Tzaneen Rotary Club welcomes 51th president
Tzaneen Rotary Club welcomes 51th president
Ye4a0 rs 71226 ...all types of blinds! 71227 17 Skirving Street, Tzaneen Boundary Straat 32 - Tzaneen 0850 Vrydag 1 Julie 2011 Tel: (015) 307 5562/3 Tel: 015 307 5050 Faks: 015 307 5054 R3.00 incl. VOLUME 40 NO. 26 ‘Mak’ Joe uitgesit Deur: Liezille Janse van Rensburg DIE 'mak' olifant wat verlede week vir 'n hanteerder se dood verantwoordelik was, is uitgesit. Die besluit is in die belang van toerisme veiligheid geneem. 'n Olifant hanteerder van Kapama is Donderdag deur 'n 'mak' olifant in die lug geslinger en dood gegaffel. Die olifant, genaamd Joe, was bekend vir sy saggeaarde houding. Hy het glo verlede jaar besluit om terug te keer na die bos, nadat hy sedertdien 2002 gebruik is vir olifantritte by die reservaat. Joe het glo onlangs die gewoonte ontwikkel om saam met die olifante wat vir die ritte gebruik word terug te beweeg na die kamp, bekend as Camp Jabulani. Op die dag van die voorval het die olifant, wat sowat dertig jaar oud is, besluit om saam met die vier hanteerders terug na die kamp te stap, voordat hy omgeswaai het, en op hulle afgestorm het. Aroti Kamupambe, 'n Zimbabwiese burger Tzaneen Rotary Club welcomes 51th president MEMBERS of the Tzaneen Rotary Club celebrated the club’s 50th birthday and the induction of their 51th president on Saturday evening. Outgoing President, Faan de Swardt, and outgoing Ann President, Jo de Swardt, enjoying the occasion with the incoming Ann President, Marina Boekee and incoming President, André Boekee. More photos next week. wat opgelei is in die hantering van olifante, kon ongelukkig nie gou genoeg uit die pad kom nie, en is in die lug geslinger en blykbaar ook deur die olifant gegaffel. Hy het noodlottige beserings opgedoen en is kort na die aanval dood. Dit is die vierde aanval deur olifante by Kapama in die afgelope nege jaar. Volgens Adine Roode, bestuurende direkteur, was Joe deel van die trop opgeleide olifante by diè kamp, wat gebruik is om safariritte vir gaste aan te bied tot ongeveer 'n jaar gelede. Hy het sedertien as 'n "wilde" olifant in die reservaat geleef. Na aanlyding van n persverklaring uitgereik deur die reservaat is dit duidelik dat die kamp uiters geskok is oor die gebeure. Die oorsaak vir Joe se aggressiewe optrede is onbekend en word ondersoek. Kapama het egter, na verskeie vergaderings met spesialiste en oorweging van die feit dat daar soveel menslike aktiwiteite op die reservaat is, besluit dat hulle nie die risiko kon neem nie en is 'n veearts se hulp ingeroep om vir Joe uit te sit. Volgens Kapama het Joe na die aanval volgens 'n onverklaarbare rede 'n gevaar vir die wilde diere en olifante in die reservaat geword. Joe was tot onlangs 'n sukses storie. Hy het glo nooit enige teken van aggressiewe gedrag getoon nie, en het tot nou die dag selfs, toe daar 'n doring in sy vlees gesteek het, toegelaat dat hulle hom ondersoek en sy wond skoonmaak. Hy het glo met die baba olifante gespeel en het dan rustig weggestap soos wat dit in sy aard was. In 'n vergadering met die hanteerders het die senior hanteerder, Tigere Matipedza gesê: CRAIG - 082 821 9791 NICOLA 082 927 0623 NICOLA 082 927 0623 (CEA, FETC Real Estate NQF 4) (CEA, FETC Real Estate NQF 4) TZANGENI - HOUSE - R1 250 000 CENTRAL - TOWNHOUSES - R429 500 GOLDEN ACRES - HOUSE - R1 150 000 SOLE MANDATE 3 2 2 Entertainment area with pool in Security Estate. MACADAMIA - R510 000 2 2 1 2 Carports ONLY 1 LEFT. URGENT SALE!!!! 3 3 11,5 Ha Plot with 2 boreholes and mango trees. 3 2 2 3 2½ 2 Modern with outside toilet. 3 3 2 Spacious house with lots of potential. LETABA RIVER ESTATE STANDS FROM R179 000 SOLE MANDATE Building packages starting from R850 000 plus stand. A nice 3 bedroom house. Well located. LENYENYE - HOUSE - R460 000 1 1 3 Excellent condition!! FLORAPARK - HOUSE - R385 000 2 1 Beautiful small home. 71221 HASIVUNA - PLOT - R600 000 NKOWANKOWA - HOUSE - R680 000 NKOWANKOWA - HOUSE - R480 000 SOLE MANDATE Completed by October 2011. Granite Extremely neat with open plans and kitchen tops, tiles throughout, ceiling fans. modern finishes, with wooden deck and TRANSFER COSTS INCLUDED. gas braai. Bachelors unit MEDIPARK - HOUSE - R790 000 in Retirement Village. Levies SOLE include frail care, MANDATE laundry, cleaning of unit and one Tiled meal per day. throughout. VERONICA - 073 434 0006 VERONICA - 073 434 0006 11 Loop Straat, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel: (015) 307 7677 • Fax: (015) 307 1253 Vervolg op bl 2... Jennifer Van Rensburg 082 927 0623 MANAGER CEA, FETC Real Estate, NQF 4 LETABA HERALD - Friday 1 July 2011 PAGE 2 CALENDAR Wildsfees bars uit sy nate DIE oudste wildsfees in die land, die Hoedspruit Wildsfees, gaan vanjaar uit sy nate bars. Vanjaar vind die fees volgende naweek op 8, 9 & 10 Julie plaas. Aangesien dit die 25 ste fees is, is die fees verleng met 'n gospeldag die Sondag waarby alle plaaslike kerke betrokke sal wees. ’n Splinternuwe weeklikse koerant, die Hoedspruit Herald, met al die belangrike plaaslike nuus, sal tydens die geleentheid geloods word. Die fees open die Vrydag met ‘n wildsveiling. Wild word vooraf gevang en kan besigtig word in aanhoudingshokke by Moholoholo en by Piet Potgieter. Daar is ook 'n redelike aantal diere per katalogus beskikbaar. Die veiling word hanteer deur Vleissentraal en AB Burger Prokureurs - AB is ook voorsitter van die komitee. Die Hoedspruit Wildsfees is die eerste keer aangebied in 1987 en het ontstaan a.g.v die tweede wildsveiling wat in Hoedspruit aangebied is. Dit is ook die oudste wildsfees in die land. Die fees is vir lank by Swadini gehou en het later na Drakensig sportgrond (SA Lugmag) verskuif. In 2010 is die terrein by Blyde Wildlife Estate bekom en sal die fees voorlopig tot 2014 daar aangebied word. Die rede vir die verskuiwing was die 2010 Sokker Wêreldbeker - die Lugmag kon geen ondersteuningsdienste aan die fees verskaf nie aangesien almal by die sokker betrokke was. Daar is ± 100 stalletjies en uitstallers bied 'n wye veskeidenheid produkte aan. Daar gaan vanjaar verskeie aktiwiteite en trekpleisters aangebied word, soos ‘n gholf toernooi - 18 putjies by Drakensig Gholfklub met groot prysgeld op die spel en baie geborgde pryse. Skakel Jurie van Vuren op 082 870 4143. ’n 4x4 wedren gaan aangebied word - die baan is reeds gebou op die terrein, langs die Blyderivier, met 12 hindernisse en ander moelike uitdagings. Dit behoort prêt vir die hele gesin te wees, skakel Fanie Breytenbach (NTT Toyota) op 079 561 0260. Vanjaar gaan daar ook ‘n motorfiets saamtrek plaasvind. Daar is heelwat motorfietsryers in Hoedspruit en omgewing en die Limpopo Motorfiets Assosiasie ondersteun hierdie saamtrek. Verskeie motorfiets klubs het reeds aangedui dat hulle sal deelneem - MCC (Motor Cycles for Christ) wat die grootste klub in S.A. is het ook hulle lede aangemoedig om deel te neem. Aktiwiteite sluit in spoed meting oor 1km (verkeersafdeling meet spoed), ‘n ‘slow race’, ens. Die motorfietse sal ook deel van die fees wees en sal op die terrein uitgestal word. Bekendstelling van die nuwe BMW motorfiets sal ook met die fees plaasvind. Skakel Ludi Erasmus op 071 205 4736 vir meer oor die motorfietse. Ander aktiwiteite wat aangebied gaan word is: ‘n Biertuin, Mnr en Mej Wildsfees, bergfiets maraton (roetes van 10, 18 en 40 km), landloop maraton (5 en 10 km roetes), Paintball (Aangebied deur uitstaller), skyfskiet (aangebied deur Magnum Arms en die Jagtersvereniging) en Lugballon ritte (aangebied deur Wynand Uys van Ottersden). Die Khamai reptielpark gaan ‘n demonstrasie van reptiele en slange lewer. Die lugmag gaan verskeie optredes lewer, soos: Helikopters en spesmagte gaan ‘n na- bootsing optrede lewer en lugmag veg vliegtuie sal ‘n vertoning doen (Black Bitch Mirage, Impala ens.) Lugmag honde sal ook hul vaardighede vertoon. Perdry ritte vir kinders sal die kleintjies besig hou terwyl wildbesigtigings ritte deur ‘Estate’ gratis aangebied sal word. Moholoholo rehabilitasie sentrum gaan ‘n demonstrasie met roofvoëls en luiperds lewer. Veteraan motor liefhebers sal die veteraan motor uitstalling nie wil misloop nie en ‘n demonstrasie deur plaaslike nooddiens personeel sal vir almal wys hoe hulle lewens red by ongeluks tonele. Natuurlik sal die Super 15 rugby finaal op ‘n groot skerm uitgesaai word - dus sal niemand die rugby-aksie mis nie. Thys die Bosveldklong tree as aankondiger op en sal ook kort konserte hou en ‘n plaaslike groep tree Vrydag en Saterdag op. Chris van Dyk sal Saterdag die biertent vermaak en Chrizaan en Ray Dylan tree ook Saterdag op. Joe Niemand gaan die heupe Sondag laat swaai wanneer hy optree. Plaaslik is daar baie akkommodasie beskikbaar en regoor die terrein is gratis kampeerplek met ablusie geriewe. Vervolg van bl 1... "Mense doen hulle werk en gebruik hul koppe in 'n kantoor. Ons besef dat ons werk risiko's beloop en dus werk ons met ons harte. Ons is lief vir ons werk, en die olifante. Daar is 'n diep liefde en respek tussen die twee." Kamupambe was soos 'n familielid vir almal by die kamp, volgens hulle was hy 'n aangename en vriendelike man en sal ongelooflik baie gemis word deur die werknemers en bestuur. Al die finansiële laste van die begrafnisreëlings sal deur die kamp gedra word, en verder, is 'n trust geopen vir Kamupambe se seun om sy toekomstige onderwys en opleiding te verseker. DIE 25ste Hoedspruit Wildsfees word volgende Vrydag, Saterdag en Sondag aangebied by die Blyde Wildlife Estate. Dié mylpaal word gevier deur die fees na Sondag te verleng met ‘n gospel program. Die program sien soos volg daaruit: Save thousands on agent commissions Anton 083 488 3886 Zilla 084 703 4638 Pick n Bond PRIVATE SELLER NETWORK @ Fundi 8.5ha Productive Agricultural holding with 6ha under bananas. Scheduled water. Close to town. 2 Houses & outbuildings. Tractor & implements included. R6 685 000 19,7 ha Holding - 12 ha Blue Gum Trees. 2 Houses with beautiful panoramic view over the valley. Ref.1348 Ref.1196 HAMAWASHA 4.1 Ha Intensive cash crop holding situated close to town. Restored dwelling and outbuildings. Electrical fence all around. Lots of water. R2 777 000 Ref.1420 Huge 5 bedroom house with outbuildings and swimming pool close to town on the Georges Valley Road. Available end July. Ref.1338 R1 800 000 TZANGENI Huge stand 4149 sqm in very tranquil area with excellent security R620 000 Ref.1434 AQUA PARK Vacant stand 580 sqm with double garage Ref.1387 R258 000 GOLDEN ACRES Large vacant stand (2704sqm) in security village. Ref.1425 HERITAGE VILLAGE Vacant stand 672sqm in security complex. R360 000 Ref.1433 DEERPARK STANDS R670 000 RENTAL PROPERTIES AGATHA / MEYERSRUST GEORGE’S VALLEY 40 Ha spectacular Avo farm with a perfect infrastructure. Global accredited. Lots of extras. Only serious buyers. Saterdag 09 Julie 2011: 07:00: Fietsry & half marathon begin. 08:30: Gholftoernooi - afslaan om 09:00. 09:00: Motorfiets spoedtoetse - R527 pad nr D1185 (tussen Moriah Foods en Driehoek.) 09:30: 4 x 4 kompetisie - begin om 10:00. 10:00: Moholoholo Rehabilitasie sentrum Demonstrasie uurliks by Klubhuis. 10:3: Plaaswag, Safe T & Hoedspruit Towing - Ongeluk reaksie demonstrasie. 11:00: SAAF hondevertoning. Sondag 10 Julie 2011: 10:00: Opening. 10:15: Gospel konsert en bediening met Joe Niemand. 11:00: Pouse. 11:15: Gospel konsert en bediening met Joe Niemand. 12:00: Afsluiting. Terrein is beskikbaar vir bring & braai na verrigtinge - kosstalletjies ook beskikbaar. Skakel Isabel by (015) 793 1113. Eco Club studies the skies Ref.1423 268ha Mango (40ha) & livestock farm. Huge double storey dwelling, cottage, several outbuildings & bush camp. Water rights out of Mwanedzi river and 4 boreholes. R7 714 000 Ref.1410 GEORGE’S VALLEY 52ha Farm with huge double storey dwelling, 2 flats, 2 huge workshops, workers quarters. 200 Litchi and 600 Avo trees. Pumprights out of Letaba river. R3 085 500 Ref.1426 BUSINESSES TZANEEN CBD BUSINESS Traditional fast food outlet situated near Taxi Rank R319 000 Ref.1432 2 Businesses for sale in Ofcolaco area. For more information visit our website at or phone 083 488 3886 / 015 307 5880 71237 FOR ALL YOUR - Funeral Cover - Life Cover - Retirement Annuities - Disability Cover - Education Plans - Investments We are a Licensed Financial Services Provider and represent various companies and products. 71248 pay less - get more AGATHA 08:00: Stalletjies open. 10:45: Amptelike opening van die Fees. 11:00: Wildveiling deur Vleissentraal. 15:00: Khamai Reptile Park - uitstalling. 16:00: Chris van Dyk optrede in die biertuin. 16:00: Vlugte in ‘n lugballon. 19:00: Optrede deur Tzaneen Orkes. 11:30: Khamai Reptiel Park vertoning. 12:00: SAAF 19 Eskader & Spes Magte Helikopter vertoning. 12:30: SAAF - Mirage (Black Bitch) en Impala vertoning. 13:00: Mnr & Mej Wildsfees. 14:00: Mnr & Mej Wildsfees. 15:00: SAAF - Honde vertoning. 16:00: Motorfietse - Slow Race. 17:00: Prysuitdeling. 19:00: Gaskunstenaar: Chrizaan. 20:00: Gaskunstenar: Ray Dylan. Perdry ritte en wildbesigtiging heeldag, veteraan motors, verskeidenheid stalletjies en vermaak vir oud en jonk. Financial/Insurance Services: be smart... R1 955 000 LOURENS & Lelani, jongste seun van Thys en Hannah Otto & dogter van Gerrit en Alta du Toit, is op 11 Junie in die huwelik bevestig in Magoebaskloof deur ds Barry v d Merwe van die NG Kerk Letsitele. Die paartjie vestig hulself in Tzaneen. Fees program bied verskeidenheid Vrydag 08 Julie 2011: Veearts sit olifant uit na voorval Lourens & Lelani trou Matome: Midas: 083-328-0143 (OM) 071-912-7752 (M) PR PRO P E S T PROPERTY BROKERS Tel: 015 307 2030 Faks: 015 307 2157 Email: [email protected] Loraine (CEA) (NQF4) 072 674 3269 TZANGENI R660 000 SENTRAAL - R480 000 2 Slaapkamer, goedgeleë meenthuis, loopafstand van besigheidsentrum. 2 Afdakke. ARBORPARK - R1 150 000 4 Slaapkamer familiehuis met lapa en swembad. Loopafstand van skole. MEDIPARK - P.O.A - 1880 sqm Pragtige familie huis, 5 slpk, 3 badk, 1 slpk woonstel, lapa met braai, swembad en nog vele meer. TZANEEN - R990 000 Exceptional house with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms on 2000 sqm stand at giveaway price. STAND SIZE 4149sqm. Come and build your dream home on this beautiful stand with the best view. EXCLUSIVE MANDATE TZANGENI 3 Bedr, 2 bath with study. Open plan living area & much more. This Janet Eager is a well positioned home with exquisite finishes. Unobstructed 084 760 0063 view as far as the eye can see. Contact Janet to R1 375 000 sell your property in Duiwelskloof HOTEL @ TZANEEN An unbelievable investment. Lease agreement in place with Hotel group. Fully furnished. Return on investment. Contact me for more information DUIWELSKLOOF - R1 150 000 Price madness - 4 bed, 2 bath, cellar, patio, storeroom. Beautiful cupboards, study. Extra empty stand on 2000 sqm. Total size 5000 sqm. Stunning property. AQUAPARK - R900 000 ONO A family home, 4 bed, 3 bath, Maria 3 enclosed carports and much 082 497 5826 more. AQUAPARK - R275 000 - Outstanding opportunity in Aqua Park secluded stand, with double garage and sewerage connection. DUIWELSKLOOF - R864 000 Excellent price for this spacious home on 1011sqm stand. 3 Bedr 2 bathr, storeroom, bar, 1 single garage, kitchen, carport etc. Attached a 2nd stand 1000sqm with a swimming pool to cool ALREADY SUBDIVIDED off after a busy day. 71230 THE next meeting of the Tzaneen Eco Club in July is on Friday the 22nd and the topic will be “Our Winter Skies” with a fascinating talk and amazing ‘visuals’, presented by Kos Coronaios of the Soutpansberg Astronomy Club. For more information about this event, please contact Lorraine Egan on 078 453 3936 / 072 354 7274 or Pierre Naudé on 083 778 4635. NUUS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 1 Julie 2011 Police clamp down on local bars Drie renosters binne ‘n week gestroop Deur: Bertus de Bruyn ‘n VERDERE twee renosters is die afgelope week gestroop. Dit kom na die slagting op ‘n renoster verlede naweek op die Elandela private natuurreservaat. ‘n Kalf is ook in die proses met pangas aangeval. Letaba Herald het Maandag verneem van nog twee renosters wat oor die naweek gestroop is. In een geval op ‘n plaas, naby ‘n bekende hek van die Krugerpark is ‘n renoster, volgens die plaasbestuurder daar, met ‘n kaliber .375 geweer geskiet en sy horing gestroop. Luidens die plaasbestuurder is daar ongeveer ‘n maand gelede op ‘n naburige plaas ook ‘n renoster van sy horing gestroop. Glo met dieselde kaliber geweer. Daar word vermoed dat dieselfde stropers toegeslaan het. Die bestuurder betreur die voorvalle en sê dat dit lyk of die stropers hulle planne fyn uitwerk en dan toeslaan. Die sterk teenwoordigheid van wildbewaarders, die SAPD en die weermag in die Kruger Nasionale Park is moontlik die rede dat stropers nou weer op plase begin toeslaan. In ‘n ander geval in die omgewing kon stropers die renoster nie dood kry nie. Die dier is egter later aan sy beserings dood. Sedert die begin vanjaar is 122 stropers in hegtenis geneem. 60 van hulle in die Krugerpark alleen. Sedert Januarie is daar landswyd 20 stropers gedood en 10 beseer deur owerhede. Uit hierdie getal is 15 stropers doodgeskiet en nege gewond in die Kruger park. Tot onlangs is 173 renosters landswyd van hulle horings gestroop waarvan 120 in die Kruger park voorgekom het. Die wettige onthoring van renosters kan dalk die toename in wildstropery stopsit. Dit wil voorkom asof die stropery georganiseerd en professioneel is, en slegs dié wat op grondvlak funksioneer, word aangekeer. Die voorsitter van die private renoster vereniging, Pelham Jones het aan Letaba Herald gesê dat die handel in renosterhorings dringend gewettig moet word om dié diere te red van uitwissing deur onwettige jagters. Daar word glo huidiglik gekyk na die wettige handel van renoster horings, en dat studies hieroor alreeds in April vanjaar begin het. Hy sê dat sy vereniging die inisiatief ondersteun alhoewel hulle dit nie sterk aanbeveel nie. "Daar moet egter gekyk word na twee elemente," sê Jones. Die een is om te kyk na die sekuriteit van die renoster trop, en hulle behoeftes om hulle self te beskerm en in die geval van die swart renoster waar die horing gebruik word om te wei. Hy sê as mens in die breë strategie kyk kan die wettige handel in renosterhoring die stropery verminder. Daar word ook gekyk na die moontlikheid van wettige verkopers met wettige permitte. Volgens Jones is die proses al heelwat gevorder en daar word tans gekyk na die impak van wettige handel in renosterhoring handel. In die stadium is dit tans onwettig. Navorsing en studies op wit renosters in private besit word tans gedoen, volgens Jones. Pest Control teiken rotte, nie uile IN VERLEDE week se Letaba Herald het daar ‘n ‘Pest Control’ advertensie verskyn wat foutief was. Die bewoording het geimpliseer dat die maatskapy uile uitwis. Dit is nie korrek nie. Pest Control teiken rotte, probleem-insekte en soort- gelyke peste. Hulle is bekend vir hul integriteit en hul metodes wat nie aan ander diere of die natuur skade doen nie. Die Herald vra verskoning vir die misverstand wat ontstaan het uit die prentjie van ‘n uil wat op die advertensie verskyn. Agri vra insette oor lone White Melamine board 2.7m x 1.8m Special valid from 10 June to 9 July ‘11 R300 Chipboard 2.7m x 1.8m R185.00 32 Skirving Str,Tzaneen Tel: (015) 307 3897 71241 DIT IS weer tyd om oor minimum lone te praat. Almal wat insette wil lewer rakende die minimum lone oor die volgende drie jaar moet dit op skrif na die Agri Letaba kantoor stuur. Dit moet voor 26 Julie gedoen word wanneer ‘n vergadering oor die kwessie in die area gehou gaan word. PAGE 3 GROOT toeskouers waarde het geheers op die tweeling brug buitekant Tzaneen Maandag oggend. Polisie duikers was besig om te soek na die oorskot van ‘n onbekende hengelaar. Volgens die SAPD word ‘n krokodil aanval nie itgesluit nie. POLICE are clamping down on local drinking establishments that do not toe the line. These closures are in line with President Jacob Zuma’s commitment to get tougher on bars and clubs that flout existing laws. ’Zero tolerance’ is the new policy being implemented nationally with regards to noise levels, underage drinking and business hours in bars, pubs and clubs. The popular club Cats in the CBD was one of those recently closed by the police and has had its licence revoked. Bosveld Lapa though, was able to remain open after assurances that they would shift some of their focus back to the previous model - i.e a pub and grill. Those bars and pubs that follow the laws governing their practices will be allowed to continue. Polisie soek liggaam in dam Deur: Bertus de Bruyn ‘n ONBEKENDE man in sy laat twintigs het vermoedelik Saterdag in die Tzaneen dam verdrink. SAPD duikers het Maandag hulle soektog voortgesit op die toneel naby aan die tweeling brug. Met verskeie polisie motors op die toneel het dit groot toeskouers waarde geniet. Volgens kaptein Shikwambana van die SAPD is die vermoedelike verdrinking Saterdag aangemeld. Volgens Shikwambana het een van sy mede hengelaars gesê dat sy vriend vroeg Saterdag oggend glo visvang nette uit die water wou haal. Shikwambana voer verder aan dat dit in die stadium moeilik is om te sê of hy wel verdrink het. Die moontlikheid van ‘n krokodil aanval is egter ook nie uitgesluit nie volgens hom. Die ondersoek het voortgeduur tydens ons ter perse gaan. Fire breaks must be ready by July 31 FARMERS only have to the end of July to make their fire breaks. From August 1 no open fires are allowed and smokers are requested not to throw their cigarette butts or other lighted objects out their windows while driving. Fires are to be reported to the Letaba Fire Protection Association or the Tzaneen Fire Brigade. The Bell Huey helicopter flown by pilot Paul Bester has been on standby since June 1 for all paid up full members. The spotter aircraft pilot, Siem Venter assists the helicopter as well as the Working On Fire ground team which consists of 24 trained fire fighters. The helicopter support vehicle also arrived for refuelling the helicopter on sight. The Letaba Fire Protection Association is on 24 hour standby and the office can be contacted on 076 550 2260. Kamer bespreek toerisme WAT IS toerisme en waarom is dit vir Tzaneen belangrik? Dit was die tema van Vrydag se Sakekamer etevergadering by Tzaneen Country Lodge. Marga Hagens, algemene bestuurder van die lodge, was die gasspreker by hierdie funksie wat deur Tzaneen Country Lodge en SAB brouery geborg is. By haar is Hansie Botha, voorsitter van die Sakekamer. Tzaneen: Mopani Medical Centre Tzaneen Crossing 015 307 7104/8 or 076 390 8298 le mprehensi b a d ve r o Affoental C D ices! D ENTAL Serv 71266 LETABA HERALD - Friday 1 July 2011 PAGE 4 KALENDER Competition offers fantastic prizes SO FAR there are more than R12 000 in prizes up for grabs in the TzaneenInfo Photo Competition. Entries are pouring in and the prizes for the photo competition are increasing by the week. If you have not yet entered your pictures, do so now. Not only will prizes be given to overall winners, but also to the photographers of the best picture in each category. The theme of the competition is "Tzaneen: A Must Visit Destination" and aims to find pictures that best capture the unique diversity and at- tractions of our beautiful area. Anyone can enter, even if you don't live in the Tzaneen area, as long as the pictures submitted were taken within the Greater Tzaneen area. The five categories are: Cultural Diversity, Natural Environment, Local Art, Local History or Local Produce. Up to five pictures may be entered per person. The TzaneenInfo Photo Competition would like to thank their sponsors: Fairview Hotel, Bramasole Guesthouse, Tamboti Lodge, Hotel@Tzaneen, Adele's Beauty & Slimming Clinic, Grandeur Place, Inside Out Restaurant, Trappers Tzaneen and Sonia Moments Photography Studio. Any business interested in becoming a sponsor is welcome to contact TzaneenInfo directly. Enter online at For more information regarding the TzaneenInfo website or the TzaneenInfo Photo Competition, contact Genie Stoltz on 083 309 6901 or email her at [email protected]. Ondersteun dié liefdadigheids projek Congratulations to the teachers of Merensky High School who celebrated their birthdays this week: Sipho Monayi June 26; Jacques Vosloo - June 27. Baie geluk aan die onderwysers van Hoërskool Ben Vorster wat hulle verjaardae die week vier: Piet Swart (hoof) - 30 Junie; Gretchen Brett - 2 Julie. Die Pioniers wil graag die volgende inwoners wat in Julie verjaar geluk wens: Anna Booysen op 12 Julie; Sudney Ristov op 17 Julie. Inwoners van Pionierspark bedank Annelie vir piesangs en Hans vir tamaties aan hulle geskenk. Dankie ook aan die Sewendedagse Adventiste gemeente vir heerlike etes gedurende die maand. Dit word baie waardeer. HARDHOREND? MAAK ‘N AFSPRAAK VIR ‘N GEHOOR TOETS EN NUUTSTE GEHOORTOESTELLE, GERAASPROPPE MET FILTERS PHALABORWA: Maandag l 4 Julie 2011 l 10:00 -16:00 l Foskor Kliniek TZANEEN: Dinsdag l 5 Julie 2011 l 08:00 - 14:00 l Peace Str. Ocu Ear HEARING INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES SAVF verlang skenking teen koue MET WINTER kom koue winde en bibber aande, maar die SAVF is gerat om die minder bevoorregtes die koue seisoen te ondersteun. Hulle het egter die publiek se hulp nodig om waarlik ‘n impak op die mense se lewens te maak. Frank Stevens van Pioniers Park, huis 34, wil Ondersteun die SAVF van 1 tot 20 Junie met hulle Winterhoop baie dankie sê aan Burger Geldenhuys vir die inisiatief. lekker vrugte wat hy verlede week aan hulle Enigiemand kan komberse, kos of klere aan die SAVF skenk, en geskenk het. alhoewel die ‘n landswye projek is, sal alle donasies wat deur Tzaneeners gemaak is in Tzaneen bly vir die dorp se mense alleen. Alle donasies kan by die SAVF Tzaneen kantoor afgelaai word by Agathastraat 1. Of a passion for wood skakel hulle gerus op 015 307 2645 vir verdere navrae. Manufacturers of Timber Homes, Cabins and Decks Gee ‘Hoop’ die winter. (also available in kit form) Let ook daarop dat die SAVF weer ‘n ruim Visit our website for a complete list of kantoor in King Edwardrylaan teen R3 500 available services and products. beskikbaar het. Tel: 082 294 8349/079 082 9969 Skakel ook die SAVF kantoor vir meer inFax: 086 512 0457 E-mail: [email protected] ligting. Woodcraft Woodcraft Building your dreams Website: 71220 10 JAAR!!! ONONDERBROKE DIENS!!! Deur Johann Jooste en Charles Allsop Tel:082 897 8867 • 012 322 0130 71249 DIE SAVF loods ‘n ‘goed voel vir ‘n goeie doel’ projek. Dit skop volgende week af. By Aqua Spar se ingang sal ‘n karton huisie wees met die bewording: "Goed Voel vir ‘n Goeie Doel." Daar sal koeverte wees waarin persone debietdorders kan afteken en in die huisie pos. Die debietorder fondse sal aangewend word vir die SAVF se kos vir behoeftiges. Die projek sal gedurende die hele Julie geloods word en val saam met SPAR se tiende bestaansjaar. NHBRC Reg No: 1-27268851 Harcourts Tzaneen 1 Peace Street T: 015 307 1336 E: [email protected] Georgeane Langeveld 082 746 7222 • EXCLUSIVE MANDATE Modern family home. 3 Bed, 2 Bath home in Flora Park. Don’t delay. • Exclusive JUST IN! Quaint cottage in Magoebaskloof Only.......................R 495 000 • Exclusive Mandate New release. 10% Deposit. Return on investment. Purchase price - R 330 000 Rental Income - R 2800.00 Montly deficit - R 250.00 An unbelievable investment. • Exclusive Mandate • Exclusive Mandate New release. 10% Deposit. Lovely home..........R 594 000 Return on investment. Motivated seller Purchase price - R 320 000 MASSIVE PRICE REDUCTION! Rental Income - R 2800.00 Call now to view. Montly deficit - R 250.00 • AQUA PARK.........R 445 000 An unbelievable investment. 2 Bedroom apartment. • Exclusive Mandate View over dam. R 355 000 • Exclusive Mandate PRICE REDUCTION! All offers: Exclusive land for sale in 2.6 Ha Plot with Upmarket area. Enormous home. Seeing is believing • Exclusive Mandate R 239 000 • Exclusive Mandate AQUA PARK.........R 625 000 Price Reduced! Vacant stand with incredible 2 Bed, Bath unit with a view view. Great value for money. of the Tzaneen Dam. KOOP OF VERKOOP VAN ENIGE EIENDOMME KONTAK: Green Van Rensburg 082 534 8181 • ARBOR PARK VIR DIE BELEGGER! Vol titel: 3 Slaapkamer, Klinkersteen, Teel dak, Dubbel motorhuis, Swembad en Groot stoep. In kompleks, Baie goeie sekuriteit. Loop afstand van skole. R 980 000. • KANTOOR BLOK R 2 850 000 Baie goeie ligging (sentraal) Oorgenoeg parkering Kantoor spasie 420m² met al Die geriewe “BLITS VERKOPER” • EXCLUSIVE AQUA PARK 3 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, Dubbel motorhuis, Groot swembad, Pragtige afwerkings, Lugverkoeling en al die Ekstras moontlik! R990 000 • 3 Slp woning in kompleks. Naby skole. R 5700 pm W&L uitgesluit. RE NTA LS : Eleanor v d Westhuizen 083 310 3929 • Exclusive Mandate New Release.....................R 880 000 Owner must sell. 3 Bed, Pool, Huge Stand. Development for Townhouse potential. Call now... • Premier Park 3 Slp, 2 Bad, Groot erf,Swembad R7500 pm W&L uitgesluit. • Arbor Park 2 Slp, 2 Bad, Afdak parkering. R 4200pm W&L uitgesluit. • Arbor Park 3 Slp, 2 Bad, Toesluit motorhuis in Kompleks. R 4500pm W&L uitgesluit. • Duiwelskloof 2 Slp. 2 Bad, Leef area, Tuin, Afdak Parkering. R 3400pm W&L uitgesluit. • AQUA PARK 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom. Double Garage Only...........R 770 000 • FLORA PARK Face brick tile roof Only..........R 499 000 • Tzangeni / Valencia 2 Stands R 298 000 Rebecca Mohale 072 683 0203 PRICE REDUCED • Offers between R 259 000 - R317 000 Going, Going, gone! • EXCLUSIVE MANDATE R 990 000 Security Village. Near School with pool • AQUA PARK Any offers.......R 695 000 Joan Bissett 082 893 5135 71233 NUUS/KALENDER LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 1 Julie 2011 PAGE 5 Oud-Tzaneener sterf in ongeluk SAMKV hou mango simposium DIE Suid-Afrikaanse Mangokwekersvereniging se jaarlikse navorsingsimposium vind plaas op 20 Julie by Moholoholo Ya Mati langs die oewer van die Blyderivier. Vanjaar jaar beplan hulle dinge bietjie anders as vorige jare. Die normale terugvoer oor die afgelope navorsingsprojekte sal aangevul word met interessante praatjies oor onder andere generiese bemarking, inligting en terugvoering oor mango's op die plaaslike munisipale markte en "Global Conference on Augmenting Production and Utilizarion of mangoes: Biotic and Abiotic stresses." Na 'n heerlike middagete, word mangoboorde besoek. Praktiese sessies oor nuwe aanplantings en snoei van mangobome sal aangebied word. Na afloop hiervan, sal die mango-navors- ingskomitee vergader rondom die navorsingsbeplanning vir die 2011/12 seisoen. Die gewilde mango-inligtingsdag word nou al vir jare goed bygewoon deur talle mense wat op een of ander manier betrokke is by die mangobedryf. Met sy nuwe baadjie en sy nuwe naam, glo ons dat die 2011 Mango Dag nog meer suksesvol gaan wees. Letwel dat GEEN registrasies op die Mango Dag gedoen gaan word nie. Slegs deur vooraf te registreer en te betaal, sal plek verseker wees. Skakel Chrisna Strydom by 015 307 3676 of kontak haar by [email protected] vir enige verdere inligting sowel as om registrasievorm en program van die dag te bekom. Registrasie vir lede beloop R100 per persoon en R150.00 vir nie-lede. SALGA hosts information day IN LIGHT of the fact that market access into the United States of America might realise within the coming production season for litchis, the South African Litchi Growers Association (SALGA) would like to invite all growers to a SALGA USA Market access information day. It will be held at Halls Training Centre in Nelspruit on July 14 from 11:00 till 15:00. Representatives from the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Agriculture, Hepro and SALGA will discuss various topics including regulatory requirements, registration requirements, irradiation, SO2 residues and protocol Trourokke beskikbaar Kla hier oor diens HET jy klagtes oor dienslewering? Limpopo se premier, Cassel Mathale het nou ‘n blitslyn wat oop is vir klagtes oor korrupsie en dienslewering. Persone kan ook inligting oor regeringsdepartemente kry as hulle die nommer 0800 864 729 skakel. ESTABLISHED 1958 TZANEEN for the export of litchis to the USA. All growers interested in exporting litchis to the USA will benefit from attending this meeting. Attendance is free, but it needs to be confirmed before July 7 with Chrisna Strydom via e-mail at [email protected] or telephone at 015 307 3676. VROUE in Aksie het drie trourokke beskikbaar vir enige vrou wat ‘n trourok benodig. Die groottes is 32 tot 34. Vir navrae skakel Annaline Geldenhuys op 083 377 1312. Tel : 015 307 3680 Sel : 076 159 9182 [email protected] WE SELL FARMS Hannes 082 853 4055 DRINGENDE VERKOOP 21ha met 4 slaapkamer woonhuis, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, kroeg, kombuis met opwas, spens, alarmstelsel, swembad, bediende kwartiere, ±400m² stoor, pakkamer, 3 boorgate waarvan 1 toegerus met dompelpomp. Klein gronddam. 3 Fase krag. PRYS VERLAAG NA: R750 000 167HA - 4 BEDROOM HOUSE 75ha under irrigation. Earthdam 7km long with pump station. Game fenced with cattle facilities. PRICE: R5.3 MILLION 393HA WITH 5 BEDROOM HOUSE 90ha under irrigation, 4 equipped boreholes, 2 soildams, 300ha excellent grazing, list of tractors & implements available. PRICE: R8.268 MILLION EXCELLENT VALUE NKOWANKOWA SOLE MANDATE! 3 Bedrooms, kitchen, lounge, double garage, 2 Bedroom, domestic room, wall Fenced. PRICE: R499 000 Thomas 084 409 1556 GOOD INVESTMENT / GIYANI SECTION 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and shower. Lounge, dining & kitchen. Security fence, paved and nice garden. PRICE: R400 000 HOUSE FOR SALE / WATERVAL-ELIM 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom. Lounge, kitchen, double garage. Wall fenced. PRICE: R360 000 OVERLOOKING UPPER LETABA RIVER VALLEY 2 Houses with two wooden cottages, 34ha with indigenous forest and gum plantations. Large main house 552m² with entrance hall, large lounge with fireplace, games room with fireplace, study, four bedrooms - main ensuite with balcony. Deck with built-in braai. Second house: 152m², 2 bedrooms, shower, covered wooden deck and single garage. Outbuildings, doublegarage, storeroom, staff quarters for 3. Well established garden, irrigation system and natural spring. PRICE: R4 500 000 QUAINT DOUBLE STOREY COTTAGE IN THE VILLAGE OF HAENERTSBURG 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, study, open plan kitchen, sitting room and TV lounge. Double garage. PRICE: R1 380 000 Ansa 083 278 8877 HOUSE - NEW IN AQUAPARK!! 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage. Living areas leading onto huge stoep. Lovely pool & garden. Phone me for the best price! Healing Rooms open on Tuesday mornings THE Healing Rooms will now also be open on Tuesday mornings. Everyone is welcome to come for prayer. It is free of charge and no appointment is needed. Please make a note of the hours that the Healing Rooms are open: Tuesday mornings from 09:00 – 11:00 and Thursday evenings from 19:00 – 21:00 at Shop no. 1, Star Spares Complex, c/o Agatha Rd and Old Gravelotte Rd. You can also contact Karen Pienaar on 079 530 4337. TO RENT! RENT YOUR PROPERTY WITH US! For all your property needs! Leasing & Sales of: - Houses - Flats - Shops - Farms - Townhouses - Offices - Factories TO RENT! ULTRA MODERN Hoë sekuriteit by privaat hospitaal. 3 Slaapkamers, 2badkamers met storte. Sekuriteits kamera. Eie erf. Beskikbaar 1 Julie 2011. @ R7400-00 TZANGENI Lang termyn huurkontrak: ±1 jaar 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, dubbel motorhuis. Beskikbaar 1 Julie 2011. @ R4900-00 ONTHAAL DROOMHUIS MET PATIO Kroeg, kuierstoep & swembad. 4 Slaapkamers, 2½ badkamers, MAAK GOU!! Beskikbaar 1 Julie 2011. @ R8300-00 Don’t wait, build your dream house now!! WE SELL PROPERTY IN HAENERTSBURG Astrid 083 255 5816 'n OUD inwoner van Tzaneen Eddie Botha (42) is op 16 Junie oorlede. PHONE ME URGENT TO LIST YOUR PROPERTY GERIEFLIKE GESINSWONING AQUAPARK 4 Slaapkamer, 3 badkamer, groot Connie studeerkamer met aparte uitgang. 084 581 0743 Dubbel motorhuis plus skadunet parkeer plek. Lapa met swembad. PRYS: R1 300 000 MOOI EENHEID IN SEKURITEITSPARK 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer. Vol titel. PRYS: R1 250 000 STANDS!! STANDS!! STANDS!! Heritage Village 700m² @ R300 000 710m² @ R330 000 Golden Acres 400m² @ R260 000 600m² @ R395 000 770m² @ R320 000 'n OUD inwoner van Tzaneen Eddie Botha (42) het op 16 Junie met sy mikroligte vliegtuig verongeluk. Botha, 'n vlieënier van Pretoria is dood toe sy mikroligte vliegtuig ten aanskoue van 'n vriend tussen Ermelo en Piet Retief neergestort het. Minute ná Botha se ongeluk, het sy vriend, Arrie Fourie, van Boksburg, se mikroligte vliegtuig ook geval en het hy sy regterskouer gebreek. Die dubbele vliegongeluk het omstreeks 10:00 op die plaas Spitskop gebeur. Die twee het vroeër van die Bapsfonteinlughawe naby Delmas af opgestyg en sou glo vir die langnaweek Sodwana toe vlieg. Naby Sheepmoor, sowat 50 km van Ermelo, het die sterk wind veroorsaak dat Botha se vliegtuig se vlerke gebreek het. Die tuig het neus eerste op 'n plaas naby die Leidenpad, op pad na Piet Retief, in die grond ingeploeg. Botha is op slag dood. Fourie het desperaat probeer om sy vliegtuig om te draai om naby sy vriend te land sodat hy hom kon gaan help. Die wind het dit egter onmoontlik gemaak. 'n Ent verder het Fourie tydens 'n noodlanding beheer oor sy vliegtuig verloor en het dit ook neergestort. Hy het die sowat 3 km deur die veld na Botha se vliegtuig gehardloop. Botha, 'n alleenloper, was reeds dood. Volgens Kabelo Ledwaba, woordvoerder van die Burgerlugvaartowerheid, sou hulle met 'n ondersoek na die ongeluk begin het. Botha is Vrydag in Pretoria vanuit die Lewende Woord Montana begrawe. Hy laat sy ouers, ook oud inwoners van Tzaneen, Len en Engela Botha, en sy broer Derick agter. Steph 083 289 6611 SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME AQUAPARK This home offers: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with big open plan kitchen, lounge and dining room. Patio with builtin braai & pool. Seperated domestic quarters. PRICE: R920 000 GREAT INVESTMENT Fantastic investment opportunity. Bachelor flat with long term lease. Don’t delay, phone me now! PRICE: R290 000 TZANGENI GIVE AWAY! 4148m² of pure delight! Situated in up-market area. Included in this price are approved plans. Don’t wait, build your dream house now! PRICE: R650 000 AQUAPARK FLAT 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with big living area leading onto stoep. Situated in popular area. PRICE: R630 000 PAS OPGEKNAP 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, Groot erf 1500m². Beskikbaar 1 Julie 2011. @ R6900-00 KANTOOR SPASIE - SENTRAAL IN TZANEEN 10 X Kantore met lugreëling Groot ontvangs, 2 x Konferensie kamers geskik vir ± 20+ Skryfbehoefte stoortjie Alarm sisteem. Beskikbaar 1 Julie 2011. Kontak Aida kantoor vir meer navrae. For all your rental needs phone Melanie Fritz 083 950 5908 3HA KOMMERSIËLE GROND ALLEENMANDAAT SONERING Water en elektrisiteit in plek. Regina 082 893 5253 PRYS OP AANVRAAG HUIS MET WOONSTEL OORKANT TZANEEN DAM 4 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, spog kiaat geelhout kombuis & 3 leefareas. 1 Slaapkamer woonstel. Groot erf met swembad. Regte adres!! PRYS: KONTAK REGINA VIR BESTE PRYS ALLEENMANDAAT R100 000 VERMINDERING IN PRYS - REGTE ADRES 4 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamers, 3 leefareas, 1600m². Swembad en boorgat. PRYS: R870 000 ALLEENMANDAAT ULTRA MODERN Double storey on own stand. 3 Bedrooms, 2 modern bathrooms, marble finishing in bathrooms, open plan kitchen, dining & living areas. Electric fencing. PRICE: R850 000 (outstanding value & price) 8 B ES H LIS ED 5 19 TA 71229 LETABA HERALD - Friday 1 July 2011 PAGE 6 CALENDAR Hospice hou aand met sop, kerslig GAAN kuier lekker saam oor ‘n sopbordjie in kerslig ten bate van Hospice Tzaneen. Die gesellige aand, waar plaaslike talent gaan optree, sal op, let wel, 23 Julie by Fairview plaasvind. Wees daar om 18:00 vir 18:30. Kaartjies is by die gasvroue beskikbaar of skakel Petro Smit by 078 090 7040. ‘n Kontantkroeg sal sorg dat die kele nat bly. Die stem van Rene Mynhardt gaan baie deur die aand te hoor wees, asook die van ander plaaslike talent. En moet nie van die gelukkige trekkings en wynveiling vergeet nie, dus neem hope geld saam om die goeie doel te ondersteun. Die aand dien as ’n fondsinsamelings poging vir Hospice Tzaneen. Die fondse word aangewend om palliatiewe sorg aan pasiënte in die IPU of tuis te versorg. Palliatiewe sorg gaan oor pynverligting en die verbetering van ‘n pasient se lewenskwaliteit binne sy omstandighede. Die familie word betrek by die versorging van die pasiënt en word ondersteun op elke gebied. Gekwalifiseerde verpleegkundiges verleen die spesiale sorg. So moet nie die geleentheid misloop om ‘n goeie doel te ondersteun deur ‘n kwaliteit aand saam met vriende te spandeer nie. Kersmark kry momentum REWARD PROPERTIES WILLIE JONKER 33 Boundary Street - Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 7513/4 Fax: 015 307 7515 • PREMIERPARK R770 000 2 Bedroom house + guest house and swimming pool. • RIVERSIDE STAND 1250 sqm ONLY R330 000 • OLD FLORAPARK R660 000 4 Bedrooms, double storey house. • NKOWANKOWA R495 000 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, single garage + 3 bedroom house outside, 1 bathroom, wall fenced. • MEDIPARK R680 000 Rosinah 3 Bedroom townhouse, small garden. 083 207 5570 • FLORAPARK R640 000 3 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, double garage. • RIVERSIDE STAND R390 000 - 1097m² Wilma 073 756 0490 Delia 073 991 9442 Maritza 083 582 2708 Peter 082 890 8845 Koos 082 562 5005 • UNLIMITED POTENTIAL Designers 3 bedroom house, study, open plan living area, balcony, double garage, stand size 5500 sqm with lovely natural garden. R990 000 • BARGAIN HOUSE 5 Bedroom house with 3 bathrooms, double garage - for only R510 000. • STANDS GALORE! * Aquapark - 1050 sqm - R330 000 *Aquapark - 800 sqm - R300 000 easy buy, no bank loan required * Modjadjiskloof -1085 sqm - R165 000 easy buy, no bank loan required * Soekmekaar - 990 sqm - R 90 000 easy buy no bank loan required * Riverside stand - 2502 sqm - R330 000 • BARGAIN FARM - 21 ha farm with house, earth dam and borehole water - R680 000 • EASY ACCESS This 21 ha plot has so much to offer! A big house, excellent for entertaining. Fertile land and lots of water, plus facilities for extra income. On the tar road. A bargain at only R2 200 000. • ON THE ROAD AGAIN ... A large cattle farm up for grabs. It has a house, it’s got plenty water, and divided into camps ... AND it’s on a tar road - R2 300 000. • NO MESS, NO FUSS Lovely 8.5 ha avo plantation close to Tzaneen. It has a large house and is also on a tar road ... Amazing. Only R1 995 000. • LOWER, LOWER!! 3 Ha on tar road, now a real bargain ... It’s only R470 000. • EYEBROW RAISER!! Farm for sale nearby Tzaneen. Huge house. Lots of water. Easy buy, R190 000 deposit required. Loan already approved! • 3 BEDROOM HOUSE IN TZANEEN FOR R825 000 with 2 bathrooms, open plan living area, single garage. Costs included. • 3 BEDROOMS, study, lounge, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, pantry, scullery, closed patio/stoep, outside room with toilet and shower, single garage, 4 carports. Erf size 1512 sqm. • TZANGENI HOUSE FOR R1 000 000. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, pantry, lounge, double garage, big yard, fenced. * I can help you sell your property, please phone me. • MEDIPARK - 3 bedroom townhouse in security complex, 2 bathrooms, large open plan area, small garden for only R605 000. • AQUAPARK - 1 bedroom townhouse with garden, security for R330 000 • INVESTMENT, INVESTMENT - Bachelor flat R245 000. Beautifully finished, air conditioners, stoep. Situated in the Tzaneen Hotel. Guaranteed nett income for 10 years is R1 785 pm. Escalating 5% p.a. No levies or any expenses. • PREMIER PARK. Fantastic investment. 2 Flats for R330 000 - income R3 000 pm. Show me better. • FOR THE CONNOISSEUR 820m² House on 2940m² plot, plus adjoining stand 2450m². Includes borehole, jacuzzi, sauna, 3 braai areas and surrounded by natural lake. Walking distance from local schools. Too much to mention. R2 400 000 • OFFICE TO RENT R2 750.00 p.m. Water and lights excluded. 71217 LETSITELE se Kers- kuiermark van 28 en 29 Oktober is besig om nou al momentum te kry. Die organiseerders nooi alle belangstellende uitstallers, veral van unieke produkte, om in verbinding te tree met Lorraine by selnr 0824987541 of e-pos by [email protected]. Die maande gaan so vinnig om, dat die organiseerders alle belangstellende uitstallers wil tyd gee om solank voorraad op te bou. Daar is net plek vir 30 uitstallers. Moet dus nie die winter slaap-slaap deurbring en eers in September wakker skrik nie dan is 'n gulde kans daarmee heen! Still loyal after 40 years SINCE Prakash Kesa was a toddler, he has "supported" the then called Boerebenodighede, now the BB Motor Group. Forty years later and he still supports this group. He has bought six Nissans from them over the years. Kesa decided to share this with the community since Letaba Herald is also celebrating 40 years of keeping the community reading. Prakash Kesa, right, with his brother, Mukesh, left. Hope Methodist Church hosts car boot sale A FUN ‘car boot’ sale will be held at the Hope Methodist Church in Modjadjiskloof on July 2. From 08:00 to 13:00 come join in the fun and see what is for sale at this event in Boltman Str in Modjadjiskloof. A large variety of secondhand and new goods will be up for sale and refreshments will also be available. Anybody with something to sell that may be in the way in the garage or office etc. is welcome. Everything from ornaments to furniture, electrical goods, crockery, clothing, curtains and more will be available. Naturally, ‘new’ products such as hand made goodies, cloths, paintings, bottled jams etc. will also be sold. Contact the Hope Methodist Church as soon as possible to book a place and go sell your wares at R60 per car/table. Contact Liz on 015 309 8594 or 079 017 0600. Applications are invited from suitable qualified persons to fill the following position in the CHIEF FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT (Supply Chain Maintenance dicision) 1 X CLERK (Job ID no: 3/5/0/014) Salary: R60 852.00 per annum (Job level T5) The job purpose of a Clerk is to perform procurement administration support and office related duties, to ensure the proper rendering if administrative services to the Division. Key Performance Areas: The Clerk must ensure that the daily work is done to satisfaction and to achieve the objectives of Council. He/she will be responsible for: Administering procurement support tasks to address employees and public on procurement related matters; Administering procurement support tasks to provide a support service to the division, by performing general office administration. Koop een bril en kry een GRATIS Requirements: Grade 12 certificate with computer literacy and B Driver’s license with practical experience in SCM. A relevant National Diploma in SCM and/or BTech (Logistics and SCM) will be an added advantage. Applications on the prescribed application form (, comprehensive CV and copies of certified certificates should be addressed to: Municipal Manager , Greater Tzaneen Municipality, P.O. Box 24, TZANEEN 0850 Further information can be obtained by phoning Mr MPS Visser on tel no. 015 - 307 8384/2/1. Greater Tzaneen Municipality is an Employment Equity Employer. Fraudulent qualifications or documents will immediately disqualify any application. A candidate who canvasses any councilor and/or senior official for preference will be disqualified immediately from the selection process or from any appointment. Short-listed applicants will be screened for criminal records and/or any pending criminal cases. Applicants who are not invited for an interview should regard their applications as unsuccessful. Dap Naude Doorndraai Ebenezer Hans Merensky Magoebaskloof Middel-Letaba Tzaneen - 100.40% 100.00% 100.27% 101.58% 100.61% 13.56% 100.75% P. Dry Optometris Closing date: 10 July 2011 at 12:00 MRS TC MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER Dam Vlakke Shop M17, Tzaneng Mall, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 2439 Fax: 015 307 5304 71258 71235 KALENDER LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 1 Julie 2011 PAGE 7 Die kroon staan gereed gemeenskaps betrokkenheid. Alle inskrywings sal deelneem en geen finale finaliste sal gekies word om deel te neem nie. Inskrywings sluit op 4 Augustus om 16:00. Die kroning vind op 5 Augustus plaas. Vir meer inligting skakel Karlien Boshoff op 078 832 7495 of epos:[email protected] Inskrywinhsvorms is ook by die Letaba Expo kantore beskikbaar. BOBBY van Jaarsveld. Wiele aan die rol vir Letaba Expo Gewilde groep tree by Expo op DIE gewilde groep Mean Mr Mustard is gereed om Tzaneen op sy kop te draai tydens die jaarlikse Letaba Expo. Met hulle nuutste album heers daar 'n atmosfeer van opgewonde, polsende afwagting in die musiekbedryf. Nie alleen waarborg die skitterende kragtoer om hulle bestaande aanhangers te verras nie die skrif is ook aan die muur dat hulle 'n hele kontinent van nuwe ondersteuners gaan werf. Terwyl die vorige samestelling van die groep hul tyd in 'n ander era uitgedien het, is die vars nuwe gesig van Mean Mr Mustard 'n byeenkoms van innoverende, kragtige en briljante musikante wat net een doel voor oë het: uitstekende, passievolle musiek. Die groep se musiek bestaan uit 'n kreatiewe samevoeging wat wyd en gemaklik resoneer tussen 'n volwasse kontemporêre klank en diè met 'n meer rebelse inslag. Die knap liedjies is 'n deurdagte en gebalanseerde snoering in fyn balans. In kort - Mean Mr Mustard verstaan in diepte wat MEAN Mr Mustard tree by Letaba Expo op. die term rock beteken, en hulle is nie skaam om dit ten volle te ontgin nie. Met die fenomenale talentvolle Andries Botha as die nuwe voorsanger, is hierdie vars klank ongetwyfeld 'n stempel-produk van hulle nuwe eiesoortigheid net wat hulle nodig het om hulle bo die res van hul mededingers te verhef. As bewys dat hulle reeds die mark verower het, word hulle hit single Angel op verskeie radiostasies gespeel, en dit nog vóór die album op die rakke was. Mean Mr Mustard se werksetiek en professionaliteit verseker dat elke projek wat hulle aanpak van uitsonderlike gehalte is. Die groep bewys dat hulle tred hou met nuwe internasionale neigings en daarop ingestel is om 'n produk van kwaliteit en veelsydigheid te lewer. Om 'n vertoning van die meestergroep by te woon is 'n mega-belewenis. Hulle skitterende optrede weergalm met verbysterende energie en egtheid en die staande applous wat hulle keer op keer begroet, is 'n bewys van die groot waardering wat die Suid-Afrikaanse publiek van alle ouderdomme vir hulle het. Tzaneen en Laeveld aanhangers kry op Vrydag 5 Augustus 'n geleentheid om hul in lewende lywe by die Letaba Expo te sien optree. Expo soek Ingrid groet Expo-kantoor INTERNASIONALE EIENDOMSGROEP R550 000 - URGENT SALE 21 Ha Small Holding. No land claims with borehole. CBD - R695 000 64m² office space in CBD. Now available. AQUA PARK - R1 295 000 4 Bedroom house, living, dining and family room, gourmet kitchen, lapa, swimming pool, double garage with study. R990 000 Position Position Position 3 Bedroom house with kitchen, WATCH THIS SPACE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT IN GA-KGAPANE!!! living, dining and double carport. Ideal for offices or business. Agent: Pieter Human 082 553 5887 DIE gewilde Bobby van Jaarsveld gaan besoekers aan die Letaba Expo op Donderdag 4 Augustus vermaak. Bobby is sonder twyfel een van die mees opwindende en talentvolle jong sangers wat die musiektoneel betree het. Met sy Hollywood-voorkoms en sterk stem het hy alles wat nodig is om `n superster te word. En na die "Liefling"-fliek is Bobby beslis een van die gewildste sterre in Suid-Afrika. Bobby se debuutalbum, Duisend Ure, het in 2008 goue status bereik en sy album, Net vir Jou, was een van 2009 se opwindendste vrystellings. In 2006 het hy die Huisgenoot Tempotoekenning as beste nuweling gewen en is in 2007, 2008 en 2009 genooi om deel van die tydskrif te glansryke Skouspel-konsert te wees. Hy het in Mei 2008 saam met ˜n lewendige orkes begin optree en sy konserte is 'n goeie mengsel van sy eie oorspronklike werk en die van kunstenaars soos Neil Diamond, Dean Martin en Frank Sinatra. Onthou sy optrede by Letaba Expo op Donderdag 4 Augustus. Dis beslis een kunstenaar wat nie misgeloop moet word nie. 68352 Tel: (015) 307-2755 Faks: (015) 307-3073 INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Bachelor - R295 000 1 Bedroom - R370 000 2 Bedroom - R440 000 GA-KGAPANE Houses R300 000 R400 000 Agent: Pieter Human (Jnr) - 072 215 8643 VERHURINGS / RENTALS Elite Woonstel Nr. 7, Tzaneen Agatha Street, Sentrapark E-Pos: [email protected] GA-KGAPANE. People from Ga-Kgapane things are getting good. We are starting to build now. Remember 2 bedroom - R2975 p.m. 3 Bedroom R3984 p.m. Hurry before the price changes. STAND MODJADJISKLOOF - R250 000 1147m² Next to FNB. NKOWANKOWA - R490 000 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, single garage. Agent: Elizabeth Mushwana - 071 683 8678 NKOWANKOWA - R460 000 (NEGOTIABLE) Modern 3 bedroom house. Please call. I will negotiate the price. STANDS NKOWANKOWA - R130 000 Registration now in process. Ready to be allocated as well. GA-KGAPANE New houses to be build in the next few weeks. Call to have yours ready. TZANGENI - R875 000 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom family home. URGENT SALE!!! Bobby sing op Expo NA sewe jaar se getroue diens groet Ingrid Taylor, links die Agri Letaba kantore. Ingrid sal onthou word vir haar lojale en staatmaker persoonlikheid. By haar staan Melissa Strydom Letaba Expo koordineerder. Die kameraadskap het ses jaar saam die ratte ge-olie gehou. Visit us @ wwwrealty1tzaneenproperties uitstallers DIE LETABA Expo lê om die draai. Die komitee versoek belangstelende landbou en verwante uitstallers om die kantoor te skakel by (015) 307-2725 of Melissa Strydom op 083 278 8777. DIE wiele is aan die rol en die ratte ge-olie vir vanjaar se Letaba Expo wat afskop op 4 Augustus. Vanjaar se skou wat nog meer gaan fokus op landbou, met die natuurlike lekker bederf daarby het die Laevelders alreeds op hol van opgewondenheid. Teken die datums 46 Augustus nou al in jou dagboek aan. Met kunstenaars soos Bobby van Jaarsveld en Mean Mr Mustard en natuurlik die klein en groot vee tentoonstellings gaan vanjaar se Expo weereens bulk. Lnr: Lize de Beer, Expo kantoor assistent, Melissa Strydom, Expo koördineerder, Annatjie Swanepoel, arena koördineerder. Agent: Aluciah Mkhabele (NQF4) 076 577 2146 SMALL HOLDING - R2090 000 Daniel 082 068 2882 RENTALS/VERHURINGS: Security Complex: • 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom with guest toilet house with double garage. Very neat inside and out. R5700.00 p.m. Available immediately. W&E extra. • 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom with guest toilet with remote control garage. R5500 p.m. Water & electricity extra. Available immediately. Aqua Park: • 4 Bedroom house with 3 bathrooms, living area, study, scullery, double garage, swimming pool with servants quarters. R7500.00 p.m. Water & electricity extra. Available immediately. • 4 Bedroom, very neat family home. R6000 p.m. Big garden. • 1 Bedroom flat R2500.00 p.m. Water & electricity extra. MODJADJISKLOOF - R500 000 For the DIY, in a lovely setting, beautiful view, 3 bedr house with pool & big garden plus bachelors flat and big erf. Early bird catches the worm, phone me now! MODJADJISKLOOF - R500 000 Opportunity, house in Modjadjiskloof, business rights can be obtained. House divided in 2 flats, close to CBD. If you snooze you loose. Agent : UWE KROH 076 833 9112 SMALL HOLDING R3 100 000 3 Ha excellent lifestyle small holding adjacent to Tzaneen. Luxury home that incorporate beautiful surrounding. Animal friendly and boarder Letaba river. This is a once in a lifetime offer. SMALL HOLDING - R495 000 3 ha Small holding near Tzaneen ready for development. This property consist of a cottage, borehole and fence. Beautiful electric fenced 4ha plot 2km from Tzaneen. 3 x 3 bedroom house at a give away price. Agent : ANDRé LIEBENBERG - 082 935 7471 REALTY 1 OFFICE PERSONNEL: Erika Human (Office Manager) - Cell 079 526 0763 Dirkie Smit (Admin) - Cell 076 923 2160 71236 DIE kroon vir Mej Letaba Expo staan skitterblink gereed vir die 2011 kroning. Skoonhede kan nou alreeds begin inskryf vir vanjaar se Mej Letaba Expo. (Sien inskrywingsvorm elders in die koerant.) Vanjaar se inskrywings word verplig om enige bydrae te lewer tot die DBV, hetsy finansieël of in die vorm van dierekos. Die organiseerder vir vanjaar se Mej Expo, Karlien Boshoff voel dat dit nodig is in terme van PAGE 8 LETABA HERALD - Friday 1 July 2011 CALENDAR Geniet heerlike skaapkop en afval DIS weer skaapkop- en afvalaand tyd. Gaan geniet 'n lekker saam- kuier aand. Verlang na die ou dae van skaapkop en afval. Boeredrag met hoed en skerp knipmes gereed om die kop met hand en tand aan te val. Daar sal voorsiening wees vir die minder dapper nie-afval eters. Dit word aangebied by Letaba River Lodge Eco Park op 22 Julie om 18:30 vir 19:00. Daar sal ook gewone kos beskikbaar wees vir die mense wat nie afval eet nie! Daar sal ook weer vir die kinders 'n oppasser en speletjies wees sodat die ouers die aand behoorlik kan geniet! Kinders se ete kaartjies is R30 per kind en sluit in worsbroodjies en sap. Afval kaartjie - R150 per persoon (3 gang maaltyd). Nie-af- val: R120 per persoon (3 gang maaltyd.) Skakel: June Robinson 083 701 1213 of Johann Bergmann 082 456 2902. Mari en Rene blom op verhoog GAAN geniet ‘n oggend van vermaak saam met Mari Weber en Rene Mynhardt. Blom Sonder Naam word op 9 Augustus op die planke gebring ten bate van Laerskool Tzaneen se behoeftigheidsfonds. Kaartjies beloop R100 per persoon en sluit ‘n ete ook in. Die vertoning begin om 09:00. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Laerskool Tzaneen of skakel Marinda Ceronio op 082 651 6211. Alan is alive and well, still going strong HE IS alive and well and still going strong. Alan Kenney of Kenney Brokers had multiple strokes on May 31 and according to experts only a very strong and healthy person could survive what he had gone through. He not only survived but he has been back at the office for a week and it is business as usual. According to some rumours Kenney Brokers was up for sale a few times in the last month and sold to other brokerages another couple of times but the Kenney family has no agenda to sell the business or any part thereof, the Letaba Herald was told earlier this week. "Business as usual at Kenney Brokers," Dale Kenney said with a confidant smile. "Although there is still a long road to full recovery ahead, we know we have the thoughts and prayers of all our clients and friends to carry and support us". Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Gerda Snyman on 015 307 3281/4821/3632. Pest Control pecialist iste l a i s e p s Die ! r e e h e b in plaag Tzaneen 71265 015 307 4065 [email protected] 71219 PROMOSIES?BRIEWE LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 1 Julie 2011 PAGE 9 Yoga studio invites all Motorwerktuigkundiges kwalifiseer DIE drie motorwerktuigkundiges van Tzaneen Swaarvoertuie het onlangs hulle kwalifiserende Volvo diens kursus voltooi. Lnr: Istvan Pretorius, Louis de Souza en Juan Rossouw. DIE gekwalifiseerde motor werktuigkundiges van Tzaneen Swaarvoertuie staan gereed om jou by te staan met die diens van jou Landini en ander voertuie. Voor: Eddie de Lange, Carel van Staaden, Victor Malamela, Lourens de Lange. Agter: Louis de Souza, Gerhard Beukes, Ossie Osmers, Istvan Pretorius Nicky Breedenkamp, Juan Rossouw. EXPERIENCE complete union between body, mind and spirit and learn how to reduce your stress levels and become more focussed. Oh!Yoga studio welcomes all beginner and experienced yogis to join and start experiencing the wonderful benefits of yoga. What is yoga about? At the moment many health and women's magazines carry articles about the benefits of yoga for body, mind and spirit. You can come try it here in Tzaneen and the best thing is that your first class is free! The Sanskrit word Yoga means union, referring to the union between body, mind and spirit. Yoga is a term used for physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines that originated in ancient India. In the West Hatha Yoga has become a popular low-impact form of exercise that incorporates physical postures and movements, positive visualisation as well as meditation. The three main focuses of Hatha Yoga is bodywork, breathwork and meditation. Contrary to popular belief, yoga is not just about sitting in quiet meditation. During the 1980's the term yoga became most popularly associated with Hatha Yoga as a spiritual form of exercise unconnected to any religion. Recently a study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that certain types of yoga, especially the exercisebased forms like Hatha Yoga, can increase GABA levels in the brain. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels are associated with controlling anxiety. The study found that yoga participants had greater reductions in anxiety and greater improvements in mood than people who walked for exercise. Another study on the effects of Hatha Yoga showed that the emphasis on breath awareness, internal centering, relaxation and meditation enabled participants to avoid mental and emotional blockages. Regular yoga practice has also been found useful as a complementary intervention for many conditions, including back pain, stress, depression, insomnia, fatigue, heart disease, high and low blood pressure, enhancement of cardiac rehabilitation, lowering of cardiovascular risk factors, improvement of mental health and reduced symptoms of asthma. The scope of the medical benefits of yoga therapy continues to grow. One of the main goals of yoga is to improve overall wellbeing through teaching discipline and self-regulation. Yoga offers multiple benefits to individuals, ranging from consciousness of one's body and its capabilities, satisfaction from challenging oneself physically and increased energy, mental clarity and concentration. The mental benefits of yoga range from the development of inner consciousness, positive attitude to life, increased awareness, mindfulness and appreciation of nature. Another aim of yoga is to gradually improve flexibility, balance and strength. Most yoga practices include postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama) and relaxation techniques (savasanas). Tzaneen-based yoga teacher Elize Taljaard has been studying and practicing yoga since 1988. She started teaching yoga in August 2008 and now runs a successful yoga studio with 4 classes per week in Tzaneen and Letsitele and regular workshops over weekends. Elize qualified with Haum of Yoga as a registered Hatha Yoga teacher (RYT200) and is a member of the Yoga Teachers Fellowship. Classes at Oh!Yoga cost only R40 for a session - with a free first trial class for each new participant! The full class schedule is available at For more information, please contact Elize on 083 459 4411 or e-mail [email protected]. Tehuis sê dankie DIE inwoners, personeel en bestuur van God’s Haven bedank graag die volgende persone en instansies vir ondersteuning en skenkings gedurende die afgelope week. ProGroup Apteek vir die Letaba Herald. Kromdraai Blomme vir drie pragtige bossies blomme. Jenine Potgieter vir ‘n krat vars green peppers. Letaba Lions vir ‘n wonderlike skenking. Mnr en mev Roos, besoekers by ATKV Eiland vir hulle wonderlike skenking. ZZ2 vir ‘n krat vars tamaties. Die Kuisis familie vir vier lekker koeke. Anoniem vir ‘n krat piesangs. TZANEEN OFFICE (015) 307 1442 EMAIL [email protected] Cnr of Peace- & Windsor Streets TZANEEN R2 500 000 LUSHOF R1 800 000 AQUAPARK R 930 000 FAUNA PARK R1 950 000 AQUAPARK R1 300 000 NEW ON THE MARKET 3Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, open plan kitchen. Swimmingpool. Dawie 083 6303150 PREMIERPARK CALLING ALL BUYERS WITH EXTENDED OR LARGE FAMILIES. 7 bedroom house with various lounges and family rooms. Indoor entertainment area. Lovely pool. Marlyn 072 084 1086 EXCLUSIVE MANDATE Five bedroom all en suite, on large stand. It includes a cottage for extra income and a pool for the kids. Within walking distance of schools Deon 082 882 0625 2 Woonplekke en aparte gastekamer Baie veilige 2 ha eiendom teen dorp. Baie groot en pragtige oopplan kombuis. 2 Motorhuise. Ruim 2 slpk woonstel. 2 Groot store, goeie water Saartjie 082 509 2178 PREMIERPARK ARBORPARK R1 620 000 ARBOR PARK R 790 000 R1 195 000 Good family house. 4 Bedroom, 3 bathrooms, lounge, dining area. Automated double garage. Worth every cent! Neli 083 502 9776 TZANGENI R660 000 R1 200 000 5 bedr, 2 bath, wine cellar, newly renovated modern kitchen, 3 garages, awesome views over the mountains, Braai area, swimming pool. One of the EXCLUSIVE MANDATE best buys in Tzaneen. Dawie 083 630 3150 Townhouse in popular security estate offering comfortable lifestyle in quiet 3 slpk, 2 badk woonhuis en 2 AQUAPARK R930 000 surroundings. Deon 082 882 0625 3 bedr, 2 bathr, double garage motorhuise. Erf 1450m² Security!! Family home that is Saartjie 082 509 2178 compact enough for a lock-up-andgo lifestyle. Pool with braai area. Marlyn 072 084 1086 DOORNHOEK PLAAS PUSELA CHESTER Beautiful stand with the best view. ± 4149m² Neli 083 502 9776 HASIVUNA R290 000 R550 000 R3 400 000 R5 800 000 NUUT OP DIE MARK 2Ha, 3km buite die dorp. Beplant met produserende avokadopeerbome. 66 Ha Avo plaas in bedryf. Goeie Affordable house in an established area. Waterregte besproeiings- water toekenning uit 84Ha bosveld, beesplaas volop water. 3slk Open plan living areas. 3 Bedrooms, 3 Martin 083 480 3283 Tzaneendam. Teen teerpadk. bathrooms, 1 garage, pool. woning met buitegeboue. Neli 083 502 9776 Saartjie 082 509 2178 Martin 083 480 3283 21Ha ongerepte natuur, pragtige uitsig, net 8km vanaf middedorp. Martin 083 480 3283 VERHURINGS / RENTALS - Dawie - - Saartjie - - Martin - - Marlyn - - Deon - - Neli - - Kotie - Soek woonhuise, meenthuise en woonstelle vir goedgekeurde huurders! Kotie 082 496 0883 71222 MAGOEBASKLOOF R 7000.00 pm - Argitek ontwerpte dubbelverdieping. 5 slpk, 2½ badk, oopplan leefareas, 2 garages, stoorkamer. W&L ingesluit. 30 km buite Tzaneen. Beskikbaar 1 Aug. MEDIPARK R5000 pm - 3 slpk, 1 badk, oopplan meenthuis in kompleks. 1 Motorafdak. Geen diere. W&L uitgesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Julie LETABA HERALD - Friday 1 July 2011 PAGE 10 GENERAL Lions induct John as new president LAST SATURDAY evening the Letaba Tzaneen Lions Club got together to induct a new president and enjoy a masquerade-themed evening together. The event was held at Letaba River Lodge and all the Lions and their guests enjoyed a glamorous evening behind their weird and wonderful masks. John Meades was inducted as the new president of the Lions Club. He replaces Past President Malcolm Banks. The coveted Lion of the Year award went to Rodney Sabatiar this year for his hard work and dedication. Meades elected to keep the incumbent committee members for his term, with an addition or two, and they are all looking forward to another year of Lions’ activity. During the evening approximately R100 000 was donated by the Lions to God’s Haven, Goue Jare, SAVF, Jacaranda Cares, the Tzaneen Primary School feeding scheme and Moime Primary. Much was made during the evening of the role the Lions play in the community and these donations ensure that they continue to fulfil said role. The evening was attended by members of the Lions Club and their guests as well as the mayor of Tzaneen, Dikeledi Josaphine Mmetle and her municipal manager, Connie Mametja, the district governor elect for the Lions, Jacky Hocking and other VIP’s. THE Lions recently gathered at Letaba River Lodge to induct a new president. John Meades was inducted as their president at the event attended by the Mayor and other council members. Front: Honourable Mayor Dikeledi Josaphine Mmetle, the new Letaba Tzaneen Lions president, John Meades, the immediate past president, Malcolm Banks (holding the Lions’ charter with Meades), and the municipal manager of Greater Tzaneen, Conny Mametja. Back: The district governor elect for the Lions Club, Jacky Hocking. THE new president of the Letaba Tzaneen Lions and his significant other joined by the district governor elect and her partner, front: Doreen Meades and District Governor elect, Jacky Hocking. Back: The new president, John Meades and past council chairman, Cliff Hocking. DURING the induction evening for the new president of the Letaba Tzaneen Lions Club approximately R100 000 was donated to various deserving institutions. Here are some of the recipients along with Lions and council members from Tzaneen Municipality. Front, from left: Speaker of council, Phetole Percy Machete, Municipal Manager Conny Mametja, Honourable Mayor Dikeledi Josaphine Mmetle, the immediate past president of the Lions, Malcolm Banks, Estie Zietsman from the Tzaneen Primary feeding project and Lizelle Cronjé representing the SAVF with her husband Pierre Cronjé. Middle: A. Maake, P. Ramaila and M. Mogale from Moime Combined Primary School, Roy Hurter from God’s Haven as well as P. Hlungwane and B. Mashianoke from Moime Combined Primary School. Back: Fred and Margi Hoffman from Golden Years retirement home. Hartlik geluk aan Medi Clinic met die opgradering. Dit lyk pragtig! Die Blomskuur FLOWERS & GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION TEL: 015-307 2176 THREE new members were welcomed during the Letaba Tzaneen Lions Club’s glitzy masquerade-themed induction ceremony at Letaba River Lodge recently: Riaan Barnard, Michelle Finlay and Dirk Pretorius all took the vow in front of their fellow members and are now fully fledged Lions. THE NEW president of the Letaba Tzaneen Lions Club and his committee for the next year, front: Ellene Schnell-Sabatier (treasurer), Doreen Meades (director), newly inducted President John Meades, Debbie du Preez (secretary) and Margaret Brown (tail twister). Middle: Rodney Sabatier (Lion tamer) and Tarryn Buyst (PRO). Back: Past President Malcolm Banks, Lorette Pretorius (vice president) and Flip Robinson (membership director). Professional care, complemented by committed doctors and staff. Tel: 015 306 8500 l Emergency Centre: 015 306 8526 l ADVERTENSIE LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 1 Julie 2011 PAGE 11 LETABA HERALD - Friday 1 July 2011 PAGE 12 GENERAL Bread tag project picking up speed THE COLLECTION of bread tags started off at a slow pace but now Khatija Amin has collected over 170 000. Khatija started collecting the tags early this year to raise money to buy a wheelchair for a handicapped person in the community. The tags will be recycled and the money will be used to buy a wheelchair. She hasn't reached her goal of collecting 500 000 tags yet but she says the response so far is great, especially from schools. Unicorn Preparatory School has collected over 122 000 tags, Mavhumbha Primary from Nkowankwa over 12 000, Forest Hill Primary THE COLLECTION of bread tags started off at a slow pace but now Khatija Amin has collected over 170 000 tags. Khatija Amin surrounded by bottles filled with thousands of bread tags. from Haenertsburg 11 347 and the public collected about 27 694. "Its amazing that only nine learners from Forest Hill Primary has collected over 11 347," says Khatija. You can help Khatija help the handicapped by putting your tags in any plastic bag, including a piece of paper with your name, organisation's name or school's name and contact details, and then dropping it off at Aqua Spar. If you are interested in being part of this great initiative or for more information, contact Khatija Amin on 071382 9887 or e-mail [email protected]. TOUGH as old nails. Jane Rasebotsa (front), a 95 year old woman, recently underwent hip replacement surgery at Mediclinic Tzaneen. Jane’s strength and recovery are near miraculous and indicative of her inner strength. Behind Jane are (from the left): Brenda Mahoma, her physiotherapist, Sarah Mokitimi, Jane’s grandaughter and Regina Vuma, the care worker helping Jane along the road to recovery. New hip for Jane (95) ANOTHER impressive operation was recently undertaken at Mediclinic Tzaneen. Ninety five year old Jane Rasebotsa underwent hip replacement surgery after falling and breaking her hip in the joint. Dr Alex Revelas, an orthopedic surgeon, replaced Rasebotsa’s hip and is pleased to report that she is walking and seems to be recovering well. It is highly rare that someone of these advanced years undergoes surgery of this magnitude and not only survives - but recovers to such an extent that they are able to walk again. This is truly an indication of Rasebotsa’s willpower and Revelas’ and Mediclinic’s first class medical abilities. Jane herself worked as a sister in Duiwelskloof Hospital for 12 years from 1938 till 1950 and for a further 28 years was a sister and midwife at Mendingen. Jane and her family would like to extend their thanks to Dr Revelas, the Mediclinic team, her care worker, Regina Vuma and to God for making this possible. Rasebotsa will hopefully continue to improve with the help of her physiotherapist, Brenda Mahoma. HABBY CENTRE 08:00 10:45 11:00 15:00 Stalls open Official opening Game Auction (Vleissentraal) Khamai Reptile Park - Exhibition Adults - R60.00 l Pensioners - R30.00 Children (6 - 12yr) - R30.00 16:00 16:00 19:00 SATERDAG - 9 Julie 2011 07:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 16:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 Chris van Dyk show Beer garden Hot Air balloon flights Thys die Bosveldklong en Tzaneen Band Show Adults - R60.00 l Pensioners - R30.00 Children (6 - 12yr) - R30.00 Fietsry & 5km + 10km Funrun Golftoernooi afslaan 09h00 Motorfiets Spoedtoetse R527 Pad nr D1185 (tussen Moriah Foods en Driehoek) SAAF Hondevertoning Khamai Reptiel Park Vertoning 4 x 4 Kompetisie begin Moholoholo Rehabilitasie sentrum Demonstrasie uurliks by Klubhuis Plaaswag, Safe T & Hoedspruit Towing Ongeluk reaksie demonstrasie SAAF - 19 Eskader & Spes Magte Helikopter vertoning SAAF Vertoning Mnr & Mej Wildsfees Mnr & Mej Wildsfees Motorfietse Slow Race Prysuitdeling Gaskunstenaar: Chrizaan Gaskunstenar: Ray Dylan Sondag Terrein is r beskikbaa i braa vir bring & ge in na verrigt ok ies o kosstal letj r beskikbaa 10:00 10:15 11:00 11:15 12:00 119 RAJKOT ST, NIRVANA, POLOKWANE TEL: 015 292 6114 - 083 702 4786 COMPUTER LITERACY tiging g i s e b d l i w en Perdry ritte , veteraan motors, hee ldag id stal letjies en e verskeidenhvir oud en jonk. vermaak SONDAG - 10 Julie 2011 For the BIGGEST variet y of Wedding and Matric Out fit accessories, Haberdashery, Trimmings, Beads, & Jewellery making. TOEGANG GRATIS Opening Gospel konsert en bediening met Joe Niemand Pouse Gospel konsert en bediening met Joe Niemand Afsluiting Navrae: Isabel (015) 793-1113 MS WORD 2007 EXCEL 2007 Keyboard Mastering Beginners or advanced We offer a SIX weeks part-time course on Saturdays 08h00 - 12h00 From 16 JULY 2011 Venue: Tzaneen Campus Register before 14 JULY 2011 Cost: R1 100 Contact 083 765 6889 or 082 467 8466 for more information 71245 F RIDAY - 8 July 2011 Non refundable deposit R600 to book your seat 71291 71231 GENERAL LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 1 Julie 2011 SANBS honours blood donors TZANEEN blood donors were honoured on Friday evening for their continued support of South African National Blood Services’ fight to save lives. Some of the recipients of the Igazi-Imadi 50th medal (50 donations made) were, ltr: Pieter Oosthuizen, Marius Koch, Imhran Mohamed, Willie du Plessis, Athol Fernandez and Andries du Plessis. PAGE 13 PEOPLE who had donated blood to the South African National Blood Services 75 times were also honoured for their dedication to the cause on Friday evening during a donor awards ceremony held at the Show Grounds. Those honoured for their 75 donations were, front: Ron Reiners, Dion Minifie, Chris van Staden and Len König. Back: Peter Potgieter (who also received his 100 donations award on the evening), André Loughor-Clarke, André Liversage and Willem Beetge. School Holiday Special Thursday 7 July 10:00am to 16:00pm * Marker (Gun) * Mask on ly * Gas R 20 * Bag of 0 500 Paintballs * Midday Refreshment pack BLOOD donors of Tzaneen were awarded on Friday evening for the continuous role they play in saving lives with their blood. Some of the recipients of the Igazi-Imadi 50th medal (50 donations made), ltr: Willem Cloete, Jennifer Hayes, Niek van Rensburg, Elsje Coetzee, Frik Smith, Cornelia Goodes and Alex Watkins. Please call for bookings! ... jazzing up your home has never been easier! we specialize in designing and making of Curtains & Quilted Bedspreads LARGE RANGE OF BRIDAL WEAR, DRESS FABRICS & HABERDASHERY ALSO AVAILABLE - Fancy Pelmets - Upholstery - Designer Sofa’s & Wingback Chairs We supply and fit the largest selection of blinds!! Large Range of Wool Now in Stock! ts n e i l rc u o to t n e itm m m o c f 12 ye ars o INSTALLATIONS ALL EXPERTLY DONE 71251 48 Agatha Street Next to Shoe City Tzaneen 0850 Unbeatable value for top quality workmanship LETABA HERALD - Friday 1 July 2011 PAGE 14 GENERAL SANBS honours blood donors TWO Tzaneeners were honoured on Friday evening by the South African National Blood Services for 100 donations made so far: Peter Potgieter and Elize Lugar received the James Blundell medal. BUSINESSES, schools and organisation were honoured on Friday evening for being Friends of the Service during SANBS’ donor awards ceremony held at Tzaneen Show Grounds. Some of the Friends were, ltr: The King’s Court (received by Fred Hoffman), GTFM (Riaan Barnard), Letaba Tzaneen Lions Club (Tarryn Buyst), Resilient Properties (Hanlie Aucamp), ZZ2 (Landie Swart) and Letaba Herald (Delmarie Geldenhuys). First Beginners & experienced Class yogis welcome! FRE E! Tuesdays 17h15-18h30 VACANCIES Applications are invited from suitable qualified persons to fill the following positions in the COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ** Wednesdays 08h00-09h30 Fridays 07h15-08h30 at Gailz Studio - 2 Ursula Str. Premier Park ** Wednesdays 17h15-18h30 at Letaba Junction - Letsitele only R40 p/class 1 X TEAM LEADER (Job ID no: 6/5/3/005) Salary: R60 852.00 per annum (Job level T5) The job purpose of a Team Leader is to supervise the machine operators that cut the grass to ensure that the work of the day is productive and to improve the image of the Municipality. Key Performance Areas: The Team Leader must ensure that the daily work is done to satisfaction and to achieve the objectives of Council. He/she will be responsible for: Observing and supervising activities of team to ensure productivity and safety; Observing and supervising utilization, application and maintenance of machinery, equipment, tools and material to ensure production and safety of labourers; Performing administrative and human resources-related activities to ensure productively. Requirements: Grade 12; Physically and mentally healthy and strong with good supervisory skills and human relations; EC1 Driver’s license with PDP is set. 1 X GENERAL ASSISTANT (Parks, Recreation and Cemetries) Job ID no: 6/5/3/026 Salary: R54 048.00 per annum (Job level T3) The job purpose of a General Assistant is to operate lawnmower in cutting grass, planting of trees and flowers to ensure neat streets. Key Performance Areas: The General Assistant must ensure that the daily work is done to satisfaction and to achieve the objectives of Council. He/she will be responsible for: Maintaining and constructing municipal’s green areas, overgrown stands and cemetries to ensure a neat environment; Maintaining machinery, equipment and tools to ensure the safekeeping and conditions thereof. Requirements: Grade 7, Physically and mentally healthy and strong to perform strenuous manual labour, knowledge of working with industrial lawnmowers and brush cutters will be an advantage. Bookings: Elize Taljaard 083 459 4411 [email protected] Classes in Tzaneen & Letsitele NOTICE OF BASIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON FARM JOHNNIESDALE, TIMBAVATI PRIVATE NATURE RESERVE, MPUMALANGA Mr Bernhard Wilhelm Piel is proposing to develop a new residential area on Farm Johnniesdale, Timbavati Private Nature Reserve, Mpumalanga. This proposed development will involve the erection of pre- assembled wooden houses. The 2 area to be transformed is 550m . This proposed development requires environmental authorisation in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation 546 of the National Environmental Management Act No 107 of 1998. A basic environmental assessment is to be completed in support of this application. An application has been submitted to the Mpumalanga Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism and allocated Reference number 17/2/3/E - 52. Applications on the prescribed application form (, comprehensive CV and copies of certified certificates should be addressed to: Municipal Manager , Greater Tzaneen Municipality, P.O. Box 24, TZANEEN 0850 Synergistics Environmental Services (Pty) Ltd has been appointed as independent environmental assessment practitioner responsible for the basic environmental impact assessment process. Further information can be obtained by phoning Mr MPS Visser on tel no. 015 - 307 8384/2/1. To receive further correspondence and be registered as an interested and affected party please contact: Greater Tzaneen Municipality is an Employment Equity Employer. Fraudulent qualifications or documents will immediately disqualify any application. A candidate who canvasses any councilor and/or senior official for preference will be disqualified immediately from the selection process or from any appointment. Short-listed applicants will be screened for criminal records and/or any pending criminal cases. Applicants who are not invited for an interview should regard their applications as unsuccessful. Frede van Wyk Synergistics Environmental Services (Pty) Ltd Tel: (011) 807 8225 Fax: (011) 807 8226 Email: [email protected] Post: P O Box 1822, Rivonia, 2128 Closing date: 10 July 2011 at 12:00 MRS TC MAMETJA MUNICIPAL MANAGER Please respond to this advert before xxx 71257 ONE hundred and twenty five donations and much more to give. Hume du Toit (left) was honoured on Friday evening for 125 donations of blood made to SANBS. There to present his Anthon Heyns medal was Gawie van den Berg (right) who himself has donated over 320 times. ADVERTENSIE LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 1 Julie 2011 PAGE 15 PAGE 16 SKOLENUUS LETABA HERALD - Friday 1 July 2011 Antjies groet Ina INA Knox saam met Dr Annecke se skoolhoof Gerhard Venter. LAERSKOOL Dr Annecke het tydens 'n funksie by The Junction afskeid geneem van Ina Knox. Ina het in die begin van die jaar afgetree na 'n onderwysloopbaan van 42 Jaar! Sy was ook 28 jaar verbonde aan Laerskool Dr Annecke waar menigte Gr 3-leerders onder haar bekwame hande onderrig is. Die beheerliggaamvoorsitter, Piet Smit (wat self 'n leerling by haar was), en die hoof, Gerhard Venter het in hulle afskeidsredes hulde gebring aan 'n besondere onderwyseres. Die skool wens haar 'n geseënde aftrede toe. DIE Plasies se nuwe kleurbaadjies is hier aan Angelique Eagar en Samuel Varrie te sien. Plasies kry nuwe kleurbaadjies DIT is met Plasie-trots dat Hoërskool Merensky hulle nuwe kleurbaadjies as deel van die skooluniform bekend stel. Terwyl die winter koue deur hemp, trui en das sny, was dit die voorreg van Angelique Eagar (Graad 11) en Samuel Varrie (Graad 9) om hul pragtige nuwe kleurbaadjies ook as pantser teen die snerpende oggend temperatuur aan te wend. "Die baadjies is rerig 'nice', eintlik dink ek dis 'stunning' en kleurvol." Dit was die woorde van Angelique terwyl Samuel haar gedagtes heelhartig beaam het. Die pragtige baadjies is beskikbaar by Lombards Uitrusters teen R540. Netbal meisies uit in semis DIE o/12 A netbalspan van Laerskool Tzaneen het op 11 Junie aan die semi-finale van die Limpopo netbal kampioenskap deelgeneem wat by Laerskool Tzaneen aangebied is. Ongelukkig moes hulle die knie buig voor hul opponente. Van links: Musa Hlungwani, Bianca Klopper, Elzanne Engelbrecht, Meriam Modiba, Paula Ntuli, Ndavi Nokeri en Beauty Maake. 71239 SKOLENUUS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 1 Julie 2011 PAGE 17 Twee Laerskool leerders deur na finale TWEE van Laerskool Tzaneen se redenaars is deur na die finale ronde van die ATKV redenaars kompetisie wat op 17 Augustus in Worcester gaan plaasvind. Rachel de Jager, Suné Minnaar, James Vorster, Cilmie Geyer en Wian Jacobs het op 17 Junie in Warmbad aan die semi-finale deelgeneem en Rachel en Wian het na die volgende ronde deurgedring. SAVF kleuters ontvang goud DIE drie SAVF kleuters het goud verwerf tydens die Engelse Eistedfod. Meyer Jacobs, Elandri janse van Rensburg, Werner van Dyk. ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO "Together For Better Roads" A LEARNER of the Letaba School for the physically disabled, Lucky Ratabala, received gold medals for both the 100m and 200m events and broke his own SA record in the 200m at the recent SA Athletics Championships. Local disabled learners bring home gold LEARNERS from the Letaba School for the physically disabled have been producing outstanding results on the athletics front. During this year’s SA Athletics Championships the following medals were won: In the 10km wheelchair marathon six learners received bronze medals: Mahlatsi Malatjie, Judith Mdaka, Landi Mkhabele, Percy Ngome, Certina Mashapa and Maile Marule. Rachel Selopyane received gold medals in both the 100m and 200m for girls. This is the second year that Rachel receives the gold medals for these two events. Lucky Ratabala brought home the gold for both the 100m and the 200m and broke his own SA record: Lucky received gold in 2010 when he broke the SA record for the 200m and the World Record for the 100m. Lucky will represent SA in London at the Olympic Games next year. ADVERTISEMENT FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION IN ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO SMME CONTRACTS Roads Agency Limpopo (SOC) was established under the Northern Review Roads Agency and Proprietary Act of 1998 (NPRA Act). In order to comply with the regulations of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act 1 of 1999) (PFMA) and to ensure a competitive process. Roads Agency Limpopo hereby invites Local SMME Civil Engineering Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board to apply for pre-qualification. Contractors shall have CIDB class grading of 1CE to 5CE. Contractors should be Limpopo based and their Cipro and CIDB registrations should be active. The following documents must be submitted: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Workshop TWS MOTORSPORT soek die dienste van 'n gekwalifiseerde Motorwerktuigkundige in Tzaneen Die kandidaat moet die volgende kan doen: • Petrol en Diesel gekwalifiseerd • 5 jaar ondervinding in Diagnostics Salaris onderhandelbaar Fax CV na 086 537 2820 of E-pos: [email protected] Vir aandag: aandag: Mika Completed Registration Form Selection of three areas of specialty Valid Original Tax Clearance Certificate Company Profile Proof of Company Registration Documents Certified Identity Documents of Company Owners/Shareholders CIDB registration Certificate Proof of Municipality Account / letter from Tribal Authority or Headmen Registration forms are obtainable from RAL website and also at the Roads Agency Limpopo (SOC) reception, RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street, Polokwane during the following times: 08:00 to 16:30 (Monday to Friday) from Monday 27 June 2011. The closing time for receipt of the completed forms is 16:30 on the 29 July 2011. Registration forms should be recorded upon submission to Roads Agency Limpopo at the reception. Appointment will be done in terms of RAL Supply Chain Management Policy. For further information contact: Mr. Lekganyane Sam 015 284 4643 or 082 333 2803. LETABA HERALD - Friday 1 July 2011 PAGE 18 CLASSIFIEDS Classifieds Klein Advertensies TZANEEN BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday Service: 09:30 Tuesday Meetings: Prayer Meetings:07:00 Bible Studies 19:00 Rev. Gordon Bull 12 Koos Nel St. Left off John Smith St. Aqua Park Enquiries: 015 307 4634 Family Transformation Centre Old Gravelotte Rd, opp Fairview Lodge, Tzaneen. Courses are run throughout the year relating to Pre-marriage, Marriage, Parenting, Divorce Care for adults and children, Grief Share and Personal Growth. Contact Maryna at 015-307-2527 or 015-307-4729 IT025849 0006 Church Services HERVORMDE KERK LETSITELE Oggend dienstye: Sondae 9 uur by Laerskool Dr AnneAGS VAN SA, cke. Bybelstudie: ZWARIRIRYLAAN, Woensdae oggende MODJADJISKLOOF 9 uur. 082-808-0802 IT025850 Pastoor: Johan P i e t e r s e 082-925-8746 HERVORMDE Kantoor/ faks: KERK TZANEEN 015-309-9275 / Sel nr: 079-509-1500 Eensgesind in die Visevoorsitter: geloof tot eer van Adriaan Badenhorst God. Eredienste elke 0 8 2 - 8 5 0 - 2 1 6 6 Sondag 9vm. Skakel Tienerkerk: Gr8 - 12 015-307-4508 IT025851 8h30 Oggenddiens: 09h00 Kinderkerk: 3jr - Gr R; Gr1 - Gr7 HOPE METHODIST Tydens diens. CHURCH S e l g r o e p : Modjadjieskloof Woensdagaand (Duiwelskloof) Kerksaal 18h30 Boltman Street IT025846 Sunday Service: 08:00 Tuesday ladies meeting: 09:30 W e d n e s d a y AIDS CENTRE Fellowship: 18:30 S.A.I.M.R. Contact Pastor Attie Education, training, & Liz Botha Tel: resources, referrals, counselling, com- 015-309-8594 IT025879 TO LET 500m2 warehouse to let in town area. Contact 0826397786 PPK PINKSTER LIGHUIS Tzaneen. H/V Pearlman - en Frank May straat, Premierpark. Dienstye: Sondag: 9:30 Oggenddiens en Kinderkerk 18:00 Aanddiens Woensdag: 19:00 Biduur. Kontakpersoon: Pastoor B. Wilken 083-717-4043 p a s t o r i e 015-307-1111 VACANCY - Agents Wanted! START YOUR OWN BUSINESS!! A leading skin care product Specialising in skin care wish to estalish direct marketers in Limpopo to establish their own business. Minimal start up capital required IT025869 which will include product & training. SHEKINAH HOUSE Please pcontact We`re about loving A l l e n o n God & loving people! 015-307-6488 or Services: 9:00 & Cell: 082-878-1692 18:00, 9:00 ChildIT025811 ren`s Church, 12:00 Sotho/Shangaan service. Where we are: 10 Manorvlei, VACANCY Old Gravelotte Rd, CLEANING Tzaneen. Pastor CONTRACT Bryan Varrie/Pastor MANAGER Rassie Pretorius HEALTHCARE 0 1 5 - 3 0 7 - 4 7 2 9 Seeking highly 015-307-6954 m o t i v a t e d Affiliated "THE p r o f e s s i o n a l C H R I S T I A N candidate to apply NETWORK" for above position IT025848 in the healthcare sector within a well ST. PETERS established ANGLICAN company. Must CHURCH have strong ability Cnr of Agatha and to implement and Hermanus Street. drive systems/ Services each c o n t r o l s . Sunday at 09:15 am. Management skills, For more details tel ability to train staff, 015-307-3534 nc attention to detail, IT025852 result driven, a m b i t i o u s , 0007 energetic, hands Employment on person required. Salary -7k To apply BETREKKING forward CV to Fax VAKANT Ons b e n o d i g 086-558-6645 IT025956 dringend die dienste van 2 motorwertuigkundiges. Met ondervinding in petrol en diesel. VACANCY Skakel Dirk by S a l e s 082-490-0439 of R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s 015-395-2112 needed in Groblers Auto N k o w a n k o w a , Mooketsi L e n y e n y e , IT025893 Burgersdorp and Modjadji. Need to BUSINESS have the urge to OPPORTUNITIES w o r k f o r Work from home. No themselves and selling. Earn up to R9000.00 per month. make money on Data entry jobs & t h e i r o w n training. SMS your achievements. name and postal English speaking is address for full Mandatory. Need brochure to to be reliable and 083-938-8817 IT025902 able to work with money. No EARN R720.00 IN chancers please. YOUR FIRST WEEK To apply send CV GUARANTEED! to khayabricks Data workers needed to or fill out forms with or 086 766 3082 with without a computer. contactable Easy step by step references. tutorials own hours. pany policies and consulting. Tel: 0 1 1 - 7 2 5 - 0 5 1 1 MOUNTAIN OF THE 0 1 1 - 7 2 5 - 3 0 0 9 LORD MINISTRIES Come let us bow 011-725-6651 IT025845 down in worship. Psalm 95:6 A prayer meeting, for everyone who has a Christ Embassy need, or needs the Tzaneen peace of God. A new Giving your life a church is being meaning . . . . established in Welcome to our Tzaneen. You think Sunday Fellowship. church is boring? Time: 10h00 Venue: Being hurt by the Roman Catholic hall, c h u r c h ? Had Voortrekker str challenges and opposite Silver Palm stopped believing in Lodge, Aqua park. God? And etc. Jesus For your continued is the answer. Jesus connectivity let`s wants to meet you, meet at Tzaneen and transform your library study room l i f e . Sundays. every Monday from Venues: no 2 fees 17h15 to 19h00 for street Sanloo Manor. our cell meetings. Tzaneen. Time 12:30 For more information - 2:30 pm. more info, contact call Desmond 082-808-4823 or 0 8 2 - 9 0 1 - 3 8 6 9 . 083-749-7126 Email: mydesdes SMS name and address IT025847 for a full info brochure IT025872 to 073-374-8703 IT025958 IT025957 Looking for a job? Place your details in our classifieds for only R20!! Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I am a hard worker. I can sleep in. Please phone 079-909-1238 IT025913 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can look after children. I can work from Monday to Friday in Tzaneen or around Tzaneen. Please phone 076-645-7961 IT025914 0008 Employment Wanted BETREKKING GEVRA Ondervinding algemene boerdery. s p i l p u n t ondervinding, wildsplaas en lodge ondervinding en buitelandse jagters. Mense verhoudings goed. Skakel H e r m a n 073-583-3129 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. Please phone 078-751-3917 IT025918 EXTRA INCOME Extra income with DataWorX. Data entry with or without a computer. Own hours. SMS name and postal address for a brochure to 084-629-8557. RL001177 MONEY MONEY MONEY Winter special, from R1000.00 up to R100,000.00 Approval within 10 minutes. Blacklisted and Garnishee orders welcome, refer a friend and receive commision. Contact 015-307-3359 IT025900 Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I`ve got a certificate for cleaners. Please phone 076-487-7175 IT025927 Wanted I`m looking for a job as IT025942 a domestic worker. I can work during the day or night. Please phone Gesoek Ek soek werk vir `n baie 079-452-7110 IT025917 goeie en betroubare bediende. Sy het o/a kinders opgepas. Haar Wanted werkgewer trek na `n I`m looking for a job as ander dorp. Skakel a domestic worker. I 082-928-8049 can look after children, IT025912 cook and I can sleep in or out. Please phone Wanted 071-393-0094 I`m looking for a job as IT025916 a domestic worker, chef, shop assistant, Wanted shelf packer, hotel catering or I can work in I`m looking for a job as a guest house. I can a domestic worker or speak English and security guard. Please Afrikaans and I can phone 076-570-9858 IT025909 c o o k . R e f : 082-773-1550 or phone Wanted me at 076-014-4097 IT025925 I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker or Wanted Office cleaner. Please I`m looking for a job as phone 073-544-7550 IT025919 a domestic worker, security or office cleaner. I can look after Wanted children. Please phone I`m looking for a job as 078-043-3658 a driver. I`ve got Code IT025920 10 (ECI). Please phone 073-861-2994 Wanted IT025910 I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. Or Wanted as a general worker. I`ve got a certificate for I`m looking for a job as microsoft word. I have a a electrician. Please diploma in Criminal phone 074-897-1526 IT025915 Justice and I`ve got a drivers license. Please Wanted phone 073-441-6606 IT025929 Mature lady with a pleasant disposition has Wanted a Bsc degree in I`m looking for a job as computer science is a domestic worker. I fluent in English and can look after children. I A f r i k a a n s . An can not sleep in. Please accredited bookkeeper phone 083-969-3104 with many years IT025844 experience she seeks a position in Tzaneen or Wanted is prepared to work at I`m looking for a job as home under contract. a domestic worker. I Interested? Please can look after children. phone Elsabe on Please phone 082-449-8752 072-260-3396 IT025954 IT025911 0009 Money 0011 Business to Let OFFICE SPACE AND HALLS TO RENT @ SHOW GROUNDS Weddings, year end functions up to 500 people. Office space a v a i l a b l e immediately. Affordable prices! / Contact Ingrid M e l i s s a 015-307-2725 / 3509 IT025891 0015 Accommodation PRETORIA WONDERBOOM-SUID Toegeruste w/stel daagliks te huur. Sentraal geleë. Veilige Parkering. Skoon & Netjies. Beslis waarde vir geld. Skakel A n n e m a r i e 083-602-7901 / 012-335-1922 IT025853 Te huur Skoon en netjiese selfsorg woonstelle en kamers te huur. Pretoria op daaglikse basis. Veilige parkering. Reg van toegang voorbehou. S k a k e l 012-807-3272. N a - u r e 012-804-2761 B e d a g s o f 082-556-3380 / 082-821-2946 'J IT025886 Wegbreekplek Op soek na wegbreekplek reg langs Tzaneen dam? Skoon, netjiese akkommodasie beskikbaar. Skakel 083-304-0172. IT025889 KLEIN ADVERTENSIES LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 1 Julie 2011 PAGE 19 Classifieds 0016 Professional Services APPROVED THATCH ROOFS, HARVEY ROOFS, WOODEN DECKS, WOODPLASTIC DECKING & JUNGLE GYMS. CALL WALT AT 082-872-5530 IT025933 0017 Services AFKAP EN WEGRY Van bome en vullis! Skakel Marinda 082-651-6211 IT025855 ENRICO`S INSTALLATION For DSTV. Antenna, DVD & Surround Sound Systems. For Quality service. Call Enrico @ 083-582-2442 IT025865 For Hire Beautiful, Original centre pieces and chairs with white or black covers (fits like a glove) for hire. Phone 074-196-7927 IT025860 GRASDAKKE HARVEY DAKKE, HOUT DEKKE, HOUTPLASTIEK DEKKE & KLIMRAME. SKAKEL WALT BY 082-872-5530 IT025935 ALGEMENE JOU BESIGHEID SE HERSTELWERK: BOEKE; KOPSEER OF HANDYMAN VREUGDE? Algemene Bouwerk. By Maritel doen ons: Alle tipe verf en •Boeke tot op finale teëlwerk. Daklek- proef (bank, kleinkas, kasies, omheinings, debiteure, krediteure en diefwering, draad, alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie) ens. Alle tipe •Bestuurstate •BTW, Loodgieter werk. Skakel vir `n gratis alle fasette (Boere wat mark toe stuur baie k w o t a s i e welkom) •U.I.F. 082-875-5580 Tino (Werkloosheids Ceronio alle ure of versekering) •NS! Doen 082-651-6211 ook Pastel opleiding IT025856 CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team - In Tzaneen since 2000. We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard. You know us and our service!! Call today: Yvonne / Eugene: 071-783-7112 or 081-301-6018 IT025937 CRE8TIVE PARTIEZ & CAKES Cell: 083-463-9025 Email: melani@ W e b : www.creativeparties IT025813 DASS 015-307-1798 082-898-0468 Refrigeration & Air conditioning. Speed Queen - Whirlpool Defy. Service, Spare & Repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Rd. Tzaneen. We collect and deliver. IT025873 DRESSMAKING & DESIGN Ladiesand mesnwear for that special occasion, or custom-made everyday outfits. Also alterations to ensure you store- bought clothing fits perfectly. Contact Nadia Vorster for a free quote/ consultation: 072-781-4676 IT025735 DRESSMAKING SERVICES For matric dance, weddings, alterations, custom clothing. Contact 076-311-4500 IT025729 met `n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses!! Skakel nou vir Marie by 072-409-7057 IT025688 LOODGIETER: Flinke Diens •Afslag vir pensioenarisse. Skakel Reyno R o s s o u w : 082-322-8992 015-307-4063 of 082-550-1357 KITTENS Loveable playfull kittens free to good homes. Please call Len 083-730-0025 IT025926 For sale A 6.5ha plot with adequate canal water rights. Also three phase borehole tested deliver 13,500lt/hr. Flat fertile red hutton agricultural lands IT025897 close to town. Meps electric fenced. Accommodation for staff. A RIFRUGHONDJIES 2 0 air Pragtig. Albei comfortable three ouers K u s a - conditioned house with geregistreer en kan bedr op eienaars se huge trees and an perseel i n adjacent cottage. A M a g o e b a s k l o o f walk in walk out besigtig word. "Lock Stock and deal is Gereed om te gaan Barrel" which vanaf 27 Junie p r e f f e r e d standing R3000.00 elk. Vir includes navrae epos Sanet crops with a tractor by s s t e a n and a full range of matching farming IT025801 and irrigation equipment. To view this gem contact the Te koop o n Pomeranians o w n e r (Toypoms) 100% 082-449-8752 IT025953 opreg 9 weke oud. Een bruin tefie 2 room/ beige reuntjies. Veearts sertifikaat ingesluit. R1500.00 elk. Skakel 082-557-2326 tel/ faks: 015-386-8666 MALE JACK RUSSELL LOOKING FOR A GOOD HOME. Very cute and playful. No cost involved. FREE!! C o n t a c t 082-785-1336 IT025940 YORKIES TE KOOP Pragtige standaard grootte Yorkies te k o o p . B a i e lewenslustig. Ingeënt. 2 Reuntjies IT025858 en 2 tefies @ R2500.00 elk. Pa TEA GARDEN K u s s a s a Mangela Teetuin en geregistreerd. Skakel Diereplaas. Kinder 0 8 2 - 7 2 3 - 7 6 3 7 / partytjies elke dag 083-307-1555 IT025948 9h00 tot 17h00. Skakel Christelle 084-504-4022 0020 IT025884 THE DRAIN SURGEON - (No job too deep, too dark, or too dirty) / THE ELECTRO CLINIC (Quick as a wink) Tel: +27(0) 15 793 0792 Cell: 083-307-9258 Fax: 086-671-9848 Email: rethadreyer@ 82 Duiker St Hoedspruit 1380 EXPERT PLUMBING SERVICES 0861-758-6237 EXPERT ELECTRICAL SERVICES 0861-353-28742 IT025907 Tzaneen Country Lodge Onvergeetlike troues/ Funksies/ Jaareind funksies by Tzaneen Country Lodge. Pryse en spyskaarte vir elke begroting. Skakel Sandra 015-304-3290/ 078-021-5455 IT025882 0019 Pets Corner Jack Russel Pups for sale. R200.00 Contact Robbie Ohlsen 082-554-8671 IT025901 0022 Farms & Plots Transport / Taxis / Couriers MEUBELVERVOER Vervoer en verpak van meubels landswyd sowel as plaaslik. Marlien 083-252-8928 IT025880 VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015-307-6737/ 084-627-0956/ 083-444-8326/ 082-851-7139 epos: troktrek w e b : www.steynbergmeubel IT025945 VERVOER/ TRANSPORT Steynberg trok & trekker 8x8 ton trokke te huur. R14.00/km + BTW een rigting. Skakel vir kwotasie. 083-444-8326/ 082-851-7139 of 015-307-6737/ 084-627-0956 IT025944 0023 Properties for Sale For sale Excellent, most profitable 11ha farm ±15km from town. 2 well built houses 1 x 4, 1 x 3 bedr. Swimming pool and outbuildings. 320 litchis, 900 guavas, 150 mangos, some granadillas, ±1ha shade nets. Strong water. Some implements included. Sold as going concern. Price R1.85 mil. Phone Ben 082-338-7560 IT025941 Plot in town respond to Anton A compact Building Plot in Maritz Street in Aquapark. The plot is 580sq.m and is fully fenced enclosing a lockup garage. This is an ideal opportunity for an owner builder to jump start a cottage with easy access to the new shopping centre. Phone Anton on 083-488-3886 to view this bargain p r i c e d a t R258,000.00 IT025952 TZANEEN PROEPRTIES 21 ha plot near the Eiland without any Land Claims! Nice little 3 bedroom farm house. The whole 21ha is game fenced. Your own little game farm for only R1,650,000.00 Theo 071-502-0046 IT025976 TZANEEN PROPERTIES 2 b e d r o o m townhouse on ground floor. No steps! Near CBD. big open plan kitchen and living area. Neat f i n i s h e s . R536,000.00 Theo 071-502-0046 IT025962 TZANEEN PROPERTIES 3 bedroom house in Fauna Park with 2 full bathrooms, open plan kitchen/living area and automated garage door and gate. Sparkling swimming pool. This is still a new house with modern finishes. Excellent priced at R980,000.00 Theo 071-502-0046 IT025961 TZANEEN PROPERTIES 3 B e d r o o m townhouse near Tzaneen CBD. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with large open plan kitchen and living area. Double garage. R575,000.00 S a l o m i e 082-920-8744 IT025968 TZANEEN PROPERTIES Come and build your dream house on this 4000m2 Riverfront stand in Tzangeni. Beautiful trees and view! Price reduced to only R660,000.00 T h o n e t 082-569-6323 IT025965 TZANEEN PROPERTIES Florapark: 3 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms. Kitchen and lounge, walking out trough sliding door on veranda. This house is selling for only R550,000.00 S a l o m i e 082-920-8744 IT025969 TZANEEN PROPERTIES For the entertainer: If you are one for space and privacy, this semi double storey house is for you. 4 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms, Kitchen with separate Scullery. 3 large semi open plan living areas, all walking out on a patio. This house also offers a indoor entertainment area with build in bar and own guest toilet, all next to a sparkling pool and outside braai. PLUS separate 1 bedroom flat, Laundry room and servants quarters with own neatly tile shower and bathroom. This can easily be converted into a 2/3 bedroom flat. Situated near the M o s q u e . R2,750,000.00 T h o n e t 082-569-6323 TZANEEN PROPERTIES 5 bedroom double storey house in Arborpark for sale. 2 bathrooms, spacious IT025964 living area with kitchen and separate scullery. Lapa with TZANEEN build in braai and PROPERTIES Jacuzzi. Big garden. Give away a t House for sale in R1,100,000.00 Theo Aquapark Ideal for the beginners or the 071-502-0046 IT025960 Not so old with a empty nest! Low maintenance!!! 3 TZANEEN bedr, 2 bathr, open PROPERTIES Absolute bargain!!! plan kitchen/ living This home is for the area and seperate Double family that needs scullery. space and privacy. 4 lockup garage. All bedroom, 2 this on a very much bathroom house with m a n a g e a b l e stand. 3 living areas. The 8 3 1 s q . m lounge and R835,000.00 entertainment area S a l o m i e (with build in bar) 082-920-8744 IT025970 open on large patio with braai area. The patio overlook the TZANEEN green garden and PROPERTIES sparkling pool! The revamped kitchen also includes Nicely House in Aquapark. the Fridge/freezer combo. Carports for Modern finishes. 4 2 4 vehicles and b e d r o o m s , with Security system b a t h r o o m s i n c l u d e d . entrance hall and 2 R 1 , 3 2 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 living areas. Uge S a l o m i e modern kitchen with separate scullery and 082-920-8744 IT025971 l a u n d r y . Large patio-semi enclosed, 0024 overlooking large Properties to Let garden and sparkling pool. Double garage GROOT HUIS TE with paved driveway HUUR IN and automated gate. AQUAPARK R 1 , 5 4 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 Tuindienste en J e a n e t t e swembad onderhoud 083-258-5862 IT025973 asook water en ligte (tot `n sekere bedrag) ingesluit. TZANEEN R7500.00 pm. PROPERTIES motorhuis, One of the most Enekel tuin. beautiful houses in g r o o t T z a n g e n i : Tuinwoonstel in tuin Dep. 3bedrooms,Study uitgesluit. Skakel /office, 2 full verlang. bathrooms, beautiful e i e n a a r kitchen and living 082-551-0236 IT025924 areas. Large patio under roof with build OFFICES TO LET in braai and nice DANIE JOUBERT views.Extended STREET Double g a r a g e Two prime offices to R1,370,000.00 Theo let in the CBD of 071-502-0046 Tzaneen (Danie IT025963 Joubert Street), available from 1 July TZANEEN 2011. Excellent PROPERTIES One of Tzaneen`s location. 43 square Contact gems!!! 3 Bedroom, metres. Tarryn 015-307-1000 2 bathroom house with Study and or 071-455-3050 IT025898 laundry. Kitchen with Prime Office Space scullery. Entrance to let in Tzaneen hall, lounge, tv and dining room. Lapa Beautifully designed. space of with build in braai Office and swimming pool. 100sq.m. Exquisitely Beautiful garden, tiled office. Beautiful Excellent totally fenced with v i e w . Kitchen, walls, alarm system address. with and s e r v a n t s bathroom quarters. 3 air shower. Rent very c o n d i t i o n e r s . affordable and all R 1 , 4 3 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 inclusive! Call Scha, J e a n e t t e Jan or Stephanie on 086-130-3404 083-258-5862 IT025972 IT025947 TZANEEN PROPERTIES Premierpark! Private with lot of trees. 3 Bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, open plan living area and kitchen with separate scullery. 50M2 enclosed lapa with sparkling pool. R990,000.00 or nearest offer. J e a n e t t e 083-258-5862 Selfstorages Minifactories to let Selfstorages 18 to 36sq.m. from R500.00 pm. Minifactories 72 to 120sq.m. from R2000.00 pm. C o n t a c t 079-802-9576 IT025974 TZANEEN PROPERTIES Small business for sale. Well known take-away in Tzaneen CBD for sale. Lots of potential t o g r o w . R150,000.00 J e a n e t t e 083-258-5862 IT025975 TZANEEN PROPERTIES Small development opportunity: Build 5 or 6 townhouses in Premierpark. 2800m2 stand. Zoned res 2. Only R870,000.00 Thonet 082-569-6323 IT025966 TZANEEN PROPERTIES Townhouse near Tzaneen Dam for sale: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Kitchen, dining- and TV-room. Aircon. R610,000.00 T h o n e t 082-569-6323 IT025967 IT025870 Te Huur KINGSPARK Veilige en netjiese 1 slaapk woonstelle met oopplan sitk /kombuis, met graniet afwerking. Dakwaaiers in sit- en slaapk. Gesamentlike braaier en wasmasjien in kompleks. Sekuriteits omheining met elektriese hekke. Pre-paid kragmeters. Vanaf R2100 pm Tydens kantoor ure 081-426-1984 IT025896 Te huur 3 slaapk huis in Tzangeni. 2 badk. Dubbel toesluit motorhuis. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Langtermyn huurders welkom. R4500.00 pm. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie 2011. Skakel 083-279-5510 IT025943 Te huur Huis te huur te Aquapark, 4 slaapk, swembad R7900.00 pm. Skakel Liezel by 083-258-6677 Beskikbaar 16 Julie 2011 IT025955 LETABA HERALD - Friday 1 July 2011 PAGE 20 Te huur Klein Eenmans woonstel (bachelors flat) te huur in Aquapark R1850.00 pm. W&L ingesluit. Dep. verlang. O n m i d d e l i k beskikbaar. Plus 1 slaapk woonstel met aparte sitkamer te huur R2550.00 W&L ingesluit. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Skakel e i e n a a r 082-551-0236 IT025923 Te huur Netjiese 3 slaapk huis in kompleks met vol badkamer. Nuut oorgedoende kombuis met ruim siten eetkamer, w a s k a m e r , buitekamer en bediende toilet. 2 Toesluit motorhuise, geen troeteldiere. R4750.00 pm. Beskikbaar 1 Jul/ 1 Aug. Skakel Kobus by 083-442-3696 IT025895 0027 Vehicles Car for sale Mercedes Benz C270 CDI seldom available but this tip top vehicle is on display for the enthusiast at Trio Motors. Contact W e r n e r o n 082-823-0777 IT025951 IT025931 Saamry geleentheid gesoek Jong vrou en kind soek `n saamry g e l e e n t h e i d Maandae tot Vrydae vanaf Letsitele na Tzaneen en terug in die middae. Skakel 084-713-7134 IT025906 Boat for sale Arrowhead boat with centre console. 60 horsepower yamaha motor, fish finder, trolling motor, two fuel tanks, radio, cd player, two batteries. R30,000.00 Contact Harry 082-412-7631 IT025939 Boot te koop Diepsee boot te koop. Deepvee Monohull 2x Mariner 40 VHF Radio + En alle IT025903 Fishfinder. v e i l i g h e i d s toerusting. Prys: For sale 2002 Volkswagen R60,000.00 Skakel Jetta 1.6 Low milage 072-615-4239 IT025930 i m m a c u l a t e c o n d i t i o n . R55,000.00 Contact 0035 Johan 083-397-5353 FOR SALE 2005 Toyota Corolla 1.6 GSX. Very good condition with service history. One owner. Only R80,000.00 C o n t a c t 083-397-5353 Te huur pragtige 2 slaapk meenthuis te huur. Sekuriteits kompleks in rustige area. R4000.00 pm w&L IT025904 uitgesluit. 50% Deposito. Geen Kontant vir jou honde asb. Skakel Motor Mari 083-629-4901 Kontant vir jou Motor, IT025959 Bakkie, Kombi, Trekker, 4x4 WIOLA wielmotorfiets, PROPERTIES Sleepwaentjie, R4800.00 - 3 bedr S w a a r v o e r t u i e , house in Aquapark. P l a a s i m p l e m e n t e , R7000.00 - 4 bedr Karavane ens. Bring house with bachelor dit vir Oom Kallie flat and swimming 072-021-8534 of pool - Aquapark. 082-339-8178 IT025861 Contact Wiola 072-225-6081 IT025922 Motors Vir alle fabrikate nuut en gebruik. Skakel 0025 my vir beste pryse en To Hire diens. Skakel Erl 083-993-3266 IT025867 Te huur TLB`s, excavators en 0028 groot trekkers te huur Properties vir rip, ploeg en dis. Wanted Agent vir same en deutz trekkers. Skakel 083-414-4238 Urgently looking for IT025251 house in Aquapark for prospective buyer 0026 4 Bedr, tile roof, Wanted double garage, large stand. up to Gesoek R1,250,000.00 Broodbome/ cycads Contact Angie gesoek, veral Modjadjis 072-954-6179 en ook skaars soorte. Betaal beste pryse kontant. Skakel Adriaan by 082-801-1747 0034 Boats & Caravans CASH FOR YOUR BAKKIE OR CAR!! Looking for a relatively priced bakkie or car. Will pay cash. Under R50,000.00 Contact Johan 083-397-5353 IT025905 IT025950 0030 Livestock Te koop Lewendige bosbokke te koop. Teeltroppe of enkel ramme. Ek lewer af in Tzaneen omgewing. Skakel T h e u n s b y 083-265-8838 IT025787 0031 Miscellaneous Bargains Galore Registered Pawn and 2nd hand Dealer. We pawn, buy and sell anything of value. Jewellery, furniture, tools etc. Phone or visit us for the best deal. Plantation rd 11 next t o D A S S 015-307-1171 or 082-472-8483 'J IT025863 SKOLENUUS For Sale INSTANT LAWN LM & SWAZI GRASS @ R25 per sq.m. Contact 073-548-3684 Antjies deur na uitspeel ronde LAERSKOOL Dr Annecke se o/9 A rugbyspan het deurgedring na die uitspeelwedstryde vir Limpopo Liga Kampioenskap te Bela-Bela. Voor van links: Wayne Nkhwashu, Junior Mabidilala, Jaco Massyn, Duan Gubitz, Wikus Swart, Devon Du Plessis. Middel: Mfanelo Manganyi, Thato Phalane. Agter: Shalom Makhubele, Vukosi Machimana, Ndzalama Mthembi, Fumani Risaba, Katekani Mhlari, Nqobile Khumalo, Xihluke Mushwana, Vusi Mhlongo, Mathlatse Mohlaba. IT025887 Te koop Nissan Hardbody d/c canopy (wit) R4000.00 Stainless steel. Longrange tank. R1000.00 Skakel 084-663-8030 IT025791 XBOX 360 TE KOOP 4gb console met 3 games ingesluit. Fable 2, Fable 3, Assassin`s Creed Brotherhood. R2600.00 Skakel 071-834-6244 IT025921 Laerskolers in Amesa finaal LEERDERS van Laerskool Tzaneen is gekies om die Mopanistreek by die finale ronde van die Amesa wiskunde olimpiade te verteenwoordig wat op 5 Augustus plaasvind: Ferdi Geyer, Adriaan Serfontein en JD le Grange. Hip2B²challenge focuses on mathematics, science THE SEARCH is on for Limpopo high school learners to take part in the first round of the national HIP2B² iThink Challenge, which will take place at Merensky High School on Tuesday, July 26. The annual Challenge is a key touch point for Mark Shuttleworth’s HIP2B² initiative, which was founded to promote the study of maths, science and technologyrelated subjects. More than 5 000 learners, from Grades 8 to 11, are expected to compete in the regional rounds, which will coincide with the roll out of National Science Week (August 1 until August 5). The Limpopo regional round will be hosted by HIP2B² Brand Ambassadors Chantel Schoeman, Christoff Coetzee, Dikeledi Kgomo, Dumisani Zitha and Genevieve Botha. According to Schoeman, learners will have to participate in a variety of science and mathsrelated tasks, riddles and problems in a similar style and format to the hit-television series the Amazing Race. Each school can enrol up to three teams, and each team must consist of four core team members and four support members – eight in total. “Participants must be able to think on their feet, have an interest in science, maths and technology and be able to communicate well,” says Schoeman. The winners of the Limpopo regional round will then compete in a digital round against the other eight provincial winners and the top three teams from the digital round will then be flown to Cape Town in September to go head-tohead against one another. The winning team will secure the HIP2B2 iThink Champion title and each of its members will receive a branded team laptop, in addition to a host of prizes. For entry forms and more information about the 2011 HIP2B² iThink Challenge, please contact Suma Jovner from Wordwise on 021 843 3849 or 082 436 3195 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. SCHOOL NEWS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 1 Julie 2011 o/11’s verower tweedeplek in Limpopo DIE seuns van die o/11 A rugbyspan van Laerskool Tzaneen het op 16 Junie hulle semi-finaal wedstryd in die Limpopo kampioenskap teen Thabazimbi gewen. Hulle het dieselfde dag in die finaal teen Pietersburg Laerskool gespeel. Voor: CJ Bloem, Jaco de la Rey en Pitman Opperman. Middel: WC Kriel, Heinrich Maree, Roehan Steenkamp, Reinhardt Erasmus, John Naudé, Lebo Maredi en Franco Zietzman. Agter: Jaco-Jacques Joubert, Johann Pretorius, Stephan Visagie, Nkateko Tiba, Gideon Vorster, Nkhenso Hosana en Tyron Diedericks. Afwesig: Bernic Botha en Martin Kirstein. ONE of the star netball players from Merensky, Wilrien Annandale taking a shot. The Plasies enjoyed a relatively successful netball season and finished fifth in the province. Plasies end successful season With only three teams from Merensky that participated last weekend in the Limpopo Netball Championships, Merensky achieved a successful overall fifth position within the province's High School Netball League. The Plasies' first team as well as the U/16's came third in their respective championship leagues. According to the school’s netbal organiser, Sanet Bouwer: "It is on this high note that the Merensky netball season comes to an end for 2011, as a season that showcased success, sportsmanship and dedication to the game way beyond what the scoreboard showed..." VACANCIES TZANEEN We require CV's for the following permanent positions: Anneli skitter in Bela-Bela ‘n LANDLOOP atleet van Plasieland, Anneli Nel, het op 4 Junie deelgeneem te Bela-Bela en weer eens uitstekend gevaar deur 'n brons medalje te verower in die meisies 0/15 wedloop. Bookkeeper: Ability to work up to balance sheet Good bookkeeping exp reqd. Pastel essential Secretary: Good admin experience Presentable and well spoken Computer literate Good organisational skills Submit CV with current photograph, current and expected salary to: [email protected] [email protected] PAGE 21 LETABA HERALD - Friday 1 July 2011 PAGE 22 SKOLENUUS DIE Vossies het in Polokwane aan die Limpopo skole skutters unie se uitnodiging kompetisie deelgeneem en weer eens hul staal gewys. Voor: Lammie Griesel, Werner van Rensburg, TJ Voster. Agter: Lambré Griesel, Bernadine Voster, Jan-Daniël Griesel. Vossie skuts skitter, Lambré verower 5 goue medaljes BROKERS 10M staan afdeling. TJ Voster het in die 0/13 ouderdom twee brons en een silwer medalje verower terwyl Bernadine Voster 0/16, twee brons medaljes in die 3P gewen het. Lambré Griesel, 0/21, het vier goue medaljes verower vir die 3P en 10M staan afdelings. Hy was ook die beste skut van die dag met 'n totaal van 546 uit 600 vir die 3P en 'n totale telling van 893 uit 1000 punte. Die Vossies neem ook op die oomblik deel aan 'n posliga en berei voor vir die Limpopo kampioenskap wat in Augustus plaasvind. M & I LABOUR CONSULTANTS T/A NORTHERN PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS: Cristel [email protected] Fax: 086 511 8030 Tel: 015 307 6426 49 Boundary Street - Tzaneen If you are already registered on our database and see a advertised post that you would like to apply for, you have to phone us! OFFICE ADMINISTRATION MANAGER - 5 - 10 Years bookkeeping exp. - Must have Pastel - Debtors, Creditors & Office Admin - Salary R8 000 - R14 000 CASHIER - 2 Years experience - Computer literate - Must be able to work nigh and day shifts. Salary R1850 - R2000 COUNTER SALES / ADMIN - General admin exp - Grade 12 - Computer literate - Very good communication skills - Monday - Saturday - Salary R3000 - R4500 GENERAL MANAGER - 5 Years manager experience - Must have MBA (Master of Business Administration) - Salary R30 000 negotiable BAKERY ASSISTANT - 2 Years experience - Must be able to work shifts - Salary R1850 - R2000 QUALIFIED MECHANIC - 4 Years mechanical experience - Salary R5000 - R10 000 PRODUCTION FOREMAN - Tarentaalrand - 2 Years experience - Food & Fruit technology will be a plus - Supervisor experience - Very good communication skills - Salary R8000 - R10 000 D E C PLA CODE 10 DRIVER - 3 Years driver experience - Must have deliveries experience - Salary R2700 - R3000 RECEPTION - 2 Years reception & admin exp. - Computer literate & Grade 12 - Very good communication skills - R3 500 - R4 500 ED C A PL ADMIN / SECRETARY - 1 Year admin exp + Grade 12 - Computer literate - R2000 - R35000 STOCK CONTROLLER / ADMIN CLERK - 3 Years admin exp, Computer literate - Grade 12 + Stock Control experience - Salary R5000 - R6000 WORKSHOP CONTROLLER - 3 Years stock control experience - Computer literate + Grade 12 - Must have drivers license - Salary R5 000 - R6 000 If you are looking for work or a new opportunity... don’t wait! Submit your CV at our office NOW!! 71216 LAERSKOOL Tzaneen se o/9 A rugbyspan het op 16 Junie hulle semi-finaal wedstryd in die Limpopo kampioenskap teen Thabazimbi gewen. Hulle het dieselfde dag teen Louis Trichardt in die finale gespeel. Voor: Wian Diedericks, Adriaan Smit, Andrú Miller, WB Grobler en Ian Coertzen. Middel: Christen Taylor, Pieter Engelbrecht, Dirk Crafford, Johndé Grobler, Daniel Rossouw en Jannes Boshoff. Agter: Mulder Kotzé, Johann Liversage, Rinus Jacobs, Sean Roulston, Dylan Kotze en Francois van Heerden. Afwesig: Paul Grobler. SHIKWAMBANA, SITHOLE & ASSOCIATES CC SSA CONSULTING ENGINEERS VACANCY GENERAL OFFICE ASSISTANT REQUIREMENTS: - Basic knowledge of Accounting - Grade 12 - Computer literate: MS Excel, MS Word - Fully bilingual / Excellent interpersonal skills - Typing - ± 1 Year minimum experience - Knowledge of Consulting Engineering company will be an advantage DUTIES: - SWITCHBOARD & Reception - Typing of data - Control of documentation - Filing - Contract Basis / 6 Months Laerskool domineer Lim rugby kampioenskap LAERSKOOL Tzaneen is die provinsiale wenner van die Limpopo rugby kampioenskap nadat die skool goed verteenwoordig was op 16 Junie in Warmbad. Drie van die skool se vyf spanne het aan die semi-finale deelgeneem en hulle het ook hulle wedstryde gewen. Die wenspanne van die semi-finale moes daardie selfde dag ook aan die finale deelneem. Die o/9 en o/11 A-spanne het hulle semi-finaal wedstryd teen Thabazimbi gewen en die o/10 A-span het koning gekraai teen Warmbad. Laerskool Tzaneen was dus die enigste groot skool met drie spanne in die Limpopo finaal. Alhoewel die o/9 en o/11 spanne hulle finale wedstryd onderskeidelik teen Louis Trichardt en Pietersburg Laerskool verloor het, het die o/10 span teen Thabazimbi gelykop gespeel en sodoende die gesamentlike Limpopo kampioene geword. Die o/10 span gaan ook net na die vakansie in die Bondedag speel. o/11 span foto op bl21... VACANCY U R CLEAN Please fax a SUMMARIZED CV TO 015 307 4162 PLEASE NO CERTIFICATES We are looking for Hairdress from local and International Closing date: 8th July 2011 Contact :083 674 4469 Email:[email protected] 71267 71262 PERSONNEL & LABOUR NORTHERN DIE Vossies se skuts het in Polokwane aan die Limpopo skole skutters unie se uitnodiging kompetisie deelgeneem en weer eens hul staal gewys. Hoërskool Pietersburg was die gasheer van die kompetisie. Die skuts was: TJ Voster, Johnric Korff, Werner van Rensburg, JanDaniël Griesel, Bernadine Voster en Lambré Griesel en het baie goed gevaar. Die skuts het aan die 3 posisie en 10m Olimpiese staan -kompetisies deelgeneem. Die 3P kompetisie sluit lê, staan en kniel in waar skuts in elke afdeling 200 skote skiet en 400 punte in die DIE o/10 A rugbyspan van Laerskool Tzaneen is gesamentlik met Thabazimbi as die Limpopo kampioen gekroon na hulle op 16 Junie in Warmbad aan die Limpopo kampioenskap deelgeneem het. Voor: Doran Kleynhans (kaptein). 2de ry: WC van Wyk, Nico Pretorius, Franco Broodryk en Francois Gravett. 3de ry: Luánn Botha, Pieter Gouws, LT de Jager, Johan Strydom, Hitekani Nkuna, Arné le Grange en Bradley D’Arcy. Agter: Juan-Jacques Moller, Garreth Spaumer, James Vorster, Jacques Byleveld, Dehan van Vuuren, Brendon Krüger en Christiaan Smit (onderkaptein). Afwesig: Austin Langeveld. SPORT/SKOLENUUS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 1 Julie 2011 PAGE 23 Jong fietsryers maak klub trots DIE OPKOMENDE jong fietsryers van Tzaneen Cycling klub maak al die lede trots. Daar is 'n hele paar jong fietsryertjies onder 14 jaar van Tzaneen Cycling wat die toekoms van dié sport is en het met 'n hele paar pryse weggeloop tydens die kremetart bergfiets wedrenne. Hulle was Tristan Schoeman (2de seun) met die 20km bergfiets wedren, Jarred Schoeman, (3de seun), Maruschka Kruger, 1ste meisie, Bernice Cronje, (2de meisie). Die volgende bergfiets ryers het ook deelgeneem: 20km - Annelize Hugo (1ste dame algeheel asook 1ste meester), Christelle Nel, (2de vrou), Dewet Weber, (1ste grand meester), Piet Roode, Douglas Lee, Lizelle Cronje, Prakash Kesa, Maruis Kruger, Armand Cronje. 30km - Nicky & Melanie Dorfling. 40km - Dick Rood, Chris Dando, Steven Schoeman, Mario Ferreira, Gary Middleton, Brendon Stoltz, Monica Roode (wen ook die dames afdeling), Vincent Allen, Pierre Cronje, Dorothy Rood (3de dame), Frikkie Opperman, Andre Botha, Paul Darazs, Vincent Goodey, Raymond Dando. DIE jong klomp van Tzaneen Cycling Club het onlangs aan die Kremetart wedren in Louis Trichardt deelgeneem en puik gevaar. Lnr: Maruschka Kruger (1ste o/14 meisie), Tristan Schoeman (2de o/14 seun), Bernice Cronje, (2de o/14 meisie), Armand Cronje, Jarred Schoeman (3de o/14 seun) LETABA FET COLLEGE Invites qualified and experienced candidates to apply for the following post to be filled according to FET Act no. 16 of 2006 POST: DIE Plasies se eerste seuns hokkie span wat hul seisoen tweede in die liga geëidig het, voor: Jason Moore, Graham Otto, Willy Modiba, P.J. Jansen, Thuthukani Shabangu, George Joubert en Tommie Grobler. Agter: J. Vosloo (Afrigter), Alrick van Gass, Dewan van Heerden, Herno Matthee, Bradley Altona, Nyiko Maluleke, Shawn Kubayi en Zander Ernst van Allesbeste wat as die Plasies se hoofborg vanjaar opgetree het. LECTURER (Contract base for 12 months with possibility to renew) Contact date: 11 July 2011-06-27 Contract hours: 10:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday (Post level 1 - R114 936-00 per annum) Requirements: • An appropriated recognised Bachelor's Degree or National Teacher's Diploma is a compulsory requirement. (REQV 13) • Experience in the FET Sector offering NATED COURSES (Report 191) is compulsory; • SACE registration; • Theoretical and practical experience in the relevant field is compulsory. • In case of posts related to Technical subjects like Technical Drawing, a professional qualification in Education may not be required, but a Trade test or appropriate National “N” Diploma or recognized qualification (REQV 13) in the relevant field is required. • Applicants with "N" Diploma must have at least 3 years practical experience in the workplace. Key Performance Areas: Attendance records. Performance assessment; determination of training needs; class discipline and placement; academic support. Lecturing of specific subjects on the level required. Assessing and providing students with feedback. Ensure quality education and adhere to College and Subject Policies. Liaise with students, parents and student support officers. GIYANI CAMPUS (2 posts) POST: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT N4 Subjects: Personnel Management N4, Computer Practice N4&N5 and Entrepreneurship & Business Management N4 REF NO: LET/14/2011 POST: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT N5 Subjects: Personnel Management N5, Management Communication N4, Personnel Training N5, Labour Relations N5 REF. NO.:LET/15/2011 TZANEEN CAMPUS (3 posts) POST: BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT N4 Subjects Management Communication N4, Communication N4, Office Practice N4 and Entrepreneurship N4 REF NO: LET/16/2011 REF. NO: LET/17/2011 Subjects: Computer Practice N4, Information Processing N4 and Office Practice N4 REF. NO: LET/18/2011 Subjects: Entrepreneurship N4, Accounting N4, Computer Practice N4 and Entrepreneurship N4 DIE eerste hokkie meisies van Hoërskool Merensky wat hul seisoen onlangs geëindig het, voor: Hanri Marais, Brylene Pretorius, Talent Mashego, Amar Bronkhorst, Mariyke Bezuidenhout en Dimarie Fernandes. Agter: Nadia Last (Afrigter), Elizma Smit, Natasha Thackrey, Jessica Oosthuizen (o/kaptein), Elmarie Kruger, Gizela Blignaut, Sally Oosthuizen, Nadine Katzke (kaptein), en Zander Ernst van Allesbeste - die Plasies se hoofborg. Plasie hokkie sluit seisoen af Aan die einde van 'n klipharde maar suksesvolle seisoen, wil die eerste seuns- en meisie hokkie spanne van Hoërskool Merensky vir hul hoofborg, Allesbeste, sê 'Baie dankie’. Die Plasies het deur die jaar seker gemaak hulle hou Merensky se naam hoog en het die skool se plek as een van die top skole in die provinsie volgehou. IAAN’S R CONSTRUCTION Tiling Plumbing Small Building work Roofs Kitchens All maintenance Reparations Suppliers of Natural Stone Cell: 082 941 7668 Email: [email protected] APPLICATIONS TO BE SEND TO: Physical address (hand delivery): The H R Officer 1 Claude Wheatley Street TZANEEN 0850 Postal address: The CEO Letaba FET College Private Bag X4017 TZANEEN 0850 NOTE: The College reserves the right to withdraw or not to fill a post at any time or to change the mode of appointment or contract period. The College also reserves the right to verify the qualifications of every short listed candidate prior to the issuing of an offer of appointment. The College welcomes people with disabilities. • All administrative posts are subject to a practical computer competency assessment. • All applications should be accompanied by a detailed CV and certified copies of all qualifications and ID Document • Statements of results for Diploma/Degree must be attached to verify subjects if subjects are not specified on Diploma/Degree • Service Certificates should be provided to proof previous lecturing of NATED COURSES and subjects • Applicants must please ensure that the correct reference number allocated to the post is being used. • Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be considered • Late submission of applications will not be considered • The College is an affirmative action employer. • All foreign applicants must provide SAQA certifications to proof alignment of qualifications. CLOSING DATE: 08 JULY 2011 AT 12:00 For further enquiries please contact Thembi Ngobeni / Riëtte Ludik (015) 307 5440 Should you not hear from us within six weeks after the closing date, please consider yourself unsuccessful. LETABA HERALD - Friday 1 July 2011 PAGE 24 REWARD wen eersteplek tydens Tzaneen Rolbalklub se besighewidsliga. Van links: Albert Luus, Alan Bisset, Heather en Willie Jonker. LEGAL Eagles in die vierdeplek van die besigheidsliga. Van links: Flippie Coetzer, Mariette Coetzer, Ilze Steyn en Johan Steyn. SPORT/SCHOOL NEWS MBH behaal tweedeplek in die besigheidsliga. Van links: Piet Mostert, Juan Meintjies, Bernard vd Westhuizen en Morne Mostert. BEN Voster kom derde in die besigheidsliga. Van links: Gerrit Els, Archie Norval, Werner Cloete en Stevon Creamore. Afwesig: Jacques Pohl. GRANOR Passi kom vyfde in die besigheidsliga. Van links: Dewald Marais, Bets Stols, Lorette Pretorius en BD Tolmay. ‘BEST Dress’ is deur die span van ZZ2 verower. van links: Bart Schonken, Lida Swart, Wouter Mathee, Nico Swart, Ann Evans en Ruan Bosch. Eiendoms agent wen besigheids liga TZANEEN Rolbal klub se besigheidsliga het tot ‘n einde geloop met Reward in die eersteplek. MBH Brake & Clutch het in die tweedeplek geëindig en Ben Voster in die derdeplek. Legal Eagles het vierde geëindig en Granor Passi in die vyfdeplek. ZZ2 se span het die prys gewen vir “Best Dressed,” en NTT Toyota het die prys gewen vir die meeste balle gerol… Weer eens was die besigheids liga ‘n groot sukses en bring die balle jonk en oud bymekaar vir goeie spanbou en gees vang. Winterstasie tree binnekort op in Plasieland tokrasie van die Hart’ in samewerking met die voor-man van die Straatligkinders, Bouwer Bosch. Die lied het nommer 1 bereik op MK se musiek-video lysie en sit al 13 weke op die Top 10 bord. Gryp hierdie geleentheid vas om kwal- iteit Afrikaanse ;rock’ te geniet saam die Plasies. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Erika Coertzen, no.1 Fees Str, en ook deur George Lourens Makelaars in Oasis Mall teen R40 per persoon. Mnt2Mnt kruip al hoe nader OPERATIONAL MANAGER Afrupro Exporters, a producer based sub-tropical fruit marketing company situated in Tzaneen, requires the services of an Operational Manager. Requirements - Commercial or Agricultural degree or diploma together with 5 years of experience - Sound business and marketing experience. - Must be accurate and systematic to meet deadlines - Ability to work under fresh fruit exporting pressure - Strong people & managerial skills - Fluent in English and Afrikaans (Foreign language will be an advantage) - Ability to develop systems with strong computer and figure orientation - Must have own transport and must be able to travel locally and internationally. Responsibilities - Oversee daily operational and marketing activities. - Fruit procurement and administration. - Industry affairs and relations. - Office management. The company offers an exciting career and competitive all inclusive package. The successful candidate will report to the MD. Position available immediately. Applications close 8th July 2011 71228 DIE span van NTT Toyota het die meeste balle gerol tydens die Tzaneen Rolbalklub se besigheidsliga. Van links: Gawie du Plessis, Gareth Spaumer, Martin Slabber en Burget van Staden. ’n BEKENDE ‘rock’ groep uit Potchefstroom, Winterstasie, gaan op 21 Julie te Hoërskool Merensky optree. Winterstasie, wat bestaan uit vier vreinde wat mekaar ontmoet het op universiteit, is ‘n gewilde groep wat al ‘n MK toekenning ontvang het vir hul lied ‘Ou- E-mail CV's to the Manager: [email protected] DIS amper 16 Julie wanneer die vierde jaarlikse Powerade Mnt2Mnt Nasionale Padfietswedren oor 106km / 63.6km 28.4 km gaan plaasvind. Die wedren begin weer voor die skougronde en padgebruikers word gewaarsku dat die pad vanaf Shekinah House tot by die vierrigtingkruising gesluit sal wees vir die dag. Gedurende die dag is daar stalletjies vir toeskouers en ondersteuners op die skougronde en daar kan gesmul word aan pannekoek, yankees, boereworsrolle, ensomeer. Vir die kinders is daar ook fietsrypret met die Mini Mnt2Mnt op die skouterrein self asook gratis springkastele heeldag en lekkers en koeldrank te koop. Die prysuitdeling is 12:00 en meer as R70 000 se pryse is op die spel. Fotograwe gaan ook die aksie op die dag afneem en enige een kan onmiddellik foto's laat druk by die tydelike fotolab in die skousaal. Aanlyninskrywings vir die drie padrenne by Laat inskrywings kan gedoen word Vrydag 15 Julie 17:00-20:00 by die skousaal of Saterdagoggend 16 Julie 05:0006:00 voor die 106km wedren. Volledige info is op hulle webwerf by beskikbaar of skakel Johann Fourie by 0828231074. Vir navrae skakel Johann Fourie (Race Director) by 0828231074. Die geleentheid word aangebied deur Dinamus Germeenskapskerk ten bate van die gemeenskap in samewerking met Le Club en Buzz Communications. SPORT LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 1 Julie 2011 DAMIEN Stefaans, a member of the Duiwelskloof Bowls Club, came first overall in the Limpopo Masters recently. PAGE 25 HENNIE van Zyl of the Duiwelskloof Bowls Club came first in the senior men’s division during the Limpopo Bowls Masters recently. JENNY Murray of the Duiwelskloof Bowls Club came third in the ladies senior division during the Limpopo Bowls Masters recently. Duiwelskloof Bowls Club head and shoulders above the rest MEMBERS of the Duiwelskloof Bowls Club participated in the Limpopo Masters recently. Damien Stefaans came first overall. In the under 30 category, Hennie van Zyl came first in the men’s senior division and Jenny Murray came third in the ladies senior division. President Uwe Kroh is proud of its members and invites people of all ages to come and try out the sport. 17 lede van Tzaneen Cycling Club pak Kremetart wedren TZANEEN Cycling Club het tydens die Kremetart fietsry kompetisie 'n fees beleef. 17 lede van Tzaneen Cycling het op 4 Junie die Kremetart 175km "stage race" in Louis Trichardt aangepak. Die wedren vind elke jaar plaas en strek van Louis Trichardt via Waterpoort-Vivo en terug Louis Trichardt toe al om die Soutpansberge. Dit was 'n besondere lekker dag met temperature wat nie te koud of te warm was nie, volgens hulle. Die uitslae was soos volg: Dick Rood (4.56) en Mario Ferreira (4.57) het albei die wedren voltooi onder 5 ure wat 'n uitsonderlike prestasie is. Annelize Hugo (5.43) was die 2de vrou in die meesters katagorie. Hulle eie "Armstrong", Freek, het die kremetart 175km voltooi met 'n tyd van 7.43 slegs 'n week nadat hy die comradres aangedurf het. Piet en Monica het ongelukkig 'n paar tegniese probleme en pap wiele gehad, maar Specimen fishing on Tzaneen Dam THE Tzaneen Dam is currently hosting a slightly different brand of fishing - one that may see some of its more robust inhabitants come to the surface. From the 28th professional specimen fisherman will be competing on the dam in a World Carp Classic qualifying event. The event will close on Saturday, July 2. The World Carp Classic is the world’s largest carp angling competition and is held every year in France. The action will be covered by Supersport and any members of the public who wish to visit and see what the anglers are up to are more than welcome. Iron Crown Challenge next month THE second annual Rotary Iron Crown Challenge will be taking place on July 16. This new trail run was launched last year and attracted much interest as well as praise for the high standard of organisation. The race will consist of two separate distances, namely the 21.1km run and the 10km run and walk starting and ending at the Haenertsburg Village Community Centre. The route proceeds through part of the village of Haenertsburg and on to the top of the Iron Crown mountain. Starting time is 07:30 for the 21.1km run and 08:00 for the 10km run and walk. Entry fees are R80 for the 21.1km run and R50 for the 10km run and walk and entries can be submitted online at as well as on the day at the venue. VERTONINGS & SPORTBYEENKOMSTE Sunset Palms Toere bied aan Oornag pakkette na vertonings en byeenkomste in Gauteng omgewing Pryse sluit in: Vervoer vanaf Tzaneen na Pretoria waar u oornag en terug Bed en ontbyt in Centurion Road Lodge / Toegangskaartjie Vervoer vanaf Road Lodge na vertoning of byeenkoms en terug Pryse gekwoteer is per persoon wat deel / Enkel - plus R240 GARDEN MAINTENANCE LANDSCAPE DESIGN IRRIGATION LAWN Sarie 082 855 0410 Wynand 082 929 3346 71232 BYEENKOMS PLEK PRYS Monte Casino Staatsteater Staatsteater R1,390 R1,270 R1,100 Emperors Palace R1,240 Loftus Centurion Teater Loftus The Barnyard R1,200 R1,100 R1,200 R1,080 The Barnyard R1,080 Staatsteater R1,240 Monte Casino R1,440 Sun City Superbowl R1,840 Bespreek vroegtydig om teleurstelling te voorkom KONTAK JOHAN BY 072 661 1366 71268 DATUM 25 Jun Jesus Christ Superstar 02 Jul Tree aan - Musiekspel 09 Jul Groet die Grotman Hannes Muller 16 Ju Mannetjies Roux Laurika Rauch 23 Jul Blou Bulle vs Cheetahs 30 Jul Ten winter nights - Nataniel 06 Aug Blou Bulle vs Lions 13 Aug The final countdown 6 decades of rock and roll 20 Aug The final countdown 6 decades of rock and roll 27 Aug Michael Jackson History This is it 01 Okt Riverdance 08 Okt Huisgenoot Skouspel niks kan hierdie witwarm "tandem-span" van Tzaneen keer nie en het nogsteeds die wedren voltooi met 'n tyd van 5.26. Die res van die ryers was Clive Garrett, 5:05, Gerrit Agenbag, 5.20, Steven Schoeman, 5.26, Philip Bekker, 5.34, Dewet Weber, 5.40, Dorothy Rood, 5.45, Louwrina Dando, 5.52, Gerrie du Preez, 6.10, Raymond Dando, 6.16, Marius Kruger 6.17, Tracy Mahomed 6.27. Daar was ook 'n korter 70km wedren die dag aangebied en die volgende lede het deelgeneem, Alex Gordon (1ste meester), 2.13, Nicky Dorfling, 2.16, Paul Darazs, 2.19, Morne Lindeque 2.19 (2de sub-veteraan), Vincent Goodey & Christelle Nel (1ste gemengde tandem - 2.21) Rui Freitas, 2.36, Iris Thornhill, 2.42 (ook die 1ste "grand master" dame,) Jacques Lamprecht, 3.17, Annemarie Lindeque, 3.17, Prakash Kesa, 3.25, Douglas Lee 3.30. Motor Show André Buys POLOKWANE - It is motor show time in the city at Mall of the North on Saturday. Jointly organised by the mall and Northern Media Group, the show has attracted ten d e a l e r s h i p s i n t h e c i t y, representing 25 brands. According to René van der Merwe, marketing manager at Mall of the North, about 110 new cars will form part of the motor show over an area of about 6 000m². However, she emphasised the show will be an experience for the whole family in which prizes with a total value of up to R26 000 will be given away. Apart from new models of various brands, the show will include classic cars, a pedal go cart track for kids (and dads) while racing sport, such as Polokwane Oval and the Bushveld Model Racing Club will be represented. The Bushveld Model Racing club is a sport where fast radio controlled cars compete on a track. Members of the club will hold a demonstration race. Jaco van Eeden, who won the South African championships over the past three years will be present. The club will present a raffle and to participate, tickets can be bought at R50 each. A lucky draw will be held and three big prices are up for grabs: a Piper Cub model airplane to the value of R1 900 and a Thunder Tiger radio controlled car worth R1 700, or a paint ball gun worth R1 000. Another price is a Mall of the North gift voucher of R500. Each dealership will run a competition during the day in which Mall of the North vouchers can be won. Jaco Coetzee from Mercurius Motors, the local dealer of Mercedes-Benz and Chrysler Jeep, said they will bring the legendary Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG with its famous gull wings. This iconic sports car is one of the world’s fastest cars you can buy. Dealer principal of Modern Autohaus, Johan van der Walt, said their exhibition consists of a BMW 650 Series Convertible and perhaps a Z4. BMW will have specials on the new facelift 320 series at R3 999 per month. They will also have specials on the new X1 1.8 at R4 999 per month. Bergh van Rooyen, sales manager at Lexus in Polokwane will have the fast 311 kW Lexus ISF as the LX570 SUV and a pretty Lexus IS250 Cabriolet four-seater on display. Westvaal Polokwane, the Chevrolet and Isuzu dealer will have the new Captiva 7-seater on display, the new Opel Astra 1.6 Turbo, Corsa Utility bakkies as well as Isuzu bakkies. Dealer principal at Polokwane Multi Franchise, Mark Vermaak, said the new Kia Cerato Hatch will be introduced on Saturday locally. The attractive models from Hyundai - the IX35 all-wheeldrive SUV and Sonata sedan will grab the attention. Daihatsu will present their new Terios Facelift while Tata products will form part of their exhibition. Other dealers who will bring their cars are the BB Group, Limpopo Toyota, Volkswagen and Audi Polokwane, McCarthy. KoeniC will have a display of magnificent mag wheels and tyres. John White, dealer principal of Mercurius Motors said the show will be a reflection of how strong the motor trade in the city is. He said it is one of the largest in the country, with Mercurius in the city and Tzaneen being the second largest dealership in the Imperial Group. Vermaak of Multi-Franchise added it is remarkable how many brands are represented in the city. A large number of units are sold in the city and Limpopo, indicating how strong the local market is. The general manager of Northern Media Group, Hannes Cilliers said the welfare of an economy is closely linked to the motor industry and with the success already achieved by Mall of the North as a shopping destination in Limpopo the show should be a success. "Our group’s support for this initiative is based on the importance of our ongoing community involvement as community newspapers," he said. Corner R81 and N1 bypass, Bendor Extention 99, Polokwane, Limpopo, 0699. Postnet Suite #502. Private Bag X9706, Polokwane. Tel: 015 265 1026/45 Fax: 015 265 1070 E-mail: [email protected] www.mall of the GPS: S23°52’315E29°30’375 PAGE 26 SPORT LETABA HERALD - Friday 1 July 2011 DIE JAARLIKSE NG Kerk Letsitele Kaskar kan nie sonder die dosyne borge plaasvind wat elke jaar gewillig is om die byeenkoms ‘n sukses te maak nie. Lnr: Willie Blanché, Quintus Rossouw, Abri Oosthuizen en Nick Dorfling van die BB groep, saam met Gerhardt Vorster, voorsitter van die kaskar komitee, en ds Barry van der Merwe van die NG Kerk Letsitele by die NGK Letsitele Kaskar Borgfunksie verlede Woensdag. DIE NGK Letsitele Kaskar Borgfunksie wat verlede Woensdag plaasgevind het was ‘n voorskou van al die pret wat by die 2011 weergawe van die NG Kerk Letsitele Kaskar gaan wees. Gerhard Venter, hoof van Laerskool Dr Annecke, saam met Trudie en Jaco Botha van Dr Annecke en Cobie en Anel Kemp van CP Minnaar Vervoer - ‘n borg van die komende byeenkoms. BORGE van die NG Kerk Letsitele Kaskar het verlede Woensdag die borgfunksie by Laerskool Dr Annecke geniet waar daar bekend gemaak is watter borg aan watter skool toegeken is. Anthony en Susan Brett van Giyani Spar het die aand saam met Jolandie en Etienne du Plessis van Bosveld Smeermiddels geniet. DIE borgfunksie van die 2011 weergawe van die NG Kerk Letsitele Kaskar het verlede week by Laerskool Dr Annecke plaasgevind en dit was duidelik dat dit ‘n gesellige, dog kompeterende dag sal wees. Shelley en Douglas Hoets geniet ‘n oomblik saam met ds Barry van der Merwe van die NG Kerk Letsitele. TWEE sterk spanne het die NGK Letsitele Kaskar Borgfunksie verlede week saam geniet. Jacques Rossouw van Laerskool Tzaneen sowel as Fanus Jacobs en Pieter van der Merwe van Hoërskool Merensky, beide verdedigende kampioene, het die aand in ‘n gesellige luim deurgebring. MEDEDINGERS kon saam om een tafel kuier tydens die NGK Letsitele Kaskar Borgfunksie verlede week. Fred Hoffman, hoof van The King’s Court, en Suzette Vermeulen, Neil Hanekom en Antoinette de Jager, ook van The King’s Court, het die aand saam met Herman Matthee van Unicorn geniet. Kaskardag beloof opwinding DIE JAAR se NG Kerk Letsitele Kaskar beloof om ‘n groot sukses te wees na die opwinding van verlede Woensdag se NGK Letsitele Kaskar Borgfunksie. Die volgende borge en skole gaan saam die Letsitele Kaskar dag aanpak: Kleuterskole Wysneusie 1 en CP Minnaar & Seun, Wysneusie 2 en BuildIt, SAVF Kleuters en FPT, Jack & Jill en Granor Passi, Little Eden 1 en Elegant Fuel, Little Eden 2 en Hygrotech, Unicorn graad R en KM Bolt & Nut, Voetspoortjies en Lannie Motors. Laerskole juniors (Gr 1-4) Antjies 1 en Mati Irrigation, Antjies 2 en Blinkwatermeule, Antjies 3 en Dries Elektries/Letaba Rewinding, Tzaneen Juniors en DRG Services, Meridian College en Maishamalema Development Training, Unicorn Juniors 1 en JM du Toit Boerdery, Southern Cross Jnr en Du Roi Kwekery. Laerskole seniors (Gr 5-7) Dr Annecke 1 en Nouvelle La Cotte, Tzaneen Snr en Bosveld Smeermiddels, Phalaborwa Noord Snr en Protea Bande, The King's Court Snr en Safmarine, Dr Annecke 2 en NTK, Drakensig en Thandaza Estates, Unicorn Seniors en Tzaneen Auto, Southern Cross Snr en Supa Quick, Duiwelskloof en Visagie Saagmeule. Hoërskole Frans du Toit 1 en BEC, Ben Vorster 1 en ABSA, Merensky 1 en NTT Toyota, Ben Vorster 2 en Northern Pump & Pipe, Merensky 2 en Sprayrite, Frans du Toit 2 en Provento, The King's Court High en Eiland Spa, Southern Cross High en Wenkem. Baanborge Dole, Lona, Capespan, Univeg, X-Treme, Houers Koöperatief, Christie Landman Boerdery, Gideon Goosen Boerdery, Mahela Boerdery, Laeveld Sitrus, Bosveld Sitrus, Giyani Spar, Gubitz Laparisa Boerdery, Smitko Konstruksie, Bearing Man, Hydespray, Fromm Systems, Great Force Investments, Nel Sneldienste, Burgert en Irma van Rooyen, Gustav van Veijeren, Noorchem en Letaba Belting. Groot 4x4 dag volg binnekort Registered t Counsellors b e D In terms of: NCRDC75 Financially Strained & Struggling? We can assist you to: 71238 - Restructure your debt payments to fit your budget - Stop repossession / legal action - Communicate with your creditors on your behalf - Provide complete confidentiality 71223 Contact Annerien or Pamela 015 307 1828 DIE Letaba 4x4 klub se uitdaging vind op 16 Julie op die gronde van die BJV plaas. Skakel Hannes Enslin by 078 802 2234 of Miena Kruger by 079 887 9550 vir enige verdere navrae. ADVERTENSIE LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 1 Julie 2011 PAGE 27 THE AUTOMARK PROMISE 1. 2. 3. 4. Backed by Toyota 5. Seven day exhange plan Guaranteed not stolen 6. Guaranteed year model Standard warranty 7. Every vehicle subject to Guaranteed mileage a check list R156 600 2010 Corolla 1.3 Prof R248 900 2010 Captiva R588 000 2008 BMW 320D A/T 2010 Prado 3.0 D4D VX 2005 Prado 2009 Toyota Corolla 1.3 Prof. R279 900 2007 Mazda BT50 S/Cab R79 900 2010 Hyundai Atos 1.1 GLS R142 400 R109 900 2009 Nissan Hardbody 2010 Hilux 3.0 D4D 4x4 S/C 2010 Polo 1.6 Trendline R217 900 R79 900 R150 000 R137 700 R149 900 R276 900 2009 T5 Kombi 1.9TDi R269 900 S R199 900 R149 900 D L O 2007 Verso 1.8 TX 2010 Hyundai Atos 1.1 GLS 2009 Hilux 3.0 D4D S/Cab 2010 VVTI 2.0 NTT TOYOTA TZANEEN R349 900 DEMO’S AVAILABLE ON ALL TOYOTA PRODUCTS Fanie 079 561 0260 Sales Consultant Hendry Mhlare 083 758 4096 Sales Consultant Ernest 083 756 4399 Sales Consultant 53 Agatha Street P.O. Box 545 TZANEEN 0850 TEL: (015) 307 4440 FAX: (015) 307 6148 2010 Toyota Fortuner Gawie 0083 299 9797 Sales Consultant 71218 LETABA HERALD - Friday 1 July 2011 PAGE 28 TWEE lede van Tzaneen Maraton Klub wat verlede maand die Comrades Maraton aangedurf het - Buks & Hanli Bovill het vir die tweede keer die maraton voltooi. Conradie trek ‘n monster uit dam ‘n LEERLING van Ben Vorster, Daniel Conradie, 15 het die bielie van ‘n baber op 11 Junie in 'n plaasdam by Mantana naby Venbeck gevang. Die vis, 'n baber weeg 10kg. CEMENT R62,99 SABS 32,5 32 Skirving Str,Tzaneen Tel: (015) 307 4408 4 Piece Box Suite R1199-99 Colour comer bath R1249 COPPER PIPE 15mmx5.5m R139.00 22mmx5.5m R250.00 Normal Price R131 900 NOW R123 900 R8000 Cash Back Drive your way. Hyundai Getz SPORT Plaaslike atlete pak Comrades NIE minder nie as 20 Atlete van Tzaneen Maraton Klub het 29 Mei in die hoofstraat van Durban aangetree vir die Comrades Marathon. Vanjaar het 19 592 atlete deelgeneem en 11 080 atlete voltooi die wedloop in die toegelate 12 ure. 18 atlete van Tzaneen Maraton Klub het in die toegelate tyd oor die lyn gehardloop. Kiewiet Ecroignard en Sam Nkuna het hul permanente nommers verwerf - dit is wanneer ‘n atleet die wedloop 10 keer suksesvol voltooi het. Hulle word ook dan deel van die Comrades Groen Nommer Klub. Timothy Nkuna sal volgende jaar aantree om dan ook sy permanente groen nommer te verwerf. Hanli Bovill, Emmellize Prinsloo en Modjadji Mathipa het spesiale ‘back to back’ medaljes verwerf deur twee jaar agtermekaar die wedloop te voltooi. Dis baie spesiaal want ‘n ’Novice’ kry net eenkeer die kans om twee jaar agtermekaar die wedloop in tyd te voltooi. Twee atlete wat ook vir die eerste keer die wedloop voltooi het, is Sydney Swart en Johan Thiart. Hierdie is in kontras met Christie Bouwer, wat vir die 24ste keer die moordende wedloop voltooi het. Buks en Hanli Bovill het die pad saam aangepak en al van Desember af saam geoefen. Dit was ook die 2de jaar dat hulle die wedloop saam voltooi het terwyl Christiane van Niekerk en Emmellize Prinsloo, twee vriendinne wat ook saam oefen vir die 2de jaar die Comrades voltooi het. Deur vas te byt en in haarself te glo, het Vida Serfontein ook die wedloop voltooi. or Trade-in Assistance 20 Skirving Str. Tzaneen Tel: (015) 307 1239 71240 Fax: (015) 307 1794 71242 Tzaneen Maraton Klub nooi alle atlete wat graag volgende jaar deel wil wees van hierdie besonderse wedloop om enige van hul lede te nader en meer inligting ivm die klub of wedlope te kry. Besoek alternatief die Comrades webtuiste op Voornemende Comrades atlete moet kennis neem dat die inskrywings vir 2012 wedloop reeds die 1st September open en slegs 18 000 word toegelaat. NOG ‘n lid van Tzaneen Maraton Klub wat in Mei die Comrades Maraton voltooi het. Kiewiet Ecroignard het vir die tiende keer die wedloop voltooi en sodoende sy permanente nommer verwerf.