SE Winter NL - Soaring Eagle


SE Winter NL - Soaring Eagle
745 Indian Trail, P.O. Drawer 879, Billings, Montana 59103-0879
Herb Bear Chum’s biography
Renegade Priest
of the Northern Cheyenne
...continued from the last edition of Signals
The Life and Work of
Father Emmett Hoffmann 1926 –
Father Emmett’s remarkable story
of success is unequaled in the history
of the 20th century Catholic Church
in the American West.
Dear Friends,
I want to share a few
thoughts with you today about why I feel privileged
to live with the Northern Cheyenne elders at the
Soaring Eagle Heritage Living Center. In the main
lobby entrance, above the front doors, we have
BILLINGS MT 59103-0879
Winter 2006
Amazing works of art using only
a magnifying glass and sunlight
Heritage Living Center - Home of Cheyenne elders.
2nd Edition
Order your copy of
Father Emmett’s biography today.
Use the order form below.
Renegade Priest Book Order Form
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Father Emmett’s Biography,
Renegade Priest of the
Northern Cheyenne
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cold if made to walk in severe weather. He refused to
go. To punish them, the U.S. military locked the
Indians in log barracks without food or water for
many days. Temperatures dropped to below zero.
Among the many people crowded into the barracks were pregnant women and elders and many
small children. The Cheyenne
decided they would rather die running for their lives than to die like
dogs with children in their arms.
Desperate for food and water, they
broke out of the barracks. Seventy Cheyenne were
immediately shot down and died in the snow from
wounds and exposure. Within the next 24 hours
people were found and shot at point blank range,
including little children who
were coaxed out of a hole and
then shot to death when they
climbed out.
Chief Dull Knife, his wife
and son were among the few
who made it to another agency
and eventually returned to
Montana. They survived to tell
the story of the torture and
inhumane treatment they had
Each year on January 9th,
the Northern Cheyenne make a
pilgrimage to Fort Robinson,
Nebraska, to honor Chief Dull
Knife and their ancestors who
died for their freedom. In 2005, eight of our elders,
some in wheelchairs, were among more than 300
Cheyenne who attended the ceremonies to honor
their slain relatives.
Our elders want to build a memorial to honor
their ancestors and to mark the beginning of the
route taken by their ancestors from (continued, inside)
placed likenesses of the great Cheyenne Chiefs Dull
Knife and Little Wolf. These were burned into wood
by solar artist Jonathan Maxwell Beartusk, who used
only a magnifying glass and sunlight to create these
amazing works of art.
The pictures are daily reminders of the famous warrior
grandfathers of the people I rub
elbows with day after day, people who I love and respect with
all my heart. In 1954, their elders welcomed me to the reservation and began to teach me
about their lives and culture.
My life has been enriched many
times over because they asked
me to listen and to learn about
their cultural heritage.
I heard them describe the
sufferings, the broken promises,
and the starvation their parents
and grandparents had endured at the Fort Robinson
Breakout on January 9, 1879. Chief Dull Knife’s band
was at Fort Robinson in Nebraska when they were
ordered to walk and ride in wagons in the dead of
winter to Oklahoma, Indian Territory.
Dull Knife’s people were mostly women and children and the chief knew they would perish in the
by Renee Sansom Flood
Marie and Herb had been
apart for nearly 20 years
when the tragic death of
the son Byron, brought
them back together again.
The family buried Byron
behind the house and
when they lowered the
coffin, Herb thought he
was going to faint. To find out what had really happened
to Byron, Herb went on a 4-day fast and vision quest at
Bear Butte (in South Dakota) where his son came to
him in spirit:
“Dad,” he said, “you haven’t cried. Go ahead and
cry. You’ll feel better.”
I broke down and I couldn’t stop crying. “Lean back
dad and the spirits will show you how I died.” I was
shown that Byron had been killed by a skinhead.
While dealing with his grief, Herb left Montana
but he returned in the 1990s to his ancestral homeland.
He was just in time to take part in the repatriation of
ancestral remains that had been housed for more than a
century in the Smithsonian. Herb felt as if he was
supposed to have returned to take part in the ceremony
close to his ancestors in person and in spirit.
Herb and Marie were happy together. One day, they
ran into Father Emmett. He told them he was building
the Heritage Living Center for Cheyenne elders. Would
they be interested in living there? It was a good idea.
When the Center opened, they were among the first
to move in.
Herb had his family, work that he loved and they
were comfortable in a nice apartment near friends and
relatives. But life isn’t always what it seems. Herb was
shocked to learn that he had cancer. After cancer surgery,
he recuperated and took it easy, but Herb is not the kind
of person who likes to sit around. In 2005, he resumed
his career as Master of Ceremonies for special events.
Herb has no qualms about his future. He has decided
to leave it all in the hands of the Creator. “All my life,”
he says, “I’ve been a homeless person. I never really felt
like I fit in anywhere. When you’re an orphan, you want
to pay back the kindnesses others have shown you. It will
take me forever.”
Native Voice Waterfalls
The larger pool and waterfall at the end of the
winding path is named “Muriel” to honor a gift
from the Paul Morigi family.
Contributions toward landscaping, trees,
shrubbery, benches, picnic tables and to maintain
the park are welcomed. Your loved one will be
honored with a plaque displayed on the Memorial
Wall with your name as the donor.
Eagle Ridge Park is an important part of the
Heritage Living Center. The park was developed
for the resident elders giving them a place where
they can leisurely walk outdoors to enjoy a special
closeness with nature and to watch deer, antelope,
wild turkeys, ducks, (a quick glimpse of a cougar)
and Canadian geese.
Winding paths with benches
and picnic tables allow residents to
enjoy visiting outdoors with relatives
and visitors. From the dining room
they can see Native Voice Waterfalls
that connect three small ponds
and the peaceful sounds of rippling
water in the surrounding pine-hills.
The falls are a memorial gift from
Simone Nahman Leibowitz to honor
the late Liliane Esquiez LaFerla.
The memorial walls around the
ponds honor the living and deceased
loved ones of donors whose contributions helped build the park.
Soaring Eagle Societies
Soaring Eagle has established societies to give proper recognition for outstanding gifts that have been given for the
construction of the Heritage Living Center. Each society shows the level of donors and our gratitude for their generosity.
American Eagle
$25,000 & up
Alex Borkowski
Ms. Marie S. Goldbach
Ms P E Hadlick
Mr. James Maney
Ms Frances Saunders
Carl J Schwerin
Spirit Coming Home
$10,000 to $24,999
Mr Charles Abela
Mrs Madelyn Chafin
Carolyn Damon
Margaret Hams
Mrs Alice Morrison
Mrs. Ethel Ponik
John G Raffensperger MD
Mr S E Rule
Sister Patrick Marie Sharpe
Mrs Leota Snyder
Journey of Life
$5,000 to $9,999
Ms Lois Berlage
R.J. Cartwright
Mr & Mrs Frank Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duffy
Mrs Mathilde Easley
Mrs Lorraine N Hidding
Mr Paul Hojdik
Mr & Mrs Charles E
Andrew & Betty Markey
Judge & Mrs Fred J Moore
Mr Paul Morigi
Mrs Carol Morris
Ms Rust Pappathanasi
Mr Gerald Petersen
Mr & Mrs Ira A Pigg
Mr Michael S Reis
Mrs Mary Grace Snyder
Mr Paul West
Light of Life
$1,000 to $4,999
Claude J Albers
Ms Barbara Albert
Mr & Mrs Lawrence Allen
Mr. Walter T. Allen
Mrs S Allender
Ms Rosemary Altenhofen
Ms. Saundra Alvarez
Ms. Patricia G. Andes
Richard Angus
Dr Mary F Argus
Theresa Aubuchon
Patricia Ballweg
Wayne Barber
Mrs. Bonnie Barlow
Mr. M. H. Barrett
Mrs Elizabeth Bates
Mrs Evelyn Becker
Ms. Elsie Bleimiller
Mr William E Boger
Mrs Elizabeth M. Bonino
Mr & Mrs James J Boock
Ms Agnes Bossing
Mrs Margaret Bowers
Mrs Leona Brewer
Miss Ethel Bruning
Mrs Helen Z Bunker
Bernie & Jayne Buren
Mr William Byers
Mrs Irmgard K Caamano
Mr. Raymond M.
Ms. Sadie Cartwright
Mr. Joseph Cazares
Dr Jessalyne Charles
Charlene Cobb
Mr & Mrs Neil W Cole
Mr & Mrs William J
Corbett III
Ms Eunice Coriell
Paula Coulbourne
Mrs James H Countryman
Mrs Rosemary Dawson
Mr. Leo A Demmer
Mr Jeffrey Dennis
Mr. John F. Devanny
Lynn Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Ms Mildred Dreyer
Mrs Mary Duffy
Pierre Dumonteil
Mrs Walter Dunn
Ms. Jan & Donna Early
Mrs Barbara Edwards
Mrs Edward C Eichhorn
Mrs Bettymae Erb
Mr & Mrs Wynston E
Miss Delia Fajardo
Mrs Thomas Faulkner
R. A. Fernandes
Mr Florido Filippini
E. Fisher
Mr David Fitzsimmons
Virginia Foote
Mr Russell Ford
Mr Wm N Foss
Hattie Freda
Betty Fritchen
Mrs Shirley Fultz
Mrs E W Garrott
Mr Bernard T Gascon
Mr Denis M Geraghty
Miss Carolyn L. Gerrety
Ms Regina R Gilmartin
Mrs Valeda Gordon
Mrs Arthur W Graham
Mr & Mrs Wayne Griep
Ms Catherine B Griffith
Mrs Joyce A Guido
Joyce Hansen
Mrs Dorothy Harvey
Mr. Joseph F. Hattan
Ms. Lucille Haupt
Mr. Robert Havekotte
Michael Hawes
Mrs Adelaide Haxton
Mr & Mrs John Hearson
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Henry
Mrs Jessie Hill
Mr & Mrs J L & Edna
Ms Beatrice Hsiu
Ruth Hughes
Ms G Huisking
Mr & Mrs James M
Humber Jr
Svante Humbla
Mrs Mary Hummeler
Helen B. Hunker
Mrs Dorothy Jackson
Ms Lois A Johns
Ms Jennifer Johnson
Mrs Margaret S Jones
Mr & Mrs Wade Judy
Mrs Gertrude Just
Mr Richard L Kagarise
Mary B. Kasbohm
Ms. Elsie Kautzky
Mr & Mrs Ray & Diane
Helen F Kelbert
Helen Kennedy
Mr Michael Kovac
Mr & Mrs Gerald Kraft
Mr W T Lander
Phil Leak
Mr Francis Lehar
Mr. Francis P. Lehar
Simone Leibowitz
Ms Laura Lindsey
B Lochridge
Col. John J Mac Gregor
Mrs Linda Mackay
Mr & Mrs John A Malecha
Rosalia Maloney
Mr. Joseph E. Marsh
Mrs Edwin P Marshick
Mr & Mrs Joseph Martinez
Mrs Nelda McDermott
Alftruda McDonald
Mr. Lester W. McKee
Hunter R McKee
Ms Irene A Melnyk
Mr Francis D Milistefr
Mrs Jean A Mooney
Mr Robert Morrison
Bert Morton
Ms Rose C Munoz
Mrs. Rose Namaka
Fred & Marilyn K. Nations
Ms. Jannette Nesson
Mr Bob G Newgen
Mrs John H Newman
Mr & Mrs Jerry Nightingale
Anna Belle Nimmo
Louis Noffsinger
Mr & Mrs Edward Noha
Mary E Norckauer
James P O’Connor
Mr Jamie Olson
Ms Mary Papadopetros
Mr Robert E Parrish
Ms Jeannette A Pennock
Mr Phillip Poneck
Father Peter Powell
Mr & Mrs Richard
Ms Dorothy Pryor
Ms Arlene Putt
Mary C Racki
Ms Lacy W Rasberry
Mr & Mrs Ted W Rasor
Ms. Marilyn J Rehnberg
Ms Agnes E Reich
Mr & Mrs Edward J Reid
Ann Reilly
Mr Gerard Reilly
Ms. Patricia J RektorikSprinkle
Mr Richard Renkun Sr
Mr L Richardson Jr
Ms. Margaret J. Robertson
Mrs Marjorie Robison
Mr & Mrs Thomas E Rohr
Ms Mary A Rosania
Mr Steve Rosenberger
Mr George E Rosness
Maj Leonard Rother
Mrs Charlotte Ruff Griffin
Mr & Mrs David & M
Patricia Russell
Ms Kay Saito
Ms Amy T Saito
Clara V. Salsberry
Ms. Joanne Sauer
Harold Schippert
Ms Virginia E Schwatel
Mr. Michael Scoggon
Ms Carolyn Jane Scott
Ms. Theresa Serafini
Cora E Sevilles
Ms. Martha Shalvatis
Mr & Mrs Harold W
Mrs Barbara R Smart
Irene H. Sowa
Mrs Marina F Speir
Dr & Mrs Kenneth P
Ms Robyn Stockton
Mrs. Mary L. Story
Ms Nancy J Stratford
Ms Irma V Strong
Ms Ann Sullivan
Ms. Andrea Sununu
Mary B. Tarpey
Miss Marlys E Tedin
Mr Bert J Theriault
Mr Donald Thorn
Mrs Jack Threet
Mrs. Peter Tighe
Elizabeth M Tinter
Mr Wallace Tippery
Rev. Francis Toan
Mrs Nels E Turnquist
Ms Margaret Ullmann
Mr. and Mrs. Alban F.
Mr & Mrs Roldan Vigil
Mr & Mrs. Edwin Vilim
Mr & Mrs E N Votry
Mrs Willard Walker
Ms. Nancy A. Wang
Mrs Doris Warren
Dr. Olga P. Weber
Mrs Geraldine Weiss
Dr Margaret Weiss
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Wells
Ms. Joan Wetherell
Edwin F Wilkins
Mr Carl B Williams
Ms Dorothea Winek
Kim Wineland
Rev Thomas Winikates
Bert F Winston Jr
Ms Alice Wiren
Mr Earl E Wischemier
Dr Mary Jean Wood
Richard L Woodhams
Ms Alice Yancey
Ms. Alyce Youngson
Gift of Life
$500 to $999
Mrs. George Abbood
Amelia A Altomare
Bernard & Colleen
Mrs Jeanette M Andrews
Ms Judith Andruczyk
Mr James Angerer
Daphne Aurness
W T Avara Jr
Sally Mary Aylward
Mr John Bakker
Mr & Mrs Joseph Barovelli
Ms Jean E Bart
Ms Mary Bauer
Mr. Lincoln Baxter II
Mr Raymond Becker
Ms Mary Bennett
Ms Barbara Berger
Mr John J Bernet
Ms Mary S Bethea
Mr & Mrs Shuman Bickel
Elske Bicknell
Ms Judith Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Bluntzer Jr
Mrs C L Book
Father Joseph J Borodach
Ms Eugenia H Borum
Ms Betty Bowman
Mrs Jim Boyce
Rev John A Brady SJ
Mr Herman Braun
Miss Mary Ellen Bray
Miss Marion I Breen
Mr John C Brennan
Mrs Kathryn Brilhart
Marianne U Buddington
David Burke
Mr Lester Bussman
Ms Lilliam Butler
George L. Byers
Mrs Jenny W Bylander
Mr Patrick Campbell
Mrs William H Cannon
Deetta G Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Carson
Mrs Beulah A. Case
Mr E M Casey
Ms Therese Cashman
Shirley M Castle
Ms Charlotte Champagne
Mrs Ottilie Champion
Ms Joan Cheney
Kathlyn E Chismar
Mrs Deanna B Chott
SS Peter & Paul Catholic
Mr. Cono A Cimino
Mr Jackie R Cissell
Mr & Mrs Robert Clabby
Larry & Sonia Clem
Ms Krimhilde Cline
S. J. Cobian
Mr John Collins
Mr Joe F Collins
Ms. Mary L. Conway
Mrs John B Cooke
Mr Leland Cote
Ms Joyce Craig
Ms Thelma Craig
Ms Dorothy Crowell
Ms Margaret Cummings
Harriet Cunningham
Paul Curci
Mr Gary S Curran
Janet & Dorothy Curry
John E. Cuthrell
Mrs Grace Dannenberg
Mrs Karen Dansfield
John F. Dargin, Jr. Trustee
Ms Kathleen Davidson
Ms. Judith Dawson
Mrs Helen Dawson
Ms. Josephine Dellano
Ms. Carolyn Derr
Ms. Ann Dessert
Mrs Audrey Devine
Melvin Dickerson
Mrs Mary Discavage
Mr Roy D Doerfler
Mrs Virginia Dote
Ms. Marianne Downes
Mrs Suzanne Dunbar
Mr Joseph A Duva
Ms Agnes Dvorak
Mr Leo Dyga
Mrs Betty Edgerly
Ms. Dorothy & Catherine
Ms Janet E Elder
Chester Eschen Jr
Mr Robert S Evanski
Edward A. Everett
Miss Mary Fabricius
Mr & Mrs Charles Fain
Mr. Wilfred V Farnham
Mrs Celeste Farr
Mr. David P. Faulkner Jr
Mr Gilbert Ferland
David Finnance
Mrs John E Fischer
Ms Dorothe Fitzpatrick
Dr & Mrs Thomas M
Mrs Mary Flynn
Miss Bernice Foote
Mrs Grace C Forlenza
Mrs. Eva Forndran
Mr & Mrs Marvin Franke
Mr Jerry Franklin
Mr. Elias T. Galindo
Mr & Mrs James T
Mr. John Gardner
Mrs Marcia Gedanken
Leo Gellings
Mr Charles Gentges
Mr Richard Gerhards
Ms Dorothy T Geyer
Mr Edward H Gibbons
Mr Geo Gilmore
Mr & Mrs Marvin Glasgow
Mr Aaron W. Godfrey
Ms Barbara Goforth
Rose Anne Goodrow
Mr Patrick Gossman
Ms. Gertrude Goudy
Kathy M. Grabowski
Joe & Mary Grimes
Ms Constance Grisard
Ms Louise Grout
Ms. Barbara Gurtler
Guy Reno Foundation
Mrs Louis W Haar
Ms Evelyne Hamilton
Frank & Margaret Hankins
Ms. Dorothy Hanna
Mrs Leslie Harrell
Ms Bette Harrington
Ms Virginia M Head
Mr & Mrs Albert J Hefner
Mrs Dolores E Helton
Ms Elizabeth Herr
Ms Susan Heyburn
Rosemary Higginson
Miss Renee Hill
Ms. Florence H Hochwalt
Mr Albert Hoelker
Mr Henry I Holtz
Mr. William A Hood
Olivia Hopfe
Ms Anita Horbacz
Ann M Horick
Julia Houston
Mr John H. Hudson
Mr Raymond Hufnagel
Miss Ann Incoronato
Mr & Mrs D B Jackson
Mrs. Dorothy Jackson
Thomas Jacobs
Ms. Regina O. Janes
Bertolet Janiszewski
Mrs Arthur E Jensen
Col. Phyllis Jo Johnson
Mr Robert Johnson
Marion L. Johnson
Ms. Rita B Jolly
Lori Jordan
Mr Eugene R Junette
Mr & Mrs Edward E
Laszlo & Ingrid Jurak
Ms Dorothea Kaitz
William F. Kamin
Mr. Julius Katchur
Ms. Helen M Kearney
Mr Hugh R Kerrigan
Mrs David P Knopp
Ms Mary Kohne
Ms Emily Kopley
John J. Korfhage
Mrs. Elizabeth Kost
Rev Richard J Kozak
Mr & Mrs Bill Krause
Mr. Leonard S Krofka
Sandra A. Kruzman
Ms Patricia Kuhrt
Mr Eugene Lamb
Mr George Laurence
Dolores A Leander
Mr Richard L Lechaux
Mr John Leidy
Mr D M Leiendecker
Mrs Loretta Levesque
Jacob Levine
Mrs. Anna Lewis
Ming Liao
Mrs. Johanna Lisik
Ms Mary Beth Lodge
Mrs. Ruth Lodge
Mr. Joseph Lodge
Mr & Mrs Vincent Loizzo
Roy A Lucier
Mr & Mrs James Lundy
Mrs J W Lynch
Barbara Mabrey
Mary J Mackey
Mrs John S. Maclaren
Joseph Maksin
Mr. Lawrence W Malavita
Mrs Betty Malcomb
Ms. Maureen Mann
Mrs Karen Q Mann
Ms Rosemary Maroney
Roddy Martin
Betty Martin
Ms. Georgia Mason
Ms. Juanita Maxwell
Mr Phillip A Mc Dermott
Mr & Mrs John R
Mc Gregor
Mr. Charles T. Mc Kinnie
Jane McCloskey
Sharon McCormick
Mr Leland McCoy
Mrs Patricia McCullough
Mr & Mrs Edward J.
Ms Ramona McLendon
Miss Anne McManus
Mr Ronald McMillan
Mrs J McVeigh
Mr & Mrs Francis W
Johanna Y. Meara
Ms. Marga Meier
Charles Merrill, Jr.
Mr Richard L Merritt
Mr Walter Milburn
Mr Joseph Miller
Ms. Rita Miller
Mr Norman B Mills
Mrs Priscilla Mills
Beatrice Mink
Ms Marion Mirehouse
Ms Barbara Mitchell
Dr & Mrs Jorge Miyares
Miss Teresa M Modica
Ms. Maryse Monteiro
Naomi C Moore
Mr. Ronald J. Morrissey
Mr Richard Morrow
Mr Joseph Murphy
Mr Rich Mutherspaw
Ms. Cynthia R Myers
Mr William J Myhre
Ms Rosemary Nagle
Mr. Nathan Narrance
Dr William P Nelson
Barbara J Nelson
Ms. Maria Nicklaus
Naomi E Nord Trust
Mr. James W Norris
Archie Novotny
Mrs Ray P Oden Jr
Mr Thomas E Ohnesorge
Mr. Edward Ortiz
Ms Dorothy E Otter
Ms Margie Lee Packard
Mr Philip Palmer
Michael Palushock
Ms. Ruth K. Panella
Dr Joan Parry
Mrs William Parson
Mrs Madeline Patton
Ms Lorraine Pearson
Ms Debbie Pearson
Mr & Mrs Don Peltier
Mrs Mary V Pendleton
Ms Marvel Perilla
Lloyd W Perkins
Mr & Mrs Frank H
Mrs. Noelie D. Pfeffer
Anez P Pitcock
Dr Leslie Polland
Ms. Barbara Poscich
Ms Joy Posey
Mrs Sandra B Powley
Joe & Alexis Pozdol
Mrs. Esther Price
Mr Adam Pulaski
Ms Stella Rand
Robert Raskind
Mr Alex Ravnik
Mrs John A Reilly
Mr Harvey K Reyner
Thomas Rhett
Dorothy E Rice
Mr Charles G Roberts
Ms June A Robinette
Ms Mary Robinson
Douglas & Peggy Robison
Mr Bryan Roelfs
Ms. Doris Rossomme
Ms Judy Rowan
Mr. Edward Safford
Mr & Mrs Tom & Gloria
Mrs Mary Sayles
Mr. Thomas M. Scally
Ms Mary Schappell
Mr Carl Schell
Miss Mary Schory
Mr & Mrs Helmut
Mr. Larry Schronce
William J Schull
Mrs Patricia A Serio
Mr Harry Shade
Mr & Mrs Edward F Shea
Mrs Helen Shepard
Mrs Gail Shevlin
Mr K Shiroishi
Marcia Sigler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Miss Lynn E Smith
Mr & Mrs Harry &
Kay Smith
Russell T Snip M.D.
Mr Edward Sons
Mr & Mrs Robert P Sontag
Ms Marian A Southard
Mr & Mrs Tom & Connie
Rosalie Speciale
Mr. & Mrs Arthur Stafford
Mr Douglas R Stahl
Ms Christina Staveski
William Steineker
Mrs Mary Stevens
Mrs Eleanor J Storms
Mr Fred Suazo
Mr Walter Sudul
Mr & Mrs George L
Bryan Swope
Mr & Mrs Stephen
Szajko Jr
L. Tarangelo
The Church of the
Mr. Harry L. Thomas
Ms Patricia Thomas
Ms Bessie Thomason
Miss Gwendolyn Tise
Mrs. Julia Toms
Mrs Irene Boveri
Mr John T Tracy
Mrs Edward Trizinsky
Mrs W Tulloch
Mrs Mary Uhrig
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W.
Joseph H. Urcavich
Lily Van Halen
Ms Ursula Van Raden
Mary C. Velten
Mr. John L. Venegoni
Ms Thresa Veselosky
Ms Barbara Veteto
Mr & Mrs Erwin J Vickery
Mrs. Matt Vilutis
Mrs Lora E Vineyard
Mrs Judith Walsh
Ms Esther Ward
Mr. David D. Watson
Dr & Mrs Adolph
Mr. Clifford W. Wheeler
Mr Ralph Wheeler
James Wheeler
Thomas White
Mrs Mary Louise
Mr. Francis Whitesell
Mr Tom Widener
Ms Veronica Wilde
Robert Willhite
Mr Randy Williams
Inge Williams
Miss Myrtle Williams
Mrs. Marie Ellen Wilson
Penelope P Wilson
Miss Claudia Wilson
Ms Edna Marie Wood
Mrs. Irma Hill Woody
Mr. Theodore O. Wright
Satoru Yamada
Mr & Mrs Dennis Yancho
Mr Manfred Ziebis
Avis M Zoanni
Christmas Memories 2005
Montessori Christmas program St. Joseph
Donors who contributed $100 or more between January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 were enrolled in the Dawn of Hope
Society. They received a beautiful personalized certificate suitable for framing. Thank you for your generous and caring gifts.
Soaring Eagle Gift Annuities and You
Enjoy peace of mind while living on a fixed
income, even when stock market and interest
rates fluctuate.
With a Soaring Eagle Gift Annuity you not
only receive payments for life but also enjoy
the satisfaction of providing care for Northern
Cheyenne elders. It’s a simple and worry free
way to go. You don’t have to be an expert in
stocks, bonds, indexes or treasury rates. You
don’t have to hire a broker or financial consultant to make your Charitable Gift Annuity.
You will receive fixed payments, monthly,
quarterly or annually according to your wishes,
an income tax deduction, and even a partial
bypass of capital gain tax when transferring
Montessori children’s Christmas program
investment paying poor returns and a
possible reduction of estate taxes. A charitable
gift annuity is a smart option for many of our
older friends. Soaring Eagle Gift Annuities
offer you a high rate of return. Many of
our donors have also invested in additional
annuities because of the attractive tax benefits.
Please complete and return the attached
annuity coupon if you are interested in a
personal proposal showing how a Soaring Eagle
Gift Annuity can work for you.
Singing Christmas carols for the elders
I can’t let our Christmas Day memories this year
fade into history without sharing some of them
with you. At the Heritage Living Center, the
Cheyenne elders eagerly awaited Christmas
morning to open the many gifts beneath our
beautiful Christmas tree in the lobby. For the
newer residents, the day was filled with special
anticipation because they had heard about last
year’s Christmas party.
“I am 79 years-old and I’ve never had a
Christmas like this in all my life!” were the
grateful words of an elder enjoying his first
Christmas with us two years ago. Each year
without saying a single word their twinkling eyes
and joyous laughter expresses how much fun they
have when they open their gifts. They are enjoying the Christmases they never had as children.
During the weeks before Christmas, it
was mostly the ladies who gathered little gifts
and carefully wrapped them for their greatgrandchildren who came to visit. They joined
together to bake ginger bread and then built
ginger bread houses with frosting roofs and
candies as part of the Christmas decorations in
all the common areas of our home.
The week before Christmas was filled with
activities. Choral groups from the schools, girl
scouts and churches came to sing Christmas
carols and brought gifts of cookies and candy.
We even had a Christmas violin concert by
Christine Valentine from Birney, Montana.
The Montessori Christmas program was a special
treat as the little children’s parents, grandparents,
friends and relatives joined the elders to watch
the children reenact the Christmas message.
The greatest blessings for the elders and all
of us at the Soaring Eagle Heritage Living Center
are the generous donations from you, our friends.
It is your generosity, gifts and encouragement
that make this beautiful home, “the miracle
on the hill,” possible.
A church group leaving after singing carols
Fort Robinson when survivors ran from the pursuing
troops. The walls of the shrine will face the four
directions and at the top will appear the Morning
Star symbol of the Northern Cheyenne Nation.
Bronze plaques embedded into the walls will recall
what happened to their ancestors at Fort Robinson
on January 9, 1870.
It is a privilege to live with Cheyenne elders
here at the Soaring Eagle Heritage Living Center.
I thank you, our friends, for making it possible for us
to care for them. Each day in my prayers I ask God
to bless you for your sacrifice and love for these
deserving people.
Advantages of a
Soaring Eagle Gift Annuity
A guaranteed rate
of return for life
Interest rates up to 12%
Immediate and future
tax benefits
Annuity options
to suit your needs
Help care for elders now
and in the future
This memorial is being constructed
near Fort Robinson, Nebraska to honor
the Northern Cheyenne nation.
Your Gift
Lives On
Please use one of the following
sample forms of bequest:
Gift of Life
$500 to $999
of Deposit
Edna Foote admiring the beauty of Eagle Ridge Park.
Carl Braine
gets set to enjoy
a delicious bowl
of ice cream
during his 91st
Birthday Party.
Contract Amount
Rate of Return
Charitable Deduction (Yr. 1) $0
Taxable Income
$1,200/yr Gross Annual Income
Sylvia Elk Shoulder and daughter Ruby assemble jigsaw.
Income Tax Savings (Yr. 1)
*Based on a 92 year-old individual in a 27%
Federal tax bracket, making a $10,000 investment.
Soaring Eagle Annuity contracts are irrevocable,
resulting in the large contribution deduction. The
Certificate of Deposit is a 2-year rate.
B. “I give, devise, and bequeath to
Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws
of the State of Montana, located at
Billings, Montana, ______% of my
C. “I give, devise, and bequeath to
Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws of
the State of Montana, located at Billings,
Montana, the sum of $____________.”
D. “I give, devise, and bequeath to
Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws of
the State of Montana, located at 745
Indian Trail, P.O. Drawer 879 in Billings,
Montana, 59103, the sum of $ ________
for the Wall of Living Memories Fund, to
care for Cheyenne elders, the principal
of which shall remain in perpetuity.”
First aid training for Resident Attendants.
A. (Whatever is left after other bequests
have been granted) “All the rest, residue,
and remainder of my estate, I bequeath
to Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws
of the State of Montana, located at
Billings, Montana.”
These are sample forms only. Consult
your attorney when preparing any legal
I’m interested in a Soaring Eagle Charitable
Gift Annuity. The better rate of return, tax deduction
and eventual charitable contribution to Soaring Eagle
sounds like a WIN WIN WIN opportunity.
Birth date(s) of annuitant_______________________
Annuity Amount $____________________________
(up to 2 names/birthdates allowed per annuity.)
This is a non-binding proposal. Upon receipt of actual
payment for an annuity, a formal contract will be
mailed. For more information call (406) 256-8500.
Soaring Eagle
Important Days We Want to Remember in Our Prayers
You are in our prayers each day and we want to remember your loved ones on their special days as well.
Please print the name(s) you want remembered and return in the envelope provided.
Date of Birthday_______________________________
Date of Death____________________________________
Date of Birthday________________________________
Date of Death____________________________________
745 Indian Trail, P.O. Drawer 879, Billings, Montana 59103-0879
Herb Bear Chum’s biography
Renegade Priest
of the Northern Cheyenne
...continued from the last edition of Signals
The Life and Work of
Father Emmett Hoffmann 1926 –
Father Emmett’s remarkable story
of success is unequaled in the history
of the 20th century Catholic Church
in the American West.
Dear Friends,
I want to share a few
thoughts with you today about why I feel privileged
to live with the Northern Cheyenne elders at the
Soaring Eagle Heritage Living Center. In the main
lobby entrance, above the front doors, we have
BILLINGS MT 59103-0879
Winter 2006
Amazing works of art using only
a magnifying glass and sunlight
Heritage Living Center - Home of Cheyenne elders.
2nd Edition
Order your copy of
Father Emmett’s biography today.
Use the order form below.
Renegade Priest Book Order Form
# of copies ______ @ $16 + $5 S&H = $_____________
# of copies ______ @ $25 + $5 S&H = $_____________
TOTAL $_____________
Please make checks payable to: Father Emmett’s Biography
Father Emmett’s Biography,
Renegade Priest of the
Northern Cheyenne
Book purchases are not tax deductible.
City_______________________ State_____ Zip _________
cold if made to walk in severe weather. He refused to
go. To punish them, the U.S. military locked the
Indians in log barracks without food or water for
many days. Temperatures dropped to below zero.
Among the many people crowded into the barracks were pregnant women and elders and many
small children. The Cheyenne
decided they would rather die running for their lives than to die like
dogs with children in their arms.
Desperate for food and water, they
broke out of the barracks. Seventy Cheyenne were
immediately shot down and died in the snow from
wounds and exposure. Within the next 24 hours
people were found and shot at point blank range,
including little children who
were coaxed out of a hole and
then shot to death when they
climbed out.
Chief Dull Knife, his wife
and son were among the few
who made it to another agency
and eventually returned to
Montana. They survived to tell
the story of the torture and
inhumane treatment they had
Each year on January 9th,
the Northern Cheyenne make a
pilgrimage to Fort Robinson,
Nebraska, to honor Chief Dull
Knife and their ancestors who
died for their freedom. In 2005, eight of our elders,
some in wheelchairs, were among more than 300
Cheyenne who attended the ceremonies to honor
their slain relatives.
Our elders want to build a memorial to honor
their ancestors and to mark the beginning of the
route taken by their ancestors from (continued, inside)
placed likenesses of the great Cheyenne Chiefs Dull
Knife and Little Wolf. These were burned into wood
by solar artist Jonathan Maxwell Beartusk, who used
only a magnifying glass and sunlight to create these
amazing works of art.
The pictures are daily reminders of the famous warrior
grandfathers of the people I rub
elbows with day after day, people who I love and respect with
all my heart. In 1954, their elders welcomed me to the reservation and began to teach me
about their lives and culture.
My life has been enriched many
times over because they asked
me to listen and to learn about
their cultural heritage.
I heard them describe the
sufferings, the broken promises,
and the starvation their parents
and grandparents had endured at the Fort Robinson
Breakout on January 9, 1879. Chief Dull Knife’s band
was at Fort Robinson in Nebraska when they were
ordered to walk and ride in wagons in the dead of
winter to Oklahoma, Indian Territory.
Dull Knife’s people were mostly women and children and the chief knew they would perish in the
by Renee Sansom Flood
Marie and Herb had been
apart for nearly 20 years
when the tragic death of
the son Byron, brought
them back together again.
The family buried Byron
behind the house and
when they lowered the
coffin, Herb thought he
was going to faint. To find out what had really happened
to Byron, Herb went on a 4-day fast and vision quest at
Bear Butte (in South Dakota) where his son came to
him in spirit:
“Dad,” he said, “you haven’t cried. Go ahead and
cry. You’ll feel better.”
I broke down and I couldn’t stop crying. “Lean back
dad and the spirits will show you how I died.” I was
shown that Byron had been killed by a skinhead.
While dealing with his grief, Herb left Montana
but he returned in the 1990s to his ancestral homeland.
He was just in time to take part in the repatriation of
ancestral remains that had been housed for more than a
century in the Smithsonian. Herb felt as if he was
supposed to have returned to take part in the ceremony
close to his ancestors in person and in spirit.
Herb and Marie were happy together. One day, they
ran into Father Emmett. He told them he was building
the Heritage Living Center for Cheyenne elders. Would
they be interested in living there? It was a good idea.
When the Center opened, they were among the first
to move in.
Herb had his family, work that he loved and they
were comfortable in a nice apartment near friends and
relatives. But life isn’t always what it seems. Herb was
shocked to learn that he had cancer. After cancer surgery,
he recuperated and took it easy, but Herb is not the kind
of person who likes to sit around. In 2005, he resumed
his career as Master of Ceremonies for special events.
Herb has no qualms about his future. He has decided
to leave it all in the hands of the Creator. “All my life,”
he says, “I’ve been a homeless person. I never really felt
like I fit in anywhere. When you’re an orphan, you want
to pay back the kindnesses others have shown you. It will
take me forever.”
Native Voice Waterfalls
The larger pool and waterfall at the end of the
winding path is named “Muriel” to honor a gift
from the Paul Morigi family.
Contributions toward landscaping, trees,
shrubbery, benches, picnic tables and to maintain
the park are welcomed. Your loved one will be
honored with a plaque displayed on the Memorial
Wall with your name as the donor.
Eagle Ridge Park is an important part of the
Heritage Living Center. The park was developed
for the resident elders giving them a place where
they can leisurely walk outdoors to enjoy a special
closeness with nature and to watch deer, antelope,
wild turkeys, ducks, (a quick glimpse of a cougar)
and Canadian geese.
Winding paths with benches
and picnic tables allow residents to
enjoy visiting outdoors with relatives
and visitors. From the dining room
they can see Native Voice Waterfalls
that connect three small ponds
and the peaceful sounds of rippling
water in the surrounding pine-hills.
The falls are a memorial gift from
Simone Nahman Leibowitz to honor
the late Liliane Esquiez LaFerla.
The memorial walls around the
ponds honor the living and deceased
loved ones of donors whose contributions helped build the park.
Soaring Eagle Societies
Soaring Eagle has established societies to give proper recognition for outstanding gifts that have been given for the
construction of the Heritage Living Center. Each society shows the level of donors and our gratitude for their generosity.
American Eagle
$25,000 & up
Alex Borkowski
Ms. Marie S. Goldbach
Ms P E Hadlick
Mr. James Maney
Ms Frances Saunders
Carl J Schwerin
Spirit Coming Home
$10,000 to $24,999
Mr Charles Abela
Mrs Madelyn Chafin
Carolyn Damon
Margaret Hams
Mrs Alice Morrison
Mrs. Ethel Ponik
John G Raffensperger MD
Mr S E Rule
Sister Patrick Marie Sharpe
Mrs Leota Snyder
Journey of Life
$5,000 to $9,999
Ms Lois Berlage
R.J. Cartwright
Mr & Mrs Frank Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duffy
Mrs Mathilde Easley
Mrs Lorraine N Hidding
Mr Paul Hojdik
Mr & Mrs Charles E
Andrew & Betty Markey
Judge & Mrs Fred J Moore
Mr Paul Morigi
Mrs Carol Morris
Ms Rust Pappathanasi
Mr Gerald Petersen
Mr & Mrs Ira A Pigg
Mr Michael S Reis
Mrs Mary Grace Snyder
Mr Paul West
Light of Life
$1,000 to $4,999
Claude J Albers
Ms Barbara Albert
Mr & Mrs Lawrence Allen
Mr. Walter T. Allen
Mrs S Allender
Ms Rosemary Altenhofen
Ms. Saundra Alvarez
Ms. Patricia G. Andes
Richard Angus
Dr Mary F Argus
Theresa Aubuchon
Patricia Ballweg
Wayne Barber
Mrs. Bonnie Barlow
Mr. M. H. Barrett
Mrs Elizabeth Bates
Mrs Evelyn Becker
Ms. Elsie Bleimiller
Mr William E Boger
Mrs Elizabeth M. Bonino
Mr & Mrs James J Boock
Ms Agnes Bossing
Mrs Margaret Bowers
Mrs Leona Brewer
Miss Ethel Bruning
Mrs Helen Z Bunker
Bernie & Jayne Buren
Mr William Byers
Mrs Irmgard K Caamano
Mr. Raymond M.
Ms. Sadie Cartwright
Mr. Joseph Cazares
Dr Jessalyne Charles
Charlene Cobb
Mr & Mrs Neil W Cole
Mr & Mrs William J
Corbett III
Ms Eunice Coriell
Paula Coulbourne
Mrs James H Countryman
Mrs Rosemary Dawson
Mr. Leo A Demmer
Mr Jeffrey Dennis
Mr. John F. Devanny
Lynn Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Ms Mildred Dreyer
Mrs Mary Duffy
Pierre Dumonteil
Mrs Walter Dunn
Ms. Jan & Donna Early
Mrs Barbara Edwards
Mrs Edward C Eichhorn
Mrs Bettymae Erb
Mr & Mrs Wynston E
Miss Delia Fajardo
Mrs Thomas Faulkner
R. A. Fernandes
Mr Florido Filippini
E. Fisher
Mr David Fitzsimmons
Virginia Foote
Mr Russell Ford
Mr Wm N Foss
Hattie Freda
Betty Fritchen
Mrs Shirley Fultz
Mrs E W Garrott
Mr Bernard T Gascon
Mr Denis M Geraghty
Miss Carolyn L. Gerrety
Ms Regina R Gilmartin
Mrs Valeda Gordon
Mrs Arthur W Graham
Mr & Mrs Wayne Griep
Ms Catherine B Griffith
Mrs Joyce A Guido
Joyce Hansen
Mrs Dorothy Harvey
Mr. Joseph F. Hattan
Ms. Lucille Haupt
Mr. Robert Havekotte
Michael Hawes
Mrs Adelaide Haxton
Mr & Mrs John Hearson
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Henry
Mrs Jessie Hill
Mr & Mrs J L & Edna
Ms Beatrice Hsiu
Ruth Hughes
Ms G Huisking
Mr & Mrs James M
Humber Jr
Svante Humbla
Mrs Mary Hummeler
Helen B. Hunker
Mrs Dorothy Jackson
Ms Lois A Johns
Ms Jennifer Johnson
Mrs Margaret S Jones
Mr & Mrs Wade Judy
Mrs Gertrude Just
Mr Richard L Kagarise
Mary B. Kasbohm
Ms. Elsie Kautzky
Mr & Mrs Ray & Diane
Helen F Kelbert
Helen Kennedy
Mr Michael Kovac
Mr & Mrs Gerald Kraft
Mr W T Lander
Phil Leak
Mr Francis Lehar
Mr. Francis P. Lehar
Simone Leibowitz
Ms Laura Lindsey
B Lochridge
Col. John J Mac Gregor
Mrs Linda Mackay
Mr & Mrs John A Malecha
Rosalia Maloney
Mr. Joseph E. Marsh
Mrs Edwin P Marshick
Mr & Mrs Joseph Martinez
Mrs Nelda McDermott
Alftruda McDonald
Mr. Lester W. McKee
Hunter R McKee
Ms Irene A Melnyk
Mr Francis D Milistefr
Mrs Jean A Mooney
Mr Robert Morrison
Bert Morton
Ms Rose C Munoz
Mrs. Rose Namaka
Fred & Marilyn K. Nations
Ms. Jannette Nesson
Mr Bob G Newgen
Mrs John H Newman
Mr & Mrs Jerry Nightingale
Anna Belle Nimmo
Louis Noffsinger
Mr & Mrs Edward Noha
Mary E Norckauer
James P O’Connor
Mr Jamie Olson
Ms Mary Papadopetros
Mr Robert E Parrish
Ms Jeannette A Pennock
Mr Phillip Poneck
Father Peter Powell
Mr & Mrs Richard
Ms Dorothy Pryor
Ms Arlene Putt
Mary C Racki
Ms Lacy W Rasberry
Mr & Mrs Ted W Rasor
Ms. Marilyn J Rehnberg
Ms Agnes E Reich
Mr & Mrs Edward J Reid
Ann Reilly
Mr Gerard Reilly
Ms. Patricia J RektorikSprinkle
Mr Richard Renkun Sr
Mr L Richardson Jr
Ms. Margaret J. Robertson
Mrs Marjorie Robison
Mr & Mrs Thomas E Rohr
Ms Mary A Rosania
Mr Steve Rosenberger
Mr George E Rosness
Maj Leonard Rother
Mrs Charlotte Ruff Griffin
Mr & Mrs David & M
Patricia Russell
Ms Kay Saito
Ms Amy T Saito
Clara V. Salsberry
Ms. Joanne Sauer
Harold Schippert
Ms Virginia E Schwatel
Mr. Michael Scoggon
Ms Carolyn Jane Scott
Ms. Theresa Serafini
Cora E Sevilles
Ms. Martha Shalvatis
Mr & Mrs Harold W
Mrs Barbara R Smart
Irene H. Sowa
Mrs Marina F Speir
Dr & Mrs Kenneth P
Ms Robyn Stockton
Mrs. Mary L. Story
Ms Nancy J Stratford
Ms Irma V Strong
Ms Ann Sullivan
Ms. Andrea Sununu
Mary B. Tarpey
Miss Marlys E Tedin
Mr Bert J Theriault
Mr Donald Thorn
Mrs Jack Threet
Mrs. Peter Tighe
Elizabeth M Tinter
Mr Wallace Tippery
Rev. Francis Toan
Mrs Nels E Turnquist
Ms Margaret Ullmann
Mr. and Mrs. Alban F.
Mr & Mrs Roldan Vigil
Mr & Mrs. Edwin Vilim
Mr & Mrs E N Votry
Mrs Willard Walker
Ms. Nancy A. Wang
Mrs Doris Warren
Dr. Olga P. Weber
Mrs Geraldine Weiss
Dr Margaret Weiss
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Wells
Ms. Joan Wetherell
Edwin F Wilkins
Mr Carl B Williams
Ms Dorothea Winek
Kim Wineland
Rev Thomas Winikates
Bert F Winston Jr
Ms Alice Wiren
Mr Earl E Wischemier
Dr Mary Jean Wood
Richard L Woodhams
Ms Alice Yancey
Ms. Alyce Youngson
Gift of Life
$500 to $999
Mrs. George Abbood
Amelia A Altomare
Bernard & Colleen
Mrs Jeanette M Andrews
Ms Judith Andruczyk
Mr James Angerer
Daphne Aurness
W T Avara Jr
Sally Mary Aylward
Mr John Bakker
Mr & Mrs Joseph Barovelli
Ms Jean E Bart
Ms Mary Bauer
Mr. Lincoln Baxter II
Mr Raymond Becker
Ms Mary Bennett
Ms Barbara Berger
Mr John J Bernet
Ms Mary S Bethea
Mr & Mrs Shuman Bickel
Elske Bicknell
Ms Judith Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Bluntzer Jr
Mrs C L Book
Father Joseph J Borodach
Ms Eugenia H Borum
Ms Betty Bowman
Mrs Jim Boyce
Rev John A Brady SJ
Mr Herman Braun
Miss Mary Ellen Bray
Miss Marion I Breen
Mr John C Brennan
Mrs Kathryn Brilhart
Marianne U Buddington
David Burke
Mr Lester Bussman
Ms Lilliam Butler
George L. Byers
Mrs Jenny W Bylander
Mr Patrick Campbell
Mrs William H Cannon
Deetta G Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Carson
Mrs Beulah A. Case
Mr E M Casey
Ms Therese Cashman
Shirley M Castle
Ms Charlotte Champagne
Mrs Ottilie Champion
Ms Joan Cheney
Kathlyn E Chismar
Mrs Deanna B Chott
SS Peter & Paul Catholic
Mr. Cono A Cimino
Mr Jackie R Cissell
Mr & Mrs Robert Clabby
Larry & Sonia Clem
Ms Krimhilde Cline
S. J. Cobian
Mr John Collins
Mr Joe F Collins
Ms. Mary L. Conway
Mrs John B Cooke
Mr Leland Cote
Ms Joyce Craig
Ms Thelma Craig
Ms Dorothy Crowell
Ms Margaret Cummings
Harriet Cunningham
Paul Curci
Mr Gary S Curran
Janet & Dorothy Curry
John E. Cuthrell
Mrs Grace Dannenberg
Mrs Karen Dansfield
John F. Dargin, Jr. Trustee
Ms Kathleen Davidson
Ms. Judith Dawson
Mrs Helen Dawson
Ms. Josephine Dellano
Ms. Carolyn Derr
Ms. Ann Dessert
Mrs Audrey Devine
Melvin Dickerson
Mrs Mary Discavage
Mr Roy D Doerfler
Mrs Virginia Dote
Ms. Marianne Downes
Mrs Suzanne Dunbar
Mr Joseph A Duva
Ms Agnes Dvorak
Mr Leo Dyga
Mrs Betty Edgerly
Ms. Dorothy & Catherine
Ms Janet E Elder
Chester Eschen Jr
Mr Robert S Evanski
Edward A. Everett
Miss Mary Fabricius
Mr & Mrs Charles Fain
Mr. Wilfred V Farnham
Mrs Celeste Farr
Mr. David P. Faulkner Jr
Mr Gilbert Ferland
David Finnance
Mrs John E Fischer
Ms Dorothe Fitzpatrick
Dr & Mrs Thomas M
Mrs Mary Flynn
Miss Bernice Foote
Mrs Grace C Forlenza
Mrs. Eva Forndran
Mr & Mrs Marvin Franke
Mr Jerry Franklin
Mr. Elias T. Galindo
Mr & Mrs James T
Mr. John Gardner
Mrs Marcia Gedanken
Leo Gellings
Mr Charles Gentges
Mr Richard Gerhards
Ms Dorothy T Geyer
Mr Edward H Gibbons
Mr Geo Gilmore
Mr & Mrs Marvin Glasgow
Mr Aaron W. Godfrey
Ms Barbara Goforth
Rose Anne Goodrow
Mr Patrick Gossman
Ms. Gertrude Goudy
Kathy M. Grabowski
Joe & Mary Grimes
Ms Constance Grisard
Ms Louise Grout
Ms. Barbara Gurtler
Guy Reno Foundation
Mrs Louis W Haar
Ms Evelyne Hamilton
Frank & Margaret Hankins
Ms. Dorothy Hanna
Mrs Leslie Harrell
Ms Bette Harrington
Ms Virginia M Head
Mr & Mrs Albert J Hefner
Mrs Dolores E Helton
Ms Elizabeth Herr
Ms Susan Heyburn
Rosemary Higginson
Miss Renee Hill
Ms. Florence H Hochwalt
Mr Albert Hoelker
Mr Henry I Holtz
Mr. William A Hood
Olivia Hopfe
Ms Anita Horbacz
Ann M Horick
Julia Houston
Mr John H. Hudson
Mr Raymond Hufnagel
Miss Ann Incoronato
Mr & Mrs D B Jackson
Mrs. Dorothy Jackson
Thomas Jacobs
Ms. Regina O. Janes
Bertolet Janiszewski
Mrs Arthur E Jensen
Col. Phyllis Jo Johnson
Mr Robert Johnson
Marion L. Johnson
Ms. Rita B Jolly
Lori Jordan
Mr Eugene R Junette
Mr & Mrs Edward E
Laszlo & Ingrid Jurak
Ms Dorothea Kaitz
William F. Kamin
Mr. Julius Katchur
Ms. Helen M Kearney
Mr Hugh R Kerrigan
Mrs David P Knopp
Ms Mary Kohne
Ms Emily Kopley
John J. Korfhage
Mrs. Elizabeth Kost
Rev Richard J Kozak
Mr & Mrs Bill Krause
Mr. Leonard S Krofka
Sandra A. Kruzman
Ms Patricia Kuhrt
Mr Eugene Lamb
Mr George Laurence
Dolores A Leander
Mr Richard L Lechaux
Mr John Leidy
Mr D M Leiendecker
Mrs Loretta Levesque
Jacob Levine
Mrs. Anna Lewis
Ming Liao
Mrs. Johanna Lisik
Ms Mary Beth Lodge
Mrs. Ruth Lodge
Mr. Joseph Lodge
Mr & Mrs Vincent Loizzo
Roy A Lucier
Mr & Mrs James Lundy
Mrs J W Lynch
Barbara Mabrey
Mary J Mackey
Mrs John S. Maclaren
Joseph Maksin
Mr. Lawrence W Malavita
Mrs Betty Malcomb
Ms. Maureen Mann
Mrs Karen Q Mann
Ms Rosemary Maroney
Roddy Martin
Betty Martin
Ms. Georgia Mason
Ms. Juanita Maxwell
Mr Phillip A Mc Dermott
Mr & Mrs John R
Mc Gregor
Mr. Charles T. Mc Kinnie
Jane McCloskey
Sharon McCormick
Mr Leland McCoy
Mrs Patricia McCullough
Mr & Mrs Edward J.
Ms Ramona McLendon
Miss Anne McManus
Mr Ronald McMillan
Mrs J McVeigh
Mr & Mrs Francis W
Johanna Y. Meara
Ms. Marga Meier
Charles Merrill, Jr.
Mr Richard L Merritt
Mr Walter Milburn
Mr Joseph Miller
Ms. Rita Miller
Mr Norman B Mills
Mrs Priscilla Mills
Beatrice Mink
Ms Marion Mirehouse
Ms Barbara Mitchell
Dr & Mrs Jorge Miyares
Miss Teresa M Modica
Ms. Maryse Monteiro
Naomi C Moore
Mr. Ronald J. Morrissey
Mr Richard Morrow
Mr Joseph Murphy
Mr Rich Mutherspaw
Ms. Cynthia R Myers
Mr William J Myhre
Ms Rosemary Nagle
Mr. Nathan Narrance
Dr William P Nelson
Barbara J Nelson
Ms. Maria Nicklaus
Naomi E Nord Trust
Mr. James W Norris
Archie Novotny
Mrs Ray P Oden Jr
Mr Thomas E Ohnesorge
Mr. Edward Ortiz
Ms Dorothy E Otter
Ms Margie Lee Packard
Mr Philip Palmer
Michael Palushock
Ms. Ruth K. Panella
Dr Joan Parry
Mrs William Parson
Mrs Madeline Patton
Ms Lorraine Pearson
Ms Debbie Pearson
Mr & Mrs Don Peltier
Mrs Mary V Pendleton
Ms Marvel Perilla
Lloyd W Perkins
Mr & Mrs Frank H
Mrs. Noelie D. Pfeffer
Anez P Pitcock
Dr Leslie Polland
Ms. Barbara Poscich
Ms Joy Posey
Mrs Sandra B Powley
Joe & Alexis Pozdol
Mrs. Esther Price
Mr Adam Pulaski
Ms Stella Rand
Robert Raskind
Mr Alex Ravnik
Mrs John A Reilly
Mr Harvey K Reyner
Thomas Rhett
Dorothy E Rice
Mr Charles G Roberts
Ms June A Robinette
Ms Mary Robinson
Douglas & Peggy Robison
Mr Bryan Roelfs
Ms. Doris Rossomme
Ms Judy Rowan
Mr. Edward Safford
Mr & Mrs Tom & Gloria
Mrs Mary Sayles
Mr. Thomas M. Scally
Ms Mary Schappell
Mr Carl Schell
Miss Mary Schory
Mr & Mrs Helmut
Mr. Larry Schronce
William J Schull
Mrs Patricia A Serio
Mr Harry Shade
Mr & Mrs Edward F Shea
Mrs Helen Shepard
Mrs Gail Shevlin
Mr K Shiroishi
Marcia Sigler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Miss Lynn E Smith
Mr & Mrs Harry &
Kay Smith
Russell T Snip M.D.
Mr Edward Sons
Mr & Mrs Robert P Sontag
Ms Marian A Southard
Mr & Mrs Tom & Connie
Rosalie Speciale
Mr. & Mrs Arthur Stafford
Mr Douglas R Stahl
Ms Christina Staveski
William Steineker
Mrs Mary Stevens
Mrs Eleanor J Storms
Mr Fred Suazo
Mr Walter Sudul
Mr & Mrs George L
Bryan Swope
Mr & Mrs Stephen
Szajko Jr
L. Tarangelo
The Church of the
Mr. Harry L. Thomas
Ms Patricia Thomas
Ms Bessie Thomason
Miss Gwendolyn Tise
Mrs. Julia Toms
Mrs Irene Boveri
Mr John T Tracy
Mrs Edward Trizinsky
Mrs W Tulloch
Mrs Mary Uhrig
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W.
Joseph H. Urcavich
Lily Van Halen
Ms Ursula Van Raden
Mary C. Velten
Mr. John L. Venegoni
Ms Thresa Veselosky
Ms Barbara Veteto
Mr & Mrs Erwin J Vickery
Mrs. Matt Vilutis
Mrs Lora E Vineyard
Mrs Judith Walsh
Ms Esther Ward
Mr. David D. Watson
Dr & Mrs Adolph
Mr. Clifford W. Wheeler
Mr Ralph Wheeler
James Wheeler
Thomas White
Mrs Mary Louise
Mr. Francis Whitesell
Mr Tom Widener
Ms Veronica Wilde
Robert Willhite
Mr Randy Williams
Inge Williams
Miss Myrtle Williams
Mrs. Marie Ellen Wilson
Penelope P Wilson
Miss Claudia Wilson
Ms Edna Marie Wood
Mrs. Irma Hill Woody
Mr. Theodore O. Wright
Satoru Yamada
Mr & Mrs Dennis Yancho
Mr Manfred Ziebis
Avis M Zoanni
Christmas Memories 2005
Montessori Christmas program St. Joseph
Donors who contributed $100 or more between January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 were enrolled in the Dawn of Hope
Society. They received a beautiful personalized certificate suitable for framing. Thank you for your generous and caring gifts.
Soaring Eagle Gift Annuities and You
Enjoy peace of mind while living on a fixed
income, even when stock market and interest
rates fluctuate.
With a Soaring Eagle Gift Annuity you not
only receive payments for life but also enjoy
the satisfaction of providing care for Northern
Cheyenne elders. It’s a simple and worry free
way to go. You don’t have to be an expert in
stocks, bonds, indexes or treasury rates. You
don’t have to hire a broker or financial consultant to make your Charitable Gift Annuity.
You will receive fixed payments, monthly,
quarterly or annually according to your wishes,
an income tax deduction, and even a partial
bypass of capital gain tax when transferring
Montessori children’s Christmas program
investment paying poor returns and a
possible reduction of estate taxes. A charitable
gift annuity is a smart option for many of our
older friends. Soaring Eagle Gift Annuities
offer you a high rate of return. Many of
our donors have also invested in additional
annuities because of the attractive tax benefits.
Please complete and return the attached
annuity coupon if you are interested in a
personal proposal showing how a Soaring Eagle
Gift Annuity can work for you.
Singing Christmas carols for the elders
I can’t let our Christmas Day memories this year
fade into history without sharing some of them
with you. At the Heritage Living Center, the
Cheyenne elders eagerly awaited Christmas
morning to open the many gifts beneath our
beautiful Christmas tree in the lobby. For the
newer residents, the day was filled with special
anticipation because they had heard about last
year’s Christmas party.
“I am 79 years-old and I’ve never had a
Christmas like this in all my life!” were the
grateful words of an elder enjoying his first
Christmas with us two years ago. Each year
without saying a single word their twinkling eyes
and joyous laughter expresses how much fun they
have when they open their gifts. They are enjoying the Christmases they never had as children.
During the weeks before Christmas, it
was mostly the ladies who gathered little gifts
and carefully wrapped them for their greatgrandchildren who came to visit. They joined
together to bake ginger bread and then built
ginger bread houses with frosting roofs and
candies as part of the Christmas decorations in
all the common areas of our home.
The week before Christmas was filled with
activities. Choral groups from the schools, girl
scouts and churches came to sing Christmas
carols and brought gifts of cookies and candy.
We even had a Christmas violin concert by
Christine Valentine from Birney, Montana.
The Montessori Christmas program was a special
treat as the little children’s parents, grandparents,
friends and relatives joined the elders to watch
the children reenact the Christmas message.
The greatest blessings for the elders and all
of us at the Soaring Eagle Heritage Living Center
are the generous donations from you, our friends.
It is your generosity, gifts and encouragement
that make this beautiful home, “the miracle
on the hill,” possible.
A church group leaving after singing carols
Fort Robinson when survivors ran from the pursuing
troops. The walls of the shrine will face the four
directions and at the top will appear the Morning
Star symbol of the Northern Cheyenne Nation.
Bronze plaques embedded into the walls will recall
what happened to their ancestors at Fort Robinson
on January 9, 1870.
It is a privilege to live with Cheyenne elders
here at the Soaring Eagle Heritage Living Center.
I thank you, our friends, for making it possible for us
to care for them. Each day in my prayers I ask God
to bless you for your sacrifice and love for these
deserving people.
Advantages of a
Soaring Eagle Gift Annuity
A guaranteed rate
of return for life
Interest rates up to 12%
Immediate and future
tax benefits
Annuity options
to suit your needs
Help care for elders now
and in the future
This memorial is being constructed
near Fort Robinson, Nebraska to honor
the Northern Cheyenne nation.
Your Gift
Lives On
Please use one of the following
sample forms of bequest:
Gift of Life
$500 to $999
of Deposit
Edna Foote admiring the beauty of Eagle Ridge Park.
Carl Braine
gets set to enjoy
a delicious bowl
of ice cream
during his 91st
Birthday Party.
Contract Amount
Rate of Return
Charitable Deduction (Yr. 1) $0
Taxable Income
$1,200/yr Gross Annual Income
Sylvia Elk Shoulder and daughter Ruby assemble jigsaw.
Income Tax Savings (Yr. 1)
*Based on a 92 year-old individual in a 27%
Federal tax bracket, making a $10,000 investment.
Soaring Eagle Annuity contracts are irrevocable,
resulting in the large contribution deduction. The
Certificate of Deposit is a 2-year rate.
B. “I give, devise, and bequeath to
Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws
of the State of Montana, located at
Billings, Montana, ______% of my
C. “I give, devise, and bequeath to
Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws of
the State of Montana, located at Billings,
Montana, the sum of $____________.”
D. “I give, devise, and bequeath to
Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws of
the State of Montana, located at 745
Indian Trail, P.O. Drawer 879 in Billings,
Montana, 59103, the sum of $ ________
for the Wall of Living Memories Fund, to
care for Cheyenne elders, the principal
of which shall remain in perpetuity.”
First aid training for Resident Attendants.
A. (Whatever is left after other bequests
have been granted) “All the rest, residue,
and remainder of my estate, I bequeath
to Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws
of the State of Montana, located at
Billings, Montana.”
These are sample forms only. Consult
your attorney when preparing any legal
I’m interested in a Soaring Eagle Charitable
Gift Annuity. The better rate of return, tax deduction
and eventual charitable contribution to Soaring Eagle
sounds like a WIN WIN WIN opportunity.
Birth date(s) of annuitant_______________________
Annuity Amount $____________________________
(up to 2 names/birthdates allowed per annuity.)
This is a non-binding proposal. Upon receipt of actual
payment for an annuity, a formal contract will be
mailed. For more information call (406) 256-8500.
Soaring Eagle
Important Days We Want to Remember in Our Prayers
You are in our prayers each day and we want to remember your loved ones on their special days as well.
Please print the name(s) you want remembered and return in the envelope provided.
Date of Birthday_______________________________
Date of Death____________________________________
Date of Birthday________________________________
Date of Death____________________________________
745 Indian Trail, P.O. Drawer 879, Billings, Montana 59103-0879
Herb Bear Chum’s biography
Renegade Priest
of the Northern Cheyenne
...continued from the last edition of Signals
The Life and Work of
Father Emmett Hoffmann 1926 –
Father Emmett’s remarkable story
of success is unequaled in the history
of the 20th century Catholic Church
in the American West.
Dear Friends,
I want to share a few
thoughts with you today about why I feel privileged
to live with the Northern Cheyenne elders at the
Soaring Eagle Heritage Living Center. In the main
lobby entrance, above the front doors, we have
BILLINGS MT 59103-0879
Winter 2006
Amazing works of art using only
a magnifying glass and sunlight
Heritage Living Center - Home of Cheyenne elders.
2nd Edition
Order your copy of
Father Emmett’s biography today.
Use the order form below.
Renegade Priest Book Order Form
# of copies ______ @ $16 + $5 S&H = $_____________
# of copies ______ @ $25 + $5 S&H = $_____________
TOTAL $_____________
Please make checks payable to: Father Emmett’s Biography
Father Emmett’s Biography,
Renegade Priest of the
Northern Cheyenne
Book purchases are not tax deductible.
City_______________________ State_____ Zip _________
cold if made to walk in severe weather. He refused to
go. To punish them, the U.S. military locked the
Indians in log barracks without food or water for
many days. Temperatures dropped to below zero.
Among the many people crowded into the barracks were pregnant women and elders and many
small children. The Cheyenne
decided they would rather die running for their lives than to die like
dogs with children in their arms.
Desperate for food and water, they
broke out of the barracks. Seventy Cheyenne were
immediately shot down and died in the snow from
wounds and exposure. Within the next 24 hours
people were found and shot at point blank range,
including little children who
were coaxed out of a hole and
then shot to death when they
climbed out.
Chief Dull Knife, his wife
and son were among the few
who made it to another agency
and eventually returned to
Montana. They survived to tell
the story of the torture and
inhumane treatment they had
Each year on January 9th,
the Northern Cheyenne make a
pilgrimage to Fort Robinson,
Nebraska, to honor Chief Dull
Knife and their ancestors who
died for their freedom. In 2005, eight of our elders,
some in wheelchairs, were among more than 300
Cheyenne who attended the ceremonies to honor
their slain relatives.
Our elders want to build a memorial to honor
their ancestors and to mark the beginning of the
route taken by their ancestors from (continued, inside)
placed likenesses of the great Cheyenne Chiefs Dull
Knife and Little Wolf. These were burned into wood
by solar artist Jonathan Maxwell Beartusk, who used
only a magnifying glass and sunlight to create these
amazing works of art.
The pictures are daily reminders of the famous warrior
grandfathers of the people I rub
elbows with day after day, people who I love and respect with
all my heart. In 1954, their elders welcomed me to the reservation and began to teach me
about their lives and culture.
My life has been enriched many
times over because they asked
me to listen and to learn about
their cultural heritage.
I heard them describe the
sufferings, the broken promises,
and the starvation their parents
and grandparents had endured at the Fort Robinson
Breakout on January 9, 1879. Chief Dull Knife’s band
was at Fort Robinson in Nebraska when they were
ordered to walk and ride in wagons in the dead of
winter to Oklahoma, Indian Territory.
Dull Knife’s people were mostly women and children and the chief knew they would perish in the
by Renee Sansom Flood
Marie and Herb had been
apart for nearly 20 years
when the tragic death of
the son Byron, brought
them back together again.
The family buried Byron
behind the house and
when they lowered the
coffin, Herb thought he
was going to faint. To find out what had really happened
to Byron, Herb went on a 4-day fast and vision quest at
Bear Butte (in South Dakota) where his son came to
him in spirit:
“Dad,” he said, “you haven’t cried. Go ahead and
cry. You’ll feel better.”
I broke down and I couldn’t stop crying. “Lean back
dad and the spirits will show you how I died.” I was
shown that Byron had been killed by a skinhead.
While dealing with his grief, Herb left Montana
but he returned in the 1990s to his ancestral homeland.
He was just in time to take part in the repatriation of
ancestral remains that had been housed for more than a
century in the Smithsonian. Herb felt as if he was
supposed to have returned to take part in the ceremony
close to his ancestors in person and in spirit.
Herb and Marie were happy together. One day, they
ran into Father Emmett. He told them he was building
the Heritage Living Center for Cheyenne elders. Would
they be interested in living there? It was a good idea.
When the Center opened, they were among the first
to move in.
Herb had his family, work that he loved and they
were comfortable in a nice apartment near friends and
relatives. But life isn’t always what it seems. Herb was
shocked to learn that he had cancer. After cancer surgery,
he recuperated and took it easy, but Herb is not the kind
of person who likes to sit around. In 2005, he resumed
his career as Master of Ceremonies for special events.
Herb has no qualms about his future. He has decided
to leave it all in the hands of the Creator. “All my life,”
he says, “I’ve been a homeless person. I never really felt
like I fit in anywhere. When you’re an orphan, you want
to pay back the kindnesses others have shown you. It will
take me forever.”
Native Voice Waterfalls
The larger pool and waterfall at the end of the
winding path is named “Muriel” to honor a gift
from the Paul Morigi family.
Contributions toward landscaping, trees,
shrubbery, benches, picnic tables and to maintain
the park are welcomed. Your loved one will be
honored with a plaque displayed on the Memorial
Wall with your name as the donor.
Eagle Ridge Park is an important part of the
Heritage Living Center. The park was developed
for the resident elders giving them a place where
they can leisurely walk outdoors to enjoy a special
closeness with nature and to watch deer, antelope,
wild turkeys, ducks, (a quick glimpse of a cougar)
and Canadian geese.
Winding paths with benches
and picnic tables allow residents to
enjoy visiting outdoors with relatives
and visitors. From the dining room
they can see Native Voice Waterfalls
that connect three small ponds
and the peaceful sounds of rippling
water in the surrounding pine-hills.
The falls are a memorial gift from
Simone Nahman Leibowitz to honor
the late Liliane Esquiez LaFerla.
The memorial walls around the
ponds honor the living and deceased
loved ones of donors whose contributions helped build the park.
Soaring Eagle Societies
Soaring Eagle has established societies to give proper recognition for outstanding gifts that have been given for the
construction of the Heritage Living Center. Each society shows the level of donors and our gratitude for their generosity.
American Eagle
$25,000 & up
Alex Borkowski
Ms. Marie S. Goldbach
Ms P E Hadlick
Mr. James Maney
Ms Frances Saunders
Carl J Schwerin
Spirit Coming Home
$10,000 to $24,999
Mr Charles Abela
Mrs Madelyn Chafin
Carolyn Damon
Margaret Hams
Mrs Alice Morrison
Mrs. Ethel Ponik
John G Raffensperger MD
Mr S E Rule
Sister Patrick Marie Sharpe
Mrs Leota Snyder
Journey of Life
$5,000 to $9,999
Ms Lois Berlage
R.J. Cartwright
Mr & Mrs Frank Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duffy
Mrs Mathilde Easley
Mrs Lorraine N Hidding
Mr Paul Hojdik
Mr & Mrs Charles E
Andrew & Betty Markey
Judge & Mrs Fred J Moore
Mr Paul Morigi
Mrs Carol Morris
Ms Rust Pappathanasi
Mr Gerald Petersen
Mr & Mrs Ira A Pigg
Mr Michael S Reis
Mrs Mary Grace Snyder
Mr Paul West
Light of Life
$1,000 to $4,999
Claude J Albers
Ms Barbara Albert
Mr & Mrs Lawrence Allen
Mr. Walter T. Allen
Mrs S Allender
Ms Rosemary Altenhofen
Ms. Saundra Alvarez
Ms. Patricia G. Andes
Richard Angus
Dr Mary F Argus
Theresa Aubuchon
Patricia Ballweg
Wayne Barber
Mrs. Bonnie Barlow
Mr. M. H. Barrett
Mrs Elizabeth Bates
Mrs Evelyn Becker
Ms. Elsie Bleimiller
Mr William E Boger
Mrs Elizabeth M. Bonino
Mr & Mrs James J Boock
Ms Agnes Bossing
Mrs Margaret Bowers
Mrs Leona Brewer
Miss Ethel Bruning
Mrs Helen Z Bunker
Bernie & Jayne Buren
Mr William Byers
Mrs Irmgard K Caamano
Mr. Raymond M.
Ms. Sadie Cartwright
Mr. Joseph Cazares
Dr Jessalyne Charles
Charlene Cobb
Mr & Mrs Neil W Cole
Mr & Mrs William J
Corbett III
Ms Eunice Coriell
Paula Coulbourne
Mrs James H Countryman
Mrs Rosemary Dawson
Mr. Leo A Demmer
Mr Jeffrey Dennis
Mr. John F. Devanny
Lynn Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Ms Mildred Dreyer
Mrs Mary Duffy
Pierre Dumonteil
Mrs Walter Dunn
Ms. Jan & Donna Early
Mrs Barbara Edwards
Mrs Edward C Eichhorn
Mrs Bettymae Erb
Mr & Mrs Wynston E
Miss Delia Fajardo
Mrs Thomas Faulkner
R. A. Fernandes
Mr Florido Filippini
E. Fisher
Mr David Fitzsimmons
Virginia Foote
Mr Russell Ford
Mr Wm N Foss
Hattie Freda
Betty Fritchen
Mrs Shirley Fultz
Mrs E W Garrott
Mr Bernard T Gascon
Mr Denis M Geraghty
Miss Carolyn L. Gerrety
Ms Regina R Gilmartin
Mrs Valeda Gordon
Mrs Arthur W Graham
Mr & Mrs Wayne Griep
Ms Catherine B Griffith
Mrs Joyce A Guido
Joyce Hansen
Mrs Dorothy Harvey
Mr. Joseph F. Hattan
Ms. Lucille Haupt
Mr. Robert Havekotte
Michael Hawes
Mrs Adelaide Haxton
Mr & Mrs John Hearson
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Henry
Mrs Jessie Hill
Mr & Mrs J L & Edna
Ms Beatrice Hsiu
Ruth Hughes
Ms G Huisking
Mr & Mrs James M
Humber Jr
Svante Humbla
Mrs Mary Hummeler
Helen B. Hunker
Mrs Dorothy Jackson
Ms Lois A Johns
Ms Jennifer Johnson
Mrs Margaret S Jones
Mr & Mrs Wade Judy
Mrs Gertrude Just
Mr Richard L Kagarise
Mary B. Kasbohm
Ms. Elsie Kautzky
Mr & Mrs Ray & Diane
Helen F Kelbert
Helen Kennedy
Mr Michael Kovac
Mr & Mrs Gerald Kraft
Mr W T Lander
Phil Leak
Mr Francis Lehar
Mr. Francis P. Lehar
Simone Leibowitz
Ms Laura Lindsey
B Lochridge
Col. John J Mac Gregor
Mrs Linda Mackay
Mr & Mrs John A Malecha
Rosalia Maloney
Mr. Joseph E. Marsh
Mrs Edwin P Marshick
Mr & Mrs Joseph Martinez
Mrs Nelda McDermott
Alftruda McDonald
Mr. Lester W. McKee
Hunter R McKee
Ms Irene A Melnyk
Mr Francis D Milistefr
Mrs Jean A Mooney
Mr Robert Morrison
Bert Morton
Ms Rose C Munoz
Mrs. Rose Namaka
Fred & Marilyn K. Nations
Ms. Jannette Nesson
Mr Bob G Newgen
Mrs John H Newman
Mr & Mrs Jerry Nightingale
Anna Belle Nimmo
Louis Noffsinger
Mr & Mrs Edward Noha
Mary E Norckauer
James P O’Connor
Mr Jamie Olson
Ms Mary Papadopetros
Mr Robert E Parrish
Ms Jeannette A Pennock
Mr Phillip Poneck
Father Peter Powell
Mr & Mrs Richard
Ms Dorothy Pryor
Ms Arlene Putt
Mary C Racki
Ms Lacy W Rasberry
Mr & Mrs Ted W Rasor
Ms. Marilyn J Rehnberg
Ms Agnes E Reich
Mr & Mrs Edward J Reid
Ann Reilly
Mr Gerard Reilly
Ms. Patricia J RektorikSprinkle
Mr Richard Renkun Sr
Mr L Richardson Jr
Ms. Margaret J. Robertson
Mrs Marjorie Robison
Mr & Mrs Thomas E Rohr
Ms Mary A Rosania
Mr Steve Rosenberger
Mr George E Rosness
Maj Leonard Rother
Mrs Charlotte Ruff Griffin
Mr & Mrs David & M
Patricia Russell
Ms Kay Saito
Ms Amy T Saito
Clara V. Salsberry
Ms. Joanne Sauer
Harold Schippert
Ms Virginia E Schwatel
Mr. Michael Scoggon
Ms Carolyn Jane Scott
Ms. Theresa Serafini
Cora E Sevilles
Ms. Martha Shalvatis
Mr & Mrs Harold W
Mrs Barbara R Smart
Irene H. Sowa
Mrs Marina F Speir
Dr & Mrs Kenneth P
Ms Robyn Stockton
Mrs. Mary L. Story
Ms Nancy J Stratford
Ms Irma V Strong
Ms Ann Sullivan
Ms. Andrea Sununu
Mary B. Tarpey
Miss Marlys E Tedin
Mr Bert J Theriault
Mr Donald Thorn
Mrs Jack Threet
Mrs. Peter Tighe
Elizabeth M Tinter
Mr Wallace Tippery
Rev. Francis Toan
Mrs Nels E Turnquist
Ms Margaret Ullmann
Mr. and Mrs. Alban F.
Mr & Mrs Roldan Vigil
Mr & Mrs. Edwin Vilim
Mr & Mrs E N Votry
Mrs Willard Walker
Ms. Nancy A. Wang
Mrs Doris Warren
Dr. Olga P. Weber
Mrs Geraldine Weiss
Dr Margaret Weiss
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Wells
Ms. Joan Wetherell
Edwin F Wilkins
Mr Carl B Williams
Ms Dorothea Winek
Kim Wineland
Rev Thomas Winikates
Bert F Winston Jr
Ms Alice Wiren
Mr Earl E Wischemier
Dr Mary Jean Wood
Richard L Woodhams
Ms Alice Yancey
Ms. Alyce Youngson
Gift of Life
$500 to $999
Mrs. George Abbood
Amelia A Altomare
Bernard & Colleen
Mrs Jeanette M Andrews
Ms Judith Andruczyk
Mr James Angerer
Daphne Aurness
W T Avara Jr
Sally Mary Aylward
Mr John Bakker
Mr & Mrs Joseph Barovelli
Ms Jean E Bart
Ms Mary Bauer
Mr. Lincoln Baxter II
Mr Raymond Becker
Ms Mary Bennett
Ms Barbara Berger
Mr John J Bernet
Ms Mary S Bethea
Mr & Mrs Shuman Bickel
Elske Bicknell
Ms Judith Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Bluntzer Jr
Mrs C L Book
Father Joseph J Borodach
Ms Eugenia H Borum
Ms Betty Bowman
Mrs Jim Boyce
Rev John A Brady SJ
Mr Herman Braun
Miss Mary Ellen Bray
Miss Marion I Breen
Mr John C Brennan
Mrs Kathryn Brilhart
Marianne U Buddington
David Burke
Mr Lester Bussman
Ms Lilliam Butler
George L. Byers
Mrs Jenny W Bylander
Mr Patrick Campbell
Mrs William H Cannon
Deetta G Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Carson
Mrs Beulah A. Case
Mr E M Casey
Ms Therese Cashman
Shirley M Castle
Ms Charlotte Champagne
Mrs Ottilie Champion
Ms Joan Cheney
Kathlyn E Chismar
Mrs Deanna B Chott
SS Peter & Paul Catholic
Mr. Cono A Cimino
Mr Jackie R Cissell
Mr & Mrs Robert Clabby
Larry & Sonia Clem
Ms Krimhilde Cline
S. J. Cobian
Mr John Collins
Mr Joe F Collins
Ms. Mary L. Conway
Mrs John B Cooke
Mr Leland Cote
Ms Joyce Craig
Ms Thelma Craig
Ms Dorothy Crowell
Ms Margaret Cummings
Harriet Cunningham
Paul Curci
Mr Gary S Curran
Janet & Dorothy Curry
John E. Cuthrell
Mrs Grace Dannenberg
Mrs Karen Dansfield
John F. Dargin, Jr. Trustee
Ms Kathleen Davidson
Ms. Judith Dawson
Mrs Helen Dawson
Ms. Josephine Dellano
Ms. Carolyn Derr
Ms. Ann Dessert
Mrs Audrey Devine
Melvin Dickerson
Mrs Mary Discavage
Mr Roy D Doerfler
Mrs Virginia Dote
Ms. Marianne Downes
Mrs Suzanne Dunbar
Mr Joseph A Duva
Ms Agnes Dvorak
Mr Leo Dyga
Mrs Betty Edgerly
Ms. Dorothy & Catherine
Ms Janet E Elder
Chester Eschen Jr
Mr Robert S Evanski
Edward A. Everett
Miss Mary Fabricius
Mr & Mrs Charles Fain
Mr. Wilfred V Farnham
Mrs Celeste Farr
Mr. David P. Faulkner Jr
Mr Gilbert Ferland
David Finnance
Mrs John E Fischer
Ms Dorothe Fitzpatrick
Dr & Mrs Thomas M
Mrs Mary Flynn
Miss Bernice Foote
Mrs Grace C Forlenza
Mrs. Eva Forndran
Mr & Mrs Marvin Franke
Mr Jerry Franklin
Mr. Elias T. Galindo
Mr & Mrs James T
Mr. John Gardner
Mrs Marcia Gedanken
Leo Gellings
Mr Charles Gentges
Mr Richard Gerhards
Ms Dorothy T Geyer
Mr Edward H Gibbons
Mr Geo Gilmore
Mr & Mrs Marvin Glasgow
Mr Aaron W. Godfrey
Ms Barbara Goforth
Rose Anne Goodrow
Mr Patrick Gossman
Ms. Gertrude Goudy
Kathy M. Grabowski
Joe & Mary Grimes
Ms Constance Grisard
Ms Louise Grout
Ms. Barbara Gurtler
Guy Reno Foundation
Mrs Louis W Haar
Ms Evelyne Hamilton
Frank & Margaret Hankins
Ms. Dorothy Hanna
Mrs Leslie Harrell
Ms Bette Harrington
Ms Virginia M Head
Mr & Mrs Albert J Hefner
Mrs Dolores E Helton
Ms Elizabeth Herr
Ms Susan Heyburn
Rosemary Higginson
Miss Renee Hill
Ms. Florence H Hochwalt
Mr Albert Hoelker
Mr Henry I Holtz
Mr. William A Hood
Olivia Hopfe
Ms Anita Horbacz
Ann M Horick
Julia Houston
Mr John H. Hudson
Mr Raymond Hufnagel
Miss Ann Incoronato
Mr & Mrs D B Jackson
Mrs. Dorothy Jackson
Thomas Jacobs
Ms. Regina O. Janes
Bertolet Janiszewski
Mrs Arthur E Jensen
Col. Phyllis Jo Johnson
Mr Robert Johnson
Marion L. Johnson
Ms. Rita B Jolly
Lori Jordan
Mr Eugene R Junette
Mr & Mrs Edward E
Laszlo & Ingrid Jurak
Ms Dorothea Kaitz
William F. Kamin
Mr. Julius Katchur
Ms. Helen M Kearney
Mr Hugh R Kerrigan
Mrs David P Knopp
Ms Mary Kohne
Ms Emily Kopley
John J. Korfhage
Mrs. Elizabeth Kost
Rev Richard J Kozak
Mr & Mrs Bill Krause
Mr. Leonard S Krofka
Sandra A. Kruzman
Ms Patricia Kuhrt
Mr Eugene Lamb
Mr George Laurence
Dolores A Leander
Mr Richard L Lechaux
Mr John Leidy
Mr D M Leiendecker
Mrs Loretta Levesque
Jacob Levine
Mrs. Anna Lewis
Ming Liao
Mrs. Johanna Lisik
Ms Mary Beth Lodge
Mrs. Ruth Lodge
Mr. Joseph Lodge
Mr & Mrs Vincent Loizzo
Roy A Lucier
Mr & Mrs James Lundy
Mrs J W Lynch
Barbara Mabrey
Mary J Mackey
Mrs John S. Maclaren
Joseph Maksin
Mr. Lawrence W Malavita
Mrs Betty Malcomb
Ms. Maureen Mann
Mrs Karen Q Mann
Ms Rosemary Maroney
Roddy Martin
Betty Martin
Ms. Georgia Mason
Ms. Juanita Maxwell
Mr Phillip A Mc Dermott
Mr & Mrs John R
Mc Gregor
Mr. Charles T. Mc Kinnie
Jane McCloskey
Sharon McCormick
Mr Leland McCoy
Mrs Patricia McCullough
Mr & Mrs Edward J.
Ms Ramona McLendon
Miss Anne McManus
Mr Ronald McMillan
Mrs J McVeigh
Mr & Mrs Francis W
Johanna Y. Meara
Ms. Marga Meier
Charles Merrill, Jr.
Mr Richard L Merritt
Mr Walter Milburn
Mr Joseph Miller
Ms. Rita Miller
Mr Norman B Mills
Mrs Priscilla Mills
Beatrice Mink
Ms Marion Mirehouse
Ms Barbara Mitchell
Dr & Mrs Jorge Miyares
Miss Teresa M Modica
Ms. Maryse Monteiro
Naomi C Moore
Mr. Ronald J. Morrissey
Mr Richard Morrow
Mr Joseph Murphy
Mr Rich Mutherspaw
Ms. Cynthia R Myers
Mr William J Myhre
Ms Rosemary Nagle
Mr. Nathan Narrance
Dr William P Nelson
Barbara J Nelson
Ms. Maria Nicklaus
Naomi E Nord Trust
Mr. James W Norris
Archie Novotny
Mrs Ray P Oden Jr
Mr Thomas E Ohnesorge
Mr. Edward Ortiz
Ms Dorothy E Otter
Ms Margie Lee Packard
Mr Philip Palmer
Michael Palushock
Ms. Ruth K. Panella
Dr Joan Parry
Mrs William Parson
Mrs Madeline Patton
Ms Lorraine Pearson
Ms Debbie Pearson
Mr & Mrs Don Peltier
Mrs Mary V Pendleton
Ms Marvel Perilla
Lloyd W Perkins
Mr & Mrs Frank H
Mrs. Noelie D. Pfeffer
Anez P Pitcock
Dr Leslie Polland
Ms. Barbara Poscich
Ms Joy Posey
Mrs Sandra B Powley
Joe & Alexis Pozdol
Mrs. Esther Price
Mr Adam Pulaski
Ms Stella Rand
Robert Raskind
Mr Alex Ravnik
Mrs John A Reilly
Mr Harvey K Reyner
Thomas Rhett
Dorothy E Rice
Mr Charles G Roberts
Ms June A Robinette
Ms Mary Robinson
Douglas & Peggy Robison
Mr Bryan Roelfs
Ms. Doris Rossomme
Ms Judy Rowan
Mr. Edward Safford
Mr & Mrs Tom & Gloria
Mrs Mary Sayles
Mr. Thomas M. Scally
Ms Mary Schappell
Mr Carl Schell
Miss Mary Schory
Mr & Mrs Helmut
Mr. Larry Schronce
William J Schull
Mrs Patricia A Serio
Mr Harry Shade
Mr & Mrs Edward F Shea
Mrs Helen Shepard
Mrs Gail Shevlin
Mr K Shiroishi
Marcia Sigler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Miss Lynn E Smith
Mr & Mrs Harry &
Kay Smith
Russell T Snip M.D.
Mr Edward Sons
Mr & Mrs Robert P Sontag
Ms Marian A Southard
Mr & Mrs Tom & Connie
Rosalie Speciale
Mr. & Mrs Arthur Stafford
Mr Douglas R Stahl
Ms Christina Staveski
William Steineker
Mrs Mary Stevens
Mrs Eleanor J Storms
Mr Fred Suazo
Mr Walter Sudul
Mr & Mrs George L
Bryan Swope
Mr & Mrs Stephen
Szajko Jr
L. Tarangelo
The Church of the
Mr. Harry L. Thomas
Ms Patricia Thomas
Ms Bessie Thomason
Miss Gwendolyn Tise
Mrs. Julia Toms
Mrs Irene Boveri
Mr John T Tracy
Mrs Edward Trizinsky
Mrs W Tulloch
Mrs Mary Uhrig
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W.
Joseph H. Urcavich
Lily Van Halen
Ms Ursula Van Raden
Mary C. Velten
Mr. John L. Venegoni
Ms Thresa Veselosky
Ms Barbara Veteto
Mr & Mrs Erwin J Vickery
Mrs. Matt Vilutis
Mrs Lora E Vineyard
Mrs Judith Walsh
Ms Esther Ward
Mr. David D. Watson
Dr & Mrs Adolph
Mr. Clifford W. Wheeler
Mr Ralph Wheeler
James Wheeler
Thomas White
Mrs Mary Louise
Mr. Francis Whitesell
Mr Tom Widener
Ms Veronica Wilde
Robert Willhite
Mr Randy Williams
Inge Williams
Miss Myrtle Williams
Mrs. Marie Ellen Wilson
Penelope P Wilson
Miss Claudia Wilson
Ms Edna Marie Wood
Mrs. Irma Hill Woody
Mr. Theodore O. Wright
Satoru Yamada
Mr & Mrs Dennis Yancho
Mr Manfred Ziebis
Avis M Zoanni
Christmas Memories 2005
Montessori Christmas program St. Joseph
Donors who contributed $100 or more between January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 were enrolled in the Dawn of Hope
Society. They received a beautiful personalized certificate suitable for framing. Thank you for your generous and caring gifts.
Soaring Eagle Gift Annuities and You
Enjoy peace of mind while living on a fixed
income, even when stock market and interest
rates fluctuate.
With a Soaring Eagle Gift Annuity you not
only receive payments for life but also enjoy
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Cheyenne elders. It’s a simple and worry free
way to go. You don’t have to be an expert in
stocks, bonds, indexes or treasury rates. You
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You will receive fixed payments, monthly,
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Montessori children’s Christmas program
investment paying poor returns and a
possible reduction of estate taxes. A charitable
gift annuity is a smart option for many of our
older friends. Soaring Eagle Gift Annuities
offer you a high rate of return. Many of
our donors have also invested in additional
annuities because of the attractive tax benefits.
Please complete and return the attached
annuity coupon if you are interested in a
personal proposal showing how a Soaring Eagle
Gift Annuity can work for you.
Singing Christmas carols for the elders
I can’t let our Christmas Day memories this year
fade into history without sharing some of them
with you. At the Heritage Living Center, the
Cheyenne elders eagerly awaited Christmas
morning to open the many gifts beneath our
beautiful Christmas tree in the lobby. For the
newer residents, the day was filled with special
anticipation because they had heard about last
year’s Christmas party.
“I am 79 years-old and I’ve never had a
Christmas like this in all my life!” were the
grateful words of an elder enjoying his first
Christmas with us two years ago. Each year
without saying a single word their twinkling eyes
and joyous laughter expresses how much fun they
have when they open their gifts. They are enjoying the Christmases they never had as children.
During the weeks before Christmas, it
was mostly the ladies who gathered little gifts
and carefully wrapped them for their greatgrandchildren who came to visit. They joined
together to bake ginger bread and then built
ginger bread houses with frosting roofs and
candies as part of the Christmas decorations in
all the common areas of our home.
The week before Christmas was filled with
activities. Choral groups from the schools, girl
scouts and churches came to sing Christmas
carols and brought gifts of cookies and candy.
We even had a Christmas violin concert by
Christine Valentine from Birney, Montana.
The Montessori Christmas program was a special
treat as the little children’s parents, grandparents,
friends and relatives joined the elders to watch
the children reenact the Christmas message.
The greatest blessings for the elders and all
of us at the Soaring Eagle Heritage Living Center
are the generous donations from you, our friends.
It is your generosity, gifts and encouragement
that make this beautiful home, “the miracle
on the hill,” possible.
A church group leaving after singing carols
Fort Robinson when survivors ran from the pursuing
troops. The walls of the shrine will face the four
directions and at the top will appear the Morning
Star symbol of the Northern Cheyenne Nation.
Bronze plaques embedded into the walls will recall
what happened to their ancestors at Fort Robinson
on January 9, 1870.
It is a privilege to live with Cheyenne elders
here at the Soaring Eagle Heritage Living Center.
I thank you, our friends, for making it possible for us
to care for them. Each day in my prayers I ask God
to bless you for your sacrifice and love for these
deserving people.
Advantages of a
Soaring Eagle Gift Annuity
A guaranteed rate
of return for life
Interest rates up to 12%
Immediate and future
tax benefits
Annuity options
to suit your needs
Help care for elders now
and in the future
This memorial is being constructed
near Fort Robinson, Nebraska to honor
the Northern Cheyenne nation.
Your Gift
Lives On
Please use one of the following
sample forms of bequest:
Gift of Life
$500 to $999
of Deposit
Edna Foote admiring the beauty of Eagle Ridge Park.
Carl Braine
gets set to enjoy
a delicious bowl
of ice cream
during his 91st
Birthday Party.
Contract Amount
Rate of Return
Charitable Deduction (Yr. 1) $0
Taxable Income
$1,200/yr Gross Annual Income
Sylvia Elk Shoulder and daughter Ruby assemble jigsaw.
Income Tax Savings (Yr. 1)
*Based on a 92 year-old individual in a 27%
Federal tax bracket, making a $10,000 investment.
Soaring Eagle Annuity contracts are irrevocable,
resulting in the large contribution deduction. The
Certificate of Deposit is a 2-year rate.
B. “I give, devise, and bequeath to
Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws
of the State of Montana, located at
Billings, Montana, ______% of my
C. “I give, devise, and bequeath to
Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws of
the State of Montana, located at Billings,
Montana, the sum of $____________.”
D. “I give, devise, and bequeath to
Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws of
the State of Montana, located at 745
Indian Trail, P.O. Drawer 879 in Billings,
Montana, 59103, the sum of $ ________
for the Wall of Living Memories Fund, to
care for Cheyenne elders, the principal
of which shall remain in perpetuity.”
First aid training for Resident Attendants.
A. (Whatever is left after other bequests
have been granted) “All the rest, residue,
and remainder of my estate, I bequeath
to Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws
of the State of Montana, located at
Billings, Montana.”
These are sample forms only. Consult
your attorney when preparing any legal
I’m interested in a Soaring Eagle Charitable
Gift Annuity. The better rate of return, tax deduction
and eventual charitable contribution to Soaring Eagle
sounds like a WIN WIN WIN opportunity.
Birth date(s) of annuitant_______________________
Annuity Amount $____________________________
(up to 2 names/birthdates allowed per annuity.)
This is a non-binding proposal. Upon receipt of actual
payment for an annuity, a formal contract will be
mailed. For more information call (406) 256-8500.
Soaring Eagle
Important Days We Want to Remember in Our Prayers
You are in our prayers each day and we want to remember your loved ones on their special days as well.
Please print the name(s) you want remembered and return in the envelope provided.
Date of Birthday_______________________________
Date of Death____________________________________
Date of Birthday________________________________
Date of Death____________________________________
Mr Patrick Gossman
Ms. Gertrude Goudy
Kathy M. Grabowski
Joe & Mary Grimes
Ms Constance Grisard
Ms Louise Grout
Ms. Barbara Gurtler
Guy Reno Foundation
Mrs Louis W Haar
Ms Evelyne Hamilton
Frank & Margaret Hankins
Ms. Dorothy Hanna
Mrs Leslie Harrell
Ms Bette Harrington
Ms Virginia M Head
Mr & Mrs Albert J Hefner
Mrs Dolores E Helton
Ms Elizabeth Herr
Ms Susan Heyburn
Rosemary Higginson
Miss Renee Hill
Ms. Florence H Hochwalt
Mr Albert Hoelker
Mr Henry I Holtz
Mr. William A Hood
Olivia Hopfe
Ms Anita Horbacz
Ann M Horick
Julia Houston
Mr John H. Hudson
Mr Raymond Hufnagel
Miss Ann Incoronato
Mr & Mrs D B Jackson
Mrs. Dorothy Jackson
Thomas Jacobs
Ms. Regina O. Janes
Bertolet Janiszewski
Mrs Arthur E Jensen
Col. Phyllis Jo Johnson
Mr Robert Johnson
Marion L. Johnson
Ms. Rita B Jolly
Lori Jordan
Mr Eugene R Junette
Mr & Mrs Edward E
Laszlo & Ingrid Jurak
Ms Dorothea Kaitz
William F. Kamin
Mr. Julius Katchur
Ms. Helen M Kearney
Mr Hugh R Kerrigan
Mrs David P Knopp
Ms Mary Kohne
Ms Emily Kopley
John J. Korfhage
Mrs. Elizabeth Kost
Rev Richard J Kozak
Mr & Mrs Bill Krause
Mr. Leonard S Krofka
Sandra A. Kruzman
Ms Patricia Kuhrt
Mr Eugene Lamb
Mr George Laurence
Dolores A Leander
Mr Richard L Lechaux
Mr John Leidy
Mr D M Leiendecker
Mrs Loretta Levesque
Jacob Levine
Mrs. Anna Lewis
Ming Liao
Mrs. Johanna Lisik
Ms Mary Beth Lodge
Mrs. Ruth Lodge
Mr. Joseph Lodge
Mr & Mrs Vincent Loizzo
Roy A Lucier
Mr & Mrs James Lundy
Mrs J W Lynch
Barbara Mabrey
Mary J Mackey
Mrs John S. Maclaren
Joseph Maksin
Mr. Lawrence W Malavita
Mrs Betty Malcomb
Ms. Maureen Mann
Mrs Karen Q Mann
Ms Rosemary Maroney
Roddy Martin
Betty Martin
Ms. Georgia Mason
Ms. Juanita Maxwell
Mr Phillip A Mc Dermott
Mr & Mrs John R
Mc Gregor
Mr. Charles T. Mc Kinnie
Jane McCloskey
Sharon McCormick
Mr Leland McCoy
Mrs Patricia McCullough
Mr & Mrs Edward J.
Ms Ramona McLendon
Miss Anne McManus
Mr Ronald McMillan
Mrs J McVeigh
Mr & Mrs Francis W
Johanna Y. Meara
Ms. Marga Meier
Charles Merrill, Jr.
Mr Richard L Merritt
Mr Walter Milburn
Mr Joseph Miller
Ms. Rita Miller
Mr Norman B Mills
Mrs Priscilla Mills
Beatrice Mink
Ms Marion Mirehouse
Ms Barbara Mitchell
Dr & Mrs Jorge Miyares
Miss Teresa M Modica
Ms. Maryse Monteiro
Naomi C Moore
Mr. Ronald J. Morrissey
Mr Richard Morrow
Mr Joseph Murphy
Mr Rich Mutherspaw
Ms. Cynthia R Myers
Mr William J Myhre
Ms Rosemary Nagle
Mr. Nathan Narrance
Dr William P Nelson
Barbara J Nelson
Ms. Maria Nicklaus
Naomi E Nord Trust
Mr. James W Norris
Archie Novotny
Mrs Ray P Oden Jr
Mr Thomas E Ohnesorge
Mr. Edward Ortiz
Ms Dorothy E Otter
Ms Margie Lee Packard
Mr Philip Palmer
Michael Palushock
Ms. Ruth K. Panella
Dr Joan Parry
Mrs William Parson
Mrs Madeline Patton
Ms Lorraine Pearson
Ms Debbie Pearson
Mr & Mrs Don Peltier
Mrs Mary V Pendleton
Ms Marvel Perilla
Lloyd W Perkins
Mr & Mrs Frank H
Mrs. Noelie D. Pfeffer
Anez P Pitcock
Dr Leslie Polland
Ms. Barbara Poscich
Ms Joy Posey
Mrs Sandra B Powley
Joe & Alexis Pozdol
Mrs. Esther Price
Mr Adam Pulaski
Ms Stella Rand
Robert Raskind
Mr Alex Ravnik
Mrs John A Reilly
Mr Harvey K Reyner
Thomas Rhett
Dorothy E Rice
Mr Charles G Roberts
Ms June A Robinette
Ms Mary Robinson
Douglas & Peggy Robison
Mr Bryan Roelfs
Ms. Doris Rossomme
Ms Judy Rowan
Mr. Edward Safford
Mr & Mrs Tom & Gloria
Mrs Mary Sayles
Mr. Thomas M. Scally
Ms Mary Schappell
Mr Carl Schell
Miss Mary Schory
Mr & Mrs Helmut
Mr. Larry Schronce
William J Schull
Mrs Patricia A Serio
Mr Harry Shade
Mr & Mrs Edward F Shea
Mrs Helen Shepard
Mrs Gail Shevlin
Mr K Shiroishi
Marcia Sigler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Miss Lynn E Smith
Mr & Mrs Harry &
Kay Smith
Russell T Snip M.D.
Mr Edward Sons
Mr & Mrs Robert P Sontag
Ms Marian A Southard
Mr & Mrs Tom & Connie
Rosalie Speciale
Mr. & Mrs Arthur Stafford
Mr Douglas R Stahl
Ms Christina Staveski
William Steineker
Mrs Mary Stevens
Mrs Eleanor J Storms
Mr Fred Suazo
Mr Walter Sudul
Mr & Mrs George L
Bryan Swope
Mr & Mrs Stephen
Szajko Jr
L. Tarangelo
The Church of the
Mr. Harry L. Thomas
Ms Patricia Thomas
Ms Bessie Thomason
Miss Gwendolyn Tise
Mrs. Julia Toms
Mrs Irene Boveri
Mr John T Tracy
Mrs Edward Trizinsky
Mrs W Tulloch
Mrs Mary Uhrig
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W.
Joseph H. Urcavich
Lily Van Halen
Ms Ursula Van Raden
Mary C. Velten
Mr. John L. Venegoni
Ms Thresa Veselosky
Ms Barbara Veteto
Mr & Mrs Erwin J Vickery
Mrs. Matt Vilutis
Mrs Lora E Vineyard
Mrs Judith Walsh
Ms Esther Ward
Mr. David D. Watson
Dr & Mrs Adolph
Mr. Clifford W. Wheeler
Mr Ralph Wheeler
James Wheeler
Thomas White
Mrs Mary Louise
Mr. Francis Whitesell
Mr Tom Widener
Ms Veronica Wilde
Robert Willhite
Mr Randy Williams
Inge Williams
Miss Myrtle Williams
Mrs. Marie Ellen Wilson
Penelope P Wilson
Miss Claudia Wilson
Ms Edna Marie Wood
Mrs. Irma Hill Woody
Mr. Theodore O. Wright
Satoru Yamada
Mr & Mrs Dennis Yancho
Mr Manfred Ziebis
Avis M Zoanni
Christmas Memories 2005
Montessori Christmas program St. Joseph
Donors who contributed $100 or more between January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 were enrolled in the Dawn of Hope
Society. They received a beautiful personalized certificate suitable for framing. Thank you for your generous and caring gifts.
Soaring Eagle Gift Annuities and You
Enjoy peace of mind while living on a fixed
income, even when stock market and interest
rates fluctuate.
With a Soaring Eagle Gift Annuity you not
only receive payments for life but also enjoy
the satisfaction of providing care for Northern
Cheyenne elders. It’s a simple and worry free
way to go. You don’t have to be an expert in
stocks, bonds, indexes or treasury rates. You
don’t have to hire a broker or financial consultant to make your Charitable Gift Annuity.
You will receive fixed payments, monthly,
quarterly or annually according to your wishes,
an income tax deduction, and even a partial
bypass of capital gain tax when transferring
Montessori children’s Christmas program
investment paying poor returns and a
possible reduction of estate taxes. A charitable
gift annuity is a smart option for many of our
older friends. Soaring Eagle Gift Annuities
offer you a high rate of return. Many of
our donors have also invested in additional
annuities because of the attractive tax benefits.
Please complete and return the attached
annuity coupon if you are interested in a
personal proposal showing how a Soaring Eagle
Gift Annuity can work for you.
Singing Christmas carols for the elders
I can’t let our Christmas Day memories this year
fade into history without sharing some of them
with you. At the Heritage Living Center, the
Cheyenne elders eagerly awaited Christmas
morning to open the many gifts beneath our
beautiful Christmas tree in the lobby. For the
newer residents, the day was filled with special
anticipation because they had heard about last
year’s Christmas party.
“I am 79 years-old and I’ve never had a
Christmas like this in all my life!” were the
grateful words of an elder enjoying his first
Christmas with us two years ago. Each year
without saying a single word their twinkling eyes
and joyous laughter expresses how much fun they
have when they open their gifts. They are enjoying the Christmases they never had as children.
During the weeks before Christmas, it
was mostly the ladies who gathered little gifts
and carefully wrapped them for their greatgrandchildren who came to visit. They joined
together to bake ginger bread and then built
ginger bread houses with frosting roofs and
candies as part of the Christmas decorations in
all the common areas of our home.
The week before Christmas was filled with
activities. Choral groups from the schools, girl
scouts and churches came to sing Christmas
carols and brought gifts of cookies and candy.
We even had a Christmas violin concert by
Christine Valentine from Birney, Montana.
The Montessori Christmas program was a special
treat as the little children’s parents, grandparents,
friends and relatives joined the elders to watch
the children reenact the Christmas message.
The greatest blessings for the elders and all
of us at the Soaring Eagle Heritage Living Center
are the generous donations from you, our friends.
It is your generosity, gifts and encouragement
that make this beautiful home, “the miracle
on the hill,” possible.
A church group leaving after singing carols
Fort Robinson when survivors ran from the pursuing
troops. The walls of the shrine will face the four
directions and at the top will appear the Morning
Star symbol of the Northern Cheyenne Nation.
Bronze plaques embedded into the walls will recall
what happened to their ancestors at Fort Robinson
on January 9, 1870.
It is a privilege to live with Cheyenne elders
here at the Soaring Eagle Heritage Living Center.
I thank you, our friends, for making it possible for us
to care for them. Each day in my prayers I ask God
to bless you for your sacrifice and love for these
deserving people.
Advantages of a
Soaring Eagle Gift Annuity
A guaranteed rate
of return for life
Interest rates up to 12%
Immediate and future
tax benefits
Annuity options
to suit your needs
Help care for elders now
and in the future
This memorial is being constructed
near Fort Robinson, Nebraska to honor
the Northern Cheyenne nation.
Your Gift
Lives On
Please use one of the following
sample forms of bequest:
Gift of Life
$500 to $999
of Deposit
Edna Foote admiring the beauty of Eagle Ridge Park.
Carl Braine
gets set to enjoy
a delicious bowl
of ice cream
during his 91st
Birthday Party.
Contract Amount
Rate of Return
Charitable Deduction (Yr. 1) $0
Taxable Income
$1,200/yr Gross Annual Income
Sylvia Elk Shoulder and daughter Ruby assemble jigsaw.
Income Tax Savings (Yr. 1)
*Based on a 92 year-old individual in a 27%
Federal tax bracket, making a $10,000 investment.
Soaring Eagle Annuity contracts are irrevocable,
resulting in the large contribution deduction. The
Certificate of Deposit is a 2-year rate.
B. “I give, devise, and bequeath to
Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws
of the State of Montana, located at
Billings, Montana, ______% of my
C. “I give, devise, and bequeath to
Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws of
the State of Montana, located at Billings,
Montana, the sum of $____________.”
D. “I give, devise, and bequeath to
Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws of
the State of Montana, located at 745
Indian Trail, P.O. Drawer 879 in Billings,
Montana, 59103, the sum of $ ________
for the Wall of Living Memories Fund, to
care for Cheyenne elders, the principal
of which shall remain in perpetuity.”
First aid training for Resident Attendants.
A. (Whatever is left after other bequests
have been granted) “All the rest, residue,
and remainder of my estate, I bequeath
to Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws
of the State of Montana, located at
Billings, Montana.”
These are sample forms only. Consult
your attorney when preparing any legal
I’m interested in a Soaring Eagle Charitable
Gift Annuity. The better rate of return, tax deduction
and eventual charitable contribution to Soaring Eagle
sounds like a WIN WIN WIN opportunity.
Birth date(s) of annuitant_______________________
Annuity Amount $____________________________
(up to 2 names/birthdates allowed per annuity.)
This is a non-binding proposal. Upon receipt of actual
payment for an annuity, a formal contract will be
mailed. For more information call (406) 256-8500.
Soaring Eagle
Important Days We Want to Remember in Our Prayers
You are in our prayers each day and we want to remember your loved ones on their special days as well.
Please print the name(s) you want remembered and return in the envelope provided.
Date of Birthday_______________________________
Date of Death____________________________________
Date of Birthday________________________________
Date of Death____________________________________
745 Indian Trail, P.O. Drawer 879, Billings, Montana 59103-0879
Herb Bear Chum’s biography
Renegade Priest
of the Northern Cheyenne
...continued from the last edition of Signals
The Life and Work of
Father Emmett Hoffmann 1926 –
Father Emmett’s remarkable story
of success is unequaled in the history
of the 20th century Catholic Church
in the American West.
Dear Friends,
I want to share a few
thoughts with you today about why I feel privileged
to live with the Northern Cheyenne elders at the
Soaring Eagle Heritage Living Center. In the main
lobby entrance, above the front doors, we have
BILLINGS MT 59103-0879
Winter 2006
Amazing works of art using only
a magnifying glass and sunlight
Heritage Living Center - Home of Cheyenne elders.
2nd Edition
Order your copy of
Father Emmett’s biography today.
Use the order form below.
Renegade Priest Book Order Form
# of copies ______ @ $16 + $5 S&H = $_____________
# of copies ______ @ $25 + $5 S&H = $_____________
TOTAL $_____________
Please make checks payable to: Father Emmett’s Biography
Father Emmett’s Biography,
Renegade Priest of the
Northern Cheyenne
Book purchases are not tax deductible.
City_______________________ State_____ Zip _________
cold if made to walk in severe weather. He refused to
go. To punish them, the U.S. military locked the
Indians in log barracks without food or water for
many days. Temperatures dropped to below zero.
Among the many people crowded into the barracks were pregnant women and elders and many
small children. The Cheyenne
decided they would rather die running for their lives than to die like
dogs with children in their arms.
Desperate for food and water, they
broke out of the barracks. Seventy Cheyenne were
immediately shot down and died in the snow from
wounds and exposure. Within the next 24 hours
people were found and shot at point blank range,
including little children who
were coaxed out of a hole and
then shot to death when they
climbed out.
Chief Dull Knife, his wife
and son were among the few
who made it to another agency
and eventually returned to
Montana. They survived to tell
the story of the torture and
inhumane treatment they had
Each year on January 9th,
the Northern Cheyenne make a
pilgrimage to Fort Robinson,
Nebraska, to honor Chief Dull
Knife and their ancestors who
died for their freedom. In 2005, eight of our elders,
some in wheelchairs, were among more than 300
Cheyenne who attended the ceremonies to honor
their slain relatives.
Our elders want to build a memorial to honor
their ancestors and to mark the beginning of the
route taken by their ancestors from (continued, inside)
placed likenesses of the great Cheyenne Chiefs Dull
Knife and Little Wolf. These were burned into wood
by solar artist Jonathan Maxwell Beartusk, who used
only a magnifying glass and sunlight to create these
amazing works of art.
The pictures are daily reminders of the famous warrior
grandfathers of the people I rub
elbows with day after day, people who I love and respect with
all my heart. In 1954, their elders welcomed me to the reservation and began to teach me
about their lives and culture.
My life has been enriched many
times over because they asked
me to listen and to learn about
their cultural heritage.
I heard them describe the
sufferings, the broken promises,
and the starvation their parents
and grandparents had endured at the Fort Robinson
Breakout on January 9, 1879. Chief Dull Knife’s band
was at Fort Robinson in Nebraska when they were
ordered to walk and ride in wagons in the dead of
winter to Oklahoma, Indian Territory.
Dull Knife’s people were mostly women and children and the chief knew they would perish in the
by Renee Sansom Flood
Marie and Herb had been
apart for nearly 20 years
when the tragic death of
the son Byron, brought
them back together again.
The family buried Byron
behind the house and
when they lowered the
coffin, Herb thought he
was going to faint. To find out what had really happened
to Byron, Herb went on a 4-day fast and vision quest at
Bear Butte (in South Dakota) where his son came to
him in spirit:
“Dad,” he said, “you haven’t cried. Go ahead and
cry. You’ll feel better.”
I broke down and I couldn’t stop crying. “Lean back
dad and the spirits will show you how I died.” I was
shown that Byron had been killed by a skinhead.
While dealing with his grief, Herb left Montana
but he returned in the 1990s to his ancestral homeland.
He was just in time to take part in the repatriation of
ancestral remains that had been housed for more than a
century in the Smithsonian. Herb felt as if he was
supposed to have returned to take part in the ceremony
close to his ancestors in person and in spirit.
Herb and Marie were happy together. One day, they
ran into Father Emmett. He told them he was building
the Heritage Living Center for Cheyenne elders. Would
they be interested in living there? It was a good idea.
When the Center opened, they were among the first
to move in.
Herb had his family, work that he loved and they
were comfortable in a nice apartment near friends and
relatives. But life isn’t always what it seems. Herb was
shocked to learn that he had cancer. After cancer surgery,
he recuperated and took it easy, but Herb is not the kind
of person who likes to sit around. In 2005, he resumed
his career as Master of Ceremonies for special events.
Herb has no qualms about his future. He has decided
to leave it all in the hands of the Creator. “All my life,”
he says, “I’ve been a homeless person. I never really felt
like I fit in anywhere. When you’re an orphan, you want
to pay back the kindnesses others have shown you. It will
take me forever.”
Native Voice Waterfalls
The larger pool and waterfall at the end of the
winding path is named “Muriel” to honor a gift
from the Paul Morigi family.
Contributions toward landscaping, trees,
shrubbery, benches, picnic tables and to maintain
the park are welcomed. Your loved one will be
honored with a plaque displayed on the Memorial
Wall with your name as the donor.
Eagle Ridge Park is an important part of the
Heritage Living Center. The park was developed
for the resident elders giving them a place where
they can leisurely walk outdoors to enjoy a special
closeness with nature and to watch deer, antelope,
wild turkeys, ducks, (a quick glimpse of a cougar)
and Canadian geese.
Winding paths with benches
and picnic tables allow residents to
enjoy visiting outdoors with relatives
and visitors. From the dining room
they can see Native Voice Waterfalls
that connect three small ponds
and the peaceful sounds of rippling
water in the surrounding pine-hills.
The falls are a memorial gift from
Simone Nahman Leibowitz to honor
the late Liliane Esquiez LaFerla.
The memorial walls around the
ponds honor the living and deceased
loved ones of donors whose contributions helped build the park.
Soaring Eagle Societies
Soaring Eagle has established societies to give proper recognition for outstanding gifts that have been given for the
construction of the Heritage Living Center. Each society shows the level of donors and our gratitude for their generosity.
American Eagle
$25,000 & up
Alex Borkowski
Ms. Marie S. Goldbach
Ms P E Hadlick
Mr. James Maney
Ms Frances Saunders
Carl J Schwerin
Spirit Coming Home
$10,000 to $24,999
Mr Charles Abela
Mrs Madelyn Chafin
Carolyn Damon
Margaret Hams
Mrs Alice Morrison
Mrs. Ethel Ponik
John G Raffensperger MD
Mr S E Rule
Sister Patrick Marie Sharpe
Mrs Leota Snyder
Journey of Life
$5,000 to $9,999
Ms Lois Berlage
R.J. Cartwright
Mr & Mrs Frank Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duffy
Mrs Mathilde Easley
Mrs Lorraine N Hidding
Mr Paul Hojdik
Mr & Mrs Charles E
Andrew & Betty Markey
Judge & Mrs Fred J Moore
Mr Paul Morigi
Mrs Carol Morris
Ms Rust Pappathanasi
Mr Gerald Petersen
Mr & Mrs Ira A Pigg
Mr Michael S Reis
Mrs Mary Grace Snyder
Mr Paul West
Light of Life
$1,000 to $4,999
Claude J Albers
Ms Barbara Albert
Mr & Mrs Lawrence Allen
Mr. Walter T. Allen
Mrs S Allender
Ms Rosemary Altenhofen
Ms. Saundra Alvarez
Ms. Patricia G. Andes
Richard Angus
Dr Mary F Argus
Theresa Aubuchon
Patricia Ballweg
Wayne Barber
Mrs. Bonnie Barlow
Mr. M. H. Barrett
Mrs Elizabeth Bates
Mrs Evelyn Becker
Ms. Elsie Bleimiller
Mr William E Boger
Mrs Elizabeth M. Bonino
Mr & Mrs James J Boock
Ms Agnes Bossing
Mrs Margaret Bowers
Mrs Leona Brewer
Miss Ethel Bruning
Mrs Helen Z Bunker
Bernie & Jayne Buren
Mr William Byers
Mrs Irmgard K Caamano
Mr. Raymond M.
Ms. Sadie Cartwright
Mr. Joseph Cazares
Dr Jessalyne Charles
Charlene Cobb
Mr & Mrs Neil W Cole
Mr & Mrs William J
Corbett III
Ms Eunice Coriell
Paula Coulbourne
Mrs James H Countryman
Mrs Rosemary Dawson
Mr. Leo A Demmer
Mr Jeffrey Dennis
Mr. John F. Devanny
Lynn Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Ms Mildred Dreyer
Mrs Mary Duffy
Pierre Dumonteil
Mrs Walter Dunn
Ms. Jan & Donna Early
Mrs Barbara Edwards
Mrs Edward C Eichhorn
Mrs Bettymae Erb
Mr & Mrs Wynston E
Miss Delia Fajardo
Mrs Thomas Faulkner
R. A. Fernandes
Mr Florido Filippini
E. Fisher
Mr David Fitzsimmons
Virginia Foote
Mr Russell Ford
Mr Wm N Foss
Hattie Freda
Betty Fritchen
Mrs Shirley Fultz
Mrs E W Garrott
Mr Bernard T Gascon
Mr Denis M Geraghty
Miss Carolyn L. Gerrety
Ms Regina R Gilmartin
Mrs Valeda Gordon
Mrs Arthur W Graham
Mr & Mrs Wayne Griep
Ms Catherine B Griffith
Mrs Joyce A Guido
Joyce Hansen
Mrs Dorothy Harvey
Mr. Joseph F. Hattan
Ms. Lucille Haupt
Mr. Robert Havekotte
Michael Hawes
Mrs Adelaide Haxton
Mr & Mrs John Hearson
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Henry
Mrs Jessie Hill
Mr & Mrs J L & Edna
Ms Beatrice Hsiu
Ruth Hughes
Ms G Huisking
Mr & Mrs James M
Humber Jr
Svante Humbla
Mrs Mary Hummeler
Helen B. Hunker
Mrs Dorothy Jackson
Ms Lois A Johns
Ms Jennifer Johnson
Mrs Margaret S Jones
Mr & Mrs Wade Judy
Mrs Gertrude Just
Mr Richard L Kagarise
Mary B. Kasbohm
Ms. Elsie Kautzky
Mr & Mrs Ray & Diane
Helen F Kelbert
Helen Kennedy
Mr Michael Kovac
Mr & Mrs Gerald Kraft
Mr W T Lander
Phil Leak
Mr Francis Lehar
Mr. Francis P. Lehar
Simone Leibowitz
Ms Laura Lindsey
B Lochridge
Col. John J Mac Gregor
Mrs Linda Mackay
Mr & Mrs John A Malecha
Rosalia Maloney
Mr. Joseph E. Marsh
Mrs Edwin P Marshick
Mr & Mrs Joseph Martinez
Mrs Nelda McDermott
Alftruda McDonald
Mr. Lester W. McKee
Hunter R McKee
Ms Irene A Melnyk
Mr Francis D Milistefr
Mrs Jean A Mooney
Mr Robert Morrison
Bert Morton
Ms Rose C Munoz
Mrs. Rose Namaka
Fred & Marilyn K. Nations
Ms. Jannette Nesson
Mr Bob G Newgen
Mrs John H Newman
Mr & Mrs Jerry Nightingale
Anna Belle Nimmo
Louis Noffsinger
Mr & Mrs Edward Noha
Mary E Norckauer
James P O’Connor
Mr Jamie Olson
Ms Mary Papadopetros
Mr Robert E Parrish
Ms Jeannette A Pennock
Mr Phillip Poneck
Father Peter Powell
Mr & Mrs Richard
Ms Dorothy Pryor
Ms Arlene Putt
Mary C Racki
Ms Lacy W Rasberry
Mr & Mrs Ted W Rasor
Ms. Marilyn J Rehnberg
Ms Agnes E Reich
Mr & Mrs Edward J Reid
Ann Reilly
Mr Gerard Reilly
Ms. Patricia J RektorikSprinkle
Mr Richard Renkun Sr
Mr L Richardson Jr
Ms. Margaret J. Robertson
Mrs Marjorie Robison
Mr & Mrs Thomas E Rohr
Ms Mary A Rosania
Mr Steve Rosenberger
Mr George E Rosness
Maj Leonard Rother
Mrs Charlotte Ruff Griffin
Mr & Mrs David & M
Patricia Russell
Ms Kay Saito
Ms Amy T Saito
Clara V. Salsberry
Ms. Joanne Sauer
Harold Schippert
Ms Virginia E Schwatel
Mr. Michael Scoggon
Ms Carolyn Jane Scott
Ms. Theresa Serafini
Cora E Sevilles
Ms. Martha Shalvatis
Mr & Mrs Harold W
Mrs Barbara R Smart
Irene H. Sowa
Mrs Marina F Speir
Dr & Mrs Kenneth P
Ms Robyn Stockton
Mrs. Mary L. Story
Ms Nancy J Stratford
Ms Irma V Strong
Ms Ann Sullivan
Ms. Andrea Sununu
Mary B. Tarpey
Miss Marlys E Tedin
Mr Bert J Theriault
Mr Donald Thorn
Mrs Jack Threet
Mrs. Peter Tighe
Elizabeth M Tinter
Mr Wallace Tippery
Rev. Francis Toan
Mrs Nels E Turnquist
Ms Margaret Ullmann
Mr. and Mrs. Alban F.
Mr & Mrs Roldan Vigil
Mr & Mrs. Edwin Vilim
Mr & Mrs E N Votry
Mrs Willard Walker
Ms. Nancy A. Wang
Mrs Doris Warren
Dr. Olga P. Weber
Mrs Geraldine Weiss
Dr Margaret Weiss
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Wells
Ms. Joan Wetherell
Edwin F Wilkins
Mr Carl B Williams
Ms Dorothea Winek
Kim Wineland
Rev Thomas Winikates
Bert F Winston Jr
Ms Alice Wiren
Mr Earl E Wischemier
Dr Mary Jean Wood
Richard L Woodhams
Ms Alice Yancey
Ms. Alyce Youngson
Gift of Life
$500 to $999
Mrs. George Abbood
Amelia A Altomare
Bernard & Colleen
Mrs Jeanette M Andrews
Ms Judith Andruczyk
Mr James Angerer
Daphne Aurness
W T Avara Jr
Sally Mary Aylward
Mr John Bakker
Mr & Mrs Joseph Barovelli
Ms Jean E Bart
Ms Mary Bauer
Mr. Lincoln Baxter II
Mr Raymond Becker
Ms Mary Bennett
Ms Barbara Berger
Mr John J Bernet
Ms Mary S Bethea
Mr & Mrs Shuman Bickel
Elske Bicknell
Ms Judith Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Bluntzer Jr
Mrs C L Book
Father Joseph J Borodach
Ms Eugenia H Borum
Ms Betty Bowman
Mrs Jim Boyce
Rev John A Brady SJ
Mr Herman Braun
Miss Mary Ellen Bray
Miss Marion I Breen
Mr John C Brennan
Mrs Kathryn Brilhart
Marianne U Buddington
David Burke
Mr Lester Bussman
Ms Lilliam Butler
George L. Byers
Mrs Jenny W Bylander
Mr Patrick Campbell
Mrs William H Cannon
Deetta G Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Carson
Mrs Beulah A. Case
Mr E M Casey
Ms Therese Cashman
Shirley M Castle
Ms Charlotte Champagne
Mrs Ottilie Champion
Ms Joan Cheney
Kathlyn E Chismar
Mrs Deanna B Chott
SS Peter & Paul Catholic
Mr. Cono A Cimino
Mr Jackie R Cissell
Mr & Mrs Robert Clabby
Larry & Sonia Clem
Ms Krimhilde Cline
S. J. Cobian
Mr John Collins
Mr Joe F Collins
Ms. Mary L. Conway
Mrs John B Cooke
Mr Leland Cote
Ms Joyce Craig
Ms Thelma Craig
Ms Dorothy Crowell
Ms Margaret Cummings
Harriet Cunningham
Paul Curci
Mr Gary S Curran
Janet & Dorothy Curry
John E. Cuthrell
Mrs Grace Dannenberg
Mrs Karen Dansfield
John F. Dargin, Jr. Trustee
Ms Kathleen Davidson
Ms. Judith Dawson
Mrs Helen Dawson
Ms. Josephine Dellano
Ms. Carolyn Derr
Ms. Ann Dessert
Mrs Audrey Devine
Melvin Dickerson
Mrs Mary Discavage
Mr Roy D Doerfler
Mrs Virginia Dote
Ms. Marianne Downes
Mrs Suzanne Dunbar
Mr Joseph A Duva
Ms Agnes Dvorak
Mr Leo Dyga
Mrs Betty Edgerly
Ms. Dorothy & Catherine
Ms Janet E Elder
Chester Eschen Jr
Mr Robert S Evanski
Edward A. Everett
Miss Mary Fabricius
Mr & Mrs Charles Fain
Mr. Wilfred V Farnham
Mrs Celeste Farr
Mr. David P. Faulkner Jr
Mr Gilbert Ferland
David Finnance
Mrs John E Fischer
Ms Dorothe Fitzpatrick
Dr & Mrs Thomas M
Mrs Mary Flynn
Miss Bernice Foote
Mrs Grace C Forlenza
Mrs. Eva Forndran
Mr & Mrs Marvin Franke
Mr Jerry Franklin
Mr. Elias T. Galindo
Mr & Mrs James T
Mr. John Gardner
Mrs Marcia Gedanken
Leo Gellings
Mr Charles Gentges
Mr Richard Gerhards
Ms Dorothy T Geyer
Mr Edward H Gibbons
Mr Geo Gilmore
Mr & Mrs Marvin Glasgow
Mr Aaron W. Godfrey
Ms Barbara Goforth
Rose Anne Goodrow
745 Indian Trail, P.O. Drawer 879, Billings, Montana 59103-0879
Herb Bear Chum’s biography
Renegade Priest
of the Northern Cheyenne
...continued from the last edition of Signals
The Life and Work of
Father Emmett Hoffmann 1926 –
Father Emmett’s remarkable story
of success is unequaled in the history
of the 20th century Catholic Church
in the American West.
Dear Friends,
I want to share a few
thoughts with you today about why I feel privileged
to live with the Northern Cheyenne elders at the
Soaring Eagle Heritage Living Center. In the main
lobby entrance, above the front doors, we have
BILLINGS MT 59103-0879
Winter 2006
Amazing works of art using only
a magnifying glass and sunlight
Heritage Living Center - Home of Cheyenne elders.
2nd Edition
Order your copy of
Father Emmett’s biography today.
Use the order form below.
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Father Emmett’s Biography,
Renegade Priest of the
Northern Cheyenne
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cold if made to walk in severe weather. He refused to
go. To punish them, the U.S. military locked the
Indians in log barracks without food or water for
many days. Temperatures dropped to below zero.
Among the many people crowded into the barracks were pregnant women and elders and many
small children. The Cheyenne
decided they would rather die running for their lives than to die like
dogs with children in their arms.
Desperate for food and water, they
broke out of the barracks. Seventy Cheyenne were
immediately shot down and died in the snow from
wounds and exposure. Within the next 24 hours
people were found and shot at point blank range,
including little children who
were coaxed out of a hole and
then shot to death when they
climbed out.
Chief Dull Knife, his wife
and son were among the few
who made it to another agency
and eventually returned to
Montana. They survived to tell
the story of the torture and
inhumane treatment they had
Each year on January 9th,
the Northern Cheyenne make a
pilgrimage to Fort Robinson,
Nebraska, to honor Chief Dull
Knife and their ancestors who
died for their freedom. In 2005, eight of our elders,
some in wheelchairs, were among more than 300
Cheyenne who attended the ceremonies to honor
their slain relatives.
Our elders want to build a memorial to honor
their ancestors and to mark the beginning of the
route taken by their ancestors from (continued, inside)
placed likenesses of the great Cheyenne Chiefs Dull
Knife and Little Wolf. These were burned into wood
by solar artist Jonathan Maxwell Beartusk, who used
only a magnifying glass and sunlight to create these
amazing works of art.
The pictures are daily reminders of the famous warrior
grandfathers of the people I rub
elbows with day after day, people who I love and respect with
all my heart. In 1954, their elders welcomed me to the reservation and began to teach me
about their lives and culture.
My life has been enriched many
times over because they asked
me to listen and to learn about
their cultural heritage.
I heard them describe the
sufferings, the broken promises,
and the starvation their parents
and grandparents had endured at the Fort Robinson
Breakout on January 9, 1879. Chief Dull Knife’s band
was at Fort Robinson in Nebraska when they were
ordered to walk and ride in wagons in the dead of
winter to Oklahoma, Indian Territory.
Dull Knife’s people were mostly women and children and the chief knew they would perish in the
by Renee Sansom Flood
Marie and Herb had been
apart for nearly 20 years
when the tragic death of
the son Byron, brought
them back together again.
The family buried Byron
behind the house and
when they lowered the
coffin, Herb thought he
was going to faint. To find out what had really happened
to Byron, Herb went on a 4-day fast and vision quest at
Bear Butte (in South Dakota) where his son came to
him in spirit:
“Dad,” he said, “you haven’t cried. Go ahead and
cry. You’ll feel better.”
I broke down and I couldn’t stop crying. “Lean back
dad and the spirits will show you how I died.” I was
shown that Byron had been killed by a skinhead.
While dealing with his grief, Herb left Montana
but he returned in the 1990s to his ancestral homeland.
He was just in time to take part in the repatriation of
ancestral remains that had been housed for more than a
century in the Smithsonian. Herb felt as if he was
supposed to have returned to take part in the ceremony
close to his ancestors in person and in spirit.
Herb and Marie were happy together. One day, they
ran into Father Emmett. He told them he was building
the Heritage Living Center for Cheyenne elders. Would
they be interested in living there? It was a good idea.
When the Center opened, they were among the first
to move in.
Herb had his family, work that he loved and they
were comfortable in a nice apartment near friends and
relatives. But life isn’t always what it seems. Herb was
shocked to learn that he had cancer. After cancer surgery,
he recuperated and took it easy, but Herb is not the kind
of person who likes to sit around. In 2005, he resumed
his career as Master of Ceremonies for special events.
Herb has no qualms about his future. He has decided
to leave it all in the hands of the Creator. “All my life,”
he says, “I’ve been a homeless person. I never really felt
like I fit in anywhere. When you’re an orphan, you want
to pay back the kindnesses others have shown you. It will
take me forever.”
Native Voice Waterfalls
The larger pool and waterfall at the end of the
winding path is named “Muriel” to honor a gift
from the Paul Morigi family.
Contributions toward landscaping, trees,
shrubbery, benches, picnic tables and to maintain
the park are welcomed. Your loved one will be
honored with a plaque displayed on the Memorial
Wall with your name as the donor.
Eagle Ridge Park is an important part of the
Heritage Living Center. The park was developed
for the resident elders giving them a place where
they can leisurely walk outdoors to enjoy a special
closeness with nature and to watch deer, antelope,
wild turkeys, ducks, (a quick glimpse of a cougar)
and Canadian geese.
Winding paths with benches
and picnic tables allow residents to
enjoy visiting outdoors with relatives
and visitors. From the dining room
they can see Native Voice Waterfalls
that connect three small ponds
and the peaceful sounds of rippling
water in the surrounding pine-hills.
The falls are a memorial gift from
Simone Nahman Leibowitz to honor
the late Liliane Esquiez LaFerla.
The memorial walls around the
ponds honor the living and deceased
loved ones of donors whose contributions helped build the park.
Soaring Eagle Societies
Soaring Eagle has established societies to give proper recognition for outstanding gifts that have been given for the
construction of the Heritage Living Center. Each society shows the level of donors and our gratitude for their generosity.
American Eagle
$25,000 & up
Alex Borkowski
Ms. Marie S. Goldbach
Ms P E Hadlick
Mr. James Maney
Ms Frances Saunders
Carl J Schwerin
Spirit Coming Home
$10,000 to $24,999
Mr Charles Abela
Mrs Madelyn Chafin
Carolyn Damon
Margaret Hams
Mrs Alice Morrison
Mrs. Ethel Ponik
John G Raffensperger MD
Mr S E Rule
Sister Patrick Marie Sharpe
Mrs Leota Snyder
Journey of Life
$5,000 to $9,999
Ms Lois Berlage
R.J. Cartwright
Mr & Mrs Frank Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duffy
Mrs Mathilde Easley
Mrs Lorraine N Hidding
Mr Paul Hojdik
Mr & Mrs Charles E
Andrew & Betty Markey
Judge & Mrs Fred J Moore
Mr Paul Morigi
Mrs Carol Morris
Ms Rust Pappathanasi
Mr Gerald Petersen
Mr & Mrs Ira A Pigg
Mr Michael S Reis
Mrs Mary Grace Snyder
Mr Paul West
Light of Life
$1,000 to $4,999
Claude J Albers
Ms Barbara Albert
Mr & Mrs Lawrence Allen
Mr. Walter T. Allen
Mrs S Allender
Ms Rosemary Altenhofen
Ms. Saundra Alvarez
Ms. Patricia G. Andes
Richard Angus
Dr Mary F Argus
Theresa Aubuchon
Patricia Ballweg
Wayne Barber
Mrs. Bonnie Barlow
Mr. M. H. Barrett
Mrs Elizabeth Bates
Mrs Evelyn Becker
Ms. Elsie Bleimiller
Mr William E Boger
Mrs Elizabeth M. Bonino
Mr & Mrs James J Boock
Ms Agnes Bossing
Mrs Margaret Bowers
Mrs Leona Brewer
Miss Ethel Bruning
Mrs Helen Z Bunker
Bernie & Jayne Buren
Mr William Byers
Mrs Irmgard K Caamano
Mr. Raymond M.
Ms. Sadie Cartwright
Mr. Joseph Cazares
Dr Jessalyne Charles
Charlene Cobb
Mr & Mrs Neil W Cole
Mr & Mrs William J
Corbett III
Ms Eunice Coriell
Paula Coulbourne
Mrs James H Countryman
Mrs Rosemary Dawson
Mr. Leo A Demmer
Mr Jeffrey Dennis
Mr. John F. Devanny
Lynn Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Ms Mildred Dreyer
Mrs Mary Duffy
Pierre Dumonteil
Mrs Walter Dunn
Ms. Jan & Donna Early
Mrs Barbara Edwards
Mrs Edward C Eichhorn
Mrs Bettymae Erb
Mr & Mrs Wynston E
Miss Delia Fajardo
Mrs Thomas Faulkner
R. A. Fernandes
Mr Florido Filippini
E. Fisher
Mr David Fitzsimmons
Virginia Foote
Mr Russell Ford
Mr Wm N Foss
Hattie Freda
Betty Fritchen
Mrs Shirley Fultz
Mrs E W Garrott
Mr Bernard T Gascon
Mr Denis M Geraghty
Miss Carolyn L. Gerrety
Ms Regina R Gilmartin
Mrs Valeda Gordon
Mrs Arthur W Graham
Mr & Mrs Wayne Griep
Ms Catherine B Griffith
Mrs Joyce A Guido
Joyce Hansen
Mrs Dorothy Harvey
Mr. Joseph F. Hattan
Ms. Lucille Haupt
Mr. Robert Havekotte
Michael Hawes
Mrs Adelaide Haxton
Mr & Mrs John Hearson
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Henry
Mrs Jessie Hill
Mr & Mrs J L & Edna
Ms Beatrice Hsiu
Ruth Hughes
Ms G Huisking
Mr & Mrs James M
Humber Jr
Svante Humbla
Mrs Mary Hummeler
Helen B. Hunker
Mrs Dorothy Jackson
Ms Lois A Johns
Ms Jennifer Johnson
Mrs Margaret S Jones
Mr & Mrs Wade Judy
Mrs Gertrude Just
Mr Richard L Kagarise
Mary B. Kasbohm
Ms. Elsie Kautzky
Mr & Mrs Ray & Diane
Helen F Kelbert
Helen Kennedy
Mr Michael Kovac
Mr & Mrs Gerald Kraft
Mr W T Lander
Phil Leak
Mr Francis Lehar
Mr. Francis P. Lehar
Simone Leibowitz
Ms Laura Lindsey
B Lochridge
Col. John J Mac Gregor
Mrs Linda Mackay
Mr & Mrs John A Malecha
Rosalia Maloney
Mr. Joseph E. Marsh
Mrs Edwin P Marshick
Mr & Mrs Joseph Martinez
Mrs Nelda McDermott
Alftruda McDonald
Mr. Lester W. McKee
Hunter R McKee
Ms Irene A Melnyk
Mr Francis D Milistefr
Mrs Jean A Mooney
Mr Robert Morrison
Bert Morton
Ms Rose C Munoz
Mrs. Rose Namaka
Fred & Marilyn K. Nations
Ms. Jannette Nesson
Mr Bob G Newgen
Mrs John H Newman
Mr & Mrs Jerry Nightingale
Anna Belle Nimmo
Louis Noffsinger
Mr & Mrs Edward Noha
Mary E Norckauer
James P O’Connor
Mr Jamie Olson
Ms Mary Papadopetros
Mr Robert E Parrish
Ms Jeannette A Pennock
Mr Phillip Poneck
Father Peter Powell
Mr & Mrs Richard
Ms Dorothy Pryor
Ms Arlene Putt
Mary C Racki
Ms Lacy W Rasberry
Mr & Mrs Ted W Rasor
Ms. Marilyn J Rehnberg
Ms Agnes E Reich
Mr & Mrs Edward J Reid
Ann Reilly
Mr Gerard Reilly
Ms. Patricia J RektorikSprinkle
Mr Richard Renkun Sr
Mr L Richardson Jr
Ms. Margaret J. Robertson
Mrs Marjorie Robison
Mr & Mrs Thomas E Rohr
Ms Mary A Rosania
Mr Steve Rosenberger
Mr George E Rosness
Maj Leonard Rother
Mrs Charlotte Ruff Griffin
Mr & Mrs David & M
Patricia Russell
Ms Kay Saito
Ms Amy T Saito
Clara V. Salsberry
Ms. Joanne Sauer
Harold Schippert
Ms Virginia E Schwatel
Mr. Michael Scoggon
Ms Carolyn Jane Scott
Ms. Theresa Serafini
Cora E Sevilles
Ms. Martha Shalvatis
Mr & Mrs Harold W
Mrs Barbara R Smart
Irene H. Sowa
Mrs Marina F Speir
Dr & Mrs Kenneth P
Ms Robyn Stockton
Mrs. Mary L. Story
Ms Nancy J Stratford
Ms Irma V Strong
Ms Ann Sullivan
Ms. Andrea Sununu
Mary B. Tarpey
Miss Marlys E Tedin
Mr Bert J Theriault
Mr Donald Thorn
Mrs Jack Threet
Mrs. Peter Tighe
Elizabeth M Tinter
Mr Wallace Tippery
Rev. Francis Toan
Mrs Nels E Turnquist
Ms Margaret Ullmann
Mr. and Mrs. Alban F.
Mr & Mrs Roldan Vigil
Mr & Mrs. Edwin Vilim
Mr & Mrs E N Votry
Mrs Willard Walker
Ms. Nancy A. Wang
Mrs Doris Warren
Dr. Olga P. Weber
Mrs Geraldine Weiss
Dr Margaret Weiss
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Wells
Ms. Joan Wetherell
Edwin F Wilkins
Mr Carl B Williams
Ms Dorothea Winek
Kim Wineland
Rev Thomas Winikates
Bert F Winston Jr
Ms Alice Wiren
Mr Earl E Wischemier
Dr Mary Jean Wood
Richard L Woodhams
Ms Alice Yancey
Ms. Alyce Youngson
Gift of Life
$500 to $999
Mrs. George Abbood
Amelia A Altomare
Bernard & Colleen
Mrs Jeanette M Andrews
Ms Judith Andruczyk
Mr James Angerer
Daphne Aurness
W T Avara Jr
Sally Mary Aylward
Mr John Bakker
Mr & Mrs Joseph Barovelli
Ms Jean E Bart
Ms Mary Bauer
Mr. Lincoln Baxter II
Mr Raymond Becker
Ms Mary Bennett
Ms Barbara Berger
Mr John J Bernet
Ms Mary S Bethea
Mr & Mrs Shuman Bickel
Elske Bicknell
Ms Judith Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Bluntzer Jr
Mrs C L Book
Father Joseph J Borodach
Ms Eugenia H Borum
Ms Betty Bowman
Mrs Jim Boyce
Rev John A Brady SJ
Mr Herman Braun
Miss Mary Ellen Bray
Miss Marion I Breen
Mr John C Brennan
Mrs Kathryn Brilhart
Marianne U Buddington
David Burke
Mr Lester Bussman
Ms Lilliam Butler
George L. Byers
Mrs Jenny W Bylander
Mr Patrick Campbell
Mrs William H Cannon
Deetta G Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Carson
Mrs Beulah A. Case
Mr E M Casey
Ms Therese Cashman
Shirley M Castle
Ms Charlotte Champagne
Mrs Ottilie Champion
Ms Joan Cheney
Kathlyn E Chismar
Mrs Deanna B Chott
SS Peter & Paul Catholic
Mr. Cono A Cimino
Mr Jackie R Cissell
Mr & Mrs Robert Clabby
Larry & Sonia Clem
Ms Krimhilde Cline
S. J. Cobian
Mr John Collins
Mr Joe F Collins
Ms. Mary L. Conway
Mrs John B Cooke
Mr Leland Cote
Ms Joyce Craig
Ms Thelma Craig
Ms Dorothy Crowell
Ms Margaret Cummings
Harriet Cunningham
Paul Curci
Mr Gary S Curran
Janet & Dorothy Curry
John E. Cuthrell
Mrs Grace Dannenberg
Mrs Karen Dansfield
John F. Dargin, Jr. Trustee
Ms Kathleen Davidson
Ms. Judith Dawson
Mrs Helen Dawson
Ms. Josephine Dellano
Ms. Carolyn Derr
Ms. Ann Dessert
Mrs Audrey Devine
Melvin Dickerson
Mrs Mary Discavage
Mr Roy D Doerfler
Mrs Virginia Dote
Ms. Marianne Downes
Mrs Suzanne Dunbar
Mr Joseph A Duva
Ms Agnes Dvorak
Mr Leo Dyga
Mrs Betty Edgerly
Ms. Dorothy & Catherine
Ms Janet E Elder
Chester Eschen Jr
Mr Robert S Evanski
Edward A. Everett
Miss Mary Fabricius
Mr & Mrs Charles Fain
Mr. Wilfred V Farnham
Mrs Celeste Farr
Mr. David P. Faulkner Jr
Mr Gilbert Ferland
David Finnance
Mrs John E Fischer
Ms Dorothe Fitzpatrick
Dr & Mrs Thomas M
Mrs Mary Flynn
Miss Bernice Foote
Mrs Grace C Forlenza
Mrs. Eva Forndran
Mr & Mrs Marvin Franke
Mr Jerry Franklin
Mr. Elias T. Galindo
Mr & Mrs James T
Mr. John Gardner
Mrs Marcia Gedanken
Leo Gellings
Mr Charles Gentges
Mr Richard Gerhards
Ms Dorothy T Geyer
Mr Edward H Gibbons
Mr Geo Gilmore
Mr & Mrs Marvin Glasgow
Mr Aaron W. Godfrey
Ms Barbara Goforth
Rose Anne Goodrow
Mr Patrick Gossman
Ms. Gertrude Goudy
Kathy M. Grabowski
Joe & Mary Grimes
Ms Constance Grisard
Ms Louise Grout
Ms. Barbara Gurtler
Guy Reno Foundation
Mrs Louis W Haar
Ms Evelyne Hamilton
Frank & Margaret Hankins
Ms. Dorothy Hanna
Mrs Leslie Harrell
Ms Bette Harrington
Ms Virginia M Head
Mr & Mrs Albert J Hefner
Mrs Dolores E Helton
Ms Elizabeth Herr
Ms Susan Heyburn
Rosemary Higginson
Miss Renee Hill
Ms. Florence H Hochwalt
Mr Albert Hoelker
Mr Henry I Holtz
Mr. William A Hood
Olivia Hopfe
Ms Anita Horbacz
Ann M Horick
Julia Houston
Mr John H. Hudson
Mr Raymond Hufnagel
Miss Ann Incoronato
Mr & Mrs D B Jackson
Mrs. Dorothy Jackson
Thomas Jacobs
Ms. Regina O. Janes
Bertolet Janiszewski
Mrs Arthur E Jensen
Col. Phyllis Jo Johnson
Mr Robert Johnson
Marion L. Johnson
Ms. Rita B Jolly
Lori Jordan
Mr Eugene R Junette
Mr & Mrs Edward E
Laszlo & Ingrid Jurak
Ms Dorothea Kaitz
William F. Kamin
Mr. Julius Katchur
Ms. Helen M Kearney
Mr Hugh R Kerrigan
Mrs David P Knopp
Ms Mary Kohne
Ms Emily Kopley
John J. Korfhage
Mrs. Elizabeth Kost
Rev Richard J Kozak
Mr & Mrs Bill Krause
Mr. Leonard S Krofka
Sandra A. Kruzman
Ms Patricia Kuhrt
Mr Eugene Lamb
Mr George Laurence
Dolores A Leander
Mr Richard L Lechaux
Mr John Leidy
Mr D M Leiendecker
Mrs Loretta Levesque
Jacob Levine
Mrs. Anna Lewis
Ming Liao
Mrs. Johanna Lisik
Ms Mary Beth Lodge
Mrs. Ruth Lodge
Mr. Joseph Lodge
Mr & Mrs Vincent Loizzo
Roy A Lucier
Mr & Mrs James Lundy
Mrs J W Lynch
Barbara Mabrey
Mary J Mackey
Mrs John S. Maclaren
Joseph Maksin
Mr. Lawrence W Malavita
Mrs Betty Malcomb
Ms. Maureen Mann
Mrs Karen Q Mann
Ms Rosemary Maroney
Roddy Martin
Betty Martin
Ms. Georgia Mason
Ms. Juanita Maxwell
Mr Phillip A Mc Dermott
Mr & Mrs John R
Mc Gregor
Mr. Charles T. Mc Kinnie
Jane McCloskey
Sharon McCormick
Mr Leland McCoy
Mrs Patricia McCullough
Mr & Mrs Edward J.
Ms Ramona McLendon
Miss Anne McManus
Mr Ronald McMillan
Mrs J McVeigh
Mr & Mrs Francis W
Johanna Y. Meara
Ms. Marga Meier
Charles Merrill, Jr.
Mr Richard L Merritt
Mr Walter Milburn
Mr Joseph Miller
Ms. Rita Miller
Mr Norman B Mills
Mrs Priscilla Mills
Beatrice Mink
Ms Marion Mirehouse
Ms Barbara Mitchell
Dr & Mrs Jorge Miyares
Miss Teresa M Modica
Ms. Maryse Monteiro
Naomi C Moore
Mr. Ronald J. Morrissey
Mr Richard Morrow
Mr Joseph Murphy
Mr Rich Mutherspaw
Ms. Cynthia R Myers
Mr William J Myhre
Ms Rosemary Nagle
Mr. Nathan Narrance
Dr William P Nelson
Barbara J Nelson
Ms. Maria Nicklaus
Naomi E Nord Trust
Mr. James W Norris
Archie Novotny
Mrs Ray P Oden Jr
Mr Thomas E Ohnesorge
Mr. Edward Ortiz
Ms Dorothy E Otter
Ms Margie Lee Packard
Mr Philip Palmer
Michael Palushock
Ms. Ruth K. Panella
Dr Joan Parry
Mrs William Parson
Mrs Madeline Patton
Ms Lorraine Pearson
Ms Debbie Pearson
Mr & Mrs Don Peltier
Mrs Mary V Pendleton
Ms Marvel Perilla
Lloyd W Perkins
Mr & Mrs Frank H
Mrs. Noelie D. Pfeffer
Anez P Pitcock
Dr Leslie Polland
Ms. Barbara Poscich
Ms Joy Posey
Mrs Sandra B Powley
Joe & Alexis Pozdol
Mrs. Esther Price
Mr Adam Pulaski
Ms Stella Rand
Robert Raskind
Mr Alex Ravnik
Mrs John A Reilly
Mr Harvey K Reyner
Thomas Rhett
Dorothy E Rice
Mr Charles G Roberts
Ms June A Robinette
Ms Mary Robinson
Douglas & Peggy Robison
Mr Bryan Roelfs
Ms. Doris Rossomme
Ms Judy Rowan
Mr. Edward Safford
Mr & Mrs Tom & Gloria
Mrs Mary Sayles
Mr. Thomas M. Scally
Ms Mary Schappell
Mr Carl Schell
Miss Mary Schory
Mr & Mrs Helmut
Mr. Larry Schronce
William J Schull
Mrs Patricia A Serio
Mr Harry Shade
Mr & Mrs Edward F Shea
Mrs Helen Shepard
Mrs Gail Shevlin
Mr K Shiroishi
Marcia Sigler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Miss Lynn E Smith
Mr & Mrs Harry &
Kay Smith
Russell T Snip M.D.
Mr Edward Sons
Mr & Mrs Robert P Sontag
Ms Marian A Southard
Mr & Mrs Tom & Connie
Rosalie Speciale
Mr. & Mrs Arthur Stafford
Mr Douglas R Stahl
Ms Christina Staveski
William Steineker
Mrs Mary Stevens
Mrs Eleanor J Storms
Mr Fred Suazo
Mr Walter Sudul
Mr & Mrs George L
Bryan Swope
Mr & Mrs Stephen
Szajko Jr
L. Tarangelo
The Church of the
Mr. Harry L. Thomas
Ms Patricia Thomas
Ms Bessie Thomason
Miss Gwendolyn Tise
Mrs. Julia Toms
Mrs Irene Boveri
Mr John T Tracy
Mrs Edward Trizinsky
Mrs W Tulloch
Mrs Mary Uhrig
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W.
Joseph H. Urcavich
Lily Van Halen
Ms Ursula Van Raden
Mary C. Velten
Mr. John L. Venegoni
Ms Thresa Veselosky
Ms Barbara Veteto
Mr & Mrs Erwin J Vickery
Mrs. Matt Vilutis
Mrs Lora E Vineyard
Mrs Judith Walsh
Ms Esther Ward
Mr. David D. Watson
Dr & Mrs Adolph
Mr. Clifford W. Wheeler
Mr Ralph Wheeler
James Wheeler
Thomas White
Mrs Mary Louise
Mr. Francis Whitesell
Mr Tom Widener
Ms Veronica Wilde
Robert Willhite
Mr Randy Williams
Inge Williams
Miss Myrtle Williams
Mrs. Marie Ellen Wilson
Penelope P Wilson
Miss Claudia Wilson
Ms Edna Marie Wood
Mrs. Irma Hill Woody
Mr. Theodore O. Wright
Satoru Yamada
Mr & Mrs Dennis Yancho
Mr Manfred Ziebis
Avis M Zoanni
Christmas Memories 2005
Montessori Christmas program St. Joseph
Donors who contributed $100 or more between January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 were enrolled in the Dawn of Hope
Society. They received a beautiful personalized certificate suitable for framing. Thank you for your generous and caring gifts.
Soaring Eagle Gift Annuities and You
Enjoy peace of mind while living on a fixed
income, even when stock market and interest
rates fluctuate.
With a Soaring Eagle Gift Annuity you not
only receive payments for life but also enjoy
the satisfaction of providing care for Northern
Cheyenne elders. It’s a simple and worry free
way to go. You don’t have to be an expert in
stocks, bonds, indexes or treasury rates. You
don’t have to hire a broker or financial consultant to make your Charitable Gift Annuity.
You will receive fixed payments, monthly,
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an income tax deduction, and even a partial
bypass of capital gain tax when transferring
Montessori children’s Christmas program
investment paying poor returns and a
possible reduction of estate taxes. A charitable
gift annuity is a smart option for many of our
older friends. Soaring Eagle Gift Annuities
offer you a high rate of return. Many of
our donors have also invested in additional
annuities because of the attractive tax benefits.
Please complete and return the attached
annuity coupon if you are interested in a
personal proposal showing how a Soaring Eagle
Gift Annuity can work for you.
Singing Christmas carols for the elders
I can’t let our Christmas Day memories this year
fade into history without sharing some of them
with you. At the Heritage Living Center, the
Cheyenne elders eagerly awaited Christmas
morning to open the many gifts beneath our
beautiful Christmas tree in the lobby. For the
newer residents, the day was filled with special
anticipation because they had heard about last
year’s Christmas party.
“I am 79 years-old and I’ve never had a
Christmas like this in all my life!” were the
grateful words of an elder enjoying his first
Christmas with us two years ago. Each year
without saying a single word their twinkling eyes
and joyous laughter expresses how much fun they
have when they open their gifts. They are enjoying the Christmases they never had as children.
During the weeks before Christmas, it
was mostly the ladies who gathered little gifts
and carefully wrapped them for their greatgrandchildren who came to visit. They joined
together to bake ginger bread and then built
ginger bread houses with frosting roofs and
candies as part of the Christmas decorations in
all the common areas of our home.
The week before Christmas was filled with
activities. Choral groups from the schools, girl
scouts and churches came to sing Christmas
carols and brought gifts of cookies and candy.
We even had a Christmas violin concert by
Christine Valentine from Birney, Montana.
The Montessori Christmas program was a special
treat as the little children’s parents, grandparents,
friends and relatives joined the elders to watch
the children reenact the Christmas message.
The greatest blessings for the elders and all
of us at the Soaring Eagle Heritage Living Center
are the generous donations from you, our friends.
It is your generosity, gifts and encouragement
that make this beautiful home, “the miracle
on the hill,” possible.
A church group leaving after singing carols
Fort Robinson when survivors ran from the pursuing
troops. The walls of the shrine will face the four
directions and at the top will appear the Morning
Star symbol of the Northern Cheyenne Nation.
Bronze plaques embedded into the walls will recall
what happened to their ancestors at Fort Robinson
on January 9, 1870.
It is a privilege to live with Cheyenne elders
here at the Soaring Eagle Heritage Living Center.
I thank you, our friends, for making it possible for us
to care for them. Each day in my prayers I ask God
to bless you for your sacrifice and love for these
deserving people.
Advantages of a
Soaring Eagle Gift Annuity
A guaranteed rate
of return for life
Interest rates up to 12%
Immediate and future
tax benefits
Annuity options
to suit your needs
Help care for elders now
and in the future
This memorial is being constructed
near Fort Robinson, Nebraska to honor
the Northern Cheyenne nation.
Your Gift
Lives On
Please use one of the following
sample forms of bequest:
Gift of Life
$500 to $999
of Deposit
Edna Foote admiring the beauty of Eagle Ridge Park.
Carl Braine
gets set to enjoy
a delicious bowl
of ice cream
during his 91st
Birthday Party.
Contract Amount
Rate of Return
Charitable Deduction (Yr. 1) $0
Taxable Income
$1,200/yr Gross Annual Income
Sylvia Elk Shoulder and daughter Ruby assemble jigsaw.
Income Tax Savings (Yr. 1)
*Based on a 92 year-old individual in a 27%
Federal tax bracket, making a $10,000 investment.
Soaring Eagle Annuity contracts are irrevocable,
resulting in the large contribution deduction. The
Certificate of Deposit is a 2-year rate.
B. “I give, devise, and bequeath to
Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws
of the State of Montana, located at
Billings, Montana, ______% of my
C. “I give, devise, and bequeath to
Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws of
the State of Montana, located at Billings,
Montana, the sum of $____________.”
D. “I give, devise, and bequeath to
Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws of
the State of Montana, located at 745
Indian Trail, P.O. Drawer 879 in Billings,
Montana, 59103, the sum of $ ________
for the Wall of Living Memories Fund, to
care for Cheyenne elders, the principal
of which shall remain in perpetuity.”
First aid training for Resident Attendants.
A. (Whatever is left after other bequests
have been granted) “All the rest, residue,
and remainder of my estate, I bequeath
to Soaring Eagle Public Charity, a
corporation created under the Laws
of the State of Montana, located at
Billings, Montana.”
These are sample forms only. Consult
your attorney when preparing any legal
I’m interested in a Soaring Eagle Charitable
Gift Annuity. The better rate of return, tax deduction
and eventual charitable contribution to Soaring Eagle
sounds like a WIN WIN WIN opportunity.
Birth date(s) of annuitant_______________________
Annuity Amount $____________________________
(up to 2 names/birthdates allowed per annuity.)
This is a non-binding proposal. Upon receipt of actual
payment for an annuity, a formal contract will be
mailed. For more information call (406) 256-8500.
Soaring Eagle
Important Days We Want to Remember in Our Prayers
You are in our prayers each day and we want to remember your loved ones on their special days as well.
Please print the name(s) you want remembered and return in the envelope provided.
Date of Birthday_______________________________
Date of Death____________________________________
Date of Birthday________________________________
Date of Death____________________________________