Annual Report
Annual Report
DuPage African Methodist Episcopal Churc h Church 2012 PASTORAL REPORT “But seek first the kingdom of God, and God’s righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33 REV. DR. JAMES F. MILLER – SENIOR PASTOR REV. LANA PARKS MILLER – EXECUTIVE PASTOR REV. ALBERT D. TYSON, III — PRESIDING ELDER REV. DR. CECELIA WILLIAMS BRYANT — EPISCOPAL SUPERVISOR RT. REV. JOHN R. BRYANT — PRESIDING PRELATE & SENIOR BISHOP 4300 Yackley Avenue _ Lisle, IL 60532 _ 630.969.9800 W W W .D U P A G E AMEC. O R G W W W . F A C E B O O K . C O M /D U P A G E AMEC PASTORAL GREETING Rev. Dr. James F. Miller & Rev. Lana Parks Miller Greetings and salutations to Bishop John Richard Bryant & Supervisor, Rev. Dr. Cecelia Williams Bryant, Host Presiding Elder, Rev. Walter Bauldrick, Presiding Elder Thomas M. Hughes, Presiding Elder Alphonse Reff, and my Presiding Elder, Rev. Albert D. Tyson, III; Host Pastor, Rev. Darryl Williams, Pastors, Delegates, Alternates and Observers to the 130th Session of the Chicago Annual Conference: Rev. Lana and I are delighted to present our 23rd Annual Report as the Pastoral Leadership of DuPage AME Church located in Lisle, Illinois. On behalf of the very fine Ministerial Staff, officers and members, I am certain that God’s hand has touched and guided our Christian Ministry this year. DuPage AME Church continues its 33rd year history of service to our membership, our local community, many mission churches throughout the conference, and supports various connectional needs and endeavors. We gratefully acknowledge the extraordinary contributions and support of our most faithful members who have been steadfast in their humility, commitment and undying love for Christ and His kingdom. Never ceasing in prayer, the individual families and especially the young people continue to astound us with their gifts, talents, and treasures in support of this ministry. This report describes our efforts together in evangelism, worship, mission, ministry, stewardship and our personal and congregational spiritual growth. May God bless each and every soul entrusted to our pastoral care by the divine authority and may each and everyone who is attending this great conference continue in His favor and unending care. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Sincerely, Rev. Dr. James F. Miller, Senior Pastor HIGHLIGHTS 2011.2012 Bishop John R. Bryant & Rev. Dr. Cecelia Williams Bryant Presiding Elder Albert D. Tyson, III & Mrs. Robyn H. Tyson _ Registered over 150 persons to vote since Easter! _ Conducted Lenten Fast, 1 Revival, 4 Leadership Training Workshops, and a Youth Convocation. _ Conducted our own Annual Stewardship Campaign —”Put God First” (Matthew 6:33) _ Sponsorship of 2 persons to AME India. _ Added 118 souls to the Kingdom and Baptized 12 persons. _ Sent a shuttle bus of registrants to the 4th District Christian Education Congress in Lansing, Michigan. _ Sent a shuttle bus of observers to the 49th Session of the General Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. _ Distributed over $15,000 in scholarships to High School Graduating Seniors. _ Over 200 Families served Holiday Thanksgiving Donation Baskets and Christmas Angel Tree Gifts through the Sarah Allen Missionary Society. _ Hosted the A Cappella Choir from Wiley College in Marshall, Texas. The A Cappella Choir of Wiley College _ Through our 501(c)3, REACH, Inc., sponsored a monthly food distribution in partnership with the Northern Illinois Food Bank, averaging over 200 families and nearly 10,000 lbs. of food each month. _ Enjoyed many days hosting guest preachers and enjoying wonderful fellowship in the Lord. (see end pages) Stewardship Campaigns & Seminars conducted by Dr. Miller: The Louis A. Garland, Jr. Lay Organization commemorates 100 Years of the Connectional Lay Organization by creating a Centennial Museum. _ North District Chicago Conference _ Bethel AME Church— Miami, FL _ Union Memorial AMEC—Benton Harbor, MI _ Turner Theological Seminary—Atlanta, GA _ Bethel AME Church—Indianapolis, IN _ Bethel AME Church—Beloit, WI _ Bethel AME Church—Chicago, IL _ Lily of the Valley—Minneapolis, MN DuPage AME Church MINISTERIAL STAFF Rev. Dr. James F. Miller – Senior Pastor Rev. Lana Parks Miller – Executive Pastor Rev. Dr. Geneace Williams – Pastoral Support Minister Rev. Marland J. Brazier – Christian Education Director Rev. Morgan E. Dixon – Youth Minister Rev. Connie Dickerson – Youth Minister Rev. Russell Hanes – Youth Minister Rev. Elliott R. Griffin – Pastoral Care/Men’s Ministry Rev. Dr. Shirley Brummell – Pastoral Care Minister Rev. Kevin D. Thornton – Associate Minister Rev. Carol A. Douglas – Associate Minister Rev. Valerie Toney Parker – Associate Minister Rev. Theresa A. Dear – Associate Minister Rev. Dr. Darryl Franklin – Affiliate Evang. Maggie Mardis– Evangelist Bro. Keith E. Allen – Licentiate Rev. Henry Soles – on sabbatical Rev. Effie Soles – on sabbatical OFFICE & FACILITY STAFF Rev. Morgan Dixon — Church Administrator Alicia Rupert — Executive to the Pastor Connie Brown — Executive Financial Officer Laura Douglas — Office Assistant Dr. Charles Sweet — Office Assistant Ted McKee — Photographer Steve Knox—Membership Care Eddie Lega — Facility Manager Rodney Brown—Facility Assistant STEWARD BOARD Patricia A. Mathis, Vice Chair Robin Gerdine Aluko Inés Araúz Charles Baker Vera Bass Connie Brown Willis Carter LeVern Danley, III Gwen Frasier Kade Holiday Gloria Houston Linwood Johnson Avery Lambert Yvonne Rogers Anderson Smith* Rollie Steele* Dr. Charles Sweet* Elaine Mass Daryl Parks Leo Rasberry Wendell Rayburn TRUSTEE BOARD Irvin O. Brown, Vice-Chair Jameena Ivory Kenneth Jackson Charles Jones Tom Jones Patricia Blake Keith Coiley Terri Diggs Alvin Hudson Stephen Knox Mario Lambert Ted McKee Patrick Nanton Yvette Rogers Derrick Russell Robert Steele John Williams Betty Johnson* Carl Smith* Billy Williams* Michael D. Wright Wes Anderson* Russell Freeland* Don Jackson* STEWARDESS BOARD Mavis Hawkes, Coordinator Laverta Mallory, Deaconess Diane Smith, Deaconess Robin Gerdine Aluko JaNiece Bell Trena Brannon Ida Brewer Sonia Campbell Pat Cephus Tanya Daniels Mattie Dixon LaMargo Gill Mary L. Ginwright Eula Green Gwen Hall-Steele Marsha Haynes Linda Hickombottom Cheryl Nanton Lisa Parkin Inzafaye Scott Berline Short Lillian Smith Trellis Smith Edna Sullivan Louvenia Hollins Stacey Jackson Cheryl Jordan Vernethia Kirksey Roberta Knox Brenda Morrison Erita Moyo Beverly Taylor Lori W. Taylor Shirley Thomas-Bowie Viola Thornton Leatha Ware Lucille Williams Jan Wright EVANGELISM COMMISSION STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE COMMISSION Leo Rasberry, Director Yvette Rogers, Vice-Chair Bro. Keith E. Allen Joan Freeland Russell Freeland Lottea Glenn Rev. Elliott R. Griffin Gloria Houston Jack L. Houston Evang. Maggie Mardis Ernest Miles Sally Miles Essie Saffore William Simmons Edna Sullivan Denise Taylor SOCIAL ACTION COMMISSION Osie B. Davenport, Chair Steve Knox Mario Lambert Roy Whitmore Chandra Wright Connie Brown Willis Carter Gwen Frasier Gloria Houston Pat Mathis, AD-Hoc Derek Stovall-Leonard Sheron Waller Dot Whitmore Debra Wilburn Connie Wyatt HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION Jamel Ivory Penn, Chair Gwen Frasier Willetta Hudson Riché Miller Rollie Steele *Emeritus 2012 CONFERENCE REPORT Conversions Accessions Baptisms Total Raised 12 118 8 $1,936, 677 (tithes & offerings) Current Membership 1971 657 families October 2011—September 2012 Community Organizations Recognition Day Visitor’s Day ‘Thank You Lord’ Revival Annual Church Conference Usher Day Thanksgiving Eve Service Official Board Christmas Dinner New Members Fellowship Day CHRISTmas Eve Celebration of Lights New Year’s Eve Watchnight Service Officer Installation Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Valentine Dinner Dance Ash Wednesday Service Wiley College A Cappella Choir Concert Men’s Prayer Breakfast Men’s Day Palm Sunday Good Friday Easter Sunday Family & Friends Day Missionary Sunday Youth Conference YPD Sunday Rebecca Smith Andoh Celebration of Talents Mother’s Day Class Leader Day Annual Youth Day & Promotion Sunday Women’s Prayer Breakfast Father’s Day Women’s Day Hospitality Day Vacation Bible School Lay Day African Heritage Day Scout Sunday rd 33 Church Anniversary 23rd Pastoral Appreciation PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL Clifton Mason, Coordinator ANGEL CHURCH — Kimberly Allen MEN’S DAY CHAIRPERSON — Daryl Parks ANNUAL CONFERENCE DELEGATES — Angela Pettis, Osie Davenport THE BROTHERHOOD MEN’S MINISTRY — James Ferguson, Jesse Abrams ANNIVERSARY CHAIRPERSON — Denise Taylor NEW CREATIONS (PRISON) MINISTRY — Raymond Blake NETWORK CONNECTION MINISTRY — Ron Cotton BOY SCOUTS — William Brown, Steve Franklin PARKING MINISTRY — Rodney Brown CUB SCOUTS — LeVern Danley III, Linwood Johnson PRAISE TEAM — Jeff Shelby C.I.M.S. — Derrick Russell RELATIONSHIP MINISTRY — Sherita & Jonathan Boots DUPAGE CARES SUPPORT MINISTRY — Rev. Dr. Shirley Brummell SANCTUARY CHOIR — Linwood Johnson DUPAGE THEATRE GROUP — Calvin Gibbs, Jr. SISTERS IN PRAISE — LaTonya Brewton EVANGELISM COMMISSION — Leo Rasberry SISTER CIRCLE WOMEN’S MINISTRY — Denise Parks, Yvonne Rogers FAMILY & FRIENDS DAY CHAIR — Connie Wyatt SARAH ALLEN MISSIONARY SOCIETY — Melody Coleman FINANCE COMMISSION — Tony Mann SOCIAL ACTION COMMISSION — Osie Davenport GIRL SCOUTS — Bennita Drain STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE COMMISSION — Yvette Rogers GOLF FOR CHRIST — Anderson Smith S.T.O.P.— Sirena Crosby, Rashad Crosby, Mya Levy G.O.N.E. — Derrick Russell SUNBEAM CHOIR—Chandra Wright, Chanise Spencer, Sally McGinnis, Kelly Baker GOSPEL CHOIR — Cheryl Nanton SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT — Bill James HEALTH MINISTRY— Chad Earl, Larry Love USHER BOARD — Clifton Mason HOSPITALITY MINISTRY — Susan Hodge, Carla Hill, Sally Miles VOICES OF PRAISE — Yvette Rogers HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION — Jamel Ivory Penn VOICES OF TOMORROW — Yannick Nanton, Khalida Sleets INSPIRATIONAL CHOIR — Matty Levy, Reneé Hall Williams WOMEN’S DAY CHAIRPERSON — Inzafaye Scott INTERCESSORY PRAYER MINISTRY — Etiennette Harris WOMEN IN PRAISE—Amethyst Glover LOUIS A. GARLAND JR. LAY ORGANIZATION — Angela Pettis Y.P.D.— Colette Mann, Connie Brown MEDIA MINISTRY — Wes Anderson CLASS LEADER COUNCIL Brandon Akins, Coordinator Robin Gerdine Aluko Charles Baker Kevin Baker Joseph Barnes Karen Blackwell Raymond Blake Crystal Blount Tazama Brackenridge Archie Bragg Trena Brannon LaTonya Brewton Tonya Coats Clayton Corley Ron Cotton Tranda Covington Osie Davenport Tinisha Dorsey Karla Drew Tabia Earl James Ferguson Jarolynn Gadson Lottea Glenn Betty Green Cheryl Henderson Kade Holiday John Holloway Jack Houston Jamel Ivory-Penn Kenneth Jackson Linwood Johnson Tom Jones Kelvin Kirksey Stephen Knox Avery Lambert Larry Love Emma Julia Lowe Jimal Miller Duane Parkin Robert Pettis Carla Pinkney Leo Rasberry Yvonne Rogers Alicia Rupert Inzafaye Scott Nia Smith Derek Stovall-Leonard Edna Sullivan Reggie Waddell Carolyn Wilson Vincent Winkfield Claude Audley-Emeritus Olivia Garth-Emeritus Music Department “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord … come before God’s presence with singing!” Psalm 100:1-2 Musicians: Jerome Baker, Jonathan Bragg, Kevin Brewton, Quanajanice Garland, Marketo Griffin Michel, Craig Miller, Kendall Nesbitt, Derrick Russell, Mary Samuel, JP Watts II, Lakshmi Willis G.O.N.E. Inspirational Choir Praise Team Sunbeam Choir Voices of Tomorrow Gospel Choir The Brotherhood Men’s Chorus Sanctuary Choir Voices of Praise Women’s Chorus Bishop Henry M. Williamson Presiding Elder Albert D. Tyson, III Bishop John R. Bryant Presiding Elder Gary McCants Rev. Dr. Louis Toney Rev. Clarence G. Robinson Presiding Elder Walter R. Bauldrick, Sr. Rev. Alene Styles Glover Sis. Katrese Kirk-Watson Rev. Dr. Willie A. Gholston, II Rev. Keith Links Bro. Stephen Green Rev. Samuel L. Green, Jr. Rev. Henry ‘Trae’ Green, III Some of our Guest Preaching Witnesses Myesha Melvin Gholston Rev. Sandra Banks Rev. Diane A. Bogues Rev. Rosalind K. Shorter Henderson Rev. Dr. Walter B. Johnson Rev. Patricia Efiom Elaine Bailey Johnson Manny Mill Our own, Robert ‘Bobby’ Pettis on Lay Day Rev. Dr. Julian E. Spencer Bro. Aaron C. Bailey Rev. Shonda Nicole Gladden Rev. Dr. Virgil Woods Rev. Veronica Johnson Rev. Dr. William D. Watley “Blessed To Be A Blessing!”