FY13/14 Annual Report - Edina Education Fund


FY13/14 Annual Report - Edina Education Fund
Edina Education Fund
Report to the Community
A tradition of innovation and possibilities
in Edina Public Schools
The Edina Education Fund supports
valuable education experiences and
innovative projects in the Edina Public
Schools by directing, focusing, and
implementing fundraising programs.
"Edina Public Schools is developing and implementing programs and services
that will ensure all of our learners will thrive in our rapidly changing, culturally
diverse, global society. Critical to this success story is our continued partnership
with the Edina Ed Fund. This foundation’s financial support creates a culture of
innovation for our staff and students. Just as importantly, it brings energy, hope
and creativity to our commitment in creating The Next Generation of Edina
Public Schools. The support of the Edina Ed Fund is critical to our educational
- Ric Dressen, Ed.D., Superintendent
The Strength of People.
The Power of Community.
Thank You!
Thank you for your support of Edina Public Schools through your donation
to the Edina Education Fund.
For almost twenty years the Edina Education Fund has worked in close
partnership with our teachers and schools, focusing on how to most
effectively use your donations to help our students excel.
The excellence of our schools depends upon continuous innovation and
the constant improvement of the educational opportunities for all of our
students. We invite you to read these pages to see what your generosity has
made possible.
Please join us as a partner in creating new possibilities for excellence!
Karen Nelson
Edina Education Fund
Executive Director
Michelle Lohrding
Board of Directors
Tom Ruppert
Board of Directors
Edina Education Fund Board of Directors and Staff: Back Row: Dennis Bao, Scott Kelley Kevin Jiang, Nate
Kremer, Sue Carlson, Ellie Eidson; Middle Row: Sarah Clark, Mark Otness, Julie Wohlford, Regina Neville, Tom
Ruppert, Sarah Knapp; Seated: Kristi Colby, Karen Nelson, Amy Blackmore, Laura Johnson, Michelle Lohrding; Not
pictured: Dr. Ric Dressen, Dave Flynn, Val Stidman
District-Wide PROGRAMS
The Edina Education Fund is proud to support the Edina Public Schools in its
mission to educate all individuals to be responsible, lifelong learners who possess
the skills, knowledge, creativity, sense of self-worth, and ethical values necessary to
thrive in a rapidly changing, culturally diverse, global society. Here is a glimpse of
some of the programs made possible by the Ed Fund.
Edina Give and Go
In recent years, Edina Public Schools has adopted an “All for All” mission that
supports all students in their quest to become lifelong learners. Likewise, the
Edina Ed Fund is committed to providing innovative learning experiences to
all Edina students. It is in this spirit of serving all students that the Ed Fund
is proud to announce its collaboration with a new organization, Edina Give
and Go. Give and Go is dedicated to ensuring access to life and learning
opportunities, both in and out of the classroom, for students who struggle
with financial hardship. By working together, the Ed Fund and Give and
Go are reaching many students, engaging them in rewarding, educational
activities and advancing the Ed Fund’s mission of making our schools and our
community stronger.
South View
Writing Center
Now in its third year, the Writing Center
at South View Middle School continues to
ease students' writing anxieties. On any
given day, student coaches collaborate with
fellow students before and after school to
provide assistance and offer feedback. Last
year, the Writing Center held more than 500
conferences to help students improve their
writing skills.
The writing conference is
definitely a powerful tool
to give kids feedback —
far more powerful than
writing comments on
their paper.
- Tess Bademan,
SVMS English Teacher
Writer's Block
The Writer’s Block grant provides funds for Edina High School's writing
center, which provides writing support through one-on-one consultations and
is available to all students engaged in the writing process. Student writing
coaches use their creative talents to assist other students with their writing.
Last year, two of the student writing coaches created an online writing center,
making it possible for students to get help from home. During Collaborative
Wednesdays, (dedicated weekly time for personalized learning opportunities),
the Writer’s Block hosts sessions focused on developing creative writing skills.
The support students receive is invaluable, with more than 500 benefitting
from services last year.
Project Lead the Way
Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is an integrated study of science, technology,
engineering and math, which includes the following courses: Principles
of Engineering, Civil Engineering and Digital Electronics. Last fall, a laser
engraver was given to Edina High School PLTW programs for students to
create high-quality models to learn architectural styles. Students designed
a building for a site in Edina, built models with the laser engraver, and
presented their designs and models to the Edina City Council. In the 201314 school year, 264 Edina students taking these PLTW courses earned three
college credits through the University of Minnesota.
Workflow Institute
The Workflow Institute was created by the
district in 2014 with the financial assistance
Every Edina staff
of the Ed Fund. The Workflow Institute is
member should
focused on equipping learners — teachers,
attend this Workflow
students and families — with the ability
Institute. Stress is high
to establish control, gain perspective and
in education and we all
acquire skills and processes to obtain a
need to find better ways
healthier life balance. This district-wide
to balance our lives.
program includes teacher training, student
- Workflow Institute
training and support systems, as well
as community education. As part of the
districts’ Summer 2014 Edina Learning
Institute, staff participated in four motivating
and engaging Workflow courses focused on installing, implementing and
integrating a systematic approach into their teaching practice.
Personal Behavior Finance
To help students navigate the complex economic landscape as they approach
adulthood, a group of Edina High School alumni made a generous donation
to enhance the district's personal financial literacy curriculum. The Personal
Finance semester course expands students’ knowledge of economics, human
behavior and spending patterns, helping them better understand college
costs, navigate credit, as well as manage, make and save money.
Innovation Grants
In addition to district-wide programming, the Ed Fund annually awards
Innovation Grants to teachers to pilot innovative student engagement
strategies. Innovation Grants have proven to help transform the educational
experience for all students. Here is a sampling of Innovation Grants from the
2013-14 school year.
CONCORD: Classroom of the Future
This grant allowed a Concord Elementary fourth grade teacher to update her
classroom with flexible furniture to enhance
Next Generation personalized learning
and create a more engaging environment
The new furniture is fun,
for students. Prior to the renovations, the
and makes me excited
traditional classroom was furnished with
to come to school.
big, long tables that limited movement and
Some of the chairs
collaboration. One step inside the classroom
even wiggle!
today reveals six modern tables on wheels
- Connor, Grade 4
in a variety of shapes and heights, 14
flexible stools and three padded benches,
all designed to move with busy students'
bodies. Each new furniture piece is moveable, and the layout is continually
rearranged to accommodate a variety of teaching methods and learning styles.
EDINA HIGH SCHOOL: Stepping Up to Fitness
This grant provided students in the Core Fitness Class with Fitbits to examine
their overall levels of health and fitness throughout the day. Students
monitored daily steps, total active minutes, water and nutrition intake, and
sleeping habits in order to gain a greater understanding of the effects of
For a complete list of Innovation Grants, visit www.edinaedfund.com.
their daily choices. Through weekly journal writing, students shared their
fitness insights and experiences. At the end of the assessment period, they
developed SMART fitness goals to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Edina High School: Picture This!
Picture this: new specialized cameras in the science department at Edina High
School. This grant turned a department’s dream into a reality with cameras
featuring a wide range of lenses, additional hardware, and supporting
software that allow teachers and students to go deeper in discussion and
instruction. The cameras engage students in all grade levels taking biology,
chemistry, physics and other science electives. Students are now able to
more easily share discoveries with their classmates, including observations of
microscopic pond life or how much sweat is produced in a person's fingertips.
Highlands: Every Voice Matters
The Every Voice Matters grant provided
Highlands Elementary students with new
books with characters and stories that reflect
a wide variety of racial, ethnic and cultural
backgrounds, more reflective of the diversity
of our students and our world, thus allowing
classes to have deeper discussions about
different cultures and backgrounds. Using the
books as their guide, students talked about
the cultural traditions of others and how they
can appreciate everyone around them. The
books help students feel comfortable in their
own skin while allowing them to make better
connections with others.
At the end of the year,
a student wrote me
a letter that summed
up the Every Voice
matters grant
beautifully. It simply
said,“You believe in
- Jamie Johansen
Highlands teacher
get involved
How you supported
our schools in 2013-14
Our generous community of donors allows us to support all levels of learning
in Edina Public Schools. The following graph highlights how funds were
distributed during the 2013-14 school year.
Innovation Grants: Funding for
13 grants to support teaching
and learning in new ways, from
kindergarten through high school
Programs, Curriculum
Training & Support:
Give and Go,
SVMS Writing Center,
EHS Writing Center,
Project Lead the Way,
Personal Behavior Finance,
Saturday School, Workflow
Institute and Special Education
Scholarships: 74 scholarships to
high school seniors to assist with
their post-secondary education plans
Directed Donations
for School Affiliated
Clubs, Teams &
Booster Groups:
Debate, Latin,
Orchestra, Band,
Theater, Robotics, Model UN
Team and EHS Swim Team
Thank you to our 913 generous donors, including
269 new contributors, for raising $673,000 this year.
Thank you for Keeping
Innovation and
Possibility Alive.
We can't do it without you. Your annual
donation to the Edina Education Fund makes
an immediate impact. Please join us. Your
contributions are critical to the ongoing success
of our schools. Donations are tax deductible
and may be made in a variety of ways:
Make checks payable and mail to:
Edina Education Fund
5701 Normandale Road
Edina, MN 55424
You may make a secure online gift
by visiting our website at
Your contribution may qualify
for a corporate match from your
employer. Please check with your
employer for corporate match
eligibility and forms.
Your donation can honor a teacher,
student, other special person or
graduating class. Gifts may also be
made in memory of a loved one.
Your honoree will be notified of your
gift. The names of those honored
or memorialized will appear in our
Report to the Community.
Your donation can be made
through a planned gift in your
estate or will. Please contact your
financial planner, accountant or
lawyer to determine the type of gift
that best suits your situation.
The Edina Education Fund is
successful due to the efforts of
parent and community volunteers.
Please contact us at 952-848-4222
about volunteer opportunities.
The Edina Education Fund’s Donor
Walk is located at Fick Plaza at
Edina High School. Pavers are
available and make a great tribute
to a special person. Call our office
or visit our website for more
Contributions are fully tax-deductible. The Edina Education Fund is organized and operated
under IRS code 501(c)(3). If a requested restriction becomes unnecessary or incapable of
fulfillment, the Edina Education Fund has the right to modify the restriction.
Thank you to all of our generous
2013-14 donors
Our community of committed and generous individuals and organizations make it possible for us to support
Edina Public Schools. The following list represents donations received from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. *Includes donations made to Edina Give and Go.
Doug and Julie Baker*
Jeff and Kelly Drobny
David and Kathleen MacLennan*
Jeff and Mary Werbalowsky*
Grand Honors
Yuval and Idith Almog*
Engelsma Family Foundation
Sam Thorpe
Distinguished Honors
Judd Arnold
Don Dickinson and Rebecca Wallin
Mark and Laurie Jordahl
Guy and Suzanne Logan
Patti Marinovich
John and Maggie Miller*
Tony and Meg Rodriguez*
Mark and Ann Schulze*
Joseph and Allison Sriver
The Wallin Foundation
High Honors ($2,500-4,999)
Joel and Amy Anderson
Tony and Liz Burger
Joe and Megan Deignan*
Jon and Nikki Edwards
Paul and Mary Jo Ekman
Adam and Amy Gunther
John and Amy Haben
Diane Herman
Andy and Michele Herring*
Kopp Family Foundation
Rob and Amy Murphy
Jerry and Lisa O'Brien
Mark Otness and Karin Wentz
Rob and Amy Parish
Mike and Lori Post
Rotary Club of Edina Foundation
David and Hilary Santoni*
Tony and Ann Satterthwaite
Chris and Val Stidman*
Walser Foundation
Rob and Terri Webb
Honor Roll ($1,500-2,499)
Paul and Penny Anderson
Dario and Jeanne Anselmo*
Steve and Annie Bishop
John and Barb Bloom*
Terry and Sarah Clark
Steve and Kristi Colby
Ric and Kerry Dressen*
Edina Morningside Rotary
Club Foundation
Jon and Roberta Farris
David and Mary Jo Franske
Howard and Judy Fulk
Richard Giertsen
Rob and Sheri Guimont
Jay and Betsy Hiniker
Dave and Michelle Horan
Lindsay and Sarah Knapp
Peter and Holly Lafferty
Gary and Roisin Laskin
David and Janet Marple*
David McGoff
Charles and Elizabeth Opp
Bryan and Cheryl Peterson
Navid Pouladian-Kari
and Luci Locsin*
Mike Radenbaugh and Karen Hazel
Joe and Lynn Schmitt
Andy Slothower and Molly Rice
Terry and Marilee Stevens
Alex and Amy Ware*
Frank and Christine Wheeler
Mitch and Erin Zamoff
Team Leader ($1,000-1,499)
Charles and Janet Allinson
Charlie Blomme
and Deb Schlichting
Stephen and Rebecca Briggs
Jonathan and Annie Cleveland
Matt Cooke
Mark and Karri Copman*
James Cote
Olivier Couture
John and Lexi Czwartacki
Daniel and Cheryl Dulas
Tom Fabbro and Marcy Keckler
Jim and Jenny Fehrenbach
Brett and Heather Fenske
Jon and Jody Foust
Jon and Melissa Freeland
Kevin and Dana Giertsen
Greg and Kathleen Good
Rick and Amy Gustafson
Lisa Irvin
Brad and Laura Johnson
Phyllis Kohler*
Brian and Jennifer Kompelien
Todd Larson
Terry Lewis
Brad and Michelle Lohrding
Brent and Sheri Malcom
Mike and Donna McCormick*
Clay and Lisa Miller*
John and Dawn Montague
Paul and Jean Mooty
Tim and Kristi Nasby
Kevin and Karen Nelson*
Ross Olsen
Baji and Surekha Puram
Jack and Ede Rice
Tom Rock and Melissa Raphan
Tom and Christine Ruppert
Jennifer Schaidler
Robert Shawki
Martin Siegel
Steve and Sue Stenbeck
Christian and Leslie Vaillancourt
Lyle and Theresa Ward*
Jim and Lisa White
Mike and Lisa Wittmer
Jim and Julie Wohlford
Kathleen Wolf
Dan and Carol Wolfe*
Merit Scholar ($500-999)
Thomas Amatruda
and Lynne Morishita
Paul and Sue Arneson
James and Regina Aufderheide
Richard and Sara Ausman
Scott and Margaret Berdelman
William Bieber and Helen Meyer
Peter and Tiffany Bils
Jeff and Amy Bisson
Todd and Susan Bordson
Jeff and Kari Bowers
Bill Brask
Joe and Mary Buska*
Ralph and Katy Campbell
Jay and Angela Chapman
Bruce and Ann Christensen
Jeff and Mary Collier
Jim and Liz Denn
Timothy and Kim Dirr
Brian and Jody Drought
Sonja Dusil
Arthur and Janet Erdall
Jim and Molly Evans
David and Shanna Flynn
Matt and Liz Furman
Ryan and Teresa Garry
Peter and Laura Gideon
Brian and Janel Goff
Timothy and Alicia Goldsmid
Paul and Margot Grangaard*
Jafar and Afira Hasan
David and Kris Henderson
Jeff and Shannon Horsager
Brad and Laura Hunt
Desmond and Podaly Jay
Troy and Sara Jefferson
Neil and Jill Johnson
Tom and Lolene Jones
Bob Klefsaas
Tom Knickelbine and Heidi Chen
Ben and Andrea Knoll*
Michael Launer and Lesli Hines
Michael and Pam LeVoir
John and Rebecca Liethen
Greg Loxtercamp
and Stephanie Zahrbock*
Ryan and Heather Lund
Edward and Teresa Luterbach
John and Ann Marie Marshall
Michael and Heide McDermott
Randy Meyer and Jennifer Janovy
Mark and Susan Morcomb
Michael and Wendy Muilenburg
Tom and Regina Neville*
Peter and Laurie Nordquist*
Doug and Nora O'Leary*
Dan and Linda Olson
Matt and Amy Olson
Devan and Suchita Padmanabhan
Chris and Laura Pardo
Doug and Abigail Power*
Don and Peggy Qually
Noel and Sara Rahn
Jaime Ramalho
and Maria Maldonado
Josh and Jennifer Reiner
Gail Reinke*
James and Laura Rubin
Jeff and Julie Ryan
Clayton and Tami Schwerin
Quintin and Ann Scott
Greg Smith and Jane Farrell
Jeff and Robin Smith
Nick and Lisa Solinger
Mark and Nancy Sparano
Joseph and Vivien Talghader
Scott and Katey Taylor
Tradition Family Foundation
Gary and Susan Wahman
John Wald and Marianne Remedios
Principal's List ($250-499)
Paul and Cheryl Adkins
Meg Adkisson
Robert and Carolyn Albright
John Alt
Steve Arlowe
and Danielle Fagre Arlowe
Scott and Sara Aubitz
Brad and Susie Baker*
Dave and Sarah Balestri
Bob and Kris Barrie
Michael and Ellen Bendel-Stenzel
Rick and Karen Bergman
John and Cindy Beuerlein*
Kevin and Trina Bloemendaal
Geoff and Sandy Bodeau
John and Sara Boss
David and Joan Bowlin
Glenn and Joyellyn Bruder
Jonathan and Christine Calkwood
Dick and Marcia Carthaus
Darrell and Mary Ellen Cash
Tim and Carey Chapdelaine
Janet Chen
Reed and Lisa Christianson
Lee and Kristin Codding
Keith and Amy Collins
Michael Collins
Eric Cooperstein and Katie Oberle
Tom and Shelly Crowley
John and Kathryn Denn
Lou DiLorenzo
Jeff and Gretchen Doom
Tom and Kelly Duff
Sean and Rachel Duggan*
Carrie Engh
Ryan and Patricia Engle
Sean and Annelys Farrell
Tim and Kelly Flaherty
Charlie and Jenny Flinn
Craig Flom and Susan Bowman
Bill Fullerton
Sean and Kimberly Gallant
Andrew and Lisa Gardner
Barb Gavin
Steven and Barbara Gilmore
Jay and Sherri Gould
Brad and Kimberly Gray
Ronald and Karen Green
Gerard and Rhonda Greene
Todd and Anne Gustin
Tom and Sheila Guzik
Gary Hager and Amy Blackmore
Matt and Kim Haller
David and Judy Hallett
Bart and Kari Halling
Steve and Deborah Hallstrom
Blake and Sarah Hanlon
Scott and Eileen Harness*
Jon and Heidi Hempel
Gregory and Mary Hirsch*
Minna Hovinen
Bob Hussey and Jennifer Collins
Rajesh and Mallika Iyer
Kennon Jaeger
Lei Jiang and Li Ding
Ken and Gretchen Johns
Eric and Cintia Johnson
Daniel and Cynthia Kapke
Dan Katan and Megan McBurney
Brian and Kirsten Kemp
Wayne and Ruth Kewitsch
Mark and Polly Kieper
Gaylen and Maggie Knack
Peter Komarek and Lisa Nelson*
Jeff and Anne Kraft
Tim and Mary Kuehl
George and Barb LaChance*
Chad and Rachel LaTour
David and Sue Lee
Jason Lee
Greg Lehman and Dawn Martin
Dennis Lenselink and Donna Foth
Daniel Lepow and Martha Phelps
Paul and Jana Leung
Lance Leupold and Cheryl Gunness
Joe Lichtenberger
Skip and Michelle Liepke
Jeff and Stacey Lovell
Yong Lu and Xiaohong Qiu
John and Meredith Lundgren
Terry and Debra Lynner
Adam Mans
Rich and Renee May
Pete and Julie McCarthy
Tim and Kim McGuire
Chas and Fei McKhann
Bob McKlveen and Ellen Jones*
Matthew and Sara McLenighan
Owen and Bethany Michaelson
Geoff and Annie Michel
Darren and Danielle Miles
Sumeet Mittal and Rashi Kaushik
Dan and Katie Moe
Mark and Gina Mooers
Richard Moore and Sara Anderson
Bruce and Tracy Mooty
Nick and Jody Olsen
Geoffrey and Jackie Olson
Craig and Linda Ostrem
William and Joanne Patterson
Jim and Tracy Pekarek
Doug and Wendy Petersen
Ajay and Shivani Rawal
Sam and Krin Reid
Paul and Molly Reppenhagen
Steve and Jennifer Rewey
Rollie Ring
Manuel and Nhulang Roman
Johan Rosenberg and Stacey Thiele
Steven and Faith Rothberg
Andy and Sonja Roy
Jeff and Cathy Ruehl
Brent and Kate Rundquist
Todd and Vicki Ruppert
Matt and Jennifer Samuel
Terry and Kathy Sandven
Robert and Kim Sannerud
Nick and Diana Santrizos
Todd and Andie Schieffert
Daniel and Laura Schleck
Carl and Stephanie Schneider
John Schumacher
and Elizabeth Franklin
Craig and Jill Schweiger
Peter and Stacy Seng
Laurie Shimizu
Jeff and Linda Sjolander
Andrew and Jun Song
Eric and Dana Sposeep
Mark and Trudie Sprenkle
Randy and Judy Stark*
Jonathan and Anne Stedman
Robert and Judith Straub
Shannon Sturz
Jon and Deb Sundal
Julie Swoap
Stuart and Andrea Turner
Andrew and Megan Ulland
Doug and Molly Van Metre
Mike and Lynn Wagner
Steven and Jeannie Wallschlaeger
Frank and Michelle Wang
Mark and Beth Waterloo
Scott and Marty Weicht
Charles and Priscilla Weigel
Mark and Suzanne Weingartner
John and Kelly Wellborn
Bob and Mary Werner
Thomas and Jana Whear
Keith and Carrie White
Jeff and Kelli Whiteside
Paul and Tonya Wilhoit
Lawrence and Jane Williams
Steve and Kathy Woodley
Kebiao Yuan and Grace Li
Stephen and Lillian Ziff*
Teacher's List ($100-249)
Kamal and Rajiv Aggarwal
David and Angela Aldrich
Audrey Allopenna*
Bernice Amacher
Jeremy and Amy Anderson
Ken and Ann Anderson
Roger and Alicia Andre
Tom and Karen Bach
Brian and Andrea Balow
Jon Barnett*
Ron Batey and Cara Fox
Brian and Kristine Baumgardner
Ed and Patty Beadle*
Scott and Tonya Beck
Marilyn Benson
Dan and Mary Berntson
Eric and Joan Bjelland
Steve and Lisa Black*
Neal and Mia Blanchett
Bob and Kim Boisvert
Jan Borene
David and Lisa Boss
Craig and Andrea Brandt
David Breeden
Ralph and Mary Brindle
Collin and Suky Brinkman
Michael and Laura Bryan
John and Gwen Budd
Mark Burke and Kathy Christensen
David Burrows and Maria Rodriguez
Carrie Cabe*
Mike and Ann Carr*
Dennis and Mary Lou Caskey*
Daniel Cavanaugh*
Yanping Chang
Ye Chao and Woon Wu
Deborah Charan
Larry and Melody Chestler*
Kathleen Clifford
Duane and Julie Cologne
Arne and Jessica Cook*
Keith and Caroline Correia
Barbara Curry
Patrick and Kelly Curtin
Darwin and Margaret Dahl
Steve and Margaret Davidson*
Chuck and Vicki Densinger
Michael Dillon and Sandra Mueller
Will Durfee and Devorah Goldstein
Jeff and Mary Dyrhaug*
Roy and Susanne Earl
Edina Community Foundation
George Edmonson and Anne Murray*
John Ellingboe and Cathy Cella*
Burke and Rachel Ellingson
Christopher Elliott and Lynne Stanley
Evelyn Emerson
Bill and Leslye Emptage
Jamie and Libby Engelsma
Greg and Tonja Engen
John and Sue Engen*
Brian and Torri Erickson
Kurt and Sarah Erickson
Trevor and Melissa Erlandson
Dave and Sally Euson*
Shawn Everts and Anne Reddy
Minghong Fan and Yan Zhang
Ken and Lori Feinberg
Ryan and Kristina Fey
Carlos Figari and Gisele Bouroncle
David and Laurie Fleming
Bouake and Pauline Fofana
David and Katharine Frederick*
Michael Friedberg and Caroline Haider
Ben and Sara Friswold
Mark and Jemma Fullerton
Scott and Jolynn Gamble*
Patricia Gilligan*
Nils and Pamela Gokemeijer
David and Mary Goldstein
Rusty and Greta Golfis
Jon and Peggy Good*
Sean and Heather Goudy
Chris and Amy Gould
Mitch and Lexi Granberg
James and Megan Gratzek
Stewart and Kristine Gregg
Stephen and Kimberly Griffiths
Pankaj and Kalpna Gupta
Steve and Jennifer Halgren*
Michele Hall
Charles and Erica Hamilton
Scott and Angela Hamilton
Jon and Alyssa Hammar
Carl and Heather Hansen*
Todd and Midi Hansen
Chris and Char Haschka
John and Shirley Hibbs
Michael and Johnna Hobbs
Joe Hognander
Patrice Holton
Tom and Libby Horner
Ryan and Jane Horton
Paul and Jennifer Hovelsrud*
Steve and Shelly Howe
Andrew and Sarah Hromada*
Daniel and Marsha Hunt*
Michael and Beth Hutson
Gwen Jackson
Sarah Jenkins
Christopher and Corral Johns
Tommy and Julie Johns
Jeff and Sydney Johnson*
Ann Johnston
Doug and Sarah Jones*
Scott and Kim Jones
Douglas Junker
and Joanne Bergstedt
Stephen and Valette Kaufman
Matt and Margaret Kershner
Steve and Stephanie Koester
Tom and Starr Kouchoukos
Bob Kruempelstaedter
Scott and Teri LaFrenz
Craig and Ann Lagorio
Brian and Jane Lavin*
Kevin Lawless and April Egan
Ken and Cathy Liebman*
Reid and Anne Lindquist
Andrew and Ellen Luger
Peter and Barrie Lund
Jim and Lynda Mader
Tom and Katie Mahlum
Mike Manhard and Danielle Niska
Jed Marquisee and Karen Jaffee
Jim and Linda Masica*
Donald McCarthy
Kevin and Anne McCoy
Mike and Pat McFarlane
Lee and Bonnie McGrath*
Harry and Gloria McLenighan
Mike and Jennifer McLenighan
Robert and Susanna McMaster
Scott and Susan Meisenheimer
Edwin and Margaret Melichar
Bill and Jane Meller
Ron Michalak and Kerry Aikman
Laurie Miller*
Tim and Kim Montgomery*
Brent and Gretchen Moore
Charles Moore
Cyrus and Nancy Morton
Susan Moses-Zirkes*
Jim and Laurie Muehlbauer
Bob Murney and Jane Oh*
James Myers
and Jeanne Moynihan Myers
Andrew and Koren Nelson
Brad and Katie Nelson
Mike and Gisselle Niles
Bryce and Cathy Norelius
Jim and Liz Norris
Jeffrey and Erica Nowak
Chris and Annie O'Brien
Mark and Becky Odland
Collette Officer-Hunt
Larry and Amy Olson
Bill and Liz Otteson
Tom and Julie Owen
Mel Padden
Jeff Palm
Mark and Andrea Parrish
Paul and Sarah Patzloff
Bob and Michelle Paule
Chad and Becky Peckels
Bryant and Julie Pfeiffer
Tom and Theresa Pflieger
Gaylen Pirri
John and Stephanie Potter
Jacqueline Prince*
Dave and Sigrid Redpath
Glenn and Margene Reno
Scott and Kirsten Rewey
JD and Kelly Rickard
Bruce and Buffi Robinson*
Sarah Roddis
Chris and Dawn Rofidal
Daniel and Barbara Romanelli
Tom and Amanda Rose
Jay and Barb Rothmeier*
Samuel and Georgia Rouman
David and Lynn Rudick
Curt and Rachel Ruegemer
Mike and Barb Rummel*
Jeffrey and Mary Jo Sanderson
Rick and Katie Sansted
Tom and Abby Schauerman
James and Allison Schmidt
Scott and Martha Schultz
Tim and Melissa Seeley
Tim Sielaff and Paula Sell
Bill Sierks and Mamie Segall
Peter and Serene Simon*
Peter and Nicole Slattery
Michael and Kendra Smalley
Bruce Smith and Gail Beske
Michael Spencer
and Laurie Wilson Spencer
Josh and Kelly Sprague
Mike and Shelly Stanchfield
Mike and Lisa Stanley
Bob and Sheilah Stewart
Scot Sticha and Kari Dahlquist
Brian and Traci Strittmater
Robert and Jennifer Stumm
Steve and Jodi Swaim
Paul and Lynn Swanberg
Scott and Rita Swanson
Greg and Laurie Swiler*
Bob and Pat Sykes
Jeff and Mary Thuma*
David Truckenmiller
and Lois Kapteina
Louis and Barb Turner
Todd and Jayne Tuttle
Jennifer Vanden Burgt
Jim and Katie Vedder
Tim Velner and Kathleen Hartmann
Shankar and Sreejaya Veluvali
Steve and Gina Vogt
Tom and Tara Wagner
Leny and Margaret Wallen-Friedman
Andrew and Kathleen Walser
Tim and Andrea Walsh*
William and Susan Webb
Richard and Laine Weinberg
Mike and Sue Weldon
Mark and Claudia Westholder
David and Kris Wetmore
Rob Winnick
Jeff and Cathy Winter
Jonathan and Sari Witzke
Andy Wolfe*
George and Cindy Wood*
Dennis and Suzanne Woolner
Gordon and Shelly Wright
Supporters ($50-99)
Orian Almog*
Paul and Julie Anderson
Tammy Anderson
Nigel and Shelley Avery
Shelle Baker
Anastasios and
Anne-Michelle Bakritzes
Roberto and Susan Ballarini
Andy and Kim Behm
Patrick and Joni Bennett
Chris and Liz Bergren
Mark and Sara Biscan
Ben and Karine Blazovich
Jon and Kia Blumenthal
Lisa Bock
Roland and Heather Buller
John and Betty Bullion
Reid and Valerie Burke
Jonathon and Stella Chaffee
Bruce Coles
Greg Corniea and Marit Swanson
Betty Dahlberg
Carmen De la Hoz
Jeff and Jennifer Dewing
Nevin Dikel and Michele Gatien
Steve and Terry Dondlinger
Jeff and Molly Dykstra
David and Ann Endy
Shawn Erickson
David and Cindy Farmer*
Tad and Ali Finer
Michael and Laurie Fischer
Shaun and Cami Flanagan
Sherron Gaughan
Todd and Jules Geisler
Anirodha and Sujata Gholkar
Michael and Beth Gibbs
Lee and Kim Glenna
Peter and Eleni Glerum
Jonathan and Sara Glover
Tim and Suan Gruidl
San and Janet Ha
Peter and Heather Hankinson
Karen Hemstad
Erik and Leah Hendrikson
Erik Hinkie and Erica Gardner
Chris Holden
Kurt and Lisa Illig
Gordon and Janet Johnson
Ramanuja Josyer
Tim and Ann Keenan
Scott and Mary Kelley
Blake Kelly
Charles and Wendy Kessler
Lisa Kopp
David Kuettel*
Jeff and Frannie Kuhs
Ashish and Beverly Kumar
Jim and Mary Lany
John and Bonnie LeRoy
Erica Li
Mary Manderfeld
Ann Marshall
Kendal Masica*
Mark and Laura Masuda
Andrew and Jennifer Matysik
Bruce McLellan and Susan Chandler
Mike and Ann Meagher
Marta Melin
William Melton*
Brad and Leanne Montgomery*
Andy and Kristine Mullmann
Tom and Shana Murray
Sumner and Jennifer Musolf
Joel and Stephanie Nordin
Nathan Opsata and Jaynie Leung
Sandra Palm
Cindy Perusse*
Brett and Mandy Peterson
Victoria Philips
Scott and Nancy Phinney
Jill Plumb-Smith
Taylor Polomis
Karl and Kim Poncius
David Rodbourne
and Marcella McCarthy
Jon and Delores Roeder
Jill Roisum
Douglas and Nina Rose
Asad and Suraiya Saeed
Mark Sannes and Alison Eckhoff
Michelle Schaeperkoetter
Chad Schmidt
Carl Schneider
Patricia Schuster
Jim and Jennifer Scott
Robert and Joan Scott
David Shaw
David and Janie Shaw
Libby Siegel
John and Shannon Sieve
Lonni Skrentner*
Randy Smasal
Matthew and Allison Sneller
John and Kathy Sommerville
John Sorteberg
and Christina Kennedy*
Mick and Darran Spence*
Ryan and Pamela Steensland
Zachary and Shannon Steven
Christiana Stolpestad
Tom and Julie Swenson
Natalie Swiler*
Ann Thomas
Geoffrey and Lori Thomas
Chris and Judy Thommes
Andrew and Joyce Tilton*
Duke and Lisa Uihlein
Peter and Cheri Ulmen
Karin van den Dool
Alice Van Dyke
Brad and Julie Vanhove
Scot and Kris Waggoner
Shawn and Shawna Wagoner
Joseph and Mary Jane Watters*
Chris Willett
Dean and Beth Williamson
Erik and Ann Wordelman*
Paul and Yea huey Wu
Glenn and Judith Zerbe
Donors (Up to $49)
Mindy Ahler
Langdon and Pamela Alger
Margot Andress
Gary and Laura Aulik
Craig Baillie*
Alex and Christine Barned
Tim and Pam Barnett*
Daniel and Julie Baron*
Jim and Julia Bartholomew
Bill and Jeni Belvedere
Brad and Catherine Benson
Kay Blackmore
Megan Blackmore
Molly Blackmore
David and Kaelie Breiter
Matt and Erin Brumm
Allene Burns
Paul and Liza Cameron
Brad and Caroline Carlin
Benjamin and Carrie Cavender
Marguerite Charlton
Peter and Judy Chirpich
Peter and Sandy Cochrane
Helen Conway
Scott and Christina Dawson
Don and Linda Dornbach
Stephen and Lisa Dow
Mike and Debbie Ducar
Emily Eisenmenger
Katherine Ellgen
Michael Freeman
Cristina Gleason
Mark Hadley and Lisa Ragozzino
Lisa Haley
Carl and Marilyn Halker
Dwain and Jean Hallberg
Inna Hays
Wade and Teresa Hermes
Paul and Christina Herold
Melissa Hester
Martin Hidy
Peter Hodne
William and Cheryl Hogle
Robert and Beth Huntley
Dale and Janet Johnson
Jeff and Sue Johnson
Philip and Marian Johnson
Christian Kapsen
Jerry Kramer*
Mark and Karen Larson
John and Donna Lee
Greg and Barbara Lewis
Nathaniel Lindley
Gerry Lukaska
Sarah Maki
Jean Marchant
Eugene and Ann Mason
Brian Mastel
Jim and Judy Mathis
John and Patricia Mazzara
Jeff and Michelle Merkel
Mark and Jill Mironer
Daniel Moore
Sue Mork
Aly Mulgrew
John and Stephanie Mullaney
Mark and Jody Nahlovsky
Matt and Regina Oelschlager
Rebecca Prust
Jason and Mari-Pat Pusey
Vern Quast
Rick and Karrie Recker
Justin Rezac
Jeff and Kelly Rhodes
Fritz and Ilrid Richards
Julio Rivera-Lopez and Elisa Roji
Julie Rogers Bascom
Derek and Stacy Rogers
Stanley and Lisa Ruud
George and Susan Selcke*
Jason Sheeley and Rachel Christian
Geoff and Mary Spades
Rosemary Stalter
Gary Stueck and Nicolette Myers
Diane Swenson
Jeff Thomas
Craig and Cara Thrane
Duong and Kathy Tran
Tom and Debbie Uhlemann
Dan and Mary Utoft
Trista Virtue
Ann Vogt*
Jon and Tina Wagner
Jack and Ware Washam
Mary Watson*
Marc and Margaret Watt
Paul and Sarah Way
William and Cathryn Weller*
David and Carrie Woodley
Donald and Phyllis Woodley
Kathy Wu
In Honor Of
Yasmeen Almog
Paul Andress
Julie Baker
Elizabeth Barniskis
Emma Berdelman
Lily Berdelman
Brittany Bingham
Rachel Bingham
Ryan Bingham
Jeanne Brown
Jennifer Buckley
Aaron Bucko
Eric Burfeind
Jason Carr
Jennifer Carter
Gail Casey
Jim Caspar
Nicole Cisewski
Class of 2014
Andrea Davies
Jason Dockter
Patrick Dorsey
Michael Dow
Chris Dunn
Vivian Engen
Phillip Finanger
Geneva Fitzsimonds
Jessica Froehlich
Olivia Gustafson
Sten Halgren
Kris Hayes
Cathy Heller
Erin Henderson
Peter Hodne
Laura Holton
Maggie Horan
Peter Illig
Julie James
Jamie Johansen
Craig Johnson
Erik Johnson
Oskar Kelly
Paul Kile
Nancy Knutson
John Kraus
Scott Lenz
Carmine LeVoir
Bruce Locklear
Jeffrey Mace
Heidi Mathers
Nickie McKeever
Arlou McPherson
Eli Mickelson
Luis Millan-Mateos
Lory Mullis
Susan Nielsen
Betsy Nimmo
John Norris
Karl Otness
Colleen Raasch
Meg Rodriguez
Dana Roth
Beth Russell
Steve Sanger
Chris, Tim, Sean
and Katie Satterthwaite
Michael Seaman
Anthony Skubitz
Laura Slominski
Maggie Stang
Jason Szporn
Colene Troendle
Brian Voeller
Zhuo Wang
Dana Weiland
Charles Weise
In Memory Of
Jo Dressen
Marion Gustafson
Marcia Hokanson
Jeanne Nieland
Matching Gifts
3M Foundation
Ameriprise Financial
Bank of America
Coca-Cola Foundation
Flow International Corporation
General Mills Foundation
Graco Foundation
Medtronic Foundation
New York Life Foundation
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Piper Jaffray
Thomson Reuters
U.S. Bank Foundation
Wal-Mart Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Corporate Contributions
All Star Financial, Inc.
Bernatello's Pizza
Builders by Design
Cargill Incorporated
Kristen Christianson &
The Real Estate Simplified Team
Corporate Health Systems, Inc.
Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC
Crosstown Surgery Center, LLC
Crown Bank
Dentistry For Children & Adolescents
Doran Construction, Inc.
Dow Water & Process Solutions
DuLac Dental Ltd
Edina Family Physicians
Edina Orthodontic, Centennial Lakes
Edina Public Schools
Edinalarm Inc.
Elicit LLC
Emerson Process Management
Engineering Unlimited, Inc.
Faribault Woolen Mill Company
Great Neighborhood Homes, Inc.
Hellmuth & Johnson, PLLC
JLM Landscape LLC
JMS Custom Homes, LLC
Lazard Freres & Co. LLC
Lindquist & Vennum PLLP
Logan Consulting
Luther Automotive
Moore Chiropractic & Wellness Center
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
Partners in Pediatrics
Precision Heating & Cooling, Inc.
Republic Services, Inc.
Ricoh USA
Rojo Mexican Grill
Sever Construction Company
Sodexo, Inc.
Spyglass Brand Marketing
Symantec Corporation
Tradition Capital Bank
Tradition Mortgage
Tradition Wealth Management
Twin Cities Orthopedics, P.A.
Walser Foundation
Wold Architects and Engineers
Organization Contributions
Concord Elementary PTO
Countryside Elementary PTO
Edina Administrative Council
Edina Federated Women's Club
Edina Girls Fast Pitch Association
Edina Hockey Association
Edina Professionals
Edina Swim Club
EHS Class of 2013
Highlands Elementary PTO
Minnesota Association
of School Administrators
Normandale Elementary PTO
Senior Care Communities, Inc.
West Metro Schools Credit Union
In-Kind Donations
CBIZ Payroll
Spyglass Brand Marketing
Golf & Tennis Classic
Sunday, May 17 and Monday, May 18, 2015
Show & Tell Luncheon
Monday, February 2, 2015
It takes all of us. Throughout the year, the
Edina Education Fund hosts a variety of events
to showcase our work to the community and to
engage current and new donors.
5701 Normandale Road
Edina, MN 55424
PERMIT NO. 91349