November 2015 - Second Presbyterian Church
November 2015 - Second Presbyterian Church
November 2015 Vol. XXXVI No. 10 the newsletter of second presbyterian church Welcome and Thank You From Session We are very eager to welcome Susan Andrews, who will start as our new interim pastor on November 1. It will be wonderful to have a steady presence in the office and in the pulpit once again. It’s been almost five months since Mary Gene left, and many people have kept our wheels turning. Mike Willock supplied our pulpit with guest preachers and liturgists this fall, and he helped plan the worship services each Sunday. Barbara Bowyer, Claudia Wall and JoAnn Ford shared Sacred Space with our children. Robert Rembert was coordinator of hospital visitation. Our interim moderator of session was Deb Krause. The church staff was amazing, Andy Peters and Jean C., especially, adding additional work to their busy schedules. The personnel committee took on the role of “head of staff” and held staff meetings each week. Thanks also to the interim pastoral nominating committee (Chuck Miller, Nick Petges, Carlene Davis, Kenyon Gradert, Rebecca Barnes, Robert Rembert and Nancy Quigley) and to Don Beimdiek who steered the interim pastor’s contract through appropriate channels. The congregation expresses appreciation to the following Worship Leaders who have inspired the congregation with God’s word by their sermons during the worship interim: Rev. Traci Blackman – Christ the King UCC Dr. Leah Gunning-Francis – Eden Seminary Rev. David Gerth – Metropolitan Congregations United Rev. Anita Hendrix – Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery Dr. Deb Krause – Eden Seminary Ruling Elder David Maltby Eric Post – Eden Seminary Student Ruling Elder John Rawlings Rev. Ruben Rosario Rodriguez – St. Louis University Revs. Carleton and Ellie Stock – Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery Rev. Mark Strothmann – Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery Ruling Elder Jay Summerville – Eden Seminary Student Rabbi Susan Talve – Central Reform Congregation Rev. Mai-Anh Le Tran – Eden Seminary Rev. Landon Whitsitt – Stated Clerk of the Synod of Mid-America Rev. Barbara Willock – Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery As we welcome Susan Andrews to Second Church, we encourage all of our members and regular visitors to please wear your name badges which will help Susan as she puts names and faces together! We are grateful to these folks and many more for their hard work over the summer and fall months. TÄÄ ft|Çàá VxÄxuÜtà|ÉÇ November 1 @ 11:00 am All Saints is a time to rejoice as we remember all of those through the ages who have stood firm in faith. We will especially remember our church members who have moved from the church militant to the church triumphant during the last year. Marion L. Stevens Mary Waldbridge David Blum Maud G. Thomas David G. Nevin Mary (Evvy) Cobb “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, says the Spirit. They will rest from their labors and their deeds follow them.” Revelation 14:13 In addition, there will be the opportunity for members of the congregation to remember and name those saints who have had an impact on their lives. The congregation will gather around the Lord’s Table—as it always does on the feast days of the church year. Invite a friend to join you for this festival day in the life of the church. From the Pastoral Musician On Sunday, November 1, we will observe All Saints Sunday in worship when we remember those that have gone before us. One of the congregational hymns that morning will be “For All the Saints”. Stanza one of this well-known hymn reads: For all the saints who from their labors rest, who thee by faith before the world confessed, thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest. Alleluia! Alleluia! William Walsham How wrote this text for All Saints Day in 1864. How provides commentary in this hymn on the phrase “I believe in the communion of saints” from the Apostle’s Creed. The original hymn had eleven stanzas but most contemporary hymnals have edited this down to six or less. We normally sing “For All the Saints” to the hymn tune SINE NOMINE. This tune name means “without a name” and was composed by English composer Ralph Vaughan Williams as the setting for this text in The English Hymnal of 1906. At first critics scorned the tune as “jazz music” but most people now agree that this tune matches the text wonderfully. Grace and peace the Second Church Chorale and Chamber Orchestra featuring Schubert’s Mass in G Major and music for strings by Rossini, Mendelssohn, and Mozart Andrew Peters, conductor Mary Donald, soprano Katie Loeper, soprano Derek Dahlke, tenor Joshua Powlishta, bass Second Presbyterian Church 314-367-0367 Holy Ground Concert Sunday, November 22 at 3:00 p.m. First Church of Christ, Scientist (Kingshighway at Westminster Place) Featuring music of the congregations in the Holy Ground Collaborative From folk trios and gospel choirs to classical groups and traditional hymns Great music from Central Reform Congregation First Unitarian Church First Church of Christ, Scientist Second Presbyterian Church Cornerstone Institutional Baptist Church and Trinity Episcopal Church. Second Presbyterian Church will be represented by music from Adrian Bowers, trumpet Helen Imes, piano Andrew Peters, organ Come join the fun and the fellowship! Open House to Welcome Susan Andrews WHO: To members and friends of Second Presbyterian Church WHAT: A fall open house WHERE: At the home of Andy & Christine Peters and Warren 3802 Castleman Avenue, 63110 (in the Shaw neighborhood) WHY: An opportunity to socialize outside of church and a chance to informally get to know our new interim pastor. WHEN: Sunday, November 15, 2:00-5:00 p.m. NOTE: Our apologies, but this house is only accessible by steps. Stewardship Stewardship Dedication Sunday November 22, 2015 “Serving Others. Changing Lives” It's a phrase we've long been familiar with, and one that that embodies the values that our congregation holds dear. Do not be fooled by its familiarity. Rather, be energized by this message of what lies ahead. From the Congregational care Mission Team Remember our homebound Please remember our home-bound members. They really appreciate receiving cards and knowing that their church family prays for them. You may call the church office if you need an address. If you know of someone we have omitted, please contact Judy Leo at 314-521-2748. Our homebound members are: Eleanor Bell Alma Wesley Josefina Hilario Bettie McArthur Janet Nevin Grace Reichle Al and Arthurma Vaughn RESERVE YOUR POINSETTIAS NOW! Poinsettias have been used to decorate the sanctuary of Second Presbyterian Church since WWII when a family underwrote the purchase of the poinsettias as a memorial to a son who died in service. The tradition of purchasing poinsettias as a memorial or as a dedication continues today. When you purchase a poinsettia, your name and memorial/dedication will be printed in the church bulletin on Sunday, December 13, 2015. You are free to take the poinsettias you purchased home with you any time following the Christmas Eve Service. To purchase one or more poinsettias, please complete the following form, enclosing $12 for each purchase, and either mail or deliver your order to the church office by Sunday, December 6, 2015. Name________________________________ Phone____________________ MEMORIAL/DEDICATIONS: 1. 2. 3. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ November 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 2 3 9 10 Daylight Saving Time Ends ALL SAINTS DAY Adult Bible Study/Christian Forum Children’s Sunday School-Activity Rm Worship/Communion – Sanctuary Children’s Music Class–Music Rm Fellowship – Niccolls Hall 2nd Generation/s/ - Upper Room Fall Chorale Concert - Sanctuary 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 11:15am 12:15pm 12:15pm 4:00pm 8 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 11:15am 12:15pm 12:15pm 12:15pm 12:15pm Adult Bible Study/Christian Forum Children’s Sunday School-Activity Rm Worship – Sanctuary Children’s Music Class –Music Rm Fellowship – Niccolls Hall Deaconesses – Compton Lounge Earth Care Team – Portrait Lounge 2nd Generation/s/ - Upper Room 15 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 11:15am 12:15pm 12:15pm 2-5:00pm 22 Adult Bible Study/Christian Forum Children’s Sunday School-Activity Rm Worship – Sanctuary Children’s Music Class –Music Rm Fellowship – Niccolls Hall 2nd Generation/s/ - Upper Room Open House for Susan Andrews Reign of Christ Sunday 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 11:15am 12:15pm 12:15pm 29 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 11:15am 12:15pm 12:15pm 6:30-9:00pm Girl Scout Volunteer Training 16 17 Deadline for Seconds 7:30am Men’s Breakfast 7:00pm Session – Upper Room 23 24 Adult Bible Study/Christian Forum Children’s Sunday School-Activity Rm Worship/Communion – Sanctuary Children’s Music Class –Music Rm Fellowship – Niccolls Hall 2nd Generation/s/ - Upper Room 1st Sunday of Advent Adult Bible Study/Christian Forum Children’s Sunday School-Activity Rm Worship/Communion – Sanctuary Children’s Music Class –Music Rm Fellowship –Niccolls Hall 2nd Generation/s/ - Upper Room 6:30pm Table Talk – Remy’s 30 Second Presbyterian Church Phone: 314-367-0366 Fax: 314-367-8592 E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 4 5 6 7 11:30am Staff Meeting 6:15pm Handbells Rehearsal 7:15pm Choir Rehearsal 10:00am GGP 11 12 13 11:30am Staff Meeting 6:15pm Handbells Rehearsal 7:15pm Choir Rehearsal 7:30pm GAMMA 10:30am Knitting Our10:00am GGP selves to God 1:30pm Mary Ryder Birthday Party 18 19 20 11:30am Staff Meeting 6:15pm Handbells Rehearsal 7:15pm Choir Rehearsal 14 21 10:30am Horizons Bible 10:00am GGP Study 10am-2pm Girl Scouts 25 26 27 28 11:30am Staff Meeting Thanksgiving Day Church Office Closed Thanksgiving Holiday Church Office Closed 10:00am GGP Deck the Halls – Friday, December 4, 2015 2015 We Need a Little Christmas – Not right this very minute but very soon. You won’t want to miss this annual kick-off to Advent when we haul out the holly and put up the trees. 4:00pm We’ll begin for those who wish to come in the afternoon. 6:00pm We’ll break for a simple supper; soup will be provided. Those who come should bring a salad, bread or dessert for potluck. 6:30pm We’ll go back to work to finish decorating and to clean up from supper and our previous work. There will be activities for the children during the decking time. The work is easy, the decorating plan is clear, the laughter is contagious, and the opportunity for fun is unlimited. Please help dress up our grand old space for Christmas. There will be a sign-up sheet during Fellowship after the church service on November 22 and November 29, or call the church office. De-Deck the Halls will be on Tuesday, January 5th beginning at 10:00am. From the Education Mission Team 2015 - 2016 Sunday Education Schedule Adult Bible Discussion Group – Upper Room – 2nd Floor, 9:30 a.m. Christian Forum – Portrait Lounge - 1st Floor, 9:30 a.m. Children’s Sunday School – Activity Room – 1st Floor, 10:00 a.m. Calling All Kids! Our learning will be based on the Presbyterian curriculum "Feasting on the Word." It is a multi-age curriculum which works well with our particular class of different ages. Our lessons each week are related to the lectionary which usually coincides with the children's sermon, so it will have some familiarity and meaning to them when they participate in Sacred Space during worship. -Andrea Cochran From the Education Mission Team Christian Forum Sunday Mornings at 9:30am in the Portrait Lounge Christian Forum meets each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the Portrait Lounge to discuss Christian perspectives on current issues. November 2015 Schedule Date Topic Presenter Nov. 1 The Renovated Organ Features Class is in the Organ Loft Andrew Peters Nov. 8 Green Burial Bellefontaine Cemetery Nov. 15 Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ of the Holy Father Francis on Care for our Common Home Carleton Stock Nov. 22 Process Theology Don Cochran Nov. 29 Process Theology Don Cochran Sunday Bible Discussion Group WANTED: individuals interested in learning more about the Bible. No experience necessary. $0/hour, but amazing benefits! Join us any Sunday morning at 9:30am in The Upper Room on the second floor; look for our "Bible Discussion Group" signs. For more information, please contact David Maltby, [email protected]. From the Outreach Mission Team Girl Scout Troop 652 Troop 652 had a most enjoyable camping trip in early October. We ventured to Camp Cedarledge, one of the three Girl Scout camps within the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri. On Saturday, the girls participated in the council’s troop roundup, a bevy of activities that included financial management, STEM, and healthy living options. While the younger girls had the opportunity to take a horseback ride around the coral, the older girls enjoyed taking aim at archery. Three members of the troop had the opportunity to participate in a Campfire Chopped Challenge – it required them to use five mandatory ingredients (including Girl Scout cookies) to create and present a delicious main course to a panel of three judges. Our troop members won their round! After a full day of activities, we returned to our campsite, where the girls prepared a delicious dinner of baked potatoes and fruit salad. We later enjoyed dessert around the campfire, s’mores of course. Sunday morning Miss Turtle (Claudia Wall) taught the girls how to make brown bears for breakfast. All too soon, it was time to pack up and return home but not before cleaning the campsite. The weekend was enjoyed by all; for From the Outreach Mission Team several of the girls, it was their first opportunity to go camping, horseback riding, and archery. It was also good to see the girls who attended resident camp this past summer take charge of several activities during the weekend. Good Ground Pantry Food and Workers needed Good Ground Pantry is supported by a very faithful and generous congregation. Second Presbyterian Church’s mission is only successful because of you. This year our client numbers have risen and so has the amount of food distributed to them. This provides a pleasant dilemma. We want to serve the poor and continue to do so, but at the same time as the number of poor people rises, we need more in order to provide for them. Good Ground Pantry needs your help in two ways. First, we will again collect GGP donations during Advent Sunday services. We ask that you bring the following items on the designated Sundays. November 29 Canned soups, Stews, Canned meats December 6 Chili, Canned beans, Pasta sauces December 13 Canned vegetables and fruit December 20 Soap, Shampoo, Deodorant, Toothbrushes and Toothpaste, and other toiletries If you prefer, you can write a check and GGP will do the shopping. The second way you can help is by volunteering to help in the pantry. Additional help can be used on most Saturdays, and especially on the second Saturday of the month. If you can assist with this vital 2PC mission, please contact John Leo at 5212748 or [email protected] . From the Outreach Mission Team Wasington Montessori The goal of our giving is to help support the students and families at Washington Montessori and encourage their participation in the school community. We began by encouraging reading and supporting our own mentors. Each student in the mentoring program received books selected for their individual interests and reading ability. These books were given to the students by their mentors, and the feedback was that this was a very successful endeavor. To encourage the wearing of Washington Montessori uniforms, we continue to work on developing the “giving closet” to assist families in need. This has taken more significant planning and cooperation from the school to organize. We have received support from the administration, and uniforms will be distributed to students in need beginning in November. In addition, we are trying to “catch students doing the right thing” – and rewarding that behavior! For example, approximately 180 students with perfect attendance during the first quarter of the school year will receive a collared shirt with the Washington Montessori logo from Second Church. We strive to encourage the home-school partnership by supporting students, families and the staff at Washington Montessori. If you are interested in participating, please contact Claudia Wall or Nancy Quigley. Concordance Academy (formerly Project COPE) As many of you know, Project COPE is changing and will become the Concordance Academy. We’re trying to stay up to date on this process. The next and first class of Concordance partners will be released from prison in June, 2016, after six months of working with Concordance staff while still in prison. From the Outreach Mission Team In the meantime, our present COPE partner, Richard Cade, is about to celebrate his year-long anniversary. He was released from prison on November 19, 2014. He has been amazing and resourceful in his determination to do well, to work hard, to become financially responsible, and to connect with positive support in the community through his family and his church. He has found employment with various contractors over the year and when not working for others, he has been energetic and successful in finding work on his own. Richard has been a blessing to COPE and to our team. We are so impressed with his efforts and very proud of him. Partners for Just Trade Selling Peruvian Fair Trade Items On Sunday, November 1, Partners for Just Trade will be selling a variety of Peruvian fair trade artisan items in Niccolls Hall following worship. Partners for Just Trade was started as the Bridge of Hope in 2002 by the Presbytery's Joining Hands Peru Partnership as a way to address issues of poverty and hunger in Peru. Artisans in fair trade groups covenant to work together to learn a trade and all aspects of the business, so they can earn a fair wage which often does not happen when their goods are sold by larger free trade businesses. Thank you in advance for your support which helps the artisans and their families move toward a sustainable livelihood. For information, please contact Ellie Stock at [email protected]. From the Outreach Mission Team Earth Care Team FAIR TRADE PRODUCTS FOR SALE IN NOVEMBER Fair Trade coffee, tea, and chocolate will be on sale during the Fellowship Hour after worship on Sundays during November. Proceeds from sales benefit the Presbyterian Small Farmer Fund administered by the Presbyterian Hunger Fund. Funds are disbursed as grants for producer cooperatives’ own development projects. The Equal Exchange Company is dedicated to serving congregations and denominational partnerships including the Presbyterian Coffee Project. EARTH CARE CONGREGATION RECOGNITION John Knox Presbyterian Church in Florissant will be recognized as the sixth certified Earth Care Congregation at the November 14 stated meeting of the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy in Edwardsville, IL. Earth Care Congregations pledge to “green” their congregations and communities in the arenas of worship, education, facilities, and outreach into the community. There are over 160 ECC churches nationwide. And now a Word from Our Planet……SAVE ON WATER IN YOUR BATHROOM BY: 1. Replacing your old toilet which uses 20% more water per toilet. 2. Take short showers of no more than 5 minutes. 3. Use water-saving showerhead. 4. Replace your old inefficient faucets. 5. Throw nothing but toilet paper into the toilet. Glimpses of our Church Life Ushers in November Terry Burns, Helen Imes, Wayne Imes, Mark Strothmann Fellowship in November Nov. 1 Nov. 15 Nov. 29 Nick & Rebekah Petges Judy Leo Nancy Smith Nov. 8 Nov. 22 Mary Ryder Birthday Party in November: November: Claudia & Mark Wall Barbara Bowyer Helen Imes Meetings to Note Session Men’s Breakfast Third Tuesday of this month November 17th 7:00pm in the Upper Room Third Tuesday of the month November 17th 7:30am in the Hospitality Suite Second Friday of the month November 13th 10:30am in the Portrait Lounge Invitations and reminders will be e-mailed ahead of each meeting. If you’d like to be on the e-mail list, please contact Mike Willock ([email protected]). We hope to see you there. Table Talk Horizons Horizons Bible Study Study Fourth Tuesday of the month November 24th 6:30pm at Remy’s, 222 S. Bemiston Third Friday of the month November 20th 10:30am in the Portrait Lounge 2nd Generation/s/ “Come to the Waters” A study of some of the 800 references to water found in our Bible. These scriptures are water for our soul. Knitting Ourselves to God Following worship in the Upper Room Lunch and Conversation