. Shand
Mr. Paul A. Traynor
Mr. John A. Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy V. Zaino
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Adam P. Conrad
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Karl J. Ehrsam
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D Grant
Mr. Colin E. Livesey
Mr. Peter E. Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Pedro P. Mata
Captain & Mrs. Roy W. Moore USMC
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Quincy
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $240.95
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. Gregg A. Chiota
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Hally
Berchmans Club
Mr. James H. Booth
Christopher R. Friese PhD
Mr. Christopher J. Popadic
Mr. Matthew S. Sather
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew R. Webber
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Bescher
Mr. William C. Brennan
Mr. Keith T. Condon
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Donahue
Terrence G. D’Onofrio PhD
Fairfield College Preparatory School
toP 10
Average Annual Fund Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey D. Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Dexter C. Jansson
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan M. Kozlowski
Mr. James M. McInerney
Mr. Jonathan M. Reese
Mr. Robert A. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Shay
Mr. Matthew L. Stannard
15th Reunion
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $176.32
Xavier Club
Mr. Robert A. Mazzeo Jr.
Berchmans Club
Christian A. Atwood Esq.
Mr. Kevin P. Broughel
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew L. Colangelo
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Robert L. Combis
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Crowley IV
Mr. Christopher J. Dolan
Mr. Ryan M. Fisher
Mr. Paul R. Gazso
Mr. & Mrs. Jared T. Hendrickson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Jesson
Mr. Stephen R. Kellogg Jr.
Mr. Brian T. King USAF
Mr. & Mrs. Jason L. Kyle
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. McManus
Mr. Thomas D. Merchant
Mr. Adam R. Mikulka
Mr. Alexander W. Oracheff
Mr. Brandon W. A. Thomas
Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today
Unrestricted Gifts
Alumni Reunion Committees
William F. Stephanak ’49
David J. Sullivan Jr. ’49
Rev. Gerald T. Devore ’54
Donald W. DiGennaro ’54
Robert K. Marzik ’54
Robert C. Anderson ’59
Robert L. Berchem ’59
Donald M. Brunetto ’59
Roger C. Carroll Sr. ’59
Joseph A. Chrzanowski ’59
John E. Coyle ’59
Terrence M. Donahue ’59
Michael F. Dowley III ’59
Joseph L. Ferry ’59
Julius F. Friese ’59
John E. Hennessey ’59
Daniel J. Ianniello ’59
Vincent A. Iosso ’59
William F. Lang Jr. ’59
Ronald V. Lesko Sr. ’59
Daniel J. Luparello ’59
Vincent A. Lynch ’59
John R. Maher ’59
Kenneth J. Maiocco ’59
Charles H. McGill III ’59
John D. McGourthy Sr. ’59
Lawrence H. O’Toole ’59
Thomas F. Quinn ’59
William T. Redgate ’59
Edward J. Rowe ’59
Francis J. Scarpa ’59
Andrew N. Smith ’59
William F. Valieant ’59
Robert H. Wilkinson ’59
Raymond V. McKelvey ’64
James W. Michalek ’64
David Rizzardi ’64
Walter P. Halas ’69
Harold F. Smith Jr. ’69
Michael T. Dolan ’74
Thomas E. Tarczali ’74
Timothy D. Clarke ’79
Christopher M. Tiano ’79
Stephen M. Jakab ’84
Kevin O. Kuryla ’84
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $913.61
Arrupe Society
Mr. Peter W. O’Connor
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. William R. Young
Xavier Club
Mr. Connor S. Finegan
Berchmans Club
Mr. John M. Cavaliere
Mr. Kevin J. Manning
Mr. Louis M. Marino
Mr. Todd F. Schettini
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $210.63
Arrupe Society
Mr. Jeffrey H. Zielinski
Xavier Club
Mr. Daniel P. Redgate
Prep Today
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift:
Berchmans Club
Mr. Baird S. Allis
Mr. Christopher R. Szefc
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Stephen P. Aldrich
Mr. Christian C. Bangert
Mr. Timothy M. Burke
Mr. Santiago J. Castillo
Mr. J Dillon Collins
Mr. Vincent J. Connolly
Mr. Wayne L. Coury
Mr. & Mrs. Efralim Diaz
Mr. Michael P. Donahue
Mr. Justin L. Galletti
Mr. Brian J. Palazzolo
Mr. Ian P. Walsh
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Xavier Club
Mr. David B. Knott
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Benjamin W. Case
Mr. David J. Castle
Dr. Randall R. DeMartino
Mr. Michael B. Engstrom
Mr. Vincent L. Framularo
Mr. Michael P. Gentile
Mr. Michael A. Hasenauer
Mr. Kurt J. Hofmann
Mr. Andrew C. Masloski
Mr. Ryan J. McGreevy
Mr. Walter B. Neuberger
Mr. Jonathan D. Newton
Mr. David E. Yurkerwich Jr.
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Eric M. Asen
Mr. Michael R. Castle
Mr. Brian D. Deigan
Mr. Adam J. DePanfilis
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Fahey CPA
Mr. Charles W. Falzone III
Mr. Brian C. Gale
Mr. Roberto F. Giansanti
Mr. Sean M. Gleason
Mr. John P. King
Mr. Stephen F. Manzo
Mr. Joshua D. Mello
Mr. Chris W. Patrona
Mr. Joseph R. Tramontano Jr.
Mr. William J. Wenzel IV
Mr. & Mrs. Shaun M. Wilson
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $270.71
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Timothy M. Berendt
Mr. Raymond W. Bourdeau
Mr. Christopher Bunting
Mr. Michael R. Card
Mr. Robert J. D’Amato
Mr. Thomas H. Grogan
Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Paul C. Lucke
Mr. Ian B. Merriss
Mr. Kevin P. Moore
Mr. William K. Pinson-Rose
Mr. Brian P. Shukie
Mr. Daniel J. Solomon
Mr. Michael D. Spaight
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift:
Berchmans Club
Mr. Christopher J. Lentini
toP 10
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Richard B. Benson II
Mr. Michael P. Carrington
Mr. Daniel J. Fabbri
Mr. Jeremy J. Hewitt
Mr. Patrick J. Krajci
Mr. Christopher T. Rago
Mr. Timothy W. Rainsberger
Mr. Stephen M. Staysniak
Mr. Robert A. Stevens
Mr. Michael L. Vitulano
Total Annual
Fund Gifts
Junior Loyola Circle
Mr. Ryan M. Cunningham
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift:
Berchmans Club
Mr. Peter J. Antonopoulos
Mr. Peter M. Francini
Mr. John A. Urquhart III
Berchmans Club
Mr. Frederick T. Lee
Mr. Chris B. Russo
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Thomas P. Bourdeau
Junior Loyola Circle
Mr. John A. Jorden
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Christopher Bates Jr.
Mr. Daniel F. Becchi
Mr. Brian E. Bodnar
Mr. Thomas R. Campbell
Mr. Brian E. Camus
Mr. Jason V. Coppola
Mr. Michael F. DiNardo
Mr. Andrew A. Dorosario
Mr. Sante Faustini III
Mr. Justin R. Gregg
Mr. Jonathan P. Herman
Mr. Peter J. Kavanewsky
Mr. Adam E. Kelly
Mr. Matthew F. Kelly
Mr. Michael J. LaPerch Jr.
Mr. Paul A. Long III
Mr. Joseph D. Marks
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $124.17
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. David M. Alpert
Annual Report 2008–2009
5th Reunion
Berchmans Club
Mr. Mark J. Giordano
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Hoglund
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Berchmans Club
Mr. Christopher M. Kinney
Mr. Stephen L. Kinney
Mr. Kevin C. Kozlowski
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $169.17
Berchmans Club
Mr. Peter T. Lelek
Mr. Gregory T. Martino
Junior Loyola Circle
Mr. Timothy P. Tracy Jr.
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $145.00
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Casper
Mr. Christopher M. Fiorello
Mr. Angelo R. Framularo II
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Lenois
Mr. Kenneth M. Linger
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent H. Massey III
Mr. Kenneth L. Morico
Mr. Karl S. Neubecker PA-C
Mr. John J. Novak III
Mr. & Mrs. Kieran M. O’Connor
Mr. Kevin L. Quincy
Mr. Michael M. Reidy
Mr. John P. Calcutt
Mr. Gregory E. Caso
Mr. John G. Curran
Mr. Jonathan R. Ference
Mr. Raymond P. Guido III
Mr. Brennan J. Moore
Mr. Christopher J. Neary
Mr. Jonathan R. Nelson
Mr. Stephen J. Vidmosko
Mr. Gregory M. Wilson
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Berchmans Club
Mr. Kevin C. Krober
Mr. James M. O’Leary
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Steven Boyles
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Cristini
Mr. Joseph C. Dolan Jr.
Mr. Brian D. Dresch
Mr. Justin F. Fappiano
Mr. Daniel C. O’Neill
Mr. Brent M. Reilly
Mr. Matthew G. Rorick
Mr. Stephen M. Summerton Jr.
Mr. J. Kenny Wieber Jr.
Mr. Thomas J. Yergeau
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Gregory J. Pategas ’84
William P. Petrino Jr. ’84
John G. Phelan Jr. ’84
Joseph V. Barbetta ’89
Vincent S. Kravec ’89
Patrick J. Murren ’89
John J. Petrafesa Jr. ’89
Edward R. Shek ’89
Jason L. Kyle ’94
Christopher M. McManus ’94
Robert J. Steczkowski ’94
David J. Castle ’99
Stephen L. Kinney ’99
Gregory D. Podolak ’99
Timothy P. Tracy Jr. ’99
Daniel F. Becchi ’04
Liam O. Colum ’04
Robert T. Morton Jr. ’04
Jonathan J. PiazzaHarper ’04
Russ Roberts ’04
Bryan R. Rooney ’04
10th Reunion
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Joseph C. Crowley
Mr. Timothy J. D’Elia
Mr. Michael P. Healey
Mr. Kevin J. Higgins
Mr. Bryon D. Karagus
Mr. Robert D. Pelletier
Mr. Benjamin D. Robinson
Mr. Michael T. Saunders
Mr. Bryan A. Wilson
Unrestricted Gifts
Mr. Colin M. McLeod
Mr. Robert T. Morton Jr.
Mr. Kyle P. Nevins
Mr. William P. Pappa Jr.
Mr. Jonathan J. Piazza-Harper
Mr. Ryan E. Pratt
Mr. Daniel P. Quinlan
Mr. Daniel J. Raccuia
Mr. Michael R. Ripley
Mr. Bryan R. Rooney
Mr. Michael C. Samulowitz
Mr. Brian D. Sharnick
Mr. Kyle J. Shukie
Mr. Andrew M. Valente
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Keady
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Keenoy
Dr. Maryann Lehmann
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Leitner
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Longson
Mr. & Mrs. George Marini
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGarrity
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McNulty
Mr. & Mrs. Kristian Moor
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Nesi
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Pompa
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Pramer
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Remy A. Rodas
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sapone
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Seiler
Mr. & Mrs. A. Thomas Smith
Mrs. April Vignone
Mr. Michael P. Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Weithers
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift:
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Matthew J. Gruppo
Mr. Phillip A. Lauria
Mr. Michael C. Lynch
Mr. J. Kevin Mahder
Mr. Andrew J. Moore
Mr. Matthew R. Novitzky
Mr. Jason M. Rago
Mr. Nicholas C. Shaver
Mr. Ernest J. Verrico Jr.
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift:
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Charles M. Adams
Mr. Alexander G. Aitoro
Mr. Matthew G. Camus
Mr. James L. Chapman
Mr. Brendan R. Fitzgerald
Mr. Daniel Guido
Mr. Thomas A. Herrmann
Mr. Kevin R. Holforty
Mr. Ryan R. Keane
Mr. Thomas P. Keane
Mr. Brendan M. Kelly
Mr. Marc S. Lambert
Mr. Zachary D. Lyon
Mr. Justin R. Meuse
Mr. Ryan A. Morrison
Mr. Joseph J. Moukattaf
Mr. Gregory Moye
Mr. Ryan Nelson
Mr. Daniel E. Parisi
Mr. Colin E. Shukie
Mr. Matthew Szondy
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift:
Hearthstone Club
Mr. G. William Buckis Jr.
Mr. Kevin T. Cahalane
Mr. Phillip M. Del Bello
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. David Ball
Mr. & Mrs. William Curley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Donoghue
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McHugh
Mr. John J. Mulligan
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rizio
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Voreyer
Mr. & Mrs. William Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Randall White
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
current Parents
Arrupe Society
Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. DiGennaro
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. James D. McPartlan
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. William Hollis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joyce
Mr. Sean Kennedy &
Ms. Marylou D’Addario
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Marden III
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Sprows
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Stone
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $177.50
Junior Loyola Circle
Mr. Michael M. Autore
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Kenneth R. Jordan
Mr. Colin E. Nevins
Mr. Alexander C. Provost
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift: $125.00
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Connor O. Kelly
Mr. Anthony Mingolello II
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
Mr. John O. Fabbri
Mr. Neal E. Fitzpatrick III
Mr. Christian A. Flowers
Mr. Andrew S. Goebel
Mr. Geoffrey M. Guenther
Mr. Ian S. Kelly
Mr. Wallace P. Kerrigan III
Mr. Matthew C. Mellinger
Mr. Michael K. Morton
Mr. James D. Onofrio
Mr. Michael A. Pappa
Mr. Sean T. Phillips
Mr. Michael A. Repaci
Mr. Scott A. Richter
Mr. Christopher B. Van Hise
Annual Fund Gifts: Restricted Gifts:
Total Gifts:
% Participation:
Avg. Annual Fund Gift:
Hearthstone Club
Mr. Thomas J. Dowd
Kevin M. Leitao
Silver Loyola Circle
Dr. & Mrs. David Alpeter
Mr. Daoud Awad &
Mrs. Kathryn Shorts
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ayer
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Barr
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Baugier
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Belger
Mr. & Mrs. David Bonadio
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Buckis Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Calcutt Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ceruzzi Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge E. Consuegra
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Downing
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. English
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Featherston
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Foresta
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Gennaro
Mr. Henry Gilbertie
Mr. Jack Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Guzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Hagan
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Haley
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hesburgh
Mr. & Mrs. Burt Hilton
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Angiolillo
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Brogan
Mr. & Mrs. James Cahill
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Connelly
Dr. & Mrs. James G. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeRosa
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Giff
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Gruppo
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Jaykus
Mr. Nick Kamillatos &
Dr. Sharon Kratochvil
Mr. & Mrs. Robert MacKay
Mr. & Mrs. James McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Miles
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Molinaro
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Morris
Dr. & Mrs. Sanjay Patel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Smeriglio
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Stiller
Dr. & Mrs. Peter C. Tortora
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Whelan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zielinski
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Alatakis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Aufiero
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Baekey
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barston
Mr. & Mrs. John Basile
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boehringer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boran
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Boyle
Ms. Heidi R. Bramante
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Burbank
Ms. Colleen S. Bushby
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Carey
Mr. Michael Carley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carr
Dr. Vincent Cefola &
Dr. Lucretia Cefola
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Chajon
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Chimblo III
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Chimenti
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Conetta
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Considine
Mr. & Mrs. Langdon A. Cook III
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Corona
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Craighead
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Creta
Mr. & Mrs. John Cross
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent DeGennaro
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Mr. & Mrs. Frank DeLeo Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Dempsey
Mr. & Mrs. Myles P. Dempsey Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Dougherty
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Dowd
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dowd
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Duffin
Dr. Charles Duffy & Dr. Janice Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Fabbri
Mr. & Mrs. Perry Gaa
Mr. Robert Ganley
Mr. & Mrs. Frank K. Garvey
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Granath
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Grasso
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Greenfield
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Groenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Harkawik
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Haynes
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hoffman
Mr. Philip Holmes &
Mrs. Jill M. Jean-Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Marc E. Ioli
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Keane
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kokias
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Langerman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Lombard
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Lowden
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Luciano
Mr. & Mrs. James Macdonald
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marr
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent M. McAvey II
Mr. & Mrs. Kieran McTague
Mrs. Mary McTiernan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Mellinger
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mendicino
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Mollo
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Montoya
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Moore
Ms. Paska Nayden
Mr. & Mrs. James O’Brien Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Parks
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Piro
Mr. John Piscioniere
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ponchak
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Power
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Prescott
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Richter
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rog Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Scofield
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Sedgwick
Mr. & Mrs. Kim D. Shea
Mr. & Mrs. David Sheeran
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Simkovitz
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Skelton
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Sommer
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sommerer
Mr. & Mrs. John Steinert
Mr. Richard Stow &
Mrs. MaryBeth O’Brien-Stow
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Tirone
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Trotta
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Urciuoli
Dr. Jeanne T. Varrone
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Vazzano
Mr. & Mrs. John Venables
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Walsh Jr.
Ms. Julianne Ward & Mr. Brien Ward
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wikman
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Zellers
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Zuckert
Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today
Current Parents & Alumni Parents
Parent Annual Fund Gift Team
Diane & Carlos Alves
Susan & John Basile
Lucretia & Vincent Cefola
Jane & James Colihan
Maureen & Mike Considine
Alycia & Michael Crane
Cece & Mike Donoghue *
Elizabeth & Stephen Foresta
Mary Jo & Chris Hansen
Laura & Phil Harkawik
Lynn & Ted Hendrie
Lisa & Marc Ioli
Barbara & Kevin Keady
Rose & Chuck Leitner **
Susan Libby
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Agostino
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Alves
Ms. Lois Amador
Mr. & Mrs. Ebenezer Anim
Mr. & Mrs. John Arrix
Mr. Karl Babikian &
Ms. Darlene Garofalo
Mr. Thaddeus Bargiello &
Mrs. Karen Shahan
Mr. Ken Bartlett &
Ms. Christina Trudeau
Mrs. Susan Benedetti
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony N. Benedosso
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. William Bilcheck
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Black Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Bogan
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Bonazzo
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Borde
Mr. Kevin Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Buongiorno Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burgess
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Burt
Mr. Wilkie F. Bushby
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Byrne
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Callahan III
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Campoli
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Cardone
Mr. John Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Catchpole
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Chiluisa
Mr. & Mrs. Hasan E. Citak
Mr. John A. Clancy
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Clancy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clark
Mr. & Mrs. David Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Corbo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cortina
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cotter
Mr. & Mrs. James Cramond
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Crane
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Crawley Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Crowell
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Crowley
Dr. & Mrs. Neil W. Culligan
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Curry
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D’Ambrisi
Mr. & Mrs. Jory B. Dennison
Mr. & Mrs. Don DiMartino
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Doering
Ms. Cynthia Dolyak
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Domanick
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Doran
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dougherty
Prep Today
Dotti & Dan Lupariello
Joanne & Tom Marr **
Cindy & Bob McHugh
Dan & Melanie McNulty **
Jean & Steve Moore
Peggy Rein
Justine & Tom Ryan
Mary & Tom Seiler
Jennifer & Gordon Sommer **
Andrea & Bill Strada
Lynne & Paul Vanderslice
Kelly & Robert Vegliante
Bob & Annette Voreyer
* Committee Chair ** Class Captain
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Duffy
Ms. Ann Dzenutis
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Enriquez
Dr. & Mrs. Jay Esposito
Ms. Frantzie Fequiere
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Feuerhake
Mr. & Mrs. Vincenzo Fini
Ms. Christina Formichella
Mr. & Mrs. William Fornshell
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fossi
Mr. & Mrs. William Fray
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Galiani
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gallerani
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Gavey
Mr. Robert Gebo &
Ms. Marie O’Connell Gebo
Mr. & Mrs. George Giles
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Giobbi
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Giuliano
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip N. Glennon
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Golankiewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Griffen
Mr. & Mrs. David Gurney
Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Gutierrez
Mr. & Mrs. James Haddon
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn J. Hansen
Mr. & Dr. Konrad Hauer
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Hendrie
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Holcomb
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Hyland
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Intrieri
Ms. Ann M. Jackson
Mr. Bruce Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. James Keating
Ms. Joyce Kowalski
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lebow
Dr. Matthew Leonard &
Ms. Mary Money
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Libby
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lively
Mr. & Mrs. J. Hogan Love
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Luneau Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. James Mallick
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Matarazzo Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Matera
Mr. & Mrs. Alan McEmber
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGorty
Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. McGovern
Ms. Robin McGuinness
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. McManus
Mr. & Mrs. Jean Mezidor
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Micheli
Mr. & Mrs. John Migliore
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Miklave
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Miraglia
Mr. & Mrs. David Molloy
Mrs. Nancy Monk Bingham
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Montello
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Morales
Ms. Robin L. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Morrison
Ms. Geraldine Muldoon
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Myers
Ms. Madeline Namin
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Napolitano
Mr. & Mrs. James Nealon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nosenzo
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Novitzky
Mr. & Mrs. Paul O’Brien
Mr. Timothy V. O’Connor
Mrs. Adele F. O’Kane
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O’Mahony
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ottomano
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Passarelli
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Passmore
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Pesci Jr.
Dr. James Pippim &
Dr. Catherine Apaloo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Porter Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard V. Pugh Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Quigley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. John Rein
Mr. & Mrs. John Renehan
Ms. Cheryl Renfer
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Richmond
Mr. & Mrs. James Roach
Ms. Marjorie Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Rojas
Mr. & Mrs. J. Christopher Rooney
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Rosado
Mr. & Mrs. James Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Sacco
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Salandra
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sanko
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Schubert
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shafer
Ms. Cecilia Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Sikora
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Sinclair
Mr. Laurence Smith &
Mrs. Jungsoon Noh
Mr. Larry Sodokoff
Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Sotil
Mr. Gerard J. Staudt
Ms. Carol Stead
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Stimpson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Thornton
Ms. Carol Tibor
Mr. & Mrs. Durga Vallabhaneni
Mr. & Mrs. Eric van Laer
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Van Sant
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Walsh
Mr. Michael Ward &
Mrs. Elizabeth Schroder
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Watson
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Weisheit
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wendt
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Westfahl
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Wolfe
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Chang Yang
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Yost
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Young Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zaccaro
Annual Report 2008–2009
Alumni Parents
Arrupe Society
Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Fasano
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. McLaughlin Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Vanderslice
Platinum Loyola Circle
Atty. & Mrs. Kent S. Bernard
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Callies
Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo N. Cerrone Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Hogan Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Scinto
Mr. & Mrs. Jay B. Sheehy
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Brand
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. LiCalzi
Mr. C. Thomas Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. James Moye
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Terry
Mr. & Mrs. Pedro E. Wasmer
Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Wuchiski
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Aldrich
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Eck
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Gubitosa
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Hendrickson
Mr. Joseph Henn &
Ms. Marie Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Kelly
Mrs. Lucille Leitao
Mr. & Mrs. J. David Mahder
Mrs. Nancy Masiello
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Nemia
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph N. Sather
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Yurkerwich
Xavier Club
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Altieri Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Amato
Christopher J. Boreyko MD
Mrs. Mary Jo Dailey
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Doersch
Mrs. Irene M. Keavy
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard F. O’Hare
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sylvester
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. David Acampora
Atty. & Mrs. Robert J. Brennan Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Britt
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Canuel
Atty. & Mrs. Louis J. Colangelo Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence M. Cooke
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Cullinane Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D’Addario
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Donovan III
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Doocy
Dr. & Mrs. Arnold E. Dorosario
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Driscoll
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Emerson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Epifano
Ms. Catherine Fanning
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Gleason
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gorzkowski
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Hynes
Mr. & Mrs. Sean W. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. King
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E Lambert
Ms. June D. Matyjasik
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. McGillicuddy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Panza
Mr. & Mrs. Morgan L. Pape
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Paul Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Richter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Rooney
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schinella
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sciascia
The Honorable &
Mrs. Michael E. Shay
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Silk
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Smith
Mr. & Mrs. J. Alexander Urquhart Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Willett
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Zielinski
Hearthstone Club
Mrs. Elizabeth Adler
Mr. & Mrs. Rigoberto Alfonso Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Andersson
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Anstett
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Autore
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford A. Barone Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Baxter
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Benz
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Berndlmaier
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bilek
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brelsford
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Byrne
Mrs. Jean Canuel
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Card
Mr. & Mrs. Juan C. Carrera
Student/Teacher Appreciation Gifts
The following parents made gifts in honor of their son and in recognition
of a Prep faculty member who has had a meaningful impact on their son’s
Prep experience.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lively
in honor of Marc Monaco ’09
in recognition of Mr. Cunningham
& Mr. Szablewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Vanderslice
in honor of Paul ’09
in recognition of Mr. Mauritz &
Mr. Ramos
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nosenzo
in honor of Thomas ’11
in recognition of Mr. Mamrus
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Van Sant
in honor of Jonathan ’09
in recognition of Mr. Bernier
Mrs. Adele F. O’Kane
in honor of Nicholas ’12
in recognition of Mr. Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Zuckert
in honor of Cameron ’12
in recognition of Mr. Mis
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sommerer
in honor of Jonathan
in recognition of Mr. Jaffe
Friends of Prep
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Carrington
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Santiago G. Castillo
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Casubolo
Mrs. Gladys T. Christiani
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Connolly Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Whitney M. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Corrente
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Cortigiano
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Crowley III
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Cruz
Mr. & Mrs. Tyrone C. Curran
Ms. Lisa D’Alton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. D’Amato
Ms. Amy Davenport
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Davis
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Deigan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Desautels
Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeSena
Mr. & Mrs. Earl F. Dewey II
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Dunwoody
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Dvornek
Mr. Jan Engstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Fappiano
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. Sante Faustini II
Mrs. Patricia Felner-Bragano &
Mr. Nicholas Bragano
Mrs. Kathleen K. Fessel
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Neal E. Fitzpatrick Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Fitzpatrick Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Flavin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Florio
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Flynn
Mrs. Cindi J. Fortunato
Mrs. Patricia Gagne
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Gale
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gallacher
Atty. & Mrs. Bryon Gentile
Ms. Colleen Gilbertson
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Glomb
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Goebel
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Goodfellow
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Grant III
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Grogan
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Grover
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Haddad
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Hagan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Haggarty
Atty. & Mrs. William E. Hasenauer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Healey
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hewitt
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Hofmann
Mr. & Mrs. R. Ford Hutchinson
Mr. & Mrs. David Jaundrill
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jennings
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kalina
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Karcsinski Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Keane
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Klein
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Kleps
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kodz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Kretzman
Mr. & Mrs. John Krubski
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kucich Sr.
Mrs. Nora O. Laverty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lett
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Liquori
Mr. & Mrs. Denis Loncto
Mr. Paul A. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lorenzen
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Lucke
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Maloney
Mr. & Mrs. Basil Marraffa
Mr. & Mrs. Pedro F. Mata
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Mazako
Mr. & Mrs. John Mazan
Mrs. Linda R. McDonald
Dr. & Mrs. C. Lee Mellinger III
Mr. & Mrs. Norman F. Miller
Ms. Anne S. Minogue
Mrs. John P. Moliere
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Molloy
Mr. Ralph J. Money Jr.
Anthony J. Mongillo MD
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis H. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Morico
Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Morton Sr.
Mrs. Gloria Murphy
Mrs. Alice Nealon
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Nelson Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nolte
Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. O’Toole
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Palaia Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Patrignelli Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Pellecchia Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Pellegrino
Mr. & Mrs. Vladimir Petrov
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Pierson
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Porteus Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Quincy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Ralston Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rappoccio Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Reidy
Mrs. Elizabeth Renzulli
Mrs. Kathleen Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rogan
Mrs. Kathleen Rorick
Mr. & Mrs. Jose F. Rosa
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Samulowitz
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Sandel
Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Sauer
Mrs. Roberta L. Schmidt
Ms. Gail G. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Sobolewski
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Sugrue
Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan
Dr. & Mrs. John T. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Tague
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Topar
Mr. & Mrs. Trung H. Trang
Mrs. Angela C. Tymniak
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Vanacore
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Fredric C. Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Wilkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Stan York
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Zamachaj
Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Zimmerman
Friends of Prep
Arrupe Society
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart L. Bell
Platinum Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Fox Sr.
Gold Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ahlers
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Ford Sr.
Silver Loyola Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Harris
Mr. Vincent P. Shanley
Atty. Joseph Tooher
Xavier Club
Mr. & Ms. Scott A. Clark
Miss Deborah A. Lasko
Ms. Donna L. Leitao
Berchmans Club
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Beyerly
Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Bottone
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cassella
Steven P. Ciardiello Esq.
Ms. Sheila J. Clancy
Ms. Susan A. Fondu
Ms. Elizabeth B. Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Hoponick
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Kolstad
Ms. Juliet McCarthy
Mr. Dennis McGuire
Mr. Gerald M. Miller
Mr. John P. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Peck
Michael Semmes
Mr. Steven R. Zodtner
Hearthstone Club
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Abraham
Ms. Mary Ahlers
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Alaimo
Rev. Charles H. Allen S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Allen
Mr. David M. Alpeter
Mr. & Mrs. J. Curtis Alpeter
Ms. Miriam M. Amador
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Andreasen
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Arsenault
Ms. Maria C. Asis-Gilbride
Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Ball
Mr. Robert W. Bandera
Ms. Kerry Banks
Mr. Charles V. Barrows
Mrs. Kathleen M. Barry Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bayer
Mr. Brendan Bazar
Mr. Jonathan Bazar
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Beattie
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Beddoe
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Beyerly
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Beyerly
Mrs. Edward J. Bigane
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Blakeley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Blessman
Mr. Lawrence Bolanowski
Ms. Kathryn B. Borland
Mr. & Mrs. Andre Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. James Braun
Ms. Patricia Brennan
Ms. Kim Bridgeford
Ms. Debra A. Briganti
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Budinoff
Mrs. Carol Bujanauskas
Ms. Mary E. Bulman
Ms. Patricia Burns
Mr. & Mrs. William Burns
Ms. Theresa M. Cahalane-Norkus
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Call
Ms. Jean A. Campbell
Mr. Joseph V. Carena Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Cecil
Mr. & Mrs. M. Alan Chameides
Ms. Elizabeth B. Chatel
Ms. Beverley Christie
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cirasuolo
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Cirillo
Ms. Colleen Clancy
Mr. Harold R. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Cohen
Mr. Jose Colon &
Ms. Margarita Amador
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Conelias
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Connly
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Connolly
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Coppolo
Mr. Edwin Cornwell
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew S. Coyle
Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Creto
Mr. Alder H. Crocker
Mrs. & Mr. Marjorie S. Cronin
Mr. Andrew M. Crowe
Mr. David Cunn &
Mrs. Linda Claussen-Cunn
Ms. Elizabeth Cunningham
Mr. Jeffrey L. Currier
Ms. Judith J. Cuthbert
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D’Arcangelo III
Ms. Paula B. Davidson
Mr. Ramani Dealwis
Ms. Wilma S. Deicas
Mr. & Mrs. David DeJoy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D’Elia
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. DeLuca
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Demaida
Mr. Roger A. DeS.J.ardins
Mr. & Mrs. Charles DiCenso
Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood P. Dodge
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Doerger
Mr. Joseph Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Downing
Ms. Caitlin A. Driscoll
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Driscoll
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Droney
Mr. Richard J. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Dunne
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Duquette
Mr. William F. Earley Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Earley Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Eckert
Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Ervin
Mr. Anthony Esposito
Ms. Phyllis Featherston
Mr. Joseph C. Feeley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ferguson
Ms. Maria Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Fitzpatrick
Ms. Sandra Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Florentine
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Foerster II
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon P. Fogel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Forte
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Frassetto
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Fray
Ms. Shirley J. Fruchter
Ms. Amy E. Gabriele
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Gagliardi
Mr. Kevin Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Gardella
Ms. Patti Genova
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Gentile
Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Gerstenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gleason
Ms. Collette B. Gmitter
Ms. Maureen Goggin
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Gogol Sr.
Mr. Mitchell R. Goldblatt
Ms. Margaret R. Goldstein
Ms. Alisha Gorder
Ms. Magalie Granado
Mr. Donald Grandy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Graziano Sr.
Mrs. Mary K. Green
Mr. Mark J. Gregoretti
Mr. & Mrs. Randell Gumkowski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harbul
Mr. John E. Harwood
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hatton
Ms. Consuelo F. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Hojnacki
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Holdsworth
Ms. Laurie M. Houlihan
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Hurley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Iannone
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Jacobs
Ms. Dolores A. Jakiela
Mr. & Mrs. David Janny
Mr. John Jay &
Mrs. Theresa Rubico Jay
Mr. Walter J. Jaykus Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Jewell
Mrs. Cathy Johnson
Mr. Craig Johnson &
Ms. Kimberly Young
Ms. Sandra L. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Allyn K. Kall
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Karl
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Karlson
Ms. Sylvia Kaye
Ms. Margaret M. Kelley
Ms. Fredda Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Keltos Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon S. Kiesling
Ms. Colleen Kinyon
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Kirstein
Mr. & Mrs. Alan S. Kliger
Ms. Carolyn Konopka
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Kropitis
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Kruyswyk
Mr. & Mrs. Torodd Kummen
Ms. Wadeane H. Kunz
Mr. & Mrs. Garry F. LaGasse
Ms. Patrice A. Lannon
Mr. & Mrs. M. Roland Laro
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Larson
Ms. Jane L. Lassner
Mr. Daniel Leitao
Ms. Rachel L. Leitao
Ms. Elaine C. Lemos
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Loehmann Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Loftus
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Longo
Mr. Kevin Lyons &
Mrs. Rosemary Dreher
Sr. Joan A. Magnetti RSCJ
Mr. Daniel Malkoun & Ms. Jill Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Malone
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Malone
Mr. Michael Marcinek
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Marinan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Marquart
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Marsalisi
Ms. Cynthia W. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Marusi
Mr. & Mrs. John Masley
Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio Masone III
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Mastrianni
Mr. Vincent Matura & Ms. Ellen Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McCormick Jr.
Ms. Mary Ellen McDonough
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McGettigan
Ms. Ethel A. McMahon
Ms. Elizabeth McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Meder
Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Michaelson
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Mizelle
Ms. Marcia Molenda
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Molina
Mr. & Mrs. Segismundo Montoya
Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today
Corporations, Foundations & Organizations
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mooney
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Moorin
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Morgillo
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F. Mucci
Ms. Margaret F. Mullin
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Murgalo
Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Murphy
Mr. & Ms. John D. Murphy
Mr. Kevin Murphy & Ms. Karen Karpie
Mr. & Mrs. David Muscato
Mrs. Elaine D. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Norell Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Leary
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Olha
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Olsson
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy O’Malley
Mrs. Jane N. O’Reilly
Elizabeth Ortiz-Schwartz MD
Mr. & Mrs. James Orvis
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Palaia
Mr. & Mrs. George Palmgren
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Palomba
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Panek
Ms. Joan M. Patrick
Mr. Richard A. Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Pawlowski
Mr. & Mrs. Adam W. Pearl
Ms. Joyce Pellegrino
Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Penfield
Ms. Heather L. Phillips MacCabe
Ms. Dianne R. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence D. Pinkus
Mr. Raymond P. Poincelot
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Pollard
Mr. Mark C. Polvani
Ms. Janine Portolese
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Prentice
Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Priest
Ms. Patricia Primavera
Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Proto
Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Pruden
Ms. Emily M. Quatrano
Mr. Edgardo Ramos &
Ms. Natalia Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Record
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Resnick
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Ripley
Ms. Karen A. Romagnoli
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Romans
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Sabino
Mr. & Mrs. Roger M. Sabo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Salemo
Dr. Hamid Sami &
Dr. Shabnam Kashani
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Santacroce
Mr. & Mrs. Gary F. Sara
Mr. Louis A. Saracco Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Sarno
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Saska
Ms. Flora H. Schannon
Mr. A.C. Schlager
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Schlein
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Sciacca
Mr. Mark S. Seeberg
Louis J. Seidler Photography
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Severino
Maureen O’Donnell Sharnick DMD
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Shaughnessy
Mrs. Laurel Shaughnessy
Ms. Joyce Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheiman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Sherman
Mr. Robert D. Sherrick Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. G. Barry Slater
Delbert B Smith MD
Ms. Katherine C. Smith
Prep Today
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Smith Jr.
Ms. Sharyn St Clair
Mr. & Mrs. Grove W. Stoddard
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Sullivan
Mr. Thomas V. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Szymansky
Mr. Joseph Tacopina
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Telep
Mr. Donald Telesca &
Mrs. Erin Curtin-Telesca
Mr. & Mrs. Salvi S. Ternullo
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Thies
Ms. Kathy Thopsey
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Thornton
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Thurston
Mr. Patrick Thurston
Mr. & Mrs. Denis Tobin
Mr. Christopher Trefz
Mr. Frank J. Tropsa &
Mrs. Sarita Torres
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Truelove
Dr. & Mrs. Alexander Tumeniuk
Mr. Frederick C. Ulbrich Jr.
Colonel Victoria A. Velez USAF
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Visosky
Mr. & Mrs. Marius Visser
Mr. & Mrs. David Volman
Mr. James Voneuw &
Mrs. Maureen Murphy Voneuw
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Wall
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel P. Ward
Mr. Laurice Wardle &
Mrs. Janet Wardle-Hall
Dr. & Mrs. Frank E. Watkinson
Ms. Kim Weatherford &
Ms. Diana Weatherford
Ms. Molly Westerhold
Mr. Joseph Wiencek
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Zeleny
Key Foundation
Level Global Investors, L.P.
United Technologies Corp.
Xavier Club
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, LTD.
Barclays Bank PLC
BD Matching Gift Program
Carolton Convalescent Home
Emcor Group, Inc.
NYSE Group
Olin Corp. Charitable Trust
Thurston Foods
Wells Fargo Foundation
Foundations &
President’s Council
Bellarmine Father’s Club
Bellarmine Mother’s Guild
Fairfield Jesuit Community
The William H. Pitt Foundation
Arrupe Society
General Electric Foundation
Goldman, Sachs & Company
Integrated Corporate Relations, Inc.
Platinum Loyola Circle
The Charles and Mabel P. Jost
Merrill Lynch
Microsoft Corporation
PepsiCo Foundation
Gold Loyola Circle
Deutsche Bank North America
Fidelity Foundation
Latin Scholars
New York Community Trust
OppenheimerFunds, Inc.
Matching Gifts Program
Otis Spunkmeyer
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Pitney Bowes
Venman & Co. LLC
Silver Loyola Circle
Aetna Life & Casualty
Altria Group, Inc.
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Berchmans Club
Avis Budget
Bank of America
The Bank of New York
Barry-Wehmiller Design Group Inc
Cains Foods L.P.
Carla’s Pasta
Chicago Trading Company
Citizen’s Bank
Dannon Company
Diocese of Bridgeport
Donahue & Brown, Attorneys At Law
Fischer Francis Trees & Watts, Inc.
Graphic Packaging International Fund
Hartford Insurance Group
Harvey Hubbell Foundation
Intel Foundation AG6-601
ITG, Inc.
Jiffy Cleaners
Johnson & Johnson
Major Products Co., Inc
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Odyssey America Reinsurance
Oracle Corporation
Plainfield Asset Management
Progressive Insurance Foundation
Renzi Bros. Inc.
Schering-Plough Foundation,Inc
Shell Oil Company Foundation
St. Mark’s Episcopal
St. Vincent’s Medical Center
Texas Instruments Foundation
Time Warner Inc.
Unilever United States Foundation, Inc.
Verizon Foundation
Wachovia Matching Gifts Program
Hearthstone Club
Abbott Fund Matching Grant Plan
Allmerica Financial
American International Group
American Patriot Sales, Inc
Amgen Foundation
Bailey, Moore, Glazer, Schaefer, &
Proto, LLP
Beckerer Foundation
Bonduelle North America
Butera & Jurgovsky Inc.
Court St. Cecelia CDA #735
David M. Grant Caterers
DeMets Candy Company
End Stage Renal Disease Network of
New England
Fairfield University
Gannett Foundation
General Re Services Corp.
Hubbell Corporation
James Hernovich Home Improvement
Kimberly-Clark Foundation Inc.
LandAmerica Foundation
Annual Report 2008–2009
LoJack Corporation
MBIA Foundation, Inc.
MCCI Corporation
Mellon Gift Matching Program for
NSTAR Foundation
Pernod Ricard USA
Rowland Technologies
Sachs & Proto, LLC
Sony USA Foundation Inc.
The Farms Country Club
The Market Dynamics Group LLC
The Pellegrino Law Firm
Thompson Reuters
UniPro Foodservice, Inc
Wellington Management Company, LLP
Wellpoint Foundation Associate
Giving Program
Whitney Farms
Withers Bergman
Available Restricted and Endowed Funds
The following is a list of all available
restricted and endowed funds at
Fairfield Prep.
Rev. Charles H. Allen, S.J. Scholarship
Alumni Association Fund
Dr. Donna M. Andrade Scholarship
Rev. James C. L. Arimond, S.J.
Athletics Restricted Fund
Francis and Audrey Barron
Rev. James H. Barry Memorial
Bellarmine Father’s Club Designated
Bellarmine Father’s Club Scholarship
Bellarmine Mother’s Guild Designated
Bellarmine Mother’s Guild
Berchmans Faculty Award
Bernard Family Scholarship in
Memory of Rev. Timothy Curtin, S.J.
George and Anne Boughton Memorial
Harold and Anne Brennan Family
Ted and Julie Breunich Scholarship
Revs. Eugene C. Brissette, S.J. and
Robert Sproule, S.J. Scholarship
Joseph T. Brosley Endowed
Joseph T. Brosley Restricted
Benjamin M. Brown ’02 Memorial
Rev. Patrick Cafferty, S.J. Scholarship
Caggianello Scholarship
John and Patrice Callies Family
Capital Unrestricted Fund
John A. Carley Memorial Scholarship
Corey Cerrone Memorial Scholarship
Class of 1959 Scholarship
Class of 1969 Fund
Hugh Cooney Memorial Scholarship
Daphne Seybolt Culpeper Memorial
Judge T. F. Gilroy Daly ’48 Scholarship
Joseph T. and Margaret R. Dolan
Drury Family Scholarship
Fairfield Jesuit Community
J. Gerard Flynn ’47 Award
Frigon Family Scholarship
General Endowment Fund
General Memorial Scholarship Fund
Great Teaching Endowment
Global Mission and Retreat Fund
Timothy Halapin Memorial
Mamie and Beefy Hargus Memorial
Timothy and Eileen Hogan Family
Holmes Foundation, Inc. Scholarship
The Inner City Foundation for Charity
and Education Scholarship
Integrated Corporate Relations Grant
Rev. Alfred Jolson, S.J. ’46
Dr. William T. Keavy ’53 and Irene
Keavy Memorial Scholarship
Keith Scholarship
Herbert Klein Endowed Scholarship
Arthur T. Kornblut, J.D. ’58 Memorial
Richard F. Kral, Sr. Family Scholarship
Chief James Kranyik Memorial
Kyle Kurjanowicz Memorial
John D. Lambert ’94 Memorial Award
Landmark Campaign General Fund
Landmark Campaign Technology Fund
Gary Lasko ’69 Memorial Scholarship
Lautenbach Family Scholarship
Manuel Leitao Memorial Scholarship
Library Fund
Joseph A. Liemandt Scholarship
Mary F. Luby Scholarship
Maich Family Scholarship
Lillian Markus Scholarship
Mark Masiello ’83 Memorial
John Paul Matyjasik Music Award
John A. McAndrews Scholarship
McLeod Technology Fund
Mark Mitchell ’74 Memorial
Rev. Alfred E. Morris, S.J. Scholarship
Seth Morris Memorial Scholarship
Rev. Charles Munzing, S.J. Memorial
Rev. Thomas A. Murphy, S.J.
Memorial Scholarship
Music Maintenance Fund
Niper Memorial Fund
John B. O’Rourke ’59 Library/Media
Matthew A. Pellegrino ’91 Memorial
Louis and Margaret Pelletier
Memorial Scholarship
Revs. Walter Pelletier, S.J. and Robert
Sproule, S.J. Scholarship
Richard W. Pinto Scholarship Fund
William H. Pitt Foundation Scholarship
Fr. Raymond F. Quinn Memorial
Library Fund
Russo Faculty Fund
Dr. Sal & Marilyn Santella
Louis A. Saracco, Jr. Scholarship
Douglas Savacool Memorial
The Scholarship Fund
SEED General Fund
SEED Scholars Summer Program
Richard and Clare Senfield
Scholarship in Honor of Fr. Thomas
A. Murphy, S.J. and in Memory of
Maxon M. and Helen M. Senfield
Endowed & Restricted Gifts
Rev. Martin Shaughnessy, S.J.
Sica Technology Fund
Skowronski Family Award
Brian Stapleton ’78 Memorial
William Stephanak ’77 Memorial
Strategic Plan Restricted Account
Student Activities Fund
Student Enrichment Scholarship
David and Irene Sullivan Memorial
Philip Tarasovic II ’80 Scholarship
Enrique Torres ’56 Scholarship in
memory of Rev. Andrew J. Cooney
James H. Traynor Scholarship
Paul Tymniak Memorial Award
Unrestricted Fund
F. Joseph Van Poppelen ’45 Memorial
Robert H. Wakin ’48 Memorial
Rev. Edward J. Welch, S.J. Memorial
Wiseman Family Scholarship
Bellarmine Mother’s Guild
Corey Cerrone Memorial
Endowed and Restricted Gifts
The following is a list of endowed and
restricted funds that received gifts
during the 2008-2009 fiscal year.
Rev. Charles H. Allen, S.J.
Rev. Charles H. Allen S.J.
Mr. Lawrence F. Carroll
Diocese of Bridgeport
Fairfield University
Ms. Colleen Gilbertson
Dr. & Mrs. C. Lee Mellinger III
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Silk
Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Sweeney
Ms. Kathy Thopsey
Dr. Donna M. Andrade
Steven P. Ciardiello Esq.
Athletics Restricted Fund
Bellarmine Father’s Club
Francis and Audrey Barron
Mr. & Mrs. E. Andrew Barron
Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Barron
Mr. William F. Barron
General Electric Foundation
Rev. James H. Barry
Memorial Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Connelly
Latin Scholars
J. Kendall Murphy PhD
Bellarmine Father’s Club
Designated Fund
Bellarmine Father’s Club
Bellarmine Mother’s Guild
Designated Fund
Bellarmine Mother’s Guild
Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Wuchiski
Bernard Family
Scholarship in Memory of
Rev. Timothy Curtin, S.J.
Atty. & Mrs. Kent S. Bernard
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Revs. Eugene C. Brissette,
S.J. and Robert Sproule, S.J.
General Electric Foundation
Mr. & Ms. Robert E. Grant
Mr. Paul J. Halas
Joseph T. Brosley Endowed
General Electric Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Moran
Joseph T. Brosley
Restricted Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo N. Cerrone Jr.
Class of 1959 Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Aiello
Mr. Robert C. Anderson
Mr. Robert C. Arsenault
Mr. Jeremiah J. Barrett
Kenneth P. Beardsley PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Berchem
Deacon & Mrs. Donald M. Brunetto
Dr. & Mrs. John W. Buckley
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas E. Burlinson
Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Carroll Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ceritelli
Joseph A. Chrzanowski PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cleary
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Comer
Mr. Anthony E. Coppola
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Coppola
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Coyle
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence M. Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dougherty
Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Douglas Jr.
Mr. Michael F. Dowley III
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley B. Eastman
Mr. Harold D. Edmonds
Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Falasco
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Ferry
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Warren A. French Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Julius F. Friese
Mr. Lee P. Gabriel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Glynn
Mr. Donald R Gniadek
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Green
Mr. Frank J. Halpin
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Harris
Captain Richard F. Healing
Mr. William A. Hellauer LTC
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hennessey
The late John Iacurci &
Mrs. Rosemary Iacurci
Deacon & Mrs. Daniel J. Ianniello
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Iosso
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koritko
Mr. Dean F. Kramer
Atty. & Mrs. Lee G. Kuckro
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Kuruc
Mr. William F. Lang Jr.
Mr. Thomas P. Leahy
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V. Lesko Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Link
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Luchansky
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Luparello
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Madeo
The Honorable & Mrs. John R. Maher
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Maiocco
Mr. John A. McCarthy
Dr. & Mrs. Michael H. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. McGill III
Mr. & Mrs. John D. McGourthy Sr.
Hon. & Mrs. George F. McGunnigle
Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. Meehan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Montesi
Rev. George R. Murphy, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Naves
Mr. John B. O’Rourke Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. O’Toole
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Redgate
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Reiss
Mr. & Mrs. Claude D. Renshaw
Mr. Anthony J. Retartha
Mr. & Mrs. C. John Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Rowe
Dr. & Mrs. Francis J. Scarpa
Mr. & Mrs. E. Peter Schneider Jr.
Mr. John A. Seymour
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Skowronski
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Smith
Dr. Gregory M. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Stanchina
Colonel George W. Streff USAF
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Terapane Jr.
Mr. James A. Trowbridge
Mr. William F. Valieant
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Varholy
Mr. & Ms. Robert Violetta Jr.
Mr. Thomas V. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Wilkinson
Joseph T. and Margaret R.
Dolan Scholarship
Drs. Jay and Patricia Dolan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harbul
Mr. John E. Harwood
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley F. Janczewski
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Kropitis
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Leverty Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Masley
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McCormick Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. McGillicuddy
Mr. Dennis McGuire
Ms. Ethel A. McMahon
Mr. Herbert Moorin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Norell Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Panek
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Patrignelli Sr.
Ms. Janine Portolese
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Ripley
Mr. & Mrs. Roger M. Sabo
Mr. Michael Semmes
Mr. Richard Sheiman
Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Stapleton
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Tague
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Vitulano
Ms. Kim Weatherford &
Ms. Diana Weatherford
Whitney Farms
General Restricted
Donahue & Brown, Attorneys At Law
Mr. Brian P. Eckert
Fairfield Jesuit Community
Mr. Ryan J. McGreevy
Otis Spunkmeyer
Mr. John Piscioniere
Mr. & Mrs. W. Thomas Shea
frigon family Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Frigon
Global Mission and
Retreat Fund
General Endowment Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Rigoberto Alfonso Sr.
Mr. David M. Alpeter
Mr. & Mrs. J. Curtis Alpeter
Ms. Miriam M. Amador
Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Andersson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Andreasen
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Arsenault
Mr. Charles V. Barrows
Bellarmine Fathers’ Club
Bellarmine Mothers’ Guild
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Beyerly
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Beyerly
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Beyerly
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brelsford
Ms. Debra A. Briganti
Mr. & Mrs. William Burns
Ms. Theresa M. Cahalane-Norkus
Mrs. Jean Canuel
Mr. Joseph V. Carena Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth B. Chatel
Mr. Harold R. Clark
Mr. Jose Colon &
Ms. Margarita Amador
Mr. Alder H. Crocker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D’Arcangelo III
Mr. Ralph Money & Ms. Laura Babala
General Memorial
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Alaimo
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert L. Auray
Ms. Kerry Banks
Mr. & Mrs. Andre Boyd
Mr. John Brannelly Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Cecil
Ms. Colleen Clancy
Ms. Sheila J. Clancy
Mr. Edwin Cornwell
Court St. Cecelia CDA #735
Mrs. & Mr. Marjorie S. Cronin
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund F. Dailey
Mrs. Mary Jo Dailey
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Duquette
Fairfield University
Mr. William R. Fitzsimmons Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon P. Fogel
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Fray
Mr. Mitchell R. Goldblatt
Ms. Margaret R. Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Graziano Sr.
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Mr. Ramani Dealwis
Ms. Wilma S. Deicas
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Demaida
Ms. Caitlin A. Driscoll
Ms. Maria Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fox
Ms. Amy E. Gabriele
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gallacher
Ms. Elizabeth B. Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Golankiewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Gutierrez
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Jaykus
Mr. Walter J. Jaykus Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Jewell
Ms. Sandra L. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Kruyswyk
Mr. & Mrs. M. Roland Laro
Ms. Elaine C. Lemos
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Liquori
Mr. Daniel Malkoun & Ms. Jill Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Maloney
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Marquart
Ms. Cynthia W. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. McCormick
Ms. Mary Ellen McDonough
Ms. Elizabeth McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Michaelson
Mr. Gerald M. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Mizelle
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Molina
Mrs. Nancy Monk Bingham
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Montoya
Mr. & Mrs. Segismundo Montoya
Ms. Margaret F. Mullin
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Murgalo
Mr. Kevin Murphy & Ms. Karen Karpie
Mr. Richard A. Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Adam W. Pearl
Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Penfield
PepsiCo Foundation
Ms. Heather L. Phillips MacCabe
Mr. Raymond P. Poincelot
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Record
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Saska
Mr. A.C. Schlager
Ms. Katherine C. Smith
Ms. Sharyn St Clair
St. Mark’s Episcopal
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Telep
Mr. Donald Telesca &
Mrs. Erin Curtin-Telesca
Timothy Halapin Memorial
Mr. John J. Halapin
Integrated Corporate
Relations Grant
Integrated Corporate Relations, Inc.
The late John P. Flanagan
Mr. Chad A. Jacobs
Mr. Thomas M. Ryan
Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today
Endowed & Restricted Gifts
Jesuit Refugee Service Fund
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Amidon III
Andor Capital Management, L.L.C.
Mr. Jeffrey M. Aquilante
Mr. & Ms. Gregory J. Barron
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Belger
Fr. Jan F. Blonski
Mr. & Mrs. David Bonadio
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Bonazzo
Mr. & Mrs. James Braun
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brelsford
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Canuel
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Carley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Chajon
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Cremins
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Frank DeLeo Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Delia
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Desautels
Mr. Charles L. DeSiena
Dr. Philip E. DiLeo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Dowd
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Downing
Mr. Greg Doyle
Mr. William C. Elias
Mr. & Mrs. Randy R. Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Featherston
Ms. Christina Formichella
Mr. Justin L. Galletti
Mr. Paul R. Gazso
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Glomb
Mr. Donald P. Goyette
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey D. Gray
Mr. Justin R. Gregg
Rear Adm. & Mrs. Richard J. Grich USN
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Guerra
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Guzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Hendrickson
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jennings
Dr. & Mrs. George W. Kearns
Mr. & Mrs. Sean W. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond F. Kiely
Ms. Joyce Kowalski
Mr. Marc S. Lambert
Mrs. Nora O. Laverty
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Lemanski
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Lenart
Mr. & Mrs. Robert MacKay
Mr. Michael Marino
Mr. & Mrs. Basil Marraffa
Mr. Andrew C. Masloski
Mr. & Mrs. John Matera
Mr. Colin M. McLeod
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Micheli
Mr. George S. Mihalik
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Miko
Prep Today
Mr. Michael K. Morton
Ms. Geraldine Muldoon
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Munchak
Mr. Raymond F. Nalewajk
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Neary
New York Community Trust
The Honorable &
Ms. Jerome J. Niedermeier
Mr. & Ms. Robert J. Niedermeier
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Novitzky
Mr. Timothy A. O’Connell III
Mr. Chris W. Patrona
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Plate USAF
Mr. & Mrs. John Riccio
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Richter
Dr. & Mrs. Edward F. Rizy
Mr. Robert A. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Jose F. Rosa
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Rovegno
Mr. Chris B. Russo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan
Anthony D. Sabatelli PhD JD
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Sandel
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sapone
Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher W. Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Shannon
Mr. & Mrs. Kim D. Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Shea
Ms. Carol Stead
Mr. & Mrs. John Steinert
Ms. Carol Tibor
Ms. Julianne Ward & Mr. Brien Ward
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Welch III
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Wood
Mr. Jeffrey H. Zielinski
Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Zimmerman
Arthur T. Kornblut, J.D. ’58
Memorial Scholarship
Dr. & Mrs. Alan D. Kornblut
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Abraham
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bilek
Dr. & Mrs. Martin A. Buzas
Mr. & Mrs. M. Alan Chameides
Ms. Paula B. Davidson
Deutsche Bank North America
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Driscoll
End Stage Renal Disease Network of
New England
Mr. & Mrs. Domenick J. Galluzzo
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gleason
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Gogol Sr.
Ms. Consuelo F. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Allyn K. Kall
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Karlson
Mr. Daniel J. King
Mr. & Mrs. Alan S. Kliger
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Longo
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Rev. Thomas A. Murphy, S.J.
Memorial Scholarship
Landmark Campaign
General Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Connelly
Latin Scholars
Mr. & Ms. John D. Murphy
Christopher J. Boreyko MD
Mr. Lawrence F. Carroll
The Honorable & Mrs. John P. Chiota
Dannon Company
Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Fasano
Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Feroleto Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Traugott F. Keller
Mr. & Mrs. John C. King
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Marden III
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. McLaughlin Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. McLaughlin
Merrill Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. James Moye
Dr. & Mrs. Frank R. Scifo
Mr. & Mrs. Jay B. Sheehy
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Vanderslice
Gary Lasko ’69 Memorial
Ms. Deborah A. Lasko
Manuel Leitao Memorial
Gannett Foundation
Mr. Daniel Leitao
Ms. Donna L. Leitao
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Leitao
Kevin M. Leitao
Mrs. Lucille Leitao
Ms. Rachel L. Leitao
Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Wuchiski
Library Fund
Drs. Raymond and Patricia Cormier
Maich Family Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Maich
Mark Masiello ’83 Memorial
Mr. Robert E. Luysterborghs
Mrs. Nancy Masiello
John D. Lambert ’94
Memorial Award
Ms. Sylvia Kaye
Ms. Margaret M. Kelley
Mr. Vincent Matura & Ms. Ellen Frey
Mr. John P. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Palomba
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Sciacca
Mr. & Mrs. Salvi S. Ternullo
Mr. & Mrs. Denis Tobin
Mr. James Voneuw &
Mrs. Maureen Murphy Voneuw
MCCI Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F. Mucci
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Olha
Pitney Bowes
Ms. Patricia Primavera
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Santacroce
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Schlein
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. G. Barry Slater
Mr. & Mrs. Grove W. Stoddard
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Wall
Mr. Joseph Wiencek
John Paul Matyjasik Music
Ms. June D. Matyjasik
Rev. Alfred E. Morris, S.J.
Mr. Robert W. Bandera
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Beattie
Ms. Mary E. Bulman
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Card
DeMets Candy Company
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Downing
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Droney
Mr. Richard J. Dunn
Ms. Susan A. Fondu
Ms. Maureen Goggin
Mr. & Ms. Robert E. Grant
Ms. Laurie M. Houlihan
Annual Report 2008–2009
Music Maintenance Fund
Latin Scholars
Matthew A. Pellegrino ’91
Memorial Scholarship
Mr. Thomas J. Giallanza Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Leyden Jr.
Louis and Margaret
Pelletier Memorial
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Pelletier
Revs. Walter Pelletier, S.J.
and Robert Sproule, S.J.
American Patriot Sales, Inc
Bailey, Moore, Glazer, Schaefer, &
Proto, LLP
Mr. Douglas Banquer
Mrs. Kathleen M. Barry Esq.
Barry-Wehmiller Design Group Inc
Mr. Brendan Bazar
Mr. Jonathan Bazar
Mr. Nathaniel J. Beckles
Mr. Ryan J. Birge
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Blakeley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Blessman
Bonduelle North America
Ms. Kathryn B. Borland
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Brown
Butera & Jurgovsky Inc.
Cains Foods L.P.
Ms. Jean A. Campbell
Carla’s Pasta
Mr. Brian J. Casl
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cassella
Mr. Richard Chu
Citizen’s Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Conelias
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Connly
Mr. Dylan R. Cooke
Mr. Travis N. Cooke
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Cortigiano
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew S. Coyle
Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Creto
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Cruz
Mr. Robert J. D’Amato
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. D’Amato
David M. Grant Caterers
Mr. & Mrs. David DeJoy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. DeLuca
Mr. Colby M. Dennison
Mr. & Mrs. Earl F. Dewey II
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Dunne
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Earley Sr.
Mr. William F. Earley Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Forte
Ms. Shirley J. Fruchter
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Gagliardi
Mr. Thomas J. Giallanza Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Girardi
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Goodfellow
Mr. Donald Grandy
Mr. Mark J. Gregoretti
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Grich
Mr. & Mrs. Randell Gumkowski
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Healey
Mr. David W. Hilinski
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Holub
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Holub
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Iannone
Mr. David M. Improta
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Jacobs
Ms. Dolores A. Jakiela
James Hernovich Home Improvement
Mr. John Jay &
Mrs. Theresa Rubico Jay
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kaminske
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Karl
Ms. Fredda Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Kirstein
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Kolstad
Ms. Carolyn Konopka
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Kristoff
Ms. Wadeane H. Kunz
Mr. & Mrs. Garry F. LaGasse
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Loehmann Jr.
Major Products Co., Inc
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Makovich PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Malone
Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Martino
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Mastrianni
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McGettigan
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. McGovern
Mr. Dustin R. Mello
Mr. Joshua D. Mello
Mr. Christopher J. Molyneux
Mr. Shaun R. Molyneux
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mooney
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Morgillo
Mr. & Ms. Brian R. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Olsson
Mr. Daniel C. O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Pawlowski
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Peck
Ms. Joyce Pellegrino
Mr. Mark C. Polvani
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Prentice
Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Proto
Ms. Emily M. Quatrano
Renzi Bros. Inc.
Mr. Michael R. Ripley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Romans
Rowland Technologies
Mr. Peter S. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Sabino
Sachs & Proto, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Salemo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Sarno
Dr. John E. Sather
Ms. Flora H. Schannon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Severino
Delbert B Smith MD
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Smith Jr.
Mr. Matthew L. Stannard
Mr. James J. Sullivan Jr.
The Farms Country Club
The Market Dynamics Group LLC
The Pellegrino Law Firm
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Thornton
Endowed & Restricted Gifts
Thurston Foods
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Thurston
Mr. Patrick Thurston
Mr. Andrew G. Townsend
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Truelove
Mr. Frederick C. Ulbrich Jr.
UniPro Foodservice, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Vanacore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Vietze
Mr. Laurice Wardle &
Mrs. Janet Wardle-Hall
Dr. & Mrs. Frank E. Watkinson
Withers Bergman
Mr. Steven R. Zodtner
William H. Pitt Foundation
The William H. Pitt Foundation
Dr. Sal and Marilyn
Santella Scholarship
Dr. & Mrs. Sal M. Santella
SEED Scholars Summer
Mr. Jonathan P. Herman
The William H. Pitt Foundation
Richard and Clare Senfield
In Honor of Fr. Thomas A. Murphy,
S.J. and in Memory of Maxon M. and
Helen M. Senfield
Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Senfield
Rev. Martin Shaughnessy,
S.J. Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Loftus
Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Priest
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Shaughnessy
Mrs. Laurel Shaughnessy
Colonel Victoria A. Velez USAF
William Stephanak ’77
Memorial Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart L. Bell
Student Activities Fund
Bellarmine Father’s Club
Ms. Alisha Gorder
Student Enrichment
Goldman, Sachs & Company
Mr. Jeffrey H. Zielinski
David and Irene Sullivan
Memorial Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence M. Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Shannahan
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Sullivan III
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Sullivan
Enrique Torres ’56
in Memory of Rev. Andrew J. Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Torres
Rev. Edward J. Welch, S.J.
Memorial Scholarship
Mr. Andrew R. Durkin
Mr. David A. Gerics
Mr. Mark A. McCormack
Mr. Walter F. Naedele
State Street Research & Management
Dr. William T. Keavy ’53 and
Irene M. Keavy Memorial
Estate of Irene M. Keavy
Wiseman Family
Atty. Michael Wiseman &
Prof. Helen Garten
Fairfield Prep Golf Outing
Sponsors & Underwriters
(October 2008)
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Altieri Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Barron
Atty. & Mrs. Robert J. Brennan Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Britt
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Brown
Mr. James E. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Callies
Carolton Convalescent Home
Mr. Lawrence F. Carroll
Mr. Brian J. Casl
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Cass III
The Honorable & Mrs. John P. Chiota
Atty. & Mrs. Louis J. Colangelo Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Collins RPh
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Cummings
Joseph DeLucia Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Dolan
Emcor Group, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Fabbri
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Fortin
Mr. & Mrs. Craig L. Froehlich
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Hogan Jr.
Integrated Corporate Relations
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Kane
Mr. Brian D. Kaschel
Mr. Daniel J. King
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Lesko
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V. Lesko Sr.
Mr. Randy S. Maultsby
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. McBride
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. McLeod
Mr. & Mrs. Sean J. McManus
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Mullany
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Murphy
Mr. Peter W. O’Connor
Mr. Howard T. Owens III
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Pengue
Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Redgate
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Richter
Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Russo Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Sanseverino
Dr. & Mrs. Francis J. Scarpa
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schinella
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Scinto
St. Vincent’s Medical Center
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Sullivan III
Atty. & Mrs. Mark C. Valentine
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Valus III
Venman & Co. LLC
Atty. & Mrs. Thomas J. Welch
Mr. & Mrs. James P. White Jr.
Fairfield Prep Holiday
Basketball Classic
Sponsors & Underwriters
(December 2008)
Preneta Physical Therapy PC
“A Night on the Town”
Spring Dinner Sponsors &
Diamond Sponsors
Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. DiGennaro
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Vanderslice
Gold Sponsor
R.D. Scinto, Inc.
Silver Sponsors
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Hogan Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McHugh
Special Benefactors
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ahlers
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Baugier
Bellarmine Father’s Club
Bellarmine Mother’s Guild
Ms. Heidi R. Bramante
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Burt
Mr & Mrs. Robert C. Call
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ceruzzi Jr.
Mr. & Ms. Scott A. Clark
Atty. & Mrs. Stephen F. Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Foerster II
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Guzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joyce
Mr. Sean Kennedy &
Ms. Marylou D’Addario
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Longson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Luciano
Mr. & Mrs. George Marini
Mr. & Mrs. Sean J. McManus
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Nick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. O’Keefe
Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Russo Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sommerer
Special Event Committees
Spring Event Committee 2009
Committee Chairs:
Colleen Bushby
Jennifer Bogannam
Laura Harkawik
Meg Buckis
Lynn Hendrie
Rose Cardone
Gretchen Kovtun
Joanne Marr
Renee McManus
Robin Moran
Jean Moore
Mary Beth Morris
Sima Patel
Jean Richmond
Kim Ryan
Sue Stone
Lisa Thornton
Ann Weithers
Joan Zaccaro
Fairfield Prep Annual Golf Outing
Committee Chairs:
John Chiota ’86
Jim Butler ’86
John Chiota ’61
Kevin Foley ’73
Kevin Kozlowski ’99
Alex Oracheff ’94
Tom Welch ’83
McAuliffe Hall Society of Planned
Gift and Bequest Benefactors
emembering Prep in your estate plans can
be a simple and cost effective way to make a
significant contribution to the long term stability of our school. We thank all those who have
remembered Prep in this special way by recognizing them as members of our McAuliffe Society. If you would like more information about
planning an estate gift for Prep, please call the
Development Office at 203-254-4237 or visit our
website at
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Alexander ’55
Mr. Robert C. Arsenault ’59
Mr. Michael J. Bellew ’71
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Bigley Sr. ’49
Mr. Harold A. Bochino ’56
Dr. & Mrs. William J. Brower ’65
Mr. & Mrs. James Butler
Mr. Anthony M. Canto ’51
Mr. Lawrence F. Carroll ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. P. Casolo ’82
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Chervenak ’63
The Hon. & Mrs. John P. Chiota ’61
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cummings ’60
Ms. Lisa D’Alton
Mr. & Mrs. William J. DeJoseph ’60
Rev. Peter A. DeMarco ’52
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Downs ’53
Mr. Harold D. Edmonds ’59
Mr. James P. Fogarty ’47
Dr. & Mrs. John H. Fox ’58
Christopher R. Friese PhD ’93
Dr. & Mrs. James D. Garrity ’48
Mr. & Mrs. L. Thomas Gleason
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Craig C. Goodall ’73
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Gromults Jr. ’50
Dr. & Mrs. Philip J. Guerin Jr. ’55
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Hafele ’58
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Hellauer ’57
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Hicks ’74
Mr. John F. Hughes Jr. ’61
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce N. Jaffe
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Jakab ’84
Dr. & Mrs. William M. Kane Jr. ’45
Mr. John S. Kartovsky ’46
Fairfield College Preparatory School
Mr. Thomas P. Kearney ’60
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Keith ’80
Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Lincoln ’70
Mr. William A. Marshall Jr. ’72
Mrs. Nancy Masiello
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. McMahon ’87
Mr. Robert A. Metzger ’56
Mr. Alexander A. Micklos Jr. ’50
Mr. Ralph Money ’77 and
Ms. Laura Babala
J. Kendall Murphy PhD ’48
Mr. James P. Nealon ’81
Mr. & Mrs. William E. O’Brien ’55
Mr. John B. O’Rourke Jr. ’59
Mr. Mark M. Pace ’80
Rev. Msgr. Joseph W. Pekar ’49
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Piazza JD ’60
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Preissel Jr. ’65
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Riordan ’62
Mr. & Ms. Dennis J. Romano ’70
The Hon. & Mrs. John J. Ronan ’50
Mr. & Mrs. Norman P. Rousseau ’53
Anthony D. Sabatelli Ph.D. J.D. ’75
Dr. & Mrs. Sal M. Santella ’49
Mr. Louis A. Saracco Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. W. Thomas Shea ’73
Mr. Jeffrey W. Sochrin ’85
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Stockman ’85
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Stroh ’48
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sylvester
Nicholas A. Viner M.D. ’60
Rev. Msgr. David M. Walker ’56
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Walsh ’47
Annual Report 2008–2009 Prep Today
A Pr e p Tra d i t i o n . . .
hanksgiving is a tradition for the Prep Community. The
annual Food Drive collected hundreds of bags of food
to help those in nearby communities. The Prep student
body assembled at Alumni Hall to give thanks and honor faculty and administration. Cross Country alumni joined with
current team members to run the annual Pequot 5 Mile Race.
And everyone gathered for the annual football game versus
West Haven, reconnecting with friends and showing Fairfield
Prep spirit! As St. Ignatius Loyola inspired us, “Lord, teach me to
be generous. Teach me to serve you as you deserve; to give
and not to count the cost.”
The Arrupe Hall foyer was filled to the walls with bags of
food donated to ABCD (Action for Bridgeport Community
Development), which fed over 2,000 needy families!
Seniors from left: Alex Matarazzo, Christian Mead, David
Perretta, Ryan Staudt and Carlos Zamora.
L-r: Rev. Larry Ryan, S.J. (26 years), Dr. Donna Andrade (30 years), Mr. John Brennan (30 years),
Mr. Tony Canuel (30 years), Mr. Greg Marshall ’73 (30 years), Mr. Dave Driscoll (35 years), and
Dr. Robert Perrotta (40 years) recognized for outstanding service by Rev. John Hanwell, S.J.
A Prep tradition for 16 years, Dr. Ray Panda ’58 has been the voice of
Fairfield Prep football for our home games. He retired from announcing
at the 2009 Thanksgiving game. Presenting Dr. Panda with a plaque is
Athletic Director Steve Donahue ’92 (far right). Also pictured with Dr.
Panda are his sons Brendan ’96 and Ken ’88. We thank Dr. Panda for
his faithful and serving spirit.
Prep Today
Prep alumni and students annually gather at
the Pequot 5 Mile Road Race in Southport
on Thanksgiving Day. Any Cross Country alumni should contact Bob Ford Jr.
at [email protected] to join in the race next year.
Alumni enjoying a popular
Prep tradition tailgating!
Pictured are (l-r): Devin
White ’88, Sean Sargent
’87, Rob Rotondo ’88,
Bob Donahue ’87, Chris
Rotondo ’86, Rich Bernard
’88, Sean Kilbride ’87,
Joe Sargent ’85 and Liam
Sargent ’88.
Volunteering is a Prep way of life for alumni and parents. It’s also
a wonderful way to support the school and catch up with the Prep
Community — at the Fathers’ Club Food Tent, Prep Pride table, and
selling Tuition Raffle tickets.
Prep Today
Alumni Class News
Ecuador in 2003. Jonathon is the CEO of
Victory Programs which is Massachusetts’
largest housing agency for the homeless.
the 2009 Lowe’s Senior CLASS Award, based
on personal qualities that define a complete
This past summer, Massachusetts Division
of Marine Services biologist Greg Skomal
’79 identified five large sharks, possibly
great whites, near Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge. Skomal saw four more sharks
off the coast. At that time, officials raised
the red no-swimming flags. Skomal worked
with a team to mark the sharks for tracking
and research purposes.
Christopher Kretzman ’05 has joined KPMG
in New York.
Edmund F. Dailey ’46, father in law of Donald
Auray ’76 and grandfather of Christopher
Auray ’13 and Colin Dailey ’01, recently
donated a new American flag for display on
the Prep Quad.
John P. Chiota ’61 has been elected secretary of the Fairfield County Community
William L. Licamele ’64 was awarded the
John Carroll Award for Alumni Service in
April 2008.
Robert A Law III ’85 is a Lieutenant Colonel
commanding the 704th Brigade Support
Battalion within the 4th Infantry Division
of the US Army. In June, he deployed his
battalion to Jalalabad in Northeast Afghanistan as part of his Brigade’s rotation in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
David J. Sullivan ’82 has been elected
treasurer of the Fairfield County Community
Robert R. Petrucelli ’49 just published a
book entitled “A Love That Kills.” It is a
fiction story based on a mercy killing that
takes place in Stamford, CT in the 1950’s. It
is available thru
Raymond J. Cormier ’56 and his wife welcomed a new grandson Levi Joseph Cunevas on June 22, 2007.
James F. Stapleton ’50 was recently appointed to the Boston College Law School
Board of Overseers by Dean John Garvey.
The Board members serve as counselors to
the Dean of the Law School and the President of the University on the challenges and
opportunities facing Boston College Law
School and on significant issues in legal
John J. Ramos, Sr. ’70, Superintendent
of the Bridgeport Public Schools, will receive the 2010 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. Award in recognition of his outstanding work and dedication, honoring the life
and legacy of the slain civil rights leader’s
dream of peaceful coexistence between
people of diverse religious, cultural and
ethnic backgrounds.
John C. Smriga ’71 has been named the
new State’s Attorney for the Fairfield Judicial District. He is succeeding his former
boss Jonathan Benedict ’69.
Jonathan Scott ’75 and his partner Michael
McGill adopted their son Luis Scott from
Alumni Class News, Winter 2010
Have you moved? Please bring us up-to-date on what is NEWS in your life…
NEWS you would like to share with others in the Prep family. Mail to: _
Alumni Office, Fairfield Prep, 1073 North Benson Road, Fairfield, CT _
06824-5157, or email: [email protected].
Name_ ___________________________________________ Class Year_ ______
Wife’s Name_ ______________________________________________________
Home Address______________________________________________________
City, State, Zip______________________________________________________
Phone # Home__________________________ Work________________________
Business Name_____________________________________________________
Business Address___________________________________________________
City, State, Zip______________________________________________________
Prep Today
Michael T. Walsh ’82 was promoted to
Colonel in the US Army at a ceremony on
August 6, 2009 in Murfreesboro, Tenn. He
is a distinguished military graduate of
Northeastern University and has earned
advanced degrees from Troy State University and Kings College, London, England. In
September he lead a 10-man advisory team
to Iraq for a 12 month deployment to coach
and advise the leadership of an Iraqi Army
Matthew G. Cribbins ’91 has been appointed a Vice President of global financial planning and analysis at GE Capital.
Karl J. Ehrsam ’92 was admitted to the partnership of Deloitte & Touche LLP in New
York City. Karl is a Principal in Deloitte’s
Investment Management Business Risk
Consulting Practice.
Stephen R. Kellogg Jr. ’94 of Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers new album “The Bear”
debuted at #189 on the Billboard 200.
Thomas P. Leyden ’90 was named the 2009
Best Sports Anchor and Best Sports Reporter in Michigan. Tom is the sports anchor for Action News Weekends and hosts
the Sunday Sports Update on WXYZ, Channel 7. During his 5 years at WXYZ he has
received ten Emmy nominations from the
National Academy of Television Arts and
Sciences and has won four Emmys.
Jason D. Licamele ’95 received his Doctorate in Philosophy in Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering and Soil , Water and
Environmental Science from the University
of Arizona in December 2009.
Matthew Kretzman ’03 is an associate at
Credit Suisse in New York.
Nicholas C. Shaver ’05 graduated from Villanova University with a accounting and
a minor in finance. He is currently working
as a financial auditor in Houston, TX.
Jonathan Vick ’05 graduated from Ohio
Wesleyan with a double major in Biology
and Psychology. He has just been accepted
to the PhD program at UVM.
Craig Wocl ’07 currently plays baseball for
Kenyon College and has been named to the
All--NCAC first team as a sophomore.
Steffen J. Wojeck ’03 graduated for the US
Merchant Marine Academy in June 2007.
He is currently working for the US Military
Sealift as a 2nd Engineer officer on the
USNA Ranier. He was married in September 2008 and has a baby girl.
In Memoriam
Linda Chiota Alex on September 22, 2009. She
was the sister of John P. Chiota ’61, and aunt
of John E. Chiota ’86, Greg A. Chiota ’93 and
Christopher S. Chiota ’89.
Francis J. Coscia on December 29, 2009. He
was the father of Nicholas F. Coscia ’70,
father in law of David L. Quatrella ’73 and
grandfather of Daniel D.Quatrella ’13.
William F. Burns ’51 on November 14, 2009.
He was the brother of James T. Burns ’44, J.
Vincent Burns ’48, Robert J. Burns ’58 and
uncle of Matthew L. Burns ’89.
Robert (Bunny) E. Colum on September 27,
2009. He was the father in law of Ronald
L. Barrett ’63.
Anne Ryan McConnell in December 2009.
She is the aunt of Ryan M. Cunningham ’00
and John P. Cunningham ’08.
Patricia Hemenway Cook on November 17, 2009.
She was the sister of Charles G. Hemenway
’61 and the sister-in-law of Thomas Redgate
’62 and aunt of Charles G. Hemenway ’86 .
Camille D’Aiuto on October 23, 2009. She was
the mother-in-law of Kenneth Bobowick ’60.
Paul J. D’Alton on May 24, 2009. He was the
father of Mark D’Alton ’03.
Joseph P. Fleming on October 26, 2009. He
was the father of Jeffrey M. Fleming ’87.
Zofia Frymus on August 15, 2009. She was
the mother of the late Michael M. Frymus ’72.
Ronald Gibson ’50 in April 2008.
Kristine Haffner on December 16,2009. She
was the wife of Kurt E. Haffner ’85 and sister
in law of Frederick W. Haffner III ’81.
Joseph F. Bogardus ’05 joined the Barnum
Financial Group, an office of MetLife, as a
financial services representative in October
2009. Joe graduated from the University of
Richmond in 2009.
Linda Hayes on July 1, 2009. She was the
wife of the late Paul D. Hayes ’89.
Matthew Brewster ’04 is an engineer with
Leach Wallace Associates.
John J. Iacurci ’59 on October 31, 2009. He
was the brother-in-law of Deacon Daniel
Ianiello ’59.
Andrew Kydes ’06, a member of the men’s
soccer team at West Point, was a third team
Academic All-American selection. He has a
3.89 GPA majoring in civil engineering. He
has also been selected as a candidate for
Colm Higgins on August 13, 2009. He was the
son of John M. Higgins ’71.
Mary Jane Janick on December 29, 2009.
She was the mother of Herbert F. Janick
III ’77, Mark A. Janick ’78 and Stephen T.
Janick ’83.
Paul L. Jones on November 10, 2009. He was
the father of Ryan Jones ’08.
Albert G. Kovachik on October 20, 2009. He
was the father of Andrew Kovachik ’81 and
Matthew Kovachik ’90.
Charles A. Lavin ’48 on October 31, 2009. He
was the father of Patrick J. Lavin ’72, Keith C.
Lavin ’75, and grandfather of Kyle C. Lavin ’07.
Louise Levai on October 21, 2009. She was
the mother of Attila P. Levai ’67 and Roland
M. Levai ’69.
William J. Lucas Sr. on July 5, 2009. He was
the grandfather of Jonathan Lucas ’97.
Margaret M. Magner on July 18, 2009. She
was the mother of faculty member Deirdre
Magner and the grandmother of Andrew
Schoenster ’01.
John Marsalisi on December 31, 2009. He
was the father of John A. Marsalisi ’13.
since college. Kevin is pursuing a doctoral
degree at Columbia University and Anne is
an analyst at the Bank of Ireland.
See weddings at right. .
Jonathan D. Scott ’75 married his partner
Michael McGill in Provincetown, MA in 2007.
Timothy P. Tracy Jr.’99 and his fiancée Hilary married on June 6, 2009 in Darien, CT.
Groomsmen at the ceremony included Randy
DeMartino ’99, Mike Gentile ’99, Chris Kinney
’99, Steve Kinney ’99, Kevin Kozlowski ’99 and
Dave Yurkerwich ’99.
Kevin J. Altieri ’00 — see staff page 35.
Leroy “Lee” Peter McKelvey ’50 on August
24, 2009. He was the brother of James C.
McKelvey ’46.
Dr. Peter J. Bonitatibus Jr. ’89 and his wife
Alexandra welcomed their second child
Isabella Allessandra on April 7, 2009.
Monsignor Lawrence J. McMahon ’45 on
December 15, 2009. See details on page 35.
James H Crowley IV ’94 and his wife Suzanne
welcomed their daughter Reagan Sandra on
July 11, 2009.
Donald R. Mensik ’65 on September 28, 2009.
Harold F. Mullen ’45 on August 29, 2009.
Theresa Clare McGoldrick Naveken on June
6, 2009. She was the mother of the late James
F. Naveken Jr ’69.
Karl J. Ehrsam ’92 and his wife Mary Ellen
welcome their son James Frederick Ehrsam
on June 8, 2009.
Eileen M. Newbauer on August 1, 2009. She was
the grandmother of William E. Newbauer ’85.
Collin Ely ’95 and his wife Cynthia welcomed
their first child Lauren Paige on August 14, 2009.
Rev. W. Laurence O’Neil, S.J. on October 19,
2009. See details on page 36.
Kevin Luchun ’87 and his wife Kelli welcomed
their first child Adelaide Mary on August 27, 2009.
Laura Pace on June 4, 2009. She was the
mother of Mark Pace ’80.
Vincent H. Massey III ’96 and his wife Caitlin
Brawley Massey welcomed their first child
Vincent Connor Massey on August 26, 2009.
Pulie, Richard J. ’54 on November 26, 2009.
He was the father of Richard J. Pulie ’79,
Christopher S. Pulie ’91 and Thomas E. Pulie ’91.
Nicholas Morello Jr. ’91 and his wife Andrea
welcomed the birth of their first child Ave
Grace on August 17, 2009
Shukie Wedding
The wedding of Chris Shukie ’99 and Chelsea O’Brien took place on August 15, 2009
in Chelsea’s hometown of Shelburne, VT. Members of the Prep family celebrating the
event were: (l-r): Bottom row: Steve Dudas ’99, Brian Shukie ’01 (best man and brother),
Chris Shukie ’99 (groom), Jim Shukie ’68 (father), John Shukie ’67 (uncle). Top row:
Chris Maiorano ’99, Jeff Dobrydney ’99, Dave Dudas ’98, Colin Shukie ’06 (brother),
George Petrokopoulos ’99, Kyle Shukie ’04 (brother), Rob Walsh ’86.
Thomas W. Ostrosky ’82 and his wife welcomed
Matthew Raymond on August 12, 2009.
Richard F. Quick ’49 on December 7, 2009.
He was the brother of Alan J. Quick ’49 and
uncle of Ryan Lagano ’08.
Brendan M. Panda ’96 and his wife Paige
welcomed their first child William Mickey
on March 16, 2009.
Jeremiah T. Quigley ’47 on November 8, 2008.
Michael R. Roman ’47 on September 17, 2009.
Dan Redgate ’96 and his wife Erin welcomed
their first child Kathryn Redmond on August
7, 2009.
Joseph St. Lawrence ’50 on October 7, 2009.
He was the father of Joseph St. Lawrence
Jr. ’75.
David M. Renzulli ’86 and his wife Kristin
welcomed their daughter Reese Marion on
August 10, 2009.
Edgar T. See on September 7, 2009. He was
the father of Alexander (Sandy). See ’64 and
Edmund (Ted) See ’61.
Geoffrey R. Smull ’94 and his wife Nahomi
welcomed their first child Koh on July 28,
2009. Koh is a Japanese name which means
to live a happy life.
Agnes Tortora on August 1, 2009. She was the
mother of Paul M. Tortora ’80 and Michael
J. Tortora ’89. She was the grandmother of
Carmen A. Tortora ’04, Alexander A. Tortora
’10, Peter M. Finlay ’03, Paul D. Finlay ’08 and
John J. McGuinness ’10, Paul M. Tortora ’08
and Peter C. Tortora ’12.
Bruce Audino ’97 was married on August 8th, 2009 to Carolyn Chang of Silver Spring,
Maryland. He and his wife currently reside in New York City. Pictured are: Todd Smith
’97 (groomsman), Charles Korchinski ’95, Geoffrey Walsky ’97, John Moore ’97, Bruce
Audino ’97 (groom), John Ehmann ’97 (groomsman), Sean Gleason ’97 (groomsman),
Brian Dresch ’95, Robert Booth ’97, Kevin McKelvey ’96, Michael McKelvey ’97, David
Marshall, Colin Gilbert ’97 (groomsman), and Robert Mpuku ’97.
Mark Dankowski ’87 and his wife Caroline
welcomed their daughter Lauren Emme on
July 23, 2009. Lauren joins big brothers Alex
and Drew.
Paul A. Nelson ’49 on April 6, 2009. He was
the brother of Yorke Nelson ’55.
Barbara G. Pacific on October 18, 2009. She
was the mother of Gregory D. Pacific ’00 and
aunt of Bryon Gentile ’00.
Audino Wedding
Lucke Wedding
John Paul Lucke ’01 married Kathleen Barr on July 5, 2009 at St. Helena’s Church in
Blue Bell, PA. Prep Alumni in attendance were Tom Grogan ’01 (groomsman), William
Brazier ’01 (best man), Tim Lee ’04 and Patrick Kleps ’00.
Mary Theresa Voytek on October 17, 2009.
She was the mother of Michael A. Voytek ’57.
Matthew Brewster ’04 is engaged and is
planning a wedding for May 2010.
Kevin Yurkerwich ’02 was recently
engaged to Anne Murphy, sister of Tom
Murphy ’05. The couple is planning to have
their wedding next winter in Fairfield. They
met in New York where they have both lived
Yuhas Wedding
Trevor Alex Yuhas ’97 married Bridget
Kathleen Chase on October 24, 2009. He is
a 2001 graduate of Trinity College, where he
earned a bachelor of arts degree. He has
also earned a master of science degree
from Towson University, and is currently
enrolled in a doctoral degree program at
Argosy University, Washington, D.C.
Zielinski Wedding
Greg Zielinski ’01 married Lisa Conover of Fairfield on September 26, 2009. Prep alumni
included (l-r): Jeff Zielinski ’96, Jim McGee ’01, Pete Lelek ’01, Greg Henesy ’01, Chris
Swan ’01, Greg Zielinski ’01, Chris Mack ’01, Mike Lincoln ’01, Jeremy Neigher ’01, and
J.D. DeRosa ’01. Prep Today
Minnesota star
Garrett Brown ’06, Captain of the University of Minnesota Football Team, was
recently featured on the cover of two of
that school’s publications. Gophers Coach
Tim Brewster wrote to retired Prep Coach
Rich Magdon: “I just want to thank you for
your assistance in the life of Garrett Brown
and for helping him achieve his goals of attending a premiere
college institution and playing football at one of the highest levels.”
Garrett is expected to be a candidate in the NFL Draft.
Leave your mark on
Fairfield Prep
Mini reunion on the football field
Salve Regina WNEC won 17 to 14 over Western New England College
(WNEC). Pictured after the game are (l-r): Jake Haddon ’09, Marino Giuliano
’08, Joseph Cicarella ’08, Michael Autore ’08, Connor Kelly ’09 and Greg
Sweeney ’09. Cicarella plays for WNEC; Guiliano, Kelly, and Sweeney play
for Salve Regina. Surprising the guys by showing up to watch the game were
Tom Shea ’73 and Stonehill football players Mike Autore and Jake Haddon.
as your Fairfield Prep education been a major
influence in your life?
If so, you can have a significant impact on Prep in
return. By making a bequest to Fairfield Prep, you will
help ensure that future students will be able to benefit
from the distinctive education that made such a difference to you.
The Prep Development Office offers information and
assistance in creating an effective will and estate plan.
Such a plan can provide financial security to your family at the same time that it endorses and perpetuates
Fairfield Prep’s educational philosophy and programs.
Please contact Bob Donahue, Director of Development,
at (203) 254-4237 or [email protected].
Middlebury vs. Williams
Peter Gruppo ’09 and Dave Damm ’07 (Middlebury) played against Conor
Ryan ’08 and Pete Christiani ’09 (Williams). From left: Damm, Ryan,
Christiani, Gruppo. Ward Gruppo ’08 (far right) was visiting and cheering.
on the
West Coast
(L-r): Danny Platow ’07, Andrew Grinalds ’09, and Bart Platow ’09 at the University of the Pacific Invitational in Stockton, CA. Danny is a junior and Bart
a freshman at Pacific. Dave Platow ’05 graduated from Pacific and was on
their swim team for four years. Andrew is a freshman at Stanford.
Prep Today
Tom Corona ’07 in Seton Hall advertisement
Tom Corona ’07, Cross Country and Track and Field, was recently featured in a
Seton Hall Pirates sports ad for the school. Younger brother Pat ’12 is a current
sophomore Varsity Cross Country runner.
Msgr. Lawrence McMahon,
a true “Man for Others”
Alumni at Stamford
Business Breakfast
ick Perna ’60, renowned economist, spoke about the financial
forecast at a breakfast on October
8, 2009 held at the Stamford Hilton.
Nick engaged the guests with his
assesment of unemployment, interest
rates, inflation, and the pros and cons
of the weaker U.S. dollar. Attendees
enjoyed the chance to reconnect
with other alumni and network in the
informal setting.
Entrepreneur’s Corner
fter a stint as an intern in 2007, Ian Stanczyk ’02
became Book of Odds’ first employee in January
2008. At the time, it was no more than a crazy idea rattling round the head of its founder. On October 14, 2009, — the world’s first reference for
the odds of everyday life was successfully launched. At
its heart, Book of Odds hopes to change the way people
evaluate risk and examine the world. It has been been featured in NPR, The
New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal, to name a few. As part of the
company’s management team, Ian is responsible for strategy, marketing, and
business development. Having read this, Ian suspects that much of the Prep
community is now wondering, “Gee, what are the odds of that?”
he Reverend Monsignor Lawrence
J. McMahon ’45, retired pastor of St.
Mark Church, Stratford, entered eternal
life December 15, 2009 at St. Vincent
Medical Center, Bridgeport. Monsignor
McMahon was born and raised in Bridgeport, attended St.
Charles Grammar School, Warren Harding High School and
Fairfield College Preparatory School from which he graduated in 1945. He was a United States Army Quartermaster
Corps veteran of World War II. After serving his country
for two years, Lawrence entered St. Thomas Seminary in
Bloomfield, and received his BA and M. Div. Degrees from
St. Mary’s Seminary and University, in Baltimore, Md. He
was ordained to the priesthood in 1955 by Bishop Lawrence
J. Shehan at St. Augustine’s Cathedral, Bridgeport. His first
assignment was to St. Theresa’s Church, Trumbull where
he served from 1955 to 1963. In 1963, he was appointed
Spiritual Director of St. Joseph’s High School, with a residence at St. Joseph’s Church, Shelton. In 1966, he was
named diocesan director of the Family Life Bureau, a position he held until his appointment as Pastor of St. Mark’s
Church, Stratford, where he served for 34 years.
Faculty & Staff
In Memoriam
Vijan Satasook on September 4, 2009. He was
the father-in-law of Peter Sarawit, Fairfield
Prep’s Systems Administrator.
Barbara Sousa on December 21,2009. She
was the sister of Fr. William J. Eagan, S.J.
Kevin J. Altieri
’00, social studies teacher,
and his wife,
Tracey welcomed their
first child Peter
John on December 30, 2009. He is the
grandson of John Altieri ’64.
Kaelyn getting
with new
sister Kacie.
Kim Bernier, Secretary in the Guidance
Department and Bob Bernier, Foreign Language Department Chair, welcomed their
granddaughter Kacie Ann Darrin on Friday,
October 23, 2009.
Andrew Mancini, Assistant to the Housemasters, welcomed his grandson Andrew Allen
Mancini on September 11, 2009.
Jane O’Reilly, a faculty member in the Science
Department, welcomed her first grandson
Benjamin James Bradley on October 22, 2209.
Megan Hoover, English and Fine Arts
Teacher, and husband Brian welcomed the
arrival of Leslie Jude Hoover on November
19, 2009.
Suzanne Tucci, Secretary in the Admissions
Office, welcomed a granddaughter Gabriella
Margaret on September 5, 2009.
Boston Pine Street Inn day of service
rep alums came together to prepare
and serve over 200 meals to the
residents of the Pine Street Inn. The day
gave Prep Alums the opportunity to work
together to help those less fortunate. Following the work all were invited with
family and friends to attend a mass
celebrated by Fr. Jim Hederman, S.J. at
the BC High Chapel.
Gone fishing
Kevin Lesko ’85 was fishing
with light tackle in southern New Jersey with
children Maddie and
Kyle when they happened
upon a number of three to
five foot Bull and Sandbar sharks.
Prep Today
Alumni serving our country
Nelson ’03 flying on “Wings of Gold”
TJG Jonathan R. Nelson was
awarded his “Wings of Gold”
and designated a naval flight
officer and air intercept controller in Norfolk, Va., on Sept. 30 by
Rear Admiral R. J. O’Hanlon, commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic.
LTJG Nelson began his aviation
Jonathan with his parents, Marcia
preflight indoctrination at Naval
and Dick Nelson, and his brother,
Aviation Schools Command, at the
MIDN 1/C Ryan T. Nelson, College of
Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla.
the Holy Cross NROTC.
He was selected for carrier
aviation, continuing on to successfully complete Intermediate Student NFO
Training. LTJG Nelson was then assigned to the E-2 Hawkeye community,
and transferred to the Naval Air Station in Norfolk for advanced training with
Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 120.
LTJG Nelson will be flying on the Hawkeye 2000 associated with Fleet
E-2 Squadron VAW-117 (the “Wallbangers”), based at Point Magu, Calif., following further instruction at Norfolk.
He graduated from Prep in 2003 and from the College of the Holy Cross
and the Holy Cross NROTC Unit in 2007.
Walsh ’82 promoted
S Army officer Michael T. Walsh ’82 was promoted
to colonel at a ceremony in Murfreesboro, Tenn.,
on Aug. 6. Brigadier General Max Haston, assistant
adjutant general-Army, Tennessee National Guard, presided over the ceremony. He is a distinguished military
graduate of Northeastern University and subsequently
earned advanced degrees from Troy State University
and King’s College, London, England.
Before his current assignment as team chief for an advisory team
headed to Iraq, he was professor of military science at Middle Tennessee
State University in Murfreesboro. He has held numerous troop and staff
assignments throughout his nearly 22 years on active duty.
In September, he leads a 10-man advisory team to a base just south of
Baghdad for a 12-month deployment. His team is charged with coaching and
advising the leadership of an Iraqi Army division. Col. Walsh and his family
live in Brentwood, Tenn.
Marsan ’91 deployed
ational Guard Staff Sgt. Nick Marsan ’91
who works as a Westport firefighter and
lives in Norwalk, is one of more than 1,000
Connecticut soldiers and airmen who will
leave for mobilization stations, where they’ll
be trained before shipping out to Afghanistan
in early 2010. It’ll be his first deployment
overseas, although he served in the Army
for nearly a decade in the 1990s. About three
years ago, he joined the Guard with his brother “to kind of finish what I
started,” he said.
While it would be a lie to say he isn’t fearful at the prospect of going to
war, Marsan said that fear “helps call us to action. I’m prepared and I’m
staying focused.”
He enjoys the camaraderie of the Guard, and the common dedication to
each other and country, he said, adding that the typical reasons for enlisting
have always been duty to country, state and fellow soldier.
Prep Today
Rev. W. Laurence O’Neil, S.J.
dies after 50 years of service
or 50 years Fairfield University and
Fairfield Prep have been blessed
with Fr. Larry O’Neil’s warm Irish
humor, selfless devotion to the Jesuit
mission, and utmost concern for students. He leaves a legacy of thousands of
people whose lives he touched and often
changed significantly through his priesthood and the several important positions
he held on campus. He will be missed.
Born in Westfield, Mass., and raised in Springfield, Fr. O’Neil
followed in the path of three uncles when he entered the Society
of Jesus in 1948. His first teaching assignment as a Jesuit in 1955
was at Fairfield Prep where he later said his Jesuit vocation was
confirmed. After three years of teaching at Prep and working
as the Assistant Athletic Director, Fr. O’Neil left for five years of
Jesuit studies, returning to Prep as Dean of Students. After earning a master’s degree in Adolescent Psychology from Fairfield
University, he was asked to establish a formal guidance program
at Fairfield Prep.
In 1972 Fr. O’Neil was appointed Director of Career Counseling at Fairfield University where over a span of 15 years, he
guided thousands of students as they made the transition from
the University into careers and lives of service. Many alumni
kept in touch with him over the years, grateful for his impact.
A one-year assignment in 1986 as Dean of Students, turned
into seven, followed in 1993 with his appointment as International Student Adviser. In 1992, Fr. O’Neil’s sister, Eileen Stanley, and her husband,
John, established the Rev. W. Laurence O’Neil, S.J. Scholarship to
help students with financial need. It was especially gratifying to
Fr. O’Neil who so often had expressed his concern for students
who struggle financially.
Fairfield University and the Alumni Association honored
Fr. O’Neil in 2005 with the Alumni Service Award; the Office
of Human Resources presented him in 2004 with the “Choice
Award.” He was named to the Fairfield Prep Hall of Fame in
Over the years, Fr. O’Neil worked in many parishes in the
Diocese of Bridgeport.
At the time of his death he served as chaplain to the Fairfield
University alumni and athletic teams. As chaplain to alumni,
he performed their weddings and baptisms; he visited the sick
and attended countless wakes and funerals. He was particularly effective in his position as chaplain to student athletes,
and came to be well-loved by players, coaches, and the Athletic
Department staff. His office in the Walsh Athletic Building was
much frequented by those who sought his counsel. It should be
a great consolation to all who mourn his loss that he found this
last service to his beloved Fairfield the most fulfilling and personally satisfying of his long career here.
For individuals who wish to make a gift to the University in Rev.
O’Neill’s memory, they may do so by giving to the Rev. W. Laurence
O’Neill Scholarship Fund at Fairfield University c/o 1073 North Benson
Road, Fairfield, CT 06824.
W e l c o m e t o t h e C l ass o f 2 0 1 3
Robert T. Abriola
Richard F. Connington
David F. Gerics
Elijah K. Langston
Jordan M. Namin
Michael P. Silano
Tyler Albarran
Patrick T. Connolly
Bryan M. Gerstenfeld
Jean-Claude Le Meur
Thienquoc N. Nguyen
Christopher P. Stein
Thomas K. Allen
Matthew F. Contino
Mark H. Giannini
Chung Hyun Lee
Giovanni V. Nicolia
William P. Steiner
Jakov Andelic V
Christopher T. Conway
Owen J. Gibson
Kevin H. Lee
Jean Paul Noel
Tyler G. Stimpson
George H. Archer III
William J. Coupe Jr.
Juan P. Giron
Steven J. Licari
Matthew M. Noone
Daniel P. Sullivan
Timothy J. Attolino Jr.
Daniel P. Coyle
Christopher K. Golger
Jerrson R. Lim
Jack T. O’Leary
Kevin J. Sullivan
Christopher E. Auray
Kevin J. Culligan
Tyler Gracon
Quinn D. Lincoln
Ryan W. Orvis
Nicholas H. Sullivan
Brian K. Austin
Daniel C. Cunn
Joseph A. Grosso III
Matthew G. Logan
Eddie W. Padilla
Zachary T. Sullivan
Jackson L. Aymar
Thomas A. Cunningham
William R. Haas
Luke A. Loglisci
Alexander P. Pagliaro
Christopher R. Sutay
Henry S. Backe
William A. D’Amore
John F. Hand
Benjamin E. Longson
Daniel C. Passarelli
Shane B. Sutera
John R. Baekey
Nicholas E. D’Elia
Andrew G. Hatton
James N. Lucchesi
Bruce L. Peterkin III
Julian D. Taborda
Erik W. Baktis
Mitchell B. D’Eramo
Thomas J. Hatton
David L. Maloof II
Timothy Q. Peterson
Aubrey W. Tan
Scott P. Ball
Jack A. Dardis
Christopher Hauer
John D. Marsalisi
Tony Pham
Nikhil R. Tasker
Grayson M. Barlow
Christopher L. Davis
Bradley Joseph Helt
Nicholas A. Martinez
Alexander H. Pinkus
William S. Thies II
Matthew B. Barnett
Jordan P. Dawe
Aldaine J. Hemmings
Nicholas J. Martucci
Stephen L. Price
George M. Tricomi
Christopher N. Bastone
James P. De Felice
Connor R. Henry
James W. Marusi
Christopher Pruden
Austin M. Trotta
Christopher G. Bayer
Shamir I. Deida
Sean P. Henry
Christopher M. Masone
Craig J. Puffer
Alexander N. Tumeniuk
Joshua P. Beaudoin
Jack E. Desilva
Dennis Hinds
Charles P. Mastoloni
Daniel D. Quatrella
Thomas M. Turner IV
Jake M. Beddoe
Alexander M. Detres
Michael R. Hoffman Jr.
Brian P. McAvey
Matthew J. Rahtelli
Nicholas C. Vandervoorn
David J. Bigley Jr.
James Digennaro
Bradley R. Holmes
Joseph R. McBride
Andres I. Ramos
Brian B. Velasquez
Thomas O. Black
Anthony R. Dileo
Myles W. Hoponick
Connor M. McCann
Daniel J. Ramos
Ezequiel Velazquez
Cody B. Bond
Charles S. Dodge
Aaron Huang
Terry J. McCarthy
Parker J. Rand-Riccardi
Thomas M. Velez
Max S. Bracchi
Ethan A. Doerger
Ryan F. Hurley
Stephen M. McCormick Jr.
George Rauscher
Matthew J. Villano
Kieran P. Bracken
Jake T. Donohue
Matthew D. Janny
Timothy P. McGrath
Jack T. Rende
Jordan M. Visosky
Kevin T. Brown
Dylan M. Duffy
Timothy R. Jeanneret
Thomas J. McHugh
Peter M. Riley
Andrew C. Visser
David K. Bruton
Timothy B. Edmonds
Bretton A. Jervey
Jarvis M. McLaughlin
William Riley
William V. Voss III
Alexander W. Budinoff
Joseph J. Esposito
Jonathan T. Johannes
John W. McPadden III
Blake P. Roberts
Kyle S. Wallack
Timothy J. Butala
Philip L. Fama
Conor T. Johnson
Paul D. McPeake
Declan J. Rowley
Hugh M. Walshe
Patrick J. Butler
Daniel J. Featherston
Cody T. Jones
Gregory A. McTiernan
Aidan P. Rush
Conor J. Ward
Nicholas A. Campalans
Anthony S. Feher
Jason P. Kalinowski
Charles D. Meder
Antonio E. Russell Jr.
Mark D. Watson
James M. Campbell
Christian R. Felner
James M. Kavulich
Alvin Medina Jr.
Dillon P. Ryan
Scott J. Weissman
James P. Cannon
Liam M. Ferguson
Christopher J. Kelly
Christopher T. Meyer
Kyle T. Ryan
Carter L. White
Thomas J. Capalbo
Matthew P. Festa
Connor M. Kelly
John T. Meyers
Armin Sami
David White
Andre R. Carrera
Evan C. Field
Matthew T. Kiernan
Patrick J. Miles
Joseph A. Sanfilippo III
Tyler O. Wist
Jed Edward H. Cartas
Thomas L. Foerster III
Ryan J. King
Kyle P. Mollo
Markus J. Santiago
Brandon Yep
Michael J. Carter
Troy A. Foreit
Matthew A. Kingsbury
James V. Monroe
Matthew G. Sauder
Devante R. Young
Edward P. Casey
Timothy M. Frassetto
Raymond A. Kingsbury
Matthew D. Montani
Richard J. Sekerak III
Nicholas A. Zeleny
Daniel M. Castorina
Paul J. Genco
Timothy J. Kleps
Adam J. Montello
John Nicholas P. Setaro
Philip A. Zoppi
Dante M. Cioffi
Gregory P. Gentile
Scott T. Knuth
Michael A. Muscato
Kyle T. Shea
Ryan D. Zsebik
Nikolas C. Cirillo
John R. Gepfert V
Austin F. Krauss
Ryan D. Muscato
Kevin A. Shpunt
Congratulations to the Class of 2010 on your early acceptance to:
Arizona State University
University of Connecticut
Gettysburg College
University of Michigan
St. Louis University
Stony Brook University
Auburn University
Creighton University
Gonzaga University
Middlebury College
St. Michael’s College
Stonehill College
University of Alabama
Dartmouth College
University of Hartford
Monmouth University
Salve Regina University
SUNY Maritime
Ball State University
Drexel University
High Point University
Northeastern University
Santa Clara University
Syracuse University
Bowling Green State
Elmira College
College of the Holy Cross
Ohio Wesleyan University
University of Tampa
Boston College
Embry Riddle Aeronautical
University of Illinois
Penn State University
United States Naval
Brown University
Fairfield University
University of Indiana
University of Pittsburgh
University of Vermont
Butler University
Florida Institute of
Lafayette College
Providence College
University States Military
Academy at West Point
Le Moyne College
Purdue University
University States Merchant
Marine Academy
Loyola University of
Queens University
University of San Diego
Quinnipiac University
University of Scranton
University of Rhode Island
Siena College
Roanoke College
Rutgers University
University of South
Saint Joseph’s University
Spring Hill College
Case Western Reserve
Fordham University
Catholic University
Georgetown University
Central Connecticut State
George Mason University
Loyola Marymount
George Washington
Loyola University New
Georgia Institute of
James Madison University
College of Charleston
Connecticut College
Tulane University
Villanova University
Wake Forest University
Western New England
Winthrop University
Worcester Polytechnic
Yale University
Xavier University
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Preparatory School
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1073 North Benson Road
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Sa v e t h e Da t e !
Spring Event May 1, 2010
Italian Center of Stamford
1620 Newfield Ave., Stamford, CT 06905
Join us for…
• Dinner and Dancing
• Live and Silent Auction
• $25,000 Special
Tuition Raffle*
A Taste of Tuscany
Watch for invitations
and register online
in March at www.
Check the Prep website for updates:
Great odds for a big win!
airfield College Preparatory School is proud to present our
$25,000 Tuition Raffle. The prize can be used for any K-12
schools, colleges or universities. The prize is to be paid
directly to any K-12 schools, colleges or universities. Schools must
be located and accredited in the U.S. Only 1,000 tickets will be sold
at $100 per ticket. (500 tickets must be sold for the raffle to proceed. If fewer than 500 tickets are sold, the raffle will be canceled
and the ticket purchasers will receive a full refund.) Proceeds
from the raffle will benefit the Scholarship and Student Enrichment Programs at Fairfield Prep.
The $25,000 Tuition Raffle drawing will be held at our Spring
Event on Saturday, May 1, 2010 promptly at 11:00 P.M., Italian
Center of Stamford, 1620 Newfield Avenue, Stamford, CT. Winning ticket holder need not be present to win.
*Please call the Development Office at Fairfield Prep
(203) 254-4237 for more information.
Non-Profit Org.
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