May 2014 Newsletter - Faith Lutheran Church
May 2014 Newsletter - Faith Lutheran Church
FORWARD IN FAITH Faith Lutheran Church . 575 Tenth Street Southwest Suite #3 . Valley City . North Dakota . 58072 Volume XXI Issue V Monthly May 2014 The church office will be closed Monday, May 26, in observa(on of Memorial Day. IN THIS ISSUE: Page 2 Word from our Pastor Page 3 A Word from our Council President Pages 4 Mar. Council Minutes Page 5 Mar. Council Minutes Stewardship Corner Summer Schedule Page 6 WELCA News Diaper Drive Thank Yous Page 7 April Memorials/G$s Page 8 May Birthdays & Anniversaries April Transi(ons May Service & Care April A)endance Page 9 First Communion Team Mee(ngs Synod Assembly Page 10 VBS Registra(on GIFT Faith Kids Club Stepping Stone Class Page 11 H2H News Mission Trip Thank you Guides! Spaghe4 & Silliness Page 12 Staff Info Inserts Calendar April Council Minutes Service of Lament and Thanksgiving Sunday, May 4th, we will have a viewing of the damaged church building at 2pm. Please respect the direction of the building committee, certain areas cannot be safely entered. At 3pm we will gather on the lawn east of the church for a Service of Lament and Thanksgiving at the Disposition of our church building. We will proceed to Faith Cemetery (formerly Nebo Cemetery), take Oaks Exit, go right and follow Old 10 for 3 1/2 miles west, burial of worship furnishings and sacramental vessels. The building will then be ready for demolition. The removal of the stained glass windows. Picture by Steve Nitschke. May 18th is Senior Recognition Sunday & Men’s Pancake Brunch! We will be recognizing our 2014 graduating seniors at the 9am worship service on May 18th. Our worship service that Sunday will be held at Epworth United Methodist Church. 680 8th Ave SW. The seniors will receive a gift from the quilters and the youth team. Our graduating seniors are Paula Andel, Hannah Ashline, Derik Brockopp, Austen Dahl, Sara Gilbertson, Taylor Miller, Colin Naeseth, Dylan Rafferty, Amanda Starr, Brett Stearns and Dani Werkhoven. Note: Seniors, be sure to turn your information and senior pictures into the office as soon as possible. VCHS Baccalaureate is Wednesday, May 21st at 7pm at the HAC and VCHS Graduation is Sunday, June 1st at 2:30pm at the HAC. The Men’s Group will have their Pancake Brunch that day also. Enjoy their delicious brunch of pancakes, fried potatoes (their specialty!), sausages, apple sauce, along with milk, juice and coffee. You’ll be sure to catch Pancake Brunch will be served from 9:30amCost : $6/ticket or $18/family. Children under 5 eat free! Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3 Easter peace and joy to you. We had such meaningful and fun worship services for Easter Sunday and Holy Humor Sunday. Christ is with us in all places and times, but he has promised to be present when we gather in His name to hear God’s Word and celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Worship is the church’s first priority. All the other things we do as God’s people are fueled by our communal worship. Centering our week on the love of God gives us the strength and character to live as his people as we care for our children, engage in daily work and live as stewards of creation and all God has entrusted to us. May you be blessed by this poem We Sing the Story by Susan Palo Cherwein about the purpose of worship. And so with hearts burning we sing the story of the Risen Christ. We sing the story in hymns. We sing the story in the very shape of the liturgy. We sing the story in the shape of the church year. We sing the story to remember We sing so that we do not lose our way. We sing to know our place. The Penar tribe of Malaysia was a woodlands people and they depended on the successful hunt of wild boar whose herds through the forest were preceded by flocks of a certain butterfly. To help the progress of the Penar tribe the government moved them out of the woods into villages Gradually the elders died. Gradually the songs and stories about the boar hunt were forgotten and no one could remember any longer what butterfly preceded the herds of wild boar. And a people lost its way… We sing the story to remember. We enact the story in the liturgy to know who we are. We sing the story in the church year to know the rhythms of life and when the butterflies will come. Remember who you are. Remember whose you are. You are God’s. Treasured and beloved in Christ’s eyes. Given an identity and a purpose. We have a lot of special things happening in worship this month: a baptism, children singing, welcoming Pastor Terry Monson, blessing our graduating seniors, receiving Christ as our companion as we break bread together and know him in our hearts. The heart – where body, mind and spirit come together – is filled with understanding and joy as the Risen Christ meets us in worship and strengthens us to be on our way again. Our hearts sing of the hope within us. The heart, which sees what the eyes cannot. Joy in the journey, Pastor Jolene 2 A Message from our Council President Members of Faith Lutheran Church, Yesterday I had the opportunity to write a letter to Bishop Rindy and the EaND Synod to update them on our congregation and church status. As I proofed the letter, four small words really stood out in this communication. “We are moving on”!!! Faith Lutheran Church is moving on!!! We have had lots of information and events going on I will be brief but try to outline our Moving On items: Three of the four contracts vital to our real estate purchase and sale are signed. The other one is very close. The Council has approved the demolition contract for our church building. May 4th we will also have an input session on GIFT ministries at 10:30 am. Pastor Jolene has set May 4th as our good-bye service for our church building at 3:00 pm. The building committee continues to work hard with our architects. One set of plans has been reviewed and a second set is planned in early May. Worship times and place discussions have begun at the council level for fall programming Council has begun a reconnect to the church discussion as we move into the 2nd half of 2014. The council has approved the hire of a part time Pastor the help with our work here. Pastor Terry Monson is being extended a contract of 10 hours a week to work here at Faith Lutheran Church. The Council has been looking for some additional Pastor Power over the past two years. The council plans to give this ministry a 6 month trial as we look to support and supplement Pastor Jolene’s work. Pastor Monson has roots in the Litchville area and will be serving a Dazey/Rogers two point parish on a part time status and also have pastoral responsibilities at the Sheyenne Care Center. We are excited we have been given this opportunity. Pastor Jolene will be directing his time to complement her work. We can expect to see Pastor Terry helping with visitations, youth programming and some preaching when his scheduling allows. Please mark Sunday May 11th on your calendar to come meet Pastor Terry. Pastor Jolene will be at Synod Assembly that day and Pastor Terry will be our presiding pastor and give the sermon. We will be putting together funding outside of our budget for this trial period. We are anticipating this ministry to have a cost of $800-$900 per month. I will be working to secure this funding over the next few months. Please note this as an invitation to help support this ministry with a pledge or payment. You may contact me or leave a commitment with Julie at the church office. Please note on funds as “Part time Pastor Funding”. With many distractions of our church rebuild, more resources rather than less will be required to accomplish servicing of all our members and ministries over the next year. Thank you for being faithful members if this church. Please ask question or address concerns to pastor or any council member. With God’s help we are listening and We are moving on! Spring is finally here!! Peace, Tory Hart Council President 3 Faith Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes (unapproved) March 13, 2014 Vice President Brenda Bong called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. All present except Tory Hart. The Council checked in with one another and Pastor Jolene read John 3:1-17 for reflections and study. Steph moved to approve the minutes from Feb 4, 2014, Feb 11, 2014, and Feb 25, 2014 with the amendment of the February 11 minutes to read that Sandy Brandvold, Tory Hart, and another candidate will attend the Synod Assembly in Grand Forks May 11 &12. If no other candidate is found, Linda Lane would attend. Brian seconded the motion and amendment. Motion carried. Amy Johnson presented the current Treasurer’s Report to the Council. Mark moved to approve the financials as presented. Larry seconded the motion. Motion carried. Pastor Jolene gave her report for the month discussing funerals, wedding at Epworth, visits, Lenten worship services, mission trip plans, and First Communion classes. Other ministry reports: a. Tricia (printed report) to update Council on GIFT b. Holly (printed report) to update Council on Faith Stepping Stones classes c. Prayer Team—Linda Lane has organized a group to pray before the Sunday services— focusing prayers on the Church building project d. Building Team—to give more updates under New Business e. Youth Ministry—Larry updated the Council on NDWS results—it went well made about $10,000 before expenses f. Technology—Brian will be heading this new committee up to update Church websites, Facebook, etc. g. Building Finance Team –Chaired by Scott Johnson and will also include Becky Kratz, Susan Jorissen, and Troy Miller h. Mission team—Working on bringing Coffee sales back as well as the Crop Walk i. Stewardship—discussed a new phone system for the church that can be used in the new church as well with voice mail and multiple lines; also discussed attendance and how we could increase it at our new space j. Adult Social—maybe schedule a movie night for those interested k. Evangelism—meeting to discuss Luau, visitors gifts, and church service signage at old church and new Old Business Discussed: a. Red Willow Bible Camp, someone needed to attend annual meeting Sunday, March 30th 3 pm meeting, 4 pm social, 5 pm Supper and retirement program for Denny Goetz b. Lenten worship at Faith and at Trinity c. Congregational Meeting set for March 23rd 10:30 am New Business: a. Brenda Bong moved to approve ratifying the YHR Architect contract as recommended by the Building Committee. Cindy seconded the motion. Motion carried. b. Steph Mayfield moved to approve hiring Great Plains environmental to complete Phase One study at new church site. Brian Yanish seconded the motion. Motion carried. c. Mark moved to approve hiring Midwest testing to complete soil tests at the new church site. Linda seconded. Motion carried. d. Extending lease of current rented space was discussed and will need further consideration. e. Easter worship services will be held as follows: Maundy Thursday will be at 6:45pm at Faith and will include 1st Communion for the 4th and 5th graders. Good Friday will be at Trinity at 7:30pm. Easter Sunday will have a service at 8:00am and 10am at Faith. 4 f. Mark moved to terminate heating of old building. Brian seconded the motion. Motion carried. g. Review of building committee minutes by Council. h. Conversation about area ministry with First Lutheran in Litchville and Pr. Keith Zeh on March 27 and Tory, Mark, Brenda, and Pastor Jolene will be attending the discussion. I. Looking for one more person to attend the Synod Assembly May 11 & 12 in Grand Forks (to vote for the new Bishop too). Next council meeting: April 10, 2014 7 pm Linda moved to adjourn. Mark seconded. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Stephanie Mayfield Stewardship Corner Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be. Luke 12:34 Members of Faith Lutheran Church, your family needs YOU! YOUR family needs you to worship, pray and financially support your church. This month the focus of this column is on the financial aspects of stewardship. Even though we worship in a temporary location, our expenses remain much the same as they were before the fire. Our staffing, programming, missions, and worship services continue in our temporary location, but the offering each Sunday lags behind last year. Money has been borrowed from a Reserve account that continues to have a negative balance, meaning the money is coming from other funds, such as the Cemetery, Altar and Youth funds. The missions outside of our church, a few of which include Hospice, Red Willow Bible camp, the Barnes County Food Pantry, the Eastern ND Synod of the ELCA, also need our support. My prayer this month is that you and all the members of this church will pray about the financial needs of your church and give to support them. If you have never given, please consider starting by giving $1 to $5 a week. If you missed several weeks of church, make it a priority to get back to worship and your giving for the missions inside and outside of this church. God multiplies what we give him. Our talents, worship and finances go farther than we could ever fathom. God's blessings to you all! Amy Johnson Summer Worship Schedule The summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 25th, Memorial Day weekend. We will continue to have worship on Sundays at 9am at our current location, 575 10th St SW. Communion will be celebrated on the first and third Sundays typically. Midweek worship service begins on Wednesday, June 4th at 6:15pm with Brats ‘n’ Burgers at 5:30pm. Rooted in God’s grace, we always being made new. Plan to grow in faith this summer. 5 WELCA NEWS . . . . . On April 12, Lila Rohwedder, Bea Faust and myself attended the Spring Cluster Meeting in Medina at the English Lutheran Church. The them was “He Placed His Hans on Them.” A fun event was a Hand Reflexologist who offered hand massages throughout the day. Many women participated in that. The day was beautiful, the speakers were excellent, the lunch was very well done. It was a good day. Even though the Board doesn’t meet in the months of June and July, we are always there if needed. We are working on plans regarding the Fall Festival and have a few ideas in mind. Hopefully by fall or before, we will have our plans in place. Wishing everyone a great summer. Don’t forget about the Bible Camp Scholarships that are available in the amount of $75.00. Peace, Connie Pederson WELCA President Diaper Drive Thank You In honor of your mother, bring some Mission Team is collecting diapers & baby wipes for the Barnes County Food Pantry. This year they are also colleting diaper coupons that could be used by food pantry recipients to help them purchase diapers. There will be a playpen set up throughout the month of May for your diapers and everyone to help with this project. Buck-A-Chick Thank You! The Mission Team would like to thank everyone who participated in the Buck-aChick for ELCA World Hunger. We raised $229. Everyone did a wonderful job coloring overflow room. Thank Lutheran for joining us in our Buck-a-Chick fundraiser. everyone who prayed for us, sent cards, made hospital visits, and your phone calls A special thank you to Pastor Jolene for her comforting words and to the Faith Lutheran Community: WELCA, the Praise Team and our entire Church body. Mary Ann Anderson & Family To all of those who helped us through our time of great sadness, please accept our deepest gratitude. Losing Sal has broken our hearts, but the kindness and generosity of others has filled us with hope and peace. Thank you to all who helped us celebrate Sal’s life. She taught us how to show God’s love through her words and actions; our prayer is that all of us will continue her good work. All of the money given as a memorial was donated to the Roger Maris Cancer Center in memory of Sal. Mike, Brian, Samantha & Olivia Metcalf Nate, Heather, Adam, Griffin and Ellie Kvilvang 6 April Memorials and Gifts In memory of Lyle Anderson by Ellen Bolstad (Mission Committee), by Les & Lois Brandvold (Praise Team), by Les & Phyllis Breitbach (Fire Fund), by Junette Christianson (Fire Fund), by Brian & Karen Enge (Fire Fund), by Mildred Enockson (Undesignated), by Paulette Everson (Undesignated), by Carole Flateau (Fire Fund), by John Froelich (Fire Fund), by Ardie Gregerson (Fire Fund), by Judy Holmen (Fire Fund), by Irene Haugen (Altar Flowers), by Jon & Ardys Horner (Fire Fund), by Jerome & Harriet Johnson (Altar Guild), by Mavis Johnson (Foundation), by Scott & Amy Johnson (Undesignated), by Doug & Arlene Larson (Altar Guild), by Margie Lima (Fire Fund), by Julie Mikkelsen (Building Fund), by John & Elise Miller (Mission Christmas), by Jack & Val Moritz (Building Fund), by Phyllis Otterness (Fire Fund), by Larry & Connie Pederson (Fire Fund), by Marcyne Pederson (Building Fund), by W.E. & Lila Rohwedder (Foundation), by Noreen Smestad (Fire Fund), by Gary & Diane Sommerfeld (Fire Fund), by Al & Nancy Sorensen (Building Fund), by John & Brenda Stearns (Building Fund), by Judy Uecker (Fire Fund), by Cindy Waagen (Fire Fund), Elaine Walls (Altar Guild), by Laurette Zachrison (Proclaim). In memory of Mickey Bjornson by Ellen Bolstad (Building Fund), by Les & Lois Brandvold (Praise Team), by Junette Christianson (Proclaim), by Paulette Eversom (Undesignated), by Ardie Gregerson (Fire Fund), by Irene Haugen (Altar Flowers), by Jerome & Harriet Johnson (Altar Guild), by Doug & Arlene Larson (Altar Guild), by Margie Lima (Fire Fund), by Julie Mikkelsen (Altar Guild), by Jack & Val Moritz (Building Fund), by Larry & Connie Pederson (Altar Guild), by Marcyne Pederson (Building Fund), by W.E. & Lila Rohwedder, by Al & Nancy Sorensen (Building Fund), by John & Brenda Stearns (Building Fund), by Cindy Waagen (Fire Fund). In memory of Barb Brand by Doug & Arlene Larson (Proclaim). In memory of Ellis Brandt (Avis Richter’s father) by Arlene Brandt & family (Building Fund). In memory of Jill Engler by Chuck & Deb Shape (Foundation). In memory of Marian Gerntholz by Jack & Val Moritz (Building Fund), by Gerald Gerntholz (Building Fund & Undesignated). In memory of Sal Metcalf by Ellen Bostad (Building Fund), by Les & Lois Brandvold (Praise Team), by Junette Christianson (Proclaim), by Brian & Karen Enge (Undesignated), by Paulette Everson (Undesignated), by Carole Flateau (Undesignated), by John Froelich (Undesignated), by Ardie Gregerson (Fire Fund), by Jerome & Harriet Johnson (Altar Guild), by Jon & Lori Jury (Building Fund), by Doug & Arlene Larson), by Margie Lima (Fire Fund), by Mike & Loree Morehouse (Undesignated), by Jack & Val Moritz (Building Fund), by Larry & Pat Pederson (Building Fund), by Marcyne Pederson (Building Fund), by Al & Nancy Sorensen (Building Fund), by John & Brenda Stearns (Youth), by Elaine Walls (Altar Guild). In memory of Jean Miller by Al & Nancy Sorensen (Building Fund). In memory of Solveig Nelson by Dean & Amy Pederson (Building Fund). In memory of Don Skramstad by Bernard & Edna Elsner. Ardie Gregerson sponsored Proclaim Radio Program for the Glory of God. 7 MAY BIRTHDAYS: 1. Karen Nitschke, Amber Triebold; 2. Mark Brandvold, Mark Hill, Marty Rohwedder, Kellie Schulz; 3. Jake Chesley, Erin Metcalf, Wade Sorensen, Adrianna Tufte; 4. Violetta Saiyants, Justin Thornton; 5. Virgil Kratz; 6. Kristen Drabus, Wyatt Friestad, Keith Hovland, Parker Larson, Cheryl Storhoff, Jory White; 8. Gene Bjerke, Malikia Peltier, Mark Thomsen; 9. Verlynn Christianson, Joe Lunde; 10. Brandi Jewet, Michael Pedersen; 11. Rosdger Johnson, Taylor Johnson, Debbie Anderson; 12. Randy Bostrom, Jacob Johnson, Connie Ronholm; 13. Ellen Bolstad; 14. Jan Arneson, Jesse Johnson; 15. Seth Brockopp, Morgen Sayler; 16. Mary Ann Anderson, Kyra Arneson, Amy Elstrom; 17. Nicki Brockopp, Rick Idland; 18. Verna Anderson; 19. Sheila Kinney; 20. Arlene Larson; 21. Kassidy Schulz; 22. Riley Miller, Braeden Schulz; 23. Leona McPherson, Nancy Ost; 24. Jeannine Berlin, Amy PerDue, Doreen Vangerud, Laurette Zachrison; 25. Terry Ashline; 26. Niki Joersz, Marge Skramstad, Lexi Thoreson; 27. Jeremy Smith, Wayne Thoreson; 28. Deb Horner, David Mairs, Ethan Miller, Dan Werkhoven; 29. Clara Sorensen; 30. Marge Sayler; 31. Devin Anderson, Austen Dahl, Debbie Eggert. MAY ANNIVERSARIES: 3. Mark & Sandy Brandvold; 6. Raymond & Karen Smedshammer; 12. Dave & DeeDee Jewett; 15. Todd & Niki Joerz; 20. Jeff & Jennifer Bergner; 22. James & Pastor Jolene K. Hanse; 24. Dave & Carol Smith; 25. Nathan & Marsha Sayler, Dan & Emily Thompson; 27. Jarin & Gina Thornton; 31. Rydell & Suzie Becker. April Transitions in Our Parish DEATHS: Our deepest sympathies to the family & friends of Enid Opdahl. Enid died Tuesday, April 22nd; her funeral was held on Monday, April 28th at Our Savior’s with Pastor Jolene officiating. FIRST COMMUNION: We welcomed to the Lord’s Table on April 17, 2014 Ezra John Hanse, Elissa Lee Hovland, Jayden Marie Hovland, Kael John Jenison, Jacee Rene Klein, Jordyn Ann Klein, Tifani Komrosky, Carson Richard McGough, Lexia Anne Nix, Peyton Marie Pederson, Samantha Fae Schlotman, Jazmine Elexis Schmidt, Jace Mikal Thompson, Devyn James Thornton and Emma Tichy. Please keep these young people in your prayers. 8 May Service & Care **Mike & Julie May Teresa Beedle Randy & Kay Bostrom Brent & Lynn Gustafson Pat & Deb Horner Doug & Becky Kratz Virgil & Tami Kratz Doug & Leona McPherson James & Jean Swanberg Kent & Brenda Swanberg Dan & Colleen Werkhoven Jeremy & Kara Wiebe ** indicates chairs *co-chair is needed Thank you for serving this month! April Attendance April 2 (Lent) April 6 April 9 (Lent) April 13 (Palm Sunday) April 17 (Maundy Thursday) April 20 (Easter) April 27 (Holy Humor) 13/137 109 18/103 156 18/132 81/110 230 Offering January February March April $12,213.00 $15,668.00 $18,358.00 $14,257.00 Monthly Mission Plan $18,458.33 Noisy Offerings We thank you for all who gave to our noisy offerings in April. Easter Sunday’s noisy offering was collected for the Malaria Campaign (this is our children’s favorite project). We collected $165.71. We also collected a noisy offering on April 27th, our Holy Humor Sunday service that was held jointly with Epworth Methodist Church. We collected $316.08 for Crop Walk. Your change does make a difference! Congratulations to our First Communion Students Pictured (l-r): Emma Tichy, Devyn Thornton, Kael Jenison, Jace Thompson, Ezra Hanse, Jacee Klein, Elissa Hovland, Jordyn Klein, Jayden Hovland, Peyton Pederson, Jazmine Schmidt, Carson McGough, Lexia Nix, Samantha Schlotman and Tifani Komrosky. We had 15 student receive their First Communion on Maundy Thursday, April 17th. They each painted their own chalice for Holy Communion. Gail & Dennis Pederson provided the chalices and fired them after the children painted them. The youth participated in the Maundy Thursday evening service by presenting the gospel as a dramatic reading and also did footwashing for their family and friends. Please congratulate these students and help them continue their faith journey! TEAM MEETINGS EaND Synod Assembly Mission Team Meeting Meets Tue, Building Team May 6th at Meets Thursdays at 7pm 5:30pm Altar Guild Meets Thurs, May 8th at 10:00am Children’s Ministry Team Meets Tues, May 20th at 5:30pm June Service & Care Meeting Meets Sun, May 11th at 10:15am CIRCLE Meets Tues, May 13th at 9:00am Stewardship Meets Tue, May 6th at Noon Council Meets Thurs, May 8th at 7:00pm Evangelism Team Meets Thurs, May 1st at 5:30pm Men’s Group Meets Sat, May 17th at 7:30am WELCA Meets Wed. May 14th at 4:30pm Mission Trip Meeting Youth & Parents Meets May 14th at 8pm and May 28th at 7pm 9 The EaND Synod Assembly will be held May 10-11 at the Alerus Center in Grand Forks, ND. Pastors and leaders from all 210 congregations in the EaND Synod will gather under the theme Deeply Rooted Together in Ministry. At this year’s Synod Assembly a new bishop for Eastern North Dakota will be elected. Bishop Bill Rindy is stepping down. The nominees for bishop are Rev. Terry Brandt, Rev. Chris Gaule, Rev. Lynn Ronsberg and Rev. Mark Strobel. Please go to the EaND Synod website if you would like to learn about each candidate, Voting members of our congregation attending the Synod Assembly are Pastor Jolene, Brenda Bong, Sandy Brandvold and Tory Hart. Vacation Bible School - “All About Love! Exciting news for our VBS!!! Sign up for this fun event will be May 4th and May 11th. We will again partner with Our Savior’s and Trinity Lutheran Church. And you guessed it, Red Willow Bible Camp is here again and will be teaching our Children "All About Love" . We are having VBS at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church this year. Cost is $15 for K-6th Grade. June 18th9 am -3 pm and June 20th 9 am-12 pm. Pre-K is free and their hours are June 18th-19th 9 am - 11 am June 20th 9 am - 12 pm. Program is Friday, June 20th at 11:30 am. Come join in the fun!! We can't wait to see you there!! GIFT—Growing in Faith Together We have 3 more GIFT sessions at Faith Lutheran, we will provide a meal at 5:30pm and start our GIFT time at 6pm. We have a new lesson every week. May 7th - Sloppy Joe's May 14th - Walking Taco's Our last day of GIFT will be May 21st. We will have a Party that day, and make your own subs. Come join our celebration and have some fun!! We will have a discussion time concerning Family Ministry on May 4th at 10:30am after Worship. Join our conversation on why we are doing GIFT and what we as families and the church benefit from this program. Mother's day, May 11th our children will sing at the 9am worship service, come and hear their sweet voices. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15 Tricia Germann GIFT Coordinator Faith Kids Club Faith Stepping Stones The end of the school year is almost here! Our Faith Kid’s Club has had a wonderful year with trips to Bridgeview, Pizza Corner, Bowling Alley, Dairy Queen, not to mention lots of learning about God’s word and the love he has for all of us! We will meet three more times (April 30th, May 7th, and May 14th). On May 14th, we will have our end of the year party – details coming soon. I hope the kids have enjoyed the year as much as I have. We have a wonderful group of students in Faith Kid’s Club and I have enjoyed getting to know them and spending time with them! Holly Malheim We are happy to be offering two Faith Stepping Stones Classes in May. Both classes are a three part class which will be offered over the course of three weeks. “Raising your Healthy Baby” will be offered on May 4th, 11th, and 18th. All classes will be held at 5pm and will last approximately one hour. “Raising your Healthy Preschooler” will be offered on May 1st , 8th, and 15th. All classes will be held at 7pm and will last approximately one hour. Both of these classes focus on meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of your children in age appropriate ways. These classes are also a great way to meet parents with similar age children and to become a support and encouragement to one another. 10 H2H News Mission Trip Head to Heart (Confirmation) May 7 - 4pm - 7th & 8th grade meet at the high school 7pm - 9th grade /Worship for all at Faith May 14 - 4pm - 7th & 8th grade meet at the high school 7pm - 9th grade meet at Faith Test on the 10 Commandments for all! May 21 - Head to Heart end of year event - gather for supper at 6pm - some prizes will be given out and then all are encouraged to attend Baccalaureate as a group at the Hi-Line Activity Center. Meetings on May 14th and We leave on June 8th for Rosebud Reservation! Thank You Guides! We would like to thank our H2H (Confirmation) Guides! Thank you for giving of yourself to lead our confirmation students as they continue on their faith journey. We appreciate you taking on the task of molding our young people. Thank you Doreen Sayler, Natalie Sayler - 7th Grade girls; Paula Thomsen 8th Grade girls; Troy Miller - 7th & 8th Grade boys; Jan Johnson, Marsha Sayler 9th Grade girls; Mark Brandvold, Larry Sayler - 9th Grade boys. Faith Lens Youth Bible study and Bonding (and hopefully campfires) will begin the Wednesday after our youth mission trip, June 18th. This will be a weekly event for youth going into 9th grade and above. We would like to meet after Wednesday facilitating the Bible study. Our LYO students will be part of the planning. Spaghetti & Silliness Smile! Jesus Loves You! Thank you to the parents and students who made the youth fundraiser dinner a success! We found our way in Epworth’s kitchen and appreciated that people from Faith and Epworth enjoyed the meal together. I know my face hurt from smiling and laughing at the hilarity of the LineBenders! ☺ Thanks LineBenders & our audience participants! 11