Apache Belle PDF
Apache Belle PDF
Belle Babes Youth ages 4-12, you can be transformed into a Belle Babe, and become a part of the evening’s headlining performance! Meet these Texas ladies, learn their patented dance techniques and have the time of your life. Tuesday, March 8 2:30 - 5 p.m. Marine Base at Kaneohe Bay Base Theatre, Building 219 Ages 4-12 • Cost: Free Belle Babes will be featured performers in the Apache Belles’ show Tuesday, March 8 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Recommended wardrobe for youth participants: Comfortable clothes to move in for the clinic, black t-shirt and black shorts or pants for the headlining performance. No pre-registration required. For more information contact Bobbie Brock [email protected] The Tyler Junior College Apache Belles have been entertaining audiences from the football field to the performance stage since 1947 with their precision dance and head-turning production numbers. As one of the premier collegiate teams of their kind, they have appeared in three movies and have met and entertained numerous dignitaries. For over 60 years, the trademark precision dance, cutting-edge routines and, of course, the famous Apache Belle “high kick” have thrilled fans worldwide. JUNIOR COLLE GE LER TY TM c apachebelles.com Tyler Junior College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution. Complete information is available at www.tjc.edu.