November-Salem-Conne.. - Salem Lutheran Church Deerwood MN


November-Salem-Conne.. - Salem Lutheran Church Deerwood MN
OCTO B ER 2 0 1 3
Salem Lutheran Church 21276 Archibald Road PO Box 100 Deerwood MN 56444
Phone: 218-534-3309
Email: [email protected]
Wednesday, November 27th
7:00 p.m.
Salem Lutheran Church,
Worship – 8:15 a.m.
Sunday School – 9:30 a.m.
Worship – 10:45 a.m.
Coffee/Fellowship time will be held
each Sunday morning between
Worship services in the Fellowship Hall
Includes the congregations and friends
of: Salem Lutheran Church, Cascade
United Methodist Church and St.
Joseph’s Catholic Church of Deerwood
AND Assembly of God, St. Joseph’s
Catholic Church and Immanuel
Lutheran Church of Crosby.
A Pie Social in the
fellowship hall will be
held following the
worship service.
Everyone is welcome!
It used to happen to me quite frequently: I’d wake up some morning with a stiff neck. Not just sore muscles, but stiff to
the point that I could not look to the left or right without turning my whole body. That’s the kind of situation that
everyone can observe too. It’s difficult to mask. For the next several days people would ask “Do you have a stiff neck?”
Because, like many of us, I want to “get better” right now¸ I might take some ibuprofen, and if that didn’t work within a
few days I might go to a massage therapist, and if that didn’t work I might go to a medical doctor in case I boogered up
my neck for real somehow. If I was still in pain and not able to move my stiff neck, I might go to a chiropractor to get an
“adjustment.” Nothing seems to work fast enough for me. (Patience is a virtue, just not one of mine!) After a week or
two it would slowly but surely get better, and it always left me wondering if I would have felt better after a week or two
even if I hadn’t use ibuprofen, a massage therapist a medical doctor and a chiropractor.
I’m thinking about stiff necks because, in chapter 5 of The Story, God calls His people “stiff necked”. God had just freed
them from lives of slavery in Egypt. He had revealed to His people His name (Yahweh), His power (through the 10
plagues and the escape through the Red Sea) and His plan (freedom through the blood of a spotless lamb). In a matter of a
page turn or two the people are complaining about the menu, and saying that they had it better back in Egypt. When
Moses went up Mount Sinai to get the 10 Commandments as part of the covenant God was making with His people, the
Israelites were at the bottom of the mountain making a god out of melted down gold jewelry. They created and bowed
down to this no-god in the shape of a calf. And God called them “stiff necked”.
As I’ve indicated I know what it means to have a stiff neck. But I also know what it means to be stiff necked. The image
is of a horse (or oxen or ….?) with a bit in it’s mouth. That bit is so that the person riding the horse or in a carriage being
pulled by the horse can direct where the horse goes. Once in a while a horse may decide to go its own direction no matter
how hard the owner is putting on the reigns attached to the bit. The horse, with a stiff neck, resists the direction of the
owner, as it refuses to turn its head and neck in the direction the owner wants it to. That’s what it means to be “stiff
necked” and I know what it means to be “stiff necked” because often I want to go where I want to go, rather than where
God wants me to go. (Can you relate at all, or is this just my confession?)
In my bullheadedness (to mix metaphors) not only do I try to ignore God’s direction for me, I also sometimes fail to
recognize the means through which God is trying to lead me. In other words there are times when I do not sense God’s
guidance. In the Alpha Course, author Nicky Gumbel shares 5 ways God guides us. All of them have the initials C. S.
Commanding Scripture – God still speaks today through the words of the Bible. As we develop the habit of
reading from the Bible every day we will very likely find that what we have read has something to do with what
we experience that day. In fact sometimes a verse will almost leap off the page at us.
Compelling Spirit – God also guides us through His compelling Holy Spirit, who resides within us. Do you not
know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? There are times when the Spirit may prompt us or nudge us
to do something, or when the Spirit places a thought of someone in our mind. I’ve had this experience from time
to time. For seemingly no reason (other than the Spirit!) I begin to think about someone. If I cannot shake the
thought, I’ve found it best to either call or visit that person. Often our conversation is exactly the right thing at the
right time. Of sometimes it’s the overwhelming feeling that you ought to do something you might not ordinarily
want to do.
Common Sense – “Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this” (2 Timothy 2:7)
Our faith is one that expects us to keep on using our minds, rather than checking them at the door of the church.
God often guides us by presenting reasons to our mind for acting in a certain way. (This saying is attributed to
John Wesley, the father of Methodism).
Communion of Saints – When we have decisions to make it is often wise to seek the counsel and input from other
Christians. I’ve said this before: I heard the voice of God the other day and it sounded remarkably like my
wife’s voice! Throughout history God has chosen to work through people.
Circumstantial Signs – This one is more difficult to explain, but sometimes events happen in such a way that
when taken together point to something bigger. For example, in the matter of a week you get three calls from
people asking you to consider something you’ve never thought of before. That’s a circumstantial sign. As I was
writing the sentences above about Compelling Spirit a man came to the church, and entered by the door between
the Fellowship Hall and the pastor’s office. He knocked, and when he came in he said he had experienced the
kindness of someone recently, and driving by Salem he had the overwhelmibng sense that he was supposed to
stop and write a check so that we coulod help someone in need. To me that was not only the Compelling Spirit
working in him, but a Circumstantial Sign that I was supposed to see telling me that writing about how God
guides us might be the right thing to write about a this particular time.
Sometimes people have a stiff neck and conclude that they need an adjustment. A lot of the time I am “stiff necked” and
need a spiritual adjustment. I need to open my heart, mind and spirit to God speaking to me and trying to guide me. And
then I need to be responsive and obedient to that leading. In The Story when God called Abraham, Abe said “Here I am”
and he and Sarah left all that was familiar and went to a new home. When God called Moses from the burning bush
Moses said “Here I am” and after some initial excuse-making finally allowed God to lead him. When God calls you (and
God does call you and me) What will you say? And will you be stiff necked and try to go your way, or will you let God
take the lead and direct you?
“Here I am Lord. Send and/or guide me.”
Peace, Pastor Dave
The Story Schedule
Chapt # and Topic
#6 Wandering
Numbers 10-14, 20-21, 25,27
Deut. 1-2; 4; 6; 8-9; 29-34
#7 The Battle Begins
Joshua 1-2, 6, 8, 10-11, 23-24
#8 A Few Good Men…and Women
Judges 2-4, 6-8, 13-16
#9 The Faith of a Foreign Woman
Ruth 1-4
September 29
October 6
October 13
October 20
Nov 3
Nov 10 8:15
Nov 17 8:15
Nov 24 8:15
Ed Godfrey, Randy Holmvig, Tom &
Margaret Lunacek
John & Raye Cragun, Elsa Ray, Ken Schultz
Sherri Godfrey, Helen Ryan, Marv & Mary
Jo Schoenike
Ernie & Mary Erickson, Dean & Pat Sylvester
Roger & Gloria Johnson, Ralph Carlson
Jay, Sue, Jane and Joey Stromberg
Larry & Mary Birtzer, Jim & Shirley Harker
Renee Gilmer, Laurie Ogard, Roger &
Marlene Prill
Nov 3
Nov 10
Nov 17
Nov 24
11/3 8:15
11/10 8:15
11/17 8:15
11/24 8:15
Jim Rude
Shirley Huxford
Lynn Hansen
Meg McGuire
Doris Carlson
Mary Erickson
Cecil Schmidt
Myrna Nelson
Terry & Judy Fields, Jim Rude
Shirley Huxford, Mark & Carla Kewatt
Lynn Hansen, Joyce Juracek, Bev Kunz
Gene & Barb Abelson, Meg McGuire
Cathy Aykens, Doris Carlson, Lynn Leino
Gayle Anderson, Ernie & Mary Erickson
Jerry Pflepsen, Cecil & Barb Schmidt
Tim & Kim Coughlin, Rick Shafer
Noah Coughlin
Romey Ferguson
Brehndan Knox
Katie McGuire
Hannah Schmidt
Matt Stangel
Tyler Wynn
Marlee Zender
Emily Davis
12/29 ONE WORSHIP AT 9:00 a.m.
Wayne Brezina, Phil Turnquist
Herb Schoon, Becki Zender
Elaine Greene
Lois Hicks
Joel Hartman, Laurie Venter
Shelby Vukelich
Rae Ann Berg, Louise Johnson, JoAn
Ryley Bartels, Char Hausker, Shirley Ross
Kristina Anderson, Tyler Hutchison, Helen
Tammy Kimball
Roger Johnson
Ralph Carlson, Jerry Pflepsen
Jakob McGuire
Noreen Steinbrecher, Tyler Wynn
Archie Olson, Kyle Skeim
Bob Swanson
Arlys Wanstrom
Ben Anderson, Myrt Bollenbacher, Terry
Dick Kunz
Shirley Goodwin, Clarice Lueck
Emily Davis
Jake Kewatt
Jakob McGuire
Logan Peterson
Kyle Skeim
Nate Williams
Michaela Stangel
Noah Coughlin
Jake Kewatt
Romey Ferguson
Jim & Myrna Nelson (1962)
Dick & Garnette Bordwell (1977)
Gary & Carol Malek (1979)
Greg & Shelly Skeim (1984)
Ken & Kathy Schultz (1999)
Tony & Tammy Kimball (1987)
If you do not see your November birthday or anniversary
listed here, it may be because we don’t have that
information in the church office. Please call us!
The Mustard Seed – Deb Selk, Manager
Dear Salem Family,
It's been a long time coming, but some of the
answers to my (Kristy's) health issues have been
diagnosed, and it's all good news. Everyday I'm
feeling stronger and back to my healthy self. Thank
you to all who sent cards, phone calls, food,
flowers, prayers and well wishes. It was overwhelming to feel your love and hear your concern.
What a wonderful family of faith we belong to. We
truly felt God's love surrounding us through you,
our Salem family. Thank you from the bottom of
our hearts.
Kristy & Paul Tesdahl
[email protected]
It has been a very busy month at the Mustard
Seed. New things coming in and going right back
out. We have started planning for the 3rd Annual
Taste of Christmas. This event will be held Friday,
Nov.22nd and Saturday, Nov. 23rd. We always need
extra help for this so if you’re interested let me
know. Along with this is our Holiday Bake Sale.
You should be getting a call soon to see if you
would like to donate some goodies. This by far is
the most profitable event that we have.
Extensive work has been completed in the
basement and we now have an area designed just
for making up floral arrangements. If anyone is
interested in working with this please get ahold of
Thank you for all of you that attended out
Volunteer Appreciation Supper. It was nice to see
so many of you there. I always say it is you, the
volunteers, that make things happen and we
appreciate you very much. We are always looking
for more volunteers at the Mustard Seed and
Salem West. If you would like to learn more about
volunteering, please give me a call (534-2945) or
stop in.
Blessings, Deb
You will note in this November newsletter the
complete financial report outcome of Summerfest
2013. The total net proceeds of $31,944 was the
highest amount for the last six years. We have
much to celebrate and a huge thank you to all of
you who contributed to make this such a successful
year. Salem Council action has half of the proceeds
going to the Salem Building Fund and half to Social
Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to
make the Salem Social Ministry 20th Anniversary
Dinner such a wonderful night, as well as those who
took the time to attend. Every aspect of the
evening was wonderful. It was a special and
beautiful way to celebrate a wonderful ministry and
all the incredible servants of Christ who have made
it so awesome.
Salem’s Social Ministry Governing Board
And Salem WEST Committee
Jesus told them another parable. The Kingdom of
Heaven is like what happens when a farmer plants a
mustard seed in a field. Although it is the smallest of
seeds it grows larger than any other garden plant and
becomes a tree. Birds even come and rest on its branches.
Matthew 13:30-32
Thank you to the Salem “angel” who gave me the
prayer shawl to have before, during and after my
recent surgery. It was appreciated.
Laurie Venter
National Bible Week and National Family Week are
both being observed November 24 to the 30th.
The Library will have several different versions of
the Bible on display. They may be used in addition
to reading "The Story".
For the Family Week, the Library has games,
videos and books, for all ages, to be checked out
or enjoyed in the Library.
Special thanks for all the cards and well-wishes
when I was out of the office during September and
heartfelt thanks to Lynn Leino for filling in and
doing such a beautiful job! I appreciate all of you!
Debbi Carlson
The Library also has a new series of 4 donated
books called "Heroes of the Faith" These easy to
read paperbacks include: Florence Nightingale,
Martin Luther, Corrie ten Boom and the blind hymn
writer Fanny Crosby. She has written the words
and/or the music for over 9,000 hymns! Some
examples are: Blessed Assurance, Sweet Hour of
Prayer , All the Way My Savior Leads Me, Safe In
The Arms of Jesus and thousands more. In this
season of Thanksgiving, we are grateful for your
support of the Salem Library Ministry.
Our next library meeting will be November 12 at
3 p.m.
only two rooms. The two month old son was
handed to me and I hardly knew what to do with a
baby all these years since nursing school! Then it
was time to leave India and head back to Arusha.
On the way to the airport in Chennai, I got a chance
to meet my driver (and general jack-of-all-trades)
Suren's son and see his wife and in-laws. My trip
took me first from Chennai to Mumbai where I
arrived at 8:30 p.m. My flight to Nairobi didn't
leave until 4:40 a.m. Then I flew to the Kilimanjaro
airport where Evans, my driver, met me and we
drove back to Arusha. I was welcomes back by off
and on power cuts. The one I minded the most was
the one that came in the middle of my shower. I
have an instant water heater, so when the power
went off, the water was instantly cold. The
temperature that morning was 60 degrees, so the
cold water was not welcome! I got to preach at the
Arusha Community Church so I bought a jar of
mustard seeds to pass out. If Google is right, there
are 400 seeds per gram and I had 10 grams so I had
about 40,000 seeds. I was ready to move lots of
mountains and fling whole forests of trees into the
sea! Even after sharing the mustard seeds with the
congregation, I had plenty left. I asked “How much
faith do I need?” I talked about different people
who came to Jesus for healing for themselves or
someone else. How much faith did they need? Just
enough to take a step towards Jesus. I met with
one of the doctors in the ELCT Health Unit about
moving ahead with the mattress cover project and
report on what's happening with Lutheran Global
Health Volunteers (my program). After that, I was
off to a hospital called Machame, at the foot of
Kilimanjaro. I had a good meeting with Bob who is
an administrative consultant, and now I can write a
site specific piece about the needs of Machame.
My next day trip was to Karatu where I had a good
meeting with the leadership and got their not-toolong list of requests. They were happy to hear
about the mattress cover project and let me take
photos of their mattresses to send to Hawaii for
the Hukilau ELCA Conference meeting. On the drive
home from Karatu, we saw some monkeys and two
giraffes. One giraffe was standing right in the
middle of the road. They are big! The animal
sightings made my trip sound like more of a real
safari! (even though the word simply means travel
Greetings to my sponsoring churches! It was good
to be back in Vellore after traveling around the last
couple of weeks. I was able to meet with Christian
Medical College's Associate Director for Missions
who is an orthopedic surgeon, and talk about
finding peoples from CMC to spend 1-3 months in
Liberia or Tanzania, through what we are now
calling Global South Health Volunteers. We had a
good talk and I wrote up a proposal for him to take
for further consideration. I think CMC would be an
excellent source of good health care personnel. I
also talked with the Director about Tanzania and
requests for some help from one of the hospitals.
My last trip inside India was by car to Pondicherry.
We stopped on the way at St. Thomas Hospital in
Chetpet and the sisters there asked my help in
making outside connections. St. Thomas is a
wonderful hospital with a tranquil campus – maybe
the perfect place for rehab or dialysis or elder care.
I also visited two Missionaries of Charity Houses
(Mother Teresa's order) and I saw some sisters that
I knew. While in Pondicherry, I visited with Chitirai.
You may remember him from 10 years ago when
he lost both legs in a train accident and was
rehabilitated at CMC, fitted with prosthetic legs,
and trained to be able to get a good job. He is
married and they now have two children.
Chitirai is happy and runs a small shop near their
apartment. His daughter was frightened by me and
cried like anything when we were in the same
room, which was tricky since the apartment had
or journey). We also went by some small roadside
businesses that have been named after famous
people. I took a photo that shows the Mrs. Obama
shop and the Barack Obama shop. I missed getting
the Hilary Clinton shop into my photo. I will be
going to Liberia soon and will be there for about a
month, so again, I ask you to pray for me as I travel.
And I will pray for you as we all live in God's
amazing grace. Peace, John
The banners were started as a memorial for
Georgia Austin, Kay Cooper's mother. Georgia was
a quilter and sewer who enjoyed beautifully
colored fabrics. We are very blessed by the team
effort and love that went into this project.
Salem’s Heritage
“Honoring Salem’s Heritage”
contributed by Kay Cooper
Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry
The colorful banners of the Great Commission on
the back wall of the sanctuary were designed by
Jorgina Livingston. Jorgina attended Concordia
College with a major in piano and a minor in voice.
Mrs. Livingston taught music in Brownton, MN.
She then worked at Whiting's Flowers as a floral
designer and was the director of Children's
Ministry at Bethel Lutheran Church in Rochester,
MN for eight years. She formed the Banners
Liturgical Design Company, "How Great Thou Art."
Jorgina was relative of the Leinos. (She died in
Brenda Leino purchased the fabric (some of
which was custom-dyed), cut, sewed, and
quilted the banners. Debby Leonard did the
lettering and the machine sewing of the binding.
Becky Guida washed and ironed the backing,
sewed the rod pockets, and the hand sewing of the
binding. Sandy Archibald added the labels after
construction was completed. Chester McBroom
made spring loaded hangers for the first location
on the side wall in the previous Salem sanctuary.
Louise Johnson Larson and Becky Guida altered the
banners for their present home. The new location
required narrower panels so the binding had to be
redone. Louise made arrangements for hanging
the banners on wooden brackets.
We think that Brenda would be pleased with the
way the banners are displayed with the new
lighting on them. They are a powerful reminder to
us of our assignment to "Go make disciples of all
nations baptizing them in the name of the Father,
Son, and holy Spirit." each time we leave church.
Camp Hiawatha and Camp Vermilion have been
providing opportunities for Christ-centered spiritual
growth, leadership development and outreadch in
God’s great Northwoods for over half of a century.
Youth, families, adults and groups from all over the
country are part of that rich history. Our community
and programs are open to all. We are an Outdoor
Ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA) that provides a varity of year-round and summer
programs. We also operate as an outfitter in the
Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness through our
Voyageurs Canoe Country program.
"Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit,
says the Lord of hosts." Zechariah 4:6b
Your gift will help unleash the potential of this
Spirit-driven community.
We truly learn what is at the center of a
community when it is faced with a challenge. This
year, the VLM community faced our share of
challenges. Though we as individuals worked hard
to meet these challenges, our ability to surpass
them was revealed when we gathered together as
a Christ-centered faith community.
Together we support one another.
Together we pray for one another.
Together we rejoice with one another.
Another challenge lies ahead. We continue, hand
in hand, led by the Spirit, to finish our second year
in a row with a financial surplus. We can't do it
alone. We need your participation.
Please donate online to make a one-time gift or
your yearly Builder commitment to the VLM annual
fund. As we were reminded this summer, the
camp experience is an important part of faith
formation. Your support for the mission at Camp
Hiawatha and Camp Vermilion unleashes the
potential of each camper and enables them to be
active members of the faith community.
others. We also want to encourage people to wear
their name tags!
We do have a lot going on at Salem where people
can participate and get to know others.
People can and do participate in: Choir, Praise
Team, Salem Ringers, the Ecumenical Christmas
Cantata, weekly Quilting, monthly Quilting at
Heartwood, Coffee time on Tuesdays open to all,
volunteering at The Mustard Seed, Salem WEST,
Sunday School, Diaper Ministry, two weekly
Women’s Bible Studies, Men’s weekly Bible Study,
monthly Circle meetings, The Heart of Christmas
Dinner for women coming up, the Winter
Luncheon, family gatherings for Sunday School,
Library Committee, Church Council, Girls Night Out
for women, weekly study groups for The Story. We
have breakfasts and potlucks throughout the year.
All these activities and more are listed in the Salem
Connection (monthly) and the weekly
announcement page on Sunday mornings.
The Holy Spirit continues to guide this community
and make ministry happen in God's great
Thank you for walking with us.
Joel Abenth
VLM Executive Director
Check out the VLM website
Mary Erickson, Champion
We had the first meeting of the Deepening
Relationships group that was formed at the
discernment meetings for ministry goals for Salem.
The members of the group are Ron & Sandra
Kretlow, Judy Johnson, Joan Haglund, Mark
Carlson, Tom & Margaret Lunacek, Dale & Vi
Klungness, Cleone McGillivray, Mary Erickson,
Marlene Prill, Joan Haglund, Paul Tesdahl. If the
subject of “Deepening Relationships” is something
that interests you, you are welcome to become
part of this discussion! The next meeting will be
November 25th at church at 6:00 p.m.
We welcome ideas from members of Salem, just
talk to anyone in this group, or come and join us.
We have other ideas that we are working on, and
will discuss them further at the next meeting.
Some were to have group meetings centered on
topics, such as learning about Alzheimer’s etc., or
activities like bowling, golfing, fishing, card, bus
trips for concerts, etc.
(See Coordinator of Children’s Ministry article for a
listing of events for children, age 3 – Grade 6)
One of the ideas we will start right away is
centered around the goal of helping people at
Salem to get to know each other, and deepen
relationships within our church family.
Our first plan is to encourage people to come to
coffee hour between church services; To have
coffee available up to start of second service; To
be intentional about sitting at tables with people
we don't know or don't know well; To try and
encourage people to get to know each other at the
table. We will encourage people to stay for coffee
by having it announced at worship that coffee will
be served and this is a great time to get to know
QUILTING MINISTRY takes place on Tuesday
mornings in the fellowship hall at 9:00 a.m.
SARAH – Thursday, November 7th, 9:30 a.m.
NAOMI – Thursday, November 21st , 1:30
p.m. at Heartwood
RUTH – No meeting
Please refer to the November Salem Calendar
online at our website: A
copy of the calendar is also included in the printed
edition of the Salem Connection.
Great River Strings Fall Concerts
COMING Events…
Annual Thanksgiving Potluck – November 13, 11:30
Sunday, November 24, 9:30 a.m.
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Worship at Salem –
November 27, 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 1, 2013, 11:45 a.m.
The Heart of Christmas Candlelight Dinner for
women – Saturday, December 7, 5:30 p.m.
Christmas Cantata by Salem/Community Choir –
December 8, 10:45 a.m. & 4pm
Annual Women’s Advent Luncheon – December 12
at Noon
Sunday School Christmas Program – December 15,
10:45 a.m.
December 24, 3:00 & 5:00 p.m.
The MN Teen Challenge Choir will be our guests in
Worship on Sunday, December 29 – ONE WORSHIP
SERVICE AT 9:00 a.m.
Crosby-Ironton High School – November 16, 7pm
Butler Building Opera Hall – November 17, 2pm
Annual Silent Auction starts one hour before each
“Songs of Joy and Peace” is the theme for our
2013 Fall Concerts on November 16 & 17. The
Great River Strings will usher in the upcoming
holiday season with music by Brahms and Mozart,
along with familiar holiday selections. The Ripple
river Strings, RRS Chamber Ensemble and the
Mandolin Band will play songs written especially
for them by Mr. Anderson this summer as he
vacationed in the majesty of the Italian Alps.
Welcome the holidays with the sounds of Joy and
Peace. Admission: Adults - $8, Students and
Seniors - $5, Children under 6 are free, Families $20.
Seeking Pies for Thanksgiving
Overview of Mortgage & Building Fund
September 2013
Principal Balance
$ 2,112,972.50
EVE WORSHIP on Wednesday, November 27th at
7pm. We will be worshipping with Cascade United
Methodist, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Crosby
Assembly of God, Immanuel Lutheran Church of
Crosby. We will host a social time with pie and
coffee following worship, so 10 pies are needed
from Salem. If you will provide a pie, please
contact Kitchen Coordinator Kathy Schultz, 218545-1280.
Monthly Mortgage Payment
(Principal & Interest)
Additional Principal Pymt
Building Fund
Beginning balance 09/01/13
Income September 2013
Expense August 2013
Mortgage Payment
Additional Principal
DIAPER MINISTRY – No diaper cutting in November
TRIP Trinity Lutheran Church (Brainerd) is
sponsoring a chartered bus trip to the 87th
annual Concordia Christmas Concert “Before
the Marvel of This Night” on Saturday,
December 7th. The bus leaves the church
parking lot at 10:45 a.m. Cost of the concert is
$45.00 which includes charter bus trip, concert
ticket, and dinner buffet(after the concert). Call
(218-829-5147) or see Joe in the church office
to sign up or if you have any questions.
Ending Balance 09/30/13
Greg Meyer
why we serve. It is all about God, not very much
about us.
Psalm 67:6 “The earth has yielded its produce;
God, our God, blesses us.”
So, as we move into the next 20 years, we do so
with joy, gratitude and faith. We have come this
far and we move on in faith into the future. So
many lasting friendships have been made as we
have worked side by side, so many people have
experienced the love of Christ as they receive items
that they need. That is why we do this. They will
know we are Christians by our love the old song
says. That is what we strive for!
“And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is
sown in peace by those who make peace.” James
[email protected]
There is nothing like fall colors. I am not a fan of
winter, but I sure love fall. Changes in seasons
bring about changes in our lives as well. The ebb
and flow of life keeps us on our toes! From
mowing to raking to shoveling, from planting to
harvesting, each season has its joys and its work.
That is exactly what Salem’s Social Minsitry has
done now for 20 years. We need to sow God’s
Word by serving His people. It involves lots of hard
work, but requires that we have faith; faith in a
loving God who calls us to extend our hand to
those who are suffering, but also faith that God will
provide all that we need to do our work.
John 4:35 “Do not say, ‘There are yet four
months, then comes the harvest.’ Look, I tell you,
lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white
for harvest.”
God supplies all that we need, perhaps not in
OUR time frame, but in HIS. When I reflect on the
opportunities to provide bits of relief to individuals
and families in their struggles, I marvel at how God
provided what we needed, when we needed it.
Years ago a small group of God’s servants sorted
clothes in the fellowship hall, the laundry was
bagged and washed at people’s homes.
Mattressess were stored in the back of the
fellowship hall, a seeming intrustion on our
worship time. But through all of those early days
we had people willing to serve and donations
coming through the doors. Was that what WE
were doing? I say NO! It was what HE was doing!
Some days we still feel the same pressures we did
in those early days. Too much work, not enough
space and needing more people to do it, but 20
years later we are here, still serving. Poverty and
need is still all around us as it was in 1993. But still
we serve, seeking God’s lead, never losing heart.
We celebrate 20 years, not to brag, but to praise.
We reflect on what has been done and how we
have grown, not because we did it, but to thank
God for all He has provided. One of our challenges
as we have grown and advanced in our abilities, is
that we never lose focus on why we are here and
Connie Lou Swanson
[email protected]
THANK YOU to the following people for signing up
to help host our 3rd Annual Trunks for Treats event
in October: Shelly Skeim’s FINK Group, Cecil & Barb
Schmidt, Dee Dee Frahm,
Jacklyn Steege, Julie Mohs’ FINK Group, Lisa
Slepica, Sue and Arlene Stromberg, Anna Swanson,
Judy Johnson, Brad & Sue Peterson, Naomi
Backstrom, Archie & Deanna Olson, Joyce Juracek,
Ernie & Mary Erickson, Tim & Nancy Herberg, John
& Elaine Greene and Peggy Blistain. Thanks to Ken
& Kathy Schultz, Laura Guimont and Raye Cragun
for helping with the hotdogs and beverages! We
appreciate your participation in this safe, familyfriendly community outreach!
SUNDAY SCHOOL at Salem! We are excited about
our first month of Sunday School at Salem Lutheran
Church! Parents are bringing kids to Sunday school
and to worship, families are reading their “Story
Bibles,” offerings are coming in for our Mission
Project (to be voted on by the children in
November), and we are learning some new songs
as well…..”Books of the Old Testament” “Father
Abraham” and “Pharaoh, Pharaoh.”
Parents, if you still need an age appropriate “The
Story” Bible for your child, please contact the
church office or Email me (address above).
celebrated on Sunday, November 17th Some of the
many ministries this organization is involved in
around the world will be highlighted. Check out the
displays and plan to attend worship that day to
help us bless the quilts that have been made at
Salem and Heartwood. Help is needed to set up
the displays. Contact the church office.
Many thanks to Moms and Dads who have signed
up to assist in the classroom, substitute teach
and/or help with the Christmas program. Your
response and willingness to serve is appreciated.
We are thankful and praying for all the kids who
have been coming to Sunday School these first 4
Sundays. We will be starting to work on our Sunday
School Christmas Program in the coming weeks and
invite you to mark it on your calendar for Sunday,
December 15 at the 10:45 am worship service.
FAMILY ADVENT RESOURCES will be available on
November 17th. The first Sunday in Advent is
November 24th. Be sure to stop by the Children’s
Ministry Table to pick up your resources!
December 14 from 10:30 to 11:30 am. This is for
children in PreK through Grade 6. There will be
activities for children following practice, until lunch
at noon.
THE STORY Sunday School Team will meet on
Thursday, November 21st at 6:30 pm. If you need
child care, please call the church office or Email
Connie Lou Swanson.
CREATIVE KIDS – will meet on Wednesday,
November 6 from 3:30 to 5:00 pm to make
placemats out of greeting cards. We will also have
a snack and share some time learning about a faith
related topic. Children in kindergarten through 6th
grade are invited to come and bring a friend!
Parents if you could please have your child sign up
or email me to let me know of their participation, I
will be sure to have enough supplies! Thank you!
Thanks to Raye Cragun, Lynn Hansen and Geraldine
Brown for their assistance with this project.
DECEMBER MAKE ‘N TAKE – December 14 from
1:00 to 3:00 pm. This event is for the congregation
and community at large. Children in PreK through
Grade 6 can come and make Christmas gifts for
their loved ones. Gifts will be wrapped and ready
to put under the tree. MANY people are needed to
make this day successful!!! IF there are any adults
(need not be parents) or teens who would enjoy
helping with this busy and fun day, PLEASE contact
the church office or Email me.
“OPENING MY BIBLE” Classes for 3rd Graders and
their parents are scheduled for the following
Wednesdays in November, 6, 13 and 20 from 5:45
to 7:00 pm. Please make every effort to attend all
three sessions. A light meal will be provided. This is
really an enjoyable time for families to come
together and learn together about God’s precious
Word, His love letter to each of us. We will learn
how to navigate around the Bible, look up verses
and learn about the “big picture” of the biblical
narrative. One of the 5th grade boys commented in
our Sunday school opening yesterday, that he
wanted to come back and do it again! That says
something!  Parents if you need child care during
these classes please call the church office or Email
Before you retire on November 2nd
Council Meeting
October 17, 2013
MSC = The motion was seconded and carried
Present: Elaine Greene, Eileen Leino, Lynn Hansen, Tom Lunacek, Ken Stebbins, Roger Prill, Randy Holmvig, Pastor David
Absent: Shirley Midthun
Also present: Ernie Erickson, Diane Meyer, Debbi Carlson
Ernie Erickson was present to report on the Facility Team’s lighting project. Ernie and Glen Helm (Facilities
Coordinator) have been working together to replace burnt out bulbs and complete the switch to LED bulbs. The
breakdown is as follows:
 The rebate from Minnesota Power will be $1,988.60
 Yearly cost savings - $1,246.01
 Yearly energy savings – 10,341 KWH
 Project payback – 1.21 years.
There are many benefits to using LED lighting.
The Council thanked Ernie for his excellent work.
Diane Meyer, Champion (leader) of the Task Force on Youth & Family Ministry reported on the outcome of the
first meeting of that group that was held on October 6th.
Diane will be purchasing supplies from the Youth line item in the budget needed to host fun nights for families
with a variety of activities at the church and the Deerwood Auditorium. The hope is to involve people who don’t
have children at home to supply a meal and then invite families to just come to Salem and enjoy physical
activities and games together. The first family night will be held in November on a non-FINK Wednesday. That
way FINK kids could come and help out as a service project.
The group agreed that kids like to do things that are meaningful, fun and rewarding and they will explore ideas
for service projects.
The Council is happy to see the enthusiasm of this group. Thanks to Diane for attending the meeting to update
the Council.
STUDY TOPIC – Reinvigorate Youth Ministry by Learning from Eli and Samuel
SECRETARY’S REPORT – submitted by Council Secretary, Eileen Leino
MOTION: To approve the minutes of the September 2013 Council Minutes. MSC.
A Debt Reduction update was distributed to the Council and explained by Paul.
It was noted that as of Sept 30, 2013, $99,922.00 in additional payments were made in 2012 and 2013.
2014 Summerfest proceeds in the amount of $15,596.95 will sent in the 4th quarter as an additional payment.
We are currently 23 months into the Debt Reduction Campaign and should be at approximately 63.9%.
Currently we have received 75.3% of the Debt Reduction Campaign funds.
The envelope giving in September was excellent.
There was discussion of several operating fund line items.
People were very generous at the breakfasts held throughout the summer months. Were able to use these
funds to cover the cost of pizzas served during the Congregation meetings in September.
Pastor Dave has been working with the staff and Executive Team on the 2014 budget.
Stewardship has been the emphasis for the past month or so. Estimate of Giving cards are coming in from the
Five young people and Pastor Dave and Gayle Anderson will be attending the NE MN Synod Middle School
Gathering at Cragun’s Resort in November.
A report received from Dick Hicks regarding Average Weekly Worship Attendance was distributed to the Council
prior to the meeting. The Council agrees that this is an important issue and they spent considerable time
discussing the findings in the report. The areas that were identified in the Ministry Discernment Congregation
meetings will help invite and include more people in the life and ministry of Salem. Everyone needs to be
challenged by the need to invite others to worship.
Salem 101 – 5 people attended on October 13th and will soon be received as members.
Praise Team Director – The interview team will be conducting interviews with two applicants.
A Workshop for 10th graders in preparation for the Affirmation of Baptism was held on October 5th at Immanuel,
led by Pastor Dave and Pastor Paul Mattson.
Director of Care & Outreach – Greg Meyer (distributed to Council before the meeting)
Coordinator of Children’s Ministries – Connie Lou Swanson (distributed before the meeting)
o There was discussion about Sunday School attendance
o Pastor Dave and Greg Meyer will soon be conducting an evaluation with Connie Lou
Three of the Social Ministry Board members met with Hallett trustees recently.
Salem WEST now has a CEP employee (= Concentrated Employment Program)
Greg is setting up meetings with Bridges of Hope / Salem WEST to improve communication
Less inventory and fewer shoppers at The Mustard Seed in September (compared to Summer months)
The 20th Anniversary Celebration went very well.
There will be a fundraiser for Social Ministry at The Pizza Ranch in Baxter on October 28th.
No meeting of the Facilities Team this month
Work day was cancelled due to rain
Thanks to Jim Rude for working with Glen to polish all the woodwork in the sanctuary
Report in the November Salem Connection will be on the banners in the sanctuary
Wood Carvings throughout the church will be the subject in December
Council members that are a part of the three Task Forces (Youth, Deepening Relationships, Volunteerism) will be
communicating the following expectations at each of those meetings;
o They are to be forming their SMART goals with timelines and steps to achieving the goals, and the
Council will be encouraging them in their work.
o As SMART goals are decided upon they are to be shared with the Council and Congregation.
o A brief month monthly report should be submitted reporting what has been done the past month
pertaining to each goal, what they are planning for the following month, and what
support/resources/help/input they may need from the Congregation and/or Council.
o Each month a representative from one of the Task Forces is present at the Council meeting to give a
verbal report. If all three Task Forces rotate, each would be at a meeting once each quarter.
This schedule will be put into place starting in January of 2014.
The goals decided upon are 3 year goals.
Notice has been received that our insurance carrier needs written policies from the Council that are not
currently in place.
The Council decided to have Cecil Schmidt look at requirements and make recommendations for a “Safety
Program for our House of Worship.”
The insurance carrier will be informed that this is the plan of action.
MOTION: that we return to using the boxed set style of giving envelopes at a savings of nearly $650.00/year.
The Executive Team met and discussed compensation for staff.
Estimate of Giving Cards are still coming in.
After additional meetings of the Executive Team and the Finance Team, the budget will come before the Council
at the November 21st meeting.
MOTION: to use the following Rules and Procedures for the Annual meeting. MSC.
1. All comments made from the floor shall be made at designated stations and spoken through a microphone so all
can hear, and only after the chair has recognized the would-be speaker.
2. After being recognized, all speakers will begin by giving their name.
3. During any comments/debate/discussion each speaker is limited to 2 minutes for each comment, after which
another speaker will be given the opportunity to speak. A speaker will be allowed to speak again, only after all
other speakers have had an opportunity to speak.
4. The number and time limitations do not apply for staff or elected leadership if/when they are answering
questions for purposes of clarification.
5. Anyone proposing an increase or decrease in any line item in the proposed 2014 budget shall indicate which
line(s) the amount is to be taken from or added to, thereby keeping the budget in balance.
6. Motions or any other attempt to review the performance or compensation of any staff will not be recognized.
Note of explanation from Congregation Council pertaining to #6: In determining the budget and recommended salaries for
the Pastor and Staff, the Executive Committee of the church serves as the Personnel Committee and reviews the job
description of each individual, their performance as viewed by the Senior Pastoral Staff and the Council, and the money
available for salary increases. This is a time consuming process that is done carefully and deliberately. It is the opinion of
the Church Council that it is inappropriate to attempt any performance review or salary adjustment by the Congregation at
the Congregational meeting since the Congregation lacks the time and information to conduct a fair and impartial review.
In subsequent years anyone having information or concerns about the performance or salary of any individual should
present that information in writing to the President of the Council for consideration by the Executive Committee as the
proposed budget is being developed in October. This invitation was also given this year for the budget currently proposed.
MOTION: An Budget Information Meeting for the Congregation will be held on Sunday, November 24, 2013 at 9:30 a.m.
and that the Annual Meeting of the Congregation be held on Sunday, December 1, 2013 at 11:45 a.m. MSC.
The Council will be providing the supper and serving it at the Sharing Bread Soup Kitchen in Brainerd on Tuesday,
November 12th.
SOS (Suggestions, Observations, Solutions): None
The meeting was adjourned and closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Carlson
2013 Summerfest Recap
Net Proceeds
Silent Auction
Note: Expenses are for advertising/tents/misc
$ 22,814.50
Food Booths
$ 4,173.80
Note: Expenses are for Health Department License and supplies
$ 841.00
$ 861.00
Pop /Cookies
$ 905.00
Ice Cream
$ 393.00
Hot Dogs
$ 686.00
Sno Cones
$ 275.00
$ 212.80 (Cash Sales / Left
Member Gifts
Rummage & Books Sale
Note: Expenses are for garbage disposal
Sporting Goods
Kids' Toys - Rummage
$ 32,901.10
BEGINNING BALANCE from 2012 for 2013
*Summerfest Proceeds to be split between:
1/2 Social Ministry
1/2 Building Fund (Debt Reduction)
Total Net Proceeds
Less Bal for 2014
Total being split*
$ 15,596.96
$ 15,596.95
$ 31,193.91
This is the complete financial report of Summerfest 2013. The total net proceeds of $31,944 was the highest amount for
the 6 years. We have much to celebrate and a huge thank you to all of you who contributed to make this such a
successful year. Salem Council action has half of the proceeds going to the Salem Building Fund and half to Social
Social Ministry Governing Board Meeting
October 10, 2013
MSC = The motion was seconded and carried
Board Members Present: Greg Meyer, Carol Brezina, Tom Lunacek, Judy Fields, Kevin Edstrom, Debbie MacKay
Absent: Lois Hicks
Also present: Deb Selk, Debbi Carlson (taking minutes)
Meeting was opened with devotions and prayer by Debbie MacKay
Deb Selk met with Terry Skone about possibilities concerning the lot next to The Mustard Seed. The board discussed
ideas and visioning for the future.
MOTION: to approve the minutes as corrected. Correction pertained to the cost of a permit. MSC.
The financial reports were distributed and explained by Carol.
September sales were down a bit. However, the summer was extremely busy.
The Mustard Seed has achieved nearly 89% of the 2013 expected income at the end of September, so that is
very positive.
A new trailer was purchased at a cost of $5,419.00.
Cribs that serve as beds for all stages of a child’s life are now being purchased.
The Crow Wing Power grant is to be used for the collaboration with Bridges of Hope
Expenses were reviewed in detail.
MOTION: to use the $5,000.00 in reserve to pay on the mortgage (Mustard Seed building). MSC.
The board will wait with making additional extra payments on the mortgage until after the Council and
Congregation approve a 2014 budget for the church.
Wages for all Social Ministry employees were discussed at length.
MOTION: to approve the Treasurer’s Report. MSC.
Salem WEST has added another washer/dryer set.
Extensive work has been done to improve the basement at The Mustard Seed.
The sidewalk at The Mustard Seed has been repaired and will be much safer.
Greg is working to resolve issues with neighbors at Salem WEST. It is his hope that misunderstandings can be
resolved by organizing a meeting for all involved.
Also to be resolved are some concerns that collaborative workers have regarding the process we have in place
with Bridges of Hope. Greg will organize a meeting so understanding can be reached.
Greg feels that Salem WEST personnel should return to more frequent meetings with Bridges of Hope to keep
communication flowing freely.
There is a new family moving into the apartment above The Mustard Seed. This is being managed by Lutheran
Social Services as Transitional Housing.
Social Ministry volunteers will be working at Pizza Ranch in Baxter on Monday, October 28th from 4:30 – 8pm
and will receive 10% of sales and all tips for the evening.
Greg will contact Renae Shields, the consultant that has been working with Social Ministry over the past few
years, and set a date for review and discussion of goals.
MOTION: to give $200 to Salem’s Music Ministry in appreciation to Scott Ruffing and friends for providing
entertainment at the 20th Anniversary Celebration. MSC.
The 20th Anniversary Celebration was an overwhelming success and a very enjoyable evening. Thanks to
everyone who was involved! A thank you note will be sent to Joel Bordwell who assisted Kathy Schultz with
meal preparation.
$1,000.00 was sent to the Pund Family Ministry. The congregation supplied approximately $500.00 of that total.
The Pund Family were our guests in worship on September 29th.
Social Ministry will again host the CWC and Teen Challenge Christmas parties.
There was discussion of suggestions that could be made to the Nominating Committee pertaining to candidates for
Social Ministry Governing Board.
NEXT MEETING: November 8, 2013, 5pm.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Carlson
Pastor – David N. Anderson
Director of Care & Outreach – Greg Meyer
Office Manager – Deborah Carlson
Financial Secretary – Sandy Beyer
Coordinator of Children’s Ministry – Connie Lou Swanson
Custodian/Facilities Coordinator – Glen Helm
Organists/Pianist – Becky Klingelhofer
Choir Director – Scott Ruffing
Handbell Choir Director – Kevin Edstrom
Kitchen Coordinator – Kathy Schultz
Salem WEST Facilitator – Pat Bauer
Salem WEST Program Assistant – Amanda Meier
Salem WEST CEP Employee – Melissa Lubovich
The Mustard Seed Manager – Deb Selk
Elaine Greene
Lynn Hansen, VP
Randy Holmvig, President
Eileen Leino, Secretary
Tom Lunacek
Shirley Midthun
Roger Prill
Ken Stebbins
Paul Tesdahl, Treasurer
Salem Church Office
Pastor David
Greg Meyer
Connie Swanson
Sandy Beyer
Salem WEST
The Mustard Seed
Glen Helm
Wedding Coordinator – Kim Coughlin
Cradle Roll – Jessica Jones
[email protected]
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