vol. 0 tom`s river. nj august 20, 1850. no 44.
vol. 0 tom`s river. nj august 20, 1850. no 44.
r f l 'l S S I I I N J Ÿ , E d i t o r <fc P u b m b u ï b . ] TRUTH IS TAUGHT THROUGH EMBLEMS. l.G O I V a d v a n c h » jB O IHE OCEAN EMBLEM A Fsmity Newspaper, It Ittacd every W edn esday, A l Tom’* Rivsr, N. J, IS SHIRK, Editor k Publisher » being the only paper if) the (.otnljf, wr to make it wonky ol being taken by er |ciii>»n of cean. And if every tnnn in ocee inly would subscribe, we wou JJ be in posts Lot tbe meins to make ratensive and imporl hMirrovements. The bell Is started,keep ¡1 l JJ. The 1 KstaLts.’ to oflercd lot saL.crlption [ the following TF R M S I .ear, paid le edeanee, . . *1.80 I II nnt paid In advanrt, . 2.00 Ifrsn'irnt Advertisements and Job-work in uat "«paidfor when ordered. Advertisements tna ierled alllte following KATES! f | square of less» 3 weeks, . • *lo0' I u 3 root., • * 3(i0‘ it 6 mos., . . SOU, I, ii i yr., with paper, ¡0.00 (Twelve lines make a square.) J O II • t* (I a K , Pl ai n n o d F a n c y — s u c h as k.i/aphlels, Dill-H ead», C ircuolsr gnn/s, Cheek*, fjobet* hulls, /‘ osiers. Handbills A c, A c., A c., jireulsd neatly, cheaply,and with dispatch. II I. A It K , ofall descriptions,for sale at thisoflic« POETRY. PATIENT AND KIND TO THY M OTHER. BY rtUNCKS D. GAGE. NO 44. TOM'S RIVER. N. J. AUGUST 20, 1850. VOL. 0 MISCELLANEOUS, ■hat a fa in ratiraato ol respeclabllly was a pra dominant fault it his daughters’ character*, and he determined to glen them * practical lesson.— How he tureeeded, the sequel of oar story will shew. A FATHER'S LESSOX. A Cess moments after Ike saf er* M left the room, Mr. Barton entered* Hn teas about tbe A Tale o M o m c ft lo Lifemiddle height, with n fine figure,rcgnlar ienturee He waa cer T h** i young Judi.s were rented in • richly nod nn intclliteat countenance. furnished apartment. They were the Mines tainly a handsome young man, which laet cean. Amanda and Emma Ellis, and Delilnh Carleton Ibg yonng Mieses Ellis did not dnay, and tb* Tbe latter was engaged in the womanly oeeopa- eas* a polileneat nrlth which be greeted Mis, lion o f sewing, the former discussing critically Carleton, (poke his claim lo that which they had ■ ball at which all three hed been pretent (he awarded him—lbs title o f a gentleman. H e was toon seated and in ennvenation with Depreceding evening. ‘ I don’t like thnt Mr. Bnrton.it nil,’ said Mite Utah. Delilah Carleton was a (harming girl. Il is £tnma continuing the conversation. • Nor I, neither,’ responded Mite Amende, tru*, that she did nnt exhibit the exfuittta pros portion and regular featirca o f her two ooutin* \ who was tbe eldest. * And why not, cousin t‘ Inquired Miss D e. but there was a sunny smile epoe her (see, end Hleh. 11 nm sure he is handsome enough le he a cheerful sparkle In her llghl blee eye, end eht not 7’ hid eueh light and bounding apirits, that made her appear, if not at beautiful as her eoasine, el * Yes hut—’ • But whet, cox 7’ said ehe to Emma who h(d least more bewitehleg. So thought Barton as he How spoken Inst, ' Surely his manners are pleas gaxed upon her laughing eountenaaee. Ing and language polished— without »flee- much belter, thought he, would it he to posses* lion.* her ns n «silt, depenant ns she is upon her unde and dowrrlets as she Would be, than either of *Kei, yet, but for *11 (hat he ir vulgar,* 81ls.es Ellis, with their spoiled tempers and for* »aid Emma, pettishly, • vulgar in his ideas.’ Vulgar,’ excllamrd Delilah, • you must again tune». Thinking this, It is not Vo be wondered alluw me to differ with you, co*,’ she continued that he le ft her with the half formed determine! haiking into her cousin’s lace with a »mile. * I lion lo win her love, if ft lay wltltia his [utter think he hie quite refined,more so thin Mr. Fierce These things continued for some tune. Al length one morning about three month* sabse • O,(think of cotnpaiinz Mr. Barton with Mr. quent to the period when onr story eommenees, Pierce or Mr. Brown—two gentlemen,’ exclaim, Mr. Kill» entored-the parlor where his daughters ed Miss Amnada. * ft'hy Mr. Barton is a were sitting, with a light step and sparkling eyes, mechanic !* or Mr. Biown, and many other gentlemen of your acquaintance.' P hilosophy o f P ro v id en t«. (Ye intend no theological ikssn aiion, oast ol all n controversy l bm there is something eo remarkable in "the march o f empire,'’ as rc«peels the Unite Slate«, that wo can but so* * wlee order In the materiel arrangements of the earth —equivalent, tsethink, to* »peel*I and parti cular providence. The AUantla border It of (¡renite or o f »and, the »oil yielding remuneration only to hardeat toll and patient industry—and even tbe bettor land* of the Interior allowed of little diminu tion ol labor and patience, for great forests were to be cleared away, and abundance required long learsof privation and economy. What a contrast between all thia and the great prairie country o f the Weet I There, n twelve month o f diUigence may'gladdrn the farmer with visions o f board acres of fertility nn> surpassed on the lace o f nil the earth. Numberless examples might bejclled in Illus tration of the rapidity o f selHement In that weatern world. Recent perusal o f «W a P .B o », Us f o r t y /lay ta ISC North sKsti,” 8 induces ns tu make irleclioa of Chicago. What tha’ city rs need not here be mentioned,' what it may be, no one can safely prophecy t what it was, or ralbar what It was no», is described in most interesting style In the volume here referred ta. Fort Darborn waa erected in 1816. Fifteen veas* Inter, the white population of Chicago (ex clusive o f .« tiu-ill asiriana and a fete prisons connected with the Indian Agency) did not count a dozen. Within the last twenty five yenrs the tide of life has flawed to (hat centre o f trade and neqily one hundred thousand soul; are now congrevnted in that spot, without any prospect ol nn ebb. The qltimate secret of this moterml growth Is in the fertility o f the (larlries and the ears o f cultivation. Unge lakes a net- work of Rail Roads mull not make Eden out of n Jeserl. It ir the open rich soil Hint has built the Steamboats an t Rail Roads and cities oflh c We t, and nearly all his been accomplished since the younecsl voter al the polls was a babe in the ciadle. 1.‘ l i suppose that the Creator had reversed Ih eorlerrf thine». Lotus suppose thnt the ere.v. prairi*.», tvilli an lucir alirjcu rc crisme loriarles, had been placed nlnog the Atlante, and Ilia' as you went westward and crossed the Allegheny Mountains, ihe country had passed off Inin granite sail amt sand banks. Thesuarm ins million.» would have bmn ero wded Jalone the se.i-blard, »’ itji Htl|j or no temptation to “ pull up stakes’ ’ an I j iiirm y toward sun-, daw a. Does It oot seem u marvellously wise arr-an. grrnent of the Creator, that lie population o the land should lor ages be in som csort rcstrieled to a relatively hard region, licit thus they mislil he Iraintd into Ingenuity nfmaclrinery and manufactures, before the gates of the West were eft- dually unbarred 7 Beyond the fertile prairies, there is an arid desert—and beyond that again, ihtreare fert-le valleys seemingly isolated from nil ihe world. We can conceive of noth ing short or religions zeal, mingling wilh and appealing to man's in, stincl«, (perhaps even lo grossness,) that could rapibly pepole such a country ; and «pay we not belivo, without any presumptuous reliance on the over-ruling hand o f Pruvidcnce, that Mormonistn had a peculiar mission i.. that re gard 7 mam T u t A W -York Mirror touches Ihe Eexpress mnn up ns follows, in mother direction. It it to finely done, that we eopy il entire. Il explsins Itself, Col. Fuller heads his remark».’ ’’ 1» the Cross nCrime t” W* are sorry to fiod onr good friends of the Express, in their parlixsn xenl to discover objee* loee to Cot. Fremont, arcussing him for engra ving the symbol of the Christian Faith on the ebletsof the Rocky Mountain». The Croes which wet the gellows of the Jews,) It the »e> cred emblem ot the religion o f the Christian world. It belongs to no sect, or creed, or nation ut ns well might that “ devout aatronoinet” who traced its outline among the eternal stars, be denounced fur conferring the name upon that bennlifull constellation ns the grtal explorer of he wilderness who piously carved il upon God'» own monument o f everlasting granite. The man who repudiate* tb* “ superstition of the erose ” can have little love for Him who bore it—thnt beautiful moon o f the divine sun which alone Illumines our hnmno night. T o be tshemed op the symbol Is lo bn ashamed o f Ihn lo.» » „ a the •sfleilog it symbolizes: ’ ’ Ashtmed o f Jesus ! juet a* soon Let midnight he ashamed o f noon. Ashamed o f Jesus I s.oner far Let dsrkaeee blush toown a s ter.” Surely the true “ friend» o f the cioee” without regard to creeds, will honor the heroic pilgrim ol Ihe wilderness who gratefully aud devoutly tccerj ed his triumph in thnt simplo sig dear to every Christian heart—the holy rolyphie which tells the story o f a world's redemption ; which to Christian eye con ever eee without emotion ;nnd which nn Christian soul can ever contempt» with out remembering like Ihe pilgrims o f Pales tine : NEWS &• INCIDENTS, R atinati to C ape May» A public meeting o f the résident* o f Ctpe May, see* held on Tuesday afternoon at Coa» grase Hell, Cape Island, to devis* mrrasnres to procure on increased subscription to the otoek, o f the Philadelphia end Cope May Railroad Joseph Ware, Mayor o f Cape Island, presided One ot the Directora stated that »took to the amount of 9138,WO had been tnberibed, and he contractors would iccieve * 400,000 of ihe bonds ol the company, making the setnnl sub scription 9525.000. The whole cost o f the roed would be about *800,000, and the Director* feel convinced wilh nn additional subscription,that they can prosecute the work speedfiy and with success. A committee was appointed to eollcct subscriptions, end the meeting adjourned. T h * Ladies ofFall River, who hive formed •n asseeltlon under Ihe nttoe o f (be <‘ J«eein C ircle,' have resolved ee lotiuwu “ T b ei rue question now before the American poblie iaone of right and wrong, truth and humanity, and n«t one o f puny polltices, and therefore we will disregard the cry to often raised by lhu*e In terested ¡a the suppression o f troth, that w « man is overstepping the bound* of her spbern and while we hive heeds to think, tonga»* to speak, or hearts to feel -nd pity, w* will use them ail for lh z cause o f freedom and humanity lill our beleved country shall become in reality whntit is only In'nnme, i F n t Republic.” T hk Raritan and Delaware Railroad Co rape<■ ny had a hearing al Trenton, before Judge Ogr den, on Thursday Inst, in reference lo the *pr pointirent o f C ommissisoners to as rets the vsiuo ' ‘ PntrzrotjR i.ks malhecrcux.” of certain lands over which the company dealga Col. Fremont has no reason lo be ashamed of nnin- thei i road, Judge O.len reserved IBs de, his chronicle of the Cross. cision on the points raised, and appointed C o * , niisaioneis, in case the right to run the road lo tr im the Ifutisnnl fun. these lands was granted. T H E I’ ASS O F T H E S IE R R A . R epububism i n V ihoixi* nv J o h n a. W H i T T ir .n . A correspondent of the Boston Telegraph ttys — ot—io— that a Fremont Electoral ticket will soon b« —oj —:o— ’ VVell girls, what do you think of It?’ «aid he !)h! thrrc's npver t\ ping ihftl fills tht eyeJ» ^ e^« •°ppwt he l# / said her cousin. * doci With «net» I)ifter nnd cruel le»r§, that make him vulgar, or less reenterable? For rubbing his hands in glee. |()r mnkrs such pfinntom« *o sweeping by, ‘ Vi hat V asked the yuutig ladies in a my part, f think a mechanic can be as innch o f a O f pant and »shadowy jeirs, gentleman (in ‘the tru e sense o f tbe woid) as a breath: Vs t.ie la’ini «1 a child —a ch irge of wronc, IFr'iin a si n to tli'. mother, who nursed him millionaire.* * I '119 Wedding tv,* are going -to have,' long. * The wedding ! VVkat Wedding V ‘ Wfl1’ 1 c,arci cousin Lily, you do hate * Your cousin’s.’ IHcr hoy—thnt hns grown to manhood’s prime, some of the Tunnist notions, just f0r all the noil I ■ Delilah's ?’ like Pn i he thinks erne man is just as good os l By her «hiily toil arid care ~ |H'T hoy that she g ive her best spring time, another, even though he be a li.bi.rec’ 'Y e s , shell going to h ’ noc the Mnkaatc 7/ht he mii'ht be good and lair, Ye.»,’ sai l F.inmn, 1 1 do wish he would be a With her hand. What do you think o! it ; ha, \An4 tbo' many n day, when her years were tlitle more circumspect, and find better company Ait «i*ht above their tocky bed less nominated in Virginia, ar.d that this deraonstrafor his daughters than mechanics. It is his fault |Than his, gave nil to his happiness. ' 1 don’1 t|linl' much of U,’ said Emma, will: a I hey sow the stars marrh »low : lion is owing very much lo the late blow struck that Mr. Barton comes here ; he gives h in such loss ol the licuJ. The wild Sierra overhead, by the slave breeders at the people’» right in j And now, with a far more rnrne«t care. 1 Noth I,’ *»ai J Am nnt!». prr.*fmff invjtniions, ] suppose he*wonts y.>u, T he desert’s death below Than hi*- infant days t*Vr knew, the expulsion of Mr, Underwood from (he Old 1 You don’ :. Well suppose I should tell you |bhe waiehes and plea is that her child may Amanda. Would it not make a fine paragraph (or Dominion for participating in the Philadelphia the papers? Miss Amanda,(or Emma) daughter site wat going to Burry a mm worl i tw j bun share The Indian from his lodge or bark, Convention. All the coo l and stronsr, and true } o i James Ellis, merchant, to Mr. Charles Burton dred thousand dollars, would ib.it alter you: The gray bear from his den, I Perchance, too anxious, h r eye crew dim, mechanic. O dear,’ said the spoiled beaut., (for opinion V AnJ her tear* seem foolish tear* to him« Y ellow F svoa. Beyond their camp-fire’s wall of dark, Urhy what do you mean F*i V both sisters possessed great personal beamy) and ft is reported that the gate keeper, hie wife Glared on the mountain men. I lie answer her Jove tviib ihouffhilcM sneer, thiciv herself back on rhesoia and laughed heart ' Listen, ami 1 will lell you gul* sa d the genand also the apothecary itllnched to Ihe Marine As he would a play-mate wild, l.y, tts also ¡lid her sister, tleuian, bending upon his two danglers a grave And faajhj at her holy care arid /ear, Stilt upward turned, with anxious strait Hospital, Staten Island, died on Sunday, fiom ai.d son ewhal sicrn lo -k. ‘ wcll>welli «Iris.’ said Mr. Kltis, who, hid. As the whims ot a fretful child 5 yellow fever. Their leadei’ s sleepless eye. •den by the half open door o f the apartment, hat And pierce« her heart all o ’er and oVr, ’ 1 he f qther, of Mr. Barton lo whom, your Severn! vessels arrived on Soniay from the Where Splinters of (he mountain chain With ail the pains that have gone before. been nn unobserved listener to the conversion eousin Is soon to be mart led, was an olj friend West Indies very much infested with the yellow Stood blank against the sky. nntl now entered ; ‘ you may bath now, but ol mine, we were playmates in boojltood. He She recalls Ihe ngonv of birth, fi ver The Health officer ordered them lo be sent you may live to regret that you dltl not try lo ob was apprenticed lo the carpenter’s Irade about 1 he wearisome infant hours— down the bay and anchored three rollee distant The night waned slow j at last a glow, Hi* chilJh >od trials— his youthful mirth, tnln Mr. Barton for a husband, rr.aik that,’— the same time that I entered the counting house from any shore. A gleam of sudden fire, T/inl (nsked oM the mother's powers— And the old man taking his hat. left the Soon alter finishing his trade he went to Balti A'ti the long, long days come hack again, Shot up bebiod the walls o f enow, room. more anj lliete he married. Being possessed of H/ien her hand alone could ease his pain. •PviNG WoitDS— The last words of great men Anil tipped each ley spire. * ^ l|0 would thought that Pa was listening ? genius, and having a good education from a arc always remembered. As John,Quincy Adame Slip may be fretful—bear with her now • master mechanic and builder, he soon became an said Amanda, ‘ but I don’ t care.’ expired, he said— ' This Is the last of earth I’— Let thy lips but kindness speak— * Uy, men 7’ ho cried j yon rocky comb, ‘ I declare inhere is not Mr. Birton on the architect : and so subsequently amassed a large The trembling nerve, and silvered brow, Daniel Webster uttered the words, ‘ I still live 1’ To-day, please God, we’ ll pass, Knowing the reverses of fortune In And the furrows upon her cheek. steps,’exclaimed Emma,who was looking through forlund. jRmes Buchanan, surrounded qs lie looks a last And look from Winter’s frozen homo Thou hast helped to make—then soothe her the blinds. • Come, come,’ she continued, ml. which all are liable, he determined to mnkc his lingering look upon his friends,* I am no longer tears, On Summer’s flowers and grass 7’ James Buchanan !’ dressing her, sister, •let us go up stairs to the only son an architect, so flint ir the ■ (lickle Anil give hack love in her fading years. dame’ shoi.|J desert him he would have the parlor, anil leave cousin Idle to entertain him . They set tbeirfaces to tbe blast. Bear with her, oh, son I she bore with thee j Ho suer it will be a pleasure to her, for she is partial to tvherewhith to earn his dally bread. A large new barn, filled with hay, grain, h e., A W her ilays sro v shod an-J lew, They trod lh’ eternal snow, ceeded. A year or two ago he died, leaving mechanics,’ and the sisters left (he room. Farther West, beyond tbe Rocky Mounlains, together wilh other out buildings belonging to Ao other will ever slve love so free, And faint, worn, bleeding, hailed al last When Delilah appeared at the dinner table his son his whole fortune— his wife being already still lay a realm of untold beamy and fertilityMr. Samuel Dorn, between Keyport and Middln Orsomuch for thee will do; — The promised land below About The tide of life must eventually overflow all Remember each unkind word you speak, that day, many were the meaning glances her dead, and Charles being Ibe only child. town, were totally destroyed by fire on Tuesday Some Imlf worn cord of the harp will cousins cast upon her. At last unable to re. six months ago, Charles came here on a visit,__ iniervening barriers, yet il would seem that in., night. Three horses were also burned. The break. Behind, they saw the snow clouds losscd In finite wisdom sought an earlier opening oflhc strain their loved habit o f running their cous» He called upon me as his father’s friead. loss is heavy. It Is not known how the fire OrjBy many any icy horn j the course of conversation I asked why he was in.’ they spoke. Xinulod* Touch gently the *trint!S, so worn and old, region that looked out upon the Pacific. Partly not married. He said he had never yet me( by conques!, partly by purchase, the AngloKeep (he instrument in tune « Before, warm valleys, woods embossed, • I hope you spent a pleasant morning, cous I hat the s >ng of Afuve.nbrr inay not be cold. And green with vines and corn. with a yonng lady that he thought worthy of Saxon stock supplanted the Indolent Spanis-Scx, Chidhood is like a mirror, catehing and reflect* in,’ said Amanda with a mock arch lookBut genial as days of June ;— calling his wife ; but he could find enough that ican ; but unusual attracuonr were essential to ing images from all around it. Remember that 1 hen the dying note to thy ears shull be; “ A very inieieating tete-a-tete, w«s it not ?’ would marry him for the sake ofhis money,but They left the W inter at their backs, A blessing lor time and eternity. the settlement of the region acquired. Gold was nn impious or profane though utiered by a par* whispered Emma across the table. such a one he would not marry. I told him I discovered in California, and a mighty nalion To flap his battled wing, trat’ s lips mey operate on the young heart like i ‘ I spent the morning very pleasantly,’ said De from Hie. fum ing Post. would introduce him to some o f our city belles, seemed lo be born In a day. And downward, with the cataracts, liluh blushing slightly. careless spray o f water thrown upon polished THE BATTLE CRY. and sec it he could not find one among them to Leaped to the lap o f Spvin. —-Oj —to."— O, I dare say,’ said Emma, sarcastically,! sup Great cararans crossed Ihe desert—ships dou. «tee!, Staining it with ra.t, whf«k on after »euor, suit him. He required then that I should con A Sleeples host for battle burning, ing can efface, pose he gave you a dissertation on mechanics,did bled Cape Horn— (lie Isthmus of Darien became ceal his wealth and introilnee^him as a master We had united through the night, he, coz ?’ Strong leader o f that mountain bandf a highway-rivalry opened up the Nicaragua To the East impatient turning, mechanic. I acquiesced, and knowing your Another lask remains, route! and whatever we may fa y or think of The Boston Bet has published a letter from * Well, suppose he did,’ said Mr. Eliis, who For some promise of the light, _a false estimate of respectability, I embraced the recent events or existing complications, Central T o break from Slavery’s desert land Round ns the mist drilled. Hon. James M. Usher, PrcsUential Elector on hud been listening patiently, but in whose honest opportunity ol teaching you a salutary lesson__ High were all hearts lifted, A path to Freedom’s plains. America will be aroused from the slumber of tiro Fremont and Johnston ticket, declining to face the color now arose ‘ Is it not belter than Prayers were to heav’n waftid— I knew when I brought him here with me and indolence, and Civiliz alion, and Liberty mint serve on that ticket because he thinks the «up* the senseless conversation, the,fopping, of half Prayers for Freedom. introduced him, that neither o f yon would be his girdle the earth. The winds are wild, the way ¡j dreary, porters of Fremont should unite 0n the I s » eieer men, half monkeys, who disgrace humanity 7’ choice, because I was certain that neither of ’.oral ticket. Heroes chafed at forced inaction, Kcl, flashing through (he night and the old mnn cast n look upon his daughters yon could stoop so low as lo marry a master Hearts grew sick with hope deferred , Extracts from the genuine speech delivered at Lo I icy ridge and rocky spear that made them quail beneath it. Leadless, made weak by faction, mechanic, but the event which will take place I (ho sacking of Lawrence,by David R . Atchison Bhize not in morning light 1 The Southern Know Nothing, nearly insist ok Now despairing, now hope stirred. • Bui never mind, Lile,’ he continued, in a easily forsawi Your cousin knew nothing of late Vice President o f the United Slates, and a Resolute Mi I were we the withrawal of Fillmore, saying that hn his milder lone, and patting his niect’s rosy cheek: his wealth until to-day. I eee you look surpris There to win victory, warm supporter of James Buchanan:— no parly at the Sonth, and that it is perfectly Rise up Fremont 1 and go before j never mind, Mr. Barton is worth three or four ed, but did I not tell you girls that he Was worth Or our last fisht to see— * * * “ Throw into the Kansas their useless to keep np a pretended Fillmore orgasl* The Hour must have its Man | Fighting lor Freedom. o f such would be-genllemen as Mr. Pierce and two or three such minny hammers as Mr. Pierce zatiett. Pot on the hunting shirt once mors, Mr. Brown, in more ways than one.’ The last and Mr. Brown, in more ways than one ? And printing presses, and lei’ s see if any more FreeSpeeches will be issued from them. Boys, do Ihe And lead in Freedom’s van ! B nH i!rngl' ! ,he red liai,! streaming, did I not tell you that not obtain him for a has. sentence he addressed lo his daughters. . h? " v "5 T ,sT " d K,0"M »"'ey, Do not attempt to frighten children and infer! Sheriff’s entire command, for to day Mr. Jones Showed the hostile annoar gleaming Days, weeks, and months rolled by, and Air band. Remember gills, that wealth is * false ors by passion ; it does more harm tu your owa isnot only Sheriff, bulDeputy Marshal, so, what AH around our work away * A traveller writes that he put up at a roadside Barton had become a constant visitor at Mr. standard by which to judge o f respectability and Many !o one where they,* ever he commands will be right, and under the character than it dees good to them J the same inn, where ‘ the furniture consisted of a fourr But we lelt no dismay, Ellis.’ It was very evident that he was paying worth' Not that a rich man may not be respec thing is belter done by firmness and periaasion authority ol the United States, and for il you will “ Truth fi?hts with us to-day__ table, but that very often he who enrn 3 his daily post bed, a rough table and five chairs togstber Sidney Smithparticular attention to Miss Carleton, and plain be amply paid as United Stales troops, beside, Truth fitjjhls for Freedom.” with the tin boiler, cradle in which the baby lux. to see that they were not unacceptable. This bread by the sweat of his brow, counts his thou having an opportunity of benefitling your warduriated, and the stove lo which the tin ¿oiler fact furnished an ample subjeet for the sands.’ M Give us now,” we said « a captain, A New Yorker in Washington has bet *1000 roesb from Ihe private dwellings of these infer properly belonged.' Around the shanty were Some true man to lead the fight j sister’s sarcastic remarks. As for their father» M d they did remember it. For in after years nal Niggerstealsrs.” thnt Fremont will carry New York and that One whom Nature made a chieftain, planted into neat little beds, onions, beans, to whenever they indulge In them in his pre they showed in their choice o f husbands that Buchanan will run third in that Sta’* . He has Strnnffof hand, and quick of sight. * * * * “ The resolves of the en matoes, potatoes and Indian corn. sence, a knowing smile would play upon his face they had not forgotten their honest old lathers Give us some battle cry, been offered $300 premiata for his bet. It was tire South, and o f the present administration, is and he would say the would some day wish they lesson. There was no fenee to separate the garden and Some word to conquer by, to carry the war into the heart of the country, and clearing from the lorest, neither was any requir taken by a Pennsylvania Buchanan man» Or, shouting, now to die— had obtained Mr. Barton for a husband. never—never to slacken or stop until every spark ed, the only likely intruders, as experiencee told Fighting for Freedom. The object of the foregoing conversation, was W ood Gas.,—The city of Toledo and the vlll, Hon. Howell Cobb, who was invited to speak of Free State, Free Speech, Tree Niggers, or being * fat bucks.’ A r iime o f worth the desert «ends us— a young man who M r. Ellis had introduced to to the Democracy o f Maine, is the author of a age of Millville, N . J., have both provided for Free in any shape, is quenched out oi Kansas I” Fremont, younsr, and brave, and true-} his daughters and niece as a roaster mechanic resolution adopted by the Convention in Georgia lighting those places wilh gas mud« from vroed And Romance all her jewels lent us Mr. Van YYogensr the Poughkeepsie Black i he latter bus it ututi'uig to the satisfaction o f But unlike .he lather, who valued a roan for his declaring that ■ should Kansas be relused ail lo set it on our banners blue. Ahead of all, Tthe Louisville Courier syas the smith, is making a tour through the State of the residents. money, the Misses Ellis were great sticklers for mission into the Union becanse of slavery being Now to the battle set ! wife of a well kaown draymaa in Covington New York, pitching his • big tent’ and making respectability and the consequence was as - e Now let the foe be met } • in her Constitution, or as a slave slate, Georgia died one dny Ja»«t week. The next day the berea. Never that cry forget I Fremont speeches, as he goes. He was iast in have seen, that Mr. Barton did not stand any would K Eblbl such action ol Congress, even to Among new counterfeits are one«en the Far® ved man marfied a new wite and took her with St. Lawrence and Franklin counties, both of ** T reMONT AND FjljEgDOM.” too high in their good graces. Mr. Ellis knew ers end Merchants Bank o f Middletown Point. the DISSOLUTION OF THE UNION.’ hun to the dead wife’s funeral* which are olive for Republicanism. The description is not given. >r .JhK COEAN EMBLEM. I (■ '( U l f Wedcetday August 80,1896 T i m P E O P L E ’ S C A N DIDATES, ros FNrJiDCNT o# TNI ONirro state*, 0 H N C. F R E M O N T OF CALIFORNIA. FOR VICI » K I I D I NT OF TME VKUU) IT a TM, W L L I A M L , DAYT ON, o r mew m i n . R esa iU a g la tbe D lb lejo delend W «»ary. TbaSu.thera capitalist fearing the Conttiius lioatl props of MiaToy will yltld to the mlightaa ad judxrmeni o f the aalioa and under the aaru |Cny of an ealtghleaed undemanding that those props wifi ka found to prop th« domestic system o f «every moat tllccluajly frum lha t.r.ilories of Iht Federal Stairs, at a now most burily engaged fa clsimtog for Slavery a blghtr aulhorily than Ike Constitution. T o show the public the rtal oplnioai and alms o f the 8uu'h ia this great struggle between Slaagry gad F ir«, dom, we Insert lha following fropi a work pub lishedln Virginia, entitled, ’ ‘ Free Society a rail.te !<* by George riiatbuyh ■ “ Make tbe Isborlug man the slave of one man instead o f the Slave o f loeiety and he would be far better off.” “ Two hundred years of Liber ly have made white laborers a pauper banditti ) 1 Free society has failed and that what is not ftee must be subatiluted.’ O p position V a i o . I t o a i l a .l l » .FO» 00TE.NI» or new j**»EV, W I L L I A M A. N E W E L o r iioNâïoüTH cor n t t . Thi tca ln w J ( / a Whiti Slavs “ who knows hit plat*.” ** Being the represent» ire of th« treat demo. er»fe perly. and out «imply Jam#« Burhanan, I moat square my condoct according to the pints form o f that party, and insert no new pi.nii, ■or take one Horn it.” James Buchanan. Tki St*/ m l of a Dough Fact, 0/ a maferial to in jl that hi tppraacku fluidity. “ C*n ¡1 be possible that those who are ensa. *«• in such a measure can have seriously reflect *d upon the consequences which must inevitably follow in case ol succors 7 Can they hare the ■nailneas or the folly to believe that our Southern brethern would submit to be (overned by inch a Chief flfacistrate" (as Col. Fretoootf) Mill ami F . luso. e . ’ Say the Abolitionism t—• Man onalit not to have properly in man.' What a dreary, cold, I bleak, inhospitable world Ibis would be, with such a duett ine carried Into practice I’ * * • Slavery hss been loo universal not to be necessary to nature,aod man struggles in vain again«) nature, * ’ 1 Free society Is a failure. We slaveholders say, you must recur to domestic slavery, the oldest, the best, and most common form o f socialism.’ la It right I hat lb* Laborer should be I H ut*. The good of ull parties are constantly enlist ing in the 1 holy war.’ The cause is a gloriou8 one and worthy their best efforts ; and we can not doubt but that the God o f Liberty will crown their efforts with success. Orators nnd States men are gone fo.'th in the Republican cause August number has come to hand. This is P o litic a l Prospect* o f Upper Freehold one o f the prettiest and cheapest Magazines that the country aflords. A beautiful steel en A gentleman from Allenlown well posted in graved colored plate adorns this number. The the political feelings of the people in that locali conlents me amusing and instructive. Pi ice ty, informed us a few days ago that in that Leg. one dollar a year. Published by Joel Hubbard- islative district there are but two parties: the 150 Washington street, Boston Mass. pro-slavery nnd ihe Republican party. The peo pie there, generally untlerstard Ihe issue, and those in favor, being a very small minority, op C osmopolitan A b t J ournal . the pro Slavery doet rine of Pierc e and Dougla This is a new work published under the are (or Buchanan j those in favor o f restoring auspices of the Cosmopolitan Art Association.— the Missouri Compromise and admitting Kansas Its objects are to disseminate Art and Utcruiurc a; a Iree stole warmly support Fremont and ovor the lend. To all subscribers o f the Asson Dayton. In that district he was quite sure cialion this Journal is sent ftec t to all others there would be no Fillmore ticket voted, Ho a|, one dollar a year in advance. so believed that the vote would be nearly un animous for Wm. A. Newell. and their eloquence, logic and their shouts of liberty are ringing from Maine to Georgia, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The prairies Godey’ s Ladt’s Book. «re vocal with the music and the hills e*ho the long o f Freedom through every valley. This This Magizene fur September has arrived and Union shall be free as our fathers intended is worthy of a mote extended notice than we nre 1L able to give it. There are 14 Full Page En. graving—2 Steel Plates— A Colored FashionT ouched the right Chord 70 Engraving and 70 Contribution. There is a Mr. Editor of the Newark Mercury :— If you constant increase of beauty nnd utility appearing had been present in onr Sanctum on last Mon in this popular Magazine. The S’eel Engraving day and witn'8sed the galvanic effects produced entitled “ The Grandfathei’s Darling,” is a npon a Justice of the Peace, who by the way beautiful picture, nnd the Colored Fashion is a man ol influence and a firm supporter ol plates surpass anything of the kind we have Fremont and Dayton, by reading an article in seen. the Mercury, you sn e y would have shook up A Sweet passage we find under the head of your inttrnnls with laughter A gentleman was < Editor’s Table’ deleaneating • home,’ that is reading some of the good things in the Mercury worth mote than the cost, if copied by the family in reference to the public tide setting so strongly circle of it dozen years subscription to the Mag. for Fremont nnd Dayton, his Honor, the Justice azine. We give the following quotation: calmly listening nnd his enthusiasm swelling Home. all the time until st last it broke the bounds of ‘ There blends the ties that strengthen all restraint and he lairly clapped his hands for Our hearts in hours of grief—• joy, and called ont, ‘ hold on I for heavens sake, The silver links that lengthen are every body going to vote for Fremont I’— Joy’s visits when most brief. And he went away perfectly electrified and fol) Then dost thou sigh for pleasure > o f enthusiasm for the people.’ cause. Oh,do not widely roam 7 But seek that hidden treasure Hon. G eorge R . R obbins, M. C. from this At home, dear home I’ district, will plcssc accept our thanks for a bound volume of Majority and Minority Reports The Union Democrat, s leading aud influen o f the Kansas Investigating Committee, together tial Democratic paper, publii ’.id at Monticello, with the Journal o f the Committee and the evid . Sullivan Co., N- V., this week auls down the ence taken. This i* a large document snd it pre Buchanan Sag, and hoists that f Fremont aid sents grave and alarming foci* *• the Dayton. «onnlry. The way the People nre Going. « The •opposition’ Is Monmouth County, sltkvuih nearly unanimous I or Flllmure snd Donel son. sre still fkvorsble 1» tbe formslloo af • Union Electoral Ticket, to for at oe have heard any expression upon the subject. They would propose • Stole l unvenlliin si • late period, ern* bracing sll the opposition to select such • Ticke t l —the turn Senatorial Eleeiots to be nominated by the whole Convention snd tbe D criet Electots to be selected by the Delegates, from the respective Districts, as • majority uisy deter* rotse.” — MvNmosfA/nfsf, sr Head the following Horn the Niwark Mercur, and then he Satisfied bow,the true Americans Fr* m 1 He G e n e ,,, Kffer, or, . Thedehlliiating 'fleetof n . , will east their votes. Unni In eevar.l 0f lk# gourk,,. Th* withdrawal of 57 members from the 2d. Fiumare’, pernici prospect. j, ‘ ’ " " • N i Ward AinerlcaaCouocil, on Monday night last, d ica ti., cr hi, w .„ IOI^ ‘' ^ | tha but lha “ belnleg of th» end,” ta ml lo en fite.t triangolar conllet. E „ , T ’ * ' » i cite some rammulion iu hu cily, usd calls forth l»cl h th»l g tllu t old „h i, " * •‘•fe Flora the Richmond (Virginia) Inyuiertr. comments la ill 'he city pipers. It Is firmly be thè sign. of thè Unici whleh f a ,.I '***^ *« ' 1 Until reeeally, the dtftata o f elavary has Ilend that the “ 57” have ever been actuated Iha. .ver, slave holding labored under great difficulties, became its apolo by the purest motives la the support of the prin' thè domncrnlle raokr belare Jftv *» gists—for they were mete apulogisti—took half It appears from tba above that the Ameileaos ciplet, lha fuadamcntal principals o f that Order’ Iti vote for Bucheo.n end wsy grounds. They confined the defence si o f Monmouth are in favor of Ua ion at last.— •ad will aot yield le any men ber thereof in W« s«y Ih.t even the los, or,„ f 1* slsvery to mer* negro slavery, thereby giving up Rut w* fear they have made this fact known too their desire« and efforts for the triumph o f the Kentucky, followed ap b, Jt *' • fot,. ths slnvety principle, ndaillini other forms of late to contribute anything towards bringing cardinal elements of their cause.' Rut Iht Order in North Citali»«, Missouri „Z *'*, slnvery lobe wrong, nod yieMing np thcnnlhoil. •boat this result. The leaders o f that party made has become changed, ruptured and fragmentary not so signifiesv of tb, p re,,',^ V of the Bible, nnd of th* history, practices and bouyaal’ with a hope o f success by their 8oolh throughout the whole country. The graad prin. S ö j j l ^ ^ h ^ k c ^ h e t ih, experience of mankind. Human experience American allies, have sniformly opposed o eiplee of nelly in opposition to the Romish Hinrr •fiends of Mr. Fillmore ere el showing the antversal success o f slave society, Union upon Electors— they have spurned the •retry, of notional integrity, and o f Independence by one, su igilng as . r e a i j ^ * ! * 1^ » . and the universal failura of Iree society, wan un Republlcnn Candidate and their principles and tlisplnsure with with their their cnnd.'det, .b.t rft,r, W ■> of all political irftlajiles, have been broken displasure arjlltnglo them, because they were precluded mads common en use with their old enemy» throaxh and abandoned , and now we have in chuly necessity which st,rfl lk ' ll"Mw from employing it, by admitting slavery in the ngninst the Repobliesn party But we Irat) Ihclr stead Northern Americans, South Ameri supporting Bnch.nen, or , n . 1 , abstract to bn wrong. The defence of mere tbe vail is about being lifted from their eyee •• canism, Roman Catholic Amerieiniem, Prosla- to go by default, * *** negro slnvery involved them la still greater they look tor Ihe pledged support o f their Slave veryivm, aod a political nxcehine for selfaggranAmong Ihedis'lmuuih** — difficulty. The laws of nil tbe Southern states driving friends, end see them going in n body diaement Thtaffiliation with members o f Ihe . . . I k u t c e l h p , r " » irff JnCtifi a jntllflcd the bolding o f white men In slavery, pro over to Jem#« Buchanan. We never have nor Romish Church South, was an open violation Pc«rce, of Mar; 1« ml,and * vttled that through the mother ’hey were de nseerwill believe,unless the f acts shall so prove and cacrifice of the very first principle in the n« all member» of the United St,trl 7 * seended, however remotely, from a negro slave. them, that the * opposition’ o f Monmouth are In lormvliua o f the society. The introduction of J.m esJf, C l., of Kentucky,,,, H The bright uulittoes, according to their theory favor of Ike pro slavery sentiments ol the South the 12 lh section of tbe old platforn and Us equal Clay, and Senator Clayton, ofD rl,,., 7 1 were wrongfully held in slavery. Americans. And wc further helieve.lhat, when ly odium substiintejof the 5th of the new, was gentlemen nre the very fl„wtt The line ol defence, however,is changing now, they come to see tin determination of their lend, Ihe introduction o f a new element in our organ, Webster organization, led ^ «• and the North is completrly cornered, snd as ere to put in nomination Fillmore JSIeelore with izalron, and vital to its nationality. And Ihe titnate personal relations with F n ^ * 1* dumb qs an oysterThe South now maintains no other object (ban to divide Ilia 1 opposition’ nomination ol the “ parlor” initiate, the occe eerie to him now a lull meuars of ^ that slavery is writht, natural, aod necessary and thus aid the elerlien of Buchenan, the repudiated the imprceticeble end Southtrn pinci esteem, nnd vet abandon hitn. t— It shows that all divine and almnat all human friends of the Compromise will no longer net pled man, Millard Fillmore, upon the dictation have deter mined to moke the il( , „ “ authority Justifies it. The Soulh further charges with a perty to accomplish such as object; but ol Southern politician!, has proved, ns was e x . pai amount Issue, they inted to cut i P " " that the little eipcriinent o f free society in will give their support to the only avaifsWe Can peeled, a bane lo our success es a nalionel party for the candidate who represent Western Europe has been, from the beginning di.rates before them, Fremont and Dayton. All these facts havclel ar«ny a true Amcrie.-.n to view most decidedly, anl to mer», ,|| a cruel failure, and that symptoms o f failure ars That the ■opposition* in Monmouth Count« look at his true position, enu ask himself, where preference forth, purpose ol «etvj-, 7 *" abundant ia our North. While it is far more arc nearly unanimous for Fillmore sod Donel* do I stenl I Am I indeed a national tnan I Am al triumph for Ihe South. *"*■' obvious that negroes be slaves than white*—for son* also is doubtful. We hove horned from I eupporting that cause upon which Ihe true Great es is the influence ¡art**,-a they are only fit to Ishnr, not to di«eet—vet the eenil-men heing In some of the stronger! ' ¡merest» o f my county depend l Am I advocat stamped» ol Mr. Fillin re’s frieaH principle o f slavery is in itself right, and does po«iik>«’ districts, that Ihe Republics* sentiment ing those principles which werepromulxatcd by 'hat it will be outweighed hy its «foe M not depend on difference o f complexion, Diffen is the prevailing one. And ia one of the lexis, Ihe eariy fathers and Presidents ol Ihecountry t ence of race, of lineage, o f langu tge, of habit la'i’ e districts, strongly Whig, that 'heir will be them men now nominally acting aitkMr.ff, A m i acting for Freedom, (Or freed, m ol speech more. The causes which are worki«| i, h and customs, alf to render the institution no Fillmore ticket voted. The * Oppositionist's o f the press, of ttljousht, of human action, which South to «end Fillmore men t„ n,„k.r , more natural and durable j and although slaves unanimous for Fremont and Dayton. l Irsve been tattgut arc the bases of a free govor tale here to swrll tie ranks rf the fm *« have been general!! while, still the masters andl utmnt 7 Am I an independent man t nr nm I party. Thousands o f conservative nnthog,, A few weeks stnee the Ocsirn Emblem an slaves hove generally been of different nationa led by a pa,ty whose nets, speeches, and doc who were witling looeeupy ihe middie |,„ descent, Moses and Aristotle, the earliest his. nounced Hitt a welt known Democrat ol that county would vote lor Dr. Newel! at the coming trines openly proclaim a dctuiuiinati ,n lo encir presented hy Mr Fillmore’» platform, will«» torians are both authorities in lavor of the dif election. A correction lent informs ^ that: cle bulb mini tod body with servile bonds, and consent either 'o vote for Buchanan or to its ference of race, but not o f color.” ” I was informed by Mr. Chaites I grriek'on, make me bow and “ sodrait” tolhe slavish b*hts| awav their voles on a eandidate w’>.o hai Freemen, are you willing to aid a ptrly to who lives neighbor to ihe grntltmnn alluded to ol a lew dictators who wield and glory io india abandoned by Ihe South. And when challe*, place in command of the reigns of government by ihe Embtrm, that wlmt was said was only in rubber whips and gut'n pcrcha cudgels. As nor. a joking way, and thnl he means to support ihe by tlielr a«vociates in the Soulh for their rrr» men pledged to foster into life a code of lawt to Democratic nominees The Democracy ol Ocean them men, born and educated on iree «oil and lor going with Ihe Fremont forces, they,) crush you beneath the galling yoke ofperpelua| are enthusiastic lor Alexander.” under a free sun, Ihe “ 57,” and we trust there »newer: W . hive the some right toil»,, bondage 1 T he thought that you can be so sure are may more of the same feelings, could not M enmonth Democrat. Fillmore for Fremont as you have ts tie«,,, vile is an insult to your love of liberty. And This mode of turning off facts may answer for conscientiously submit to such inroads upon our more for Burhanan : wr love not the Whig^e yet you are cooiy asked by the democratic parly the Democrats *o please lhemaelvas with, but we principles, nor to such dictations, and had detefless, but constitutional liberty moreranJ»., to vote lor their candidates co-opperation a8 know the rods to be as they were slated in the mined quietly, ami with proper respect to those have determined lo make slavery txteua, they are with the South, to accomplish this very Emblem. who should remain, bat with honor lo ouisrlvrs The conversation was public and paramount nnd only issue, we array ogrselm, thing. We believe that the Ireemen of the evidence is not lucking to substantiate them_ to di.solve our connection with un in'lilntion (lie sile which presents Ihe strongest sitg» North will spurn with contempt, theit instilling There was no joking in any o f the conversation that had become so totally perverted. Folly ex. i-m lo your aggressive spirit, and which ban), proposition, nnd east Ihtir vote for the people’s and the decimation alluded to was volninary.__ I pcc'ing to be able to quietly retire as provided ber-t chance of repelling your encroatbinji,;. Constitutional Candidates, Frt moot and Day- The gentleman that the judge, spoken of in the I by Ilie rules of the Order, many were anticipated Th* following from lha Richmond Inquirer clearly shows the llshl In which tbe Boulhern Democrats viaw their darlisg Institution,and lor the permanent establishment of whith the North ern Democrats are their allies: • Free society ia a uionslious abortion, and alavery tbe healthy, beautiful and natural being wit ch they ate trying ttneonieiously to sdn, t.’_ . • • . 1 The slaves arc governed far bet ter than the Iree laborers at the North arc govern Tkl Sentiment of a m as worthy to oil in th. cd Our negroes are not only better off as to physical comfort than free laborers, but their Chair o f H’eiJbfsffm. ••In the erenl o f my election to the presidency moral condition is belter. I should cater upon the execution of its duties * We do not adopt the theory that llnm was with a sinile hearted determination to promote Ms goon of the iconic country anu to direct solely the acccslor o f tbe nc.ro race. The Jestl.fi to this end ail the power ot the gnvernmcnt.trrea slaves were not negioes | and to confin- the speetive of parly issues and rrgardlen of sectiui e justification o f slavery to that rate would be to triles,” John C. Fsemont. weaken its Scriptural authority, and to lose the whole weight of profane authority, for we read of no negro tlavery in ancient times.’ . . . . R E I'U D L IC A N « T A T E CONVENTION‘ Slavery, black or while, is right anc. teees. A STATE CONTENTION o f the Republi laty,’ can Party of New Jersey, will be held in the cily • Nature has made the weak in mind or body o f Trenton, slaves.* . * . *• The wise and cirtuous,the On WeOnensday, 17th <f September brave, the strong in mind and body, are born to next, at 11 o ’clock, A. M.) fur the purpose of command.’ . . . . ‘ Men nre not born enli!* nominating an Electoral Ticket, to be supported led to equal right:. It would be far nearer the at the ensuing election. All those, without regard to past difference», trtilli to say, that aome were burn with saddle, who are opposed to the abrogation o f the Mis. on thrir backs,and others booted nnd spurred to »otiri Compromise, and to the policy o f the nre. ride them—and the riding does them good. The !1 sent State and National Administrations , who believe that black slave labor should not bo per need the riens, the bit, and spur.’ . . . . milled to exclude Itee white Industry from the * Tlie^Dcclaratinn of Independence Is exuberant United Slates Territories, and nre therefore in If (also and aiboresccutiy lailaciuus.'’ favor o f prohibiting alovery therein, as was done Reader, cun you remain passive when at under the ndminiatrolions o f Washington, Jeffe' •on, Madison and Monroe, are invited to assem tempts like these are made not only to subjugate ble in their re.«|ieetive counilee, or in their sever a territory large enooxlt for on empire,to Slavery al townships and wards, and select delegates to contrary to the Constitution, but asserting the attend this Convention. Divine authority o f the bible to enforce the ays. T » enton, Ang. IS 1856. lem without regard to color or rnct ? The weak George S. Green. Philip J. Gray, that ia the poor, mint Submit to be reivnnis rr Wm. P. Perniati, David Ripley, D em ocracy anil A m ericnni-m , John IP. Stout, C. M. K. Pautison, ills wo.lihy St-nm. on that party Who COl* Isaac M. Tucker, Elias Cook, The wonderful sympathy existing between Ihe themselves the Democracy, and yet are endeavor Stale Central Commute. ins to fasten upon the country a systim .• Muctiasnn and Fillmore press is creating some Oligarcy unparallcd in any civilized country at considerable of surprise among the AmericansIt will be Seen by the above call that the Re |They once thought the dmocrais their bitterest the prtsenl day publican party is prepared to take the field__ I enemies—they felt that there was a deadly unThe Fillmore leader* hove determined to nom* |compromising hostility exirtinr between them, inatean electoral ticket, pledged to their hope DO O K N O T I C E S . and they nre now stupefied at witnessing i ,ie less cause. Nothing now remains for the friends prifec! unanimity o f sentiment advocated by o f Fremont and Dayton, but to rally their focu> their respective papers on I on.tors, in opposing G raham ’ s M aqa : i * f , and call to their aid all those sincere Fillmore the Republicans. This is having a guod effect For September is at hand, embellished with men who are really anxious to defuat Biichanun by drawing the line of distinction bclwden the and prevent the progress of slavery nggres. fine engravings. One of the finest steel engrav* parlies upon the real issue. The people begin ed plates that ever adorned a Magazine, Will be sion.—R S. Gazette to see that Fremont and Dayton are the only true found on first page ol this numbet jcntilled, ‘ 'The representatives ol the great body of fremen who A Representative o l D em ocra licP rlB cip les only Daughter.” Trie steel engraved fashtoa claim the restoration of the Missouri Compromise Hon. Howell Cobb, who was invited to speak plate, on next page, is superb, except the pro. to the Democracy o f Maine, is the author o f a fusion o f the Vermillion blush on the ladies faces. and Hint the nominees of the democratic and Am-ricsn parlies represent the slavery exten. resolution adopted by the Convention in Georgia Toe ci ntents are vnrird and rich. The new pro declaring that ‘ should Kansas be relused ail sion portion ol the country. When the question mission into the Union becanse of slavery being prietors, Watson A Co me constantly improving in her Con-titntion, or as a slave state, Georgiu this valuable and popular Magazine. Published is fairly viewed in this, its true light, the pro • slavery vote of the country will be divided ben would RESIST such nction of Congrnns, even to at the Bulletin Quilling, Philadelahia. the DISSOLUTION OF THE UN ION.’ tween F^lmore and Buchanan and the friends of the free stales will vote en-mass lor Fremont These kind of Resolutions are drmoeratic,with T h e L a e ia ’s C cm pa n io n . and Dayton. avengenee, And yet they are put forward and endorsed by the Buchanan parly as purely demo, cratic and union saving principles. By the same parly the Republicans are called sectional simply because they resist the slavery extension schemes of the South. But thanks to the patrio lism of the people, tiiey begin to view the sub ject in its true light, and are rapidly coming to the tescue. Unlan Its New Jersey The people there, es in our county, repudiate Hie recent act of Com, Stockton in pnrehas, ing the State GazelU and attempting to lotce up. on them men and measures that they spam.— They have a large club for the Republican Gazette- article—alloilcd lo,was ihe Democratic nominee by charges filed arninst them for a violation of NIGUFIUSU. Col. Alexander. The judge replied substanfally, |the rule» o f the Order aid other impediments The following conversation occurred■d. in these words • “ I wont.i j isr as leave Hint | . l . i u . i . I „ i l l . X V hot l l . o * . a h a r g M l w a i t , 1*0 since in this place, bolween a me«*«, Newell should be the n«xt Governor as Alexnn. |no or.er.fthe partier implicated knew up to the the Republican party and an OIJ Lint Is der.” In our notice the name of Alrx.iniler hour of meeting, and many know not now. And cral ; was purpi sdy kept hack. The enthusiasm lor though the privilege lo retire was nflered, i' ft publican— ' Well, neighbor, how ih< Alexander in Ocean County has a wondetfu' culd not be accepted, while the charges were vote this fall 7' charm upon Ihe inhabitant*. It has nrvrr burst still pending. Democrat.—- / can tell yon ho v 1 shall no ns tu be noticed, from more rhart two hearts The eflorin to get al Iho-e charges, that they vote. I shan't vote any nigger ticket.1 And llreir zi al is quite inadequate to kindle tire might be understood, led lo considerable excite > f t — ' Good ! I agree with you time, hi .«lightest s|mrk of enthusiasm. merit and confusion, and no little acrimonious nlggerism hr.s been pushed far enuush, uf in In addition fo the Democrat noticed before we j feeling, super indue ing a violent presumption ol time it »«< brought lo a slop. Bu yno not could give the names nfal least four demo more to come before the end, hut Ihe timely re. American ticket, the Republican, or tbe 01 crats in this villuge who will vote for Dr. Newc11 solution to ignore and set nside the charge*,and Line Whig 7* anu we have heard that there were two others remove every obstacle by the unanimous vote of D. (indignantly)—' None of them tifctr» certain for him, making six out ol the smell IheCouncil, restored harmony, and thereupon minority here. the resignations wete formally presented ami —I moppn« d to every one oi themalikt.’ R’— ' Ah I then you vote Ihe nigger titled' accepted. ter all 7’ Agnio the American patty and the Bnchannn The Convention of the F i l a r e ManaD.— < iriial do you mean 7 I vole villlk party, by No, 2’s inlimafion, are one and Ihe Fame ffers party. The foimer hoc become sold to the latter Democratic party.’ We do net believe the body ol the Fillmore R— Exactly, and Hint's what 1all tbit?' Poor Americans, do you suppose that the Buch men in wcw Jersey will be either pleased or sat' ger party.’ isfied with the determination of their sell con. anan parly care one rash for you, except so far as they can use you 7 Like a serpent, the Buch D. — ‘ I’ lease explain yourself.' stitued leaders, In run a distinct and independ. E . — * I call that the nigger partyvbfiMflri cut Fillmore electoral ticket. Whatever may be anan parly have been fur some time past encirc Ihe designs o f lire leaders, the great msjorily of ling you with its coils and soft soaping and slims, to put niggers (and slaves—the not dm of these inert are earnest opponents of (he Kansas ing you for their intended repast ir, the time ol niggers) into possession of every iontdtttnt®! iniquity nnd of the party which supports it nnd their need ; when, ala«, on late, you will find Hint properly belongs to the free whiletfeud yourselves become the mere oflal o f your flatter the country ; which exerts itself now ia K«w seeks to elect Buchanan. They will not throw ing lords, and your institution a by word and a and elsewhere, lo put down and drive o*1 •IB away llreir vole, no matter what effort their lea tiring that was. To those oi our late friends who white men,your brothers and mine, (unrtyouind ders may make, oi what plana they may adopt, remain, we ask you to solve this one problem— me if we were there,) in order to pul aiggenii ’ to induce them to do so. The Southern elections have put Mr. Fillmore entirely out of the ques What good do you expect to attain by holding their places ; which sustains Ihe #inu of fo tion. No mode is left o f opposing Buchanan on to Mr. Fillmore 7 Are you nol satisfied that section of the country that threatens to diswltt the union, unless it can be used with chief rtft" successfully, bu t by sitprorliog Fiemont. T))c there is not the remotest probability o f his be ence to their nigeers ; ar.d which is doing Fillmore leaders ard trying to deprive their men ing elected 7 Are you not well aware of the Did this and much more ol the same kind, at of tlte power of doing this, but in our opinion policy ol the would-be democratic parly 7 they will try in vain. Since their leaders have you ever know them to yield one iota of their dictation and by the aid of twenty Represtit They will never yield to yon, but you lives in Congress, who are solely by virtue determined to leave them no alternative but to policy 7 go lor Fillmore and thus elect Buchanan—or must become absorbed with them. Many of you nigger representation. I am down on Digger* nnd opposed fo any pz-T whieh if Ilf’sH*» for Fremont and thus defeat him— they will hove «(Unities that way, but rve believe then, choose the latter conrse.— Mercury. are many of you that will feel sadly disappointed for this reason l oppose the Democratic U should you find yourselves obliged to yield hears only real nigger party ’ T he C in cin n ati P latform . D.—‘ Olt I’ (Exit in disgustJ-ir/W 1 and soul to that party’ s embrace. Look at this If any of our resdeis|yet have any stomach for matter with the light of reason and with the Iree Standard. the Cincinnati platform, let them read the fol and independent thought of free and indepent lowing from an Arkansas Whig .— men. Examine y o u r s e l v e s , and see if yon can The v ¡liage of New Egypt, in h’ a plrt “ Now .this Cincinnati platform seems to bp be thus led to your destruction. of this State, famous for jf* macitiaetou «f a per feet Hodge podge. Tom Kirkam used to tell of a f i ¡end of his dropping In about dinner time Wc learn from some of the Post masters down on an old lady who invited him to dtaw up to our coast that the subscribers to the old Gazetle the table.— There was a huge pie or the pot refuse them. So it is in our own village. These order lor dinner. The old lady helped him bounti things show that Repnblicanism ia alive, and folly, and he being hungry, was doing justice to active. it “ Stranger,” said the old lady, “ you will find The arrangements for the State Agricultural almost every sort of, meat in this pie.” “ Yes, Fair are rapidly progressing— The contract for madam,” said, "and fish too,” as he drew be erectin glhe buildings, stables, sheds, Sec., on the tween his lips what he imagined wa9 the back ground o f the Fair, has been awarded to Mr hone ol a red horse or sucker. “ Lord have Henry Cyphers, of No. 20 Lemcn street. The marcy,” exclaimed the woman, “ if there ain’ t whole grounds are about 2,000 feet in depth and our fine tooth comb that Billy lost two weeks 700 wide, and will be enclosed by a fence 6 ft. ago. ‘— Ex. high. An office 20 by «0 It., will be erected at the entrance, whete the admission fee of 25 els will be received, Stalls will be provided lor Cat. lie on the south-east, for Horses on the north, east, nnd the south-west side will be osed for Machinery, operated by a steam engine from Messrs. Hewes A Phillips the water for which willbe pumped up from therond below. Between the woods, which will he used for refreshment stunds, and the maltin. ry depai tment will be the Muonactiires and Fancy Article department A race course of J mile in cirnmterenceand forty feel in width, will be provided lor the exhibition of horses, the contract for Ihe grading 0f which will be swarded to -i*;.-M ercury. L etter from G en, W m . O. B utler. peach baskets, hns been throvrnwto tWMwW- by the elopement from that place 1 man. He had been employed oponnl** left with a pinchback watcb aniUp01’’ On Monday, a letter was received 1 ^ delphia MayorN office, stating “ With such candidates we can nnd will suc offering a reward o f $5 for the arrest ol l ceed, notwithstanding the Hon. Millard Fillmo-e whom the writer supposed had pone to i ^ professing ta be equally national and equally The letter was directed to the ^>i,slnia9leri^ j true to the south, is in the field as the nominee given by him to c<the most ^ o f that portion o f tlte American party not mer active and en ergetic officer oi the 0_ ^ ged into Black Republicanism.” paov of Philadelphia.” The supersetip»50« pied the whole enevlope. The E vmwII A destructive fire occurred at Helena, Ark., _____ahnnld say« * * In *________ case any one shouldsee seeth6,1 gun on Monday night ol last week. The Memphis hadaat * 1 the panls, Information may be had A N arrow E sh n p ca tC ap e M ay. Bulletin says: “ About 12 o’clock the Helena A member ol Hasslcr’s hand, Mr. Sleider of Shield office was discovered to be on fire, and be. House ateeple, from which the bell «¡1» ** New York, made a narrow escape from being fore the flames could be subdued, that building dialely proclaim the fact.—JtfafíWf* drowned on the 7th inst. He got beyond his and the Methodist Church adjoining were red I Hi« depth, lost hispresence or mind, and cried for uced to ashes. It is thought lo be the act of an The Jersey Coast Watering P1« ' 1 „ , ofthe pi*8 help. Mr. Davin Bowen, of Kensington, im incendiary, and caused great excitement in the large amount ol the ready money w mediately plunged into the water and swam to town, it being charged by some we learn, that it and health sefkers o f New forte,'* . .us— »1 'h’g11®* L:i hi* assistance. Mr. Joseph McMakin, o f the tvas done bypersons politically opposed to that and Baltimore, every season. A* • Atlantic Hotel, pushed oil with the lifeboat, paperEzare nol less than 10,000 visitors eoJoU aod thus the drowning man was rescued. The of whom 4500 are at Cape Mey> scene lor some minuets was one o f intense ex. In Indiana, the two political Fillmore papers Branch, and 3000 at Atlantic city' ^ citmenl. N, 8. was sinking at the time that Mr. have hoisted the o f name Col.Fremont, and the report of the numbers at Squad* _ ^ p McMakin reached him. Somers’ Point, Beasley’s Fotr.:, s«u01Fillmore ticket is dying ont. The Washington Union contains a letter from Gen. Wm. O. Butler, in which he gives m hir, adhesion to Buchanan and Breckinridge, nnd then closes as follows : CAMP MEETING. M illB M l * o f C ol P rtO > M TW O p o l l a s r T s H Fg rrrs s a le. N *u> A d v e r t U w n tn ts . DISSOLUTION. r e w a r p n V Virtù# o f* urfil of A , | )(TU«I OBI uf ih« Coi lire Couuir of fie r a ,, t Sriir on SATUKDAY, . twffB th» houra of 18 i . noon o f inni da», Ut th* tino** nf drlck, in Ih* fili*»* tifì'om ’a Rieer, Tuw eeblf uf 1rnvar, Counir ol und Bini* ol New Itracr, Ih* folluarln, d»»-rtbrd piopnrtl te w)t | A L L •l.ral houa« und lui oTUntl, »iluit* usar thr villa«« o f Barn*«*!. Townalrlp o f t’ uiou. Counir ami Bini« nluiranld. «djolning Inni)* ut Ctnvlnn Uninwar, LuvrU» Todd tnd Olht-ra eoo* teiaing hall an aer* ol land roor* or 1*1». Stlxrl ai llrr propri ly o f William K«ar drtru d«n! and tukrn in ixrcullon at 'hu vuitof W ll» litio C u i l’ Iafhliir, und to bc aolil b» EDW ARD W. 1V1N9, Shtryff. Tom'» River Julr tJ llfc*.—4» A Camp-marling will he held nt 0 . na Rieer he Co partnership herelofhre •«latini undur AN away from ihe tubactlher on Sunon locomntene*on lha 8th ol Srplambrr andatoia ino u n a and firm o f troua A Allen— in Ihe lait, in Indented Apprentie* lo the faiem SHERIFF'S SALE, on the following Haturdny ar Afondny. The mrr entile bulina«, la this day dlaaoleed by Ita ing bunte*», named William Brntonhed hnd e* y virtue o f n writ o f f i t » , to me directed, la beiatltul grure I* within half a mill o f Ihn M, diik Mrfpped punii linen coni nnd thin 1»* own limitation. . the . .Ocean Connty Circuit Caurf, _ sued out of .ill pernta* indetled to Ihe late Arm on Book K. Church, and all nule* ITritward o f Tucker* boni». The boy u ibont 14 yenta old, on ( eye Ion. rrorlaloni on Ihe ground for man and •levain! more then the other, mouth alighlli in> necouni Note or othrrwlae, are reqitrited to wifi be exposed at public venda«, oa BAT UH call on John J. troni und notile the .note by Ihe DAY, the 26th day o f July, 1856, betwaen the heart. .Vo traie allowed on the ground. cllned. H. THOMAS. The above rewnnl will be pnld lo uny p r ion lit day of July nell nnd therebv at ve c o il nnd hours of 12 and IF o ’clock in the afternoon of •aid day, at the House of B H. Stout, In the vii JOHN J. 1 RO.VS. who will reim » « h i boy or give Inform 1Ion rouble. Auguri 13th 1858,— lot. tage o f Tom's River, township ofDov«*r, county CHARLES ALLEN. where he may be loond. All ptnone nrt for. of Oceas and State of New Jersey,the following April lit 125«. bid harboring ibid boy under pennliy o f ibe The above burlinoti will be hereafter tondue, described property» to wit • Ail that House and but of land, aiutale near IO* _____ ltd by lit« auhecriber *1 Ihe old aland, ondar the G A R R E TS . B4H./JV. the v lisce of Weretown, in the township o f A S S IG N E E S N O T IC E . ■amt name nnd Brut, ( Inom k A Lien ) Sentim ent, o i Judge «>•»<<». T om 'i Rifr July 9th I 8 5 « .-I f. Union, Connty and State aforsaid, containing JOHN I . IRONS. The ereditore ol John Wilderntolh and othere 93 00 ol an acte mote or less. ffe alond now in reference lo the great leadEDW ARD ALLEN. Seixed as the property o f frane Brown and ua jMur« ol theeoanlrf «» is timet | «t H t interee are hereby not’bed Hint n rrport of Ihe ¡¡Jj that the Coniiitatlon protecle 9l«*ei«f •eeerel cleitn* end demnnde rihibiled »lalnat taken in exeemion at the sail of John Piedmoie the aeld John Wildnrtnulh, anil of Ihe amount nl and to bo sold by «lere It it. but carrle* it nowhere-—lh«t, la iht LOST. SPE R ITESSALE. E D W A R D IF. IVÏN8, Sheriff. lutneteofthe daj. Freedom la frallootl and the pattontl and real eitate, will be mede to the BOUT three wiekn ilnee a Pnrtnwnle eon* jl«*er)f tcciional. The reital o f the M<»*our| Orphan*’ Court o f the county o f Ocean, on Tom ’s River, M *y 2Bd 1856. r flrtirr o fa Writ o f f i f e lu me dlrurlrd mining n live dollar gold piece nnd two two (oopiumita wae, in hit judgment, a nioet un. Tueaday the 7th day of October aeit i at which of ia*ur>d out of ibu Court o f Common * ~* and hall dollar piece* logethet with iomu enluetrr.nl.bio breach o f good faith, pregnant time and place exception» thereto me) be flled. ihe County uf Monmouth will be exp — AMO— August 1*|., 1856.—2m. able (iitwri, eith untold mi-chief, ami to be retnediedwer sale at Public Vendue, on monday Ihe NiMH H A I R -D R E S S I N G S A L O O N . Jny penoo Smllne and returning the **“ ><•■ JOHN B. COURTNKV, M U S IC ! M U S I C m eeeri juet and auatt national meant in our poym day o f June next between Ibe hoa rtof 12* fiiv• MIF. bubsbilbet re.pectiully announces to the Aug. IS, 1856. Xiataa had. at the deterred, hie heartfelt *eeu —Jiilgtui. will be auitably M „„ffA M . Professor 8. H. P aiste huving procured a fine o’ clock In ibe after noon o f saW day, at the boast public that at the it»ove Saloon, may be ob pithy. Her ciiitett and their riehtt had bfree toned Piano, respectfully inform the ciiixens of o f Allen and En pson, Colliers mills, ia (bo tained the following superior articles t Tom’ i River July 9lh 1856. rodden down, in n manrr uneininpled in a nny Tom ’ * H ver and vicinity that he intends com* township o f Jackson in the eounly o f Ocean : all P erfu m ery . overnment. Jottice to her end to litem oeman H dr Oil«, Trlpple Extract, Musk, Cologne, rnencip'j his first course o f insttuclton op Mon« that farm and tract of fund where Ezikil Horner |)u B e a c h . ed her admiaainn aa a freebtete oflhe Union dsy next, (191b ol .Hay 1856.) and will give Its furtniy lived Kittiete in Ihe township o f Pismtltd Palm boat», Mhavmg do., ßsy I*U ", kr. he. wna expedient and proper lor», lo said, ae r i - t H E p u b lic a re n o tifie d th a t th e t o b r c r ilie r I# ont in the Beautiful and floul stirring nrt o f in* County uf ocean but formerly in the township o f I), E. f f r i t X W E L M C T I .F lilU T K I b modeof calraine down ihe exaspc’ MerJ feeiing strninrntal music. Vocal music will also be upper Freehold in) the County u f Monmouth I p re p a re d to a c c o m m o d a te p a / tle * f t M iln g Congress Hair Life A D M I N I S T R A T O R 'S S A L E . tkrruunlry by icmtinniing the bc»ch and sea nhore, nppneite lo io a Hirer, Containing one Hundred and thirty acers n.or«* Fore pie«ervimi,tx auiiljf*ug and promoting the practised, If desired \rithmit extra chaige. with tianrlenl board at reaionabla ratca. lie n p H fi «ubscribei «dtnitu»traior oflh e estate of growth of the hair and whisker’s, and warrant« For trims apply to W* M cJKkan Esq. orPraf. or less »joining Lands now or formerly John C o t W Estkiel //urnor dec*d, will sell at public ed to prevent premature Greynes* and baldn«»». 8. II. P aiste . Im > n»"de *opt' coailderahle o f an outlay to en tier?, it being the borne Farm and tract of laud able him to set up good dinner» nnd rraprcilully Vendue on Tuesday tlx I6lh day of September Tom’s River May 14th 1856.—ts. Havana Segar» and Tobacco o f all kind». wh< re Exiktl Horner lived«41 27 July 1837 nolle it* the public palrounge. Parti*. on leav next, between lit« boari of 13 and 5 o*clook P* Sifted ns the property o f Exekil Horner and J V eio A d o e r t i i s m e n t s . ing the villuec, enn make nny order rot eapcclal Af.t at the Fate residence of the dee’ il, in the JOHN KUPPEL. taken in execution nt the suit ol Edward Alloa fare ol It. H. bloul, who will forward Ihe Township of Plumbed in the rountf o f Ocean Vom*» River, June 1liti 183J-—ly. And to be sold by. A Card Ihe followfnf reaf Ksfate to wit t THOMAS JSflLLEJt» former Sheriff at JOHN ROGER. I. The borne stead farm o f the dec*»1, contain r tra»ina br rn toliciled br a number o f ih* ciliifn Monmouth County N 4. ing about fifty acres »ituated at the head ofSnag ■CT7 ILL pa «old at pablic aale oa Satord*!', the ol Tubi a Ri**r «ad ullrrr parla ol Ocean Co. In Tom’« Rifer July 30th 1818. - if. April 8, 1856» awamp, within about a mill of Colliers’ Mill ift VV 4th of October neu, at the tetnlenre of «statillsli the harness harnna rnakfnir mäkln« hniinni. buainaaa in «hi. thi. NO TICE. the Township o f Plutnsced county of Ocean. the»ubtf'ibtr. In Meanengcr Street, T0m’* Hiv place we will now inform ihem Ihn I we hav» I T T ILL besold at Public Sale. the first day 2’ About 200¿e rn o f Wood Land to be sold opened . harne», .hop on Mula* alteri next lu er, the foil"*'"* W ef September next. 1856, the farm late o f in tuts covered with a fine «rowlh of timber fi» «anvroa huuae where we are prepulfd to manu fa r m for s a l e llO U S E H O I D G O O D S , John B. Appetgnte,deceased,containing 70 acres S A L E O F LANDS B Y E X E C U TO R S. for use, adioinins the above mentioned farm. ■’«■«’ ¡»t'O» al allori notr-e Chsini. Tob*« Paii** Beau**, Ìpokìna ILL be sold nt p»thlic vendue, nn Monday, 3. A lot of wood land »ituated at the head of more nr le«s,about 45 of which is improved bind r j ’ HK tnb-eribera Exeeolor* of Joseph Bartlett C O W D M C K TRVF.X & LAMBEKTSOff Clock»* Br<J»lead«, Stnvea, Crockery and August 25<h |856. nt 2 o’clock P. M., nt 5n«v Nwmnp, ah«mi a mile and a half from with Dwelling House and out buildings, and TermaCaah. Tom’a River Aprii 30, 1856.— Iv gV w . 1 di c ’d will sell at publie vendue nn Ih« predi. Ihe house ol Jesse Cowdrick, in Ihe f illngeColliers ol Sio»e irarv.Darpeti, Oil cloths,and ofoer »Hides Mill,containing about lea acre» covered the remainder in limber. Any person wishing ir.ca near Jriaiaialt Spra««* in the Tuwrirlnp uf to view the property, can c*«ll on James Slcpb* t*nf ^oumrra»rd. I ' m’» Hive, O c « n Connty New Jef-*). the uitli second vroarth tiu-U r. Stallord.un Salurday the 12 day ol July next be Alio »n»» good Cow, one boy, sale to Coi*. Faun belonglnn to the sohserlher, situate about 4. A lot of three acre» on the roed lending ens on the premiset.—Conditions Cash. tween the hour»of 12 o eleck sum and 5 o’clock By the heirs, N E IV E G Y P T M IL L S . B«anCf it 1 o'clock P. M. one anil Hulfmilf* Irum Torn »Rivrr fillggeon ftom New Kuvpt lo Arcberlown in the Town» A T the »urn»* limn and place will be solJ the r P H E »ub errber bavin« racemi» en*n«ed in P. M Ihe hnmestrad faun o f Ihe said dcc'd adIhe road lending to M»neheitef.fon»»tn*ii» nhmrl ship of Plumsted purchased by dcc'd ol Tlxw. funJiiions cash. jninia« lar.d« of John Spraf« dec’d the heir* of XXptrsanal property oflhe widow of said Dee, GFORGE SM lT/f. 102 acres, forty o f which, are in n vood at»t<* o f Singleton. I lire M rllini hujincaa inland* a lw a f. keep Juho Bartlett dec’d nn-i othera euntaiain« «boat Tow'» Rivrr, Aos. 20th 1856.—tr cultivation, wlih gocul hurn 20 by 34 leet, n in* on hand a Unci of Grain, Flour and Feed, twenty live aerea, condition, made known on ihe T o be sold by the subscriber by virtue o f an consisting o f the following, vj* • 1 Milch Cow, 2 Aeifrrs, 3 years old : 1 do and renprrtlulljr invila, those in want nf Ihrae dwelling hno*e 14 hy |8feet.u coin crib, nppl»- order of Ocean*» t rphnns’ Court. day of «ale by Condii ons made known on the Jay or Sole by 2 yeni* old : I wagon, 1 plough. IJisrrow, 5 ai licit* lu give him a call. CLOCKS! W A T C H E S £ J E W E L R Y ! orchard Ac, The bellcnce o f the farm ia cover .JOHN B A R TL E T T, ) hoxa,b('d und bedding, lablts, ebuirs ¿ c . Jtc. ed tvilh oak limber nearly fit for use, HEJVR V MOORE. Jdmlnblrntor, JOHN L. HOLME. JOM dTHAN COX. 5 F x"u lori. rrilF. ruh.criber respectfully inform* hisfrienils Conditions at sale by Persons wislihg to view liver propeity will be Tom*» Ktvcr July 9th 1856, New Egypt. April 16, 1 9 56-lC Totu'a River, May 14th, 1856— is. J that he ha» just received an «»Awe *loc' shnwn the tntne by culling on Ihe sub*r.tibtr on ANN APPELGATE. June 11, 1853.— la of the same. Gold k Silver Patent & Detached Lever Watches Com.(irons at sale hv C O M M IS S IO N E R S ’ S A L E RULE TO BAR CRZDU'OHS. A D M IX IS T R A T O U S NO T I C E Lepin Dn., J^MF.S L. W ILLBERT. O f V alu a b le C ed ar S w a m p . Ockcn OnritAM*« C ouxt. Clocks, Torn’» River July 23d 1856— tl. E*rn Soprtr Ariminl*trator of William Soper T N purananceofanorder (rom Edward Allen Earrings, PON the application of Ann M. Wardell & lnle of lire count, ol Ocean, decerned, by direc1 Esq., one on of' the ’ judges o f the coutt of Com Fincer Rin**, RARITAN Joseph »humar, Adniinistrators 0/ Joseph S. linn of the Orphans’ Coon nl ibv couniy oT mon Pleas, o f the county ofO ec*n , will be sold Breast Pin?, Wariiell deceased, late o f the County of Ocean, Ocean, her-by »Ive police lo the crclilo-s uf the at Public Vendue, on the premia« •, situate cn AND Chains. l John A. Gulick Surrogate «*f *he County of ■aid IFirr. Soper,decea»-<'il lo exhibit to him under LitiL Hurricane branch, about 3 miles frem COOPERAGEBp» rUtleS, Ocenn in ihe Slate of New Jersey, do hereinoath or rrilirmatinn their claims siul dtmands Deborah Plait’s, in the township o f Dover •nd Thimble« &c. Ac., rp IlK atibsciiber beg» leave tu inform the pub order and direct Hint the said acIrnioi^Croforu nsninst lire estate ivilhrn six months from the county o f Ocean, between the boors o f J2 and Clock* ami Watcher sold and rfp»ired war*« 1 lie that hrtvin» loca led birm>Hf near Tom*» give public notice to the creditors of said dec. A second instalment of five rr.R cent on sub dale hereot ar they will be forever barred from 5 o’ clock P. M. on Saturday, the 12, day of Jufo rented Tor one year. River» i» prepared lo furnish Water Pail», Dish to bring in their debts» d>mands nnd claims presenlintr nr-rereivie« Ihe same. 18ofi, about 14 acres uf Cedar swamp, sr liable »criptions t.r the Capital Stock of this C nipany, FRANCIS W EtoFX. Tub*, Wash Tubs, Bathing Tub? &.c. ngninst th»* ?md estate, under oath or nffirmn EZR-d SOPER. JJdmini.tratoT, lor Losing and Rail?, laid off in lots to sr it pull Tom’* River» Aus. 20th 1836.— Iy. Rurrele» of all de»ci ipliun made li» order*— lion, within nine months from the dale of this will he doo and payable by ihe Stock beldam, Tom's River May I4th 1858.— tinchasers, formly btlonging to the heirs or foga All kinds of leparingdonc at Ihe sliorlest no order by the setting up a copy of this order with in Monrnnnth »»“ I Ocean Counties, on the first representatives of Solomon Ridgway, Deceased* lice. in twenty days of the dale thereof, in live ol the j day of JLJNdi^imt *, a third instalment o f ten A C ' 0 '¡D IO N S ' A C C ORDION S ! Conuirions at sale. Order? received at ray Residence or By Coni most public places in said County, fir the space ; per cent •n the lirtl day JULY ; anil ten i*kr JOSEPH K, HULME, > o i the first day o f each month thereafter, unliJ UST receiv' tl a superior lot nf Accordions* aid tlefmicr. SH E RIFF S SJLE. of two months, and also by advertising ihe some THOM AS HEINES > Commissioner*. rinde and d >bbl#» key.*. All of the i.i*i quah I O REN Z C A S T E R . for the like space of time in the O ckan E m b u n , the wlule amount 1« pakl* y virine o f a writ o f fi fa 10 m* directed is GEORGE SYKES. ) jjy which will besold nt lower price» than any The Hoard ol Directors trust that the Stock a newspaper ol thi? sinte : and if nny ciedituf Tom's River, July 30ih 1856 — ly. sued out uf (he Monmouth Circuit Court. Tom's River, M ay 14ch, 1856.— ts. where else. All kinJ* of trimmini* !>>r VioJjn«. ?hsll ipgltrl to exhibit l is or her debt, demand, h.-ddt rs will promptly meet the above ing’nl- will he exposed to sale at public vendue on or claim within the peril J of nine months from »reutsputhe several dates when payable, to Tuesday the 29lh day of July 1856, between FRANCIS WEtCiEL. b HE RIFF’S SALE. the date thereof, afiei public n lie** It»? I> en enn bit* the gM-rt wutk in which they are m ea- the hours uf 12 and 5 oclock in the afternoon ol Tom's River, Aujr 20lh 1856.— ly. N O T IC E O F S E T T L E M E N T . By virtue of a writ at fi fu to me directed, given ns afoiesnitl, Such creditors shall be for* yeti lo he carried forward loan early com; le. said day at the house of Wm. 11. Crammer, in Issued out ofthe Circuit Court of the county o f 4 D.VIINiSTRATORS SETTLEM ENT,— ever barred of his <r Ju r action therefore ai;nin?i lion. Ihe county o f Ocean and township o f Stafford, Ocean, will bo exposed to sale, at public vendue, Notice Is tieietiy given iimi iiic namnuc IIlC AUuiltilrt . Payment« may be ma ’e to Bennioton F. ferineily in the county Monmouth o w,it : It ando ! fii , I reasnrer, Jrrecnma ; j/M.r«» r>, Giv*n under mv hanl, this 2J day ol July, A. of thr subscriber?, a lu inistiators of John Giber Alt ino JJeiondants personal property, suen on Saturday, the 28lh day o f June next, bet wee* Cormks, Assistant Treasnier, No. 109 Leon ns, tables, chairs. p.»ts, kettles, looking glasses, me hA.rra oVlV A 5o’ cinck P. M. o f « W d « son deceased will be audited and staled by the D , 1856. ard Street, Ary Y ork; W illiam V. W ilson, crockery, clocks, beds, bureaus & c,, with the nt the house o f Jesse CowJriek in the vin»Kei JOIJ7 II. G U IW K -S u n o g a te surrogate, nnd reported for settlement to the ICTURE?» ktfide in cloudy on well n" rlenr O. phun«’ Court, o f the County of Oceun un tin* Port Monm mth; C harles Q. A llf.n,Red JJank; rest o f the household **jod», alsocU ile, hogs, Trmr’f Rli-er, insaij county »lie following dee Tom’ s Rivt r, July 9ih 1856—-2m. weather, and put in neat and durable cnren.ot 7th Jay of October next. J. 11. ('»»i,i.ies, S ir mhury ; Benjamin H. wagons, harness, plows, harness, hay nnd straw crihed proper ly, lo w it : All that lot o f land containing 374-000 the Inw e.l c'lv priren. A fine colhrluin of finer W hite, EPou*own ; Halite » W a 'Nwrigut, &.C. with the residue oflhe farimrig utersels, nl SAMUEL DUNHAJ/) S e a B a t h i n g CASES and LOCAfETS nluays on bund. Slcir nn acre strict mcn3itre, with Store House and F»rmfnsil*il / and J uskpIi II. V an Hisf'i Brgit «o Bail boats, skiffs, &c. A Do several lots and JO H if GtBKRSOAT ) Administrators. nnd Deceased peiaons tnken nl their residence. f Phe Sub^c-ibpr hiving bought, rebuilt nnd rn Iron IForks. ! sho* Shop and Wlrai f belonsin? (hereto, aitunte pared* of land, situate lying and being in the in the village o< Tom ’« River,known ns the «lore Tom s Rivrr July 30th 1856 — ts. i larged the Establishment, formerly known as FRANCtS WElciEL. FRANCIS B. CHETtVOOP, Pies. township of Stafford, County of Ocean formerly Chapmans on Squan Beach, now called the nnd (luck defendant bought u f Reuben Potter. W ILLIAM A. T O U R Y, Sec’y. Tom’s River Ang.20th 1856./—ly. the Couniy o f Monmouth. Seized an lire property o f George Corneliu« June 4, JS56.—3m. Li t No. t. it being all that farm and planta del-uiiiini and laken in exicution m the suiter N O T IC E O F S E T T L E M E N T . tion heing in several tracts and Iota together Reuben Putter, nnd lo be «old pv LOST Respectfully ofKrs its accomoLtions to the making the farm where the defendant now lives Executors Settlement.— Notice is hereby given N jrstnrday last, n pair o f Specie cl*15» in a a ,,c . E - W ' IVINS Shtrif. public* through thcoming sea b.ilhing season, adjoining lands of David Deadly nnd Jonathan April 26th 1856.— ts. * E ’ that the occoun s uf the subscriber Enccu- tvhert every arru ernent will be made fur the U 0 U X D -T A 1 LF D , Rod Mo roc Cow cave, one s'a«? cr^c kpd, Deadly, containing fifty acres more or less. t o r o f’ he last will and Testmenl of Anthony Whoever will return same shall be suitably e*ectinceof all. A choice as UNDER-MINING SET OUT DONE Lot 2. Being a tract of salt meadow or marsh, Irons (leceast’d will be HU<liied and staled by lh% cmnlo rewarded. _ narv ami all kinds oRkvc which del» ndant purchased o f Stacey Jennings, Surrogate and repotted fur setlkment to th*i soi'tiiienl of ’ i if l e w is L a n e . rPH E Snb«c* iber would inform ihe public that adjo.ning lands of John Haywood, Hull F. Ran. Orphans Court uf the couniy vf ocean o,j the •agei.exiept intoxicating liquors. Tom’? River, Aug. 20ih 18ö6*“ “tf. I he h S H E R I F F ’S S A L E . An anchor und lines wi,i te provided on the 7ih day o f October next. dolph and James Miller, on the big meadows 1 )Y virtue ol a writ o ffi/ o in me directed, iaT E 8of all sizeu, at Squao Village, Monmouth containing eighty acres more oi le 9, also. Bench for the snleiy of bqlheis. JOHN AUMACE*. JJ sued out of the Court o f Common Plcmr, o County Now Jersey. On und after the 29th o f July, the p;pua[p' Lot 3. Being a Cedar and Pine swamj s situate Tom’s River, July 30ih 1856.—If. lire cnuniy ol Ocean, will be exposed «t Puhlrc Those who arc building will do well to pur and last sailing sloop bcloW Oltphant’s Mill on the South side of the Vendue, on Monday, [),<, 2filh day o f Mar A P R E V E N T IV E & C U R E chase them, as they effectually bar rats, mice, NORTH WIND. Creek or mill-brook, adjoining land o f Stacy Cap. S. Halsey will run in connection with toads and snakes from trespassing in the cellars» Jennigs and Nathen L. Crane, containing ten 1850, between lire hours o f 12 and 5 o’clock in o f Ihe niter noon ol said day, at the house ol B. H. George W\ Cowperihwait agent for the cares more or Jess. the aforesaid house in the following order. HARPER’ S STORY BOOKSStout, in the village ol Tom’s River, township o f s ile of ihe above Window Grates, for Ocean Tuesday rn each week, from Cedar Bridge. C H O L E R A Seized as the propgrly of William H. Cram* The most desirable juvenile books in the na Dover, couniy of Ocean, and Stale ol N. J e ^ y . County. * * Thursday from Tom’s River. mer and taken in execution at the suit of Ben- the fo.lowing described property, to wit; JFEPH J McKIjVNEY. tion.------ Chriilian.fdvcale and Journal, Saturday from Jfrllle Creek,to ?ail at 8 o ’clock jajiin Oliphant, and to be sold by u.c, f t O M P O U N D E D FROM A PRESCRlp Tom’s ’River June 4th 1856.— ly 0 1. All that certain tract o f land, situate in Ihe in the morning and return the same day. SAMUEL CONOVER. AUGUST NO Vj Tit)N OF THE LATE DR. J a MES r . township o f Plumstead, adjoinina lands o f John The well known reputation o f Cap. Halsey Former Sheriff o f Monmouth County. THE THREE GCJl.D DOLLARS, or The Spratt and^ others, containing 132 acres, purs CLARK. will be a guarantee of suiety to the timid. T om ’s River , May 21, 1856. ts chosen of James E. Torker and ulhers, hy Deed Adventures of Robin Green. 25 cis, Warren ted not to Contain Opium in anyform . By strict attention and good order,we hope to dated Jnnuarv 1st, 1808, and Recorded in Clerk’* W . IV. SWETT. m m t a share‘o f patronage. RULE TO BAR CREDITORS. BARNES CAMPHORATED EXTRACT OF GIN office nt Freehold, in Book S. of Deeds, p. 33 ft T ' tn’s River July 80th 1856.— If — J. . D0RSETT. Ocean County Orphan’s Court o f the term of GEll a speedv and ceitain cu re o f sum . 2. A ll that certain tract o f land, situate in the Tom’s River, July 9ih 1856. fits. May 1856. Township o f Plumsted, adjoining lands of Hugh mer Cotnplainls.CHOLERA MORJBDs , CRAMP PON the application o f G.W.Giberson admin Hell, Jesse Gulick and others, containing three COIAC, DYSfuVi ARY and CHOLERA. istrator ofWm. T Giberson dec. to limit and acres, purchased ofThomns Singleton, by Deed NOTICE OF P A B riT /O N . F R E E H O L D & J A M E S B U R G , appoint a certain time within which the credi doled June 6th, 1828, and recorded in book W V Edward willen E.«q., one of the judges The following is from ihe Mount Holly. ' 1Mir S e n t b y mail (P o st P aid ) e»u leceipt tors of the said deed, shall bring in their debts, ol the Court of Common Pleas, ol the A G R IC U L T U R A L R A I L R O A D C om pa'y claims and demands against the same, or else be 2 of Deeds, page 176, in the Clerk’s office at c f price. for” }—“ Bains’ c niphoratei exlract Df GInper* FreeholdCouny of Ocean. WiJson’ar Treslisc un Punctuafion. 8.100. a Ivfr(i8rd in another column, has an extensive barred from any action respecting the same SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS! Seized ns the property o f Benjamin Hornor, OTICE is hereby given ihaton application Gleanings fromthe Pueis. For Home and reputation, and is said to be one of tlu> ve<7 best against the said administrator. It is therefore to me by Charles W . Bills and Mary his wife n an 1 after Thuasday, May 1st, trains will ordered by the Court, that the said administrator James I . Hornor, Aaron Hornor and James recnodies now in use for the diseases it is inten School $1.00, ded to cure.” School Exhibition Book, containing Songs who claim an undivided sixth part of ihe fot« run daily, Sundays excepted, until further notice give notice to the creditors ofthe said decea.sed, Hornor, defendants, nnd laken in execution at Ihe suit of Edward J . Shreve and Richard Con. lowing tracts ol land of which Jac./b Irons died as follows : L ea v e F R E E H O L D at The following is from Mr. Paul, formerly 0f duett*», dramas and dialogues 25 cis. lo bring in their debts and (»enjands asoinsl ihe Stixud. the ar.:! Amboy Railroad, na\v «.uptMl,,. 7. 40, A.M ., Connecting at Jamesbnrg with »aid estate within nine inon lis from this date, over, and others nnd to he S id by 5 copies ¡in .j* i ,06 . tendcnl of the Mount Holly Railroad, whose E D W A R D W . IV IN S , A tract of meadow land, situate in the Catndeu and Amboy Railroad trains for New by setting up a copy o f this order in five of the Normal nnd High School Hymn Book 38 cts. Nov. 21, 1855.—ts Sherijf. wife was saved from death : Township of Dover, County of Ocean and State York Philadelphia and intermediate Stations. 3 copies $ 100. most public places in this connty for the spaco B ordentowk, July 2 s , 1849. oi New Jersey, containing about Un acres. American School Hymn Book. 20 cfs. 3,20 P. M . Connecting at Jaroesb irg with o f two months, and also by advertising the same D r . B arn 8— My Dear sir : I am pleased to 6 copies $100. 2 d. A H ad o f Cedar bwainp land, in liie tow C.&A. R. R. trains lor* New York, PJiimdcijdua in one ol the newspapers published in thisPtate iispocoumy and s:aie aloresaid containing about and intermediate stations. inform you oft he good tiled of your Coolers Pre Pays oil and DuntonsPenmanship. 8 books for Ihe like space o f time; and it any creditor ASSI C N E E S S A L E . shxt en acies. Tentative. Last Wednesday night my udfc Was with copies «t the head uf nscli page, $100 .R E T U R N IN G should neelect lo exhibit hi? or her debt, claim The subscriber Assignee o f John Wiidermuth 3d An orchard, situate in said township, ad Leave New York from Pier No. 1. N. R .,by or demand, within the said period ol No’* 1. 2. 3. 4. and 5 are designed for the use attacked with severe pains, ami immed atcly n f. nine joining lands of John W. Irons and Hester Giber ter Dii-rhoea, attended with cold tie s extending r f Schools. A7o 6 which is a full course for sen*, 5 ! |il>'.’J"' ven6ue, on Saturday, the steamer John Potter, at 6 A . M. and 2 P .M . months after public notice be given as aforesaid, oï.1.7*10*® day o f May 1856, between the the hours o f No to her hand? and fp.pt. I immediately gave her ilemen is also sometimes* used in school. Leave Philadelphia from foot o f Walnut St. such creditor shall be forever barred o f his oi 24th son containing about ten acres. anu 0 o’ clock • »* the oafternoon il« ...« » . o„ rf __:.i j __ at •it said day. No 8 fine hand a dose o f your Camphorated E x rnct of Ginger, i' a book oi Mercantile forms. a! 6 A. M. nnd at 2 P. M. 4th A tarot of timber land in said township lier action therefor against the said Administra . le l. ] ° ° 9 e ? f -fohn Wildeomuth, at Cedar Bridge» Either o( t*»e 8 -Vo’s ¡2 £ cts. which 8‘ opped the pain ai.d the Diarrhoea. I n tor ladies. of Dover adjoining said orchard and land of John Leave Trenton at 6. 50, A. 5T. ¿¿2.39 P. ill. tor. By the Court, lit»* following Iti! lAtltf nrv rlnr»„.,’'l... .__ the described1 properly. AnT of the above books sold by Ihe dozen at IF. Irons containing about sixty aens. fifteen minuts after she watt again suffering. A t Leave Jamesburg at 8 40, A.M . & 4 35, p. m., J. H. GULICK, Clk. The half of 20Û nr.rpM acres,. mni-o mote n or less, called this time her hands and leet were ns c0ld as a lie Publishers’ wholesale prices.Teachers are * Pas«engers will he careful to procure tickets 5tU A tract of Cedar swamp Ian * on Foil May. 21, 1856 2m. Look s Oaks j also 200 acres more or less, called corpse. I gave the second dose, which complete vfted to correspond with ihe subscriber in re^ Branch in said township, containing about twen at the office in Freehold, or at the Captain’ s Grass Survey, adjoining lands ut David S Faily arrested 'he disease. She broke out in a gr. ftt Sard 0» the inlioduction of the Penmanship and ty acre1«. office on board the Boats, or thev will be char*■’ r_a 't ot hers j also 200 acres more or less call A L S I G N E E ’3 N O T IC E . prespiration, and in the morning was a b!e lo be other books into their schools. I have nominated Benjamin L. Irons, David ged extra. ed Froth Survey adjoining lands oi Newbolda it, A LL persons indebted tu George Corneliu about the house. I think il I had left he«* to for We W. SWETT. L C. Roners and Joseph B.Applegate, esquires, • The Bell at the Freehold Station will ring ten ijL on Note, Bond, and Book account, arc re others. Also the half of 66 acres adjoining lands Tom’s River July 23d 1856.— if. a doctor, a? it would have taken an ho11«*, the Commissioners to divide saie tracts of land into minutes previous to the departure of the train. fiuested to make immediate payment, nnd those 01 Mack house and others, disease could not have been »topped. I now I. S. BUCKELEIV.— Sup. Jamesburg, six quarters parts, or shares and unltss proper ob having claims against him, ate requested lo pre carry a bottle of ihe remedy with ineatall I'tnes. *^l>0 al same tome and place,ahe persona November 13, 855. jections are stated to me at the house of Jessie Truly yours,— MIFFLIN PAUL. sent Ihe same immediately far adjustment.— property o f the said John Wildcrinulh, consis OCEAN C O U N T Y T F A C H F ir s Cov/nrick innkeeper at the village of Tom’s Biver tins of Beds Bedding, Chairs, Tables, Bureau, 2 The Notes, Bonds and Book o f account, will be in said connty ibe ninth day of August Pr.|,aired only nl Barnes’ Drue ?tore TrenAND EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATIONleit at Ike office o f Thomas IV. Middleton ^ft’ y \Va,ins, 1 Cow, a quantity o f kitchen Furnituc next, at two o’clock in the afternoon, the said inn N J., and sold at A L L STO RKS throughout meeting of the above Associaiion will b at Law, at Tom’ s River, wher e the same wrl[ 2 Stoves, and a number o f articbes not herei the State. Beniamiu L. Irons, David I. C. Rogers and COMMISSIONERS SALE. held at Barnegal in the Public Hall, o be attended to in the absence of the subscribers mentioned. Joseph B. Applegate will then be appointed Tom’s River, Ju ly 9 th 1836— ly. N pursuance to a decree o f the'Orphans’eourt Friday September 18, 1866, commencing at 1 Sale to ocmraence at 10 o ' clock on Saendda one or both o f whom will be hereon Friday o o’clock. Teachers and Citizens of Ocean Count Commissioners to make partition o f the said of the County of Ocean, will be exposed to each wrek. Coudions at sale by friendly to the interests of Edncation are reques tract of land, pursuant to an act entitled, “ An sale a1 Public Vendue, on Saturday the 19lh OHN COURTNEY. ,/fMOS F.iLKENBURGH, ) Assignees nf AssigoTt yi act for Ihe more easy partition of lands held by day of July next between the hours of 12 and 5 ted to'be present* March 26th 1856.— 4w. CHRIST j IIN D. EMSON. y G. CoH.NiLtus, SHERIFF’S SAL£. coparceners, joint tenants and tenants in com o’clock in the afternoon of said day at the late The following business hu: aeetfarranged for September 19th 1855.—tf. By virtue or a writ or fi fa to me iirreted js the the session. mon,” approved April 16th 1856 residence o f Jotnes R. Compton uec’d at New •tied out or the Clrcuii court of Ihe cnuniy ,,f Given under my hand this fifth day o f July, Egypt in the Township o f Plumsteau County of SU JECTS FOR ESSAYS. Ocean, will be exposed to saleai public vendue A. D. 1856. EDW ARD ALLEN. ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. Ocean IN. J. the following tract or lot o f land, Obstacles ¡n tne V’ath oi the Earnest Teacher P E T E R DURYEE, on Wednsday, Ocloher I5ih 1856, between ilJ viz ; All that certain Mouse and lot of Land sit- I * Turn’s River, July 9lh 1856.— ts Sal«? of the diflerent tncis of land be»" Teaching, a Steppin Slone to Other Profes WHOlESALt DLALKU IK hours of 12 and 5 o’ clock P’. M., ol said day Bt sions uate in the village of New Esypt where the by longing to George Cornelius, as advertised A RDW ARE, Anils anU Cutlery, Screw. the house of B. H. Sion!, in Ihe villase of Tom’s widow of James R. Compton dre’d now resides. as Christain D. Emson and Amos Falkenbuigh, SU B JE C T FOR DtSCUSSIN. and Hollow Hare, corner o f Greenwhiah Liver, in said county, the following descrioed All that certain farm situate in the Township o f signees oi George Cornelias,stands adjourned W ILLIA M D-S-HYER prone-tv, to wit • anu \ esey faue.ts, near Washington Market, is it likely that the Slate Normal School will Plumstead near land of Samuel II. Mower Dr. until TUESDAY, the 7lh day o f OCTOBER, New x orir. ’ All that certain lot o f land situaic in the town accomplish its object. Warren, apd DF. Geo. F* Fort containing about 1856. Always on hand a full assortment o f Builders gjoqiaam ouioDaq Nup of Siatlord, couniy of Ocean, and stale o f -{agsg us di;j& oi pa,iAuj 60 acre«, All those two certain Wood lots ad a^ny person or persons wishing fo purchase nnd Cabinet -Makers’ Hardware, Forming Uten. oi pUatUI JO 3JB Ol|A\ SJaqto JO SJiUOBdJ IIw «ew Jersey, contnimns: six acres more or les; joining James Fowler and A Woodward about any of said tracts of land previous to the day of one or both of the above subjects. s«.hiPi*iu ^ sils, House-keeping articles, Mechnnics’ Tools, the above Seixed as ibe properly o f Joseph Bishop defen on one i ftjr miles o f Collier’s Mills; a Lo a certain Jot con sale, can do so by calling on George Ccrnelius, etc. etc., all o f which will be sold at the lowest oeni nnd taken in nt ihe in execution execution at the suit suit of of Sn,.,... Satnutaining 10 acies more oi less. ( ^ a AILS, AWNINGS, and TENTS,made on the and any sales made by him will be confirmed cash pi ice. EDWARD*’ L L E N fCtt!* l0 th* eveningei ». Wyckoff, and to be sold by JACOB G. FOWLJfS > most reasonable terms, and warranted to bv the assignees. F .J .S P CTR i Merchants,and others are invited to call e«i Ex. Committee. give satisfaction. W o* » E* w * IVINS, sheriff. THOMAS W. IVINS l Commissiners C H R IS T A TN D. EM S O N , ) „ . W* W. SWETT examine my stock. xosb’* River August I3ch 1856.—1 6 THOMAS W. M IDDLETON ) AH orders promptly attended to. AM O S F A L K E N B C R G II, { ID*Particular attention paid to orders Tom’s River July 9th 1856.—tf. Tom’ s River May 1 9 ,15S6.—ts Tom’ s River July 2d 1856.—-ly* Tom’s River, June 4th, 1856— if D ec. 15th 1854__ ly. R «I beami? enne«' i* »'1 oi<i»eme«la which I . tht|r o b je t ‘ lo repair th* wiaehlelb **' , ftoœ ih« »iolallOB of food lailh I" Ih. *" J 0i |he Miaaouri Ci'tnprooi.e.' I am Slavery In the ebaimcl. anil b|»on * fi!liea moaineil ami mule haWmal b? Ion* ¡¡¡¡Ed «enfiaiirmi, while I le*l InllHlblr In Ike ¡V,:.r ihal II onthl not lo b* lai*H*i«6 wlib ibei" Il aeUte andar Ika abteM of 8laie Soeer» I am «a laflellbly opposti ,0 ite »»lui. ¡¿«oalhle eoBllnent bejood ita prt»,al ina- A B — ■- R Gentlemen’s Shaving Ì PUBLIO S *L E . W U DELAWARE BAY RAIL R. GO. J B Daguerreotypes! P Seaside II me. O BOOKS! BOOKS! U B N A I H Sail Illake: loms River N. J. r iisen n its Th© Ocean Emblem. TO i D V K K T I I I i l l i i . |«i:il|-|.KS TIN IVARh AND H it Jeta* EmbUm n puMuhni at Tom*« H n jV K M A N U F A C T O R Y , Hfv>r,tli* r u a iip ifit o f O e«in( en l c !•r • «vtrj town %nú vifi*n« in the county, «nt t \ T 0 M .8 k i y e u . o c k a n U ». N. J, Cmay via nitira where another pepa it ricavai. r p ilK HubKrlher h.icoaalaallyot hand alar,# it toe only paper (hat ha« a thorough eu etila | varlaiy ol STOVES, sntoog which, may he ti©» over th© Count), and 1«, therefore. a good found the lullowin, ¡utpioved retie.na. to**ilium through which to advertí»«. T he «ir- I T H E R A T T L K lt, culai ion I» tort confined to Oeeaa County, it j MAY FLOWER, e i if .ui», to a coiiiidctablc esim i, io Monmouth , Huriingi»« tati Mcictr,ami, in faci, every couaty N E W W O U LD , in Ike Irate. « GLOBE, A (2 E N T * . V olear B. P almi », the American New»paprr | nm l P a r lo r S T O V E S . Agent, »■ duU authoiued to receive *nb*rrip 1 lion» and advertí »ementa Tor the (Jet** EmbUm ami the money therefor, in the citte» o í tic w York, Bouton and Philadelphia. All kind» ol Tin and Mrrct Iron work aaJ re. McDonald, (02 Na»»iu aireet, it »My au ailing dune in the best manner, by an exji thorised to receive*ubscn|rtiJii» and udvalue with d«»paicb. meed workinitti ; and d tomi» for ibi» paper. Tin rooting, house be adì , Icade i and gutter! S. M . I’rllengiil & C o.,119 Nassau tin lore d ily authorind to receive aa beer ipt i o n and made (• orer. A general assortment o fT I» ware constantly dveiliaeœeni» for thia paper, K. Oliphant* dr. New Lisbon, is duly on bund, ot wholesale and retail. cow I'W ftTH W A IT BROTHER. authorized to receive »»U iriptioni and advet Tom*« River June I3th 1855.— ljr. tueuteau atod give receipt* lor the same, for tld« papa. T. J. K Wallach, New Egypt. D A G Li E U R E O T Y I ’ E S ! Edwin J. Salt *«, Esq., Bernegal. MIE iwJtvtlft'b! U v ’wit rtV.ed and Rued up R o b e r t K » t v .í ~ . e . > 8 l u „ T i||e , ri the aecond *toiy ol Ihe ttw »bop o f E. W. A dam A ’ «»«. S yder, in Main et reel ; beg» have to announce t X Postao*— In Ocean County Faut. to the puhhr, tp»l he i* now prepared to take In other pari o f New Jersey 13 cent. * yea.C IV B BIH Ii. PAGUEKH0TY1 IS PAMBREOTTPES The Oe«»« Emblem, une year, In advance al ■U ali K u*if id w afh«*r, and at rraronablr ratea )L'T ¿fOCR VMCIVS and miniature# of dre’d m o I Cody'* IjiJy'i hook, one year, in ad vance, ,3 . (lOi Uraham't M a fn n r.a rr year,in prrsun* liken if the »horlvrg notice, dagoerro. adraace, $-1.001 but any pet son .endin« u. three i)j»< », Paintln« *, Drawiufi Ac„copp»ed. * fo r inking Children, morning ia preferable. dollar* and fifty cent., wil1be furni.lied the Em hum, and either one of the above Ma,aiinra lor Light.Blue, Pink, and in d ie Drrsaeaah Jbld he. one year. By Ibis means you ob.'a n ynor conmy avoided, Broun,Drab, Yellow,üreea, Red ttc paper, which !l inditpen.akle, at 50 ell., or lo take well. estimate lha paper at ,1.60, Iha ad rane. price In connection with the above, the aubacriber you set a frit clan literary periodical, o f inval alii] continue» the noble merit, at two dollar#. Send on your ordei. J U I I.lt Y ESTA IIL1S1MIENT. And bus on hand ouatniiily n good assortment they will be nrompilr ailendnd. in lla r p e r ’a iln ,a ilD e . ol Ladies and Gentlemen's Brcost-ptna Karrinei The Saeripiioit price o f thia Ma,aiine ir Finger rince, Lockets, Gold and Silver Pencil» dol'ara for aintle copie», but any perton tend Fob and Vest chains,fcc. in , o. three dollar* and fifly cent* .hall re. REPAIRING in all its branhea done with terse Ike Magaxiue and the “ Oceaa Emblem” neatneaa and despatch. Clock« and Watches for one year. warranted for one year. The public are invited to eive him a call. FRANCIS WEIGEL. Professional Cards. Tom'» River, -ff.ril J8, 1855. ly P . J. SPEER COUNSELLOR AT LAVV.ind Master and EVERY DAY BRINGS SOMETHING NEW Examiner in Chancery, T OM 'S R IV E R , N .J. April 2f$th 1854. ly. TheHubtcriCcr lias ju n opened, at hia new »lore in Tom ’s River, a large and well selected A . C . M cL E A N , TTORNEY and Counsellor at L aw ,ana stock o f staple nml fancy DRV GOODS— G R O C E R IE S , P R O V ISIO N S . FLO U R Mauler ami Examiner ia Chancery, and Feed, Boots and Shoes, lints and Cup», tohaa ictioved to Freehold, and occupies the office formerly of .lutlga VrctJengburg E .q-, on gelher with a Ionic »lock o f READY MADE tne Corner o f Main si. and flic at. leading to CLOTHING. Oil Cloths, Carpi ting and Rugs the Depot. FURN ITURE AD CLOCKS. Freehold July 4th 1855.— ly «,2 8 Wood and Willow Ware, Biounj, Brushes &e. Earthen, Slone, Crockery, Glassware &.C., See. B D W | B 's T b TEH . Iron, Steel and Hardware. Plows an I Plow. SU R V E Y O R ANDG'UNVEY A N G E It, Barnegat. Costing. Window Sash and Glass, Paints nut! D ied ., Bonds, Bills ol SALnand other wi itln,s Oil», Drugs nml Medicines, Plastering, Hair iiine pormplly executed. Bounty land and pension Lumber, and building matejiul generally, nil of which will be sold low for ash, ot its equiva. Claims attended to. lent at wholesale aid retail. Barnegat Ocean Co- N. J. August 8th,.1855. —3m. JOHN AUMACK. November 7, 1855. TIN & 811KKT IRON * WORK. . Now Arango menta S.P IIS.U I.W yck off ài Co. K * A h fi U HO €î I. H V Drain « m Fine Wines, Brandira, Ac. 104 MURRAY 8TREET, New York. SaauiKL*. \V«a*urr, ) Ornan. C lack. ? Naw Ymk. !*#*• ^ Drwnffirr18, OLI» PRINCIPI»!« ADHERED fO Uey Street House. M r.tr. Iron. It A li en be, leave In Inform their Irirnd. and the public ernrrally, Hint they hove juit opened nil unuautlly lar,e aasartutrnt ..f GOODS of every deactlptkm to Ihi lonnd in Country (lores ei-ntliting in part of. 54 98 & 88 DEY 8REET, NEH TOKK. K e p t on the E u r o p e . » Plan-, Mrnla at all Hou'a of the Day, G o o d s, G r o c e r ie s , Ci u, T in a n d H a r d w a r e , C rockC ed a r uitd II ¿1loicware, 1''um 11ure,Jswk i n g G la s s e s , P a i n t s ,O i l ,a n d 1.1(1« I t it i 1 I J il I«. Croton W ater In E very B o o m . MF.RIUTT fc LANGLEY, raovauToai M a, 21*1 185«— I, V ar n is h , F l o u r a n d F e e d — A; c. A )»o n gsn eril Aaaortraent o f . . r a f o t i - BOOTS & SHOES ; RE¡ALIY M elili CLOTHING *4. Ai t ol wbkhwilt be »old ta cheap a« Hi* ; be bought eltewhere. Our iiilention is »till to adhere to the “ One price eystem,” being «at isftpi (after several year« experience) that it works belter than any other. Person» in want o f GOODS will find it great ly to their advantage to rail and examine our .fTOCK, ©a we »hall act! •• C heaf F or Ca»h “ or “ Country p.oduce.’ ’ JOHN J. IRONS, EDW ARD ALLEN. Torn'« River May 71856.— ly. % Sea Shore Rail Rc^d* Though effort« may base been mad a 1« lake Ihe route ol ikl. road trom Hto 20 mltea H littcard, It cannot be. Ocean County aay» It uiuM go along Shore, and " N »»y we.” . 1 ) y , 1 » ircririn i aoppHe. con.tastlj from Auction and oiiici e lw , ot goodaanited to counliy trade. We keep bund the u.aat va riety of Oroeerle*, Hardware, Tin, Crockery, EarlItei, anti Wooden ware. \ ANKLE NO. r u >N8, A good assortment of SHOES. A large varnly of DKUUS ana MKOUTNES An extcn .n c .tuck o f luttrolled and Ilomrafie \Y D R Y GOODS, eonihtlng in part of « large variety ol Print*, Gingham., Barge end other brlaine»,Challcy*, .flpaeas, Ovo* dr Rkht, d'Soit and othci Silk». SILK \ N JI LL AS. Flowering Sleevaa, Chemlaeli.. Emb’ Parti ('ollara, Fancy Hlbhon*, a variety o f Thread and Colton Lace. KittiINUs, Colton, Silk and Thread. GLOVES. Flanel., Sheeting., Shirting., Stripe., lick in g . UVKAN \ T’r*£***• ";e Adm.n»alfater ^ ^ ^ ,V Ite» Thompson, lau o( ,h drerasrd, I John 11. t.Hic'k 1 County ol Ocean, In thr hereby order nod "rrvBI. dirent, 11 that f■I tralor give pnbl.e notiee t„ n,’.''■ * ,a Ai*,, deceased, lo bting |n ih.t, , " . " « » o r . * ^ « ' I h II i ib i n a i m i at .. . ■> U fgm .i , Haim, a,’ .Inti th! saM tl j urtn.lton, within nine awnlM fm TJ r * # h litis ertler, by .ru in , op , ‘ " “ '»J <«,, within I wnil, d.ys «iter thr d.!r ¿ } l ", "to o f the mori public place» |n ..id i " •pace o f two months, . « j a), „ b . . same lor the like ,p tec „m . |B ,!w ' ED'h ent, a new,, uf g,, " ’J j i creditor shall ne|leef to eihibit h,i „ .Ml,‘ »T demand or claim wilbtn the t.|. •" Irk months monthi Irom trom Ihe the dale hetwof hrnof, afler afl-r i2i J ! ■ »ha afvea . . «rotatala, such erM¡tof »«ir, buried ol his or hn action ther.lC.XÎ^'Wf ailmtnistratnr. '••Phattk, Given under my l end Uhi,^.. December, A: D, 1855. w“ ' « ! » g JOHN H. GULICK v Dec. 26, 1855. s«U,«r K E N S F U n N I S H I K O GOODS » « » ¿ J OOM « p iw r c ir lit V ,t O_ ct*» . I, ssha .V Coo.* M PUN the applie.t^H 1^«mripj ft ml, . Alto, READY ADE CLOTHING, I Adtninislraior with wilt Maen Coata, f anti, Vents. Shi la. Overall», Hals, va rFotter deceased late T m ÜT 7 ? " ™ rious styles, all in fashion. Ocean, 1 John H, Oulleli, S.r0n , ! ' 5 ' J O B D O T S o r L A D IE S HATS. Cnnntyof Ocean in the Slate o p tL5 ^ Al AtTom.HiKQLY low r*tcu.— fiota 6) eta sey, do hereby oed.r and direct lh., ’ in D R Y G O O D S, H O S IE R Y , f . |5, 0U. I athninistretor give public notice to lb. ' !lu Em broideries, Daces, C7 - We think we have »old gooda low before, o f said deceased to bring In their debts Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, nut al , reseat we are Iand claims against Ihe seid estate isdeT**1 S klliko a t CNeaxen(NTan LOW PRICES. »fftrmation, within nine mn»lhe fijr '!* * 4 *1 ID” All we ask is, Call oa u ,tnd look, and 1 of this order by selline up a cep. «Í iijT ^ Y A N K E E NOTIONS, all things ara aol as we repreaeol, yon may de within twemv day. of the dale hereon t * 1 mand pay for your lime. Ithe moti public placee in teid eoe«H ' ¿ T * O. W . H JV E N 8 A Co. sp.ee of Ipro monthi, and alio by «sT l?* RU LE T O 8H O W CAU SE. J ohn Q. W . Havkns, J ithe same lor the like spare of lit» » t E x ? T an Orphan« Court held et Tom'« River on A nn D. Haveni. y I F-tnhlem,’ • news) .per o f tbit S\ue . Z t " D A ILY . ............ W — 9th. - day o f May 1856,before ___ ednefday the errditor .halt »egira t„ r.hihit « . 7 “! Bnrrsville Oeear County, N. J. Marcii Î6th, 1858 ly. Mon. Pete* Yradonbw *k, and other Judges. In -furlist 23d 1855.— Iy. demand or claim VH hin the peiia)»oX **• matter o f John C. Cox admin t Kula to »how liront hereof. after «Iter publie nubi.. aa. Iront the dale hereof, NOTICE m THE PUBLlC^ T. W. ft A MASH Iks o f Wm.Hendrickson dee.having ( Cauae E Ihe anb'criber. having rented Ihe Mil ns aforesaid surh creditor shall befa», / ’*? HOLESALE Grocer», Pro*i»io«, W int exhibited to ibis Court under oath a iu*t and ol his or her aclioa therefore «sw*\wJ™ at Horneratown o f E. A. Khreve, are pie •nd^ Liquor Dealer#, No. 183 WertBt. true account of the personal estate ot said ielratnr. pared to sell Iced and flour from the mill al tire deaceased, wherby it appear« that lh** said between Barcaly and KobinionSlrecU, A’ew Given under oiT hand this aia» t,-j current price«, or deliver the same. All ordere York. eetate of saidWm. Hendrickson ia insufficient to thaolully received, and punctually attended to.» jannary A. D (856. T heodo. W Manan, pay his debts, and requests the aid ol th>* ?< irt in ____________ JOHN H. GOUCInh T . E. A L W . SNYDER. AvoosTVa M a « sii. the premises. It ia oidered that all parions inHornersti wn April 23d, 185«.— tf ITT Newburgh Pale and Amber A le, by ihe trrefted in the lande tenements and r**l estate RULE TO PAR rnFDiTOka. of the said deceased appear before th» Court at hogshead and barril, PHTFR I Y N C H , O c e a n O h v g a n ’p C o u r t nnuary 12lh., 1855. ly. Tim 's River on the first Tuesday ©( 0«t. next T IN P L A T E & S H E E T IR O N PO jV the «piflication ol John V. Cm,a to show caus why so much of the said land» WORKER, AND minittrntor of the F th te o f Wiilianbi tenements, lierditnmen'a and real estate of the S T 0 V K S T O K E drickaon, lata ol Ihe Coofttjof OcanOjilfif« raid William Hendrick on dee., should net h» M O U N T H O L L Y N. J. B L A N K b o o k s l, j«>hn H. Gulirk, Bnrroytte of the Counlj sold a« will be »utticient to pay his deb*», o* lha F p y et Statl nary c Plumbing, Tin Roofing and 8pouliirJ>, Dope Ocean, in the St»ti* of Nt w Jem» y, do htt remainder thereof,as the case may reqei’ e. and Warranted, FKANCI8 & LOUTREL, order and din ct, that ti e »ntri Adinini»tr«iori By Order of the Court. one Id, 188* ly. ANUFACTER1NG Stationers, Importer» public Notice to Ihe creditor» of mui ¿(ceun JOHN // . GULICK J Surnga'e. and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Stabrine in their debt», demand« and cUim»»rii May 2 Ht 18*8.-2m . tionnry and Paper, No. 7 7 M aidou) Lane, the »aid e.tnte, under o*th or «ffirmatjun.tn KE E P W A R M ! ! ! Ne w York. nine months from the «liile of this order by» The public will find nt (he Store ol the «ub Country orchants and oiler» supplied with A FARM ER W ANTED. icriber, a large assortment of B U F F A LO in* tip a copy of thi» oriler within twenty6 ovary style of aceour.; boooka, writing paper, o) the dale hrnof« in five of the ihom put SOBER, steady, practical Former wanted Robe», of superior quality, at low price«. place» in .«aid Cour.ty.for the »puce of i mem Thesubscr.ber will give a first rale chance gold pens, portfolios, setap books, copy and JOHN AUMACK. pass book»,cash and deed hooks, slnles, card and ol«u l»y a tveilisii.* the fnme for the I to n man with a family, who wishes to local** Tom’* River l)re, Jfiih 1855. spnee o! lime, in the ** Ocean Kmblrm^iiG hfinscl I peimanently, in the prosecution of the cafes, che-smcn L.C., Books made to pattern, Till: LADIES' COMPANION, paper of this Hate j and if *ny cicdiiorrli above business, one who is trust worthy to take paged &.c. \ AftAZIKE m.VuTLD TCI Tilt IWPoVJEMFNr OF ncslect to exhibit hh or hei drbt, thmanl Proprietors o f Francis, celebrated manifold charge ol a tract o f unimproved land near this fHE HOMJI ClCLK. W riln», bj which letters and copies are writ, claim within the »aid period of nine monttefi« village, clear it np, and put if under rultivnljnn. A new aeries o f the C ompanion brgithw*>e- the dote hereof, after public notice pi**« ten at the same lime* Apply 1» H. W. C OW PERTHW AIT. ihe number for Match, 1856 The woik is pno M e '91 1854.97 aforesaid, tueh creditor «hall be forcvei baired Tom*» ltiver, Dec. 26. 1855. if hslird monthly. In addition to n variety ol ins. his c»r hei action therefor aga'nM (be idaii licit*«on various sublets, calculated to ainus trator, T. VI- MIDDLETON. and insliuct the rmtiibeis ,.f the family circle HUNT E R B UG KL E Y ti Co. Given under my l and this nintteen!h fci 1000 Cords o f Oak A Pine W oe ATTORN EY AT LAW . t*n« h number will contain DEALUKS IN December, A. D. 1855. N E W S T O 1! E ! Master and Exam iner ln Chancery. Wanted by Ihe Sub'ciibi r — A N ' KLEG AN T CO LO R ED FLO W ER PLATE. F o r e i g n <f’ J .‘o m i s i i r P r y G o o d s . JOHN //. GULICK\ Strict IN IV .t T E R n T R E E T . M OFFICE.—First floor o f Emblem Buidina.J JO //N AUMACK piiuttd in c »lots, ami altogether superior to any Dre. 26, 1855. 1 31 a'l'l 3:1 V v'iy St, (c-rner of Church St.) I'O 'il IUVEIi, N ’ HF »nhQf rihfra would onnoitnee to the ntihlip Tom’s River. Nov. 3 ! 55—m. * * n ilivin'*» o f Ihe kin.i ever published in any jiMjuvv l u iu v .. L that they have purchased the Store— Stork June 311834. ly . Charles F. Hunt* r, William R Sheldon, similar work in this countiyt T lusefiow n piau» and Fixtures of llenry . Dunham, in H'otei HULK TO b a r CREDITORS. { will he worth the '»hole co.‘ l of tne Mag rbotnasT. UueUlev, William It. Welling. alone G U N S R E P A IR HP. street, and have remodeled the interior of the axine. Oeran Unnnty Orphan*« Court ol the Tent! The suS^cribrr continues Gnnsmilbini; in nil N. w York May 31. 1851.— ly. store bouse, and have made Koch number 11 also contain one fti.i Jnnntiry 1856. A CARD its branches i t T oyi' s River, nml i< prepared to E xten sive A dditions I'ON ihe npplientV.n «,( J, U. (¿did page E ngraving, iliu.Miating one of the sketch Dr. Sa m u i - T . L ocke, a'Graduate o f the report* at shorl notice, Guns, Rifle« nn pistol». T o he S t o c k o f Go o d s . and William I. Jumrn exerevton rf e« contained n Hie f-nme. Hr sides the^e. a numJefferson Medical Collage—a member o f the N. S T R A W GOODS ! S T R A W G O O D ! ! For Stocking double Guns, fiom -1 J »> b dollar.*1 . h'*’ of Enamvings rf|fiesenting new pnttemf» ol Jofm’9 Guiick dee» a»ed, t!» limit and tppdst J. Medical Society— Physician to the Borden We invite the leading public lu call and examine Single Gun.«, from 2 to4 dollars, Paten! Stoekirg LOOP û ALLEN, 35 Ccurtlandt St. our slock before purchasing elsewhere. Ont Fmbrolih ry. Crochrt ffW k, the Fashions, etc . a Cditain time within which the cieditoriof(h town Female Collage—having had u large cx Ntv; York slock wilt be kc »t up by jur chases from the lar from 5to 7 dollars, Locks, Cylinders and Tube», perience in the practice of medicine in theSonth We lake jilcnsmc in inlmmin? our .New Jw be given in thr entirse of the jeor, ond oc vahf di’Cen^cd lhall brine in their debt», diiw gest dealers,willi the ready CA«H,thtm enabling constantly on hand. and demands n.ninst the »nine or else be deter casionally n pnae o f Music. and N, Jersey, oflers his professional services Jersey fricruÎN, that we have now completed our BRAZIL!.fA BRAHN. ’ he C O M P A N IO N ia publiehed at only' red from ftn) action respecting the iamerfiwt to the inhabitant.? o f Tom's River and sorround ua to sell as Ion a- any house in this village. M l t'K ol GOODS, a da I ted to I lie fcP IU ftC I’ n i’ « k ' v nib r. 27,1854.— lv.rn,ly Our stock cot lists of tin* said nrfmintetiafotf. It is ih^refoicotdiw cc entry. TU!AsD Our nsfovtmrnt embraces tvt 'V vo- OA H DOLL \ R n yeai, if paid <n advance. Ev^ry V ariety o f G oods Agents wanted in all p.rls of t!,e* Union, to by ihr* Court, that the .Raid a<fmini»!r*lortfin office on Main St., above B. F • Auraack’s i inly ol Fur, Silk, and Wool fiate ; boy*» and usually kept in i. country store, among which rexience. Refferance. men's Caps of,every giade. Ateo, n complete whom good inducement.« will be offered. Letters notice lo the creditors o f the said itecnsdii I N O T IC E . may be found John H. Brakf.ly, A. M. President o f Female LL prisons indebted lu the lute firm lint of cvi'iy variety of Straw. Silk nnd Lncr t nch.sins money fur the work, at oar risk, ii bring In their debt« and dimnnils aciinst tf* said estate within nine mouth» from this DRY-GOODS OF I,VERY DESCRIPTION, College Borden town. Ivins Sc Cowpeithwail, are rionesttd to Bonnets. We aliali malie it n point to show qui carefully diiected to G ocfies. in nil their variety, by setting up a copy t f this order in five of tit SEL HUBRA Rev.JniTies O. Rogers, M* Hutchinson Esq,, and tnckn immediate pr.ymcnt to the subscribe! • n*nr by tn*ie, Roods adapted lo their ir.aibet, ai C r o k e r y , H a r d w a r e af a l l k i n d s , most public pieces in this county, for the if« 156 Washington Street, Whital Stokes Druggist, Bordentown; Hon. Joel Accounts remaining unsettled after Septenv particularly low figures. Clocks, Boots & Shoes, Pork, Fish, Flimr, of two month«, and also by ndverlisinylhr oit Boptok, M ass. Haywood West Creek } Hon. G. R. Robbins her 1st, will he placed in the hands of an A t1 W- also keep a lull line o f goods pertain ing ond Feed, D»ugs and edicltiei, &c-, in ihe Ucmn Emblem a f.c>wspbp«*r published’» j M. D. Hamilton Square \ W. A. Newell M. D. lo the trade. Call unit examine our Svock. which will be sold cheap fur cash or its equiva torney for collection. this State for the like space of time, andif»if | Allentown. TO T IIE P E O P L E GEORGE W. C O W PE R TH W JIT. L oop & A i lkn, 35 Cotirtlandl at., a.join lent. credMors shall prelect to exhibit his or herdeW.«, Tom a River, Feb. 20th 1856 — ly. Tom’ s River .dugaat 9, if. nig Merchant's Hotel, New York. HENRY C. GDLICK & Co. claim or tiemand.within thesai I period ol lin March 12 h 1856.— ly. 5P rOINT PLEASANT, Tom’« River, januaiy i), 1856. ly months after public notice be piren as ifarttH ' T _ F l O l tN aU A N C E t AND Tonis Fiver Advertisements. The suliscriber, Agent tor the New Brunswick auch creditor (hall be forever barredof hhci Su r r o u n d i u g Co u n t r y •fine I nsl-hancf. Companv, locute.l nl New her claim theieforc oeninst Ihe- said eiffniou., U it- c c l l a n e o n s A d v e r t i s e m e n t . A GAU D. HiunswicTt, N. J., is prepared lo insure Dvre By the Court, J. H- GULICK, Cfl T he subscriber respectfully an«, lings Barns, ioc. Nc., on favorn' Ic trims. F o i l o w the Cr o w d up T o w n T he unilersiunrf w-mld inform his fnendr nnd Jnn. 23d 1856.— 2m n o u n c s that bis select school U-r young and ihe public, that he still continues the Mercantile JOHN J .'IRONS. SAVE YOUR MONEY Ladies, opens on this, 2d day c ( M ay in«!, trade iu all ot its branches, r.1 his old siore, inFeb. C, 185«— ly RULE TO SHOW C M * , . Point 1’ ieasnn', under the charge ol M iss tVicn.orx, a Lady EVERY! NE HIS u\VN ThAlilLU Jh an Orphans Comt held at VVANTEfL Those qualilicutions us it teacher are ItipliPile inhabitants ofthis place, and surrounding nnd lor the county of Ocean, on the srcosrtTurt bv the sniisciiber,1,000 men, to cnl wood. The MacLaurin s Patent System of neiighhorhuorl, have been under Ihe necessity ol day of January, ]H66, before Peter D ^ tv y com m ended, front Ilie most respectable highest price p»id. E .W . IVIN'S« W H I T I H G. go %i abroad lor many of the necessaries ol life, sou rces. burgh and othei udgi s, Tom’s River, Nov. 21st; 1855 tf. Pale?.ted by U. b. Government. Feb. 14, 1855 andlhen paying an exorbitant price, beside las- In mnUer.s o f Henry Moor, sr. ) Obdixt® The following are the terms, exclusive In a set ol Books. Price $2,000 pwr ngmu eh lime; while by so doing they have been udrnin. of Ezekil Horner dec'd j show causeci Hoard and Stationery, hut including al; One set can be utjed by a dozen learners N O T IC E . building up other villages, our own has remain other incidental expences. Henry Moor senioi, Administrator of Kwi« Having associated with me my brother James Sent by mail, prepaid, to any part af the Union ed stationary. For Reading, Writing, Arithmetic,Geoernphy, P. Cowperlhwait in tiie mercantile business on receipt ol ihe price. Schools and Dealers Horner dec’d, having exhibited to Ibis Coun The sunscriber intends to remedy this evil by Tuglish Gi,nmnei. History,Astronomy, Algebra, and assigned to him the management ol the con supplied on liberal terms. under oath a jost and true account of the p constantly keeping on hand a good assortment sonal estate and debts ol said deceased, where“ Geometry, Mensuration, (kc., per term o f ele cern I would earnestly lequest all persons in The perfectly original and novel system of inof goods, ond seliing them nt fair prices ven weeks. • . . $«,00 it appears that the personal estate of said Eli The SuiHcriber.* will continue business debted lu me on note or book account tc call and iitruedien (and Ihe only one ever patent) puts ii “ C om o One. C om e A ll ” For the folio ving branches extra charge will settle previous to Oct. 1, 1856. he old stand, McKean» Store House. kiel Homer is insufficient lopay *»,s tn Ihe-power of every man,woman and child in and prove the truth of this promise. 25 made as I'mtowa. requests the aid ol the Courl in the premtiM.J For the sale of Accounts remaining unsettled after that date he country to become, without the aid of a Among his stock may be found the following s ordered that all persons interested The French Language, $ 10,00 •* Dry Gdods will be placed in the hands o f F. J. Speer lor master, an accomplished writer. By any other goods : Cloths, Cassitneres, Tweeds, Vestings, tenements and realrstute of the said oecearw Piano with use o f the instrument $ 10,00 collection. known process, none but persons having a spe* G. W. LOW PER WAIT. Hurd, wan De Laines, Ginghams. Flannels; Table L ie-", Oil Painting . ■ < g no pc-r before the Court at the Co»*» Tent’. River May 7 1856.— u factually or natuii«! talent fui Wilting,can acquire Crockery, Wax Fruit and Flowers . « 5,00 proficiency, while by this system the ability is Shirting, Bed Ticking, Prims Gloves, Hosiery! Tom's River on the first Tuesday ol if Iron èf Sleeif Drawing, Painting and Crayoning, insured to all to obtain the highest possible com Lace, Edging, Ribbons, White goods and trims next to show cause why so much of th«»»*«■ *ioQts Shoe* mings, in alltheir variety. tenements, hereditBineuts aud real e«1*<Tf “! each . 11 2,50 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. bination o f correctness and raprpity. A pamphlet Cedar Ware, saidEitkil Honor deceased, should nolte»* Tissue Flower- and Embroidery, each“ 2,50 „ O iO C E lIE S . The Copartnership heretofore existing be contain*» full explanations and directions, will ac Looking Glasses, as will be sufficient to pay his debts or nt* Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Fiah, Pork, Ornimentai Needle work and Worsted tween Edward W. Ivins and Heary C. Guiick, company each set o f books , or the pamplet will R E Jt D f M j r > £ c l o t h i n g Flowers each . “ 2,50 is this day disolved by mutual consent. be sent to any address, without charge,or the Spices Soap and Candles, Butter, Chees«, Lard, main per thereof as the case may reqoirr. By the court . II. G U L IC K ,«" A N e w and splendid P ian o All persons indebted to the late firm will make on recept of a postage stamp. The adiest edu. Vinegar, and a general assortment o r Palent Has been purchased for the use of lire School immediate payment and those having claim« will catinists in the country have giver, the subject Medicines; also, of Boots and Shoes, for Men, January 23d 18h6,—2m. S T O V E S OF E V E R Y D E S C R I P T I O N and everything reUhng lo the comfort, conveni please present them for settlement. Women and children. a very thorougt exatninaton, and have expressed AT UNPRECECENTED LOW RATES, H ARDW ARE ¡v ence ond in p* jvement oi the pupils will be E. W. IVINS, H. C. GCLICK. there confidence in the all-sufficiency o f the sys Iron, Nails, Butts, locks,Tacks, Kn es and O^T F o rC A S H , o r its equivalent only _ £ 0 catefully attended loRULE TO BAR ('. Feb. 27th 1856.— tf. tem Forks, PocketKnives, Scissors, Window Glass, O cean O orehan »**» II iiour intention to Make our Establishment rehan ’ ií w CmjThe iiubferiber would receive three or four Extracts from the many Testimonials in Paint, Oil and Putty, Powder and Shot, fcc,, all decidedly the TTPON i rc/iv the me appncaiiun application ot oi „ irtW , , boarders in his own family, at twenty-four doll POSESSION OF THE PATENTEE. NOTICE O i ASSIGNMENT. of which will be sold as cheap as elsewhere, for J Adminiylifttor o f Samuel W. PoU e » ars per term, it application bemndesonn. From James N. McElligott, L. L. D. otice is hereby given that George Cornelius each or ilsequivalent. Call and examine befote ed, lat** of the County of 0cf»n* , LEWIS LANE, “ The pupil is compelld to his practice correct» purchasing elsewhere. and Lydia his wife, ol the Township ot And we therefore earnestly invitethe public tc Tom’s River Mny 2, 1855.—tl Guiick, Surrogate o f the CwnH 0 ess of form with rapidit of e:<ccut.on* These, llovet in the Coumv ol Ocean, and Stale of null and examine our stock,and be satisfied ot TV LEE oil.I.EN. the Slate o f Newersey. do hereby “ ^ New Jersey, have this First day of September s is well known, are the capital tepuisites in •he truth o f what we say. We art well aware Point Pleasant, uly IS. 1855]y direct that the said admini»trat°r ? A . 1). 1855, made an Assignment lo the sub the formation of a good penman, anp it is the FOR SALE. that many persons on commencing business ad notice to the creditors o f said decea The suberibrr oflers for sale, the large dwel scribers ; oi there estate for the equal benefit crowning feature of Mr* Maclaurin system, vertise, and hold oat inducements which they in their debts, demands apd clah«8 y ol the Creditors of the said George Cornelius that they comeout o f the pracice involved iu his never intend to perform. All we nsk is an ex- ing House where henow reides cituated — the said estate, under oath or conrs o f exercises by a sort o f natural neces,\ aminntion o f our stock i onrrrices will spcltk the enst aide of Main street, Toms River. The and that the said creditors must exhibit there re . in nine months from the date of TRUSSES! TRUSSES!! TRUSSES! II for themselves. We flatter ourselves after ma building is n ariy i.ctv, nnd is composed of the sped ure claims, under oath or affimution, with sity” setting up a coppy o f this order wHBi' ^ Bertram Harrison, Esq., Principal of Bancroft ny years’ experience in trade, that our selcc best raatrial built ¡n modern style, rooms on in the Term o f six months _ C . H . N E E D L E S ’ days of the date hereof in f "C ol »» ^ Institute, says:—“ 1 think it far superior to all first on second and on bird floor. A basement Dated September First, one thousand C tions will be superior other methods, nnd best'ned lo aepuire a wid Irus-s and Brace Fstablislimsnt, lie places in said Coun,/( j® 8^ffrtit* Eight hundred nnd fifty five j T O A N Y O T H E R I S T H E M A R K E 7 under (he whole builjjng with n large bake South-west corner o f Twelfth and Race 3.Ï3J'.« ol two months, and al«° Dj tM and deserved populaiity " AMOS F^LKENBURH, ado as we shall be constantly in receipt ot oven and every other necessary arrangement Tor ing the same for the like space of ^ jw)f¡ Philadelphia. Mr. Charles Condert says:— CHRiT-JUV D. EMSON. S o fa from New York and Philadelphia,it w'l. Hie snccessful poeocution o f the baking business. Ocean Emblem, a news pnper m p o r t e r o f fine F r e n c h T r u s s e s , con 3Î323J 0 1 | 'b it ^ “ A mere examnntion ofthe work is sufficient September 5th 1855.— tf. and if any creditor shall neglect' 0 * * ^ bafor the interest o f all classes to give atlhei.' The whole property will ha sold it npplied (or extreme lightness, ease nnd durability to convince the most snpier ficial observer that soon, on reasonable terms, or the bake house or her debt, demand or claim wit ‘ rpy|lij correct construcrion. patronage. Bsmust be what it purpots. “ and fixtures will be rented at a moderate rent. we euthwait B kotheb. uaFrom John W. Bulkley, E sq., Superintend»- -^ Ç ^ H c r n ia l or ruptured patients ct a t c o f nine months from the dale EXECUTORS NOTICE. JAMES T . GOBLE. Tom's Rivet,a 1, 1854.— ly.nt, ; notice given as aforei aid. Such .^¡¡fgl suited by remitting amounts, ns l il*.. A LI, Persons indebted to the estate of James l o f Common Schools in the city of New York Tom’s River, April 1st 1858. tf. —bending number o f inches round the hip», <£.jf be forever barred of his or her ad X I Guiick deceased, on Bond, Note, Book it y«:— stating side ofleeted. against the administrator. „fait ccounr, or otherAiise, are rcqutsled to make ‘ ■I have no hesitation in snying that, re Given under my hand, this 9 Cost of Single Truss» $2, $3, $4, $5. Dc^iû mniediale payment, to the anoverihers ; and gard the principle upon which it rests— theul L IM B K IL N . N E W S T O R E —$5, $6, $8, % 10. uary, A. D. 1859 'HE subscriber has re-commenced burning those having claims against said estate will pre tore aud development of the muscles o f thean essrs, p o t t e r & h o o p e r would J'OHN H.GULUK instructions as lo wear, and how to effet;} L ime at his Kiln in this village. He has sent them for examination and settlement and arm— as eminently n sound and phy5T £ respectfully inform their friends, and the cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. JOHN H. GULICK, ) on hand a large supply o f Lime for land, also a ical one, and, indeed, as the only mode in aT o public at large, that they have just opened a new Also for sale, ¡Hgreat variety, W. TMT.AV JAMES. S Executant perior article for mason-work, which will be a fite, easy um! «raceful style ow i pq^v e nnd choice selection of DR. BANNING'S Tom’s River, july ! Jih 1855.— tfcan be attained." !d on reasonable terms. W. Jf’ IiEAN. e v e r y v a r i e t y o f g o o d From John H. Tom’s River, Soly7, 1853-tf. _ IMPROVED PATENT BODY BRACE, usually found in a country Store, at the stand C L O C K S , C L O C K S T I-or the cure o f Prolapsus Uttrij S|imul I'm ,, formerly occupied by John Aumack & Co., con T* HE htuhMcibera have i Hit O UUSV-llUCia S t---- , l°r inteH »W’ m JUST RECEIVED a large and splendid nsleitWK and Sui)|iorts, Potent Shoulder Braces, chc^ sisting o f Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hard one seat Spring C a r ria g e , „fdô^ sorlment of the latest nnd most approved stiles FOR SA LE . F O R SALE. Expauders and Erector Braces, adapted to a ware Clocks, Bools & Shoos, Pork, Fish, Flour Also a sc‘ ether one or two HoraeöThe subscriber oflers for sale between 1000 ol C lo c k s , which will be sold at unprecci'enied The residence of the subscriber, situate on with Stoop Shoulders and weaKM-ungs; Englis and Feed Drugs and ediclnes, all ol which, Harness, both nearly new low priers. The public are invited lo call and Main street in the village oi Tom's River.— Elastic -ibdotninal Belts, Suspensories, Syringe and 2000 Cedar Rails, cheap for the caeh. 3 °W J -J 0 - S will U sold caxAg examine them. Terms easy. .tfpuly soon. The rails can be seen atSchenck’s milt, —male and female. CHARLES M-1“ WINSLOW PARKHUKST, F R A N C IS W E IG E L . THEODORE McKEAN. Ladles’ Rooms, with Lady attendants. THOMAS HOOPER. Tom’ s River May 28th 1856.—2m, Tom’s Rivet July 18th J85«r—“ ■ .¿M arch 19th 1856.—tf. Tom» Rivar Maroh 12lb 8156.— if. August 6, i855. ly Toat’s ftivar Dec. 26lb, 1855.— ly, A C O R T L A N D ST. Clolh*. Caaimerea, Yealiaga, Tw eed., C ra n i a , H'tiKerehlefa, Shirt«, r rn n li, Collora, he. Ncuj-lìotk. U AUCTION W W U Cheap Cash Store ! A M A U \ Of Writing. People's Stoee, L N I M T BARGAINS- K