Satchidananda Ashram Yogaville


Satchidananda Ashram Yogaville
Satchidananda Ashram
Transforming Lives
Program Guide Winter/ Spring 2015
The Goal of Integral Yoga
“The Goal of Integral Yoga, and the
birthright of every individual, is to realize the
spiritual unity behind the diversity throughout
creation and to live harmoniously as members of
one universal family.
“This goal is achieved by maintaining our
natural condition: a body of optimum
health and strength, senses under total
control, a mind well-disciplined, clear and calm,
an intellect as sharp as a razor, a will
as strong and pliable as steel, a heart full of
unconditional love and compassion, an ego as
pure as crystal and a life filled with Supreme
Peace and Joy.”
His Holiness Sri Swami Satchidanandaji Maharaj,
Sri Gurudev (1914–2002), founded Integral Yoga
in 1966, the worldwide Integral Yoga Institutes and
Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville®, a dynamic yoga
community. He is regarded by many as an apostle of
peace and served as a living example of the teachings
of yoga and its goal of Self-Realization. Dedicated to
the principle that “Truth is One, Paths are Many,” his
teachings bring together people of all backgrounds
and beliefs so they can learn to respect all different
paths and to realize their common spirit and the
universality of their spiritual goals. Sri ­Gurudev served
on the advisory boards of numerous peace and
interfaith organizations and authored many books,
including To Know Your Self, The Living Gita and The
Golden Present. Among the many awards and honors
he received are the Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian
Award, the Humanitarian Award of the AntiDefamation League of B’nai B’rith, the Juliet Hollister
Interfaith Award and the U Thant Peace Award.
Integral Yoga is a complete system of yoga that integrates
all aspects of life and maintains our natural condition
of an easeful body, peaceful mind and useful life. It
combines various methods of yoga, including the physical
postures, breathing practices and relaxation techniques
(Hatha Yoga), selfless service (Karma Yoga), devotion
and prayer (Bhakti Yoga), meditation techniques (Raja
Yoga), mantra repetition (Japa Yoga) and Self-inquiry
(Jnana Yoga). The practices and principles of Integral
Yoga are the foundation of Dr. Dean Ornish’s landmark
work on reversing heart disease and Dr. Michael
Lerner’s noted Commonweal Cancer Help program.
The Light Of Truth Universal Shrine (LOTUS) is the
realization of Sri Gurudev’s universal teaching that
“Truth is One, Paths are Many.” For more than forty
years, he sponsored interfaith worship services and
conferences. Witnessing the genuine peace and joy
experienced by all participating in these gatherings,
Sri Gurudev was inspired to create a permanent place
where all people could come to realize their essential
oneness. Opened in July 1986, the LOTUS is dedicated
to the Light of all faiths and to world peace, and it
embodies Sri Gurudev’s efforts to foster religious
harmony throughout the world.
Built in the shape of a lotus blossom—the ancient symbol
for the spiritual unfoldment of the soul—the shrine is
a sanctuary for silent meditation, contemplation and
prayer. It displays altars for the world’s faiths and is a
place where people of all backgrounds come together
under one roof to honor their individual traditions while
realizing the ultimate spiritual unity of all.
Integral Yoga International is the global organization of
Integral Yoga. Beginning in 1966 with a handful of friends
sitting in the living room of a New York apartment and
asking Sri Swami Satchidananda questions, Integral Yoga
has grown into an international organization renowned
for its teacher training programs and for making yoga
accessible to everyone. There are Integral Yoga Institutes,
centers and teachers around the world.
Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville® in Virginia, USA, is
the world headquarters of Integral Yoga. The mission
of Integral Yoga International is to share the teachings
of His Holiness Sri Swami Satchidananda and the
principles of peace, selfless service and healthful and
balanced living. For more information on Integral Yoga
International, please visit
IYI, Coimbatore, India
Welcome to Yogaville
Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville, a non-profit
organization, is a vibrant spiritual center founded by
Sri Swami Satchidananda. A unique yoga community,
it serves as an oasis for spiritual unfoldment, benefiting
residents and guests alike. Situated on the banks of
the James River in Buckingham, Virginia with the Blue
Ridge Mountains as a backdrop, it encompasses over
700 acres of serene, wooded landscape. Five sacred
sites, including the LOTUS, provide a variety of options
for meditation and spiritual gatherings.
Our members have come together from a wide range
of different backgrounds and nationalities to live the
simple yet profound teachings of Integral Yoga®, based
on maintaining our natural condition of an easeful
body, peaceful mind and useful life. Our mission is to
practice, live and impart the Integral Yoga teachings
of Sri Swami Satchidananda, to experience Supreme
Peace and Joy, and to share that with one and all.
Table of Contents
Celebrations 2015..........................................................4
What’s New.....................................................................6
Integral Yoga® Signature Retreats...............................7
Personal Retreats......................................................... 10
Special Interest Retreats............................................. 10
Yoga Vacation..............................................................13
Camp Yogaville............................................................ 14
Nov./Dec. Workshops & Free Workshops............. 15
Workshops 2015......................................................... 16
Integral Yoga Academy.............................................. 36
200 and 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification..... 37
School of Yoga Teacher Training............................. 38
School of Therapeutic Yoga...................................... 42
Programs for Yoga Teachers
& Health Professionals............................................ 52
Integral Yoga Teachers Association......................... 54
Continuing Education ................................................55
Guest Stays / Welcome Weekend........................... 56
Accommodations........................................................ 57
Discounts/Help Us Build Yogaville.......................... 58
Volunteer Programs.................................................... 59
Reservations / Registration........................................ 61
Winter/Spring 2015 Calendar.................. Back Cover
Check out our website:
1-800-858-9642 or
1-434-969-2048 (outside USA)
Fax: 1-434-969-1303
Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville, 108 Yogaville Way,
Buckingham, VA 23921 USA
Come Home to Yogaville
Join us for a day, weekend or longer
Connect, Share, Learn, Grow
Spend the Day with Us/Be Our Guest
You are welcome to visit our sacred spaces, join us
for meditations and take Hatha Yoga classes. Or stick
around to immerse yourself in the Ashram’s daily
schedule for much more. Pages 56-57
Take a Yoga Workshop
Explore yoga teachings, techniques and philosophy. Sign
up for one of our workshops featuring expert presenters
who will engage and inspire you. Pages 15–35
Retreat into Your Inner Peace
Break away from your hectic life and take time to reflect,
relax and rejuvenate with an Integral Yoga® Signature
Retreat at Yogaville. Immerse yourself in silence. Or join
us for one of our many other retreats. Pages 7–14
Become Certified & Earn CEU’s
Immersed in a yogic lifestyle, you can learn to be a yoga
teacher. Integral Yoga® is a Registered Yoga School
with Yoga Alliance at both the 200 and 500-hour training
levels. In addition, we offer a wide range of advanced
programs to earn Continuing Education Units (CEU’s).
Pages 36-55
Live The Teachings
Participate in our Living Yoga Training (LYT) work-study
program for a month or longer. Live the yogic lifestyle:
study meditation, Hatha Yoga and yogic philosophy, and
learn the benefits of selfless service. Page 59
Plan Your Own Group Retreat
Get ready for your own unique Yogaville experience.
Choose from two very special mountainside properties:
the new Shri Nivas Retreat Center or the Lotus
Conference Center. Your group can move at its own
speed and have access to remote locations. Page 6
February 21, 2015
Mahasivaratri is a special all-night vigil in honor of Lord Siva, celebrated when
the moon is at its darkest phase. We will offer four pujas (worship services) to
Lord Siva during the night, tell and act out stories, join together in Siva chants,
visit the Nataraj Shrine and more.
April 3, 2015
We celebrate Passover with a Seder, a ritual dinner, commemorating the
liberation of the early Hebrew people from their bondage in Egypt. Passover
affirms our liberation from bondage to selfish attachments.
April 5, 2015
Join us Easter Sunday morning as we celebrate the Risen Christ with a special
worship service that includes an adapted Integral Yoga® puja, a communion
service, Easter hymns and inspirational messages.
Buddhist Wesak Program
June 1, 2015
On this auspicious Full Moon, we will celebrate the Birth, Enlightenment and
Mahasamadhi of the Buddha.
Guru Poornima/LOTUS Anniversary/Independence Day
July 4, 2015
On the annual sacred occasion of Guru Poornima, devotees worldwide pay
homage to their Guru. Over the weekend, we will honor our Gurudeva, His Holiness Sri Swami Satchidananda and appreciate the Divine Light at the heart of
all spiritual traditions. We will begin the weekend with chanting of the Guru Gita
on Friday evening at Chidambaram. On Saturday, we will have a Light of Truth
Universal Service in the morning and an interfaith program in the afternoon.
In the evening we will have heartfelt offerings from the sangha. On Sunday
morning we will have a special puja at Chidambaram followed by a program in
LOTUS All Faiths Hall in honor of the 29th Anniversary of our magnificent shrine.
Mahasamadhi Memorial
August 22, 2015
In the morning, we will observe the 13th Anniversary Memorial of the
Mahasamadhi of Sri Gurudev with a special puja at Chidambaram. In the
afternoon, we will have the opportunity to experience darshan at Ananda Kutir.
Come evening, we will have an inspiring satsang in remembrance of Sri
Gurudev and his gift of the Integral Yoga teachings. The Mahasamadhi
Memorial will give us a wonderful opportunity to tune into Sri Gurudev’s Divine
Presence and stay “tuned” while we live our lives in the world.
Centennial Celebrations
Other Annual Celebrations 2015
Sivananda Jayanthi Satsang
Yom Kippur
Navaratri - 9 Nights Starting
All Saints Day/Halloween
Thanksgiving Service & Meal
Hanukkah Program & Supper
Jayanthi Celebration
Christmas Eve Worship Service
Christmas Day Luncheon
New Year’s Eve Celebration
Sept. 5, 2015
Sept. 22, 2015
Oct. 13, 2015
Nov. 1, 2015
Nov. 26, 2015
Dec. 7, 2015
Dec. 19, 2015
Dec. 24, 2015
Dec. 25, 2015
Dec. 31, 2015
Please see Guest Stay prices on page 57.
What’s New
Check out Completely New Workshops in Yogaville:
Healthy Relationships in Yoga & The Path of Heart p.17, Neurogenic Yoga p.31,
Asana Sequencing: Unlocking the Power of Combination p.34.
Besides the free fresh air and gentleness anyone can get in Yogaville, here’s a FREE
WORKSHOP for you to pay with lots of laughter: Free—All Day Laughter Yoga® Workshop in Yogaville: Live, Laugh, Love! p.15.
Email Blasts:
Every Wednesday our dear Bill Geoghegan will send you the latest news and current
workshops so you can stay in touch and be inspired! Join our mailing list by sending an
email to [email protected] Or use this QR code:
Throughout each
category of our Guide,
you will notice we’ve
added a QR code like
the one seen below.
Thiscode will bring
you to the respective
section in our website
To use the code
Download a QR
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The app is free and
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Plan a Group Retreat Now
Group Services of Satchidananda,Yogaville® is here to serve you
every step of the way. Your group can move at its own speed and have access to
remote locations for activities catering to every style of yoga
and ability level. We help you prioritize your retreat by offering
a wide variety of complimentary services including:
Schedule planning
Priority check-in
Hatha classes and deep relaxation
Private seating in dining halls and more
Plus, when you plan a group retreat, you come for FREE! Get ready for your
own unique Yogaville experience.
Choose from two very special mountainside properties:
Shri Nivas Retreat Center
Lotus Conference Center
Main campus accommodations are also available.
Please contact Shankari Bowmaster at (434) 969-3121 Ext. 147
or [email protected]. Go to to view virtual
video tours and get more information.
Or use the QR Code
You will find yourself
transported automatically to the Yogaville
website, and even
better, to the very
page of the section
you are interested in!
Visit our Group
Services page!
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Integral Yoga® Signature Retreats
Stepping out of the frenetic pace of life, taking time to
reflect and gain perspective in between life events helps
us live a life rooted in divine peace and harmony.
For nearly 40 years, the silent retreats of Integral Yoga
and Yogaville® have provided the sanctuary and solace
everyone needs from time to time.
Yogaville is a perfect setting for an inner journey.
Our collection of Signature Retreats is set against the
backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the James River
Valley, wooded hiking trails, breathtaking vistas, serene
lakeside oases and artfully landscaped shrines.
This inspiring and restorative setting supports and
nurtures the connection with the inner stillness and
allows communion with nature.
What to expect:
Participants immerse in silence while respected teachers
offer experiential workshops and classes in:
• Yoga philosophy
• Meditation
• Breathing practices (pranayama)
• Yoga postures (asana)
In silence, we can learn to listen to others and to ourselves. With no need to converse, the inner dialogue
lessens and the mind becomes calm.
The effects of the Signature Retreat don’t stop when the
program ends. You’ll go forward with tools you can use
to enjoy a more peaceful, useful and happy life.
Who can attend:
All levels of experience. Those new to yoga and the
practice of silence will receive full instruction and support. Experienced retreatants can move even more
deeply within.
Seek additional guidance or clarification by asking questions in writing or requesting private mentoring.
Integral Yoga® Signature Retreats
New Year’s Silent Retreat: Realign Yourself with Your Highest Goals
Reverend Paraman Barsel, Retreat Director & Senior Staff
December 31, 2014 - January 4, 2015
It’s a new year! There is a sense of fresh possibilities and
energy for change. It is an opportunity to press pause on
the busy life and the perfect time to reflect, relax and realign yourself with your highest goals.
It’s amazing what a little silence can do!
• Slow down to truly nourish body, mind and spirit
• Away from the demands of normal daily life, find
yourself reacquainted with your ideals, dreams
and the ways you can bring your “regular” life into
Retreat participants keep silence, but the presenters
and staff speak to bring you all levels (beginner to
experienced) of yoga’s physical poses, meditation
techniques and a variety of talks to help you renew
healthy mental and physical goals for 2015.
“This retreat opened many doors for me and
reminded me of deep, universal truths. The quiet
was life changing.”
Tuition: $295. Add four nights accommodation (see p. 57).
Program Registration: 4:00 pm Program End Time: 12:30 pm
Spring Silent Retreat: Renew Your Connection with Your Inner Guidance
Reverend Prakasha Shakti Capen, Retreat Director & Senior Staff
April 16-19, 2015
One of the greatest gifts of yoga is being able to connect
with our inner guidance. The more we are present in the
moment, we get in touch with our natural inner strength
and balance experiencing the sacredness and deep joy
of daily life.
All levels of experience are welcomed. Receive full
instruction and support or simply deepen your practice.
Tuition: $250. Add three nights accommodation (see p. 57).
Program Registration: 4:00 pm Program End Time: 12:30 pm
This Signature Silent Retreat is the perfect way to:
• Reconnect with the inner wisdom
• Take time out in the quiet and beautiful Virginia
• Immerse yourself in silent reflection, expert
presentations and the many practices of yoga
• Get inspired by the guidance of senior teachers
• Bring forth your own inner guidance
• Relax and strengthen the body and mind through
classes in Hatha Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Pranayama
(breathing practices) and Deep Relaxation
Integral Yoga® Signature Retreats
Integral Yoga Ten-Day Silent Retreat:
August 7-16, 2015
Take some quiet time this year to replenish your core
being, tune in to the inner wisdom and rediscover the
greatness that already lies within.
Join us to:
Refresh and replenish body, mind and soul
Balance the emotions
Align yourself with who you really are, what you want
and where you are going
Tune in to the Wisdom Within
Hatha Yoga (postures)
Pranayama (breathing practices)
Guided deep relaxation and meditations each day
Delicious and nutritious organic vegetarian meals
Natural beauty
Deep sacred spaces of Yogaville®, all enhanced by
the practice of silence
Inspirational talks given each day
Insights, chants, meditation techniques and guidance on your inner journey.
The retreat is suited to students of all levels of experience.
Additional guidance, support and clarification are done by questions in writing.
If you cannot come for the entire ten days, you may attend the first weekend.
Tuition: $450. Add four nights accommodation (see p. 57).
Program Registration: 4:00 pm Program End Time: 12:30 pm
Fall Silent Retreat: You Are Unique in ‘God’s Eyes’—Are You in Yours?
Swami Gurucharananda (Mataji), Retreat Director & Senior Staff
October 9-11, 2015
Autumn is a season of introspection. Even nature is ready
to retreat! Tree leaves glow in radiant colors, field crops
are filled with nourishing food, fruits have ripened on the
trees. Nature is ready to share its bounty with the world.
This is the perfect time for us to go within, reflect joyfully
and move from daily learning to daily living. Though we
all have similar family, work and societal experiences and
challenges, there is obvious uniqueness in the way each
of us will apply and benefit from them. During this retreat,
the spiritual practices of yoga may open your awareness to
the many inner, unique gifts and qualities that make you,
Join us and discover: “I AM UNIQUE!”
During this Fall Signature Silent Retreat the talks, reflection
& practices will help us to explore:
What is meant by uniqueness here; what is our
essential Oneness
New areas of talents that we haven’t thought about
before - through daily meditation & mindful living
Integral Yoga as the “How to Nurture” our five human
Life as the ever new, challenging and exciting
How much personal effort and will is required to
move “Onward and Upward” toward the Goal
Tuition: $250. Add four nights accommodation (see p. 57).
Program Registration: 4:00 pm Program End Time: 12:30 pm
Personal Retreats
Personal Retreats
A Special Opportunity to Relax, Recharge, Reflect
and Go Deeper on Your Spiritual Path
A personal retreat offers:
• Private accommodations in our dormitory or motelstyle guest houses
• Three vegetarian meals daily
• Three group meditation sessions daily
• Two Hatha Yoga classes daily
• Scripture study
• Personal, spiritual mentoring by a monastic or minister
Join us for a profound opportunity to deepen your spiritual
journey with an individually designed retreat. Take time to
go within. Be nurtured by the beauty of nature. Meditate
at our many sacred spaces. Take the opportunity to join in
the yogic practices and classes we offer.
Your schedule can be open or more structured,
depending on your needs. Balance your days in the
way best suited to you, with your personal combination
of attending scheduled classes and group meditations,
connecting with nature as you enjoy our many
magnificent walks and spending quiet time reading or
writing. You can also choose to spend some or all of
your stay in silence if you wish.
One of our senior monastics or ministers will be available
to support you throughout your stay, and you can meet
with your mentor at the beginning of your retreat to help
clarify your goals and design your program.
Available Monday to Thursday. Minimum stay: two nights.
(2015 )
2 Nights 3 Nights 4 Nights 2 Nights 3 Nights 4 Nights
Private Room
Shared Bath
Private Room
Private Bath
Mid-Week Special Interest Retreats
We have created a new type of Personal Retreat—a
Special Interest Retreat—for our guests who would like
to focus their attention on particular areas of personal
development. These monthly midweek retreats will not
only allow you the time, space and guidance to relax and
go within but also offer talks and workshops to enhance
your knowledge and understanding of a topic. You will
be able to join the ashram daily schedule, take morning
classes in your area of interest and still have time to enjoy
Yogaville®’s beautiful natural setting and to spend time in
our sacred spaces.
Here is our projected schedule for 2015. Please see for a full description, schedules and
Tuition for each retreat: $160. Add three nights
accommodation (see page 57).
Mid-Week Special Interest Retreats
The Spirit of Health
Keeping Your Resolutions for a Happy
& Healthy New Year
Dr. Amrita McLanahan, M.D.
January 20-23, 2015
How many times have you made New Year’s resolutions
to have a healthier, happier lifestyle, only to find that the
inspiration and dedication needed to manifest your
resolve dissolves very quickly!
On this retreat Dr. Amrita, our Yogaville Integrative Medical Practitioner, will :
1. Inspire you to live a healthy yogic lifestyle
2. Share with you ways to feel good inside and out
3. Give helpful ways to radiant health
4. Share many ideas on how to begin and maintain your
healthy diet and lifestyle
Enjoy this retreat as a gift to yourself, so you can serve
yourself and your family better and be an inspiration to
Amrita (Sandra) McLanahan is a recognized
authority on preventive medicine, nutrition and stress
reduction. As Director of Stress Management Training for 20 years, she worked with Dr. Dean Ornish to
document prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Tuition: $160. Add three nights accommodation
(see p. 57) Registration: 4:00pm-4:45pm
Dive Deep Within
Swami Gurucharanananda, (Mataji)
February 17-20, 2015
Dive deep within and experience your Cosmic Self, that
IS your peace and joy. “IT” is always there, for “IT” is the
“Real You”! During these days, through the practices,
talks and group discussions, you may surprisingly uncover
“deep treasures” hidden within!
As the deep artesian well provides the purest water,
venture below your normal surface living, to uncover the
Light of the Ocean of Pure Awareness.
Come, give yourself this midweek treat!
Through Yoga and meditation practices, you will
explore deeper levels of your Self
Deeper awareness enables you to uncover the
abundance of peace and joy already within you
Gaining steadiness in the Cosmic Self will allow this
Peace and Joy to manifest in your life
Swami Gurucharanananda (Mataji) is a senior monkdisciple of Swami Satchidananda. She is one of our
most popular and sought out teachers in Yogaville
as well as around the world for her counsel. She was
recently awarded with the Swami Satchidananda
Lifetime Service 2014.
Tuition: $160. Add three nights accommodation
(see p. 57) Registration: 4:00pm-4:45pm
Surfing in the Sea of Change
Swami Vidyananda E-RYT 500 & Rev. Devaja Ciccolella
March 17 – 20, 2015
It may seem that there’s nothing you can do about the
speed of change in your life. The economy fluctuates,
your career has ups and downs, and important family decisions often need to be made quickly. This retreat will help
you to have more options than you thought possible to
Swami Vidyananda has enjoyed many different roles
in her life, including radio news reporter, translator
for Swami Satchidananda and video producer. She
has been teaching Integral Yoga since 1972. She is
specialized in Stress Management as well as Yoga and
the Emotions.
“surf” the waves of change with balance.
Stress can be the impetus to find and master the vast power of your inner being. Yoga can teach you to live from
your center to balance your thoughts, your emotions,
and the way you deal with problems. Yoga practice and
ancient wisdom can provide the key to a joyful life, with
calmness and creativity in your work, relationships and
inner life.
Rev. Devaja Ciccolella came to know Integral Yoga in
2001. In 2004, at the San Francisco Institute, he was
office manager, teaching Hatha classes, attending
many integral Yoga workshops and completing
Intermediate Yoga TT. Now he serves as Seminary
Director in Yogaville.
Tuition: $160. Add three nights accommodation
(see p. 57) Registration: 4:00pm-4:45pm
Yoga philosophy and mental adjustments provide coping
techniques for daily life. This is a great workshop for beginners and experienced students.
Mid-Week Special Interest Retreats
Energizing Your Life
Revs. Bhagavan and Bhavani Metro
April 21-24, 2015
Are you finding yourself low on energy? Unable to keep
up with your daily routine? Too tired at night to enjoy
yourself? Losing your zest for life? Then this may be just
the retreat for you.
In this workshop you will:
Learn simple practices to reenergize your life
with deep relaxation, breath work and meditations
Discover and remove blockages to your
natural supply of energy
Recharge your heart chakra with a focus on
Renew your body with easy yoga techniques
Balance work and play
Enjoy the presence within the present
Revs. Bhagavan & Bhavani Metro bring 40 years of
yogic experience and teaching into their workshop,
offering freely of their own struggles, successes and
insights. Over the last 33 years, their company, New
Age Builders, built most of the buildings at Yogaville.
Tuition: $160. Add three nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration: 4:00pm-4:45pm
Re-Igniting the Sacred Fires
Rev. Dhyani Simonini
May 12-15, 2015
Rev. Dhyani Simonini is a longtime devotee of Sri
Swami Satchidananda. She became an Integral
Yoga Minister in 1990. She retired from Buckingham County High School, where she taught English, drama, and speech for thirty-one years and
was instrumental in establishing the operation of
a Student-owned Touring Theatre Company which
specialized in public service tours. She is currently captain of the Disaster Action Team (DAT) for
Buckingham County through the American Red Cross.
Her lifelong love of Native American spirituality led her to becoming involved with phonetic transcription of the sacred songs and rituals. She
transcribed for Walker Calhoun, sacred firekeeper of the Cherokee nation,
and for Doris Riverbird Woman, clan mother of the Lenape nation, who later adopted her and made her her legal representative for “all things Native
American.” She created a Native American medicine wheel on her property which she hopes will serve as a gathering place for Native ceremony
and, later, intends to create a center for indigenous people on the property.
“Great Spirit teaches us the sacred and the true and helps
us to find our way back home into our hearts with you.”
–From the prayer of Handsome Lake, prophet and elder
The immortal soul (spirit) has plenty of time to decide
on and to plan its Earth expedition(s). Well-supported
with preparation and guidance from “Home”, we arrive
flaming with spiritual purpose! Then, daily life happened
– the struggles, the dualities, the logistics of survival, the
dense material merry–go–round. The fire, however, has
not been quenched – but like a pilot light remains at the
back of the burner, still glowing.
This workshop will seek to re-ignite the sacred fires, to
bring them into our awareness, and to experience the
joy of inviting them back to living flame in a circle of
like-minded seekers
We will work together, utilizing the wonderful teachings and practices of Sri Swami Satchidananda’s Living
Yoga, as well as exercises, journaling, crafting, sharing
and supporting the sacred fire of our spirits
We will experience the lessons of the Medicine Wheel
and the connection to the power and vitality of nature
as helper to the Sacred Child Fire
Tuition: $160. Add three nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration: 4:00pm-4:45pm
See Full Description & Full Bios at
Mid-Week Special Interest Retreats
Building Your Sadhana
The Sweetness of Steady Practice
Prashanti (Carroll Ann) Friedmann, E-RYT 500
June 16-19, 2015
In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, he tells us that our sadhana our spiritual practice - must be well attended-to, without
pause, for a long time and in all earnestness in order for us
to see progress towards lasting happiness. This can seem
too difficult for us and we might be tempted to give up!
However, we can see wonderful results in a short time
when we understand the benefits of practice and its obstacles. Most importantly, we have to design a realistic
plan for success in sadhana! The results will encourage us
to continue onward.
In this retreat we will:
Prashanti Friedmann has been an Integral Yoga
Teacher since 2007. She has graduate degrees in
religion from Princeton Seminary and UVA. She
teaches Raja Yoga and religion at UVA and in the
Charlottesville community. She is Chief Financial
Officer of Trademark Tours LLC.
Identify the benefits of regular practice for a spiritual
Look at the essential elements of a steady practice
and discuss each in detail
Figure out why it is so challenging for spiritual seekers
to begin and maintain practice
Find specific ways to overcome these obstacles
Design a personal sadhana plan that is perfectly suited
to the life of each participant
Discuss checks and balances and getting the support
we need to continue to grow in spirit
Tuition: $160. Add three nights accommodation
(see p. 57) Registration: 4:00pm-4:45pm
Yoga Vacation
Yoga Vacation in Guatemala
Swami Asokananda, E-RYT 500 &
Ram Wiener, E-RYT 500
March 21-27, 2015
Disconnect from the bustle of everyday life and
enjoy meditations and Hatha Yoga classes, surrounded by volcanoes and beautiful Lake Atitlan,
with two of our most senior and experienced Integral Yoga teachers. Come to relax and rejuvenate
among like minded people.
Rose House (5)
and Bungalows** (3)
Double: $1,150; Single: $1,450
**For couples or single accommodations only (only one queen bed).
Prices do not include airfare, airport transfers or day-trips in Guatemala.
Your daily schedule will include:
Two hatha yoga classes per day,
In-depth presentations on a variety
of topics,
A nutritious, eclectic blend of local
and international cuisine,
Picturesque views from the quaint thatched
roof retreat center,
Plenty of free time to experience
the beauty of Guatemala.
Camp Yogaville®
Sam Eberle & Rev. Sam Rudra Swartz
July 19–26, 2015
Camp Yogaville® is Integral Yoga® for kids—a week-long
summer camp for children, ages eight to twelve, held at
Yogaville. It’s a great opportunity for kids to enjoy a week
in the country, learn about yoga and have lots of fun doing
traditional camp activities, such as hiking, swimming and
making crafts like dream catchers and lanyards.
Your kids will enjoy many activities filled with
opportunities to share and relate to one another in a
yogic way. They will practice Hatha Yoga every morning,
learn about Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and experience the
wonderful adventure of sleeping in rustic cabins. They
will learn a few Sanskrit chants along the way and listen
to wonderful stories of saints and sages from all over the
world told by some of the swamis here in Yogaville.
At Camp Yogaville, kids experience an environment
where yogic ideals, such as a vegetarian diet and nonviolence are supported and nurtured.
For more information please contact Sam Eberle at
[email protected].
Sam Eberle is director of Camp Yogaville. Sam has
lived in Yogaville for ten years and has served as
a Camp Yogaville Counselor for the last six years.
In 2002 he spent two months building schools in
Kenya and spent all his free time playing games
with the local children. Sam is the head of
Shakticom, the Integral Yoga Multimedia Center in
Yogaville, as well as the webmaster for Yogaville.
org. He also serves as a member of Yogaville’s
Board of Trustees overseeing the well-being of
Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville. Sam Eberle’s
sole purpose in life is to have fun. Sam will entertain and educate your
children about the benefits of enjoying every aspect of their daily activities
during camp (maybe even washing the dishes).
Reverend Sam Rudra Swartz was introduced
to Integral Yoga and the teachings of Sri Swami
Satchidananda while serving tables as a waiter in
a New York City bar in 2001. Since that time he
has been active in the Integral Yoga organization,
living at Yogaville and the Integral Yoga Institute
of New York. He recently completed Accessible
Yoga Teacher Training offered through the
Integral Yoga Institute in San Francisco. Rudra
graduated from Boston University’s College of
Fine Arts and is an active musician. He is also a graduate of the All-Faiths
Seminary in New York, where he received ordination from the late Rabbi
Joseph Gelberman as an interfaith minister.
Price includes tuition, housing & vegetarian meals: $675 per child
Sibling Discount: Bring a sibling and get 20% off! Pay only $540 per
child when registering two or more children in the same family.
Nov./Dec. Workshops and & Free Workshop
Developing Emotional Resilience
with Annemarie Carroll and Andy Matzner
November 21–23, 2014
Tuition: $235. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
General Schedule for
Workshops and Retreats:
Green Tara: Compassion in Action: A Weekend Buddhist
Retreat with Drupon Thinley Ningpo
November 21–23, 2014
Tuition: $235. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
4:00–7:00 p.m.
5:00 Deep Relaxation or Hatha Yoga Class
Evening Meditation
Evening Program
Friday to Sunday
Relax and Rejuvenate with Restorative Yoga
with Satya Greenstone
November 28–30, 2014
Tuition: $230. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
6:00 a.m.
Morning Meditation
Hatha Yoga
Morning Program
12:00 p.m.
Meditation at LOTUS
Ashram/LOTUS Tour or Free Time
Afternoon Program
Integrating Yoga and Positive Psychology
with Sampada Desai
December 5–7, 2014
Tuition: $235. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Adapted Yoga for Less Stress
with Meera Patricia Kerr, B.A., E-RYT
December 12–14, 2014
Tuition: $225. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
New Year’s Silent Retreat: Re-align Yourself with Your Highest Goals
with Rev. Paraman Barsel, Retreat Director & Sennior Staff
December 31, 2014–January 4, 2015 (see p. 8)
Tuition: $295. Add four nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Free—All Day Laughter Yoga Workshop in Yogaville: Live, Laugh, Love!
with Bharata Wingham
January 10, 2015—This workshop begins at 9:00am
Tuition: FREE
Register online to save your place in this popular start to a
New year and New you!
Plan to arrive before 9:00am for registration.
Overnight accommodations are available for an additional
charge and include meals. See page 57 for rates.
6:20 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
12:00–2:00 p.m.
Morning Meditation
Hatha Yoga
Morning Program
Meditation at LOTUS
Check Out
For schedule details on longer programs,
and additional information on program
contents, please visit our website at
Basic Meditation: Meditation Is the Key to Everything
Revs. Paraman & Lakshmi Barsel Ph.D.
Main Listing
of Workshops
January 16-18, 2015
Rev. Paraman Barsel has served as Director of the Washington, D.C. and
New York Integral Yoga® Institutes and as President of Yogaville®-West
in California and Yogaville-East in Connecticut. He was one of the original
designers and instructors of Integral Yoga Basic Hatha Teacher Training.
Rev. Lakshmi Barsel is a senior Integral Yoga teacher. She has taught Raja
Yoga and Meditation, scripture classes on the Bhagavad Gita and the
Thirukkural. She has a Ph.D. in Linguistic Anthropology and presently serves
as the the Satchidananda Prison Project..
Tuition: $225. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
A calm and focused mind can achieve anything, and the
beautiful science of meditation provides perfect tools for
that calm and focus.
• Soothes the mind and reduces stress
• Brings you in touch with the peace within
• Provides spiritual, emotional and physiological benefits
• Enables you to become the master of your own mind
• Is profound, simple, easy to learn and quickly rewarding
In this workshop, you will learn:
• How to meditate
• Ways to use meditation in various situations
• A variety of techniques to enhance your meditation
Regardless of your previous experience, you will go home
with the knowledge and inspiration to develop clarity,
calmness and concentration that lead to self-mastery.
Secrets of Pranayama: Three Breakthroughs in Three Days
Bhaktan Eberle
January 23-25, 2015
— the kind of breakthroughs you own, not the kind
you slip into for a weekend.
1. In Breathing: you will learn some very simple things
about how to breathe that will make a huge difference
in everyday life as well as on the mat
2. In asana practice: You find out both how to breathe
while in a pose, and what you are trying to accomplish
in a pose. You’ll get beyond effort and struggle into
consciousness and joy
3. In the seated pose: Making a few very simple, easy
adjustments in your body as you sit will make a massive
difference in your enjoyment of your practice — and
your success
“I suffered from asthma for over forty years. Since I’ve
been practicing breathing your way for five minutes,
twice a day, the symptoms are gone.” — P. E.
Bhaktan Eberle became a Yoga teacher in
1973. In the course of developing a regular
practice he had to face and overcome
countless obstacles.Through pranayama
and and faith in God he was completely
healed of very serious back problems and
has for many years enjoyed excellent health
and a constantly increasing level of energy.
Take this course if: You want practical teachings that you
can apply now to tremendously increase your enjoyment
of your current practice.
Do not take this course if: You are looking for technical
information about chakras, nadis, the five pranas, the five
koshas, etc. — or for modern academic proof of the benefits of pranayama.
“I’ve been practicing and teaching meditation for decades. The way you teach posture made a big difference
in my practice.” — C. M.
Tuition: $225. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
See Full Description & Full Bios at
Joint Freeing Series
Pavanmuktasana—Alexander Technique Principles
Hope Mell, ATT, RYT 500
January 30 - February 1, 2015
Join us for a unique opportunity of self exploration blending
the Joint Freeing Series and Alexander Technique.
The Joint Freeing Series is an ancient practice of systematically
moving each joint in the body through its natural range of
motion. While coordinating the breath with movement, stale
energies and habits are replaced with free and creative life
force. The integration with Alexander Technique is the
magic that addresses our natural balance and freedom of
Tuition: $235. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
This workshop is designed to:
Promote ease of movement
Build strength and balance
Release stress
Breathe more deeply
Become your authentic self
Roll back the calendar and enjoy life
Hope Mell began studying yoga with Swami
Satchidananda in 1967, became a certified
Integral Yoga Teacher in 1974, certified
Alexander Technique Teacher in 1988,
completed the Structural Yoga Therapy
training in 2007 and Big Yoga Teachers
Certification in 2010. For over three decades
she has developed a unique approach that
synergistically combines the unique powers
of yoga and the Alexander Technique.
Healthy Relationships In Yoga & The Path of Heart
Jeevakan Abbate, assisted by Priya Abbate
February 6-8, 2015
Jeevakan will utilize his long practice of Integral Yoga®
and his grounding in the American Indian spiritual path to
explore how to reconnect us to our mind and body, our
partner and family, our community and world, to realize
our place as an integral expression of the universe and
Some of the basic information and practices to be
explored and experienced are:
• American Indian topic: “We Are All Relatives”
• Human body and mind integration
• Working as a team and serving others together
• Quieting the mind and focus techniques
• Using a yogic lifestyle as a framework to grow and
• How to successfully communicate with partners and
family, in business and in our jobs
• Our relationship to Nature, Our Environment, Our Earth,
• Indian Drumming, Singing and Dance
Jeevakan Abbate has been a student of Sri
Swami Satchidananda since 1970, served in
3 Satchidananda Ashrams and as Executive
Secretary for 2 Integral Yoga Institutes. He is
certified in Crosby Quality Process
Management and Integral Yoga Hatha and
Stress Management. As an American Indian
tribal member he integrated his practice in
yoga with Native Indian practices of
purification, sacrifice and prayer.
Find the fine tuning to naturally experience healthy relationships in all areas of life.
Tuition: $225. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Partner Yoga and Massage
Gateway to a Deeper Bond with Your Beloved—A Valentine’s Day Couples Retreat
Renata Gregori, C.Y.T. &
Dr. Michael Muktan Sullivan, D.C., D.Ay.
February 13–15, 2015
Renata Gregori was a professional singer
and actress before devoting herself to the
study of yoga. She teaches workshops,
trainings and retreats in Yoga and Thai Yoga
Massage and has several instructional DVDs.
She is the Director of the Yoga Program at
Riverview Spa, the Ayurveda, Yoga and
Chiropractic Center near Yogaville.
This weekend, experience the joy and intimacy of Partner Yoga, the blissful effects of Ayurvedic and Thai Yoga
Massage and the profound tranquility of Restorative
Yoga and Yoga Nidra.
Partner Yoga is a path for consciously joining with others
in ways that are deeply nourishing and heal our sense of
separation. Thai Yoga Massage is like having Yoga done
to you!
Learn about the art of healthy, loving communication
through the lens of the 8-limbed path of yoga. Also understand the main principles of Ayurveda and how they
apply to understanding your beloved’s and your own
Dosha (physical, mental and emotional constitutional
type), promoting a better understanding toward cultivatTuition: $395 per Couple. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Michael Sullivan is founder and director of
Riverview Spa, is a diplomate of Ayurvedic
medicine from the International Ayurvedic
Institute and has studied and worked at the
Ayurvedic Hospital in Coimbatore, South
India and has completed advanced studies
in Ayurveda in Pune, India. He has also been
a chiropractor and yoga teacher for over 30
The fun and dynamic format of this program will consist of:
Daily yoga classes, accommodating beginner and
advanced levels, including instruction in pranayama,
meditation and chanting with the harmonium
Experiential participation in Partner Yoga sequences
and Ayurvedic and Thai Yoga Massage to strengthen
vitality and promote joy, tranquility and intimacy,
Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra (extended deep
relaxation) to facilitate deep levels of healing, for the
body, mind and emotions
The Yoga of loving communication and the foundational principles of Ayurveda, the science of healthy
living and longevity
See Full Description & Full Bios at
Mindfulness, Compassion and Difficult Emotions
Susan Carol Stone, Ph.D.
February 20-22, 2015
This program is
appropriate for
newcomers to
mindfulness as well
as experienced
and compassion
practices can
powerfully complement therapy
work. While
our workshop
sessions involve
talking, outside the
sessions silence is
Tuition: $240. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
In this experiential workshop-retreat, we will explore how,
through mindfulness, Presence and compassion, the
terrain of difficult emotions can be traversed.
• Practice powerful mindfulness techniques and compassion as means of coping with difficult emotions
• Be guided in establishing a personal mindfulness program,
• Explore why it is essential to hold our difficult emotions
with compassion
• Relax into Presence, at least momentarily, and thus
relate to difficult emotions from a new perspective
Susan Carol Stone teaches Mindfulness
Based Stress Reduction at the University of
Virginia’s Mindfulness Center, she co-leads
the Insight Meditation Community of
Charlottesville and has taught mindfulness
at maximum-security prisons, as well as in a
private middle school. She has lived in Zen
Buddhist and Theravadan monasteries and
is a Zen Lay priest.
Body Image and Yoga
Mala Cunningham, Ph.D.
February 27–March 1, 2015
Mala Cunningham is a
Counseling Psychologist in private
practice in Charlottesville, Va. and a
Clinical Assistant Professor at the
University of Virginia Nursing School.
Dr. Cunningham is President of Positive
Health Solutions and Founder and
Director of Cardiac Medical Yoga. She
is a senior disciple of Sri Swami
Satchidananda and a regular contributor
at Yogaville.She has been featured in
numerous radio, print and TV interviews.
This workshop is for the general public and yoga teachers
who would like to learn more how yoga can contribute to
a more easeful and respectful relationship with our bodies.
Society bombards us with messages about how our body
should look and what the most desirable body type should
be. Yoga and mindfulness can bring a healing perspective
to an unrealistic view of body image.
Participants will learn:
• How emotions, culture and society influence our
relationship with our bodies and how, in turn,
we develop negative self-images and disordered
eating patterns
• How Yoga and Mindfulness can be used to
impact self-esteem, empowerment and self-acceptance
• How a technique called Yoga Body Experience
can promote a newfound health relationship with
our bodies
Tuition: $235. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Awakening to Your True Self
Revs. Bhagavan & Bhavani Metro
March 6–8, 2015
Do you feel fulfilled in your life, in your job, in your relationships and in your recreation? Often, this is not the
case. During this retreat you will learn powerful techniques
to get in touch with your True Self and from there manifest
authentic thoughts and emotions in your daily life.
In this retreat you can expect to:
• Discover what is blocking you from experiencing your
True Self
• Release blockages which restrain your manifestation
of creative energies
• Replace fear with courage
• Learn to allow the flow of Love and Joy to enter each
• Find your own Peace and inner Stillness,
• Enter a new consciousness of Being where fulfillment
is yours
Revs. Bhagavan & Bhavani Metro bring 40 years of yogic experience
and teaching into their workshop, offering freely of their own struggles,
successes and insights. Over the last 33 years, their company, New Age
Builders, built most of the buildings at Yogaville. Personally guided by Sri
Swami Satchidananda, they have gleaned rich techniques from the Integral
Yoga teachings to support a loving, compassionate, intimate and joyful
Tuition: $235. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Aligning The Body ~ Aligning To Spirit
Trace Sahaja Bonner, E-RYT 500
March 6–8, 2015
The word align translates as the act of adjusting all the
parts into relationship to each other. Just as in our body,
we might experience in our lives the fragmentation and
feel that we don’t even know or understand all the pieces
and parts of ourselves.
This program is a practice of hatha yoga on the mat as
well as detailed alignment and adjustments, and is open
to all levels of practice (not appropriate for those who
have no yoga experience).
This weekend is a playful exploration in which you will
• The power of intention
• To practice with a keen inner eye and shift your
awareness from destructive thoughts
• To explore the power of meditation as the tool that
gives us the thread to pull us into aligning with our
Spirit, our truest self
Trace Sahaja Bonner is the Founder/
Director of the vibrant Holy Cow Yoga
Center. She began her practice over 20
years ago. She has evolved to incorporate
various hatha practices but her primary
teacher is Swami Satchidananda. She has
also led 200 & 500 hour teacher trainings,
completed a DVD and written various
articles on yoga.
Tuition: $240. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm and
ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
See Full Description & Full Bios at
Vedic Thai Yoga Bodywork
The Expanding Practice
Sudevi Linda Kramer, LMT, E-RYT 500, MA
March 11–15, 2015
This 5-day immersion allows students to deepen and expand their knowledge of sequencing as they work with
energy lines, the pranic body and pranic tools for clearing
the energy channels. Highlights:
Facial massage
Special protocols for the hands and feet to address
the organs
Healing of the physical, mental, emotional, intellectual,
and spiritual sheaths through the nadis
Acupressure techniques
Experience a deeper understanding of a 3000-year
old traditional Southeast Asian Art
Discover how to balance and harmonize Shakti/Chi,
Learn: A sound 2-hour session utilizing puja, mantra,
marma therapy, acupressure, rhythmic compressions, exotic stretches, pranayama, and meditation
Thai treatments for basic life ailments
Sudevi Linda Kramer is a highly sought
after Vedic Conservatory teacher of
Vedic Style Thai-Yoga Bodywork. She
is a certified teacher in Integral Yoga
and Jivamukti Yoga, a Pranic Healer
and Reiki Master. She has studied in
Thailand and in Chiang Mai. Sudevi
holds a Master’s Degree from the
University of Missouri and graduated
in Massage Therapy.
Tuition: $540. Add 4 nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Wednesday 4:00pm, Program begins Wednesday
8:00pm and ends on Sunday at 2:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed
weekend workshop schedule
NCTMB and Yoga Alliance
CEU’s available.
Laugha Yoga® Leader Certification
Bharata Wingham, CLYT, E-RYT 200
March 13–15, 2015
Bharata Wingham, a “Laughter Ambassador” and versatile
teacher was trained and certified by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder
of the worldwide laughter clubs. Bharata is also an Integral Yoga®
Instructor, author of the book Laugha Yoga: Combining the Joy of
Laughter and the Bliss of Yoga.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 12 (approximate) RYT-500
Tuition, text: $245 Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Reviewing without Manual and CD: $135
Registration Time: 2pm. Training End Time: 12pm
Laugha Yoga is an ancient, new idea for reconnecting us
to our true self. Through Yogic Laughter sessions, pranayama, meditation, Laugha Nidra® we can reach a profound level of peace, joy and relaxation. In this program
you will:
• Discover why prolonged intentional laughter is being
recognized again as therapeutic method
• Learn how to use laughter as a form of social medicine
• Become a Certified Laughter Yoga teacher
• Receive a downloadable zip file filled with printable
handouts and audio/video
• Be listed with Dr. Madan Kataria’s world-wide
Laughter Yoga Pro Zone website for 6 months free
of charge
• Be eligible for 12 Yoga Alliance continuing education
Learning to Love Ourselves
The Wisdom of the Heart
Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
March 20-22, 2015
Spread too thin? All stressed out? Tired of listening to
that grouchy self-critic? Then join Joan Borysenko and
get ready to unleash your creative genius. The root of human suffering is self-judgment, the belief that something is
wrong with us, that we are not worthy of love. This fundamental lack of security translates into anxiety, depression,
addiction and burnout.
Tuition: $270. Add 2 nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Wednesday 4:00pm, Program begins
Wednesday 8:00pm and ends on Sunday at 2:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Joan Borysenko is a Harvard-trained cell
biologist, licensed psychologist, and spiritual
educator. A pioneer in mind-body medicine
and psychoneuroimmunology, she is
founder of Mind-Body Health Sciences, LLC
and a New York Times best-selling author of
16 books. Her most recent book is The
PlantPlus Diet Solution:
Nutrition for Life.
Learning to love ourselves is both a psychological and
spiritual journey. In this retreat we will cultivate self-acceptance through reflection, inquiry, meditation, movement,
writing, sharing and laughter. In the compassionate shelter
of one another you will have the opportunity to lay aside
your “false self” and step into the radiance of who you
really are. In this retreat, you will:
• Gain insight into the patterns that keep you from
experiencing your full potential—the vastness of your
own true nature
• Transform your emotional DNA and rediscover who
you are without all the stress
• Use movement, music, and the tools of modern interpersonal neurobiology to retrain your brain and quiet
your judgment circuits
• Practice body-based inquiry and present-centered
• Learn how food changes mood and make friends
with the gut microbes who manufacture your
See Full Description & Full Bios at
Raja Yoga Intensive
Swami Karunananda, E-RYT 500
March 27-29, 2015
During the intensive, we will explore The Yoga Sutras of
Patanjali, the classical text on Raja Yoga, and learn how to
apply these great teachings in life.
The science of Raja Yoga offers a comprehensive approach for purifying, strengthening, and harmonizing
all aspects of the individual, so the body is easeful (not
dis-easeful), the mind peaceful, and the life useful. It is a
path to higher consciousness based on self-mastery. It offers teachings and techniques that enable one to maintain
equanimity during times of difficulty and, ultimately, realize the Supreme Peace and Joy that is our true nature.
Swami Karunananda has had over 40 years
of experience teaching all aspects of Yoga.
She designed and conducts teacher training
programs in Raja Yoga and in Meditation.
She served as President of Satchidananda
Ashram in California and Virginia, and as
Director of the Santa Barbara Ashram. She is
editor and author of various books.
Tuition: $235. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Topics covered will include:
• Yoga Philosophy: “The Mystery and Mastery of the Mind”
• Yoga Technology: “Practice and Non-Attachment”
• Ashtanga Yoga: “Eight Keys to Peace”
• Overcoming Obstacles: “Making the Teachings
Work for You”
Along with lectures, discussions, and guided
exercises, there will be daily sessions for meditation,
Hatha Yoga and pranayama. There will also be an
opportunity to design a personal practice plan,
so you can effectively incorporate what you
have learned once you return home. Come
and join us for a wonderful weekend of
discovery that will provide you with tools
to transform your life.
Yoga Therapy For Chronic Pain
Gary Kraftsow, MA, E-RYT 500
March 27-29, 2015
The Viniyoga methodology for working with people who
deal with chronic pain utilizes a variety of strategies that
address the whole person. Movement and breathing are
the most well-known yoga strategies for chronic pain, yet
it is often the inner dimensions of yoga that are fundamental to optimal life functioning.
This special workshop is designed for health professionals, yoga teachers, and others who would like to understand Viniyoga’s therapeutic interventions for chronic
pain and learn Viniyoga strategies for assessing individuals with chronic pain and intervening in beneficial ways.
Gary S. Kraftsow has been a pioneer in the transmission of
yoga for health, healing and personal transformation. He
graduated from Colgate University and received his Masters Degree in Psychology and Religion from the University of California. He is the Founder, Director and Senior
Teacher of the American Viniyoga Institute.
Gary also is the author of Yoga for Wellness and Yoga for
Transformation and produced two DVDs: Viniyoga Therapy for Low Back, Sacrum and Hips and Viniyoga Therapy
for Upper Back, Neck and Shoulders. He is frequently consulted as one of the foremost Yoga Therapists in the U.S.
for research and collaborative projects, notably an NIH
study on Yoga for back pain and Harvard Medical School
study for generalized anxiety.
Gary composed protocol for the National Institutes of
Health Studies: “Evaluating Yoga for Chronic Low Back
Pain” and “Yoga Therapy for Generalized Anxiety”.
Tuition: $270. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
See Full Description & Full Bios at
Retreat with a Course in Miracles
Yoga for Forgiveness
Bharata Wingham, CLYT, E-RYT 500
April 3-5, 2015
“Forgiveness is the key to happiness.”—A Course in Miracles
Based on Christian principles and terminology, A Course in
Miracles focuses on “The Forgiveness Principle”—a crucial
aspect of the path of Yoga and key to our emotional
health. This weekend will explore the place of forgiveness
in our spiritual practices. A Course in Miracles can be seen
as a form of Christian Yoga, practicing forgiveness, which
accelerates our progress in reuniting with our true Self.
Forgiveness ends any conflict and fear. The Course’s
principles can guide us through those times when
forgiveness doesn’t come easily. It can help us open our
hearts and restore health to our bodies and joy to our hearts.
• Forgive mistakes, misdeeds or estrangements in your life
• Strengthen the connection with your Inner Teacher
and Guide
Discover and use simple procedures of the Course like
the “Holy Instant” to overcome fear, anger or depression.
You can become a “Happy Learner” in life and transform
unhappiness to the happiness that is your birthright.
Transform over-seriousness and fear into happy laughter.
Tuition: $235. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Programs begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Through application of Course principles, you can learn to:
• Release any guilt, fear or worry about anything in your life
• Regain control of your life by illuminating the link
between forgiveness and karma
• End long-standing conflicts, arguments and criticisms,
making peace with anyone or any condition in your life
• Undo any condition or addiction that causes you to suffer
Bharata Wingham is a versatile teacher best
known for teaching Laugha Yoga® and laughing
meditation. He hosted and produced an
international cable television program for thirteen
years on A Course in Miracles. Bharata is also an
Integral Yoga® instructor, guiding students in
physical postures, deep relaxation and meditation.
He is the author of An Ancient New Idea: A Primer
for A Course in Miracles.
Gongs, Bowls & Drums
A Sound Mindfulness Meditation Retreat
Andy Matzner, MSW, LCSW
April 10-12, 2015
By experiencing sound baths featuring instruments such
as crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, and drums,
you will be able to explore new dimensions of mindfulness. The wide range of sonic frequencies that you will
experience during this workshop, ranging from relaxing
to energizing, will allow you to naturally heighten your
awareness of the nature of sound – and silence. During
the course of this retreat you will:
Andy Matzner is a licensed clinical social worker, and also a psychotherapist,
tarot card reader, and teacher. Andy is a drummer, percussionist and
guitarist; in addition he is a long-time student of the singing bowl and the
gong. Andy is also the author of several books.
Tuition: $240. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Learn to develop a state of mind that is open, attentive,
curious and receptive
Experience a series of sound meditations, each one
featuring a different sacred instrument
Develop and deepen your own individual mindfulness
Learn how various types of sound waves resonate with
you in different ways - physically, emotionally, mentally
and intuitively
Become familiar with the latest research on the benefits
of mindfulness and the healing properties of sound,
Journal and process your listening experiences
LifeForce Yoga® to Manage Your Mood Amy Weintraub, M.F.A., E-RYT 500 April 6-13, 2015
In yoga, one shoe doesn’t fit all—all bodies, all levels of
experience, all moods. Learn how to assess the mood—yours
and your students, and design a menu of practices to meet
you where you are. LifeForce Yoga interweaves the power
of an ancient discipline with current scientific findings. In a
safe and accepting environment, you’ll learn evidence-based
yoga practices that can help you maintain your optimum
mental health and methods to safely release chronically held
tension and repressed emotion in the physical and emotional
We’ll practice:
• Pranayama and kriya breathing techniques that regulate
the emotions
• Meditations that lift the mood
• Creating Affirmations (sankalpa)
• Guided Visualizations (bhavana)
• Tones that regulate the emotions (mantras)
• Hand gestures that affect different areas of the chakra
system and the body (mudras)
• Yoga asanas suitable for all levels
• Nondual Partner Sharing
“No matter what your mood, Amy’s unique LifeForce
Yoga program will bring you balance and joy. I loved this
practice!” —Lilias Folan, PBS Host
Psychotherapists, health professionals and yoga teachers
will learn techniques they can use to help their clients
focus, relax and have greater access to their feelings, as
well as their students. This course fulfills the prerequisite
for the LifeForce Yoga Practitioner Training.
Amy Weintraub is the founding director of the LifeForce Yoga Healing
Institute, the author of various books and editor of a newsletter with
current researches, news and media reviews on yoga and mental health.
She has been a pioneer in the field of yoga and mental health for over 20
years and is involved in on-going research on the effects of yoga on mood.
Tuition: $900. Add 7 nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Monday 4:00pm, Program begins Monday
8:00pm and ends on Monday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
See Full Description & Full Bios at
Yoga & Life Coaching—Upgrade Your Story
Engage Your Inner Alchemist
Stacy Kamala Waltman, E-RYT 500, Certified Life Coach
April 10-12, 2015
Identify the stories you tell yourself about your life.
Decide what you want to keep and what you want to
let go of—then practice disengaging from disruptive stories and retrain yourself to look at and interpret your life
through a new life-enhancing lens.
You will:
• Be guided on this journey blending yogic practices with
Life Coaching skills to help you transform your life
• Use visualization, asana, various concentration and
meditation techniques, expert insights and skilled
guidance to activate your inner alchemist
Stacy Kamala Waltman Certified Life Coach
also holds certification in Meditation, Yoga of
Recovery, Stress Management, Raja Yoga and
Yoga of the Heart Cardiac and Cancer Teacher.
Her Sleep Recovery Program was recently
featured on the front page of the Wall Street
Journal. She offers a 5-CD Yoga Nidra program
When we believe self-defeating stories about ourselves
and draw evidence of their truth from our selective interpretations, it is difficult to change our experiences in the
world. It’s time to change that!
“We are a compilation of our stories, which become
true by the very fact that we repeat and identify with the
energy patterns holding them together.”
— Stacy Kamala Waltman
Tuition: $240. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm and
ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Taoist Yoga
Paul Olko, N.D., Dipl. C.H., Ms.T.
April 17-19, 2015
Paul Olko is a Naturopath, Herbalist and Asian
Bodywork Therapist. He has been associated with
the NI Family Traditional practices since 1989. He
is certified by the Chi Health Institute in NI Family’s
Eighteen-Step Harmony-Style Tai Chi and has been
a yoga teacher since 1972.
Taoist Yoga or Dao In is a type of physical energy conducting, that not only prevents stagnation, but also improves
health and life span. Externally, it helps the muscles, tendons and bones. Internally, it helps all parts of the body to
function better, including circulation, hormone secretions
and so forth. Its pure purpose is to nurture and attune your
internal energy.
When you do Taoist Yoga, the most important thing is relaxation.
• Learn about some postures that may require more
training with certain muscles
• Follow the principle of the movement
• Allow yourself to build your practice up slowly
• Taoist Yoga also generates, strengthens and
invigorates your energy
Tuition: $240. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Yoga for the Female Pelvic Floor
Demystifying “Down There”
Leslie Howard, E-RYT
April 24-26, 2015
Leslie Howard leads workshops and trainings
nationally and is co-writing a book about the
female pelvis. She dove in intense study of
the anatomy, physiology, cultural messaging,
history and energetics of the pelvic floor after
her own struggles with healing her pelvis. A
regular Yoga Journal conference presenter, she
recently designed successful studies on yoga for
incontinence and pelvic pain.
Proper strengthening and stabilizing of the pelvic floor
helps to create the correct foundation of each movement in the body. This is the true meaning of “core
work”. This workshop is for you, whether you experience
any of these conditions or are just plain curious about
this region of the body:
• Pelvic pain
• Urine leakage when laughing or sneezing
• Lower back, hip or groin problems
• Having to go to the bathroom too often
• Discomfort during sex or while using tampons
Prolapsed organs
Skin irritation
Pregnancy and birth
You will be able to continue your practice at home. Bring
your friends, sisters, mothers and daughters. Although
helpful, no previous yoga experience is required.
This workshop qualifies for Continuing Education Credits
with Yoga Alliance.
Tuition: $250. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Sacred Sounds: Healing Sounds
Chakra Frequencies & the Divine Name
Jonathan & Andi Goldman, M.A., L.P.C.
April 24-26, 2015
Discover the secrets of sound healing with internationally acclaimed teacher, author and chant master Jonathan
Goldman, who teams with his wife, holistic psychotherapist, Andi Goldman for this special weekend. Explore the
scientific and spiritual basis of using sound for healing and
transformation and find out how your own self-created
chakra frequencies can enhance your health and
wellness. Learn how sound can:
• Energize and balance our brain
• Increase our immune system
• Tune our nervous system
• Resonate our DNA and cellular structure
• Enhance relaxation
• Reduce stress
• Heighten our consciousness
Through use of Chakra Toning, Sacred Ratios and Vocal
Harmonics, the sonic energies of The Divine Name will
be transmitted.
Tuition: $250. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Jonathan Goldman is an international authority on sound healing and a
pioneer in the field of harmonics. Some of his numerous awards for two of
his books are “Best Alternative Health Book” of the year and his latest “Best
Healing Book” of the year. He is Director of the Sound Healers Association
and President of Spirit Music, Inc.
Andi Goldman is a licensed psychotherapist, specializing in holistic
counseling and sound therapy. She is the Director of the Healing Sounds®
Seminars, and Director of the Sound Healers Association. She has been an
educator at international schools in Japan, Germany and Indonesia. She is
also a musician, teacher and sound healer.
See Full Description & Full Bios at
Relieving Anxiety
Boris Bhagavan Pisman, M.S., N.C.C.
May 1-3, 2015
Boris Bhagavan Pisman is a New York State
Licensed Mental Health Counselor. Prior to
opening his private practice, he worked as a
therapist at White Plains Hospital, Westchester,
NY. He was featured on the NBC Universal’s
Today Show. Boris has over twenty years of yoga
teaching experience. He is on the Board of
Directors of the New York Integral Yoga® Institute.
For more information about his work, please visit
Tuition: $240. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Yoga is recognized today as the oldest holistic system
designed for managing the mind. Cognitive behavioral
therapy is a very effective clinical treatment for anxieties
and depression. The combination of these therapies will
help you return to the normal life.
The workshop includes:
• Discussion of anxiety and fear and their origins
• Breathing practices to calm and balance your nervous
• An introduction to non-dualistic meditation
• Yogic techniques for managing anxious and
dysfunctional thoughts
• Cognitive therapy exercises to help you learn how to
approach and manage fear
• Systematic mental desensitization and flooding
• Introduction to exposure and response prevention
All attendees receive a certificate of attendance. No
experience with yoga is required.
The Yoga of Communication
Dealing with Conflict from the Heart
Swami Asokananda, E-RYT 500
May 8-10, 2015
Join one of Integral Yoga’s most accomplished teachers,
Swami Asokananda, as he shares the legacy of Gurudev,
Swami Satchidananda, as well as his own lifetime of
learning on this challenging topic.
The goal in difficult communications is to:
• Take a frightening interaction and make it into a
means to deepen the relationship
• Strike a balance of ahimsa (nonviolence) and satya
• Make it safe for each person to get information and
feelings out in the open
Swami Asokananda, a monk since 1973, is one of
the Integral Yoga’s foremost teachers and is one
of our primary instructors for Intermediate and
Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training. He
presently serves as president at the New York
Integral Yoga Institute. Before this position, he
served as the President of Satchidananda Ashram
Yogaville, VA and Integral Yoga International.
Tuition: $230. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Good communication is ultimately not a technique. If we
don’t care about people or only care about them based
on some self-interest, no technique is going to save us
from poor relationships. But if we are rising into the Heart
—the 4th chakra—and starting to really care for others, we
will find our relationships with others can transform from
struggle to serenity.
Peaceful Weight Loss™ Workshop
Peaceful Weight Loss™ Six-Day Retreat
Brandt Bhanu Passalacqua & Anna Neiman Passalacqua
May 8-10, 2015
Join nationally recognized weight-loss facilitator and the
author of Peaceful Weight Loss Through Yoga, Bhanu, as
he introduces you to the concepts and practices that have
helped him and his students lose weight and find balance
in their lives. Explore easeful, breath-based Hatha Yoga as
the foundation for developing eating and lifestyle patterns
that will help you find your balance.
Peaceful Weight Loss, created and taught by Bhanu,
who has lost one hundred pounds using this easy, gentle,
restorative practice, is appropriate for everyone. Yoga
postures, breathwork, meditation, suggestions for dietary
change and time for questions will all be included.
No previous yoga or Peaceful Weight Loss experience
is required. If you have already attended a Peaceful
Weight Loss workshop, you will have an opportunity to
deepen your practice here. Bhanu will be assisted by
food and lifestyle coach and yoga teacher Anna Neiman
Passalacqua. Please contact Bhanu directly with any
questions at
Note: This program continues for three more days into a
six-day weight loss retreat.
Brandt Bhanu Passalacqua is a certified Integral
Yoga® teacher and Structural Yoga Therapist™.
After struggling with weight, food and substance
addiction, and serious illness, he discovered an
easeful, restorative yoga practice. He teaches
yoga for weight loss, injury and chronic conditions
privately in Manhattan, NYC and Northhampton,
MA. He is the author of Peaceful Weight Loss
Through Yoga.
Anna Neiman Passalacqua is a food and lifestyle
coach and certified Hatha and Peaceful Weight
Loss™ through Yoga teacher. After years of
struggling with weight and body image issues, Anna
discovered Yoga and the power of a daily practice.
As her perspective and lifestyle shifted, so did her
body. Today, in addition to teaching group yoga
classes, Anna works with private clients of all ages,
helping them to connect with their own best selves
and make lifelong change. Based in Northampton,
Massachusetts, she is co-creator of At Home with Peaceful Weight Loss.
May 8-13, 2015
Join Brandt Bhanu Passalacqua, nationally recognized
weight loss facilitator and author of Peaceful Weight
Loss Through Yoga, to experience the Yogic lifestyle as
a profound and powerful opportunity to address weight
issues in a genuinely peaceful and harmonious way in
the beautiful, natural environment of Yogaville®.
Immerse yourself in the Peaceful Weight Loss program
as you explore easeful, breath-based Hatha Yoga as the
foundation for developing eating and lifestyle patterns
that will help you find your balance. You will practice
easy, gentle, restorative Yoga postures, breathwork
and meditation, eat delicious vegetarian food and go
home lighter, stronger and ready to continue with a new
lifestyle that will ensure healthy weight loss.
The first three days will offer a workshop format
introducing you to the concepts and practices that
Bhanu uses with his clients. The next three days will give
you time to integrate these practices and experience
their benefits. Bhanu will be available to help you with
personal issues during the week so that you leave ready
to take the changes you’ve made home with you as
sustainable, healthy living patterns.
Please contact Bhanu directly with any questions at
Note: If you are unable to attend the full six-day retreat,
you may attend the weekend, May 8-10, 2015..
“I had thought this program was just going to provide
steps for weight loss. We went much deeper to get to
the actual root of overeating. What I learned surprised
me and now has me on the right track. Learning this was
priceless to me.”
“The subject matter was very appealing. The presenters
were amazing. The fellow participants made the program
very enjoyable. An uplifting and pleasurable experience.”
—Program participants
Tuition: $240
Tuition: $495
Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Add five nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins 4:00pm, Program begins 8:00pm and ends 12:00pm.
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
See Full Description & Full Bios at
Put Spring into Your Step & a Song into Your Heart
Yoga to Reduce Stress, Prevent & Reverse Disease
Dr. Amrita McLanahan M.D., Cinmayi Moore MS, RDN, CDE &
Sampada Desai MA, LPC, RYT, CLL
May 15-17, 2015
Dr. Amrita (Sandra) McLanahan is a nationally
recognized authority on preventive medicine,
nutrition, stress reduction and a primary family health
care. As Director of Stress Management Training
for 20 years, she worked with Dr. Dean Ornish to
document the benefits of dietary change and stress
management to prevent and treat cardiovascular
disease and cancer.
Cinmayi Moore has been a manager in teaching
hospitals and healthcare settings and a project
manager in a variety of settings. She is a Duke
trained, Integrative Health Coach, Integral Yoga
Instructor, Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist and
Diabetes Educator. She wrote the book titled: Stress
Management for Managers.
Sampada Desai is a licensed professional counselor
with a master’s degree in clinical psychology. She
has over 25 years of clinical experience in various
settings and currently works as a psychotherapist
at an alternate school in Lynchburg, VA, assisting
children with developmental disorders. She also
maintains a private practice at Desai Counseling and
Relax, Rejuvenate and Recharge in the abundant beauties of May at Yogaville, while learning and experiencing
optimal approaches to health and healing. In the peaceful
environment of the Ashram:
• Dr. Amrita will focus on the overall relationship of
lifestyle and health, getting to the root causes of
dis-ease, how yoga and other techniques can help
create the best possible connection to the human
• Cinmayi Moore will facilitate exploring a variety of
skills for making peace portable in everyday life and
help you achieve the “easeful mind, peaceful body
and useful life”
• Sampada Desai will integrate yoga and psychotherapy, helping you increase awareness of sensations in
the body, stay more focused, empower you to make
effective actions for a purposeful and peaceful life
Tuition: $230. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Neurogenic Yoga
A Revolutionary Technique in Trauma Healing
Maria Alfaro, E-RYT
June 5-7, 2015
Neurogenic Yoga™ (NY) is an integrative method that
combines yoga asana and pranayama with Neurogenic tremors. These tremors are a natural response of the
nervous systems of discharging tension in order to restore
the body to wholeness. Within different varieties of yoga
classes, you will:
• Have a foundation for understanding the tremor
• Learn about the history and origin of Neurogenic
• Learn how it helps to release stress, aches, emotional
and physical trauma patterns, chronic tension and
symptoms of fibromyalgia and sciatica
• Understand how it improves sleep and mood
Maria Alfaro is a native Italian who lives in California.
She has been teaching yoga since 1997 and she is
also a Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises™
(TRE™) trainer. Maria leads workshops and trainings
nationally and internationally. She is one of two
Neurogenic Yoga lead instructors.,www.
Tuition: $240. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Available CEU’s to massage therapists & bodyworkers.
Yoga of Devotion Retreat
Memorial Day Weekend
Krishna Das
May 22–25, 2015
Krishna Das is a Western musician who has created a wave throughout
the American yoga scene with his rousing, soulful kirtans. He
has led kirtan on a regular basis in yoga centers all over the
world, has taught with Ram Dass and sung for many saints
and yogis in the US and India.
By simply chanting from the heart and making kirtan
fun, Krishna Das has ignited a new enthusiasm for
chanting these ancient, sacred
mantras. His music was recognized by the American
Recording Academy when his album “Live Ananda”
was nominated for 2012 Best New Age Album and
he performed kirtan at the pre-telecast Grammy
ceremonies in February 2013.
In 1970, he made his first trip to India and
became a devotee of Neem Karoli Baba.
Since then, Krishna Das has made numerous
pilgrimages throughout India, meeting
teachers and saints of many spiritual
traditions on his quest to open and
purify his heart. He has studied Buddhist
meditation and has been initiated into
Tibetan Buddhist practices by lamas
from various lineages.
Immerse yourself in the sacred sounds of Sanskrit
chanting. Join renowned musician Krishna Das in an
experiential weekend filled with joyful kirtan (chanting
of sacred sounds). Let your participation in chanting
these holy mantras elevate your mind, relax your body
and open your heart.
A master kirtanist, Krishna Das will guide you in
these ancient chants, making the practice fun and
easy. Through his personable manner, he will lift any
hesitation or fear beginners might feel and entice
everyone to dive into lively, responsive chanting.
He will also take a little time to share insights he has
gained on the spiritual path and tell stories of his own
ashram experiences in India. Make this Memorial Day
Weekend one you will never forget! There will also be
special group chanting of the Hanuman Chalisa. For
more information visit
Tuition: $375. Add three nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Monday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
See Full Description & Full Bios at
Integral Yoga® & Ayurveda
A Divine Partnership for Radiant Health
Letícia Padmasri, M.A., E-RYT 500
June 5-7, 2015
Join Leticia Padmasri in a weekend workshop focused on:
• Doshas
• Proper Diet
• Daily Regimens
• The link between the Integral Yoga Hatha sequence
and balanced constitutions
Letícia Padmasri is a certified teacher in Advanced
Integral Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga. She holds
a Bachelors degree in Exercise Science, Masters
degree in Education and many years of dedication
towards Exercise Physiology, yoga and Ayurveda.
She has served as a trainer for Basic and Intermediate
T.T.’s and often teaches and administrates workshops
in Yogaville and Brazil.
Yoga and Ayurveda are related healing disciplines originating as part of a greater system of Vedic knowledge.
During this workshop you will identify your unique, individual constitution and explore how the lively, full-spectrum asana sequence of Integral Yoga balances it. We
will discuss how to adapt your yoga practice according
to Ayurvedic principles when the need arises such as:
change of seasons, aging, digestive complaints, insomnia,
anxiety and other common problems.
Tuition: $235. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Dao Flow Yoga for Women’s Health
Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life
Dr. Robin Saraswati Markus, DAOM, E-RYT
June 12-14, 2015
Dao Flow is a yoga style for women’s health that expands the traditional
actions of yoga poses to illuminate the healing energetics of the acupuncture
meridian system.
During this immersion workshop you will learn Dao Flow Yoga techniques that
braid together The Dao, Chinese medicine acupuncture meridians and
modern medicine together with yoga. Come:
• Learn the Fundamentals of Dao Flow Yoga
• Learn To Optimize and Heal Your Hormones
• Learn Yoga techniques to turn on your Endocrine Glands
• Discover the Two Main Female Cycles: The Solar and Lunar Rhythms of Nature
Dr. Robin Saraswati Markus is a holistic gynecologist whose yoga practice
began in 1998. She completed her first teacher training with Tim Miller in
2003 and soon after began integrating yoga with Chinese medicine in her
medical practice. She is the founder of Nourishing Life Center of Health:
Integrative Medicine for Women.
Tuition: $240. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Yoga of Recovery Retreat
Wholehearted Recovery
Durga Leela, E-RYT 500
June 19-22, 2015
Durga Leela is a Clinical Ayurvedic and Pancha
Karma Specialist, trained at the California College
of Ayurveda and also in Kerala, India. She leads
several Ayurvedic Retreats at International
Sivananda Yoga Ashrams. Durga has been involved
with the 12-Step Fellowship for over ten years. She
completed her Sivananda Yoga Teachers Training
Course in May 2002, the Meditation Immersion
Course in January 2005 and the Advanced Yoga
Teachers Training Course in March 2006.
Tuition: $295. Add three nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Yoga of Recovery is the first comprehensive course
to combine Ayurveda and yoga with traditional
recovery tools to offer a more holistic mind, body, spirit
approach to addiction and self-destructive behaviors.
This course is for therapists, social workers, addiction
counselors, sponsors, yoga teachers, Ayurvedic
practitioners and anyone interested in a more holistic
and complete view of the problem and its solution.
Bringing the West (12 Steps) and the East (yoga and
Ayurveda) together offers us a truly empowering
approach to counseling those who embark on a
program of recovery. It is the evolution of the solution.
Upon completion of the course you will have the
skills to introduce the healing potential of the holistic
sciences of Ayurveda and yoga into your own life and
those around you.
Asana Sequencing
Unlocking the Power of Combination
Peat Purol, E–RYT 200
June 19-21, 2015
On our mat, just as in life, how we place one asana after
another, or one foot after another affects how and what
we experience in our practice and lives. In this workshop
we will:
• Study the anatomical, physiological and energetic
relationships between asana families
• Safely and effectively sequence an asana practice
• Create a desired effect in the mind/body/spirit
• Target specific areas
• Learn how the framework of yoga asana sequencing
can help balance the ‘asanas’ we hold in our daily lives
Peat Purol began teaching yoga in 2011 in his
home town of Bel Air, MD. Peat has a grounded
and genuine style of teaching yoga. Through an
eclectic mixture of different yoga styles, spiritual
teachings, philosophies and internal martial arts like
tai chi, he creates an atmosphere and practice that
acknowledges the physical, mental, emotional, and
spiritual aspects of the individual.
As we explore the art of sequencing we will examine
the mirror it holds to how we ‘sequence’ our daily lives.
Looking at how and when to place stability, flexibility,
power, endurance, opening, creativity, meditation and
rest in our practice.
Tuition: $240. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
See Full Description & Full Bios at
Yoga for Athletes
Centered, Strong and Fluid
Alexandra DeSiato, M.A., E-RYT 200
June 26-28, 2015
Alexandra DeSiato has been a teacher and athlete
for over 10 years. Yoga became her life passion
and she studied with Yoga for Athletes expert Sage
Rountree at Carolina Yoga Company. She works
with athletes of all levels, from casual runners to
varsity athletic teams at The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Class sessions will include yoga poses, breathing exercises
and discussions about key aspects of the eight limbs of
yoga and their applicability to athletic focus and training.
Participants in Yoga for Athletes: Centered, Strong and
Fluid can expect to:
• Learn routines that work to enhance training and
encourage recovery
• Discover the ways that yoga philosophy and athletic
focus connect
• Explore the way that yoga can offer a fresh approach
to a sport
• Experiment with appropriate application of effort and
breath in yoga poses
Tuition: $240. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Yoga for People Over 50
Bhavani Marcia Miller, E-RYT 500
June 26-28, 2015
As we age, we change, and so should our yoga. Whether
you are a longtime practitioner or a beginner, this workshop will offer you ways to meet your changing body and
life just as you are, in a community of your peers.
This weekend workshop is appropriate for men and women over 50 who want to continue caring for themselves
physically, emotionally and spiritually as they age. People
of all yoga traditions and experience levels are welcome
including those new to yoga. For this workshop you must
be able to get up and down off the floor (but it need not
be graceful!).
Bhavani Marcia Miller has been a yoga teacher her
whole adult life and has taught all types of students.
One of the founders/owners of Yoga on High, she
is the co-director of several of its Teacher Training
Programs. She designed the yoga protocol for two
research studies at Ohio State University studying
the effects of yoga on diverse populations of
Tuition: $240. Add two nights accommodation (see p. 57)
Registration begins Friday 4:00pm, Program begins Friday 8:00pm
and ends on Sunday at 12:00pm
See page 15 for a complete and detailed weekend workshop schedule
Integral Yoga® Academy
The Integral Yoga Academy
Yoga Teacher
Integral Yoga provides a strong spiritual foundation and inspired training to a worldwide
community of yoga practitioners. In addition, we offer educational services to teachers,
therapists and healthcare professionals to share and integrate yogic teachings into any
setting. Our programs deepen one’s understanding and practice of the full expression
of yoga.
We believe that the best teachers of yoga are practicing yogis themselves. Our residential
programs allow dedicated students to fully immerse themselves in the practice and study
of yoga away from worldly distractions, allowing program participants to fully experience
the yogic lifestyle. Decades of experience have proven full immersion to be an effective
way to transform body, mind and spirit!
Customize Your Training
We offer Teacher Trainings (T.T.) and programs to suit your needs and style of teaching.
Whether you are interested in classical approaches to yoga, meditation and yoga philosophy
or prefer to work with populations that require specialized training in therapeutic yoga, we
offer programs that meet your goals.
School of Yoga Teacher Training
Integral Yoga is a complete science that cultivates and maintains physical, mental and
spiritual health. Our non-competitive approach and meditative exploration of the practices
of yoga foster an inner awareness that allows students to come in touch with deeper,
subtle and more authentic aspects of their being—recognizing the inner peace that resides
within each of us. Our comprehensive certification programs provide a strong foundation
for personal and spiritual development, an appreciation for nurturing your own practice
and the skills for you to become a knowledgeable and professional yoga teacher. The
Integral Yoga training process naturally prepares a safe environment where your students
will feel free to realize their own potential, gaining respect for themselves and a greater
capacity to be of service to others.
School of Therapeutic Yoga: Teacher Training for Special Populations
Yoga is a powerful healing practice that provides an integrated approach for the
prevention and rehabilitation of a wide range of health concerns. Western medical and
therapeutic settings incorporate the practices of yoga into their treatments for acute and
chronic disease. The practices of yoga can be used to address specific issues such as pain
management, chronic fatigue, anxiety and depression, arthritis, asthma, heart disease,
backache, hypertension and other types of mobility-related health challenges, promoting
optimal health and wellness. Our therapeutic yoga teacher training programs are taught by
renowned yoga teachers and medical experts who will inspire you as you walk your own
path and serve others on their way to wellness.
Continuing Education Programs for Yoga Teachers & Health Professionals
In addition to expanding yogic understanding for yoga teachers, many of our programs
offer training and certification opportunities for individuals in the health and allied health
professions. Our comprehensive curricula consist of both instructive and experiential
components that focus on the integration of complementary therapies, including yoga
and meditation. We invite both yoga teachers from all traditions and health professionals
to explore our programs for your professional development and personal growth.
Integral Yoga® Academy
Earn Your 200- and 500-Hour Yoga Teacher Certification at Yogaville
The journey to become a yoga teacher is one on which
many embark. It is a service like no other. Some people
take Basic Hatha Yoga Teacher Training (B.T.T.) because
of a deep desire to share yoga through teaching it;
other people have no desire to teach and want to use
our intensive training structure to expand their personal
practice and experience yoga on a deeper level. We
welcome all sincere seekers who have been practicing
yoga for at least six months to explore this path with us.
In our B.T.T., you will build a firm foundation in Integral
Yoga, study Raja Yoga and learn to teach the Integral
Yoga Basic Hatha class—a carefully designed sequence
of postures that ends with deep relaxation, breathing
practices and meditation. This unique class helps
students gain a profound sense of peace and well-being.
It has been offered for decades around the globe and
satisfies people who are new to yoga and seasoned
practitioners at every fitness level. The B.T.T. stands
alone as a comprehensive and complete yoga training.
It endows students with the skills to confidently and
competently teach the basic level Integral Yoga class.
The B.T.T. is also the foundation for our intermediate
and advanced level trainings. Please see page 38 for
more information on our B.T.T.
Beyond the B.T.T., Integral Yoga offers 500-hour yoga
teacher certification programs at Satchidananda Ashram–
Yogaville. When you attend the Integral Yoga Basic Hatha
Yoga Teacher Training 200-hour certification course here,
you will have the opportunity to meet with a mentor who
will guide you in selecting and scheduling your continued
course of study so that you may fulfill your teaching goals
with confidence and efficiency.
Small deficiencies in total course hours may occasionally
be filled by therapeutic yoga programs designed for
teachers. Integral Yoga is a pioneer as a healing modality
in the West, and we offer programs that address special
populations and common health challenges. Students
wishing to specialize in teaching yoga to a particular
population can choose from our annual listing of
therapeutic yoga programs.
Integral Yoga Teachers who have already completed
the Basic Hatha Yoga 200-hour certification course are
invited to return to Yogaville to complete the 500-hour
Certification. Please call the Integral Yoga Teaching
Academy to schedule a conference with a mentor
who will guide you in scheduling your course of study.
Teachers who have completed RYT 200-level trainings
from other traditions who wish to complete the RYT 500
though Integral Yoga are also encouraged to call.
When you register and commit to your 500-hour
course of study, you will receive a 10% rebate on the
tuition costs of the trainings.
Integral Yoga 500-hour Yoga Teacher Certification is
recognized by Yoga Alliance and well respected around
the world.
Integral Yoga Teaching Academy
108 Yogaville Way, Buckingham, VA 23921
434–969–3121 ext. 153
The 500-hour certification may be customized to meet
your goals as a yoga teacher. The Intermediate Hatha
Yoga Teacher Training Program fills the minimum
requirements for each of five training categories
established by the Yoga Alliance, but other options also
are available. Some examples of the different courses of
study that may be combined are listed below.
1. Basic, Intermediate, Advanced Hatha Yoga
2. Basic, Intermediate, Raja Yoga
3. Basic, Intermediate, Stress Management, Restorative
4. Basic, Raja, Meditation, Stress Management
5. Basic, Cancer/Cardiac, Special Child, Adaptive, Restorative
School of Yoga Teacher Training
Basic Hatha Yoga Teacher Training
Spring: April 12–May 10, 2015
Satya Greenstone, E-RYT 500,
Letícia Padmasri MA, E-RYT 500
Summer:July 12–August 9, 2015
Letícia Padmasri MA, E-RYT 500,
Sadasiva Kurt Schroeder E-RYT 500
October 18–November 15, 2015
Satya Greenstone, E-RYT 500
Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville® offers a
comprehensive teacher training program consisting of
over 200 class hours.
Integral Yoga® Hatha Teacher Training is a
comprehensive, month-long program that teaches you
the skills necessary to instruct beginners level Integral
Yoga Hatha. This fundamental class, taught to thousands
of students at Integral Yoga Institutes and Centers around
the world, is utilized by many professionals worldwide
including Dr. Dean Ornish in his groundbreaking work in
reversing heart disease.
Our comprehensive certification program provides
a strong foundation for personal and spiritual
development, an appreciation for nurturing one’s own
practice and the skills to become a knowledgeable and
professional yoga teacher. You will receive training
in teaching all of the aspects of the Beginners I class
consisting of asanas (yoga poses), deep relaxation,
pranayama (breathing practices), chanting and
The Integral Yoga approach is suitable for people
of all levels, from complete beginners to advanced,
experienced practitioners. It is taught in an easeful, highly
meditative manner that allows the student to progress at
a pace that is natural to them. The student is guided to a
deep level of physical and mental well-being, vitality and
relaxation, promoting flexibility, strength and health for
the entire system.
See Full Description
& Full Bios at
School of Yoga Teacher Training
Satya Greenstone, E-RYT 500, has been
a student of Sri Swami Satchidananda for
over 40 years and a primary teacher for the
Integral Yoga Basic Teacher Training course
since 1999. She and her husband started the
Yogaville Vidyalayam - Temple of Learning. For
17 years they taught the children, developing
a full academic curriculum based on the
principles of Yoga.
Letícia Padmasri, M.A., E-RYT 500, is a
certified teacher in Advanced Integral Hatha
Yoga and Raja Yoga. She holds a Bachelors
degree in Exercise Science, Masters degree
in Education and many years of dedication
towards Exercise Physiology, yoga and
Ayurveda. She has served as a trainer for Basic
and Intermediate T.T.’s and often teaches and
administrates workshops in Yogaville and Brazil.
Sadasiva (Kurt) Schroeder, E-RYT 500, began
his yoga career as a karma yogi in 1996. He
began assisting teacher trainings in 2007 and
he took on the role of main teacher of the
basic teacher trainings in 2009. He is currently
pursuing a Master of Divinity degree at
Naropa University and he is also in the Integral
Yoga Ministry program.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 200
Exceeds the requirement for RYT 200
Spring, Summer & Fall 2015 Prices
Tuition, text: $2,100
Registration Time: 4:00pm Training End Time: 9:00am
Room & Meals for 28-Night Stay:
Dorm: $1,745
Private Room/Shared Bath: $2,290
Private Room/Private Bath: $2,800
Tent: $1,185
“This program gave me a time to improve myself,
move deeper into yoga, and have confidence.”
–Basic TT Graduate
• Immersion into a yogic lifestyle
• In-depth study and practice of Hatha Yoga
• A thorough grounding in the fundamentals of all
branches of yoga
• The underlying philosophy, psychology and practices
of Integral Yoga
• Workshops to deepen your personal practices
• Classes in diet, nutrition, anatomy and physiology
• An introductory course in Raja Yoga (Patanjali’s Yoga
Sutras), the science of the mind
• Instruction in meditation, breathing practices and
• The basics of setting up and publicizing your classes
Students should have a daily Hatha Yoga practice for
a minimum of six months prior to taking the program.
We also recommend attending at least ten Integral
Yoga Hatha classes. If you are unable to attend
Integral Yoga classes, you may practice with a video
or audiotape of the class, so you can become more
familiar with our style of yoga.
“This really was an inspiring, life-changing
experience. ”
–Basic TT Graduate
School of Yoga Teacher Training
Meditation Teacher Training
Swami Karunananda, E-RYT 500 &
Swami Priyaananda, E-RYT 500
June 20–July 4, 2015
Satya Greenstone, E-RYT 500
June 21–July 12, 2015
Yoga is now mainstream. People of all ages, in all walks of
life, are taking classes in studios, universities, businesses,
government offices and gyms. Once people experience
the benefits of Yoga, they usually want to go deeper
in their practice. Hatha Yoga is only the beginning, a
doorway to the peace and joy that Yoga has to offer.
Our Meditation Teacher Training program will enable
you to:
• Go deeper in your own practice
• Guide your students to go deeper in theirs
After completing the training, you will have the knowledge,
skill and confidence to teach a six-week meditation course.
The course is available to certified yoga instructors of all
traditions who have had a daily meditation practice for at
Swami Karunananda, E-RYT 500, has been
an Integral Yoga teacher since 1971 and
has taught in various settings, including
hospitals, mental health centers, businesses,
prisons, schools and colleges. She has served
as President of Satchidananda Ashram in
Virginia and in California, as well as Director
of the Integral Yoga Institutes in San Francisco
and Santa Barbara.
Swami Priyaananda, E-RYT 500, is a senior
disciple of Swami Satchidananda with 30
years of experience in the practice of
Integral Yoga. She has also served at IY
Health Services and Distribution Division in
the Ashram in CT, and as Executive Secretary
in VA. She has also served as Coordinator of
the Living Yoga Training program.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 105 (approximate) RYT 500
Tuition, text: $1,440
Registration Time: 2:00pm. Training End Time: 1:00pm
Room, Meals:for 14-Night Stay:
Dorm: $875
Private Room/Shared Bath: $1,145
Private Room/Private Bath: $1,400
Tent: $595
Intermediate Hatha Yoga
Teacher Training
See Full Description & Full Bios at
Intermediate Hatha Yoga Teacher Training (I.T.T.) offers
an opportunity to profoundly enrich your understanding
of Integral Yoga® and your development as an Integral
Yoga instructor and practitioner.
You will learn:
• Additional and significant asanas, their benefits, and
how to safely guide students into and out of the poses,
• How to make skillful sequencing choices, adaptations
that will enhance the class experience for your
• Gain a fuller understanding of prana and the
pranayama techniques that we instruct and be able to
teach them with greater clarity and more refined detail
The I.T.T. course includes the study of the Bhagavad Gita.
Many may not realize that the Bhagavad Gita is a manual of
yoga par excellence. The treasure revealed within the Gita
expounds the philosophy and practices of the major paths
of yoga introduced to Integral Yoga students in the Basic
Teacher Training course. Expand your understanding of
the comprehensiveness of yoga which comprises Integral
I.T.T. also offers the opportunity to develop confidence
and practice the necessary skills for teaching the more
subtle aspects of yoga including chanting, yogic diet and
The course is available to Integral Yoga teachers who
have completed Integral Yoga Basic Teacher Training.
Certified teachers from other traditions may also apply for
consideration for this training.
Satya Greenstone, E-RYT 500, has been a
student of Sri Swami Satchidananda for over
40 years and a primary teacher for the
Integral Yoga Basic Teacher Training course
since 1999. She and her husband started the
Yogaville Vidyalayam - Temple of Learning.
For 17 years they taught the children,
developing a full academic curriculum based
on the principles of Yoga.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 170 (approximate) RYT 500
Tuition, text: $1,650
Registration Time: 4:00pm. Training End Time: 9:00am
Room, Meals:for 21-Night Stay:
Dorm: $1,310
Private Room/Shared Bath: $1,720
Private Room/Private Bath: $2,100
Tent: $890
School of Yoga Teacher Training
Advanced Hatha Teacher Training
Swami Asokananda E-RYT500
& Madhuri Flynn E-RYT500
August 9-30, 2015
The Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Certification
Course provides you with the opportunity to further update your yoga teaching skills and expand your services
by learning how to instruct a more advanced class. You
will continue developing new teaching skills and further
your study of Raja Yoga. There will also be time to share
experiences and new ideas, and to address challenges you
may have encountered in teaching of your personal practice. In Yogaville’s peaceful, supportive environment, you
will further your own growth and continuing study of the
science of Yoga.
The course is available to all Integral Yoga teachers
who have completed Intermediate Teacher Training at
Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville or its equivalent at any
Integral Yoga Institute or Integral Yoga Teaching Center.
Teacher Training in Other Centers
Basic Hatha Yoga TT
“Swamiji is literally the embodiment of the teachings! His essence, presence, actions, words, deeds, •
practice, sharings, etc. are unmatched and truly remarkable! He has charisma, care, playfulness… and •
the most genuine understanding of life from so
many angles!”
—Program Participant
Swami Asokananda, E-RYT500,
a monk since 1973, is one of Integral Yoga®’s
foremost teachers, known for his warmth,
intelligence and good humor. His teachings
comes out of his own practice and experience,
having absorbed the wisdom of his Guru, Sri
Swami Satchidananda since the age of nineteen.
He presently serves as president at the Integral
Yoga Institute in New York City. Before this
position, he served as the President of
Satchidananda Ashram- Yogaville® and Integral
Yoga® International.
Madhuri Flynn, E-RYT500,
has been teaching Integral Yoga® since
1997. She has served as Head of Teachers
and as a trainer for Basic, Intermediate,
Advanced and Children’s Yoga Teacher
Trainings, and she continues to serve on
the Board of Directors. Her passion is
sharing the deeper teachings of yoga,
which offer the precious treasure of true
freedom and liberation.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 170 (approximate) RYT-500
Tuition, text: $1,650
Registration Time: 4:00pm. Training End Time: 9:00am
Room & Meals for 21-Night Stay:
Dorm: $1,310
Private Room/Shared Bath: $1,720
Private Room/Private Bath: $2,100
Tent: $890
January 28–May 30, 2015—(Spring Session) NYIYI
with Kali Morse & Rashmi Galliano
February 2–27, 2015—Maui with Angel Meenakshi
February 2–July 22, 2015—Fair Lawn, NJ with Rev.
Jagadish Ruttler, Dhairyan Lucchesi, Margabandhu
Martarano, Rev. Premajyothi Devi, Russell Ditchfield-Agboh, PT & Reverend Jaganath Carrera
March 10–June 9, 2015—SFIYI with Diana Meltsner
& Swami Ramananda
March 21–November 17, 2015—Buenos Aires,
Argentina, with Sita Pozzi, Mirabai Samra & Durga
April 3–29, 2015—Maui with Angel Meenakshi
June 29–July 29, 2015—(Summer Intensive) NYIYI
August 3–28, 2015—Maui with Angel Meenakshi
September 14, 2015–January 16, 2016—(Fall
Session) NYIYI
October 2–30, 2015—Maui with Angel Meenakshi
October 11, 2015–May 15, 2015—(Sunday Session)
Intermediate Hatha Yoga TT
January 9–31, 2015—San Martin de los Andes,
Argentina, with Mirabai Samra
September 28–December 12, 2015—NYIYI
Gentle and Chair Yoga TT
July 31, August 2–3, 15–16, 19 (graduation)—NYIYI
Raja Yoga TT
January 26–March 30, 2015—SFIYI with Swami
Karunananda, Swami Vimalananda & Swami Ramananda
Stress Management TT
April 2–12, 2015—NYIYI with Swami Ramananda,
Swami Vidyananda & Jaymie Meyer
For more information about these and other upcoming
teacher trainings taking place at our centers and institutes
both nationally and worldwide, please visit our website at
School of Therapeutic Yoga
Integral Yoga® Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
Satya Greenstone, E-RYT 500
February 20–March 1, 2015
Restorative Yoga is the practice of placing the body into
a specific yoga asana using the support of props. These
gentle asanas may be offered when one is low in energy
or during a time of physical healing because they can
be held for a longer period of time and will facilitate a
state of deeper relaxation and innate the intelligence of
the body to reintegrate the system to its natural state of
balance and peace.
All props will be supplied for your use and practice
during the course.
Basic Integral Yoga Hatha Teacher Training or its equivalent.
Satya Greenstone, E-RYT 500, has been a
student of Sri Swami Satchidananda for over
40 years and a primary teacher for the
Integral Yoga Basic Teacher Training course
since 1999. She and her husband started the
Yogaville Vidyalayam - Temple of Learning.
For 17 years they taught the children,
developing a full academic curriculum based
on the principles of Yoga.
Some of the topics covered in the Restorative Yoga
Teacher Training Course are:
• How to use props: what props to use and when to
use them
• Balanced sequences of supported poses
• For general relaxation and rejuvenation
• For special needs
• How to incorporate restorative poses into a regular
hatha yoga practice or class
• How to instruct and adjust others in restorative poses
• Yoga Nidra: supported relaxation poses
• Supported poses for enhancing breathing and pranayama
• Other healing aspects of yoga practice
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 80 (approximate) RYT 500
Tuition, text: $1,275
Official Check-in Time: 4pm & Check-out Time: 2pm
Room & Meals for 9-Night Stay: Dorm: $610;Private Room/Shared
Bath: $815; Private Room/Private Bath: $1,000; Tent: $420
See Full Description & Full Bios at
School of Therapeutic Yoga
Yoga as Medicine (YAM)
Timothy McCall, M.D., E-RYT 500
YAM Level I
YAM Level II
The Science and Practice of Yoga Therapy
Yoga Therapy for the Nervous System
Tuition, text: $750
Tuition, text: $775
Yoga As Medicine (YAM) is the use of yoga, ayurveda
along with modern scientific medical research to help
treat and prevent a wide range of health conditions.
In order to take a Level 2 seminar you need to have
completed YAM Level 1.
March 6–13, 2015
YAM Level 1 - In this introductory 7-day, 30 hour course:
• Timothy outlines the scientific and philosophical background for each element of SNAPS (Structural, Nervous
System, Ayurveda, Psychology and Spirituality),
• The integral part of this seminar is small group yoga
therapy case work, and detailed case discussions.
March 15–22, 2015
YAM Level 2 - Attendees will learn to:
• Identify, differentiate and treat disturbances of the
Autonomic Nervous System and related breathing
dysfunctions, syndrome and autoimmune conditions.
Explore how asana, pranayama, restoratives, meditation
and other techniques can help re-pattern abnormal stress
responses from anxiety and more.
YAM Seminars are hands-on, roll-up-your sleeves workshops, 6 h/day under Timothy’s supervision. Learn to
observe bodies, study breathing patterns, analyze doshas
and tailor personalized practices and lifestyle advice.
Timothy McCall, M.D. E-RYT 500,
is a board-certified physician specializing in
internal medicine, the editor of Yoga Journal
and the author of two books. He practiced
medicine for more than 10 years and then
devoted himself full-time to writing and
research. His articles have appeared in
dozens of publications and he has been a
guest on numerous national radio and
television programs. He has studied yoga
and ayurveda since 1995.
If you take both Yoga as Medicine Level 1 & Level 2, you will
receive a 10% discount towards tuition.
Please call the Ashram Reservation Center (ARC) at 1 800
858 9642.
For Each Training:
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 30* (approximate) RYT-500
Room & Meals for 7-Night Stay: Dorm: $465; Private Room/Shared
Bath: $610; Private Room/Private Bath: $760; Tent: $315
* Approved for hours of Credit, for CEU’s for Yoga Alliance
and as an elective for most established Yoga Therapy Schools.
School of Therapeutic Yoga
Healing Relationships Certification Training
Wisdom Makes Us Therapists, Intuition Makes Us Healers
Nischala Joy Devi
April 27 - May 3, 2015
Patients are treated by prescriptions of medicine, movement or mind but they are healed by people. This course
will explore the concepts of dis-ease, healing and healers
through the lens of Yogic philosophy including the teachings of the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita, an in-depth
coverage of the maya koshas, chakras, kleshas, gunas and
basic counseling skills.
Yoga Teachers and other healers will learn how to better
serve their clients and patients as well as more effectively
communicate and work with a patient’s family members
and the medical community. Through expanded skills,
wisdom and compassion students will be able to provide
support across a broad array of situations relating to
health, dis-ease and dying.
Upon completion of this course students will:
Know how to do a client intake with proper
evaluation and assessment skills
Develop compassionate listening, proper communication, adept observation and appropriate touch
Develop necessary counseling skills and learn how to
create a proper clinical environmen
Understand how to interface professionally with the
medical community
Be able to assemble and prescribe the components
of an individualized holistic treatment plan including
meditations, visualizations, asana, pranayama, yoga
nidra, journaling and other life-style modifications
Know how to form and keep appropriate boundaries
and how to protect oneself from negative energies
* Approved for hours of Credit, for CEU’s for Yoga Alliance and as
an elective for most established Yoga Therapy Schools.
See Full Description & Full Bios at
Required Textbooks:
The Secret Power of Yoga, by Nischala Joy Devi
The Healing Path of Yoga, by Nischala Joy Devi
The Living Gita, by Sri Swami Satchidananda
Certified yoga teacher, 200 RYT or above prefered
Nischala Joy Devi is a masterful teacher and healer, an international advocate for her innovative way
of expressing yoga and its subtle uses for spiritual
growth and complete healing. Her dynamic delivery and deep inner conviction empower each individual, allowing the teachings to expand beyond
boundaries and limitations.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 35* (approximate) RYT-500
Tuition: $600 + Textbooks
Registration Time: 3pm. Training End Time: 12:30pm
Room & Meals for 6-Night Stay: Dorm: $465; Private Room/Shared
Bath: $610; Private Room/Private Bath: $760; Tent: $315
School of Therapeutic Yoga
Yoga Therapy for People with Cancer & Chronic Illness Training
Jnani Chapman, RN, BSN, E-RYT 500
YCat Level I
May 7–17, 2015
YCat Level III
May 26–June 1, 2015
YCat Yoga Therapy in Cancer and Chronic Illness is a professional, three-level certification designed to train health professionals and experienced Yoga teachers to work safely with cancer patients at any stage of illness as well as people
with stable chronic illness.
YCat Level 1 (May 7–17, 2015)
As an 11-day program, Level 1 provides a research-based,
conceptual framework for adapting Yoga practices to the
varied and specific needs of people at any stage of cancer treatment, recovery or end of life and stable chronic
The Level 1 curriculum includes:
• Learning about cancer and other common chronic
• Reviewing cell biology, body organs and systems
• Exploring adaptations in Yoga and imagery
• Studying the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali as they apply to
illness and disease
• Reviewing and analyzing related research in Yogacancer, and other chronic illnesses
• Developing a professional voice and communications skills for working with medical personnel
• Developing skills in a) preparing professional presentations b) giving and receiving evaluation and
YCat Level 3 (May 26–June 1, 2015)
YCat Level 3 is a 6-day symposium to expand the knowledge by sharing with peers who are also engaged in this
Level 1 completion, Level 2 internship enrollment and
experience teaching yoga to people with cancer.
YCat Level III
Tuition, text: $630
Application and payment for Level 3 is made directly with Pat
Devi Fitzsimmons at [email protected] or 703-9308321. For accommodations, call Ashram Reservation
Department at 1-800-858-9642.
Jnani Chapman, R.N., B.S.N., E-RYT 500, is
founder and director of YCat Yoga Therapy,
a clinical integrative medicine specialist, a
senior staff member of the Commonweal
Cancer Help Program and the Smith Center
for Healing and the Arts. She was a stress
management specialist for Dean Ornish,
MD’s Heart Disease Reversal Program.
Prerequisites for Level I:
Prerequisites may be completed prior to finishing the
YCat 3 levels of training. Any Licensed Health Professional. A minimum of 1 year of teaching experience for
certified Yoga teachers or a minimum of 3 years of teaching experience for Yoga teachers without certification.
Students not trained through Integral Yoga® are suggested to familiarize with the teaching method. Integral
Yoga teachers in your area:
YCat Level I
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 90* (approximate) RYT-500
* It includes 12 hours of pre-program assignments.
Tuition, text: $1,620
Registration Time: 2pm & Training End Time: 2pm
Room & Meals for 10-Night Stay: Dorm: $675; Private Room/
Shared Bath: $895; Private Room/Private Bath: $1,100; Tent: $460
YCat Level 2
A 2-year internship of extended supervision and mentoring by YCat faculty and staff. Anyone enrolled in the Level II internship can review Level I as frequently as desired
for $600 tuition.
School of Therapeutic Yoga
Yoga of the Heart
Cardiac and Cancer Certification Training
Nischala Joy Devi & Bhaskar Deva
July 10-19, 2015
Would you like to share yoga with those at risk for, or
living with, heart disease, cancer and other life-altering
illnesses? This training focuses on the proven approach
of allowing the heart to expand through compassion and
love for oneself and others.
Learn theory and practice of yoga applied to disease and
general health by addressing:
• How to safely tailor the practices
• The psychological, social and spiritual aspects of
• How to interface with the medical community
• The virtues of a low-fat vegetarian diet
• Basic anatomy and physiology of cardiovascular and
immune systems
“I went to the Yoga of the Heart course to learn how to
assist others in healing and I was healed. I experienced joy
and deep healing internally and physically, and my heart
was opened in a way that I had not experienced before.”
—Program Participant
Nischala Joy Devi is a masterful teacher and healer,
an international advocate for her innovative way of expressing
Yoga and its subtle uses for spiritual growth and complete healing.
Her dynamic delivery and deep inner conviction empower each
individual, allowing the teachings to expand beyond boundaries
and limitations.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 100* (approximate) RYT-500
Tuition: $1,100; Material Fee: $85
Registration Time: 1:45pm. Training End Time: 11:30am
Room & Meals for 9-Night Stay: Dorm: $610; Private Room/Shared
Bath: $815; Private Room/Private Bath: $1,000; Tent: $420
Certified Yoga teacher, 200 RYT or above preferred.
Bhaskar Deva lived as a monk
at Satchidananda Ashram for 17 years,
taught adaptive classes at the Ornish
Program for Reversing Heart Disease and
now shares his expertise in Yoga of the
Heart. He is co-founder of the Abundant
Well Being Temple dedicated to empracing
the Loving Spirit and One Light in All.
* Approved for hours of Credit, for CEU’s for Yoga Alliance and
as an elective for most established Yoga Therapy Schools.
See Full Description & Full Bios at
School of Therapeutic Yoga
Foundations of Ayurveda & Yoga Certification Course
Durga Leela, E-RYT 500
June 12-19, 2015
Yoga and Ayurveda are sister sciences for healing,
integration and transformation on all levels of our being.
Traditional Ayurveda focuses more on the treatment
side of this process (chikitsa) for body and mind, while
traditional yoga aims more at self-development and
Self-realization (Sadhana).
Modern yoga has sometimes tried to create a therapeutic model, but, until now, this has been largely apart
from Ayurveda or restricted to asana only. Such a model
is limited and seldom reflects the greater yoga tradition
or the Ayurvedic ramifications of yoga philosophy and
psychology. This course aims at providing a more traditional model of yoga therapy based upon Ayurveda, the
medical aspect of the yoga tradition.
Ayurveda is now recognized as one of the most important systems of mind-body medicine available and
its popularity is spreading throughout the world. This
comprehensive program covers the main Ayurvedic
concepts and language.
The course is designed for students of all kinds. There
is no required medical background for those wishing to
take the course. You may already have a background
in yoga, such as gained by graduates of our TT or some
kind of previous yoga training.
Certification: Upon successful completion of the training
students receive a co-certification signed by Integral Yoga
and the American Institute of Vedic Sciences (AIVS).
Durga Leela, E-RYT 500, is a Clinical Ayurvedic and
Pancha Karma Specialist, trained at the California
College of Ayurveda and also in Kerala, India. She
leads several Ayurvedic Retreats at International
Sivananda Yoga Ashrams. She completed her
Sivananda Yoga teachers Training Course in May
2002, the Meditation Immersion Course in January
2005 and the Advanced Yoga Teachers Training
Course in March 2006.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 55* (approximate) RYT-500
Tuition, text: $995
Official Check-in Time: 4pm & Check-out Time: 2pm
Room & Meals for 7-Night Stay: Dorm: $465; Private Room/Shared
Bath: $610; Private Room/Private Bath: $760; Tent: $315
* CEUs available: Inquire with [email protected]
Certificate issued jointly from American Institute of Vedic Studies
(AIVS) and Yogaville
Yoga of Recovery Certificate Course for Counselors and Teachers
Durga Leela, E-RYT500
November 6-15, 2015
This is the first comprehensive course to combine the
West (12 Steps) and the East (Ayurveda and Yoga) together to offer a more holistic approach to addiction and
self-destructive behaviors.
You will:
• Learn skills to introduce the healing potential of the
holistic sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga into your own
life and those around you
• Learn additional tools and deeper understanding of
the comprehensive approach to wellness, emotional
sobriety and sustained spiritual development
• Have a unique qualification and be more confident
to teach yoga in rehabs or to people in recovery from
any addiction
• Fully understand the root of the problem and the holistic approach with a full range of therapies for mind,
body and spirit from these powerful healing modalities
This course is for therapists, social workers, addiction
counselors, sponsors, yoga teachers, Ayurvedic practitioners and anyone interested in a more complete view of
the problem and its solution.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 65* (approximate) RYT-500
Tuition: $795
Official Check-in Time: 4pm & Check-out Time: 2pm
Room & Meals for 9-Night Stay: Dorm: $610; Private Room/Shared
Bath: $815; Private Room/Private Bath: $1,000; Tent: $420
* CEUs available: Inquire with [email protected]
School of Therapeutic Yoga
Yoga for Arthritis
Dr. Stephanie Moonaz, Ph.D., E-RYT 500
Teachers Intensive
July 28–August 2, 2015
Teachers Refresher Course
August 1-4, 2015
Dr. Stephanie Moonaz, Ph.D., E-RYT 500, is a
certified Integral Yoga Teacher and Yoga
Therapist. She serves as the Associate
Academic Director of Integrative Health
Sciences and as faculty in the Yoga Therapy
program at the Maryland University of
Integrative Health. She is a consultant and
mentor of various researches.
The Yoga for Arthritis Refresher Course is offered for
teachers who completed the Teachers Intensive Course
and have at least 40 hours of experience teaching students with arthritis and related conditions. Completion of
this course will result in certification as a Yoga for Arthritis
Instructor. Yoga for Arthritis Instructors are expected to
repeat this course every three years to retain certification.
The culmination of Dr. Stephanie’s doctoral dissertation
was the development of a 16-class series that combines
ancient yoga practices and modern medical knowledge to
address the unique abilities and limitations of individuals
with rheumatoid and/or osteoarthritis. Yoga teachers participating in this program will receive manuals containing
16-classes of poses and modification for use in their local
A refresher course will be available after two years to keep
teachers informed of the latest science in this emerging
area of research.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 30* (approximate) RYT-500
Tuition, text: $395
Official Check-in Time: 4pm & Check-out Time: 2pm
Room & Meals for 5-Night Stay: Dorm: $395; Private Room/Shared
Bath: $525; Private Room/Private Bath: $645; Tent: $270
In this course, participants will:
• Learn about advancements in the field of yoga research as it pertains to arthritis, as well as developments in the recommended management of arthritis
• Review material covered in the Teachers Intensive
and present emerging concepts and opportunities
available for new and returning teachers
• Make a short presentation on a topic of their choosing
and will learn from their peers about how this material
can be put into practice
This course will overlap with the Teachers Intensive, so
that new and returning teachers have a chance to connect
and share ideas.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 20 (approximate) RYT-500
Tuition, text: $295
Official Check-in Time: 4pm & Check-out Time: 2pm
Room & Meals for 3-Night Stay: Dorm: $235; Private Room/Shared
Bath: $310; Private Room/Private Bath: $380; Tent: $160
* Approved for hours of Credit, for CEU’s for Yoga Alliance as
an elective for most established Yoga Therapy Schools.
See Full Description & Full Bios at
School of Therapeutic Yoga
Ageless Yoga: Teaching Yoga to Our Elders
John Schlorholtz, E-RYT 500
August 6-9, 2015
As our elders change in body and mind they need new
approaches to help foster health. The models for body
and mind work that took them through their middle years
often are no longer a good fit. Yoga, with its insights into
human development, is well suited to help people age
harmoniously. When yoga teachers and health professionals study the changes aging brings we can serve our
elders profoundly by knowing how to creatively and
wisely adapt our teaching.
Yoga teachers, exercise instructors, health professionals
and anyone interested in healthy aging are invited.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 20 (approximate) RYT-500
Tuition, text: $275
Official Check-in Time: 4pm & Check-out Time: 2pm
Room & Meals for 3-Night Stay: Dorm: $245; Private Room/Shared
Bath: $335; Private Room/Private Bath: $415; Tent: $170
* Approved for hours of Credit, for CEU’s for Yoga Alliance as
an elective for most established Yoga Therapy Schools.
John Schlorholtz, E-RYT 500, is a principal
yoga instructor at the Harvard University
Center for Wellness. He has worked with
older adults extensively, both in individual
therapy and in a variety of group settings.
John was mostly influenced by Sri
Aurobindo, Arthur Kilmurray and Sri
This workshop will seek to teach, experientially, numerous
skills and techniques, with a focus on learning with humor and enjoyment. One of the mottos of the workshop
comes from Sri T. Krishnamacharya: “Don’t adapt yourself
to yoga; adapt yoga to yourself.”
Some subjects to expect to study:
• Common injuries and health conditions among
elderly students and methods to address them
• The physical, mental, and emotional changes that
come with aging and helpful approaches to take
• Anatomy that is useful for elders and teachers of
elders to know
• Care of soul and spirit for elders
School of Therapeutic Yoga
Yoga for the Special Child
Sivakami Sonia Sumar, E-RYT 500
Teacher Training
September 18-25, 2015
This is a comprehensive 7-day training course that provides a program of yoga
therapy for children with special needs. It is designed for parents, educators,
yoga teachers and health professionals. Using hands-on and video instruction,
Sivakami will guide the course participants through each stage of the special
child’s development.
You will learn:
• How to evaluate infants and children
• How to create the optimum home
• How to work with specific syndromes
and disorders
• The different components of interacting and bonding with infants/children
• The components of Yoga Therapy
• The description of the physiological/
psychological benefits
The four stages of development:
1) Preparatory Stage (birth – 6 months)
2) Inductive Stage (6 months – 1 year)
3) Interactive Stage (1 – 2 years)
4) Imitative Stage (2 – 3 years)
• Videos and/or working with children
3 – 12 years old
• Contra-indications
• Relaxation techniques
• Yoga for adolescents and young adults
• Challenge of adolescents
• Consultation with parents
Participants need not be yoga teachers to
“An incredible highlight of this program was watching Sonia with the ‘special’ visitors, her soul to soul connection
and knowing sensitivity.”
—Program Participant
Parents may bring children and caregivers. Please contact Ext. 153 for details.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 55 (approximate) RYT-500
Tuition, text: $985
Registration Time: 4pm & Training End Time: 11am
Room & Meals for 7-Night Stay: Dorm: $465; Private Room/Shared
Bath: $610; Private Room/Private Bath: $760; Tent: $315
See Full Description & Full Bios at
Sivakami Sonia Sumar, E-RYT 500, known
for pioneering work using Yoga therapy
with special children. She has owned and
directed centers for Yoga for the Special
Child™ in Chicago and in Brazil, where she
achieved remarkable results working with
children with Down Syndrome and other
challenges. She is also the author of the
book Yoga for the Special Child.
School of Therapeutic Yoga
Integral Yoga® Adaptive Yoga Teacher Training
Adapting Yoga Practices to the Individual
Satya Greenstone, E-RYT 500
September 25–October 4, 2015
This certification program is a 10-day course which teaches one to adapt the Integral Yoga practices to meet the
needs of any individual, giving the tools to reach various
populations in various settings.
This training includes:
• Adaptation of asanas
• Modifications: how to safely and effectively modify
specific asanas, substitute and alternate a pose
• Chair Yoga: a complete sequence of poses
• performed in chairs
• Warm-Ups: gentle joint mobilization techniques and
• Use of props: How and when to safely use props
• Strategies for introducing the more subtle aspects of
yoga practices
Integral Yoga Basic Hatha Yoga Teacher Training or the
equivalent. Certified Teachers from other traditions may
also apply for consideration.
Adaptive Yoga gives us the tools to reach various populations that may not have access to the benefits of hatha
yoga. In addition to yoga studios, adaptive yoga classes
can be offered in, senior centers, rehabilitation facilities,
recreation centers, hospitals, churches and community
Satya Greenstone, E-RYT 500, has been a
student of Sri Swami Satchidananda for over
40 years and a primary teacher for the
Integral Yoga Basic Teacher Training course
since 1999. She and her husband started the
Yogaville Vidyalayam - Temple of Learning.
For 17 years they taught the children,
developing a full academic curriculum
based on the principles of Yoga.
An Adaptive Yoga class provides all the benefits of the
basic Integral Yoga Class at the level that the individual
student is capable of practicing. You will learn to create
safe, comfortable yoga sessions for all of your students.
Teaching techniques learned in this training will give
you more options for working with people with limited
mobility, individual students in private classes and accommodating the various levels of the students in your
group classes.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 100* (approximate) RYT-500
Tuition, text: $1260
Registration Time: 4pm & Training End Time: 9am
Room & Meals for 9-Night Stay: Dorm: $610; Private Room/Shared
Bath: $815; Private Room/Private Bath: $1,000; Tent: $420
* Approved for hours of Credit, for CEU’s for Yoga Alliance as an elective for most established Yoga Therapy Schools.
Programs for Yoga Theachers and Health Professionals
Yoga for Teens Certification Program
Erin Lila Wilson, E-RYT 500
July 22-26, 2015
This comprehensive certification offers yoga as a
transformative life practice for teens that fosters physical,
mental, social and emotional development through
yoga. It is suitable for yoga teachers, school teachers,
social workers, therapists, parents and anyone who
would like to make a difference in the lives of youth.
The course includes::
• A teen approach to asana and class themes,
breathing and meditation techniques, yoga
philosophy, ethical principles and basic nutrition
• How to teach topics relevant to teens, including selfconfidence, healthy body image, sexual health and
forgiveness,Helping teens understand and cultivate
mindfulness in daily life
• Stress and anger management for teens
• Intro to working with at-risk and underserved
• Teaching yoga in the school setting and much more
Erin Lila Wilson, E-RYT 500, is a certified Intermediate Integral Yoga® Teacher
and she completed training for teaching at-risk teens through the Lineage
Project. She has worked with youth for over 10 years in schools, studios and
incarceration facilities. She now serves as Director of the Yoga at School
program of the San Francisco Integral Yoga Institute.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 19 (approximate)
Tuition, text: $575
Official Check-in Time: 4pm & Check-out Time: 2pm
Room & Meals for 4-Night Stay: Dorm: $320; Private Room/Shared
Bath: $430; Private Room/Private Bath: $530; Tent: $220
Anatomy & Physiology for Teachers
Developing Core Awareness, Improving Core Stability
Letícia Padmasri, M.A., E-RYT 500
September 18-20, 2015
This workshop will deepen your understanding and practical application of core stability.Expand your perspective
and experience the essence of core stability as you discover core awareness. By working with our center, we develop the ability to consciously respond to life situations
rather than react to them. We refine our capacity to be
alert, responsive and open-hearted.
The following topics will be discussed:
• Understanding the role of the psoas muscle in core
• Yoga asanas for core stability
• Exploration of sitting habits and seated asanas for
• Connections between core stability and breathing
• Enhancing pranayama practice through core
awareness and core stability
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 13 (approximate)
Tuition, text: $235
Registration Time: 2pm & Training End Time: 2pm
Room & Meals for 2-Night Stay: Dorm: $170; Private Room/Shared
Bath: $240; Private Room/Private Bath: $300; Tent: $120
Letícia Padmasri, M.A., E-RYT 500, is a certified
teacher in Advanced Integral Hatha Yoga and Raja
Yoga. She holds a Bachelors degree in Exercise
Science, Masters degree in Education and many
years of dedication towards Exercise Physiology,
yoga and Ayurveda. She has served as a trainer for
Basic and Intermediate T.T.’s and often teaches and
administrates workshops in Yogaville and Brazil.
* Approved for hours of Credit, for CEU’s for Yoga Alliance as an elective for most established Yoga Therapy Schools.
See Full Description & Full Bios at
Programs for Yoga Theachers and Health Professionals
Mindful Touch®
A Yoga Teacher Training on the Art of Assisting
Priti Robyn Ross, E-RYT 500
October 8-11 2015
Priti Robyn Ross, E-RYT-500, holds professional-level certifications
in Kripalu Yoga and Integrative Yoga Therapy, teaching for almost
20 years and leading yoga teacher trainings for over 15. She is
currently co-director of the 200 & 500 hour Kripalu Yoga teacher
certification trainings at the Kripalu Center in MA along with the
Prana Yoga teacher training at the New York Open Center in
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 23 (approximate)
Tuition, text: $295
Official Check-in Time: 4pm & Check-out Time: 2pm
Room & Meals for 3-Night Stay: Dorm: $245; Private Room/Shared
Bath: $335; Private Room/Private Bath: $415; Tent: $170
Explore a variety of hands-on assisting techniques and
discover new ways to facilitate healthy alignment. In this
powerful workshop, you will:
• Work with partners to explore a variety of assists and
modifications for common misalignments,
• Explore the power of touch to transform your
• Learn the correct biomechanics for your own body
while giving and receiving adjustments,
• Hone your observational skills of anatomical
alignment principles,
• Develop your awareness to skillfully enter the sacred
space of your students.
Assisting students is not about correction or perfection.
It is a loving act that brings students safely into each posture and ultimately deepens their practice.
Where Social Media and Yoga Meet
The Business Side of Yoga
Stacy Kamala Waltman, E-RYT 500
October 16-18, 2015
You’ve taken all the Teacher Training certification courses
you need to launch your business or career as a credentialed Yoga Instructor. Now it’s time to let the world know
who you are and where prospective students can find you.
In this 3-day workshop, Stacy Kamala Waltman will show
you the basic tools of how to set up your business in the
following social media vehicles: Pinterest, Facebook (personal and professional pages), YELP, e-Newsletter and
Twitter. Interweaving these basic social media channels
will help your marketing efforts and is integral to staying in
front of your customers.
Please Bring: laptop, notebook or similar device so you
can work on your material during the workshop. You must
have a logo to use (does not have to be professional) and
a variety of photos available for hands-on application of
these social media principles. You will need to know how
to use your computer and access your files.
Stacy Kamala Waltman, E-RYT 500,
gives social media training in a variety of
settings. Her extensive knowledge has
helped hundreds of people thrive in the
world of Social Media Marketing. She is also
a Stress Management Coach with numerous
credentials. Her Sleep Recovery Program
was recently featured on the front page of
the Wall Street Journal.
This is a basic social media course that can be applied to
any setting – not necessarily yoga.
Yoga Alliance Hrs: 13 (approximate)
Tuition, text: $240
Official Check-in Time: 4pm & Check-out Time: 2pm
Room & Meals for 2-Night Stay: Dorm: $170; Private Room/Shared
Bath: $240; Private Room/Private Bath: $300; Tent: $120
“Stacy’s enthusiasm is infectious and for an old Attention
Deficit Disorder person like myself it helped keep my
—Program Participant
Community O Support O Continuing Education
Member Benefits
• Quarterly IYTA Newsletter
• Members-only resource area within the IYTA website
• Online informational forum exchange of IY teachers
• Directory of IY Teachers—printed and online
• Contact person to answer your IY-related questions
• Discounted Yoga teacher liability insurance
(US members only)
• 5% discount on teacher training programs at Yogaville,
• 43% discount at Integral Yoga Distribution
• 10% discount toward Yogaville programs, retreats
and guest stays
• 10% discount on programs taken at NY and SF Integral Yoga
• 10% discount at Yogaville bookstores and gift shops
• 15% discount at Shakticom—Integral Yoga Multimedia
• Discounted Living Yoga Training Programs and Support
Staff opportunities
• Eligibility to join the Yogaville Federal Credit Union
• $12 for a one year subscription to Yoga Journal
• Discounts with Swadeshi Yoga (25%) and Jala Clothing (20%)
Our Services Are Always Expanding
Enjoy all this for less than $6/month! Annual dues in the USA are
$70 or save $15 on a special two-year rate for $125. International
dues are $80 for one year or save $10 on two years for $150.
108 Yogaville Way, Buckingham, VA 23921 • Tel 434-969-3121 ext. 177 • • email: [email protected]
Continuing Education
Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville is pleased to offer Continuing Education credits for most of our Teacher Training programs and
Academy workshops. Integral Yoga is registered with Yoga Alliance as a Registered Yoga School at both the 200- and 500-hour training
levels. Whether you are a certified Integral Yoga teacher or a yoga instructor from another lineage, you can receive credit toward
your 500-hour Yoga Alliance certification through Integral Yoga. Programs in this catalog designated by the “RYT 500” symbol are
considered advanced training toward registry with Yoga Alliance as an RYT 500 (Registered Yoga Teacher at the 500-hour training level).
The IntermediateTeacher Training (I.T.T.) provides the basic requirements in each of the categories required by Yoga Alliance. After I.T.T.,
students may select from any number of eligible programs to complete the RYT 500 registration requirements. Other options are available.
Please contact the Continuing Education Coordinator at 434-969-3121, ext. 177 for additional details.
Please note: For a nominal fee of $15, we can provide you with a document of attendance that verifies your participation in the
program and details the Yoga Alliance categories and numbers of continuing education units that were earned in the program. This
documentation MUST be requested during the time you are taking the program. Upon enrollment in any teaching program and in
selected public programs and workshops, you will receive a request form for continuing education that you may present to our staff
during the program.
Continuing Education*
Integral Yoga Academy
Training Summary
Yoga Alliance
RYT 500
Yoga Teacher
From Other
Basic Hatha Yoga
Intermediate Hatha Yoga
Case by case
Advanced Hatha Yoga
Case by case
Yoga of the Heart®
Yoga for the Special Child ®, L.L.C.
Adaptive Yoga
Case by case
Foundations of Ayurveda & Yoga Certification
Yoga of Recovery
Yoga for Teens T. T.
Arthritis Intensive
Arthritis Refresher
Anatomy & Physiology: Developing the Core
Yoga for our Elders
The Art & Evolution of Assisting
Social Media Marketing
30 Each
Open to Health
(months required)
Teacher Trainings
Yoga for Cancer (YCat) Lev.1
Programs for Yoga Teachers and Health Professionals
Yoga as Medicine (YAM): Lev.1&2
*Hours are approximate. Final program schedule determines actual credit. **Programsavailable to teachers
from other traditions and healthcare professionals who practice Yoga areso noted. Those programs
that require specific teaching experience list the experience needed foreligibility.
Guest Stays
Welcome Weekend
People of all faiths and backgrounds come to visit
Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville®. They come for
many different reasons: to study and practice the
teachings of Integral Yoga®, to experience life in a
spiritual community or to get a little rest and relaxation
in our beautiful country location. You are invited to join
us for the day, an overnight stay or a longer visit and
are welcome to take part in the Ashram daily schedule
during your time with us. We encourage you to take
advantage of every opportunity offered to open yourself
to inner peace, joy, love and light.
Day Guest Visits
As a day guest, you can visit the LOTUS and our other
sacred sites and join us for meditation, Hatha Yoga and a
meal. Visiting is free of charge. There is a nominal fee for
meals, Hatha Yoga classes and the Ashram Tour—please
call for details. For groups of four or more wishing to join
us for a meal, Hatha Yoga class or the Saturday Ashram
Tour, we ask that you call and book two weeks ahead of
your visit.
Guest Stays
Your stay includes three delicious buffet-style, vegetarian
meals a day (see diet on page 58) and the opportunity
to participate in our Ashram daily schedule (see
opposite for the weekend schedule, visit us online or
call for the weekday schedule). Activities include daily
meditation and Hatha Yoga sessions, and depending on
the day(s) of your stay, spiritual study classes, weekend
yoga talks, Saturday Ashram Tour, Saturday evening
program (Satsang) and more. Please see page 57 for
accommodation options and costs.
We invite you to be part of our “Welcome Weekend”—
a program designed to help you experience, perhaps for
the first time, the benefits of yoga practices in your life.
Based on the teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda and
taught by his students, this weekend program offers you
guided experiences in meditation and Hatha Yoga (the
physical postures, relaxation and breathing practices),
informative videos, delicious vegetarian meals, a tour of
the Ashram, hiking and our beautiful interfaith shrine,
LOTUS. On Saturday evening there is a public program
called satsang, which includes kirtan (chanting), a
presentation by a senior member or a guest speaker and
a video of Sri Swami Satchidananda sharing his warmth
and wisdom with us. Join us, won’t you? Each weekend
is a Welcome Weekend! Our Guest Services Staff looks
forward to meeting you and helping make your stay as
rewarding as possible.
For all guest stay inquiries, call the Ashram Reservation
Center (ARC) at 800-858-YOGA (9642) (domestic calls)
or 434-969-2048 (international calls), Monday through
Friday 9am–5pm Your reservation will be held when we
receive the appropriate payment. Discover Card, Visa,
Mastercard and personal checks are accepted.
Welcome Weekend Schedule
Friday Evening
3:00–7:00 p.m. 5:00 6:00 6:30 7:30–8:00
7:30–9:30 Check-In & Orientation
Deep Relaxation Class or Hatha Yoga
Videotape of Sri Gurudev
LOTUS is open
6:00 a.m.
6:55 8:00–9:30
12:00 p.m.
12:45 1:45 4:00 5:30 7:30 Guided Meditation
Hatha Yoga Class
Talk on: “Applying Yoga in Daily Life”
Meditation at LOTUS
LOTUS/Ashram Tour
Hatha Yoga Class
Sunday Morning
6:40 a.m.
Guided Meditation
7:30 Hatha Yoga Class
8:00–9:30 Breakfast
10:00–11:15 Talk on Expanding Your Practices
12:00 p.m.
Meditation at LOTUS
12:45 Lunch
(This schedule is subject to change.)
Dormitory, Shared Room / Shared Bath
We have two dormitories, Vivekananda Vihar and Ramalinga Nilayam, which are airconditioned and convenient to meals and programs. The rooms can accommodate
from two to eight people in upper and lower bunk beds. (Please let us know if you
cannot climb stairs.)
Private Room / Shared Bath
Private dormitory rooms with shared bathrooms are available for one or two people.
Lotus Guest Houses, Private Room / Private Bath
Private rooms are available in our three Lotus Guest Houses. Each room is equipped
with a single full-size or queen bed or two twin beds and a full bath. All rooms contain
individually-controlled heat, air-conditioning and wireless access. A number of rooms
include a refrigerator or a sofa bed. (Rooms available for those who are physically challenged.)
Tenting & Campers (Available March 16–November 30)
Set off in a quiet, wooded area close to the Lotus Guest Houses are sixteen campsites.
Campers have use of the nearby bathrooms, showers and laundry facilities. Please
bring your own tent, bedding and towels.
Please note: Couples may stay together in a room or tent site only if they are married or
have been in a committed relationship for six months or longer.
Guest Stays, Including Our Welcome Weekend Program
Rates include your choice of lodging, three delicious buffet-style vegetarian meals daily, and the opportunity to
participate in the Ashram’s scheduled practices and events.
2015 Prices
SR / SB*
PR / SB*
Lotus Guest Houses
PR / PB*
Tenting & Campers
(Mar. 16–Nov. 30)
Per person
per night
per night
per night
per night
per night
Each Child†
Per person
per night
Sunday thru Thursday
Friday & Saturday
15% Discount for stays seven nights or longer
Workshop and Silent Retreat Accommodations
Rates include your choice of lodging and three delicious buffet-style vegetarian meals daily. Meditation, Hatha
Yoga and various other yogic practices and activities are included as part of your program. Please see your specific
program schedule for details.
2015 Prices
SR / SB*
PR / SB*
Lotus Guest Houses
PR / PB*
Tenting & Campers
(Mar. 16 - Nov. 30)
Per person
Per person
2-Night Program (weekday)
2-Night Program (weekend)
3-Night Program (weekday)
3-Night Program (weekend)
4-Night Program (weekday)
4-Night Program (weekend)
5-Night Program
6-Night Program
7-Night Program
9-Night Program
* SR/SB= Shared Room/Shared Bath ; PR/SB= Private Room/Shared Bath; PR/PB= Private Room/Private Bath
Senior Citizen Discount: A 10% discount on guest stays
or programs* for all seniors, ages 65 and up.
International Discount: A 10% discount for all guests and
program* participants coming from outside the USA.
Student: A 10% discount on guest stays or programs*
for all full-time students (I.D. required).
Integral Yoga Teachers Association Members: A 10%
discount on guest stay or programs* and a 5% discount
on teacher training programs for active members.
Military Personnel: A 10% discount on guest stays or
programs* for all people currently serving in the U.S.
armed forces, the reserve or the National Guard. I.D.
First Program Discount: Not available for programs with
Krishna Das, Amy Weintraub, Joan Borysenko, Gary
Kraftsow, Maya Tiwari, yoga vacations, teacher trainings,
personal retreats,”Welcome Weekend,” Special Interest
Retreats or other online discounted programs.
Limit of two 10% discounts per guest stay or workshop.
15% discount for stays seven nights or longer.
* Discount applies to both tuition and accommodation.
Help Us Build Yogaville
It is wondrous to behold the manifestation of what
Sri Gurudev always told us: He would be even more
available to serve from the subtle plane as a guiding
light, and Yogaville would continue to grow and flourish.
Presently, more and more people are moving to Yogaville,
participating in our programs and being transformed by the
yogic culture and holy vibration instilled here. To meet the
needs of our expanding programs and community, we have
built new facilities, including the expansion of Sivananda
Hall, remodeling Shri Nivas for special groups and planning
the construction of the steps to Kailash, along with other
For some of the larger projects, we still need to
complete payment. We invite you to join us in this noble
effort by making a tax-deductible donation.
Our Healthy Yogic Diet
You will receive three delicious and nutritious meals a
day, including whole grains, fresh fruit, vegetables and
protein sources such as tofu and legumes. All of our
food offerings are made from scratch daily and consist
of largely organic ingredients. Organic yogurt is served
at breakfast and dinner, honey is available and organic
cheese and butter is occasionally served at lunch. Lunch
is the main meal of the day. The evening meal is lighter
and features a selection of hearty soups—always made
from scratch daily.
No meat, poultry, fish or eggs are permitted at the Ashram. No personal food items are allowed in dorm rooms.
Coffee is not served in the dining hall but is available for
purchase at our Mandala Café.
Mandala Café is conveniently located on campus and
has become a local meeting place. The Café offers a
wide selection of organic snacks—both name brand and
homemade—for purchase.
Please make checks payable to Satchidananda Ashram
and mail to:
Treasury Dept., Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville,
108 Yogaville Way, Buckingham, VA 23921 USA.
For information, call Jnanam MacIsaac
on 434-969-3121, ext. 119.
Volunteer Programs
Living Yoga Training Program
The Living Yoga Training (LYT) program integrates the
timeless wisdom of yoga into the practical reality of
everyday life. The Integral Yoga teachings of Sri Swami
Satchidananda and the Ashram lifestyle enable you to
better understand the human mind and eventually gain
more mastery over it. Under the guidance of senior
disciples and experienced teachers, the LYT program
combines spiritual practices, daily service activities
and dynamic evening classes. Through the practices
of Hatha Yoga, pranayama (breathing practices),
meditation, Karma Yoga (selfless service), kirtan
(chanting) and satsang (spiritual gathering) and with
the supportive spiritual environment at Satchidananda
Ashram–Yogaville, your life can be transformed. If you
are a sincere seeker—whether new to yoga or a longtime practitioner—who is willing to engage in these
practices while living within the Ashram guidelines,
the Living Yoga Training is the program for you. So
please submit your application and plan to join us for
a minimum of one month to take full advantage of this
unique Yoga training program. For more information,
please call Sister Mukti at 434-969-3121, ext. 117
e-mail us at [email protected] or visit
Residential Staff Programs
Sadhana Immersion: With this program, the Ashram
provides an opportunity for ongoing immersion and
absorption into Sri Gurudev’s Teachings. It is designed
for committed participants who wish to discipline
themselves to live the daily schedule set forth by Sri
Gurudev with a focus on becoming a living example
of that path. Open to those who have been in the
LYT program for at least one month or an additional
residential program for another two months.
Support Staff: This program is for those who have
had prior experience serving at Yogaville or at an
Integral Yoga Center and who exchange service
for benefits and participation in regular practices
and special programs that make the Ashram a
unique community. The Support Staff program
provides people with both short-term and long-term
opportunities to live and serve at the Ashram.
Cooking Internship Program: This program trains
participants in vegetarian culinary art. Participants will
learn vegetarian nutrition, breadmaking, cooking skills,
ethnic cuisines, kitchen safety and much more. Open
to those who have taken teacher training or been a LYT
or support staff for at least one month.
Please e-mail: [email protected] or call
434-969-3121 at ext. 176 for more information.
Integral Yoga Notices
Videos, Audios, DVDs, Books and Gifts
We carry the largest inventory of items by or about
His Holiness Sri Swami Satchidananda
New Free Service!
Lotus Conference Center
Available Year-round for Retreats, Meetings, Workshops, Reunions
Satsangs are now broadcasted
live online from Sivananda Hall
every Saturday night at 7:30 p.m.
Peaceful, Country Setting • Private and Self-contained
Large, Carpeted Meeting Room • Small to Medium Groups
Delicious Vegetarian Meals • Hot Tub • Reasonable Rates
Group Services: 434-969-3121 ext. 147
[email protected]
108 Yogaville Way, Buckingham, Virginia 23921
Yogaville Livestream Page
You may view past satsangs and see
information on future events!
Visit our online store:
[email protected]
108 Yogaville Way, Buckingham, VA 23921,
Over 20 years’ experience
handling legal and tax issues
for yogic-minded people.
Longtime attorney for
Yogaville® and Integral Yoga®.
Tax Matters in all 50 states.
Immigration Matters.
Other Cases.
Local and out-of-state cases
where appropriate.
Inquiries Welcome. Please call or email
Tel: 434-969-5158
email: [email protected]
Fax 434-969-5165
On-going Classes &
Hatha Yoga
Gentle Yoga
Kids Yoga
Pre-Natal and
Post-Natal Yoga
Restorative Yoga
HIV Yoga
Open Meditation:
12:15 p.m. Mon.–Sat.
6:00 p.m. Mon.–Thurs.
227 West 13th Street,
New York City. NY 10011
Pre-registration is suggested at least two weeks in advance for all programs.
To receive the best housing options, reserve as soon as possible.
General Information (not for teacher training)
To Register
Phone: 1-800-858-YOGA (9642)
1-434-969-2048 (outside USA)
Fax: 1-434-969-1303
[email protected]
Mail to: The address listed at the bottom of the right column.
Tuition / Accommodation Rates
Unless otherwise noted, tuition and accommodation rates are listed
separately. Tent sites are not available from December 1 to March 15.
Phone (H)............................................. (Cell).............................................................
Discounts: See page 58.
Cancellation Policies
We would appreciate more than 3 days’ notice (72 hours) for
cancellations. You may either 1) transfer the full amount of the program
paid, minus a $50.00 processing fee, to another reservation within a
twelve-month period or 2) request a refund in the full amount paid, minus
a $50.00 processing fee. With less than 3 days’ notice we offer credit only.
With less than 24-hours’ notice the full cost of the program is forfeited.
Level of Meditation
Program Cancellations
SAYVA reserves the right to cancel any program at any time. If we cancel
a program, you will receive a full refund.
Charlottesville, Virginia is the closest city to the Ashram that provides
air, bus and train service. Call 1-800-858-9642 to arrange pick-up for a
$45 one-way fee between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. and a $55 one-way fee for
other times. No services are provided after 9:30 p.m. or before 8 a.m.
For those wanting to book JetBlue, US Air or other inexpensive flights
to Richmond, VA, we can arrange pick-up on Fridays and drop-off on
Sundays for $85 each way per person.
Driving directions available on request or at
Unless otherwise noted, standard check-in times for weekend programs
are at 4 p.m. Guests may check in at 3 p.m. At 5 p.m. there are Hatha
Yoga classes and an additional Friday deep relaxation class. Evening
meditation is at 6 p.m. Dinner is at 6:30 p.m. Program orientation is at 7:30
p.m. The program ends with lunch at 12:45 p.m. on the final day.
Please bring all personal items: toiletries (including soap), yoga mat or large
towel for Hatha Yoga, alarm clock, umbrella and flashlight. Shoes are not
worn inside the buildings, so you might want to bring slippers for insidewear, a pair of slip-on shoes or sandals for walking between buildings and
a pair of walking shoes for walks in the woods. Please bring modest, nonrevealing, loose-fitting clothing for your visit. Short shorts, spaghetti strap
tops, halter tops, low-cut tops, low hip-style skirts and pants and bikinis are
not allowed. (Shorts are not allowed at any of the shrines, meditations and
Saturday evening satsang. Please bring skirts or pants.) White clothing or
very nice casual clothing is appropriate for the Saturday evening program.
Do Not Bring
Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville® is a tobacco-free, alcohol-free and illegal
drug-free community. We therefore ask you not to bring these items. Also,
in an effort to maintain a peaceful and comfortable environment for our
guests and residents, we ask you not to bring radios or pets.
Our programs are intended to be educational in nature only and are
not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention, cure or treatment of
any disease or ailment. Persons having health concerns and in need of
diagnosis, cure or treatment should consult a medical professional.
State.......................................................... Zip.............................................................
Female q
Male Beginner q
Level of Hatha Yoga: New Beginner q
Hatha I q
Experienced q
Hatha II-III q
Program Attending
Program Name:..........................................................................................................
First Program at Yogaville?
Yes q
Please send me directions
No q
Accommodation Preference
Dormitory: Shared room/Shared bath q
Dormitory: Private room/Shared bath q
Priv. room/Priv. bath q
Tent Site q
Snorers: We will make every attempt to place snorers together
Discounts (see page 58)
Student ID q
Seniors q
Military q
Workshop+5 Special q
OutsideUSA q
Integral Yoga Teachers Association q
$45 or $55 each way (if in Charlottesville) or $85 (if in Richmond) for
pick-up or drop-off
Please meet me in Charlottesville/Richmond at: ............................................... (pickup hours 8 a.m.–9:30 p.m.)
Greyhound q
Airport q
Amtrak q
Arrival............................................................ /.............................................................
(Day, date and time)/(Airline and Flight #)
Departure................................................... /............................................................... (Day, date and time)/(Airline and Flight #)
Total Payment $.........................................................................................................
Discover q
Visa q
Mastercard q
Name on Credit Card...............................................................................................
Account No.....................................................................Exp. date........................... Please make full payment by credit card, check or money order payable to
“SAYVA” and mail to:
Ashram Reservation Center (ARC), 108 Yogaville Way
Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville, Buckingham, VA 23921
You may also reserve by phone or online.
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 684
108 Yogaville Way
Buckingham, Virginia 23921-2229 USA
Yogaville® Winter/Spring 2015 Calendar
Dec 31–Jan 4 New Year’s Silent Retreat.......................................p. 8
Laugha Yoga Free Workshop............................... p. 15
Basic Meditation.......................................................p. 16
The Spirit of Health...................................................p. 11
Secrets of Pranayama .............................................p. 16
30–Feb 1
Joint Freeing Series...................................................p. 17
17–20 20–22
20–Mar 1
27–Mar 1
Healthy Relationships............................................... p. 17
Partner Yoga & Massage – Valentine’s............... ..p. 18
Go Deep – Dig One Deep Well............................ p. 11 Mindfulness, Compassion & Difficult Emotions.. p. 19
Restorative Teacher Training.................................. p. 42
Body Image & Yoga.................................................. p. 19
6–8 6–8
27- 29
Awakening Your True Self....................................... p. 20
Aligning The Body ~ Aligning To Spirit................. p. 20
Yoga as Medicine Level 1........................................ p. 43
Vedic Thai Yoga Bodywork..................................... p. 21
Laugha Yoga Certification....................................... p. 21
Yoga as Medicine Level 2........................................ p. 43
Surfing In The Sea Of Change................................ p. 11
Learning To Love Ourselves.................................... p. 22
Yoga Vacation in Guatemala . ............................... p .13
Raja Yoga Intensive..................................................p. 23
Yoga Therapy For Chronic Pain............................. p. 24
12–May 10
27–May 3
A Course In Miracles................................................ p. 25
Lifeforce Yoga® To Manage Your Mood… ......... p. 26
Gongs, Bowls & Drums: Sound Meditation........ p. 25
Yoga & Life Coaching – Upgrade Your Story...... p. 27
Spring Basic Teacher Training................................. p. 38
Energizing Your Life . ............................................... p. 12
Spring Silent Retreat..................................................p. 8
Taoist Yoga................................................................. p. 27
Yoga For The Female Pelvic Floor..........................p. 28
Sacred Sounds: Healing Sounds............................ p. 28
Healing Relationships .............................................. p. 44
Relieving Anxiety . .................................................... p. 29
YCat Level 1.......................................................... .....p. 45
Yoga of Communication......................................... p. 29
Peaceful Weightloss Workshop............................. p. 30
Peaceful Weightloss 6-Day Retreat....................... p. 30
Reigniting the Sacred Fires.......................................p. 12
Yoga To Reduce Stress.............................................p. 31
Yoga of Devotion – Krishna Das .......................... p. 32
YCat Level 3............................................................... p. 45
20–July 4
21–July 12
28–Aug 2
Neurogenic Yoga...................................................... p. 31
Integral Yoga & Ayurveda....................................... p. 33
Dao Flow Yoga . ...................................................... p. 33
Foundations of Ayurveda........................................ p. 47
Building Your Sadhana.............................................p. 13
Asana Sequencing.................................................... p. 34
Yoga of Recovery Retreat.........................................p. 34
Integral Yoga Meditation TT.....................................p. 40
Intermediate Integral Yoga TT.................................p. 40
Yoga for Athletes........................................................p. 35
Yoga Over 50..............................................................p. 35
Yoga for Arthritis........................................................p. 48