December 2011 - Northern Colorado GTO Association
December 2011 - Northern Colorado GTO Association
DECEMBER 2011 Page 1 THE TRIPOWER TIMES Official Newsletter of the Northern Colorado GTO Association DECEMBER 2O11 In This Issue: Christmas Party Pages 2, 3, 4 New 2012 Officers Page 5 2012 Club Calendar Pages 6 and 7 Presidents Letter Page 8 Business Meeting Minutes Page 9 Letter from the Editor Page 10 Whose Car is it? Page 13 PLEASE SEE PAGE 11 FOR DETAILS ON ALL UPCOMING EVENTS DECEMBER 2011 Page 2 DECEMBER 2011 Page 3 DECEMBER 2011 Page 4 DECEMBER 2011 Page 5 NCGTOA 2012 OFFICERS President: King Moonracer Secretary: Sam the Snowman Vice President: Yukon Cornelius Treasurer: Abominable Snow Monster DECEMBER 2011 Page 6 NCGTOA 2012 CLUB CALENDAR HERE ARE THE PICTURES THAT ARE IN THE 2 VERSIONS OF THE 2012 CLUB CAR CALENDARS THAT ARE FOR SALE RIGHT NOW!!! THEY ARE $10 EACH - SO GET YOURS TODAY! CONTACT JAY TO PLACE YOUR ORDER BEFORE THE JANUARY 5 BUSINESS MEETING AND THEY WILL BE READY FOR YOUR TO PICK UP AT THE MEETING. (NOTE - Car pictures shown with month they represent in each calendar) CALENDAR #1 DECEMBER 2011 Page 7 NCGTOA 2012 CLUB CALENDAR HERE ARE THE PICTURES THAT ARE IN THE 2 VERSIONS OF THE 2012 CLUB CAR CALENDARS THAT ARE FOR SALE RIGHT NOW!!! THEY ARE $10 EACH - SO GET YOURS TODAY! CONTACT JAY TO PLACE YOUR ORDER BEFORE THE JANUARY 5 BUSINESS MEETING AND THEY WILL BE READY FOR YOUR TO PICK UP AT THE MEETING. (NOTE - Car pictures shown with month they represent in each calendar) CALENDAR #2 DECEMBER 2011 Page 8 PRESIDENT’S LETTER Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays with their loved ones. Our next business meeting will be January 5th and the next National committee meeting will be on January 14th, with more details to follow. I will have more in my letter after the New Year, but right now I am impatiently waiting for Santa to come! See you all in the New Year! President Mary Robinson President Mary Next Club Meeting January 5, 2012 JOHNSON'S CORNER @ 7:00pm Room reserved @ 6:00pm for dinner So come early! DECEMBER 2011 Page 9 BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES CALL TO ORDER - WELCOME MEMBERS AND GUESTS: The meeting was called to order by President Mary at 7:10 p.m. There were 27 members in attendance. MEETING MINUTES: Jay read the minutes from the November Business Meeting and they were approved as read. TREASURER’S REPORT: Bob gave the Treasurer's report and we still have money in the account. OLD BUSINESS: All officers from 2011 were retained in the same positions for 2012. Some happily, some reluctantly... NEW BUSINESS: New membership cards and membership directories were handed out to all members in attendance. If you weren't at the last meeting, please plan on attending the January meeting to get your cards and directory. The 2012 Club calendars were on hand, and members bought up what was there. Members are encouraged to place their orders with Jay Robinson, and their calendars can be picked up at the January business meeting. The calendars are $10 a piece, with all funds going directly to the clubs account. GTOAA 2012 Nationals report: The last committee meeting held at Brian and Kaylene's was discussed. The next committee meeting will be on the 14th of January, time and place yet to be determined. Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm. A stack of 2012 business cards were passed around, and ALL members are encouraged to hand them out freely to anyone and everyone so that we can get as many participants as possible to the 2012 Nationals. The NSRA schedule has the ad for the Nationals in it, and there were several copies at the meeting for members to have a copy of their own. The up to date numbers were discussed regarding the hotel reservations and the show registrations. It was noted that very few of our own members have registered for either, and were asked to do so as soon as possible. There have been articles printed in the Legend regarding the Nationals, and they look great! Thanks to Kaylene for her article, and to other members for the upcoming articles yet to be printed. The quilt for the Nationals is being made. Sponsors, Vendors, Door Prizes, Silent Auction Items, Goody Bag Stuffers. These are all items we are in serious need of. ALL members are asked to pitch in and immediately start collecting these items. Bill Spencer won the drawing, and got himself a FREE registration to the 2012 Nationals. Congratulations Bill! NEXT BUSINESS MEETING: The next Business Meeting will be held January 5th at Johnson's Corner on I-25. Come early for dinner at 6:00pm, the meeting will start at 7:00pm. DECEMBER 2011 Page 10 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR CLUB OFFICERS 2012 President: Mary Robinson a.k.a. King Moonracer 655 Zuni Circle Fort Collins, CO 80526 970-226-1974(h) 970-227-1398 (c) [email protected] Vice President: Brian Schachtner a.k.a. Yukon Cornelius 9002 Eldorado Avenue Frederick, CO 80504 303-485-7990(h) 303-817-5739 (c) [email protected] Secretary / Newsletter Editor: Jay Robinson a.k.a. Sam the Snowman 655 Zuni Circle Fort Collins, CO 80526 970-226-1974(h) 970-214-3257 (c) [email protected] Treasurer: Bob Alexander a.k.a. Abominable Snow Monster 2950 Neil Drive #10 Fort Collins, CO 80526 970-221-0754 (h) 970-214-4234 (c) [email protected] It's that time again, yes it is Christmas time, but that is not the time I am referring to. I am talking about time to get your Northern Colorado GTO Association club calendar for 2012. As you have already noticed on pages 6 and 7 of this newsletter, the cars for the 2012 calendar are shown. We sold a lot of the calendars at the Christmas Party, but there are plenty of opportunities to purchase more. These are a great gift idea for your family or friends, or just for yourself to hang wherever you see fit. All the money raised for the calendars goes directly in to the club kitty, and we all know that with the Nationals coming up, we can use all the money we can raise. Speaking of raising money, have you done your part in soliciting sponsors for the Nationals we are hosting? EVERYONE needs to do their part. With as small of a club as we have, it is essential that all members chip in and help raise money so we can have a successful show. If you don't have the means to raise money, there are several other ways to help out. We are in need of goody bag items, silent auction items and door prizes that will be given out throughout the event. I am counting on EVERY member to come up with at the very least one of these items. Remember, we all need to do our part if we want this show to be successful. Another way to help is if you have a buddy or know of an entrepreneur that sells their crafts, get them to sign up as a vendor. It doesn't matter what they sell, we plan on having all types of vendors at the meet. I would like to thank EVERYONE who attended the Christmas Party this year. It was the largest group we have had in several years, and I think one of the best parties as well. It was a fantastic location (thank you Jared!) and the food was great and very reasonably priced. I hope everyone had as good a time as Mary and I did. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! DECEMBER 2011 Page 11 UPCOMING EVENTS January 5: Business Meeting Johnson's Corner on I-25. 6pm for dinner, 7pm for the meeting January 14: 2012 Nationals Committee Meeting Time and place yet to be determined This is open to ALL Club members - your input is vital! PHS, PO Box 183251, Shelby Twp, MI 48318, hppt:// Our new numbers will be: 586/781-5167 (fax) and 586/781-5164 (office) By supplying PHS with the VIN of your car, along with the other information listed on our "Order" page, you will receive the most complete historical background and VIN information ever offered by any automobile nameplate. Want to know more about your Pontiac? Contact Pontiac Historical Society today! Price is just $50! The information packet from PHS will include the following: A copy of the factory invoice or billing history A letter decoding the options (when necessary) A copy of a dealer order form for that year Other specific information for that year and model Pontiac, if available DECEMBER 2011 Page 12 ABOUT THE NORTHERN COLORADO GTO ASSOCIATION The Northern Colorado GTO Association was founded in 1984 with several objectives in mind. The primary objective is to HAVE FUN and to promote interest in the Pontiac GTO. With that in mind, we try to schedule at least one club event every month. These events may be car shows, picnics, club member attendance at car shows, sanctioned drag races, participation in charity events, Drive-In movie nights (Yes – we still have a drive-in theater in Northern Colorado!) or any other event that involves people getting together to enjoy the fun of owning a true muscle car. DUES: $30.00 yearly for the entire household CLUB WEBSITE: Follow us on Facebook! Group Name - "Northern Colorado GTO Association" (on electronic version of newsletter - control "click" to follow link for both website and Facebook site) The club business meetings are held the first Thursday of each Month Please see the minutes for the time and place of the next business meeting ABOUT THE GTO ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA The Northern Colorado GTO Association is an affiliated chapter of the GTO Association of America, and we encourage all of our members to become members of the GTOAA. As an affiliated chapter of the GTOAA, your club is supplied with a $3,000,000 liability insurance policy. This covers both Officers and Members while conducting approved Chapter events. When you become a member of the GTOAA, you get a monthly publication of the Golden Quill award winning magazine, THE LEGEND. This is a 32 page monthly magazine that contains technical articles, stories about members GTO's, a large classified section and much more information. The GTOAA hosts an annual National Convention where GTO enthusiasts can come together and see the vast diversity within this great organization. From the Technical Seminars to the Concours Judging to the Activities and Popular Vote Car Show, there is no other single GTO event like a GTOAA National Convention. No other Pontiac organization or publication does more to bring together the issues, ideas, needs and wants of GTO enthusiasts worldwide. Technical experts for each of the production years are available through GTOAA to answer those difficult questions we all have encountered while working or restoring our GTO's. The annual dues to join the GTOAA are $35.00 and $5.00 for each additional family member. To become a member of the GTOAA online, you can visit To receive a membership by mail, write to GTOAA, PO Box 455, Timnath, CO 80547. You can contact Bill Vantuono at [email protected] for Local Chapter Information. DECEMBER 2011 Whose Car Is It?!! Email or call me and let me know who you think owns this car Last month's car is owned by Shane Swett and Nicole Candelaria Page 13 DECEMBER 2011 Northern Colorado GTO Association c/o Jay Robinson, Newsletter Editor 655 Zuni Circle Fort Collins, CO 80526 Address correction requested Page 14
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