1 May May May May May May May
1 May May May May May May May
May May May May May May May Ouerterugvoer Hallo Lynette, Ai hoe lekker het ek vanoggend gelag vir klein Pieter! Ek het hom die kruie uit die kruie tuin laat ruik. Hy ruik en raak so stil (heeltemal onseker van wat nou onder sy neusie is) en sodra hy van die reuk hou is dit asof sy hele ou lyfie woel van opgewondenheid en die oë raak yslik. Ek het omtrent nou honderde klein bakkies met blare in sy kamer met goete in waar ons doek omruil en nou gaan ons prêt he. Ek kan sommer duidelik sien van watter reuke hy hou. Die reuk van die piesang was hemels vir hom, hy het so baie daarvan gehou dat ek hom amper laat proe het! Mooi dag vir jou en baie dankie vir die wonderlike program wat jy aanbied. Dit was ‘n rowwe week vir my met die doop en maandeinde maar nou is dit verby en kan ek en my seuntjie lekker speel. Die naweek is al die ander kinders by ons en ek gaan hulle sommer nader sleep om saam met boetie prêt te hê. Groete Anneke Erasmus, Port Elizabeth Baie geluk! Baie geluk aan Jackie Shrives (BabaGim Instrukteur in Polokwane) wat aan Evelyn geboorte geskenk het! Hier is ‘n foto van Evelyn geneem toe sy 5 dae oud was, sy lê op haar magie in die son, mamma maak net seker die geelsug kom nie terug nie aangesien sy 3 aande langer in hospitaal moes bly onder die blou lig. Sy is gebore Maandag, 27 Mei om 7:45 die oggend, Normale bevalling, Gewig 3,450 kg en 50cm, Apgar 10/10! Jackie sê: “Ek is geseënd met ‘n gesonde en pragtige baba!” Instrukteur- terugvoer Hi Cozette en Melodie, ek is so opgewonde ek kan uit my vel spring! Die Baba kliniek waar ek werk gee nou vir my geleentheid om my BabaGim praatjie by hul te doen, en ek het gister my heel eerste praatjie gelewer. Ek het die ‘power point presentation’ gebruik wat jul in Desember beskikbaar gestel het en dit was my heel eerste keer dat ek ‘n praatjie op so ‘n manier aangebied het. Baie dankie die aanbieding het my soos ‘n professionele bofin laat voel! Toe ek so halfuur voor die tyd begin regmaak en die ‘slideshow’ aansit het van die ouers in die vertrek sommer vir my praatjie gebly. Daar was 11 ouers wat gekom het, twee moes vroeër gaan en uit die 9 het 6 dadelik hul plek in my volgende BabaGim klas bespreek! Ek het alles reg gehad, my vorms, datums vir die maand ens. Die Verpleegster is baie beïndruk en ek bied weer volgende maand ‘n praatjie aan. 1 Ek het ‘tummy time’ gedemonstreer; mamma en pappa kry toe glad nie vir kleinding van 3 maande om ‘tummy time’ te doen nie. Ek het haar geneem en stadig op haar magie gedraai en toe huil sy vreeslik. Ons het haar opgetel en toe bietjie later weer op haar magie geplaas, toe lig juffrou haar nekkie lekker hoog op en bly toe amper vir 3 minute so lê. Ons het haar met ‘n spieël en borrels vermaak en mamma en pappa was baie beïndruk! Ek het net weer besef dat ondanks my gepratery en eposse oor BabaGim, dit die praktiese ervaringe is wat mamma en pappa se aandag trek. Wanneer hulle sien wat ons in BabaGim doen, hoe die babatjie reageer, waartoe baba instaat is, hoe baba met die regte hulp ontwikkel ens, sien hul die noodsaaklikheid van BabaGim in. Ook, mamma is in haar oorlewingsbrein, wanneer jy die konsep van BabaGim vir haar WYS inplaas van net verduidelik, snap sy dat ontwikkeling verder as doekruil en voeding strek. So lekker om van vooraf weer opgewonde oor BabaGim te wees! Groete, Anneke Erasmus, Oos London. BabyGym Regional Meetings Seeing that Melodie will be presenting all the regional meetings & trainings herself and will be on a tight schedule, it would be great if BabyGym Instructors from each region could offer their BabyGym venues as a meeting place for the meetings. If your venue is available at the date and time listed below, it would be appreciated if you can notify Cozette at [email protected] so that she can communicate the venue address to the other Instructors in advance, thank you! Theme: RESEARCH ON EARLY INTERVENTION Points: 10 BUBBLE POINTS EARNED Cost: R50.00 per person (payable in cash at the meeting) Day Date Friday Thursday 14 June 2013 20 June 2013 Monday Monday Wednesday Saturday Thursday Province Time Kindly RSVP by, to Windhoek 10:00- 11:30 11 June to [email protected] Johannesburg 14:00- 15:30 17 June to [email protected] 10 Kyalami Crest, Whisken Road Crowthorne, Kyalami 15 July 2013 Bloemfontein 10:00- 11:30 11 July to [email protected] 22 July 2013 Port Elizabeth 12:00- 13:30 18 July to [email protected] 31 July 2013 Cape Town 13:00- 14:30 26 July to [email protected] 17 August 2013 Polokwane 13:00- 14:30 14 Aug to [email protected] 5 Sep 2013 Durban 13:00- 14:30 2 Sept to [email protected] The venues and times will be communicated via email, please check your BabyGym email regularly. 2 Refresher Instructor Training BabyGym Instructor training is presented frequently throughout the year; we would like to encourage you to attend refresher training at least once a year. Cost is R500 for the 3 days and BabyGym Instructors earn 10 points for the second training, and 20 points for the third training in the same year. To register for training contact the Advanced Instructor presenting the training. For the complete list of training dates kindly visit www.babygym.co.za Training dates for July, September, October, and November are as follow: 3 4 Doc Melodie says... Question: Hi there! In my latest BabyGym class there is a baby-girl, she's 5 and a half months old. According to the mother she has been treated for colic and reflux, with little success. Time sorted the problem, but now, when she is lying down, her legs are very active, but her arms are straight and open and her hands closed. She also arches her back often, especially when drinking. The mother is very concerned about the baby, especially the still, open arms. We have done week 1, and she was very keen on doing the massage, but I would love to give her extra advice. Please help! Lorraine van Niekerk, Tzaneen. Answer: Hi Lorraine, the backwards arch is fine, it stretches the spine and is prompted by the TLR reflex. Tummy time normally sorts this out as well as LOTS of arm massage... Remember, we want to create awareness, do a lot of tummy time... strengthen the muscles. Question: My baby girl was born prematurely and spent quite some time in ICU. She often swallows big pockets of air/ winds, can this be related to being born prematurely and what can I do to help this? Answer: Remember, as long as a premature baby is away from her mommy metabolism is difficult because the skin, brain and metabolism are linked. Kangaroo care will help solve this: the heart and longs work too fast in a survival state, the touch and closeness will calm the skin and that will in turn calm the survival brain. With 2 fingers rhythmically tap on the breastbone; like a pacemaker, when the heart beat and breathing becomes slower and deeper it boosts the emotional brain and immunity. This will relax the stomach and the metabolic process so that digestion works better, making the ‘gulping’ less. Vraag: More Melodie, ek is besig om voor te berei vir my week 3 sessie en wil net gou uitvind oor iets. Volgens die BabaGim boek is 'n baba se suigrefleks reeds op 4 maande ten volle ontwikkel en hoef dit daarna nie meer gestimuleer te word nie. Wat dan van ouer babas wat die Ferm Grondslag sessies bywoon, beteken dit dan dat hulle 5 dit nie eintlik hoef te doen nie en dat dit meer van toepassing is op jonger babas? Student Instrukteur, Lelani BrandLabuschagne, Potchefstroom. Antwoord: Baie goeie vraag Lelani! Soog is voorbereidng vir spraak. Ons hou dus aan met soog stimulasie ter wille van spraakontwikkeling met ouer babas. Geniet week 3! Vraag: Hi Melodie, Ek het verlede week `n klient gehad wat se haar kind doen alles met altwee kante ewe goed! Nou sê die skool waarin hy is vir haar sy moet die kind forseeer om net met 1 hand te skryf en te gebruik! Ek het toe gesê in BabaGim is ons doel om al 2 kante ewe goed te probeer ontwikkel, maar ek sal net heeltemal seker maak en terugkom na haar toe. Dezi van Zyl, Vanderbijlpark. Antwoord: Hi Dezi, onthou BabaGim fokus hoofsaaklik op die eerste 2 jaar, dan is integrasie baie belangrik, met ander woorde om albei dele van die liggaam ewe goed te ontwikkel. Maar na 2 jaar moet dominansie gevestig word sodat die dominante deel vaardig kan word, dus is die skool se verwagting korrek vir ‘n skoolgaande kind. Die volgende vrae is almal van Santel Malan in Bedford, Oos-Kaap: Ek het vanoggend RSG se Groeipyne program op potgooi geluister en dit het my laat dink en wonder... Vraag: Ons kleintjie het nie ge-"latch" na geboorte nie a.g.v. 'n "tongue-tie", maar nadat die mond-en-kaak spesialis die velletjie geknip het, het hy en vir 13 maande aan my gedrink. Maar ek het onlangs in sy mondjie opgemerk dat die velletjie tussen sy bo-lip en bo-tande tot tussen sy twee voortande kom, is dit normaal of kan dit spraakprobleme veroorsaak? Hy (19 maande) sê seker so tussen 30 en 40 woorde (hoewel nie baie duidelik). Hy verstaan baie goed. Antwoord: Miskien beter dat jul daarna laat kyk, as vliesie te kort is kan dit lipaksie beïnvloed wat duidelikheid van spraak beïnvloed; 30-40 woorde is BAIE goed vir sy ouderdom, mamma! Vraag: Hy het ook mos gerol nadat hy begin sit het. Hoe weet ek hy het genoeg gerol? Hy sukkel maar nogsteeds so bietjie met die aksie, maar rol beide kante toe op sy eie, maar dit vat 'n tydjie. Antwoord: Maak dit maklik en stoot sy beentjie totdat hy die nodige spiergeheue het om self te rol; maak rol ‘n speletjie met baie soentjies as beloning sodat hy wil aanhou oefen. Vraag: Hy het die kruip goed gedoen, maar nie regtig sy kop opgelig wanneer hy kruip nie. Is dit iets wat hy moes doen? Antwoord: Nee, piekfyn so, hy kyk andersins op, ne? 6 toddler smarts T he race to do well starts the minute a baby’s born when an APGAR score shows their ability to adapt to life outside the uterus. ‘Scoring’ and ‘comparing’ reaches a fever pitch when parents get together. If the Internet, books or milestone charts say that he may roll at 10 weeks, parents feel anxious that their little one hasn’t done so by 12 weeks. Some find themselves comparing their babies with others. But when it comes to your baby’s development, it’s not always the one who gets there first who comes out tops. + For more tips on how r child’s to boost you ent, developm te si visit our webon and click ’. t ‘Developmen 78 living and loving April 2013 Good guidance A child’s development is a joyous journey of discovery, adventures, trials and errors until one day, it all comes together and he gets it right – he walks, draws without moving his tongue or jaw and has made his first friend. Every skill a child learns demands time and the opportunity to repeat once more till his senses, wiring, muscle strength and muscle memory join forces to master a skill, only to start all over again with the next one. Each skill that’s been developed is another small step on the road to independence, because independence is the main aim. Working parents are often concerned that their little ones may be behind or are missing out because they’re not with them all the time. Worrying wastes time, rather do something together during the time you have together. expert advice Include him in your life Developmental specialist, Dr Melodie de Jager shares her top five secrets for building your child’s character, while preparing them for school and life. Child development isn’t only about buying toys, it’s also about learning ... ● about your body and what it can do. ● that you can experience many different emotions and that they have names. ● that being a friend starts with liking yourself and letting go of your dummy and your mommy. ● how to do things at home, because doing little jobs is a way of learning how to behave like others. socialising and Through playyour fun games, rn child will lea as h key skills suc ce, independen nd creativity a g. problem-solvin A hug a day keeps the doctor away Hugging your child every day is the best brain booster he can get. Affection triggers happy hormones which tell the brain that all is well – you’re protected and loved now you can relax and learn. A child, whose brain doesn’t receive this message, is constantly and destructively on the move – ready to fight or cower away. Animal studies by Tiffany Field from the Touch Research Institutes, showed that mice whose moms licked them often, grew better physically and their brains grew more too. Mouse licking can be likened to hugging in humans. Set boundaries WORDS melodie de jager photography elite photo agency/ shutterstock Life + Many parents confuse discipline with punishment. Discipline means you teach your child how to be safe and how to behave. A child isn’t born with a rulebook in his head, he needs you to teach him how to behave like a person – how to sit and to walk; how to eat and to wash and dress himself; how to wait and to share; how to speak and say please and thank you. Teaching your child how to be safe and how to behave also means you have to say no. This is tricky for busy parents because they often feel they have so little time together that they don’t want to fight during that time. However, a parent who only No matter how attached your toddler may be to your hip, it’s important to help him socialise. When it comes to playdates, make sure not to organise one late in the afternoon when he’s cranky. Start off with shorter sessions and encourage him to share toys with his new friends. says yes could be raising an unpopular and spoilt brat that nobody wants to play with or invite to their homes. Contrary to popular belief, saying no isn’t damaging to a child’s self-esteem. ‘No’ and ‘stop’ builds self-esteem because it gives a child a safe space in which to discover and learn to make friends. It develops their confidence to know what is okay and what isn’t. Learning the meaning of the words no and stop is a good way to prevent hyperactivity. But be careful of staying no to everything, rather choose your battles. Teaching your child how to be safe and how to behave also means saying ‘no’ to them. Child development is less about toys and more about doing things together and talking while you’re doing them. For instance, cooking is a super opportunity to learn about maths, for example, “Fetch me an apple and three carrots” or, “Is there enough spoons for mommy, daddy and you?” Cleaning is a wonderful way of developing the large muscles of the body when a child wipes the table or carries the washing to the washing machine. Hanging washing on a line is a great way of developing the fine muscles of the hands while balancing on a stable chair. Raking the leaves is a natural way of crossing the midline, while sorting the washing into dark or light colours is excellent to develop visual perception. Working together makes the time you have, count. ➥ living and loving April 2013 79 toddler Choose a good school Choosing the right school for your child isn’t always easy. The best school is the one that values the same things that you do. Find a preschool where the children are happy and the art on the walls is clearly the childrens’ own work. Choose a school where they speak the same ‘language’ as the primary school your child is going to. Make sure they don’t teach reading and writing before grade 1, if they do, they neglect teaching the important skills your child needs before reading and writing with ease in grade 1. Make sure the TV isn’t on all the time and that the teachers are ready with a smile every morning. Your child needs … ● to feel protected, loved and accepted to thrive. ● to discover his own body and what it can feel and do. ● to experience people, the texture of food and the smell and feel of animals. ● to learn about pots and pans, grass and the sea. ● to marvel at how sand can change shape when it comes out of a bucket or water when it becomes an ice cube. ● time to emerge himself in the wonder of nature and its cycles. 80 living and loving April 2013 Your child needs to feel protected, loved and accepted to thrive in all areas of his life. Touch and name Talk to your child. Tell him what you’re doing and name everything you touch. Take his hand and let him touch and name it again. The sooner a child learns that things have names, his brain development takes a leap. Language is the tool of thought. Without language, thinking and learning is very difficult. Think ahead. Think of which school you’d like to send your child to and think of how to teach your child the language they speak at that school. Remember – mother tongue is always the language of your child’s heart. To teach a child a language is to include a child in a culture. Don’t neglect your mother tongue at home. l&l BabyGym Shirt Order Form Be comfortable yet look professional while presenting a BabyGym class, presentation or meeting with professionals! Please note all orders should be placed and paid for before Friday 28 June 2013 PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SHIRTS ARE ORDERED IN BULK ON THE 1ST OF JULY 2013 AND NO LATE ORDERS AND PROOF OF PAYMENTS WILL UNFORTUNATELY BE ACCEPTED Name and surname: Cell: _____________________________________________ Postal address: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Description Golf shirt (short sleeve) XS- XXXXXL Striped Blouse (3/4 sleeve) S-L Striped Blouse (3/4 sleeve) XL- XXXXL Size Quantity Price R171.00 Total R205.20 R228.00 POSTAGE R34.20 TOTAL Complete the order form, attach proof of payment and fax/ email to 086 618 9038/ [email protected] before or on Friday 28 June 2013 BabyGym Registrations Report for: All Instructors Between 2013-05-01 and 2013-05-31 Number of BabyGym 1 Registrations Per Instructor: (6) Charlotte Gouws (1) Dezi van Zyl (1) Marietjie van den Berg (1) Rika Terblanche (2) Tania Spies (1) Number of BabyGym 2 Registrations Per Instructor: (188) Angelique Rheeder (2) Anneke Erasmus (17) Brenize Coetzer (2) Bronwyn Matthews (7) Celeste Muller (2) Charlotte Gouws (7) Claudia Alexander Els (9) Cozette de Jager (2) Debbie Farham (3) Denize Burger (1) Dezi van Zyl (20) Geraldine Consani (15) Hanri van Niekerk (4) Janine de Kock (7) Joanie Strauss (8) Joanne Bradley (13) Lisa-Michelle Small (3) Lizette Smit (7) Lorraine van Niekerk (5) Lynette van Wyk (10) Magda Botma (10) Margit Karen Reiff (5) Marietjie du Toit (6) Marietjie van den Berg (2) Marietjie van Wyk (2) Marinda Erwee (1) Nicolene Steyn (10) Rika Terblanche (5) Tania Spies (2) Zharina Wajoodeen (1) Number of Community Service Registrations Per Instructor: (10) Anneke Erasmus (3) Cozette de Jager (3) Grethe Posthumus (3) Zharina Wajoodeen (1) Number of Special Needs Registrations Per Instructor: (4) Anneke Erasmus (2) Geraldine Consani (1) Lynette van Wyk (1) Number of Friends of BabyGym Registrations Per Instructor: (39) report generated on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 13:08:06 report for: All Instructors Page 1 BabyGym Registrations Report for: All Instructors Between 2013-05-01 and 2013-05-31 Anneke Erasmus (2) Bronwyn Matthews (1) Caroline Maseko (18) Claudia Alexander Els (1) Debbie Farham (2) Dezi van Zyl (1) Janine de Kock (3) Joanne Bradley (3) Lynette van Wyk (1) Marietjie du Toit (6) Santel Malan (1) report generated on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 13:08:07 report for: All Instructors Page 2 BabyGym X vs Y Report for: BabyGym Institute Between 2013-05-01 and 2013-05-31 Total Number of BabyGym 1 Registrations (6) Number of Natural Births: 4 Number of Caesarean Section Births: 2 % Conversion: Natural Births: 66.67% VS Caesarean Section: 33.33% Number of English Registrations: 2 Number of Afrikaans Registrations: 4 % Conversion: English: 33.33% VS Afrikaans: 66.67% Total Number of BabyGym 2 Registrations (188) Number of Natural Births: 48 Number of Caesarean Section Births: 139 % Conversion: Natural Births: 25.53% VS Caesarean Section: 73.94% Number of Babies with Medical Conditions: 8 Number of Babies without Medical Conditions: 179 % Conversion: With Medical Conditions: 4.26% VS Without Medical Conditions: 95.21% Number of Male Babies: 103 Number of Female Babies: 84 % Conversion: Male: 54.79% VS Female: 44.68% Number of English Registrations: 81 Number of Afrikaans Registrations: 106 % Conversion: English: 43.09% VS Afrikaans: 56.38% Total Number of Community Service Registrations (10) Number of Babies with Medical Conditions: 1 Number of Babies without Medical Conditions: 9 % Conversion: With Medical Conditions: 10% VS Without Medical Conditions: 90% Number of Male Babies: 5 Number of Female Babies: 5 % Conversion: Male: 50% VS Female: 50% Number of English Registrations: 7 Number of Afrikaans Registrations: 3 % Conversion: English: 70% VS Afrikaans: 30% Total Number of Special Needs Registrations (4) Number of Babies with Medical Conditions: 4 Number of Babies without Medical Conditions: 0 % Conversion: With Medical Conditions: 100% VS Without Medical Conditions: 0% Number of Male Babies: 2 Number of Female Babies: 2 % Conversion: Male: 50% VS Female: 50% Number of English Registrations: 2 Number of Afrikaans Registrations: 2 % Conversion: English: 50% VS Afrikaans: 50% Total Number of Friends of BabyGym Registrations (39) report generated on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 13:09:19 report for: BabyGym Institute Page 1 BabyGym & Mind Moves Conference 2014 22-24 August 2014 Cost R2280.00 (inc VAT) Karoo1 Hotel Village De Doorns, N1 – R318, Western Cape www.karoo1.com
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