We apologise - Letaba Herald
We apologise - Letaba Herald
R3.00 incl Friday November 27, 2015 HUIS IN LIGTE LAAIE WONINGS GEPLUNDER MAYORAL IMBIZO FIETSRYERS VEREER Huis in puin gelê na brand ontstaan Leë huise loop deur onder misdaad “Council has limited funds” Phala se fietsryers geniet jaareind - page 2 - page 2 - page 3 - page 16 Namakgale police excel at awards Matome Sebelemetsa [email protected] The prestigious 5th annual Limpopo police excellence awards saw Namakgale Police Station breaking records during the glittering ceremony held at Marco Hall in Polokwane on 21 November. The Station’s ever hardworking, passionate and humbled spokesperson, Constable Dineo Sekgotodi proved that indeed dynamite comes in small packages. Sekgotodi was chosen as the best police woman of the year for 2014/15 financial year and received a certificate, trophy and other gifts. She also got position number three for best administrator employee of the year 2014/15 and received a certificate, trophy and gifts. In other awards, the station’s Warrant Officer O.J Mohlaafase received position one as the best employee of the year for having re-arrested four most dangerous escapees and went home with a certificate, trophy and other gifts. His colleague, reservist Constable M. F Madia won the best reservist of the year and went home with a certificate, trophy and other gifts. Out of the 15 awards handed over on the night, Namakgale team led by the Station Commander, Colonel Prince Ngobeni were determined to be the first station out of the 97 to get more than four awards and eventually breaking the record since the awards were established. Colonel Prince Ngobeni, Major M.A Maake, LT Zitha, LT Zitha S.Z, Warrant Officer Moraba M.H, W/O Mashifane B.S, W/O Nabane E, Constable Sekgodoti DL, Constable Selepe L.F, Constable Shibiri M.W, Mushwana S, and Mathebula R received position three in Vispol group of year award for 2014/2015. Sekgotodi says she is truly humbled for having been recognized amongst other deserving members. “Honestly, it takes hard work to achieve what one did though it drains ones system, but the love for one’s profession keeps me going stronger. I am thankful to our Station Commander, and constable Nkuna, fellow colleagues; entire Provincial Office of Cooperate Communications for mentoring me and moreover Colonel Ronel Otto and Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi for having played a significant role in my career and the community at large for their prayers and motivation,” she explained. Sekgotdi also thanked the role played by the local media being Phalaborwa Herald and Phalabora Community Radio Station including other provincial and national media groups. The Station Commander says most people thought he was intoxicated as he was celebrating when his member’s names were announced, but being a Christian he wouldn’t. “The feeling was so awesome especially with Orlando Pirates still leading, but eventually we drew, but my members kept on breaking records. Their achievements are a collective effort and also a call to the rest of the members to come to me and narrate your achievements and I will never stand on your way to as long as there is evidence to prove your assertions. As Namakgale, we do things differently as every morning we dedicate 30 minutes for pastors to bring us close to the word of God.” EXCELLENCE AWARDS: Namakgale Police StaƟon Commander, Colonel Prince Ngobeni congratulaƟng the StaƟon’s spokesperson, Constable Dineo Sekgotodi for being named the third the best police woman of the year 2014/15 and the best administrator of the year 2014/15 during the provincial SAPS awards held on 21 November. We apologise In last week’s PHALABORWA HERALD we reported on the ongoing battle between the Phalaborwa Chamber of Commerce and the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality and quoted Mr Freddy Masakwameng as expressing his support for the Chamber with these words “… show these bastards that they are busy messing up.” These words were not used by Mr Masakwameng and at no stage did we interview him on the matter. We wish to apologise to him for any inconvenience caused as well as to all other parties involved. 2 NEWS PHALABORWA HERALD Friday November 27, 2015 HEELTEMAL VERWOES: Die huis is Crowstraat wat afgebrand het nadat ‘n vuur vermoedelik in die motorhuis onstaan het. Huis in ligte laaie OOPGEBREEK EN GEPLUNDER: Hierdie leë huis in die dorp het sleg deurgeloop onder ‘n vermeende metaaldief. Wonings word nou geplunder Phalaborwa huiseienaars sien ‘n skerp toename in misdaad met die onlangse toename in leë eiendomme regoor die dorp. Daar is die afgelope paar maande al hoe meer huurhuise wat in die dorp beskikbaar geraak het, vanweë die uittog van kontrakteurs by die myne, asook ander besighede se personeel wat afgeskaal moes word. Verskeie van hierdie eiendomme staan leeg en het die teiken geword van ‘n opportunistiese dief wie die eiendomme plunder vir metaalitems wat hy vermoedelik smelt en aan ‘n skrootwerf verkwansel. Plaaslike verhuringsagente het ‘n verdagte identifiseer, maar daar kon nog nie genoeg bewyse teen die man ingewin word om hom van ‘n misdaad aan te kla nie. Intussen lei huiseienaars skade en bied dit ook skuiling vir booswigte wat die geleentheid gebruik vir meer ernstige misdade. “Dit maak nie saak of die huis vir ‘n week of ‘n dag leeg staan nie, dit het ‘n kans om geplunder te word, hierdie man hou heel moontlik mense dop” het Charmaine van den Berg van Homelet in ‘n gesprek met die Herald gesê. Huise wat verkoop is, is ook al geteiken tussen die tyd dat die vorige eienaars uit trek en die nuwe inwoners in trek. “Selfs ‘n eiendom wat deur ‘n wag opgepas is, is nie gespaar nie” het Van den Berg bygevoeg. Hierdie tendens is kommerwekkend met die oog op die Desembervakansie wat voorlê. Volgens ‘n berig wat op die Phalaborwa CPF facebookblad geplaas is, sal inbrekers vir selfs so lank as 2 weke ‘n eiendom dophou en enigiemand kan ‘n slagoffer word. Inwoners word aangeraai om die nodige maatreëls te tref om hulself en hul eiendom te beskerm teen misdadigers. Die meeste versekeringsmaatskappye vereis dat alarmstelsels getoets word voor die inwoners vertrek met vakansie. Hulle gee ook die raad dat ‘n inwoner iemand behoort te vra om gereeld die posbus leeg te maak by die eiendom en dat buiteligte op ‘n outomatiese dag/nag toestel gekoppel kan word om die illusie te skep dat daar iemand tuis is. Inwoners van die dorp word verder aangeraai om inisiatief aan die dag te lê en nie vir misdadigers geleenthede te skep nie. Daar is ook hulp beskikbaar en word inwoners aangeraai om verdagte gebeure aan te meld. Die CPF noodlyn is 076 376 2512 en die nommer vir SAPS Phalaborwa is 015 781 9277. Die huis van Nico en Alice Kleyn in Crowstraat is Maandagnag in puin gelê deur ‘n vuur wat vermoedelik in die motorhuis ontstaan het. Niemand is in die brand beseer nie. Die egpaar, wat gidshonde oplei en weer aanneem nadat hulle afgetree het, se honde het alarm gemaak met die ontstaan van die brand. Die brand het van die motorhuis se grasdak na die hoofhuis se grasdak versprei waar die twee dakke oorvleuel het. “Die brand het omstreeks 23:40 ontstaan, dit is toe die een hond ons wakker gemaak het en teen 4:00 was dit min of meer uitgebrand” het Alice Kleyn gesê. Die gemeenskap is egter baie ontevrede met die reaksietyd en optrede van die munisipale brandweer. Pine Pienaar, ‘n buurman van die Kleyns het vertel hoe sy vrou die brandweer om middernag geskakel het en dat hul eers ‘n uur later opgedaag het. “Ek weet nie wat is hierdie nonsens van die munisipaliteit nie, hulle vat hulle tyd en het Get assistance The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has called on Grade 12 learners and students wishing to apply for financial assistance to study at public universities and Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges next year, to submit their applications. The deadline for submissions is 30 November. Applications for financial assistance are only open to learners or students from poor and working class families who cannot afford to pay for their studies. “This may include eligible students who were not funded by NSFAS in the 2015 academic year and those who were not funded in the previous years,” said NSFAS in a statement. Applicants can also contact NSFAS directly through the contact centre on 0860067327 or info@nsfas. org.za for further assistance. ook nie gelyk of hulle weet wat hulle doen nie. Hulle toerusting het ook nie behoorlik gewerk nie en meer water het onder by die pyp uitgestroom as wat bo uitgekom het” het Pienaar gesê. Hilly Rabie, ‘n buurvrou, het bygevoeg “dit is belaglik hoe lank die brandweer gevat het”. Die myne se nooddienste was egter paraat en het gedoen wat hulle kon. Die gemeenskap het ook ingespring en soveel as moontlik uit die huis probeer red voor alles gebrand het. “Die bure was ongelooflik, so baie het kom help, ons is so dankbaar vir almal wie kom help het” het Alice Kleyn na afloop van die gebeure gesê. Die Kleyn egpaar is pensionarisse wie drie jaar gelede Phalaborwa hul aftreeplek gemaak het. Nico Kleyn restoureer ou karre en nie al die voertuie kon uit die brand gered word nie. Die oorsaak van die brand is nog nie bekend nie. Vroeër vanjaar, in Junie het daar ook ‘n huis in Koorsboomstraat afgebrand nadat ‘n vuur in die motorhuis ontstaan het. Gala dinner Phanalu Holdings is a cooperative that focuses on the development of youth in business. They are hosting a gala dinner to bring the youth up to speed with new developments in business. Developments that might help the youth become better entrepreneurs. They have noted that there is a lack of relevant information especially for youth in Limpopo. Most challenges come from lack of funding or not knowing which organizations and opportunities are out there to help young entrepreneurs become prominent business people and learn about new developments in Limpopo. Date: 04 December 2015 Venue: Inhouse Lifestyle Centre (Hall), Phalaborwa. Theme: Black Suit and Tie PHALABORWA HERALD Friday November 27, 2015 NEWS WE WONT PAY FOR WATER: Adolf Malungane from Tipeng at Makhushane village telling non-indigenous Ba-Phalaborwa residents to never compare themselves with the indigenous Ba-Phalaborwa residents on usage and payment of municipal water during the Mayoral Imbzio held in the dilapidated Namakgale Stadium last week Tuesday. ‘Council has limited funds’ Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality’s Mayor Anah Sono and her fellow council members received 32 questions related to service delivery during a Mayoral Imbizo held in the dilapidated Namakgale Stadium. Sono said it is business as usual in council despite limited funds to execute own funded projects as most qualifying residents are still defaulting on paying for their monthly usage of municipal services though council took a decision to appoint debt collectors on its behalf. “The Foskor funded pavement in Foskor residential area is in progress while the Mashishimale Multi Sports Complex is also progressing, but the Benfarm main road remains the district prerogative. We have appointed 76 people through EPWP, but on SMME’s we failed to reach our target being 40 due to financial constrains,” she remarked. She added that through residents guidance, they were able to revamp the Flea Market facility and some offices will be used for training their employees; much to a huge applaud from Economic Freedom Fighters BaPhalaborwa Sub-Region Interim convener, Mphezulu Maphanga. Maphanga advised the Mayor to refrain from building more municipal offices instead use the two White Elephants; Flea Market and Freedom Memorial Precinct as offices during the 4 September Mayoral Imbizo at Seloane Thusong Services Centre. Responding to Palesa-Foskor Zone D resident Daniel Moatli’s question on the escalated 2015/16 financial year property rates fees, water and sanitation monthly bills, Sono said during their public participation meetings they recommended that rates be reduced by 25%. “We have also observed that the cost of living is too high and in due course we will consult you and hopefully with a much reasonable reformed fee structure,” remarked Sono. During her initial address, Sono said residents ought to use water sparingly and refrain from irrigating their lawns as failure to do so will result in frequent water cuts as the country water crisis is always affecting the Municipality. Ward 6 resident and SACP leader, Gilbert Shingange said Sono’s solutions aren’t practical and a wise move would to be to inform Water and Sanitation Minister, Nomvula Mokonyane to build more dams to preserve water. Pastor Amos from Phalaborwa raised concerns on morality’s decline. “Everywhere in town there is an advert calling on pregnant teenagers and women to visit some foreign doctors to perform an abortion. I recently called three of those doctors and their response was that it is a way of generating income hence they won’t stop this cruel act. What is happening with foreign nationals operating shops without licenses? Are they paying tax? How are they helping our government in growing the economy? We need to do something urgently about these matters,” she explained. Sono attacked local residents for lying to municipal officials when registration to starts businesses in their homes. “Pastor Amos, we are aware of such adverts and we totally discourage them from persisting. The very same people you gave access to your garages will eventually cause problems for you. Some of them are not banking here and transfers their money to their respective countries yet you continue shielding them. SARS will come after you, and sadly, you will be alone,” she noted. Sono wasn’t certain on her response with reference to Makhushane cattle grazing inside the sewer streams and resident’s houses after George Mohlala from ward 6 asked if Namakgale is a semi-town or village. Sono says it is true that the bulk sanitation infrastructure in most parts of Namakgale has dilapidated while mosquitoes are also troubling residents, but the recent sites inspections visit by MDM Executive Mayor, Nkakareng Rakgoale will provide the much needed aid as she gave strict timelines to those responsible to speed up their work. Simon Malatji from the Bosveld section raised concerns with alleged rotten former Bosveld hostel since 2010 and if nothing is done speedily corpses will be found in the premises. “It is true that Bosveld donated the hostel to us, but we will look into that issue as a matter of urgency,” Sono says. Eliyah Shokane and Adolf Malungane from Tipeng in Makhushane lambasted some residents hauling that Makhushane residents are not paying for their water consumptions. “You must be proud of where you were born. Makhushane is my forefathers land hence we cannot pay for water consumption. If you want to compete with us I suggest that you go back to your birth place,” noted Malungane. Other questions ranged from lack of adequate water supply at Matikoxikaya and Garden View, nepotism on allocation of RDP houses, allegations of municipal jobs only reserved for ANC members; long waiting periods for deeds of grants, alleged corrupt councillors, transparency on the tendering system, incomplete mast lights, lack of sports, arts and culture activities leading to crime, total neglect of disabled people and extension of EPWP job opportunities and remunerations. 3 4 COMMUNITY PHALABORWA HERALD Friday November 27, 2015 Jonico nominated for SA Awards Lulekani born and bred and multi-talented musician, Jonas “Jonico” Kabelo has been nominated for the SA Awards on the category best solo artist. Now in his mid thirties, Jonico has been in the music industry for over a decade and has already released two albums and currently working on the third one called Jonicollege and his second single Usasekile will be out around mid-November. “I am encouraging Phalaborwa, Mopani and Limpopo residents to vote for me by typing an sms with SA JONICO to 34050 and each sms will cost them R2.00. The awards will be held at Heartfelt Arena in Tshwane on 5 December 2015,” remarked Kobela. Besides being a musician, Jonico does your normal 9-5 daily job as a warehouse assistant in Johannesburg and also owns Kobela Production cc, an entertainment company that does music, events and films. “In the long run, we want be the best record company in SA competing with the likes of Kalawa. I participated on the music talent show called superstar search hosted by ETV (2006) and also at Mopani district music festival competition hosted by Capricorn FM. In February 2010, my first album (102 Tiko’s) was released,” he explained. His first album received airplay in the following radio stations: Munghana Lonene FM, Phalaborwa FM and Phala Phala FM. He previously voluntarily did music jingles for Dj Brian and Sydney Baloyi of Munghana Lonene FM, Dj Majulies of Phalaborwa FM, Thobela FM, GCR and Turf FM. The album was produced by Jack Mojapelo and Monde Kama. The above mentioned producers have also worked with Joe Nina, Senyaka, Joe Shirimani and Ali Katt just to mention a few of the well known artists they have worked with. Jonico has done few music videos and can be viewed on www.youtube.com by searching for Jonico Lesedi, Jonico and Tsakani. In October 2013, his second album Urban Tsonga was released and it received airplay in the following radio stations: Munghana Lonene FM (Lesedi), Phalaborwa FM (Maberete), Capricorn FM (Wete), Turf FM (Maberete & Lesedi), GTFM (Maberete), Univen FM (Kuhlupheka), BBR/Bush FM (Lesedi ) and Phalaphala FM & Alex FM. Kobela was nominated on the best artist in Phalaborwa, on the Phalaborwa Community Radio awards. He has strengthened the management by working with non-profit organisation called SIFE (VUT Ekurhuleni Campus) which is a global organization with the vision of mobilizing University students to make a difference in their respective communities. “We hosted a beauty pageant ‘Miss and Mr confidence’ and the main objective was to boost the confidence of underprivileged children from Arebaokeng Hospice who most of them their parents are either on their death beds or have passed on and also the children from child welfare. The event was hosted in 2012 at Moriting Primary School in Tembisa. In April 2012, they hosted a fundraising event (battle of the sexiest) to assist Tumelo Home for handicapped children as it was brought to their attention that they needed financial assistance. “We should not let people suffer just because they are used to suffering, before we can save and conquer the world we have to save and conquer our communities. Everyone has a social responsibility to uplift their communities hence we joined the 1st Annual Phalaborwa Youth Day on 16 June 2014 with other musicians to be that catalyst for change we want to see in our communities. A wise man once said “we make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give,” he concluded. SA AWARDS: Jonas “Jonico” Kobela is calling upon Limpopo residents to vote for him for the SA Awards on the category best solo arƟst by sending an sms with SA JONICO to 34050. PHALABORWA HERALD Friday November 27, 2015 ALGEMEEN Ondersteun Malariaweek Malaria is a dodelike maar voorkombare siekte en kom in dele van Suid-Afrika voor. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens (SANBS) gee erkenning aan Malariaweek in November deur die bloedvoorraad teen malaria te beskerm. Indien iemand malaria het kan dit, onder andere ,deur bloedoortappings en besmettenaalde oorgedra word. In 2013 het meer as ‘n halfmiljoen volwassenes en kinders wêreldwyd aan malaria gesterf en vandag woon 1.2 biljoen mense in gebiede waar die risiko hoog is. Hierdie is gewoonlik tropiese gebiede met swaar reënval, humiditeit en hoë temperature waar muskiete wat die siekte versprei kan gedy. In Suid-Afrika is die situasie minder ernstig - slegs 10% van die bevolking leef in hoë-risiko gebiede soos Limpopo, Mpumalanga en KwaZulu-Natal. Boonop dit is die verspreiding van malaria seisoenaal. Statistiek van die Wêreld-gesondheidsorganisasie (WGO) wys dat 104 van die 8 645 bevestigde malaria-gevalle in 2013 gesterf het. Die doeltreffendstemanier om te verhoed dat malaria opgedoen word, is om blootstelling aan malaria-draende muskiete te beheer en te beperk deur die gebruik van muskiet-nette en die toepaslike insekdoders. “Voorkoming verminder malaria wêreldwyd, maar Afrika is steeds die plek waar die meeste sterftes voorkom. Daarom is daar ‘n geleentheid om opvoeding en bewusmaking oor die epidemie te verbeter en beter maniere te vind wat die verspreiding kan beperk,” sê Thapelo Mokoena, die SANBS se hoofbemarkingamptenaar. Mense wat die grootste kans vir infeksie het, is jong kinders met onderontwikkelde immuunstelsels, mense met MIV en swanger vroue. Volgens Mokoena manifesteer malaria infeksies nie onmiddellik na blootstelling in alle pasiënte nie en simptome in ‘n skenker mag voorkom nadat bloed reeds geskenk is. Daarom is die bloeddiens se uitdaging dat mense wat melariagebiede besoek, vier weke na hulle terugkeer, moet wag voordat hulle weer kan bloed skenk. Die SANBS onderneem uitgebreide laboratorium prosedures as deel van ‘n geïntegreerde proses om elke eenheid bloed te toets vir infeksies wat algemeen in SuidAfrika voorkom soos MIV, Hepatitis B en C en sifilis. Om te voorkom dat malaria-besmettebloed na pasiënte oorgetap word, onderneem die SANBS omvattende onderhoude om inligting van skenkerste verkryen om hulle aan te moedig om malaria-vry te bly. Die bloeddiens mik daarop om 3 000 eenhede van bloed deur daaglikse veltogte en bloedskenkersentrums in agt provinsies in te samel. Mokoena sê dat as gevolg van die nood aan lewensreddende boedoortappings in Suid-Afrika, sal geen toegewings rakende voorkomingmaatreëls wat die SANBS maak, om die beskikbaarheid van genoegsame veilige bloed, geduld word nie. “Ons het groot waardering virdie skenkerswat onbaatsugtigdie geskenk van lewe, aan pasiënte gee. Die diensmoedig almal wat bloedskenk aan om alle vrae in die skenkervraelyseerlikte beantwoord. “Die SANBSmoedig mense aan wat vrae of bekommernisse oor bloedskenkinghet, om hulle naastebloedskenkersentrum te besoek. Die publiek kan ookdie tolvrye hulplyn (0800 11 9031) skakel of om metdie SANBS se sosiale media in verbinding te tree. Dis hoe ons almal ‘n deurslaggewende rol in die lewensreddende bloeddiens kan speel,” het Mokoena gesê. Why fireworks are bad for your animals There’s a good reason that fireworks are considered cruel by the SPCA: they’re a source of terror for many domestic animals and wildlife. Think of dogs and cats as having auditory ‘supersenses’: they hear sounds that we simply cannot detect. Also consider that a noise that sounds loud to us – such as a clap of thunder or firecracker – delivers an overwhelming, frightening assault on our pets’ senses, often causing them to panic. Facts: - Each year from early November, into the festive season and New Year, the SPCA Inspectorate is on high alert because the number and nature of animal emergencies caused by fireworks demands it. - Many pets respond to fireworks by fleeing in fear, which leads to them being knocked over by cars running in blind panic through glass doors, getting stuck in security gates or burglar bars suffering horrendous injuries and getting lost. - The weeks after Guy Fawkes and New Year are amongst the worst for the SPCA “Lost and Found” Department. The number of stray pets increases as a result of animals that have fled their homes in fear. - Fireworks are regulated by the Explosives Act (No 26 of 1956). The law states it is an offence to discharge any fireworks in a public place without an Explosives Permit, or to discharge them near any animal or in such a manner as to cause distress, fear, harm, pain or injury. - Children under the age of 16 may not – by law – buy and/or discharge fireworks without adult supervision. It’s also an offence to buy fireworks from an unlicensed dealer. How can you help? - Ensure your animals have identification – sudden load bangs cause pets to run away and get lost. - Ideally, stay at home with pets if you suspect fireworks will be used nearby. If you can’t be at home, keep pets indoors, in a room that is safe and secure with the curtains drawn. Leave on the radio or TV, at a reasonable volume, to help mask the sounds outside. - Put familiar and comforting things around them such as toys, baskets, etc. - Give them something to chew on – a chewy bone or catnip toys for cats. - If your pet reacts badly to fireworks, ask your vet for advice BEFORE fireworks season. Never, ever give medication for humans to animals. This includes paracetamol and products like “Rescue Remedy.” Effects on humans and animals are not the same. The consequences could be tragic indeed. The effects or consequences may not be immediate but long-term health damage could be caused to your pet. - Feed pets a nutritious and balanced meal at night, which may help them to relax. Take action- Help reduce the number of fireworks victims: report the irresponsible use of fireworks to the Police. 5 PHALABORWA HERALD Friday November 27, 2015 COMMUNITY YOUNG WOMEN IMPACTORS: Young Women Impactors leaders, members and the Ba-Phalaborwa community athleƟcs team. YOUNG WOMEN IMPACTORS: The founding members, Mmakgomo Malatji and Nobuhle Kapa ready to empower young women. Empowering young women Young Women Impactors is an organization dedicated to empowering young women from all different walks of life. Young Women Impactors is a non-profit organization by women for women, which urges to bring change in to the communities of Ba-Phalaborwa and beyond. This organization was founded in May 2015 by young ambitious women who saw the need to bring transformation in themselves and all the women in the different communities. YWI’s goal is to provide necessary assistance to young women and achieve independency security and togetherness; by aiding young women in attaining useful skills and resources to start micro enterprises. YWI’s vision is to see more developed, responsible and successful young women in the communities, who can stand by themselves and create a chain reaction in helping one another. YWI’s mission is to bring motivation and life skills seminars and workshops in the communities; to achieve hundred percent successful leaders and encouraging a highly participation women empowering environment.Young Women Impactors , in partnership with Lutheran Action Against Gender Violence (LAAGBV) and Phalaborwa FM Radio Station is coming together to create an Awareness programme on December 5 in support of 16 days of Activism for no violence against women and children. This Awareness programme will comprise of the following: • One hour walk in protest against women and children Abuse. (This will be a peaceful demonstration). • Guest speaker of the main event • Motivational talks from survivors of abuse • Educational talks from the Dept. of Health, SAPS, Dept. of Social Development and the Department of Justice on the procedure to follow if one become a victim by abuse. • Poetry, singing, drama and choral verse. • A Candle light ceremony. Aim of the event: • Breaking the convenient of abuse • Expose the abuse in families and communities. • Educate communities about the issues of abuse • Revive the spirit of respect and love • Restore harmonious relations • Promote peace and love in our homes and communities We as Young Women Impactors, together with Lutheran Action Against Gender Violence (LAAGVB) and Phalaborwa FM Radio Station we advocate for love, peace, respect and mutual understanding. 7 8 ALGEMEEN PHALABORWA HERALD Friday November 27, 2015 Vakansie-aktiwiteite nou reeds bestudeer Dames van die dorp het verlede week weer by Mica hardeware ‘n kurses geloop om verftegnieke baas te raak vir Desember se vakansieprojekte. Aanbieders, Tersia van Wyk and Liezel Jansen van Rensburg het gesorg vir pret saam met die leerproses terwyl die dames plankies met die nuutste guur van “chalkpaint” geverf en geskuur het. “Hierdie was ‘n basiese kursus om die tegniek baas te raak” het Tersia van Wyk tydens die demonstrasie gesê. “Ons sal in Desember die gevorderde kurus aanbied waar die dames dan ‘n skinkbord op hierdie manier gaan verfraai” het van Wyk bygevoeg. Dames geniet hierdie kursusse veral omdat daar nie eintlik iets in die dorp is om te doen nie en hierdie gee ook vir hulle ‘n kreatiewe uitlating” het Liezel Jansen van Resburg tussen die geskuurdery deur gesê. GROOT PRET MET VERFTEGNIEKE: Plaaslike vroue het verlede week ‘n heerlike verŅursus by Mica Hardeware bygewoon. PHALABORWA HERALD Friday November 27, 2015 GENERAL 9 What to do if you are a victim of fraud convinced to pay on the spot, but when scammers feel they’ve stolen enough money, they shut down the website and simply create a new one. How to avoid it: Ensure the agent is a member of Association of South African Travel Agents (ASATA) or International Air Transport Association (IATA), the bodies that protect the traveller should anything go wrong. *Scout Hellopeter.com to see if people are complaining about the operator. *Call the resort or hotel and ask if they are undergoing renovations, or if there is construction in the vicinity. The last thing you want is to be woken up by a jackhammer every morning. If you’ve been scammed, report the fraudsters to the police, various travel associations and publications that you saw them advertise in. Sadly, it will be difficult to get a refund. The workplace : Workplace theft increases over the festive season, because people typically have more expenses. “Work is a perfect environment for a would-be fraudster to gain access to your personal details - most of us have a PC on our desks that we routinely use to access our internet banking,” explains Mr Patel. How to avoid it: Don't allow open access to your PC, and never share your password with co-workers. *If your company is upgrading or installing new computer systems, make sure the hard drive on your old system is permanently erased after transferring all your data. *Only carry the personal information and bank cards that you really need for your daily routine at work. Also make sure that you know where your wallet is at all times and never leave it in an unlocked desk. If you’ve been defrauded, go to your manager or boss and report the crime - they may have access to CCTV that could help you find the perpetrator. Report the theft at the police station and inform your bank that your accounts have been compromised. If your cards have been cloned, make a list of all unauthorised transactions. “Give your bank as much information as possible to assist them in their investigations,” says Mr Patel. “Unfortunately, if someone has accessed your account online because you compromised your login details and PIN, the bank may not be able to assist you in recovering all the funds. ATM fraud: ATM fraud is as common as the methods are varied, and distracted holidaymakers are the jackpot for these fraudsters. The three typical types are: *Card swapping: Criminals distract you while you are entering your PIN and then swap your card. *Card skimming: This involves tampering with an ATM by placing an additional card reader over the ATM’s card reader. With a hidden camera, fraudsters steal your card details and PIN. *Vandalism: Criminals vandalise ATMS to force you to use ones in poorly lit, quiet areas, or to trap your card in the card reader. As a result, the following may happen: *You key in your PIN while being observed from a distance. *The criminal offers you the use of a cellphone to cancel your card. They then dial an accomplice who claims to be a bank official. *The criminal advises you to key in your PIN and press the cancel button to retrieve your card. This won’t work, but while you are entering your PIN, the criminal memorises it and removes your card once you have left. How to avoid it: Check for visible signs that the ATM has not been tampered with before you transact specifically where you insert your card. *If your card is swallowed, don’t accept help from strangers. Immediately call your bank to cancel it instead. *Stand close to the ATM and use your hand and body as shields when entering your PIN. “If you’ve been defrauded, contact your bank immediately to cancel your card, and alert the closest security guard of the event,” advises Mr Patel. “If your card has been cloned, and funds withdrawn from your account, register your claim with your bank as soon as possible. Identity theft: Identity theft is a form of fraud in which someone pretends to be someone else by assuming that person's identity. The purpose of identity theft is predominantly to access resources or to obtain credit or other benefits in the victim’s name. It can be many months before you find out, and it can take a long time to undo the damage to your credit reputation. How to avoid it: Shred all documents that contain your personal information and do not throw anything away that someone else could use to impersonate you. *Make sure all your accounts have strong passwords that are not easy to decipher. *Never just respond to an e-mail or sms that asks you to insert or update your personal and banking information by clicking on a website link provided in the content of the message. Rather copy and paste the link into your internet browser, as this will enable you to determine whether you are accessing an authentic website, or not. *If you receive a call from an unknown individual who requests personal information, rather offer to call them back to verify that the number they have given you in fact belongs to the correct company. *Be careful with the type of information that you share on social media sites and make use of privacy settings. *Only carry identification documentation when it’s absolutely necessary and keep these documents safely locked away when not in STOP FRAUD: Very few people escape the unpleasant experience of being defrauded at least once in their lifeƟme, but how you react to it can minimise the damage it causes to your psyche and your wallet. Photos illustraƟon only. use. *Do not get taken in by scammers who send messages telling you that you have won a prize, or inherited money. *Periodically examine your credit report to ensure that there has been no unauthorised activity in your name. You are entitled to 1 free credit report per year from the credit bureaus. *Ask the credit bureau to put an alert on your account if they are approached by credit providers. If you’ve been defrauded, report the matter to the police and the Southern African Fraud Prevention Service (SAFPS) on 0860 101 248. “There is no doubt that it is better to prevent these unfortunate events, than fix them,” says Patel. “By familiarising yourself with potential danger zones and staying especially cautious in crowded holiday destinations, you should be able to have fraud-free festive season.” INSOLVENT ESTATE AUCTION Very few people escape the unpleasant experience of being defrauded at least once in their lifetime, but how you react to it can minimise the damage it causes to your psyche and your wallet. There are many different ways fraudsters can dip into your pockets, and with the holiday season coming up, these criminals know you will be transacting more and, perhaps, not be as guarded. “As always, prevention is better than cure, so familiarise yourself with the typical scams that occur over the festive season,” says Nitesh Patel, Head of Customer Financial Solutions, Personal Banking at Standard Bank. “However, such criminal activity is not limited to the end of year, so it pays to remain vigilant all year round.” Some common scams include: Travel scams Holiday accommodation: A con-artist will place an advert for a holiday home on the internet. They will invite an email or a phone call if you are interested. Once you contact them, they may send you details and pictures of the accommodation, and request a minimum of a 50% deposit to secure the booking. It all looks legitimate at this point, but what you don’t know is that they have been collecting deposits from many people for the same fake unit. How to avoid it: Ask the holiday vendor for the details of the body corporate or management office to match the name with the owner. If it’s a private person, ask for employment details and a copy of their ID. If they are not legitimate, they will balk at this. *A scammer will rarely agree to meet and show you the property, but if they do, they may claim that they don’t have keys, but you can ‘look from the outside’. This is a huge red flag. *Ask the vendor to chat to you on skype and then do a screenshot to get a copy of their image in case of illegal activity. *Use Google Maps to ensure that the property actually exists. *Scam artists usually choose free methods of advertising. *Try to negotiate a smaller deposit and agree to the balance on the day you get access. This will limit your losses if you are scammed. If you’ve been scammed, report the perpetrator to the police as soon as possible, and then contact the publication or website in which you saw the ad to get them banned. Also report them on other platforms such as Hellopeter, Facebook and Twitter. “Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get your money back, but by reporting them, at least you can stop others from falling prey to the scam,” says Patel. Fake travel agencies: Fraudsters create high-quality websites for fake travel agencies, offering too-good-to-be-true deals. Hundreds of would-be tourists are CR & SM VAN WYK Master’S Ref Number: T0501/15 PHALABORWA FOUR BEDROOM HOME 18 Frans du Toit Street INSOLVENT ESTATE The property is ideally situated less than 2km away from the Kruger National Park and features an entrance hall and separate lounge and galley kitchen opening into a scullery. All four bedrooms are tiled with built in cupboards and ceiling fans and there are two bathrooms. A single garage with a roller door allows for direct access to the house. The outbuildings include staff quarters and a store room. Burglar bars and security gates provide security to the property. Please note the property has been vandalised - refer to the brochure on our website for details. THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO A RESERVE. VIEWING By Appointment GREG 083 256 3179 [email protected] 8 December 2015 - 12H00 On Site Auctioneer Greg Branford For the Rules of Auction and Sale Agreement go to www.auctionexchange.co.za. The sale is Subject to a Reserve. The seller reserves the right to bid up to the Reserve Price and the Auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of the seller. All bidders must register and pay a refundable registration fee of R30 000. www.auctionexchange.co.za WEB REF 0377 10 CLASSIFIEDS 0000 NOTICES 0006 CHURCH SERVICES AGS - CHARISMA GEMEENTE PHALABORWA Hardekoolstraat. Sondag oggend diens en kinderkerk o m 0 9 : 0 0 . Aanddiens om 18:30. Dinsdae selkerk om 19:00. Navrae: Past. Sampie Cronjé by 082 787 1192 of 015-781-1747 SV001809 PINKSTER PROTESTANTE KERK SHEKINAH BEDIENING H/V Pres. Kruger en Pres. Boshoff straat. Sondag oggend Sondagskool 08:30, Sondag oggend diens 09:30, Sondag aanddiens 18:30, Woensdag biduur 19:00, Vrydag jeugdiens 19:00 Kontak asb Pastoor Wouter Deysel op 0721830004 of Jan Engelbrecht op 0834813555 SV001821 LEDE IN CHRISTUS HOREB GEMEENTE 17 Blue Crane straat, Phalaborwa.Pastoor Schalk Potgieter Sel: 079 498 6444. Dienstye: Sondag oggend 9:30, Sondagaand 18:00. Woensdag aande biduur & Bybelstudie 19h00 SV001807 NEON CHURCH GRACE REVEALED DECLARING YOUR INNOCENCE! Pastor Danie & Tashai van Wyk. 27 Palm street, Phalaborwa. Thursday 6pm. Contact 015 781 1122 or 072 583 6188 SV001814 ANGLICAN CHURCH St. Francis By the Gate. 76 Grosvenor Crecent Phalaborwa. Sunday 9:00am. Holy Communion & Junior Church. Manche Masemola Namakgale, 7:00am. S t M a r y ` s Mashishimane 8:00am. St Phillips Mahushane 9:00am Rev. Shearsby Mapfudzapake. Tel: 015 781 0142 Cell: 073 969 0377 SV001966 NEW LIFE BABTIST CHURCH 64 Grosvenor Street (opposite Impala Park) Services on Sunday at 09:00 and 18:30. Youth on Friday at 19:00 Contact Pastor Jonathan Rutherford at 015 781 0109 or 076 865 0259 SV001815 NG KERK PHALABORWA H/v Grosvernor en Mauritz Laan, Tel: 015 781 0966, Faks: 015 781 0967 e-pos: ngphala @telkomsa.net. Oggend diens 09:30, Aand diens 18:00, Jnr Kategese 08:00, Snr Kategese 19:00. Doop - normaalweg eerste Sondag van die maand. Ds. Carl Schoeman en Ds. Otto van Heerden SV001816 ANTIOCH CHRISTIAN RACHAM CHURCH Branches: Namakgale, Maseke, Mashishimale, Makushane. Sunday service 9:30am. Wednesday 17:00pm. Come and fellowship with us. Remember Jesus is the ANSWER. CONTACT PASTER E.MASEKO 061 030 5201 SV001818 CHRIST EMBASSY PHALABORWA Sir Val Dunken. Technical Institution Namakgale Phalaborwa. Contacts: 078-703-0367/ 082-963-2294/ 072-299-1572 SV001810 SEWENDE DAG ADVENTISTE KERK Cloth of Gold Street, Phalaborwa. Dienstye: Saterdag: 09:30 - Sabbatskool / Studie Program, 1 1 : 0 0 Erediens.Indien u enige gebedsleiding of versoeke nodig het, skakel 082 333 2352 Vir enige ander inligting skakel 082 490 3219 SV001823 RESURRECTED JESUS CHRIST CHURCH (RJCC) NAMAKGALE Tuesdays:Morning 07H00 - 08H00, Tuesdays: Evening 17H30, Thursdays: Womans Church: 17H30, Sundays: 09h30 Contact 072 314 3267 SV001817 Seventh Day Adventist Church SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH. A people of love with a message of hope....300 Calvin Ngobeni street, Namakgale. Sabbath (Saturday) morning 9am. Prayer meeting: Wednesdays 5-6pm. Contacts: 076 178 8204, 082 558 2886. SV001822 EVANGELIES GEREFORMEERDE KERK PHALABORWA Waterbessie straat 3. Sondag skool 07:45. Oggend diens - 09:30. Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae biduur - 19:00. Jeug Vrydae 19:00. Almal welkom!! Vir enige navrae kontak Ds. Jan B e k k e r o p 072-677-7070. SV001819 GEREFORMEERDE KERK PHALABORWA Jansensingel 67, Eerste erediens:08:30. Tweede erediens: 09:45. Katkisasie direk na tweede erediens. Bybelstudie: Dinsdae 08:00 en 17:30. Bybelskool(huis en tuinwerkers): Maandae 13:00. Kerkkantoor: 015 781 1373. Ds Franscois Pretorius. Sel: 071 600 5485 en Pastorie: 015 7817408. soois82 @gmail.com SV001805 KINGDOM WORLD CITY INT Apostle DR Kuhlengisa invites you to Kingdom World City Int at 18 Grey Street, Phalaborwa, opposite Zorba Supperette. Sunday 09:00 to 11:30 and Tuesday 6pm to 8pm. Reining as kings in life SV001820 Nkowankowa Prayer Meetings. Every Tuesday at 18H00. Ritavi Primary School room 3. Come see God answering your prayers. SMS your prayer request 073-655-5595 YM012577 ONEWAY CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES Corner Appelblaar & Haarlem Streets. Sunday morning 09:00, Sunday evening 17:30. Find us on Facebook for information on special guest speakers and much more. Contact Coenie Maritz on 176 711 8935 SV001806 PRAISE TABERNACLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 17 Park Street Sunday morning 09:30 Junior church 09:30 Sunday evening 18:00 Tuesday 18:30 Pastor Billy & Lorraine de Beer: 015-781-7356 /0833108672 SV001808 R75 The ad will appear in the Letaba,Phalaborwa and Hoedspruit Herald with a block around. PHALABORWA HERALD Friday November 27, 2015 PS JB SHIRINDA Sunday Service 10h00: Childrens Church 09h00, Tuesdays: 14h00 (healing and deliverance). Thursdays: 17h00 Woman`s Church, Fridays 16h00 Youth Service For further enquiries please contact Mr Tebogo Maganyane at 072 314 3267 SV001811 0008 EMPLOYMENT WANTED LOOKING FOR WORK Derick is currently looking for any jobs relating driving. I am 25 years old and willing to learn various trades in any line of work that requires driving. Contact Derick on 072 146 4535 SV002088 LOOKING FOR WORK I am looking for a job as domestic worker. I have 25 years experience in house work and childcare. Full time of part time. Contact Onica on 079 752 8793 SV002107 Heerlike vakansiewoonstel te huur op Xai-Xai se hoofstrand. 4 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer. Teenaan die see. Skakel 082-804-0444. KOSIE`S OLD BUSINESS 4 Ton truck for all your garden/building rubble removal @ R380 per load. Furniture removal free quotes. Contact Carl/Carol 082 872 3705, 082 888 9501, 061 950 7320 0016 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LUI-GAT CLEANERS Specializing in the cleaning of carpets, lounge suites, base sets & mattresses, car valets and caravans Contact Nicky on 073 510 2817 or 015 781 3504 SV001973 YM012582 LOOKING FOR WORK I am looking for a job as shelf packer, painter, gardening or car wash. Contact Donald on 083 247 9901 SV002046 LOOKING FOR WORK I am looking for work as a geologist /geographer /environmentalist, if not then any other field as a trainee. I have 3 years teaching experience. Contact Shawn on 072 471 6921 ABENI AIR Airconditioning, maintenance, service, supplying and installation. Refrigeration and elecrtical. Contact Adolph on 072 618 3146 or [email protected] SV002048 SV002010 M.S. CONSTRUCTION Building/Alterations. Plumbing/Electrical. Tiling/Paving. Painting /Maintenance For Free Quotations call Manie at 083 750 6357 SV002122 SV002118 LOOKING FOR WORK I am 28 years old and I am looking for a job as housekeeper, baby care, cashier and stock taking. Contact Rosina on 082 536 3136 PAVING / PRE CAST WALLS For free quotes on paving and pre-cast walls Call Hennie at 083 626 7102 office 015 781 0413 or call Gavin at 082 902 8867 0014 NURSERIES SV002047 LOOKING FOR WORK I am 28 years old and I am looking for a j o b a s housekeeper, baby care, cashier and stock taking. Contact Rosina on 082 536 3136 SV002123 SV002110 LOOKING FOR WORK I am a 34 year old woman looking for a job. I have matric, computer literacy certificate and a code 10 driver`s license. I have experience in cashier work, general work and even domestic work. Contact Sbongile on 062 675 9082 LETABA REKENMEESTERS Finansiële State. Belastingsopgawes. Belastingadvies. Boedelberedding. NCR Registrasie. Veranderings van BK`s. Trust en Maatskappy Registrasies. Debietorder Stelsels. Boekhouding. Belasting Hersienings. Belasting Suspensies. Professionele Rekenmeesters (SA). Skakel Jaco D e W e t 082-804-4158 of 015-307-6202/3 SV002111 LOOKING FOR WORK I am looking for a domestic job. Monday to Friday. I can clean, wash & iron. I am 45 years old. Contact Annicky on 078 062 8367 SV002140 LOOKING FOR WORK I am looking for a job as Driver or Same skilled Electrician or Dump truck Operator Conract Ronald on 074 422 7698 SV002134 LOOKING FOR WORK I am looking for a job as cashier or any other job and I have experience of SETA wholesale and retail, representative and drivers lisence code 10 Contact Mojera on 073 675 5246 SV002089 LOOKING FOR WORK I am looking for a job as domestic worker. I can wash & iron. Full time or piece job welcome Contact Rosinah on 078 331 0966 SV002087 LOOKING FOR WORK I am looking for a job as general cleaner. Contact Amukelani on 071 713 2645 SV002084 PAVING / PRE CAST WALLS For free quotes on paving and pre-cast walls Call Hennie at 083 626 7102 office 015 781 0413 or call Gavin at 082 902 8867 SV002130 0017 SERVICES YM012569 0015 ACCOMMODATION Vakansie Akkomodasie beskikbaar by Perna Perna Umdloti 24 Junie tot 1 Julie 2016. 3 Slaapkamers (Maksimum 6 persone). Skakel 079-228-1001 vir verdere inligting. YM012534 Lang naweek akkomodasie beskikbaar by Kruger Park Lodge, Hazyview. 29 April 2016 tot 2 Mei 2016. 1 Slaapkamer (Maksimum 4 persone) Skakel 079 228 1001 vir verdere inligting. YM012535 APPROVED THATCHED ROOFS, HARVEY ROOFS, HARVEY THATCH ROOFING, WOODEN DECKS, JUNGLE GYMS. CALL WALT AT 082-872-5530 YM012566 MOLLDROMAT LAUNDRY SERVICE We still have the best prices and 15 years experience. Your mending done also, same day service. Blankets, duvets, overalls, ext. ext. Glad to be of service to you. For any info call 071 288 3984 SV002049 CARPET CLEANING / POOL REPAIRS Cleaning of carpets, lounge suites, chairs and matresses. NOTE: pool repairs, cracks, paint, pipes and pump replacements Phone Danie on 084 652 2258 SV001692 AJ Electrical. Skakel ons vir alle elektriese werk in en om Phalaborwa. Alle werk gewaarborg en gedoen onder eienaar se toesig Skakel 3003 073 577 SV002125 PHALABORWA HERALD Friday November 27, 2015 CLASSIFIEDS 0020 TRANSPORT / TAXIS / COURIERS MEUBELVERVOER Vervoer en verpak van meubels landswyd sowel as plaaslik. Marlien 083-252-8928 YM012560 11 FOR SALE: R750 000 HOUSE WITH ONE BEDROOM FLAT Lounge, dining room, kitchen with wooden cupboards, study, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, outside patio, build-in braai, servants room and store room. FLAT: Spacious lounge and kitchen with 1 bedroom and bathroom. Contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties SV002154 VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015-345-1192/ 084-627-0956/ 076-410-9503/ 082-851-7139 epos: troktrek@ mweb.co.za web: www.steynberg meubelvervoer.com 0018 ENTERTAINMENT CROCODILES FOR AFRICA Agatha Crocodile Ranch (Tzaneen) Feeding shows daily 9AM - 4PM. Braai facilities available. Educational school shows. www.agatha-crocod i l e . c o . z a agathacroc@ vodamail.co.za TEL: 015-307-4398 / 082-562-5004 / 072-114-0132. YM012571 0023 PROPERTIES FOR SALE COMBRETUM GARDEN COTTAGE FOR SALE R800 000 2 Bedrooms, both with en-suite bathrooms, kitchen with build-in cupboards, sitting room. Patio with build-in braai, prepaid electicity and car port. Contact Tersia at 015 781 3854 or 082 954 4670 SV002131 YM012581 JUMBO BOAT CRUISES Enjoy the ultimate wildlife experience on the Olifants River. tourinfo@ intekom.co.za www. riversafaris. co.za Tel: 083 580 5703 SV002133 JUMBO BOAT CRUISES Enjoy the ultimate wildlife experience on the Olifants River. tourinfo@ intekom.co.za www. riversafaris. co.za Tel: 083 580 5703 SV001657 JUMBO BOAT CRUISES Enjoy the ultimate wildlife experience on the Olifants River. tourinfo@ intekom.co.za www. riversafaris. co.za Tel: 083 580 5703 SV002128 0019 PETS CORNER PUPS FOR SALE Rotweiler pups for sale. Born 20 October 2015. Dad pedigree, mom not. Please phone for price. Contact Cindy on 079 490 8995 SV002141 R30 Per week per advert in the Letaba Herald (30 words) R60 The ad will appear in the Letaba, Phalaborwa & Hoedspruit Herald FOR SALE: R1,45M FAMILY HOME Beautiful family home that consists of a lounge, dining room, kitchen with wooden cupboards, 3 bedrooms with build-in cupboards, 2 bathrooms, outside laundry, double garage automated doors, patio in front and back, swimming pool, build-in braai, outside toilet, air-conditioning throughout the house, sprinkler irrigation system, security beams around house and a beautiful maintained garden. Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties SV002151 FOR SALE: R650 000 HOUSE IN NEW PART OF TOWN Lounge, dining room, open plan kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 single garages, automated front gate, front yard irrigation system. Contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties SV002153 FOR SALE: R680 000 PRICE REDUCED Lounge, Dining room, Study, 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Kitchen, Laundry, Garage, Patio, Swimming pool, Servants room with toilet and shower, Alarm system, Electric motor gate, Electrical facilities are fitted to have a generator connected, 5000 L water tank with pressure pump. Situated in Phalaborwa South. Contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties SV002150 FOR SALE: R800 000 WELL SITUATED AND QUITE AREA Entrance hall, lounge, dining room, 3 bedrooms with build-in cupboards, 1 bathroom with separate toilet, kitchen with steel cupboards, outside laundry, carport for 1 vehicle, servants room with toilet and shower. Contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties SV002155 FOR SALE: R925 000 BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR A FAMILY Newly painted renovated property that consist of a lounge, dining room, 3 bedrooms with build-in cupboards, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with wooden cupboards, scullery, outside laundry, 1 lock-up garage, shade cloth parking, patio, swimming pool, build-in braai, servants toilet and shower, all round roof fans and air-conditioning. Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties SV002152 PRIVATE HOUSE FOR SALE 3 Bedroom/ main bedroom with own bathroom, 1½ bathrooms, open plan kitchen and living rrom, laundry/ outside braai area with swimming pool, big entertainment area with indoor braai. 3 Bedroom flat with own laundry, parking for 10 vehicles, water tank with pump, 17.5kva generator Phone Wessel for more info on 082 457 2397 SV002014 0024 PROPERTIES TO LET BACHELOR FLAT FOR RENT Furnished bachelor flat R4500pm. Single person, water & lights included. Aircon, one parking, 1 x DSTV channel. Deposit required. Contact Petra on 083 449 5991 SV002086 BLYPLEK GESOEK Dame soek baie dringend leefbare buitekamer met geriewe / bachelors flat om te huur. Het 2 honde Kontak 060 8399 365 of 082 969 3532 FLAT TO RENT Immediately available. R3500pm. Very neat 2 bedroom flat. 3 aircons(fully serviced). Prepaid meter, water included. Lock up garage for one car. No children or animals allowed. Contact Charmaine on 082 8044 235 SV002090 TO LET : R10 000 THATCH ROOF PROPERTY Spacious house with open plan lounge dining room and kitchen with gas stove, 3 bedrooms and 3 bathroom en-suite, laundry and scullery, lapa with build-in braai and bar counter, swimming pool, double garage, extra room for salon etc. FLATLET: Open plan lounge and kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties SV002148 TO LET: R7000 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE PARTLY FURNISHED - IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Lounge, Open-plan kitchen, Laundry, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Loft, Swimming pool, Cleaner for house once a week, Garden service and water included and a pre-paid meter - NO ANIMALS. Contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties SV002145 TO LET: R11 500 LOVELY HOME Lounge, dining room, TV room, 3 bedrooms with build-in cupboards, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with wooden cupboards, scullery, laundry, double garage, carport, outside patio, swimming pool, servants room with toilet and shower, sprinkler irrigation system, electric motor gate and a well maintained garden. Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties TO LET: R6200 CLOSE TO AIRPORT Lounge, dining room, open plan kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 single garages, automated front gate, front yard irrigation system. Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties SV002143 TO LET: R6600.00 CLOSE TO CBD IMMEDIATEY AVAILABLE Entrance hall, lounge, dining room, TV room, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen with steel cupboards, front sprinkler irrigated and big yard. Contact Douw-Marie 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties SV002156 TO LET: R6600 STANDARD LIVING HOME Lounge, dining room, 3 bedrooms with build-in cupboards, 1 bathroom, Spacious kitchen, lock-up garage, outside laundry, servants toilet and shower. Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties SV002144 TO LET: R7500 NICE AND COSY FAMILY HOME - AVAILABLE 1ST FEBRUARY 2016 Lounge, dining room, 3 bedrooms with build-in cupboards, 2 bathrooms, kitchen and laundry, servants room with toilet and shower, swimming pool, patio with build-in braai and palisade fencing in front. contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties SV002146 WOONSTEL TE HUUR 2 Slaapkamer woonstel te huur. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2015. Eie koopkrag, water is ingesluit. R3800pm. Kontak Susan by 079 503 5080 SV002139 SV002149 TO LET: R8800 IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Entrance hall, lounge, dining room, study, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, laundry, 3 garages, carport, outside toilet and shower, garden shed, pre-paid, alarm system. Contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties SV002147 WOONSTEL TE HUUR 1 Slaapkamer woonstel onmiddelik beskikbaar. Groot moderne badkamer, baie kaste, stoep, gasstoof. Gebruik van lapa en swembad. Geen diere. W & L ingesluit. R3860pm. Kontak Rene by 079 524 1590 WOONSTEL TE HUUR Ruim 2 slaapkamer woonstel. Baie netjies met eie tuin, oopplan kombuis/leef area, onderdak parkering. Koopkrag, water ingesluit. R3500pm plus deposito Kontak Jan by 083 988 5367 SV002157 0025 TO HIRE TLB for rent. JCB 3CX, 4x4. Excellent operator. Very good rates and top service. Phone 083-580-2078. YM012587 0027 VEHICLES SV002160 SV002137 FLAT TO RENT 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, aircon in main bedroom. Carport fir 1 car. Prepaid electricity. Very safe with high walls and electric fencing. No animals, No porta pools. R3800pm plus deposit Call 083 527 0433 TO LET: R3800 SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOM FLAT Open-plan lounge and kitchen with wooden cupboards, 1 spacious bedroom with bathroom, water incl. NO ANIMALS contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties I buy and sell new and secondhand cars. With 30 years of experience in the trade you can`t go wrong. Call Erl at 083-993-3266 to buy or sell your pre-loved vehicle. SV002050 SV002142 YM012524 Te Koop 2006 Nissan Almera 1.6 lux. R65000.00. 2004 Isuzu 300 LX, dubbel kajuit, 4x4. R85000.00. Kontak Erl 083 993 3266 YM012589 0035 FOR SALE FOR SALE Boston Terrier puppies for sale. R500 only 2 left Contact 072 560 7985 SV002158 FOR SALE Warman & Envirotech pumps for sale. New and re-conditioned Contact Willie vd Walt on 083 580 5703 SV002132 FOR SALE W a r m a n & Envirotech pumps for sale. New and re-conditioned Contact Willie vd Walt on 083 580 5703 SV001659 FOURWHEELER TE KOOP 450YFZ met R6 Yamaha motor. Alles werk mooi en baie vinnig. Ombouing in Pretoria laat doen. R45 000 Kontak Kobus by 071 765 4767 SV002159 INSTANT LAWN LM & Coastal Buffalo (Swazi) Instant lawn @ R25 per sq.m. Phone Frik Horak at 073-548-3684. Come and fetch. YM012562 MANGO AND PALM TREES FOR SALE Grafted at R25 and Palms from R10 5L bag.QUADS FOR HIRE R300per hour plus R150 lifting. Doug 083-453-2228. Sunland Nursery. ACCOMMODATION available AT WORLDS BIGGEST BAOBAB. 5 Chalets ensuite. R300 p/p. Contractors Wendy houses/caravans etc. R100 p/p. Heather 082-413-2228 YM012573 Tzaneen Salvage Store CC: We buy and sell new and second hand goods. Jaco 082 804 4158 YM012588 R75 The ad will appear in the Letaba, Phalaborwa and Hoedspruit Herald with a block around. 12 SKOLENUUS 0051 LEGAL NOTICES BAPHALABORWA LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME 2008, AMENDMENT SCHEME 43 TOWN PLANNING NOTICE. We, Land Development Services, being the authorised agent to apply on behalf of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice to rezone Erf 2643, Namakgale-B Township from "Residential 1" to "Residential 2" for purposes of erectingdwelling units for rental accommodation, simultaneously with relaxation of density in terms of clause 20 of the scheme, that we have applied to the Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality for the amendment of the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2008. Particulars of the applications will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager, Spatial Planning and Land Use Management, Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Street, Phalaborwa, for a period of 28 days from 30 November 2015. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390, within a period of 28 days from 30 November 2015.Address of Agent: 09 Birkenhead Street, Phalaborwa, 1389, Cell: 078 621 2138 Email: info @landevs.co.za BA PHALABORWA GRONDGEB RUIKSBESTUURSKEMA 2008, WYSIGINGSKEMA 43 DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA KENNISGEWING Ons, Land Development Services, synde die gemagtigde agent van toepassing namens die eienaar van die eiendom hieronder genoem, gee hiermee is om Erf 2643, Namakgale-B Township vanaf "Residensieel 1" na "Residensieel 2" vir die oprigting van wooneenhede eenhede vir huurakkommodasie, gelyktydig met verslapping van digtheid in terme van klousule 20 van die skema, dat ons vir die wysiging van die Ba-Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2008 Besonderhede van die aansoeke aansoek gedoen het om die Munisipaliteit Ba-Phalaborwa Plaaslike sal lê terinsae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder, Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur, Burgersentrum, Nelson Mandela Straat, Phalaborwa, vir `n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 30 November 2015. Besware teen of vertoe ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne of skriftelik gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by BaPhalaborwa Munisipaliteit, Privaatsak X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390, binne `n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 30 November 2015.Adres van agent: 09 Birkenhead Straat, Phalaborwa, 1389, Sel: 078 621 2138 E-pos: info @landevs.co.za YM012651 NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (NORTH GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA) Case No: 36181 /12 In the matter between:SAFE FARM VENTURES (PTY) LTD Plaintiff and FARM CHESTER CC Defendant KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that in execution of the judgment of the above Honourable Court granted on 22 February 2013 and a warrant of execution issued, the undermentioned property will be sold voetstoots in execution by public auction held at 13 Naboom Street, Phalaborwa, to the highest bidder on 4 December 2015 at 10h00:- Remaining extent of the Farm Chester 754 Registration division L.T Limpopo Province Measuring 1 118,4019 (One Thousand One Hundred and Eighteen, four zero one nine) Hectares Held by certificate of consolidated title number T940/1998 Deed of transfer number T940/1998 CONDITIONS OF SALE The property will be sold in execution and voetstoots to the highest bidder by public auction and subsequent to the provisions and conditions of the High Court rules as amended and the rules applicable thereto and also the servitudes and conditions attaching to the property contained in the relevant title deeds; The following information is furnished but not guaranteed:The immovable property consists of a farm measuring 1 118, 4019 hectares and includes residential premises consisting of 1 lounge, 1 dining room, 1 kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom as well as an outside building consisting of 1 lounge, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms as well a storage building / store. The full and complete Conditions of Sale will be announced by the sheriff of the High Court or the Auctioneer immediately before the sale and will lie for inspection at the offices of the Sheriff of the Court, Phalaborwa; The payment shall be effected in accordance with clause 5 of the Conditions of Sale and inter alia, as follows:-Ten percent (10%) of the purchase price on the day of the sale; and The balance together with interest thereon in accordance with clause 5.4 of the Conditions of Sale, which payment shall be secured by an approved bank or building society guarantee with in fourteen (14) days of the date of the sale. Dated at PRETORIA on this the 16th day of OCTOBER 2015. SPRINGER ` NEL ATTORNEYS Plaintiff`s Attorney 3rd Floor 71 Loop Street CAPE TOWN, 8001 Tel: 021 426- 1521 Fax: 021 426-1531 (Ref: A Springer/dr /W04996) c/o JOHN TRIBELHORN ATTORNEYS Sanwood Park No. 4 1st Floor 379 Queens Crescent Lynnwood Pretoria (Ref: H van Zyl) THE REGISTRAR OF THE HIGH COURT YM012649 NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN Case No : 3527 /2012 In the matter between :EH HASSIM HARDWARE (PTY) LTD EXECUTION CREDITOR and PHETHEGO PROJECTS (PTY) LTD 1ST EXECUTION DEBTOR NELETSANA MARGARET MANGENA 2ND EXECUTION DEBTOR PURSUANT to a Court Order granted by the Magistrate TZANEEN given on the 01ST day of JUNE 2015 the under-mentioned property will be sold at the OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF, 13 NABOOM STREET, PHALABORWA at 10:00am on 04 DECEMBER 2015 by the Sheriff for the Magistrate Court NAMAKGALE to the highest bidder for cash, namely: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: ERF 23, NAMAKGALE-E TOWNSHIP REGISTRATION DIVISION L.U., LIMPOPO PROVINCE IN EXTENT: 690.0000 (six nine zero point zero zero zero zero) SQUARE METRES HELD BY DEED OF GRANT TG1992 /1988LB PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 23 THABO STREET, NAMAKGALE-E PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: THERE IS ONLY A SMALL STRUCTURE ON THE ERF MADE OF MUD AND REEDS TERMS: The purchase price shall be paid as to 10% (TEN PERCENT) thereof on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance together with interest thereon as stated in the conditions of sale, to date of registration of transfer, shall be paid or secured by the delivery of an acceptable bank or building society guarantee within 14 days of the date of sale. The full and complete conditions of sale which will be read immediately prior to the sale, may be inspected at the offices of the Sheriff, 13 NABOOM STREET, PHALABORWA. DATED AT TZANEEN ON THE 02ND DAY OF NOVEMBER 2015. SUNé DU PLESSIS ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF KAMPHERBEEK TWINE & POGRUND C/O VAN VUUREN ATTORNEYS 38 BOUNDARY STREET,TZANEEN P.O BOX 3968, TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 6912; FAX 086 600 3254 REF. LJ VAN VUUREN /NDB/RV0666 YM012650 PHALABORWA HERALD Friday November 27, 2015 ROOISKOOL KONDIG HULLE LEIERS AAN ROOISKOOL SE NUWE LEERLINGRAAD AANGEKONDIG: Voor van links Bennie Mashumu, Zandrea Swart, Tinstsoalo Mazibila, Suné Smit, BeƩy Thari, Sea marobela, Michelle Bahlmann, Jenna Shannon. Agter: ReƟef Fourie, Gcina Chinhama, Andrú Miller, Christelle Visser (Onderhoofdogter), Brenda Hermann (Hoofdogter), Rain Terblanche (Hoofseun), Moosa Khoza (onderhoofseun), Kgothatso Motlobuka, Jamie-Lee Calitz, Sonele Sodo. R50 The ad will appear in the Letaba, Phalaborwa and Mopani Herald SKOLIERPATROLLIE ENGELSE KLAS: Voor van links: Tiyane Shilaluke, Levana Majadibodu, Murwa Rathogwa, Khanimamba Mthombeni, Ingrid Moraba, Katlego Gezane, Mokgadi Rammalo. Agter: Shongi Shikwambana, Shaun Mashale, Ashley van Jaarsveld, Promise Mohlahlo, Junior Shikwambana, Tshina Maphalu, Precious Rasakanya, Thoko Mkondwane. R60 The ad will appear in the Letaba, Phalaborwa & Hoedspruit Herald MEDIALEIERS: Van links: Handrich Kotze, Nicolene Blom, Marischka Peters, Sharinda de Wet, Kunene Mavasa (Afwesig: Lynn-Mari Klopper.) PHALABORWA HERALD Friday November 27, 2015 SCHOOLNEWS 13 GROENSKOOL MEISIES TOON BESTE VORDERING KING FISHER EXCELLENCE AWARDS: Ashley Sekgobela needed his family’s aid to carry his trophies he won at the Phalabora FoundaƟon’s Protec programme. Kingfisher awards On the 21st of October 2015, the Matric Valediction was held. The guest speaker was Mr Patrick Boitumelo, a parent from Kingfisher Private School. Various certificates were handed out. The following learners received awards: • Mokgaetsi Mojela and Karabo Mabe shared the English trophy. • Bennet Motloutsi received the trophy for the best learner in Afrikaans. • Matsatsi Phasha received the Life Sciences trophy. • Ashley Sekgobela received the Physical Sciences and Mathematics trophies. • Karabo Mokhomole received the following trophies: Life orientation, Leadership trophy and the Principal’s Award. • Karabo Mabe received the Dux Learner Trophy for 2015. Congratulations, all your hard work has paid off! The Protec, Master Maths and Science and BESTE VORDERING IN NETBAL: Van links: Marlé Naudé (O/10), Roshny Warne (O/11), Mpho Malatji (O/12) en Jasmine Pinto (O/13) het toekennings gekry vir hul vordering in Netbal by Laerskool Phalaborwa se prysuitdeling, vroeër hierdie maand. Meridian chess Technokidz Prize Giving took place on the 14th of November 2015. The following Kingfisher learners were awarded for their achievements: Grade 8Itumeleng Malesa: Top 10 English Grade 9- Thato Maake: Top Achiever English (1st position) Grade 10- Phillipa Gezane: Top Achiever World of Works (1st position) Nyeleti Mkhabela: 3rd position English, Top Achiever Mathematics (1st position) Grade 11- Victoria Ngwana: Top 10 English, Top Achiever Life Sciences (1st position) - Thata Malatji: Top 10 English Gade 12 – Ashely Sekgobela: Top 10 Life Sciences, Top Achiever English (1st position), Top Achiever Physical Sciences (1st position), Top Achiever Mathematics (1st position) Grade 12 Dux Learner BEYONCÉ’S TWISTED SECRETS Revealed! BEHIND THE SCENES OF VS ANGELS 2015 DAD WAS AN ADDICT & SERIAL CHEATER MENTOR A CONVICTED DRUG DEALER FLED AN ACCIDENT SCENE... KARDASHIANS BANNED RiRi LAST MINUTE DITCH KRIS & CAIT UNITE... TEARS FOR PARIS g NEW MORE THAN 130 INNOCENT LIVES LOST. A NATION LEFT IN FEAR! This week we take a look at... Paris Attack WE zoom in on the horrific incident that shook the world. REAL LIFE CELEB NEWS FASHION & BEAUTY HEALTH November 27, 2015, VOL 29 NO 48 R18.00 (VAT incl). Other countries R15.79 (tax excl) WWW.PEOPLEMAGAZINE.CO.ZA WIN CASH WITH OUR PUZZLES! Beyoncé’s Twisted Life THE famous star’s most shocking secrets have been revealed! Kendall Jenner’s Victoria’s Secret Gig WE feature the exclusive behind the scenes pictures and stories of Kendall’s recent VS gig! SCENES OF BEHIND THE2015 S Revealed! VS ANGELS HIANS BANNED R TWISTED SECRET KARDAS MINUTE DITCH SERIAL CHEATE BEYONCÉ’S AN ADDICT & RiRi LAST UNITE... DEALER DAD WAS TED DRUG A CONVIC MENTOR T SCENE... ACCIDEN FLED AN Follow people SA on @ People_SA People Magazine South Africa Get The Digital Copy Four Days Before The Mag Reaches The Shop! KRIS & CAIT Thee Mag With The TEARS FOR PARIS 130 MORE THAN LOST. LIVES INNOCENTLEFT IN FEAR! N A NATIO Bes MERIDIAN CHESS: Meridian College Chess Team performed! Meridian Chess team won the tournament against King Fisher. Front: leŌ to right: Karabo Magakwe, Mahlatse Thuke, Tiyani Shingange, Mano Mathebula, Casey Raseasala and Kagiso Mathibela. Back: LeŌ to right: Ben Mabunda, Devon Ngobeni, Mduduzi Magagula, Tipe Matlala and Dakalo Ganyane. 14 SKOLENUUS PHALABORWA HERALD Friday November 27, 2015 GOEIE PRESTEERDER: Charlissa Schultz het toekennings ingepalm vir: Swemmer van die jaar – Meisie, Tennisspeler van die jaar – Meisie, Sportdogter van die jaar, Beste presteerder in Afrikaans Gr 7, Beste presteerder in Wiskunde Gr 7, Beste presteerder in Natuurwetenskap Gr 7, Beste presteerder in Ekonomiese Bestuurs Wetenskap Gr 7, Beste presteerder in Lewensvaardighede Gr 7, Beste presteerder in Kuns en Kultuur Gr 7, Hoogste Akademiese Toekenning Gr 7 en is Duxleerling . KAN NOG GROOT DINGE VERMAG: Mnr Louis van Dyk oorhandig die toekenning vir Junior Landloop meisie van die Jaar aan Danielle le Roux, graad 2 leerder aan Laerskool Phalaborwa Noord. PRESTASIES KOM MAKLIK VIR HOM: Arno Möller het tydens die prysuitdeling van die Rooiiskool toekennings ingepalm vir: Rugbyspeler van die jaar, Hokkiespeler van die jaar – Seun, Sportseun van die jaar, Senior Afrikaanse Redenaar en is beste presteerder in Tegnologie Gr 7. Leerders palm toekennings in tydens prysuitdeling Die einde van die die jaar beteken nie noodwendig die einde van die werk nie, maar die Rooiskool se leerders het wel hul sport en kultuur jaar op ‘n hoogtepunt afgesluit. Dit kan gesien word in die fantastiese prestasies wat deur die kinders behaal is. Tydens die prysuitdeling van Laerskool Phalaborwa Noord (Rooiskool) is die uitsonderlike prestasies van die leerders, nie net binne die skool nie maar ook nasionaal uitgelig. Rooiskool roem op hul akademiese prestasies met verskeie platinum en diamant toekinnings wat hul in Conquesta verower het. Daar is 5 kinders wat na die finaal deurgedring het en het ook in verskeie kategorieë in die top 10 landswyd geëindig in akademie, kultuur en ATKV redenaars. Beheerliggaamvoorsitter, Morné Möller het tydens die prysuitdeling uitgelig dat die skool ook nie terugstaan op sportgebied nie en is 6 atlete in die Mopani span opgeneem. Luxury, Quality and Comfort SMS FOR CREDIT 32075 Buy what you need, when you need it. SMS “mycredit”, your name, surname and ID number to 32075 to see if you qualify. SMS costs R1. Credit subject to standard credit checks. Standard terms and conditions apply. A consultant will be in touch. E IEC 3P STACY BEDROOM SUITE Black imported foil enhances the trendy straight lines, further complimented by the block-shape headboard, which can accommodate a double or queen base set. Base set optional extra. Bedding and accessories not included. 0 save 100 Deposit 300 • 165 x 30 Months Total Payable 4950 @ 22.3% Int. m 2c 15 SHERATON T E X T I L E S FIBRE SOFT QUEEN DUVET INNER save 140 each Fully Backed By Supplier Guarantees And Warranties WENTWORTH QUEEN BASE SET 6 Crown specification. Bamboo fabric. Bonnell springs. 1 Year guarantee included in a 10 year service warranty. CUSTOMER CARE LINE: 0861 00 88 61 PRICES VALID FROM 25 NOVEMBER TO 2 DECEMBER 2015 WHILE STOCKS LAST. Prices advertised are applicable within South Africa only. Instalment prices displayed include VAT, interest, compulsory insurance and initiation fees, but exclude optional insurance and delivery charges. No deposit and terms subject to credit approval. Deposit may have to be paid. All credit applications are subject to a credit check and affordability assessment. Bring your ID, latest 3 months payslips and monthly expense details to ensure rapid response to your credit application. SMS for credit - SMS costs R1. Standard terms and conditions apply. Accessories optional extras. Products can be purchased from all branches, but due to our vast range, some products may not be on display in all Stores. Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd t/a OK Furniture Dreams is an authorised financial service provider and Shoprite Investment Ltd is an authorised credit provider. No dealers allowed. Proud to be NCA compliant (NCRCP6050). E&OE. BRANCHES: Acornhoek: 013 795 4830, George: 044 802 1100, Kuruman: 053 714 4600, Oudtshoorn: 044 203 7400, Sibasa: 015 963 9620, Soshanguve: 012 7900 020, Soweto Protea Gardens Mall: 011 527 9300, Uitenhage: 041 994 1700, Vryheid: 034 989 8050, Vereeniging: 016 430 2941, Welkom: 057 391 7770, Zastron: 051 673 9200, Randfontein: 011 278 8060, Makhado: 015 519 9500, Phalaborwa: 015 780 5840, Randburg: 011 438 4340, Kathu and Mthatha Plaza opening soon, Head Office: 011 456 7000. 0 save 150 D Deposit it 300 • 165 x 30 Months Total Payable 4950 @ 22.3% Int. “Rooiskool is ook streksnaaswenners in Bulletjie rugby en is daar ook 11 leerders vir Lnadloop in de Limpopo span opgeneem” het Möller gesê. Enkele leerders het ook uitgestaan en het heelwat trofees huis te geneem. Arno Möller het toekennings gekry vir: Rugbyspeler van die jaar, Hokkiespeler van die jaar – Seun, Sportseun van die jaar, Senior Afrikaanse Redenaar en Beste presteerder in Tegnologie Gr 7. Charlissa Schultz kry toekennings vir haar prestasies as: Swemmer van die jaar – Meisie, Tennisspeler van die jaar – Meisie, Sportdogter van die jaar, Beste presteerder in Afrikaans Gr 7, Beste presteerder in Wiskunde Gr 7, Beste presteerder in Natuurwetenskap Gr 7, Beste presteerder in Ekonomiese Bestuurs Wetenskap Gr 7, Beste presteerder in Lewensvaardighede Gr 7, Beste presteerder in Kuns en Kultuur Gr 7, Hoogste Akademiese Toekenning Gr 7 en is Duxleerling vir 2015. PHALABORWA HERALD Friday November 27, 2015 SPORT 15 SKUTS MOET ‘N STORMENDE LEEU KAN STOP: Die Leeuloop oefening wat deel is van hierdie week se wapenoefeninge, toets die skut se vermoë om ‘n aanstormende leeu te stop. DIKOLOBE: Former Bafana Bafana players Alex “Barnes” Bapela and Arthur “10111” Zwane alongside Kaizer supporter No 1, Saddam ‘Vuvuzela” Maake will grace the annual Dikolobe Top 16 Tournament to be held from 16 December 2015 unƟl 2 January 2016. Dikolobe top 16 soccer tournament Seloane will be the place to be as a range of sporting activities will take place during the festive season as former Bafana Bafana players will grace the Dikolobe top 16 soccer tournament. The tournament co-organizer, Donald “Madonna” Malatji says teams around the Mopani District are invited to join the Dikolobe Top 16 soccer tournament that will be staged at Seloane Sundowns soccer field at Ga-Seloane from the 16 December 2015 to 2 January 2016. “Affiliation fee is R1200.00 and stake prize is R37000 while the closing date for affiliating is 1 December 2015. We will be having for Mamelodi Sundowns midfield maestro, Alex “Barnes Kgoshi ya Bapedi” Bapela, ex Kaizer Chiefs speedy winger and current development coach, Arthur “10111” Zwane as our scouts guests and Saddam “Vuvuzela” Maake on the final,”explained Dikgoshi Abby Mohale. For more information, teams are encouraged to call Madonna on 0839518974 or email [email protected] Skuts gaan leer leeus skiet Die SAJWV Mopani skiet van Saterdag is gekanseller as gevolg van die lekker reën wat uitgesak het. Die Ope Skietdag vind steeds 5 Desember plaas. Deel van die verrigting is die windbuks en handwapen oefeninge. Die windbuks oefening behels ‘n toets vir akkuraatheid van beide die skut en die toerusting. Die skut moet 10 skote skiet op tien verskillende teikens en die doel is om die hoogste telling te kry. Die skut skiet uit die staande posisie en mag skietstokke gebruik vir ondersteuning. Die posisie is soortgelyk aan wat ‘n jagter sal gebruik in die bosveld area waar die gras lank is. Daar is verskillende kategorië vir die tipes windbukse wat gebruik word. Die handwapen oefening toets die skut se vermoë om die beste strategie te vind en dit dan uit te voer. Vir die oefening begin die skut met ses patrone in die magasyn (of revolwer). Die eerste skoot aktiveer ‘n bewegende teiken wat die skut moet skiet voordat dit verdwyn. Dan is daar ook twee ander teikenswat die skut se akkuraatheid toets. Die Leeuloop oefening toets die skut se vermoë om ‘n aanstormende leeu te stop. Die teiken beweeg teen ongeveer 8 meter per sekonde en die skut moet soveel skote moontlik in die tel area skiet terwyl die teiken sigbaar is. Vir die oefening kan enige jaggeweer met ‘n minimum kailber van .30 gebruik word. herald.co.za 24 Hardekool Street • Phalaborwa • 1390 OPE KATEGORIE FIETSRYER VAN DIE JAAR: Van links: Michael Smit (VoorsiƩer) en Mariana van der Poll oorhandig trofeë aan Ben Heroldt vir die toekenning as fietsryer van die jaar in die ope kategorie asook vir die Limpopo kleure in die Half Maraton kategorie wat hy verwerf het. Phala fietsryers word vereer Phalaborwa Cycle Club se fietsryers het die afgelope naweek hul jaarafsluiting by Xtreme Fitness gymnasium se nuwe fasiliteite aangebied. Fietsryers is vereer met toekennings vir hul besonder prestasies in verskeie kategorieë. Daar is trofees toegeken aan: - Sune Reyneke en Edwin Simpson wie beide Limpopo kleure in die XCO skole kategorie verwerf het. - Jenna Shannon in “Sprogs Girls” en Sune Ryneke in “Youth Girls “. - Lucian Simpson vir Sub Jnr Boys - Edwin Simpson, Sune Reyneke, Karin Taljaard en Ben Heroldt vir Half Marathon: Limpopo Kleure - Henro Kemp, Lucian Simpson, Edwin Simpson vir Pad - Limpopo Kleure - Edwin Simpson vir Jnr Fietsryer van die Jaar asook Fietsryer van die Jaar 2015 - Sune Reyneke vir Snr Fietsryer van die Jaar - Karin Taljaard en Ben Heroldt vir Open Fietsryer van die Jaar is toegeken aan - Jaco Botha vir Most Improve Cycelist en Sune Reyneke vir Deursettingsvermoe Die klub beplan lekker dinge vir volgende jaar en inwoners van die dorp word genooi om aan te sluit. Navrae kan gerig word aan Michael Smit by 083 293 6283. Hou gerus volgende week se Herald dop vir meer foto’s van die geleentheid.
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