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On-line camera manual library If you find this manual useful, how
This manual is for reference and historical purposes, all rights reserved. This creation is copyright© by M. Butkus, NJ, U.S.A. These creations may not be sold or distributed without the expressed permission of the producer I have no connection with any camera company On-line camera manual library If you find this manual useful, how about a donation of $2 to: M. Butkus, 29 Lake Ave., High Bridge, NJ 08829-1701 and send your e-mail address so I can thank you. Most other places would charge you $7.50 for a electronic copy or $18.00 for a hard to read Xerox copy. This will allow me to continue this site, buy new manuals and pay their shipping costs. It'll make you feel better, won't it? If you use Pay Pal, go to my web site www.orphancameras.com and choose the secure PayPal donation icon. .r f;aMHea$ lH{ilill tHr$$ Memories are precious jewels that enrich your life. Capture and retain them with a ZEISS IKON canera. \Whether you like roll film, miniature, or cine ftlm; a built-in photo-electricexposuremeter or a coupled range{inder rnodel-you will ftnd your camera in the ZEISS IKON rangeof camerasat all prices uniquelycornprehensive frorn the EOX TENCOR to the CONTAX. For many years the mechanicaland opticalprecisionof zgtss IKoN CAMERAshas set the standard for quality all over the world. BOX TENCOR The classicbox camerawith the irnportant features: double exposure Iod<, rvarning signal to prevent winding on of unexposed frarnes, safety catdr against accidentalrelease,two brilliant viewftndersfor horizontal and upright shots, tripod bush, and the f/9 FRoNTAR lens which will eventake colour photographs. The BOx TENcoR has built-in supplementarylensesfor close-ups down to SLlzfeet and three lens stops.The shutter permits instantaneousand time exposures;it is synchronisedfor flash. IVith its robust, light-metal body the BoX TENcoR is safe even in children's hands. with f/9 Frontar and special shutter Ever-ready case Cat. No. 122712 Ycllow ftlter 347C www.orphancameras.com Cat. No. l6i2 Cable release IKOBLITZ 0 (seep.10) l]12124 1316 SIC NAL NETTAR A handy roll ftlm camera for week-ends and holidays. you can always carry it with you, for it is a folding camera. \7hen closed, lens arrd shutter are well protected. When you press a button its self-erecting mechanism opens the SIGNAL NETTAR ready for action. Press again-this tinre the body lslqa5g-and you have captured a true picture for ever. The lenses, NOVAR anastigmats with apertures up to il3.5, are eminently suitable for colour ftlm as well. The shutters are synchronised for flash. The Pronto, Prontor-S and the speed-synchronised Prontor-SV shutters have built-in self-timers. In addition, the SIGNAL NETTAR has a clear optical viewfirrder, red-dot settings for snapshots, and a particularly irnportant feature, a double exposure lock and a warnirrg signal agairrst winding unexposed film. The NETTAR 2r/nx2rlr takes twelve exposures of the square format 2rlrinchesx2r/ninches, the NETTAR 2rlaxlr/a eight upright or horizorrtal exposures, size 2r/t x 31/r inches, on each roll lilrn. with f/6.3 Novar, Vario with fi6.3 Novar, Vero with f/4.5 Novar, Velio with f/4.5 Novar, Pronto with f/4.5 Novar, Prontor-S with fi4.5 Novar, Prontor-SV with f/3.5 Novar, Prontor-S with f/3.5 Novar, Prontor-SV * \ffithout double exposurelod< Ever-ready case Z E I S S I K O N p r e c i s i o nf i l t e r s ZEISS BERNOTAR polarising fflter Lens hood Leather case for lens hood ZEISS PROXAR lensesfor close-ups down to 12 indres Cable release with lock I K O B L I T Z 0 ( s e ep . 1 0 ) IKOPHOT exposure meter (see p" 10) 2r/ax21/t 2r/rx31lt (6x5) (5x9) C-at.No. 5l7116Ev* Cat, No. 51812Eg 518t16Ih 518/16Its 518/2 Ips 518116Ipms 518/2 Ipms 518i16Fps 5182 Fps 518116Fpms 518i2 Fpms 123u16 349, 353 330 1111 123412 349, 3i4 330, 331 1111,1112,1113 779,790 n9 910 1312t24 1316 1329 910, 911, 912 1312t24 2'lnx IKONTA IKONTA M The small dimensionsof the IKoNTA 1llax}rlt ins. (4.5x6cm') rnake it a particularly handy camera. It takes 16 erposuresof the economical7sl+x2rlqinch sizewhich is large enoughto be pastedin your album. tt is self-erectingand has a double exposurelock, etc. The 21lrx2llt or 2llax}tl +ins.(6 x6 or 6x9 cm.) IKONTA is sirnilar to the SIGNAL NETTARbut is providedwitl-ra filrn indicator,and its lens is the $'orld famouszEISS TESSARf/3.5. The 21lax2llr or 2rlaxSrlains. (6x6 or 6x9 cm.) IKoNTA M is also fttted with a bgilt-i1 rangeffnder.You no longer have to stop down the lens in order to make good possible mistakes in estimating distances,and you can make full use of the wide lens aperture. The txOsrA has all the featuresof the SICNAL NETTAR, such as a double exposurelock etc. The 13/ax2tlq and 2rltx 31/rins. (4.5x 6 and 6 x 9 cm.) sUPER IKONTA, like the 21lr squaremodelsof the SUPERIKONTA range describedon the follorvingpage,is fttted with a coupledrangeftnder. The viewlinder is of the rvell-tried Albada tlpe which shows the picture area framed by brilliant white lines within a larger fteld of view. \Xrith this type of tind., it is easy to follow fast action. The Iensfttted to this top-classcamerais theZEtSS TESSAR,a fine lens for black-and-whiteand colour. IKONTA (with folding viewftnder) $'ith f/4.5 Novar, Prontor-SV with f13.5 Novar, Prontor-SV v'"ith f/3.5 Tessar, Syodrro-Compur Ever-ready case IKONTA (with optical viewftnder) r,+ith fi3.5 Tessar, Syndro-ComPur Ever-ready case IK ON TA M with f14,5 Novar, Prontor-SV rvith f/3.5 Novar, Prontor-SV r''ith f1.3.5Tessar, Syndrro-Compur Ever-ready case S U P E RI K O N T A with f/3.5 Tessar, Syndlro-ComPur Ever-ready case * with delayed action release Cat. Nq. lt/r x ?r/r indres (4'J x O Cat. No. 521 lpms* 521 Fpms* 521 Lcm 1208 2tltx2rlt (6x6) 523116Lcm 1231116 ?rhx3t/t (6x9) 523l2Lws* 123412 2rl rx2tlr (6 x 6) 524116Fpms* 524ll6Lqn 1231i16 2tI t x Srlt (6x9) 52#2 IPms* 524/2 FPms* 524/2 Lrms+ 1234i2 ltl t x 2l t (4,5 x A 531 Lcm Tl t x }Llt (6 x 9) 53112 Lc:ns* 1208 r2fr6n precisiorr ftlters, lens hoods, ZEISS For accessories such as ZEISS IKON exposure meter, see 0, and IKOPHOT PROXAR close-up lenses, IKOBLITZ under Signal Nettar, page 3. SU P E R I K O N T A www.orphancameras.com I I I SUPER IKONTA The finestof foldingroll film cBmBrtS:theSUpERTKONTAIIIhas a combinedcoupledvierv and rangeftnder.You can seeyour lield of view and check your focusing in the same eyepiece.You simply rotate a milled ring to make the rangefinder images coincide; this automatically focusesthe lens. The self-erectingrnedranism,the red-dot settings, automatic film transport and counter, and the double exposurelock, all help to make the camerainstantly ready for action. Even when loading the film there is no red window to watch. All settings, including the depth of ffeld scale, can be read fronr the lensesare erninently above.The shutter is flash-synchronised; suitablefor black-and-whiteand colour ftlms. If you like to malie use of the unusual speedof the world famous the SUPERIKONTA I I|z.SZE|SSTESSAR,you canchoosebetween and thesuPER IKoNTA II, the latter with buiit-in photo-electric exposurenreter. All other features of thesetwo carnerasare identic a l w i t h t h o s eo f t h e S U P E RI K O N T A I I I . Itrl: with f13.5Novar, Synchro-Cornpur with f/3.5 Tessar,Synchro-Compur I: with fi2.8 Tessar,Synchro-Compur* Il, with f/2.8 Tessar,Synchro-Compur+ * with delayedaction release Cat. No. 531/16 Fcrr j31116 Lcrn III Cat. No. 7237!16 Ever-ready case 353 ZEISS IKON ptecision fiIters 330 Z E I S S B E R N O T A R p o l a r i s i n gf f l t e r 1111 Lens hood 779 Leather case for lens hood 910 ZEISS PROXAR close-uplensesup to 12in. 1312i24 Cable release rr"ith lock 901 Corrcction lenses for eyepiece R close-up attadrment CONTAMETE I K O B L I T Z 0 ( . s e pe . 1 0 ) 1316 IKOPHOT exposorenetcr (see p. 10) for SUPER IKONTA lll and I 1319 53?/15 Pcms 533i16 Pcrns I aod II 1201116,1203116 322 331 "t112 780 9tl 7312!24 901 412 VITH BUILT-IN EXPOSUREMETER IKOFLEX This twin reflex camera tells you before you releasethe shutter whether a subject is worth taking or not. A Fresnel-typefield'lens brilliantly illurninates the full-size image on the focusing screenright to its corners. You also focus on the ground glass focusing tKoPRox close-uplensunit screenwhich features a built-in focusing magnifter and sports ftnder. The IKOFLEX further has automatic fthn transport and counter, double exposurelock, depth of fteld scale,flash-synchronised shutters, and ffne lensesup to the f/3.; zelss rEssAR. In the IKOFLEX IIa winding the ftlm also sets the shutter. All settings can be read from above.All accessoriesare fully describedin a separatebooklet. Cat. No. Ia: with IIa www.orphancameras.com f/3.5 Tessar, Prontor-SV 854/15 Lpms IIa: with fi3.5 Tessar,Syn.-Comp. 855/16 Lcm Ever-ready case ZEISS IKON precisioa ffIters f KOPOL polarisi'g flIter atta$ment Irns hoo<l Leather case for lens hood IKOPROX close-up unit to 20 indres to 12 indes Prism ftnder Cable release with lod< I KOBLITZ 0 (seep. l0) IKOPHOT exposure meter (see p. t0) 1224116,t2:lf/ll6 371 337 ll?t 780 9371t 937l0j 4sl1l6 l3l2l24 1316 1329 = #;F ...::'-:: qfu : CONITINA t;.-; "-:{ A new miniature camera which features a built-in photo-€lectric exposure meter, yet is very reasonablypriced. One glance gives you the correct exposureeven in dull weather or indoors.This makes the Iittle CoNTINA Ita your ideal companionif you are interestedin Ei,i-r ca u z v) v 'E;'. trr colour photography. {l iiri:, F r! "{t Fi The quick wind rnechanismseesto it that you are always ready for action. A turn of a lever winds the film, setsthe shutter, and counts the exposures. The ftne lenses up to the 13lainch (45 rnm) li = tL1 tII U ZY t! ao f/2.9. NovICAR have a large depth of fteld\flith the red-dot setting, for instance,you get everything sharp from 8r/z feet to inftnity. The 0ash-synchronised shutter has a built-in delayed action release. a &o. EI X o.t! X .U If you prefer to acquire your equipment in easy stages,you can buy the CONTINA ta which also features the quick wind lever arrd all the other advantagesdescribedabove,with the exception of the built-in exposuremeter. Later on you can alsobuy the IKOPHOT" ,hia !i-...^ t! ; ti; &:.rt;1, At :@j +_try Ltt Ia, with fi3.5 Novar, Prontor-SVS IIa, with f/3.5 Novar, Prontor-SVS with f i 2.8Novicar, Prontor-SVS J al Ever-ready case ZEISS IKON precision fflters (coated) ZEISS BERNOTAR polarising fllter [.ens hood kather case for lens hood ZEISS PROXAR lenses for close-ups to 6rl: indres C-able release with lock I KOBLITZ 0 (seep. 10) IKOPHOT exposure meter (see p. 10) for Contina Ia c.t o Fgl .461:.g tsl"t *::: z : a a t! N a {:l C-at.No. . 525121F1ws 5?ft2lFpms 5?iD4Ypms 7244t24 352 330 1110 778 909 r312i24 1316 1329 \I/ITH BUILT-IN EXPOSURE METER Ever-readv case Omnica universal case ZEISS IKON precision ftlters (coated) polarising ftlter CONTAPOL Lens hood Leather case for lens hood Z E I S S P R O X A R l e n s e s{ c o a t e d )f o r close-upsto 61ir in. Cable release with lo& Correction lenses for eyepiece Z E I S S I K O N T E L E S K O P r . 7t f o r extending the focal length to about 80mm. (311rindres) STE RI TAR-A stereo attadunent Attachment head I K O B L I T Z 0 ( s e ep . 1 0 ) A special brochure is available giving details of other accessories. I KOPHOT exposure meter (see p. lO) for CONTAFLEX I 1242!24 1247i24 351 338 1110 n8 sl09 1312i21 902 The revolutionarysingle-lensrefle-xcamera:the clear ftnder shorvsthe suhjectupright, unreversed,arrd in almost natural size. rff/ith its spring-loaded,pre-selectoriris ancl Fresnellerrs,the ftnder-imageis brilliantly illuntinated right to its corners, even rvlren tl,e lens is stoppedclown. It is always free fronr parallax error, whatever lens att.lchmentsor PRoXAR close-uplenses(down to 61/z irrches!) are used. Tr+o coupled range{inders (split image principle ancl ground glass ring) guaranree the pin sharp deftnition with the world famous {12.8 zvtss tt61r'03 812 86rtW 1316 TESSnR lens. The S-ynclrro- Cornpur shutter with delayed action is syncl.rronised for all types of fiash. The coupled film transport and shutter winding and other operations with only trvo additional controls make for easy handling. The CoNTAFLEX II has in addition a built-in photo-electric exposure meter. It mea- sures the reflected light from the subject, and finds the correct exposure and aperture with black-and-white and colour fflm. You can give your whole ariention to rhe picture itself. There is a separate, detailed, brodrure about the CoNTAFLEX and the nrany accesso- ries of the CONTAFLEX SYSTEM for taking long focus photographs, stereoscopyr copying, and photomicrography. I: with f12.8Tessar,Synchro-Compur-MXV II. with f/2.8 Tessar,Synchro-CornpurMXV EIII STERtrTAR.A www.orphancameras.com C-ar No. $61124Pcms 862/14 Pcrns CONTAX This is the q'orld famous precision camera that will successfullytackle any job. For in bad light thereis the extremespeedof the well tried f11.5zptss soNn*AR snapshots shutter takes sports and action picturesat l/rzmsecoud; lens; the speed-synchronised there are telephotolerrsesfor theatre and portrait photography and shotsof animals ir: the fteld, and short-focuslerrsesup to the angle of view of 90o of the absolutelyunique fl+.SstocoN. Close-upapparatustakes care of the many applicationsof this {leld, suchas macrophotography,copying, and photomicrography;and there is a new attacltment for taking fascinatingstereopictureson the principleof the ZEIsS IKON STEREO SYSTEM. T[e CSNTAX has, of course,a coupled view and rangefinder,built-in delayed action, coupledftfin transport and shutter winding, automatic exposurecounter, and in addition a completelyremovableback and provisionfor the two-cassettemethod.All the bayonet mountedlensescan be instantly interchanged.The CONTAX IIIa also has a built-in photo-electric exposufe meter. Ask your dealer for the specialbrochuredescribingthe CONTAXANdthc CONTAXSYSTEM. CONTAX IIa (35 mm.) Cat.No. CONTAX IIIa (35 rnm.) rvith 2 in. (50 rnm) f13.5 ZEISS TESSAR u'ith 2 in. (50 mm) f/2 ZEISS SONNAR with 2 in. (5o mm-) f/1"5 ZEISS SONNAR 563i24L 5631:{ N 563!24J \t'ith 2 in. (50 mm) f/3.5 ZEISS TESSAR with 2 in. (50 rnrn) f/2 ZEISS SONNAR *'ith 2 in. (50 mm.) f/1.5 ZEISS SONNAR Cat. No. 564124L 564i21 N 5Ui24I 41ft in. (115 mm) f/3.5 5122tol ZEISS PANFLEX TESSAR R 5i13164 5Elsin. (135mm) f/a ZEISS SONNAR 19r/r in. (500 mn) fiS TelePhoto 553/08/92W lens with special model Panflex 5522113 PAN FLE X reflex attadment Universal ftnder ior 27,35, 50, 440 85, and 135 mm' precision filSpecial ftnders, ZEISS IKON ters. lens hoods, and leather cases, art availlenses. able for all CONTAX 1215t24 Ever-ready case for camera 01an4,12411?4 Universal cases The catalogue numbers for the CONTATEST, CONTAMETER, SPECIAL DEVICE 1:1, aod I and II close-up devices; the CONTAPROX table, portable, and Large copying oatfit; antl the STEREOTAR-C stereo attadment etc. are SYSTEM contaiued in the special CONTAX brodure. exposure meter ($ee p. l0) IKOPHOT 1329 lla for CONTAX WITH BUILT-IN EXPOSURE METER IKO LU X IKOPHOT The II(OLuX is a very efficientprojectorwith fast interchangeablelenses of varying focal lengths. It can be quid<ly adapted for projecting 2 x 2 in. (5 x 5 cm.) miniature or 2s/cx28/t in. (7 x7 cm) roll film slides, and for stereo picturesby the ZEISS IKON STEREO SYSTEM. If your cameradoesnot have a builtin photo-electricexposuremeter,enlist the aid of the IKoPHor. In all light conditio.rsit instantly showsyou the correct aperture for any shutter speed, and vice versa.Evenwhen you use ftlters you do not have to do any calculations. tV.hether you are using blad<-and-whiteor colour, negative or reversalfflm, you can absolutelyrely on getting the correct exposure.The fflm speedcan be set in DIN or ASA ratings. In very contrastylighting you can measure the incident light with the help of the diffusion disc. The IKOPHOT is also availablescaledin light values. lt is housed in a shod< proof, ivory coloured,plastic case,and is supplied with a smart ever-ready casein rust leather and a gold plated safety chain. For details and accessoriessee the special brochure. IKOLUX 250 with 250 watt lamp Cat. No. 1478 IKOBLITT STith the photographers's "private sun", the battery-capacitorflash unit, he can alwaysrely on getting ffne pictures at night or indoors. The handy IKOBLTTZo fits into the accessoryshoe or the tripod bush of the camera.It has a.test lamp and an ejector for the bulbs. Becausethe reflector is removablethe outftt can be carried in a zipper case of less than 6 inchesdiameter. The larger IKOBLTTZrrr will take flashbulbawith eitherE.S.orA.S.C.C. sockets. Its provision for extension flash guns is useful for obtaining varied lighting effectsand lighting up Iarge halls. Thereis alsothe IKOTRON electronic flash outftt rvhich is described in a specialbrochure. Leads for the gun and extensionguns are availablein severallengths. IKOBLITZ 0 with flash lead anj.:t: IKOBLITZIII witho**Hllu"id,u.n 10 IKOPHOT, STEREO Anybody can handle the accessoriesof the Z E I S SI K O N S T E R E O SYSTEM fortheContax and Contaflex,for you operateyour camerain exactly the same way as for ordinary photography. There is none of the usual and rather tri&y mounting of the slides; nor do you need any kind of special knowledge for showing them in the IKOLUx projector. Your dealer will be glad to give you further information. www.orphancameras.com complete Cat.No.132e MOVI KON B There are few greater pleasures than making ftlms of happy times spent in the family circle or the compauy of friends. Seeing your own "movies" on the screen is a thrill of its own. 8. At stop 4 its fast a/einch. Anybody can film rvith the MovIKoN (10 rnm.) fit.g r.aovlrAR lens gives you sharp pictures of everything between 5 feet ancl inftnity. jor, em MOVIKON You can approaclr your subject as close as 8 inches without close-up lenses. There are two lens attadrrnents for wide-angle and tele shots. Because of its horizontal shape you hold the MovIKoN comfortably with both hands as the Contax. 8 as safely and It also features a safety lod< against unintetrtional release, a running lock enabling you to include yourself in the picture, single frame exposures, a removable bad<, simple loading, and the versatile accessories forming the N'{OVIKON MOVIKON SYSTEI\'I Cat. No. "transverse"with $lein. (10 mm.) 1.9Movitar 1280t28 Elrr-ready case 775 Ever-ready bag t248i?8 Omnica universal case Z E I S S I K O N p r c c i s i o nf i l t e r s . 1 6 l l31X!21 Cable release u,ith lock IKOPHOT exposure meter (see page 10) 1329 (2x) MOVITELAR Tele attaclunerrt rvith flnder, lcns hood, and case (0.5x) MOVIGONAR wide-angle attaclunent with finder, lens hood, and case Filters for lcns attachnrents 5532zas 55321M 5532!07 371 THE MOVI KON SYSTEM the MovIKoN I becomesaconrpletesubstandardWith a few accessories ftlnr studio.For indoor takes there is the MoVtLUM universallighting set with singly adjustablereflectorspermitting many lighting effects. $(iith the MOVITRIX you can title your {ilnrs as well as take trick shots. It can be usedin a large variety of combinationsrvith the MoVILUM. Editing your ffhns for their ffnal version ;s a real pleasure with the MovlsCoP ftlnr viewer.This is availablefor 8 or 16mm. fitrrn. without MOVITRIX glass sheets Matte box for Movitrix, usable as lens hood 6;lass sheets, titling drum, llapover plate, and range of masks on application. Cat. No. 1426j28 1426t05 MOVITRIX r r r i l l rM O V I L U M ligbting unit ffi with 2 reflectors, C-at.No. MOVILUM without brrlbs r3 r 0 2 extension reflectors, 1310103 without bulbs MOVISCOP 8 mm" rvith lamp aud re-*'ind t131i28 MOVISCOP 15mm. with lamp and re-wind 1431/30 Movlscov fitm editor It Ft * -l FE - F-+ FZEISS IKON CAMERAS call for genuine ZEISS I K O N A C C E S S O R I E S . A l l c o m p o n e n t sc a n b e u s e d singly or combined with others. ZEISS tKON precisiotr filters are available in yellow, yellow-green, orange, recl, blue (tKoLoR), and as colourless UV filters. They are produced under strict optical control so as to preserve the outstanding performance of the.lensesin the ZEISS IKON cameras. Coated ftlters cost slightly more. zEISS BERNoTAR polarising filters rernove undesirable reflections frorn shiny surfaces in the picture. They are also valuable for colour photography. Lensboods prevent flare when photographing against the light, and protect the lenses from rain and snow. A leather case for attaching to the ever-ready case available for each lens hood. Sbutter speeds rd The faster the subject moves, the shorter must be your exposure. The following slrutters are b u i l t i n t o z E I S S l K o N c a n l e r a s( " 8 " s t a n d s f o r Fr crl time exposutes of any duration): Special(Box Tengor only): tlzrsecond,'8. Tario: llzs, tlzs, titto second, B. ' T e r o , r l z s , r l e o , 1 1 r c 0 ,r / r o o seconcl, B. Telio: 1lro, tlzs, rlsr, tlne, rlzor second, B. r l z r , t l l o , 1 l n o , l l m r Pronto' secolrd, B, delayed action. Itrorilor-S ' 7, tlz, rls, tln, 7lzs, tlso, llno, l/soo (in 2r/rx 3l/r cameras r/zro) sccond, B, delaycd action. Prontor-S'P ' as Prontor-S but speed-syndronised. Prontor-STS ' as Prontor-SV but with automatic winding of the delayed action mechanism. S.yndlro-Compur: lt tlz, Tls, tln, llzt, l/so, r/roo, l/rsr, r/roo sccond, Ikontas I and I[), the Contaflex and 20 inches,12 inches,and with ina even to 83/r and 61lz inches.CoatedPRoxAR'l speed-syndrronised, ln 2rl{'x 31/r" canreras I and II with delayed action. r l z , i l t , 1 l s , t l t , 1/ro, l/eo, r/r:1, Syndtro-Canpur-VlX'U, 7, 1/:ro, r/mo secon<|, B, speed-synchrolrised, delayed action. Tocal PIaile Sbutter (iu Contax): rlno, rlxc, 1!roo, rlnao second, B, l,1lz, T, rlt, rln, Ttzs, tlso, speed-syndrrorrised, action. All shutters are syndrronised for flash. If you want to use flash at the fastest shutter speeds the shutter must be speed-syndrronised. cost slightly more. The zEt Ss tKoN CableRdit"^. has a lod<for long tilne exposures. l z -, \.1 -l -l and Super Ikonta delayed Z E IS xAR lenses allow close-ups down to 3rlz feet (necessi ly for caneras 6 x 9 and the Strper B, a -lq \d jour dealer will adoiseyou lladly dnd utitboutany obligfltion, www.orphancameras.com Aufhor J.rroorror55 fffi;Cdr I Z Unieriin Gemony, ctl ct) Fl FLI N
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