the 8 heaven - Loving Heart Experience
the 8 heaven - Loving Heart Experience
THE 8 TH HEAVEN By Bodie McCoy © Copyright 2004 by Bodie McCoy TABLE OF CONTENTS FORWARD INTRODUCTION 1 2 PART I: THE PRAYER AND THE CODEX 3 3 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 ORACLE OF THE HEART THE ANCIENT MAYANS THE RAPTURE THE PLEIADES THE EIGHTH HEAVEN TWO MANY CULTURES PALENQUE LORD PACAL THE SUN CROSS CODEX PART II: SPIRITUAL TECHNOLOGY CHAN BAHLUM THE SUN CROSS CROSSES AND PEARLS HUNAB KU YOU ARE THE LIGHT THE HUMAN BLUEPRINT CREATING INNER PEACE THE INNER CHILD GOD’S CHILD SHAPING MOTIVATION TWO FAITHS HOLY IS YOUR NAME PART III: SURFING THE INNER HEAVENS SURFING LOVE REBIRTH FEELING IMAGERY THE INNER CHILD ORACLE OF THE HEART 14 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 .21 23 23 23 23 24 25 THE FIRST HEAVEN THE SECOND HEAVEN THE THIRD HEAVEN THE FOURTH HEAVEN THE FIFTH HEAVEN THE SIXTH HEAVEN THE SEVENTH HEAVEN THE EIGHTH HEAVEN 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 PART IV: HUMAN EVOLUTION 42 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 52 THE FLOWER OF LIFE STAR OF DAVID IN THE PRAYER ANOTHER STAR IN THE PRAYER A STAR IN THE CODEX SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES MELCHIZADEC THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE ATONEMENT SPIDER BEYOND INFORMATION A VISION FORWARD THE 8th HEAVEN Our new book “The Eighth Heaven” reveals promising new vision of earths destiny. THERE IS MORE • The 8th Heaven reveals a startling collaboration between The Mayan Ancient Ones and Jesus in preparation for a cosmic event. • In The Eighth Heaven, we see how Jesus and The Mayan Ancient Ones offer the same teachings. • In The 8th Heaven you will discover how The Sun Cross Codex at Temple Of The Sun in Palenque Mexico and The Lord’s Prayer are actually based on the same spiritual technology. • Learn how and why the Ancient Ones and Jesus preserved this knowledge to help us now as we make our transition into The Eighth Heaven. AND MORE • This little book will illuminate our history and your life with the actual light of all eight heavens. • The 8th Heaven will help you to embace the unprecedented changes that we all face in positive, uplifting ways. • In The Eighth Heaven you will have an opportunity to experience this ancient technology in simple, heart-felt meditations. INTRODUCTION The Prayer Jesus Taught The Lord’s Prayer is the most important of all Christian documents and yet few know the sacred, embedded teachings it contains. Jesus carefully constructed this compact formula for the development of our human souls. Taken to heart the prayer Jesus taught becomes the instrument of our spiritual rebirth, but of course, faith is required. Fortunately, Jesus crafted this organic prayer to evolve with us. It has passed through the ages uncorrupted and unspoiled into this “information age”. Now we see that Jesus was not the only one. Within the Sun Cross Codex created by the Mayan Ancient Ones we have discovered a complimentary teaching. Together these two produce a new experiential understanding of our own true meaning and how a higher spiritual purpose is now unfolding. This faith is deep like that of the disciples who knew Jesus personally. It comes, to us as theirs did from our own inner Christ. Sadly, many Christians today worship Jesus but he did not teach us to pray to him. His prayer begins with “Our Father” who is The Christ within us all. The Lord’s Prayer contains the whole of His message of how we may all open our human “temple’s” on eight levels to receive God’s gift of Himself. Now I will share the story of how we have learned to experience the prayer Jesus taught in a wonderful new way. By combining the Lord’s Prayer with the ancient Mayan Sun Cross Codex both a transcending experience and a prophetic vision of Earth rising are revealed. The last pages of the bible describe a “Golden City” named “The New Jerusalem”. The Ancient Mayans describe a “Golden City” within “The Central Sun”. Here we are call this ultimate spiritual destination “The Eighth Heaven”. PART I: THE PRAYER & THE CODEX Our journey began one evening twenty-two years ago when my wife Barbara and I were in the midst of a personal crisis. We had spent years practicing eastern spiritual disciplines but in our hour of need, we turned to a prayer that we had both learned as children. It was “The Lord’s Prayer”. We’d both forgotten about how special that prayer had been us. Neither of us had said the Lord’s Prayer for years but as we continued talking that evening we realized that something within us still yearned for the promise it seemed to offer us as children. Frankly, at that moment we were desperate enough to try anything but it was the prayer Jesus taught which came to our rescue. As we prayed we felt hopeful again and a wonderful sense of peace came over us. For the first time in a while, we felt good so we said it again and we felt even better. I don’t know how many times we said the Lord’s Prayer that evening but I do remember the feeling of a dark cloud being lifted. I remember feeling lighter than I had in years. Barbara and I made the decision that evening to put the Lord’s Prayer at the center of our lives. From then on the Lord’s Prayer came first and last. We knew the prayer was making our lives better and we wanted to understand why. Our years of eastern spiritual training enabled us to see The Lord’s Prayer as a sequence of invocations corresponding with the eight chakra energy centers. These eight centers play key rolls in eastern spiritual disciplines and by breathing into them while saying the Lord’s Prayer, Barbara and I quickly received uplifting results. This discovery was very exciting to us. We felt like a treasure, hidden by Jesus, was being revealed. First, we saw seven different levels and soon we realized how there are actually seven distinct prayers within the one. ORACLE OF THE HEART™ After several years of experimenting with the Lord‘s Prayer as a meditation we were experiencing wonderful results. Our relationship, our children, our finances and careers were all thriving. Then we saw what we thought was a game within the prayer. That “game” turned out to be an extraordinary new oracle, which we now call Oracle of the Heart™. At first we didn’t know what Oracle of the Heart™ was or what it was for but gradually, through experimentation and much contemplation we learned from it. It taught us many deep lessons about our selves, about humanity and about the Lord’s Prayer, from which it came. As a result of our ongoing relationship with this oracle we have experienced miracles, met extraordinary people and visited some truly sacred places. I was trying to understand what to do with our new game when I heard an inner voice say, "What about a game board"? At that time one of my two jobs involved handling lots of coins and one day just before it was time to go home I felt myself being pulled into a trance. It happened very gradually but right away I knew I was going to receive our new game board. Before leaving work I was guided to purchase 500 quarters from my employer. When I got home I walked straight to the kitchen where I picked up a large metal mixing bowl. Then I took the quarters and the bowl to our bedroom. I locked the door and I don't remember much until about an hour later. Then I was looking at our new game board sitting on our bedroom floor (see Fig. #). I stood there drinking it in for the longest time with its lively symmetry touching something deep within me. I knew those quarters weren't really moving but they sure seemed to be. I then wondered, "what is this design and where did it come from"? My inner voice, expressing what I thought was a sense of humor, said, "Maybe it's a message from space". We soon saw within this pulsing design a wealth of messages, insights symbols, numbers and energetic patterns. THE ANCIENT MAYANS Our new game board was a puzzle within a puzzle. Instead of answering our questions its' hidden messages presented us with new ones and I kept hearing my inner voice saying, "Maybe it's a message from space". When we showed it to two of our friends, one of them said "it looks like a message from space"! Soon after that conincidense these same friends introduced us to a modern-day Mayan elder named Hunbatz Men who would soon be their guide on a fascinating trip to Mexico. The purpose of this trip was to perform traditional Mayan ceremonies in certain ancient Mayan temples. We knew that Huanbatz Men had helped Jose Arguelles to understand the Mayan calendar and we soon learned that Jose, his wife Lodine, Barbara Hand Clow, a Hawaiian Kahuna and many other fascinating people would be accompanying Hunbatz Men on this trip. Hunbatz said these ancient ceremonies would be the first ones performed in those temples in over 500 years. We were captivated. Our fascination with the Lord’s Prayer had led us to the edge of what most people would call “normal” and we simply couldn’t stop. We asked our friends and yes there was room for two more curious souls on the trip. In preparation for this journey into the mysterious world of the ancient Mayas, Hunbatz Men taught a series of classes about who the ancient Mayas actually were. We quickly learned that ancient Mayans were nothing like what we read in National Geographic. According to him there was nothing "primitive" about the ancient Mayans, in fact he believed their culture was far superior to our own and the more we learned about them the more we found ourselves agreeing with him. The ancient Mayas were exceptional astronomers whose fascination with time enabled them to create the most complex and accurate calendar in history. They understood time as an intricate system of interlocking circular realities, "circles within circles", wherein God, humans and nature meshed in perpetual concert. Hunbatz said that to the Maya each day was unlike any other, a unique entity full of meaning, demanding to be understood and this also seemed to be the message behind our new game. THE RAPTURE Hunbatz Men told us the original Mayas came from the Pleiades. Their purpose, he said, was to help us prepare for the dawning of a new age, an “age of enlightenment”. He said that many of his insights had come directly from the Mayan story tellers. He said that being Mayan himself enabled him learn from those who are still passing on their ancient history by world of mouth and that these stories/myths told of “Ancient Ones”, “gods” having “supper human abilities” who came to earth from the Pleiades. I couldn’t help but wonder if our “game board” had somehow come from these “Ancient Ones”? Hunbatz told us that according to the Mayan chronology for the past 26,000 years humanity has been traveling through an age of development. Both the relevance of time and our process of evolution, he said, have much to do with our earth's position in space. And according the Mayas 26,000 year calendar, in the year 2012, this current age will end as earth is bathed in a new kind of light that will give birth to a whole new reality on earth. Then, Hunbatz said, "we will actually become a different kind of being"! I asked if what he was describing was the rapture mentioned in bible, when, “in the blink of an eye” many souls will be lifted up into the heavens. He said it was and that many bible prophesies and historic events past, present and future could be seen in the Ancient Mayan Calendar, “The Tzolkin”. Of course I’d heard of the rapture but I never thought of it as being real. The idea that such a thing could happen in my lifetime was something I’d never even considered. The thought of “advanced civilizations” who were also preparing for this great cosmic event never occurred to me. Then shortly afterwards Barb and I received a book containing research, done in the early to mid seventies, by Terrence L. McKenna and his brother Dennis. It seems that these two scientists had arrived at exactly the same conclusion as the ancient Mayans in a completely different, more modern, way. What fascinated us was how the McKennas' concluded that in the year 2012 human evolution would make an unprecedented leap. By programming a computer with the significant historic developments of mankind, the McKenna brothers projected a graph of our human evolution which goes vertical around the year 2012. They assert: a 4,300-year cycle from urbanization to the dawn of modern science; a 368-year cycle when science has realized more than in that whole 4,300year cycle; a 67-year cycle (from the technological breakthroughs of the 1940s, to the peak in 2012) in which there will be more acceleration than there was between Galileo and Hiroshima; a 384-day cycle in 2011-2012 when there will be more transformations than in all the previous cycles; a 6-day cycle at the end of which things will move even faster; and so on, down to a grand climax in which, as they say, "in the last 135 minutes, 18 such barriers (i.e., barriers comparable to the appearance of life, the invention of language or the achievement of immortality) will be crossed, 13 of them in the last .0075 of a second". What both the Mayas and McKennas' were saying sounded like the biblical "rapture" to us. Both the Mayan calendar and the bible clearly predict and describe human consciousness rapidly ascending from earthly to heavenly awareness and they even agree on a time frame! The Mayas and the biblical prophets didn't have computers so how did they arrive at the same conclusion? Recent research shows that the ancient Mayans developed their psychic faculties in ways we've not yet suspected are possible. In addition to their extraordinary calendar, they produced some of the world's finest art and a sophisticated system of mathematics. THE PLEIADES One afternoon while listening to Hunbatz Men speak, he said something that is still broadening my sense of reality even now. I’ve always believed that certain things simply require faith as they are beyond our ability to comprehend but that afternoon Hunbatz offered a logical and very scientific explanation of “The Rapture”. This one explanation actually pulled everything that we had been learning, in preparation for our trip to Mexcio, into one outrageous but discernable cosmic event. Hunbatz told us that the earliest Mayans had come from the Pleiades to help Humanity with our transition into this new reality. I asked why and he said it was because our solar system is actually part of the Pleiadian star system. Of course, he said, this could not be seen or measured from our position in space nor with our limited astronomical abilities. The early Mayans however could see this and apparently, helping us to make a successful transition into this new reality was in their best interest. Hunbatz Men continued offering us new insights, one after the other. He said that there were actually thousands of stars in the Pleiades and that for a very long time our solar system has been at the furthest edge of that system. Our position he said made life here more challenging and our evolution slower but he said it had also made our human souls very strong. The brightest areas within that system, the ones that we often call the “Seven Sisters” had already evolved into “Heavens”. According to the Ancient Ones our solar system will soon become a heaven as well. God, The Great Creator Spirit, is the center of everything, he said, so naturally God’s throne is within the Central Sun of the Pleiades. Our position being furthest from the center, within the “outer darkness” made us much more susceptible to illusion. There are cosmic centrifical forces, he said, pulling our human awareness outward and away from the source of light within us. We are the fallen angels, he said, and for us to turn within and to know God personally requires more courage and strength than anywhere else in our star-system. Later that day Hunbatz seemed to be in a deep trance as he described how our time of “exile in the outer darkness” was coming to an end. As he spoke, I felt myself being pulled into a deep trance as well. I was listening to him in a way that I had never experienced before. I felt a holy presence. THE EIGHTH HEAVEN Hunbatz said “nothing in the universe is as it appears to us here”, that the way we the heavens, planets and stars, rotating in circles is not accurate. “Everything is traveling at a tremendous speed as light does, in wave-form spirals”. Hunbatz said we do not see this because we are also moving at this same speed but that our cosmic journey through space was more like that of an ax handle tumbling end over end. First one end is at center of it’s rotation and then the other. It must be so for the sake of balance. It is the natural law of our universe, he said. As our solar system moves from the outer edge of the Pleiades to form a new center an unprecedented cosmic event will occur. Hunbatz said that the solar systems of the “The Seven Sisters” are the “seven heavens” of the Bible and the Koran and that there is a direct, “as above so below” connection between these heavens and our seven human charka, energy centers. This interested me very much as these charkas, the Lord’s Prayer and our game/oracle were all connected and it was through them that we had come to meet Hunbatz in the first place. Later I mentioned my fascination with the Lord’s Prayer and Hunbatz said he believed that Jesus had known and studied with The Ancient Ones and that this was why the later Mayas who had nearly forgotten were so easily converted to Christianity. They didn’t understand the language but many of the key symbols used by Christians, such as the cross, were also used by the Ancient Ones. Hunbatz told us that like Jesus The Ancient Ones had come to help us with our transition into our new heavenly reality and understanding the charkas as they did will be essential. Then he said that The Ancient Ones described a “Golden City” within The Central Sun and at the heart of it was the throne of Hunab Ku the Mayans Creator, God. I was amazed as The Throne of God, within The Golden City is also where our bible actually ends. This new information, which Hunbatz was sharing in preparation for our trip to Mexico was also helping me to answer many of the questions which the Lord’s Prayer had presented me with. Of course Jesus had hidden or embedded these deeper teachings within the prayer because it was so important that they remain unaltered until the time when we would begin our transition into the eighth heaven. I was also able to see how Oracle of the Heart™ was actually illuminating the deep fears and beliefs which were creating spirutal/energy blocks that were preventing us from ascending to higher levels of awareness. As we were hearing all of this for the first time I felt like I was in a dream but since then our continued work with the Lord’s Prayer and Oracle of the Heart™ has convinced me that much of what Hunbatz told us is true. TWO MAYAN CULTURES Skeptics of these ancient "Mayan myths" often ask, "how could enlightened people have participated in human sacrifices"? The answer is simple, there were two distinctly different groups of Mayans and there is nothing to confirm that the first group, led by the "Ancient Ones", participated in human sacrifice. The second group did not emerge until 200 to 300 years after the ascension of this first group. And naturally that second group, who apparently did participate in human sacrifices, are the ones historians know most about. What do you think would happen if all of our own scientist, engineers, thinkers and leaders were to suddenly disappear? How did the Christian followers of Jesus, who taught 'love your enemies', justify the Crusades. How did they justify the Inquisition and how do modern "Christians" justify groups like the KKK? Again the answer is simple. Once the enlightened teachers are gone, those left behind soon begin to misinterpret their enlightened teachings. Another question frequently asked by skeptics is, "If the Mayans were so advanced why don't we see signs of their technological superiority. And again the answer is very simple, "we do see the signs"! Isn't it possible that these people whose calendars, mathematical knowledge and engineering skills surpass our own, didn't use the wheel because they didn't need to? Perhaps the wheel was the beginning of our current mechanistic world and they could see the global devastation that would come of it. According to Hunbatz Men the Ancient Ones saw the wheel as the symbol of Our Creator so naturally they would have revered it as sacred. Instead of viewing the Mayas as primitives, not having the ingenuity to utilize the wheel, Hunbatz helped us to see them as being too advanced to need it. When we got past the prejudice of believing that our own industrial culture is superior, we saw how the Mayas were indeed very advanced. If they could communicate telepathically, as the "myths" say they could, why would they create telephones? And if teleportation and time travel were also possible for them, why would they need automobiles or airplanes? Do our modern technologies really make our lives simpler, safer and happier? Or have we taken a path which grows ever more complex and perilous? PALENQUE: It was March of 1989 when Barbara and I traveled with Hunbatz Men and about 100 other people on our pilgrimage to Mexico. Our first destination was the ancient Mayan city of Palenque whose origins and abandonment are mysteries. The Mayans themselves say that when the Ancient Ones had completed their work at Palenque they ascended into the "seven heavens" (the Pleiades) from which they came. Then their marvelous, highly cultured city was abandoned to be reclaimed by the jungle until, in1773 Palenque was rediscovered by Father Ordonez. LORD PACAL Lord Pacal (see fig.), ascended the thrown in Palenque when he was just twelve and his pyramid tomb, "The Temple of Inscriptions" dominates Palenque's main plaza (see figs.). Pacal's reign of 68 years ended in AD683 when he died at the age of eighty and the sacredness of his Kingdom may still be felt today. TEMPLE OF INSCRIPTIONS Obviously, Palenque was a key Mayan ritual center. The elaborate ceremonies that filled her majestic buildings can still be felt and some say they can even see them. Barbara and I were amazed by the presence of Palenque. Visualizing what life there must have been like transported us into a wonderful world created to transform our species through enlightened art, architecture, spiritual science and transformational pageantry. It truly was magnificent. Palenque was once covered in brightly colored stucco and its dominant color was red. Today the Hopi speak of a "Red City", far to the south, where their most promising young people were once trained. After years of schooling in the red city these students would return to become the shaman and chiefs of their tribes. Like the Mayas, the Hopi also call their ancestors “The Ancient Ones and believe that they came here from the Pleiades. TEMPLE OF THE SUN Our last morning in Palenque Barbara and I participated in a sunrise, peace ceremony at the Temple of the Sun (see fig.). As we stood in prayer before the Sun Cross Codex (see fig.), enshrined there, we were both simultaneously lifted into a higher spiritual trance, where each of us was shown a vision: Mine was of a sun rising over a pyramid with some kind of light code emanating from it; Barbara's was of a dancing goddess. Years later, these visions are still helping us to understand both the Lord’s Prayer and Oracle of the Heart™. THE SUN CROSS CODEX Our experiences, on that trip to Mexico and especially those at Temple of the Sun, imprinted and changed us in ways that we still do not fully understand. Even before we returned home, everything began to change. Over the past fifteen years, we have been integrating our experiences in Mexico and the Sun Cross Codex (see fig.) with our understanding of the prayer Jesus taught. Palenque was like a mystical doorway and once we'd stepped through it our lives were changed. From the beginning, Spirit affirmed, supported and assisted us in our pursuit of the deeper wisdom within the Lord’s Prayer but after Palenque everything in our lives, especially our relationship to God and our abilities to commune with Him through the prayer Jesus taught were tremendously accelerated. The deeper mysteries of the Sun Cross as expressed by Jesus in the Lord’s Prayer continue to unfold. The wonderful ways that it can change and improve our human lives is as broad and divers as humanity itself. How it addresses us both as God’s family and as unique individuals is but one of the miraculous qualities of this ancient spiritual technology. PART II SPIRITUAL TECHNOLOGY To receive the sacred spiritual technology embedded within the Sun Cross Codex and The Lord’s Prayer we have had to develop a whole new way of seeing ourselves, the world we live in and life in general. This is actually what the sacred technology within the Lord’s Payer and the Sun Cross Codex was designed by Jesus and the Ancient Ones to help us do. We may only experience this ancient understanding by first experiencing it, which is the exact opposite of how we like to learn. Understanding a thing before we experience it allows us to indulge in one of our favorite illusions: The illusion of control. We are like a bunch of ants floating down a river on a log. We are doing our best to control all the other ants on this log but there is a waterfall just ahead, which most of us are completely unaware of. Day by day for, over twenty-two years, our pursuit of this transcendent wisdom has taken us into the most fundamental mysteries of life to reveal how evolution comes through surrender to that which is greater than ourselves. Both the prayer and the codex contain detailed understandings of how to simply “let-go and let God”. Letting-go is the simplest and the most challenging thing for us to do and that is why both the Ancient Ones and Jesus have sacrificed so much to help us when we are ready to make this most extreme and important decision. CHAN BAHLUM After our experiences with the Sun Cross Codex at the Temple of the Sun, Barbara and I felt like we were floating through the beautiful temple grounds of Palenque until we came upon a young Mayan artist from Guatemala. He was selling beautiful hand crafted replicas of the Sun Cross Codex. It wasn't in our budget but we both felt it was very important so we bought one. Then for the next few years that codex just hung on our living room wall until late one evening when I found myself staring at it remembering and wondering if there was something to it that we were not seeing. LORD PACAL I remembered how the young artist told us the story of a “sacred royal journey”. Lord Pacal and Chan Bahlum had traveled to Hunab Ku, "God of the Central Sun". On this journey Chan Bahlum, Pacal's son and successor, was initiated into the Royal Mayan Priesthood. Then I remembered that Chan Bahlum actually built the Temple of the Sun (see fig.). That is when I began to see both The Lord’s Prayer as a ceremonial innitation of our own sacred royal journey as God’s children. Lord Pacal was the king and high priest of Palenque. In Revelations, the last chapter of the bible, we are reminded that we are all “kings and priests”. We now this means as creators, we are the authors of our own individual realities. “As we think, in our hearts we shall become and through our hearts the creative forces of Spirit flow to manifest our realities for better or for worse. Encouraging us to manifest our own highest good is what all true spiritual teachings are about, the Lord’s Prayer and the Sun Cross Codex included. THE SUN CROSS Like the life of Jesus, the Sun Cross Codex has a cross. On his cross, nearing death, Jesus said "Father, Father why have you forsaken me" expressing how our fears of betrayal and abandonment are what separate us all from God. Then in his last breath, Jesus said with a gasp “it is done” and he died. I can think of no better way to emphasize that the bottom line for us all is simply letting go and that there is alwys more to let-go of. Now observe how the Ancient Ones accentuate this same message in the Sun Cross Codex Both Jesus and The Ancient Ones taught that to ascend into the heavens “You must sacrifice the hardness of your hearts”. In the center of the codex, we see Lord Pacal and his son Chan Bahlum making offerings or sacrifices to The Creator, Hunab Ku. The very center of the Lord’s Prayer says “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done”, which is also a spiritual sacrifice. The Mayan Christ, Quetzalcoatl, came as Jesus did to revive the forgotten teachings of The Ancient Ones and he is frequently shown being crucified. It’s not surprising that hundreds of years after The Ancient Ones and Jesus had returned to the heavens from which they came that their most powerful teachings of sacrifice were misunderstood. Think about it. Is the sacrificing of virgins so different from the Inquisition. Are their bloody wars any different than our Crusades? Sacrifice has been central in many ancient religions but once forgotten this most powerful and pure teaching inevitably is the very thing with which we justify the “hardening” of our hearts. PACAL'S SACRIFICE This forgotten ancient teaching of sacrificing or surrendering our will, is the sacred technology of both the Lord’s Prayer and The Sun Cross Codex. Jesus and the Ancient Ones taught that we must "sacrifice the hardness of our hearts before we may ascend into the heavens". Once they were gone, this was quickly distorted by our primal desires and fears. Then the original teaching of vulnerability, as our greatest spiritual opportunity, devolved into human sacrifice. . CHAN BAHLUM'S SACRIFICE Chan Bahlum’s sacrifice (right) represents the ego of our conscious, thinking mind who looks a wolf. Pacal’s sacrifice (above) looks like a proud beast, which is symbolic of our subconscious defensive “Idd”. So, the Ancient Ones, like Jesus also had an intimate understanding of spiritual surrender as we all must before we may ascend into the heavens of our higher, inner consciousness. CROSSES & PEARLS Jesus describes a “Pearl of Great Price” and in Revelations the gates to the New Heaven, “The New Jerusalem” are also described as pearls. This metaphor of the pearl may also help us to shed some light on the experience of “sacrificing the hardness of our hearts” as taught by both Jesus and The Ancient Ones. A pearl begins when a grain of sand finds its’ way into an oysters shell. The oyster responds to this life-threatening intruder by embracing it. Then, gradually this course grain of sand becomes a beautiful spherical symbol of wholeness, unity, purity and light. Our own crosses are our challenges that are a lot like grains of sand. If we ignore them, they will gradually erode our health and well-being. Ultimately these inner wounds and insecurities will defeat us but they can also help us to become more than we ever dreamed possible. The Lord’s Prayer is a powerful spiritual tool in part because of the way Jesus wove the rhythms of life through it. As you will soon see the metaphor of the pearl can also help us to understand the prayer Jesus taught better. HUNAB KU Now we focus on some of the more obvious similarities between the teachings of the Mayan Ancient Ones, who were the creators of the Sun Cross Codex and those of Jesus, creator of the Lord’s Prayer. The center of the codex is Hunab Ku, Mayan Creator, God (“Our Father”) of the Centeral Sun (“In Heaven”) who’s name is a sacred (“Hallowed be thy name”). Like Jesus both Pacal and Chan Bhlum were God’s children, ordained as king and priest by Our Father (Hunab Ku). Jesus is also called a king and a priest. Revelations 1:6 it says of all "Yea are kings and priests" and both the codex, and the prayer Jesus taught are all about how we assume the role of king and priest of our own personal lives. YOU ARE THE LIGHT Over the past twenty years, our understanding of the Lord’s Prayer has unfolded in some fascinating ways. In 1992, Barbara and I moved our family to North Carolina and our first home there was next to a large Methodist church. For awhile we attended that church and I was drawn to the Methodist symbol, which is a cross and a flame. After we had been there for two years, early one morning about 3 a.m. Barbara and I awakened to a commotion. The church next door was surrounded by firemen, police and fire trucks. Then from the roof of the church a great flame shot up towards the heavens and in that moment I began to understand the significance of the cross and the flame. Jesus tells us that we are “Created in the image and likeness of God”. He encourages us to be “perfect” as Our Father is “perfect”. In the bible, God "The Holy Spirit" is described as "tonges of fire". God, The Father, is the "The Father of Lights" and the Son of God is “The Light of the World”. God appears to Moses as a "Burning Bush" and His first words are "Let there be light". Brilliant flaming stars adorn Our Fathers heavens. A flaming sun is our physical source of light and life. Our Father is described like the sun, as the “All Consuming Flame". The flame, which is rich with truth, has taught us and can teach you much about yourself and your relationship to God. Science tells us that our universe is built on a foundation of interwoven waves of light and so do both Jesus and The Ancient Ones. Jesus tells us that we are “The light of the world”. He tells us that the kingdom of God is within us and God’s will (“Let there be light”) is the center point of the Lord’s Prayer. In the Sun Cross Codex we see how Humab Ku is the center point of our consciousness so light is an important key to experiencing their ancient sacred technology. As you will soon see the relationship between the codex from Palenque and the Lord’s prayer has revealed a design of 32 “light words”. These special words came to us from the Prayer and the codex through Oracle of the Heart. To explain how would require a very complex explanation and I am not even sure it would be possible because intuition and miracles were the primary vehicles, which delivered them to us. THE HUMAN BLUEPRINT Similarities between the Sun Cross Codex and the Lord’s Prayer caused us to wonder if these were two pieces of a greater vision. Eventually we saw that our thesis was correct and slowly we realized how the prayer and codex together produce a special mirror in which we may see ourselves as God does. Of equal importance is the fact that they were carefully placed within two different cultures on opposite sides of our world. Together the Lord’s Prayer and the Sun Cross Codex reveal our human blueprint portraying precisely how we are created and also how we create. This insightful vision lifts us as we embrace the enlightening human ceremony which both the Lord’s Prayer and the Sun Cross Codex clearly express. This sacred ceremony empowers us to live in our earthly lives within the presence and consciousness of God. As Jesus clearly promises: “Heaven will come as Our Creators will is done”. CREATING INNER PEACE The conflicts and competitions that currently dominate and threaten our earthly existence are just reflections of the internal conflicts of our hearts and minds. In the codex, we are able to see very clearly how this sacred ceremony produces the peace that we all desire by uniting our two inner-selves. Specifically how peace through unity is created within us is what the codex and the prayer Jesus taught are about. Like any relationship, the one between our heart (subconscious self) and our mind (conscious self) is very complex. There is no way that we may improve on what God has created. So, how can we improve ourselves or our world? The answer is actually too simple for our complex minds to comprehend. It is by simply lettinggo. Both the Lord’s Prayer and the Sun Cross Codex are designed to help us put our total faith in what God has created. This is how we create and experience peace. THE INNER CHILD When Jesus said, “As you think in your heart you shall become”, he may have added “and if you want to be happy, I strongly suggest that you guide your heart where it really wants to go. Guide it to love (TO GOD)”. The heart Jesus was speaking of is our subconscious inner child who follows our conscious thinking mind. But, to be happy we must be sensitive to its’ needs. Like any child, this one sees life as a journey and it does not want to postpone feeling good today for some goal in the future. To gain this child’s trust and co-operation we must enjoy our journey and that is also what the Lord’s Prayer is for. Our conscious adult mind seems more “practical” than our inner-child but is it really? Its’ linier thinking tells us that the ends justify the means but our feeling hearts know that if it doesn’t feel good or right then we shouldn’t be doing it. Jesus said, “The nature of heaven is like that of a child” because peace, joy and love all come through our subconscious inner child. This child is the spiritual conduit, which the sacred ceremonies of the prayer and codex are specifically designed to heal and to open. Our conscious, thinking, adult minds are focused outwards on conditions of the world and they are concerned with “practical” things like making money, and achieving goals. That’s fine but believing that we need these things to be happy makes our lives miserable. Our conscious mind is like the captain at the helm who’s steering our ship and our inner child is like the crew who maintains it. It appears that the captain is in charge until there’s a mutiny and most of our human ships have some kind of mutiny going on. You may read a new book and decide to steer your ship towards any new goal but without the cooperation of your subconscious inner child you’re not going to get very far. Let’s say you decide to loose some weight or get into better physical shape. Maybe you want to save some money or get a better education. It doesn’t matter what it is you are going for to get it you will need the co-operation of your subconscious inner child. GOD’S CHILD Simply put the wisdom of both The Ancient Ones and Jesus is: “Seek first the kingdom of God within yourself and all that you need and much more will be added unto you”. What we see in the codex and hear in the first two words of the Lord’s Prayer is that we are children of the creator. So, our job is simple. Like all children we are here to learn and to grow by receiving Our Fathers love, guidance and support. The Old Testament tells us, and Jesus reminds us, that we are “gods” or creators (small g, small c). In the Codex we can actually see how our consciousness is created and also how we create. We are created in the “image and likeness of The Creator (Hunab Ku) who is our center as He is the center of everything. His Light flows through us manifesting all that we give our attention to. Not knowing how we create or even that we do, we often wonder why our lives are not working. To help us focus our God-given creative forces in ways that will manifest the heavenly lives we desire is the practical purpose of the Lord’s Prayer and the Sun Cross Codex. SHAPING MOTIVATION One evening, a few years ago, I saw a fascinating interview with the Dali Lama. It began with a detailed description of a typical day in the life of this extraordinary man. When asked how his day begins the Dali Lama said that he awakes every morning at 3 AM and spends his first six hours alone in his quarters practicing meditations, mental and spiritual exercises. Then the interviewer asked the Dali Lama what he hoped to accomplish in those first six hours. His answer impressed me deeply. He simply said, “Shaping Motivation”. Since then I have often contemplated this idea of “shaping motivation” I have come to see how motivation is indeed the beginning. Our motivation determines how we focus and therefore how our lives unfold. Our motives or intentions direct our thoughts, words, actions and ultimately every aspect of our will. Motivation defines how and what we create and as we allow the author of The Lord’s Prayer to help us shape our motivation our life naturally improves. TWO FAITHS To benefit from the evolved wisdom within the codex and the Lord’s Prayer we need two kinds of faith. First we must have faith in Our Creators perfection and the second faith is like the first. It is faith in ourselves as His children. In the first two words of the Lord's Prayer we affirm both. "What makes the angels, angels Is not that they are holier than men or devils But that they do not expect holiness from one another But from God alone". by William Blake. As God's children, "godlets" or "creators in training", we are not expected to be perfect or holy so let us give our selves permission to be like children. HOLY IS YOUR NAME Eastern spiritual teachings describe a “holy river”, a “sacred sound current” emanating from God’s heart, which is the source of everything. In Genesis Moses said “In the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God”. Jesus said, “Man does not live by bread alone but by every word from the mouth of God”. Even our modern scientists who explore beyond the subatomic level have “discovered” an illusive sound that seems to be comming from everywhere all at once. It is an ancient belief that a tone is a living, breathing entity and I believe that this is also what Jesus is emphasizing when he says “Holy is your name” in The Lord’s Prayer. In the East, it is believed that through tone man may reach a higher consciousness and that certain elements of his nature may even be changed. In the East sacred words, called mantras, are believed to vibrate in harmony with Our Creator. In Hebrew, the name Yahweh is a “Sacred Name of God”, and the Hindus revere the word Ohm as God’s sacred name. The word “holy” means “worthy of worship” and worshiping God’s holy name is really what this sacred technology is all about. Our human word is sacred because it is how we focus the Creator Essence of God which flows through us. When we break our word, we betray ourselves by disrespecting our own creativity but God, Our Father is The Word. He is Love and nothing that we do will ever change that. To grow we must be willing to change and evolve our agreements. In Part III of this book we will help you to experience your own inner self through these 32 words and it will be helpful for you to be familiar with The Light within you. Observe how a candle flame freely and effortlessly releases its’ light/energy and warmth and you will receive some valuable insights into how your own spirit is doing the same thing. Like Our Creator, consuming is our nature and a primary purpose of the sacred ancient teaching that you are about to experience is to liberate us. Take it to heart and it will enable you to be the light that consumes and transmutes your earthly life into a heaven on earth. Now, as your partake of the spiritual exercises in Part III please keep this in mind: To experience ourselves as unlimited expressions of Our Creators loving light we must sacrifice our limiting physical, mental and emotional identities. Ultimately, these identities are like the clothes we wear. Believing that we are these identities causes our confinement within them. Ironically, to liberate our souls from these limiting identities is the whole purpose of sacrifice. It may be helpful to remind yourself of this as you begin to actually experience this ancient technology in Part III. PART III: SURFING THE INNER HEAVENS SURFING LOVE I was raised a Catholic but my first real church was the ocean. When I was four, I rode her waves on an air mattress, by the time I was six I could body surf and finally when I was thirteen I got my first surfboard. The ocean first taught me the art of surrender. She inspired me to discipline and to respect myself. In her, I confronted my fears, developed self-confidence and honed my instincts. She taught me to honor the sacredness of each moment and to give my whole self to catching each wave. Like the ocean, the Lord’s Prayer offers us valuable lessons in how to ride the waves of our lives. Surfing is catching and riding waves of energy. To ride forces greater than our own we must align with them and surrender. Surrendering to ride Our Fathers' love is what the Lord’s Prayer teaches us to. It is both an uplifting and healing experience, transcending "normal". By helping us to embrace our best opportunities for letting-go, the Lord’s Prayer enables us to flow within the realms of our own consciousness. This is why I like to say that saying the Lord’s Prayer properly is like “surfing love”. REBIRTH The Ancient Mayan stories of earth entering a new age of enlightenment are really about the rebirth of our human souls. When I think of moving from the outermost obit to the very center, I think of Jesus saying “And the first shall be last and the last first”. It’s also like the story of the prodigal son (sun) returning home. God is the center of everything so naturally our sun will become His throne within the Pleiadian star system. The Lord’s Prayer is a process of rebirth, of being “born again” which is simply affirming that He is within in us. Most people think of spiritual rebirth, “being born again”, as a one-time event but it is not. It is a day-to-day, moment-to-moment experience. Every time we say the prayer Jesus taught, we reaffirm ourselves as God’s child, a spiritual being in a physical body rather than a physical being having a soul. FEELING IMAGERY This rebirth is like the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. First, the caterpillar creates a cocoon for protection and spiritual protection is a function of the Lord’s Prayer. Then the caterpillar literally loses it’s form, actually turning to a liquid before it becomes a butterfly. This process of breaking down the old to manifest the new is also something that the Lord’s Prayer does. Finally the newly formed butterfly breaks loose, spreads it’s wings and is lifted, as we are, on the winds of Spirit. This means that our relationship to everything must change especially our relationship to our own self. For thousands of years human beings have been surviving with a mind over matter approach, which generally means that our thinking minds over power what really matters to our feeling hearts. We guide our child like hearts to Our Father with the Lord’s Prayer by translating it into feeling imagery, which is something that we have spent years learning to do. THE INNER CHILD For our prayers to be successful they must come from our feeling hearts, so it is very important for our subconscious inner-child to participate. This child is that part of our mind, which is in charge of all our subconscious functions. This is why focusing on our breathing and on our chakra energy centers, when we pray, is so important. There is ample proof that Jesus and the Ancient Ones were keenly aware of this. To receive the Holy Spirit we must guide our inner child to it and this is what the prayer Jesus taught was designed to do. Before teaching the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus warned us against “vain repetitions”, which is speaking without feeling. This simple advice is the key to prayer. For our prayers to be heard, we must feel them and that is why Barbara and I have spent over twenty years discovering a series of 32 heart-felt light-words within the Lord’s Prayer. We call this spiritual system Oracle of the Heart™. Like the prayer, that it comes from, Oracle of the Heart™ touches our inner child in very deep and special ways. This spiritual system of 32 light-words is the key to our special understanding of the Lord’s Prayer and before we begin moving through the eight inner heavens we invite you to contemplate Oracle of the Heart™. Meditate on it and feel each word. Observe how these light-word balance one another and how each grouping of four words creates a state of heart-felt neutrality as you breathe them in with feeling. Each group of four light-words represents and defines an inner gateway into one of our eight Inner heavens. Our feeling inner child is the one who opens these divine inner pathways. ORACLE of the HEART™ (8): SPIRITUAL HEART (Our Father) 1. Consuming 3. Aware 2. Creating 4. Loving (7): CROWN (Our Father) 1. Controlling 3. Accomplishing 2. Liberating 4. Free (6): THIRD EYE (in the heavens) 1. Negating 3. Seeking/Seeing 2. Affirming 4. Peaceful (5): THROAT (Holy is your Name) 1. Listening 3. Communing 2. Speaking 4. Joyful (4): HEART (Thy Will be done) 1. Repelling 3. Caring 2. Attracting 4. Grateful (3): SOLAR PLEXUS (give us our daily bread) 1. Unhappy 3. Responding 2. Happy 4. Appreciating (2): NAVEL (forgive us as we forgive) 1. Discerning 3. Knowing 2. Trusting 4. Accepting (1): BASE CHAKRA (deliver us from illusion) 1. Receiving 3. Wanting 2. Giving 4. Letting-go © Copyright 2003 by Bodie McCoy THE FIRST HEAVEN (base/sexual chakra) THE FIRST GRAIL Spiritual rebirth begins as we release our worldly ego to become an empty grail. This first grail is a symbol of our spiritual infancy, which is the state of unconditional receptivity to Our Fathers Love. THE FIRST CROSS IS DESIRE The burden of desire is that it fills our grail with a false emptiness that never can be filled. Naturally, our emptiness wants to be filled but when we take it upon ourselves to fill it or when we try to give someone or something else this responsibility we inevitably experience failure, betrayal and pain. THE PEARL & THE PRAYER “Lead us not into temptation (distraction) but deliver us from evil (illusion)” God is the goodness that we desire in everyone and everything but fulfillment can only come from within. We begin our ascension into the first heaven as we release our desires to the only one who can fulfill them. Letting-go is how we open to receive God’s love and receiving His love is our gift to Him. Letting go is the pearly gate of the first heaven. The more we let-go the more we may receive. The more we receive the more we can give. The more we give the more we will want and the more we want the more we will have to let go of. As we move our awareness through this spiraling circle of letting go, receiving, giving, wanting and letting go the gate of the first heaven gently opens. Before teaching the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus tells his disciples to prepare themselves for prayer by entering into their “closet”. We see this “closet” as any place where you can be alone and undisturbed. So before praying and before doing the spiritual exercises in this little book we suggest that you turn of the TV, unplug the phone and create a place where you can commune with God. THE FIRST FLAME EXERCISE To enter the first heaven gently move your awareness through the breathing rhythms of these four words. Say I am Letting-go (out breath), I am Receiving (in breath), I am Giving (out breath), I am Wanting (in breath), I am Letting-go (out breath) and…... Breathe through this sequence, round and round gently moving your awareness from the activities and memories, which these four words represent to you and into the pure light, essence of each word. Now imagine that you are a light or a flame and see your light or flame accepting, discerning, trusting, knowing and accepting. As you move round this upward spiraling circle, feel yourself opening to these four light-words. Travel round this circle and into the present where “The kingdom of God is at hand”. Now say the Lord’s Prayer with the same intention and feel how it helps you to experience a deep sense of peaceful wellbeing. Repeat these words and the Lord’s Prayer until you feel yourself entering the second bliss or heaven. THE SECOND HEAVEN (navel chakra) THE SECOND GRAIL OF CHILDHOOD As we begin letting go of our old ego/identities we will grow out of spiritual infancy and into childhood. Then, like young children, we will feel vulnerable and will be tempted to “harden our hearts” (feelings) again. To evolve through this phase we must learn to use discernment and to develop good judgment by trusting our God-given intuitions (gut feelings). THE SECOND CROSS IS KNOWING Knowing becomes a burden when it blocks our intuition. During this stage, our grail is still empty and still wants to be filled. If we fill it with our knowledge of past experiences, our intuitions will be distorted. Knowing is not bad, but hiding behind knowledge limits our awareness and using what we know to judge others defeats our own true purpose. When what we know strengthens our faith or sharpens our discernment, then we are wise. THE PEARL & THE PRAYER “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others who trespass against us” Jesus said “Judge not or you will be judged” but it’s important to know that God never judges us. He is unconditionally loving and only our own judgments stands between our heart and His. Accepting is the second pearly gate. Knowing plus accepting lifts us to new heights. As we open to accept what is beyond our experience we open to know God and ourselves in new ways. The more we accept the more can discern. The more we discern the more can trust. The more we trust the more we will know and the more we know the more we are able to accept. As we move our awareness through this spiraling circle of accepting, discerning, trusting, knowing and accepting, the gate of the second heaven gently opens THE SECOND FLAME EXERCISE To enter the second heaven gently move your awareness through the breathing rhythms of these four words. Say I am Accepting (out breath), I am Discerning (in breath), I am Trusting (out breath), I am Knowing (in breath), I am Accepting (out breath) and…... Breathe through this sequence, round and round gently moving your awareness from the activities and memories, which these four words represent to you and into the pure light, essence of each word. Now imagine that you are a light or a flame and see your light or flame accepting, discerning, trusting, knowing and accepting. As you move round this upward spiraling circle, feel yourself opening to these four light-words. Travel round this circle and into the present where “The kingdom of God is at hand”. Now say the Lord’s Prayer with the same intention and feel how it helps you to experience a deep sense of peaceful wellbeing. Repeat these words and the Lord’s Prayer until you feel yourself entering the second bliss or heaven. THE THIRD HEAVEN (solar plexus) THE THIRD GRAIL This is stage of the young adult. Now our grail, vessel begins to fill and our new ego/identity as God’s child takes form as we begin to realize that we are indeed the creators of our own unique reality. THE THIRD CROSS IS RESPONDING Our defensive animal instincts, our families, cultures and our own unique experiences all help define how our worldly egos respond to the conditions of our lives. In this respect, our minds are like computers but to change the ways we are programmed, in our early lives is extremely difficult later on. The third cross is the experience of being a slave to our own habitual programs. THE PEARL & THE PRAYER “Give us this day our daily bread” As we become aware that we are creators, our perceptions change. The issue of fairness, which normally dominates this area (our daily bread), is replaced by our unlimited creative potential. Realizing that everything is valuable information about how we may create something better, we no longer react defensively. The third pearly gate is appreciating. It transforms our burdens of responsibility into uplifting abilities to respond to everything as a creative opportunity. Through appreciation, we may see and respond to the best in everything. With appreciating as our most basic response our daily bread becomes the fuel with which we transform what have into what we truly want. Appreciating enables us to embrace our deepest pain and unhappiness as creative opportunities. Appreciating both happiness and unhappiness equally liberates us to respond creatively to everything. This freedom to respond rather than react liberates us to move our awareness through the spiraling circle of appreciation, unhappiness, happiness, responding and back to appreciating. This is how the gate of the third heaven gently opens THE THIRD FLAME EXERCISE To enter the third heaven gently move your awareness through the breathing rhythms of these four words. Say I am Appreciating (out breath), I am Unhappy (in breath), I am Happy (out breath), I am Responding (in breath), I am Appreciating (out breath) and…... Breathe through this sequence, round and round gently moving your awareness from the activities and memories, which these four words represent to you and into the pure light, essence of each word. Now imagine that you are a light or a flame and see your light or flame accepting, discerning, trusting, knowing and accepting. As you move round this upward spiraling circle, feel yourself opening to these four light-words. Travel round this circle and into the present where “The kingdom of God is at hand”. Now say the Lord’s Prayer with the same intention and feel how it helps you to experience a deep sense of peaceful wellbeing. Repeat these words and the Lord’s Prayer until you feel yourself entering the second bliss or heaven. THE FOURTH HEAVEN (human heart chakra) THE FOURTH GRAIL We find the forth grail within our human heart chakra. It is the heart of the Lord’s Prayer and the center point of our spiritual evolution This is the full grail symbolic of a mature adult who’s spiritual ego/identity is completely formed. THE FOURTH CROSS IS CARING The burden of caring is wanting to share our spiritual fruits before they are completely ripe and ready for consumption. As our caring heart opens, we must also learn to accept responsibility for the powerful new creator forces that are now beginning to flow through us. THE PEARL & THE PRAYER “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven, so also in earth” Before we can share our hearts with another person, we must first learn to share our deepest feelings with God. This is what both the Lord’s Prayer and The Sun Cross Codex are for. Each is a ceremony designed for preparing our hearts to receive God’s gift of Himself. The law is “As you give so shall you receive” but what can we give Our Creator, who is everything. The fourth-pearly gate is gratitude and our heart-felt thanks for His gift of eternal life is the gift we can give, which enables us to receive Him into our hearts. Ultimately, we give Our Father thanks by accepting and honoring His will. Another way that we can do this is by sharing His gift, of our life with others. Our arms and hands extend to expand our hearts capacity as we choose to serve our spiritual family. THE FOURTH FLAME EXERCISE To enter the fourth heaven gently move your awareness through the breathing rhythms of these four words. Say I am Grateful (out breath), I am Repelling (in breath), I am Attracting (out breath), I am Caring (in breath), I am Grateful (out breath) and…... Breathe through this sequence, round and round gently moving your awareness from the activities and memories, which these four words represent to you and into the pure light, essence of each word. Now imagine that you are a light or a flame and see your light or flame accepting, discerning, trusting, knowing and accepting. As you move round this upward spiraling circle, feel yourself opening to these four light-words. Travel round this circle and into the present where “The kingdom of God is at hand”. Now say the Lord’s Prayer with the same intention and feel how it helps you to experience a deep sense of peaceful wellbeing. Repeat these words and the Lord’s Prayer until you feel yourself entering the second bliss or heaven. THE FIFTH HEAVEN (throat chakra) THE FIFTH GRAIL The fifth grail is the first stage of spiritual elder hood, which has nothing to do with age. An elder becomes selfless as his/her cup begins to overflow. Now, communion with Our Father fills us beyond our own personal needs and our bounty naturally flows into the lives of others. THE FIFTH CROSS IS COMMUNICATION As our cup overflows, we want to understand and we want to be understood but Holy Communion is what we really desire. Listening and speaking, not for the sake of understanding but for the sake of a simple common union, only to touch and to be touched, is a truly holy (whole) experience. THE PEARL & THE PRAYER “Holy is your name” Listen and speak simply for the sake of touching, then your life will be holy and your heart will over flow. This is how we commune with God within ourselves and how he communes with us. Listen and speak to Him through the present need. This is how we heal and how we facilitate the healing of others. His presence is the sound or vibration of life. It is always present, always listening, always speaking, always, inviting us to commune with Him within ourselves and within each other. Joy is the fifth pearl. Joy comes from touching and being touched with the highest possible intention. Our hearts fill as we hear His name/song and overflow thorough our common union (communion) with Him. THE FIFTH FLAME EXERCISE To enter the fifth heaven gently move your awareness through the breathing rhythms of these four words. Say I am Joyful (out breath), I am Listening (in breath), I am Speaking (out breath), I am Communing (in breath), I am Joyful (out breath) and…... Breathe through this sequence, round and round gently moving your awareness from the activities and memories, which these four words represent to you and into the pure light, essence of each word. Now imagine that you are a light or a flame and see your light or flame accepting, discerning, trusting, knowing and accepting. As you move round this upward spiraling circle, feel yourself opening to these four light-words. Travel round this circle and into the present where “The kingdom of God is at hand”. Now say the Lord’s Prayer with the same intention and feel how it helps you to experience a deep sense of peaceful wellbeing. Repeat these words and the Lord’s Prayer until you feel yourself entering the second bliss or heaven. THE SIXTH HEAVEN (third-eye) THE SIXTH GRAIL Very few people in our world can truly say, “My cup runneth over”. This is the sixth grail of a mature elder who has the strength and vision to reach courageously into the unknown. These rare people are the ones who affirm the light within their darkness. They are the ones who can affirm God’s goodness regardless of how dark and impossible things may seem. THE SIXTH CROSS IS SEEKING/SEEING It is difficult to seek goodness in the world and harder still to actually see it but the hardest thing is to affirm Gods goodness in the face of despair. There are few with the strength and courage to bear this cross with hopeful hearts and smiling faces. Most of us see what we want and what we want is the comfort of being affirmed by our piers. A mature elder has the strength to stand and to love alone. THE PEARL & THE PRAYER “in heaven)” Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you” and “Seek neither here nor there for the kingdom of God is within you”. This is good advice for everyone but the mature elder needs it most. He/she has seemingly reached the very edge of human accomplishment. Relative to the world around them, their lives are heavenly but the elder sees the vision of God’s kingdom is still ahead. To enter the inner kingdom of God’s consciousness, while still living in this world is like walking on water. The practical world does not want to loose such a valuable citizen so it will try hard to discourage you. To succeed you will need to affirm yourself as Gods child and negate the seductions, pleadings and demands of your outer environment. Only a mature elder can do this responsibly and without ego. Peace is the sixth pearl, which comes through knowing the eternal well-spring of life who is Our Source and Creator. As we affirm Our Father as The Source of all that we are and all that we need we may receive His affirmation of us. He is the source of the strength and courage that we all need to pass through the “eye of the needle” and into His brilliant kingdom within us. THE SIXTH FLAME EXERCISE To enter the sixth heaven gently move your awareness through the breathing rhythms of these four words. Say I am Peaceful (out breath), I am Negating (in breath), I am Affirming (out breath), I am Seeking/Seeing (in breath), I am Peaceful (out breath) and…... Breathe through this sequence, round and round gently moving your awareness from the activities and memories, which these four words represent to you and into the pure light, essence of each word. Now imagine that you are a light or a flame and see your light or flame accepting, discerning, trusting, knowing and accepting. As you move round this upward spiraling circle, feel yourself opening to these four light-words. Travel round this circle and into the present where “The kingdom of God is at hand”. Now say the Lord’s Prayer with the same intention and feel how it helps you to experience a deep sense of peaceful wellbeing. Repeat these words and the Lord’s Prayer until you feel yourself entering the second bliss or heaven. THE SEVENTH HEAVEN (the crown) THE SEVENTH GRAIL The seventh grail is the beginning of “mastery”. Now we are challenged to move our awareness beyond our grail/identity as we approach “The Cosmic Mirror”. THE SEVENTH CROSS IS ACCOMPLISHING In this world, we are known most of all by our accomplishments. Our apparent need to accomplish in this world is our greatest single source of stress. Accomplishing is how we gain recognition. It is how we ascend, within our society. It is how we survive and for most of us it the most defining aspect our identity. The cross here is not the need to accomplish but the superior requirement of mastery to abandon accomplishment in order to evolve beyond our limiting worldly identities. THE PEARL & THE PRAYER “Our Father” At the very edge of the illusionary world is our ultimate illusion. This is where we encounter “The Cosmic Mirror”. Where as most illusions distract us from our own inner light this one clearly reflects and illuminates our true divine nature. It appears to be the very thing we’ve pursued since the birth of our soul. The problem is, it’s just a reflection. Now at this advanced stage of evolution we experience being so near and yet so far from our truest, purest and highest accomplishment. As we enter into the state of mastery, we yearn to complete our spiritual journey. In The Cosmic Mirror, our ultimate success is affirmed but what we see there is really the ultimate lie. The temptation to worship our own divine reflection is awesome but the seventh pearl is true freedom. We accept it by acting as our own savior and we liberate ourselves by focusing through the great mirror and beyond our own radiant image. Now we reclaim Gods most precious gift. As His child, we are free to simply be. THE SEVENTH FLAME EXERCISE To enter the seventh heaven gently move your awareness through the breathing rhythms of these four words. Say I am Free (out breath), I am Controlling (in breath), I am Liberating (out breath), I am Accomplishing (in breath), I am Free (out breath) and…... Breathe through this sequence, round and round gently moving your awareness from the activities and memories, which these four words represent to you and into the pure light, essence of each word. Now imagine that you are a light or a flame and see your light or flame accepting, discerning, trusting, knowing and accepting. As you move round this upward spiraling circle, feel yourself opening to these four light-words. Travel round this circle and into the present where “The kingdom of God is at hand”. Now say the Lord’s Prayer with the same intention and feel how it helps you to experience a deep sense of peaceful wellbeing. Repeat these words and the Lord’s Prayer until you feel yourself entering the second bliss or heaven. THE EIGHTH HEAVEN (spiritual heart) THE EIGHTH GRAIL The eighth grail is not really a grail. It is our final stage of mastery. This is when we actually transcend our grail identity by affirming and experiencing ourselves in and as, God’s consciousness. THE EIGHTH CROSS IS AWARENESS Jesus encouraged us to “Be in this world but not of it”, and as we approach the eighth heaven we realize what he really meant by this. Most of our human awareness is focused into the world by our six senses. Through these senses, we perceive a very limited and distorted view of reality. But, “Seeing/Seeking”, is believing and what we believe we create and see and believe and create. This is how all manifest and perpetuate our own unique versions of reality. And, our proof that it is real is; “There it is”. THE PEARL & THE PRAYER “Our Father” Living in the world is being aware of it and our challenge here, is not to believe what we see. The world is for our consumption and yet most of us are consumed by it. To consume our daily bread we must digest and assimilate the total contents of our awareness, which is humanly impossible. This is why each of us, in our own way, must give our awareness/love to God who is “The All Consuming Flame”. The “cosmic dance” is the divine movement of our awareness from earth to heaven and back and forth. Flowing between the worlds of illusion and light without attaching or resisting anything, we become conscious participants in the assimilation and transformation of our earthly lives into heavenly ones. As we move from the outer illusion to the inner heavens, we create our own bridge. Over this bridge, God’s love flows through us and into our lives. I believe Jesus hid the eighth heaven (Our Father) within the seventh heaven (Our Father) to emphasize again how God’s unconditionally loving will (The Eighth Heaven) comes to earth through us. His Love transforms us, as we gradually awaken to see as Jesus did “The Kingdom of God is at hand”. It is ever-present but to see it we must “repent”; meaning to change our perspective. We awaken by seeing our unique selves through Our Fathers eyes. The Lord’s Prayer enables each of us to do this in our own special way. THE EIGHTH FLAME EXERCISE To enter the eighth heaven gently move your awareness through the breathing rhythms of these four words. Say I am Loving (out breath), I am Consuming (in breath), I am Creating (out breath), I am Aware (in breath), I am Loving (out breath) and…... Breathe through this sequence, round and round gently moving your awareness from the activities and memories, which these four words represent to you and into the pure light, essence of each word. Now imagine that you are a light or a flame and see your light or flame accepting, discerning, trusting, knowing and accepting. As you move round this upward spiraling circle, feel yourself opening to these four light-words. Travel round this circle and into the present where “The kingdom of God is at hand”. Now say the Lord’s Prayer with the same intention and feel how it helps you to experience a deep sense of peaceful wellbeing. Repeat these words and the Lord’s Prayer until you feel yourself entering the second bliss or heaven. IN CONCLUSION Now that you’ve had a chance to experience the Lord’s Prayer through these exercises we need to emphasize that like any exercise the more use these exercises the more they will strengthen you spiritually. PART IV: HUMAN EVOLUTION Now, for the rest of our story: Just before leaving on our trip to Mexico Barbara and I put our home in Venice Beach up for sale but at the last moment, we got cold feet. We told our realtors, "if the house doesn't sell before we get back from Mexico (just two weeks), we're taking it off the market". They said we were being completely unrealistic but the house sold even before we got to our first destination in Mexico. Two and a half months later our whole family (two dogs, two cats, seven children and one on the way) were living in a beautiful new home in Durango Colorado. The speed and magic of that move was simply awesome. Afterwards everyone, ourselves included was wondering why we moved. It was strange because we did not really experience moving. What we experienced, was being moved. We felt drawn to Durango by the Anasazi who were the "Ancient Ones" and forebears of the Ute, Navaho, Zuni and Hopi nations. Their stories also say that these “Ancient Ones” were from the Pleiades. Like the Mayas, the Anasazi had created powerful spiritual vortexes all around Durango. In their kivas at Mesa Verde and in Aztec we felt their presence the same way we had in Palenque. But this kind of reasoning was not easy to explain, even to ourselves. THE FLOWER OF LIFE In Durango our understanding of The Ancient Ones, The Lord’s Prayer and The Sun Cross Codex grew rapidly. Over the next few years our discoveries came in fascinating ways. One was through the ancient Egyptian science of "Sacred Geometry". Have you ever wondered how Jesus, spent his formative years? What do you think his life was like in those unrecorded years, between the ages of twelve and thirty? After discovering Sacred Geometry, we were convinced that he must have studied in Egypt during that period of his life. Let me explain why. In a sacred geometry workshop, Barbara and I learned how one amazing design, called “The Flower of Life”, contains the foundational creative patterns of everything including our own DNA and the spiritual symbols of our world religions. OM (HINDU) As we observed this phenomena, the only explanation we could think of was that our worlds faiths had all come from one source but how is that possible? Did we forget the source or was it hidden from us? I couldn’t say but seeing all these symbols in one extraordinary design always touches me deeply. HU (SUFI) HORUS, (EGYPTIAN) YIN-YANG (BUDDHIST) TREE OF LIFE, (CABALA) Amongst the key symbols within the Flower of Life (see fig. next page) is a cube and within the cube is an eight-pointed star. This star has helped us to see the connection between the prayer and the Sun Cross Codex. With this insight we began to see the connection between Jesus and the Ancient ones. DAATH IN FLOWER THE CUBE The eight-pointed star-tetrahedron is revealed by connecting the eight corners of a cube differently (See fig. ). The star (a symbol of light) within a cube (symbol of the physical world) defines our human experience and our purpose to physically embody God's light. We now believe this is the true purpose of both The Lord's Prayer and the Sun Cross Codex. A STAR OF DAVID IN THE PRAYER Seeing the many designs and spiritual symbols within the Flower of Life inspired us to look for the presence of symbols and designs within the Lord’s Prayer. One evening, while comparing the differences between the prayer in Mattew and in Luke I saw something fascinating. In the heart of the prayer, Matthew says ("thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven") but Luke says ("Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven so also in earth"). This difference seemed insignificant until I saw, in Luke, a rhythmic breathing pattern flowing in and out, in and out, in and out ["Thy Kingdom is an inner reality, come is an outer reality, thy will (inner) be done (outer), as in heaven (inner) so also in earth" (outer)]. Then I realized this pattern creates a six-pointed, the Hebrew “Star of David”. This star is also in The Flower of Life and in the center of our “game board” design. This star expresses God’s will, “Let there be light”, and again this is what the prayer Jesus taught is all about (see fig. next page). 1. THY KINGDOM (IN) 6. SO ALSO IN 2. COME EARTH (OUT) (OUT) 5. AS IT (IN) IS IN HEAVEN 3. THY WILL (IN) 4. BE DONE (OUT) ANOTHER STAR IN THE PRAYER Seeing the Star of David in The Lord’s Prayer inspired us to look further and what we saw next was amazing. I noticed how the prayer is divided into three distinct sections. There are three attunements above the heart [chokras 1-3], 1. (Our Father), 2. (Who art in heaven), 3. (Hallowed be thy name) and these are all about the heavenly reality of "Our Father". The heart [chokra 4] (Thy Kingdom, come, Thy will, be done, as in heaven so also in earth), the center of the prayer is about the Holy Spirit who is the Light and the intermediary between God and Us. (see fig.) Below the heart are [chokras 5-7]: 5. (Give us our daily bread), 6. (And forgive us). 7. (And lead us not into temptation). These are all ways of owning our earthly experience as God’s children. Here Jesus portrays the divine relationship called "The Holy Trinity". By connecting the upper three attunements and the lower three to the star-center, within the heart of this prayer, we produce two tetrahedrons (See fig. above). A tetrahedron is a three sided pyramid and it is the simplest 3D form. One point is a point. Two points create a line. Three points are a triangle and all of these are flat (2D) images (having two sides, or dimensions), but a tetrahedron (4 points) has form and mass. These two tetrahedrons in the prayer define how the reality of God (The Father) and God, (The Son) (ourselves) are united as we open our hearts to God's will, "Let there be light". "Our eye is made single and our whole body is filled with light" when our will and God's will agree. Here we see perfect balance creating unity in the form of an eight-pointed "star-tetrahedron" (see fig.). A STAR IN THE CODEX Seeing the two stars within the Lord’s Prayer, we naturally wondered if they were also present within the Sun Cross Codex. We soon discovered how the Ancient Ones have indeed woven it beautifully through this codex. At the center is Hunab Ku (God of the Central Sun) who resides within a star. EIGHT CHOKRA GLYPHS IN THE CODEX The pattern of eight glyphs (above) form the base of the codex and also the form of a star-tetrahedron in a two dimensional format. Beyond these basic agreements of the codex and the Lord’s Prayer are the more subtitle ones, many of which you have already experienced in your journey through the eight heavens in Part III. SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES Both the Lord’s Prayer and the Sun Cross Codex contain keys to understanding the inner relationship between our subconscious, (feeling, inner-child, heart) and our conscious (logical, adult, thinking mind). This is because healing our inner relationship between these two is crucial to our higher evolution. But, healing this inner relationship may be our greatest human challenge Imagine an abused three-year-old and you'll have a pretty clear picture of how challenging it is to gain the trust and cooperation of our inner child. With the Lord ’s Prayer, however this impossible task becomes delightfully simple and refreshingly easy. The prayer Jesus taught heals in many ways and one of these ways is through the presence of the star tetrahedron. As this eight pointed star is woven into the foundational patterns of everything we have come to think of it as God’s signature and its’ presence in the Lord’s Prayer is critical. Since the two stars within the prayer are effectively invisible to our conscious minds, we can only assume that they were embedded there for the benefit of our subconscious inner-child. This is the part of us that can open or close the inner spiritual channels between the conscious self and Our Creator. We believe the stars in the prayer send an important message to this child. This produces trust so the child can open and Spirit can then flow through our subconscious, into our conscious awareness. MELCHIZADEC Of course we are impressed by the mastery with which Jesus crafted the Lord’s Prayer but it only confirms what we already know. Jesus is the great master of our human mystery. Seeing how the prayer he created is so full of hidden mysteries is thought provoking but not entirely unexpected. Seeing however, how this Prayer and the Sun Cross Codex, are so similar, this makes us question. How is this possible? What does it mean? Who were The Ancient Ones? Where did they come from? Is earth really going to become a heaven soon? How are Jesus and The Ancient Ones Connected? Naturally, we have a lot of questions because if there is any truth to any of this our whole reality is different than most of us ever imagined it could be. As we encounter these questions, we are transported back to the beginning of our journey. Do you remember our “game board” in part one? I have purposely avoided it because it is so mysterious and challenging to understand. I can tell you now however that it contains everything we’ve talked about and more. It artfully expresses both the Lord’s Prayer and the Sun Cross Codex in a marvelous unearthly symbolic language. The first message that we saw within this “game board” was in the seven complete rings at the heart of it. These seven rings were the first stage of its’ development and each of these seven rings was made of 42 quarters. When we saw these seven rings we both wanted to count the quarters [7(rings) X42(quarters) =294]. Then Barbara remembered a book we had on the Kabala, the ancient spiritual science of the Hebrews and according to it 7 is the number of Spirit, there are 42 syllables in Gods Holy Name and 294 is the number of "Melchizedec". (see fig. above) We then looked up Melchizadec and learned that he is one of the greatest mysteries in the bible. He is referred to as the "King of Salem". In Gen. 14: 18 Melchizadec is described as "the priest of the most High God". In Hebrews 5: 6, it says "Thou (Jesus) art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedec. Finally in Hebrews 7: 3 we find this concerning Melchizedec "He is the king of peace; Without father, without mother, without decent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually. Now consider how great this man was unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave a tenth of the spoils". From the very beginning, Barbara and I felt a benevolent intelligence guiding our discoveries within the Lord’s Prayer. As we read about Melchizedec we both felt a very close and personal connection. Then we discovered how Melchizedec is not just a person but the name of an ancient priesthood. We now believe this mysterious ancient priesthood and The Ancient Ones are one and the same. THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE Knowing who The Ancient Ones are is a big piece of our puzzle but now we must ask how? How could they see what we would be going through? How did they get here? How were they able to do all that they did and will their spiritual technology really enable us to do “even greater things than these”? Soon after taking our first Sacred Geometry course Barb and I received a very interesting book, titled "The Holographic Universe". In it the author, Michael Talbot, weaves the ideas of cutting edge scientists, psychologists and theologians into a revolutionary thesis that our universe is really the ultimate hologram. Mr. Talbot helps us to see how holograms defy the linear cause and effect laws of our sciences ("for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction") and also those of our religions ("an eye for an eye"). As this "holographic theory" defies the basis of our Western sciences, religions and our legal systems our "authorities" naturally reject it. And it is for the same reasons that the Ancient Ones are still ignored and that Jesus was crucified. In this book Mr. Talbot describes how holograms are created by splitting a "pure light source", a laser, and in Genesis chapter I:, it says, "God says Let there be light", and then "God created the heaven and the earth", and "God divided the light from the darkness", and "God divided the waters from the waters": and He "divided the day from the night". So is Moses, the author of Genesis, describing how God created the universe as a hologram? If we can create holograms with man-made lasers isn't it very possible that Our Creator, the ultimate light source, could create the ultimate living hologram? If we shine a laser through any piece of a hologram, the whole original hologram appears so each piece contains the whole. If our universe really is a hologram, it certainly does explain how evolved beings like Jesus and the Ancient Ones were able to heal, time travel, bi-locate and manifest things from "thin air" by simply accessing the potential of the moment. After reading The Holographic Universe Barbara and I began seeing the codex as a detailed map of our human holographic consciousness and The Lord’s Prayer as a simple method of developing our holographic creative potential. The unity of opposites is the dancing fabric of our universe. As we surrender to this dance our hearts and minds are opened and this is what both The Sun Cross Codex and The Lord’s Prayer teach us. The key is this question, "what do you want?" and what we all really want is love. As we "Seek the kingdom of Love all good things are added unto us" because as holographic creators this is how we project and attract loving into our own lives. Love is the source of unity emphasized in the heart of the Lord's prayer. "Thy Kingdom (which is Love) come, Thy will (which is Love) be done, as it is in heaven so also in earth"). Buddha tells us that the way to enlightenment is "The Middle Path" and in Genesis we see how Adam and Eve loose paradise (enlightenment?) when they eat the "Fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil". It's this knowledge that encourages us to take sides, causes us to avoid our lessons and prevents us from knowing God's perfection. By separating the "inferior" from the "superior" we separate ourselves from God. The bible says "Judge not lest you be judged" to emphasize that playing God is very costly. In contrast the prayer Jesus taught helps us to experience perfection through our unconditional surrender to Love who is Our Creator. ATONEMENT As a young child in the Catholic Church, I was taught that the purpose of the Lords Prayer was for atonement. As I understood it, we humans are natural sinners so we must confess our sins and to be forgiven we must atone. When confession was over the priest would ask if I was sorry for my sins. Of course, I would say yes and He would say, “Now for your penance say ten Our Father’s & ten Hail Mary’s and go in peace”. From the beginning, I hated that ritual. I had plenty opportunities to feel bad and the fact that I did not find peace or comfort in God’s house bothered me. Eventually it made me very angry and for years I was somewhere between an agnostic and an atheist. I cannot think of a better example of how The Lord’s Prayer has helped to heal me than the way it has enabled me to see and understand atonement in a new way. Atonement is at-one-ment. Our sins are the spiritual barriers that we erect between God and ourselves. The prayer Jesus taught dissolves our spiritual barriers better than anything I know of. As we become one with God Our Creator, we become one, in love with all of creation. Through at-one-ment we become one with Our Creator as we penetrate the holographic illusion. We are co-creators with God but until we become conscious of this through at-one-ment it seems that life is happening to us. We become conscious creators first by accepting creative responsibility for our lives and then by choosing to focus our God-given creative awareness only in ways that will manifest the kind of life we want to have. This is exactly what the Lord’s Prayer helps us to do. SPIDER For a simple explanation of how this holographic technology words we look again to our game board. While in Colorado Barb and I discovered a perfect spider in our game-board. Fortunately, Native American views of Spider helped us go beyond our creepy, crawly prejudices. To the Ute, Navaho, Hopi and the Zuni, Spider is the creator who weaves the patterns of life. Spider's antennas express the duality of our mind and her eight legs, four on either side, portray our eight chokras and the eightpointed star-tetrahedron appears again. This is interesting but Spider also holds a key that enables us to begin utilizing this technology of The Ancient ones in our personal lives. We often describe our human thoughts as webs and we're notorious for "getting tangled up in our webs". Spider creates her web to attract and to receive what she needs and this is how we should pray. With our prayers, we weave a powerful creative web. Then, like Spider, we must wait and listen to receive. In prayer, we talk to God but to commune with Him we must also listen. First, we open to the blessing of this breath right now because until we can receive these small blessings how can we hope to receive more. As you prayer listen, and feel each word and expect Spirits love to be present in every breath. Know that if you do not experience being blessed or loved you just need to let-go more. When you pray release your words as Spider releases her silky threads, then wait and listen. Imagine your web extending beyond your awareness to receive blessings beyond your imagination. Keep praying, creating, listening, waiting and remember, our goal is not to attract Our Creators Love, only to receive the blessings, which already are. BEYOND INFORMATION Humanities historic progression of paradigms, mind-sets or values is very telling. We began as hunters and gatherers; we became farmers, then industrialists. Electricity has enabled us to develop a sophisticated "High-Tec" culture, which has finally given birth to our current "information age". What this progression of paradigms reflects is our evolution of values. In other words, our world’s economy and activities inevitably revolves around what we value most. So to see our future we must see what we will value most when the information age has run it’s course. The answer reveals "a paradigm shift of the first magnitude" because beyond information is pure consciousness and or pure experience. It's realizing how we create our own experience that moves us from our current external values to internal ones. Can you see how this shift turns all our historic themes inside out? Can you see why The Lord’s Prayer is a valuable creative tool? As we stop betraying our feelings to achieve external, mental goals, projected from our past, we are liberated to live in the present. Do you see how this progression coincides with the prophesy of The Eighth Heaven? Do you see how moving from the outer edge of the Pleiades to the center of it enables us to release our historic pursuit of external values? Do you see how this progression of paradigms reflects how our cosmic transition into the eighth heaven has been taking place for a very long time? Now we can understand why Jesus and the Ancient Ones have come at this time with this message: "Seek neither here nor there for the Kingdom of God (Love) is within you". Each of us honors this teaching in our own way but we are all on this journey together. For each of us the Lord’s Prayer is different because it is a very personal and heart-felt experience. In general, however, The Prayer Jesus Taught gently guides us to a current center point of our own personal life experience. Can you see how it can help you to make your transition into a better more heart-felt reality? A VISION There is no way that anyone can prove or disprove that earth is currently making a transition into this new reality that we call the 8th heaven. We do know that many ancient prophesies are currently being fulfilled. A few months ago I asked a Native American friend of mine if she knew of any prophesies told by the elders of here tribe concerning the beginning of a new world? She told me her tribe was from Canada and she’d heard her great uncle say that when the polar bears start to migrate south that would mark the end of the world we know and the beginning of a new one. Just last week another friend, who I had told this to, called me to say that she had just seen a program about polar bears migrating to the south. We all know that things are different now than they ever have been. We know that our lives are speeding up and many of us are suffering from stress because change is stressful. The unprecedented pressures of our lives have evolved new fears, new diseases and there is really no way that any of us can honestly indulge in the illusion that we are in control. We can struggle with our fears or we can let-go, which for most of us is the scariest thought of all. What will happen? What will unfold? These are questions that will only be answered as we let-go. To write this book I have had to do more letting-go than I ever believed was possible and yet I still feel anxious because there is always more. For most of my life I chose to struggle rather than face the unknown. It was round and round, returning to the same lessons repeatedly that finally pushed me over the edge. I cannot say what is to come but I know that my life is better every day because of the prayer Jesus taught. It is my sanctuary and the way I have chosen to open my heart to the blessings of each day and each moment. This prayer is my best friend and faithful companion. It never lets me down. Never! During the past twenty-two years as I have embraced it and have pursued the promise of Christ, I have been blessed and encouraged in more ways than I can remember. Amongst these many blessings is one I have shared with you here. The one I’ve described as a “game board” and I would like to leave you with a vision of the 8th heaven, which I see within it. At the center of this beautiful design is a flower, symbolic of life unfolding on earth. The whole design resembles a star or sun having 12 points symbolizing God’s will in the form of our own sun. I see these two together as the unity of heaven and earth. Every part of the design is a perfect circle symbolic of Our Creator, “The Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end”. I see these many circles within it as our individual souls uniting and manifesting God’s Light. As I drink in this design, it seems to breathe as life breathes us all. As I breathe my life into this vision, I can feel myself being lifted and nurtured by it. I believe that we all now have an opportunity of cosmic proportion and that the prayer Jesus taught was designed to help us seize this opportunity. I know that if you will say this prayer with your whole heart, it will help you to build a more satisfying, purpose filled life by opening you to receive God’s abundant goodness in unimaginable ways. Barush Bashan "The blessings already are".