Captain Awesome talks Superhero Dash at Holding Court


Captain Awesome talks Superhero Dash at Holding Court
Salem Statesman Journal - 05/04/2016
Page : A04
e Humane Society Foster and Rescue Coordinator Ashleigh Young
ns Snowflake and Gummy who will be up for adoption at the
wer on Saturday.
cer. Set from noon to 3
y 22 at Keizer Rapids
m the off-leash area to
hitheater), dogs of all
their owners are weltake in a fashion show
brity judges, bid on siion items and particicostume contest. There
be dozens of pet vena low-cost vaccine cline be kind and clean up
r pet while at the park;
available in dispensers
n County Dog Services
be at the event offering
on County Amnesty
nse event. In the first
rst served clinic, the
ill waive late fees for
150 dog owners with
se violations, and prom with a free rabies
on if they purchase a
County dog license and
ary vaccine.
m Equine Veterinary
ll provide the vaccinaservices. Cost for a rawithout the purchase
nd vaccine is $10 as are
P and Bordetella vacsh or check only.
and their owners will
ney for the American
Society by registering
gs for the walking
Registration opens at
is $20 for the first dog,
second dog with the
eizer Rapids Park is at
Salem Saturday Market Executive Director Lisa Sherman, left, and American
Cancer Society volunteer Kathy Ottele chat up the upcoming Bark for Life
A legion of superheroes touting the upcoming Superhero Dash includes Liz Henderson, as Batman, Cindy Leinassar,
as Captain Awesome, Mitzi Smith, as Wonder Woman, and Lisa Daniels, as Bat-Mite.
1900 Chemawa Road N, Keizer.
A dashing set for a dash
We had a veritable Justice
League arrive for the first hour
of Holding Court, touting the
May 14 Superhero Dash at Salem’s Riverfront Park.
© Salem Statesman Journal
May 4, 2016 9:59 am (GMT +7:00)
In costume were Wonder
Woman ( Mitzi Smith), Captain
Awesome ( Cyndi Leinassar),
Batman (Liz Henderson) and
Bat Mite ( Lisa Daniels). In secret identity garb was Amy
Schroeder from Community
Action Agency, the nonprofit
sponsoring the multi-tiered se-
ries of races that include a 10k
(at 8:45 a.m.), 5k (9 a.m.) and 1k
(10 a.m.). Entrants are encouraged to dress as their favorite
Prices vary to enter. The 1k is
$15, 5k is $25 and 10k is $25. No
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Salem Statesman Journal - 05/04/2016
Bob Reinhardt, executive director of the Willamette Heritage Center, invites the community to learn abou
Holding Court
Continued from Page 4A
telling how much a 401k would
The top finisher in all races
will receive a super-cool trophy
adorned with a gold track shoe.
In addition, there will be
prizes for best dressed participant and best-dressed stroller
baby and sidekick dog.
Community Action Agency
heroically helps people to exit
poverty and attain self-sufficiency. You can learn more
about their good works at
Brandishing a golden lasso,
MAPS Credit Union’s mesmerizing Mitzi Smith enthralled a
Holding Court reporter as she
reeled off the benefits bestowed by the MAPS Community Foundation. Did you know
that MAPS donates a penny every time a member with a free
checking account uses their
debit account? Those pennies
add up to $60,000 annually donated to the community.
It’s a superhero’s job to save,
MAPS members get a discount for race registration. For
details, visit
From left, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary members Paula Boeckman, h
her husband Kurt Lundine promote recreational boating safety.
No sheepishness here
It’s time once again to gather
up the kids in the mom-mobile
and head off to the Willamette
Heritage Center for the annual
Sheep to Shawl event.
This Saturday from 10 a.m.
until 4 p.m. families will enjoy a
free day of crafts, games, music
and animals.
Ever-eager Executive Director Bob Reinhardt popped his
head through a cutout in an illustration and posed as a sheep
for us. On Saturday, children
may follow his lead.
The idea behind the event is
to demonstrate the process of
how sheep produce wool, and
then how wool is used to produce clothing, and then how
clothing is used to create closet
for details or call 503-585-7012.
For those new to these here
parts, the Heritage Center is at
1313 Mill St. SE in Salem, just a
short beer away from the RAM.
© Salem Statesman Journal
May 4, 2016 10:00 am (GMT +7:00)
Anchors away safely
The Depoe Bay Flotilla of the
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary turned out in full regalia
Deb Chrowl, left, and Gayle Wood will leave no hole unfilled at th
and Sale.
Boat Oregon Class from 9 a.m. information, contact
to 4 p.m. May 21 at the Salem [email protected] or ch
Elks Lodge. The class, open to [email protected].
boaters or personal watercraft
operators age 12 and older, will No zippers allowed
cover knowing a boat, what to
Gayle Wood an
do before getting underway, op- Chrowl were anything
erating a boat safely, the legal toned up on Tuesday.
requirements of boating, han- gerly shared news a
dling boating emergencies, andPowered
Oregon State Button
enjoying water sports. Gradu- upcoming Annual Sh
ates of the class will be eligible Sale, which will be op