24th March 2016 - The Bush Telegraph Weekly
24th March 2016 - The Bush Telegraph Weekly
21,000 MAGAZINES LETTERBOX DELIVERED WEEKLY from Normanhurst in the south to Cheero Point in the north and everywhere in between Phone: 02 9456 2880 Thursday 24 March 2016 LEARNING IN THE DIGITAL AGE The children at St Patrick’s are taught to be thinkers, and discerning users of technology. Hornsby Musical Society Presents Guys and Dolls Read story page 11 HRSL TALENT QUEST ANZAC DAY 8th April - 16th April Tickets selling fast! Monday 25th April Register online today MONDAY 25TH APRIL 2016 ANZAC DAY BREAKFAST Available to all Club Members All proceeds are donated to RSL LifeCare $5 Homes for Heroes Program Please purchase your ticket through Club reception prior to the 25 April 2016 Friday 22nd April 7.30pm | Lee Kernaghan Saturday 7th May 7.30pm Award winning show w. hornsbyrsl.com.au p. 02 9477 7777 a. 4 High St, Hornsby 2077 e. [email protected] FOR ALL BOOKINGS PLEASE PHONE 9477 7777 OR VISIT WWW.HORNSBYRSL.COM.AU | SEE WEBSITE FOR FULL DETAILS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT Starting school is a key transition in a child’s life. This transition often encompasses movement to larger environments and from highly personalised to less personalised relationships. It is a transition to a different learning environment where a child’s resilience and self-help skills are important assets in VXSSRUWLQJFRQ¿GHQFH 5HVHDUFKFRQ¿UPVWKDWFKLOGUHQZKRKDYHKDGWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRDFFHVVDTXDOLW\HDUO\ childhood education programme have a greater chance of a positive start to school life DQGWKHLPSDFWDTXDOLW\HDUO\FKLOGKRRGSURJUDPPHKDVRQOHDUQLQJRXWFRPHVLVVHHQ to be long lasting. Research in recent years also provides greater understanding of the important brain development that occurs during the early years and that this is a pivotal time in a child’s life. At Mt Colah Preschool KindergartenWKHTXDOL¿HGDQGWDOHQWHG(GXFDWRUVXQGHUVWDQGWKH importance of a successful transition to school, which results in children who like school and who show steady growth in academic and social skills. Our educational programme places a strong emphasis on school UHDGLQHVVDQGLVGHOLYHUHGLQDIXQDQGVXSSRUWLYHHQYLURQPHQW(GXFDWRUVWDNH time to understand each child’s strengths and abilities to ensure they receive the support they need. Now is the time to look ahead and plan for your child. We welcome your LQTXLU\DWDQ\WLPHDQGLQYLWH\RXWRDWWHQGRXU2SHQ'D\&RPHDORQJDQGVHH Thursday, March 31st RXU3UHVFKRROLQDFWLRQDQGPHHWRXUIDQWDVWLFWHDPRI(GXFDWRUV)RUPRUH 10am - 12pm information please visit our website at www.mtcolahpreschool.com.au. Mt Colah Preschool Open Day Come and visit us to see for yourself! 7KXUVGD\0DUFKVWIURPDP±SP&QU$PDURR$YHQXHDQG3DFL¿F+Z\0W &RODK3K OPEN DAY Mt Colah Preschool Kindergarten a caring place to learn and grow Ph: 9476 4101 www.mtcolahpreschool.com.au LOCAL FUNDRAISER TRIVIA NIGHT A Success! 'HOL0DQDJHUDW&ROHV%HURZUDJoanne Hyland, recently organised a local Trivia night fundraiser for her team member, friend and local lady Steph, who is going WKURXJKFDQFHUWUHDWPHQW-RVDLG³,ZRXOGOLNHWRWKDQNWKHORFDO&RPPXQLW\IRU WKHLUVXSSRUWIRUWKHWULYLDIXQGUDLVHUKHOGDW%HURZUD56/:HUDLVHGRYHU WRKHOS6WHSKDQGKHUIDPLO\WKURXJKFKDOOHQJLQJWLPHVThank You!” Jo continued: “I am so overwhelmed by the wonderful and sincere community support and am so very grateful for all who helped. There are so many generous people and businesses who got involved and I would like to include a heartfelt thank you to them all, too many to mention everyone but especially Berowra RSL, Bendigo Bank Berowra and The Bush Tele Weekly for publishing/promoting the trivia night.” HORNSBY GALSTON RD : ROFE PARK SHOW DATES & TIMES FRI 25th March 3pm SAT 26th March 3pm & 7pm SUN 27th March 2pm MON 28th March 11am THURS 31st March 7pm FRI 1st April 7pm SAT 2nd April 3pm & 7pm SUN 3rd April 11am 25th March ~ 3rd April TICKET PRICES VIP: Adult: $40 Child $30 Ring Side: Adult $32 Child $22 A Reserve: Adult $28 Child $18 B Reserve: Adults $25 Child $15 The Show will take you and your family on a wild west adventure with death defying acrobats, wheel of death, funny clowns, trick dogs, Miniature Ponies, exciting circus acts, Western dancing and much much more! So Saddle up, get you hat and cowboy boots on and let Webers Circus take your on a Wild West adventure, fun a laughter for the whole family! PHONE BOOKINGS: 0448 CIRCUS - 0448 247 287 Book Online www.weberscircus.com (child 3-14yrs) (Tickets on sale 1 hour before each show) cash sales at the Box Office on site (Wed-Sun) 2 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY Steph with family and friends enjoying themselves at the trivia night held at Berowra RSL last week. ‘Gems of Ku-ring-gai’ )RUW\ORFDOZRPHQZHUHDFNQRZOHGJHGIRUWKHLUFRQWULEXWLRQWR .XULQJJDLWKLVZHHNLQKRQRXURI,QWHUQDWLRQDO:RPHQ¶V'D\ 7KH*HPVRI.XULQJJDLZHUHSUHVHQWHGZLWKFHUWL¿FDWHVRIPHULWE\ 0D\RU6]DWRZDWDFHUHPRQ\ODVWZHHNDW&DOH\¶VIXQFWLRQFHQWUHLQWKH :LOGÀRZHU*DUGHQ Some of the recipients included: Berwyn Collings, a volunteer with the Ku-ring-gai Netball Association for \HDUV Joan Hayes, who has run a retirees friendship group for Roseville Uniting &KXUFKVLQFH Tina HowardIRXQGLQJPHPEHURIWKH7XUUDPXUUD&RPPXQLW\*DUGHQ Wendy Blaxland, past president and volunteer since 2001 with Marian 6WUHHW7KHDWUHIRU<RXQJ3HRSOH Margi KindlFRRUGLQDWRURIµ7KH'LVK¶UHVWDXUDQWIRUWKHKRPHOHVVDQG Meals on Wheels volunteer. Guest speakers included $LOHHQ0RXQWL¿HOG/LVD+DUQXP)RXQGDWLRQ and Bianka Costigan7DUD&RVWLJDQ)RXQGDWLRQ Mayor Cheryl Szatow said, “Gems of Ku-ring-gai is an integral part of the .XULQJJDLFRPPXQLW\,W¶VYHU\¿WWLQJWKDWZHUHFRJQLVHWKHLUFRQWULEXWLRQ LQWKHZHHNRI,QWHUQDWLRQDO:RPHQ¶V'D\´ Visit www.kmc.nsw.gov.au/internationalwomensday HORNSBY CHAMBER HAPPENINGS A t last week’s Hornsby Chamber of Commerce lunch at Hornsby RSL, members Mandy Taylor of Smartline Mortgages and 1LFN*ROOR of Colliers Int. Industrial Units were the winners of the 30 second Soap Box competition. HCC Vice President Mario Di Barnardo of NAB Business was the Judge for the prize of a chocolate Easter Bunny! Hornsby Chamber of &RPPHUFHPHHWVPRQWKO\IRU OXQFK)LQGRXWPRUH ZZZKRUQVE\EXVLQHVVFRPDX Photo: L-R Nick Gollo (Colliers International Northern Sydney Area Industrial Unit Division) Mario Di Bernardo (NAB /HCC Vice Pres), Chris George (Finance Equipment), Shelley Duffy, (Simply Visas), Susan Hughes (Successful Resumes Hills North Hornsby & HCC Memberships 2I¿FHU0DQG\ Taylor (Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisers & HCC State Chamber Liaison 2I¿FHU+RSH Kidd (Jamaican Products), Alexi %R\G%R\G2I¿FH Management Services & HCC (YHQWV2I¿FHU and Christine Nichols, (Sales Manager, The Bush Telegraph Weekly). Susanne’s Redkite Ride for her son, Manning “My son, Manning, was 10 when he was diagnosed with a highly malignant, aggressive tumour inside his chest wall. He came to me one night and said ‘Mum, my chest hurts when I lie down’. Little wonder, the sarcoma was as big as a rockmelon,” said Susanne. Local Berowra woman and SKY News Presenter Susanne Latimore, has completed a very exciting bike ride! Susanne is an inspiring woman who has undertaken a massive bike ride to raise money for Redkite, a children’s cancer charity that helped her family and her son Manning when he was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 10. Mum of two Susanne was living a fairly normal suburban life for most of 2013 but the week before Christmas her son was diagnosed with an enormous, very rare and highly malignant tumour. It was the start of a long journey and many hours spent at Westmead Children’s Hospital. The 300km ride over three days from 16-18 March, from Berowra to Forster, with 17 other enthusiastic cyclists, including her sister Belinda aims to raise $20,000 for Redkite. “I wasn’t aware of the work of Redkite until I was embraced by a social worker in the hospital and given the Big Red %DJ¿OOHGZLWKHVVHQWLDOVWKDWPDGHRXU¿UVWXSVLGHGRZQ days more bearable,” Susanne said. Every year 1600 young Australians are diagnosed with cancer and Redkite helps about 1000 families a year with essential services. “It was nearly a week before the biopsy report was back and Jonty our surgeon came to tell us the glorious news. He’d gotten clear margins on the tumour. 0DQQLQJKDGD¿JKWLQJFKDQFHRedkite exists to ensure every kid GLDJQRVHGZLWKFDQFHUKDVD¿JKWLQJFKDQFH´6XVDQQHVDLG )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW5HGNLWHYLVLWKWWSZZZUHGNLWHRUJDX)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHULGHYLVLW KWWSVGD\VNVIRUUHGNLWHHYHU\GD\KHURFRPDXVXVDQQHODWLPRUH Photo (left): Susanne Latimore on the road. (Above): Susanne with some of her team mates in Berowra. Berowra Real Estate Specialists SELLING, BUYING, RENTING STRATA MANAGEMENT 9456 9999 2 Berowra Waters Road [email protected] Thursday 24 March 2016 3 Money Matters for Women www.thebushtele.com.au EDITORIAL Managing Editor Kathie Comb ADVERTISING Advertising Manager Christine Nichols Deputy Editor Moira Daniels OFFICE 2IÀFH0DQDJHU Accounts Denise Dagen Contributor Bill Aitken ART & PRODUCTION Jennifer O’Donohue Moira Daniels Assistant Accounts Lorraine Le Blang DISTRIBUTION Ashlie Robinson Michael Crocker EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES & CONTRIBUTIONS [email protected] 02 9456 2880 ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES Christine Nichols [email protected] 0415 381 882 3ODFHFODVVLÀHGVRQOLQH thebushtele.com.au ACCOUNTS ENQUIRIES Denise Dagen [email protected] 02 9456 2880 (IIHFWLYH¿QDQFLDO PDQDJHPHQWLVDVNLOOZH DOOUHTXLUH\HWZRPHQ DUHOHVVOLNHO\WRPDNHLW DSULRULW\:KHWKHU\RX¶UH VLQJOHPDUULHGGLYRUFHG ZLGRZHG«RUVLPSO\ KDQGOLQJ\RXU¿QDQFHVIRU WKH¿UVWWLPH«LWLVZRUWK WDNLQJWKHWLPHDQGHIIRUW WRHPSRZHU\RXUVHOIZLWK DSSURSULDWHNQRZOHGJHDQG DGYLFH $WRXU$FFRXQWLQJ3UDFWLFH ZHRIWHQKDYHZRPHQFRPH LQDIWHUWKHLUKXVEDQGLV WDNHQLOORUSDVVHGDZD\ ZLWKOLWWOHRUQRNQRZOHGJH RIWKHIDPLO\¿QDQFHV:H WKHQEHJLQWKHSURFHVV RIZRUNLQJRXWZKDWWKH DVVHWVOLDELOLWLHVDQG LQVXUDQFHVDUH,WFDQ EHTXLWHDSURFHVVWRJHW PDWWHUVLQRUGHUDJDLQ DQGDOOGXULQJDQDOUHDG\ VWUHVVIXOWLPH 6RPHWLPHVZRPHQZKR XQH[SHFWHGO\EHFRPHVLQJOH ¿QGWKHPVHOYHVVKRUWRIFDVK LQWKHVKRUWWHUP,I\RXDUH DVHFRQGDU\FDUGKROGHUWR \RXUSDUWQHU¶VFUHGLWFDUG\RX PLJKW¿QGWKDW\RXORVHWKLV DFFHVVWRVKRUWWHUPFUHGLW MXVWZKHQ\RXPLJKWQHHG LWPRVW6LPSOHVWUDWHJLHV VXFKDVHQVXULQJ\RXDUH WKHSULPDU\KROGHURI\RXU RZQFUHGLWFDUGFDQJLYH\RX ÀH[LELOLW\LQWLPHVRIQHHG 6DYLQJIRUWKHIXWXUHLV LPSRUWDQWIRUHYHU\RQH DQGHVSHFLDOO\IRUZRPHQ ZKRPLJKWRXWOLYHWKHLU VSRXVH8QGHUVWDQGLQJ VXSHUDQQXDWLRQDQGKRZWR HIIHFWLYHO\VDYHIRU\RXUIXWXUH LVDZLVHVWHSWRWDNHZHOO EHIRUH\RXDFWXDOO\UHTXLUH WKHIXQGV $EE\3UDFWLFHLVUXQQLQJD WORKSHOPWRJLYH\RX WLSVDGYLFHDQGLQVLJKWVWR Bush Tele sponsors Broncos The Bushland Shire Telegraph Pty Ltd Shop 12, Marketplace Shopping Centre, 19 Turner Road, Berowra Heights NSW 2082 PO Box 80, Berowra Heights NSW 2082 +HUHDUHSKRWRVRIWKHVWDWHFXSWHDP ±5\GH(DVWZRRG%URQFRVPDGHXS RISOD\HUVIURPWKH+RUQVE\5\GH FRPSHWLWLRQDUHD :HZHUHSDUWRIWKH+RUQVE\WR5\GH DUHD5HSUHVHQWDWLYH2]WDJWHDPZKLFK FRPSHWHGDW6WDWH&XSLQ7DPZRUWK IURP0DUFKWKWKLV\HDU 7KDQN\RXVRPXFK%XVK7HOHIRU\RXU JHQHURXVVSRQVRUVKLSDVLWKHOSHG FRYHUWKHUHJLVWUDWLRQFRVWVIRUWKHWHDP DVWKH\FRPSHWHGLQWKHIXQGUDLVHU :HSOD\HGJDPHVRYHUDGD\DQG DKDOIDQGXQIRUWXQDWHO\GLGQ¶WPDNH TXDUWHU¿QDOVEXWSOD\HGZHOOWRJHWKHU DVDWHDP Kate Crocker, Hornsby PRINTED BY Spotpress Pty Ltd, 24-26 Lilian Fowler Place, Marrickville NSW 2204. ',6&/$,0(5 All responsibility for information, advertisements and opinions appearing in The Bush Telegraph Weekly is entirely that of the contributor or advertiser and not of the Publisher, Employees or Contractors of The Bush Telegraph Weekly. &23<5,*+7 Stories, artwork and photographs appearing in The Bush Telegraph Weekly are subject to copyright and may not be reprinted in any media without written permission of The Bushland Shire Telegraph Pty Ltd. 21,000 letterbox delivered every Thursday. Published online every Tuesday. Delivered to Waitara, Normanhurst, Hornsby, Hornsby Heights, Asquith, Mt Colah, Mt Kuring-gai, Berowra, Berowra Heights, Cowan, Brooklyn, Mooney Mooney, Cheero Point, Dangar Island, Riverboat Postman, Berowra Waters and beyond. Bulk delivery to Wahroonga, Thornleigh, Westleigh, Galston. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Suites 20-21 The Madison 25-29 Hunter St HORNSBY Asquith Golf Club Twilight Golf 20 $ MGA maree garrett & associates Ph: 9485 3400 Fax: 9485 3499 HORNSBY 4 KHOS\RXPDNH UHVSRQVLEOH ¿QDQFLDO GHFLVLRQVIRU \RXUIXWXUH,WLV FRPSOLPHQWDU\ DQGZLOOEHKHOG RQTuesday 5 April from 122pm at Abby Practice, Suite 702, 90 George St Hornsby. 7RSLFVLQFOXGH 6HWWLQJD)DPLO\%XGJHW 6XSHUDQQXDWLRQ±PDNLQJLWZRUN IRU\RX ,QVXUDQFH±DUH\RXSURWHFWHG" 5HWXUQLQJWRWKH:RUNIRUFH± ZKDWDUH\RXUULJKWV" :LOOV±ZKDWKDSSHQVLI\RXU +XVEDQGGLHV" Seats are strictly limited so RSVP as soon as possible by calling (02) 9476 0399. THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY Play as much as you can after 4pm Lord St Mt Colah 9477 1403 PEATS RIDGE MARKETS Our Next Market is on EASTER SUNDAY! Sunday 27th MAR 9am - 2pm Peats Ridge Public School Great family fun. Pony rides * fresh produce * organics * clothes * Sustainable Natives * Woodturners * Easter egg hunt * and much more www.asquithgolfclub.com.au Where everyone is always welcome. e: [email protected] 550 MARK A CENTENARY OF FAITH Story & photos by Bill Aitken A QHVWLPDWHGSDULVKLRQHUVIRUPHUSDULVKLRQHUVORFDOGLJQLWDULHV and clergy packed Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral Church :DLWDUDRQ6XQGD\0DUFKWKIRUDVSHFLDO0DVVFHOHEUDWLQJ\HDUV of being a Faith Community. A new Parish stretching from Cockle Creek in the south to the Hawkesbury 5LYHUHQFRPSDVVLQJWKHDUHDVRI1RUPDQKXUVW:DLWDUD+RUQVE\WKURXJK WR%HURZUDDQG%URRNO\QZDVH[FLVHGIURPWKH3DULVKRI3\PEOHDQGRQ 0DUFKWKDQHZEULFN&KXUFKRSHQHG 3ULRUWRWKLVDQH[FHOOHQWIRXQGDWLRQIRUWKHHVWDEOLVKPHQWRIWKHWKHQ Waitara Parish had been made. A stone laid for a new church in 1908 by His Eminence Cardinal Moran recognised the growth in the area which had seen the establishment in 1897 of an Orphanage or Foundling Home on Peats Ferry Road (now 3DFL¿F+LJKZD\E\WKHSisters of Mercy and a small wooden church that served the faithful. Among those celebrating 100 years in the life of this community of faith ZHUHORFDO6WDWH03VAlistair Henskens0HPEHUIRU.XULQJJDLDQG Matt Kean0HPEHUIRU+RUQVE\7KH\MRLQHG'HDQDQG$GPLQLVWUDWRU RI+RUQVE\&DWKHGUDO3DULVK9HU\5HYRobert Borg and former Parish 3ULHVW5HYPaul Foley 5HWWRFXWDPDVVLYHFURVVVKDSHGFDNH emblazoned with the emblem of the Parish. Fr. Borg then led those gathered in a spirited rendition of Happy Birthday and three strident cheers before the crowd moved on to a photographic DQGGRFXPHQWDU\GLVSOD\RI3DULVKOLIHRYHUWKHWKDQGVW&HQWXULHV Among the memories re-visited were those of the development of the Parish school; the history of various Sodalities that were part of the fabric RIIDLWKLQWKH3DULVKWKHSRSXODU'HEXWDQWH%DOOVWKHYDULRXV\RXWK sporting groups and teams that were an intrinsic part of social activities over the years and the development of the Parish to embrace the diverse cultures that are integral to the congregation it serves today. $ORQJWKHZD\WKHH[KLELWLRQ touched on memories as esoteric as: Papal Zouaves (Infantry soldiers in service to WKH3RSHDQGDVPXQGDQH as the Parish Finances in the 1940’s. Many recognised themselves and friends from their schooldays and from photographs embracing all aspects of the Parish life which continues unabated into its second Century. Photo:OU$OLVWDLU+HQVNHQV MP (Member for Ku-ringJDL0DWW.HDQ030HPEHU IRU+RUQVE\)U5REHUW Borg and Fr. Paul Foley joined together to cut the celebratory cake recognising the centenary of the Waitara Community of Faith. OPEN DAY Saturday 2 April 2016 10am - 2pm ‘Units open for Inspection’ 2 Kitchener Road, Cherrybrook offering both self-care and serviced accommodation Call us on 9481 8842 www.woodlandsvillage.com.au Go into the draw to win a TV/DVD Enjoy a fun day exploring our Village There will be a variety of Arts & Craft Stalls Cakes & Sausage Sizzle Lots of Raffles and Prizes Move or improve: we weigh the options It’s easy enough to know when you need more room in your house, but how do you decide whether it’s better to move or improve? People choose to renovate and H[WHQGWKHLUKRXVHVIRUPDQ\ reasons. Maybe the kids are JHWWLQJELJJHUDQHOGHUO\SDUHQW LVFRPLQJWROLYHIRUDZKLOHRU you just want to have a parents’ retreat so you can get away from them all! Should you move? ,I\RXPRYHLWLVTXLWHSRVVLEOH that you may have to leave the DUHDWR¿QGDQRWKHUKRXVHWKDW suits your needs. That alone has implications to take into FRQVLGHUDWLRQVXFKDVFKDQJLQJ VFKRROVPRYLQJDZD\IURP family and friends and being closer to or further away from your workplace. Take into account also the costs of buying and selling property VXFKDVUHSDLUVPDUNHWLQJ DJHQW¶VIHHVEXLOGLQJLQVSHFWLRQ OHJDOIHHVVWDPSGXW\PRYLQJ FRVWVDQGUH¿QDQFLQJ\RXUKRPH loan. You might also decide that WKHQH[WSODFHLVQ¶WTXLWHSHUIHFW and end up renovating anyway. Should you improve? .QRFNLQJDIHZZDOOVRXW opening the living areas into the JDUGHQRUDGGLQJDQRWKHUÀRRU FRXOGPDNHDQH[LVWLQJKRPH work for your growing family. Provided you have the space and PHHWFRXQFLOEXLOGLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV H[WHQGLQJ\RXUKRXVHFRXOGEHD good alternative. :KHQFDOFXODWLQJ\RXURSWLRQV consider the impact of the H[WHQVLRQVWDNLQJLQWRDFFRXQW time and costs such as architect RUGHVLJQIHHVREWDLQLQJSHUPLWV LQVXUDQFHPDWHULDOVDQGODERXU If you’re planning on living in the KRXVHIRUWKHQH[WWHQ\HDUVPDNH changes that will facilitate your FRPIRUWDQGOLIHVW\OH2WKHUZLVH talk with your real estate agent DERXWWKHW\SHRIH[WHQVLRQVDQG renovations that will ensure your home will attract buyers in the current market. It’s never a straightforward GHFLVLRQWRPRYHRUH[WHQGZKHQ you need more space. But if you take time to consider all the RSWLRQVFRVWVDQGRXWFRPHVLWZLOO be a lot easier and you’re more likely to make a decision you won’t regret. Adam Noakes can be contacted: T 02 9477 3500 M 0450 753 268 E [email protected] WOODLANDS FOR YOUR RETIREMENT Woodlands offers you a chance to enjoy an ACTIVE retirement – with new interests, new friends – in an atmosphere of SECURITY. The Village has been carefully designed in a landscaped garden HQYLURQPHQW0RWRUWUDI¿FLVFRQ¿QHGWRSHULPHWHUURDGVDQGWKHUHLVQR ³WKURXJK´WUDI¿FWKXVHQVXULQJVDIHW\SULYDF\DQGTXLHW Woodlands offer both self-care and serviced accommodation. There are a total of 145 units: 97 self-care “Garden” units and 48 Serviced “Lodge” apartments. ,PSRUWDQWO\WKH/RGJHLVVWDIIHGKRXUVDGD\DQGDOOXQLWVERWKVHOI FDUHDQGVHUYLFHGKDYH³YLWDOFDOO´SURYLGLQJSHDFHRIPLQGIRUERWKWKH resident and their families. You OWN your own home – you are not merely the tenant of some RUJDQLVDWLRQ7KHUHDUHQRGHIHUUHGPDQDJHPHQWHQWU\RUH[LWIHHV so if you sell your home in the 9LOODJHDQ\FDSLWDOJDLQLV\RXUV Graham McIntosh or your families. Rear of 8 Berowra Waters Rd $OOXQLWVVHUYLFHGDQGVHOIFDUH Berowra, NSW 2081 9456 2346 have Vital Call for use e: [email protected] in emergency. Berowra Prestige & Restoration SMASH REPAIRS All Insurance Work, Rust Repairs, Restorations, Cars, Boats, Motorcycles, Trailers, Jet Skis Lic No. MVRL 48357 OPEN DAY Come along to our OPEN DAY Saturday 2nd April 2 Kitchener Road, CHERRYBROOK Phone 02 9481 8842 Thursday 24 March 2016 5 What the LOCALS are saying ... Dear Bush Tele, Brooklyn Master Plan The Mayor of Hornsby was recently quoted as saying “there were some barriers to development in Brooklyn”. No doubt these barriers are the Council’s own regulations and some State government regulations such as the ones that deal with environment protection. So now we know what the master plan will do: it will be the Mayor’s way of getting around these pesky regulations. :KRZLOOEHWKHEHQH¿FLDULHVRIWKH master plan? The developers of course, who seem to be doing quite well in Hornsby Shire. Who will be the losers? People like me of course who bought a house in Brooklyn many years ago and have lived in it and enjoyed the beauty of the area ever since. We the residents of Brooklyn have not been consulted about this master plan, nor have we been told what is likely to be in it. When will we be told what is really going to happen? John Stavert, Brooklyn Dear Bush Tele, I am writing to add my name to the ever-growing list of people objecting to Mayor Russell’s desire to remove the cafe from the plans for Storey Park. YOUR COMMUNITY DIARY DATES Proudly sponsored by BEROWRA RSL I’m appalled that he can make such a decision - indeed even consider it without asking for the views of the people who would be most impacted by its removal. I belong to two separate groups who have been displaced by the council’s decision to sell off the Asquith Leisure and Learning Centre and were very much left to our own devices in looking for a place to relocate to - very little help was offered by council. We were also told that funds were going to be made available from that sale to rebuild Storey Park but now it seems a large portion of those funds will be used for the ‘Black Hole’ that is the quarry. Our groups are mainly seniors that I believe Hornsby Council is hoping will slip quietly into the background, and keep knitting! With the horrendous number of units being built in the area - does the Mayor seriously believe that the cafe will be under-utilised? I believe that ERWK\RXQJDQGROGFDQRQO\EHQH¿W from this development. A cafe in the complex will be welcomed by people who don’t ZDQWWRJRWR:HVW¿HOGIRUD catchup with friends. It will give mums a place for their children to play and most of all - to play in fresh air. Thank you to Cllr Tilbury for his ongoing efforts in regard to this issue. Robin Roberts, Mount Colah 67(9(Ƴ,Ǩ.ƻDŽ< “Happy St Patrick’s Day 2016” Hornsby Mayor Steve Russell and Councillor Mick Gallagher show how to ham it up for St Patrick’s Day held on 17 March. Both Councillors are of Irish descent with Mick’s being the Gallagher clan and the O’Connor clan from his mother’s side.. The Mayor’s Errol Flynn connection Mayor Steve is a descendant of the Cassidy and Flynn clans. His father’s cousin was Errol Flynn, the famous Australian actor of the 1930-50s. St Patrick’s Day was a double occasion for Steve to celebrate … his 66th birthday! Photo by Deputy Mayor Michael Hutchence. 6 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY ph: 9456 1844 www.clubberowra.com [email protected] Thursday, 24 March Hornsby-Berowra Men’s Shed 7 Alicia Rd Mt Kuring-gai 9am-12 noon. Enq Paul Woodage 9456 2793. Berowra Over 55 Seniors Club meet at Berowra Community Centre. Gully Rd, Berowra 9am. Enqs: A Foody 9457 0627 or Cheryl Hughes 9456 2139. Berowra Toastmasters meets at 7:30PM in the Balcony Room at the Berowra Community Centre, The Gully Road, Berowra. http://berowra. toastmastersclubs.org/ Enq Kate 9488 9900. Tuesday, 29 March Hornsby Heights Camera Club meets at 7:30pm at Mt Colah Community Centre. New members welcome. www. hornsbyheightscameraclub.com Hornsby Toastmasters Club Learn Public Speaking & Leadership skills, meets 7.30pm at the Beatrice Taylor Hall, 25 Edgeworth David Avenue, Hornsby. All welcome, visits are free. Enq., Ali 0408 961 971, info http://hornsby. toastmastersclubs.org “Berowra U3A’s” “Affairs of Interest” Balcony Room, Berowra Community Centre (10.00-12.00). Tom Richmond speaking on Local History Enq. Anne 4365 2731. Wednesday, 30 March Helping Hands Craft Group. 10am to 2pm, Hornsby Heights Community Centre, 104A Galston Road Hornsby Heights, $5 incl morning tea, bring own lunch, Carolyne 9456 5316. Learn To Meditate at Home Free. Experience Peace of Mind & Mental Silence, Hornsby, Willow Community Centre, Wallarobba Arts Building 7:30pm to 9pm. Enq. 0458 498 550. Thursday, 31 March Hornsby-Berowra Men’s Shed 7 Alicia Rd Mt Kuring-gai 9am-12 noon. Enq Paul Woodage 9456 2793. Friday, 1 April Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Parkinsons Support Group meeting will be a barbeque at Bobbin Head “The Railway” 11am–2pm. Enq Diana 9488 7902. The Sydney Hills Branch of the Association of Independent Retirees meeting at Beecroft Presbyterian Church Hall, Welham Street Beecroft at 10.30am. Guest speaker Richard McDonald NSW Chair of the Australian Shareholders Association on “Seniors and the Sharemarket”. Saturday, 2 April Great Social Dance held at Beecroft Community Centre, 7.30pm to 11.30pm, live Band with caller for Australian Dances. Enq. Wilma 0413 673 339. Monday, 4 April Dance Group Social & Australian Dances taught , 7.30-9.30pm Pennant Hills Community Centre, The Esplanade Pennant Hills. Enqs: Wilma, 0413 673 339. Tuesday, 5 April Hornsby Toastmasters Club Learn Public Speaking & Leadership skills, meets 7.30pm at the Beatrice Taylor Hall, 25 Edgeworth David Avenue, Hornsby. All welcome, visits are free. Enq. Ali 0408 961 971, info http:// hornsby.toastmastersclubs.org Hornsby View Club luncheon meeting at Asquith Bowling Club at 11am for 11.30am. Guest speaker Maureen Brew - Travels to North Korea. Enq. Heather 0400 042 100. Wednesday, 6 April The Hornsby District Ulysses Club is a group of Mature Aged Motorcycle Enthusiasts who meet regularly to enjoy each other’s company. General Meeting. 7.30pm at Berowra RSL. 6.00pm for Dinner. Noel 0402 026 653. Helping Hands Craft Group. 10am to 2pm, Hornsby Heights Community Centre, 104A Galston Road Hornsby Heights, $5 incl morning tea, bring own lunch, Carolyne 9456 5316. Hornsby Branch National Seniors meet 10.30am at Asquith Bowling Club, 1 Lodge St., Hornsby. Guest Speakers and outing each month. Enq., Ruth 9456 4764. Berowra Over 55 Seniors Club meet at Berowra Community Centre. Gully Rd, Berowra 9am. Enqs: A Foody 9457 0627. Time Out for Seniors. Enjoy peakers, music, picnic outings, devotionals & great company. Morning tea & lunch. $6. 10.15am2pm at Hornsby Hts Baptist Church, 110A Galston Rd. Kay 9476 2080. t»½ùÝÖ®½Ý Members pricing Monday rump steak night $13.5 With a schooner of house beer or glass of house wine Tuesday chicken schnitzel night $11 Wednesday pasta night $8 dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJǁŽŽĚĮƌĞƉŝnjnjĂŶŝŐŚƚ͕ from $17 &ƌŝĚĂLJůƵŶĐŚĮƐŚ͚Ŷ͛ĐŚŝƉƐ $9 &ƌŝĚĂLJEŝŐŚƚƐ<ŝĚƐĂƚ&ƌĞĞ Θ&ƌĞĞ:ƵŵƉŝŶŐĂƐƚůĞΎĐŽŶĚ͘ĂƉƉůLJ Sunday Roast of the Day $11 &ZZKKD,/Z ΎŽŶĚŝƟŽŶƐĂƉƉůLJΎ Great menus and packages. &ƵŶĐƟŽŶƐĨŽƌĂůůƐŝnjĞƐ͕ϭϬ - ϯϱϬнƉĞŽƉůĞ &ŽƌĞŶƋƵŝƌŝĞƐĂďŽƵƚĨƵŶĐƟŽŶƐ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚƌůĞŶĞWŚ͘ϬϮϵϰϱϲϭϴϰϰ ŵĂŝů͗ƌĞĐĞƉƟŽŶΛďĞƌŽǁƌĂƌƐů͘ĐŽŵ͘ĂƵ HORNSBY’S HISTORIC STEPS In need of repair Depression era &RXQFLO¿UVWXQGHUWRRNKLJKSULRULW\ restoration works in 2011-2012, and WKHFXUUHQWZRUNVZLOO¿QDOLVHWKH restoration of this section of the steps. The Heritage Steps are also a popular site for runners, and provide an important link for commuters and bushwalkers accessing the Great North Walk and the Berowra Valley Regional Park. During the works, the track will still be open for use although walkers will be escorted through construction zones during work hours for safety reasons. A IN R & AR C HA EO IS P GY D LAY* LO EM Residents who have any questions about the restoration works can call Hornsby Shire Council’s Bushland and Biodiversity Team on 9847 6832. On-ground restoration works will commence at Quarry Road in Hornsby, continuing for approximately three months. The track will be open for use during this time; however, walkers will be escorted through the construction zones during working hours. Photos (below): Historic steps in the Depression era, and in need of restoration today. Chairman John Lockyer gives readers an UPDATE: The Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women’s Shelter has assisted 64 women over the past 12 months. Sadly we couldn’t help another 269 women over this period. 6WDWLVWLFVUHÀHFWWKHVWDWHZLGHDYHUDJHZLWKRQO\ 20% of women being assisted through a women’s VKHOWHU7KHIROORZLQJVWDWLVWLFVUHÀHFWVWKHRYHUDOO results for the two women’s shelters on Sydney’s North Shore (Hornsby Ku-Ring-Gai Women’s Shelter and Manly Women’s Shelter). • 60% of the women seeking shelter fell into the age range of 31 years to 50 years • 55% were born in Australia • 43% were referred escaping domestic violence • ZHUHUHIHUUHGIRU¿QDQFLDOKDUGVKLS • 21% were referred with mental health issues • 21% were referred with drug and alcohol issues • 53% of women were referred through the Link to Home Hotline and the Domestic Violence Line 85% of women exiting the shelter achieved sustainable housing, which is a phenomenal success rate. A big thank-you is extended to the Shelter Manager – Inayet Erol for her wise leadership GXULQJDYHU\FKDOOHQJLQJ¿UVW\HDU A big thank-you is also extended to Inayet’s dedicated staff and amazing volunteers led by Lynette Ivimey during the initial 12 months. Finally, to all board members, donors and supporters that have given enormously over this past 12 months: congratulations on a job done well. Let’s look forward to an even better Year No 2. www.hornsbykuringgaiwomensshelter.com.au FRE E S A Hidden Secret in the Bush The historic Hornsby Heritage Steps will be returned to their former glory when building materials, including sandstone blocks, are delivered via helicopter this week (weather permitting) as part of Hornsby Council’s grant-funded restoration project. The Heritage Steps will be blocked from Rosemead Road to Quarry Road. Old Mans Valley including the end of Quarry Road and the mountain bike track will also be blocked. The steps have great historical VLJQL¿FDQFHIRU+RUQVE\6KLUHKDYLQJ been built in the Great Depression to relieve unemployment, but fell into disrepair and suffered water damage over time. Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women’s Shelter one year on … LIVE SEMINARR SERIES PRESENTED BY INTERNATIONAL SPEAKER GARY WEBSTER COMMENCING SATURDAY 9 APRIL 3:30–5:30 PM OR 6:15–8:15 PM (repeat session) VENUE EVENT CINEMAS HORNSBY *Archaeological artefacts can be viewed at each session until April 17. For session details visit the website Level 4 Westfield Hornsby 236 Pacific Hwy FREE RESERVATIONS amhornsby.info book online or call 9099 0797 Thursday 24 March 2016 7 The CIRCUS is Coming to Town! Webers Circus, with a touch of the WILD WEST, is a fantastic show ¿OOHGZLWKZRQGHUIXODFWVIURP around the globe, which will keep you on the edge of your seat. See our beautiful Gypsy Cob horses, Whip Cracking boot scooting dancing, cute Miniature Horses and the Comedy Dogs will keep you laughing for hours along with Australia’s funniest clowns. The Wheel Of Death performed by Tim and Paul, is one of the most Death defying and spectacular acts. Plus the Russian Swing involves 10 performers with the three Webers sisters Somersaulting through the air and there’s so much more at Webers Circus when it comes to Hornsby! The performance lasts 1hr & 50 mins and tickets are on sale 1hr EHIRUHVKRZWLPHDWWKHWLFNHWRI¿FH at Hornsby Rofe Park Galston Road from the 25th March to 3rd April. Don’t forget, it’s cash sales only at WKHRQVLWHWLFNHWRI¿FHRUHIWSRV and credit cards ($4 fee). Prices start $15 for Children and $25 for Adults. Out came the razors and the fluoro hair colour at Berowra RSL On the evening of Friday 11 March at Club Berowra, the bravest staff and patrons made a (not always pretty) spectacle of themselves in the name of a great cause - the “World’s Greatest Shave” supporting Australians with blood cancer. “Kids” ranging in age from 3 to 80+ lined up to colour their hair or shave it off. In fact the absence of hair was no obstacle. Even those with minimal or no hair at all joined in the fun to colour skin or whatever hair they had! A generous donation from Bolan’s Tree Services helped the night to raise over $1300 for the cause. One of the most colourful (and possibly most appalling) outcomes belonged to the (self-proclaimed) “Mayor of Berowra Waters” aka Tony Bray who despite appearances was not tortured or forced into joining in. Club Berowra’s ongoing commitment to charity will next be on show as the Anzac Day breakfast and “Two Up” when funds will be donated to Veterans charities. Hope to see you there! Photo (right): Self-proclaimed “Mayor of Berowra Waters” Tony Bray joins in the fun but seems to be having 2nd thoughts. Photo (above): Robbie Muirhead unveiling a rumoured replica of the road connecting the M1 and M2. asis Hair Design Lolita has joined us $135 for a 1/2 head Foils, OPEN Late Thursday AND ALL DAY Saturday 8 Shampoo, Cut & Blowdry OR $45 for a Shampoo, Cut & Blowdry when booking with Lolita a Excludes mens & kids cuts. Not Valid Thursday after 5 or Saturday. S t d One O per client. li t We’re located at 383 Pacific Highway, Asquith (Opposite Asquith Railway Station) Ph: 8407 9905 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY For all enquiries call 0448 247 287 or 0448 CIRCUS or www. weberscircus.com and book online. See our ad page 2. It’s a FUN FAMILY Event Ƴ2ƿ,NJ6ǟǕ'(57+(6Ƽ$Ǜ6 Celebrate the end of school term on Friday 8th April at a FREE community event – Movie under the Stars – hosted by Berowra Apex at Warrina Street Oval, Berowra with the support of Hornsby Council. On show will be the family movie “Big Hero 6”. This Oscar winning animation spectacular is about the special bond that GHYHORSVEHWZHHQSOXVVL]HGLQÀDWDEOHURERW%D\PD[DQGSURGLJ\ Hiro Hamada, who team up with a group of friends to form a band of hightech heroes. Gates open at 5pm with a jumping castle run by Berowra Venturer Scouts, Berowra Apex sausage sizzle and Berowra Girl Guides selling popcorn and glow sticks. The movie will start at 6.15pm. %HURZUD$SH[ZLOOEHGRQDWLQJSUR¿WVWRVXSSRUWGraeme Gates, a local Berowra resident, who is attempting an unsupported 520km trek across the Simpson Desert to raise money for beyondblue. Donations for beyondblue will be collected on the night. 2016 EASTER SERVICES BREAKTHROUGH CHURCH Berowra Uniting Church Ph: 9456 6041 4 - 6 Alan Rd, Berowra Heights www.berowra.unitingchurch.org.au Why don’t you join us at Breakthrough Church this Easter to Celebrate… Good Friday Service 9am, Easter Sunday 6am & 9.30am @ Performing Arts Centre (Old Bowling Club) Edgeworth David Ave Hornsby – www.breakthroughchurch.com.au Easter Thursday 24th- 7pm Last Supper re-enactment Friday 25th - 9:00am Good Friday Service Sunday 27th - 9:30am Easter Celebration GOOD FRIDAY Friday 9:30am | Unit 4/67-71 Jersey St Hornsby Sunday 9am | Cinema 5 Event Cinemas :HVW´HOG+RUQVE\ HORNSBY CATHEDRAL PARISH Holy Week Liturgy times Tuesday 22nd March: Chrism Mass 7.30pm Cathedral Cathedral, 23 Yardley Ave, Waitara. P:9483 2300 Queen of Peace Church, 18 Stuart Ave, Normanhurst www.hornsby.dbb.org.au Wednesday 23rd March: 2nd Rite of Reconciliation 7.30pm Cathedral Holy Saturday 26th March: Holy Thursday 24th March - The Lord’s Supper: Cathedral: 10am Morning Prayer 8pm Easter Vigil Queen of Peace: 8.30pm Easter Vigil in Korean Cathedral 8pm, Queen of Peace 6pm, 8.30pm in Korean Good Friday 25th March: Cathedral: 10am Stations of the Cross, 3pm Passion of the Lord Queen of Peace: 12 noon Passion of the Lord, 6pm Stations of the Cross, 8.30pm Stations of the Cross/Passion of the Lord in Korean Easter Sunday 27th March: Normal Morning Masses No Evening Masses RESURRECTION SUNDAY www.cch.net.au KU-RING-GAI CHASE CATHOLIC PARISH St Bernard’s Church Warrina Street Berowra Heights St Patrick’s Church Royston Parade Asquith 7LPHVIRUERWK&KXUFKHV 24 March - Holy Thursday 7.30pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper 25 March - Good Friday 10am Stations of the Cross 3pm Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion 26 March - Holy Saturday 7.00pm The Easter Vigil 27 March - EASTER SUNDAY St Bernard’s 9am St Patrick’s 8am and 10am No evening Mass on Easter Sunday No services of Easter Triduum and Easter weekend at Mooney Mooney Thursday 24 March 2016 9 HEALTHY LIVING PRICELESS PEARLS By Ralph Estherby When was the last time you experienced something turning from good to bad unexpectedly and without warning? Perhaps it was something really VXSHU¿FLDO±OLNHRUGHULQJDPHDOIURP the menu and when it arrives it doesn’t ORRNDQ\WKLQJOLNH\RXH[SHFWHG Perhaps it was something a bit more LPSRUWDQW±DWDVNWKDW\RXWKRXJKW ZDVJRLQJZHOOVXGGHQO\WDNHVDWXUQ for the worse and you are left confused DQGHPEDUUDVVHG3HUKDSVLWZDV VRPHWKLQJWKDWOHDYHVODVWLQJHIIHFWV± WKHEUHDNGRZQRIDUHODWLRQVKLSRUORVLQJ VRPHRQHZKRZDVUHDOO\FORVHWR\RX The truth is that we all suffer losses throughout our lives: we lose our innocence; we lose our youth; we lose friends; we lose opportunities; we get injured; people misuse us; hopes fade; ZHPDNHPLVWDNHVGLVDVWHUVKDSSHQ and… we eventually come to the end of RXUOLYHV I am sounding every depressing today DQGWKDWLVQRWP\SXUSRVH±WKHIDFW remains that all of us have (and will) have moments or seasons in our lives where good turns to bad and we are left ZLWKDQRSSRUWXQLW\WRUHVSRQG 2XUFKRLFHVDUHHLWKHUGHVSDLURUKRSH 7KLVLVZK\,ORYH(DVWHU±WKLVLVZK\, celebrate it above all other times of the \HDU±WKHEHQH¿WVRI(DVWHUSHUYDGH every aspect of my life and stand as a SRZHUIXOKRSHWRXVDOO Easter was the ultimate in good turning EDG-HVXV±WKHNLQGHVWKXPEOHVW DQGPRVWJHQHURXVLQGLYLGXDO±LVNLOOHG EUXWDOO\EHFDXVHRIMHDORXV\DQGIHDU He had called all men and women EDFNLQWRUHODWLRQVKLSZLWK*RGWKURXJK Himself and the response of the world ZDVWRFUXFLI\+LP All our hopes and possibilities seem to GLHZLWK&KULVWRQWKH&URVV±DQG\HW WKLVLVZK\,ORYH(DVWHU+HLVWDNHQ GRZQIURPWKHFURVVSODFHGLQDWRPE ZKLFKLVVHDOHGDQGJXDUGHGWKUHHGD\V later He rises from the dead to prove DQGSURFODLPWKDW+HLVWKH6RQRI*RG and that hope is alive for all! If it were not for the good turning bad we would never have seen it turn around yet once more! (DVWHULV\RXURSSRUWXQLW\WRFHOHEUDWH hope and to present those ‘bad’ situations in your life to Him… all your KXUWVGLVDSSRLQWPHQWVDQGSDLQDOO\RXU IDLOXUHVVKRUWFRPLQJVDQGVKDPH +HKDVDQDQVZHUIRUWKHPDOO )RUWKHZRUGVZKLFKUDQJRXWRQ WKDW¿UVW(DVWHUVWLOOULQJRXWDVORXGO\ today… ³'RQRWEHDIUDLG+HLV5LVHQ´ Why don’t you join us at Breakthrough Church this Easter to Celebrate… Good Friday Service 9am, Easter Sunday 6am & 9.30am @ Performing Arts Centre (Old Bowling Club) - Edgeworth David Ave Hornsby – www.breakthroughchurch.com.au 10 CARER CHOIR We sing, connect with other carers, and have fun. If you care for someone with a PHQWDOLOOQHVVDQGHQMR\VLQJLQJ you are invited to join the Carer &KRLUUXQE\8QLWLQJ&DUH0HQWDO +HDOWK :HPHHWDW+RXVHLQWKH3DUN :DKURRQJD3DUN&QU6WXDUW ,ORXUD$YHIURPSPRQ 0RQGD\VGXULQJWHUPWLPH For details contact 8599 4855 or email familycarernscc@ucmh. org.au’ HELP AT FAGAN PARK’S ECO GARDEN /HDUQYDOXDEOHJDUGHQLQJVNLOOVDQG PDNHQHZIULHQGVDW+RUQVE\6KLUH &RXQFLO¶V(FR*DUGHQ:RUNLQJ %HHLQ)DJDQ3DUNRQSaturday 2 April, 9.30am-12.30pm 0RUQLQJWHDSURYLGHG Book online at hornsby.nsw. gov.au/whatson or call Tanya on 9847 4856 with any queries. Heartburn (gastro-oesophageal UHÁX[RULQGLJHVWLRQLVYHU\ common. It is caused by the contents of the stomach FRPLQJEDFNXSLQWRWKHRHVRSKDJXVZKHUH it can cause a burning sensation in the chest RUWKURDW Some people experience only occasional symptoms whilst others have more frequent HSLVRGHV3HUVLVWHQWUHÀX[WKDWRFFXUV PRUHWKDQWZLFHDZHHNLVFRQVLGHUHGWREH JDVWURRHVRSKDJHDOUHÀX[GLVHDVH*25' Alexandra Torrens *25'LVDFKURQLFLOOQHVVZKLFKFDQOHDGWR Pharmacist, Hornsby more serious health problems and so ongoing Heights Pharmacy PDQDJHPHQWDQGWUHDWPHQWLVXVXDOO\QHFHVVDU\ ,I\RXH[SHULHQFHUHÀX[V\PSWRPVLWLVLPSRUWDQWWRGLVFXVVWKHPZLWK\RXU GRFWRURUSKDUPDFLVW ,I\RXRQO\VXIIHUIURPWKHRFFDVLRQDOHSLVRGHRIKHDUWEXUQRU\RXUV\PSWRPV DUHPLOGRYHUWKHFRXQWHU27&DQWDFLGVPD\EULQJUHOLHI$QWDFLGVUHOLHYH KHDUWEXUQE\DFWLQJWRQHXWUDOLVHVWRPDFKDFLG )RURFFDVLRQDOV\PSWRPV\RXPD\DOVREHQH¿WIURPDQ+DQWDJRQLVW6RPH RIWKHVHPHGLFLQHVDUHDYDLODEOHZLWKRXWDSUHVFULSWLRQ7KHVHPHGLFLQHV UHGXFHWKHVHFUHWLRQRIDFLGLQWKHVWRPDFK%HFDXVHOHVVDFLGLVSURGXFHG \RXH[SHULHQFHIHZHUUHÀX[V\PSWRPV Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are another type of drug that reduces stomach DFLGE\EORFNLQJDFLGVHFUHWLQJFHOOV7KH\SURGXFHPRUHHIIHFWLYHDFLG VXSSUHVVLRQWKDQWKH+DQWDJRQLVWV6RPHSURWRQSXPSLQKLELWRUVFDQQRZ EHSXUFKDVHGZLWKRXWDSUHVFULSWLRQIRUVKRUWWHUPXVH Our pharmacists can provide advice about the best medicines and PDQDJHPHQWIRU\RXUV\PSWRPVSDUWLFXODUO\LI\RXWDNHDQ\PHGLFLQHVIRU RWKHUFRQGLWLRQV Contact Hornsby Heights Pharmacy on (02) 9987 4777 for more information. BRONWYN’S GREAT CHOP & SHAVE! “I have decided that I would love to help other people” “Bronwyn Udale is one of our star teachers at Hornsby Heights Public 6FKRRO´VDLGMichelle Beasley of ++363& “We would love the community to NQRZDERXW%URQZ\QDQGKHUYHU\ EUDYHJRDO´VDLG0LFKHOOH³DQG encourage more donations to the JUHDWFDXVH´ Bronywn Udale’s story: “This is something I have been FRQVLGHULQJIRUVRPHWLPHDQG I really want to help someone in QHHG “I am going to cut off my ponytail (currently 35cm long) and donate it to 9DULHW\7KH&KLOGUHQ¶V&KDULW\IRUWKHPWRPDNHLQWRDZLJIRUFKLOGUHQZKR ORVHWKHLUKDLU ³,DPWKHQJRLQJWRVKDYHWKHUHVWRIP\KDLURIIWRUDLVHPRQH\IRU%UHDVW &DQFHU1HWZRUN$XVWUDOLD%UHDVW&DQFHULVWKHPRVWFRPPRQO\GLDJQRVHG IRUPRIFDQFHULQ$XVWUDOLDQZRPHQ$XVWUDOLDQZRPHQKDYHDLQOLIHWLPH ULVNRIGHYHORSLQJEUHDVWFDQFHU,WLVLPSRUWDQWWKDWZRPHQUHFRJQLVHWKH LPSRUWDQFHRIJHWWLQJFKHFNHG ³,DPDLPLQJWRUDLVHDWOHDVWWRZDUGVWKLVJUHDWFDXVH 3OHDVHVXSSRUWPHWKURXJKGRQDWLQJDVOLWWOHRUDVPXFKDV\RXFDQ KWWSVZZZP\FDXVHFRPDXSDJHEURQZ\QVJUHDWFKRS and-shave For more information, visit these sites: Breast Cancer Network Australia: https://www.bcna.org.au/ Variety - The Children’s Charity: http://www.variety.org.au/ THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY your next ad here local advertising works! 0415 381 882 59 Edgeworth David Ave, Waitara. 0HO·V+DLU%HDXW\ Specialising in all areas of HAIR AND BEAUTY EARS, NOSE & NAVEL PIERCING 9456 2188 6KRS%HURZUD9LOODJH7XUQHU5RDG Local school happenings ST BERNARDS WELCOMES NEW PRINCIPAL Newly appointed Principal of Saint Bernard’s Catholic Primary School, Judith de la Motte writes: “I am very excited about how the 2016 academic school year has commenced. “We have implemented a range of engaging learning opportunities which enable the “whole child” to be nurtured and developed. As a school community we have embraced the challenges of the future, while we continue to cherish and celebrate our Catholic school traditions of the past. It is with the collaboration and commitment of students, parents and staff that we continue to make Saint Bernard’s a wonderful and engaging learning environment. “The recently refurbished classrooms have enabled further opportunities to develop agility and ingenuity in our learners; a must if we are going to prepare our children in readiness for a rapidly changing world. “Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are actively participating in learning that supports point of need teaching, whereby skills such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking and problem solving are of prime focus. Our new learning environments promote such skill development through the utilisation of a variety RIÀH[LEOHOHDUQLQJVSDFHVWUDWHJLHVDVZHOODVWKHLPSOHPHQWDWLRQDQGXWLOLVDWLRQRIWKHPRVW up to date digital devices and spaces. “The PoD (Place of Discovery ) is also a huge success with a range of students during recess and lunch. The PoD is a place where everyone is invited to discover things about themselves, others and the wider school community through play. It is a place where you can come to relax and chill. “As a KidsMatter school, we aim to promote the social and emotional wellbeing of each unique individual within our community. The PoD seeks to achieve this by allowing children to learn through play. They learn a number of skills including sharing, negotiating and working with others in a play based, non-structured atmosphere. The PoD also allows children a respite from the busyness of the playground. Somewhere quiet where they can go if they need some “head space”. “Children are given free choice from a number of different activities each week. Activities, to GDWHKDYHLQFOXGHGWKLQJVVXFKDVER[FRQVWUXFWLRQIRRWSDWKµJUDI¿WL¶EXEEOHPDNLQJGUHVV ups, blocks, craft and Loom Bands. In 2016 the following key initiatives for Saint Bernard’s Catholic School will be implemented: Parent Engagement Forums on best practice in Writing, with a particular focus on Spelling; Participation in Tournament of the Minds; Chess Club; New Healthy Canteen; Scope IT - investigating Coding; New School Facebook Page and Website; If you are interested in enrolling your child or organising a school tour please contact the school on 9456 2104. MOUNT KURING-GAI PS SAYS “THANK YOU” TO OUR LOCAL FIRE SERVICE The community at Mount Kuring-gai Public School DFNQRZOHGJHGWKHKDUGZRUNRIRXUORFDO¿UHVHUYLFHDV part of Red Balloon Day on Wednesday 2nd March. Red Balloon Day, celebrated on Sunday 28th February, is a national event which honours and thanks our brave DQGFRXUDJHRXV¿UH¿JKWHUV$XVWUDOLDZLGH The school was very happy to acknowledge Red Balloon Day to show how much they appreciate the dedication, hard work and tireless efforts of our local ¿UH¿JKWHUVLQSURWHFWLQJRXUOLYHVRXUKRPHVDQGRXU communities throughout the year. 2IWHQRXU¿UH¿JKWHUVERWKSURIHVVLRQDODQGYROXQWHHUV leave their family, home or community to help protect ours. The school sold Red Balloon Day merchandise for two weeks leading up to the event and had a mufti day where students were allowed to wear red in return for a gold coin donation. Photo: Vice captain Saloni Pandya presented a card signed by students and a cheque to Senior Deputy David Halsey from Mount Kuring-gai Rural Fire Brigade. LEARNING IN THE DIGITAL AGE AT ST PATRICK’S ASQUITH The children at St Patrick’s are taught to be thinkers, and discerning users of technology. Whilst the school commenced its BYODD iPad initiative last year in Years 4-6, children in all classes have access to iPads as well as many other devices. Principal Bernard Cumming said, “We want the children to be thinkers within the 21st Century environment.” “The children will be completing a task, and we want the children to have knowledge of different devices and tools, and to think to themselves ‘What is the best tool to use to complete this task?’” Similarly, the school is very much aware that the digital world is constantly changing, and the safety of the children in a digital world is of utmost importance. 7RWKLVHQG<RXWK/LDLVRQ2I¿FHUZLWKWKH+RUQVE\3ROLFHStefanie Murray, has been working with both the students and the parents to educate them regarding Cyber Safety. Stefanie spoke with the children last year, and led an information session recently for parents. Photo: Parents & Friends Co-President Mel Turnell, Youth Liaison 2I¿FHU6WHIDQLH0XUUD\3ULQFLSDO%HUQDUG&XPPLQJDQG3DUHQWV Friends Co-President Karen Price at a recent Parent Cyber Safety Forum, (cover): Year 1 children in the Contemporary Learning Centre “CLiC” at St Patrick’s. SOMETHING FISHY AT NORTHHOLM Building on a successful Agricultural program, students and teachers at Northholm Grammar School are looking forward to establishing a commercial scale Aquaponics facility at the school. Year Nine student Mathew Edwards explained, “Aquaponics is WKHFRPELQDWLRQRIDTXDFXOWXUHRU¿VKIDUPLQJZLWKK\GURSRQLFV growing leafy vegetables without soil.” Classmate Annalise Snow said, “It’s completely organic because the ¿VKSURGXFHQDWXUDOIHUWLOL]HUZKLFKLVWKHQXVHGE\WKHSODQWVVRQR man-made chemicals are used.” Northholm Agricultural Technology teacher Melissa Duff said the program called Aquaponics in Action will encourage students to study STEM subjects as a taster for some of the great careers they can pursue from their studies of science, technology, engineering and maths. “Students aren’t just reading, writing and discussing their subject,” Melissa said. “With Aquaponics in Action they will be experiencing their subjects, which is a far better way to solidify their learning”. Design and Technology teacher Andrew McMillan said, “it really covers a lot of subjects and will include students from both the MXQLRUDQGVHQLRUVFKRROV6SHFL¿FDUHDVRIIRFXVIRUWKHSURJUDP LQFOXGHVXVWDLQDELOLW\DJULFXOWXUHWKHIRRGV\VWHP¿QDQFLDOOLWHUDF\ economics, marketing and leadership.” Photo: Year 9 Agriculture Students. Thursday 24 March 2016 11 EASY FIND LOCAL SERVICES GUIDE ACCOUNTANTS Chartered Accountant 8 Wattle Street, Asquith (opposite Coles) [email protected] (02) 9476 5555 O ĐĐŽƵŶƟŶŐOƵĚŝƚ dĂdžOƵƐŝŶĞƐƐĚǀŝĐĞ ELECTRICIANS PLUMBING CUSTOM DESIGN BUILDING HIA AWARD WINNER SIMON CADDY ELECTRICAL Pty Ltd /RFDO3OXPEHU (VWDEOLVKHGLQWKHDUHDIRU\HDUV 5A84=3;H ?4AB>=0;8B43 B4AE824 *ALTERATIONS *EXTENSIONS *RENOVATIONS *KITCHENS *WALLS REMOVED *DECKS *GYPROCKING *CARPENTRY *ROOFING *PLUMBING *ELECTRICALS *PLANS J. Rosser O FREE QUOTES AUSTRALIAN made ‘Your local specialist’ ANDREW VANNY Domestic - Commercial - Industrial TV Antenna, phone and data, ovens & hotplates, rewires, lighting, data cabling and communications, main and switchboard upgrades, PROFESSIONAL RELIABLE AND COST EFFECTIVE SERVICE. 24 hour 7 day emergency service. PLUMBING CARPENTERS LANDSCAPING BIRCHILL PLUMBING BEROWRA LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES Blocked Drains Water Heaters Plumbing Repairs Taps & Toilets Emergency Repairs Gas Chris Evans CARPENTER & HANDYMAN Friendly Service - Obligation free quotes Fully Licenced and Insured - All work guaranteed Residential home repairs and additions, carports, decks/pergolas eave and facia work and more. 0404 047 456 [email protected] Lic: 215276c 0418 241 414 ADJUSTABLE HAND RAIL PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE boc.net.au 9456 4444 entire plumbing 1007-1013 Pacific Hwy Berowra CARPENTRY [email protected] www.darrenthesparky.com.au ABN: 45 286 102 520 | Lic #: 254024C APPLIANCE REPAIRS WASHING MACHINE & DRYER REPAIRS Lic.No. 111586C Specialising in: O O O DECKS GATES CARPORTS O O O 9456 0666 0412 035 656 Cladding Vinyl, Aluminium and Brick Cladding experts ELECTRICIANS ELECTRICAL & ANTENNAS MOST BRANDS All Electrical work, Phone & data, TV & Satellite, fully insured. SPECIALIST 0435 713 790 [email protected] www.darrenthesparky.com.au ABN: 45 286 102 520 | Lic #: 254024C Millington ELECTRICAL Derick: 0417 442 805 12 Solar Panels Power Points, Lighting, Phone, Data, TV Cabling Ceiling Fans, Smoke Detectors, House Rewire, Switchboards STUART: 0420 666 781 Est. since 1972 ABN: 50 854 165 872 Chad Pethybridge Call Chad for a FREE On-site Estimate 0400 691 691 KITCHEN RENOVATIONS DREAM DOORS AMAZING A M A Z I N G KITCHEN K I T C H E N FACELIFTS FACELIFTS 9476 5094 ~ 9476 6848 Holland Blinds Vertical Drapes Roman Blinds Insect Screens *Renovations *Water Tanks Lawn Mowing and Edges Garden Bed Maintenance Hedging/Trimming/Pruning Fertilising and Weed Control on Security Grills Cedar Venetians Venetian Blinds Security Doors Fabric/Aluminium Awnings Lic No: 186648c e:[email protected] Graeme Shepherdson BLINDS/SCREENS Fully insured and qualified. Over 20 years experience. *Plumbing, Drainage & Gasfitting *Domestic & Commercial Maintenance CLADDING ALL MAJOR BRANDS HOOVER Please call Mark to discuss your plumbing needs. PERGOLAS DOORS REPAIRS Authorised KLEENMAID Agent NORTHSIDE WASHER SERVICE SERVICE * SPARES * REPAIRS WASHERS - DRYERS VACUUM - D/WASHERS HORNSBY 9456 0063 [email protected] Lic 281485C 0435 713 790 0413 596 822 CHRIS BUNYAN ELECTRICAL & ANTENNAS <YS!&% ) 3 L11719 >_Z_Rd__c]Q\\ 9943 1080 0416 099 186 All TV antenna and satellite work, 3G/4G reception, interference investigations, free quotes, fully insured. # !!%' #(#&&"%%" X]U^/P]SaTfeP]]h_[d\QX]VR^\Pd Ph: 0400110081 tigerantennas.com.au )DVW5HOLDEOH)ULHQGO\6HUYLFH ,QFOXGLQJ²EORFNHGVHZHUVVWRUP ZDWHUOHDNLQJWDSVKRWZDWHUV\VWHPV DOOJHQHUDOSOXPELQJ 9457 8742 Mob 0418 204 197 ANTENNAS DIGITAL ANTENNA SPECIALIST TIGER ANTENNAS LicNo.17899C cont Lic. 139559C Ben Miller BUILDERS Lic. 191933c THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY 10 New Granite Benchtops Replace Doors & Drawers Australian Made - Made to Measure Call 0414 430 321 WWWDREAMDOORSCOMAU PAINTING KMK ?08=C4AB342>A0C4AB FREE Colour consultancy Fully Insured Dulux Accredited 10% Pensioners Discount Call Kris: 0408 668 816 9476 1034 Lic No 212111c LICENSED PLUMBING Plumber Drainer Gasfitter Reliable service to the area since 1992 Gasfitting experts LPG, Natural gas. Blocked drain specialist Hot Water Backflow Camera inspections $0 Call out. -24 hrs - 7 days Lic #264283c Call Simon: 0412 41 45 41 [email protected] Scott & Sons Plumbers Plumbing, Drainage & Gasfitting Blocked Drains Hot Water Heaters CCTV - Water Jetter Domestic, Commerical Industrial 24 hrs - 7 days 9482 9199 Lic. No: 141840c email: [email protected] GET LISTED ... in EASY FIND TRADIES’ GUIDE 02 9456 2880 SOCIAL SNIPPETS List your business NOW Services AND and TRADES... Trades... cont’d SERVICES cont’d Find out HOW! EASY FIND 9456 2880 POOLS PARAMOUNT 3RRO&HQWUH We Come To You Or Drive A Little Save A Lot 9^X_ecU9^dUb^Ud@bYSUc #)'2\Qh\Q^TBTBiTU 4U^Ycd_^U5Qcd Call Mel 9807 3600 23-3-1926 Guess Who is Turning 90 Ada Clements 90 years young Born, raised & married at Cowan & still resides in the family home at Cowan with Bert W.A.O Love always Bert, Pam, Ray (HJ) Rarnie, Al, Tyla & Colby NEW WORLD PUMPS Sales O Service O Repairs ALL BRANDS O Regular Pool Cleaning Service Liquid Chlorine Delivery Service Free Home Deliveries Maintenance And Installations Filters, Pumps, Heaters, Salt Chlorinators Liquid Chlorinators (Ask For Pink Addative) Pump And Motor Repairs All Repairs To Liquid And Salt Chlorinators Pool Cleaners*Legend, Truck, Baracuda-MX8, Jet Vac, Polaris and Marlin Sydney’s Best Prices... BIRTHDAY PUMPS POOL O FIREFIGHTING O SUBMERSIBLE 5/1 MARINA CL, MT KURING-GAI 9457 6699 IN MEMORY ROOFING FLETCHER, Kevin (Fletch) BEROWRA ROOFING 9th March 2016, Aged 84 years. Late of Berowra and Hammond Care Nursing Home North Turramurra. Husband of Lorna (Deceased) Father to Glendon (Glen), brother of Mervyn, Allan, Zena, Shirley and Joan. Life Member of Berowra RSL Bowling Club (President) and Berowra RSL Golf Club. /LFF 5RRI5HSDLUV 5H5LGJLQJ 5HSODFH9DOOH\,URQV 5HSDLUVWR0HWDO5RRILQJ Privately cremated. Rest in Peace. 3K HVWDEOLVKHGLQ 'LVFRXQWHG3RRO6SD&KHPLFDOV 3XPSV)LOWHUV&KORULQDWRUV 0DLQWHQDQFHDQG5HSDLUV3RRO&OHDQLQJ 3RRO+HDWLQJ3RRO5HQRYDWLRQ WARDROBES E^Yd!&':UbcUiCd +RUQVE\ X_b^cRi0`__\Q^Tc`QgQbUX_ecUS_]Qe ggg`__\Q^Tc`QgQbUX_ecUS_]Qe Thinking of ADVERTISING? 9456 2880 Built-In and Walk-In solutions A range of sliding doors Installed or DIY HVW\HDUV Hornsby .KE% YYYGCU[HKVYCTFTQDGUEQOCW THE SYDNEY HILLS BRANCH OF THE ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT RETIREES The Sydney Hills Branch of the Association of Independent Retirees have commenced the year with a line-up of very interesting speakers. Our next meeting will be held on Friday 1st April, 2016. Beecroft Presbyterian Church Hall, Welham Street, Beecroft. Meeting will commence at 10.30 am. Our guest speaker will be Richard McDonald NSW Chair of the Australian Shareholders Association his topic is “Seniors and the Sharemarket”. We welcome recently retired citizens and Baby Boomers, who are looking for new interests. President: Lauris Rennie, Phone: 9634 1186. THERE’S A NEW GROUP IN TOWN … by Sachin Sharma from Success Wealth Happiness Coaching There’s a new group in town in called Business Before Hours. Convenor, Sachin Sharma said, “Business Before Hours is NOT another BNI or Lead Generation Group. Rather it complements those groups. The time that you spend in this group will help you to take maximum advantage of those groups.” Google Us! Business Before Hours has EHHQHVWDEOLVKHGWRIXO¿OWKH following Mission. • Like-minded people offer support to each other rather than buy or sell something Members works on their business by pro-actively spending time on planning and strategizing for their business growth. Members receive and provide help to generate new ideas, products and services for their business. • Members engage in professional development by discussing latest trends, new ways of marketing, promotion, lead generation, etc. • Members focus on becoming better business leaders and entrepreneurs. To join or learn more about this group, please visit www. meetup.com/BusinessBefore-Hours please visit www.meetup.com/BusinessBefore-Hours THOMSON LANDSCAPE & GARDEN SUPPLIES P/L Q\c_dbQTY^WQc Also trading as BEROWRA SAND & SOIL BEROWRA SAND & SOIL OPEN fffcW^\b^][P]SbRP_Tbd__[XTbR^\Pd 9457 8011 Mon-Fri: 7-5, Sat: 7-3, Sun: 8-11. ONLY SITUATED in the Industrial Area 44 Beaumont Rd, Mt Kuring-gaI an Australian owned, family business, in the local area since 1978 Thursday 24 March 2016 13 Classifieds FOR SALE ASQUITH QUALITY BEDS -ALL SIZES Don’t pay retail. Call and save. All beds sealed in plastic with Factory Guarantee.Ph. 9940 3961 BUILDING DESIGN & PLANS ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN P Adams, B.Arch, B.Des, MBA Tel 9456 5989. designempathy.com.au MODERN HOUSE DESIGN New modern house designs or extensions ph:0433781421 www.sumudesign.com SPOONER DESIGN & BUILDING MANAGEMENT New homes, renovations, heritage work. 9456 3848 [email protected] WANTED TO BUY RECORDS, old carpenters tools, fishing gear 9875 1767 WANTED KNOWN SEWING MACHINES Repairs to all brands of sewing machines & overlockers. Work done in your home for your convenience. 0412 584 145 COMPUTER SERVICES ALL COMPUTER ISSUES Internet, Hardware,Software, Networking. In home service. John 9456 1964 or 0414 400 401 MOVIE-FILM-VIDEOTAPE TO DVD/ DIGITAL CONVERSION Ph 9456 2851 or 0412 472 901 www.filmscan. com.au WORK WANTED ALL CARPENTRY Construction and repairs. Lic 148016c Simon Ph: 0402 652 668 ALL GARDEN MAINTENANCE Hedges, garden makeover, gutter cleaning, pressure washing, mowing, deck repairs & re oil. Local. Top work rate & quality. Insured. 20 years experience. Competitive Price. Call Terry. Free quotes 0410 535 536 ALL LANDSCAPING Steelscapes Landscaping - Landscape Consultation, garden renovations, sandstone work, paving, retaining walls, decking, maintenance, hedging Tim Steel 0410 895 065 [email protected] www.steelscapeslandscaping.com BRT SERVICES - HANDYMAN Ex Handyman Trainer. Work Guaranteed. One stop shop for all work needs. No job too small. Lic:249022c. Michael 0451 164 106 CARPENTRY & HOME REPAIRS Free Quotes. Ph Mark 0408 200 816. Lic #123316c. CLOCKS & INSTRUMENTS Prof. repairs, home visits, instrument maker. Ph 9476 5778 / 0409 131 808 14 GARDEN & LAWN MAINTENANCE Mowing, edging, weeding, hedging, pruning, rubbish removal. Fully insured, reasonable rates, Hammou 0421 166 762 GARDENING Beautify your garden by certified horticulturist for $38/hr. Call Norman Ph 0412 196 268 LAWPRA MOWING & MAINT. SERV Local, reg’d, insured. Ph 0403 775 567 PIANO TUNER - Technician professionally trained. All work guaranteed. Ray Clothier 9456 4632 or 0412 354 632 ROOF REPAIRS - 40 years experience, local, Lic:R62672, 0428 563 282 UPHOLSTERY Over 30 yrs exp. Ph Bryan 9476 6835 / 0414 913 883 experienced Butchers/Boners/Sausage Makers/Knife Hands • Early morning starts (2am), Monday to Saturday • New State of the Art Facilities • Uniform Supplied • Join a fun team with great pay & career development. If interested contact Janine at careers@ vicsmeat.com.au or + 61 2 9317 6900. A STEP ABOVE, 100% ECO cleaning. 15yrs exp. Robyn 9477 6304. BEROWRA & HORNSBY CLEANING Berowra to Hornsby. Ph Jan 0425 342 509 BY GEORGE WINDOW CLEANING Reasonable rates, free quotes. Call George 0410 332 354 SQUEEGEE PETE WINDOW CLEANING Call Peter for a quote. Professional results at affordable prices 0416 179 213 or 9987 2659 GROUP ACTIVITIES LEADERCOWAN Group Leader required 15 hours per week, Mon 10-2, Wed 10-2 and Fri 10-2 To run group activities and outings.Current clear Drivers licence, ability to use computer with excel and word essential. Flexibility, positive, self-starter, previous work with older people of some kind preferred but not essential. Further information call 02 9988 4966. Submit applications to [email protected] CLEANING CEMENT RENDERING/ GYPROCK SERVICES CEMENT RENDERING SERVICES Professional advice, quality work, any size house or project, all finishes & repair work. Since 1980 – call PLASTERFORCE 0418 286 567 or 9456 7800. PLASTERER/GYPROCK No Job Too Small. Ph Ray 0412 285 601 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AT HOME WE EARN $2000 per week.Info pack www.wk-smart.com Ph Jenni 0414 777 072 DRIVING INSTRUCTION ALL DAY DRIVING SCHOOL For local professional tuition in man & auto. Lic 012893. Phone Richard 0425 317 684. GOOD2GO DRIVING SCHOOL Auto, Lic 012237, Ph Darlene 0407 456 671 FENCING FENCING Pool, security, boundary, carports, renovations, excavations, driveways, shop fit-outs Ph Albert 0409 657 316 Lic: 133125c PAINTER SAM SUNG PAINTING & DECORATING New & repaint, int/ ext, free quotes, all work guaranteed Lic 223324c call now 0403 102 933 POSITIONS VACANT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR LOCAL STAFF? Advertise your job vacancy’s in the Bush Tele classifieds. We have the local audience, let us connect you with them. – only $4.50 per line BUTCHERS/BONERS/SAUSAGE MAKERS • Location Mascot, Sydney, Australia. • Immediate Start for THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY STATION MANAGER Part-time wanted for Triple H 100.1 FM, the local Community Radio Station, located at Waitara. Access Job Description and Application details at www.triplehfm.com.au. Contact: Tony Dosen, Phone: 0408 929 374 EDUCATION ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE of Achievement. MATHEMATICS 7-12, Ph 9456 3459. MATHEMATICS Home tuition from a qualified teacher & experienced tutor. Ph 0457 155 499 or chrishav2001@ yahoo.com.au NATUROPATH. CLINICAL NUTRITION. Grace Hamilton Natural Health. Kid’s health, reproductive health/fertility, autoimmunity, healthy aging & general health. Berowra & Hornsby. 1300 554 373. www. gracehamiltonnaturalhealth.com QIGONG TAI CHI FIRST CLASS FREE Anne 9985 9046. aemotty@ gmail.com REMEDIAL/RELAXING MASSAGE by professional in Hornsby Available 7 days. Call Val 0411 353 156 TAEKWONDO KID’S SUMMER PROGRAM Mick & Janelle Marr 9456 3934 PETS A SHANNY THE NANNY Call Shannon Ph 9457 9162 ANIMAL WALKING & MINDING Tailored care. Jess 0433 957 248. animalminding.net ARATAH DOG TRAINING Puppy & adult dog classes. Obedience & agility for beginners. Behaviour management.9456 4157 or 0421 028 219 BEAUTIFUL CREATURES Pet Minding Services. Colleen 0423 135 070. DESIGNER DOGS GROOMING Serving Hornsby area since 1995.Unit 5/113 Hunter St Hornsby (prev located Edgeworth David Ave)Ph 9482 5119 KAT ‘N’ KAPOODLE DOG GROOMING SALON Friendly & prof. service. All breeds, local. Kathryn 0423 737 732 FOR HIRE A DJ with LIGHTS - 0416-188-108 MUSIC TUITION ANDREA MUSIC LESSONS FROM $15 We teach all ages from as little as 1 year old.Call me 9940 4083 or visit www.somethingmusical.com First lesson is FREE HALF PRICE GUITAR, BASS & SINGING LESSONS Recording studio avail. Exp. Pro. near Mt Kuringgai Station. 0431 385 216 www. retroman.com.au PIANO & THEORY HORNSBY Exp & qualified teacher. All ages, all syllabuses Ph 9477 1379 PIANO TUITION Qualified, Exp., Caring Tchr. Beginners to Adv. Sue Norrington Ph 9456 3752 HEALTH, FITNESS & BEAUTY BEROWRA PHYSIOTHERAPY Pacific Hwy. Massage, back pain, sports injuries. Ph Jackie Walford 9456 3322 / 0414 925 477 COUNSELLOR & PSYCHOTHERAPIST Troubled or Distressed? Vivienne Morrow Fox Valley Rd Wahroonga m.0478 783 506 t. 9943 2400 www.morrowcounselling.com HEALTH NATURALLY Dietary & lifestyle advice & support for many conditions. 0418 890 045 www. health-naturally.com.au HERBALIFE Products Ph 0425 252 364 / www.healthebiz.com.au OP SHOP BARGAINS GALORE NEED A BROCHURE DELIVERY? $ CALL TODAY Phone 9456 2880 cars boats caravans trailers motorbikes Only Run it til’ U Sell it $38 for 12 weeks advertising FORD FOCUS 08 SERVICE HISTORY, Maintained ext/int condition, Zippy/economical to run, 117,800km, 5 gear, Mechanically sound; new bat, break pads, wheel bearings. CC, B/T, A/W, P/S, RCL, Airbags, EBD & ABS Breaks & so much more! Call: 0404407111. $8500ono 1999 VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT 2,8 V66 VW Passat, tiptronic auto (top of range), very good condition for it’s age. 145k km, full options AC (climate control), Power steering,power windows,sunroof. Leather interior, air bags,$2,500 ono. Ph: 0402 440 900 2009 HOLDEN BERLINA SEDAN In very good condition, deceased estate. 90000km. Registered until October. $11,000. BK51CZ. Ph:0438 349 041 TRIUMPH SPEED MASTER 2008 Fuel injected, runs good, good tyres, 29,600 Kms $8000 ono. Must sell. Ralph 0422 336 018 SOLD ONE OWNER Low kms, under warranty, 5 door hatch, manual, 1.3 Yaris YR, silver fog lights, HD lights & bonnet protector. Plus weathershields, roof bars - rhino rack, Protec under sealed, Haynes manual, Mccarroll Plus L.A. Me maintained. BW42ZH $12,000 neg. 9456 3619 or 0435 832 111. HOLDEN ASTRA CDTi 2008 Diesel, 78,000kms, Red, Oct 2016 Rego, BHF95A, $8,500 ono 0407 202 973 or 0417 419 669 BMW 2 DOOR COUPE 323i M Spec, 6 speed auto, low kms 68000, silver/ red interior, beautiful condition 10mths Rego. $26,000. Ph 0427 720 225 KIA GRAND CARNIVAL 08 AUTO EX 3.8Ltr i, V6, 5sp, 125,000 Klm. Sept 2016 rego/Service book/8 Seater/ A/C /8 Airbags/Power win (tinted) ABS/Power steering. $12,900 ono.Carlos 0414772625 or Helen 0410 669 625 Trying to sell your car•boat•caravan•motorbike? 2012 PEUGEOT 308 ACTIVE HDI ABS brakes, 17” alloy wheels, Bluetooth and 6 speakers, leather interior, driver and passenger airbags, rego till Jan 2017, leather seats and a 2.0L engine $18,500 ph 0437 468 692 Sell it with us only $38 for 12 weeks 9456 2880 Berowra Cricket Club UPDATE '*UDGHSURJUHVVHVWR*UDQG¿QDOIRU%&& The form team of the BCC in season 2015/16, led by skipper James Booth, saw D Grade become the only WHDPWRSURJUHVVWRWKHJUDQG¿QDOLQWKH6HPL¿QDO round completed. An outstanding bowling effort by Ben Parker (3/36) and Matt Kelly (2/19) that backed up an excellent batting display by Martin O’Brien (70) had Berowra win an exciting game by just 7 runs! 7KH\ZLOOWDNHRQ:HVW3HQQDQW+LOOVZKR¿QLVKHGWKHUHJXODUVHDVRQLQ ¿UVWSODFHE\DVLQJOHSRLQW%HURZUDQGDQGLVD¿WWLQJJUDQG¿QDOZKLFK will be a great game. “Watching Guppy take the winning catch was one of the greatest moments of my cricketing career” said 18 year old skipper Booth. In other results B Grade couldn’t muster up enough runs (129) to defend DV6\GQH\/LRQVUHDFKHGWKHWDUJHW¿YHZLFNHWVGRZQ /DVW\HDU¶VSUHPLHUV&5HVHUYHVZHUHLQWKHKXQWDW7HDFKDVLQJ 198 against Wahroonga but then fell well short to be all out for 119. Whilst C4s did it tough chasing 3 declared for 312 were all out for 122. ³6XFFHVVRFFXUVDWDOOOHYHOVLQFULFNHWDQGZKLOVWWKLV\HDUZDVFKDOOHQJLQJ after a few retirements last year (and 5 teams in the GF), our D Grade boys will represent Berowra proudly and try their best to bring home some silverware for the BCC,” said president Mick Vincent. www.berowracricket.org Call WHEELER SKIP BINS for your next CLEAN UP! Wheeler Skip Bins is a family owned and operated business which has a local family history of over 50 year’s experience within the waste disposal industry. We provide 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 metre bins from Brooklyn Parramatta, Mosman and Northern Beaches. Fully insured our bins are ideal for home cleanups through to major builders’ waste. Look out for our blue and white trucks! Call Gary Campton on 0477 447 137 for our competitive prices and to book your bin. Mobile credit card and eftpos facilities available. LOCAL LAWN & GARDEN CARE SERVICE ... Whip Blow Mow and Away I go JOSH BROUGHTON of Asquith knows that his customers want a lawn and garden service that’s fast, HI¿FLHQWDQGRQWLPHHYHU\WLPH Fully insured, Josh’s lawn and garden service includes gutter cleaning, tree lopping and hedge trimming. He even has a ride-on mower for those bigger jobs. “I like to keep the locals happy with my reliable service and reasonable prices,” said Josh (pictured above). Whip Blow Mow and Away I Go services domestic and commercial clients. For a free quote, phone Josh 0431 904 765. Thursday 24 March 2016 15 Celebrating Experts In All Foot and Leg PAIN Adults And Children NEW PRACTICE <UW`QY^;^UU`QY^CXY^c`\Y^dcC`_bdcY^ZebYUc2QS[`QY^DY^UQ 9^Wb_g^d_U^QY\c3_b^c3Q\\ecUc4YQRUdYScGQbdc8UU\`QY^ @\Q^dQbVQcSYYdYc8UU\c`ebc7b_gY^W@QY^c 7QYdQ^Q\icYcQ\\[Y^Tc_V_bdX_dYScV__dgUQbQTfYSU WE TREAT HEEL PAIN 2P[[(#'!!!!& V_bQ^Q``_Y^d]U^d KEBAB THE BEST KEBABS IN AUSTRALIA We only use Chemical and Preservative FREE meat OPEN 7 DAYS 25 Station St. Hornsby 9476 8466 %!)@QSYVYS8gi_``=S4_^Q\Tc =d3_\QX>CG" ') fffR^\_[TcTUTTc_^SXPcahR^\Pd Would you like to book an ad in our special local MOTORING FEATURE? 21yrs in Hornsby! MARCH SPECIAL! ALL KEBABS Choose from Beef, Chicken, Falafal & Mixed Kebabs Until 31 March Kebabs - Vegi Rolls - Falafel - Gozleme - Pide - Pizza - Hamburgers - Chicken Burger - Hot Dogs - Chips Book your ad in our next Just For Kids Feature Bush Tele’s 7th April edition – in time for School Holidays and Term 2 Activities contact Christine for more info 0415 381 882 christine@ bushtele.com.au contact Christine for more info – 0415 381 882 christine@thebushtele. com.au ƻ859NJ< IS IT TIME FOR A BEROWRA POOL? The Berowra and District Community Association (B&DCA) is running a survey on the need for a Berowra pool. Residents of Berowra and north of Hornsby, especially children, the elderly and the battlers, have limited access to a public pool. Berowra residents have contributed more than their fair share to funding of major facilities in the shire. Lack of funds has been the reason given by Hornsby Shire Council for the lack of progress of the Berowra Pool despite the $312,000 and its 30 years of interest, sale of local assets, S94 funds, levies and rates. The Mayor of Hornsby has publicly stated that the new rate levy funded Hornsby Aquatic Centre is full to capacity and will need to be redeveloped and up graded. Added to this, Hornsby Council is literally swimming in money due to cost cutting, development and Section 94 funds, rate levies and sale of public assets and property – much of it north of Hornsby, and the infrastructure back log is only 1%. YOU CAN COMPLETE THE SURVEY BELOW and leave in the BEROWRA POOL SURVEY Box at The Bush Tele Shop at Marketplace Shopping Centre, 19-25 Turner Road Berowra Heights or complete it online at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FVBK8WB 1. Should Berowra have a public swimming pool? Yes No 2. Would you and your family use a public pool in Berowra? Yes No 3. Should the pool be an indoor 25 metre pool + a learn to swim pool + a gym? Yes No 4. Should it be near the Berowra Community Centre in The Gully Road? Yes No 'R\RXDJUHHZLWKORFDOUHVLGHQWVFRQWULEXWLQJDVPDOODPRXQW¿QDQFLDOO\WREXLOGWKHSRRODQGWKXVUHFHLYHDGLVFRXQWHQWU\IHHIRU being a local? Yes No 6. Do you think local residents should have a say in what public infrastructure (such as a pool in Berowra) their money is used to build? Yes No 7. Please enter your postcode 8. Comments? 9. Name and contact details (optional): THANK YOU FOR YOUR INPUT
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