June 26, 2016 - The Parish of Our Lady of Sorrows
June 26, 2016 - The Parish of Our Lady of Sorrows
O Mother of Perpetual Help, grant that I may ever invoke thy most powerful name, which is the safeguard of the living and the salvation of the dying. O Purest Mary, O Sweetest Mary, let thy name henceforth be ever on my lips. Delay not, O Blessed Lady, to help me whenever I call on thee, for, in all my needs, in all my temptations I shall never cease to call on thee, ever repeating thy sacred name, Mary, Mary. ©2008 Bon Venture Services, LLC O what consolation, what sweetness, what confidence, what emotion fill my soul when I pronounce thy sacred name, or even only think of thee. I thank God for having given thee, for my good, so sweet, so powerful, so lovely a name. But I will not be content with merely pronouncing thy name: let my love for thee prompt me ever to hail thee, Mother of Perpetual Help. Our Lady of Sorrows-Saint Anthony ~ Hamilton, New Jersey June 26, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK AT YOUR SERVICE MONDAY, JUNE 27—ST CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA OLS 7 AM Edna Brennan ~ B & L Brennan John Moscarello~ R M Peissner SA 8 AM Anne P Whitley ~ Daughter & family Anne Whitley ~ Pagels Family TUESDAY, JUNE 28—ST IRENAEUS OLS 7 AM Ursula Brinkerhoff ~ F & C Wake Roselie Szmauz ~ B & G Gessner SA 8 AM Fermin D'Lima ~ C Nazareth W EDNESDAY, JUNE 29—STS PETER & PAUL OLS 7 AM Rosa Andrade ~ F Gioe Ursula Brinkerhoff ~ F & C Cuiule SA 8 AM Carmen & Dolores Rago ~ Daughter Donna Rose Ann Porzio ~ Friend Patty SA 6:30 PM In Thanksgiving Frasilia Piard ~ E Piard THURSDAY, JUNE 30—FIRST MARTYRS OF HOLY ROMAN CHURCH OLS 7 AM Vincent Mangini ~ M A Sullivan John Moscarello ~ A & M Levandowski SA 8 AM John Bresnen Sr ~ Family FRIDAY, JULY 1—ST JUNIPERO SERRA OLS 7 AM Steven J Smith ~ Family John Moscarello ~ J & J Pierfy SA 8 AM Frank Cirillo ~ A & S Bryce Daniel Clugsten ~ K & J Fregans SATURDAY, JULY 2 OLS 9 AM Doris Sohl ~ G & J Genovay John Moscarello ~ ~ Deacon J & N Challender SA 4 PM Mary Haller ~ Haller Family William J Jr & Charles Halloran ~ Haller Family James Lertch ~ Family OLS 5 PM Benedetta & Augusto Zomparelli ~ R Zomparelli Joseph Kazior ~ Family Deceased of Ungarini Family ~ M & A Kmetz SUNDAY, JULY 3 OLS 7:30 AM For the People of the Parish SA 8 AM Marie Munn ~ N Baranowski George Balerno ~ J & K Nardone Louis Muziani ~ Sandy Mulvania OLS 9 AM Richard Carabelli ~ Family Joanne Post~ Smith & Haney Families Leonard J Pantaleo Jr ~ L Imbrogno SA 10 AM James DeSantis ~ Family Domenica Massarini ~ E Sciarrotta Josephine Mains ~ Kosul Family OLS 11 AM Mary Jane Verdel ~ Tom & Joan Joseph J Cerino~ Family Thomas M Masciale ~ M DiMaria NEW? If you'd like to join the parish, please visit the parish office and complete a registration form. We'll give you a supply of numbered envelopes. Their use will ensure that we can provide you with contribution information for income tax purposes and help document your participation in the liturgical life of your parish. PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE TO ARRANGE FOR: Baptism - Call well in advance to schedule. Matrimony - Call at least a year prior to your planned date. Anointing of the Sick - This is not a sacrament for only those who are at the point of death, but also those facing a serious illness. Holy Eucharist for the Homebound Bereavement Counseling Annulment Process Information RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS - If you want to join the Catholic Church or complete your sacraments of initiation (First Eucharist and/or Confirmation), join us for the RCIA. Weekly classes begin each September. LOW-GLUTEN (0.01%) HOSTS - We provide lowgluten hosts for those with Celiac Disease. Please inform the priest or deacon prior to the celebration of Mass; at communion time, approach the priest celebrant who will have this sacred host. SANCTUARY MEMORIALS - Weekly sanctuary lamps or flowers for Masses may be requested in memory of a loved one or to mark a special occasion. The cost of a lamp is $15; floral arrangements are $75. Please visit the parish office at least a week in advance, so that the dedication may be included in the bulletin. MASS INTENTIONS - Masses should be requested at the parish office; the stipend is $10. Our Mission Statement We are the Parish of Our Lady of Sorrows - Saint Anthony, a Roman Catholic Community; as one Eucharistic Family, we are Christ-centered and Spirit-led. Children of God our Father, we are united by His Love and sustained by the intercession of Our Lady and Saint Anthony. We give witness to our faith in action. 2 From the Pastor’s Desk Mesaj ki soti nan biwo Kire-a Dear Parishioners: Parish activities and meetings have given way to summer’s slower, more relaxed, schedule. Vacation—or at least taking some time for rest and recreation—is important for everyone. Hopefully, we use the more relaxed summer months well, without neglecting our spiritual duties of prayer and the obligation to assist at Mass each week whether at home or away. I encourage our vacationers to become familiar with the local parish for the Mass and Confession schedule. One activity we are providing for the summer months are parish movie nights. Check out the coming attractions and join us! The series begins this week. Enjoy the season! Wherever you are and whatever you do, remember… Take time to THINK…it is the source of strength Take time to PLAY…it is the secret of perpetual youth. Take time to READ…it is the fountain of wisdom. Take time to PRAY…it is the greatest power on earth. Take time to LOVE & BE LOVED…it is a gift of God. Take time to be FRIENDLY…it is the road to happiness. Take time to LAUGH…it is the music of the soul. Take time to GIVE…it is too short a day to be selfish. Take time to WORK…it is the price of success. Take time to be CHARITABLE…it is the key to heaven. With affection, Msgr. Tom Gervasio Frè ak sè’m yo, Aktivite pawasyal ak reyinyon yo fe nou gen yon ore pou sezon ete a ki kout epi ki relax. Vakans— oswa pran kek tan po repoze ak lwazi—tre enpotan pou tout moun. Mwen espere pandan mwa ete yo nap pran kont plezi nou, san nou pa neglije pou otan devwa espirityel lapriye nou ak obligasyon pou asiste Lames chak semen lakay oswa lot kote. Mwen ankouraje vakansye nou yo pou yo abitye ak ore Lames ak konfesyon kap fet nan pawas la. Yon aktivite nou gen pou sezon ete a. se sinema nann aswe nan pawas la. Tcheke atraksyon ki gen pou vini yo epi nap tann w! Seri yo ap komanse semen sa a. Jwi Sezon an! Kelkeswa kote w ye epitou sa wap fe, sonje... Pran tan pou PANSE....se sous lafos. Pran tan pou JWE....se sekre kap kenbe w jenn tout tan. Pran tan pou LI .....se sous lasajes Pran tan pou LAPRIYE....se pi gwo pisans sou te a Pran tan pou RENMEN...EPI fE RENMEN...SE YON DON Bondye Pran tan pou fe ZANMI.... se chemen kekontan Pran tan pou RI...se mizik pou nanm Pran tan pou BAY...pa fe l selman yon jou Pran tan pou TRAVAY...se pri sikse Pran tan pou fe LACHARITE...se kle kap mennen w nan syel Avek afeksyon, Msgr. Tom Gervasio Sanctuary Lamps Stewardship Report Weekly Collection: June 19 Catholic Communications & Catholic University/Human Dev. (Updated total) $18,631 At Our Lady of Sorrows One lamp burns in loving memory of Anna and Michael Szal at the request of their daughter. $1,562 Annual Catholic Appeal (67% of goal as of 6/21) Pledged: $73,478 Paid $53,176 Donors: 391 The other lamp, which burns in Thanksgiving for an Answered Prayer is offered by Josephine Terlicki. th Celebration of July 4 At Saint Anthony Mass at 8:00 a.m. St. Anthony Church One lamp burns in loving memory of Theresa DiFranco at the request of her husband, Pasquale. The parish and school offices will be closed. 3 Thank You, Thank You! Opening of the 2017 Mass Books . . . From Deacon Denny Dear fellow parishioners of Our Lady of Sorrows – Saint Anthony, Thank you so much for your continued generosity and support of my diaconal ministry throughout the years, and, in particular, for joining Jeff and me in the jubilee celebration on June 12. My association with you has deeply enriched my spiritual life, and I hope I have been able to do the same for you. I look forward to continuing to serve “ad multos annos” (or as multos as the Lord provides!) Be assured of my continued prayers for your intentions. Sincerely, Deacon Denny Slavin The 2017 Mass Books for both of our churches will open on Wednesday, July 13. On that day, we will be taking your 2017 Mass intentions from 10:00 a.m. to noon and from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the church hall at the OLS campus. Intentions will be taken on a first come - first served basis, but in the interest of fairness to all, please limit your request for Sunday intentions to four during this initial opening. As in the past, we ask that you bring, in date order, a list of intentions desired (name of person to be remembered at the Mass and name of the person requesting the intention). The donation for each intention is $10. Weekly tabernacle light intentions ($15 per lamp) as well as weekend flower arrangement dedications ($75/arrangement) for both churches for 2017 and the remainder of 2016 may also be requested at this time. Weekday Mass intentions for 2016 at both churches are still available. Anyone desiring them may go to the parish office at any time during regular office hours. If you are unable to come in person, please mail your request, with a check made payable to OLS-SA, to: OUR LADY OF SORROWS – ST. ANTHONY 3816 E STATE ST EXT, HAMILTON NJ 08619 . . . From Deacon Jeff I was deeply touched by the outpouring of thoughtfulness, good wishes and prayers extended to Deacon Dennis and myself during the celebration of our Silver Anniversary as ordained Deacons. Your warm reception did not come as a surprise to me however. It simply a continuation of the many kindnesses and prayers extended to me during the previous 25 years. I pray now that our good Lord will give me many more years to serve you in a ministry that, with the exception of my family, has become the joy of my life. Once again thank you and may God bless you and yours with good health and happiness. Deacon Jeff Anniversary Blessing Mass Announced Bishop O'Connell will celebrate the Annual Diocesan Anniversary Blessing Mass on Sunday, October 16, at 3:00 p.m. at St. Mary Cathedral (Trenton). All Catholic married couples belonging to parishes in Mercer and Burlington counties who are celebrating their 1st, 25th, or 50th (and beyond) wedding anniversaries in 2016 are invited to participate. Their families and guests are invited to attend. Registration information will be provided in upcoming bulletins. Lord Jesus Christ, Word of the Father, we turn to you. Watch over our plans. Enliven our service to the Church. Sustain our labors. Guide our steps in search of the best ways to proclaim your Gospel. Our poverty is great. We do not place trust in ourselves but only in you. Encourage us, reassure us, give us your blessing. You, who with the Holy Spirit, live and reign in us and in your Church forever and ever. Amen. OLS PTA Seeking Donations The Our Lady of Sorrows School PTA is beginning to prepare for our 2016 Knight to Remember. In order to make this a successful event, we need donations of new unused items to auction off at the event. If you have any old gifts/items you have never used or returned, please consider donating them to our event. Please drop off items at the school office or call Deborah Kisselman (439-2667) to arrange for pick-up. Save the Date Please Pray for Our Beloved Deceased Our Lady of Sorrows-St Anthony's 22nd Annual Golf Classic will be held at Mercer Oaks West Golf Course on Wednesday, September 21. Watch future bulletins for more information. Alma C. DelFavero Hilaire Israel Rose Josephine Leammari Rita Scott 4 A Summertime Reminder! Our way of life, with its emphasis on personal freedoms and on what is causal and comfortable, is bound to find its way into the choices we make in the realm of the spiritual. Our manner of dress can be a witness to our faith—a way of recognizing our church as the dwelling of the Most High and a privileged place of prayer. Various modes of attire denote the importance we attach to a particular place and to the people we encounter. Were we invited to a dignitary’s residence or even going to dine at an upscale restaurant, I doubt that any of us would consider wearing what is often seen at Mass. While not necessarily advocating very formal attire, coming to worship in clothing suited for a basketball court or the sands of the Jersey shore hardly seems appropriate for the Lord’s House. A non-believer in our midst could easily conclude that for many Catholics, worship is hardly an important event! What message do we want to give? Everyone is welcome in the Lord’s House, to be sure, but we should take the time and effort to remind ourselves and our fellow Catholics that Mass—our meeting with the Lord—is important!! Appropriate attire also provides a respect for those who worship with us and preserves the modesty that we are called to practice. Not a few would play down the importance or need for such a notice, contending that these are but trifles that do not matter in the eyes of God. After all, Our Lord does not judge the exterior but the interior. This is true, but Our Lord was concerned with little things, observant of many details of worship. Externals do matter because they often reflect what we possess interiorly. We need the help of external signs as reminders of what is important. The aim of my message is not to upbraid any parishioners but meant only to summon us all to think a little more about giving witness to the sacred nature of our church and to respect all those who enter its doors. Think about it! Msgr. Gervasio Our faith teaches us that Jesus remains present in his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Sacrament that is reserved in the tabernacle. Thursdays Are Days Of Solemn Adoration The Blessed Sacrament will be placed upon the altar following the 7 a.m. Mass until Reposition at 6 p.m. All are invited to answer the Lord’s call…He wants us give Him the gift of our time. He wants us to come to Him bringing our needs, anxieties, joys, and thanks. Our Lady of Sorrows Church also is open during our office hours. Why not stop for even a brief moment to rejoice in the Lord’s Presence? Religious Education Registration It is time to register your children for Religious Education classes for the 2016-2017 school years. We look forward to seeing all of you. Please remember that certain sessions fill up quickly, so early registration is highly recommended. We can more easily accommodate your preference if you register promptly. We have a special offer for early registration. Please check the letter we mailed with the registration forms. If you did not receive it, please call us at 587-4372. For your convenience, all registration forms are available on the OLS-SA website (www.olssa.org/religiouseducation). You may print the registration form and mail or bring it to the Parish Office. Please note that if you have a Pre-K or Kindergarten student entering Religious Education classes, please print the registration form from the website or call our office to register your child. For more details, please check our web site. Attention parents whose children are attending Trenton Catholic Academy. If your child is in 2nd grade, 7th grade, or 8th grade, please make sure that you register him or her for sacramental preparation. The registration forms are sent to TCA office. Rosary Altar News Corporate Sunday is July 3 at Our Lady of Sorrows Church. All parishioners are invited to join us at 8:30 a.m. for recitation of the rosary for world peace, an end to abortion and terrorism, for the intentions of the Holy Father, and for the personal intentions of all those present. Celebration of the Mass will follow at 9:00 a.m. Mark Your Calendar for Our Vacation Bible Camp will be held August 1-5. Registration is now open. If you are interested, please call our office for details. Thanks. 5 Please Pray for the Sick God Bless Our Newly Baptized Bob Barclay, Bernice Bates, Geraldine Bella-Canfield, Victoria Bilardo, Marcia Bodinizzo, John Carbonara, Fran Chiorello, Maria Corbett, Lauren Costantini, Diane Courtad, Ryan Cromwell, Carmella Cronce, Danny DeVito, Pasquale DiFranco, Jack Dirk, Ted Dolci, Bill Doran, Eileen Evans, Suzanne Figueroa, Gilbert Flora, Bud Foley, Keith Gerner, Lewis Gryziewicz, George Gushue, Eileen & John Haller, Joan Holman, JoAnn Jasinski, Stephen Komlosi, Terry Kubinski, Bernadette Lecato, Pat McCormick, Larry Monte, Mary Anne Morrelli, Marietta Muscato, Cheryl & Tom Noon, Olga Nunes, Charlotte Nurko, Joseph O'Hara, Jennifer Panicaro, Yolanda Parrotta, Isabella Petrino, Joe Pica, Tom Plantier, Catherine Rodenbaugh, Diane Salem, Rose Salvatore, Michael Schaefer, Gerri Smallwood, David Smith, Marjorie Spalding, May Spett, Liliane and Richard Springer, Janice Sprink, Tony Tanzini, Tom Valatka, Mary Ann Warner If you would like to be placed on the sick list, please call the rectory office. (If you're calling for someone else, kindly make sure you have their permission.) Please note that names will be removed from the published prayer list after 12 weeks unless other arrangements have been made. Lucas Victor Barrow Victoria Elaine Burket Drayden Alexander Duclona Reagan Grace Iwicki Nicolo Antonio Mastrangeli Christopher Robenson Pierre Parish Office Summer Hours The office closes at 12:30 p.m. on Fridays through September 2. Business hours on Monday through Thursday and on Saturday remain the same. Please Note The Monday Night Bible Study will be in recess during the summer and will resume in September. An announcement will be made in the bulletin with respect to our September start date. Around the Diocese Seniors’ Activities S.G.B. Camp Senior Club #1 July 11 - 15 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Steinert High School 2900 Klockner Rd, Hamilton Sq For girls entering grades 2 through 9 $175 All registrations to be completed online at our website— https://steinertgirlsbballcamp.webconnex.com/2016 S.G.B.C. is a fun and exciting way for girls to better their basketball skills, make new friends, and play a game they love! Instruction from current and former SHS coaches and players. For more information or for MULTI camper discount email head coach Kristin Voorhees Jacobs ([email protected]). The club will not have meetings in July or August. Senior Club #2 Senior Club #2 will hold regular meetings in the Church Meeting Room at 1 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. The next few meetings are scheduled for July 5 & 19, and Aug. 2 & 16. There are bus trips to Resorts Casino on the first Wednesday of each month. The next trips are scheduled for July 6 and August 3. The bus leaves the OLS parking lot at 9:30 a.m. Any one age 21 or older is invited. The cost is $35, but you get back $25 in casino credit. If you're interested, please call Doreen Napoleon (706-6169). New members are welcome to join our clubs. 6 San Alfonso Retreat House "Where God and Sea Come Together" Take the Time for a Weekend Retreat A few days of retreat can offer a rare opportunity to combine physical rest with a new awareness that our God's friendship and His powerful help are ours for the asking . . . Guaranteed! OLS-SA Men’s Retreat July 15 - 17 San Alfonso Retreat House 755 Ocean Avenue Long Branch Room and Six Meals $210 Non-refundable $50 Reservation Deposit Required by July 3. Make check payable to San Alfonso Retreat House and mail it to: Joe Jaruszewski 75 Holt Avenue Hamilton, NJ 08619 Questions? Call 890-2881. 7 Thank You! The awards listed below were presented to this year’s graduates of Our Lady of Sorrows School. The graduating class of 2016 would like to thank the individuals, our school Parent Teacher Association, and the parish organizations that support the mission of Catholic education. Award Given by Given to Notre Dame High School Scholarship Paige Foerter Donival Brown Memorial Scholarship Julio Juarez American Legion Post #31 Award Noah Coniglio Gavin Schaeffer Deacon Jack D’Agostino Memorial Award Shannon McCoy Gabriel Truch Leadership Award Alumni Association Nina Burden Olivia Sheppard Commitment to Service Award Knights of Columbus #6213 Max Neyraval Gavin Schaeffer Faith in Action Award Rosary Altar Society Kayla Cordero William Ward Service to the School Award Holy Name Society Matthew Jakim Louis Pasculli Application & Achievement Award Senior Club #2 Manuel Montero Jennifet Pribila High Achievement Award Knights of Columbus #6213 Matthew Jakim Spencer Stockhammer Spelling Bee Finalist Award Knights of Columbus #6213 Nina Burden Sportsmanship Award Parish Sports Committee Shannon Boytis Nicholas Wilke Citizenship Award P.T.A. Paige Foerter Grace Goepfert Joseph Hoffman Katie Kay Graduate Essay Award P.T.A. Joseph Hoffman Diligent Effort Award P.T.A Emelia Bercaw Jessie Gutierrez John Kopacz Savanna McPhail High Excellence P.T.A. Paige Foerter Salutatorian Award P.T.A. Grace Goepfert Valedictorian Award P.T.A. Nina Burden Joseph Hoffman 8 All Showtimes—7:00 p.m. Coming Attractions July 7 St. Anthony St. Anthony Hall A simple friar seeking a quiet contemplative life is thrown into the limelight of holy celebrity when his hidden gifts, not least of which are his great miracles, come to light. (95 minutes; Italian with English subtitles) July 21 A Man for All Seasons OLS Meeting Room Academy Award Winner! Paul Scofield portrays St. Thomas More, Chancellor of England, whose friendship with the King turns sour when State and Church collide. (120 minutes) August 4 The Song of Bernadette St. Anthony Hall Classic! Another Academy Award Winner! The simple French girl Bernadette Soubirous (Jennifer Jones) finds herself in a whirlwind of controversy when she reveals that “a Lady” appears to her. The sleepy hamlet of Lourdes is thrust onto the world stage. (156 minutes) August 18 St. Giuseppe Moscati OLS Meeting Room Dr. Joseph Moscati has a promising future as professor at a prestigious medical school in Naples and husband but his faith in God and love of the poor set him on another course. The movie is a great blend of romance, comedy, and drama! (177 minutes.; Italian with English subtitles) 2016 FROM 5PM TILL CLOSE! Basketball Camp Since 2000 – Our 17th Season! IT’S A TASTY WAY TO SUPPORT YOUR CAUSE Like us on Facebook! - https://www.facebook.com/fundamentalsbballcamp 10% COMES BACK TO US! SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! August 1, 2016 FUNDRAISER FOR: For Boys & Girls, Grades K-8: Full Days, 9am – 3 pm 200 MARKETPLACE BLVD. HAMILTON NJ 08691 OLS PTA Please show your support and head over to the DQ Grill & Chill in the Hamilton Marketplace for our fundraiser night. 10% of all monies earned will be given back to our group! So gather up the family and have a great meal and dessert while supporting us! (Up to 3 Hours of Before & After Camp Care Available Each Day) Four Sessions Available: Weeks of June 20, June 27, July 5 and July 11 Camp Staff & Guest Clinicians Include: Nate Webber – Assistant camp director, Principal at Steinert High School Nicole Revere – Current girls JV coach at Lawrence HS & former player at Rider U. Kristin Jacobs – Current girls varsity coach at Steinert High School Karla Peroni – Former girls varsity coach at Hamilton HS West Dave Larkin – Longtime OLS Boys coach & Freshmen boys coach at Notre Dame Sherika Salmon – Former player at Hamilton High West & St. Peter’s University Shane Plunkett – Former player at Steinert HS & current player at Delaware Valley College For more information & brochure, please call 585-5479 or Send email to [email protected] RECEIPT TOTAL: 9 July 14th St. Dominic Parish, Brick 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Registration - 9:15 AM Diocese of Trenton Department of Pastoral Care Invites All Maturing Adults 55+ to join us for a day filled of inspiration, entertainment, food, & friends. Presenter– Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R., Rector & Director of San Alfonso Retreat House in Long Branch Fr. Jim is a Redemptorist Priest, as well as an author, teacher, preacher & very Popular Presenter. He will speak on “The Call to Elderhood in the Year of Mercy.” Entertainment – Moreno Fruzzetti: Italian Tenor with a Golden Voice Mr. Fruzzetti receives rave reviews at concerts throughout the world and brings flare & personality to his performances. He will share hits from the Good Old Days of American Pop & some Italian Classics & Popular Hits. Was awarded “Ambassador of Italian Music in America” *The day will conclude with Mass at 2:30 PM* “Show your USA Spirit-Wear Red-White-Blue” Registration Fee: $12.00 ~ Includes ~ Lunch ~ Beverages Register Online at: www.dioceseoftrenton.org/pastoralcare Mail-in Registration: Return Completed form with check payable to “Diocese of Trenton” To: Diocese of Trenton, Dept. of Pastoral Care, 701 Lawrenceville Road, Trenton, NJ 08648 For information: Contact Deanna Sass at: 609-403-7157/E-mail: [email protected] Name: (With Title): Address: City State Zip Phone: ( ) Email: @ Parish/ Church: & City 10 609-838-9488 MULLEN FUNERAL HOME Hours: Mon-Fri 5:30am-5:00pm Sat-Sun 6:00am-4:00pm T IMOTHY F. R EEG Manager , NJ Lic. # 3982 537 S. 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RD. · HAMILTON [email protected] • Jeff Carter Karen Vernon-Stewart, President Chambers D'Errico & Correnti Funeral Home URGENT CARE Joseph A. D'Errico, Dir., NJ Lic. No. 3651 Albert D. Correnti, Jr., Mgr., NJ Lic. No. 3538 825 Chambers St., Trenton NJ 08611 (609) 396-3354 • Fax: 599-2030 HAMILTON BRENNA-CELLINI FUNERAL HOME Hamilton Shops 2222 Route 33 Hamilton, NJ 08690 2365 WHITEHORSE-MERCERVILLE RD., HAMILTON, NJ 08619 609-890-4100 • • • • • • (609) 584-8080 MARIA E. BRENNA, Owner/Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 4879 WE WILL BEAT OUR COMPETITOR'S PRICES Sue Holt, CSW Admissions Director Experienced Physicians Walk Ins Welcome On-Site Prescriptions On-Site X-Ray & Lab Work Most Insurances Accepted Open 7 Days A Week Yolanda Stinger EET GUD BAKERY Serving the Hamilton Area Over 70 Years 609-587-0388 Monday-Friday 8AM-8PM · Saturday-Sunday 9AM-6PM Fax 609-587-6935 2113 Hamilton Ave., Trenton ALL OCCASION CAKES ~ Closed Mondays ~ Director of Marketing & Community Relations 609-588-0091 x223 Fax 609-450-8109 [email protected] 1059 EDINBURG ROAD · HAMILTON, NEW JERSEY 08690-1297 Bracoloni Memorials 1044 Cedar Ln. Hamilton, N.J. 393-9519 FOR ALL YOUR MONUMENT NEEDS F84838 (CK) - OL of Sorrows/St. Anthony, Mercerville/Trenton FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside Handyman The Cross & Shamrock – NO JOB TOO SMALL – 609-306-2830 609-882-3800 586-9696 www.georgeshomerepair.com Chiarello’s Compliments of Religious Articles & Irish Imports M. WILLIAM MURPHY, INC. FUNERAL HOMES 1669 ROUTE 33 · HAMILTON SQUARE ESTABLISHED 1870 www.crossandshamrock.com George’s Home Repair 935 Parkway Avenue Ewing, NJ 1863 Hamilton Avenue Hamilton, NJ MASSIMO V. VERDUCI, D.M.D., M.S., L.L.C. HAMILTON FOOD MARKET HOT & COLD CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS Staff Directors: Carmen C. Huber, NJ Lic. No. 3983 John M. (Mark) Arnold, NJ Lic. No. 4236 1624 Hamilton Ave., Hamilton 609-586-4635 · Fax 609-586-8339 www.Chiarellos.com Timothy W. Everett, NJ Lic. No. 3506 Manager 609-587-2888 LIC #8271B blisscolorsalon.com Air Conditioning Inspection $25 OFF Any Service/Repair Call Over $150.00 RESIDENTIAL ~ COMMERCIAL New Construction - Custom Lighting Service Upgrades - Violations Corrected Trouble Shooting - Cable/Data/Phone Wiring (609) 585-0545 [email protected] www.candelorielectric.com EPISCOPO'S PHARMACY 2907 E��� S���� S����� E�������� · M���������� "A Tradition of Caring for 50 Years" A.J. 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Annulment Process Information
Our Lady of Sorrows-Saint Anthony Hamilton, New Jersey March 20
grade level from Kindergarten to Grade 8 participated!
Now recall, this was recreational reading only! The
students kept a log, and shared it with their parents for
confirmation. Little did they kn...