FORT LIGONIER DAYS OCT. 9-11 - Heritage United Methodist Church
FORT LIGONIER DAYS OCT. 9-11 - Heritage United Methodist Church
A Publication of HUMC [email protected] October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Don’t forget to give our wonderful Pastor a hug or a handshake this month to thank him for all he does. We are so blessed to have you, Pastor John! FORT LIGONIER DAYS OCT. 9-11 Whether you’re a die-hard Fort Days fan or an avoid it at all costs kind of Ligonierian, the Fort Ligonier Days festival is almost here! There will be over 150 craft booths, tons of great food, a parade at 11 am on Saturday, sidewalk sales, live entertainment and lots and lots of people beginning October 9th through the 11th. Let the fun begin!!! FORT DAYS PANCAKE BREAKFAST VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Fort Ligonier Days are coming upon us fast and we need volunteers to help with our annual (and very popular, I might add) Pancake Breakfast. Helpers are need for both Friday and Saturday (Oct. 9 & 10) from 6:30 am – 1:00 pm. If you can help, please sign up on the bulletin board or contact Rick Goswick. Any help you can give would be appreciated. We are also looking for someone to help coordinate the Pancake Breakfast in the future. Call Rick at 724-238-5206 if interested. FORT DAYS COMBINED 10 am SERVICE Due to the parking issues and general craziness of Fort Ligonier Days, there will be one combined service on Sunday, October 12th at 10:00 a.m. and no Sunday School that day. SAVE THE DATE!! ALL CHURCH NIGHT OCTOBER 15TH!!! This promises to be a really nice way to bring our three worship services together in fellowship. We will begin with a covered dish dinner at 5:30P.M. Chicken, tea, coffee, water, and table service will be provided by the Church. Feel free to bring whatever dish pleases you to share. Whereas this is early for some returning from work, your seats can be saved and the food line will still be open for when you do arrive. As dinner winds down we will spend some special moments saying farewell to several persons moving away into new life adventur es. Kay & Jerry Blank, Ruth DiGiambattista and Janet Formato are all moving to Florida, while Matt Barany will be moving to Georgia. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you can attend. Following these moments we will move to the sanctuary, near 7PM, to be entertained by Brent Vernon & “Sam”. Br ent is a singer , songwr iter , ventriloquist, and children’s author who has been highly recommended by those already hosting him. Bring friends, don’t forget the kids! Reser vations ar e r equir ed for the dinner due to seating (limited to 140). Those who cannot make the dinner due to time or seating are still encouraged to come at 7:00 for the entertainment, and we hope you will! :) 724-238-2627 October 2015 HERITAGE STAFF CHANGES IN THE WIND.... Two members of our church staff have just given notice to the Pastor Parish Committee that they will be leaving Heritage for new adventures. Matthew Barany is excited to return to school in Georgia for training in missions and evangelism. He plans his last Sunday to be December 6th. The Staff Parish Committee is making plans to continue the work of Director of Education. Janet Formato is retiring and moving to Florida to be near her daughter. She plans her last Sunday to be November 1st. The Pastor Parish Committee has named Muriel Slade as interim director of music while they conduct the search for candidates. Muriel directs our bell choir, sings in the voice choir, and has already served as director during times of Janet’s absence. We will be remembering them during ALL CHURCH NIGHT on October 15th, and during their last Sundays of service. Positions Open: place letter of interest with resume to the church office: Director of Christian Education – faith based position to develop new programs for adult and youth education, and to strengthen existing programs. Director of Music – faith based position to direct vocal and bell choirs, arrange for and schedule regular offerings of special music, and to develop new musical expressions of spiritual faith and growth. New Members Classes Start Soon! Come join the church! Two New Members Classes will begin this month. One will begin for Saturday nighters on Saturday, October 24th following the 6:00 p.m. contemporary worship and the second will begin on Sunday, October 25th at 9:50 am in the Lounge. The classes will run for 5 weeks, with joining the church on November 21st and 22nd. Contact the office at [email protected] or 724-238-2627 if you are interested in joining our membership, or would like more information about doing so. Hope to see you there! Are your youth restless in worship? Our nursery can only be attended by those five years of age and younger, due to safety concerns. Not long ago we were asked by some families if we could provide a ministry time for older children that would spur them towards spiritual growth and character. Our Education Committee has been working on this request, and has already put a partial program into place, where the children will leave the sanctuary following the children’s message for any of the following: Children’s Church –from Thanksgiving through Christmas and again during Lent, the youth will meet with teams of parents and Sunday School staff for faith based age appropriate learning. This program could be rapidly expanded into more weeks as more parents become willing to help on a rotating basis. See Ellen Yeskey or Matt Barany for information. Heritage Happenings page 2 More Opportunities for our Youth… Bible Mentoring - the third Sunday monthly – youth grades third and up, an inspirational time with several of our lay teachers, such as Diana Neideheiser, Rick Goswick, and Brenda Sherbondy. Additional mentors are welcome! Acolyting – for youth fourth grade and older who aspire to serve in worship by tending to the flame of worship. See Pastor John or Colette Jackman for information. PowerPoint and Sound System teams and lay liturgist – is for all youth and adults who would like to learn and be mentored into these positions. New beginners are always paired with experienced team members until there is a comfort level for solo work. Most persons have never done this before - we will teach all you need to know. This is an excellent opportunity to strengthen skill sets needed for High School, College, and/or employment. See Lynne Flower for power point and Ron Wagner or Gary Black for sound system, Pastor John for liturgist. CHRISTIAN ADVENTURE STARTS SEPT. 30TH Hey kids! Be sure to sign up for Christian Adventure!!! It starts September 30th and runs every Wednesday through Oct. 28th from 4:10 - 6:00 pm. Christian Adventure is free for all youth in K-5th grade and transportation is provided from RK Mellon Elementary. Please pick up a registration form on the table in the sanctuary and be sure to drop it off at the office as soon as possible. If you would like to help with CA and have your clearances, please contact Matt at [email protected]. Women’s Ministries Circle of Ruth Meets Oct. 1st The Circle of Ruth will meet on Thurs., Oct. 1st at 7:00 pm in the lounge. We will be wrapping shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, so bring your scissors and tape. We will also begin our study of "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp. Ellen Yeskey will bring dessert. TAKING STEPS AGAINST BREAST CANCER Please consider making a donation and/or walking on October 3, 2015. Westmoreland Walks, Inc., Taking Steps Against Breast Cancer, will hold their thirteenth annual walk at 11:00 AM at Pavilion #7 at Twin Lakes Park in Greensburg. For more information, pick up a registration form in the literature rack, call Cheryl McMullen at 724-593-7277 or visit www. UMW FALL MEETING OCT. 3RD Latrobe Bethany UMC invites all women to join them on Saturday, Oct. 3rd from 9 am – 1 pm for their annual UMW Fall Meeting. Guest speaker will be Pastor Johnathan Fehl and a continental breakfast and lunch will be served. If you would like to attend, please call Ruth King at 724537-3054 by Mon., Sept. 28th. Circle #1 Meeting/Baby Shower Oct. 12th Circle #1 will meet at 2:00 pm on Monday, Oct. 12th. We will vote at that meeting on the time for future meetings. There will also be a newborn baby shower for the layettes at this meeting. We are in need of receiving blankets, onesies, sleepers, diapers, socks, bibs and hats. A collection box for these items is located in the vestibule for your donations as well. Update on the Church Renovation Project As you may know, our building has been a growing concern to those who use or would like to use it. There are structural issues that should be corrected, sooner rather than later, both electrical and moisture problems, and we have long desired to meet the American Accessibility Act so that new people as well as current members and guests may enter the church, change levels within the church, and have use of the restrooms. To correct these problems we will also need to meet current building codes. It is a challenge to accomplish all this without losing functional space to the new requirements. On May 28th, 2015, the members of our Church Council with 48 church members in attendance voted unanimously to proceed to refine proposed architectural drawings, to continue the research on what is required to strengthen our facility for the ministry before us, and to begin the capital funds campaign. Since then the Trustees have continued to meet diligently and have completed test borings to determine the strength of our foundation. The architectural drawings are coming in. The Greensburg District Committee, a necessary step, has approved our plan of renovation, and will meet again to provide a second and necessary level of approval once we have secured our funding. Pastor John has been preaching a historical series reviewing the founding and identity of the Heritage Church, and after Fort Days will look at scriptures that provide a foundational concept of stewardship, resource management, and ministry. A capital funds committee has been newly formed, and we are exploring the advisement of a capital funds leader. In October and November we will be launching the campaign to seek congregational and community funding of the renovations, which are estimated to be about 1.8 million dollars. At this time we are extending the invitation for a few persons who have the means to provide a “leadership gift” to contact the pastor or Tom Shearer for more information. We envision a leadership gift to be in the range of six or seven figures, whether cash, stock, realty, or other holdings. Such gifts, pledged early in the process, serves as an encouragement to those more numerous gifts that shall follow, and by showing a belief in the future ministry of the Heritage United Methodist Church. We encourage all our members and friends to be active in continuous prayer at all meetings as well as in personal prayer, that we may continue to seek God’s will for this project and the future ministry of Heritage Church. SAVE THE DATE! COMBINED WORSHIP NOV. 1st Sunday, November 1st will be a combined worship service at 10AM followed by a sanctuary presentation for all members and friends regarding the renovation and future of the church, followed by an all church luncheon in our fellowship hall. This will coincide with All Saints Day. Heritage Happenings page 3 Outreach Auction November 7th at 1 pm The Outreach Committee is having their bi-annual auction on November 7th at 1 pm. It will be different this year. Instead of being in the evening with a dinner, it will be held in the afternoon and will be opened to the public. Though we have many items culled from the rummage sales, we are looking for more items of good quality. Take a look around the house and ask yourself "What can I live without?” and “That will add good money to the coffers of the Outreach Committee." We are looking for items that are either antique, collectible or usable with a meaningful purpose. Any questions, ask Bob Winters (724-2382431). Also please remember the Outreach Committee in your prayers!!! Could you use more money? Or think you could better manage what you have? Lear n to become an expert on home and personal money management through the nationally known and popular FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY. We will offer this, open to church members AND COMMUNITY, in January. We are announcing it now to give you time to decide you want this positive change in your life, and because it requires a small investment on your part for the student books, which we will need to pre-order. Check it out on the website for Financial Peace University, and then sign up on our bulletin board if you are interested. See Tom Shearer or Pastor John for more information. 10th Annual Blessing of the Pets Operation Christmas Child Shoebox collection is back!! We invite all adults and families to participate in this mission program where we fill shoe-boxes for children/teens ages 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. All shoe-boxes must include a $7 check written out to Samaritan's purse. Shoeboxes will be need to be dropped off at the church by Sunday, November 8th. Please continue to pray for this ministry and consider blessing a young life. Any questions please contact Matt Barany at the office, 724-238-2627 or by email at [email protected] Mitten Tree Donations Attention bargain shoppers! Circle # 1 will begin collecting gloves, mittens, hats and scarves for the Mitten Tree after Thanksgiving. A tree will be set up in the vestibule for your donations. Beth Caldwell will be taking the donations to the Salvation Army in early December for distribution. Thanks! Charge Conference December 1st Save the date – this year’s Charge Conference is the evening of Tuesday, December 1st. If you have the spiritual gifts that whet your interest for any of our positions, either as chair or as committee member, please contact the office. The leadership openings to be filled for this year include: Vice Chair of Council, Representative to the Association of Churches, Chair of Education, Chair of membership Care, Chair of Pastor Parish, Chair of Trustees. In addition there is the normal rotation off all committees, making openings on all committees as members of committee, including the Church Council, finance committee, outreach committee, and church auditor of the books. For questions about church leadership, see Pastor John, Rich Ziegenfus, or any church leader. Bring Fido, Fluffy and even Tweety out to Mellon Park on Sunday, October 4th at 1 pm for the annual Blessing of the Pets! Sponsored by St. Michael’s and St. James, Four Paws will benefit from the proceeds of a goodwill offering. Pets must be leashed or in a carrier, and if you aren’t able to bring your pet, bring a picture instead. The Blessing will take place rain or shine. WorshipFest 2015 Oct. 17th WorshipFest 2015 will be held on Saturday, October 17th from 9 am - 4 pm at First UMC in Greensburg. This event is for laity and clergy and will feature many workshops to choose from, including “Using Drama in Worship,” “The Sacraments in Worship,” “Creative Preaching” and more! Please register online at register or contact the Greensburg District Office at 724-863-5673. CROP WALK Oct. 18th The annual Crop Walk will be held on Oct. 18th, 2 pm at St. James. If you would like to be the Heritage coordinator for this event to end world hunger, please contact the office at 724-238-2627. EVANGELISM CLASS OCT. 24th A Small Group Evangelism Class will be held on Saturday, October 24 from 9 am—3 pm at HarmonyZelienople UMC. The first 100 registrants will receive two free books by Garry Poole (Seeker Small Groups & The Complete Book of Questions). Cost is $30/person which includes lunch. Register online at Heritage Happenings page 4 Miracles from Maggie 5K Oct. 31st Join us for a fun and challenging event! Miracles from Maggie 5K Trail Run and Miracle Mile Fun Run will take place on Saturday, October 31st at Antiochian Village. Registration begins at 7:30 am with a balloon release at 8:45 am. Race begins at 9 am. Register online at www. miracles Our condolences to the family and friends of Bud Carnahan, who passed away at the age of 85 at the Ligonier Gardens. Bud’s viewing will take place at Snyder’s Funeral Home on Sunday, September 27th from 2-8 pm. The funeral service will be held at Heritage on Monday at 11 am with a luncheon following. CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP NEWS Please come and join us every Saturday at 6 pm for Faith, Hope and Music! Here’s our list of upcoming speakers: October 3rd Chuck Shaffer; October 10th Andrew Flower; October 17th Matt Barany; October 24th Dick Markle; October 21st Ardi Hill. “Come and you will see.” John 1:39. Youth receive Bibles on Rally Day The Fellowship Class would like to thank everyone who donated almost 200 jars of jelly to food bank. We were able to give every family a jar at the September distribution. Remember to keep bringing in food for the Ligonier food pantry in the form of canned goods and dried goods (cereal, rice, noodles, etc.). Thank you for the kind donation to the Ligonier Library in memory of Barbara Hughes, and for all of your care and concern during our time of loss. Best Regards, David, Smokey and Tammie Hughes Pastor John, Bible Mentor Class teacher Diana Neiderhiser and Education Coordinator Matt Barany recently presented several of Heritage’s youth with age appropriate Bibles during our Rally Day celebration on September 13th. The youth included (from front left) Elizabeth Schaetzle, Sydney Thomas, Brooke Thomas, Stone Brunton, Isaac Wagner, and our newest little guy, Nathaniel Schaetzle (in back row with mom, Raven). Dear Pastor John, Ron & Friends at Heritage, We thoroughly enjoyed our visit with you this month. What a treasure your church family is! Thank you for your faithful support as we seek to see God’s Kingdom grow and flourish across the globe. May you see God’s abundance. Love, Becca, Chris, Safran, Jubilee & Salem. Dear John, Beth, Matt, Ken, Ron and the Heritage UMC Members, Your thoughtfulness and prayers are greatly appreciated at this difficult time. Thank you for the beautiful card, kind words and prayers of comfort. Celena Valentine & Family Greetings! To Rev. John and Heritage Church. Bonnie and I want to thank you all so much for inviting us to the Arbutus/Heritage Luncheon last week. We loved seeing the many friends from Ligonier. As members there for almost 30 years, we have so many fond memories from Heritage and we miss your wonderful choir! Thanks also for the flower you dropped off at our home. Thanks so much and God Bless, Roger & Bonnie Luther Dear Heritage Family, Thank you for all the prayers, concern, calls and cards. They were much appreciated and very thoughtful. With much love, Beth A. Caldwell Rally Day Balloon Launch Heritage’s youth got together on September 13th to celebrate the kick-off of Sunday School with a balloon launch. The balloons had special messages from the children attached. In years past, we’ve received kind letters from those residents who have come across our balloons. David slays Goliath! Cole Brunton and Quade Jackman, along with other youth and adults from the congregation, re-enacted scenes from the Bible during services on September 13th. Thank to everyone who took part! October 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 7 pm Circle of 2 3 11 am West- Ruth Mtg. in Lounge moreland Walks for Breast Cancer at Twin Lakes LVSD Homecoming 4 World Commun- 5 4 pm Fresh Ex- 6 10 am Bible Study 7 11 am Clergy ion Sunday press at St. Michael’s at Ligonier Gardens 6 pm BPW Mtg. in the Lounge 7 pm Worship Committee Mtg. in the Old Nursery 7 pm Cub Scouts in Fellowship Hall 1 pm Blessing of the Pets at Mellon Park 8 Mtg. in Lounge 4:10 pm Christian Adventure 14 9:30 am MOW 15 5:30 All bined Worship Service Mtg. in Lounge 6 pm Outreach Mtg. in Lounge 7 pm Cub Scouts in Fellowship Hall 18 10:45 am 19 6 pm Educa- 20 Bible Mentor Class tion Mtg. in Old Nursery 2 pm Crop Walk at St. James 25 9:50 am New 26 4:10 pm Christian Adventure 7 pm District Lay Leader Mtg. in Lounge 21 28 29 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd 4th 4th 7th 10th 13th 14th 16th 17th 18th 20th 20th 25th 26th 26th 27th 27th 30th Pancake Breakfast 16 17 2 pm Jack- 23 son/Steiner Wedding 9 am—4 pm WorshipFest at First UMC 24 9 am—3 pm Small Group Evangelism at HarmonyZelienople UMC 7 pm New Members Class in Lounge 305 pm Merchant 31 9 am Miracles Trick or Treating on Diamond 7 pm Cub Scouts in Fellowship Hall from Maggie 5K Trail Run at Antiochian Village 7 pm New Members Class in Lounge October Birthdays Sydney Thomas Beth Yeskey Jane Flowers Janet Formato Molly Farrell Stone Brunton Jack Scott Leah Wagner Wendy Watson Noah Fisher Roberta Leslie Ridge Brunton Hailey Umbaugh Maggie Hildebrand Christina Orban Vivian Perian Lois Verner Gary Weaver Madison Clise Elisabeth Harbert Kelsey Sherbondy 22 4:10 pm 6:30 Lay Leadership Christian Adventure Mtg. in Lounge 10:45 am Bell Choir 6:30 am—1 pm Pancake Breakfast 5 pm Wedding Church Covered Dish Rehearsal Dinner in Fellowship Hall 7 pm Coffeehouse at The Barn 7 pm Entertainment in the Sanctuary 4:10 pm Chris6:30 pm Linus 6:30 Lay Leadership tian Adventure Blanket Mtg. in Old Mtg. in Lounge Nursery 7 pm Trustees Mtg. 7 pm Cub Scouts in Fellowship Hall 27 Members Class begins in the Lounge 106:30 am—1 pm 5:30 pm Worship Prep Mtg. in Lounge 11 10 am Com- 12 2 pm Circle #1 13 Mtg. in Lounge 9 Office Closed 4th 18th 25th October Greeters 8:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Lee & Birdie Roehrig Floyd & Dot McConnaughey Don & Sherry Smith Harry & Libby Marker Bob & Betty Winters Ron & Carol Bash Regular and Weekly Meetings Sunday 8:30 & 10:45 am Worship Services 9:40 am Sunday School Monday 10:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study 7:00 pm Monday Night Bible Study Tuesday 10:00 am Ladies Bible Study Weds 6:15 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 8:00 pm AA Meeting Friday 8:00 pm AA Meeting Saturday 6:00 pm Contemporary Worship Service th Oct 18 Pastor John & Lynne Flower Oct. 23rd Don & Dawn Gilbert Sunday Satellite Services: 9:00 am Barnes Place (Latrobe) 9:30 am Greensburg Care Center 9:30 am Loyalhanna Care Center (Latrobe) 9:30 am Loyalhanna Senior Suites (Latrobe) 9:30 am Brookdale Senior Living (Latrobe) 10:30 am Nature Park Commons (Greensburg)
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