

Santa Clarita Valley Corvette Club
P.O. Box 1175
Canyon Country, CA 91351
Find us on the web at
Merry Christmas!
In This Issue:
Upcoming Calendar of Events
President Greg’s Message
Meeting, Birthdays, Annivs.
Meeting Minutes
Quartermaster’s Corner
Crazy Otto’s Run
Crazy Otto’s History
Christmas Party
Christmas Light Run
Page 2
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 8
Page 9
Page 11
Page 13
Page 15
NCM Motorsports Park
C7 Update
Laff Traxx
Vintage Corvette Ad
Board Member Contact Info
Planning Reminders
You Know When
Final Thoughts
(Club events are in BLUE. Events in RED are for your info, but not necessarily SCVCC attending)
NOTE: If you hold CTRL+click at underlines you will go to the web links or email to the contact!!!
Jan 2
January Business Meeting at Marie Callender’s – 7:30 PM
Come early and enjoy the social time!
Jan 11
Cactus Patch “Early Morning” Breakfast Run – 197 E. High St. in
Old Moorpark. Meet at Starbucks (Copperhill and Newhall Ranch Rd)
At 7:30 AM. Come early, come hungry!
Jan 16
Club Social – Wolf Creek
New location this month – 27746 McBean Parkway, Valencia
Let’s get together at 6 PM for Corvette talk and post holiday visiting.
Jan 25
Space Shuttle Run to Exposition Park in LA - We are leaving Chuy’s
At 8:30 AM. Remember, admission is $6.25 per person, ($5.25 for over 60).
Parking is $10.00
Shuttle and Corvettes
Saturday, January 25th
Don’t Miss It!
December 2013 President’s Message
Happy New Year Everyone!
I hope all of you had a nice holiday season with your families. Now we get to put all the lights and
decorations away for another year, thank God!
I’d like to thank our activity team for another great month of fun. The Crazy Otto’s breakfast run turned
out to be a great hit as well as our annual Christmas Party at Robinson’s Ranch, and our annual
Christmas Lights Tour through our local neighborhoods.
I mentioned last month about staying longer at the Christmas Party and to enjoy the evening. Well you
certainly did that. In fact, the band kept playing so we kept dancing on the dance floor, even while they
were picking up the dance floor! No one wanted to leave. Now that’s a party!
Thanks again to Howard and Linda Butler for organizing the Christmas Party which is such a great
event each year, and for all of you who participated in bringing much needed food for our local food
pantry’s here in Santa Clarita. I understand it was hard to even close the doors of the food truck they
brought, so we’re happy about that.
Looking forward to 2014, we have some exciting weekend runs coming up. Our Valentines Run to
Cambria in February, the Monterey Food Bank Run in May, and Bowling Green in August. Make
sure you get your reservations in to reserve a spot or talk to one of the activity members for more
January starts out with a breakfast run to the famous Cactus Patch in Moorpark and then a trip down to
the Space Shuttle later in the month. Our Social location this month will be announced at the General
I have arranged with Marie Callendar’s Management to give back to our club 20-25% of what we spend
at our next General Meeting on January 2 nd. That will go into our treasury for a future activity expense
and we thank Gary and Chuck from Marie Callendar’s for helping out our club. It’s been a great meeting
place for years and we certainly appreciate them and their entire staff.
We will also be introducing a new 50/50 game at our meeting. The carryover each month will certainly
be fun to watch if no one wins. We hope you like it.
I want to personally thank again, our entire Board of Directors under the direction of our Chairman Mr.
Paul Trock for always keeping us pointed in the right direction. To all of our great Board Members for
volunteering their time and making our club so successful, and of course to all of you, the members who
support our club throughout the year.
Here’s to 2014!!
Business Meeting on the 1st Thursday of each Month
Social Hour at 6:00 p.m. Meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Marie Callender’s
27630 The Old Road (at Magic Mountain)
Next Business Meeting: January 2, 2014
Social Gathering on the 3rd Thursday of each Month
Social Hour and dining at 6:00 p.m.
This Month – The Original Wolf Creek Restaurant
27746 McBean Parkway (McBean & Decoro)
Next Social Gathering: January 16, 2014
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Dick Gauthier
Dan Clarkson
Suzy Negri
Joe Ryan
Greg Attl
Sheila Percivalle
Mike and Dorothy McCloskey
David and Sandy Spunberg
Scott and Cari Llewellen
Jan 18, 1997 17 years
Jan 29, 1995 19 years
Jan 30, 1982 31 years
Meeting Minutes
Recorded by Tony Munshi, Secretary
MINUTES OF MEETING- December 5, 2013
Meeting start 7:28PM
Meeting called to order by President Greg Attl, who made several announcements regarding
past and future events:
Everyone had fun at the November events, thanks to all who organized and participated.
Crazy Otto’s Breakfast Run is scheduled for 12/07.
Valentines weekend run to Cambria scheduled for 02/14-15-16/2014. Informational
flyers and sign-up sheets will be forthcoming.
Presidential Trivia game by Dwight McDonald
SCVCC windshield decals available for purchase in different sizes and colors.
Tony Munshi, Elke Couples, Tenly Bates, And Bob Schwemmer participated in a “toilet paper
mummy” race. Prizes of wine and chocolates were gladly accepted.
Electrical multi-testers were given away to members who wanted them.
Drawing for prizes. Congratulations to all those who won!!!!!
Dick Gauthier – Corvette Ornament
Dwight McDonald – Corvette Ornament
Glenda Fulmer – Wine Glasses
Linda Noble – Sees Chocolates
Nancy Noski – Sees Chocolates
Official meeting Start @7:43PM
Tony Munshi – Secretary - November meeting minutes approved
Dick Gauthier – Treasurer - Club finances presented.
Pat Attl – Membership – 90 members. Tell your friends we have openings.
Mike Woodings - Newsletter/Publicity – Latest Newsletter is out. Check it for information on
upcoming caravan to Bowling Green, KY. Hotel information, links, etc.
Judy Woodings – Quartermaster – Clubwear report includes new items and price reductions
on fleece jackets. Special orders always welcome. Unisex sweaters, work shirts, L/S ladies
shirts are all available.
Dwight McDonald – Activities –
12/07 – Crazy Otto’s Breakfast Run to Acton
12/14 – SCVCC Christmas/Holiday Party at Robinson Ranch
12/19 – SCVCC Xmas Light Cruise in the Valley
Howard Butler provided further information and last minute reminders to sign-up for the party
and food donations for the Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry.
Mark Ware – Vice President – Congratulations to Kathy Munshi for winning $103.00 in the
50/50 drawing. Also, Congratulations to Linda Noble for winning the Badge-It-Or-Lose-It pot
of $20.00. The pot is back at 20.00 for January.
Birthdays and Anniversaries; Congratulations to all who celebrate their special day(s) in
Car Talk:
Tenly Bates said she has been seeing C-7 Corvettes driving around the SCV
Lou Stabile is sporting a new/used Camaro SS Convertible…CONGRATS!!!
Judy Woodings presented Greg Attl with a book about wines.
Mike McCloskey gave us a short history lesson of the Corvette.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:03PM
Ladies Striped Tee
Show PLUS Go!
Order your Club Jackets
Best Dressed Corvette Club in SCV!
Club hat $23.00
Club Tee $13.00
The Corvette Kiosk will be OPEN for the January meeting with your
Quartermaster Judy Woodings at the helm to address all of your Club
Wear needs. Remember, you can contact Judy Woodings anytime at
[email protected]. Summer items are available for sunny days,
but think SWEATSHIRTS for Winter cruises!
Crazy Otto’s Breakfast Run
Dec 7th
Story: Dwight McDonald and Greg Attl
Pictures: Dwight McDonald, Greg Attl and Tony Munshi
Saturday, December 7, 2013 was a warm, sunny,
and a basically perfect day for the Santa Clarita
Valley Corvette Club to take a drive through the
canyons, somewhere, but not in the Santa Clarita
Valley, or anywhere in Southern California. That
morning, 22 brave members in 36 degree weather,
with snow flurries, rain and high winds, took to the
canyon roads behind Aqua Dulce and Acton to
indulge in what can only be described as the ”We
Love Breakfast and Nothin’s Gonna Stop Us” Run.
Four Corvettes (Attl, Siecke, Munshi and
Stabile) lead a host of other “noncorvettes” to Crazy Otto’s, a rare find in
the hills of Acton, California for a
breakfast fit for Kings. In all, thirty
people weathered the storm for the run.
The undaunted band of ‘Vette owners
and drivers, cast fate to the wind and
ventured off to take on the winding
Sierra Highway, soaking up not only
the wet weather, but the beauty of
the rural county side, the rustic
settlements that dotted the area and
vineyards that accentuated region.
Ultimately, the caravan reached its destination
on Santiago Road. Once seated, the
socializing was rampant, the bonding was
intense, and the food was bountiful.
“Bountiful”? That’s an understatement. A
short stack (two pancakes) filled the entire
plate and was as thick as a Bayou accent. As
Johnny Percivalle put it…”the pancakes were
falling off the table”. When the order of an
omelet arrived, you couldn’t help but think that
the thing could feed a third world country.
The food was excellent, the bill of fare was unbelievable, and the price was right on. For
those who missed the event, you missed a fun filled experience, and a great time, which was
had by all. The event that began as a “Sow’s ear” truly became a “Silk Purse”.
Thanks to those who came out to brave the weather for this event and to Bob Siecke
(Activities Coordinator) for helping plan the event!
Crazy Otto’s History
Dec 7th
Story: Contributed by Melody Reid
Editor’s Note: While the early winter storm kept many Corvettes in the
garage on Dec 7th, Melody was present and wanted to share some of the
history of Crazy Otto’s. Hopefully you can make it out to Acton some
SUNNY day soon and enjoy this local landmark!
In the early 1970s, Otto Lindsel left the forest of the northern west coast and moved to the
Southern California area of the Antelope Valley to be nearer to his family. As he had many years
of experience cooking for lumber jacks, it was natural that he would come up with the concept of
opening a diner. This was the perfect retirement venture for him, thus creating the history of a
great Antelope Valley tradition. Stories about Otto abound from longtime customers. Some of our
favorites include his intolerance of customers who only came in for coffee, customers who took
too long to eat their meals or anyone who complained about the food. All were thrown out with
For almost 25 years, Crazy Otto's was located adjacent to the train tracks on Sierra Highway in
Lancaster, California. The diner originally consisted of 12 counter seats and one booth. Over the
years, the diner expanded in an effort to accommodate the large crowds, eventually ending up
with two separate and distinct kitchens and dining rooms. Due to the proximity of the railroad
tracks to Crazy Otto's, Otto devised a numbered wheel to be spun every time a train passed. The
seat corresponding to the number on the wheel won a free meal. This tradition continues today.
The passing of the train would cause the old building to rattle and shake to the delight of the
Crazy Otto's had also earned a reputation for having the biggest omelettes in town, which they
decided to take to the next level in June of 1993. Crazy Otto's Diner broke the world record for the
largest omelette. The omelette was an astonishing 1,364 square feet! Crazy Otto's received
commendations from the Governor of the State of California and the local mayor for
accomplishing this feat.
In 1994, things changed. As a result of the devastating Northridge, California earthquake, which
caused severe damage to the freeways, Metrolink extended its services from Los Angeles to the
Antelope Valley. It was determined that the original Crazy Otto's building was too close to the
railroad tracks and Metrolink required the property on which it was located. Crazy Otto's found a
new home, and over the next few years additional locations were established and Crazy Otto's
continued to be known for its fast service and generous portions.
In 1997, Crazy Otto's got to be in the spotlight once again. "The Odd Couple 2, Travelin' Light"
starred Walter Mattha and Jack Lemon eating in the dining room of one of our own Crazy Otto's
restaurants . Unfortunately our fame was briefly stolen when Japan took the title for the "World's
Largest Omelette" from Crazy Otto's. In October of 2002, Crazy Otto's Inc., in conjunction with
Clear Channel Radio and Robertson Palmdale Honda, were able to bring the title back to the U.S.
where it belonged. Thanks to over 200 volunteers, we were able to assemble an omelette
consisting of 34,000 eggs, 200 pounds of cheese, 50 gallons of milk, 500 pounds of bell peppers
and 75 gallons of crushed tomatoes that was prepared on 11 portable grills and took
approximately 6.5 hours to create. The omelette was an amazing 1,850.9 square feet! Now that's
In April of 2005, another unexpected turn of events happened at Crazy Otto's: the "Terminator"
paid our restaurant a visit. With a coffee pot in hand, the movie star and newly elected governor,
Arnold Schwarzenegger, strolled through the diner serving our patrons their morning cup of joe.
The customers eating breakfast that Saturday morning sure were surprised and only had one
question in their mind after he left: "will he be back?" We don't know if he will be back, but we
will be here to serve you 7 days a week. We have even expanded throughout the U.S. to bring our
quality without compromise to our patrons everywhere. We are also a new California franchise
and look forward to serving up the traditions that have made us what we are today in new
communities across the nation. In an average week Crazy Otto's Diner will serve 22,000 eggs.
We are very proud and honored that we have become such a respected establishment in the
community we call home: the Antelope Valley. We have been voted AV's Best Breakfast for 15
years; this is a recognition that we take seriously and continue to build on. We are very supportive
of our local schools and charities which we feel helps to strengthen the community we are proud
to be a part of. Crazy Otto's is open daily for breakfast and lunch and open for dinner in selected
locations. The house specialty is Prime Rib which is guaranteed to be the best you've ever had.
From all of our wait staff, bussers, cooks, hostesses, dishwashers and managers, we thank you for
visiting with us today and hope you have enjoyed your meal. It is our pleasure to provide you with
quality food, large portions, excellent service and a fun place to eat. We hope to see you again
soon, and don't forget: "If you leave hungry, it's your fault."
SCVCC 2013 Christmas & Holiday Party
Dec 14th
Story: Mike Woodings
Pictures: Tony Munshi
2013 drew to a close with the traditional
Christmas Party including dinner and dance
at Robinson Ranch Golf Club. The Butlers,
Howard and Linda, are both to be
commended for their outstanding job of
attending to the details we all take for
granted in the preparation of the venue for
our enjoyment. Well done Butlers!
Once again, our Club supported the Santa
Clarita Food Pantry with generous
donations of groceries. We filled the onsite pantry truck with bag after bag of
foodstuffs and needed items to help community folks at this holiday time. Many thanks, to all
who donated.
The social and cocktail hour began at 6 PM giving everyone time to mingle and enjoy
“refreshments”. This year the live band was back adding that extra dimension to the
evening. The buffet style dinner offered plenty of food and something for every taste with
Chicken Cordon Bleu and Tri-tip featured along with all of the traditional side dishes.
After dinner, we had another small gift exchange from about
20 participants. There was no stealing this year. The early
bird got the worm with the gifts chosen in numerical order.
The pickings were slim toward the end, but all of the presents
were appreciated by the participants.
Even though we are all
a year older than last year, most of us
found our way to the dance floor for a few dances, and
some were even seen dancing around the staff as they
were removing the dance floor to prepare for their next
function. Those were the REAL dancers!
No club event is complete though without photos, and thanks to our own Munchis, there are
indeed photos. Some are here in the Newsletter, but in the interest of pixels, you will have to
check them all out in Shutterfly. Tony and Kathy did a great lob with shots of the party and
those special prom shots as well. They even made special efforts to make us look good,
can’t beat the price either!
Another great party is in the archives. If you did not attend, now is the
time to put the Club Christmas Party on your calendar for next
Santa Clarita Christmas Light Run
Dec 19th
Story: Mike Woodings
Pictures: Judy Woodings
Instead of a monthly social, Club members met
at the CVS at Seco Canyon and Copperhill for a
run through local neighborhoods to enjoy the
great Christmas light displays our community
has to offer this time of the year.
December 19th was a rainy and almost winter
day and many were watching the Doppler radar
all day to see if the one-day storm was going to
pass. It did and eleven Corvettes along with a
few other ferrous vehicles set out to enjoy the
lights as the clouds lifted.
The plan was to make it a shorter run
than in past years and to visit just three
neighborhoods (Homestead Place,
Wakefield Court, and Cross Creek
Drive) and then to head to Telly’s
Charburger on Bouquet Canyon for
whatever looked inviting on the menu.
That is just what we did, Lights,
Cameras, and Dining, all what we do
best in our Club.
The evening was delightful and a great
way to cap off our December with a final
run for the year. It left us eager for
Christmas to soon get here and also
reminded us of the many events we have to
look forward to in 2014.
Many thanks to Barbara Walker for organizing this great run!
National Corvette Museum Motorsports Park Is Coming
Courtesy of: NCM
Contributed by: Joe Ryan
Road Course: 2.87 miles in
maximum configuration with 3
miles of overall pavement. Can be
broken into four configurations.
The three miles of track will be built
to accepted professional
design standards.
The initial phase will consist of a twin
circuit arrangement of a two mile / 13
turn west course and a one mile / 10
turn East course which can be
combined into multiple
configurations. Both circuits will
feature technical turns, straights and
elevation changes. These two
courses could be used
independently for multiple events, or
connected together into a unique
large course.
Designed with features such as the
Mulsanne straight, kink and corner as well
as the Porsche curves and the Corvette
corner from Le Mans, it will replicate
elements from the greatest race in the
If you know anyone who would like more
information or who would like to know how
they can help support this exciting extension
of the Museum, please let us and we can
sure use the help in getting the word out.
C7 Update
Courtesy of: Corvette Forum
Contributed by: Lou Stabile
Want to break the 200-mph barrier in your C7 Corvette Stingray? One
option is to go with Hennessey’s HPE600 upgrade that gets you to
600 horsepower. Top that off with a 100-horsepower Nitrous Express
kit to leap to 700 horsepower, and you’ve got yourself the
configuration that was recently proven to take the C7 Corvette all the
way up to 200.6 mph, making the HPE600 Corvette the first C7 to
bust into 200-mph territory.
Oh, there’s one more thing you might want to do in order to break 200
mph in your C7: find an empty stretch of closed road like the Grand
Parkway near Houston, Texas, and get the authorities to supervise
you … you know, for legal reasons and what not.
Check out the C7 Corvette’s major top-speed milestone at: and be on the lookout when John Hennessey
nearly drives the Corvette through a flock of birds at 197 mph!
Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human
Resources person asked the young MBA fresh out of
MIT, "And what starting salary were you looking for?"
The candidate said, "In the neighborhood of $125,000
a year, depending on the benefits package."
The HR person said, "Well, what would you say to a
package of 5 weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full
medical and dental, company matching retirement fund
to 50% of salary and a company car leased every 2
years - say, a red Corvette?"
The MBA sat up straight and said, "Wow!!! Are you
kidding?" And the HR person said, "Certainly, ... but
you started it."
1968 Corvette Ad
SCVCC Officers 2013 / 2014
Email address
Greg Attl
[email protected]
Mark Ware
[email protected]
Tony Munshi
[email protected]
Dick Gauthier
[email protected]
Judy Woodings
[email protected]
Pat Attl
[email protected]
Paul Trock
[email protected]
Barbara Walker
[email protected]
Jim Fulmer
[email protected]
Bob Siecke
[email protected]
Dwight McDonald
[email protected]
Tony Munshi
[email protected]
Mike Woodings
[email protected]
Debi Clarkson
[email protected]
Planning Reminder #1
The awesome annual run to Monterey is the first weekend in
May 2014. It’s time to put it on your calendar and make
Get all of the details at:
Planning Reminder #2
The 2014 National Corvette Caravan to Bowling Green is fast
approaching! The event is over the Labor Day Weekend plus
getting there and returning. Time to Sign-up and start
making hotel reservations!
Get Registration Details at
Then check out all of the latest planning
details of the Southern California Organizing
Team, at:
Christmas is over and New Years too. 2014 is upon us and with many
exciting Club events on the horizon there are many opportunities ahead for
you to submit your contributions to the newsletter to share with the Club
Members in the months ahead. All contributors of items to the Newsletter
will have a special drawing each quarter. Be sure to send newsletter
stories and photos because the more you send, the better your chances at
drawing time. Also be sure to send me your personal stories, your ads and
whatever Corvette items that interest you!
Please feel free to forward your favorite Corvette story or remembrance
or any other noteworthy factoid to [email protected] for inclusion in
an upcoming issue of the club newsletter.
Happy New Year!
Mike Woodings
Newsletter Editor