ingeniería energ´etica, etsii (escuela t´ecnica superior de ingenieros
ingeniería energ´etica, etsii (escuela t´ecnica superior de ingenieros
INGENIERÍA ENERGÉTICA, ETSII (ESCUELA TÉCNICA SUPERIOR DE INGENIEROS INDUSTRIALES) HIGH POWER BEAM DUMP PROJECT FOR THE ACCELERATOR PROTOTYPE LIPAc: COOLING DESIGN AND ANALYSIS. AUTOR: MARCOS PARRO ALBÉNIZ, INGENIERO INDUSTRIAL. DIRECTORES: Dña. Beatriz Brañas Lasala, Doctora Ingeniera Industrial. D. Alberto Abánades Velasco, Doctor Ingeniero Industrial. Tribunal nombrado por el Magnı́fico y Excelentı́simo Sr. Rector de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid el dı́a de de 2015. Presidente: D. José Marı́a Martı́nez-Val Peñalosa. Vocal: D. Ángel Ibarra Sánchez. Vocal: D. Javier Sanz Gozalo. Vocal: D. Fernando Arranz Merino. Secretario: D. Javier Muñoz Antón. Realizado el acto de defensa y lectura de la Tesis el dı́a de de 2015, en la E.T.S Ingenieros Industriales. Calificación: El presidente: Vocal: El secretario: Vocal: Vocal: INGENIERÍA ENERGÉTICA, ETSII (ESCUELA TÉCNICA SUPERIOR DE INGENIEROS INDUSTRIALES) HIGH POWER BEAM DUMP PROJECT FOR THE ACCELERATOR PROTOTYPE LIPAc: COOLING DESIGN AND ANALYSIS. AUTOR: MARCOS PARRO ALBÉNIZ, INGENIERO INDUSTRIAL. DIRECTORES: Dña. Beatriz Brañas Lasala, Doctora Ingeniera Industrial. D. Alberto Abánades Velasco, Doctor Ingeniero Industrial. Este trabajo ha sido realizado en el Departamento de Fusión del Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales, Energéticas y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), utilizando sus medios técnicos y con la colaboración de su personal, y ha sido financiado por el MINECO a través de los proyectos AIC-2010-A-000441 y AIC-A-2011-0654. En particular el circuito hidráulico y el prototipo del bloque de parada utilizados en los experimentos que se presentan en esta tesis han sido financiados por el Ministerio a través del Plan Nacional (proyecto ACIONAI ENE2009-11230) y por CDTI (proyecto Industria de la Ciencia IDC-20101023) El pueblo ya no sabe nada de todo esto. La mayorı́a se ha quedado sin apoyo ni guı́a. No creen en ningún Dios o Dioses, conoce la Iglesia sólo como partido polı́tico y la moral como una molesta limitación. Erwin Schrödinger. This thesis is dedicated to the loving memory of Panos Karditsas and his family. Tina thank you very much for your support even in the tough times. Agradecimientos Parece ser todo llega a su fin y en este caso el fin empieza por los agradecimientos que no dejan de ser las primeras páginas que se leen. Cuantas vueltas le habré dado a esta parte para acabar llegando a la conclusión de que no la querı́a escribir, siempre habı́a alguna buena excusa para no empezar. Y ası́ hasta acabar descubriendo que ha sido de las partes más complicadas de escribir, puede sonar a risa pero me ha parecido más fácil escribir cualquier otra parte del texto de este documento que estas lı́neas que ahora mismo escribo. El porqué creo que es sencillo, cómo agradecer seis años en unas lı́neas. Con sólo pensar en la cantidad de gente con la que has interactuado en este perı́odo parece imposible. Y luego está el clásico de le estoy agradeciendo a cada una de esas personas en su justa medida. Probablemente no, y seguro que no se puede ser totalmente justo y al final habrá mucha gente a la que no le puedes dar las gracias tal y como se lo merece, de antemano un lo siento, mi memoria es limitada y cada dı́a más. Y por donde empezar, pues por la primera persona que se preocupo de ubicarme en ese sitio tan grande que parecı́a el Ciemat de primeras, mi compi de despacho Beatriz. Me acuerdo perfectamente de lo despistado que yo estaba y de ese primer café en la cafeterı́a temporal del Ciemat. Cuando me vio aparecer debió decir ”que me ponen a un hippie en el despacho!!!”. Pero si hay una cosa que me gusta de ella, y que para mı́ es lo que más le caracteriza es que le da igual como puedas ser por fuera, es capaz de ver más allá y respetar las diferencias como muy poca gente hace. Solo puedo agradecerte, jamás has tenido una mala palabra hacia mı́, todo lo contrario me has defendido y has dado la cara por mı́ ante cualquiera, mil gracias. Por cercanı́a tengo que seguir con la cara que más he visto en estos años, mi otro compañero de despacho, Juan. Básicamente le he visto más la cara porque no habı́a más remedio al tenerle enfrente jajajaj. Buuuuufff tantas cosas hemos pasado, vivir juntos, compartir frustraciones juntos, salir hasta morir también juntos, y por supuesto, y fundamentalmente por lo que creo que somos y seremos amigos para siempre, el enfadarnos como pocas veces el uno con el otro, pero también juntos. Quiero que sepas que compartir este tiempo contigo ha sido un auténtico honor y un placer. I Siguiendo me toca hablar del 20, ni soy fı́sico, ni he participado en los proyectos en los que estaba la gente del 20, pero siempre he tenido una puerta abierta de todos y cada uno de los despachos. Álvaro (preocupándose y hasta enfadándose a veces por mi situación en el Ciemat), José, Andrés, José Manuel, Guille, Fernando, Yupi, Emilio, Fran, Fontdecaba, Pedro y Daniel. Pero especialmente le tengo que agradecer a Alfonso Ros. El experimento del PHETEN sin su apoyo, colaboración y esfuerzo a lo largo de tardes y tardes no habrı́a llegado a buen puerto y por lo tanto tampoco la Tesis. Siempre dispuesto a ayudar dejando de hacer sus cosas para estar contigo, dispuesto a enseñarte y si hace falta aprender dispuesto a que un becario le enseñe. Me quito el sombrero Señor Ros, mil gracias de corazón. Y llegamos a mis compañeros de proyectos o por lo menos de división. Sois muchos y hemos compartido mucho, cumpleaños, quedadas en el doce, desayunos, conferencias perdiendo pósters por Lieja jajajaj , quedadas por fuera del Ciemat, en fin sin vosotros habrı́a sido todo mucho más aburrido. Vamos a empezar por la Sinagoga, con Elena, Gerardo, Pablete, Dani ”El coletas”, Jesús y por supuesto Iván que anda que no ha tenido que aguantarme el pobre, muchas gracias. Y siguiendo por ese pasillo de cuerdos locos, tenemos a su capitán general Regidor, Kikı́n y nuestros paseos en bici y encargado principal de conseguir mis bici regalos de cumpleaños, Esther, José Manuel (sı́ beibi aquı́ estás jejeje), Santi, David Jiménez, Lalia, Cristina, y aunque no estén en ese pasillo no podı́an faltar Conchi, Iván Podadera, Julio y Marcelo. Espero no olvidarme de nadie. Mención aparte merecen Iole, Luis Rı́os y Natalia. Mi pequeña italiana feliz anda que no nos han pasado cosas, muchas gracias por haber estado ahı́ especialmente para todo lo que no tiene que ver con el Ciemat, sigue ası́. Luis es un placer hablar contigo, no sé porqué pero me transmites paz y tranquilidad y por supuesto siempre que te he ido a contar mis rollos me has escuchado y aconsejado, mil gracias. Natalia, que te voy a decir, para empezar mi mentora con el CFX que anda que no ha sido pesadito el niño preguntando, y mira todo un capı́tulo gracias a ti. Y por supuesto antes que mi compañera de trabajo has sido mi amiga, una gran amiga, un poco loca pero supongo que acorde a lo que tenı́as delante. Un lujo haberte conocido. Mis ”locas” favoritas Elisabetta y Begoña, mira que tenı́a que acabar yo antes y al final me habéis pasado las dos, me alegro mucho, os lo merecéis. Otra persona que ha empleado gran parte de su tiempo en echarme un cable y sin la cual tampoco estarı́ais leyendo esto, ha sido Juanma . Cada dı́a le iba con una idea nueva y él siempre dispuesto a sacar un hueco para hacer lo que fuese. Cuando las cosas iban mal con el experimento casi tenı́a él más fe que yo en que lo solucionarı́amos. Muchas, muchas gracias por creer en que esto iba a salir y ayudarme en todo, has sido muy importante. Cristiiiii pensabas que no me iba a acordar de ti, la chica más feliz que me he encontrado y aun con esas debo ser de los pocos que con mi habilidad habitual te ha conseguido enfadar jejejje. Sin esas meriendas del 12 cuando el Ciemat ya estaba vacı́o me habrı́a vuelto loco, mil gracias. Daniel, mi colega metálico, que voy a decir de ti, te has pasado todo el doctorado a mi lado y mira que últimamente te has ido lejos. Parte de esto es tuyo, eres la persona con la que he trabajado que II más pasión le pone y que no para de maravillarme cada dı́a, da igual lo que te pongan delante que vas a acabar siendo el mejor en eso. Y lo más importante eres un amigo con mayúsculas, y aunque me vayas a vacilar por esto prefiero dos palabras a seguir escribiendo, te quiero. Y ya saliendo del Ciemat, como no acordarme de ciertos personajes que tengo por amigos, unos de un colectivo que espero siga siempre vivo aunque estemos en distintas puntas del mundo. Monteserı́n, Pablo Lorenzo ”El Taper” lo siento pero lo tenı́a que decir, Alvarito y ”El Paez”, han sido unos años increı́bles chicos, vuestra amistad ha sido lo mejor en este tiempo, sois algo más que amigos. Mención especial a Israel que se ha marcado una pedazo de portada alternativa, es un placer tener un Páez en este ”mi libro” como siempre me dices. Juntos desde pequeños y la historia continua. Y como no mis navarros universales, Oihan y David, mejor no escribo vuestros motes jejeje. Sois las mejores personas que he conocido, tenéis un corazón enorme. Ese par de añitos que nos pasamos compartiendo piso y vida fueron de 10, no podrı́a imaginarme mejores compañeros de piso y amigos. Y ahora a pesar de la distancia seguı́s siempre presentes Maaaaks. Al Gabi y sus cañitas de Lunes, Nico, Perry, Karles y al Albert que llevan ahı́ desde la Escuela y no parece que se hayan cansado de mi, sois muy grandes. Albert tú sı́ que has tenido que soportar un mesecito y medio de Tesis, muchas gracias por acogerme y sacarme a echar unas canastas en Reading. Por cierto Cris si tenemos al Albert por aquı́ dando vueltas tú no puedes ser menos. Toda la gente del Erasmus, Daniela, Diego, Javi, Jorge, Andrea, Dariole, Sarinha, Claudio, muchos ya doctores, llego el último chicos. Y como no, a un hermano italiano que tengo perdido en Francia, que pase el tiempo que pase siempre va a estar ahı́ como si nos acabásemos de ver el dı́a anterior, gracias Gelati. Vitı́n te dejo de los últimos porque eres de los más grandes. Otro que no me libro de él ni mandándole a China, llamándome desde la otra punta del mundo para ver como estaba, como sueles decir tú no tengo palabras ”niño”. Desde aquellas mañanas en la ruta del colegio has estado ahı́ para todo, eres un fiera y te quiero Vait. Más gente, Blanca, Angeliko, mi camaraden Carla, Javi y nuestros vicios a la play, mi nuevo compi de piso el Luis, Pirata, Carmen y sus regalos mágicos, Óscar, César, Ana, todo mi equipo de basket, y aun me olvidaré a alguno. Y un par de amigos del barrio, Chemi cuantas mañanas con un bombón y unas risas, no te preocupes que ya me toca empezar a producir como me dices siempre. Y como no a Estanis, que está ahı́ para lo que haga falta, ya sea liarle para desmontar mi bici entera o para hablar de cualquier frikada, la vida por el barrio sin ti serı́a mucho más aburrida, gracias. Por supuesto el apoyo más grande ha venido de mi familia, la Tesis se lo dedico a alguien que fue muy importante para mi en este proceso, Panos Karditsas, pero si hay alguien que también se III merece eso es mi abuela, que más que una abuela ha sido una madre. Aunque no entienda muy bien lo que significa una Tesis a pesar de las mil millones de veces que se lo habré explicado, va por ella. Soy lo que soy porque la tuve a ella siempre detrás apoyándome en todas mis locuras, que no han sido pocas, te quiero Yaya. Y por supuesto mi padre, tan importante como mi abuela pero que me da más caña en todo, quizás por eso siempre quiero llegar a más y llegar siempre por mi cuenta. Desde pequeño exigiéndome, desde pequeño peleándonos, pero supongo que ası́ somos, si no fuese ası́ hasta se me harı́a raro Pater. Muchas gracias, esto también es tuyo. Esther a ti también muchas gracias por soportarnos a los dos y por tratarme como a un hijo más. Mis tı́os y primos de un lado y otro, sois muchos para poneros a todos pero muchas gracias por preocuparos por mi y animarme sobre todo estos dos últimos años. A David Rapisarda, que ha sido una especie de director en la sombra, tengo que agradecerle por haber estado ahı́ cuando las cosas se torcieron a mitad de doctorado. He aprendido mucho tratando contigo aunque a veces haya parecido lo contrario David, ya me conoces que soy complicado, pero muchas gracias de verdad. A Fernando Arranz y Pedro Olmos por haber sacado tiempo de debajo de las piedras para hacer el experimento. Por supuesto agradecerle a Beatriz por haberme guiado en todo este proceso. Como con todo director de Tesis hemos tenido nuestros más y nuestros menos, somos muy diferentes, pero ha sido un gran apoyo en todo este camino, muchas gracias. A Alberto, mi otro director, por haberme facilitado siempre las cosas y haber estado pendiente de mi. Y como no también una pequeña corrección sobre los agradecimientos iniciales, aquı́ hay que corregir todo. Me habı́a olvidado por diferentes motivos de un par muy importantes, de Tara y de Alba. Tanto pensar en personas que han estado conmigo en todo este camino y me olvidó de quien ha estado en todo momento, quizás porque no le queda más remedio ya que es un perro, pero no me podı́a olvidar de mi pequeña la Tara, la que más sonrisas me ha sacado en todo este tiempo. Yo pensando que era yo quien le sacaba a pasear y muchos dı́as era ella quien me sacaba a mi mientras yo le daba vueltas a alguna ecuación o parte del código. Y de ti Alba no me habı́a olvidado pero cuando escribı́ esto quizás no era el momento de decir nada. Has sido mi apoyo y mi compañera en todo este tiempo, la persona más importante y la que ha estado conmigo en lo bueno que es lo fácil y en lo malo, que lo malo ha sido muy malo a veces. Gran parte de esto es tuyo, muchas gracias. IV List of symbols Variable Description Units q” Heat flux q Heat qv Volumetric heat [W/m3 ] q”corr Corrected heat flux [W/m2 ] h Heat transfer coefficient [W/m2o C] hret Water return heat transfer coefficient [W/m2o C] k Conductivity [W/m2 ] [W] [W/mo C] n Perdincular coordinate to the surface Ts Wall temperature [o C, K] [m] Tb Bulk temperature [o C, K] Tsb Inner cone temperature surface-bulk side [o C, K] Tret Water return temperature [o C, K] Tsh Shroud temperature [o C, K] l Characteristic length [m] v Fluid velocity Nu Nusselt number [m/s] Dimensionless Re Reynolds number Dimensionless Reε Roughness Reynolds number Dimensionless Do Outer annular diameter [m] Di Inner annular diameter [m] A Inner cone heat exchange area [m2 ] Aret Shroud heat exchange area [m2 ] P Wetted perimeter [m] e Cooling channel width [m] Pr Prandtl number µ dynamic viscosity [kg/m s] µs dynamic viscosity on the surface [kg/m s] cp Constant pressure specific heat [J/kg K] ρ Density [kg/m3 ] Dimensionless V Variable Description Units hf riction Friction head loss [m] hlinear Linear head loss [m] hlocal Local head loss [m] f Friction factor ε Surface roughness Dimensionless [m] a, b, d, s, r Auxiliary variables Dimensionless g, p, DLA , DCF A Auxiliary variables Dimensionless Rint Inner cone radius dA Differential area [m2 ] dT Differential temperature [o C] ṁ Mass flow R Radial distance [m] [kg/s] [m] P Fluid pressure Γ Stress tensor [Pa/m] t time variable [s] v Velocity vector fv Volumetric body force u Field variable in Navier-Stokes equation Dimensionless Fluctuation over field variable in N-S equation Dimensionless Fluctuation mean value over field variable in N- Dimensionless 0 u 0 u [Pa, bar] [m/s] [N/m3 ] S equation u0 2 Fluctuation mean square value over field vari- Dimensionless able in N-S equation [m/s2 ] g Gravity acceleration Dh Equivalent hidraulic diameter [m] o ∆Tsub Subcooling temperature [ C, K] Tmax Maximum inner cone temperature [o C, K] Tsat Saturation temperature [o C, K] Psat Saturation pressure [Pa, bar] CHF Critical heat flux [W/m2 ] CHFAn Critical heat flux for annular geometry [W/m2 ] CHFD=8mm Critical heat flux for 8 mm pipe diameter [W/m2 ] δ Gap thickness in the CHF calculation kx Quality correction factor for CHF Dimensionless kδ Gap size correction factor for CHF Dimensionless kp Pressure correction factor for CHF Dimensionless µl Liquid dynamic viscosity [kg/m s] ρl Liquid density [kg/m3 ] ρv Vapour density [kg/m3 ] ∆Tsub Fluid subcooling ilv Vaporization latent heat [mm] [o C, K] VI [J/kg] Variable Description Units φc Critical boiling number Dimensionless Ec Eckert number Dimensionless Rd Ratio between liquid and vapour densities Dimensionless x Mass enthalpic quality Dimensionless y+ Yplus parameter Dimensionless u∗ Friction velocity [m/s] ν Kinematic viscosity y Distance from the wall to the first node of the [m2 /s] [m] mesh [m2 /s] α Thermal diffusivity Fo Fourier number Dimensionless θ Adimensional temperature parameter Dimensionless ζ Adimensional time and position position Dimensionless Bi Biot number Dimensionless erf Gauss error function Dimensionless τ Adimensional time parameter Dimensionless ∆P Pressure difference between saturated and [Pa, bar] nominal values hf riction Friction head loss [m] hpump Pump head energy [m] hturbine Turbine head energy cw i Copper ion concentration at the wall [ppm] cbi Copper ion concentration at bulk [ppm] Kif l Mass transfer coefficient Di Diffusion coefficient [m2 /s] v~i Flow velocity vector [m/s] ji Mass flux [m/s] Uch Flow channel perimeter Ach Flowing water cross sectional area ∆h Newton step Dimensionless Sh Sherwood number Dimensionless U Flow velocity in the TRACT code ρs Density of the different isotopes in the fluid [m] [m/s] [m] [m2 ] [m/s] [kg/m3 ] layer ρc Density of the different isotopes in the crud [kg/m3 ] layer ρb Density of the different isotopes in the bulk solid layer VII [kg/m3 ] Variable Description Units ρdl Density of the different isotopes in the deposi- [kg/m3 ] tion layer [kg/m3 ] ρsol Local solubility Def f Bulk solid diffusion coefficient Gcr Source term modelling crud formation [kg/m3 s] Gdep Source term modelling deposition [kg/m3 s] Gb Source term modelling formation of active and [kg/m3 s] [m2 /s] non active elements in the bulk solid Gdis Source term modelling dissolution [kg/m2 s] Gpre Source term modelling precipitation [kg/m2 s] Gcor Source term modelling corrosion [kg/m2 s] Ger Source term modelling erosion [kg/m2 s] Rir Irradiation rate [1/s] λ Decay rate [1/s] φ Neutron flux σ Total effective flux energy weighted reaction [n/m2 s] [m2 ] cross section hmtc Mass transfer coefficient [m/s] hef f Effective mass transfer coefficient [m/s] h Molecular mass transfer [m/s] δcl Corrosion layer thickness δdl Deposition layer thickness [m] [m] 2 Asp Specific area [m /kg] p Porosity hdep Deposition mass transfer coefficient wf rac Mass fraction of the control isotope Ccoag Coagulation coefficient Fer Fraction of the corrosion layer Tout Temperature value of the 2 mm depth thermo- Dimensionless [m/s] Dimensionless [1/s] Dimensionless [o C] couple Tmed Temperature value of the 3 mm depth thermo- [o C] couple Tin Temperature value of the 4 mm depth thermo- [o C] couple T1 Temperature value of thermocouple # 1 [o C] T2 Temperature value of thermocouple # 2 [o C] T3 Temperature value of thermocouple # 3 [o C] T4 Temperature value of thermocouple # 4 [o C] T5 Temperature value of thermocouple # 5 [o C] VIII Contents 1 INTRODUCTION 9 1.1 The IFMIF project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.1.1 Accelerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.1.2 Lithium target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.1.3 Test cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.2 LIPAc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.3 Beam dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 23 2.1 Heat transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.1.2 Heat transfer coefficient estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.1.3 Pressure calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.2 Critical heat flux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.2.2 Annular geometry CHF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.2.3 Fusion adapted CHF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.3 Fluid dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.4 Corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.4.2 Corrosion process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 2.4.3 Parameters of influence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Water Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Radiolysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Flow Accelerated Corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Erosion-Corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2.5 Heat transfer coefficient experimental determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2.5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2.5.2 HTC measurement on the PHETEN prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 IX 3 SIMULATION TOOLS 47 3.1 1D analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 3.2 Computational fluid dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.3 1D corrosion analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 3.4 TRACT: TRansport and ACTivation code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 3.4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 3.4.2 Corrosion modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.4.3 Adaptation to the beam dump corrosion modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 4 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT 59 4.1 Input data and design requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 4.2 1D Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4.2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4.2.2 Choice of geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 4.2.3 Choice of flow and pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 4.2.4 Surface roughness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 4.2.5 Results of the 1D beam dump cooling analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 4.2.6 Final considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 4.2.7 Cooling for beam powers lower than nominal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 4.3 Detailed 3D analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 4.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 4.3.2 Comparison with 1D analysis. Turbulence model influence . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 4.3.3 Detailed analysis of special regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Tip support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 180o turn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Length of straight pipe at the beam dump entrance . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Effect of manufacturing and mounting tolerances . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Inner cone thickness variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Thermocouples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 5 CORROSION 89 5.1 Introduction. Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 5.2 1D transport code results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 5.3 TRACT results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 5.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 5.3.2 Results for pH = 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 5.3.3 Results for pH = 8.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 5.3.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 6 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES 99 6.1 Introduction. Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 6.2 Hydraulic circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 6.3 Pressure loss determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 X 6.3.1 Beam dump prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 6.3.2 Pressure loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 6.4 Film transfer coefficient measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 PHETEN prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 3D simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Experimental setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Film transfer experimental determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Heating means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Preliminary measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 First attempts. Measurement of temperature inside the wall . . . . . . 116 Direct measurement of temperature at the water interface . . . . . . . 118 Conclusions. Lessons learned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Final measurements. Results of HTC measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 129 APPENDICES 133 A CALIBRATION 135 B TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS INSIDE THE PHETEN WALL 139 B.A Different thermocouple configurations on a stainless steel pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 B.B Measurements with the bolt thermocouple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 C TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS AT THE WATER-SURFACE INTERFACE 145 C.A Transient experiments performed on a stainless steel plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 C.B Experiments performed in PHETEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 C.B.1 Thermocouples fixed and covered with Araldit and duct tape . . . . . . . . . . . 148 C.B.2 Thermocouples welded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 D BAND HEATER POWER DENSITY 155 E CHICA CODE 159 XI XII List of Figures 1.1 IFMIF layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.2 Sketch of the IFMIF accelerators, lithium target and tests modules. . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.3 Lithium target system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.4 Test cell design concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1.5 LIPAc building layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.6 LIPAc building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.7 LIPAc accelerator layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.8 Beam dump inner cone and shroud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.9 Beam dump cartridge, together with the water and polyethylene shield. . . . . . . . 16 1.10 Beam dump shield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.11 Flange of the shroud and front end of cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1.12 Shroud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1.13 Tip support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 1.14 Beam dump cartridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 1.15 Beam dump cartridge water flow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1.16 Beam dump cell and heat exchanging room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.1 Boundary layer scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.2 Nukiyama boiling curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.3 Mean and fluctuating turbulent variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.4 Schematic model of the corrosion process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.5 Copper Pourbaix diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.6 O2 and CO2 effect on copper corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2.7 Copper release rates as function of O2 level and pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2.8 Literature data and experimental results showing the temperature influence . . . . . 41 2.9 Influence of flow accelerated corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2.10 Relationship between τ and θ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.11 Relationship between time and dimensionless temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 3.1 One dimension analysis scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 3.2 Beam dump return analysis scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 XIII 4.1 Beam dump cartridge water flow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 4.2 Beam dump nominal power deposition (average) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 4.3 Transversal sections in x and y planes of the beam at the beam dump entrance . . . 61 4.4 Cu-water (Tsb ) and Cu-beam (Ts ) interface temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4.5 Beam dump cooling design scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 4.6 Inner and outer radii of the beam dump annular channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 4.7 Beam dump cooling channel thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 4.8 Inverse beam dump cooling channel cross sectional area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 4.9 Minimum margin to saturation along the beam dump for different water flows . . . 66 4.10 Heat transfer coefficient for different roughnesses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 4.11 Temperature profile at surface bulk interface for different roughnesses. . . . . . . . . 67 4.12 Velocity and film transfer coefficient profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 4.13 Coolant temperature profile (Tb ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 4.14 Cu-water interface temperature (Tsb ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 4.15 Reynolds number profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 4.16 Pressure profiles along the beam dump. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 4.17 CHF, Nucleate boiling and heat deposition profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 4.19 Average shroud temperature profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 4.18 Velocity and film transfer coefficient profiles for the water return . . . . . . . . . . . 71 4.20 Nominal and boiling heat transfer coefficients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 4.21 Relative heat transfer coefficient margin to nucleate boiling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 4.22 Film transfer coefficient for the different duty cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 4.23 Bulk temperature profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 4.24 Inner cone temperature (Tsb ) profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 4.25 Temperature profile for the different turbulence models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 4.26 HTC for the different turbulence models (CFX output). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 4.27 HTC for the different turbulence models based on temperature calculations. . . . . 75 4.28 Tip support geometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 4.29 Yplus parameter in the tip region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 4.30 Pressure profile in the tip region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 4.31 Temperature profile (Tsb ) along the beam dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 4.32 180o turn detail in the beam dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.33 Streamlines in the beam dump water 180o turn passage through the shroud. . . . . . 79 4.34 Temperature profile in the flange. 4.35 Pressure profile through the orifices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 4.36 Streamlines for the 1.5 m length simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 4.37 Axial velocity profile (v) at the beam dump entrance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 4.38 u velocity component profile at the beam dump entrance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 4.39 w velocity component profile at the beam dump entrance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 4.40 Velocity profile at z = 1.5 m for the 0.65 mm case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 4.41 Velocity profile at z = 1.5 m for the 2.5 mm case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 4.42 Water velocity at plane z = 1.95 m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 XIV 4.43 Water velocity at plane z = 2.01 m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 4.44 Thermocouple installation layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 4.45 Velocity profile around the thermocouple for the 5 mm case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 4.46 Velocity profile around the thermocouple for the 1 mm case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 4.47 Temperature profile on the inner cone for the 1 mm case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 4.48 Temperature profile on the inner cone for the 5 mm case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 5.1 Transient evolution of the copper concentration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 5.2 Comparison between the different solution methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 5.3 Solution for a constant velocity of 6.88 m/s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 5.4 Cooling system layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 5.5 Corrosion and deposition layers along the cooling circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 5.6 Dissolution rate of the corrosion and deposition layers along the beam dump for a pH of 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 5.7 Time evolution of the dissolution rate of the corrosion and deposition layers at the mid point of the beam dump for a pH of 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 5.8 Dissolution rate of the corrosion and deposition layers along the beam dump return for a pH of 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 5.9 Corrosion and deposition layers along the cooling circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 5.10 Dissolution rate of the corrosion and deposition layers along the beam dump for a pH of 8.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 5.11 Time evolution of the dissolution rate of the corrosion and deposition layers at the mid point of the beam dump for a pH of 8.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 5.12 Dissolution rate of the corrosion and deposition layers along the beam dump return for a pH of 8.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 6.1 Layout of the experimental hydraulic circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 6.2 Hydraulic circuit at Ciemat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 6.3 Detailed layout of the hydraulic circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 6.4 1:1 beam dump inner cone and tip prototypes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 6.5 1:1 beam dump cartridge prototype. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 6.6 Flow variation during pressure loss experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 6.7 Position of the manometers in the hydraulic circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 6.8 Pressure loss experimental results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 6.9 PHETEN prototype scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 6.10 PHETEN prototype flanges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 6.11 PHETEN prototype partially assembled (left) and mounted in the hydraulic circuit (right). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 6.12 PHETEN entrance flange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 6.13 Velocity profile in the testing section (zm ) plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 6.14 Vector lines at the PHETEN entrance flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 6.15 Streamlines downstream the PHETEN outlet flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 6.16 Schematic layout of the PHETEN heat transfer coefficient experiment assembly. . . 112 XV 6.17 Band heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 6.18 Type T thermocouple sketch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 6.19 Standard type T calibration curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 6.20 Keithley 2000 data acquisition device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 6.21 Thermal simulation of the band heater for a water heat transfer coefficient of 25000 W/m2 K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 6.22 Flat plate with thermocouples welded on it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 6.23 Cross sectional view of the PHETEN experimental setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 6.24 Thermocouples welded to the PHETEN inner wall (copper tape) . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 6.25 Thermocouples welded to the PHETEN inner wall (Duct tape) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 6.26 Heat transfer coefficient experimental setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 6.27 T2, T4 and T5 temperature profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 6.28 Temperature difference between inner surface and water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 6.29 Experimental and theoretical heat transfer coefficients with their associated uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 A.1 Calibration experimental setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 A.2 Calibration thermocouple setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 A.3 Calibration curves of the ten type T thermocouples and the standard response curve. 137 B.1 2, 3 and 4 mm 304L stainless steel sleeves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 B.2 2, 3 and 4 mm 304L stainless steel sleeves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 B.3 4 mm long, 3 mm diameter bolt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 B.4 Thermocouple response with bolt installed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 B.5 Thermocouple response without the bolt installed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 C.1 Temperature evolution with T2 covered with Araldit and T1 and T3 with copper tape. 145 C.2 Temperature evolution with T2 covered with duct tape and T1 and T3 with copper tape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 C.3 Temperature evolution with bare thermocouples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 C.4 Temperature evolution with T1 and T2 covered with duct tape and T3 uncovered. . . 147 C.5 Experimental setup scheme for T1 and T2 covered with Araldit and duct tape respectively . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 C.6 Temperature readings of the different thermocouples for the 25 m3 /h water flow. . . 149 C.7 Temperature measured for the 80 m3 /h (left) and 108 m3 /h (right) water flows. . . . 150 C.8 0.2 mm diameter thermocouples fixed with duct tape and Araldit. . . . . . . . . . . . 150 C.9 Temperature difference in the experiment performed with T1 and T2 covered with Araldit, T3 embedded and T4 covered with duct tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 C.10 Temperature difference in the experiment performed with T1 and T2 covered with Araldit, T3 embedded, T4 covered with duct tape and the presence of the wall thermocouples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 C.11 Temperature difference in the experiment with no Araldit and no wall thermocouples.153 XVI D.1 Different band heater experimental positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 D.2 Thermocouple response at Position 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 D.3 Thermocouple response at Position 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 D.4 Thermocouple response at Position 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 D.5 Power density percentage along the band heater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 XVII List of Tables 4.1 Values of T at the water-material interface (Tsb ), saturation pressure (Psat ), pressure (P) and ∆P = P - Psat at the location of maximum Tsb for different flows . . . . . . . . . 65 4.2 Temperature and stress values for the different duty cycles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 4.3 CFX model parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 4.4 Parameters of the 0.65 mm, 2.5 mm and 0 mm deviation cases at z = 1.5 m. . . . . . . . 83 6.1 Pressure loss experimental data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 6.2 Theoretical and experimental temperature difference values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 6.3 Theoretical and experimental HTC values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 6.4 Heat transfer coefficient values and their associated uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 B.1 Temperature measurement improvement # 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 B.2 Temperature measurement improvement # 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 B.3 Temperature measurement improvement # 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 B.4 Temperature measurement improvement # 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 B.5 Temperature measurement improvement # 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 C.1 Film transfer coefficient results based on T1 and T2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 C.2 Theoretical and experimental temperature gradient values for the different thermocouples # 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 C.3 Theoretical and experimental temperature gradient values for the different thermocouples # 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 C.4 Theoretical and experimental temperature gradient values for the different thermocouples # 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 XVIII RESUMEN En el campo de la fusión nuclear y desarrollándose en paralelo a ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), el proyecto IFMIF (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility) se enmarca dentro de las actividades complementarias encaminadas a solucionar las barreras tecnológicas que aún plantea la fusión. En concreto IFMIF es una instalación de irradiación cuya misión es caracterizar materiales resistentes a condiciones extremas como las esperadas en los futuros reactores de fusión como DEMO (DEMOnstration power plant). Consiste en dos aceleradores de deuterones que proporcionan un haz de 125 mA y 40 MeV cada uno, que al colisionar con un blanco de litio producen un flujo neutrónico intenso (1018 n/(m2 s)) con un espectro similar al de los neutrones de fusión [1], [2]. Dicho flujo neutrónico es empleado para irradiar los diferentes materiales candidatos a ser empleados en reactores de fusión, y las muestras son posteriormente examinadas en la llamada instalación de post-irradiación. Como primer paso en tan ambicioso proyecto, una fase de validación y diseño llamada IFMIFEVEDA (Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities) se encuentra actualmente en desarrollo. Una de las actividades contempladas en esta fase es la construcción y operación de un acelarador prototipo llamado LIPAc (Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator). Se trata de un acelerador de deuterones de alta intensidad idéntico a la parte de baja energı́a de los aceleradores de IFMIF. Los componentes del LIPAc, que será instalado en Japón, son suministrados por diferentes paı́ses europeos. El acelerador proporcionará un haz continuo de deuterones de 9 MeV con una potencia de 1.125 MW que tras ser caracterizado deberá pararse de forma segura. Para ello se requiere un sistema denominado bloque de parada (Beam Dump en inglés) que absorba la energı́a del haz y la transfiera a un sumidero de calor. España tiene el compromiso de suministrar este componente y CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) es responsable de dicha tarea. La pieza central del bloque de parada, donde se para el haz de iones, es un cono de cobre con un ángulo de 3.5o , 2.5 m de longitud y 5 mm de espesor. Dicha pieza está refrigerada por agua que fluye en su superficie externa por el canal que se forma entre el cono de cobre y otra pieza concéntrica con éste. Este es el marco en que se desarrolla la presente tesis, cuyo objeto es el diseño del sistema de refrigeración del bloque de parada del LIPAc. El diseño se ha realizado utilizando un modelo sim1 plificado unidimensional. Se han obtenido los parámetros del agua (presión, caudal, pérdida de carga) y la geometrı́a requerida en el canal de refrigeración (anchura, rugosidad) para garantizar la correcta refrigeración del bloque de parada. Se ha comprobado que el diseño permite variaciones del haz respecto a la situación nominal siendo el flujo crı́tico calorı́fico al menos 2 veces superior al nominal. Se han realizado asimismo simulaciones fluidodinámicas 3D con ANSYS-CFX en aquellas zonas del canal de refrigeración que lo requieren. El bloque de parada se activará como consecuencia de la interacción del haz de partı́culas lo que impide cualquier cambio o reparación una vez comenzada la operación del acelerador. Por ello el diseño ha de ser muy robusto y todas las hipótesis utilizadas en la realización de éste deben ser cuidadosamente comprobadas. Gran parte del esfuerzo de la tesis se centra en la estimación del coeficiente de transferencia de calor que es determinante en los resultados obtenidos, y que se emplea además como condición de contorno en los cálculos mecánicos. Para ello por un lado se han buscado correlaciones cuyo rango de aplicabilidad sea adecuado para las condiciones del bloque de parada (canal anular, diferencias de temperatura agua-pared de decenas de grados). En un segundo paso se han comparado los coeficientes de pelı́cula obtenidos a partir de la correlación seleccionada (Petukhov-Gnielinski) con los que se deducen de simulaciones fluidodinámicas, obteniendo resultados satisfactorios. Por último se ha realizado una validación experimental utilizando un prototipo y un circuito hidráulico que proporciona un flujo de agua con los parámetros requeridos en el bloque de parada. Tras varios intentos y mejoras en el experimento se han obtenido los coeficientes de pelı́cula para distintos caudales y potencias de calentamiento. Teniendo en cuenta la incertidumbre de las medidas, los valores experimentales concuerdan razonablemente bien (en el rango de un 15%) con los deducidos de las correlaciones. Por motivos radiológicos es necesario controlar la calidad del agua de refrigeración y minimizar la corrosión del cobre. Tras un estudio bibliográfico se identificaron los parámetros del agua más adecuados (conductividad, pH y concentración de oxı́geno disuelto). Como parte de la tesis se ha realizado asimismo un estudio de la corrosión del circuito de refrigeración del bloque de parada con el doble fin de determinar si puede poner en riesgo la integridad del componente, y de obtener una estimación de la velocidad de corrosión para dimensionar el sistema de purificación del agua. Se ha utilizado el código TRACT (TRansport and ACTivation code) adaptándalo al caso del bloque de parada, para lo cual se trabajó con el responsable (Panos Karditsas) del código en Culham (UKAEA). Los resultados confirman que la corrosión del cobre en las condiciones seleccionadas no supone un problema. La Tesis se encuentra estructurada de la siguiente manera: En el primer capı́tulo se realiza una introducción de los proyectos IFMIF y LIPAc dentro de los cuales se enmarca esta Tesis. Además se describe el bloque de parada, siendo el diseño del sistema de rerigeración de éste el principal objetivo de la Tesis. En el segundo y tercer capı́tulo se realiza un resumen de la base teórica ası́ como de las difer2 entes herramientas empleadas en el diseño del sistema de refrigeración. El capı́tulo cuarto presenta los resultados relativos al sistema de refrigeración. Tanto los obtenidos del estudio unidimensional, como los obtenidos de las simulaciones fluidodinámicas 3D mediante el empleo del código ANSYS-CFX. En el quinto capı́tulo se presentan los resultados referentes al análisis de corrosión del circuito de refrigeración del bloque de parada. El capı́tulo seis se centra en la descripción del montaje experimental para la obtención de los valores de pérdida de carga y coeficiente de transferencia del calor. Asimismo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en dichos experimentos. Finalmente encontramos un capı́tulo de apéndices en el que se describen una serie de experimentos llevados a cabo como pasos intermedios en la obtención del resultado experimental del coeficiente de pelı́cula. También se presenta el código informático empleado para el análisis unidimensional del sistema de refrigeración del bloque de parada llamado CHICA (Cooling and Heating Interaction and Corrosion Analysis). El trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis ha supuesto la publicación de 3 artı́culos en revistas JCR (”Journal of Nuclear Materials” y ”Fusion Engineering and Design”), ası́ como la presentación en más de 4 congresos y reuniones de relevancia. 3 4 ABSTRACT In the nuclear fusion field running in parallel to ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) as one of the complementary activities headed towards solving the technological barriers, IFMIF (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility) project aims to provide an irradiation facility to qualify advanced materials resistant to extreme conditions like the ones expected in future fusion reactors like DEMO (DEMOnstration Power Plant). IFMIF consists of two constant wave deuteron accelerators delivering a 125 mA and 40 MeV beam each, that will collide on a lithium target producing an intense neutron fluence (1018 n/(m2 s)) with a similar spectra to that of fusion neutrons [1], [2]. This neutron flux is employed to irradiate the different material candidates to be employed in the future fusion reactors, and the samples examined after irradiation at the so called post-irradiative facilities. As a first step in such an ambitious project, an engineering validation and engineering design activity phase called IFMIF-EVEDA (Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities) is presently going on. One of the activities consists on the construction and operation of an accelerator prototype named LIPAc (Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator). It is a high intensity deuteron accelerator identical to the low energy part of the IFMIF accelerators. The LIPAc components, which will be installed in Japan, are delivered by different European countries. The accelerator supplies a 9 MeV constant wave beam of deuterons with a power of 1.125 MW, which after being characterized by different instruments has to be stopped safely. For such task a beam dump to absorb the beam energy and take it to a heat sink is needed. Spain has the compromise of delivering such device and CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) is responsible for such task. The central piece of the beam dump, where the ion beam is stopped, is a copper cone with an angle of 3.5o , 2.5 m long and 5 mm width. This part is cooled by water flowing on its external surface through the channel formed between the copper cone and a concentric piece with the latter. The thesis is developed in this realm, and its objective is designing the LIPAc beam dump cooling system. The design has been performed employing a simplified one dimensional model. The water parameters (pressure, flow, pressure loss) and the required annular channel geometry (width, rugosity) have been obtained guaranteeing the correct cooling of the beam dump. It has been checked that the cooling design allows variations of the the beam with respect to the nominal position, being 5 the CHF (Critical Heat Flux) at least twice times higher than the nominal deposited heat flux. 3D fluid dynamic simulations employing ANSYS-CFX code in the beam dump cooling channel sections which require a more thorough study have also been performed. The beam dump will activate as a consequence of the deuteron beam interaction, making impossible any change or maintenance task once the accelerator operation has started. Hence the design has to be very robust and all the hypotheses employed in the design must be carefully checked. Most of the work in the thesis is concentrated in estimating the heat transfer coefficient which is decisive in the obtained results, and is also employed as boundary condition in the mechanical analysis. For such task, correlations which applicability range is the adequate for the beam dump conditions (annular channel, water-surface temperature differences of tens of degrees) have been compiled. In a second step the heat transfer coefficients obtained from the selected correlation (PetukhovGnielinski) have been compared with the ones deduced from the 3D fluid dynamic simulations, obtaining satisfactory results. Finally an experimental validation has been performed employing a prototype and a hydraulic circuit that supplies a flow with the requested parameters in the beam dump. After several tries and improvements in the experiment, the heat transfer coefficients for different flows and heating powers have been obtained. Considering the uncertainty in the measurements, the experimental values agree reasonably well (in the order of 15%) with the ones obtained from the correlations. Due to radiological reasons the quality of the cooling water must be controlled, hence minimizing the copper corrosion. After performing a bibliographic study the most adequate water parameters were identified (conductivity, pH and dissolved oxygen concentration). As part of this thesis a corrosion study of the beam dump cooling circuit has been performed with the double aim of determining if corrosion can pose a risk for the copper beam dump , and obtaining an estimation of the corrosion velocity to dimension the water purification system. TRACT code (TRansport and ACTivation) has been employed for such study adapting the code for the beam dump case. For such study a collaboration with the code responsible (Panos Karditsas) at Culham (UKAEA) was established. In the first chapter an introduction of the IFMIF and LIPAc projects in which the thesis is enshrined. The beam dump, which cooling system design is the objective of the present thesis, is also described. In the second and third chapters a summary of the theoretical background employed as well as of the different employed tools is presented. The fourth chapter presents the results relative to the beam dump cooling system. The 1D as well as the 3D ANSYS-CFX fluid dynamic results are shown in this chapter. The results regarding the corrosion analysis of the beam dump cooling system are presented in the fifth chapter. The sixth chapter concentrates in the experimental setup description for the pressure loss and heat transfer coefficient determination. The results of such experiments are also presented. 6 Finally an appendices chapter is found where several experiments carried out as intermediates steps in the heat transfer coefficient experimental determination are described. The code employed in the 1D beam dump cooling system design called CHICA (Cooling and Heating Interaction and Corrosion Analysis) is also shown. The work developed in this thesis has supposed the publication of three articles in JCR journals (”Journal of Nuclear Materials” y ”Fusion Engineering and Design”), as well as presentations in more than four conferences and relevant meetings. 7 8 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION In order to understand the context in which the study is enshrined, a general explanation of the IFMIF and LIPAc projects is needed. 1.1 The IFMIF project The main objective of the IFMIF (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility) project is studying the materials and components behaviour in a fusion like environment, that is exposed to a neutron flux of about 1018 n/(m2 s) with an energy of 14.1 MeV generated by the deuterium-tritium nuclear fusion reactions. The behaviour of the materials under irradiation is a key issue in fusion reactors. A commercial fusion reactor will produce more than 30 dpa (displacements per atom) per year of damage due to the high energy neutron fluxes generated in the reactor. The plasma facing components must imperatively withstand the severe operating conditions without suffering any significant impact on their dimensional stability, and on their mechanical and physical properties [3]. The high displacement per atom can lead to swelling, sputtering and erosion of the materials. ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) the largest tokamak ever to be built, will produce 3 dpa per year, while in DEMO (DEMOnstration power plant) such value will be multiplied by ten [1]. Therefore testing is needed in order to achieve success. The material behaviour is one of the three main challenges regarding fusion technology along with understanding the physics of a fusion reactor and the development of specific technologies for fusion applications. Such challenge has been present since the late eighties as it can be seen in the following references [4], [5], [6], [7], [8] and [9]. Throughout all these years, many data regarding different materials has been collected and a review of candidates for the ITER project has been prepared [10]. The IFMIF irradiation facility is needed in order to test candidates for future fusion reactors like ferritic/martensitic (RAFM, Reduced Activation Ferritic Martensitic) steels, martensitic oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels or non-metallic materials mainly ceramics, with high energy (14 MeV) neutrons [11], [12]. 9 IFMIF will generate a neutron flux (1018 n/(m2 /s)) with a broad peak at 14 MeV by Li(d,xn) nuclear reactions to get irradiation conditions comparable to those in the first wall of a fusion reactor in a volume of 0.5 l that can accommodate around 1000 small specimens. A comparison of IFMIF with other available neutron sources has been performed showing that the spectrum provided by IFMIF, reproduces accurately fusion reactors conditions with a narrow flattop in the spectrum at 14 MeV [3]. On figure 1.1 a layout of the project showing the two 125 mA, 40 MeV deuteron linear accelerators together with the lithium target and the test facility can be observed. Figure 1.1: IFMIF layout [3]. The main components of the IFMIF project will be briefly described in the following sections. 1.1.1 Accelerator The requirement for the IFMIF system of 250 mA current of deuterons at 40 MeV is met by two identical continuous wave 175 MHz linear accelerators running in parallel, each delivering a deuteron beam of 125 mA at 40 MeV. In this way a total energy of 10 MW is provided to the liquid lithium target [2]. The accelerator main stages are the following: • The ion source and LEBT (Low Energy Beam Transport): Generates a 140 mA, 100 keV deuteron beam that is transferred by the LEBT from the ion source to the RFQ cavity [2]. • RFQ (Radio Frequency Quadrupole) cavity: It bunches and accelerates the 125 mA beam up to 5 MeV [2]. 10 • LINAC(LINear ACcelerator) : A half-wave superconducting LINAC accelerates the beam from 5 MeV up to 40 MeV [2]. • HEBT line (High Energy Beam Transport:) The beam output is transported to the target by the HEBT line, which includes a series of non-linear optics elements required to tailor the beam in a flat rectangular shape profile on the flowing lithium target [2]. In figure 1.2 the different parts of the accelerator described above can be observed. Figure 1.2: Sketch of the IFMIF accelerators, lithium target and tests modules [3]. 1.1.2 Lithium target Figure 1.3: Lithium target system [13]. 11 A flowing lithium target is needed to produce the deuteron-lithium stripping reaction generating a high flux neutron field (2 MW/m2 ), in order to provide an irradiation damage up to 50 dpa per full power year [14]. The lithium target assembly is where the 2 x 5 MW deuteron beams from the accelerators meet producing the required neutron flux for the irradiation of the test specimens under conditions similar to the first wall of a fusion reactor. The lithium flows at a nominal velocity of 15 m/s in a closed loop. The beams impinge in the liquid lithium screen under an angle of ± 9o in an overlapping manner on the footprint of 200 mm x 50 mm. The requirements of stability and thickness of the set are quite high since the beams must be safely stopped with the liquid to avoid damage to the assembly structure [3]. In figure 1.3 a layout of the lithium target system is presented. 1.1.3 Test cell The test cell is the place where the test samples will be exposed to the neutron flux. It includes three irradiation zones [15]: • High flux test module: > 20 dpa/fpy and a volume of 0.5 L. • Medium flux test module: > 1 dpa/fpy and a volume of 6 L. • Low flux test module: < 1 dpa/fpy and a volume > 8 L. In figure 1.4 the reference design of the Target and Test Cell (TTC) is presented [14]. The different irradiation zones are behind the target assembly starting with the High Flux Test Module (HFTM) positioned in close proximity (2 mm) to the back plate to maximize the neutron flux, and the medium and low test modules located behind the HFTM. The vessel is covered on the upper part by a concrete module while the surrounding concrete wall is at least 4 meters thick to provide enough shield (see figure 1.4) [14]. 1.2 LIPAc The IFMIF-EVEDA project, in the framework of the Broader Approach agreement between Europe and Japan was started in June 2007 to complement the ITER program. Its objectives are defined as [16]: • Deliver the detailed engineering design file of IFMIF by June 2013 to enable rapid construction. • Validate the designs for the major sub-systems through designing, manufacturing and testing prototypes or mock-ups. The project is divided in three main challenging systems [17]: â The low energy part of the accelerator (up to 9 MeV), which will be tested at full current (125 mA) in continuous wave at Rokkasho, Japan. This is the LIPAc accelerator. â The lithium target at a scale 1/3 including all purification (hot and cold traps) and monitoring systems foreseen for IFMIF and tested at Oarai, Japan. 12 Figure 1.4: Test cell design concept [14]. â The high flux test module main components in particular the 1:1 scale irradiation rigs and thermo-hydraulic demonstration of the modules tested in Europe. The accelerator components are designed, manufactured and tested by European institutions while the building, the auxiliary systems and the supervision of the accelerator control system are provided by JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) [18]. At the European level, the Accelerator activities are led by 4 countries: France (CEA-Saclay), Spain (CIEMAT-Madrid), Italy (INFN-Legnaro) and Belgium (SCK-CEN). JAEA is the agency in charge in Japan, while Fusion for Energy (F4E) agency coordinates the project. The accelerator building located in Rokkasho (Japan), consists of an accelerator vault, a nuclear heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) area, a heat exchange and cooling water area for both radiation controlled and non-controlled areas, an access room, a control room and a large hall for power racks, RF systems (HVPS and RF power chains) and the 4 K refrigerator. The accelerator vault is surrounded by 1.5 m thick concrete walls and ceiling [3]. In figure 1.5 an scheme of the LIPAc building with all the different described parts can be observed, while in figure 1.6 the present state of the building is presented. 13 Figure 1.5: LIPAc building layout [3]. The LIPAc accelerator can be divided into the followings parts [17]: ' The injector and its associated Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT) line; the electron cyclotron resonance source, associated with a set of five shaping and accelerating electrodes generating the initial beam of 140 mA, 100 keV. ' The radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ): based on a four vane structure, with a total length of about 9.8 m and divided in eight main modules and two special ones at each end. The RFQ will bunch and then accelerate the beam to an energy of 5 MeV. ' The matching section: this section equipped with some diagnostics optimizes the beam before its acceleration in the Superconducting Radio Frequency LINear ACcelerator (SRF-LINAC). ' SRF-LINAC: Based on Superconducting Half Wave Resonators (HWR). LIPAc SRF-LINAC is composed of eight HWR cavities. ' The High Energy Beam Transport line (HEBT): The main goal of the HEBT line is the transport and the transversal matching of the deuteron beam from the SRF to the beam dump. ' The beam dump described in the following paragraph. ' The RF system has been standardized to decrease its cost: two power units based on a standard emitter (105 and 220 kW) are considered. Each one is composed of a pre-driver, a first amplification stage by means of tetrodes (output power of 11 kW) and the final amplification stage also based on tetrodes. 14 Figure 1.6: LIPAc building. In figure 1.7 the different parts of the LIPAc can be observed. Figure 1.7: LIPAc accelerator layout [3]. 1.3 Beam dump The beam dump will be operative during the accelerator commissioning and during the different tests carried out in the accelerator to validate the design. 15 The LIPAc beam dump design uses a conical shape for the beam facing surface extracting the deposited heat by means of water flowing at high velocity on the outer side of this surface. The concept is based on a previous beam dump used at LEDA accelerator (6.7 MeV and 0.1 A proton beam) [19], although a complete new design was needed due to the higher power of LIPAc and the larger radiation from the deuteron material interaction. Cono interior Soporte de la punta Shroud Figure 1.8: Beam dump inner cone and shroud. - Cono interior Cartucho - Cono exterior Polietileno - Cilindro de acero inoxidable Blindaje de agua (tanques de Al) Figure 1.9: Beam dump cartridge, together with the water and polyethylene shield. Geometry is a key factor when defining the deposited beam power shape. It determines the temperatures and thermal stresses on the inner cone. Different geometries were considered to dissipate the power deposited by the beam. Finally a conical geometry was chosen because it was the best 16 suited for an axi symmetric beam like the one of the LIPAc facility. It also takes advantage of the beam divergence by intercepting the densest beam areas after the beam has diverged all along the beam dump. Copper was chosen as the beam dump material mainly because of its high thermal conductivity. Due to the high heat flux deposited on it, up to 2.5 MW/m2 , a high conductivity was essential so that radial gradients could be lowered and hence the thermal stresses derived from them. The beam dump consists of the cartridge where the deuteron beam is stopped, and a local shield to attenuate the resulting radiation (see figures 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10). Iron shield Support Shield trolleys Figure 1.10: Beam dump shield. The cartridge is made of three different pieces: • Inner cone. • Shroud. • Cylinder. The inner cone which receives the deuteron beam in its interior body is made of high purity copper with a length of 2.5 m and an aperture at the cone base of 30 cm, which will have vacuum inside and a flow of water outside to remove the generated heat. Its thickness is 5 mm except in the last 0.5 m near the aperture where it is increased to 6.5 mm to raise the safety margin against buckling. A chamfer at the aperture is included to absorb the halo [20]. 17 The aperture flange (see figure 1.11) will be made of stainless steel 304L and electro deposited copper. The stainless steel will allow vacuum leak tight connection with the vacuum tube using a metallic elastic o-ring. The inner part of the flange will be made of electro deposited copper providing a good thermal conductivity. The shroud together with the inner cone will provide a channel for the cooling water flow. The shroud will be fixed to the inner cone at the aperture zone using bolts. Some holes at this zone will allow the water to leave the cooling channel and slowly flow back towards the tip of the cone in the space between the shroud and the cylinder (see figure 1.11). The shroud shown in figure 1.12 will be assembled in the rear flange positioning the shroud concentric with the inner cone. Its exact variable geometry is given by the beam dump cooling needs, as it will be seen in chapter 4.2. Figure 1.11: Flange of the shroud (left) and front end of cylinder (right). Figure 1.12: Shroud. The tip support will also be made of copper. Its function is positioning concentrically the tip of the inner cone, allowing the axial displacement due to its thermal expansion during beam operation (3 to 4 mm), and small rotations of the tip. This is the reason for the spherical shape (see figure 1.13) of the outer part of the tip support. The detailed design of this piece including the three ribs connecting the inner and outer hubs has been done after performing fluid flow simulations which 18 will be shown in section Figure 1.13: Tip support. The cylinder will be made of stainless steel 304L. Cooling water will fill the volume between the shroud and the cylinder. The inner cone is bolted to the cylinder at the front end (see figure 1.11). On the outer side the bellow connecting with the vacuum tube is also bolted to the aperture flange of the inner cone. The flanges of the cylinder have some holes which allow for signal cables to pass through. The opposite end of the cylinder will receive the rear flange that supports and positions the inner cone and the shroud. The positioning of the inner cone so that it can be aligned with the beam is performed using bolts positioned radially around the peripheral surface of the two flanges. Rear Flange Cylinder Tip Support Inner Cone Shroud Figure 1.14: Beam dump cartridge. Figure 1.14 shows the assembled cartridge. Water enters by the tip support, goes through the annular cooling channel conformed as explained by the inner cone and the shroud until it reaches the cone base where the water flows into the space left between the shroud and the cylinder. It then flows in counter back direction towards the exit of the cartridge (see figure 1.15). The cartridge will be instrumented with radiation chambers and hydrophones to provide detection of abnormal situations which could lead to failure by detecting incipient boiling. Monitoring 19 Figure 1.15: Beam dump cartridge water flow. the temperature of the inner cone with thermocouples was considered although finally discarded. In section an analysis of the thermocouple influence on the flow is presented. During the beam dump operation deuterons interact with copper giving rise to neutron and gamma radiation. That is why the cartridge is surrounded by a shield that stops this radiation and is also employed to shield the residual radiation caused by the activation of the materials that remains when the accelerator is shut down. The local shield seen in figures 1.9 and 1.10 consists of high Z and low Z materials: • Lateral shield: layers of 50 cm of water and 25 cm of iron. The water is contained inside two aluminium tanks. • Front and rear shield: layers of 30 cm of polyethylene and 25 cm of iron. The cartridge is supported on the shield. This fact together with the requisite of avoiding gaps to obtain a good shield efficiency leads to the need of strict manufacturing tolerances for the required dimensions. The beam dump is located at the end of the accelerator line in the beam dump cell as seen in figure 1.5, while its cooling skid is located in the heat exchanging room (see figure 1.16). The activated beam dump cooling water exists the beam dump cell into the vault, and then towards the beam dump cooling skid in the heat exchanging room. Water activation once it exists the beam dump shield is a main concern. Therefore a complete corrosion study to check the amount of material which will dissolve during LIPAc operation has been performed (see chapter 5). This data has been employed to design the beam dump purification system, part of the beam dump cooling skid located in the heat exchanging room outside the accelerator vault. 20 Figure 1.16: Beam dump cell and heat exchanging room. 21 Chapter 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND This chapter summarizes the theoretical basis of the models and equations that have been employed for the design and analysis of the beam dump cooling system. It covers the heat transfer coefficient estimation by experimental and theoretical means, the pressure loss calculation, critical heat flux estimation employing two different approaches, and an overview of the corrosion phenomenon. 2.1 2.1.1 Heat transfer Introduction Systems can exchange energy in different ways. When there is an energy exchange due to a temperature difference the system is transferring energy by means of a heat flux. The heat transfer can be achieved by three main heat exchanging mechanisms: • Conduction. • Convection: either natural or forced. • Radiation. The Conduction mechanism is the internal energy transfer between different objects, systems or parts of them. It is based on the molecules kinetic energy exchange. This energy flux goes from the particles with higher energy (higher temperature) to the ones with a lower energy and hence lower temperature. It is a heat transfer mechanism that only takes place within body limits. Most of the conduction analysis can be tackled analytically [21]. Heat conduction can be modeled by equation 2.1, which is the general cartesian heat transfer conduction expression, where T stands for temperature, qv is the internal volumetric heat source, k is the material conductivity and α is the material thermal diffusivity defined in equation 2.2. ∇2 T + ∂2T ∂2T ∂2T qv 1 ∂T qv = + + + = 2 2 k ∂x ∂y ∂z 2 k α ∂t 23 (2.1) 24 Chapter2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND α= k ρcp (2.2) Fourier’s law (equation 2.3) establishes that the heat conducted through a given surface is proportional to the temperature gradient taken in a perpendicular direction to such surface. q = −kA · dT dn (2.3) Where: • q is the transferred heat [W]. • k is the material conductivity [W/m · K]. • T is the temperature of the considered object [K]. • n is the perpendicular coordinate to the surface [m]. • A is the given surface Area [m2 ]. The convection mechanism is described as the heat transfer process taking place in a fluid due to the conduction and energy transport originated by internal fluid oscillations caused artificially or by density variations [21]. The convection process strongly depends on the fluid motion. Due to viscosity a flowing fluid has a zero velocity at the wall. Velocity evolves from the zero value at the wall to a uniform value creating a boundary layer. The boundary layer thickness is defined as the distance from the wall where 99 % of the uniform fluid velocity is reached. Figure 2.1 shows a scheme of the boundary layer for the different turbulence regimes. When the fluid is in the laminar regime, the fluid layers shift parallel to the wall being most of the heat transferred by conduction. Instead, in the turbulent regime, flowing layers shift in the transversal direction mixing the fluid and increasing the heat transfer [22]. As well as it exists a velocity boundary layer (also called hydrodynamic), a thermal boundary layer is present when it happens to be a temperature difference between a wall and the fluid in contact with such wall. The fluid particles in contact with the wall will soon reach thermal equilibrium with the surface. At the same time these particles exchange energy with the surrounding particles giving rise to a temperature gradient that conforms the thermal boundary layer. The higher this temperature gradient the higher the heat extracted. The relative thickness of velocity and thermal boundary layers depends on the Prandtl number (see equation 2.4). Where µ is the fluid viscosity, cp the specific heat and k the material conductivity. If Pr < 1 then the thermal boundary layer is thicker than the velocity one, whereas if Pr > 1 the velocity boundary layer is thicker than the thermal one. In the beam dump case, Prandtl number is always higher than one meaning a thicker velocity boundary layer. Pr = 24 µcp k (2.4) 2.1. Heat transfer 25 Figure 2.1: Boundary layer scheme. The factors influencing the convection heat transfer can be summarized in the heat transfer coefficient (HTC), related to the heat flux by Newton’s law (equation 2.5). q” = h · (Ts − Tb ) (2.5) Where h is the heat transfer coefficient, Ts and Tb are the surface and fluid temperatures respectively, and q” [W/m2 ] is the heat flux. The fluid motion as pointed out previously plays an important role in the convection heat transfer mechanism and hence the Navier-Stokes equations, which are a set of non linear partial differential expressions that describe the fluid motion [23], are linked to convection. While in the conduction and convection processes a temperature gradient across some kind of body is needed in the radiation mechanism no matter is needed. All the objects surrounding us are radiating some energy. This is caused by the oscillations and transitions of the electrons present in the material. These oscillations are maintained by the internal energy of the material and therefore the material temperature. The radiated power is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature. Due to the low temperatures obtained in our case (T < 150 o C), radiation is not considered in the beam dump cooling analysis. 2.1.2 Heat transfer coefficient estimation A key issue in convection scenarios is determining the heat transfer coefficient. Solving the Navier Stokes equations for a viscous, incompressible fluid is one of the most difficult tasks in the field of applied mathematics. There are only solutions for special cases with a simple geometry. Therefore the way of obtaining useful data is by carrying out experimental campaigns with a high volume of data so that correlations can be made extensive to other situations within the experimental limits [21], [22]. 25 26 Chapter2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Nusselt number is an dimensionless parameter defined as follows: Nu = h·l k (2.6) Where l is a characteristic length of the analyzed geometry, k the fluid conductivity and h the heat transfer coefficient. Nusselt number depends on Reynolds, Prandtl, Eckert and Grashof numbers. When viscous energy dissipation and vertical gravity force are neglected Nusselt number depends only on Reynolds and Prandtl numbers (see equation 2.7) [21]. Experimental correlations have been obtained starting from a defined geometry heating its surface with a known heat flux, and monitoring the fluid and surface temperatures. This procedure is repeated for a wide variety of different conditions. With these results an algebraic relation between Nusselt, Prandtl and Reynolds number is deduced. Once Nusselt number is known the HTC is calculated with equation 2.6. N ux = f (Rex , P rx ) n Nu = CRe P r m (2.7) (2.8) In equation 2.9, ρ and µ are the fluid density and dynamic viscosity respectively, v is the fluid velocity and Dh the hydraulic diameter. As the beam dump cooling channel is annular an equivalent hydraulic diameter is employed for the fluid calculations. Its expression is presented in equation 2.10, where A and P are the annular cooling channel area and wetted perimeter respectively, and e is the cooling channel thickness. When dealing with cylindrical or with geometries represented by the equivalent hydraulic diameter, Nusselt number is represented by N uD . ρvDh µ (2.9) 4A =2·e P (2.10) Re = Dh = By selecting the adequate correlation employing Reynolds and Prandtl numbers as choosing parameters, it is possible to obtain an accurate estimation of the film transfer coefficient. Different correlations have been considered for the beam dump cooling design. The flow along the entire cooling channel is highly turbulent and hence laminar correlations like the ones of Hausen or Colburn are not applicable [21]. Others for turbulent flows like the largely known and employed Dittus-Boelter correlation (see equation 2.11), is not valid in our case because the temperature difference between the wall and the bulk is higher than 6 o C [21]. N uD = 0.023Re0.8 P rn (2.11) Equation 2.12 shows Von Karman correlation [21] which although applicable to our case, it is not 26 2.1. Heat transfer 27 accurate enough. Being f the Moody friction factor. N uD = (f /8) ReP r p 1 + 5 f /8{(P r − 1) + ln[1 + 5 6 (P r − 1)] (2.12) Bhatti and Shah correlation [24] for fully rough pipes (equation 2.14) is not applicable to the beam dump design because the roughness Reynolds number (see equation 2.13, where ε is the surface roughness) in the beam dump oscillates between 39 and 55 whereas it must over 70 so that this correlation is applicable. Reε = Re N uD = ε p f /8 Dh (2.13) (f /8) ReP r 0.5 − 8.48) 1 + (4.5Re0.2 ε Pr (2.14) p f /8 Petukhov correlation for turbulent regimes is a widely employed correlation due to its accuracy (see equation 2.15) [25]. In the Dittus-Boelter and Von Karman correlations, ± 20 % errors in the heat transfer coefficient calculation can be found, while in the Petukhov correlation within the beam dump application range, errors of ± 6% are foreseen. Reynolds and Prandtl numbers along the beam dump fall in between the correlation established margins, as well as the ratio between the fluid and surface kinematic viscosities. Besides it also complies that it is inside the applicability range with regard to the temperature difference between the bulk and the surface in contact with the bulk [24]. N uD = (f /8) ReP r p 1.07 + 12.7 f /8 P r2/3 − 1 (2.15) Instead of directly using the Petukhov correlation, a correction which accounts for the transitional regime developed by Gnielinski [26], and for the viscosity variation with temperature (µ(T )) developed by Sieder and Tate is employed [24]. The Petukhov-Gnielinski correlation considering the Sieder-Tate correction presents the following form: N uD (f /8) (Re − 1000) P r p = · 1.07 + 12.7 f /8 P r2/3 − 1 µ µs n The following are the conditions under which this correlation is valid: n = 0.11 for liquids with Ts > Tb n = 0.25 for liquids with Ts < Tb n=0 for gases 27 (2.16) 28 Chapter2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 0.5 < Pr < 200 200 < Pr < 2000 with an accuracy of 6% with an accuracy of 10% 104 < Re < 5 · 106 0< µ < 40 µs It has to be taken into account when applying Petukhov-Gnielinski correlation that the subscript s stands for surface, the subscript b stands for bulk, and that all the properties are evaluated at Tb except µs that is evaluated at Ts . Petukhov and Roizen developed a correlation for annular cooling channels based on the Petukhov correlation [27]. It is applicable to situations with the internal surface heated, and the outer annulus considered adiabatic. Petukhov-Roizen correlation is shown in equation 2.17, where Do and Di are the outer and inner annular diameters respectively. This correlation will be compared with the experimental heat transfer coefficient in section 6.4.4. N uRoiz = 0.86 N uP et 2.1.3 Do Di 0.16 (2.17) Pressure calculation Pressure loss is either caused by water flow viscous friction along the hydraulic channel, or by localized pressure losses originated by obstacles in the water flow. The viscous friction pressure loss caused by the surface rugosity is calculated employing the Darcy-Weisbach expression (equation 2.18), where hlinear is the friction head loss, f is the Moody friction factor, L is the considered length and g the gravity. hlinear = f L Dh v2 2g (2.18) The local pressure loss is calculated employing equation 2.19, K is an experimental value that accounts for the pressure loss of the considered obstacle. hlocal = K v2 2g (2.19) The total friction head loss is the sum of the linear and local friction losses in the hydraulic circuit (see equation 2.20). hf riction = hlinear + hlocal 28 (2.20) 2.1. Heat transfer 29 The Moody friction factor f is estimated using the Colebrook equation (see equation 2.21) [28]. It is an implicit equation based on experimental studies of turbulent flow in smooth and rough pipes. It can be solved numerically or approximated by different equations depending on the flow regime, the geometry of the flowing channel, and the accuracy required. 1 √ = −2 log f ε 2.51 √ + 3.7Dh Re f (2.21) The Goudar-Sonnad approximation has been employed to calculate the friction factor along the copper beam dump surface because it is the most accurate one [29]. Equation 2.22 shows this approximation. All the parameters except for the Reynolds number (Re), the friction factor (f), the surface roughness (ε) and the hydraulic diameter (Dh ) are auxiliary variables employed in the friction factor calculation. d 1 √ = a ln + DCF A r f a= d= (2.22) 2 ln 10 ln 10 · Re 5.2 b= ε/Dh 3.7 s = b · d + ln(d) r = ss/(s+1) m = b · d + ln p = ln r m DLA = p DCF A = DLA 1 + d r m m+1 p/2 (m + 1)2 + (p/3) · (2m − 1) 29 30 Chapter2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.2 2.2.1 Critical heat flux Introduction Boiling is the vaporization of a liquid. It is caused by a heat source capable of raising the surface temperature above the saturation temperature, the point where the vapor pressure is equal to the pressure in the surrounding liquid. The heat is transferred from the bulk solid surface to the liquid forming vapor bubbles that grow and latter are detached from the solid surface [22]. B D A C Figure 2.2: Nukiyama boiling curve [24]. In 1934 Nukiyama characterized pool boiling. He heated water on an horizontal Nichrome wire which was employed as heater and thermometer. He found that when water started boiling, as he increased the power input to the wire, the heat flux rose sharply while the temperature difference (Twire - Tsat ) increased in a much moderate way. As the input power was increased, it reached a maximum heat flux (point B in figure 2.2), and then the Nichrome wire suddenly melted (transition from point B to point D in figure 2.2). When the experiment was repeated with a platinum wire same behaviour was shown, but this time when the power was increased a sudden temperature boost occurred turning the wire white-hot without melting. He then reduced the power dropping the temperature in a continuous way until the heat flux was far below the point where the sudden 30 2.2. Critical heat flux 31 temperature change had occurred (point C in figure 2.2). At certain point the temperature dropped to the original q vs ∆T value. The critical heat flux (CHF) is the point where nucleate boiling ends leading to transitional and film boiling (qmax in figure 2.2). It has been a matter of interest since in many industrial fields, cooling devices operate in the boiling regime due to its superior heat extracting capabilities. Much of the research comes from the fission energy field like the one presented by Cheng and Müller in [30], where an overview of experimental and theoretical studies on critical heat flux centered in nuclear engineering applications is presented. Fusion devices are subjected to high heat fluxes, but the parameters range of interest is different from that of the fission field, that is higher inlet subcooling, higher velocities and smaller channel diameter and lengths [31]. Among the many correlations and models developed to predict the critical heat flux value an extensive review can be found in [31] where four correlations, the ones of Levy [32], Tong-Westhinghouse [33], Tong [34], and Tong-modified [35], and three different mechanistic models are presented, the ones of Weisman-Ilelamlou [36], Lee-Mudawwar [37] and Katto [38]. These studies either apply to specific geometrical configurations like vertical fuel rods bundles (Tong-Westhinghouse and Tong) which is not our case, either are out of our application range like the mechanistic models of LeeMudawwar, Weisman-Ilelamlou, Katto and the Tong-modified correlation or yield errors over 50% in the CHF prediction like the one of Levy. In this thesis two different approaches are considered to calculate the CHF. In the first one, Doerfer et al. [39] correction for annular geometry based on Groeneveld et al. [40] look-up tables is employed. In the second approach the correlation of Boscary et al. [41] developed for the fusion field is used. They have been chosen by the following reasons: • Applicable to our case (the parameter applicability lays within the accepted margins). • Completeness. • Geometrical compatibility. • Proved accuracy. Both of them are calculated and compared to gain confidence on the obtained results. They are described in the following sections. 2.2.2 Annular geometry CHF Most of the CHF data is limited to water flowing in vertical pipes typical of fission reactors. Accurate correlations for the prediction of the CHF in annular geometries are scarce. The correction to the look-up table for critical heat flux by Groeneveld et al. [40], performed by Doerffer et al. [39] adjusting the CHF for annular geometry is one of the few examples of accurate prediction methods 31 32 Chapter2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND for the estimation of the CHF. The experimental database taken into account to develop the correlation matches in terms of pressure, mass flow, quality, and geometrical parameters the values considered for the beam dump. Doerffer et al correlation predicts the CHF value with a r.m.s error of 9.26 %. CHFAn = CHFD=8mm kx kδ kp (2.23) Being CHFAn the annular CHF, CHFD=8mm the experimental value for 8 mm diameter pipes found in the Groeneveld et al. look-up table, kx , kδ and kp the quality, channel thickness and pressure correction factors respectively (see equation 2.23). In the beam dump case as the calculated quality is below 0.025 in the whole channel, the quality correction factor (kx ) is 0.81. The cooling channel has a variable width with the axial position and therefore the right correlation depending on the beam dump section has to be taken from equations 2.24 and 2.25. For a channel thickness size: 6.27 mm < δ 6 8.26 mm: kδ = 0.663 + 64374 exp(− δ ) 1.242 (2.24) For δ > 8.26 mm: kδ = 0.75 (2.25) kp accounts for the pressure correction factor. As the pressure in the beam dump is much lower than 3.3 MPa, the considered value is kp = 0.9. 2.2.3 Fusion adapted CHF As pointed out in [39] and [42], one side heated elements (which is the case of the beam dump) show a lower CHF than bilaterally heated elements. Boscary has developed a correlation for one side heated elements but unfortunately the beam dump conditions near the tip are outside the application range of this correlation because the Reynolds number is out the applicability range shown in equation 2.26 (see figure 4.15 to check the Reynolds number in the beam dump). 7.2 · 104 < Re < 2.8 · 105 (2.26) Therefore the Boscary correlation [41] developed for bilaterally heated elements as a previous stage to the one side heated correlation, which is applicable to the beam dump case has been employed. This correlation is based on five dimensionless numbers: 32 2.2. Critical heat flux 33 1. The critical boiling number (Boc ) shown in equation 2.27 is the only group including the CHF value, defined by φc , where ρl , ilv and φc represent the liquid density, the vaporization latent heat and the wall CHF respectively. φc ρl ilv Boc = (2.27) 2. The Eckert number defined in equation 2.28 characterizes the dissipation of mechanical energy into calorific energy. It is the ratio between the two main dimensional parameters acting on the CHF calculation, the fluid velocity v and the subcooling ∆Tsub = Tsat - Tsb . Ec = v2 cp ∆Tsub (2.28) 3. Equation 2.29 shows the third dimensionless group considered, the Reynolds number. It characterizes the ratio between the inertial and viscosity forces. It is the only parameter taking into account the geometry through the hydraulic diameter. Re = pl vDh µl (2.29) 4. The ratio between the liquid and vapour densities ρl and ρv (see equation 2.30). Rd = ρl ρv (2.30) 5. The mass enthalpic quality defined in equation 2.31 represents the percentage of mass in a saturated mixture that is vapour. It is an intensive property to specify the thermodynamic state of the working fluid. x=− cp ∆Tsub ilv (2.31) The proposed correlation for the critical heat flux value is the following: Boc,unif orm = 1 exp(x2 )[Ec−1/7 Re−1/4 Rd−1/4 (−x)1/10 ] 40 (2.32) The application range of this correlation is: 8.8 · 10−6 < Ec < 4.9 · 10−2 1.2 · 104 < Re < 2.3 · 106 20 < Rd < 1820 −0.5 < x <0 This correlation predicts 70 % of the critical heat flux Celata and Mariani database [43], with an 33 34 Chapter2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND accuracy of ± 30% . 2.3 Fluid dynamics Computational fluid dynamics solve the Navier-Stokes equations [23] giving the velocity and pressure fields. These equations are the result of applying two of the four basic laws (mass and momentum), resulting in a set of partial differential equations [44]. The Navier-Stokes equations can be solved in a simplified form while retaining the physics which is essential to the goals of the simulation, or in more complex forms when such simplification is not possible. Possible simplified governing equations include the potential flow equations, the Euler equations or the thin layer Navier-Stokes equations. Depending on the geometry, problem definition and flow conditions, different governing equations can be applied to the problem thus obtaining the most appropriate solution in terms of computational resources and solution accuracy. The general form of the Navier-Stokes equation is the following: ρ ∂v + v · ∇v ∂t = −∇P + ∇ · Γ + f v (2.33) Where v is the flow velocity, P is the fluid pressure, Γ is the stress tensor and fv the volumetric body forces. Left side of equation 2.33 is composed of a transient term ρ ∂v ∂t , and a convective term ρ (v · ∇v). The right side takes into account the stresses in the fluid; these are gradients of body forces, analogous to stresses in a solid. ∇P is the pressure gradient being the isotropic part of the stress tensor while ∇ · Γ is the anisotropic part of the stress tensor conventionally describing the viscous effects. The volumetric body force fv usually describes gravity or electromagnetic forces. With the Navier-Stokes equations complicated geometries can be modelled. These geometries have to be meshed so that the computational fluid dynamic solver applies the equations to every node of the mesh. Obtaining a proper mesh requires a deep knowledge of the modelled geometry and of the flow conditions by means of non dimensional parameters like Reynolds, Prandtl or Mach numbers. Once the model is adequately meshed boundary conditions are applied. This step turns to be crucial to obtain the correct solution for the problem, specially in the turbulent regime (high Reynolds number) [23]. The reason is that turbulent flows are not completely solved by the full equations of motion, and approximate turbulent models are needed to achieve an appropriate solution. Fine meshes are required in order to capture the small scale turbulent eddies. When such a precision is needed Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) methods are employed. These methods require an incredible of amount of computational resources. An alternative to DNS methods is the Large Eddie Simulation (LES) method [45]. It computes the instantaneous velocity and pressure fields without the high costs of DNS. It captures the transient nature of the flow by spatially averaging and modelling on the sub grid. Hence it solves the same Navier-Stokes equations as DNS methods but equations are spatially filtered to the size of the 34 2.3. Fluid dynamics 35 grid [46]. Each variable is broken into its large scale (grid scale) and its small scale (sub grid scale), obtaining spatially or locally averaged values instead of time averaged values like in the Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes methods (RANS). As the Reynolds number increases, so does the spectrum of eddies, requiring a finer mesh to capture all the large scale kinetic energy. Therefore, LES method directly solves the large scale flow field variables, and models the smallest scales of solution rather than solving them directly like DNS, employing the Sub grid Scale symmetric tensor (SGS). We have previously mentioned the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models, named like this because they are inspired on ideas proposed by Osborne Reynolds over a century ago. In these models all unsteadiness that is regarded as part of turbulence is averaged. Averaging the non linear terms of the Navier-Stokes equation gives rise to terms that must be modelled [45]. The variables are decomposed into time averaged and fluctuating quantities as it is graphically expressed in figure 2.3. Figure 2.3: Mean and fluctuating turbulent variables [23]. Decomposing the velocity in mean and fluctuating quantities we have: 0 (2.34) u(x, t) = u(x, t) + u (x, t) T 1 u = T Z 1 u = T Z 0 02 (u − u) dt (2.35) 0 T 0 u 2 dt 6= 0 (2.36) 0 When this notation is applied to the momentum equation, turbulent stresses appear as shown in equation 2.37, where the momentum equation is presented in cartesian form and applied to the x axis. ρ ∂p ∂ du =− + ρg + dt ∂x ∂x 35 µ ∂u − ρu0 2 ∂x (2.37) 36 Chapter2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND The system of equations is not closed because it contains more variables than equations. The closure requires the use of some approximations which usually take the form of prescribing the Reynolds stress tensor ρu0 2 and turbulent scalar fluxes in terms of mean quantities. The equations needed to make the closure are called turbulence models [45]. 3D computational fluid dynamics simulations employing the RANS to model turbulence are performed in order to check the fluid behaviour at certain critical parts of the beam dump design where 1D simulation is not valid. In Section 4.3 the results of the 3D analysis are shown. Details of the employed computational fluid dynamic code (ANSYS CFX) are presented in section 3.2. 2.4 2.4.1 Corrosion Introduction Corrosion is a main concern in water operated cooling circuits no matter if stainless steel or copper is employed as contact material. The critical part in the beam dump cooling circuit will be the cartridge that stops the deuteron beam because it will be subjected to high flow velocities, relatively high temperatures and radiation. The high temperatures and velocities can enhance the corrosion process. Due to the radiation environment the water composition must be controlled. Therefore deionized water will be used in the beam dump cooling circuit. Some studies regarding the copper corrosion on deionized water have pointed out the main concerns when designing a cooling circuit [47], [48]. In these studies parameters like temperature, water pH or copper solubility are remarked as elements to keep an eye on when operating the cooling circuit. Much of the experience and design criteria for fusion cooling circuits comes from the knowledge acquired along several years of power plants operation. These conditions are similar to those found in fusion first wall cooling circuits. Different tested solutions to suppress corrosion have been provided derived from its operation since the 1950s up to day [49], [50]. Although empirical data from power plants has been important, activation codes from fission nuclear operation like PACTOLE have been adapted to the operating conditions, material compositions and water chemistry of ITER [51], gaining a thorough but still incomplete overview of the corrosion behaviour on fusion cooling loops. When operating a cooling circuit in a fusion environment several difficulties arise in comparison with a standard installation. The appearance of radiolysis and the need to keep a low conductivity deionized water are probably the main ones [52], [53], [54]. Hence a first review on the cooling water requirements for ITER was made in 1999 as part of an ITER task [55]. On that document the quality that the cooling water must comply is presented based on the experience from power plants. In order to be able to predict and correct the effects derived from radiation on fusion cooling loops, a code called FISPACT that predicts the activation products when deuterons impinge on the cooled device wall has been developed [56]. In the same 36 2.4. Corrosion 37 trend, TRACT (TRAnsport and ACtivation) simulates the flow and isotope transport inside a network of 1D channels. This code will be employed to model the beam dump cooling circuit corrosion phenomenon. It is described with more detail in section 3.4. The corrosion process causes the dissolution and subsequent transport of the dissolved elements along the cooling circuit. The key issues for the beam dump cooling circuit regarding the corrosion process are the following: • The mass removal could lead to reduced cone thickness which could affect its mechanical performance, and also to changes in the width of the cooling channel and therefore of the heat transfer coefficient. • Corrosion of the beam dump leads to a spread of its activation. Dose rates must be kept below 12.5 µSv/h at the heat exchanger room outside the accelerator vault, and also inside the vault itself when the accelerator is stopped. 2.4.2 Corrosion process Copper corrosion is unavoidable in contact with water, it is particularly enhanced if deionized water is employed due to the lack of ions attempting to gain equilibrium by combining with the surrounding medium [47]. The corrosion of a metal is an electrochemical process by which the metal is oxidized. The initial corrosion process develops as follows: 1. Small quantities of O2 and CO2 are always present dissolved on water. 2. Oxygen molecules are adsorbed at the copper surface and decay in two atoms, taking electrons from copper. 3. Simultaneously CO2 partly forms carbonic acid (H2 CO3 ) with water. From this point, three reactions can take place depending on the conditions: • Hydrogen ions from dissociated H2 CO3 react with O−2 forming water and Cu+2 goes into solution. • When higher concentrations of Cu+2 are present, the reaction Cu+2 + O−2 ⇒ CuO takes place. • When water reaches Cu+2 saturation, copper carbonates form on the metal surface. In figure 2.4 a summary of the above described reactions is presented. Although there are many more reactions taking place on a deionized water-copper cooling system, these are the most relevant from the corrosion point of view, without considering side effects such as radiolysis or flow accelerated corrosion. Depending on the oxidizing or reducing environment, Cu will react with O2 , H2 O2 , H2 , . . . In low oxygen and neutral pH systems cuprous oxide (Cu2 O) will be predominant, while in high oxygen alkaline systems the oxide will be mainly cupric oxide (CuO). These oxides create a passive layer over 37 38 Chapter2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Figure 2.4: Schematic model of the corrosion process [47]. the copper surface protecting it from further corrosion. The copper Pourbaix diagram of figure 2.5 shows the stable phases of the system formed by copper and water. It can be seen how copper will be in oxidizing conditions for acid pH and positive voltage potential (E)1 , and also for high alkaline pH and positive values of E. Figure 2.5: Copper Pourbaix diagram [57]. The overall corrosion process in cooling loops is not only limited to the chemical decomposition of the wall materials. Dissolution, mass transport (precipitation and deposition) and erosion also play an important role removing or depositing the initial corrosion layer and therefore affecting the so called corrosion process [58]. 1 The potential is evaluated with respect to the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) 38 2.4. Corrosion 2.4.3 39 Parameters of influence Different documents [47], [48] and [53] review the parameters and phenomena governing copper corrosion in aqueous media. These are the following: • Water chemistry: 1. Water conductivity. 2. pH. 3. Dissolved oxygen. • Temperature. • Radiolysis. • Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC). • Erosion-Corrosion. Although they are treated independently, all of them except temperature are interrelated with water chemistry. Water Chemistry In [54] a good overview on fusion cooling loops water chemistry can be found along with recommendations to keep the corrosion enhancing agents under the allowed limits. Deionized water is employed in accelerators and fusion installations (electrical conductivity is neglected), as a method to control impurities relevant from the radio protection point of view and as a way to avoid Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) [59]. The following parameters are usually monitored and controlled [54]: • Water conductivity. • pH. • Dissolved Oxygen. In order to control the ion content in the water, conductivity is monitored. Single, double or mixed bed deionizers provided with cation and ion resin beds are used to keep it at the design value. As O2 is the principal copper corrosion agent, it must be kept below 5 ppb if copper is present in the cooling loop [54]. In figure 2.6 the effect of O2 and CO2 and its mixed action over copper corrosion rate can be observed. Water pH also affects corrosion. Recommended values are in the range of 7.5-9.5 as can be observed in figure 2.7 which shows that depending on the oxygen concentration and the pH value, different corrosion rates are achieved. 39 40 Chapter2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Figure 2.6: O2 and CO2 effect on copper corrosion [47]. Figure 2.7: Copper release rates as function of O2 level and pH [50]. Temperature Different authors agree on the fact [47, 51, 54] that temperature enhances copper corrosion. The disagreement comes when quantifying this enhancement, probably due to the influence of other factors like pH or the amount of dissolved oxygen on the corrosion rate. Figure 2.8 shows the increase in copper corrosion rate as temperature increases. Radiolysis Water radiolysis is the water molecule breakdown into hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen radicals and assorted oxygen compounds such as ozone due to radiation. In the dissociation and equilibrium process oxygen is released contributing to copper corrosion. Radiolysis is affected by the nature of the primary energy, the absorption energy rate (Linear Energy Transfer (LET) and radiation intensity), and the water chemistry [60]. As the only parameter 40 2.4. Corrosion 41 Figure 2.8: Literature data and experimental results showing the temperature influence [51]. that can be controlled is water chemistry, hydrogen addition is recommended. In the beam dump gammas and neutrons are produced due to the interaction of the beam with the copper surface. A neutron flux of 4.5 ·1014 n/cm2 s are produced in the beam dump, being the average neutron flux in the cooling water of 5 ·1010 n/cm2 s. The photon production is similar to the neutron one (7 ·1010 photons/cm2 s). As a reference comparing these values with the ones obtained in a PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor), where a neutron flux in the reactor core of 5 ·1013 n/cm2 s and between 5 ·109 − 1011 n/cm2 s on the reactor wall are found, it is seen that neutron and gamma fluxes in the beam dump are lower. Hence radiolysis is not considered a corrosion enhancer in the beam dump cooling circuit. Flow Accelerated Corrosion Flow accelerated corrosion causes the initial copper oxide layer to be removed and therefore localized corrosion is prone to happen [61]. The hydrodynamic effects controlling flow accelerated corrosion are shear stress and flow turbulence near the wall [61], [62]. Due to high turbulent flows, hydrodynamic and diffusion boundary layers are disturbed and therefore steady state condition for wall shear and mass transfer changes, leading to corrosion in the zones where the boundary layers are disrupted (figure 2.9) [61].As pointed out in [63], FAC is not only affected by hydrodynamic factors, but also by water chemistry and temperature which can increase FAC corrosion rate. Some publications [62, 64] suggest the use of CFD in order to identify the potential regions of the cooling loop prone to suffer flow accelerated corrosion. 41 42 Chapter2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Figure 2.9: Influence of flow accelerated corrosion [61]. Due to the special operating conditions of the beam dump, the water flows at speeds up to 8.5 m/s in order to achieve a high heat transfer coefficient, flow accelerated corrosion is present but in moderate way because no high shear stresses are foreseen along the cooling channel except in the tip support and 180o water turn, where FAC is not a concern because these areas are thick enough to withstand FAC. Erosion-Corrosion Erosion corrosion is caused by the particles diluted in the cooling water and its effect is enlarged with flow velocity [65]. Some authors consider it exactly the same as flow accelerated corrosion [62], [66], while others study it as a different phenomenon but linked to flow accelerated corrosion [61], [65], [64]. No matter if it is considered as part of FAC or as an independent issue, erosion-corrosion is controlled by dissolved particles in the flow that affect the metal structure by means of variations in the hydrodynamic and diffusion boundary layers [61, 64]. As suggested for flow accelerated corrosion, CFD can be used to identify the regions susceptible of suffering erosion-corrosion. As one of the design specifications for the beam dump cooling circuit due radio protection reasons is not having a high amount of dissolved particles in the water flow, erosion-corrosion has no influence in the corrosion process. 2.5 2.5.1 Heat transfer coefficient experimental determination Introduction The usual procedure to obtain the heat transfer coefficient experimentally is by provoking a heat transfer situation in the geometry of study. Such heat transfer can be induced by directly heating 42 2.5. Heat transfer coefficient experimental determination 43 the geometry or by an increase in the temperature of the surrounding fluid. Stationary or transient methods can be employed to evaluate the induced heat transfer. Lately examples of stationary setups, where the bulk and water-material temperature are registered with thermocouples and the heat transfer coefficient obtained solving Newton expression (see equation 2.5), can be found in the field of micro and nanochannels ( [67], [68], [69] and [70]). Liquid crystal thermography based on the change of colour with temperature experienced by thermochromic liquid crystals (TLCs) became a cheap an easy alternative in the 80s and 90s (see [71] for a complete review of five different methods of employing TLCs for HTC determination). The progress in image capturing and data processing has made TLCs a more efficient tool, and nowadays one of the most popular for heat transfer investigations [72]. Transient methods are based on the simplification of the heat transfer equation for a semi infinite body (see equation 2.38). They require a one dimensional heat transfer situation and a Fourier number lower than one (see equation 2.39), where T is the body temperature, α is the material thermal diffusivity, t the characteristic time and l the characteristic length). 1 ∂T ∂T 2 = ∂x2 α ∂t (2.38) αt <1 l2 (2.39) Fo = Equation 2.38 is solved transforming the partial differential equation with two independent variables into an ordinary one variable differential equation. One of the possible boundary conditions corresponds to the case in which the semi infinite body is placed in contact with a fluid of constant temperature (T∞ ) (see equation 2.40). h (T∞ − T (0, t)) = −k ∂T ∂x x=0 (2.40) The solution to equation 2.38 with the mentioned boundary condition has the form of equation 2.41, where θ is a dimensionless temperature, T0 is the constant semi infinite body temperature away from the surface in contact with the flowing fluid, erf is the Gauss error function, ζ is a dimensionless parameter considering time and position (see equation 2.42), Bi is the Biot number (equation 2.43), and τ is a time dimensionless parameter (see equation 2.44). A more detailed explanation of the different possible boundary conditions and the step by step solution of the heat transfer equation can be followed in [24]. θ= √ T (x, t) − T0 = 1 − erf (ζ) − e(Bi+τ ) 1 − erf ζ + τ T∞ − T0 r ζ= Bi = 43 (2.41) x2 4αt (2.42) hx k (2.43) 44 Chapter2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND τ= αt (k/h) 2 (2.44) Figure 2.10: Relationship between τ and θ [73]. For small times, right at the beginning of the transient experiment when τ is very small, the so√ lution can be approximated by equation 2.45 (see figure 2.10). Approximating θ/ αt by the tangent (see figure 2.11), an expression for the heat transfer coefficient is obtained (1equation 2.46). θ≈2 p τ /π √ h π ≈ tanβ k 2 (2.45) (2.46) TOIRT (Temperature Oscillation InfraRed Thermography) is one of the newest and more precise methods to determine the heat transfer coefficient. Its main advantage is that it is a non-contact fluid independent method, therefore simplifying the experimental setup compared with the TLCs and direct methods. It relies on the measurement of the temperature response on the outside surface of a heat transferring wall to an oscillating heat flux (typically produced by a laser). The temperatures are measured with an IR camera. The heat transfer coefficients are derived from the phase delay of the temperature oscillation using a 3D finite difference thermal model of the wall [74]. In [75] and [76] some application examples to different geometries and conditions are shown. Further details details can be found in [77]. 44 2.5. Heat transfer coefficient experimental determination 45 Figure 2.11: Relationship between time and dimensionless temperature. 2.5.2 HTC measurement on the PHETEN prototype TOIRT method was initially thought as a good alternative to determine the heat transfer coefficient, but it was discarded because the IR camera available was too slow to determine the temperature oscillation in real time. It was necessary to design a complete and complicated control system in order to be able to test with these conditions if the method could be useful. Therefore other options were considered. TLCs experiments although considered were dismissed due to the complicated initial setup. It implied building a similar device like PHETEN, but with a multilayer structure in order to introduce a TLCs layer in between the stainless steel material. This complicated the fabrication of such prototype which was to be made at CIEMAT. The PHETEN device was initially designed to determine the HTC by means of transient methods. The body could be considered a semi infinite body because its wall thickness was much lower than its length, and hence heat conduction was one dimensional. The initial plan was to fabricate the PHETEN with copper but due to its high thermal diffusivity, Fourier number could not be lower than 1 for more than 0.21 s. Performing the experiment in such a reduced period of time was considered not viable. Hence fabricating the prototype in other material rather than copper was considered. The chosen one was stainless steel 304 L due to its low diffusivity. The change in the diffusivity allowed for a 65.8 seconds period of time to register the temperatures. This option was finally discarded due to the difficulties of suddenly changing the flow conditions (temperature) in a controlled manner so that the transient experiment could be performed. 45 46 Chapter2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Finally direct heating and measuring the temperature difference between the heated surface and the bulk in a stationary situation using thermocouples was the chosen method for the HTC determination. The reasons were the simplicity of the experimental setup compared with the other options, and that it was the most suited option for the available means at that time. In section 6.4.2 all the information related to the experimental setup and HTC results are presented. 46 Chapter 3 SIMULATION TOOLS One dimensional analysis and computational fluid dynamics (3D) have been employed to define the main parameters of the fluid and the cooling channel geometry. In this chapter the 1D code called CHICA (Cooling and Heating Interaction and Corrosion Analysis) employed to define the beam dump cooling channel is described. The main guidelines for the 3D ANSYS CFX analysis are depicted. The TRACT (TRansport and ACTivation) code used to assess the beam dump corrosion phenomenon is also outlined. 3.1 1D analysis A 1D steady state analysis code called CHICA (Cooling and Heating Interaction and Corrosion Analysis) simulating the heat transfer, fluid dynamics and corrosion phenomenon in the beam dump has been developed. It serves as a first analysis of the beam dump cooling system and for the definition of its main parameters. A scheme of the LIPAc beam dump cartridge was presented in section 1.3 (see figure 1.15). The LIPAc beam dump cooling analysis can be tackled as a 1D study because of the following reasons: 7 Axial symmetry. 7 Expected temperature gradients will be mainly radial. 7 Cone thickness (5 mm) is small compared with its radius and length. 7 Heat source from the beam is also axisymmetric. Temperature dependent properties are considered. Radiation heat transfer is neglected and the heat transfer through the shroud has been ignored by assuming an adiabatic condition along the shroud surface. Due to the small beam dump conicity its effect is neglected, considering each discretized beam dump section as a cylinder. Instead of employing cylindrical components for the heat transfer mechanism, cartesian coordinates are employed, however the heat flux is corrected to ac” count for the area increase in a cylinder (see equation 3.1, where qcorr is the corrected heat flux on the surface in contact with water, q ” is the heat flux deposited by the beam, Rint is the beam side 47 48 Chapter3. SIMULATION TOOLS inner cone radius and e is the inner cone thickness). Figure 3.1 shows a schematic layout of the one dimension beam dump cooling analysis. z y Inner cone temperature bulk side Inner cone temperature beam side Figure 3.1: One dimension analysis scheme. ” qcorr = q ” · Rint (Rint + e) (3.1) When calculating the heat transfer, it has been considered that it takes place in two almost uncoupled steps: ' The heat transmission from the beam-facing surface through the material, which is governed by the material conductivity k. The temperature gradient between the beam-facing and coolantfacing surface depends on k and on the material thickness but it is independent of the cooling system. ' The heat transfer from the material to the coolant, governed by the film transfer coefficient h. This coefficient and the temperature of the material in contact with the coolant depends on the coolant flow conditions and on the material properties. The coolant temperature evolution is obtained from the mass balance equation. The differential equation that governs its variation along the cooling channel is the following: ṁcp (T )dT = q”corr (z)dA 48 (3.2) 3.1. 1D analysis 49 Where cp (T) is the specific heat at constant pressure, q”corr (z) the heat flux per unit of area and ṁ, the coolant mass flow in kg/s. Considering the differential area (dA) for any cylinder (equation 3.3), equation 3.2 can be solved and thus the coolant temperature obtained. dA = 2πRint (z)dz (3.3) dT 2π q”corr (z)Rint (z) = dz ṁ cp (T ) (3.4) In order to calculate the temperature of the wall in contact with the water Tsb , Newton’s Law is employed. For such purpose a water film coefficient h(z) must be calculated. Inner wall temperature is fixed as Tsb and its expression is presented in equation 6.2. Tsb (z) = Tb (z) + q”corr (z) h(z) (3.5) Where k(T) and e are respectively the thermal conductivity and thickness of the inner cone. The conductivity is a temperature dependent variable like the specific heat at constant pressure cp (T ), the dynamic viscosity µ(T ), Prandtl number Pr(T), and the fluid density ρ(T ). As pointed out before the shroud is considered an adiabatic surface. However the temperature difference between the cooling fluid Tb (z) and the return fluid Tret causes a heat being transferred from the return to the annular cooling channel due to the higher temperature. Figure 3.2 shows a scheme of the considered variables in the return analysis. This adiabatic assumption will be justified in the following lines. Some simplifications have been made: • An average temperature at each section of the shroud has been assumed (Tsh ) in the calculation (see equation 3.7). • A constant return temperature of 40 o C is considered, assuming a conservative hypothesis because the water return temperature decreases as it flows back towards the tip support. • Equal heat flux at both sides of the shroud surface (Aret (z) = A(z)). In steady state the heat transferred from the water return to the shroud equals that from the shroud to the beam dump annular cooling channel (equation 3.6). Equation 3.7 shows the shroud average temperature. q”ret = hret · (Tret − Tsh ) = h · (Tsh − Tb ) Tsh (z) = hret (z)Tret + h(z)Tb hret (z) + h(z) 49 (3.6) (3.7) 50 Chapter3. SIMULATION TOOLS Water flow hret (z) Tret = 40 ºC Tb (z) h (z) Shroud Tsh (z) Water flow Figure 3.2: Beam dump return analysis scheme. The heat being transferred from the water return is shown in equation 3.8. The water velocity in the return is very low, ranging from 0.72 m/s to 0.25 m/s, giving a maximum heat transfer coefficient of 3200 W/m2 K, value much lower than the ones obtained in the beam dump annular cooling channel. Therefore hret h, and equation 3.8 turns into equation 3.9. q”ret = hret · h Tret − Tb hret + h q”ret = hret (Tret − Tb ) (3.8) (3.9) Knowing that the maximum achievable temperature along the water return Tret is the one at the end of the annular cooling channel, approximately 40 o C, a maximum heat flux (q”ret ) from the water return towards the annular cooling channel of 30600 W/m2 is obtained. This value is 1.5 % of the maximum heat deposited on the beam dump. Hence the heat flux coming from the water return has been neglected in the beam dump design. Nevertheless the heat flux transferred from the return cooling channel to the annular one has been calculated with the CHICA code (equation 3.7, but considering the return and annular channel areas), and then added to the heat flux deposited by the beam. A new bulk temperature is calculated and the heat flux is then corrected employing an iterative process until the difference between the temperature at the end of the annular cooling channel in two consecutive iterative processes is lower than 1 · 10−10 . The calculation has been conservative because a constant temperature for Tret has been employed taking into account the worst possible case scenario. It is shown again that the correction of Tb due to the heat transfer through the shroud is negligible. 50 3.2. Computational fluid dynamics 51 The fluid pressure calculation has been performed employing the steady flow energy equation (see equation 3.10), which unlike the Bernoulli relation accounts for heat added and the shaft and viscous work. P1 (z) v12 (z) P2 (z) v22 (z) + + y1 (z) = + + y2 (z) + hf riction (z) + hpump (z) + hturbine (z) (3.10) ρg 2g ρg 2g Where P is the fluid pressure, v the fluid velocity, y the radial coordinate, and hf riction , hpump , hturbine are the friction head loss, the pump head energy and the turbine head loss respectively. In the beam dump annular cooling channel only friction head loss is taken into account. The critical heat flux in the beam dump cooling channel is calculated with the CHICA code implementing the two different approaches mentioned in section 2.2. The 1D simplified corrosion model implemented in the CHICA code is explained in section 3.3, while the obtained results are presented in section 5.2. The CHICA programming task has been performed in Python [78]. Different functions have been implemented in the code to calculate the heat transfer, fluid dynamic and corrosion main parameters. The results obtained employing this code are presented in sections 4.2 and 5.2. The complete code is found in appendix E. 3.2 Computational fluid dynamics Computational fluid dynamics have been employed for the beam dump analysis in order to get a precise knowledge of the cooling flow. ANSYS CFX code has been used [79]. A complete overview of the ANSYS CFX technical specifications can be found in [80]. The procedure followed to perform these simulations is explained in the following. The analysis starts with the creation of the geometry model. This geometry has been mostly sketched using the Design Modeler ANSYS tool, except for the manufacturing tolerance model where CATIA CAD (Computer Aided Design) software was employed. The second step is meshing the geometry model. For such task, the key is obtaining a mesh quality capable of combining an accurate solution and a reasonable computational cost. In our case after performing a sensitivity study in the 7 mm cooling channel thickness zone, which is the narrower one, it was seen that a 2.3 mm mesh size element gave the same results as a 2 mm one. Inflation layers that capture the velocity and temperature gradients perpendicular to the wall are employed as part of the mesh in the vicinity of solid surfaces, therefore obtaining a more accurate resolution of the boundary layer. An appropriate first prism height has been chosen for each case so that the inflation layers lay within the boundary layer. Such situation is later verified when the simulation is finished by means of the yplus parame51 52 Chapter3. SIMULATION TOOLS ter, which is shown in equation 3.11. Where u∗ is the friction velocity, y is the distance from the wall to the first node of the mesh, and ν is the kinematic viscosity. y+ = u∗ y ν (3.11) An yplus value lower than 10 has been imposed in all the 3D CFX simulations performed in the thesis (see section 4.3). Once the mesh is generated boundary conditions are applied to the model. The velocity is employed as boundary condition at the model inlet, while the average static pressure is taken at the outlet. These values are calculated with the CHICA code. The azimuthally averaged heat deposition profile shown in figure 4.2 is the one used in these simulations. Turbulence intensity along the beam dump cooling channel is estimated by means of equation 3.12, obtaining a maximum value of 3%. Therefore a 5% turbulence intensity has been employed in all the beam dump 3D simulations. Besides, the thermal energy heat transfer model including the viscous term is employed. The obtained results are shown in section 4.3. I = 0.16Re−1/8 3.3 (3.12) 1D corrosion analysis A first attempt to estimate corrosion was made including the diffusion equation into the CHICA code. This equation was solved by implementing a partial differential equation solver named FiPy [81]. Based on the corrosion approach made for a liquid metal cooling loop [82], the following equations were solved for the beam dump cooling circuit. Corrosion phenomenon modelling begins by considering the convective diffusion equation (3.13), where ci denotes the ion concentration, Di is the diffusion coefficient and v~i is the flow velocity. ∂ci + (~ vi ∇) ci = ∇ (Di ∇ci ) ∂t (3.13) Equation (3.13) is brought into a non-dimensional form showing that it depends on the Reynolds and Schmidt numbers. Next step is taking profit of the principles of convective mass transfer which state that under forced convection flow conditions, mass transfer is determined by the Sherwood number (dimensionless) and therefore advantage between the analogy of heat and mass transfer can be used [83]. As the convective diffusion equation (3.13) depends on Reynolds and Schmidt numbers, the Sherwood (Sh) number must also depend on them. b The mass flux ji is defined as shown in equation (3.14), where cw i and ci are the wall and bulk copper concentrations, and Kif l the mass transfer coefficient (see equation 3.16). b ji = Kif l · cw i − ci 52 (3.14) 3.4. TRACT: TRansport and ACTivation code 53 log(cw ) = 0.98 log(ρ) − Kif l = 14500 + 25.5 19.1Tsb + 273.15 (3.15) Di Sh Dh (3.16) ∂cb (t, z) Uch,i ∂cbi (t, z) + v~i · i = · ji (t, z) ∂t ∂z Ach,i (3.17) In equation 3.17 Uch is the flow channel perimeter, Ach is the flowing water cross sectional area, and Dh the hydraulic diameter. The main considerations taken into account in the solution of equation (3.17) are the following: • A 1D approximation is employed. • No diffusion across radial or azimuthal direction. • The wall copper concentration is based on test data taken from [84] (see equation 3.15). • Boundary condition at the entrance: cb (z=0,t=0) = 0. Neumann boundary condition at the exit (∇cb = 0). • No extraction is considered. An improvement of the work presented in [85], is presented in section 5.2. 3.4 TRACT: TRansport and ACTivation code 3.4.1 Introduction A first approach to the beam dump corrosion phenomenon was performed by modelling the convective diffusion equation as pointed out in the previous section. Due to the simplicity of this approach, it was considered necessary to conduct an independent study with a more complete and validated tool like the TRansport and ACTivation code (TRACT), which has been adapted to the particular case of the LIPAc beam dump cooling channel. The code TRansport and ACTivation (TRACT) simulates the flow and mass transport of isotopes inside a network of 1D channels. The code handles liquid or gaseous coolants encountered in fusion devices, and treats an unrestricted number of pipe/channel materials. The model includes the following [58]: • Fluid flow simulation calculates pressure drops, flow velocities and pumping power in steady state. • Erosion and corrosion calculation of the considered geometry. 53 54 Chapter3. SIMULATION TOOLS • Mass transfer of corrosion and dissolution rates of the bulk solid cooling channel material (time and temperature). Solubility in the coolant which dictates precipitation and/or crud formation and deposition. • Radioactive decay (activation) of isotopes in irradiation conditions and convection downstream. • Transmutation of the different isotopes according to the total effective flux energy weighted reaction cross section. TRACT has been successfully benchmarked with experimental results from the PICCOLO loop test section at the FZK which operates with LiPb [86]. Regarding water cooling loops as that of the LIPAc beam dump, in [87] an ITER water cooling loop calculation is presented and the results compared with previous simulations, showing that the corrosion model is well established. Further information regarding the network definition and calculation can be found in [58] and [60]. 3.4.2 Corrosion modelling The code divides each cooling circuit element in five layers: solid, corroded, fluid, crud and deposition. The solid layer is the initial bulk solid defined in the input. Corroded layer is the result of corrosion chemical reactions between the material and the coolant. It is placed right above the solid layer and its thickness follows a power law with time. Experimental corrosion data is introduced in the form of an input table, and then a polynomial fit is made. Equation 3.22 presents the polynomial fit in the form of a power law with time. Further information regarding the chemistry involved in TRACT can be found in [88]. The deposition layer is the result of the precipitation from the fluid and crud layers. Crud particles are the corrosion residual unidentified deposits and they are formed by a process of successive fusions, termed as coagulation. They do not dissolve, they can only precipitate and crud layer is formed by the formation of such particles. Fluid layer is the flowing fluid domain. When the 1D network is initialized, the fluid flow properties are calculated so they can be employed as an input for the unsteady mass transfer model. TRACT simulates model-dependent processes of corrosion, erosion, dissolution, precipitation (crud) and deposition across the five layers for the whole length of the cooling circuit. The mathematical model employed by TRACT is described by equations 3.18, 3.19, 3.20 and 3.21. ∂ρs ∂ρs +U = (Gdiss − Gpre ) · ∂t ∂x ∂ρc ∂ρc +U = Gcr − Gdep · ∂t ∂x ∂ ∂ρb + ∂t ∂r ∂ρdl = Gpre · ∂t 4 Dh 4 Dh 4 Dh − Gcr − Rir ρs − Rir ρc ∂ρb Def f = Gb − Rir ρb ∂r + (Gdep − Gdiss ) · 54 (3.18) 4 Dh (3.19) (3.20) − Rir ρdl (3.21) 3.4. TRACT: TRansport and ACTivation code 55 For every isotope in the cooling network (either defined in the material and fluid composition or produced in the transmutation process if defined), TRACT provides its density evolution by solving the physical model expressed in equations 3.18, 3.19, 3.20 and 3.21, where: 7 x [m] and r [m] are the length along the flow direction and the radial coordinate (wall thickness) respectively. 7 U [m/s] and Dh [m] are the flow velocity and hydraulic diameter. 7 ρ [kg/m3 ] are the densities of the different isotopes in the different layers.The different subscripts stand for, s=fluid, c=crud, b=bulk solid and dl=deposit. 7 Def f [m2 /s] is the bulk solid diffusion coefficient. 7 Gcr [kg/m3 s], Gdiss [kg/m2 s], Gpre [kg/m2 s], Gdep [kg/m2 s] and Gb [kg/m3 s] are source terms modelling crud formation, dissolution, precipitation, deposition and production of active and non-active isotopes in the bulk solid respectively. 7 Rir = (λ + φσ) [1/s] is the irradiation rate, being φ [n/m2 s] the neutron flux, σ the total effective (flux energy weighted) reaction cross section [m2 ], and λ [1/s] the decay rate. The different processes involved in the corrosion modelling are the following: Corrosion of bulk solid metal/alloy is the chemical reaction that occurs between a coolant and the material surface. The offensive element is usually oxygen, but others like nitrogen, lithium or chlorine result in the same generic process [58]. Equation 3.22 shows the corrosion process modelling. Gcorr = Go ta (3.22) Dissolution of solid metal is the mass transfer from the bulk solid, corroded and deposited layers into the coolant. Isotopes dissolve or precipitate following the behaviour of a single control isotope which is defined as an input depending on the fluid material combination. The local isotope concentration (ρs ) is compared with the local solubility of the control isotope (ρsol ), in order to know whether it dissolves (ρsol < ρs ) or precipitates (ρs > ρsol ). In the beam dump case the control isotopes are Cu for the EDP copper of the beam dump, and Fe for the stainless steel SS304 L and SS316 considered in the rest of the circuit. The loss rate of mass per unit area for either the corrosion or deposition layer is given by equation 3.23. dρ = hef f (ρs − ρsol ) wf rac dt (3.23) Where wf rac is the mass fraction of the control isotope in either layer. The effective mass transfer coefficient (hef f ) combines the diffusion times of the control isotope in the corrosion and deposition layers with the mass transfer coefficient (hmtc ). All the other isotopes dissolve as long as the 55 56 Chapter3. SIMULATION TOOLS control isotope dissolves. The loss rate is the following: dρ = hef f (ρs − ρsol ) wf rac isotope dt (3.24) All variables in the right hand side of equation 3.24 are identical to those in expression 3.23, except for the weight fraction which in this case refers to each dissolving isotope. The dissolution rate Gdiss is evaluated by means of an effective mass transfer coefficient hef f (m/s) and the density gradient (see equation 3.25). Gdiss = hef f (ρsol − ρs ) (3.25) Precipitation to bulk solid, corroded and deposited layers is the soluble elements mass transfer from the coolant to the solid surface. Precipitation rate Gpre can be thought as the reverse of dissolution and occurs when elements are oversaturated in the coolant, with ρs > ρsol [58]. Gpre = hef f (ρs − ρsol ) (3.26) As observed in equations 3.26 and 3.25, precipitation and dissolution are mutually exclusive locally. Crud formation is based on a coagulation coefficient Ccoag (1/s) (equation 3.27). Gcr = Ccoag (ρsol − ρs ) (3.27) Deposition from coolant to the deposited layer of the crud particulates formed during the transport calculation is based on the mass transfer coefficient hdep (m/s), which includes coolant and particulate parameters [58]. Gdep = hdep ρc (3.28) Erosion is modelled as the removal of crud particulates from the corroded surface to the coolant. Erosion rate is based on experimental measurements if they exist. Fer is based on surface conditions (roughness), material and Reynolds number. Ger = Fer Gcor (3.29) The set of uncoupled equations (3.18, 3.19, 3.20 and 3.21) is discretized in space by the finite difference method. As the system is non stationary, time is discretized employing the method of the lines approach, allowing the system of equations to decouple space and time transforming the system in many one-dimension subproblems [89]. This permits any discretization technique applicable to an initial value problem. The system of differential algebraic equations (DAE) is solved employing a prediction-corrector method, based on the Leapfrog algorithm in which the predicted 56 3.4. TRACT: TRansport and ACTivation code 57 value is corrected at each time step once the linear system of algebraic equations is solved. 3.4.3 Adaptation to the beam dump corrosion modelling TRACT has been adapted to the particular case of the LIPAc beam dump cooling channel. The following changes and additions had to be made: 7 The code could only handle constant channel width while the beam dump has a variable cooling channel geometry (see figure 4.12). Velocity and pressure profiles along the beam dump modify the overall corrosion and transport processes, therefore the code has been adapted to accommodate variable cooling channel geometries. 7 A new friction parameter algorithm more adequate to the beam dump case has been implemented. The Darcy-Weisbach friction factor expression (see section 2.1.3 for a detailed explanation) obtained using the approximation of the Colebrook equation performed by Goudar and Sonnad [29] has been introduced in the code. 7 The TRACT code has been modified to allow each node of the circuit element to have a different temperature value instead of assuming a mean value between the inlet and outlet of each cooling element. As temperature plays a key role over the solubility values, it is important being able to consider a variable temperature profile along the beam dump cartridge. 7 The code output has been extended to include: – Hydraulic and geometric parameters like Reynolds number, variable velocity profiles or hydraulic diameters. – Chemical properties such as pH, partial pressures and oxygen concentration 57 Chapter 4 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT The beam dump cooling system is designed to absorb a total power of 1.125 MW coming from the 125 mA, 9 MeV deuteron beam. 1D and 3D studies have been performed to define the cooling geometry and flow parameters. The results shown in this chapter have determined the beam dump cartridge design and its cooling system. The obtained heat transfer coefficients have been used as a contour condition for the mechanical analysis. 1 4.1 Input data and design requirements As a reminder of the beam dump cartridge cooling system, figure 4.1 shows how the water enters by the tip support, goes through the annular cooling channel conformed as explained by the inner cone and the shroud until it reaches the cone base where the water flows into the space left between the shroud and the cylinder. It then flows in counter back direction towards the exit of the cartridge. The water temperature at the inlet is determined by the secondary cooling circuit. A value of 31 o C has been assumed given that the secondary circuit guarantees a maximum water temperature at the heat exchanger inlet of 27 o C. The main input for the beam dump design is the power deposition profile. This profile depends on the beam shape at the entrance of the beam dump and therefore on the accelerator design and operation conditions. The beam profile at the beam dump entrance plane (see figure 4.3) has been obtained from beam dynamics simulations. It is quasi-symmetric with rms x and y sizes of 39.782 and 39.664 mm respectively, and a maximum size of 123.17 mm in the X axis and 144.67 mm in the Y axis [20]. Thanks to the low incidence angle, the power deposition density on the beam dump surface is much lower. Figure 4.2 represents the azimuthally averaged heat deposition profile for the nominal case, which is the one employed for the 1D and 3D studies presented in this thesis. 1 The 1D and 3D results presented in this chapter take the axial coordinate origin (z=0) at the inner cone tip. 59 60 Chapter4. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT Figure 4.1: Beam dump cartridge water flow. 250 Heat deposition Pdep [W/cm2] 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 z [m] Figure 4.2: Beam dump nominal power deposition (average). The shape of the curve in figure 4.2 corresponds to the stopping of the diverging beam by a cone. Near the tip (z = 0) this shape is affected by particle backscattering. The angle of incidence of the ions is so low that some of them come out of the wall before being completely stopped. The total backscattered power is not high but due to the conical geometry of the beam dump, as the tip support is approached, power has to be stopped in a smaller area. Hence a heat density increase in the vicinity of the tip is observed. The maximum deposited power density is found in the region between z = 1 m and z = 1.5 m, 60 4.1. Input data and design requirements 61 Figure 4.3: Transversal sections in x and y planes of the beam at the beam dump entrance. where a peak power deposition of 203 W/cm2 is reached. Note that the maximum local power density will be higher because the power density curve employed is an azimuthal average of the power densities at each axial coordinate. The design requirements are the following: 1. The coolant must be liquid water, no two phase flow. Pressure at the inlet must guarantee such condition. 2. Copper temperature must be lower than 150 o C (figure 4.4). This is a very conservative limit which assures a moderate corrosion. 3. The inlet pressure must be such that no buckling issues in the long and thin inner cone arise as a consequence of an excessive pressure value. 4. Avoid high erosion values in the cooling channel. The velocity must be high enough to cool down the piece without reaching a boiling situation and at the same time not too high to avoid erosion phenomena. 5. Allow the detection of out range situations by bubble noise monitoring. The cooling system design has been set to operate in a regime close to coolant boiling but without reaching such situation. Operating close to the boiling point allows having a closer control of the device. When the first bubble appears and it is detected by hydrophones immersed in the cartridge cooling water, a signal will be sent to the accelerator control system to warn of abnormal operation [20]. 61 62 Chapter4. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT 6. Manufacturing feasibility. Realistic manufacturing tolerances lead to a cooling channel width of at least 5 mm. Tsb Ts 120 T [oC] 100 80 60 40 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 z [m] Figure 4.4: Cu-water (Tsb ) and Cu-beam (Ts ) interface temperatures. 4.2 1D Analysis 4.2.1 Introduction The geometry and flow parameters of the beam dump cooling circuit have been chosen to fulfil the design criteria mentioned in section 4.1. The design process is presented in figure 4.5. Preliminary thermomechanical and radio protection analysis together with manufacturing considerations are taken into account when proposing an initial beam dump geometry. Pressure at the beam dump entrance is chosen based on buckling analysis. Then different flow rates are tried obtaining the velocity and heat transfer coefficient values, and hence the inner cone temperature. The margin to boiling depends on the temperature and on the local pressure values, determined by the inlet pressure and the pressure loss along the cone. Depending on these values and according to the design criteria (check boiling margin), the flow is provisionally validated or not. The process is repeated for different flow and pressure values until the highest margin to boiling is obtained. This is explained in more detail in the following sections. To perform this analysis the CHICA code described in section 3.1 has been employed. 62 4.2. 1D Analysis 63 Design Tin Fabrication v, h Geometry Tsb Margin boiling V uniform P Pin Flow Figure 4.5: Beam dump cooling design scheme. 4.2.2 Choice of geometry V IV III II I Figure 4.6: Inner and outer radii of the beam dump annular channel. 63 64 Chapter4. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT The coolant channel geometry has been chosen to obtain sufficient velocity avoiding too high values which can produce vibrations and material erosion, and too low ones which would cause a poor heat transfer. A high velocity is needed specially at the regions of higher power deposition (from the cone tip to the middle of the beam dump), where a large heat transfer rate between material and coolant is required to limit the coolant-material interface temperature (Tsb ) and consequently the required water pressure. To maintain the velocity along the beam dump it is necessary to reduce the coolant channel width progressively to compensate the increasing cone radius. 0.024 Cooling channel thickness 0.022 0.02 Thickness [m] 0.018 0.016 0.014 0.012 0.01 0.008 0.006 0.004 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 z[m] Figure 4.7: Beam dump cooling channel thickness. Therefore the shroud is divided into five zones (see figure 4.6). The first is an annular section 0.2 m long, sections II, III and IV are formed by the three truncated cones, while section V is caused by the 1.5 mm thickness increase of the inner cone which takes place in the last 500 mm to increase buckling resistance (see section 1.3). Due to fabrication tolerances the cooling channel width in long pieces such as the beam dump must be larger than 5 mm. A 7 mm minimum gap value was chosen for most of the beam dump length (figure 4.7). The channel width evolves from 23 mm at the inlet down to 7 mm at the outlet (see figure 4.7). Figure 4.8 shows the inverse beam dump cooling channel cross sectional area which determines together with the mass flow the water velocity. It can be seen that with the chosen channel geometry, the flow cross sectional area is maintained inside a given range and it is only allowed to increase in the last 50 - 70 cm of the cone, near its aperture, where the beam power density becomes smaller (figure 4.2). 64 4.2. 1D Analysis 65 280 1/A 260 1/A [m2] 240 220 200 180 160 140 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 z[m] Figure 4.8: Inverse beam dump cooling channel cross sectional area. 4.2.3 Choice of flow and pressure Flow [kg/s] 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 35 40 Tsb max [o C] 96.75 94.69 92.75 90.91 89.23 87.61 86.11 80.79 75.47 Psat [bar] 1.121 1.004 0.934 0.865 0.803 0.754 0.709 0.563 0.445 P [bar] 3.078 3.045 3.011 2.977 2.940 2.903 2.865 2.699 2.464 ∆P [bar] 1.956 2.040 2.066 2.111 2.136 2.148 2.155 2.135 2.018 Table 4.1: Values of T at the water-material interface (Tsb ), saturation pressure (Psat ), pressure (P) and ∆P = P - Psat at the location of maximum Tsb for different flows. A pressure of 3.5 bar has been found reasonable to obtain a safety margin to buckling around 9.1 [20].The higher the flow, the higher the velocity and the film transfer coefficient and therefore the lower the surface temperature in contact with the coolant Tsb , and consequently the required pressure to avoid boiling. However for very high velocities the pressure losses due to friction increase significantly. Therefore there is an optimum flow rate for which the margin to boiling is maximum along the cartridge. 65 66 Chapter4. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT 2.16 Minimum P-Psat 2.14 2.12 Min(P-Psat) [bar] 2.1 2.08 2.06 2.04 2.02 2 1.98 1.96 1.94 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Q [kg/s] Figure 4.9: Minimum margin to saturation along the beam dump for different water flows. In table 4.1 the results obtained with the selected geometry are presented for the different water flows. Figure 4.9 represents the minimum margin to saturation as a function of the water flow. An optimum flow rate around 30 kg/s has been found. Therefore a mass flow rate of 30 kg/s is chosen for the beam dump cooling circuit. 4.2.4 Surface roughness The influence of surface roughness on the film transfer coefficient value has been studied. The film transfer coefficient and Tsb variation from a smooth wall situation to a rough pipe with a roughness of 6.5 µm, is presented in figures 4.10 and 4.11. A 4000 W/o C m2 HTC difference between the smooth case and the 6.5 µm roughness case is observed. The higher the wall surface roughness, the higher the HTC but also higher pressure losses. For the 6.5 µm roughness value, the observed increment in the film coefficient produces a decrease in the maximum surface temperature of 9 o C with respect to that corresponding to a smooth surface (figure 4.11), whereas it will be seen in section 4.2.5 the pressure loss increment with respect to the smooth channel is small (0.13 bar). Therefore a 6.5 µm surface roughness has been chosen as a compromise between high HTC values and an acceptable pressure loss. From now on the presented results are calculated assuming a 6.5 µm roughness. 66 4.2. 1D Analysis 67 45000 HTC smooth pipe HTC 6.5 µm roghness HTC 1.5 µm roghness 110 Tsb for smooth pipe Tsb for 6.5 µm roughness Tsb for 1.5 µm roughness 40000 100 80 30000 70 Tsb [oC] h [W/m2 oC] 90 35000 60 25000 50 20000 40 30 15000 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 z [m] z [m] Figure 4.10: Heat transfer coefficient for different Figure 4.11: Temperature profile at surface bulk inroughnesses. terface for different roughnesses. 4.2.5 Results of the 1D beam dump cooling analysis With a mass flow of 30 kg/s, the water in the beam dump cooling channel reaches speed values up to 8.2 m/s. There is a wide region from the tip up to z = 1.25 m where the heat deposition is more significant, reaching speeds around 8-7.5 m/s. Downstream that point the water flow speed diminishes following the trend of the heat deposition curve. This can be clearly observed in figure 4.12. 9.5 Velocity (m/s) 44000 Velocity profile Film coefficient 42000 9 40000 8.5 38000 8 36000 7.5 34000 7 32000 6.5 30000 6 28000 5.5 26000 5 24000 4.5 22000 4 h [W/m2 oC] 10 20000 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 z [m] Figure 4.12: Velocity and film transfer coefficient profiles. The following figures show the water temperature Tb (figure 4.13), temperature of the cone surface in contact with the coolant Tsb (figure 4.14), Reynolds number (figure 4.15) and water pressure 67 68 Chapter4. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT P for a 6.5 µm roughness and a smooth pipe (figure 4.16) as a function of the axial coordinate z. The water temperature experiences a 9.14 o C increment between the entrance and the cone base (figure 4.13), resulting in an outlet temperature of 40.14 o C. Maximum inner cone temperature at the copper-water interface (Tsb ) is 87.12 o C at around z=1.5 m. This value is the closest point to boiling regime and presents as stated in table 4.1 a 2.148 bar margin with respect to the saturation pressure, ensuring that no boiling occurs along the beam dump under nominal beam conditions. Reynolds number decreases steadily from the entrance (425000) to the exit of the cooling channel (values around 100000) as seen in figure 4.15. 41 Bulk temperature profile Inner cone temperature profile 90 40 39 80 36 60 35 Tsb [oC] 70 37 50 34 33 40 32 31 30 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 z[m] 450000 1 1.5 2 Figure 4.14: Cu-water interface temperature (Tsb ). Reynolds number 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 2.5 z[m] Figure 4.13: Coolant temperature profile (Tb ). Re Tb [oC] 38 0.5 1 1.5 z [m] Figure 4.15: Reynolds number profile. 68 2 2.5 4.2. 1D Analysis 69 Pin Pout Figure 4.16: Pressure profiles along the beam dump. The pressure loss due to friction along the cooling channel, and local pressure drops at the tip region (klocal = 1.05) 2 , and at the water return (klocal = 2.8) 3 cause a total pressure loss of 0.98 bar. The klocal values have been obtained from the 3D simulations and the total value has been crosschecked against the experimental cooling loop measurements presented in section 6.3.2. In figure 4.16 the pressure loss profile for a smooth pipe situation is also shown. The critical heat flux has been estimated in two ways as explained in section 2.2. • By means of the Boscary correlation (CHFcorr ). • Employing the Groeneveld database adapted by Doerffer et al. for the annular geometry of the beam dump (CHFtab ). In figure 4.17 the critical heat flux values calculated by the two selected methods, together with the heat deposition profile are plotted. Critical heat flux is at least 3 times higher than the expected heat deposition, being 2.5 times higher in most of the beam dump cooling channel. It is seen how the Doerffer equation yields in general lower values than those predicted by the Boscary correlation with the exception of the 1.5 mm step, where a sudden increase of velocity happens. The heat flux required to reach the saturation temperature at the material-water interface is also shown in figure 4.17. It can be observed that the margin is not too big so abnormal operation will be detected well before 2 This value comes from the 3D simulation of the tip support (see section 4.3) 3 This value comes from the 3D simulation of the water return (see section 4.3) 69 70 Chapter4. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT 1000 Nucleate boiling Heat deposition Correlated CHF Tabulated CHF 900 800 Q [W/cm2] 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 z[m] Figure 4.17: CHF, Nucleate boiling and heat deposition profiles. critical heat flux is reached and therefore well before its catastrophic failure. Although as pointed out in section 3.1 the water return influence on the beam dump cooling can de discarded, some calculations have been performed. The water return velocity and film transfer coefficient are presented in figure 4.18. Although the velocities reached are quite low compared with the ones obtained in the annular cooling channel (see figure 4.12), the Reynolds number is still turbulent and hence Petukhov-Gnielinski film transfer coefficient correlation has been employed. 41 Shroud average temperature profile 40 39 Tsh (oC) 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 z [m] Figure 4.19: Average shroud temperature profile. 70 2.5 4.2. 1D Analysis 71 4500 Velocity Film coefficient 0.8 4000 0.7 3500 0.6 3000 0.5 2500 0.4 2000 0.3 1500 0.2 h [W/m2 oC] Velocity (m/s) 0.9 1000 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 z [m] Figure 4.18: Velocity and film transfer coefficient profiles for the water return. In figure 4.19, the average shroud temperature profile (Tsh ) is presented. There is a certain amount of heat (equal to h · (Tsh - Tret )) being transferred from the water return towards the annular cooling channel. Such heat causes a small increment in the bulk temperature of 0.1 o C at the cooling channel, hence not affecting the beam dump cooling design. 4.2.6 Final considerations 45000 Boiling film coefficient Nominal film coefficient 40000 1 Deltah/h 0.9 0.8 30000 25000 0.7 20000 0.6 15000 Deltah/h h [W/m 2o C] 35000 0.5 10000 0.4 5000 0 0.3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 z[m] 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 z [m] Figure 4.20: Nominal and boiling heat transfer coef- Figure 4.21: Relative heat transfer coefficient margin ficients. to nucleate boiling. The film coefficient value determines the temperature of the copper in contact with water. It is therefore very important to make an accurate estimation of this parameter. The film transfer 71 72 Chapter4. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT coefficient values which will lead to the onset nucleate boiling have been calculated for every point of the beam dump cooling channel (figure 4.20). An idea of the maximum uncertainty allowable in the estimation of the film transfer coefficient can be obtained from the difference between this value, which represents the minimum HTC needed to avoid boiling, and the nominal one. Figure 4.21 shows that an uncertainty of less than 40 % is required. 4.2.7 Cooling for beam powers lower than nominal During commissioning the accelerator will operate with pulsed beams. The power during each pulse will be the maximum (1.125 MW), but average power will be much lower as small duty cycles will be used. The water flow through the beam dump will decrease accordingly. The objective of this flow adjustment is two-fold: 1. To obtain material temperatures close to those of nominal operation, so that also in this situation with smaller power the boiling detection can be used as a monitor of off-normal beams. Even though these off-normal beams at low duty cycle may not pose any risk to the beam dump, their detection will allow to increase safely the duty cycle up to full power. 2. To avoid unnecessary erosion of the copper cones with the high velocity water flow. Duty cycle (%) CW 50 10 1 Flow (kg/s) 30 15 2.2 0.4 Ts (o C) 133 109 96 95 Tsb (o C) 88 86 93 94 Stress (MPa) 64.3 38 16.4 7.99 Table 4.2: Temperature and stress values for the different duty cycles. Table 4.2 shows the proposed flow values for typical pulsed beams with different duty cycles, together with the maximum inner cone temperature (beam (Ts ) and coolant (Tsb ) sides) and maximum stress values. For a 1% duty cycle, the proposed flow rate is 0.4 kg/s. Therefore the flow regime changes from turbulent to laminar. In the analysis Petukhov-Gnielinski correlation for the turbulent regime, Levenspiel correlation [90] for the transitional regime (2300 < Re < 10000), and Shah correlation [91] for the laminar regime have been the chosen applied correlations. The Petukhov-Gnielinski correlation has already been presented in section 2.1.2 (see equation 2.16). The Levenspiel correlation for transitional flow including the viscosity variation with temperature developed by Sieder and Tate has the following form: 0.11 µ N u = 0.116 Re2/3 − 125 P r1/3 µs 72 (4.1) 4.2. 1D Analysis 73 25000 50 % 10 % 1% h [W/m2 oC] 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 z [m] Figure 4.22: Film transfer coefficient for the different duty cycles. In the Shah correlation depending on the dimensionless parameters one of the two expressions has to be employed, being D the hydraulic diameter and L the length of the cone: D N u0 = 1.953 ReP r L 1/3 ; D ReP r L ≥ 33.3 (4.2) D D N u0 = 4.364 + 0.0722 ReP r ; ReP r < 33.3 L L (4.3) In figures 4.22, 4.23 and 4.24 the film transfer coefficient, water temperature Tb and copper-water interface temperature Tsb profiles are plotted. It is observed that maximum temperatures are similar to those of the 100 % duty cycle case. Therefore adjusting the water flow to 15 kg/s, 2.2 kg/s, and 0.4 kg/s for the 50 %, 10 %, and 1% duty cycles respectively, allows the boiling detection to be employed as a monitor of off normal beams. Tb [oC] 42 100 50 % 10 % 1% 50 % 10 % 1% 90 40 80 38 70 36 60 34 50 32 40 30 30 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 z [m] 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 z [m] Figure 4.23: Bulk temperature profiles. Figure 4.24: Inner cone temperature (Tsb ) profiles. 73 Tsb [oC] 44 74 Chapter4. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT 4.3 Detailed 3D analysis 3D CFD calculations with the ANSYS CFX code have been performed in order to cross-check the analytical results and analyse local areas in which the 1D approximation is not valid, such as the beam dump entrance, the 180o turn at the cone aperture and the vicinity of obstacles in the flow like the cone tip support or the presence of thermocouples across the annular cooling channel [92]. The obtained results have been used to validate the beam dump detailed design (thickness variation of the inner cone, 180o turn) and to optimize when needed the design from the cooling point of view (tip support geometry, straight pipe section at the entrance). The general analysis procedure has been explained in section 3.2. 4.3.1 Introduction SST and k-epsilon turbulence models have been employed in the simulations. The enhanced formulation for the boundary layer should make SST better suited for this analysis [93]. As it will be explained in the next section (4.3.2), SST turbulence model has been the chosen one for all the cases presented. The heat deposition profile employed in the simulations is the 1D, axisymmetric, averaged one used in the former section (figure 4.2). In table 4.3 a summary of the most relevant model parameters for each case analysed is shown. The results of the analysis of these six cases are summarized in sections to Case Tip support 180o turn Length of pipe Manufacturing tol. Cone thickness Thermocouples Mesh size [mm] 2.3 2.3 2.3 1.5 1.5 2 Infl. layers 10 5 5 7 7 8 First prism [mm] 0.01 0.0527 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.01 Exp. factor 1.2 1.0001 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 Turb. int. 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% Table 4.3: CFX model parameters. 4.3.2 Comparison with 1D analysis. Turbulence model influence Given the strong dependence of the estimated material temperatures and the required coolant pressure on the correlation employed to calculate the film transfer coefficient (h), it is important to verify its adequacy. The correlation employed in the beam dump cooling design is the one of Petukhov-Gnielinski. CFD analysis allows a different estimation of the film transfer coefficient value. Therefore CFX simulations were launched in order to compare the heat transfer coefficient values from the correlation with the ones obtained with this method. Several turbulence models (k-epsilon, SST (Shear Stress Transport) and BSL-RSM (Baseline Reynolds Stress Model)) have been used for the heat transfer coefficient estimation. As CFX takes the temperature of the first nodes to calculate the HTC, the accuracy is low. Therefore the temperature profile has been employed to calculate the heat transfer coefficient by means 74 4.3. Detailed 3D analysis 75 of equation 2.5. The obtained coefficient has been designated as alternative heat transfer coefficient to differentiate it from the one calculated directly by CFX. Figure 4.25 shows the temperature at the surface in contact with water obtained with different turbulence models These are then employed to calculate the alternative HTC. 390 Petukhov BSL-RSM SST k-ε 380 370 T [K] 360 350 340 330 320 310 5.0⋅104 1.0⋅105 1.5⋅105 2.0⋅105 2.5⋅105 3.0⋅105 3.5⋅105 4.0⋅105 Re Figure 4.25: Temperature profile for the different turbulence models. 45000 36000 Petukhov BSL-RSM SST k-ε 40000 Petukhov BSL-RSM-alt SST-alt k-ε-alt 34000 32000 h [W/m2 K] h [W/m2 K] 30000 35000 30000 28000 26000 24000 22000 25000 20000 20000 5.0⋅104 1.0⋅105 1.5⋅105 2.0⋅105 2.5⋅105 3.0⋅105 3.5⋅105 4.0⋅105 18000 1.0⋅105 1.5⋅105 2.0⋅105 Re 2.5⋅105 3.0⋅105 3.5⋅105 4.0⋅105 Re Figure 4.26: HTC for the different turbulence models Figure 4.27: HTC for the different turbulence models (CFX output). based on temperature calculations. An inner cone model was selected to test the different turbulence models. The model characteristics are the following: • A 120◦ section of the inner cone is simulated. • Boundary condition at the entrance: 7.05 m/s water speed. • Boundary condition at the exit: 2.2994 bar average static pressure. • Smooth wall. 75 76 Chapter4. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT In figures 4.26 and 4.27 the heat transfer coefficient obtained directly from CFX and the alterna- tive one are compared with the Petukhov-Gnielinski results. Differences of the order of ± 10% are found, less than the 40% maximum uncertainty that can be allowed (see section 4.2.6), thus with these simulations confidence is gained on the heat transfer coefficient values used for the beam dump cartridge and cooling system design. It is observed that SST turbulence model is the one that best matches the Petukhov-Gnielinski correlation results, while k- and RSM models overestimate and underestimate respectively the PetukhovGnielinski data. As SST turbulence model gives the closest values to our heat transfer coefficient reference data with a dispersion in the calculated value of less than 9%, this model has been the chosen turbulence model for the beam dump CFX simulations. To sum up, SST turbulence model is the one employed in the following sections because: • It is in principle more precise [93]. • Gives closer values to the Petukhov-Gnielinski correlation which is our design reference for the heat transfer coefficient. • Gives a lower HTC compared with the other models and hence it represents a conservative assumption. 4.3.3 Detailed analysis of special regions Tip support As it was explained in section 1.3, the tip of the cone is supported on the shroud through the tip support piece in such a way that axial displacement is allowed, while azimuthal and radial displacements are restricted. The goal of the CFX simulation is to optimize the design of the tip and its support from the hydraulic point of view and check the maximum temperature in the material and the fluid behaviour taking into account the 2D heat transfer expected in this area. Figure 4.28 shows the geometry of the tip and its support, formed by three blades and a crown immersed into the coolant flow. The simulated region comprises 300 mm prior to the tip support up to 900 mm downstream of the tip. The boundary conditions imposed are a water flow velocity at the entrance of 7.05 m/s and an average static pressure at the exit of 3.21 bar. An inlet water temperature of 304 K is considered. The mesh characteristics are presented in table 4.3. The Yplus value in the tip region ranging from 1 to 4 can be observed in figure 4.29. 76 4.3. Detailed 3D analysis 77 Figure 4.28: Tip support geometry. Figure 4.29: Yplus parameter in the tip region. Figure 4.30: Pressure profile in the tip region. The tip design has been optimized trying to avoid too high fluid velocities, low pressure regions and stagnant flow zones. Different blade geometries varying the front radius r and the length along the flow L have been tested trying to minimize the perturbation on the flow. A final choice of r = 3mm and L= 45 mm was made. A pressure loss of 0.218 bar is caused by the tip support (figure 4.30). This value has been used for the total pressure loss estimation in the cartridge (section 4.2.5). 77 78 Chapter4. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT Figure 4.31: Temperature profile (Tsb ) along the beam dump No hot points, stagnant flow or low pressure regions are created at the wake caused in the flow by the cone tip and its support. However higher material temperatures are observed along this wake (see figure 4.31) although the perturbation is reduced as water flows downstream towards the model exit. 180o turn The region where the water passes from the cooling channel to the space between the shroud and the cylinder reversing direction has been simulated. In figure 4.32 a detail of the 180o turn is shown. The main goals of this study are: 1. Estimate the film transfer coefficient at this region where the 1D approximation is not valid. This parameter determines the flange cooling and has been used as input for the mechanical analysis. 2. Verify that the 180o turn in the water flowing direction does not cause any serious disruption on the flow. 78 4.3. Detailed 3D analysis 79 Stainless steel cylinder Shroud Detail A A Inner cone 180º turn Figure 4.32: 180o turn detail in the beam dump. Figure 4.33: Streamlines in the beam dump water 180o turn passage through the shroud. The nominal deposited power in the flange is 166.3 W. For the calculations a worst possible case has been considered in which the beam divergence is 10 % greater than the nominal one producing a 1313 W deposition at the flange. A 300 mm long, 90o section of the cone base has been simulated. The boundary conditions considered are a velocity of 5.11 m/s at the inlet and an average static pressure of 2.545 bar at the model exit. An average bulk temperature at the inlet of 313.6 K is considered. The mesh characteristics are shown in table 4.3. 79 80 Chapter4. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT In figure 4.33 the water streamlines can be observed as they flow through the shroud orifices. An acceptable temperature profile is obtained at the flange (figure 4.34) showing that the film transfer coefficient (average value of 12390 W/m2 K) guarantees the flange cooling needs. Figure 4.34: Temperature profile in the flange. Figure 4.35: Pressure profile through the orifices. The pressure loss caused by the shroud orifices is approximately 0.35 bar as seen in figure 4.35. This pressure loss value has been employed to estimate a local pressure loss value (klocal ) for the 1D simulations (section 4.2.5). Length of straight pipe at the beam dump entrance Figure 4.36: Streamlines for the 1.5 m length simulation 80 4.3. Detailed 3D analysis 81 This study has been performed to determine the initial straight tube length before the beam dump entrance so that a stable and well developed flow is obtained. A 3” diameter schedule 10s (82.8 mm inner diameter) pipe with a 90o bend is modelled. Different pipe lengths between the bend and the cone tip position have been tested, 600 mm, 800 mm, 1000 mm and 1500 mm. A 300 mm straight pipe length prior to the 90o bend is modelled. An inlet velocity of 5.57 m/s, which corresponds to the 108 m3 /h nominal flow, and an outlet average static pressure of 3.5 bar have been used as boundary conditions together with a pipe roughness of 6.3 µm. Figure 4.37: Axial velocity profile (v ) at the beam dump entrance. Figure 4.38: u velocity component profile at the beam Figure 4.39: w velocity component profile at the dump entrance. beam dump entrance. In figure 4.36 the global velocity is plotted for the 1.5 m straight pipe case. It is seen that the 90o bend affects the water velocity profile increasing the velocity value up to 7.9 m/s at the inner side of 81 82 Chapter4. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT the bend. In figures 4.37, 4.38 and 4.39, the axial (v), y component (u) and z component (w) of the velocity at the exit of the simulated volume (right at the beam dump entrance) are plotted. It can be seen that the contribution of the the transversal components (u and w) to the overall velocity is very small (maximum u is 0.13 m/s and maximum w is 0.24 m/s representing 2.3 % and 4.3 % of the total velocity respectively). The axial velocity profile shows a zone with a velocity decrease down to 4.5 m/s due to the 90o elbow (see figure 4.36). Therefore, although the water flow still shows a disturbed pattern, the perturbation is small and the water flow can be considered almost homogeneous. Effect of manufacturing and mounting tolerances Both the inner cone and the shroud of the beam dump require a great precision in its manufacturing and mounting in order to keep the geometrical tolerances within a close margin. Inaccuracies in the fabrication process can lead to deviations in the cooling channel and therefore variations in the cooling design parameters. The most critical part was on z = 2000 mm where nominal cooling channel thickness is 5.5 mm. A prototype has been built to test the design. After the prototype delivery deviations were measured. The observed relative deviations between the axes of the two pieces in the region around z = 2 m are close to 0.65 mm. Depending on the mounting procedure a deviation up to 2.5 mm could be observed. In the first case cooling channel width at z = 2 m changes azimuthally in the range of 7 ± 0.65 mm, whereas in the second case the width varies between 4.5 and 9.5 mm. Figure 4.40: Velocity profile at z = 1.5 m for the 0.65 Figure 4.41: Velocity profile at z = 1.5 m for the 2.5 mm case. mm case. The two cases have been simulated in order to study the effect on the flow of the measured deviations. The model comprises 1.2 m, from z = 1.2 m to z = 2.4 m. In this case the mesh spacing has been decreased to 1.5 mm so that a good resolution is guaranteed specially where the cooling channel narrows down to 4.5 mm. 82 4.3. Detailed 3D analysis 83 Initial and boundary conditions on both models are the following: • Velocity at the inlet: 7.97 m/s. • Average static pressure at the exit: 2.67 bar. • Initial temperature: 307.93 K. • Wall roughness: 6.5 µm. The velocity profile is affected by the cooling channel width variation and hence the heat transfer coefficient, the water-material temperature and the pressure profile. In figures 4.40 and 4.41 the velocity distribution in a perpendicular plane to the water flux, corresponding to z = 1.5 m is presented. For the 0.65 mm deviation the velocity profile suffers slight changes, while in the 2.5 mm deviation case, velocity varies from 7.83 m/s in the wider part of the cooling channel down to values close to 6.1 m/s in the narrower part. Case 2.5 mm shift 0.65 mm shift 0 mm shift narrow zone wide zone narrow zone wide zone Symmetric u (m/s) 6.15 7.83 7.05 7.5 7.5 P (bar) 2.97 3.09 3.04 3.07 2.5 Tsb (K) 359.95 358.95 359.65 358.85 359.15 v (m/s) -0.501 / 0.501 -0.445 / 0.443 -0.44 / 0.443 w (m/s) -0.376 / 0.471 -0.422 / 0.449 -0.44 / 0.439 Table 4.4: Parameters of the 0.65 mm, 2.5 mm and 0 mm deviation cases at z = 1.5 m. From the data of table 4.4 it is seen that the heat transfer coefficient decreases in the narrow section and increases in the wide one with respect to the value for the nominal geometry. The effect is larger the higher the considered deviation. However, even in the worst case for the beam dump cooling (narrow region in the 2.5 mm deviation), the heat transfer coefficient reduction is not large (less than 10 %). Therefore no cooling problems are expected. It must be pointed out that better manufacturing tolerances than those analysed here can be achieved with present machinery and manufacturing techniques. Inner cone thickness variation The thickness change of the inner cone at z = 2 m causes a reduction in the cooling channel width. It is done increasing the inner cone thickness gradually with a slope of 0.1 (15 mm in the horizontal). Further details are found in section 1.3. The same geometry and mesh model as the one employed in the non deviation case of the previous section has been employed to analyse the inner cone thickness variation. 83 84 Chapter4. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT Figure 4.42: Water velocity at plane z = 1.95 m. Figure 4.43: Water velocity at plane z = 2.01 m. An inlet velocity of 7.97 m/s and an outlet average static pressure of 2.67 bar have been considered together with a water flow inlet temperature of 307.93 K and a wall roughness of 6.5 µm. The velocity profile at a plane 5 cm prior to the step (z = 1.95 m) and at a plane 1 cm downstream the step (z = 2.01 m) are shown in figures 4.42 and4.43. The step causes an increase in the velocity from 5.4 m/s to 6.7 m/s due to the cross section area decrease, but the velocity profiles are homogeneous across the annular channel. Furthermore the simulation shows that the step does not provoke any flow return or other significant perturbation. Thermocouples Monitoring the temperature of the copper cone surface in contact with the water Tsb has been thought as a possibility to check the correct functioning of the beam dump and its cooling system. Several arrays of four thermocouples each, placed in different axial positions along the beam dump could be employed so that differences between the thermocouples readouts of the same set could mean that the beam is not correctly aligned. The effect of placing thermocouples across the beam dump cooling channel can not be studied with 1D codes. The thermocouples should be inserted through the shroud, protected with an external case and fixed to the inner cone by means of a micro metric hole on the inner cone surface (see figure 4.44). To begin with, a 5 mm diameter thermocouple was considered. Even though the results did not discourage the 5 mm choice, a simulation with a 1 mm thermocouple was also carried out. The two analysed cases share the same geometry and mesh model except for the thermocouple diameter so that comparison between both models is straight. A 375 mm, 90o section of the beam dump has been modelled, corresponding to the axial coordinates between z = 0.4 m and z = 0.775 m. The boundary condition at the model entrance is a velocity of 7.03 m/s, while at the model exit 84 4.3. Detailed 3D analysis 85 Plano de visión Cono interior Flujo de agua Cono exterior Termopar Figure 4.44: Thermocouple installation layout. an average static pressure of 2.842 bar is imposed. An average initial temperature of 304.37 K is considered in the water. Figure 4.45: Velocity profile around the thermocouple for the 5 mm case. 85 86 Chapter4. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF THE BEAM DUMP COOLING CIRCUIT Figure 4.46: Velocity profile around the thermocouple for the 1 mm case. In figure 4.45 the velocity profile in a plane immediately downstream (see figure 4.44) the 5 mm thermocouple (z = 0.505 m, 105 mm from the model inlet) is shown. As seen, the thermocouple disturbs the water flow creating eddies and affecting the velocity profile. Due to these eddies a flow reversal downstream the thermocouple occurs at the upper and lower parts of the cooling channel. Figure 4.47: Temperature profile on the inner cone Figure 4.48: Temperature profile on the inner cone for the 1 mm case. for the 5 mm case. When analysing the velocity profile in the 1 mm thermocouple case it is observed that the flow disruption is much lower. Figure 4.46 shows that no eddies are formed due to the thermocouple. The velocity components are disturbed but no flow reversal is observed. 86 4.3. Detailed 3D analysis 87 The velocity profile affects the heat transfer coefficient and therefore the temperature distribution. Figures 4.47 and 4.48 represent the temperature profile over the inner cone surface for the two cases analysed. It is seen that the temperature perturbation caused by the 5 mm thermocouple is greater than the one caused by the 1 mm thermocouple. To sum up, the presence of thermocouples disturbs the water flow affecting the velocity profile and hence the heat transfer coefficient and temperature profiles. The 1 mm diameter thermocouple perturbation seems to be acceptable for the beam dump cooling. However it has been decided that no thermocouples will be present in the beam dump annular channel. Other diagnostics that do not disturb the flow and that are able of detecting in a less localized way abnormal situations which could give rise to too hot regions will be employed: • Hydrophones [95]. • Ionization chambers [20]. • Cooling circuit instrumentation. 87 Chapter 5 CORROSION The corrosion results obtained by means of the simplified 1D transport code (3.3) and by the TRACT code (3.4) are discussed in this chapter. 5.1 Introduction. Objectives Corrosion in the beam dump is an issue that deserves attention because as pointed out in section 2.4, mass removal can affect the mechanical and cooling behaviour of the beam dump, and because activated corrosion products generate radiation all along the beam dump cooling circuit (partially out of the accelerator shielded vault). A purification system will remove the corrosion and other products maintaining the necessary water quality. From the review of the available literature (specially [96] and [53]) presented in section 2.4, the water quality specification for the beam dump cooling has been defined as follows: • pH in the range of 8 -8.5. • Dissolved oxygen < 10 ppb. • Conductivity in the interval 0.5 - 2 µS/cm. pH will be controlled by ammonia addition, dissolved oxygen (and other gases like CO2 ) will be eliminated with a deaireator whereas the required conductivity will be maintained using ion exchange resins which will remove ions from the water. All these elements will be located in the heat exchanger room outside the accelerator vault together with the rest of components of the cooling system ( pump, heat exchanger, ...). Although some experimental data on corrosion rates for Cu circuits exist [49] no data for the conditions of our system (water velocity and temperature) have been found. Therefore an upper estimate of 50 mg/(m2 · day) based on [49] and on a preliminary study [85], has been employed to dimension the ion resins and design a lead shield around them to limit the local dose rates due to 89 90 Chapter5. CORROSION the activated ions accumulation. A first approach to the beam dump corrosion phenomenon was performed by modelling the convective diffusion equation [85]. In this work a simplified corrosion model based on copper dissolution was employed. To gain confidence on the estimated corrosion rates, it has been considered convenient to conduct an independent study with a more complete and validated tool like the TRansport and ACTivation code (TRACT), which simulates processes of corrosion, erosion, dissolution, precipitation (crud) and deposition for the whole length of the cooling circuit. The main objective pursued with these studies is obtaining an estimate of the beam dump corrosion rate to confirm the upper value used in the design. Considering a trustful value of this parameter is very important because it affects: • Activation. • Cooling water. • Dimensioning of the purification system. • Beam dump structural integrity and cooling capabilities. 5.2 1D transport code results As explained in section 3.3, a 1D code has been developed to get a glimpse of the magnitude of corrosion in the beam dump cooling circuit. 3.5e-06 Cu 5 seconds Cu 60 seconds Cu 1 hour Cu 6 months Cu concentration [ppm] 3e-06 2.5e-06 2e-06 1.5e-06 1e-06 5e-07 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 z [m] Figure 5.1: Transient evolution of the copper concentration. 90 2.5 5.2. 1D transport code results 91 A finite volume partial differential equation solver based on Python, called FiPy [81], is employed to obtain the transient solution of equation (3.17). In figure 5.1 the transient evolution of copper concentration in ppm solved with FiPy is shown. It is seen that the transport process is close to equilibrium values after 1 hour. When the simulation is taken up to six months the concentration values along the cooling channel are practically the same. Validation of the results thus obtained has been done confronting the solution in equilibrium with two different solutions of the stationary transport equation (equation 5.1): v~i (x) · Uch,i (x) fi (x) ∂cbi (x) = · ji (x) = ∂x Ach,i (x) v~i (x) (5.1) 1. The analytical solution of the stationary transport equation (see equation 5.2): b c (x) = exp Z Z Z −a(x)dx · b(x) exp a(x)dx dx a(x) = b(x) = (5.2) Uch (x)K f l (x) Ach (x)~v (x) Uch (x)K f l (x) w c (x) Ach (x)~v (x) Where Uch is the flowing channel perimeter, K f l the mass transfer coefficient, Ach the flowing water cross sectional area, v is the fluid velocity, cb is the bulk copper concentration, a and b are auxiliary variables, ji is the mass flux, and fi an auxiliary function. 2. The solution obtained applying the Newton method (see equation 5.3): cbi+1 (x) = cbi (x) + ∆hfi (x) (5.3) Being ∆h the Newton step. In figure 5.2 a comparison of the three different resolution methods is shown. It can be seen that FiPy module over predicts the copper concentration from the mid part of the cooling channel until the end of it, compared with the Newton method and the analytical solutions. The difference in the copper concentration results obtained by different methods was studied so that confidence could be gained on the finite difference solver. After monitoring the FiPy solver results at each step, it was seen that the velocity changes caused by the beam dump geometry was affecting the solver solution. To verify this, it was decided to simulate a case scenario considering a constant velocity of 6.88 m/s which is an average value along the cooling channel. The results show a higher degree of concordance with the analytical solution. Therefore the high concentration values obtained from FiPy solver are due to the brisk velocity shifts along the beam dump cooling 91 Chapter5. CORROSION 3.5e-06 Analytical solution Newton method FIPy solution 3e-06 2.5e-06 Analytical solution Newton method FIPy solution for v=6.88 m/s Cu concentration [ppm] 2e-06 2.5e-06 1.5e-06 2e-06 1.5e-06 1e-06 1e-06 5e-07 Cu concentration [ppm] 92 5e-07 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 z [m] 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 z [m] Figure 5.2: Comparison between the different solution Figure 5.3: Solution for a constant velocity of 6.88 methods. m/s. channel. The integration of the beam dump released copper yields a total annual corrosion rate of 6.247 g/(m2 · year), diminishing the inner cone thickness a maximum of only 1.12 µm. 5.3 5.3.1 TRACT results Introduction In figure 5.4 a layout of the beam dump cooling circuit is presented. The cooling circuit is spread in three zones, the BD cell, the vault and the heat exchanging room where most of the elements of the system (pump, heat exchanger, valves, purification system, ...) are located forming the so called cooling skid. All the elements in contact with the water are made of stainless steel 304 L and 316 except for the beam dump (see figure 1.14), made of copper. The total length of the circuit is around 85 m. The coolant flow is 30 kg/s with an inlet pressure at the beam dump entrance of 3.5 bar and an inlet temperature of 304 K. Radiation field along the cooling circuit is negligible except on the beam dump itself. In the simulation the cooling circuit has been simplified by removing bends, t pipes and certain valves. A total of 71 isotopes are considered in the calculation including natural isotopes of the cooling circuit materials and the ones produced in the different transmutations. A total period of 90 days is simulated. The initial time step is 1 second so that a good resolution at the beginning of the simulation when the parameters vary faster is obtained. After 5 days the time step is increased to 5 seconds. As steady state is approached time step is further increased to 20 seconds to speed up the simulation. As pH plays a key role in the copper corrosion (see section 2.4), two different simulations have been performed. In the first one a neutral pH of 7 is considered at the entrance of the beam dump, 92 5.3. TRACT results 93 Figure 5.4: Cooling system layout. The abbreviations stand for the different flow (Q), temperature (T), pressure (P), and conductivity (C) sensors. The different valves needed to operate the cooling circuit are also shown. while the second one is run for a pH of 8.5 which is the value chosen for the beam dump cooling system design. In the following sections the results obtained from the simulation of the beam dump cooling circuit with TRACT for the latter mentioned pH values are presented. 5.3.2 Results for pH = 7 The results show that pH values remain almost constant in the whole cooling circuit except in the beam dump. An inlet pH of 7.196 at the beam dump entrance, an outlet one of 6.785 and a min- Max Min 5.24 Corrosion layer (m) 5.238 x 10⁻⁶ 1.590 x 10⁻⁶ Deposition layer (m) 1.993 x 10 ⁻¹³ 1.839 x 10 ⁻¹⁶ 2.0 Dlayer Clayer (x 10⁻¹³) Thickness [m] x (10⁻⁶) imum value of 6.332 at the middle section of the cone are obtained. 2.62 0.0 0 20 40 Length [m] 60 80 0.0 85 Figure 5.5: Corrosion (green) and deposition (blue) layers along the cooling circuit. Figure 5.5 shows the thickness of the corrosion and deposition layers along the circuit. The origin in X axis is placed at the heat exchanger. It can be observed that corrosion mainly takes place in the 93 94 Chapter5. CORROSION beam dump (x between 35 and 40 m). Dissolution rate of the corrosion layer in the stainless steel (1.331 · 10−7 g/(m2 · year)) is several orders of magnitude lower than the one of the copper beam 0.99 Max Min Dissol rate cl 9.885 x 10⁻¹ 1.715 x 10⁻¹ Dissol rate dl 2.846 x 10 ⁻⁹ 4.402 x 10 ⁻¹ ⁰ Drate dl 2.85 Drate cl (x 10⁻⁹) Rate [g/m²year] dump. 0.4 0.44 0.17 0 0.5 1.0 Length [m] 1.5 2.0 2.5 Figure 5.6: Dissolution rate of the corrosion (blue) and deposition (green) layers along the beam dump for a pH of 7. In figure 5.6 the dissolution rates of the corrosion and deposition layers along the beam dump annular cooling channel are shown. Their evolution follows that of the fluid velocity. A maximum corrosion layer dissolution value of 0.9885 g/(m2 · year) is obtained in the middle section of the beam dump. This point corresponds to the maximum velocity and it is one of the hottest points along the annular cooling channel. The mass transferred from the corrosion layer to the flowing fluid depends on the mass transfer coefficient (and hence on velocity), and on the fluid and control isotope densities (and hence temperature). Therefore the results show their consistency with theory. The corroded copper is in the form of a corrosion layer or dissolved in the water. As maximum copper concentration in water is below the solubility limit (4.2 · 10−3 g/m3 ), no copper is found as a deposited layer in the circuit nor in the form of crud particles. Only a small quantity of iron is deposited in the beam dump (see figure 5.5). Figure 5.6 shows that the dissolution rate of such a small Max Min 0.93 0.46 Dissol rate cl 9.270 x 10⁻¹ 0.000 x 10⁰ Dissol rate dl 3.160 x 10 ⁻⁸ 0.000 x 10 ⁰ Drate cl Drate dl 0.0 0 3.16 50 Step 100 150 (x 10⁻⁸) Rate [g/m²year] layer is negligible. 194 0.0 Figure 5.7: Time evolution of the dissolution rate of the corrosion and deposition layers at the mid point of the beam dump for a pH of 7. Figure 5.7 shows the time evolution of the dissolution of the corrosion and deposition layers at the mid point of the beam dump annular cooling channel. The total time of 90 days has been divided in 194 steps. It can be seen that approximately from the 60th simulated day steady state is 94 5.3. TRACT results 95 Dissol rate cl 3.105 x 10⁻¹ 2.438 x 10⁻² Max Min 0.31 Dissol rate dl 1.622 x 10 ⁻10 6.611 x 10 ⁻¹³ (x 10⁻¹⁰) Rate [g/m²year] reached. Drate cl 0.14 0.02 1.63 Drate dl 0 0.5 1.0 Length [m] 1.5 0.0 2.5 2.0 Figure 5.8: Dissolution rate of the corrosion and deposition layers along the beam dump for a pH of 7. The beam dump water return has been simulated assuming it is completely built in copper, this is a conservative assumption because copper is more prone to corrosion than stainless steel 304L. In figure 5.8 the dissolution rate of corrosion and deposition layers is plotted. A maximum dissolution rate value of the corrosion layer (0.3105 g/(m2 · year)) is observed right at the start of the water return, where the temperature and velocity values are maximum. The contribution of the rest of the path in the water return is negligible. 5.3.3 Results for pH = 8.5 In this simulation an inlet pH at the beam dump entrance of 8.546, an outlet of 8.614, and a minimum value of 7.286 at the middle section of the beam dump are obtained. As pointed out in previous sections this is the nominal operational value for the beam dump cooling circuit. In figure 5.9 the thickness of the corrosion and deposition layers are shown. As for the pH 7 case, corrosion and deposition mainly take place in the beam dump being the thickness values very Max Min 5.24 Corrosion layer (m) 5.238 x 10⁻⁶ 1.590 x 10⁻⁶ Deposition layer (m) 1.993 x 10 ⁻¹³ 1.839 x 10 ⁻¹⁶ 2.0 Clayer Dlayer (x 10⁻¹³) Thickness [m] [m] x (10⁻⁶) Thickness similar to the ones obtained in the previous case (see figure 5.5). 2.62 0.0 0 20 40 Length [m] 60 80 Figure 5.9: Corrosion (green) and deposition (blue) layers along the cooling circuit. In figure 5.10 dissolution rates of the corrosion and deposition layers are presented. A maximum corrosion layer dissolution value of 0.01632 g/(m2 · year) is obtained, one order of magnitude lower than the one obtained for the pH 7 case. This result is in agreement with the literature ( [50] and [49]). 95 0.0 85 Chapter5. CORROSION Max Min Dissol rate cl 1.632 x 10⁻² 3.119 x 10⁻⁴ Dissol rate dl 4.702 x 10 ⁻¹¹ 7.978 x 10 ⁻¹ ⁴ 1.64 Drate cl Drate dl 0.47 2.0 0.07 2.5 (x 10⁻¹⁰) Rate [g/m²year] x (10⁻²) 96 0.79 0.03 0 0.5 1.0 Length [m] 1.5 Figure 5.10: Dissolution rate of the corrosion (green) and deposition (blue) layers along the beam dump for a pH of 8.5 The dissolution rate profile along the cartridge is influenced by the same parameters as in figure 5.6 and therefore it has a similar shape. The dissolution rate of the deposition layer is negligible but two 1.45 0.73 0.0 Max Min Dissol rate cl 1.446 x 10⁻² 0.000 x 10⁰ Dissol rate dl 3.654 x 10 ⁻¹¹ 0.000 x 10 ⁰ Drate cl 3.66 Drate dl (x 10⁻¹¹) Rate [g/m²year] x (10⁻²) to three orders of magnitude lower than the obtained for the pH 7 case. 0.0 0 50 Step 100 150 175 Figure 5.11: Time evolution of the dissolution rate of the corrosion and deposition layers at the mid point of the beam dump for a pH of 8.5. The evolution of the corrosion and deposition layers dissolution rate is plotted in figure 5.11 for a point in the middle of the beam dump cooling channel. As for the pH 7 case from the 60th day steady state is reached. The stainless steel corrosion layer dissolution rate has a value of 6.075 · 10−11 g/(m2 · year), four orders of magnitude lower than the one obtained for pH 7. Regarding the beam dump water return, it can be seen in figure 5.12 that the corrosion and deposition layer dissolution rates are much lower than the ones observed in the beam dump annular cooling channel. A maximum dissolution rate value of 8.571 · 10−4 g/(m2 · year) for the corrosion layer is obtained at the return inlet. The maximum value for the deposition layer dissolution rate is also obtained at the return inlet (4.478 · 10−14 g/(m2 · year)). It is once again negligible compared with the corrosion layer dissolution rate. 96 Max Min 8.58 97 Dissol rate cl 8.571 x 10⁻⁴ 6.487 x 10⁻⁵ Dissol rate dl 4.478 x 10 ⁻¹ ⁴ 1.765 x 10 ⁻¹ ⁵ (x 10⁻¹⁴) Rate [g/m²year] x (10⁻⁴) 5.3. TRACT results Drate cl 3.98 0.63 4.48 Drate dl 0.1 0 0.5 1.0 Length [m] 1.5 2.0 2.5 Figure 5.12: Dissolution rate of the corrosion (green) and deposition (blue) layers along the beam dump return for a pH of 8.5. 5.3.4 Conclusions • Corrosion rate for a pH of 7 is nearly two orders of magnitude higher than the one obtained for a pH of 8.5 agreeing with the data presented in [49]. • The obtained dissolution rates assuming the maximum dissolution rate along the whole beam dump annular cooling channel lead to a lost layer of 117 µ m/ year (0.9885 g/(m2 · year)) for the 7.5 pH value, and of 1.9 µ m/year (0.016 g/(m2 · year)) for the 8.5 pH value. • Expected corrosion of the stainless steel components is negligible compared to that of the copper beam dump. • Therefore: 1. The structural integrity of the beam dump is not compromised by water corrosion. 2. The cooling channel width does not change as the thickness of the deposition and lost layers are low, hence the cooling variables (velocity and heat transfer coefficient) are not affected. 3. The chosen water quality pH value of 8.5 is confirmed by the simulations. 4. It is confirmed that the corrosion rate data used to dimension the purification system (50 mg/(m2 · day)) is very conservative. 97 Chapter 6 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES In this chapter experiments to validate the beam dump cooling system design are presented. The obtained results are compared with those derived from the design calculations (chapter 4). 6.1 Introduction. Objectives Two prototypes have been built: 1. A 1:1 BD cartridge made with the same geometry and material as the LIPAc cartridge. This prototype has been employed to perform pressure loss experiments, vibration characterization and test boiling detection with hydrophones. 2. A prototype called PHETEN (Prototype for HEat Transfer ExperimeNt) which has been designed exclusively to measure the heat transfer coefficient. The beam dump cartridge prototype as well as the PHETEN device are installed in a hydraulic circuit which provides a water flow at the nominal conditions required for the beam dump. The main objectives of the experimental studies included in this thesis are the following: N Validate the heat transfer coefficient estimations for the beam dump based on the PetukhovGnielinski correlation. N Measure the pressure loss along the different parts of the circuit. In particular the pressure loss in the beam dump cartridge. The obtained results are detailed in the following sections of this chapter. Besides the experimental installation has also been employed for other studies (out of the scope of this thesis): N Possible vibrations of the prototype since the water is flowing through the cooling channel at a very high velocity (Flow Induced Vibrations) [97]. 99 100 Chapter6. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES N Learn about the best way to control the pressure and flow at the beam dump entrance. N Test hydrophone operation and signals [95]. 6.2 Hydraulic circuit The hydraulic circuit has been designed to provide a flow of water with the conditions required to the prototypes. This circuit has also been intended as a first check for the initial chosen components of the hydraulic circuit to be installed in Japan, like the pump, filters and different valves present in the layout. It has been installed at CIEMAT (building 20). VA: Relief valve VR: Throttle valve P6 P7 T3 H T2 VM: Butterfly valve 6” G PHETEN VM6 VM: Ball valve VM5 P5 F2 NR: Check valve 3” D C Pump VR2 P3 E 6” Beam Dump VM3 P4 3” P Manometer F Flow meter Thermometer Flange T A Filter F 3” B VM4 Purging system Flow-straightener space Bellows 6” Expansion tank P1 P2 F1 T1 VM7 VM2 VM9 VM10 NR VR1 6” VM1 Filling (lowest point) VM8 Emptying (lowest point) Figure 6.1: Layout of the experimental hydraulic circuit. In figure 6.1 the layout of the hydraulic circuit is presented. It consists of four different lines which have a common collector: 1. Pump line: where the pump, the necessary valves and the expansion tank are found. 2. The beam dump line containing the cartridge prototype. In the beam dump entrance a safety valve (set to 4 bar) has been installed to protect it from overpressure. 100 6.2. Hydraulic circuit 101 3. The by-pass line employed for the installation commissioning and flow splitting. In this line a simple wafer valve acts as flow regulator allowing different regimes of operation. Therefore by changing the wafer valve position different flow values can be obtained in the testing section. However the flow can be also regulated by varying the frequency of the pump. This last method has been the one employed in the heat transfer coefficient measurements. 4. The PHETEN line where the heat transfer experiment is performed. Figure 6.2: Hydraulic circuit at Ciemat. The pipes of the second and third lines are 3” diameter while the rest are 6”. All the circuit components are made of stainless steel 304L and 316. In figure 6.2 the assembled and operative hydraulic circuit is shown. Pressure transducers have been installed before and after the beam dump and the PHETEN to measure the pressure loss in both lines. PT-100 temperature transmitters have been installed at the inlet and outlet of PHETEN. A couple of bellows (see figure 6.1) are installed at the entrance and exit of the beam dump cartridge to isolate it mechanically from the rest of the circuit avoiding vibration transmission. To avoid inhomogeneities in the flow at the beam dump entrance, a ball valve (VM3 on figure 6.1) instead of a wafer valve has been installed. The pump is a vertical centrifugal multi stage pump manufactured by GRUNDFOS, model CRN120-2 AFA HQQE of 22 kW. It is controlled through a Danfoss frequency variator installed in the general electrical panel which contains digital information from all the circuit sensors. Several alarms protect the circuit from abnormal situations (overpressure, overheating ...). 101 102 Chapter6. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES A more complete hydraulic circuit layout is presented in figure 6.3, where all the components and electrical connections from the different devices to the control panel are detailed. Figure 6.3: Detailed layout of the hydraulic circuit. 6.3 6.3.1 Pressure loss determination Beam dump prototype It consists of a cartridge with the same geometry, dimensions and material as the LIPAc one. The manufacturing of the inner cone and shroud was done by machining several cone trunks made of very pure copper (CuETP) and joining them by Electron Beam Welding technique (EBW). In this way the manufacturing is faster and cheaper than with the electro deposition technique foreseen for the final cartridge fabrication. The cylinder is made of stainless steel 304 L. Images of the inner cone and the cartridge are shown in figures 6.4 and 6.5. The geometry of the inner cone and shroud was measured in a 3D machine. The prototype cooling channel geometry differs slightly from the theoretical one due to: • Deviations in the geometry of the manufactured cones. • Errors in the relative position of both cones produced during the assembly. 102 6.3. Pressure loss determination 103 Figure 6.4: 1:1 beam dump inner cone and tip prototypes. Figure 6.5: 1:1 beam dump cartridge prototype. The cooling channel thickness was measured in the assembled cartridge at different azimuthal and axial positions. These measurements were done through holes drilled on the shroud which were subsequently closed with little Cu screws fixed with glue. The position that showed a greatest deviation (0.65 mm) in channel thickness was around z = 2 m. A CFD simulation of the flow in the annular cooling channel taking into account the observed deviations was performed showing a small influence on the water flow (see section Although the influence of the observed deviations on cooling seemed to be small, the final beam dump which will be subjected to high thermal stresses requires stricter tolerances. Tolerances expected in the final cartridge manufactured by electro deposition (EDP) are foreseen to be much smaller. It could also be manufactured using the EBW technique like the prototype, but it would require some intermediate steps of machining to reduce the geometrical deviations to acceptable values. 103 104 6.3.2 Chapter6. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES Pressure loss The water pressure loss caused by its passage through the beam dump cartridge has been measured at different flow rates. This experiment employs the AB, EF and CD sections of the hydraulic circuit (see figure 6.1). Initially the pump is started and gradually reaches the nominal flow of 108 m3 /h. In this start-up phase the water flows through the bypass (section CD) so that correct operation of the hydraulic circuit is verified. Once nominal flow has been reached, section CD is gradually closed while section EF is opened employing VM3 valve. The experiment is performed at different flow rates by controlling the aperture of VR2 valve in the bypass. 140 Beam dump flow(Qbd) F2 flow measurement (bypass) F1 flow measurement (pump) 120 Q [m3/h] 100 80 60 40 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Qbd percentage compared with nominal flow [%] Figure 6.6: Flow variation during pressure loss experiment. Figure 6.6 represents the different flow rates employed. The flow through the beam dump prototype is obtained by subtracting the flow F2 through the bypass from the flow F1 at the pump outlet. In the experiment pressure loss is measured by means of two manometers (see figure 6.7 where the red arrows are pointing towards them). The first one is placed 2.07 m upstream the beam dump entrance, while the second one is placed 0.95 m downstream the entrance. Between the two manometers the elements that contribute to the overall pressure loss are the following: • Two 90o elbows. • One bellow with a lent of 0.17 m. • 2.85 m of 3” diameter stainless steel straight pipe. • A safety valve. 104 6.3. Pressure loss determination 105 Figure 6.7: Position of the manometers in the hydraulic circuit. Hence the measured pressure loss includes not only the beam dump cartridge pressure loss but also the one introduced by the other elements placed between the two manometers. The beam dump theoretical pressure loss has been calculated as explained in sections 2.1.3 and 3.1. The pressure loss introduced by the straight pipe section is evaluated by means of the Darcy-Weisbach expression (see equation 2.18). In this case the friction parameter is obtained employing the Haaland formula [98] (see equation 6.1). The bellow is assumed as part of the 3” stainless steel pipe hence considering 3.02 m of straight pipe with a rugosity of 0.09 mm. The two 90o elbows and the safety valve are considered as local pressure losses with local pressure coefficients (K) of 0.165 and 0.75 respectively. " 1.11 # 1 6.9 ε/D √ = −1.8 log + Re 3.7 f Qbd [m3 /h] 13.13 26.81 51.33 81.67 107.9 Pin [bar] 3.55 3.57 3.57 3.51 3.56 Pout [bar] 3.55 3.50 3.24 2.65 2.06 Uncertainty [bar] 0.00 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.16 (6.1) ∆P [bar] 0.00 0.07 0.33 0.86 1.5 Table 6.1: Pressure loss experimental data. Table 6.1 shows the inlet, outlet pressure and manometer uncertainty obtained for the different 105 106 Chapter6. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES flows. Figure 6.8 compares the experimental values with the calculated ones considering the beam dump cartridge pressure loss (see section 4.2.5) and the pressure loss of the elements between the two manometers. Each measurement is accompanied by its experimental uncertainty represented as an error bar. As the instrumental error was lower than the oscillations observed in the manometers, the latter value was taken for the error propagation analysis. The uncertainty shown in table 6.1 is the sum of the oscillations measured for the inlet and outlet pressure values. 1.8 Theoretical pressure loss Experimental pressure loss 1.6 1.4 P [bar] 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 3 70 80 90 100 110 Q[m /h] Figure 6.8: Pressure loss experimental results. It is seen that theoretical and experimental values are in good accordance. For the highest flow a difference of 0.12 bar between the experimental and theoretical values is found. This is the highest difference found in the experiment, nevertheless it lays in between the measurement uncertainty as seen in figure 6.8. The discrepancy between calculated and experimental values can be explained by the uncertainty in the local pressure loss coefficients (K) and by the different welding and plugs of the EBW manufactured beam dump (see section 6.3.1) which can not be modelled accurately with the CHICA code. 6.4 Film transfer coefficient measurement 6.4.1 PHETEN prototype Description A prototype to test the beam dump heat transfer coefficient value has been designed. This prototype with a total length of 1.2 m reproduces the geometry of a 131 mm long beam dump annular cooling channel slice (corresponding to z = 1.135 m up to z = 1.266 m measured from the tip). All 106 6.4. Film transfer coefficient measurement 107 the parameters correspond to those of the beam dump (cooling channel diameter and thickness, conical geometry with a slope of 3.43o , rugosity set to N9 which means a roughness of 6.3 µm). The material employed in its fabrication is stainless steel 304L with a thermal conductivity of 14.6 W/mK at 20 o C [99]. This material has been used instead of copper because: II I III IV Flange 2 Flange 1 R UG O S IDAD PROYECCION EUROPEA 0 DE 30 6 315 120 6 30 120 315 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 A 1000 Antigua 1000 Nueva N12 N9 N6 6,30 0,60 N3 0.50 0.30 Ra (um) 50 0,10 Cotas a comprobar especialmente MATERIAL Letra ESCALA MODIFICACION Fecha Nº de piezas Firma Hoja Nº PHETEN FECHA NOMBRE Proyectado OCT. 2010 A.GABRIEL Dibujado NOV. 2010 A.GABRIEL (PROTOTIPO BD-IFMIF) Sustituye a: Sustituido por: Verificado Figure 6.9: PHETEN prototype scheme. • Stainless steel diffusivity is more appropriate for a transient experiment to determine the heat transfer coefficient, and at the time of the prototype manufacturing, this was the planned method to measure the HTC (although finally discarded due to the difficulty in generating a transient with the required time scale (see section 2.5)). • The key factors affecting the heat transfer coefficient are the cooling channel geometry and the material rugosity, hence employing copper or stainless steel does not make any difference. • Stainless steel is cheaper and easier to machine than copper. 107 108 Chapter6. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES Figure 6.10: PHETEN prototype flanges. Figure 6.11: PHETEN prototype partially assembled (left) and mounted in the hydraulic circuit (right). In figure 6.9 the PHETEN prototype can be seen. It is divided in four parts: • Section I corresponds to the PHETEN entrance, it consists of a 316 mm long cylindrical pipe with a cone in its interior designed to accommodate the flow from a circular channel into an annular one (left image in figure 6.11). • Section II is a 600 mm straight section. The outer cylinder diameter is 168 mm with a thickness of 5 mm, conforming together with the inner cylinder an annular cooling channel of 8.05 mm width. The inner cylinder is also 5 mm thick and has an outer diameter of 142 mm. • Section III is the film transfer coefficient testing section. It has identical dimensions as Section II. The heating element is embraced around the cylindrical section, where thermocouples will be introduced in drills performed at different depths in the PHETEN surface to measure temperature. • Section IV is the 131 mm conical section where it was initially planned to perform the film transfer coefficient measurement. 108 6.4. Film transfer coefficient measurement 109 N6 Ø N9 4 20 Ø Aperture Ø 18 3 10 M12 0 15 Ø Ø285 14 Ø Ø80 + 0.15 -0 75 ° .) ld ta Ø122 0 (1 Ø165 11 Ø165 Ø Ø260 10 36° .) ld ta 45° 2 (1 141,5 5 8, 8 1 0. + 0 - 6.5 Rib 20 3.9 ± 0.2 7.5° N6 DETALLE DE CAJEROS ( ) RUGOSIDAD PROYECCION EUROPEA DE 0 6 30 A 6 30 120 315 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 315 120 1000 Antigua 1000 Nueva 0.30 N12 N9 N6 N3 6,30 0,60 0,10 0.50 Ra (um) 50 Cotas a comprobar especialmente RELACION DE JUNTAS TORICAS ( EPIDOR ) MATERIAL Letra ESCALA Codigo.- 305.886 ( Ø.122x5 ) 2 piezas Nº de piezas Fecha MODIFICACION BRIDA LADO DISTRIBUIDOR Firma Hoja Nº PHETEN Codigo.- 346.209 ( Ø.165x5 ) 2 piezas FECHA NOMBRE Proyectado OCT. 2010 A.GABRIEL Dibujado NOV. 2010 A.GABRIEL Sustituye a: Sustituido por: Verificado Figure 6.12: PHETEN entrance flange. The design includes two flanges (see figures 6.9 to 6.12), one at the entrance and the other one at the exit of the annular cooling channel. They are necessary to hold in place the inner and outer cylinders. As shown in figure 6.12 the entrance flange has four apertures to allow the water passage. The flange design tries to minimize the flow perturbation by maximizing the flange apertures for the water flow, hence minimizing the rib size (space between the flange apertures). 3D simulation A CFX simulation to study the influence of the two flanges on the flow has been performed. The flow perturbation produced by the PHETEN flanges can affect the wall temperature measurement in the heat transfer coefficient experiment creating flow areas with different velocities and therefore different film transfer coefficients. The whole PHETEN geometry has been modelled. A size element of 2 mm was chosen so that the six inflation layers with a first layer thickness of 5 · 10−5 m, could perfectly fit in the 8 mm width annular cooling channel. SST turbulence model has been employed in the simulation with a steady temperature of 298 K, an inlet velocity of 1.53 m/s and an outlet pressure of 1.4 bar as boundary conditions. A length of 700 mm downwards the exit of the second flange has been included in the model so that no flow return through the outlet boundary occurred. The simulation shows that the perturbation originated by the PHETEN entrance flange creates 109 110 Chapter6. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES Figure 6.13: Velocity profile in the testing section (zm ) plane. flow sections with different velocities. In figure 6.13 such behaviour can be observed at the section (zm ) where the film transfer coefficient experiment is carried out. There is a 1.744 m/s difference between the affected and non affected areas. Hence the temperature measurement in the heat transfer coefficient experiment must be performed in the space in between the flange’s ribs. Figure 6.14: Vector lines at the PHETEN entrance flange. The vector lines around the entrance flange rib are seen in figure 6.14. It can be observed that 110 6.4. Film transfer coefficient measurement 111 the water flow impinges on the ribs and works it way around them accelerating the flow as a consequence of the transversal flowing area decrease. The rib creates a downstream area where reverse flow with a maximum velocity around 2.9 m/s is found, leaving areas downstream the rib with no cooling. Figure 6.15: Streamlines downstream the PHETEN outlet flange. In figure 6.15 the streamlines as water exits the flange into the 6” pipe are plotted. The flow perturbation can be observed including different velocity areas and reverse flow streamlines. Such flow pattern is caused by the combination of a sudden change of the water flowing section, together with the effect of the flange on the flow. In conclusion, the ribs present in the flange perturb the water flow creating a non uniform velocity profile. The perturbation diminishes with flowing distance but inhomogeneities still remain at the measuring section. Therefore the measurement to determine the heat transfer coefficient will be performed in the non disturbed area between the ribs. 6.4.2 Experimental setup Film transfer experimental determination As it was explained in section 2.5, the procedure finally chosen for the heat transfer coefficient determination is directly measuring the temperature difference between the fluid (Tb ) and the material at the fluid interface (Tsb ). Instead of heating the inner surface of the annular channel as it happens in the beam dump, it is the outer surface of PHETEN the one that is heated (see figure 6.16). The temperatures at different radial positions are measured by means of thermocouples. If the heat flux is known, then applying Newton’s equation the film transfer coefficient can be obtained 111 112 Chapter6. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES (see equation 6.2). h= q/A (Tsb − Tb ) (6.2) Band heater Band heater Tout Flowing water Tb Tmed Tin Tsb Outer cylinder Inner cylinder Flowing water Band heater Figure 6.16: Schematic layout of the PHETEN heat transfer coefficient experiment assembly. Needed data are the following: • Heat flux (q/A). • Tsb , the surface temperature in contact with the coolant. • Tb , the bulk temperature. In this experiment only the AB section of the hydraulic circuit is opened. The pump is started so that water starts flowing through the prototype. Once it has reached the requested flow, the heater is turned on until steady state is obtained. Heating means First step was finding an appropriate heating element that provided enough heating power to cause a measurable temperature variation in the PHETEN testing section. A mineral insulated band heater from Watlow manufacturer was chosen. The band heater has an internal diameter of 165 mm and a width of 38 mm (effective heating width of 36.5 mm), delivering according to the manufacturer data a maximum power of 1250 W (V = 240 V, R = 46 Ω), and thus a maximum average power density 112 6.4. Film transfer coefficient measurement 113 of 7.3 W/cm2 . No commercial band heater could be adapted to the conical test section. Therefore it was decided to perform the experiment in the cylindrical section prior to the conical one (section III). The band heater is mounted in the middle of this section and insulated with fibreglass wool so that the maximum amount of heat is transferred to the cooling water. Assuming an average fibreglass wool conductivity of 0.034 W/mK and a thickness of 10 mm around the band heater, a thermal resistance of 13.85 K/W is obtained. This value is much higher than the 0.019 K/W of the total thermal resistance between the fluid at nominal flow and the outer surface of PHETEN. Hence most of the heat delivered by the band heater will be conducted to the flowing water. The heater consists of two resistances internally assembled at each half of the cylindrical heater, that deliver the heat by means of Joule effect. In figure 6.17 a picture of the employed band heater is shown. The four prominent bolts seen in the picture are the terminals of each resistance (positive and negative). In the space left between the two resistances one bolt is used to adjust the collar around PHETEN. Figure 6.17: Band heater. The band heater power density was studied in order to check if it was heating in an uniform way. It was concluded that the heater delivers the maximum power in a large central area of each of the two resistances away from their ends. Hence the band heater position in the final setup is such that temperature measurements are performed in this central area named Position I. The experimental procedure followed to measure the power density shape and the obtained results are presented in Appendix D. Instrumentation Thermocouple operation is based on the Seebeck electromotive force, which is the internal electrical potential difference between the terminals of any electrical conductor subjected to a temperature gradient [100]. The thermocouple consists of two dissimilar conductors which have a pre113 114 Chapter6. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES dictable and repeatable relationship between temperature and voltage. The two conductors are welded at the so called hot or measuring junction, and at the other side their terminals (cold or reference junction) are open so that they can be connected to extension wires, electrical measuring equipment or other configurations depending on the experimental setup (see figure 6.18). The voltage difference between the two conductors is a function of the temperature difference between the hot and the cold junctions. If a precise absolute value of temperature is required, the equivalent voltage of cold junction temperature has to be calculated to correct the output voltage obtained. The estimation of the cold junction temperature is the main source of errors in thermocouple temperature measurements (see [101] and [102]). Type T Thermocouple Copper wire Reference junction Hot junction Constantan wire (Cu-Ni) Figure 6.18: Type T thermocouple sketch. Initially the experiments were performed with type K (chromel-alumel) thermocouples because they are the most common for general temperature measurement purposes. However it was later seen that type K thermocouple measuring range was too large for our purposes while type T (copperconstantan) range fitted much better our needs. Besides theoretical tolerance obtained in absolute temperature measurements for class 1 type K thermocouples is ± 1.5 o C, while for class 1 type T is ± 0.5 o C. When it was finally decided that thermocouples would be in contact with water, as type K voltage signal could be influenced by the cable vibration (see [103]), it was decided to change all thermocouples to type T class 1. The ten type T thermocouples to be employed in the heat transfer coefficient experiment were calibrated following the procedure shown in Appendix A. However these calibrations were finally dismissed because they contained errors due to difficulties with the temperature control and uni114 6.4. Film transfer coefficient measurement 115 120 Standard calibration curve y(x) 100 T [oC] 80 60 40 20 0 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 V [mV] Figure 6.19: Standard type T calibration curve. formity inside the oven. Instead the type T thermocouple calibration defined by the IEC 60584-1 standard [104] has been the one employed. This standard given by the National Physics Laboratory (NPL) of the United Kingdom contains the reference tables of thermocouple electromotive force versus temperature for a reference junction temperature of 0 o C. The polynomial functions given in such standard have been employed in this thesis to convert the output voltage into temperature results. In figure 6.19 the standard calibration curve for type T thermocouples is shown. The following recommendations from [100] have been followed in the thermocouple installation: • Use the simplest possible installation to avoid perturbation errors. • Bring the thermocouple wires away from the junction along an isotherm for at least 20 wire diameters to reduce conduction errors. The use of thermocouple materials with low thermal conductivity will also reduce this error. • Locate the measuring junction as close to the surface as possible. • Design the installation so that it causes a minimum disturbance on the fluid flow to avoid changes in convective heat transfer. Temperatures measured by thermocouples are processed with the Keithley 2000 model multimeter ( [105]). This device is connected by a GPIB port to a personal computer, where a LabVIEW code [106] records the output voltage signals that are later employed in the heat transfer coefficient calculation. 115 116 Chapter6. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES Figure 6.20: Keithley 2000 data acquisition device. 6.4.3 Preliminary measurements Introduction The determination of the needed parameters to measure the heat transfer coefficient, especially Tsb , turned out to be quite tricky. Many trial and error experiments were done with different configurations before arriving to the best setup. All these tests are briefly described in this chapter in a chronological way. For the shake of clarity the different tests are described in the Annexes A to D, and here only a summary is presented together with the main lessons learned from them. First attempts. Measurement of temperature inside the wall In a first series of tests the plan was determining the temperature at the water-material interface extrapolating it from the measurement of the temperature inside the wall. The bulk temperature (Tb ) was registered by a type K thermocouple, placed at the inlet of the PHETEN. The water-material temperature (Tsb ) was measured indirectly employing a 1 mm diameter, type K mineral insulated thermocouple, placed inside a 4 mm deep, 1 mm diameter drill machined on the stainless steel (Tin in figure 6.16). Two more type K thermocouples were employed, the first one to monitor the band heater temperature so that 350 o C are not exceeded, and the second one to measure the outer surface temperature (Ts ), in the space between the band heater and the PHETEN at the same axial coordinate as Tsb . Knowing the outer temperature Ts and the temperature 1 mm away from the water-material interface Tin , Tsb can be extrapolated. The experiments were repeated several times obtaining always too high values for the surface and the water-material temperatures. It was planned to use the temperature difference between Ts and Tin to obtain an experimental value of the amount of heat delivered by the band heater to the 116 6.4. Film transfer coefficient measurement 117 PHETEN. The theoretical temperature difference should be 19.95 K. However experiments showed temperature differences in some cases over a hundred degrees. The first guess was that heat was being transferred from the heater to the thermocouple through the air trapped in between the band heater and the testing section. It was also seen that the presence of the thermocouple wires between the heater and the PHETEN was reducing the thermal contact. Therefore to obtain a better adjustment of the heater to the surface, the thermocouple diameter was reduced down to 0.5 mm. No improvement was obtained, so a stainless steel 304 L sleeve around the thermocouple measuring Tin was installed. In such way the thermocouple-stainless steel sleeve set perfectly fitted the drill without leaving air gaps. The Tin measurement showed a decrease of around 15 K. The wall temperature measurements were not credible even after all the improvements performed in the setup, and hence different alternatives were tried. As these problems came from the fact of having the heating element on top of the thermocouples, measuring in the small azimuthal space left between the two resistances was also tried. The Tin values obtained were lower in this case but still incorrect. A thermal simulation with ANSYS was performed trying to explain the experimental results. In figure 6.21 the temperature distribution in the space between the two parts of the band heater is shown. The temperature footprint resembles that of the deposited power showing that the temperature measurements taken in the space left between the resistances are not adequate to estimate the heat transfer coefficient. The reason is that the heat transfer in this region is mainly 1D. Temperature [ºC] Figure 6.21: Thermal simulation of the band heater for a water heat transfer coefficient of 25000 W/m2 K. 117 118 Chapter6. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES Tests were performed on a pipe (without water) to learn about the problems encountered measuring the wall temperatures and to find the best way to solve them. They are described in Appendix B. The conclusions drawn from these tests were the following: • The thermocouple in contact with the band heater does not provide a credible surface temperature measurement (Ts ) because it is affected by the heater. Therefore this thermocouple will be suppressed. • The temperature measurement in the wall with the 0.5 mm thermocouples improved significantly by using a 0.9 mm 304L stainless steel sleeve around them. • The measurement improved even more by employing a thermal compound to fill any air space between the PHETEN and the thermocouples. • It was decided to back up the Tin thermocouple with a thermocouple placed in contact with the flowing water. After the tests performed on a pipe, modifications to the initial experimental setup were made in the PHETEN. Three 1 mm diameter perpendicular drills were made. The depth of these drills was 2, 3 and 4 mm, corresponding to Tout , Tmed and Tin respectively (see figure 6.16) starting from the outer surface of PHETEN. The thermocouples located in these drills were embedded in a 0.9 mm stainless steel sleeve. Besides, the possible hollow space between sleeve, drill and thermocouple was filled with Junpus DX1 thermal paste, with a thermal conductivity of 16 W/mK, close to that of stainless steel 304L. As it is explained in Appendix C, the improved experimental setup configuration did not solve the mentioned problems: • The obtained wall temperature values were still too high despite the stainless steel sleeve and the thermal paste. • The presence of the wall thermocouples under the band heater provokes a poor adjustment between the heater and the outer surface of PHETEN. As a consequence a lower heat flux is transferred and its profile shows asymmetries in the azimuthal direction. Direct measurement of temperature at the water interface Two through holes were drilled on the PHETEN surface to pass two type T 0.2 mm diameter thermocouples and measure the water-material temperature. The holes were drilled away from the band heater position, see scheme in figure 6.16, so that the heater can be properly adjusted to the outer surface of PHETEN. Guaranteeing an excellent thermal contact between the thermocouple and the inner surface of PHETEN is essential in this experiment. The results of these experiments are presented in Appendix C.B. The two thermocouples were initially fixed to the inner surface of PHETEN by means of Araldit and duct tape. Araldit had a double function: • Fixing the thermocouple to the inner wall. • Isolating the thermocouple from the water flow, so that it measured the inner surface temperature instead of the water temperature. 118 6.4. Film transfer coefficient measurement 119 Thermocouples were also isolated with a 0.2 mm copper conducting tape. In general temperatures at the interface were very close to that of the water. It was observed that the use of tapes covering the thermocouples modified the local heat flux giving higher wall temperatures. Figure 6.22: Flat plate with thermocouples welded on it. It was then decided to improve the thermal contact between the water-material thermocouples and the inner surface of the PHETEN replacing the Araldit and duct tape by a weld joint. An Omega TL-WELD thermocouple and fine wire welder was employed for the spot welding of the 0.2 mm type T thermocouples. The welding process turned out to be extremely complicated due to the thermocouple wire diameter, its composition of pure copper in one of the terminals and Constantan (Cu-Ni) in the other, and due to the position of the joint on the inner surface of the PHETEN outer cylinder. In the first attempts the welded thermocouples gave temperature measurements which were too low, denoting a bad thermal contact. Therefore different welding techniques were tried using thicker thermocouples (0.5 mm diameter) in order to facilitate the welding process. Welding tests were performed on a 304L stainless steel flat plate to learn about the best technique to be applied to the PHETEN. Thermocouples were welded employing two different welding machines, a commercial one (the previously mentioned Omega TL-WELD) and a taylor made one at Ciemat. In figure 6.22 an example of the different configurations tested on the flat plate is shown. To check the quality of the thermal contact, the plate with the welded thermocouples on it was immersed in a controlled temperature cask, where the flat plate was heated, then taken out, and the temperature evolution measured by the thermocouples compared. 119 120 Chapter6. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES The thermocouples welded on the plate were covered with Araldit, copper tape, and duct tape. It was also decided to try welding each wire separately so that the two welding points could be handled separately, using the right potential for each wire, therefore obtaining a more reliable contact point with the PHETEN inner surface [100]. Appendix C.A includes a summary of the most relevant results. T2 T3 T4 T1 Band heater Outer cylinder Inner cylinder Annular channel Figure 6.23: Cross sectional view of the PHETEN experimental setup. From this testing the following conclusions were obtained: • The 0.5 mm thermocouples were much easier to weld than its predecessors (0.2 mm). The joint was more rigid and robust. • Temperature measurements with thermocouples welded in different ways gave the same results giving us confidence on the welding technique employed. • Covering the thermocouple tip with an insulating element delayed the thermocouple response. After all this testing and preparation, a new setup with four 0.5 mm thermocouples welded to the inner surface of PHETEN was prepared. The commercial welding machine was employed because of the better voltage control in the spot welding process. Three of the thermocouples were to be welded on the inner surface of PHETEN (T1, T2 and T4), while T3 was welded in a small indentation on this surface of approximately 0.5 mm depth (see figure 6.24) and utterly covered with cold welding paste Pattex, Nural 21 (k = 0.17 W/m · K). Initially thermocouples T1 and T2 were covered with Araldit, and T4 was covered with a copper tape (see 120 6.4. Film transfer coefficient measurement T4 121 T3 T2 T1 Figure 6.24: Thermocouples welded to the PHETEN inner wall (copper tape). figure 6.24). While testing the thermocouples, it was seen that the copper tape in contact with the two thermocouple bare wires was modifying the output voltage signal. The reason was that the electrically conducting tape was modifying the thermocouple electric circuit closing it where the copper duct was placed. Therefore the output voltage was not representative of the real temperature on the PHETEN inner wall, and it was decided to remove the copper tape and employ duct tape as it was made in prior experiments (see figure 6.25). In Appendix C.B.2 the results of the experiments performed with T1 and T2 covered with Araldit, T3 embedded in the PHETEN wall and partially coated by a thin Araldit layer, and T4 covered with duct tape, together with the experiments performed removing the Araldit layer from all thermocouples except for T1 are presented. The experiments were performed with and without the wall thermocouples mounted. The conclusions obtained from both sets of experiments are the following: • The wall thermocouples definitely cause a temperature anisotropy due to the poor contact of the band heater in the regions close to the thermocouples. Therefore they can not be employed in the final experimental setup. • Comparing the results with and without Araldit, it is seen that its presence is perturbing the heat transmission in the thermocouple area obtaining higher temperature values than ex121 122 Chapter6. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES T4 T3 T2 T1 Figure 6.25: Thermocouples welded to the PHETEN inner wall (duct tape). pected. Hence Araldit was removed from T2, T3 and T4 and in the setup to be employed in the final campaign. • The thermocouple weldings are now trustworthy. Their signals react in the expected way and there is reproducibility in the obtained data. T2 and T4 are welded identically and under the same boundary conditions reaching the same temperature values (see figure C.11). Conclusions. Lessons learned The conclusions from the temperature measurements inside the PHETEN wall are the following: • The chosen setup is not correct because placing the thermocouples radially beneath the band heater, despite their small diameter (0.5 mm), affects the heat delivered to the PHETEN outer surface. • The temperature measurement is not correct either because: 7 More importantly the thermocouples give higher temperatures than those expected. Installing the stainless steel sleeve and the thermal paste increases the thermal contact but still does not turn the thermocouple into a part of the piece. 7 The reason for this is that the heat transferred from the band heater towards the outer surface of PHETEN is also transferred partially by the copper constantan thermocouple wires. 122 6.4. Film transfer coefficient measurement 123 • As a consequence the temperature measurement performed in this way does not represent the real unperturbed wall temperature. If oblique drills had been performed on the PHETEN surface these problems would have been partially solved. From the temperature measurements at the material-water interface it was concluded that: • Measuring the true material temperature at the surface in contact with water instead of a value in between the one of the water and the one of the material is a difficult task. The thermocouple must be in close contact with the metal barely jutting out its surface. In this way the heat transfer in the thermocouple area is exactly the same as it would be in any other part of the metal surface. • Covering the thermocouple tip so that it does not see the flowing water is not a good idea. Although it guarantees that the thermocouple reaches the metal temperature, the thermal impedance added by the covering layer (Araldit, duct or copper tape) disturbs the heat transfer in the vicinity increasing the temperature and hence making such measurement not representative. • In order to obtain a strong joint between the thermocouple and the metal wall, the following is required: 7 Thick thermocouple (> 0.5mm). 7 Good quality welding. 7 The best option is welding each thermocouple wire separately. In such way the welding size is minimized. Other important lessons learned are the following: • Spurious joints between the thermocouple wires must be avoided because if so happens the thermocouple would be measuring the temperature of the faulty union. Therefore it must be guaranteed that the bare thermocouple wires are not in contact between them or with the stainless steel wall except at the measurement point. • The band heater must be perfectly fitted to the outer surface of PHETEN. No elements can be between the heater and such surface (not even the 0.5 mm thermocouples). To ensure a better contact the band heater must be adjusted while heated to compensate the heater thermal expansion. 6.4.4 Final measurements. Results of HTC measurements After all the trials described in the previous sections and Annexes, the experimental setup used in the final measurements is: • Thermocouples at the surface in contact with water: 7 T1 covered with Araldit. 123 124 Chapter6. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES 7 T2 and T4 uncovered and in direct contact with the flowing water. 7 T3 welded at approximately 0.5 mm from the inner surface of the PHETEN outer cylinder and covered with cold welding paste. • T5 measuring the water temperature. The heater was placed at an azimuthal position such that the thermocouples (T1 to T4) are located in the middle section of one of the resistances (see figure 6.26). Figure 6.26: Heat transfer coefficient experimental setup. The experiment was performed applying a voltage of 256.2 V. The resistance was measured during the experiment with a multimeter giving a value of 46.5 Ω. Therefore a power of 1411.5 W was delivered to the outside surface of PHETEN corresponding to a heat density of 73623 W/m2 . This value is corrected accounting for the cylindrical geometry of PHETEN, obtaining a heat flux value at the water interface of 78306 W/m2 . 1 The experiment was performed for three different water flows starting with 108 m3 /h until steady state is reached, reducing then the flow to 60 m3 /h and ultimately to the lowest one of 25 m3 /h. The circuit is pressurized up to 2.3 bar at the PHETEN inlet for the 108 m3 /h flow to reproduce a similar condition to the one encountered in the beam dump. In figure 6.27, T2, T4 and T5 temperature profiles for different water flows are presented. This temperature profiles are corrected in two ways: 1. As raw millivolt data without cold junction temperature compensation is obtained from the Keithley data acquisition system, the temperatures are corrected with the ambient temperature. In this case the correction is made with 22.6 o C. 2. As a consequence of the temperature gradient in the Keithley device, the different channels (cold junctions) are at slightly different temperatures. Hence initial values of T2, T4 and T5 are slightly different. All temperatures have been corrected by a constant shift in such a way that 1 The voltage and resistance values are slightly higher than the ones given by the manufacturer cited in section 124 6.4. Film transfer coefficient measurement 125 T2 T4 T5 36 25 m3/h 34 60 m3/h T [oC] 32 108 m3/h 30 28 26 24 22 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Steps (x 15 seconds) Figure 6.27: T2, T4 and T5 temperature profiles. at the beginning of the experiment, before the heater is connected and the pump started, their values are equal to that of T5. The correction needed has a value of 0.47655 o C for T2 and a value of 0.36408 o C for T4. Flow [m3 /h] 25 60 108 ∆Ttheo [o C] 8.95 4.11 2.41 ∆T2exp [o C] 6.49 3.82 2.57 ∆T4exp [o C] 6.08 3.21 2.41 Table 6.2: Theoretical and experimental temperature difference values. The water temperature increases during the experiment due to the heating produced by the pump rotation (see figure 6.27). The slope decreases as the water flow is reduced due to the lower friction caused by the pump (the vertical lines in figure 6.27 show the water flow change). With respect to the heat dissipated from the band heater, a few minutes after changing the water flow rate steady state is obtained. This can be seen in figures 6.27 and 6.28 which show that the temperature difference between T2-T4 and T5 remains constant. Although T2 and T4 slightly differ in the temperature measurement (for the 108 m3 /h case, the temperature difference between T2 and T4 is around 0.15 o C, while for the 60 m3 /h and the 25 m3 /h cases the differences are between 0.4 o C and 0.6 o C), both of them are close to the theoretical values obtained using Petukhov-Gnielinski correlation (see table 6.2), especially in the 108 m3 /h and 60 m3 /h cases. Table 6.3 shows the experimental heat transfer coefficients derived from T2 (hT 2 ) and T4 (hT 4 ), together with the theoretical Petukhov-Gnielinski and Petukhov-Roizen HTC. 125 126 Chapter6. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES Flow [m3 /h] 25 60 108 hT 2 [W/m2o C] 12061 20488 30467 hT 4 [W/m2 K] 13508 24379 32537 hgni [W/m2 K] 8745 19041 32482 hroiz [W/m2 K] 7546 16651 28405 Table 6.3: Theoretical and experimental HTC values. T4 - T5 T2 - T5 8 25 m3/h ∆T [oC] 6 60 m3/h 4 108 m3/h 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Steps (x 15 seconds) Figure 6.28: Temperature difference between inner surface and water. Regarding the equipment calibration, the uncertainty in the measurement of all the equipment employed has been taken into account except for the Keithley 2000 multimeter, whose uncertainty is so low (0.001 K see [105]) that it is out of the measurement range. The Fluke 177 multimeter employed to measure the voltage and band heater resistance, hence the heating power, has an uncertainty in the AC voltage measurement of 2 %, and an uncertainty in the resistance measurement of 0.9 %. The type T thermocouples have an uncertainty in the absolute temperature measurement of 0.5 K in our range of temperatures. This is caused as explained in, by the difficulty in measuring an absolute temperature value at the cold junction. In our case raw millivoltage data with a cold junction temperature of 0 o C is employed, so no correction is needed. This can be done because no absolute temperature values are required for the HTC determination. Therefore an uncertainty of ± 0.1 K, which is the polynomial fit uncertainty given by the National Physics Laboratory (NPL) [104] is employed. In the area calculation needed to obtain the heat flux value an uncertainty in the lineal dimensions of PHETEN of ± 0.5 mm is employed, which is the typical average dimensional tolerance for a machined piece of these dimensions. An error propagation study of the heat transfer coefficient indirect measurement is performed taking into account all the previously mentioned measurement errors. In this case only the system126 6.4. Film transfer coefficient measurement 127 atic errors due to the equipment uncertainty are considered because they are much higher than the random ones. The variables measured in this experiment are considered part of a stochastic process, that is random and independent. Therefore the error associated can be calculated as a sum of the different quadratic errors. Considering the heat transfer coefficient as a function of the heat flux (q” ), the water temperature (Tb ) and the surface temperature (Tsb ): s δh = ∂h ” δq ∂q ” 2 + ∂h δTb ∂Tb 2 + ∂h δTsb ∂Tsb 2 (6.3) The heat flux is an indirect measurement, hence its uncertainty is calculated in the same way as that of the heat transfer coefficient. The ones considered in the heat flux uncertainty calculation are the voltage, the electric resistance of the heater and the fabrication dimensional tolerances of the PHETEN piece and the band heater. Theoretical HTC Experimental HTC based on T2 Experimental HTC based on T4 35000 h [W/oC m2] 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 20 40 60 80 100 120 3 Flow [m /h] Figure 6.29: Experimental and theoretical heat transfer coefficients with their associated uncertainty. In figure 6.29 the experimental and Petukhov-Gnielinski theoretical heat transfer coefficient results with their respective uncertainties are plotted. It is seen that the heat transfer coefficients calculated with T4 thermocouple are slightly higher than those obtained from T2. The difference between the experimental value of the HTC and that obtained with the Petukhov-Gnielinski correlation is smaller than 10%. The theoretical and experimental values for the heat transfer coefficient along with the obtained uncertainty from the error propagation analysis are summarized in table 6.4. 127 128 Chapter6. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES Flow [m3 /h] 25 60 108 htheo 8745 19041 32482 hT 2 12061 20488 30467 hT 4 13508 24379 32537 δhtheo 525 1142 1949 δhT 2 572 1149 2111 δhT 4 658 1485 2352 Table 6.4: Heat transfer coefficient values and their associated uncertainty. Conclusions 7 The heat transfer coefficient has been successfully determined for different flows. 7 For flows lower than the nominal one, the obtained values of the HTC are up to 25 % higher than the Petukhov-Gnielinski ones. 7 The values obtained at the nominal conditions differ from those considered in the beam dump and its cooling system design (based on Petukhov-Gnielinski correlation) by less than 10 %. 128 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK The main objective of this thesis which was designing a cooling circuit for the LIPAc beam dump has been accomplished. The main parameters obtained from this work are the following: • Variable annular cooling channel geometry, designed to meet the heating needs throughout the beam dump cooling channel by modifying the water velocity and hence the heat transfer coefficient. • Water flow of 30 kg/s, obtaining a temperature difference along the cooling channel of 9.14 o C. • A beam dump rugosity value of 6.5 µm. • Inlet pressure of 3.5 bar and a pressure loss in the whole beam dump of 1.5 bar. The beam dump design has been performed solving the heat transfer equations assuming a 1D heat conduction. Petukhov-Gnielinski correlation has been the chosen one for the heat transfer coefficient calculation. It has been checked that the nominal heat flux is at least 1.9 times lower than the critical heat flux. The 1D design has been complemented with 3D studies performed with the ANSYS CFX code in the areas where 1D analysis is not valid. The main conclusions from these studies are the following: • At least 1 m length of straight pipe is required prior to the beam dump entrance in order to have a uniform flow. • The beam dump tip has been shaped trying to minimize the impact on the flow. • The heat transfer coefficient at the 180o water turn region was estimated and showed to be sufficient for the required cooling needs. • The effect of geometrical imperfections in the cartridge was assessed, concluding that for realistic manufacturing and mounting tolerances the heat transfer changes are not relevant. • The influence on the flow of mounting 5 mm and 1 mm thermocouples was also analysed. 1 mm thermocouple was disturbing the flow in a much more moderate way than the 5 mm one. 129 Conclusion • The heat transfer coefficient values obtained have been used in the mechanical simulations of the beam dump as a contour condition. An experimental campaign to validate some aspects of the beam dump design such as the pressure loss and the heat transfer coefficient value was designed. For this purpose a hydraulic circuit that provides a water flow with the beam dump design conditions was constructed at Ciemat and two prototypes were built. The pressure loss validation was performed in a 1:1 beam dump prototype and it confirmed the 1.5 bar pressure loss between the inlet and outlet of the beam dump cartridge. For the heat transfer coefficient experiment, an stainless steel prototype reproducing the geometry of a beam dump annular cooling slice was designed. An extensive experimental campaign eliminating the different systematic errors was performed. The heat transfer coefficient was validated for three different water flows: 25 m3 /h, 60 m3 /h and 108 m3 /h. The experimental results have been compared with the Petukhov-Gnielinski correlation and they show a high level of concordance, being the obtained experimental values a maximum of 25 % higher and therefore beneath the 40 % maximum allowed uncertainty. From a study of the literature about copper corrosion, the water quality requirements for the beam dump were defined: • pH in the range of 8 -8.5. • Dissolved oxygen < 10 ppb. • Conductivity in the interval 0.5 - 2 µS/cm. A corrosion study with TRACT (TRansport and ACTivation code) for two different pH values (pH = 7 and pH = 8.5) was undertaken, showing maximum corrosion rates of 0.9885 g/(m2 · year) and 0.01632 g/(m2 · year) respectively, thus confirming the choice of pH 8.5 for the beam dump cooling water circuit. The future work areas where the research activities developed in this thesis could be continued are the following: This thesis has contributed to the final design of the beam dump cartridge and of its cooling system. The final cartridge is already being manufactured whereas the cooling system will be procured along 2015 so that the whole beam dump can be delivered to Japan in 2016. Therefore the design work presented in this thesis is finished. However the tools developed and the procedure employed to design the LIPAc beam dump shown in this thesis can be employed for other beam dumps with annular cooling geometries, like the ones foreseen for the IFMIF accelerators. The validation activities performed as part of this thesis could be improved and extended in future projects in several ways: 130 Conclusion • The experimental determination of the heat transfer coefficient could be improved by measuring the heat flux directly instead of inferring it from the heater parameters. This could be done in two ways which imply some changes in the experimental setup: 7 Embedding thermocouples at different depths inside the PHETEN wall. 7 Placing two band heaters close to each other and leaving a small space between them where thermocouples could be inserted (in this way the problems encountered measuring the temperature with thermocouples beneath the band heater would be avoided). • The critical heat flux could be validated in the hydraulic circuit employed for the pressure loss and heat transfer coefficient experiments. • Experimental corrosion rate values could be obtained in the hydraulic circuit placing copper samples in one of its branches. 131 APPENDICES 133 Appendix A CALIBRATION One of the key aspects determining the heat transfer coefficient is having a trustworthy temperature measurement. This is crucial due to the low temperature differences measured between bulksurface and bulk thermocouples. It was seen that for the same absolute temperature, the different thermocouples could differ 1o C in their measurement. Although all the thermocouples employed in the experiment are type T with an accuracy of ± 0.5o C, each of them was calibrated so that an individual temperature vs voltage response curve was obtained. Therefore the voltage signal of each thermocouple can be processed individually and hence a more accurate temperature measurement obtained. Ten type T thermocouples were calibrated so that in case some of the them broke they could quickly be replaced. The most important issue of calibrating them at the same time is that they are all affected by the same boundary conditions, and hence any deviation in the response curves influences the ten thermocouples in the same way. For such task the following material was employed: • A tubular oven model Carbolite MTF 12/38/250. • Ten type T thermocouples. • Personal computer with LAbView software installed. • Multimeter Keithley 2000. • Calibrated temperature probe Rotronic AG Hygroskop A1 with a +- 0.3 K precision. The ten thermocouples were bundled together and placed inside the oven (figure A.1), fixed in the middle section so that no temperature differences in the measurement arose debt to temperature gradients in the oven (see figure A.2). The thermocouples were connected to the Keithley 2000 multimeter so that the voltage signal of each thermocouple could be recorded. A data acquisition system was developed employing LabView. The Keithley multimeter was connected through the PCI port to a computer running LabView software. LabView was programmed to control the triggering 135 Figure A.1: Calibration experimental setup. signal sent to the Keithley, obtain the voltage signal and write it to a text file together with the external temperature obtained from the probe. The calibrated thermocouples were connected to the ten measuring channels present at the Keithley. They were distributed as follows: • Channels 1 to 5 were the 0.5 mm mineral insulated thermocouples. • Channels 6, 8 and 9 were the wire thermocouples (diameter of 0.2 mm). • Channels 7 and 10 were the 1 mm mineral insulated thermocouples. The obtained data was processed so that a response curve for each thermocouple could be obtained. The voltage and temperature data has been fitted with a fourth degree equation. In figure A.3 the temperature in Celsius degrees versus the voltage in millivolts for the different thermocouples together with the standard calibration curve are plotted. 136 Figure A.2: Calibration thermocouple setup. 120 Therstd y(x) Ch1data Ch2data Ch3data Ch4data Ch5data Ch6data Ch7data Ch8data Ch9data Ch10data 100 T [oC] 80 60 40 20 0 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 V [mV] Figure A.3: Calibration curves of the ten type T thermocouples and the standard response curve. 137 138 Appendix B TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS INSIDE THE PHETEN WALL B.A Different thermocouple configurations on a stainless steel pipe Extremely high temperature measurements on the PHETEN wall (as seen in section 6.4.3) motivated an experimental campaign using 6” diameter stainless steel 304L pipe sections. The aim was learning about the best way of performing the temperature measurements at different depths inside the wall. The stainless steel pipe sections were tested with the band heater as it had been done with the PHETEN device, but with air as cooling fluid. These pipe sections were much easier to handle and besides that, carving, drilling or any other machining activity could be done on these sections, while not in the PHETEN prototype. t [min] 1 2 3 4 5 10 Ts [o C] 44.57 67.94 83.49 96.58 106.83 137.78 Tsb [o C] 22.72 39.83 54.80 67.56 78.34 112.92 Table B.1: Temperature measurement improvement # 1. Three different pipe sections were employed. The tests were performed delivering 87.5 V to the band heater, which means a heating power of 166 W. The first tests were performed on a 1.5 m pipe section, carved with a longitudinal slot of 0.2 mm to accommodate the wall temperature thermocouple (Ts ), while the air-material Tsb temperature was directly measured on the inner diameter of the pipe fixing the thermocouple with aluminium tape. The obtained results can be observed in table B.1. The expected temperature difference was approximately of 1.2 o C. 139 Ts Band heater Tsb 6” stainless steel pipe Air Figure B.1: 2, 3 and 4 mm 304L stainless steel sleeves. A stabilised temperature difference around 25 o C was observed. A second experiment was performed on the same pipe section, but this time the slot to accommodate the external surface thermocouple was increased up to 0.4 mm. The results can be observed in table B.2. t [min] 1 2 3 4 5 10 Ts [o C] 39.28 58.13 72.96 85.72 96.70 133.34 Tsb [o C] 26.60 42.30 59.20 72.22 83.50 121.01 Table B.2: Temperature measurement improvement # 2. The temperature difference was reduced to 12-13 o C (see table B.2), which is better than the results obtained in the first experiment, but still far away from the theoretical 1.2 o C temperature difference. However it showed the trend to follow in the tests. It was concluded that the surface temperature thermocouple when in contact with the band heater was measuring the band heater temperature instead of the one of the material. Therefore the key to improve the setup concentrated on ensuring a better contact between thermocouple and pipe. The improvement on heating contact between thermocouple and pipe was tried with computer thermal paste, usually employed to ensure a better conductivity between the processor and the motherboard. Arctic Silver 5 thermal compound was the chosen one. It has a thermal conductivity around 9 W/mK according to the data sheet supplied by the manufacturer. The test was once again performed on the 1.5 m pipe section, increasing the thermal conductivity by filling the 0.4 mm 140 t [min] 1 2 3 4 5 10 Ts [o C] 34.62 52.48 67.26 79.75 90.53 126.58 Tsb [o C] 26.46 43.57 58.13 70.70 81.49 117.27 Table B.3: Temperature measurement improvement # 3. slot with the thermal compound. The results can be seen in table B.3. The temperature difference was reduced to 9 o C. t [min] 1 2 3 4 5 10 Ts [o C] 27.43 44.45 58.80 70.69 80.50 117.36 Tsb [o C] 25.36 41.98 56.13 67.94 77.63 113.37 Table B.4: Temperature measurement improvement # 4. Next idea was measuring at a certain distance from the surface so that the effect of the heat provided by the band heater did not influence the surface temperature measurement. It was decided to perform a 1 mm diameter, 2 mm deep perpendicular drill on a 0.5 m stainless steel 304L schedule 10s pipe section. A 0.5 mm type K thermocouple was introduced into the 1 mm diameter drill obtaining the results of table B.4. The measured temperature difference was 3-4 o C, too high considering that the temperature shift at 1 mm from the inner surface of the pipe should be of 0.35 o C. t [min] 1 2 3 4 5 10 Ts [o C] 24.07 38.43 52.03 64.08 74.44 111.22 Tsb [o C] 23.02 37.67 51.50 63.69 74.14 110.37 Table B.5: Temperature measurement improvement # 5. The next step was surrounding the 0.5 mm thermocouple with a 0.9 mm outer diameter and 0.5 mm inner diameter stainless steel 304L sleeve (figure B.2), and introduce it into the 1 mm diameter, 2 mm deep perpendicular drill, filling the space with thermal compound to increase the thermal conductivity. The results can be observed in table B.5. They agree with the theoretical values (around 0.35 o C temperature difference) until minute 5 of the experiment. It is seen how in minute 10 the temperature difference has grown up to 0.85 o C, probably due to two dimensional heat transfer, con141 sequence of the 0.5 m length of the testing pipe. Figure B.2: 2, 3 and 4 mm 304L stainless steel sleeves. The conclusions drawn from these tests were the following: • The thermocouple in contact with the band heater does not provide a credible surface temperature measurement (Ts ) because it is affected by the heater. Therefore this thermocouple was suppressed. • The temperature measurement in the wall with the 0.5 mm thermocouples improved significantly by using a 0.9 mm 304L stainless steel sleeve around them. • The measurement improved even more by employing a thermal compound to fill any air space between the PHETEN and the thermocouples. • It was decided to back up the Tin thermocouple with a thermocouple placed in contact with the flowing water. B.B Measurements with the bolt thermocouple In order to improve the wall measurements a 4.5 mm deep, 3 mm diameter drill was performed in the area below the band heater. The idea was introducing a bolt with a through hole in the centre so that it could allocate a thermocouple. In figure B.3 the bolt geometry can be observed. The bolt was screwed to the PHETEN prototype, and in the through hole a 0.5 mm thermocouple introduced 142 Figure B.3: 4 mm long, 3 mm diameter bolt. to measure the wall temperature ensuring a good thermal contact. The thermocouple was fixed to the bolt by means of a cold welding paste, fixing it and at the same time removing air from the through hole. 60 T2 T3 T4 T5 50 50 T2 T4 T5 40 40 o T [ C] 20 20 10 10 0 0 -10 -20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 Steps 10 20 30 40 50 -10 60 Steps Figure B.4: Thermocouple response with bolt in- Figure B.5: Thermocouple response without the bolt stalled. installed. In figure B.4 the result of heating the PHETEN prototype with a voltage of 67.5 V is presented. Thermocouples T2, T4 and T5 are the ones welded on the inner surface, whilst T3 corresponds to the bolt thermocouple. It is seen how the temperatures reached by T3 are higher than the ones expected. They should be pretty close to the ones obtained by T2, T4 and T5, because they are separated by 0.5 mm. In figure B.5 where T3 was removed and the rest of the experimental setup was maintained, the temperature values agree with the expected ones. The explanation of the temperature difference in figure B.4 between T4 and T5 with respect to T2, is that T3 creates an space between the band heater and the outer surface causing an anisotropy in the heat conduction, where 143 T [oC] 30 30 T4 and T5 (separated by few milimiters) receive a higher heat flux than T2 which is separated from T4 and T5 by some centimetres. Conclusions from this setup are the following: • The bolt does not measure the real temperature on the wall. The bolt presence affects the heat transfer obtaining higher temperatures than the expected despite the thermal paste and the manufacturing precision. Therefore it can not be employed as an alternative measurement for the wall temperature. • Any object between the band heater and the prototype creates an anisotropy in the heat flux and hence careful attention must be paid if wall thermocouples are to be used. 144 Appendix C TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS AT THE WATER-SURFACE INTERFACE C.A Transient experiments performed on a stainless steel plate The relevant results of testing different welding procedures over a stainless steel plate and the thermocouple response when covered with Araldit, duct and copper tape, are presented in this section. 70 Temp T1 T2 T3 65 60 T [oC] 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Steps Figure C.1: Temperature evolution with T2 covered with Araldit and T1 and T3 with copper tape. 145 70 Temp T1 T2 T3 65 60 T [oC] 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Steps Figure C.2: Temperature evolution with T2 covered with duct tape and T1 and T3 with copper tape 70 Temp T1 T2 T3 65 60 T [oC] 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Steps Figure C.3: Temperature evolution with bare thermocouples. Thermocouples T1 and T3 are welded with both wire ends together, while T2 wires are welded separately on the flat plate. The plate is immersed in a controlled temperature cask filled with water. Once the plate is in equilibrium, it is then taken out and temperature measurements are performed registering the transient cooling on the plate. A temperature gauge (Fluke 177 with the 80TK ther146 mocouple module) is employed to have an independent measurement of the temperature evolution on the plate. In figure C.1 the temperature evolution with T2 covered with Araldit and T1 and T3 covered with copper tape is presented. It is seen how T2 due to the low conductivity of the Araldit has a slower response than T1 and T3. In the next experiment Araldit was removed from T2 and was then covered with duct tape. T1 and T3 remain as in the previous experiment. Figure C.2 shows the temperature evolution of the three thermocouples. This time their evolution is quite similar because no isolating material is present on the thermocouples tips. It was then decided to test the thermocouples response without any cover on their tips. In figure C.3 the evolution of the three bare thermocouples is presented. It is seen how they respond in the exact same way, showing that any cover on the thermocouple tip alters its response. 70 Temp T1 T2 T3 65 60 T [oC] 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Steps Figure C.4: Temperature evolution with T1 and T2 covered with duct tape and T3 uncovered. In the last setup T1 and T2 thermocouples were covered with duct tape, while T3 was left uncovered. In figure C.4 no clear trend in the thermocouple response is observed. They do not show the behaviour seen in figure C.3 where the tips of the thermocouples were left uncovered, neither the one seen in figure C.1 where one of them was covered with Araldit and the rest uncovered. The thermocouples respond approximately in the same way showing certain oscillations but nothing remarkable. 147 From this testing the following conclusions were obtained: • The 0.5 mm thermocouples were much easier to weld than its predecessors (0.2 mm). The joint was more rigid and robust. • Temperature measurements with thermocouples welded in different ways gave the same results gaining confidence in the welding technique employed. • Covering the thermocouple tip with an insulating element delayed the thermocouple response. C.B C.B.1 Experiments performed in PHETEN Thermocouples fixed and covered with Araldit and duct tape Tout T2 T1 Band heater Tmed Tin Outer cylinder Inner cylinder Annular channel Figure C.5: Experimental setup scheme for T1 and T2 covered with Araldit and duct tape respectively. This setup (see figure C.5) consists of three 0.5 mm mineral insulated thermocouples to measure the temperature on the heated wall at different depths (2, 3 and 4 mm being Tout , Tmed and Tin ), two 0.2 mm wire thermocouples (T1 and T2) to measure the temperature of the material surface in contact with the water, and one mineral insulated 1 mm thermocouple for the bulk temperature (T5). All the thermocouples employed are type T. In view of the results obtained in the tests performed on a pipe (see Appendix B), the wall thermocouples were introduced into a 0.9 mm 304L stainless steel sleeve, and filled when introduced into the 1 mm diameter drill in the PHETEN with thermal paste. The 0.2 mm diameter for the T1 and T2 thermocouples were chosen so that they did not perturb the water flow. These thermocouples were glued to the surface by means of Araldit and duct tape respectively. The wires were fixed to the inner surface of PHETEN by means of duct tape (see figure 148 C.8). The through drills for the cables were filled with Araldit so that no water leaked through them. T5 was placed prior to the entrance of the water flow in the PHETEN prototype. The whole setup is covered with a fibreglass blanket to isolate it from the environment and favour the heat conduction towards the water flow. 80 Tout Tmed Tin T5 T1 T2 70 T [oC] 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Steps Figure C.6: Temperature readings of the different thermocouples for the 25 m3 /h water flow. With such setup (see figure C.5) the experiment was performed for 25 m3 /h, 80 m3 /h and 108 m3 /h water flows and full power in the band heater. In figures C.6 and C.7 the temperatures are plotted. It is seen that Tout , Tmed and Tin despite the improvements performed, still give higher temperatures than the theoretically expected ones. This is thought to be due to a bad thermal contact between the thermocouple and the PHETEN material. Once a steady state has been reached, an average value of the temperature difference between T1 and T2 thermocouples with respect to T5 is obtained, and hence the heat transfer coefficient. 1 Flow [kg/s] 25 80 108 hpet [W/m2 K] 8745 19041 32482 hT 1 [W/m2 K] 6157 19144 31077 hT 2 [W/m2 K] 11436 15908 16544 Table C.1: Film transfer coefficient results based on T1 and T2. In table C.1 the Petukhov, T1 and T2 based heat transfer coefficient calculations are presented. It is seen how the T1 derived HTC agrees with the theoretical values quite precisely for the 80 m3 /h and 1 In the case of 25 m3 /h (figure C.6), only the last two points are considered. 149 100 Tout Tmed Tin T5 T1 T2 90 80 90 80 70 60 T [oC] T [oC] 70 Tout Tmed Tin T5 T1 T2 100 50 60 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 Steps 6 8 10 12 Steps Figure C.7: Temperature measured for the 80 m3 /h (left) and 108 m3 /h (right) water flows. 108 m3 /h flows, while in the 25 m3 /h case the results show a higher deviation. These results were encouraging because they were pointing in the right direction. When they were repeated in order to correct the non steady state of the 25 m3 /h experiment, it turned out that T2 broke at the beginning of the experiment and hence no comparable data could be obtained. See figure C.8 where the T1 and T2 thermocouple state after emptying the hydraulic circuit is presented. Figure C.8: 0.2 mm diameter thermocouples fixed with duct tape and Araldit To sum up, fixing T1 and T2 to the inner wall of PHETEN showed to be a good solution for the surface-material measurement, although it was seen that thermal contact had to be improved. Re150 14 garding the wall thermocouples, the stainless steel sleeve and the thermal paste improve the temperature measurement but the obtained values were too high compared with the theoretical ones. Conclusions drawn from the different experiments carried out with this setup were the following: • Covering the water-material thermocouples increased the thermal contact with the PHETEN inner surface, hence effort would concentrate on such area. • Thermal contact was better in T1 than in T2 (thermocouples fixed at the inner surface of PHETEN). After analysing the state of the thermocouples when this campaign was finished, it was observed that some Araldit was in between the stainless steel surface and the thermocouple, explaining the lower temperatures obtained by T2. • Temperature measurements with Tout , Tmed and Tin were rethought in order to find a way to improve them. C.B.2 Thermocouples welded In this section the experiments carried out with the thermocouples welded in the same way as the final setup are presented. In figures C.9 and C.10 the experiment was carried out with the thermocouple tip in T1 and T2 covered with Araldit. T3 embedded in the PHETEN inner surface and slightly covered by an Araldit film, and T4 covered with duct tape. 20 T4 - T5 T3 - T5 T2 - T5 T1 - T5 18 16 14 ∆T [oC] 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Steps (x 15 seconds) Figure C.9: Temperature difference in the experiment performed with T1 and T2 covered with Araldit, T3 embedded and T4 covered with duct tape. The experiment was performed with full band heater power (V = 256 V) and employing the fibreglass blanket to avoid heat losses. Three different flows were tested, 25 m3 /h, 60 m3 /h and 108 m3 /h, 151 and the circuit was set with an inlet pressure of 2.5 bar. In figure C.9 and table C.2 the results of the experiment carried out with no wall thermocouples are presented, while in figure C.10 the results of the experiment carried out with the wall thermocouples present can be observed. It is seen that the temperature difference between the four wall thermocouples and the water is higher than it should be (∆Ttheo ). T3 as expected because it was embedded in the PHETEN surface gives higher temperatures than the rest of the thermocouples. T1, T2 and T4 all of them with the tip covered reach similar temperatures for the different flows tested. ∆Ttheo [o C] 8.95 4.11 2.41 Flow [m3 /h] 25 60 108 ∆T 1exp [o C] 11.6 8.26 6.69 ∆T 2exp [o C] 11.53 7.78 6.08 ∆T 3exp [o C] 18.07 13.01 11.94 ∆T 4exp [o C] 13.01 8.18 5.94 Table C.2: Theoretical and experimental temperature gradient values for the different thermocouples # 1. 20 T4 - T5 T3 - T5 T2 - T5 T1 - T5 18 16 14 ∆T [oC] 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Steps (x 15 seconds) Figure C.10: Temperature difference in the experiment performed with T1 and T2 covered with Araldit, T3 embedded, T4 covered with duct tape and the presence of the wall thermocouples. The experiment carried out with the wall thermocouples installed between the band heater and the PHETEN wall are presented in figure C.10 and table C.3. Due to the heat transfer anisotropy caused by the presence of the wall thermocouples, the slope of the temperature difference is higher than the one observed in figure C.9 (especially T4). Lower temperatures in T1, T2 and T4 derived from the poor surface contact between the heater and the outer surface of PHETEN are obtained, whereas T3 reaches slightly higher values than the ones of the experiment without the wall thermocouples. In any case the values obtained do not match the theoretical values (see table C.3). 152 ∆Ttheo [o C] 7.20 3.67 2.26 Flow [m3 /h] 25 60 108 ∆T 1exp [o C] 9.38 6.89 5.19 ∆T 2exp [o C] 9.82 6.93 5.32 ∆T 3exp [o C] 19.33 15.05 11.35 ∆T 4exp [o C] 9.77 6.89 6.07 Table C.3: Theoretical and experimental temperature gradient values for the different thermocouples # 2. It was then decided to remove the duct tape from T4 and the Araldit from all thermocouples except from T1. The experiment was repeated under the same conditions of the previous one with the duct tape and the Araldit. In this case Position 1 of the band heater was employed (see Appendix D). Based on the previous results the experimental time at each water flow was increased to assure that steady state was reached. In figure C.11 it is seen that T1 keeps behaving as in previous experiments, while T2 and T4 as they are not covered by any Araldit layer reach lower temperatures than before. Even T1 which remained untouched, lowers its values because the isolating layer in its vicinity was removed. This fact can be clearly observed in Table C.4, where the temperature results are presented. The temperatures are much closer to the theoretical ones but still do not match the expected values. If a heat transfer calculation is made for the water flow of 108 m3 /h considering T2 and T4, taking the theoretical film transfer coefficient as valid, it comes out that half of the heat power would be entering the PHETEN prototype. 12 T4 - T5 T3 - T5 T2 - T5 T1 - T5 10 ∆T [oC] 8 6 4 2 0 -2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Steps (x 15 seconds) Figure C.11: Temperature difference in the experiment with no Araldit and no wall thermocouples. The whole setup was checked because in the last experiment (see section C.B.2) performed it was found that according to the thermocouple measurements of T2 and T4, which were by that time reliable, half of the theoretical power was being delivered to the PHETEN. Therefore the fibreglass blanket was removed and the voltage checked at the band heater pins. It was found that the heater 153 Flow [m3 /h] 25 60 108 ∆Ttheo [o C] 7.20 3.67 2.26 ∆T1exp [o C] 8.27 5.58 4.87 ∆T2exp [o C] 3.28 1.58 1.09 ∆T3exp [o C] 11.21 8.25 7.11 ∆T4exp [o C] 3.34 1.57 1.04 Table C.4: Theoretical and experimental temperature gradient values for the different thermocouples # 3. was loosely attached to the PHETEN outer cylinder wall due to the heat expansion experienced by the band heater. This situation was causing a deficient thermal contact and hence a lower input power. It was solved by adjusting the band heater at full power. 154 Appendix D BAND HEATER POWER DENSITY The band heater power density was studied because it was observed that depending on the position, thermocouples were being heated unequally. Therefore it was decided to perform an experiment turning the band heater approximately 55o each time, covering half of the band heater in three turns. In figure D.1 the different band heater experimental positions are shown. Band heater Position 1 Position 2 Position 0 Figure D.1: Different band heater experimental positions. The four thermocouples welded to the inner surface of PHETEN comprise approximately 45o . Position 0 was taken as the closest point to the electric connectors of the band heater. The experiments are made with a voltage of 53 V with still air as cooling fluid, lasting four minutes by position. 155 15 T1-50o T2-40oo T3-15 T4-5o 10 T [oC] 5 0 -5 -10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Steps (x 30 seconds) Figure D.2: Thermocouple response at Position 0. In figure D.2 Position 0 results are shown. The number accompanying the temperature in the figure legend is the position in degrees of each thermocouple. It is seen how T4 and T3 give lower temperatures than T1 and T2, which are placed closer to the centre position of the heater. 1 Position 1 temperature response is presented in figure D.3. It is the central part of the heater and as seen the temperatures are quite uniform. Position 1 was the one chosen to carry out the rest of the experimental campaign. T1-110oo T2-100o T3-75o T4-65 8 T [oC] 6 10 T1-170oo T2-160o T3-135o T4-125 8 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 -2 -2 -4 -4 -6 -6 -8 -8 -10 -10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Steps (x 30 seconds) Steps (x 30 seconds) Figure D.3: Thermocouple response at Position 1. Figure D.4: Thermocouple response at Position 2. In figure D.4 Position 2 thermocouple responses are presented. In this case T4 and T3 reach 1 The maximum temperature obtained by T2 and T1 is higher than the ones obtained in figure D.3 because in the first 15 seconds the power unit had to be regulated to 53 V, delivering a higher power during that time. 156 T [oC] 10 higher temperatures than T1 and T2 because they are closer to the middle section of the heater, exactly the opposite situation of Position 0. Density Power density [%] 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 o Phi [ ] Figure D.5: Power density percentage along the band heater. The heating velocity has been calculated at each position. Steps 6 and 3 are taken for such calculation (see expression D.1). The heating rate for each position is normalized to the maximum heating rate (see equation D.2). ∆T T (t = 6) − T (t = 3) = ∆t ∆t %Pdensity = ∆T /∆t (∆T /∆t)max (D.1) · 100 (D.2) Figure D.5 shows the normalized power density results. It is seen that there is a wide section from phi = 40o to phi = 135o where the power density delivered by the band heater is quite homogeneous. Hence experiments are performed in this section, more specifically in Position 1. 157 158 Appendix E CHICA CODE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 # ! / usr / bin / python # -* - coding : utf -8 -* # CHICA ( Cooling and Heating Interaction and Corrosion Analysis ) # 1 D Code developed to calculate the heat transmission and flud dynamics aspects of the beam dump cartridge . # Be aware : To run fipy library in subprocess ’ refrigeration - pot - Tran . py ’, version 2.7 or higher of python is needed . from math import * import subprocess # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - File definitions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -# # Input files iPot = open ( " curva de potencia1mm . txt " ) iKMat = open ( " conductividad termica Cu . txt " ) iCpRef = open ( " calor especifico refrigerante . txt " ) iKRef = open ( " conductividad termica refrigerante . txt " ) iDensRef = open ( " densidad refrigerante . txt " ) iPrandtl = open ( " numero de Prandtl . txt " ) iVisco = open ( " viscosidad dinamica refrigerante . txt " ) iSection = open ( " curva de seccion1mm . txt " ) iEb = open ( " ebullicion . txt " ) iSatRef = open ( " saturacion . txt " ) iXRef_02 = open ( " G_02 . txt " ) iXRef_015 = open ( " G_015 . txt " ) iXRef_01 = open ( " G_01 . txt " ) iXRef_005 = open ( " G_005 . txt " ) iPsat = open ( " Psat . txt " ) # Output files oTempSI = open ( " temperaturesSI . txt " , " w " ) oVarsSI = open ( " variablesSI . txt " , " w " ) oPresSI = open ( " pressureSI . txt " , " w " ) 159 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 oRet = open ( " Ret . txt " , " w " ) oEsp = open ( " Espesor . txt " ," w " ) oQboil = open ( " Boiling . txt " ," w " ) oFricc = open ( " Fricc . txt " ," w " ) oInflu = open ( " Error . txt " ," w " ) oFilmlim = open ( " ENucleada . txt " ," w " ) oCrittab = open ( " CHFtab . txt " ," w " ) oLam = open ( " Laminar . txt " ," w " ) oTran = open ( " Transitional . txt " ," w " ) oFilm = open ( " HTC . txt " ," w " ) oData = open ( " Data_Refr . txt " ," w " ) oVarsSI . write ( " # z ( m )\ t Velocidad ( m / s )\ t Re \ t Re_epsi \ t h_gni ( W /( m ^2* C ))\ \ t Q_corrected ( W / cm ^2) \ t Bound_layer ( m ) \ n " ) oPresSI . write ( " # z ( m )\ t Pressure ( Pa ) \ t Pressure ( bar ) \ n " ) oTempSI . write ( " # z ( m )\ t Tbulk ( C ) \ t Tbulk after return ( C ) \ t Tsb ( C ) \ t \ Tsb after return ( C ) \ n " ) oRet . write ( " # z ( m )\ t Velocidad_ret ( m / s )\ t Re_ret \ t h_ret ( W / m ^2* C ) \ t \ Tbulk after return ( C ) \ t Shroud temp ( C ) \ t Q_tot ( W / m ^2) \ t Q_corr ( W / m ^2)\ \ t P_ret \ n " ) oEsp . write ( " # z ( m ) \ t Rint + Eint + esp ( m ) \ t Espesor ( m ) \ t Area ( m ^2) \ t \ 1/ Area (1/ m ^2) \ Dh ( m ) \ n " ) oQboil . write ( " # z ( m ) \ t T_boil ( C ) \ t Q_boil ( W / cm ^2) \ t Q_dep ( W / cm ^2)\ \ t Eckert \ t X \ t Qcrit2 ( W / cm ^2) \ n " ) oFricc . write ( " # z ( m ) \ t Dynamic pressure ( Pa ) \ t Fricc ( Pa ) \ t \ Darcy - Weisbach friction parameter \ n " ) oInflu . write ( " # z ( m ) \ t h_gni ( W / m ^2 C ) \ t 1.06* h_gni ( W / m ^2 C ) \ t \ 0.94* h_gni ( W / m ^2 C ) \ n " ) oFilmlim . write ( " # z ( m ) \ t Tlim ( C ) \ t hlim ( W / m ^2 C ) \ t h_gni ( W / m ^2 C ) \ n " ) oCrittab . write ( " z ( m ) \ t X ( adim ) \ t CHF ( W / cm ^2) \ t Ratio \ t Percentage \ n " ) oLam . write ( " z ( m ) \ t Bulk - surface temp ( C ) \ t h_shah ( W / m ^2 C ) \ n " ) oTran . write ( " z ( m ) \ t Bulk - surface temp ( C ) \ t h_levens ( W / m ^2 C ) \ n " ) oFilm . write ( " # z ( m ) \ t h_gni ( W / m ^2 C ) \ t h_Petukhov ( W / m ^2 C ) \ t \ h_roiz ( W / m ^2 C ) \ n " ) oData . write ( " # z ( m ) \ t Rint ( m ) \ t Rext ( m ) \ t Width ( m ) \ t v ( m / s ) \ t \ Q_bulk ( W / cm ^2) \ t Q_dep ( W / cm ^2) \ t Tb ( C ) \ t Tsb ( C ) \ t rho ( kg / m ^3) \ t \ mu ( kg / ms ) \ t Re \ t f \ t h_gni ( W /( m ^2* C )) \ t h_roiz ( W /( m ^2* C )) \ t \ P ( bar )\ t Psat ( bar ) \ t Tsat ( C ) \ t CHFtab ( W / cm ^2) \ t CHFbosc ( W / cm ^2) \ t \ Qboil ( W / cm ^2) \ n " ) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parameter definition - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -# h = 5E -3 # m , thickness q_r = 30 # kg /s , Coolant mass flow ref_type = " axial " # Refrigeration type espesor_type = " fernando_1 " spiral_tube = " rectangular " # A = a * b g = 9.81 # Gravity epsi = 0.0000065 # Rugosity value in m epsi2 = 0.0000015 # Rugosity value in m tp = 0.004 # Shroud thickness in m sigma = 0.05891 # Water superficial tension in N / m Tsat = 123.476 # Saturation temperature for P =2.28 bar Hfg = 2272000 # Enthalpy of vaporization in J / kg PM = 18 E -3 # Molar mass of water in kg / mol R_ret = 0.198 # Cartridge radius in m duty_cycle = 1 # Beam dump duty cycle # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lists of data in files - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -# 160 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 kMat_0 = [] # temp in C kMat_1 = [] # K in W ( m C )^ -1 cpRef_0 = [] # temp in C cpRef_1 = [] # cp in J ( kg C )^ -1 kRef_0 = [] # temp in C kRef_1 = [] # K in W ( m C )^ -1 pot_0 = [] # z in mm pot_1 = [] # DP in W / cm ^2 densRef_0 = [] # temp in C densRef_1 = [] # density in kg ( m )^ -3 prandtl_0 = [] # temp in C prandtl_1 = [] # Prandtl number ( adimensional ) visco_0 = [] # temp in C visco_1 = [] # dynamic viscosity in kg ( m s )^ -1 section_0 = [] # z in cm section_1 = [] # r in cm boil_0 = [] # P in kPa boil_1 = [] # T in C XRef_02 = [] # Interpolation parameters for CHF_tab calculation XRef_12 = [] # Interpolation parameters for CHF_tab calculation XRef_015 = [] # Interpolation parameters for CHF_tab calculation XRef_115 = [] # Interpolation parameters for CHF_tab calculation XRef_01 = [] # Interpolation parameters for CHF_tab calculation XRef_11 = [] # Interpolation parameters for CHF_tab calculation XRef_005 = [] # Interpolation parameters for CHF_tab calculation XRef_105 = [] # Interpolation parameters for CHF_tab calculation Psat_0 = [] # Temperature value of the saturated pressure in C Psat_1 = [] # Saturated pressure value in bar CHF_2 = [] # Argument employed to call the boiling_tab function T_boil = [] # Array used to calculate the saturation temperature Boil = [] # Array empployed to calculate the boiling heat flux Ra = [] # Array employed as dummy variable Q_critot = [] # Array employed to keep the critical boiling heat value PRef_0 = [] # Temperature reference for the saturation calculation PRef_1 = [] # Temperature reference for the saturation calculation R_d = [] # Adimensional density coefficient rho_v = [] # Water vapor density X = [] # Enthalpic quality E_c = [] # Eckert number B_oc = [] # Adimensional critical heat flux B_oc2 = [] # Adimensional critical heat flux Q_crit2 = [] # Alternative CHF value friction = [] # Friction parameter P_loss = [] # Pressure loss array CHF_tab = [] # Tabulated critical heat flux value # - - - - - - - - - - - - - Read files and store data - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -# for line in iSection : data = line . split () section_0 . append ( float ( data [0])*1 E -3 ) section_1 . append ( float ( data [1])*1 E -3 ) for line in iKMat : data = line . split () kMat_0 . append ( float ( data [0]) ) kMat_1 . append ( float ( data [1]) ) for line in iCpRef : data = line . split () 161 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 cpRef_0 . append ( float ( data [0]) ) cpRef_1 . append ( float ( data [1]) ) for line in iKRef : data = line . split () kRef_0 . append ( float ( data [0]) ) kRef_1 . append ( float ( data [1]) ) for line in iPot : data = line . split () pot_0 . append ( float ( data [0])*1 E -3 ) pot_1 . append ( float ( data [1])*1 E4 ) for line in iDensRef : data = line . split () densRef_0 . append ( float ( data [0]) ) densRef_1 . append ( float ( data [1]) ) for line in iPrandtl : data = line . split () prandtl_0 . append ( float ( data [0]) ) prandtl_1 . append ( float ( data [1]) ) for line in iVisco : data = line . split () visco_0 . append ( float ( data [0]) ) visco_1 . append ( float ( data [1]) ) for line in iEb : data = line . split () boil_0 . append ( float ( data [0])*1 E3 ) boil_1 . append ( float ( data [1])) for line in iSatRef : data = line . split () PRef_0 . append ( float ( data [0])) PRef_1 . append ( float ( data [1])) for line in iXRef_02 : data = line . split () XRef_02 . append ( float ( data [0])) XRef_12 . append ( float ( data [1])) for line in iXRef_015 : data = line . split () XRef_015 . append ( float ( data [0])) XRef_115 . append ( float ( data [1])) for line in iXRef_01 : data = line . split () XRef_01 . append ( float ( data [0])) XRef_11 . append ( float ( data [1])) for line in iXRef_005 : data = line . split () XRef_005 . append ( float ( data [0])) XRef_105 . append ( float ( data [1])) for line in iPsat : data = line . split () Psat_0 . append ( float ( data [0])) Psat_1 . append ( float ( data [1])) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - List of temperatures and other string variables - - - - - - - - - - - - -# T_ref = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) ) ] T_ref2 = [40.145 for i in range ( len ( section_0 ) ) ] T_cext = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) ) ] T_ref3 = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) ) ] T_ref4 = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) ) ] T_aux = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) ) ] 162 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 T_metal = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) ) ] T_metal2 = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) ) ] T_metal3 = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) ) ] T_metal4 = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) ) ] T_aux2 = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) ) ] P_secc = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) ) ] P_ret = [2.48769072972 *1 E5 for i in range ( len ( section_0 ) ) ] CHF_2 = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] T_boil = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] Ra = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] Boil = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] Q_critot = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] Q_crit2 = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] R_d = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] X = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] rho_v = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] E_c = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] B_oc = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] B_oc2 = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] pot_ret = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] pot_tot = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] Rug = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] friction = [0.1 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] Hlim = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] P_loss = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] CHF_tab = [0.0 for i in range ( len ( pot_0 ) )] T_ref [0] = 31.0 # Initial temperature , C P_secc [0] = 3.5*1 E5 # Initial pressure value , Pa T_ref3 [0] = 31 # Initial temperature , C oPresSI . write ( str ( section_0 [0])+ " \ t " + str ( P_secc [0])+ " \ t " + str ( P_secc [0]*1 E -5)\ +"\n") oTempSI . write ( str ( section_0 [0])+ " \ t " + str ( T_ref [0])+ " \ t " + str ( T_ref [0])+ " \ t " \ + str ( T_ref [0])+ " \ n " ) # Definition of functions : # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Income - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -# # Interpolation : def interpolation ( list_0 , list_1 , value_0 ) : for j in range ( len ( list_0 ) -1 ) : if list_0 [ j +1] > value_0 : return float ( list_1 [ j ] + ( list_1 [ j +1] - list_1 [ j ])/ \ ( list_0 [ j +1] - list_0 [ j ])*( value_0 - list_0 [ j ]) ) # Over maximum value ... return list_1 [ j +1] # Inner cone thickness ( m ): def Eint ( index ) : if section_0 [ index ] <= 20 E -2 : return (1.7 E -2 - section_1 [ index ]) elif section_0 [ index ] <= 200 E -2 : return 5E -3 elif section_0 [ index ] <= 2015 E -3 : return 0.1*1 E -3 + Eint ( index -1) 163 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 elif section_0 [ index ] > 2015 E -3 : return 6.5 E -3 # Gap thickness ( m ): def espesor ( index_in ) : if espesor_type == " fernando_1 " : if section_0 [ index_in ] <= 20 E -2 : return 2.3614*1 E -2 elif section_0 [ index_in ] <= 68.8 E -2 : return ( 2.3614 + ( section_0 [ index_in ] - 20 E -2)*(1.212 -2.3614)/(68.8 E -\ 2 -20 E -2) )*1 E -2 elif section_0 [ index_in ] <= 125.13 E -2 : return ( 1.212 + ( section_0 [ index_in ] - 68.8 E -2)*(.7 -1.212)/(125.13 E -2 -\ 68.8 E -2) )*1 E -2 elif section_0 [ index_in ] <= 200 E -2 : return 0.7 E -2 elif section_0 [ index_in ] <= 201.5 E -2 : return (0.7 E -2 - Eint ( index_in ) + 5E -3) elif section_0 [ index_in ] <= 250 E -2 : return (0.55 + ( section_0 [ index_in ] - 201.5 E -2)*(.7 -.55)/(250*1 E -2 -\ 201.5*1 E -2) )*1 E -2 # Cooling water area ( m **2): def a_r ( index_in ) : if ref_type == " spiral " : return a * b elif ref_type == " axial " : return pi *( ( section_1 [ index_in ]+ espesor ( index_in ) + Eint ( index_in ) )**2\ -( section_1 [ index_in ] + Eint ( index_in ))**2 ) # Hydraulic diameter ( m ): def dh ( index_in ) : # Hydraulic diameter # Dh = 4 Area / wet perimeter if ref_type == " spiral " : return ((2* a * b )/( a + b )) elif ref_type == " axial " : return (2* espesor ( index_in )) else : print " WARNING : NOT IMPLEMENTED !!!!\ n " return 1. # Reynolds number ( Dimensionless ): def rey ( index ) : re = interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ index ]) * vel ( index ) *\ dh ( index )/ interpolation ( visco_0 , visco_1 , T_ref [ index ]) return re # Prandtl number ( Dimesionless ): def pr ( index ) : return interpolation ( prandtl_0 , prandtl_1 , T_ref [ index ]) 164 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 # Friction parameter for rough pipe ( Dimensionless ): def fricc ( index ) : a = 2/ log (10) b = epsi /( dh ( index ) * 3.7) d = ( log (10) * rey ( index ))/5.2 s = b * d + log ( d ) q = s **( s /( s +1)) g = b * d + log ( d / q ) z = log ( q / g ) Dla = ( g * z )/( g + 1) Dcfa = Dla *(1 + z /(2*( g + 1)**2 + ( z /3)*(2* g - 1))) friction = ( a * ( log ( d / q ) + Dcfa ))**( -2) return friction # Darcy - Weishbach linear loss height ( m ): def carga ( index ) : h_1 = ( fricc ( index ) * ( section_0 [ index +1] - section_0 [ index ]) *\ ( vel ( index ))**2) / (2 * float ( g ) * dh ( index )) return h_1 # Velocity ( m / s ): def vel ( index ) : return q_r /( interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ index ])* a_r ( index )) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Film transfer coefficient correlations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -# # Petukhov Nusselt number ( Dimesionless ): def nusselt_rug ( index ) : return ( ( fricc ( index )/8.)* rey ( index )* pr ( index )/(1.07+12.7*\ sqrt ( fricc ( index )/8.) * ( pr ( index )**(2./3.) -1)) ) # Petukhov film transfer coefficient ( W / m **2 K ): def film_rug ( index ) : hrug = nusselt_rug ( index )* interpolation ( kRef_0 , kRef_1 , T_ref [ index ])\ / dh ( index ) return hrug # Petukhov - Gnielinski with Sieder - Tate viscosity correction Nusselt number \ # ( Dimensionless ): def nusselt_gni ( index ): return nusselt_rug ( index )*(( rey ( index ) -1000)/ rey ( index ))*\ ( interpolation ( visco_0 , visco_1 , T_ref [ index ])\ / interpolation ( visco_0 , visco_1 , T_metal2 [ index ]))**(0.11) 165 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 # Petukhov - Gnielinski with Sieder - Tate viscosity correction film transfer \ # coefficient ( W / m **2 K ): def film_gni ( index ): hgni = nusselt_gni ( index )* interpolation ( kRef_0 , kRef_1 , T_ref [ index ]) \ / dh ( index ) return hgni # Roizen with Sieder - Tate viscosity correction film transfer \ # coefficient ( W / m **2 K ): def film_roiz ( index ) : hrug = 0.86*(( section_1 [ index ] + espesor ( index ) + Eint ( index ))\ /( section_1 [ index ] + Eint ( index )))**(0.16)* nusselt_gni ( index )\ * interpolation ( kRef_0 , kRef_1 , T_ref [ index ])/ dh ( index ) return hrug # Laminar film transfer coefficient ( W / m **2 K ): def nusselt_lam1 ( index ) : return 1.953*( rey ( index )* pr ( index )* dh ( index )/2.5)**(0.33) def nusselt_lam2 ( index ) : return 4.364 +0.0722*( rey ( index )* pr ( index )* dh ( index )/2.5) def film_lam ( index ) : if rey ( index )* pr ( index )* dh ( index )/2.5 >= 33.3: return nusselt_lam1 ( index )* interpolation ( kRef_0 , kRef_1 , T_ref [ index ]) \ / dh ( index ) else : return nusselt_lam2 ( index )* interpolation ( kRef_0 , kRef_1 , T_ref [ index ]) \ / dh ( index ) def nusselt_tran ( index ): return 0.116*( rey ( index )**(0.66) - 125)* pr ( index )**(0.33)*\ ( interpolation ( visco_0 , visco_1 , T_ref [ index ])\ / interpolation ( visco_0 , visco_1 , T_metal2 [ index ]))**(0.11) def film_tran ( index ): return nusselt_tran ( index )* interpolation ( kRef_0 , kRef_1 , T_ref [ index ]) \ / dh ( index ) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Boundary layer calculation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -# # Boundary layer thickness ( m ): def Bound ( index ) : return 14.1* dh ( index )/( rey ( index )* friction [ index ]**(0.5)) 166 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 # Entry lenght ( m ): def Entlength ( index ) : return 1.359* dh ( index )* rey ( index )**(0.25) def Entlength2 ( index ) : return 0.0575* dh ( index )* rey ( index ) # Turbulence intensity def inten ( index ) : return 0.16* rey ( index )**( -0.124) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Critical heat flux calculation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -# def boiling ( index ): T_boil [ index ] = interpolation ( boil_0 , boil_1 , P_secc [ index ]) Q_crit = film_gni ( index )*( T_boil [ index ] - T_metal2 [ index ])*1 E -4 Q_critot [ index ] = Q_crit + pot_1 [ index ]*1 E -4 # Boscary critical heat flux calculation : if index == 0: rho_v [0] = ( PM * P_secc [0]) / (8.31 * (350)) R_d [0] = interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ index ])/ rho_v [0] E_c [0] = vel ( index )**2 / ( interpolation ( cpRef_0 , cpRef_1 ,77)*\ ( T_boil [0] - T_metal2 [0])) X [0] = - interpolation ( cpRef_0 , cpRef_1 ,77) * ( T_boil [ index ] - 31) / Hfg B_oc [0] = (0.025)* exp (( X [0])**2)*( E_c [0]**( -0.1428)* rey ( index )**( -0.25)\ * R_d [0]**( -0.25)*( - X [0])**(0.1)) Q_crit2 [0] = 1.25* interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 ,77)* vel ( index )* Hfg \ * B_oc [0] else : rho_v [ index ] = ( PM * P_secc [ index ]) / (8.31 * ( T_metal2 [ index ] + 273)) R_d [ index ] = interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ index ])\ / rho_v [ index ] E_c [ index ] = vel ( index )**2\ / ( interpolation ( cpRef_0 , cpRef_1 , T_metal2 [ index ]))\ *( T_boil [ index ] - T_metal2 [ index ])) X [ index ] = - interpolation ( cpRef_0 , cpRef_1 , T_ref [ index ])\ * ( T_boil [ index ] - T_ref [ index ]) / Hfg B_oc [ index ] = 0.025* exp (( X [ index ])**2)*( E_c [ index ]**( -0.1428)* rey ( index )\ **( -0.25)* R_d [ index ]**( -0.25)*( - X [ index ])**(0.1)) Q_crit2 [ index ] = 1.0* interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ index ])\ * vel ( index )* Hfg * B_oc [ index ] return T_boil , Q_critot , Q_crit2 , X # Tabulated critical heat flux calculation : def boiling_tab ( index ): k_x = 0.81 k_p = 0.9 167 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 G = q_r / a_r ( index ) T_boil [ index ] = interpolation ( boil_0 , boil_1 , P_secc [ index ]) X_2 = - interpolation ( cpRef_0 , cpRef_1 , T_ref [ index ])\ * ( T_boil [ index ] - T_ref [ index ]) / Hfg if espesor ( index ) > 8.26*1 E -3: k_esp = 0.75 else : k_esp = 0.663 + 64.374* exp ( - espesor ( index )*1 E +3/1.242) CHF_0_2 = interpolation ( XRef_02 , XRef_12 , G ) CHF_0_15 = interpolation ( XRef_015 , XRef_115 , G ) CHF_01 = interpolation ( XRef_01 , XRef_11 , G ) CHF_005 = interpolation ( XRef_005 , XRef_105 , G ) if abs ( X_2 ) <= 0.1: CHF_tab [ index ] = k_x * k_p * k_esp * (( CHF_01 - CHF_005 )*( - X_2 - 0.05)\ /0.05 + CHF_005 ) else : CHF_tab [ index ] = k_x * k_p * k_esp * (( CHF_0_2 - CHF_0_15 )*\ ( - X_2 - 0.15)/0.05 + CHF_0_15 ) return CHF_tab # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Return calculation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -# # Cartridge - shroud geometry ( m ): def geom ( index ) : esp = R_ret - ( section_1 [ index ] + Eint ( index ) + espesor ( index ) + tp ) return esp def Out_ret ( index ) : return section_1 [ index ] + Eint ( index ) + espesor ( index ) + tp def In_ret ( index ) : return section_1 [ index ] + Eint ( index ) + espesor ( index ) # Cross sectional return area ( m **2): def a_ret ( index ) : return pi *( R_ret **2 - ( section_1 [ index ] + Eint ( index )\ + espesor ( index ) + tp )**2) # Return hydraulic diameter ( m ): def dh_ret ( index ) : return 2* geom ( index ) # Return velocity ( m / s ): def vel_ret ( index ) : 168 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 return q_r /( interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref2 [ index ])*\ a_ret ( index )) # Reynolds number ( Dimensionless ): def re_ret ( index ) : return interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref2 [ index ]) \ * vel_ret ( index ) * dh_ret ( index )\ / interpolation ( visco_0 , visco_1 , T_ref2 [ index ]) # Friction parameter in the water return ( Dimensionless ): def fricc_ret ( index ) : a = 2/ log (10) b = epsi /( dh_ret ( index ) * 3.7) d = ( log (10) * re_ret ( index ))/5.2 s = b * d + log ( d ) q = s **( s /( s +1)) g = b * d + log ( d / q ) z = log ( q / g ) Dla = ( g * z )/( g + 1) Dcfa = Dla *(1 + z /(2*( g + 1)**2 + ( z /3)*(2* g - 1))) friction = ( a * ( log ( d / q ) + Dcfa ))**( -2) return friction # # Darcy - Weishbach linear loss height in the return ( m ): def carga_ret ( index ) : return ( fricc_ret ( index ) * ( abs ( section_0 [ index -1] - section_0 [ index ]))\ * ( vel_ret ( index ))**2) / (2 * float ( g ) * dh_ret ( index )) # Petukhov - Gnielinski with Sieder - Tate viscosity correction Nusselt number \ # in the water return ( Dimensionless ): def nusselt_ret ( index ): return ( ( fricc ( index )/8.)*( re_ret ( index ) -1000)* pr ( index )/(1.07+12.7\ * sqrt ( fricc ( index )/8.) * ( pr ( index )**(2./3.) -1)) )*\ ( interpolation ( visco_0 , visco_1 , T_ref2 [ index ])\ / interpolation ( visco_0 , visco_1 , T_metal2 [ index ]))**(0.11) # Return film transfer coefficient ( W / m **2 K ): def film_ret ( index ) : hret = nusselt_ret ( index )* interpolation ( kRef_0 , kRef_1 , T_ref2 [ index ]) \ / dh_ret ( index ) return hret # Reynolds roughness number ( Dimensionless ): def re_epsi ( index ) : return rey ( index )*( epsi / dh ( index ))*( fricc ( index )/8)**(0.5) 169 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 # Function calculating power densities and temperatures in the water return : def T_ret ( index ) : T_cext [ i ] = ( film_ret ( i ) * Out_ret ( i ) * T_ref2 [ i ] + film_gni ( i ) *\ In_ret ( i ) * T_ref [ i ]) \ / ( film_gni ( i ) * In_ret ( i ) + film_ret ( i ) * Out_ret ( i )) pot_ret [ i ] = film_gni ( i )*( T_cext [ i ] - T_ref [ i ]) pot_tot [ i ] = pot_1 [ i ] + pot_ret [ i ] T_ref3 [ i +1] = T_ref3 [ i ]+2.0*3.1416*( section_0 [ i +1] - section_0 [ i ])*\ ( section_1 [ i ]+ Eint ( i ))* pot_tot [ i ] \ / ( q_r * interpolation ( cpRef_0 , cpRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])) return T_cext , pot_ret , pot_tot , T_ref3 # Pressure loss due to the section change ( m ): k_tip = 1.05 h_tip = k_tip * ( vel (1)**2) * 0.5 / float ( g ) k_1 = 1 - ( float ( dh (200))**4) /( float ( dh (199))**4) # Friction parameter hs_1 = k_1 * ( vel (200)**2) * 0.5 / float ( g ) k_2 = 1 - ( float ( dh (688))**4) /( float ( dh (687))**4) # Friction parameter hs_2 = k_2 * ( vel (688)**2) * 0.5 / float ( g ) k_3 = 1 - ( float ( dh (1251))**4) /( float ( dh (1250))**4) # Friction parameter hs_3 = k_3 * ( vel (1251)**2) * 0.5 / float ( g ) k_4 = 0.1127 hs_4 = k_4 * ( vel (2000)**2) * 0.5 / float ( g ) k_exit = 3.3 h_exit = k_exit * ( vel (2498)**2) * 0.5 / float ( g ) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Beginning of iterative procedure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -# # Computing the temperature of refrigerant : for i in range ( len ( section_0 ) -1 ) : # adjust power density to outer surface : pot_1 [ i +1] *= duty_cycle * section_1 [ i +1]/( section_1 [ i +1]+ Eint ( i +1)) T_ref [ i +1] = T_ref [ i ]+2.0*3.1416*( section_0 [ i +1] - section_0 [ i ])\ *( section_1 [ i ]+ Eint ( i ))* pot_1 [ i ] \ / ( q_r * interpolation ( cpRef_0 , cpRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])) # Computing the temperature of interface : if rey ( i ) > 10000: T_metal [ i +1] = T_ref [ i +1] + pot_1 [ i +1]/ film_rug ( i +1) T_metal2 [ i +1] = 40 # T_ref [ i +1] + pot_1 [ i +1]/ film_gni ( i +1) T_aux = T_ref [ i +1] + pot_1 [ i +1]/ film_gni ( i +1) elif 2300 < rey ( i ) < 10000: T_metal2 [ i +1] = T_ref [ i +1] + pot_1 [ i +1]/ film_tran ( i +1) T_aux = T_ref [ i +1] + pot_1 [ i +1]/ film_tran ( i +1) oTran . write ( str ( section_0 [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( T_ref [ i ] + pot_1 [ i ]\ / film_tran ( i ))+ " \ t " + str ( film_tran ( i ))+ " \ n " ) else : T_metal2 [ i +1] = T_ref [ i +1] + pot_1 [ i +1]/ film_lam ( i +1) T_aux = T_ref [ i +1] + pot_1 [ i +1]/ film_lam ( i +1) 170 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 oLam . write ( str ( section_0 [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( T_ref [ i ] + pot_1 [ i ]\ / film_lam ( i ))+ " \ t " + str ( film_lam ( i ))+ " \ n " ) j = 0 while abs ( T_metal2 [ i +1] - T_aux ) > 1E -8 : T_metal2 [ i +1] = T_aux T_aux = T_ref [ i +1] + pot_1 [ i +1]/ film_gni ( i +1) j = j +1 # print j , i # Calculation of the pressure profile along the beam dump \ # cooling channel : if section_0 [ i ] <= 20 E -02 : P_secc [1] = P_secc [0] - \ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [0])* float ( g )\ * float ( h_tip ) P_secc [ i +1] = P_secc [ i ] +\ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])*0.5*\ ( vel ( i )**2 - vel ( i +1)**2)\ + interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])*\ float ( g )*( float ( section_1 [ i ]) - float ( section_1 [ i +1]))\ - interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])* float ( g )\ * float ( carga ( i )) P_secc [200] = P_secc [199] +\ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [199])*0.5*\ ( vel (199)**2 - vel (200)**2)\ + interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [199])*\ float ( g )*( float ( section_1 [199]) - float ( section_1 [200]))\ - interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])* float ( g )*\ float ( carga (199) + hs_1 ) elif section_0 [ i ] <= 68.815 E -2 : P_secc [ i +1] = P_secc [ i ] +\ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])*0.5*\ ( vel ( i )**2 - vel ( i +1)**2)\ + interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])* float ( g )\ *( float ( section_1 [ i ]) - float ( section_1 [ i +1]))\ - interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])* float ( g )*\ float ( carga ( i )) P_secc [688] = P_secc [687] +\ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [687])*0.5*( vel (687)\ **2 - vel (688)**2)\ + interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [687])* float ( g )*\ ( float ( section_1 [687]) - float ( section_1 [688]))\ - interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [687])* float ( g )*\ float ( carga (687) + hs_2 ) elif section_0 [ i ] <= 125.13 E -2 : P_secc [ i +1] = P_secc [ i ] +\ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])*0.5*( vel ( i )**2\ - vel ( i +1)**2)+ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])\ * float ( g )*( float ( section_1 [ i ]) - float ( section_1 [ i +1])) -\ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])* float ( g )*\ float ( carga ( i )) P_secc [1251] = P_secc [1250] +\ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [1250])*0.5*\ 171 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 ( vel (1250)**2 - vel (1251)**2)\ + interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [1250])*\ float ( g )*( float ( section_1 [1250]) -\ float ( section_1 [1251]))\ - interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [1250])*\ float ( g )* float ( carga (1250) + hs_3 ) elif section_0 [ i ] <= 200 E -2 : P_secc [ i +1] = P_secc [ i ] +\ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])*0.5*( vel ( i )**2\ - vel ( i +1)**2) + interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])\ * float ( g )*( float ( section_1 [ i ]) - float ( section_1 [ i +1])) -\ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])* float ( g )*\ float ( carga ( i )) P_secc [2000] = P_secc [2000] +\ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [2000])*0.5*( vel (2000)**2\ - vel (2001)**2) + interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [2000])*\ float ( g )*( float ( section_1 [2000]) - float ( section_1 [2001]))\ - interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [2000])* float ( g )* float ( carga ( i )\ + hs_4 ) else : P_secc [ i +1] = P_secc [ i ] +\ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])*0.5*( vel ( i )**2 -\ vel ( i +1)**2) + interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])*\ float ( g )*( float ( section_1 [ i ]) - float ( section_1 [ i +1]))\ - interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])* float ( g )*\ float ( carga ( i )) P_secc [2498] = P_secc [2497] -\ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [2497])* float ( g )* float ( h_exit ) j = ( len ( section_0 ) -1) - i P_ret [j -1] = P_ret [ j ] + interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [j -1])*0.5*\ ( vel_ret ( j )**2 - vel_ret (j -1)**2) +\ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [j -1])\ * float ( g )*( float ( section_1 [ j ]) - float ( section_1 [j -1])) -\ interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [j -1])* float ( g )*\ float ( carga_ret ( j )) P_loss [ i +1] = P_secc [0] - P_secc [( len ( section_0 ) -1)] # Critical heat Flux calculation : CHF_2 [ i ] = boiling_tab ( i ) Boil [ i ] = boiling ( i ) Sh = pi * section_1 [2498]* sqrt ( section_1 [2498]**2 + 2.5**2) Tlim = interpolation ( boil_0 , boil_1 , P_secc [ i ]) Hlim = pot_1 [ i ] / ( Tlim - T_ref [ i ]) oFilmlim . write ( str ( section_0 [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( Tlim )+ " \ t " + str ( Hlim )+\ " \ t " + str ( film_gni ( i ))+ " \ n " ) # Return temperature calculation : T_aux2 [ i ] = T_ret ( i ) jtot = 0 while ( T_ref3 [ len ( section_0 ) -1] - T_ref2 [ len ( section_0 ) -1]) > 1E -10 : 172 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 T_ref2 = [ T_ref3 [ len ( section_0 ) -1] for i in range ( len ( section_0 ) ) ] jtot = jtot + 1 print jtot for i in range ( len ( section_0 ) -1): T_aux2 [ i ] = T_ret ( i ) T_metal4 [ i +1] = T_ref3 [ i +1] + pot_tot [ i +1]/ film_gni ( i +1) # Writing data to the output . txt files : for i in range ( len ( section_0 ) -1) : oRet . write ( str ( section_0 [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( vel_ret ( i ))+ " \ t " + str ( re_ret ( i ))+\ " \ t " + str ( film_ret ( i ))+ " \ t " + str ( T_ref3 [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( T_cext [ i ])+ " \ t " \ + str ( pot_tot [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( pot_1 [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( P_ret [ i ])+ " \ n " ) oEsp . write ( str ( section_0 [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( section_1 [ i ]+ Eint ( i )+ espesor ( i ))+\ " \ t " + str ( espesor ( i ))+ " \ t " + str ( a_r ( i ))+ " \ t " + str (1/ a_r ( i ))+ " \ t " + str ( dh ( i ))\ +"\n") oVarsSI . write ( str ( section_0 [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( vel ( i ))+ " \ t " + str ( rey ( i ))+ " \ t " \ + str ( re_epsi ( i ))+ " \ t " + str ( film_gni ( i ))+ " \ t " + str ( pot_1 [ i ])+ " \ t " \ + str ( Bound ( i ))+ " \ t " + str ( inten ( i ))+ " \ n " ) oTempSI . write ( str ( section_0 [ i +1])+ " \ t " + str ( T_ref [ i +1])+ " \ t " \ + str ( T_ref3 [ i +1])+ " \ t " + str ( T_metal2 [ i +1])+ " \ t " \ + str ( T_metal4 [ i +1])+ " \ n " ) oPresSI . write ( str ( section_0 [ i +1])+ " \ t " + str ( P_secc [ i +1])+ " \ t " \ + str ( P_secc [ i +1]*1 E -5)+ " \ n " ) oFricc . write ( str ( section_0 [ i ])+ " \ t " \ + str ( abs (0.5* interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])\ *( vel ( i +1)**2 - vel ( i )**2))*1 E -5)\ + " \ t " + str ( interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref [ i ])*\ float ( g )* carga ( i )*1 E -5)+ " \ t " + str ( fricc ( i ))+ " \ n " ) oInflu . write ( str ( section_0 [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( film_gni ( i ))+ " \ t " \ + str (1.06* film_gni ( i ))+ " \ t " + str (0.94* film_gni ( i ))+ " \ n " ) oQboil . write ( str ( section_0 [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( T_boil [ i ])+ " \ t " \ + str ( Q_critot [ i ])+ " \ t " + str (( pot_1 [ i ]*( section_1 [ i +1]+\ Eint ( i +1))/ section_1 [ i +1])*1 E -4)+ " \ t " + str ( E_c [ i ])+ " \ t " \ + str ( X [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( Q_crit2 [ i ]*1 E -4)+ " \ n " ) oCrittab . write ( str ( section_0 [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( X [ i ])+ " \ t " \ + str ( CHF_tab [ i ]*1 E -1)+ " \ t " + str ( Q_crit2 [ i ]/( CHF_tab [ i ]\ *1 E3 ))+ " \ t " \ + str ( abs (100 - (100* CHF_tab [ i ]*1 E3 / Q_crit2 [ i ])))+ " \ n " ) oFilm . write ( str ( section_0 [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( film_gni ( i ))+ " \ t " \ + str ( film_rug ( i ))+ " \ t " + str ( film_roiz ( i ))+ " \ t " \ + str ( film_gni ( i )/( interpolation ( visco_0 , visco_1 , T_ref [ i ])\ / interpolation ( visco_0 , visco_1 , T_metal2 [ i ]))**(0.11))+ " \ t " + str ( film_rug ( i )*( interpolation ( visco_0 , visco_1 , T_ref [ i ])/\ interpolation ( visco_0 , visco_1 , T_metal2 [ i ]))**(0.11))+ " \ t " \ + str ( film_roiz ( i )/( interpolation ( visco_0 , visco_1 , T_ref [ i ])/\ interpolation ( visco_0 , visco_1 , T_metal2 [ i ]))**(0.11))+ " \ n " ) oData . write ( str ( section_0 [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( section_1 [ i ]+ Eint ( i ))\ + " \ t " + str ( section_1 [ i ]+ Eint ( i )+ espesor ( i ))+ " \ t " \ + str ( espesor ( i ))+ " \ t " + str ( vel ( i ))+ " \ t " + str ( pot_1 [ i ]*1 E -4)+\ " \ t " + str (( pot_1 [ i ]*( section_1 [ i +1]+ Eint ( i +1))/ section_1 [ i +1])\ *1 E -4)+ " \ t " + str ( T_ref3 [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( T_metal4 [ i ])+ " \ t " \ + str ( interpolation ( densRef_0 , densRef_1 , T_ref3 [ i ]))+ " \ t " \ + str ( interpolation ( visco_0 , visco_1 , T_ref3 [ i ]))+ " \ t " + str ( rey ( i ))\ + " \ t " + str ( fricc ( i ))+ " \ t " + str ( film_gni ( i ))+ " \ t " + str ( film_roiz ( i ))\ 173 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 + " \ t " + str ( P_secc [ i +1]*1 E -5)+ " \ t " \ + str ( interpolation ( Psat_0 , Psat_1 , T_metal4 [ i ]))+ " \ t " \ + str ( T_boil [ i ])+ " \ t " + str ( CHF_tab [ i ]*1 E -1)+ " \ t " \ + str ( Q_crit2 [ i ]*1 E -4)+ " \ t " + str ( Q_critot [ i ])+ " \ n " ) subprocess . call ([ ’/ home / markus / Documentos / Beam Dump / Refrigeracion \ / p r o g r a m a s _r e fr ig e ra c io n / Corrosion_Final / refrigeration - pot - Tran . py ’ ]) print P_loss [2498] , T_boil [2100] print ( " SUCCESS !!! 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