CPY Document - City of Shawnee


CPY Document - City of Shawnee
JULY 23 , 2007
7:30 P.
Mayor Meyers called the meeting to order at 7:30 p. m. in the Shawnee City Hall Council
Chambers. He welcomed the public and all stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance , followed
by a moment of silence.
Councilmembers Present
Staff Present
Councilmember Distler
Councilmember Goode
Councilmember Ptlumm
Councilmember Sandifer
Councilmember Sawyer
Councilmember Straub
Councilmember Kuhn
City Manager Gonzales
Assistant City Manager Charlesworth
Deputy City Clerk Powell
Assistant to the City Manager Singer
City Attorney Rainey
Assistant City Attorney Rainey
Public Works Director Freyermuth
City Engineer Wesselschmidt
Acting Police Chief Morgan
Fire Chief Hudson
Planning Director Chaffee
Finance Director Kidney
Chief Codes Administrator Thompson
Deputy Parks and Recreation Director LeCuru
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke
Community Service Offcer Smith
Manager of Parks and Facilities Hellwig
Councilmembers Absent
Councilmember Scott
Members of the public who spoke: (ITEM 11) DAVID BURTON ,
6918 Larsen Lane
CHARLOTTE HARGIS , 6925 Ballentine, MITCH GALINDO , 6915 Ballentine; (Business from
the Floor) CHUCK TABOR , 13222 Shawnee Mission Parkway.
2 7
JUY 23 , 2007
Councilmember Sawyer, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to approve the entire
The motion carred 7consent agenda.
There were no Mayor s items.
Mayor Meyers stated that American Family Insurance has requested a sign variance for
color at 17206 Midland Drive.
Councilmember Sandifer , seconded by Councilmember Sawyer, moved to approve sign
to American Family Insurance at 17206 Midland Drive.
variance S- 155- 07- 07
Planning Director Chaffee stated one of the criteria for granting sign variances is that the
applicant needs to indicate with their signage that the signage being requested has never
been varied. He stated the staff merely wanted to bring it to the Council' s attention that
there have been two American Family Insurance signs in Shawnee , where the American
Family Insurance agent has varied their signs to meet the sign criteria for the shopping
center in which they are located.
Planing Director Chaffee stated he would also note that the signs being proposed to
substantially meet the sign criteria in the shopping center are for white letter and red as an
accent color. Green in an accent color in this case as well and the applicant is requesting
to use the standard American Family Insurance blue color , so substantially the sign does
comply with the signs in that shopping center. He merely wanted that on record.
Mayor Meyers thanked Mr. Ridgeway for coming this evening.
Councilmember Kuhn thanked Mr. Ridgeway for keeping his business in Shawnee.
Therefore the motion read:
Councilmember Sandifer, seconded by Councilmember Sawyer, moved to approve sign
Insurance at 17206 Midland Drive.
motion cared 7variance S- 155- 07- 07 to American Family
JULY 23 , 2007
Mayor Meyers stated that adoption of the proposed ordinance allows the City to utilize
the revenues generated by the increase in assessed valuations on existing construction.
This ordinance does not increase the mill levy.
Councilmember Goode asked about the wordage ordinance attesting to the possible
increase in taxes levied for budget year 2008' , because some people might take that as a
little condemning, as far as possible future increases are concerned.
Councilmember Sawyer, seconded by Councilmember Ptlumm moved to conduct a
public hearing for the 2008 budget and consideration of an ordinance attesting to the
The motion carred 7-
possible increase in taxes levied for budget year 2008.
Finance Director Kidney stated he has nothing to bring to the Council's attention that was
not presented at the last Council meeting. He stated the Notice of Public Hearing went
out and included a property tax amount
395 , which given the valuation of
$740 milion of the City, would keep the mil levy at the same rate of24. 621.
of $18 243
Councilmember Sawyer, seconded by Councilmember Ptlumm, moved to conclude the
public hearng for the 2008 budget and consideration of an ordinance attesting to the
possible increase in taxes levied for budget year 2008.
The motion carred 7-
Councilmember Kuhn gave a special thank you to the City staff for taking every minute
and every opportnity to line by line go over each of the individual staff and department
budgets looking for only the most basic necessities they can get by on and cutting back
on everyhing they could to get the City to a place where the Council was not forced to
again raise the mill levy and are able to continue to provide the most basic services to
their constituents. She appreciates the staffs extra effort to stay on budget.
Councilmember Ptlumm stated , realizing there are some things they still could have done
this year , but with the mil levy staying the same as last year even though he does not
agree where it went last year and would like to see it back down to the levels of days
gone by, just because they raised the mil levy for a couple years now does not mean they
can not reduce it in future years and thinks they should , but wil go along with this , this
year , but feels next year they should take further steps to reduce the mil levy back down
and hopefully the economy wil be in a better place.
Councilmember Kuhn, seconded by Councilmember Sandifer, moved to approve the
2008 budget and pass an ordinance attesting to the possible increase in taxes levied for
budget year 2008.
The motion carred 7Having passed , Ordinance 2855 was
Mayor Meyers stated that the 2007 Budget has been amended for re-appropriations from
2006 , fund transfers and other required expenditures.
JULY 23 , 2007
Councilmember Distler, seconded by Councilmember Sandifer, moved to conduct
The motion carred 7-
public hearing to approve the amended 2007 budget.
Councilmember Straub asked about Parks and Recreation jumping from $1. 6 milion to
$3.2 million.
Finance Director Kidney explained that was the increase due to cash funding the east side
aquatic center. Originally it was to be issued by bonds and he believes a couple people
on the Council suggested the staff look at cash funding it rather than issuing debt , so as a
result they had to increase the budget this year in order to spend the cash.
Councilmember Straub asked about public safety.
Finance Director Kidney replied public safety is the same thing, in that it is cash funding.
He stated over the last couple of years since the sales tax has been in place for the oneeighth (1I8 ) cent sales tax they had $3 milion cash on hand this year they did not have
to issue bonds for and the $3.351 milion retlects the cash funding portion of the Justice
Center/Fire Station No. 2 project.
Councilmember Sandifer , seconded by Councilmember Ptlumm, moved to conclude the
The motion carred 7-
public hearing to approve the amended 2007 budget.
Councilmember Sandifer, seconded by Councilmember Kuhn, moved to approve the
The motion carred 7-
amended 2007 budget.
Mayor Meyers stated that on June 11 , 2007 , the Council approved the adoption of an
action plan related to single- family rental properties that included updating revisions to
the housing code provisions of Shawnee Municipal Code (SMC).
Councilmember Sawyer, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to pass an
ordinance adopting the 2006 International Property Maintenance Code with amendments.
The motion cared 7Having passed , Ordinance 2853 was assigned.
Mayor Meyers stated at their meeting
of June 11 , 2007 , the Council approved the
adoption of an action plan related to single- family rental properties
direction to staff to prepare a rental regulation ordinance.
that included
Councilmember Sawyer, seconded by Councilmember Kuhn, moved to pass an ordinance
related to single- family rental property.
The motion carred 7Having passed
Ordinance 2854 was assigned.
2 4
JUY 23 , 2007
Mayor Meyers stated that Dave Burton has submitted a Pet Permit application and paid
the $25 fee to keep three dogs (one Mastiff and two Boxers) at 6918 Larsen Lane. Mr.
Burton s permit does not meet the qualifications for administrative approval.
Deputy City Clerk Powell stated Mr. Buron filed for a special pet permit on May 31
2007. He paid an additional fee to have the City send letters to all his neighbors , rather
than gathering signatures on the petition. Over the course of about three weeks , staff
received 14 letters indicating the desire for the City to deny the permit. He stated one
letter which was returned indicated approval. Seven letters were not returned.
Deputy City Clerk Powell stated Community Service Offcer Phil Smith performed an
inspection on July 12 , 2007 and recommended denial of the permit, based on the number
of complaints. He stated on July 13 , 2007 , the staff sent notification to Mr. Burton
indicating his permit could not be administratively approved. At that time , Mr. Buron
indicated that he would like this issue to go before the City Council.
Councilmember Sandifer stated the packet indicated that Mr. Burton had four dogs.
asked if Mr. Buron removed one ofthe dogs.
Deputy City Clerk Powell replied that Mr. Burton has , in fact, removed one of the dogs.
Councilmember Ptlumm asked if Community Service Offcer Smith basically denied the
permit because of the letters , or because there were some violations on site at the time of
his visit.
Community Service Offcer Smith responded that as far as
the animals '
health was
concerned , all the dogs were healthy and well taken care of - as far as what he could see
while on the premises. He stated the number of complaints received on the dogs was his
reason for him not approving this permit.
Councilmember Ptlumm asked about any barking.
Community Service Offcer Smith replied there were a variety of issues. He stated
people were concerned about the dogs possibly being aggressive. He stated the dogs
were not aggressive to him , but he was in the house and someone outside the fence might
become a different story; the majority of the people were concerned about aggression.
Councilmember Ptlumm stated he knows in the past if all the residents are for a permit
he wil go for it, but if even one resident is not for the permit and they have a good and
valid reason , his opinion is to deny.
2 3
JUY 23 2007
Councilmember Ptlumm, seconded by Councilmember Straub, moved to deny a Special
Pet Permit to Dave Burton to keep three dogs (one Mastiff and two Boxers)
at 6918
Larsen Lane.
Councilmember Distler asked Community Service Officer Smith with regard to the calls
that came in , does he feel or know if the dogs have been aggressive with another animal
or person , or are they just perceived that way because they are such large dogs.
Community Service Offcer Smith replied on one occasion he knows one of the dogs did
get out , got into the neighbor s yard , and apparently there was some sort of an altercation
between the two dogs. He stated he does not actually know if they got into a fight , but
the neighbor had come into the station to make a report.
Councilmember Distler asked if there was any blood or a vet bil
of any kind.
Community Service Officer Smith replied nothing like that was mentioned.
ndifer stated it indicates in the packet that the owner misrepresented to
Community Service Officer Smith up front and did not tell the truth.
Councilmember S
Community Service Officer Smith explained when he asked Mr. Burton what types
dogs they were , it was stated to him they were Mastiffs and after a little more research
he asked again if they were Presa Canarios , which in fact is the actual breed. He stated
the owner stated they were Mastiffs because Mastiffs have a bad name. Apparently, a
Presa Canario is a form of Mastiff.
Councilmember Ptlumm stated it is a similar breed , but the owner said they were the
harsher breed.
Community Service Officer Smith replied he gave the name for the general family of the
Councilmember Straub stated looking at the packet and with this many neighbors it
shows almost a checkerboard of all the neighbors who want denial , so he agrees with
Councilmember Ptlumm and is the reason he seconded the motion for denial. He stated
if just a couple neighbors requested denial that would be another issue , but it shows
almost every neighbor wanting this permit denied.
DAVID L. BURTON , 6918 Larsen Lane , stated he is not present this evening trng
change anyone s mind about him having three dogs. He stated he was keeping the one
dog he had , which was the biggest of all four weighing in at 155 pounds , for a frend who
was deployed. He stated that dog was taken back. He stated his dogs are not aggressive
towards people. He stated if they see another dog through the fence they bark and look as
if they would be aggressive , but they are not aggressive.
JULY 23 , 2007
DAVID L. BURTON stated he works for Asbury United Methodist Church in Prairie
Vilage and takes his dogs to the daycare which has two year olds up to 12 year olds. He
lets the kids pet the dogs and play with them. He stated if the dogs were aggressive , the
church would not allow him to bring them to the children s center. He stated he has
taken the dogs to Shawnee Mission Park off- leash with no problems. He stated one of his
dogs has gone to doggy daycare where they do not allow aggressive dogs.
DAVID L. BURTON stated the 50-pound Boxer did jump the chain
link fence and
approached his next door neighbor s Newfoundland who probably weighs around 120 or
130 pounds. He stated his 8 year old child was out there when it happened. He stated his
neighbor told his 8 year old to have his folks contact him because they had a problem.
He stated the neighbor said her dog was traumatized and could not eat for three days.
DAVID L. BURTON stated to make a long story short , his dogs are not aggressive and
have never bitten anyone. He stated if they see another dog walking along they do bark;
he is not sure why and it may just be because that is what dogs do. He stated the smallest
Boxer did jump the fence and approach another lady walking down the street with two
smaller dogs. He stated that he and his girlfriend saw it happen and witnessed that their
dog merely sniffed at the other dog.
DAVID L. BURTON stated he knows , as one of the councilmembers already mentioned
with this many complaints he does not have a leg to stand on. He stated he has lived in
Prairie Village and Mission and the dogs bark when they see other dogs. He stated they
put up a six foot privacy fence , but the smallest Boxer did jump that fence. His neighbor
was outside at the time and he knows she was upset about that happening.
Councilmember Ptlumm explained to Mr. Burton the way he handles these pet permits , at
least from his own perspective , and even if someone has 27 dogs , as long as all their
neighbors are okay with all of them that is fine with him , but if even one resident is mad
the City has its rules and that is the reason he can not vote for this permit. He has to look
out for all the people around Mr. Burton.
CHARLOTTE HARGIS , 6925 Ballentine , stated she is one of the neighbors and in fact
about half of her backyard adjoins Mr. Burton s home. She stated there was just a four
foot fence to start with and Mr. Burton moved in with six dogs. She stated she recorded
that just as a method of letting them know there was a problem and it was not until she
was out in the yard with her dog and they were out , that she found out they are aggressive
to other dogs.
CHARLOTTE HARGIS stated she does not know if the dogs have bitten anyone , but at
least once a week she had to hurr up and get her dog and cat inside. She stated if the
dogs do not bite people , they give a good idea of what they might do , because they
charge the fence as a unit. She stated she thinks the people on the other block are worred
about their children , because some of these dogs have a bad reputation.
JUY 23 , 2007
CHARLOTTE HARGIS stated the last time she was out and all the dogs were out , and
they are not out all day and evidently kept in cages inside the home , her idea would be
that they do not get enough exercise. She stated that is the first thing the Dog Whisperer
says on National Geographic; if a dog is not behaving, they need exercise. She stated the
last time she was out with her dog, they all hit that four foot fence like a ton of bricks and
she feared for her life that they might actually get over that fence , if not for her own self
but for her dog. She stated her dog is middle-sized and not very aggressive.
CHARLOTTE HARGIS stated a person can not move into the suburbs with six dogs or
four dogs or even two dogs if they do not have some behavioral critique on how they
behave. She stated she is a dog lover herself and has had a lot of dogs. She stated she
put up an electric fence at one time for a dog she had that got out and that corrected the
situation. She stated she does not know what else she can recommend , other than to deny
this permit , but he will stil have two dogs and if he keeps the two Boxers , they are the
ones who are jumping the fence.
Councilmember Goode asked Ms. Hargis if she is opposed to Mr. Burton having two
CHARLOTTE HARGIS replied it depends on how they behave. She stated if she can not
have her dog outside , then she can not use her backyard , even if they have a six foot
MITCH GALINDO , 6915 Ballentine , stated he is just wondering what they will do about
this dog continuing to jump a six foot fence.
Mayor Meyers replied with this ordinance , the City can not tell the owner which dog they
have to get rid of, but Mr. Burton presently has three dogs and he will have to get rid of
one of the three. He stated if there are continued problems , the Council wil see the
complaints issued. He asked Community Service Offcer Smith to speak to what would
happen if there are continued problems with the dogs getting out ofthe confined area.
Community Service Officer Smith replied certainly, just as with any other dog at any
other residence anywhere else , if they get out
the neighbors should call the Police
Department , notify them of the situation , so they can go out and pick up the dog, get them
impounded , and issue citations - whichever needs to happen.
MITCH GALINDO stated talking about the one dog that got out , he noticed it running up
and down the street and then he politely went into his neighbor s yard and right back over
the fence , so he could never get caught.
Therefore the motion read:
Councilmember Ptlumm, seconded by Councilmember Straub, moved to deny a Special
Pet Permit for Dave Burton to keep three dogs (one Mastiff and two Boxers) at 6918
Larsen Lane. The motion carred 7-
2 0
JUY 23 2007
The Peanut Upcoming Concert.
CHUCK TABOR , 13222 Shawnee Mission Parkway, asked Mayor Meyers how long
he could speak.
Mayor Meyers replied as long as he would like.
CHUCK TABOR replied he wil take about five minutes of the Council's time.
thanked the Council for allowing him to speak this evening and knows he is on the
agenda for next month , but he has a fishing tourament scheduled that day.
CHUCK TABOR stated since he arrved in Shawnee on May 11 , 2006 , he feels he
has turned The Peanut around in full force. He stated he usually does not tell
numbers , but he is very proud of the place. He stated the place was in business for
two years before he took over and the most it ever made was somewhere around
$29 000 per month. He stated his first month he made $34 000 and every month
thereafter he has done over $100 000 to $150 000 , so he must be doing something
CHUCK TABOR stated he has raised $8 000 for Juvenile Diabetes. He stated he has
raised $2 000 for the Chelsea Smith Fund. He stated he has done everything he has
been asked of this City. He stated he contributes to the Mayor s Chrstmas tree and
the duck races. He stated any time anyone has asked him to help out in the City, he
has done so without any questions asked. He stated he has helped with Old Shawnee
Days and helped feed the bands because he enjoys the City of Shawnee.
Councilmember Sawyer stated that is not true.
CHUCK TABOR stated for the Little River Band last year , he brought down all the
Councilmember Sawyer stated that is not true - he did not. He stated he does not
want to sit there this evening and get involved in that conversation , but Mr. Tabor
said he was going to bring the food , but they had to go get food from someone else
last year.
CHUCK TABOR stated that happened this year -
not last year.
Councilmember Sawyer stated Mr. Tabor said he would help out this year.
CHUCK TABOR stated he received a call on Friday afternoon for food to be
delivered on Saturday.
JULY 23 2007
Councilmember Sawyer stated he understands that and corrected Mr. Tabor s earlier
statement by stating it is not Chelsea Smith , but Kelsey Smith.
CHUCK TABOR stated either way, he helped her out.
Councilmember Sawyer stated that is great , but he does not want Mr. Tabor taking
credit for a lot things he did not do or said he was going to do.
CHUCK TABOR stated he wants to get something straight , in that he brought a lot of
food last year, the first year he was in the City, and fed all those bands and the
Councilmember Sawyer stated it was one band.
CHUCK TABOR replied whoever it was - he fed them.
Councilmember Sawyer stated Mr. Tabor should not say ' all the bands
CHUCK TABOR stated whatever he was asked , that is what he did. He stated he was
called on a Friday afternoon
this year and asked if he could feed the band
Saturday. He asked Councilmember Sawyer if he talked to him personally. He stated
he would actually like to talk to the woman he talked to personally. He stated , just
like Toby Keith says You might not like where I am going, but you know where I
stand' .
Councilmember Sawyer stated Mr. Tabor wil
know where he
personally stands right
up front.
CHUCK TABOR stated it is that way with him too - right up front. He asked
Councilmember Sawyer if he spoke with him about the feeding.
Councilmember Sawyer replied he did not speak to Mr. Tabor , but is involved on the
committee that helps procure it and he knows what they were told.
CHUCK TABOR stated he wants to get that straight in that he was called on Friday
afternoon and the concert was on Saturday.
CHUCK TABOR asked who promotes this City more than anyone else on the radio
and television all the time.
Councilmember Sawyer stated he does not know.
CHUCK TABOR stated he thinks he does.
Councilmember Sawyer stated that is Mr. Tabor s opinion.
JULY 23 , 2007
CHUCK TABOR stated that is correct , just like Councilmember Sawyer has his own
the Council who does the free television advertising about
opinions. He asked
Councilmember Sawyer asked Mr. Tabor what they were going to talk about next
month and to get on with things.
Mayor Meyers asked Mr. Tabor to continue.
CHUCK TABOR stated in 15 years of business , he has never had one violation ever
of ABC law. He stated he went down and had Police Chief Clark and Acting Police
Chief Morgan run his background to find out about him. He stated he has never
smoked a joint in his life , and if anyone ever does that is up to them , but he has never
been in trouble ever except for one time for a tax that he did not know he had to pay
in his old restaurant that he has since taken care of. He stated that is the only trouble
he has ever been in , in his entire life.
CHUCK TABOR stated he has a church right next door to The Peanut where he talks
to the preacher all the time because he can not believe he is a bar owner and how he
conducts himself and gets people to go over. He stated if any of them wants to know
him , he would invite all of the Council to come to one of his employee meetings to
see how he speaks to his employees to try to show them what they need to do.
CHUCK TABOR stated he has called the Police Department four times since taking
over The Peanut. He stated two young ladies got into the ' middle of it' and he did not
want to get in the middle of them. He stated one time they had one bachelor party
who came down with a lot of men and he did not want to handle it all himself. He
stated one time there were two men behind his dumpsters right when his girls were
going to leave and maybe there was some other instance , but his record can be pulled.
CHUCK TABOR stated he feels his record is impeccable , considering it is a place
where a lot of people come to drink. He stated he has a sign in front of his restaurant
that reads Zero Tolerance for any kind of trouble or the person can never come back.
He stated he has had regulars who have come into his establishment four or five times
a week and have shown ' their tail' and have been thrown out and told never to come
back. He stated he does not allow trouble - none.
CHUCK TABOR stated his fiance is with him this evening that he loves very much
and is in the restaurant all the time with him. He stated there are some close people
who work at his restaurant and if anyone needs to find out how he conducts business
and find out how he wants people to act , they can find out that information as well.
CHUCK TABOR stated with regard to Ms. Smith , who has the concert in her honor
coming up; her dad is coming to meet with him on Friday. He stated they made a Ms.
Smith' s Ary, or something like that , and he just found that out. He stated way
before he knew about this , he was planning to have Diamond Rio and Trace again this
JUY 23 , 2007
year , like they did last year; they had picked that song a long time ago when Ms.
Smith first got kiled and they did that about awareness to young ladies and finding
out their surroundings and who their frends are. He stated Mr. Smith wil meet with
him on Friday and he wil do it no matter what , they plan on making a national video
with her dad and Trace here in Shawnee. He stated it wil go on Good Mornng
America and every young awareness spot for the ladies , just to let the Council know.
He stated the publicity for that event will be unrecognized.
CHUCK TABOR stated he got sidetracked this evening and would love to meet with
the whole committee , but he would just say to the Council that he tells his people that
a lot of people have a lot of bad days and then go on. He stated people have a lot of
things going on in their lives. He stated he tries to tell his people to be happy for
what they have and be happy for living and being healthy; because if they really think
things are that bad , he can take them down , which he does every three months , to
Children s Mercy Hospital to the 4th Floor of the Children s Cancer Unit. He stated if
people really want to complain and backstab , they should just see how those kids
want to get out and live and do anything for anyone.
CHUCK TABOR stated he tells his people to love living and be nice to others.
stated he tells them to find out for themselves who someone really is first and not
listen to hearsay. He tells them to believe nothing that they hear and only half of
what they see and he promises them they will live better lives.
Councilmember Ptlumm stated he thought the concert last year was a great deal.
stated he spoke to numerous police officers in town and really the only incident was
not really an incident once they got onto the scene , so he thinks all in all it was a great
CHUCK TABOR stated he did have one apology to make. He stated he is sorry for
the bikini contest and his partner coming in here last year before the Council. He
stated if the Council had said no , he would never have done it. He stated he wrote
everyone a letter of apology and hopes they all got a copy. He stated people wear
bikinis all the time - there are hundreds out there all the time. He stated he has gone
to that pool twice and there are a hundred of bikinis on the street right there at the
pool. He stated not to degrade anyone , but Hawaiian Tropic is very big all over the
country for young ladies , if they like to parake in that sort of thing. He apologized
and knows it caused a lot of problems. He stated he did not mean to do that
whatsoever and is not here tonight to embarrass the Council , himself, or anyone else.
Councilmember Ptlumm stated he supports Mr. Tabor , because he thinks the concert
was a heck of a deal last year. He stated it brought a lot of people to the City.
CHUCK TABOR stated he has other options and moved it to Saturday. He stated the
Home Depot has been great by giving them their whole parking lot for the event and
everything else. He stated that is all he can do.
JULY 23 , 2007
Mayor Meyers asked if someone wil be here in place of Mr. Tabor to speak
CHUCK TABOR answered yes.
Councilmember Kuhn stated with all respect to that , and she apologized because she
knows this is not the topic for tonight , but Mr. Tabor just mentioned how his partner
misinformed the Council during last year s discussion in regards to that contest , so
she would actually like, if Mayor Meyers does not mind , to ask Mr. Tabor a couple of
questions to give him an opportnity to answer.
Mayor Meyers stated that wil be fine.
Councilmember Kuhn stated she is probably one of the people who was most upset
by the contest , but not because it was a bikini contest. She stated she honestly passed
no judgment whatsoever on what entertainment form it went with and actually thinks
she is one of the members of the Council which who attended the actual event. She
stated she enjoys country music quite a bit and was looking forward to it.
She stated
she would actually love to see the same kind of event come to Shawnee again.
Councilmember Kuhn stated she has great reservations of giving another Special Use
Permit to Mr. Tabor s organization when it was not just that time in which they tried
to find out whether or not there was going to be additional entertainment. She stated
it is not a question
of what the
Council and City needed to do in order to prepare for what other needs there might
as to what the entertainment was , but a question
Councilmember Kuhn stated she happens to be an avid listener of two of the radio
stations on which Mr. Tabor heavily promoted the event. She stated the way it stared
was that she heard the advertisement before it came before the Council of this concert
happening and while she was excited that Mr. Tabor was promoting something and
was pretty comfortable that the Council would see a positive thing come from it and
approve it , she heard that day the discussion about immediately following the concert
there would be a Tropicana contest and all the jokes that go with it and she thought to
herself - great.
Councilmember Kuhn stated she immediately contacted City Manager Gonzales and
asked if someone could please find out anything about any additional entertainment
after the concert , because there was nothing in the packet which was provided to the
Council. She stated they were confirmed beforehand that , no absolutely not , there
would not be a bikini contest and it was misstated in the excitement on the radio. She
stated that was actually on Thursday night at The Peanut and it was stated that would
not happen. She stated she thought to herself Great , that wil not happen
Councilmember Kuhn stated that night , Mr. Tabor s parner came
specifically asked him again
during the Council meeting,
in and she
when asking for the
approval ,
to verify that there
JULY 23 2007
would be no additional entertainment , excluding the
concert that evening, so the Council had adequate security, gate watching, adequate
time adjustments for the officers on duty, when people would be crossing Shawnee
Mission Parkway, etcetera and Mr. Tabor s partner said , unequivocally, ' , that wil
not happen
Councilmember Kuhn stated amazingly, while listening to the other radio station who
was also talking about the concert about four days later, they reiterated again there
would not only be a concert , but a contest immediately following at which point
time she again contacted City Manager Gonzales and said Wait a minute , this is not
what they signed on for and somebody needs to get clarification . She stated again
the City staff contacted Mr. Tabor s organization and were again told there would not
be a bikini contest.
Councilmember Kuhn stated that while she would completely be wiling
to accept
that Mr. Tabor s parner misrepresented or misunderstood what she was asking that
night , she finds it very hard to believe that on three separate times Mr. Tabor
organization was confused or uninformed with regards to the contest , which makes
her feel incredibly hesitant that the Council should in any way, shape , or form
approve something else this year.
CHUCK TABOR stated he understands that. He asked Councilmember Kuhn if she
heard an advertisement before the Council voted.
Councilmember Kuhn clarified that she heard a live radio interview that said there
would be a concert.
CHUCK TABOR stated that could not have been done legally. He stated he sent the
Council a packet and the only thing he could say on the radio is that he hoped the City
Council would vote yes so they could have a concert. He stated if he were to do that
Diamond Rio and all the other bands could have sued him for every dollar they are
guaranteed. He stated the packet states that.
Councilmember Kuhn suggested to Mr. Tabor
if she were Trace s attorney, they
should probably pull the radio recordings from last year, because it was clear as a bell
She stated if she misunderstood the ' I hope , then she
probably misunderstood the ' I hope ' that the Council are also going to approve the
bikini contest , but amazingly, they forgot to ask the Council about that.
that was going to happen.
CHUCK TABOR stated as much as he gets called on things , he does not understand
why he did not get a phone call. He stated if that were to happen , he would have told
the Council. He stated not only was it on the radio and he will take full
responsibility, but he ran six weeks of full page ads in The Pitch and it was right there
in print. He stated if he knew if everyone was going to be like this , he promises the
Council he had six weeks of full page ads on everyhing they were doing. He stated
JUY 23 , 2007
he can promise the Council if Councilmember Kuhn or anyone else had called him
that would have never happened; he promises the Council.
Councilmember Kuhn stated her problem would be , just like the poor gentlemen who
came up earlier and had absolutely no intention of any harm being caused by having
an extra dog outside what the ordinance of the City of
Shawnee allows , he stil is
responsible for those rules and regulations. She stated that they, as a Council , did not
allow him to go outside of it because of the concerns of his neighbors. She stated in
this case , no one in Mr. Tabor s organization fulfilled their obligation to the Council
of informing them of exactly what they were asking for a special use permit. She
stated if Mr. Tabor knew from Day 1 that he intended to have the Miss Tropicana
contest , honest to goodness she probably would have been adverse to voting in favor
of it if she felt that all of the security needs were taken into consideration and the
details were looked into.
Councilmember Kuhn stated as a Council , they were not given the full package and
were not given the information they needed. She stated the ownership is on Mr.
Tabor , as the applicant , to let the Council know exactly what he planed to do. She
stated if Mr. Tabor s partner did not fulfill that obligation , then the Council is not at
fault. She stated
when Mr. Tabor is here coming before them again asking for the
same thing, she finds it impossible to say she could do it.
CHUCK TABOR stated that is why they live in the greatest countr in the world
because Councilmember Kuhn can have every opinion she wants to and that is why
she does her job. He stated it is up to Councilmember Kuhn when they vote and he
holds her opinion high and apologized to her personally if it offended her in any way.
Councilmember Kuhn stated if Mr. Tabor knew her at all , he would know the contest
did not offend her in any way.
CHUCK TABOR apologized to Councilmember Kuhn because he thinks she is mad
at him because he did not get a guitar signed.
Councilmember Kuhn stated she is not mad at all and that has nothing to do with it.
She stated it was not for her personally,
but for an auction for the
Chamber of
Councilmember Straub asked , since he was not present , if there were any problems
with the bikini contest. He asked if there was a problem with not having enough
police force or a security problem.
CHUCK TABOR replied he did have one problem. He stated he knows the Council
wil have a vote and wil send
letters out. He stated Johny s
wil come to the
Council , as well as the guy from Power Play. He stated he wishes he could take this
to a vote of the City because he can promise the City he would win 95% to 5%.
stated if he wanted to , he could load these chambers up with thousands of people to
JUY 23 2007
come before the Council and say why they should have this concert. He stated he is
not going to do that to the Council.
CHUCK TABOR stated people come up to him and ask him where they need to go.
He stated he just merely wanted to come before the Council this evening and speak
apologize for last year , and be done with it. He stated he has heard so much that he
felt he had to come here tonight to get things off the Council' s chest or anyone else.
He stated he would like things brought right to him, rather than through hearsay or
through other people.
Mayor Meyers stated he thinks it is good that Mr. Tabor came this evening, because it
does give the Council the opportnity to ask him questions. He stated if Mr. Tabor is
not going to be here next month , he feels it is appropriate he is present tonight to get
some things answered.
Councilmember Ptlumm asked Mr. Tabor if he wil be available to answer questions
between now and the time he goes out of town for his fishing tournament.
CHUCK TABOR replied he will do whatever he needs to do. He stated he wishes he
could attend next month' s meeting, but he plans this fishing tournament every year
and could not get out of it.
Councilmember Straub asked if there was any security problem , even with the bikini
contest. He asked Mr. Tabor ifhe plans on another contest this year.
CHUCK TABOR stated they are done with bikini contests. He stated with as many
of the ladies who got upset , he would not do that again. He stated he is not here to
make anyone upset. He stated the concert was great for business. He stated no one
got arested , no one got hit , and there were no wrecks. He stated they put up orange
fences and provided security. He stated Power Play had their biggest night that
evening, because the parents dropped their kids off and came over and listened to the
Councilmember Sandifer stated he will not beat up on what has already been said
because people have already made their statements and Mr. Tabor knows what the
issue was , but as of last year seeing what it was and not taking sides , the concert was
a well put on show. He stated it was monitored with police coverage and the parking
was covered. He stated Mr. Tabor did a good job and he wil certainly give him that
credit. He stated there were no incidents for the type of band that played and he
thinks Mr. Tabor did a really good job since alcohol was involved with the event.
Councilmember Sandifer stated he was looking into some things for this year
concert and in a letter from Mr. Tabor , he noted they plan on using golf cars for
shuttles from Home Depot. He stated golf cars are not legal for street use.
JUY 23 , 2007
CHUCK TABOR stated he did not have lights on the golf carts that he used last year.
He stated the Police Departent wanted him to get lights on them and make sure they
would light up. He stated they are for the people who park around back and from the
top. He stated they wil use the same buses and even get more buses to shuttle people
from Home Depot. He stated no one wil be shuttled from Home Depot in a golf car.
He stated that was not stated correctly in his packet. He stated they had a meeting
with the Fire Marshal about that last year and he has already signed off on it.
stated they also met with some police lieutenant and went through and reviewed the
things people did like and did not like about last year s event. He stated they tried to
address things a few months ago so he could better plan for this year.
CHUCK TABOR stated if he messes up, he tries not to let it happen again. He stated
he tries to do the very best he can for everyone involved. He stated he tries to live his
life that way, but knows he has made mistakes in life. He stated he tries to learn from
his mistakes.
Councilmember Sandifer stated that he and Assistant City Manager Charlesworth
talked a little about this. He asked her if she reviewed all of her issues with Mr.
Tabor and if everything is in line.
Assistant City Manager Charlesworth replied part of the issue and why the staff is not
fully prepared to speak this evening, was that part of the issue was that the staff
received comments from people who live around the area. She stated the staff has
sent out letters asking them if they have any concerns or questions. She stated the
staff has not had the opportnity to get back all of those responses and are not
prepared to speak tonight at all.
Councilmember Sandifer asked Assistant City Manager Charlesworth about the
things she discussed with Mr. Tabor.
Assistant City Manager Charlesworth stated Mr. Tabor is exactly right , in that some
of the things they discussed about last year s concert were that golf carts were used
after the sun had gone down so they were not really visible. She stated that the Police
Deparment suggested if they have another concert in the futue , to use lighted golf
Councilmember Kuhn stated obviously this is not the first time they have talked about
this and one of the things she asked about and does not think she has received an
answer to , but since Mr. Tabor wil not be able to respond at next month' s meeting
she will ask it tonight , if with Mr. Tabor having mentioned that he is looking to have
to violate any of the
portions of the permit , would he then be interested in putting up an escrow bond that
would be held , maybe by a third pary, to decide if he has fulfilled all obligations of
charitable organizations and that he absolutely did not intend
the permit. She stated then ,
if he violates any of it that large bond , maybe something
like a $10 000 bond , goes into whatever charitable organization or community event
they decide.
1 1
JUY 23 , 2007
CHUCK TABOR stated he would be glad to give them a check for $10 000 tonight.
give Councilmember Kuhn a $10 000 bond first thing in the
morning if that would please her and the Council.
He stated he wil
Councilmember Kuhn stated she does not think the Council is prepared at this time to
know if they have the legal authority to do that , but she is about giving people a
second chance if it was a legitimate and honest mistake. She stated she has a hard
time believing that Mr. Tabor s organization was uninformed enough about the
intentions of additional entertainment that they did not let anyone know because
that , but she is wiling to maybe consider it if there is a way the City could hold Mr.
Tabor accountable in a fiscal way that might make it more positive to make sure those
get fulfilled and if they are not, someone could benefit from it , but she would never
vote again to issue Mr. Tabor a special use permit.
CHUCK TABOR stated he wil
do whatever
it takes. He stated he would be glad to
give the money to a chartable organization or even to the City.
CHUCK TABOR explained to the Council how his personal situation works. He
stated his buddy and parter and his buddy owned that bar and it was terrble.
stated they did not know what they were doing. He stated he wishes his parter was
present this evening, but that is the reason they brought him in. He stated he has done
five different places. He stated his forte is to take a business that is failing and make
it better.
CHUCK TABOR stated they own a huge mortgage company and City Manager
Gonzales can attest to that , because she used to live next door to them. He stated the
only reason his parter
came to speak last year was because he was personally
involved when it was happening. He stated he does not see them much anymore , but
they actually come in a lot more now because the place is a lot busier and they are
proud of it. He stated that he (Mr. Tabor) is the head guy in charge now and things
are his responsibility.
CHUCK TABOR stated when Councilmember Kuhn said earlier that John
down and said they were not going to have a bikini contest; that was the first time he
stood right there and said he was not going to have a bikini contest. He stated that is
the honest to God trth. He stated he wishes John was standing there right now. He
stated they did not even come around when they first started out, but they were there
that night. He stated if one lady, someone s wife or anyone else , were going to be
uncomfortable with it , he promised the Council he would not have done it.
Councilmember Kuhn asked City Manager Gonzales if she remembers who on the
City staff talked to whom on Mr. Tabor s staff that told them beforehand and
1 0
JULY 23 , 2007
City Manager Gonzales replied she does not specifically remember. She stated par
of the work they are doing with the application and background check , is to do an
assessment with last year s event and provide the Council all the information. She
stated they wil use that as a basis of the things they are asking Mr. Tabor to make
this event even better, if the Council were to approve it. She stated hopefully by
August 13 , 2007 ,
when they have the packet information , they wil have
information to offer to the Council. She stated she does remember the calls.
Councilmember Goode stated they will rule by majority on the Council that evening.
CHUCK TABOR stated he knows the Council has a hard job to do and that is what is
great. He stated it is good they can agree to disagree and that is why it is good.
stated he appreciates the Council's time tonight and appreciates the Council allowing
the concert to happen last year. He believes the people really enjoyed themselves.
He stated it is nice to see people when he walks into HyVee who come up to him and
tell him it was nice to sit on their back patio and hear the music clear as a bell and
they really enjoyed it.
CHUCK TABOR stated he is sure some people wil say they did not like the music.
He stated some people are just negative all the time and they all know that here on the
Council. He stated they have to live by the rules and if someone who works for him
even lies to him once , he fires them immediately. He stated he knows by living by
the rules and is really strict.
CHUCK TABOR stated he wil
be at The
a day until he leaves on Sunday,
Peanut seven days a week, almost 24 hours
August 12 ,
2007 and will be back on August 18
Councilmember Sawyer asked City Manager Gonzales to provide the Council the
cost to put up the fence and all the Police enforcement for last year.
CHUCK TABOR stated he paid for all the police last year.
Councilmember Sawyer stated he stils
wants the cost
provided to them.
CENTER , P.N. 3315.
Mayor Meyers stated that the contract was awarded to Feyerherm Construction , Inc.
Shawnee , Kansas , on May 8 , 2006 , in the amount of $4 601 200. This change order
reflects a net increase of $1 942. The new contract amount for this project , after previous
change orders , is $4 686 514.
0 9
JULY 23 , 2007
Councilmember Goode, seconded by Councilmember Sandifer, moved to approve
Change Order No. 10 for the Jim Allen Aquatic Center , P. N. 3315 , for $1 942 , bringing
the new contract amount for this project , after previous change orders , is $4 686 514.
Councilmember Sawyer asked if this is the final change order , or do they know where
they are at on this.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke replied there wil
in addition to this one.
be one
more final change order
Councilmember Goode asked the reason for another change order.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke explained as they finished up the job , they denied
some previous claims for some mechanical equipment. He stated he will ask they
reconsider those.
Councilmember Goode asked if it was previously denied.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke answered yes , it was previously denied , but he
will present more information for reconsideration and that should come before the
Councilmember Pflumm asked if they can not do that all at the same time.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke replied he does not have all the information at this
Councilmember Pflumm asked if they have to get this one done to pay them.
City Manager Gonzales explained the way the City s policy works , is they have to come
to Council as they are considered , based on percentages and the total cost of the project.
They come throughout the course ofthe project.
Councilmember Sawyer asked since the thing, for all practical purposes , is finished , why
they would not just wrap it up into one change order.
City Manager Gonzales replied it is just the timing of how they came in.
Councilmember Pflumm asked when the last change order comes through, can the
Council please get a summary of all the change orders.
Councilmember Sawyer stated they are listed in the packet.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke stated they can certainly make that happen.
Therefore the motion read:
0 8
JULY 23 , 2007
Councilmember Goode, seconded by Councilmember Sandifer, moved to approve
Change Order No. 10 for the Jim Allen Aquatic Center , P. N. 3315 , for $1 942 , bringing
the new contract amount for this project , after previous change orders , is $4 686 514.
The motion carred 713.
Mayor Meyers stated
that the
2003 International Building Code requires
inspection services for certain commercial buildings to comply. Staff requested proposals
from four firms to provide special inspection services related to the Justice Center and
Fire Station No. 2. Staff is recommending Terracon Consulting Engineers and Scientists.
Councilmember Goode asked if this is the final inspection.
Councilmember Sandifer stated this is also out of the one-eighth (l/8 ) cent sale tax.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke replied that is correct.
Councilmember Sandifer stated this is not any additional monies being spent , so this is all
out ofthe one-eighth (1I8 ) cent sales tax put in for the Justice Center.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke relied that is correct. He stated this money is part
of the approved project budget for the Justice Center.
Councilmember Straub asked if this was already included and is not additional onto the
$29 milion for the Justice Center.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke replied it is included in the project budget.
Councilmember Straub stated he wanted to make sure this was not an add-on change
order , because the staff knew they were going to have to do inspections years ago.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke replied that is correct.
Councilmember Sawyer asked if this is an ongoing inspection.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke answered these are ongoing, either continuous or
periodic inspections for earthwork , structural steel , or structural masonr. They are
basically structurally oriented inspections required by the Building Code.
Councilmember Pflumm asked if they have already started.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke answered yes. He stated due to the fast track
schedule , the inspections have been going on as they have moved along.
JULY 23 , 2007
Councilmember Sawyer asked if they are just getting around to approving it.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke replied they are moving fast out there and they
had to get them going when they stared.
Councilmember Sandifer asked Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke , for the record , to
restate the actual budget amount , since it was just put out by Councilmember Straub at
$29 milion.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke
replied the approved project budget is $22.
Councilmember Straub asked if that includes the land or any work they have already put
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke replied that price does not include the land.
Councilmember Straub asked when they talk about the total cost of the project , if they
have that exact figure since they have done some land work and purchased the land.
stated he thought it was $29 million , but it may have been somewhere around $27 milion
City Manager Gonzales replied they do not have all those numbers at this time and would
be happy to provide them again to the Council.
Councilmember Straub stated they had them at one time.
City Manager Gonzales replied they have had the numbers presented a number of times.
Councilmember Straub stated that is where he came up with the $29 milion number
because $22 milion does not include everyhing.
Councilmember Sawyer stated the actual number is around $19 milion and
there is $3
million for fixtures or equipment.
Councilmember Pflumm stated they probably do not need to get involved in that
discussion tonight , because they wil add another $3 million for the streets and bring the
total back up.
Councilmember Sandifer, seconded by Councilmember Kuhn, moved to authorize Mayor
to sign the contract for special inspection services for the Justice Center and Fire Station
No. 2 Project , P. N. 3303 , with Terracon , Lenexa , Kansas , with a maximum amount of
$119 300.
The motion cared 7-
0 6
JULY 23 , 2007
PROJECT , P. N. 3303.
Mayor Meyers stated that a water main extension is required for this project in order to
provide domestic water and fire protection service. The work includes installation of
approximately 2 300 feet of 8- inch water main. The water main will be owned and
operated by WaterOne and they are requesting a 40- foot wide permanent easement along
the route of the pipeline.
Councilmember Sawyer stated based on the amount of rock stacked up around there , do
they have a clue of whether or not they wil be able to get this water line in there for this
price , or is it going to go over.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke
replied he thinks they
are in good shape. He
stated the designuilder, McCown Gordon Contractors , placed an allowance in their
contract of $130 000 for the water line. He stated this contract is for $97 250. He stated
the way WaterOne operates , it is an estimate , so they think ifthere is any additional rock
out there due to the water line , they should be able to handle it with that allowance in the
Councilmember Straub stated he has not seen the rock. He asked if the City gets to sell
, or does the contractor get it. He stated over at Town and Country, they had three
people a day knocking on their doors trying to purchase rock from them.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke replied they are taking par of it and incorporating
some of it into the fills out there , so they are using some of on the site.
Councilmember Straub stated some of it is fairly valuable rock and a lot of people might
want to purchase it and use it for landscape rock.
Councilmember Pflumm asked if the City is selling rock.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke answered the City is not; it
is the contractor
rock , but they are using it onsite.
Councilmember Pflumm asked when it is said that it is the contractor s rock , do they own
it when they remove it.
Senior Project Engineer Schnettgoecke answered yes.
Councilmember Sawyer stated that is what you get with designuild.
JUY 23 , 2007
Councilmember Pflumm, seconded by Councilmember Kuhn,
moved to authorize
Mayor to sign the water main extension petition and agreement with WaterOne for the
2 Project , P. N. 3303 , to include the installation of
300 feet of 8- inch water main with the water main to be owned and
operated by WaterOne and the request of a 40- foot wide permanent easement along the
The motion cared 7route of the pipeline.
Justice Center and Fire Station No.
approximately 2
Mayor Meyers stated that improvements for 57th Terrace , from King to Barton are
included on the Capital Improvement Plan for 2007 and will be fuded by Community
Development Block Grant funds and the City At- Large. Staff is recommending Shafer
Kline and Waren (SKW) be awarded a contract for design services. The proposal for
services is for a not- to-exceed amount of $29,400.
Councilmember Sawyer, seconded by Councilmember Pflumm, moved to authorize the
Mayor to sign a contract with Shafer , Kline and Waren for design services related to the
Terrace reconstrction project , King to Baron , for a not- to-exceed amount of
The motion carred 7-
THE AMOUNT OF $3, 614 364. 80.
Councilmember Kuhn, seconded by Councilmember Sandifer. moved to approve the
The motion
semi-monthly claim for July 23 , 2007 in the amount of $3 614 364.
carred 717.
Shawnee Economic Development Council Luncheon.
Councilmember Kuhn stated it was very enjoyable last week to attend the
Shawnee Economic Development Council' Small Business Appreciation
Luncheon. She knows there were a couple other Councilmembers who were able
to attend.
Councilmember Kuhn stated that she just wanted to point out that it was
incredibly gratifying to see not only the new businesses who have grown and
expanded within Shawnee ,
but to see the Shawnee Economic Development
Council and downtown improvements that the Council also agreed to continue
this year being honored in a form of some things like Lane s Cleaning, who took a
small building, expanded it , and changed the fayade. They gave great
compliments to her about how wonderfl
Inspector s Offce and Planning Department.
0 4
JUY 23 , 2007
it was to work with both the City
Councilmember Kuhn stated she spoke with a number of other businesses who
were present that day who gave great kudos to City staff and to the SEDC staff on
how positive their experience was in working with them and that they were very
glad to continue in Shawnee. She merely wanted to say it was a great event and
she was very glad to see that continued support of the economic development in
Councilmember Kuhn. seconded by Councilmember Sawyer, moved to recess to
attorney/client privileged communication , with the City Council meeting to reconvene in
executive session for approximately a 55 minutes for the purpose of
the Council Chambers at the conclusion of the executive session.
The motion carred 7-
and the meeting recessed at 8:41 p.
Councilmember Pflumm, seconded by Councilmember Sawyer, moved to conclude the
executive session. The motion carred 7Councilmember Pflumm, seconded by Councilmember Sawyer, moved to reconvene the
The motion carred 7- and the meeting reconvened at 9:39 p.
Councilmember Sawyer. seconded by Councilmember Pflumm,
carred 7-
and the meeting adjourned at 9:39 p.
Minutes prepared by: Cindy Terrell , Recording Secretary
Vicki Charlesworth , City Clerk
moved to adjourn.
The motion