ST. FRANCIS DE SALES PARISH 1375 South Camino Seco, Tucson, Arizona 85710 (520) 885-5908 Phone (520) 885-3109 Fax PRIESTS: Rev. Robert G. Tamminga, Pastor • Rev. Raymond Ratzenberger • Rev. Robert E. Carney, Jr. (Retired) DEACONS: Deacon Frank J. Collura Deacon Andy Corder Deacon Donald Ferris Deacon Russ Kingery Deacon John R. Martin Deacon Carlos Martinez Deacon Dennis Scalpone Deacon William Vigil SACRAMENT OF THE EUCHARIST Masses: Saturday Anticipated: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM; 5:00 PM Monday through Saturday: Mass, 8:00 AM Monday through Friday: Communion Service, 6:30 AM SACRAMENT OF PENANCE AND RECONCILIATION Confessions: Saturday, 3:30 PM and anytime by appointment. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Minimum of four months advance notice is required by policy of Diocese of Tucson. Phone Parish for more info. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK At the monthly 12:00 PM First Friday Mass and anytime by leaving a message at the Parish Office at 885-5908. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM By appointment only. Call Parish Office. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION • Pre-School: Sun. 9:30 AM • Grades K-5: Sun. 10:45 AM–Noon, Mon./Wed. 4:00-5:15 PM • Grades 6-8: Mon. 7:00-8:30 PM, & Wed. 4:00-5:15 PM • Grades 9-12: Sun. 10:45 AM-Noon, Mon., 7:00-8:30 PM Religious Education: Grades Kdg.-5 Mrs. Maureen Kingery Grades 6-12 Mrs. Marian Gilbert Youth Ministry Mrs. Marian Gilbert O.C.I.A. Call Parish Office Pastoral Assistants: Joseph Proietti Stu Sepulvida Director of Liturgical Music: Dr. Julian Ackerley PARISH GROUPS & ORGANIZATIONS: ALTAR SERVERS Daniel Flanagan ................ 574-0991 MAGNIFICAT Elizabeth Celenza ............. 749-0633 ALTAR GUILD Lily Trejo ........................... 298-5257 PALL BEARERS Frederick Haag .................. 298-4034 CHOIRS Chorale/Contemporary Singers Dr. Julian Ackerley ............ 885-5908 Children's Choir José Snook ........................885-5908 Requiem Choir Marilyn Smith .................... 296-3760 PHILOTHEAS Jan Jones .......................... 886-2106 COUNSELING Marie Martin, Ph.D. ........... 241-5030 CRAFT GROUP Jan Terry ........................... 762-9016 CRISIS INTERVENTION Marie Martin, Ph.D. ...........241-5030 Deacon John Martin ...........245-3394 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Deacon Russ Kingery ....... 885-5908 EVENINGS FOR THE ENGAGED Joe Flocco..........................298-2698 GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Linda Bowden ....................647-3432 HOSPITAL VISITS Joseph Proietti ...................885-5908 POSADA DEL SOL SME Beatriz Bright ..................... 298-7779 PRAYER GROUP—CENTERING Marie Martin, Ph.D. ........... 241-5030 PRE-SCHOOL RELIGIOUS ED. Maureen Kingery ............... 885-5908 PRO-LIFE COMMITTEE Marilyn Thomas ................. 668-9337 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Parish Office ...................... 885-5908 TUESDAY ADORATION Marilyn Thomas ................. 668-9337 Carmen Rines ................... 296-0452 USHERS Michael Massimi ................ 546-4779 WELCOMING COMMITTEE Deacon Dennis Scalpone .. 296-8946 WOMEN'S CLUB Helen Zettel ....................... 488-4141 Lynne Jack ........................ 574-1523 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Douglas Doonan ............... 909-7952 YOUNG AT HEART Sandra DesRosier ............. 298-8519 Jean Kovalik ...................... 296-8938 LECTORS/COMMENTATORS Arlyne Dehning.................. 733-9633 YOUTH GROUP Marian Gilbert .................... 885-5908 T HIS C OMING W EEK 2 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 22, 2012 He said to them, "These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled. You are witnesses of these things." - Lk 24:44, 48 Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. WELCOME, VISITORS! St. Francis de Sales would like to welcome all of you who are visiting for the first time or are frequent visitors. If you would like to become a member of our Parish, please complete one of the green Registration Forms located at the entrances to the church. You may give your completed form to any usher, put it in the collection basket, bring it into our office, or mail it to us. WELCOME! READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48 Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51-8:1a; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Mk 16:15-20 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: Acts 9:31-42; Jn 6:60-69 Next Sunday: Acts 4:8-12; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 © Liturgical Publications Inc SUNDAY, APRIL 22 7:30 AM ....... Mass 9:30 AM ....... Mass 9:30 AM ....... Nursery 9:30 AM ....... Little People’s Church 10:45 AM ....... Kindergarten & Elem. Religious Ed. 10:45 AM ....... Sr./Jr. High School Religious Ed. 11:30 AM ....... Mass 5:00 PM ....... Mass MONDAY, APRIL 23 6:30 AM ....... Communion Service 8:00 AM ....... Mass 9:30 AM ....... Craft Group 4:00 PM ....... Kindergarten & Elem. Religious Ed. 7:00 PM ....... Sr./Jr. High School Religious Ed. TUESDAY, APRIL 24 (See Pg. 4) .... Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6:30 AM ....... Communion Service 8:00 AM ....... Mass 9:00 AM ....... Centering Prayer (Marie Martin) 4:00 PM ....... Cenacle of Life Holy Hour (church) 7:00 PM ....... OCIA Class (Parish Center) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25 6:30 AM ....... Communion Service 8:00 AM ....... Mass 10:30 AM ....... Spanish Class 4:00 PM ....... Kindergarten & Elem. Religious Ed. 4:00 PM ....... Jr. High School Religious Ed. 7:00 PM ....... St. Francis Chorale (church) 8:00 PM ....... Contemporary Singers (church) THURSDAY, APRIL 26 6:30 AM ....... Communion Service 8:00 AM ....... Mass 10:30 AM ....... Young at Heart 7:00 PM ....... K of C Meeting FRIDAY, APRIL 27 6:30 AM ....... Communion Service 8:00 AM ....... Mass SATURDAY, APRIL 28 8:00 AM ....... Mass 3:30 PM ....... Confessions 5:00 PM ....... Mass SUNDAY, APRIL 29 7:30 AM ....... Mass 9:30 AM ....... Mass 9:30 AM ....... Nursery 9:30 AM ....... Little People’s Church 10:45 AM ....... Kindergarten & Elem. Religious Ed. 10:45 AM ....... Sr./Jr. High School Religious Ed. 11:30 AM ....... Mass 5:00 PM ....... Mass P ARISH N EWS & E VENTS 3 ICE HOCKEY IN THE DESERT...WHAT WAS I THINKING? K OF C VACATION RAFFLE There is still time for you to get your Knights of Columbus raffle tickets and win that dream cruise vacation. There are some fantastic travel packages for two persons for seven nights in this year’s raffle: 1st Prize: St. Petersburg and the Baltic 2nd Prize: West Mediterranean (Barcelona, Nice, Florence, and Naples) 3rd Prize: Alaska There are 4th through 10th cash prizes totaling $8,500, ranging from $2,500 to $500, as well. All cruises include airfare for two, ground transfers, meals and entertainment aboard ship, and an ocean view cabin. Why wait? Someone is going to win, so it may as well be you! See your friendly K of C member outside any of the Masses to get your chance to sail the seas. You have up to a year to use the vacation, so there is plenty of time to plan it. Our Parish uses the proceeds right here to benefit our Parish Family through such things as being able to sponsor youth to summer camp, completely fund our altar server awards, help out St. Vincent de Paul, and provide Youth Group scholarships. Please try to help us reach these goals by buying your tickets today. The cost is $5.00 per ticket or a book of five tickets for $20.00. REST IN PEACE We remember in our prayers Ariste Monette, Mark Patrick Richards, Paul Rung, and Leonard Skitzki. May Eternal Light shine upon all who have died. Longtime Parishioner and Icecat Hockey Coach Leo Golembiewski will be selling and signing his book here at St. Francis before and after Masses this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, April 21 and 22. The entertaining book details Coach’s journey to Tucson, starting the University of Arizona Icecat Hockey team, and the action-packed years of ice hockey in the unlikely setting of the southern Arizona desert. Among other things, find out what Don Rickles and the Icecats have in common in this fun read from a perennial and outspoken Tucson sports personality! NEVER WRITE ANOTHER CHECK TO ST. FRANCIS DE SALES AGAIN! Our Parish now has an electronic giving system available. Electronic giving offers convenience for Parishioners and can help to provide muchneeded financial stability for our Parish. More and more Parishioners are requesting this type of program as the world moves away from paper checks and unrecorded currency donations. This new, completely secure way of supporting your Parish will allow you to make your donations without writing weekly or monthly checks and can be done from the comfort of your own home. You can specify different amounts for different Parish and universal church needs, and you will receive a complete and accurate record of your giving at year’s end. You may donate by credit or debit card (Visa, Master Card, American Express, or Discover) or through PayPal. There is a detailed explanation of PayPal on the Parish webpage. Here’s how to get started: • Go to the Parish website: • Click on e-Giving on the left side of the page, and follow the directions to make your donation. The process may seem a bit complicated at first, but it will turn out to be easier than actually writing and recording a check, placing it in an envelope, bringing it to church, etc.! Those who wish to continue to use traditional methods of donating may, of course, do so! If you have any questions about the program or need help, please do not hesitate to call the Parish Office at 885-5908. PRAYER & WORSHIP 4 PRAY THE ROSARY! Join us in praying the Rosary before the 8:00 AM Mass, Monday through Saturday, from 7:20 to 7:40 AM. All are invited to join us. For more information, call Catherine Magee at 296-1963. CENTERING PRAYER GROUP The group meets on Tuesdays from 9:00 to 11:30 AM in the St. Francis de Sales Parish Center, Room 7. We begin with Lectio Divina (Scripture Reading), after which we sit quietly in prayer for 25 minutes. We break briefly for refreshments and then listen to a 30minute taped presentation. Those who wish may stay for discussion. If you have questions, call Marie Martin at 241-5030. We are open to anyone who would like to join us. PRAYERS AVAILABLE AFTER MASS Parishioners will be in the Parents’ Room at the back of the church every Thursday morning after the 8:00 AM Mass to pray with anyone who would like additional prayers. RECEIVING THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST AT MASS 1. Approach the Host or the Cup, thenG 2. bow to the Host or Precious Blood (not to the back of the person in front of you), thenG 3. after you bow, the minister will say: “The Body [Blood] of Christ,” thenG 4. respond: “Amen,” thenG 5. after you have said “Amen” the minister will give you Communion. • From St. Cyril of Jerusalem (315–386 A.D.): In approaching, therefore, come not with your wrists extended, or your fingers spread; but make your left hand a throne for the right, as for that which is to receive a King. And having hallowed your palm, receive the Body of Christ. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Tuesdays: After the 8:00 AM Mass until 5:00 PM Cenacle of Life Holy Hour Tuesdays: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM QUESTION & ANSWER Does the church specifically teach about the moral obligations of investing? Using spiritual terms, investing requires us to be good stewards. Using our resources well means that we are careful about where we invest our money. We cannot invest knowingly in an enterprise that promotes values and ideals that are contrary to our beliefs. By choosing well, we can help others and help ourselves at the same time. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, investments are mentioned in the context of economic activity and social justice. Paragraph 2432 talks about the responsibility of businesses to consider the good of persons and not only the increase of profits. The catechism goes on to say that profits "make possible the investments that ensure the future of a business and they guarantee employment." Economic activity, including investments, is best understood in the context of social justice. The use of money and exercise of business has social, ecological, and economic effects that can greatly impact people. Investing in moral and ethical businesses helps ensure that the best interests of others are served. When the only value a business considers is the bottom line people can be treated like products, and it fails to ensure the dignity and respect to which all are entitled. © Liturgical Publications Inc MINISTRY TO THE SICK & HOMEBOUND Please call the Parish Office at 885-5908 when anyone in your family is sick, in the hospital, or shut-in and unable to attend Mass. Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to the home on a regular basis. Arrangements for the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick can also be made. Hospital visits are made twice a week and also on special request. P ARISH N EWS & E VENTS USHERS NEEDED ♦ Can you come to Mass ten minutes early? ♦ Can you stay five minutes after Mass? ♦ Would you like to help our Parish? If you said yes to those three questions, then you have all it takes to be an usher at St. Francis de Sales! Our ranks are currently stretched very thin, especially at the 5:00 PM Saturday Mass, and we need help. The jobs ushers perform are not difficult, but they are essential. Please take the time to consider if you can be a great help to our Parish by giving only a little of your time. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Both men and women may be ushers. Ushers help at the Mass they normally attend. Ushers sit with their families during Mass. There is only one required meeting for the entire year. ♦ There is no attendance policy; we are strictly volunteers. ♦ Being an usher is a great way to meet people and make friends at the Parish. If you would like to become an usher, or if you have any questions about ushering, please speak with an usher after Mass, or contact Mike Massimi at 546-4779. Thank you! EASTER BENEFIT THANK YOU A united Parish effort at St. Francis de Sales helped the St. Vincent de Paul Society provide an Easter celebration for 22 families. Boxes were filled with hams, yams, fruits and vegetables, buns, and desserts, which made a wonderful meal for 47 adults and 44 children. The Easter Bunny included baskets of candy, plastic eggs filled with jelly beans, and stuffed bunny dolls in each food box for the children. This was made possible by the contributions of time and monies from the Religious Education Classes, Youth Group, Women's Club, Craft Group, Parish Office receptionists, volunteers of St. Vincent de Paul, and YOU, the Parishioners. With ALL your help, the St. Vincent de Paul Society continues to address the needs and spirit of hope in the Lord to many at a most difficult time. Thank you one and all, so very much! 5 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER The traditional opening of the fishing season in many places takes place between the end of April and the middle of May. Although the exact day can vary by locale, usually by May 15, everything is fair game with the exception of a few sport fish, which are heavily regulated. Much like hunters who can't wait to go after their favorite game, fishermen anxiously wait for the opportunity to cast their lines into open water. Some look forward to participating in fishing contests to try to win a prize for the largest of a particular species. But most are happy just to catch enough to enjoy some good meals of fresh fish. When Jesus appears to his disciples after his resurrection one of the things that he does, according to both Luke and John, is to eat fish in their presence. For the Gospel writers this is a way of indicating that the resurrected body, whatever it may actually be, is also a human body. The risen Lord is no ghost; he is bodily raised from the dead! This truth is at the core of our faith. As Peter states in the first reading today, "God raised him from the dead; of this we are witnesses." We are witnesses of that same truth today. The old jokes about fishermen all have exaggeration as a theme. The biggest one always gets away. Fifteen-inch fish are suddenly twenty-five inches, and five pounders end up becoming ten pounds in the telling of the story. As Christians, we have our own story to tell. But it's not a fish story. It is a story about the One who conquered sin and death through his own death and resurrection. Through our baptism we are raised to new life by the Author of life. Like Peter, who was himself a fisherman, we are called to testify to this truth in the world. It's time to go fishing! ©2012 Liturgical Publications Inc ST. FRANCIS DE SALES CRAFT GROUP Do you need gift ideas? We have several colorful, hand-made, small quilts that are great for any occasion. We also have beautiful crocheted white or pale yellow baby Christening layettes and various baby afghans for purchase anytime. We always welcome new members. We meet every Monday morning from 9:30 to 11:30 AM in the O’Leary Room at the Parish Center. We work together, play together, and pray together. Please call 762-9016 for further details. 6 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PARISH NEWS & EVENTS St. Francis de Sales Parish is blessed with an abundance of good Catholic men like you! We all have unique, God-given talents and knowledge. Please help our Knights of Columbus Council assist others by sharing your Godgiven talents and knowledge with us. We need you, and we need your help in order to better help others. If God puts it in your heart to join the Knights of Columbus, please take action to find out more about joining our Knights of Columbus Council by calling George Grubaugh at 296-0657. Meetings. I would also like to invite all visiting K of C members to attend our meetings conducted every second and fourth Thursdays of the month (except holidays). Our meetings are held in the Knights of Columbus room (located directly to the west of the stage in the gym) at 7:00 PM. Aluminum Can Drive. The Knights of Columbus pick up aluminum cans in the back-east-side of the gymnasium building on the third Saturday of each month, from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. If you have a large number of cans, please call Joe Proietti at 885-5908 to have them picked up at your location. Vivat Jesus! ADULT BASKETBALL If you are 21 or older, a member of the Parish, and enjoy highintensity exercise through full court basketball, the St. Francis de Sales Adult Basketball Fellowship invites your participation. For information, please call Fred Allison at 886-6808. BOCCE BALL! St. Francis de Sales has a very active group of men who play Bocce on Monday and Thursday mornings. If any of our retired men are interested in joining us, contact Deacon Frank Collura at 885-4424. SPANISH CLASSES ¡HOLA! Come and join us for Spanish classes every Wednesday, and enjoy as you learn another language! Classes are as follows: 10:30 AM–11:00 AM Advanced ` 11:00 AM–Noon Beginners ¡BIENVENIDOS! C OMMUNIT Y N EWS ATTENTION, MARRIED COUPLES Tucson Catholic Engaged Encounter offers important marriage preparation in the form of a weekend retreat. If you are interested in sharing your marriage experiences with engaged couples, please contact Jerry and Dina Aguilar at 571-0797. OUR LADY QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS—PARISH SECRETARY 7 MAGNIFICAT BREAKFAST Magnificat, a Catholic women’s ministry, is hosting its quarterly breakfast on Saturday, May 12, at a new location: the Sheraton Hotel, 5151 East Grant Road. Registration will begin at 8:30 AM, and breakfast will follow at 9:00 AM. Join us for breakfast, fellowship, and an inspirational speaker: Lila Reich. Hear Lila’s story of conversion after being raised in the Jewish faith. Tickets are $15.00 in advance or $17.00 at the door and are available from your Parish Magnificat representative (Ruth Redman, 349-9858), JMJ Religious Store, Trinity Bookstore, Casa de Inspiracion, or by calling 326-6796. Our Lady Queen of All Saints Parish in Tucson is seeking applicants for the part-time, non-exempt position of Parish Secretary. The person must have excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, and be proficient in computer technology including website management. Responsibilities include keeping parish records, bulletin preparation, and providing secretarial and administrative support as necessary. To view the position description and to obtain information on how to apply, please refer to (Employment). MOST HOLY TRINITY PARISH—BUSINESS MANAGER Most Holy Trinity Parish in Tucson is seeking applicants for the full-time, exempt position of Business Manager. The Business Manager will have primary day-to-day responsibility for planning, implementing, managing, and controlling all financial related activities of the parish. This will include responsibility for accounting and finance, including bookkeeping, budgeting, legal, human resources, risk management, and buildings and grounds. To view the position description and to obtain information on how to apply, please refer to (Employment). DIOCESE OF TUCSON—POSITIONS AVAILABLE The following position vacancies exist within the Diocese of Tucson: St. Ambrose Catholic School, Tucson – Middle School Science Teacher (part-time); San Felipe de Jesus Parish, Nogales – Office Manager; Most Holy Nativity Parish, Rio Rico – Parish Secretary; Catholic Foundation for Stewardship and Charitable Giving, Inc. – Development Associate. To view the job descriptions and for information on how to apply, visit (Employment). NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING Is there a safe and sound method of family planning? Yes, there is one called the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCareTM System of Natural Family Planning. This ovulation method is 100% safe because no drugs, devices, or surgery are used. It is 99.6% effective for avoiding pregnancy. It can also be used to achieve pregnancy by eliminating the guesswork regarding the time of fertility. In fact, 76% of couples who use the CREIGHTON MODEL to achieve a pregnancy do so in the first month. This method can also help couples identify problems that cause infertility or frequent miscarriage. Best of all, because the CREIGHTON MODEL is a shared method, it offers couples additional benefits of increased intimacy, fertility, respect, better communication, and more! Introductory Sessions are held regularly. The fee is $30 per couple. Couples can now register and pay online at Click on “Education & Support,” then click on “Natural Family Planning.” Couples may also call to register or to receive information on the dates and locations of the next session. This program is also offered in Spanish. Please call Carondelet FertilityCareTM Center, 873-3867, for information. 8 COMMUNITY NEWS VOCATIONS NEWS WOMEN’S DAY OF RENEWAL ♦ Happy Easter! The Vocations Office would like to wish everyone a very happy Easter! We pray that you had a meaningful Lenten season and that you continue to be mindful of what the Lord said in Matthew 4:19: “I will make you fishers of Men!” ♦ Have you noticed that young man in the Parish who has a special quality that makes you think about a priest every time you see him? Well, he may have a vocation to the priesthood—but may not know it yet! Go ahead and tell him. Oftentimes, it only takes a comment from someone to actually nourish the seed of a priestly vocation. Vine of Grace Retreat Ministry is offering a women’s retreat at Santa Rosa de Lima Mission Church, 2015 North Calle Central, on Saturday, April 28, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The theme is “Igniting a New Pentecost,” and the retreat will include praise and worship, fellowship, teachings, prayer, healing, and a deeper anointing of the Holy Spirit! Come and ignite the fire of His love in your life! There is no cost, but a love offering will be requested. Register online at or contact the ministry for details at 631-1408. Please register by April 26. DISCERNMENT RETREATS The Diocese of Tucson Catholic Cemeteries are holding their annual Memorial Day Mass at Holy Hope and Our Lady of the Desert Cemeteries on Monday, May 28, at 8:30 AM. Holy Hope Cemetery is located at 3555 North Oracle Road (phone: 888-0860), and Our Lady of the Desert Cemetery is located at 2151 South Avenida Los Reyes (phone: 885-9173). For directions, please call the cemetery office where you will attend the services. All are welcome. The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity invite young, single, Catholic women (ages 18-30) to attend the upcoming discernment retreat on May 18-20. Register online at or text or call Sr. Mary Ann Spanjers at 920-973-9903. For more information visit the website and click on the header: “We Invite you.” INVITATION FROM THE BENEDICTINE SISTERS Are you a single, Catholic woman between the ages of 18 and 47? Is God tugging at your heart, urging you to consider a religious vocation? The Benedictine Sisters invite you to share in their daily life for a week, May 24-30. For more information contact Sister Lupita at [email protected] or 325-6401. MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN A CHILD’S LIFE! St. Nicholas of Myra Adoption Center, an adoption agency under Catholic Social Service, is contracted with Child Protective Services. We are looking for volunteers to assist with the Life Book Program. Children in the custody of Child Protective Services receive Life Books. A Life Book is an album that tells the story of a child’s life. These books may be the only connection these children have to their past and knowing who they are. You can make a difference by becoming a Life Book Volunteer. There will be an informational meeting soon regarding volunteers. If you are interested and would like to learn more about this wonderful program, please contact Venessa Sanchez at 745-8791, ext. 118. FREE MISSION TO TRAVELING CATHOLICS For nationwide Mass times & locations: Call (1-410 -676-6000) or visit MEMORIAL DAY MASS FRIENDS TOGETHER–GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP The grief support group for widows and widowers will meet on Wednesday, April 25, and Saturday, April 28, from 10:00 AM–12:00 PM. The topic is "Growth Means Change." Meetings are facilitated by Linda Bowden and are sponsored by St. Francis de Sales Parish for the Tucson Community. The group meets at St. Francis de Sales in Room 4 of the Parish Center. KIDNEY DONATIONS NEEDED More than 91,500 Americans are on a kidney transplant waiting list. An estimated 1,673 of these transplant candidates reside in Arizona. Living donors can be one source of hope and life for these people. If you are willing to be tested to see if you are a match for someone in need of a kidney, please contact the Living Donor Transplant Coordinator at the University of Arizona Medical Center (UAMC) – University Campus at 694-7365. As an alternative, you may want to consider registering to be an organ and tissue donor. Visit for more information or to register. According to Pope Benedict XVI, “to donate one’s organs is an act of loveG” Please prayerfully consider how you may give another person the gift of life. McCULLOUGH FLOWERS Since 1956 Quality & Service Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. Flowers for All Occasions 7895 E. Broadway broadway & pantano Next To Sunflower Market (520) 298-3700 TAKE OUT Chicken•Veal•Seafood•Pasta•Full Bar M-F from 11:30am Fri, Sat, Sun & Holidays 4pm-10pm Credit Cards Accepted By Phone 298-1847 City Wide Delivery 7320 East Broadway Roof Coating - Cool Deck Coating Interior/Exterior Painting - Ceiling Fans Home Maintenance & Repair Fast Service Guaranteed Work 747-1912 Residential / Commercial ROC127678 ROC160009 Local Parishioner 520-722-9130 Terry • Emma Plants, Pottery, Giftware, Cacti JOIN OUR BUYING GROUP 100,000 Strong and SAVE MONEY! This $399 Value is FREE with an ad on this bulletin. Call Richard Perea 1-800-950-9952 ext. #2654 or E-mail: [email protected] 5301 S. Houghton Rd 520-546-9200 Design, Plant & Deliver Ed Sperka • Dave Bretz 8507 E. 22nd St. Bus: 520-886-5571 28 Years Serving Tucson Joe’s Pancake House FAMILY Restaurant Licensed, Bonded & Insured “Life is too short to clean your own home” Parishioner 730-5714 ©2012 Menudo Sat-Sun $5.95 1 egg, bacon, ham or sausage, home fries & toast: $2.49 Mon-Fri 2 pancakes,1 egg & 1 piece of bacon or sausage: $2.49 Mon-Fri French toast, 1egg & 2 pieces of bacon or sausage: $3.95 Mon-Fri Lunch Special: $4.95 Mon-Fri 2532 S. Kolb Road • 747-7536 NW Corner at Golf Links • Open Mon-Sat 6am-2pm • Sun 7am-2pm Roofsavers Locke Roofing Clean Homes. Clean Earth. *Buy Civano Nursery Shopping Cards, 25% of each sale goes directly to the Church. Available at the Youth Office. MARY KAY 884-1288 A trusted name in skin care, body care, color cosmetics & an unparalleled business opportunity. Licensed • Bonded • Insured Contact Parishioner FREE ESTIMATES Quality people, quality work, quality results. Alice Watson 520-400-5085 Tucson, Arizona BRING FUNERAL HOMES Serving Tucson’s Catholic Community Since 1928 Eastside 296-7193 6910 E. Broadway Frank & Mary Mudry Parishioners Este espacio está disponible Para obtener información sobre anunciarse, por favor contacte a nuestro representante de parroquias Richard Perea al 1-800-950-9952 Ext 2654 o al Correo electrónico: [email protected] FOR AD INFO CALL Richard Perea at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. Francis, Tucson, AZ B 2C 05-0387 04-13-2012 09:02:51 Raymond Peterson, DPM Family Foot Care Since 1970 Real Italian Bakery - Cafe St. Christopher Hours By Appointment Thank you for 6701 E. 22nd St. 747-1435 always protecting us. Marie Martin, Ph.D. Daily Fresh Italian & French Breads, Rolls, Pastries and Decorated Tortes Vito & Rosetta Croce • Parishioners 8301 E. 22nd St. • Tucson, AZ 85710 • Tel (520) 885-4045 Tuck’s Auto Service Parishioner Spiritual Direction & Counseling Parishioner discount on Cooper Tires & Auto Repairs Call 748-1700 for store near you! Contact us to discuss pre-planning your final arrangements. 520-241-5030 Michelin • Goodyear 1375 S. Camino Seco, Room 7 Tucson, AZ 85710 This Space Available Phone: 885-9173 1800 S. Kolb Rd. Tucson, AZ 85710 520-747-1027 JETHRO’S Little Café 8585 E. Broadway • Tucson, AZ 85710 Home of the best Gut Bustin Bodacious Home cooked Vittles at affordable prices! Owner Greg Seader • (520) 886-1091 at 1-800-950-9952 Ext 2654 or Email: [email protected] Quality Tile Installation, Inc Michael & Sharon Englert Estate Planning ~ Elder Law ~ Catholic End-Of-Life Planning Salpointe Catholic High School Join the Lancer Legacy! 1990 N. Kolb Road • Tucson, Arizona 85715 (520) 445-6556 • We Offer Free Consultations Parishioners 885-4816 Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic School Richard Perea 647-7131 140 S. Camino Seco Ste. 427 Email: [email protected] For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Parish Representative Quality Remodeling Service Since 1985 Complete Automotive Repair 520-547-4460 Robert Michael Way Licensed- ROC Lic# 143820 K-48 Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. John L. Torrez, C.P.A. Member of the Catholic Community Full Service Accounting, Income Tax Preparation Individual, Estate, Trusts, Businesses 6112 East 22nd Street 571-8989 The Singing Landscaper Scott Leick Choir Member/Parishioner 861-8068 ©2012 • Highly Qualified • Board Certified • Service & Repair • Latest Technology Hearing Aids • Preferred Provider for Most Major Insurances Bring in Church Bulletin • Free Consultation • Free Screening FOR AD INFO CALL Richard Perea at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. Francis, Tucson, AZ A 4C 05-0387 04-13-2012 09:02:51