2011 annual report - Denver Botanic Gardens


2011 annual report - Denver Botanic Gardens
The mission
of Denver Botanic Gardens is to connect people with plants, especially plants from the Rocky
Mountain region and similar regions around the world, providing delight and enlightenment to everyone.
The four core values of the Gardens – transformation, relevance, diversity and sustainability – spell out
the Gardens’ intentions in the years ahead. These core values, along with the Gardens’ brand platform, strategy, icon and capital
campaign, are cohesive and serve as a map to chart our course. With the support of friends, we set out to ensure Denver Botanic
Gardens will forever flourish.
Message from the CEO
Just beneath the surface, amazing things were happening at Denver Botanic Gardens in 2011.
After a couple of frenzied years, with 30 construction projects from the small to the grand, all
seemed quite calm. It was a time to learn from our new facilities and infrastructure, to build
program details and to double check all of our foundational policies and procedures.
In fact, we developed an inclusive, department by department, owner’s manual; everything from
the history and mission of each individual garden to the staging, timetable and budget history
for each major event. No details were overlooked; if something leaks or breaks in one of our
mechanical rooms, there is a clipboard with all of the basic information needed to fix the problem.
Thinking about future generations instead of next week was at the core of most important work in
2011. We also looked at some powerful, historic issues. We had a major exhibition of sculpture
and drawings by the renowned artist Allan Houser, along with a half dozen prominent contemporary
Native American artists, reminding us of a distinctive relationship between man and nature that
harkens back to early civilization.
We focused on native plants, celebrating them throughout the Gardens and protecting them
throughout the Rocky Mountain West. With support from the Gladys Cheesman Evans Fund, we
opened our new Conservation Genetics Lab, which facilitates the identification and safeguard of
endangered species, and the Tissue Culture Lab, which enables propagation of many species.
A new garden of native plants will soon surround the Earl J. Sinnamon Visitor Center at Chatfield,
which opened in 2011. This long-awaited addition is the final major project in the Chatfield Master
Development Plan, written years ago in conjunction with the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.
Attendance, membership and support of all kinds remain strong at Denver Botanic Gardens,
keeping us in the top five most-visited botanic gardens in the country. To all who visited, donated,
joined and volunteered, thank you for another grand adventure in 2011. With your ongoing
support, dreams will continue to come true.
Brian Vogt
Chief Executive Officer
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
Core Value 1: Sustainability
Over $300,000 in new commitments were raised towards the construction of the Bill Hosokawa
Bonsai Pavilion and Tea Garden. Simultaneously, 2011 marked the partnership of Denver Botanic
Gardens with prominent members of the Japanese American communities of metropolitan Denver.
Dedication of this garden, including the expansion of our much loved Japanese Garden, will take
place in early summer 2012.
We continued to strengthen and affirm the important partnership with the Associates of Denver
Botanic Gardens. This body of volunteers and friends to the Gardens committed $100,000 for the
renovation of the Cheesman Gate.
Mordecai Children’s Garden’s second season was ever better than the first. To see it continue to
thrive, in 2011 we completed efforts to raise endowment dollars for Mordecai Children’s Garden
with over $1.6 million in new endowment to support the educational and horticultural programs
in the Children’s Garden.
Corporate partnerships were strong again in 2011. We welcomed new partners such as Century
Link, InColor and AquaScapes, and celebrated the continuation and growth of some of our core
partnerships with others, including UMB Bank, Perry & Co, Chipotle and Swingle, to name a few.
Looking beyond our own walls, Denver Botanic Gardens, in partnership with Sterling Ranch,
helped create low-water sustainable landscapes at a demonstration site at Allis Ranch in Douglas
County. Sterling Ranch will be Colorado’s first rainwater-harvesting community and this project will
set a new standard for water conservation in Colorado.
The Botanical Art and Illustration Program continued to thrive in 2011, now offering 133 courses
to an astounding 1,415 students. This represents a 34% increase in registrants over 2010. The
program shows no signs of slowing down.
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
At Chatfield, Trail of Lights had a very successful year, grossing a record $156,613. Due in part
to expanded open days, a total of 18,986 people attended the country holiday light display.
Denver Botanic Gardens values its members, old and new. To welcome new members to the
Gardens, we instituted new member tours in 2012, helping us gain the highest-ever number of new
members during Spring Plant Sale and Mother’s Day weekend. Members also enjoyed a special
preview of Native Roots | Modern Form: Plants, Peoples and the Art of Allan Houser in April 2011.
Over 150 volunteer-led, guided tours were given at York Street, serving more than 1,700 visitors.
In 2012, volunteers will also act as docents to deliver even more varied experiences.
Operations continued to repair, build and keep the Gardens looking gorgeous. Twenty-five worn
and cracked Plexiglas panels on the Conservatory were replaced and the Chatfield greenhouses
underwent extensive repairs after rough winds caused significant damage. The Earl J. Sinnamon Visitor
Center at Chatfield was also opened, with the masonry work all completed by the Gardens’ mason.
The Research and Conservation Department continued its work with Colorado flora in 2011. There
are 16 species of plants in Colorado listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered
Species Act; we were able to collect seed of four of them in 2011. We also collected seed of an
additional six rare species in Colorado. Many of these efforts were funded from new or continued
projects and partnerships.
Always pioneers in the botanical research field, with help from adjunct researcher, Dr. Scott Bates,
and programmer Ed Gilbert, we initiated the first portal for mycology collections specimen data
from institutions in the US for use by scientists and mushroom enthusiasts.
The Gardens continued its participation with Plant Select® in 2011. Panayoti Kelaidis, director of
outreach, cut the ribbon for a brand new, one-acre Durango Botanical Garden at the public library
in Durango, which is the newest Plant Select display garden. Many Plant Select plants have been
direct or indirect products of research conducted at Denver Botanic Gardens.
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
Core Value 2: Transformation
Denver Botanic Gardens was one of six US botanic gardens to partner in the creation of a National
Botanic Garden in Haiti. Director of Horticulture Sarada Krishnan presented at an international workshop
in Haiti on the horticultural aspects of a botanic garden and the role it plays in the community.
Our first Front Yard Makeover was installed in September 2011. This was a collaborative project
with Colorado Nursery and Greenhouse Association working with the selected neighbor. Plants
were donated by green industry partners. The dramatic transformation highlighted the Gardens’
focus on water-smart design.
There were approximately 100 people in attendance at the reception for the grand opening of the
Earl J. Sinnamon Visitor Center in late September. During the reception the Connors Family Trail
was unveiled to Ed Connors and family members in honor of his long time commitment to Denver
Botanic Gardens. The Sinnamon Visitor Center provides a clear welcome to Chatfield and muchneeded offices for Chatfield administration.
Community Supporting Agriculture (CSA) at Chatfield more than tripled its production in only its second
year of production. At almost four acres, it had 151 subscribers enjoying fresh, local produce weekly over
the summer and early autumn months. In addition to vegetables, the CSA began offering subscribers fresh
cut bouquets and Colorado-grown fruit shares from Ela Family Farm. Overall, the CSA produced 45,000
lbs of vegetables in 2011, with 4,000 lbs donated to various charity organizations.
Working in tandem with the Exhibitions Department, our operations staff transformed the landscape
of the Gardens, removing the Henry Moore sculptures during especially harsh winter conditions. A
few months later, the staff was busy installing the works of Allan Houser for 2011’s Native Roots |
Modern Form exhibition.
While the artistic transformation was visible to all, just below the surface we created a new
research lab at the Gardens. The state-of-the-art lab is designed specifically for our needs and
increases our capacity to delve into new projects. It also provides additional space for the evergrowing Research and Conservation Department.
The most advanced scientific work requires the best people. In 2011, the Research and Conservation
Department bolstered its scientific capacity by increasing its staff to 11 people. Collectively, the Research
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
and Conservation Department published one manuscript in a scientific journal; submitted one manuscript
for publication; and gave eight presentations on scientific work at five national – and international
meetings. There are now four PhDs and one PhD graduate student in the department with diverse skill sets,
expanding our collaborations and ability to apply for National Science Foundation funding.
HORticulture stats
3,256 plant accessions were added to our living collections in 2011.
The Gardens’ living plant collections statistics for 2011:
• Total plants: 34,035
• Total accessions: 21,515
• Number of taxa represented: 14,174
• Number of species: 8,683
• Number of genera: 2,093
• Number of families: 258
Propagation & production statistics:
• Number of plants produced by seed propagation for annual displays: 23,416
• Number of plants produced by vegetative propagation for displays: 4,800
• Number of plants produced by seed propagation for CSA: 15,422
• Plants propagated for Plant Select distribution and trials:
• In-house propagated plants sold at the Shop at the Gardens:
• In-house propagated plants sold at the Spring Plant Sale: 5,268
• In-house propagated plants sold at the Fall Plant Sale: 1,200
Because the Gardens is a living museum, cataloging our collection is vital to the institution. More
than 750 new image records were cataloged in 2011, representing 641 species; we have over
9,900 images cataloged representing almost 4,500 (31%) of the taxa in Denver Botanic Gardens’
living collections. Likewise, 17,964 living plants, or approximately 71% of the collection, are now
mapped in the BG-Map cataloging software.
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
Core Value 3: Relevance
In 2011, the Helen Fowler Library circulated 5,275 items, an 11% increase over 2010. We
shared our collection with other institutions as well; 168 items were lent to other libraries via
interlibrary loan, reaching academic and public libraries, varied government institutions, and
fellow botanic garden and museum libraries in 27 states.
To better serve our library visitors, the library reformatted its Web page to include more information on
library events, history, policies and procedures, as well as images from the collection and easier access
to the catalog. New range finder signage was also installed on library shelves for better user experience.
The Gardens is stunningly beautiful, but visitor experience is further enhanced through interpretative
signage throughout. In 2011, there were 10,300 calls to the cell phone audio guide and 13
permanent interpretive panels were created and installed.
To keep visitors informed throughout the year, 45 seasonal horticulture interpretation signs were created
and installed in 2011, with wide-ranging topics including the sacred Citrus medica in the Orangery, the
Plant Select® program, and pollination in Birds and Bees garden. Signs for Native Roots | Modern Form
– many in English and Spanish – were also created to guide visitors through the exhibition.
In 2011 we saw a 14% increase over 2010 in overall, unrestricted operating support. This includes
annual fund, contributing memberships, operating grants, corporate sponsorships and the increased net
revenues from both the Plant Sale Preview Party and the Fête des Fleurs.
Private gifts and grants enabled 4,660 low-income children to participate in the Gardens’ wealth
of onsite and outreach programs through the “In Full Bloom” scholarship program. Support for this
program provides free and reduced programs and transportation funding to schools with 60% or higher
participation in the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program (FRLP). Denver Botanic Gardens aims to
ensure that all children in the metro area can participate in the Gardens’ education curriculum.
Denver Botanic Gardens education programs reached over 34,000 children, offering hands-on
experiences, standards-based science lessons and the marvels of the plant world.
We were also able to take advantage of expanded opportunities for family programs in Mordecai Children’s
Garden. Participation in children’s and family programs increased by a remarkable 112% in 2011.
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
The Gardens offers a variety of classes and programs designed to serve the entire community.
In 2011, we held five after-hours Family Fun Nights, which gave families the opportunity to
explore Mordecai Children’s Garden at night, participate in themed activities and participate it an
interactive performance. The Wintergreen Outreach and Summer Sensory programs served 387
people from the developmentally disabled and the elderly populations in nearly 40 sessions.
Along with the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation, Denver Botanic Gardens
hosted the Center for Plant Conservation annual meeting. The meeting was a gathering of more
than 50 conservation professionals from botanic gardens and federal agencies nationwide.
The Gardens helped to identify two rare type specimens, which are now housed in the herbaria. These
species new to science - a flower called Packera mancosana and a rare mushroom species (and possibly
new genus), Smithiomyces crocodilinus – demonstrate a need to continue exploring native flora.
Because so much of the research work we do takes place out of the public eye, in 2011 we initiated our
Re-search the Gardens: Meet Our Scientists lunchtime lecture series. The inaugural year had three talks,
with six planned for 2012. Topics ranged from herbaria maintenance to fungi exploration.
Recognizing the growing popularity of gardening, Denver Botanic Gardens teamed up with FOX
31, providing a weekly “garden guru” segment with Panayoti Kelaidis, director of outreach and
senior curator, on Friday mornings. The segments have been well-received and continue into 2012.
Panayoti Kelaidis also led several field trips to the mountains of Colorado. With unprecedented
snowfall, 2011 was a banner year for wildflowers in the Rockies. Mr. Kelaidis hosted several
trips for horticulturists from the US and abroad. Several classes and programs have spun off these
explorations, and several unfamiliar plants and forms for cultivation were found.
All 91 plots in the Denver Botanic Gardens Community Garden were rented, with 141 registered
gardeners participating. For the months of March through October, there were 2,958 recorded
visits to the garden. Over 200 lbs of produce grown in the Community Garden was donated from
June to October.
A plant exploration trip to Argentina, funded by Plant Select ®, was conducted by Curator of Native
Plants Dan Johnson and Senior Horticulturist Mike Kintgen. The purpose of the trip was to scout for
steppe plants with potential as good candidates for our Colorado landscape. This will be followed
by a collecting trip in 2013 after acquisition of proper collecting permits.
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
Core Value 4: Diversity
The Gardens organized or hosted 12 exhibitions in 2011, including those on the York Street grounds,
Gates Garden Court, El Pomar Room and offsite locations such as Denver International Airport, Front
Range Community College, University of Denver Museum of Anthropology and Republic Plaza.
Denver Botanic Gardens signature exhibition, Native Roots | Modern Form: Plants, Peoples and
the Art of Allan Houser, was a catalyst for seven guest lecture programs and was supported
specifically by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Colorado Creative Industries, the
Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian, and Xcel Energy. Collaborations included
working with Denver Indian Center and Museo de las Americas.
The Botanical Art & Illustration program looked beyond the walls of Denver Botanic Gardens,
successfully arranging four distance learning courses in 2011. Two courses were offered at El
Charco in Mexico to 29 registrants.
In the spirit of offering new and different ways to engage with the Gardens, 2011 saw the increased
use of new technologies and social media to reach out to new audiences, donors and long time
supporters of Denver Botanic Gardens. The endowment campaign for Mordecai Children’s Garden
employed Web-based giving, blogging and other electronic communications, in addition to traditional
means of solicitation. On a related note, of the generous individuals who gave to Denver Botanic
Gardens as part of Colorado Gives Day, 30% were first time philanthropists to our organization.
Our Horticulture Therapy program served 34 facilities with approximately 350 participants in 40 sessions
through the Winter Green and Summer Sensory Programs. The program complements the recently
renovated Sensory Garden at York Street.
One of the most attended events each year takes place at Chatfield. In advance of Pumpkin Festival,
approximately 35,000 pumpkins were produced on 10 acres in 2011, leading to record pumpkin sales
of $76,000. Total attendance at Chatfield was over 104,000 people in 2011.
Thanks to a donation from the Washburne Family, in memory of Mary Washburne, the Chatfield
horticulture staff replanted the historic orchard adjacent to the Hildebrand Ranch House, establishing
the Mary Marsh Washburne Orchard. The orchard includes over 20 apple, plum and cherry trees.
Tree varieties include newer dwarf and semi-dwarf trees, as well as heirloom varieties that have
historically been grown in this area.
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
The average number of member households in 2011 was 29,000, peaking at 30,000 in April. It was
the highest membership count in Gardens’ history
More than 500 school programs were delivered, serving over 25,000 school children. Of those, 29.5%
children were served by the Gardens’ “In Full Bloom” scholarship program.
In an effort to meet growing demand by schools for Guided Exploration programs, we added the
Garden Sense-ations and Science Labs programs. Garden Sense-ations provides the youngest students
(Pre K – Kindergarten) a unique opportunity to engage their senses as they discover a diversity of plants.
Science Labs offer an up-close look a specific topic through experiments and activities to build students’
understanding. Both programs were very well received and our onsite Guided Programs increased by
63% overall.
The Gardens continued its participation in the Urban Advantage program, a collaboration between the
Gardens, Denver Zoo, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver Public Schools, Aurora Public
Schools and Adams 14 Public Schools. This National Science Foundation-funded program works to
improve science literacy among middle school students and provides teachers and students with resources
to think and explore like scientists. In 2011, the Gardens participated in Family Science Nights at
participating schools, hosted a Family Science Day at the Gardens, hosted all participating students on
a field trip, hosted teacher professional development and participated in similar programs at the other
participating institutions. In the 2012-2013 school year, a major research project will take place to
compare achievement of Urban Advantage schools with their non-Urban Advantage peers.
Special events provide an opportunity for people to experience the Gardens in new and
unexpected ways. Our events take place at both York Street and Chatfield. In 2011 we saw
record attendance at Garden Grapes and Hops and at Holiday Sale. Several of our events
were upgraded with new attractions, including the jumping pillow for kids at Corn Maze; the
dancing light show set to holiday music in the UMB Bank Amphitheater during Blossoms of Light;
and a whimsical light show in the children’s area at Trail of Lights. We also introduced a new
event in 2011 – Dia de los Muertos. We more than doubled our expected attendance at Dia
de los Muertos, with over 1,300 people in attendance. Dia de los Muertos at the Gardens was
incredibly popular; in fact, it outgrew the original space after its first year.
Denver Botanic Gardens played an integral roll, in collaboration with the Associates of Denver Botanic
Gardens, in the Garden Conservancy tour. Director of Outreach Panayoti Kelaidis offered tours of his
private garden and assumed stewardship of the Garden Conservancy tours on behalf of the Gardens.
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
Treasurer’s Report
I am pleased to report on the Denver Botanic Gardens Inc. (“DBG”) results of the year ended
December 31, 2011, as detailed in our accompanying audited combined financial statements. The
DBG is a nonprofit corporation formed in 1951, organized for the establishment and maintenance
of botanical gardens and arboreta in cooperation with the City and County of Denver (the “City”),
pursuant to a long term cooperative agreement with the City. In accordance with this agreement
DBG manages and operates the facilities including the buildings, plantings and all other properties
that constitute Denver Botanic Gardens and Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield for the benefit
of the public.
The accompanying financial statements also include the accounts of the Denver Botanic Gardens
Endowment Inc. (“DBGE”), a separate nonprofit organization established in 1991 that holds a
majority of the DBG endowment funds and also includes the accounts of two affiliated volunteer
organizations: the Associates of Denver Botanic Gardens and the Denver Botanic Gardens Guild,
who work for the betterment of Denver Botanic Gardens by providing volunteer assistance and
financial aid. The volunteers, the DBGE and DBG are collectively referred to as “the Gardens.”
In 2011 the Gardens continued to pursue its mission of connecting people with plants with an
operating budget of $15.6 million, which is down significantly from the 2010 operating budget of
$28.1 million. We ended the current year with a slight operating loss, primarily attributable to the
accounting treatment for contributions that requires the Gardens to recognize contribution revenue
when a pledge is received even though the expenditure occurs in a subsequent year.
It is important to also note that the agreement with the City necessitates that most capital
improvements are expensed in the Gardens’ operating budget rather than added to assets. In
2011, approximately $1.5 million in capital improvements are reflected as expenditures as
opposed to $15 million in 2010, as a result of our completion of several Master Development
Plan projects.
When non-recurring capital improvements are excluded, total program services expenditures
(representing core programs in the areas of horticulture, research, education and Denver Botanic
Gardens at Chatfield), increased by approximately $1 million - or 10.4% - compared to 2010 and
the total supporting expenditures decreased by 1.7%.
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
The Gardens’ combined revenues, gains and support in 2011 was $14.2 million versus $28.1
million in 2010. The $13.9 million reduction in revenue was primarily due to:
A decrease in the funding from the City and County of Denver of $10.6 million as a result of the final
disposition of Better Denver bond proceeds used to construct the new Greenhouse Complex.
A decrease of $407,000 in Capital Campaign gifts in 2011 that was reflective of the
completion of several Master Development Plan projects supported by multi-year commitments
made in previous years. DBG is presently raising capital campaign funds for several new
projects in the Master Development Plan.
A decrease of $2.5 million in investment income that is primarily related to a reduction in
the realized and unrealized losses on investment held by the DBGE due to lower market
returns in 2011 that resulted in a 1.6% loss compared to the 13.7% gain in 2010. The
DBGE’s investments are stated at fair market value each year and for 2011 the change in fair
value resulting in the loss of 1.6% was slightly more than its target benchmark that reflected a
loss of 0.24%. The investment portfolio is diversified to limit the endowment’s investment risk
and the DBG board of trustees establishes the portfolio’s investment policy. Since its inception
in July 1992, the portfolio has earned a compound annual growth rate of 7.7%. The ending
market value on December 31, 2011 was $17.1 million, compared to $18 million the
previous year.
During 2011 the finance committee of the board of trustees, the chair of the board, the CEO and
the CFO met regularly to review financial statements and results. This committee also approves the
annual operating budget, the Internal Revenue Service Form 990 and makes recommendations
on various policy decisions to the board of trustees and the CEO. The audit committee also met
regularly in 2011. The committee has met with the independent auditors in 2012 to review the
2011 audit and related management letter.
On behalf of the Denver Botanic Gardens I would like to thank the members, donors, the Scientific
and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD), and the City and County of Denver for their foundation of
support as we endeavor to ensure that Denver Botanic Gardens will forever flourish.
Shawn A. Simmons
Treasurer, Board of Trustees
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
Financial Statements
Current Assets
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
$926,564 $1,748,401 $100,916 $201,158
$ 148,987
Total Current Assets
$2,977,039 $3,304,189
$17,069,177 $937,081 $634,011 $418,523 $282,461 $17,995,638
$19,341,253 $22,844,104
$22,318,292 $26,148,293
$695,168 $168,292 $863,460 $3,007,003
Other Assets
Capital Campaign Contributions Receivable
Bond Proceeds
Supplemental Lease Payment Fund
Real Estate and Water Rights
Improvements and Equipment
(Less Accumulated Depreciation of $126,089)
Total Other Assets
Total Assets
Liabilities And Net Assets
Deferred Revenue
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities And Net Assets
$22,318,292 $26,148,293
$14,193,200 $28,132,341
Revenues, Gains And Support
General Donations
Capital Campaign
Investment Income(Loss)
The Shop at the Gardens and Guild Sales
Contributed Goods & Services
Education/Public Programs
Horticultural Outreach Programs
Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield
Membership Dues
Plant Sale
City and County of Denver Operating Funds City and County of Denver Capital Funds
Total Revenues, Gains And Support
Expenditures Program Services And Capital Improvements
Program Services
Capital Expenditures
Total Program Services and Capital Improvements
Supporting Services
Total Expenditures
Change in Net Assets Before Collection Items Not Capitalized
Collection Items Not Capitalized
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets at Beginning of Year
Net Assets At End Of Year
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
$15,632,858 $28,161,011
($1,439,658) $111,988 ($1,551,646)
$23,006,478 ($28,670)
$21,454,832 $23,006,478
2011 Revenues, Gains & Support
SCFD Support
Educational/Public Programs
Membership Dues
General Donation
City and County of Denver
Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield
Capital Campaign Gifts
Horticulture Outreach
Gift Shop & Guild
Contributed Goods, Services & Facilities
Plant Sale
Investment Income
2011 Expenditures
Horticulture at Denver Botanic Gardens
Educational/Public Programs
Capital Improvements
Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield
Marketing/Public Relations
Membership Services
Program Marketing
Gift Shop
Plant Sale
Horticultural Outreach Programs
Membership Development
500,0001M 1.5M
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
2011 Volunteers
Volunteers are the critical connection between people and plants, and between Denver Botanic Gardens
and our community. They extend our ability to serve the public, inside and outside the Gardens, and are
essential to achieving our mission. In 2011, the number of active volunteers almost doubled from 1,000
to 1,900. Volunteers contributed a total of 62,050 hours - the equivalent of 29 full-time staff.
Breakdown of Hours by Department
and Affiliate Volunteer Groups
Total Active Volunteers:
• Horticulture14,238
Total Volunteer Hours:
• Special Events
• Research and Conservation
• Chatfield (CSA, Horticulture, FRAPA)
• Children’s Education
• Visitor Center Information Specialist
• Docents2,097
• Library1,020
200+ Hours Awards
Jim Arneill 256
Fran Augenblick 320
John Bayard 305
Nevin Bebee 328
Rosa-Lee Brace 581
• Development / Membership
Judy Brown Santambrogio 259
• Green Team
Janet Burgess 410
• Marketing/PR453
John Burkert 490
• Gift Shop
Elaine Carr 229
Anita Cox 470
Eleanor Edwards 487
Mo Ewing 228
Jan Fitzpatrick 215
Shirley Geist 249
Michael Gellner 506
• Associates of 368
Denver Botanic Gardens
• Denver Botanic Gardens Herb Guild
Linnea Gillman 263
• Master Gardeners Garden Help
Marsha Hennessy 205
Barbara Horovitz 210
Kerstin Karloev 233
Kathryn Killberg 384
Emily Kosina 217
• Garden Club of Denver
Volunteer Award Recipients
• Administration Board of Trustees
Breakdown of Hours by Affiliate
Volunteer Groups
• “Pete” Petersen Award
Pat Carter
Sook Lee 257
• Volunteer of the Year Award Jim Arneill
Ed Lubow 296
• Excellence in Event Leadership Lisa Biggs
Margaret Merritt 270
Linda Meyer 310
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
2011 Volunteers
Sharon Montague 230
Irene Shepard 205
Pat Todd 203
Carol Canon
Elizabeth Clermont
Teddy Davis
Lindsay Eichman
Peggy Morrison 599
Julia Sherry 297
Tonny Van Loij 491
Joseph Cantalini
Christine Cloud
Vineta Davis
Debra Elbeck
Daniel Moskowitz 281
Elizabeth Singer 244
Eleanor Von Bargen 220
Ariday Caraveo
Ashley Cloutier
Pete Day
Mary Elliman
Herman Motz 202
Marilyn Skelton 768
Gary Waggoner 233
Hadley Carmichael
Pam Clute
Sue Day
Beth Ellis
Frieda Pfahl 219
Edward Stearns 545
Donna Walker 323
Mary Carnegie
Donna Coates
Gina DeCrescentis
Missy Ellis
Mel Preusser 240
Elise Storey 241
Jean Williams 426
Kathleen Carothers
Patricia Coffey
Amanda Deerr
Eva Ernevad
Jeanette Pryor 282
Michelle Thomas 297
Loraine Yeatts 553
Elaine Carr
Steven Cogswell
Jerimiah Deerr
Karina Escobedo
Chris Ross 478
Cheryl Tittsworth-Lavender 269
Linda Carr
George Cole
Trish DeLett
Linda Espinosa
Joyce Ross 576
James Todd 233
Rick Carrasco
Josh Cole
Jo Delgado
Geneviene Estes
Patricia Carter
Ben Coleman
Doris Dempsey
Lisa Estrada
Kathleen Caruso
Service Community
Garden Club of Denver
Stephen Euler
Lee Cassin
Erin Conner
Jean Derr
Andrea Evans
Matt Casto
Edward Connors
Rose Desmond
Mo Ewing
Noel Cathey
Carolyn Cooley
RG Deubel
Victor Fabrizio
Christina Caulkins
Dennis Coombs
Lynn Dexter
Jan Fahs
Leslie Cavness
Pamela Cornelisse
Carla Deyoung
Janet Fairs
Ellen Cawthra
Daniel Corrigan
Annie Dial
David Falconieri
Developmental Disability
Charlene Costain
Laura Diedrich
Deborah Fallin
& Groups
Tom Anglewicz
Lois Barnes
Diane Bernat
Erika Brandt
Jan Appelbaum
Gerri Baron
Gabriella Bertelmann
Beth Brenneman
Allison Appelhans
Gordon Baron
Mary Bettinger
Beth Brocklesby
Suzanne Arend
Lisa Barr
James Bicknell
Tamera Brooks
Violet Aandres
Kristina Arko
Donald Barrett
Sue Bicknell
Richard Brough
Bill Adams
Grace Armstrong
Ursula Barsch
Chris Bierman
Miryam Broughall
Roger Armstrong
Maureen Bartizal
Lisa Biggs
James Brown
Alan Akell
Jim Arneill
Ann Bartlett
Gail Bills
Kathryn Brown
Scott Alber
Tudi Arneill
Ginny Bartlett
Patti Bindner
Sara Brown
Denny Albrecht
Jill Arnson
Richard Bartlett
Yvonne Black
Sherwood Brown
Lorraine Alfini
Hiroko Asaeda
Hilary Barton
Cara Blatter
Susan Bruce
Benjamin Allen
Connie Asher
Matt Bates
Hannah Blatter
Elizabeth Brunk
Lucy Allen
Front Range Antique Power
Jo Bausch-Hammergren
Vivian Blau
Susan Brunk
John Bayard
Caroline Bloom
Deborah Bruton
Mallory Allen
Todd Allen
Bill Atkinson
Nora Kathleen Beales
Anne Bobal
Ian Buchanan
Jandel Allen-Davis
Fran Augenblick
Anne Beard
Andy Boian
Monterey Buchanan
Larry Allison
Jessica Avila
David Beaujon
Neide Bollinger
Claire Buhl
Midori Allmeyer
Patricia Babiarz
Nevin Bebee
David Bolt
David Bull
Mika Alshamali
Fiona Bailey
Jeff Bell
Dylan Bolt
Adam Burch
Andrea Alston
Jonathan Bair
Mary Bellamy
Andrew Bonnett
Janet Burgess
John Andersen
Katie Bair
April Bender
Megan Bowes
William Burgess
Ellen Anderson
Barbara Baldwin
Janie Bennett
Jessica Bowman
John Burkert
Jennifer Anderson
Pam Baldwin
Phyllis Bennewitz
Wayne Boykin
Jackson Burkholder
Jill Anderson
UMB Bank
Janis Bente
Mike Boyle
Ramona Bystrom
Kylee Anderson
UMB Bank
Ruth Benton
Sally Boyson
Christine Cain
Linda Anderson
Angus Barber
Eloise Berg
Rosa-Lee Brace
Preston Camp
Nancy Anderson
Eleanor Von Bargen
Jeannette Berke
John Brackney
Cheryl Campbell
Catherine Costigan
Cristen Dixon
Micah Farfour
Karyn Chaffin
Diana Couvertier
Kathryn Dole
James Farrell
South Metro Chamber
John Cowling
Ryan Dole
Elyana Feldman
Lisa Chambers
Anita Cox
Mary Dooley
Bruce Ferguson
Barbara Chapman
Sandy Cox
Art Dorsey
Fete Fete
Joyce Chapman
Audrey Coyle
Ken Doss
Madalene Fetsch
Lori Chappell
Susan Crane
Nancy Downs
Kathy Fiebig
Janette Chase
Bonnie Crawford
Sarah Doyle
Faith Field
Fran Chasson
Eleanor Cruise
Paul Dudzic
Jill Fielder
Mary Chavez
Angela Crump
Jayne Duey
Linda Fields
Kathy Childs
Florentina Cruz
Leanne Duncan
Carla Finch
Mary Lee Chin
Sandy Cudlip
Wilma Dunias
Rachel Fine
Lorna Chorn
Lee Curtis
Gloria Dunn
Valerie Finholm
Ryan Church
Lisa Dahl
Kari Dunn
Tina Fiorini
Sarah Cieciek
Lisa Damm
Michelle Dunn
Emily Fisher
Adrienne St. Clair
Bill Daniels
Madeline Eagleton
Fran Fisher
Peggy Clark
Deborah Darnell
Dorothy Eberhard
Joanne Fisher
Rebecca Clark-Boll
Jack Darnell
Gwendolyn Eden
Marilyn Fiske
Harlan Cleaver
Gillian Davies
Eleanor Edwards
Jan Fitzpatrick
Karen Cleaver
Bob Davis
Rian Edwards
Kelly Fitzpatrick
Resource Center
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
2011 Volunteers
Devra Fogel
Sydney Glick
Annetta Halog
Kittie Hook
Barbara Johnson
Emily Kosina
Goldie Ludovici
Robyn Mayer
Peg Montagne
Alan Forrest
Mary Gloven
Mary Hamilton
Sally Hooks
Kay Johnson
Jennifer Kurtz
Nancy Luginbill
Lois Mayerchak
Neil Montague
Jeanne Fowle
Deborah Godshall
Patricia Hamilton
Jennifer Hoots
Paul Johnson
Paula Kurtz
Pamela Lugo
Leah Mayhew-Lomo
Sharon Montague
Brenna Fowler
Jim Golanty
Kathleen Hamm
Patricia Horgan
Ruthie Johnson
Lee Kuruganti
Kelly Lynch
Anne McCready
Daphne Moo-Young
Raymond Fowlkes
Sunny Golder
Christa Hammel
Barbara Horovitz
Raymond Jolly
Amanda Lacy
Judy Lynn
Carol McDaniel
George Moo-Young
Gerald Lieberman, M.D.
Shirlee McDaniels
Ann Moore
Sylvia Francis
Alexander Gonzales
Cindy Hanna
Gerald Horst
Ann Jones
Jerry Ladd
Soffia Frangos
Janice Gonzales
Derek Hannon
Theodosia Hoskell
Nancy Jones
Ellie Landry
Karen Maccluskey
Diane McDougall
Ann Moore
Margy Frank
Julian Gonzales
Shirley Hanson
Sandie Howard
Barbara De Jong
Elayna Langbecker
Jan MacKenzie
Sherrie McGee
Rena Moore
Joan Franson
Dana Goodier
Taylor Hanson
Lauren Hoylman
Holly Joyce
Anna Maria Larsen
Lisa Mackessy
Kate McGhee
Juanita Morales
Jennifer Fredrickson
Arianna Goodman
Marianna Harris
Joan Hruby
Lois Kahn
Denise Larson
Susan MacNicholas
Mari Lu McGinnis
Jan Moran
Doris Freestone
Humsini Gopal
Lori Harryman
Rosemary Huff
Deborah Kaller
Barbara Laudeman
Tasha Maestas
Pam McGivern
Janet Mordecai
Leonard Freestone
Char Gottlieb
Beth Hart
Dale Huffner
Joshua Kamien
Jan Leavitt
Mae Magee
Michael McGrane
Ed Morgan
Judy French
Mindy Gottsegen
Kathy Hartman
Joe Huggins
Sabrina Kane
Jennifer Leavitt
Claire Magrath
Eugene McGuire
Frank Morrey
Keith French
Jo Ann Graham
Katie Harwood
Nancy Hughes
Kerstin Karloev
MJ Lechner
Monica Lynne Mahoney
Barbara McIntire
Elizabeth Morrin
John Freyer
Christine Grawemeyer
Susie Hawes
Rick Hum
Mark Karlok
Sook Lee
Mary Beth Mainero
Jackie McLauchlan
Jerry Morris
Bob Frichtel
Anne Green
Sebastian Hayman
Kelly Hummel
Sharon Keith
Gloria Lefree
Dale Major
Donna McLellan
John Morris-Reihl
Jane Frobose
Rick Greene
Don Hazlett
Linda Hundley
Charlene Kelly
Sarah Lehan
Gregory Makar
Jeff McMahan
Peggy Morrison
Jean Fryefield
Kim Greenwood
D.J. Head
Pat Hunt
Connie Kelly
Karen Lehrer
Maureen Makin
Diana McMeeking
Daniel Moskowitz
Juli Furgeson
Daniel Gregory
Christina Heard
Peggy Hupp
Rachel Kelly
Hui Lin Leung
Susan Mamich
Kate McMurtry
Herman Motz
Emily Furseth
Jamie Gregory
Kris Hedberg
Julie Hurley
Julaine Kennedy
Barry Levene
Cathy Mandel
Shawn McQuerry
Nancy Moulton
Marta Garay
Paul Grenney
Fred Hegel
Beth Hurliman
Robin Kennedy
Karen Levin
Nancy Mandel
Shirley Meier
Jon Mugglestone
Richard Mandelson
Mike Meisinger
Brian Mulligan
Celena Garcia
Marcia Gresty
April Heilshorn
Tokiyo Imanaka
Michelle Kerr
Alan Levine
Marie Garcia
Kathi Grider
Betsy Henderson
Cristina Insler
Barbara Kieswetter
Chelsy Lewis
Preston Mann
Angela Meislahn
Shelby Mulverhill
Laura Gardner
Carol Griesemer
Marsha Hennessy
Van Gilder Insurance
Kathryn Killberg
Nancy Lewis
Janet Manning
Diane Melara
Joan Mund
Ellen Geier
Lindsey Griffin
Andine Hennig
Terri King
Teri Linn
Heather Manone
Wendy Menefee
Michael Murphy
Shirley Geist
Kathleen Grisby
Ann Henson
Larry Jackel
Walter King
Les Lippy
Marlowe Marbry
Margaret Merritt
Taylor Murray
Michael Gellner
Ghislaine Griswold
Warren Henson
Elaine Jackson
Mary Kirby
Carla Littlefield
Paula Marchionda
Connie Merz
Jolaine Murrell
Judy Genrich
Martha Groebe
Andy Herb
Ellen Jacobson
Richard Kirk
Dominic Lloyd
Rebecca Marquardt
Rosalie Metzger
Alizabeth Muscia
Betsy Georgitis
Barbara Grohoski
Candace Herbic
Trina Jacobson
Susana Kirk
Patricia Lloyd
Stewart Marshall
Linda Meyer
Jeanne Najar
Al Gerace
Individual Volunteers and
Mary Hewett
Amonrut Jaimoon
Brian Kirsch
Elaine Lockey
Courtney Marsters
Tara Michelli
Kazuko Nakayama
JeanAnn Vander Heyden
Carol Jandrlich
Kerry Kirschman
Harold Logan
Jessica Martin
Jessi Miller
Maisa Nammari
Rick Gershman
Karen Gettinger
Sharon Guenther
Brenda Parsons - Hier
Chuck Javernick
Susan Klein
Tonny Van Loij
Elizabeth Marzonie
Pene Miller
Purna Nanawala
Carmen Gibson
Alexander Gunn
Peter Hier
Kathy Jeffrey
Anne Klenk
Autumn Long
Jim Marzonie
Rodney Miller
Maya Neff
Lori Giesecke
Robert Von Gunten
Laura Higgins
Judy Jehn
Melissa Klenk
Merrie Longfield
Carla Mascarenas
Tamar Miller
Helen Nelson
Ashley Giles
Leigh Ann Guthrie
Rob Hilken
Noel Jensen
Karen Klerk
Joan Van Loozenoord
Joe Mascarenas
Anne Mills
Jeannette Nelson
Kathleen Gill
Robert Haddock
Joan Hitt
Margaret Jespersen
Toni Knight
Jonathan Lorincz
Jennifer May
Dawn Mitchell
Nancy Neupert
Linnea Gillman
Nancy Haldi
Robert Hoffman
Jorge Jimenez
Larry Knowles
Ed Lubow
Tina May-Gamboa
Nancy Mitchell
Werner Neupert
Louise St. John-Lee
Joyce Koch
Ikuko Lubow
Linda Mayer
Mary Moeser
Lynda Newbold
Katherine Gilruth
Doug Hall
Andrea Holzberger
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
2011 Volunteers
Ellen Nielsen
Stephanie Pastore
Judith Racine
Lillian Ruiz
Mary Shaver
Staff Staff
Dana Thompson
Kat Viverito
Carol Wickham
Sharon Noe
Karen Patton
Sharon Rafferty
Bob Rushmore
Connie Shaw
Kay Stafford
Margot Thompson
Gary Waggoner
Shilo Wilkinson
Julie Nolan
Heidi Pawlowski
Leila Raim
Paula Rutan
Kristin Shaw
Marilyn Stark
Jay Bea Thorniley
Lanny Waguespack
Liz Willcockson
Bob Nold
Mary Pedzick
Gerardo Ramirez
Robert Rutherford
Mark & Kathy Sheehan
Jan Stauffer
Andrea Thurber
Rebecca Wahlberg
Annemarie Williams
Nazli Nomanbhoy
Kaiser Permanente
Jeane Ratliff
Tina Rutherford
Rod Sheffield
Edward Stearns
Virginia Till
Mary Lou Waldman
Jean Williams
Beverly Tinnell
Julie Waldner
Leslie Williams
Cheryl Tittsworth-
Aimee Walker
Nancy Williams
Donna Walker
Peggy Williams
Kay Norman
Kristine Persun
Alison Recek
Renee Ryan
Andrea Shelby
Hallie Steinbach
Lynn Novitsky
Les Petrash
Jean Reding
Susan Ryke
Yi Shen
Jean Stevenson
Marion Nutt
Tracey Petruff
Suzanne Regan
Lisa Sabia
Irene Shepard
Sean Stevenson
Hazuki Tochihara
Joyce Walker
Carl Wilson
Nancy O’Brien
Judy Wallace Petty
Frances Regner
Andrea Sahlen
Julia Sherry
Michelle Stevinson
Ruth O’Brien
Christine Pfaff
Susan Rehrig
Judy Brown Santambrogio
Pam Shillam
Anna Stewart
Amanda Todd
Laurie Walker
Hope Wilson
Maryann O’Connor
Frieda Pfahl
Connie Resley
Emi Scala
Gabe Shilling
Kathleen Stewart
James Todd
Charles Walters
Linda Good Wilson
Kate Shimer
Valerie Stewart
Lisa Todd
Debbie Walters
Marianne Winans
Corinne O’Doherty
Cindy Phelps
Rebecca Rhyme
Bob Schaffer
Diane O’Donnell
Kristi Phillips
Ken Rich
David Schallert
Sherice Shiner
Anita Stockton
Patricia Todd
Meghan Wanucha
Rachel Wojcik
Linda O’Leary
Barbara Pickering
Alan Richardson
Bill Schapley
Judith Sholl
Mimi Stockwell
Ana Tolentino
Karen Warren
Nelda Wojsznarowicz
Dr Bruce Ogin
Kathy Pielsticker
Juliann Richardson
Lindsey Schmalz
Philip Shrigley
Elise Storey
Mariko Tominaga
Richard Warren
Heather Wood
Danielle Okin
Kathleen Pietrafeso
Angie Rick
Ryan Schmitt
Ayisha Siddiqua
Terry Stumpf
Trevor Toms
Betty Waschall
Myke Woods
Sara Oldham
Susan Pigott
Samatha Ricks
Russell Schmuhl
Candy Siderius
Eric Suggs
Alex Tonkinson
Lucia Waterman
Charlie Woolley
Gary Olds
Arunkumar Pillai
Peggy Rideout
Karen Schoen
JoAnn Simmon
Marlys Sukut
Darlene Toomey
Genie Waters
Marcia Wright
Marge Oleson
Marilyn Pittman
Tom Riedel
Ralston Valley High School
Shawn Simmons
Karen Sulzer
Marie Torreano
Caroline Watson
Susan Yates
Nate Olk
Nick Pizzuti
Amy Rittenhouse
Crystal Schooley
Bruno De Simone
Sydney Summers
Margaret Towle
Sammie Watson
Loraine Yeatts
Peggy Olsen
Cathy Poe
Annie Roberge
Nancy Schotters
Laura Simpkiss
Judy Svenson
Barbara Trotsky
June Watzman
Barbara Yochem
Steffan Tubbs
Tracy Wazny
Core Power Yoga
Connie Olson
David Polich
Ann Roberts
Vernon Schreiner
Elizabeth Singer
Emily Switzer
Jeanne Olson
Howard Pollack
Donna Roberts
Kathleen Schroeder
Georgia Sipes
Paula Szilard
Janet Tucker
Bea Weaver
Seiko Yoshikawa
Reiko Omura
Ted Pomeroy
Jody Roberts
Marilyn Schroeder
Mike Sipes
Karol Talbert
Becca Turbov
Martha Weaver
Adrienne Young
Kate Turrill
Olie Webb
Barbara R. Young
Gordon Onstot
Monica Pope
Tori Roberts
Beth Schutt
Marilyn Skelton
Jennifer Tallmadge
Mary Onstot
Jonathan Powell
Gesa Robeson
Joan Schwarz
Linda Smith
Myles Tangalin
Robyn Ukockis
Michael Weber
Barbara Young
William Otto
William Powell
Nichole Robillard
Cynthia Scott
Phyllis Smith
Bea Taplin
Johnson and Wales
Molly Weber
Mark Zammuto
Stanley Smookler
Carolyn Taschdjian
Jewel Wegs
Linda Zaparanick
Stephanie Owens
Hillary Presecan
Sheila Robinson
Pat Scott
Tony Owens
Mel Preusser
Roselee Robison
Sally Selim
Sandy Snyder
Anne Tatlow
Heather Utecht
Barbara Weintraub
Tracy Zarlengo
William Owens
Charlene Pritchett
Kenneth Roche
Judy Sellers
Heather Soistmann
Breck Tatum
Cindy Valdeck
Riley Weisenburger
Linda Zinn
Karen Pacyga
CONTECH Construction
Angelique Rodriguez
Kevin Sexton
Joseph Solomon
Judy Tauchen
Jan Vandevanter
Madeliene Weitzner
Mackenzie Roebuck-Walsh
Rosemary Shaffer
Joyce Solomon
Jacquie Taylor
Andrea Vansteenhouse
Florence Welch
Anne Paetz
Ann Prouty
Valery Rosenow
James Shaney
Peggy Solomon
Teresa Taylor
Linda Vargas
Lisa Wermeling
Betty Jo Page
Jeanette Pryor
Chris Ross
Jill Shannon
Bertha Solov
Tech Team
Michael Vaughn
Isabel Werner
Ronda Palsulich
Annastasia Psitos
Joyce Ross
Susan Shannon
Jill Sousa
Milo Tedstrom
Katarina Veljkovic
Ellen Westbrook
Eileen Pappas
Kimberly Pugliese
Helga Roths
Armine Shanoyan
Kathy Speicher
Ryan Teliczan
Jennifer Verprauskus
Julie Westerdahl
Jane Parker-Ambrose
Fazia Qureshi
Jeanne Rubin
Debbie Shapiro
Nancy Sprague
Diana Thomas
Robert Vick
Jessica White
Connie St.Clair
Michelle Thomas
Katie Vidic
Ernie Whitford
Kevin Padgett
Tracey Parrish
Jeff & Judy Race
Natalie Ruhe
Susan Sharp
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
2011 Gifts & Donations
Perennial Friends Society Members as of June 6, 2012
In gratitude to our foresighted friends who have demonstrated their commitment to Denver Botanic Gardens
through a planned gift, the Gardens has established the Perennial Friends Society. Membership is open to all
individuals who have made an estate provision for the Gardens or a planned or deferred gift.
S. Lorraine Adams
and Deborah M. Horner
Hartman Axley
Marilyn Girouard
Mrs. Marjorie A. Petersen
Ms. Syd Glick
Ms. Deborah Phillips
Deborah and James Golanty
Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Rainer
Linda Goto
Dr. Kenneth A. Switzer
and Dr. Charlotte A. Redden
Patricia Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Baldwin
Newell and Judy Grant
Mrs. Paul Roads
Ms. C. C. Barton
Ms. Cindy Hagerman
Dina and Ken Robke
Florence Best
Ms. Carole Harrison
Chris & Jerry Ross
Anne T. Bobal
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hasday
Debra Schaefer
Dorothy and Jim Borland
Susie and Michael Hawes
Mr. and Mrs. David Schultz
Dr. Sally J. Boyson
Mrs. Jane C. Hays
Mary A. Schultz
Mrs. Merrill Shields and Dr. M.
Ray Thomasson
Rosa-Lee Brace
Ms. Sarah T. Hodge
Mrs. Mackintosh Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Hurtt
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bulpitt
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Kany
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Burger
Lisa and Robert Kessler
Dr. Moras L. Shubert
Florence Smith
Ms. Gayle Stallings
Ms. Charlene Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kirk
Mrs. Frances F. Cameron
Bonnie J. Kissling
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clark
Col. Robert L. Krueger
Mr. George Cole
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kurtz
Mrs. Mickie Thurston
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Connors
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Littlepage
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Turetzky
Ms. Ann L. Crammond
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McLaughlin
Bob Valerio
Jane B Davis and Tim Davis
Barbara Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff J. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ebrahimi
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Milzer
Ms. Barbara N. Walton
Mrs. Walter C. Emery
Mrs. John C. Mitchell, III
Andrea and John Westcott
Stephanie J. Franklin
Ms. Harlyn Mlynek
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. White III
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Freyer
Mrs. Janet R. Mordecai
Mrs. Esther L. Witte
Mr. Thomas J. Gibson
Ron W. Neel
Ms. Carol Wolf
Ms. Susan E. Osgood
Linda & Bob Zaparanick
Solange G. Gignac
Ms. Janet Grant
Dr. Paul H. Barrett
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
Mrs. John C. Stears
Carol Svendsen and Jay L. Mead
2011 Gifts & Donations
more than $25,000
$10,000 – $24,999
Citizens of the Scientific and
Cultural Facilities District
Anna and John J. Sie Foundation
The Anschutz Foundation
Associates of Denver Botanic Gardens
Bardsley Foundation
Bellco Credit Union
Boettcher Foundation
Bonfils-Stanton Foundation
BP America, Inc.
Colorado Garden Show, Inc.
Mrs. Stasia Davison
The Denver Foundation
Mr. Kevin Duncan and Ms. Leanne J. Paez
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Elliman
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Freyer
Gertrude Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grant
Mabel Y. Hughes Charitable Trust
Helen K. & Arthur E. Johnson Foundation
Kaiser Permanente
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Kitt
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Ladd
The Ladd Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Logan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paul Luce
Peter and Betsy Luce Family Fund
Jonathan Merage Foundation
Mrs. Janet R. Mordecai
Daniel and Janet Mordecai Foundation
Schlessman Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Schotters
Mrs. Thomas E. Taplin
Thomas and Beatrice Taplin Fund
UMB Bank
Dr. John L. Wiberg
AMG National Trust Bank
Mrs. Sue M. Cannon
Christina Caulkins
Colorado Creative Industries
Thomas and Noel Congdon
DBC Irrigation Supply
Denver Botanic Gardens Guild
Denver Center for the Performing Arts
Denver Foundation
Denver Post Charities
Katie and Mark Dickson
Ebrahimi Family Foundation
Mrs. Walter C. Emery
Gloria J. Englefield Estate
Harmes C. Fishback Foundation
The Garden Club of Denver
Gay & Lesbian Fund for Colorado
The Grainger Foundation
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Newell M. Grant
Mrs. William W. Grant
Hewit Family Foundation
Intrepid Potash, Inc.
Kenneth King Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kurtz, Jr.
Katherine Loo and Jim Raughton
Timothy & Bernadette Marquez Foundation
McDonald’s Corporation
Merrill Lynch
National Museumof the American Indian
Perry & Co. Real Estate Professionals
Mrs. Marjorie A. Petersen
William D. Radichel Foundation
Mrs. Benjamin F. Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Taylor
Ted Washburne
$5,000 – $9,999
Association of Zoological Horticulture
Baker Hostetler, LLP
Andy and Alexis Boian
Mrs. Frances F. Cameron
Center For Plant Conservation
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Connors
Mrs. Cortland Dietler
Dovetail Solutions
Mr. James R. Erwin
Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Fox
GH Phipps Construction Companies
Mr. Thomas J. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gordon
Hallador Petroleum Company
Mrs. Eileen Honnen
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Kany
Lisa and Robert Kessler
Kessler & Company Investments, Inc.
Ms. Kathy Martinez
Ms. Holly McDonald
The McGraw-Hill Companies
Newmont Mining Corporation
Northern Trust Bank
Northwestern Mutual
Kathy and Ken Peterson
Porter Adventist Hospital
Edward T. and Eleanor Quick Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Rainer
Ms. Susan G. Raymond
Chris & Jerry Ross
Dick Schmidt Estate
Ms. Ellen Scott
Dr. and Mrs. Dilworth P. Sellers
Swingle Lawn, Tree and Landscape Care
Ms. Michelle Sie Whitten and Mr. Tom Whitten
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stamper
Sterne-Elder Memorial Trust
Mr. Don S. Tokunaga
Toyota - Denver Region Toyota Dealers Assn.
Mr. David Vermeer
Mr. Brian R. Vogt
Wells Fargo
Wynkoop Brewing Company
$2,500 – $4,999
Katie and Adam Agron
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aljinovich
Dr. Jandel Allen-Davis and Mr. Anthony Davis
Mrs. Barbara H. Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Baldwin
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
James Barlett
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Bertoli
Ms. Katherine S. Borgen and Mr. Bjorn K. Borgen
Cassidy Turley Fuller Real Estate
Frances Charsky Fund
Mrs. Janette W. Chase
Clif Bar & Company
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Collister
Peter and Meredith Coors
Ms. Michelle Crystal and Mr. Darren Crystal
Denver Rose Society
Mr. Garry Edwards and Ms. Evette Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fischer
Jerry Gart Family Foundation
Sissy and George Gibson
Stan and Holiday Goodreau
Mr. Robert S. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. David Grawemeyer
Carol Tierney Griesemer
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic C. Hamilton
The Frederic C. Hamilton Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Harley G. Higbie, Jr.
Lorraine and Harley Higbie Fund
Honnen Equipment Company
Ms Kittie Hook and Mr. Charles Sheldon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Hurtt
Michael and Betsy Huseby
Molly F. Jansen & Associates, P.C.
Mr. Charles G. Kellogg and Ms. Tamara Fischer
Johanna Elizabeth Kelly and Buzz Yancey
Kinder - Morgan Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kirk
Frank and Monty Kugeler
Land Title Guarantee Company
Mr. Dominic Lloyd
Loews Denver Hotel
Charles and Brooke Maloy
Mr. Terry J. Mather
Mundus Bishop Design
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murray
Murray Motor Imports
Nexus Greenhouses
Howard Noble and Susan Noble
Allison and Nelson Perkins
Mr. Steven Ring and Ms. Shan Ring
Mrs. Jan Rosen
Ms. Mary Ann Schultz
Mrs. Cynthia Y. Scott and Mr. Peter Scott
Karanina Sohn and Min Young Sohn
The Sohn Family Foundation
Stamper Family Foundation
The Ruth and Vernon Taylor Foundation
The Louis R. & Dorothy M. Meister Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Trevor
Van Gilder Insurance Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Veit
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Woolley II
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Zucker
$1,000 – $2,499
Ms. Cherry Aguirre
Alerio Technology Group
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Alishio
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Lisa Anderson
Gail Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Armstrong
Denise Arnold
Hartman Axley
Mr. Derek Bamonte
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
2011 Gifts & Donations
Laura Barton and William Matthews
Mrs. Pamela Beardsley
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Beaupre
Mr. and Mrs. Don Bechter
Mr. and Mrs. John Beck
Bell Plumbing & Heating Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bellon
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Benson
Bruce and Virginia C. Benson Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. George Bermant
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bermingham
Bermingham Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Scot Bestick
Cheryl Blankemeier
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bock
Mrs. Brooke Borgen
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Borus
Jim and Darleen Boyle
Ms. Mary Bradley
Tim Bradley
Mr. Marc Brombert
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor S. Brown
Mrs. Mackintosh Brown
Sylvia Knobloch Brown Fund
Timothy and Nancy Buese
Mark and Jan Bundy
Jim Burdick
Jane Schultz Burnett and Bart Burnett
Thomas Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Glen T. Cahill, Jr.
The Cahill Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Brown W. Cannon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Carpenter
Ms. Lelia Carroll
Caulkins Family Foundation
Leslie and Charles L. Cavness
Terry Cekola and Julie Gore
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Chaney
Ms. Carol Ciluffo
Ms. Isabelle Clark
Mrs. Sheila Cleworth
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clinton
The Clinton Companies
Deborah and Jeff Coburn
Mr. Don Collins
Colorado Business Bank
Colorado Metalsmithing Association
Mr. and Mrs. John Couzens
Mr. Joe Covell
John and Kay Cowling
Ms. Anita Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Davis
Dr. Robert Dellavalle and Dr. Lisa Schilling
Denver Water
Ms. Kristi Dinner
Julia K. Dobbins
The Dobbins Foundation
Charles and Lisa Duke
Lisa and Scott Eldred
EnCana Oil & Gas
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Englander
Ms. Peggy Epand and Ms. Beth Weisberg
Edward Erickson and Dea R. Shea
Dana and Chuck Farmer
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. John Finn
Ms. Maureen Fitzgerald
Dr. Kevin Fitzpatrick and Lon B. Mason
Dr. Carlton Floyd
Terrie Fontenot and Scott Richards
Ms. Vickie Fresquez
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Fuller
Ms. Patricia Gage and Mr. Rob Holway
Rick and Margaret Garbe
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gart
The Gart Companies
Jerry Gart Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Gastis
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Gephart
Mr. and Mrs. Alex C. Gerace, Sr.
Ms. Jennifer Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaufmann
Mr. and Mrs. Parmer Gillespie
Mr. Philip Good
Mr. and Mrs. James Goodwyn III
Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Grossman
Gulley Greenhouse, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick J. Hackstock
Judge Kerry Hada
Mr. Charles Halaska, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hammell
The Hartford Life Insurance Company
Mr. and Mrs. William Harvey
Ms. Jane Hastings
Susie and Michael Hawes
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Hayes
Gina Heathman and Rick Romano
Mrs. Deanne Hoaglund
Mr. and Mrs. Thane R. Hodson
Mr. and Mrs. Graham E. Hollis
Hollis Family Fund
Mr. Lynn E. Hornbrook and
Ms. Lynda A. McNeive
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hudon
Mrs. Deidre Hunter
Ms. Patricia Huntley
Ms. Kathryn Huwaldt
Margaret Jackson and Michael Stenberg
Mr. Mark G. Jennings
Mrs. Deborah Johnson
Mrs. Leslie A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jones
Michael and Yun Hui Kehoe
Barbara J. Kelley
Tonya and Patrick Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. Mariner Kemper
Ms. Deborah Kennedy
Ms. Diane Kimmell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Kinney
Diana Kinsey and Mike Kinsey
Mrs. Suzanne Kintzele
Mr. Peter J. Kirsch and Ms. Pat Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Klugman
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Konkel
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kurtz
Anna Maria and Les Larsen
Scott Lauck
Mrs. Kay Lawrence
The David & Katherine Lawrence Foundation
Dr. Kathleen A. Leavy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leone
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Lofgren
Mr. and Mrs. John Madden, Jr.
Mr. Shawn Zinnen and Mrs. Lisa Maier
Maintenance of Denver, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Maloney
Mrs. Susan B. Mammel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mandelson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Marquez
Mr. Larry W. Martin
Jenifer and Lance Marx
Mrs. Jan Mayer
Richard D. McClure
Mr. Jay McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Merage
Micro Motion
Mrs. Barbara Miller
Heather and Mike Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Milzer
Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison
Laura Jane Musser Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nelson
Ms. Alexandra Nelson-Hill and Mr. James R. Hill
Ms. Gay Niermann and Ms. Susan Stearns
Mr. Philip J. Byrne II and Ms. Judy Noerr
Mr. John F. Olmstead
Ms. Karen Ortiz and Mr. Rick Hum
Ms. Victoria C. Ovitz
Ms. Ronda Palsulich
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Paulien
Ms. Katherine Peck and Ms. Marla J. Williams
Pedro’s Planet
Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Peternell
Mrs. Nicholas Petry
Elmer F. Pierson Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Pinkowitz
Michael Porter and Cheryl Longtiv
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Potter
Ms. Susan S. Probeck
Ms. Nan Procknow
Mr. and Mrs. David Prokupek
Ms. Joan Prusse and Mr. Robert E. Musgraves
Ms. Jeanette Pryor and Mr. Linn Wilson
Mrs. Carol Purdy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Radecki
Ms. Catherine Reedy
Mr. Jim Reichert and Mr. Michael Grage
Mr. Hugh L. Rice and Ms. Mary Schaefer
Eric and Cari Riedlin
Mr. Daniel L. Ritchie
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rodeno
Mr. Richard Roman and Ms. Clara Restrepo
Mr. and Mrs. David Roney
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Rood, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Root
David and Sandy Rousseau
Ms. Martha Rudolph and Mr. Robert Brown
Mr. Darrin Sacks and Ms. Beth Dickhaus
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Schaller
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schlessman
Dr. Evan Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. David Shaffer
Robert and Cynthia Shaiman
Mrs. Warren Sheridan
Ms. Julia Sherry
Mrs. Merrill Shields and Dr. M. Ray Thomasson
Mr. Mike Shimizu
Silver Dollar Questers
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sisk, Jr.
Nancy and Gary Slimak
Ms. Patricia Somerville
Mr. Dennis Southwick
Sally P. Stabler and Carl White
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Stava
Ms. Clarie Stilwell
Ms. Kathy Strandberg
Mr. Kenneth Suess
Mr. William O. Sweeney
Mr. Joey Terriquez
2011 Gifts & Donations
Mr. James Theye and Ms. Dee Chirafisi
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Thomason
Jack and Konnie Thompson
Stephanie Titus and David Cardegna
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Todd
Mr. John Trueblood
Mr. Steffan Tubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Vasilius
Mr. and Mrs. Thom Vernon
Kevin Vollmer and Brigid Vollmer O’Connor
Wagner Equipment Co.
Joy Wall
Mr. James Wallace
Weckbaugh Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Welch
Ms. Nicole Westbrook
Mrs. Joan M. Whitbeck and Mrs. Kate Cerullo
Mr. and Mrs. Travis White
Mr. Eddie D. Williams
Ms. Marla J. Williams and Ms. Katherine Peck
Ms. Ann Wilson and Mr. Barney Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Wilson
Ms. Rebekah Wilson
Ms. Carol Wolf
Mr. Frederick Wolfe
Wolfe Design House, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Woods
Linda & Bob Zaparanick
Tracy and Tim Zarlengo
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Zeigler
Wallace and Cynthia Zellmer
$500 – $999
1375 High Street
AIA Industries, Inc.
American Clayworks & Supply Co
Eleanor Andrade
Applewood Seed Company
Barrett D. and Kristin K. Baker
Mrs. Maureen Barker
Barre Colorado
Theresa and Scott Beck
Mr. Christopher Bierman
Joseph B. Blake
Botanical Interests, Inc.
Lawrence and Joan Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. John Brogan
Burwell Industries, Inc.|
Margot Elena Design Library
Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Calkins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camacho
Dale Cantwell and Pamela Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter
Mary Lee Chin and James Wagenlander
Colorado Dermatologic Society
Colorado Federation of Garden Clubs
Mr. Robert W. Cox, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Davis
Lisa and Brian Davis
Sebastian De Atucha and Kristina Baker
Ms. Robin Doerr
Kathryn and Gary Dudley
Mrs. Maud B. Duke
Echter’s Nursery & Garden Center
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Engebretsen
Robert Foss
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Fox
Friends and Neighbors, Ltd.
Front Range Antique Power Association
Mr. and Mrs. John Fuller
Fuller Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Vere Gaynor
Gaynor Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Gelt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gillis
Marsha and Mark Giordano
Ms. Lynda Goldstein
Dr. Burton P. Golub
Ms. Sue L. Grace
Rustin and Tinku Greenstreet
Bonnie & Paul V. Grenney
Mr. and Mrs. David Hammond
Martin and Julie Harrington
Ms. Marilyn Harris and Mr. Bob Harris
Adam and Hilary Haynes
Jeffrey and Judith Herm
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hill
Ms. Judith M. Hire
Mrs. Darlene Holben
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Hull
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Hutchison
IBM International Matching Grants
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Jackson
JBK Landscape, Inc.
Joe Lynch Electrical Co.
Kirk Johnson and Chase DeForest
Mr. Robert Keller
Ms. Polly A. Kemp
Mrs. Walter Koelbel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Korinek
Deane Kreitler and Ansley Kreitler
Dr. Sarada Krishnan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Landgraf
Mr. Scott M. Linn
Dr. and Mrs. Edison Liu
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Luff
Mr. and Mrs. James Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Maer, Jr.
Marshall-Rodeno Associated
Mr. and Mrs. J. Landis Martin
Mr. Douglas R. McCallum and Ms. Diana Neff
Mr. and Mrs. James McCotter
Mr. and Mrs. Don McCourt
Brian and Angela Midtbo
Jack Finlaw and Gregory Movesian
Drs. Jennifer and Richard Neale
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Nichols
Ms. Patricia Nichols
Ms. Tricia Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Will F. Nicholson, Jr.
Judith O’Connor and Paul Briggs
Paul R. Ost and N. William Biles
Baba and Tom Owen
Ms. Angela Oxenreider
Lisa and Jonathan Perlmutter
Ms. Shannon Rapp
Amy and John Rassman
Republic National Distributing Company
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Roberts
Mr. Gregory Ross and Mr. Brad Wellens
Ms. Shuiko Sakai
Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Savit
Ms. Mary B. Schaefer
Mr. Richard Schirrmacher
Ms. Elizabeth Schlosser
B.J. Scott
Mr. George Sellman and Ms. Julie Mordecai
Seventh Generation/Marketing Werks
Dr. Moras L. Shubert
Mr. and Mrs. William Sinclaire II
Anne Smith
Ms. Mary Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Strear
Mr. Andrew A. Sweet and Ms. Nancy Rainwater
Nick and Jo Thomaidis
Mr. Dominic R. Thompson
Nancy Tieken
Mr. Robert K. Timothy
Mr. and Mrs. John Trigg
Mr. and Mrs. David O. Tryba
Urban Roots
Verizon Foundation
Ms. Meredith A. Vogel
The Vogel Charitable Foundation
Jamie and Steve Walker
Mike Walker and Donna Curtis
Rosie and Christopher Wiedenmayer
Mrs. Erin Williams
Ms. Joyce Witte
Wong Strauch Architects
Ann and James Young
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
in-kind gift donations
Applewood Seed Company
Aquacita, LLC
Avery Brewing
C. C. Barton
Bridgeline Digital, Inc.
Canyon Wind
Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.
Clif Bar & Company
Colorado Cascade
Colt and Gray
Ms. Naomi Epel
Mr. & Mrs. Lon Garrison
Ground FX Landscape & Design, LLC
High Country Gardens
Keesen Enterprises,Inc
Mr. Rob Kerven
Leopold Brothers
Lumiere - Cooper Lighting
Pearl Street Grill
Pedro’s Planet
Rain Bird Corporation
Rain Bird Services Corporation
Rocky Mountain Popcorn Company
Diane C. Schnabel
Jane and Kim Sikoryak
Silver Oak Winery
P.R. Smith
Strings Restaurant
Tagawa Greenhouses
Mr. Robert H. Walsh
WaterWise Land and Waterscapes
Welby Gardens Company, Inc.
Whole Foods Market- Cherry Creek
The Wine Group
Wolfe Design House
Wynkoop Brewing Company
Letter from the Board chair
Mayoral Trustees
One would be hard pressed not to be awed by the beauty of the Gardens – both at York Street
Board Chair
Mr. Roger Armstrong
and Chatfield - any month of the year. The vagaries of Colorado climate aside, every day reveals
Mrs. Nancy Schotters
Ms. Christine Grawemeyer
something large or small to inspire wonder, whether it is the majesty of a champion tree dusted
Vice Chair
Ms. Elizabeth H. McCann
with snow, a tiny Alpine flower emerging, the subtle beauty of an Allan Houser sculpture nestled
Mr. Andy Boian
Mr. Charles Woolley
among native plants or the constant changing landscape of the Perennial Walk.
Mr. Shawn Simmons
Life Trustees
This past year saw the Gardens settle into its new facilities, with a revitalized Shady Lane and incredible
Mr. Edward P. Connors
gardens inside and along the new greenhouse facility. Mordecai Children’s Garden is growing just like
Mrs. Anna Maria Larsen
Mr. Richard A. Kirk
its young visitors, and has proved to be a special place for exploration and education. The new Earl
Immediate Past Chair
Dr. Moras L. Shubert
J. Sinnamon Visitor Center and CSA at Chatfield extends our reach to the southern portion of the metro
Mr. Dominic Lloyd
Mrs. Thomas E. Taplin
area, and affords us educational opportunities and horticultural experiences in the native Colorado set-
ting. The work behind the scenes, both in the greenhouses at York Street and Chatfield, as well as the
Term Trustees
Trustees Emeriti
important research being conducted in our renovated lab, is just a fraction of the important work being
Dr. Jandel Allen-Davis
Mrs. Barbara H. Baldwin
done to promote our core values of transformation, relevance, diversity and sustainability. Denver Botanic
Mr. Andrew Boian
Mr. Jerry D. Ladd
Gardens has also furthered its reach through strategic relationships with, and participation in, efforts with
Ms. Christina Caulkins
Mrs. Judy Sellers
botanic gardens, horticulturists and researchers in the United States and around the world, positioning us
Mrs. Janette Chase
as a world-class institution.
Ms. Mary Lee Chin
Ex-Officio Trustees
Ms. Leanne Duncan
Ms. Janet Burgess
All of our growth and achievements could not have happened without the inspired and enthusiastic
Mrs. Mary Elliman
Ms. Anita Cox
leadership and commitment by every member of the staff, and the legion of donors, members and
Mr. Al Gerace
Mrs. Audrey Coyle
volunteers who support us. We continue to maintain impressive levels in attendance, membership
Ms. Laura Higgins
Mrs. Mary Elliman
and education with an ever-changing array of activities and offerings to appeal to the diverse
Ms. Kittie Hook
Mr. John E. Freyer
interests of our visitors. We are committed to the completion of our Master Development Plan while
Ms. Anna Maria Larsen
Mrs. Chantal Unfug
constantly assessing and improving the programs and experiences we offer.
Mr. Dominic Lloyd
Mrs. Janet Mordecai
Whether you visit the Denver Botanic Gardens for inspiration, education, sustenance, solace or a
Mr. Howard Pollack
safe place for the kids to explore, we welcome you and appreciate your support and validation
Mrs. Nancy Schotters
of our mission.
Ms. Cynthia Scott
Mr. Shawn Simmons
Ms. Teresa Taylor
Mr. Steffan Tubbs
Nancy Schotters
Mr. Michael Vaughn)
Board Chair
2011 Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Report
1007 York Street, Denver, CO 80206
Editor: David Rubin
Graphic Designer: Jessica Lammert
Special thanks to Tom Aljinovich, Heather Boor, Mary Bradley, Sara Buys,
Matthew Cole, Lisa M. W. Eldred, Panayoti Kelaidis, Johanna Kelly, Sarada Krishnan,
Jennifer Ramp Neale and Larry Vickerman, who contributed to this report.