Our Lady of Sorrows-Saint Anthony Hamilton, New Jersey March 20
Our Lady of Sorrows-Saint Anthony Hamilton, New Jersey March 20
©2012 Bon Venture Services, LLC Our Lady of Sorrows-Saint Anthony Hamilton, New Jersey March 20, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK AT YOUR SERVICE MONDAY, M ARCH 21 OLS 7 AM Barbara Weikel ~ K & P Haney Eleanor Kazior ~ G & J Petrino & family SA 8 AM Andrew & Helen Beres ~ G & J Beres Rachel Elizabeth Janson ~ M & E Galipot TUESDAY, M ARCH 22 OLS 7 AM JoAnn Jasinski ~ W Jasinski Kenneth Szepesy ~ E Pacera & sons SA 8 AM Vincenzo Ucci ~ E & M Zita Ann St Amour ~ W L Wintle W EDNESDAY, M ARCH 23 OLS 7 AM Eleanor Kazior ~ N, B, & A Chomicki Norma Roman ~ B Maio SA 8 AM Charles H Murray ~ A & C Milioto Victor Digisi ~ M & L Stewart HOLY THURSDAY, M ARCH 24 OLS 7 AM No Mass SA 8 AM No Mass SA 7 PM Solemn Mass of the Lord's Supper GOOD FRIDAY, M ARCH 25 OLS 7 AM No Mass SA 8 AM No Mass HOLY S ATURDAY, M ARCH 26 OLS 9 AM No Mass SA 7:30 PM Solemn Easter Vigil For the People of the Parish EASTER SUNDAY, M ARCH 27 OLS 7:30 AM For Deceased Priests and Deacons SA 8 AM For the Sick and Homebound OLS 9 AM For Deceased Religious Sisters SA 10 AM For the Harmony of Families OLS 11 AM For the Intentions of Bishop O'Connell OLS 12:30 PM For the Intentions of Pope Francis SA 6:30 PM For the Sanctity of Marriage NEW? If you'd like to join the parish, please visit the parish office and complete a registration form. We'll give you a supply of numbered envelopes. Their use will ensure that we can provide you with contribution information for income tax purposes and help document your participation in the liturgical life of your parish. PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE TO ARRANGE FOR: Baptism - Call well in advance to schedule. Matrimony - Call at least a year prior to your planned date. Anointing of the Sick - This is not a sacrament for only those who are at the point of death, but also those facing a serious illness. Holy Eucharist for the Homebound Bereavement Counseling Annulment Process Information RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS - If you want to join the Catholic Church or complete your sacraments of initiation (First Eucharist and/or Confirmation), join us for the RCIA. Weekly classes begin each September. LOW-GLUTEN (0.01%) HOSTS - We provide lowgluten hosts for those with Celiac Disease. Please inform the priest or deacon prior to the celebration of Mass; at communion time, approach the priest celebrant who will have this sacred host. SANCTUARY MEMORIALS - Weekly sanctuary lamps or flowers for Masses may be requested in memory of a loved one or to mark a special occasion. The cost of a lamp is $15; floral arrangements are $75. Please visit the parish office at least a week in advance, so that the dedication may be included in the bulletin. MASS INTENTIONS - Masses should be requested at the parish office; the stipend is $10. Our Mission Statement We are the Parish of Our Lady of Sorrows Saint Anthony, a Roman Catholic Community; as one Eucharistic Family, we are Christ-centered and Spirit-led. Children of God our Father, we are united by His Love and sustained by the intercession of Our Lady and Saint Anthony. We give witness to our faith in action. Please Note The Parish Office will close at 4:30 p.m. on Holy Thursday (March 24) and remain closed on Good Friday (March 25). It will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Holy Saturday (March 26). It will be closed on Easter Monday (March 28), and will reopen at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 29. 2 From the Pastor’s Desk Mesaj ki soti nan biwo Kire-a Dear Parishioners Our Lenten journey brings us at last to this week…Holy Week! We come to the Church’s celebration of the central mystery of our faith, the events that brought about our salvation. Our schedule of services is printed in this bulletin and I hope that everyone will make time through this week, especially during the Paschal Triduum, to participate to the great and moving rites of the Church. Please be sure to invite family members and friends to join you! Let us pray for those who will receive the gift of Holy Baptism and celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation at the Solemn Easter Vigil. Together let us make this week a truly holy week in Christ! With affection, Msgr. Gervasio Frè-m ak Sè-m yo: Avek semen sa a,....ki se Semen Sent, sezon Karem nan fini! Nou rive nan selebrasyon Legliz la sou tem sentral lafwa nou, reyelmanvre evenman sa yo grandi lafwa nou. Ore sevis yo enprime nan bilten sa a e mwen swete ke chak moun semen sa a pral kreye tan pou yo vinn patisipe, sitou pandan Triduum nan nan gwo gwo rit Legliz la. Tanpri pa bliye envite fanmiy w ak zanmi w! An nou lapriye pou sila yo ki pral resevwa Sakreman Batem epi selebre Sakreman Inisyasyon nan veye Solanel Fet Pak la. Ansanm an nou fe semen sa a tounen yon Semen Sen tout bon vre nan Kris la! Avèk afeksyon, Msgr. Gervasio Thought-Full Thursdays Stewardship Report Weekly Collection: March 13 Lenten Program of Sacrifice (additional*) * Total to date An Adult Faith Formation Series Spring 2016 7:00 p.m. Church Meeting Room at Our Lady of Sorrows $20,569 $2,696 $11,398 Please Note If you plan to write a check for your donation to the Lenten Program of Sacrifice (for Fr. Gene's drive to provide sanitation to the families in his parish in India), please make your check payable to OLS-SA, and put "Lenten Program of Sacrifice" on the notation line. The parish will total the donations and send Fr. Gene one check for all monies collected. The Thought-Full Thursdays Program is a series of presentations designed to enlighten the faithful and provide an opportunity for spiritual growth and development. The challenge for being Catholic in the 21st Century is to be informed and to maintain our faith with an open heart and mind. Meet the challenge! Join us this spring for any or all of these thought-filled sessions: Good Friday Is a Day of Fast and Abstinence This means that Catholics are obliged to fast (only one full meal) and that those over 14 years of age must abstain from meat (and soup or gravy made from meat). March 31 “Spiritual But not Religious” Why Be A Catholic? Presenter: Denny Slavin, M.A. Deacon, Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony Upcoming Youth Events DYC 2016—The Youth Ministry of the Diocese of Trenton organizes an annual Diocesan Youth Conference Day (DYC) for all students in 8th through 12th grades. DYC 2016 will take place on April 17 at Notre Dame High School (601 Lawrence Road, Lawrenceville) from 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Registration for the event is $25 if received by April 3. From April 4 to April 15, the registration fee is $30. Please call the parish office for more information. NJ Catholic Youth Rally—Mark your calendars for a fun day at Six Flags Great Adventure on May 15. (See page 9 for details.) 3 April 7 How the Bible Came to Be Presenter: Fr. Garry Koch Pastor, St. Benedict’s Church, Holmdel Columnist for The Monitor April 14 Jesus the Jew Presenter: Jordan Miller, Ph.D. Teacher of Theology, Seton Hall Univ. April 21 Islam: Religion of Peace? Presenter: TBD April 28 Forgive and Forget? The Christian Way? Presenter: Jim Knipper Deacon, St. Paul’s Church, Princeton Pastoral Council Initiative Reaching Out to Others In its recent meetings, our pastoral council has been addressing ways that our parish can reach out to those Catholics in our parish we might call "inactive." The idea was proposed that the parish at least contact those parishioners who have been away for a while. Accordingly, a card was designed with a simple invitation to join us during Holy Week and Easter. Along with the card, we sent a schedule of services. Below is what they received. Thanks to all those who took time to complete the Faith in Our Future survey. Your input will be very helpful as we strive to develop a strategy for the future ministry of the Church in our area. The survey was the first step in this process—a self evaluation of our parish. You helped us to identify our strengths but also our areas for improvement, our challenges. Our core team studied every survey submitted and as a result we have an honest appraisal of “where we are” at this moment in our history. Many parishioners took time to offer concrete suggestions for improvement or identified goals for future ministry. Most of these were positive and practical. They are certainly things that warrant our attention and implementation. Some comments were beyond the scope of the survey, advocating changes in Church doctrine or proposing ideas that are not possible to implement. A few asked for things that we already offer. A few simple suggestions we have already implemented with regard to our grounds and churches described below. As we move forward we shall address other suggestions. Driveway Enhancement at Our Lady of Sorrows White posts with reflectors have been installed at our lot entrances to identify more clearly the entrances at night. Bright yellow strips will also be painted at the entrance. Sound System Upgrade for Both Churches Not a few parishioners expressed the need to improve the audio system at both churches. However, this is especially an issue at St. Anthony, a building which is acoustically challenging. Three upgrades have been made to the system in the last fifteen years by Monte Brothers Sound Systems, New York. While there has been an improvement, the challenging design of the building requires ongoing upgrades as technology in the field advances. In order to improve the quality at both sites we are upgrading the wireless microphone devices which should improve the system’s clarity. After Holy Week, Monte Bros will propose a further upgrade that would employ the latest technology. Expanded Office Hours For the convenience of our parishioners and other visitors, we are no longer closed for lunch but are keeping the office “open for business.” Your presence and prayer would greatly add to our joyful celebration of Holy Week and Easter! Join us! We are family! Msgr. Thomas Gervasio and Our Lady of Sorrows—St. Anthony Parish www.ols-sa.org https://www.facebook.com/olssahamilton We’d like to stay in touch. Would you provide us your email? 609-587-4372 Lord Jesus Christ, Word of the Father, we turn to you. Watch over our plans. Enliven our service to the Church. Sustain our labors. Guide our steps in search of the best ways to proclaim your Gospel. Our poverty is great. We do not place trust in ourselves but only in you. Encourage us, reassure us, give us your blessing. You, who with the Holy Spirit, live and reign in us and in your Church forever and ever. Amen. 4 Grateful for Your Prayerful, Sacrificial Gift Along with that of Christmas, the Easter collection is one of the most important of the year. It helps us meet our many obligations—to our church and school employees, keeping our facilities in good shape, utilities, and snow removal We receive many appeals through the year and I trust that in your goodness you will not forget our parish community. Prayerfully consider a generous gift to the parish as we celebrate the “solemnity of solemnities” at Easter! Msgr. Gervasio With the advent of the “Faith in Our Future” process, which requires a parish self-study or evaluation, we thought it would be helpful to update our parish census. Since the establishment of our parish in 2005, our census numbers set the total number of our households (both active and inactive) at over 5000. While updates were made to adjust for families moving and for deaths, we did not make an extensive review of the census. Last year for instance, we claimed our number of households to be 5021 which was composed of 2889 active or supporting families and 2132 inactive families. Our parish staff has now completed its review and removed from the census all those families who have not resided within the parish territory and have been inactive since 2005. We retained on our census those inactive families who do reside within our parish territory since we are responsible for the pastoral care of all Catholics living within the parish boundaries. Our parish does welcome those Catholics who, although residing within the territory of another parish, desire to become active members of Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony. We also offer our services to all Catholics whether or not they are registered or residing in our territory. Our current census now stands at: 1130 active/supporting 2778 inactive/non-supporting 3908 Total registered households These new figures provide a more realistic picture of our parish and will be helpful for our future planning. God Bless Our Newly Baptized Chrisley Ikechukwu Joseph Disciples Needed We invite interested parishioners to participate in the Washing of the Feet ceremony during the Holy Thursday liturgy. The Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper takes place at 7:00 p.m. on March 24 at St. Anthony Church. There will be a rehearsal for the twelve participants prior to Holy Thursday. If you would like to participate, please call Barbara Dohrenwend at 587-0759. Help Wanted Join your fellow parishioners after Stations of the Cross on Good Friday to help decorate Our Lady of Sorrows Church to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord. Many hands will make light work, so bring your family and friends! Speaking of Changes . . . When calling or emailing the parish office to report changes in name, address, phone number, email address, and/or household residents, please provide your complete name, address and phone number. Welcome A warm welcome is extended to the following new parishioners and their daughter: Stephanie and Kevin Starr Is Your Nest Empty? Parents, remember when you registered here? Maybe your children went to our parish school before attending high school and college. Now they're out on their own, and you have an empty nest—but we still have them on your record. If they're still living in this area, please remind them to visit the parish office (or visit the parish Website) to register on their own. This can facilitate their obtaining the documentation needed should a friend ask them to stand as a godparent or confirmation sponsor. Blessing of Food Please join us for a special liturgy for the blessing of Easter foods. This traditional custom will take place on Saturday, April 4, at the OLS campus immediately following Morning Prayer which begins at 10:00 a.m. 5 Religious Education Registration Parish School News It is time to register your children for Religious Education classes for the 2016-2017 school years. We look forward to seeing all of you. Please remember that certain sessions fill up quickly, so early registration is highly recommended. We can more easily accommodate your preference if you register promptly. We have a special offer for early registration. Please check the letter which we mailed with the registration forms. If you did not receive it, please call us at 587-4372. For your convenience, all registration forms are available on the OLS-SA website (www.olssa.org/religiouseducation). You may print the registration form and mail or bring it to the Parish Office. Please note that if you have a Pre-K or Kindergarten student entering Religious Education classes, please print the registration form from the website or call our office to register your child. For more details, please check our web site. The challenge is on, and our students are successful! A love of reading is a life-long skill that not only opens doors of opportunity, but offers us a life of enjoyment in the world of literature. A mighty lofty challenge was extended to our students in late November. Mr. Costantino's Reading Challenge was announced, asking students to dedicate themselves to independent reading for 360 minutes. Really just 6 hours of reading, but this needed to be recreational reading only. Classroom assignments and research didn't count. We offered the guidelines and posted a few reminders, but the challenge was an independent one. Our goal was to support the students to develop the habit of pleasure reading as a meaningful part of their day. Once again, the students of OLS School took on the challenge and surpassed it! Two Second Grade classes exceeded 90% participation! Every single grade level from Kindergarten to Grade 8 participated! Now recall, this was recreational reading only! The students kept a log, and shared it with their parents for confirmation. Little did they know the prizes that would be shared! Sometimes, it's nice to do things simply because. There doesn't have to be a prize, but it sure does make life fun! Every participant will enjoy a good old fashioned Ice Cream Social! In addition, we coordinated with the Great Adventure Reading Program for students in Grades K to Six. Shh, a bit of extra fun is in store for every reader. Prizes of Mr. Costantino Bucks! Now they look very official, but can only be used for legal currency in the OLS Cafeteria. I'm confident that quite a number of cafeteria treats will be purchased with our giant Mr. Costantino dollars. Thanks to teachers Marlane Schreier and Joann Dusenshine for coordinating the Reading Challenge. A special Hats Off to Jennifer Pribila, Grade 8, for reading more than 1,000 minutes! Way to go Jennifer! One More Challenge Met—Our parish school students met yet another challenge with the Jakob Papeiz (Grade 7)-initiated St. Baldrick's Foundation Green Dress Down Day. On March 14, Jake shared his proudly shaved head. He showed his support for childhood cancer, and the school population showed their support with donations in the name of childhood cancer. Thank you, Jake and the children of OLS for your dedication and caring. Our parish school is a special place for children to demonstrate their academics, faith and service. Stop by to learn more about how your child can be a part of the magic of Our Lady of Sorrows School. Attention parents whose children are attending Trenton Catholic Academy. If your child is in 2nd grade, 7th grade, or 8th grade, please make sure that you register your child for sacramental preparation. The registration forms are sent to TCA office. Mark Your Calendar Our Vacation Bible Camp will be held August 1-5. Registration is now open. If you are interested, please call our office for details. Thanks. Breakfast Buffet The Knights of Columbus Council #6213's next Monthly Breakfast Buffet will be held at the council home (1451 Klockner Rd.) on Sunday, March 6. Enjoy oatmeal, eggs, pancakes, hash browns, sausage, bacon, and tater puffs. Coffee, tea, and orange juice will be served. The buffet, which runs from 8:00 to 11:30 a.m., costs $7 for adults, $6 for seniors, and $5 for children aged 6-12. Children under 6 years of age eat free. Bring canned goods for a donation to the food bank and receive $1 off your price of admission. Please Pray for Our Beloved Deceased Carl Joseph Bleier 6 Seniors' Activities Save the Date! Senior Club #1 Next meeting: Wednesday, April 13 1 p.m. in St. Anthony's Church Hall April 29; 7:00 p.m. Our Lady of Sorrows Church Hall An Evening of Recollection for Married Individuals Sponsored by OLS-SA Marriage Ministry Team Senior Club #2 Next meetings: April 5 & 19 1 p.m. in the OLS Church Meeting Room The guest speakers for the evening are Bill and Cheryl Wegner of Good News International Ministries. Look for more information in future bulletins. The next bus trip to Resorts Casino is on April 6.The bus leaves the OLS parking lot at 9:30 a.m. Any one age 21 or older is invited. The cost is $35, but you get back $25 in casino credit. If you're interested, please call Doreen Napoleon (706-6169). Please make checks payable to Happy Days Social Club. Please Pray for the Sick Bob Barclay, Bernice Bates, Victoria Bilardo, Marcia Bodinizzo, John Burns, John Carbonara, Alice Chang, Fran Chiorello, Isabella Colon, Maria Corbett, Ryan Cromwell, Carmella Cronce, Ted Dolci, Bill Doran, Eileen Evans, Suzanne Figueroa, Frank & Pamela Firk, Gilbert Flora, Bud Foley, Keith Gerner, Antoinette Giordano, Lewis Gryziewicz, George Gushue, Eileen & John Haller, Joan Holman, JoAnn Jasinski, Paul Kerwick, Stephen Komlosi, Terry Kubinski, Bernadette Lecato, Rose Leming, Michael T Masick, Pat McCormick, Mark McGrath, Larry Monte, Marietta Muscato, Cheryl & Tom Noon, Charlotte Nurko, Joseph O'Hara, Jennifer Panicaro, Isabella Petrino, Tom Plantier, Bella Polanco, Catherine Rodenbaugh, George Rusnak, Rose Salvatore, Michael Schaefer, William J. Schultze, David Smith, May Spett, Liliane & Richard Springer, Janice Sprink, Lisa Tighue, Tom Valatka, Mary Ann Warner If you would like to be placed on the sick list, please call the parish office. (If you're calling for someone else, kindly make sure you have their permission.) Please note that names will be removed from the published prayer list after 12 weeks unless alternate arrangements are made. New members are welcome to join our clubs. Sanctuary Lamps At Our Lady of Sorrows One lamp burns in loving memory of Theresa DiFranco, at the request of her husband, Pasquale The other lamp, lit in loving memory of Charles & Phyllis Scarna, was requested by their daughter, Charlotte At Saint Anthony Both lamps burn in loving memory of Angelina White at the request of her family. Mass for Deceased Knights of Columbus, Council 6213 Thursday, March 31, at 7:00 p.m. St Vincent DePaul Church, 555 Yardville-Allentown Road, Hamilton, NJ 08620 Celebrant: Rev. Stanley Kryzyston, Pastor and Council Chaplain Family members, friends and parishioners are cordially invited. Light refreshments will follow. Our faith teaches us that Jesus remains present in his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Sacrament that is reserved in the tabernacle. Thursdays Are Days of Solemn Adoration The Blessed Sacrament will be placed upon the altar following the 7 a.m. Mass until Reposition at 6 p.m. All are invited to answer the Lord’s call…He wants us give Him the gift of our time. He wants us to come to Him bringing our needs, anxieties, joys, and thanks. Our Lady of Sorrows Church also is open during our office hours. Why not stop for even a brief moment to rejoice in the Lord’s Presence? In Memoriam Timothy Dechan Thomas Troy, Sr. Paul Ciannetti Charles Scarna Raymond Ciberey Frank Caprario Stanley Jasinski Richard Baranowski John "Skip" Moscarello 7 Mark Your Calendar Broadway Bus Trip Maris Stella Retreat & Conference Center (7201 Long Beach Blvd, Harvey Cedars) will offer Morning of Reflection: Laudato Si on Saturday, April 23, from 10 a.m. to noon. The morning will focus on the encyclical Laudato Si by Pope Francis. He calls us to grow in our awareness of the sacredness of God's creation and learn our responsibility to care for it with love. This is a fitting way to celebrate Earth Day! The fee is $25 and a $5 deposit is due with registration, which is required. To register, call 494-2917 or 494-1182, or email [email protected]. Join your fellow parishioners in September for a matinee performance of the Tony and Grammy award-winning Kinky Boots, the hottest musical on Broadway. The bus will leave from Our Lady of Sorrows parking lot. You may have lunch with the group or on your own. More information coming next week. AROUND THE DIOCESE Holy Thursday Evening Visitation Hours Trenton Diocesan Spiritual Center Box 392, Rancocas, NJ 08073 877-0509 [email protected] www.fhop.org The Church of Saint Ann 1253 Lawrenceville Rd, Lawrenceville Adoration following 7:30 p.m. Mass of the Lord's Supper until Night Prayer at 11:00 p.m. Mon, Apr 18; 9:30 AM – Noon; $20 (includes materials) Personal Retreat Day Wed, Apr 6; 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM; $10 ($40 with spiritual direction); please bring a bag lunch Take a day away from the busyness of your life to rest a while in the Lord and experience God’s presence. Come to Francis House for silence, personal prayer and optional spiritual direction. Women’s Overnight Retreat: Re-Imagining Life, Adjusting To Change 7 PM Mon, Apr 11 – 4 PM Tue, Apr 12; $75. This retreat is for women over 50 who are adjusting to change in their lives. We will accept God’s invitation to re-imagine our lives and become aware of what brings hope and energy to this second half of life. Residents and commuters welcome. Directed Retreat Weekend 7 PM Fri, Apr 15 – 1 PM Sun Apr 17; $130 ($50 nonrefundable deposit with registration) This retreat offers you the opportunity to experience the graced rhythm of life in which rest restores your body and God revives your soul. Liturgy, spiritual direction and optional contemplative prayer periods are included. Art Journaling Mon, Apr 18; 9:30 AM – Noon; $20 (includes materials) God is the greatest artist who expresses his loving creation in color. Learn a new way to express your experience of God. St. Raphael-Holy Angels 3500 South Broad St, Hamilton 8:30 to 11:45 p.m.—Visitation in Parish Center 11:45 p.m.—Night Prayer in Parish Center St. John the Baptist 1282 Yardville-Allentown Rd, Allentown Adoration until midnight at the Altar of Repose following 7:00 p.m. Mass of the Lord's Supper St. Gregory the Great 4620 Nottingham Way, Hamilton Adoration following 7:30 p.m. Mass of the Lord's Supper until midnight with Night Prayer at 11:45 p.m. St. Paul 214 Nassau St, Princeton Adoration until midnight following 7:30 p.m. Mass of the Lord's Supper 2016 Blue Mass th The 17 annual Mass honoring law enforcement personnel in Mercer, Monmouth, Ocean, and Burlington Counties will be celebrated on March 29 in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton at 10:30 a.m. The Mass is held to offer thanks to God for the dedication and sacrifice made by the women and men in law enforcement and for their families and communities. The Celebration of Law Enforcement, or Blue Mass as it has come to be known, is sponsored by the diocese each year and is coordinated by the Blue Mass committee, among others. For information, call Jennifer Britton, Office of Communications, at 403-7199. Women’s Weekend Retreat Enjoy the peaceful surroundings of Loyola, a Jesuit retreat house in Morristown set on 33 acres of scenic woodland, lawns and gardens, Friday evening, April 15 – Sunday afternoon, April 17. A reasonable offering covers private room, all meals, beautiful liturgies, and inspiring talks. For additional information, please contact Dorothy Soi at [email protected] or 439-7477. 8 NJ Catholic Youth Rally Families are welcome to attend together The Rally Package Includes: If someone has a 2016 Season Pass: Admission to Six Flags Great Adventure Free Parking Voucher Free Bounce-back ticket All-You-Can-Eat buffet from Noon - 4 p.m. They must purchase a meal ticket to the All-You-Can-Eat lunch buffet for the day. If you have a Season Pass, you do not need to purchase a Full Package Ticket. Extras Prices Souvenir Cups: These cups include fee drink refills that day, and $1 refills the rest of the season. Hurricane Harbor Tickets: These tickets include 1-day admission to the water park. Complete Six Flags Package Meal Tickets for Season Pass Holders Parking Vouchers Souvenir Cups Hurricane Harbor Tickets Ticket Type Price Quantity Full Package $50 _______ $_______ Season Pass Holders (Meal Ticket) $20 _______ $_______ Parking Voucher Free _______ Free Total: $50 $20 Free $14 $25 Total (Price x Quantity) $_______ Please mail this entire form with full payment to: Diocese of Trenton Attn YMFL 701 Lawrenceville Road. Lawrenceville, NJ 08638. Make all checks out to “Diocese of Trenton” and please write “6 Flags” in the memo. We accept personal and parish checks. Primary Contact Name:___________________________________________________________ Parish:________________________________________________________________________ Primary Email:__________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone Number:__________________________________________________________ Complete Mailing Address (with City/State/Zip):________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 9 Celebrating with Joy Monsignor Thomas Gervasio, Father Jean Felicién, and Deacon Luders Desiré are among the clergy who participated in the March 12 liturgy as Veronique Eloizard made her solemn profession as a nun of the Order of Preachers at the Dominican Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary in Summit (NJ), taking the name Sr. Mary Jacinta. A Century of Experience Protecting Families For generations, the mission of the Knights of Columbus has been to protect families’ financial security. Today we are one of the most secure life insurers*in North America with more than $21 billion in assets and over $100 billion of insurance in force. The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic company with over 1.9 million members supporting the Catholic Church and charitable causes worldwide. Contact me today to learn more: Henry Angelucci, Jr., FICF, MDRT 609-558-9491 [email protected] www.angeluccipractice.com L I F E I N S U R A N C E D I S A B I L I T Y I N S U R A N C E LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE *As of 11/1/15, rated A++ (Superior) for financial strength by A.M. Best 10 RETIREMENT ANNUITIES A Lenten Program of Sacrifice to Provide Clean Sanitation to Families at Fr. Gene’s Parish, Sacred Heart Church in Tamil Nadu, India Once again this year, Msgr. Gervasio and the Social Justice Committee are happy to announce that our Lenten Work of Mercy will be to help our dear friend, Fr Eugene Savarimuthu, care for the people of his parish. Fr. Gene returned to India after serving the people of OLS-SA for 6 years, and became the pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Sikkalnayaganpet parish, a part of the diocese of Kumbankonam in Tamilnadu, India. Last year, he undertook a major project to build a community center where the people could gather for celebrations, classes, after school programs, health clinics and more. We raised $25,000 and now the community center is 90% complete. Fr Gene tells us that they will formally open and dedicate the community center on the Feast of St. Joseph, March 19. A plaque will commemorate the sacrifices made by the people of OLS-SA to build the center. Already, the center is being used to hold sewing classes for local women, to house the after school program, and to host parish gatherings. All the people of Fr Gene’s parish know the name “Our Lady of Sorrows-St Anthony” and remember us and our intentions in their prayers. Fr Gene’s parish is in a very rural region of India where there are sanitation problems beyond Western imagination. With its 1.25 billion inhabitants, nearly 800 million people in the country live without basic sanitation. Approximately 65% of the people are forced to defecate in Fr. Gene at a program for the youth of his parish. the open. Open defecation spreads diseases like cholera and E. coli and contaminates unprotected water sources. It also causes a serious safety problem for the girls and women in the villages. The lack of toilets in their homes exposes women to the risk of being harassed or raped when they rise at night or before dawn in search of a little privacy to attend to their toiletry needs in the fields. Fr. Gene wants to have every home in his parish equipped with a sanitary toilet. His goal is to provide 50 toilets this year. Men and women from each family in the village will contribute their own time, energy, and labor to build their own toilet for their house. He asks our help in providing some of the costs for materials. Fr Gene and members of his parish have framed a construction plan that could be achieved through collaboration of various resources. They plan to buy the construction materials locally. Funding for the project would come from multiple sources: 25% from local government, 25% from the parish, 25% from the individual family, and 25% from our Lenten sacrifices. By providing these toilets, we will be empowering the people of Fr Gene’s parish to better their own lives, to improve their health and especially to provide dignity and safety to the girls and women of the villages. Give up anything you want for Lent—candy, “fast food,” ice cream, cookies. Each week, calculate how much money you saved and bring it to church to put in one of the Lenten Work of Mercy cans at the exits. Pray! Pray for Fr Gene, pray for the people of his parish, and pray that our own hearts will be transformed through our sacrifices. 11 12 HOLY WEEK Palm Sunday Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Mark 11:9 We begin the holiest week of the year with a triumphant shout of praise to Jesus, the son of David. But on this day we also recall in the gospel reading Jesus’ suffering and death on a cross. Thus, the two names by which this first day of holy week is known are Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday. The Sacred Triduum The Triduum is the Church’s three-day celebration of the death and resurrection of Christ that encompasses Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. Triduum means “three days.” The Triduum commemorates the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because Jesus was willing to die for our sins and was resurrected, death is no longer the end of life for us. It is the beginning of new life. Holy Thursday “Do this in remembrance of me.” 1 Corinthians 11:24 The Triduum begins with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. It commemorates the institution of the Eucharist and the Priesthood, as well as Jesus’ command of love and service. The Sacred Scripture we hear this night retells the story of the first Passover meal as the Israelites prepared for their journey out of slavery in Egypt. So, too, Jesus prepared us for our journey out of the slavery of sin as he ate his final meal with His disciples. This night we also recall in the Gospel that Jesus, although Master and Lord, came to serve and not to be served. This commandment to love and service He expressed through the washing of the apostles’ feet. This is recalled during the Mass in a rite called the Mandatum (command). In a special way, this night celebrates the institution of the Priesthood. Jesus gave the gift of the Priesthood to his Church on the night before he died, when He commanded the apostles, “Do this in remembrance of me.” We end this night by keeping watch with Jesus, still present with us in the gift of the Blessed Sacrament. Night prayer will conclude this period of adoration at 10:45 p.m. Good Friday "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit" Luke 23:46 Good Friday is a celebration of the passion, the suffering, and death of Jesus. Because this event won salvation for sinners, the day is called “Good”, and the liturgy reflects on love as much as on loss. We are reminded of the full weight of our sin, even as we are lifted up by the incomparable measure of God’s love. Mass is not celebrated this day, but the Church’s liturgy consists in a celebration of the Word, veneration of the cross, and the reception of communion. Easter Vigil The Triduum reaches its climax at the Easter Vigil. If there is one Mass in which Catholics should make every effort to participate every year, it is the Easter Vigil. It is the most important celebration of the year. The Easter Vigil has four parts. It begins with a service of light. The community gathers in darkness to hear that Christ is our light, shattering the darkness of sin. The Paschal Candle is lit from the blessed fire and carried into the darkened church, as the Deacon proclaims, “Christ, our light.” We respond, ‘Thanks be to God.” The second part of the Vigil is the Liturgy of the Word, which provides an overview of salvation history. The liturgy of baptism follows. This year, seven catechumens will be baptized, three candidates will come into full communion in the Church, and five, one of whom will receive first communion as well, will be confirmed. The entire assembly renews its baptismal promises. Together we will pledge our faith in the resurrection and promise to follow Christ more closely. The Vigil’s final part is the Liturgy of the Eucharist, during which the new Catholics will join us in the Eucharist for the very first time. "Do not be amazed! You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He has been raised; he is not here.” Mark 16:6 13 Holy Week & Easter 2016 (OLS: Our Lady of Sorrows; SA: St. Anthony) Sacred Liturgies Passion (Palm) Sunday - March 20 Masses follow the regular Sunday schedule Monday of Holy Week - March 21 7:00 a.m. at OLS; 8:00 a.m. at SA 7:30 p.m. - Chrism Mass St. Robert Bellarmine, Freehold Tuesday of Holy Week - March 22 7:00 a.m. at OLS; 8:00 a.m. at SA Confessions - 7:00 p.m. at OLS Wednesday of Holy Week - March 23 7:00 a.m. at OLS; 8:00 a.m. at SA 6:30 p.m. at SA (Creole) The Way of the Cross - 12:15 p.m. at SA Solemn Paschal Triduum Holy Thursday - March 24 Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 p.m. at SA only, followed by Adoration, concluding with Night Prayer at 10:45 p.m. Good Friday - March 25 Morning Prayer - 10:00 a.m. at OLS Liturgy of the Lord's Passion & Death 3:00 p.m. at OLS & SA 5:00 p.m. at SA (Creole) The Way of the Cross - 7:00 p.m. at OLS Holy Saturday - March 26 Morning Prayer & Blessing of Food - 10:00 a.m. at OLS No afternoon confessions Solemn Easter Vigil 7:30 p.m. at SA only Easter Sunday - March 27 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. at OLS 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. at SA 6:30 p.m. at SA (Creole) 14 609-838-9488 MULLEN FUNERAL HOME Hours: Mon-Fri 5:30am-5:00pm Sat-Sun 6:00am-4:00pm T IMOTHY F. 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