Gehoor word beKoor! deur Paul Roos Fantasties


Gehoor word beKoor! deur Paul Roos Fantasties
270 Editions
P. 4
Uitgawe/Issue 279
Jaargang XIII
29 April 2016
Gehoor word beKoor! deur Paul Roos
Francois van Zyl
yf kore. Vyf liedjies elk. Een
onvergeerlike ervaring.
Paul Roos se jaarlikse koorfees van
Woensdag 20 April 2016 het almal
in die gehoor beKoor, en alhoewel
dit nie ’n kompetisie was nie, was
elke skool daarop uit om te domineer: Rhenish, Boishaai, Hoërskool
Stellenbosch, Bloemhof, en dan
natuurlik Paul Roos.
Onder leiding van mnr. Stefan van
Hansen het die kleiner Boishaaikoor die aand geopen, en ’n goeie
standaard gestel vir die res
van die optredes. Hoërskool Stellenbosch se
gemengde koor het ’n
heel nuwe dinamiek
geskep met ’n heel
ander klank as dié
van die ander kore.
Bloemhof het vanjaar ook met nuwe
komposisies vorendag gekom, wat heelwat verskil van hul
vorige optredes.
Een van die beste
vertonings van die
aand was definitief
Rhenish, onder
leiding van me. Sonja van Amstel.
Dié koor het ’n ongelooflike klank, en
na die tyd was daar veel te sê oor die
kwaliteit van hul uitvoering.
Paul Roos Gimnasium se groot
musiek-masjien het
begin met ’n Afrikaensemble wat die
groot stryd van
onderdruktes in
die Apartheidsjare
beskryf. Die gehoor is dadelik oorrompel toe die koor
skielik met ’n
“Heita!” die stilte verbreek.
Die komposisie Pouse, gekomponeer deur ons eie mnr. Stefan
Bezuidenhout, was volgende aan die
beurt. Al die woorde van die liedjie
kom van gesprekke wat op ons eie
skoolgronde tydens pouse opgeneem is. Die gehoor was heeltemal
verbyster deur dié wildvreemde lied.
Laastens het die koor Psalm 100 gesing, en veral die Basse, onder leiding
van Zak Visser, het ’n kragtige uitvoering gebied.
Mnr. Bezuidenhout en me. Luize
Kroukamp, die koor se bestuurder,
sê wel dat daar nog baie werk is om
te doen voor die eerste rondte van
ATKV se “Applous”-kompetisie later
hierdie kwartaal, met Paul Roos as
kampione wat die standaard nog
moet stel, aangesien al die ander kore
hulle lemme vir Paul Roos geslyp het
vir vanjaar se kompetisie.
PRG beKoor! was ’n wonderlike geleentheid vir al die kore om
’n voorsmakie te kry van die groot
kompetisie wat nog voorlê, en die
standaard is definitief nog hoër as wat
dit al ooit was.
Die MAD-Komittee het nogmaals’n
suksesvolle aand gereël, en daar word
met groot afwagting uitgesien na die
volgende een.
Redakteur: Johan Schoeman, Renier Hattingh (Adjunk)
Ontwerp en uitleg: Justin Reinecke (Hoof), Thomas Butler
Nuus: Francois van Zyl, Charl Smit, Christo Langenhoven, Janco Bruwer
Stuurdingetjies: Luke White (Hoof), CP Kock
Onderwyser in beheer: Hesti van der Mescht
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Uitgawe/Issue 279
Page 2
Van Agter die Lessenaar
From Behind the Desk
Deur Jannie van der Westhuizen
MEI 2016
Volgende Donderdag word Hemelvaart gevier.
Alhoewel dit ‘n normale skooldag is,
word ‘n Paul Roos-Hemelvaartdiens
om 08:00 in die Moederkerk gehou.
Bywoning is opsioneel vir die
Ouers word uitgenooi om die diens
by te woon.
We are just 18 school days away
from the June exam. The time-table
was made available last week.
The challenges created by the day to
day activities of the school, are enormous. Despite that, our boys must:
Do proper homework;
work constantly;
pay attention in class;
prepare well for tests;
start early with their revision
Van Agter die Skoolbank
The opinions expressed in Concipio
do not necessarily reflect those of the
editorial team or the staff of PRG.
“There was a time when we believed
we could do anything, that we would
be superheroes, firefighters, scientists,
astronauts and even presidents. We believed we would invent something brilliant, vanquish disease, build ourselves
castles, bring our worlds together and
discover new ones. The reason so many
of us don't change the world, is because
we stopped believing we can. But some
of us never have. “
I thought that the above excerpt from
an advertisement by Dimension Data
captures the situation of South Africa's
youth beautifully. Politicians love using
us as a bargaining chip when it suits
them. We're often called to make a
stand. But only when its in support of
their cause. Promises of education and
opportunity are thrown about recklessly, but are more often than not proved
to be nothing more than empty lies.
We're only good enough to be seen.
God forbid our voices are ever heard.
Our demands are ignored by a society
who's leaders are blinded by their racial
hatred for each other. Their hatred.
Not ours. How incredibly sad it is that
the only legacy their muddled generation will be leaving behind is one of
hatred and pain. For the past 22 years
our country's authoritative figures have
been so intent on imprinting their
sense of injustice apon their children
that they simply haven't found the
time to apologise for the atrocities they
committed and to reconcile their differences.
So this weekend, when you're sitting around the fire and Oom Klaas is
moaning about how the country of the
“good old days” was thrown away on
the 27th of April 1994, you shouldn't
nod respectfully and keep your opinion
to yourself. You should stand up and
make your voice heard. You should tell
him that the racist, vile country that
was taken out to the trash in 1994 was
his country. Not ours. Our country was
created 22 years ago. A country of love,
hope and equality. A country that is
destined to be ruled by us, the youth of
South Africa.
Because that's what Freedom Day is
all about.
Yours Truly
Johan Schoeman
Page 3
Photo: Derek Moss
Foto: Verskaf
Uitgawe/Issue 279
Sportuitslae 25 April 2016
Hokkie Uitslae teen RBHS
Rugby Uitslae teen RBHS
WP Duokamp-kampioenskap
Seuns onder 16
Silwer medalje Berno van den Berg
Brons medalje Harry van der
Boland Laserpistoolskiet- enHardloopkampioenskap
Die volgende hokkie wedstryde is
uitgestel weens slegte weerstoestande:
0/14B, o/14A, o/16A, o/16G, o/19B
en die eerste span.
Die eerstespanrugby wen Rondebosch 43-26.
Die o/15B Span wen Roncdebosch
Seuns onder 15
Goue medalje Daniel Theron
Seuns onder 17
Goue medalje Johua Sunderland
Silwer medalje Timon
Brons medalje Victor Bakker
Seuns onder 19
Goue medalje Jacques Farre
Silwer medalje Jacobus Mostert
Duokamp Hoërskole-uitdaag
Solo seuns onder 19 5de Kosie Marais
12de Jacques Farre
Solo-seuns onder 16
Silwer medalje Jamie Penfold
Brons medalje Tjaart van der Walt
Foto: Nic de Jager
Driekamp hoërskole-uitdaag
Solo seuns onder 19
13de Ruan Weyers
24ste Thomas Moss
Seuns onder 16 spanaflos
5de Leon Pienaar (500m swem)
Kevin Long (20km fiets)
Chris Malherbe (5km hardloop)
Uitgawe/Issue 279
Foto: Verskaf
Fiela se Kind
Boek: Dalene Matthee
Verhoogverwerking: Waldemar
Regie: Juanita Swanepoel
Met: Lee­Ann van Rooi, Charlton
George, Waldemar Schutz, Nicole
Holm, Luke White, Carla Smith,
WianTaljaard, Joanie Combrink,
Cantona James, Tomley van Vuuren,
Patricia Baadjies en Chanté Plaatjies
Johan Schoeman
ie toneelstuk Fiela se kind, wat
ook by vanjaar se US Woordfees
’n verskyning gemaak het, is van 20­
23 April in die Artscape in Kaapstad
opgevoer. Een van Paul Roos se Graad
11-leerders, Luke White, is gekies om
die rol van Benjamin Komoetie/Lukas
van Rooyen te vertolk.
Fiela se kind is aangepas vir die verhoog uit die oorspronklike roman deur
Dalene Matthee. Dié boek is in 1999
aangewys as die Afrikaanse boek van
die eeu.
Die verhaal handel oor Fiela Komoetie, ’n bruin vrou van die Langekloof,
wat ’n wit kind een nag op haar stoep
kry en besluit om hom groot te maak.
Tydens ’n sensusopname word dit aan
die goewerment bekend dat Fiela die
kind grootmaak. Een van die sensus
amptenare maak toe 'n verbintenis
tussen Fiela se optelkind en ’n seuntjie
wat daardie tyd in Knysna se bos weggeraak het.
Benjamin word dan na ’n hofsaak op
Knysna gestuur om by die Van Rooyens in die Bos te woon. Benjamin/Lukas se innerlike worsteling rondom wie
hy regtig is word deur die res van die
verhaal verweef.
Page 4
Wat die produksie sélf betref: Daar
vind geen beduidende fisieke veroudering in die karakters plaas nie. Selling se bestaan as bandiet en die rede
vir sy gevangenisskap, asook Benjamin
se verhouding met John Benn, die seeman, is ook uitgelaat uit die produksie.
Veral laasgenoemde het ’n belangrike
rol gespeel in Benjamin se tog om
homself te vind.
Algeheel beskou was dit egter ’n
uitstekende weergawe van die gewilde
verhaal. Die akteurs het hulself werklik goed van hul taak gekwyt. Die
verhouding tussen Fiela en Selling Komoetie het ’n ligte noot bygedra wat die
gehoor gereeld aan die lag gehad het.
Die ster van die aand was egter Benjamin (Luke White) wat sy rol met sulke
oortuiging gespeel het dat die gehoor
saam met hom pyn ervaar het, gehuil
het en gelag het. Die rekwisiete en die
manier waarop die verhoog op gestel is
om die twee verskillende afspeel plekke
te weerspieël was vernuftig, hoewel
soms lastig en onderbrekend.
Aan die einde van die toneelstuk,
soos in die boek, is ’n mens steeds nie
lekker seker waar presies Benjamin Komoetie hoort nie.
Één ding is egter seker: Luke White
hóórt op die verhoog.
Uitgawe/Issue 279
The Earth’s outcry
Charl Smit
he environment is within us, not
outside of us. The trees are our
lungs, the rivers our bloodstream. We
are all interconnected, and what you
do to the environment, ultimately,
you do to yourself.
It is undoubtedly the truth. No debate is needed.
Mother Earth has a fever which is
steadily on the increase, and we continue to display a negligent attitude
to it. Under mountains of litter, she
struggles to contain her pose. She
is exhausted because of centuries of
selfless giving to humankind. Now,
Mother Earth desires freedom from
this miserable affliction - global
warming. And this is all thanks to
narcissistic modern society. Yes, because it’s all about me and you.
One thing is certain – things cannot
continue in this fashion. We must
make a paradigm shift ASAP because
we are conducting ourselves on this
planet as if we have another one to go
to. And do we? No.
As teenagers, soon to be young
adults, we have a lot of clout and
influence in the modern world. Take
the #FeesMustFall and #RhodesMustFall campaigns. We are capable
of doing anything – right or wrong
doesn’t play a role. We have the tenacity and nerve to make people not only
listen to us, but also succumb to our
Everybody is in a perpetual rush –
that is a well-known fact. The environmental crisis is all as a result of
rushing. To cure the crisis doesn’t
mean you have to be on a go-slow.
No, in everything that you do, you
just have to consider the environment
and how your rushing impacts it. So
now, as a responsible, care citizen, I
will give you some tips to make your
days “greener”, without you even
knowing it.
We can start with the basics – your
transport to school every morning
is the first step into an eco- friendly
environment. Traffic is a nightmare I’m sure you all agree. But, it doesn’t
have to be a problem. Most learners’
parents drive them to school while
there are busses and other public
transport available. The amount of
vehicles on the road will then automatically decrease. Without even
lifting a finger, you would be helping the environment by reducing the
carbon dioxide track. It just shows
you – helping Mother Earth comes
On research
shows that a normal person with basic education, uses 78 trees. These 78
trees include the paper that one uses
and all the oxygen that one needs.
Now, my question is, how many of
your 78 trees have you “given back”?
Remember, the activist is not the
person who says to plant a tree. The
activist is the person who plants a
tree. Everybody can be an activist, but
not everybody is!
A peel, a packet, a can, a paper, a tin,
a bottle… these are what we surround
ourselves with. Our children are
going to grow up in a litter-palace. I
Page 5
must admit, it sounds like something
spectacular, but definitely is not!
We can simply stop this littering by
disposing of our own litter and refuse
during break-time. If every child
takes responsibility for his own waste,
our terrace will be spotless. The time
has come for Paul Roos to become a
green school – no, it doesn’t mean we
must get rid of the Maroon colour,
it simply means we must start being
more “eco-conscious”.
Although the verse “Money makes
the world go round” creates harmony
within humankind, it creates disharmony in nature. If you really think
the environment is less important
than the economy, try holding your
breath while you count your money.
This may sound like a childish example, but I can bet you it is the truth.
If modern society remembers the
following quote, the Earth will be a
paradise… literally it means: It is not
an investment if it is destroying the
Chaos and disorder may be the season in which our country finds itself
in, but keep your head up. Don’t lose
focus. Look past the racial/cultural/
social/financial barriers - the earth is
what we all have in common. We cannot be the reason for the destruction
of the environment. Remember: In
nature nothing exists alone. We must
stand together to bridge the gap.
Mother Earth must start with the
recovery process. Antibiotics are
needed to prevent further destruction. But, the main medicine for healing: Love and care.
Uitgawe/Issue 279
Page 6
Wanneer die X-tras te veel raak
Watter rol speel ekstra klasse in leerders se lewens?
Christo Langenhoven
kstra klasse is ‘n groeiende verskynsel onder Paul Roos-leerders.
Klasse vir vakke soos wiskunde is veral gewild en talle leerders steun op
ekstra klasse om ‘n verbetering op
hul rapporte te bewerkstellig . Ekstra
klasse was aanvanklik net gesien as ‘n
buitemuurse aktiwiteit, iets ‘ekstra’ vir
dié wat graag wil goed presteer. Maar
die tye het aanbeweeg soos ’n verskuiwende parabool, en die redes waarom
leerders ekstra klasse bywoon is nou in
’n onwiskundige grys area.
Deesdae word ekstra klasse deur al
wat ’n leerder is bygewoon en dit word
nie net meer vir prestasiedoeleindes
gebruik nie, maar word ook nou as ‘n
‘tweede klaskamer’ beskou, waar die
werk wat op skool behandel is net weer
oorgedra word. Leerders het dus dan
’n ‘rede’ om ’n steurnis tydens skooltyd te wees, aangesien hulle dieselfde
woorde later die dag wéér sal hoor, net
uit iemand anders se mond uit. Ekstra
wiskundeklasse is nou al só by leerders
se daaglikse roetine ingeweef dat hulle
die ekstra klasse net sien as ‘n plek
waar jy ’n uur of wat kan gaan sit om
jou huiswerk te voltooi.
“Ekstra klasse is daar vir ons as
leerders om die werk wat ons nie
heeltemal verstaan nie, net duideliker
te maak”, is maar net een van die menings wat leerders oor ekstra klasse het.
Leerders wat wel ekstra klasse neem
voel dit gee hulle ‘n ‘voordeel’ oor diegene wat selfstudie toepas. Sommiges
voel dat die ‘privaat-en-persoonlike’
benadering beter vrugte afwerp as die
klaskameromgewing waar daar sowat
dertig bedrywige leerders is wat ‘n
steurnis veroorsaak, en sodoende die
onderwyser se taak van goeie onderrig
aanbied aansienlik bemoeilik.
Party wiskunde-onderwysers voel dat
ekstra klasse nie die beste manier is vir
leerders om hul punte te verbeter nie.
Daar is wel gevalle waar ekstra klasse
leerders help wat sukkel om tussen die
lawaai en die chaos van ‘n klaskamer
te konsentreer, asook dié wat graag hul
punte van ‘n B-simbool wil verbeter na
‘n A-simbool. In sommige gevalle kan
ekstra klasse wel in ‘n leerder se guns
tel, maar ongelukkig vir die meerderheid is daar min tot geen vordering
getoon vir dié wat skool afskeep vir
‘n na-skoolse aktiwiteit. Me. Gretha
Langenhoven, Wiskunde-onderwyser,
voel dat ekstra klasse nie die rol van
die klaskamer moet oorneem nie, en sy
meen dat ekstra wiskunde – soos die
naam voorstel – ékstra is.
“Kinders het verskillende vaardighede. ‘n Kind kan swakker presteer
omdat hy dalk nie in klas kan konsentreer nie. Sulke leerders kan ekstra
klasse neem, maar het individuele hulp
nodig. Hulle kan nie in ‘n klas van tien
kinders sit nie, anders gaan hulle soortgelyke probleme ervaar”.
Ekstra klasse kan voordelig vir enige
leerder wees…maar net tot ‘n sekere
punt. Net soos ‘n hiperbool wat nooit
sy asimtote oorkruis nie, moet ekstra
klasse nie inmeng by skoolwerk en
werk wat in die klaskamer behandel
word nie. Solank die twee apart bly en
die primêre opvoeding nie afgeskeep
word, sal daar vrede tussen die vier
vaal mure van die klaskamer bestaan.
Uitgawe/Issue 279
Page 7
Renier Hattingh
ave you abandoned Clash of
Clans? Have you grown tired
of protecting your precious gold and
You need not worry, Chief. Clash
Royale is the deck-building, tower
defence, PvP game you’ve been waiting for.
This game has captured tonnes of
Paul Roosers (there’s even a ‘Paul
Roos’ clan)! It’s easy to see why; Clash
Royale brings back the fun of classic
battles, without any village-defence
The game is (initially) simple: your
elixir replenishes over time, troops
cost elixir to spawn and you have to
destroy your opponent’s towers before
he destroys yours. Clans are a definite
must, as they are by far the most efficient method of strengthening your
cards and gaining experience points.
One of the fan-favourite features
includes the choice to initiate a battle
between one of your clanmates
for fun, so you can determine
who is undoubtedly the best.
To reach a new arena
(‘league’) one must gain
enough trophies in battle and
be stronger than opponents who
have access to better cards.
This can prove difficult, but
it will eventually be overcome. The biggest sorrow
Royale faces, is the possibility of
‘missing out’ on a rare chest that
contains loads of rare cards. Hopefully some guy on the Internet will be
able to help us out soon.
The new troops and fun battle-mechanics create a truly new experience.
There is no game like Clash Royale
on the App Store or on Google Play.
Thanks to the reward timers, the app
won’t take up all of your time.
Clash Royale is a gem.
Score: 8/10
Technology is making its way back, and it’s here to stay...
Janco Bruwer
e all have that moment when
in the middle of class your
brain says, “This is not important,
let’s think about something else...”
Well, the gaming industry has
changed that thought into a Virtual
Online Gaming platform, supported by a
wide variety of companies, such as Playstation, Samsung and
the famous Oculus.
Unclear as to what
Virtual Reality is?
It is an artificial
environment created with software
and presented to the
user in a believable way
who in turn accepts it as a
real environment. Virtual
reality is primarily experienced through two
of the five senses: sight and sound.
This phenomenon shapes the image
of an online world through single- or
multiplayer ability.
The latest technology is used to ensure the comfort of these Platforms,
trying to not put the idea of a giant
contraption in the middle of your
face, in your head.
But what does this
new gaming platform really do?
These reality simulators create a new
and realistic surrounding within
the player’s mind.
It gives you full
control of anything
and everything
(even the controls of
the Apollo II), making
you relive the most historical events that have
ever happened.
For this exact reason, this platform
is not only used for your gaming
pleasure, but also as educational and
learning tool. Several schools from
all around the world are using the
Oculus Rift showing them the dangers of a construction site as example,
without letting them get hurt. Devices like these are the reason why the
world is changing at such a fast pace.
To think it all started with that first
With the latest Samsung Gear VR
at our disposal, adults are wondering
why us teens are addicted to the latest
technology and games .. really?!
Uitgawe/Issue 279
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