April 2015.pub - Hutten


April 2015.pub - Hutten
Posbus 7234, Pretoria, 0001
Diggin Deep
Vuurklipstraat 541, Die Wilgers
Before the adhu"[email protected]
vent of its great
Tel. 012 807 0434
mineral revolu072 229 2148
on in the la2er
half of the 19th
century, South
Africa was a sleepy colonial backwaApril 2015
ter whose unpromising landscape was seemingly devoid
Louis Botha's War
of any economic potenal. Yet lying just beneath the
Twelve years aer fighng against the Brish during the
dusty surface of the land lay the richest treasure trove of
Anglo-Boer War, Louis Botha went to war on Britain’s
gold, diamonds, planum, coal and a host of other metals
side. As prime minister of the Union of South Africa at
and minerals that has ever been discovered in one counthe outbreak of the First World War, Botha agreed to
try. It was the discovery and exploitaon of first dialead his country on a campaign against the Germans
monds in 1870 and then gold in 1886 that proved the
across the border in South-West Africa. But first he
catalyst to the greatest mineral revoluon the world has
would have to deal with a conflict at home.
ever known, which transformed South Africa into the
Many Afrikaners balked at the prime minister’s decision, and so began a war
greatest industrialised power on the African connent.
on two fronts. While Union Defence Force troops gathered on the border
Here for the first me is the complete history of South
and prepared to launch an offensive, a handful of Botha’s former comrades
Africa’s phenomenal mineral revoluon spanning a periincited an Afrikaner rebellion intent on keeping South Africa out of the war,
or worse, siding with Germany.
od of more than 150 years, from its earliest commercial
beginnings to the present day, incorporang seven of the Louis Botha’s War is the story of how a former Boer War fighng-generalturned-polician crushed a rebellion, rallied his country’s first united army
major commodies that have been exploited.
to fight in harsh condions and defeated the enemy in the Great War’s first
537 p, HC, R 330 –398
successful Allied campaign. Botha’s acons and these events would deterSee also “The Golden Crown “ Feb..2015
Out of Ac.on
The powerful sequel to Fireforce
Originally published as Survival
Course in 1999, now long out of
print, Out of Acon is a reworked
and updated edion, the sequel to
the best-selling Fireforce—one
man's war in the Rhodesian Light
Infantry. The book is divided into
two disnct parts: Part 1, 'War', chronicles Chris
Cocks's final 16 months of combat in the Rhodesian
bush war, as a sck leader in PATU, the Police AntTerrorist Unit. It is a me of unbelievable cruelty as
the part-me white reservists ba2le overwhelming
odds, without air support and ... without a future, as
Mugabe's ZANLA guerrillas swamp the country in the
build-up to independence in 1980. Part 2, 'Peace',
recounts the author's painful adjustment to life as a
civilian—a fieen-year odyssey in the embryonic
state of Zimbabwe. It is an intensely personal journey
in which the author pulls no punches as he describes
his clumsy a2empts to come to terms with a) the new
dispensaon of black Africa and b) himself. It is a cri
de couer, the story of a young man, brutalized by
war, who seeks escape in alcohol and drugs, and who,
in the process, causes immeasurable pain and suffering to those around him. These too are the casuales
of war. Ulmately, though, it is a story of hope, of a
man's triumph over his own demons.
282 p, 26 b/w photos, 3 maps, SC R 260
mine the fate of South-West Africa, and its relaonship with its southern
neighbour, for the next eighty years.
240 p, SC, R 220
China and Mosambique
C.Alden, S .Chichava
As a once-modest presence in Africa, China has
rapidly grown to become one of Africa’s top
trading partners. Two-way trade surged from
just over US$10 billion in 2000 to nearly US$200
billion in 2012.
China and Mozambique moves beyond the convenons of general surveys on China-Africa relaons to explore real content and experiences of China’s relaonship with Mozambique. This book unpacks the complex and somemes contradictory policies of this relaonship, looking at Chinese
investment in the Mozambican banking sector and at elite business alliances in agriculture and infrastructure.
A fuller sense of bilateral relaons is offered through the focus on
this emblemac case; it drills down into the heart of a relaonship
whose growing depth and complexity exposes key themes that will
affect Africa’s future development.
240 p, SC, R 200
Banking details:
Absa The Grove
Acc.nr 1630 350 480
Branch: 333 845
Prices can change without prior notice.
Op die grens
David Williams
Bedrewe joernalis David
Williams vang ‘n era vas en
beskryf die grenservarings
wat wit mans van tussen 35
en 60 ten diepste beïnvloed
het. Troepies en hul gesinne
sal hulself in dié boek herken. Onderhoude met
voetsoldate en weermagleiers soos Jannie
Geldenhuys, Constand Viljoen en George Meiring
word aangevul met ‘n historiese konteks en oorsig. Die gevolg is ‘n boek wat ‘n vars ek-was-selfdaar inslag kombineer met diepgang en analise.
156 bls., SB, R 249
also in English available.
Die verhaal van Johanna Brand
B.du Toit
Rabbedoe, rebel, vurige patriot, konsentrasiekampverpleegster, spioen, skryfster, feminis, natuurgeneser, miskus hier word die verstommende verhaal vertel
van Johanna Brandt, wat as jong vrou verskeie sleutelrolle
in die Anglo-Boereoorlog gespeel het en in later jare as
predikantsvrou dikwels n omstrede figuur was weens haar
destyds vreemde idees en praktyke.
Die lewe se meetsnoere het nie altyd vir haar op lieflike
plekke geval nie. Die Anglo-Boereoorlog en Johanna Brandt se deelname daaraan is nou verweef met haar en Lou Brandt se besondere liefdesverhaal."Dit
voel asof ek met ysterkloue aan hierdie grond moet vasklou " vertel iets van
die verskeurdheid wat haar lewe gekenmerk het. Haar stryd teen wat sy ervaar
het as onreg, het van haar n omstrede figuur gemaak. Met durf en profeese
daadkrag het sy die nog redelik onbekende terrein van natuurgenesing betree,
ondanks die beperkende bande van haar take as predikantsvrou en moeder.Die skrywer het dié kleurryke figuur voor haar laat uitloop, onbeskroomd
Die Natuurlewe van Suider-Afrika met die pen haar spore gevolg en nooi die leser om deel te word van die
- die groter geillustreerde gids tot unieke ondervinding
die diere en plante van die streek 318 bls., HB, R 135
Hierdie nuwe uitgawe in groter
Afrikaanse Bybelkonkordansie
formaat , is ontwerp om selfs meer
Felix A Mijnhardt
gebruiksvriendelik te wees, met
groter teks en groter, duideliker
Ds. C.F. Mijnhardt se Afrikaanse Bybelkonkordansie wat
aTeeldings. Dit is volledig bygewerk volgens die
byna 70 jaar gelede vir die eerste keer verskyn het, beleef
nuutste klassifikasiestelsel, verskaf volksname en
nou sy ende uitgawe! Van sy beskeie begin in 1934 het
bevat meer as 2 000 sorgvuldig gekose plante en
dié gewilde konkordansie (vir sowel die Ou Vertaling en
diere wat besoekers aan enige deel van die streek
Hersiening van 1957 as vir die Nuwe Vertaling van 1983)
waarskynlik sal raakloop. Meer as 1 200 spesies is
gegroei tot ’n standaard-naslaanwerk vir Bybellesers, predduidelik geillustreer en baie ander kan uit die teks
ikante en elkeen wat ’n studie van die Bybel maak.
met verwysing na soortgelyke spesies uitgeken
Hierdie ende uitgawe bevat ongeveer 200 000 teksverwysings wat elkeen
word. Elke groep het 'n kleurkode vir maklike
voorsien is van ’n kernagge maar sinvolle aanhalinggreep waaruit die
naslaan en in die bondige beskrywings verskyn
teksverband afgelei kan word.
diagnosese kenmerke in vetdruk vir vinnige uitAfgesien van die konkordansiegedeelte is daar ook waardevolle registers
kenning. Elke afdeling is geskryf deur 'n voorvan die planteryk, diere, edelgesteentes, mate, gewigte en munte, tye en
aanstaande kenner op die gebied.
maande wat in die Bybel gebruik word. Die boek word afgesluit met
310 p, SB, R 330
tekstuele groeperings van ’n aantal leerstukke van die Bybel.
also in English available.,
1284p Fleksiband,
R 399
auch auf Deutsch erhältlich
Fragen Sie auch nach deutschen Bibelkonkordanzen
FAK Sangbundel Volume II
Die volume II het nagenoeg 600 nuwe
FAK Sangbundel
Die FAK-Sangbundel se eerste verskyning in 1937 liedjies wat die afgelope 30 jaar by die
skatkis van Afrikaanse musiek gevoeg
was ’n belangrike kulturele gebeurtenis. Sedertdien was dit so wyd in aanvraag dat dit vier
is. Dit is gemik op die volgende generauitgawes en vyf herdrukke beleef het. In latere
sie van musiekliefhebbers (Geen
uitgawes is liedere wat nie veel arek gekry het
liedjies van die vorige bundel maak
nie weggelaat en gewildes wat vroeer ontbreek
het, opgeneem. Tans word dit beskou as die mees deel van die versameling liedjies uit nie). Liedjies in die immergroen- en kleinkunskategorieë het ook kitaardrukke.
omva2ende bundel Afrikaanse lirieke met bladmusiek en dit dien as verwysingswerk vir ’n groot Die melodielyne is eenvoudig uitgelê. Dit bevat ure en ure se
aantal kulturele organisasies, koormeesters en skole. Dit is voorsien
lekker saamsingliedjies vir die hele gesin.
van ’n register volgens liedere se tels en eerste reels sowel as ’n ru- Dit bewaar die musiek van legendes soos Christa Steyn, Lubriekindeling, waaronder vaderlandsliedere, natuurlirieke, liefdes-,
cas Maree en Koos du Plessis.
kleuter- en slaapliedjies en gewyde liedere. Bekende Afrikaans digters
Die handige indeks is volgens titels en eerste reëls ingedeel.
en komponiste se talente word hier saamgevoeg, sowel as sensief
HB, R 450
vertaalde Afrikaanse weergawes van wereldwye gunstelinge.
640bls, HC, R 450
Backen macht Freude
Dr Oetker
überarbeitet und
aktualisiert, ist Backen
macht Freude DER Back-Standard
seit über 80 Jahren. Mit dieser Neuauflage gibt es ein
neues Kapitel veganes Backen mit ausführlichem Ratgeber
und Grundrezepten. Dieses Backbuch ist ideal für Anfänger
und ein handliches Nachschlagewerk für erfahrene
Bäckerinnen und Bäcker. Neben den schri2weise erklärten
Rezepten mit vielen Handlingfotos sind die Ratgeber zu
den Kapiteln im Vergleich zur Ausgabe von 2008 und der
Jubiläumsausgabe von 2011 deutlich erweitert. Durch
Tests in der Dr. Oetker Versuchsküche ist das Gelingen
400 S, ca 450 Farbfotos, geb. R 378
Also available in English: German Baking Today
Abdallah Melaouhi ist der Kronzeuge für die Ermordung
von Rudolf Heß. In mehreren
Fernsehauri2en und zahlreichen
Interviews versuchte er 1988/89 mit
Wolf Rüdinger Heß, Dr. Alfred Seidl
und Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Spann die
Weltöffentlichkeit vom Mord an Heß
zu überzeugen. In diesem Buch berichtet er von unbekannten, teils sehr
persönlichen Ereignissen der letzten
fünf Jahre aus Heß' Leben und veröffentlicht zum ersten Mal mehr als 30
Seiten im Aurag seines Paenten herausgeschmuggelter
Kassiber, mit denen Heß in der FAZ und der Welt seine
Freilassung erzwingen wollte. Ein Farbbildteil schließt sich
234 S,
R 280
German Cooking Today
Dr Oetker
This is an excellent
introducon to German
home cooking and
tradional German recipes. The instrucons,
ingredients, and measurements are given in both metric and imperial/
standard units and there's a handy conversion guide in the front of the
book for everything else.
The recipes are outstanding, the vast majority are accompanied by
color photographs, and many have variaons listed.
One of the best things about it is the listed me for cooking includes
both preparaon me and cooking me - and the preparaon mes
appear to be geared towards actual home cooks and not professional
prep chefs. The mes also include comments such as "not including
marinang me" which is very important considering some German
dishes have mul-day marinade mes so that you don't start a dish
expecng to eat it that evening and find out 1/2 way through the
recipe that you now "put the marinade and the meat in the
refrigerator for 48 hours". (Marc J. Miller)
400 p, about 500 fotos, HC,
Auch auf Deutsch erhältlich
R 378
Die schönsten Sagen Ost– und Westpreußens
“Unter den deutschen Landschaen nehmen Ost- und Westpreußen, allein schon historisch betrachtet, eine besondere Stellung ein: im 13. Jahrhundert vom Deutschen
Ri2erorden erobert, von deutschen Siedlern,
Handwerkern und Kaufleuten erschlossen,
vollzog sich hier eine Entwicklung, die einmalig in der Geschichte ist.
Die Sage als Spiegelbild eines Landes, eines
Volkes und dessen Geschichte hat getreulich
über die Jahrhunderte hinweg das Werden
dieser östlichsten deutschen Provinz bewahrt. ...
126 S, geb. R 110
As jong seun het Danie Smuts met ’n blikkie agter vee in die veld aangeloop om ku2els te versamel
vir ’n konkoksie om maselspasiënte se simptome te verlig. Min het hy toe geweet dat hy eendag die
legendariese aanbieder van ’n gewilde Springbok Radio-program sou word waarin die volk kure vir
allerlei kwinte en kwale deel.
Toe Boererate – ’n keur van die tradisionele advies wat luisteraars oor die jare vir Smuts se radioprogram ingestuur het – in 1989 verskyn, was dit onmiddellik ’n treffer. Sedertdien het dié besonderse
boek uit sirkulasie verdwyn, maar die aanvraag daarvoor nie.Boererate se oorsprong word teruggevoer na verskillende bronne: waarnemings, eerstehandse ondervinding, mites, godsdiens en
selfs toorkuns. Behandeling gaan dikwels gepaard met die uitvoer van komieklike rituele.
Tussen die mediese advies is daar ook handige raad oor sake op die plaaswerf: hoe om ’n troeteldier
se vel te laat blink, aartappelsteggies lank vars te hou, van lasge miere ontslae te raak, en nog baie
Boererate bied onontbeerlike pitkos vir geskiedenis-lie^ebbers en is ’n nostalgiese terugblik op ’n
kosbare stukkie Afrikaner-erfenis.
232bls, HB, R 250
out of print – außer Druck – uit druk, last copies) or second hand
Fourth Reich of the Rich
D. Griffin
Des Griffin takes over
where other writers of
the Internaonal Conspiracy leave off, bringing
his readers behind the
scenes in internaonal
polics and into the diabolical world of the Illumina, the most secret
of the secret sociees.
In this fast moving, easyto-read book, he author traces the history of
the conspiracy down through the centuries
and presents irrefutable documentaon that
will both shock and amaze you.
From the pages of Fourth Reich pour facts
that open up new vistas of understanding
and make world affairs leap into life and become truly meaningful. No wonder this book
is winning acclaim world wide.
296 p, SC, R 140
Now-men and Tomorrow-Men
G.M. Mes
CHAPTER I: Introducon
CHAPTER II: “Man” and “Animal”
CHAPTER III: Caveman to Farmer
CHAPTER V: The two basic types: Now-Men and Tomorrow-Men
CHAPTER VI: The ‘Bad’ Short-Futured Ones
CHAPTER VII: The ‘Good’ Short-Futured Ones
CHAPTER VIII: The Long-Futured
CHAPTER IX: The Different Values of Truth
CHAPTER X: Lies, Sin and Ethics
CHAPTER XI: Laws and Jusce
CHAPTER XII: Human Rights and ‘Liberty’
CHAPTER XIII: On Governments
CHAPTER XIV: The Long-Futured States
CHAPTER XV: The Short-Futured States
CHAPTER XVII: But have a care!
APPENDIX I: Heredity and Environment
APPENDIX II: Temporealisaon and the Self
206 p, HC, dustcover is missing, R 110
For those who read: Mr White Men what now?(still available , onlyR 48)
Many Chrisans believe the current
call for Chrisan unity is biblical and
reflects the heart of God. But in this
important book, Jack Chick shows why
nothing could be further from the
truth. Before you agree to this "unity,"
you need to know who you are uning
with . . . and what they believe. Here,
you will learn that today'unity' is a
clever smokescreen, devised by the
Vacan to bring all Chrisans under
Rome's control. And to be in unity
with Rome, you must be willing to compromise your beliefs . . . and accept hers.
... Discover why this "unity" is so dangerous, and how far
down the road of compromise the church has already
... See how major Chrisan leaders have been leading
their followers into compromise with Rome for years.
... Learn how to spot this dangerous false unity so you
can take a stand.
... Learn the high price you will eventually pay for this
“Marek Kohn examines the resurgent racialism in science in a
mely expose. The ideas, which
exploit anxiees about race and
social breakdown and their defenders, are analysed in this
book." Google Books
322 p SC, R
The postal strike has caused a lot of upsets,
and we are still cautious about posting. We use
couriers these days, so we would need your street
address and cell number for courier delivery. For
this service we levy R 60 regardless of the number
of books ordered.
94 p, SC R 100
Das Fahrrad
R. v.d. Plas
Zuverlässige detailierte technischein Beschreibungen und Reparaturanleitungen3 Teilen:
1.Fahrrad und Radfahrer
2. Die Technik des Fahrrades
3. Anhang mit Tabellen und Register
mit vielen Abbildungen und Zeichnungen
252 S, TB, R 90
Erscheinungsjahr 1989