. - Episcopal Community Services


. - Episcopal Community Services
A Publication of Episcopal Community Services • Fall 2011
Fall 2011
ECS Outreach is published by Episcopal
Community Services to inform ECS
stakeholders about the work of the agency.
This magazine is sent free upon request and
automatically to current donors and key
Robert Formica
[email protected]
Episcopal Community Services empowers
vulnerable individuals and families by
providing high-quality social and
educational services that affirm human
dignity and promote social justice.
The Rev. John E. Midwood
Executive Director
Kim A. Shiley
Director of Development & Communications
For address corrections, please contact Arlene
Samuels in the ECS Development Department
at [email protected] or 215.351.1483.
225 S. Third Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
215.351.1460 phone
215.351.1497 fax
[email protected]
elcome to the 2010-2011 annual report of Episcopal
Community Services. This was a year of contrasts.
We celebrated a significant anniversary, enjoying old
friends and making new ones. It was a year of both
responding to change and becoming an even greater
force for change in our community. And like all years, it was a year of challenges
and opportunities.
The major stressor involved the economy that is impacting all of us. Rising
costs, especially health insurance premiums, strained the budget. Government
funding for the services we provide tightened and we were asked to do more
with the available funding. Swings in the value of our endowment portfolio
impacted the funds available for operations. Challenging times required difficult
decisions. To maintain the quality of our services, we reduced the number of
administrative positions and closed one program, ECS Urban Bridges adult
literacy, at the end of the fiscal year.
Nonetheless, the opportunities far outweighed the challenges. Our 140th
anniversary gala was a stunning success, raising over $155,000. As a result, our
annual giving for the year exceeded our goal and was an 11% increase over the
amount raised the previous year. That is no small feat, given that the trend for
most non-profits last year was a slight decline.
Our greatest opportunity involved the first steps on the Board-approved
Education Initiative. Throughout the spring, ECS staff developed the Initiative’s
framework. The Initiative’s goal is that all ECS clients will develop and begin to
pursue educational goals. Research shows that supporting the achievement of
educational goals is as important as the selection of an educational institution.
The Education Initiative envisions ECS providing those needed supportive
services. We hope to accomplish this by leveraging our strength in case
management for a greater impact on the future success of the vulnerable
individuals and families we serve.
One early element of the initiative is
...the ECS Board of
the subject of a feature story in these
pages. The T2 pilot program engaged 29
Trustees has approved
ECS teens in multiple one-on-one
a Strategic Plan with
sessions applying cognitive behavioral
goals to guide the
principles to educational goals and
attainment. The project produced a
agency through the
manual that will make it possible for
next several years,
other ECS staff and peer agencies to
which promise to be
replicate the innovative program.
In addition to the Education
both exciting and
Initiative, which focuses on our
programs, the ECS Board of Trustees has
approved a Strategic Plan with goals to
guide the agency through the next several years, which promise to be both
exciting and challenging. ECS will focus on developing high-impact,
distinguished and
programs, and
services to support
those programs.
Additionally, ECS
will work to
optimize our
structure, improve knowledge management, and equip
our staff to adapt to change.
Strategic planning is more important than ever. The
pace of change continues to increase. Non-profit
organizations face increasingly rigorous standards of
accountability. Social service organizations must
demonstrate that their services result in long-term,
positive change for those served.
A recent report highlighted a stark contrast that exists
in our region. The 21st century requires technological
knowledge and skills unknown in previous generations.
The report highlights the fact many in our region have
contributed to and benefited from the transition to the
21st century, global world. Unfortunately, the report also
states too many have not. Since 1870, ECS’ mission has
been to help those among us who ‘have not’.
ECS will work to
optimize our
leadership structure,
improve knowledge
management, and
equip our staff to
adapt to change.
Thankfully, ECS has a 140-year history of taking the
initiative, adapting to change, and pursuing excellence. We
are deeply grateful for your support. It is the key to our
success. The years ahead will continue to be filled with
challenges and opportunities. Fortunately, your
partnership with us means we face the future from a
position of strength.
Mimi Kepner
President, Board of Trustees
The Rev. John E. Midwood
Executive Director
“...It took me deep.”
New Board President
ECS Honors a
Longtime Friend
Recognition of Support
Board of Trustees and
Program Outcomes
Financial Statement
“When they asked for my worst case scenario, I painted a
pretty dark picture. Then on the flip side, imagining the
possibilities for my life was incredible.
It took me deep.”
Reimagining life’s possibilities
with teens at ECS
or some teens, the high school years are filled with
SAT preparation classes, career counseling and
mailboxes full of college brochures. For others, those
formative years are ones of family or housing instability,
chaotic schools and few resources with which to build
a future.
The gap between these two groups can seem like more of
a chasm, but it doesn’t have to be. This year, ECS showed
less-advantaged teens that they hold the power to change
their lives for the better.
One of those teens is Asil, 19, who has seen his share of
struggles, but is on his way to achieving his dream of being
a professional videographer.
“In just the past six months I’ve progressed much farther
than I have at any point in my life,” Asil said. “That’s what
encourages me to keep going, to stay afloat, to be the one
who is going to make it.”
The ECS Saturday Teens program, also known as Teens
Takin’ Over, has long helped youth from ECS programs and
the community develop their educational and vocational
plans. This past year, ECS offered the teens a special pilot
program called T2, which utilized principles of cognitive
behavioral therapy (CBT) to help participants reframe the
negative thoughts that could prevent them from continuing
their educations.
“The T2 process was divided into segments based around
the psychology of choice making. It broke down your
thoughts about yourself and current situation and how
those affect your actions,” Asil said. “It revealed to me a lot
about myself. When they asked for my worst case scenario, I
painted a pretty dark picture. Then on the flip side,
Asil is a young
in the ECS T2
program has
had a positive
2 Episcopal Community Services
The entire ECS Teens Takin’ Over program celebrates another year of personal development.
imagining the possibilities for my life was incredible. It
took me deep.”
The T2 program grew out of ECS’ 2009 pilot program
providing cognitive behavioral skill instruction and
vocational counseling to mothers at ECS St. Barnabas
Mission for homeless families. The theory behind CBT is
that emotions are not responsible for clouding our
judgment — rather, errors in our judgment distort our
emotions. When a participant reframes his thoughts in
line with reality, he improves both his emotional state
and behavior.
ECS is one of the first organizations in the country to
adapt cognitive behavioral principles to a non-clinical
social service setting, so it fell to Beatrice Fulton, director
of program innovation and professional development at
ECS, to design a program that would meet the unique
needs of the participants. Building on lessons learned
from the pilot program at the shelter, Fulton worked
with the Academy of Cognitive Therapy (ACT) to
develop a model for training non-mental health
professionals in the practice.
“The ECS staff worked patiently with the teens,
repeatedly using specific skills in their interviewing that
drew from the CBT literature,” said Elisa Nebolsine, ACT
consultant and certified cognitive behavioral therapist.
“The workers made significant progress in this area, as
evidenced not only by the changed beliefs in the followup surveys, but also in transcripts, completed session
worksheet, and unsolicited positive feedback from
the teens.”
Each teen participated in four one-on-one sessions
delivered by a counselor, either a master’s-level student
intern or an ECS staff member. The first meeting
included a pre-test to establish a base line of the teen’s
cognitive behavioral skills. A vocational assessment
identified the teen’s interests and aptitudes. From there,
each session worked to apply cognitive behavioral
techniques to help the participant address “thought
barriers” to his or her goals.
“When workers are trained to ask questions and truly
listen, the teens open up and tell us what and who they
want to be someday. Knowing who a teen wants to be
www.ecs1870.org 3
allows us to pull them in that direction, developing
concrete educational plans and providing adult support,
instead of pushing them toward something they do not
believe is even possible,” Fulton said.
A teen who spent time in a homeless shelter may have
observed while in a shelter that no one ever talked about
college. As a result of this experience, he may believe, “I’m
a shelter kid. I’m not smart enough to go to college.”
When an otherwise minor problem arises, like a failed
math quiz, he automatically resorts to negative thinking:
“See, I’m not smart enough.”
“That T2 test has opened me
up to go from regular Asil to
professional Asil.
The counselor might ask, “Is it a fact or a belief that no
kids who spend time in shelters go to college?” With
practice, participants learn to dispute defeating beliefs
and assumptions. This process builds resiliency and self
efficacy. Cognitive behavioral skills have been shown to be
an effective indicator of long-term success in business and
personal life.
“It made me say that the best case scenario I stated for
myself is really possible. Alongside that was a piece that
asked what steps you need to take to get to those best case
scenarios in five or ten years,” Asil said. “That was the
thing that triggered it for me. It was my agenda button.
To get to these places that I named, there are things I can
be doing now. That got me to another mindset. That T2
test has opened me up to go from regular Asil to
professional Asil.”
Getting to this point was a huge turnaround for Asil.
Like half of all students in the Philadelphia public school
system, he had dropped out of high school. He credits his
mom with instilling much personal and academic
strength in him, but in the face of the many challenges
that face youth in neighborhoods across the city it just
wasn’t enough.
“My mom was great in my younger years, encouraging
me that I was smart and talented. She taught me how to
draw, which was huge in developing my artistic side. All
4 Episcopal Community Services
the way up until age 11, my grades were all As and Bs,”
Asil said. “I’m not blaming my problems on anybody else
but I didn’t really have a father figure and my mom
probably wasn’t prepared to tell a young man what he
needs to know. I found myself acting out, not really
knowing why.”
A big factor was housing instability. After a fire
destroyed their apartment when Asil was in middle school,
his family moved several times in a short period, including
time in a shelter. Seeing other kids with comfortable
homes contributed to a sense of anger at all the material
things he didn’t have. He experienced the kind of thoughts
cognitive behavioral skills are designed to address, feeling
stuck in his current situation. He skipped a lot of school,
experienced a series of educational setbacks and eventually
fell far enough behind that it didn’t seem worth
continuing his education.
“We often forget that teens have a deep desire to be
economically successful someday,” Fulton said. “Most of
the self-defeating behaviors make sense if you are telling
yourself you will never succeed in the educational
Although he wasn’t in school, Asil continued to
participate in the ECS teen workshops.
“I don’t think I capitalized on the opportunities that
could have been available to me in the program at first,
but over the years my commitment progressed,” Asil said.
“They definitely have an interest in you. They make it
fun, but they have never lost focus of the vocational
and educational goals. It’s never been that sort of
compromise. The amount of attention and focus on
realizing your potential is what ECS does best.”
Earlier this year, Asil earned his GED, thanks in part to
support and encouragement from Fulton and his friends
in the ECS teen program. He has had a few paying video
projects so far and is working for a local non-profit
maintaining vacant lots while he builds his career. He
loves being busy now and is working to develop his
network of professional contacts and pursue
additional training.
“Bea Fulton always says that when people make up
their mind to do something, everything just falls into
place,” Asil said. “To really incorporate that into everyday
life is powerful. It leaves me speechless.” I
New Board President Has Long History at ECS
imi Kepner may be just beginning her term as the
new president of the Episcopal Community
Services Board of Trustees, but her service to the agency
goes back decades. Before she knew much about ECS, she
was hoping that her husband, John, would reduce the
time he spent serving on ECS committees (and later as
president of the Board) and spend more time at home
with their young and active family. Soon enough,
however, she was getting involved herself.
“I remember we were on a walk and I asked him to cut
down on his involvement because our kids were still
young and we just had so much going on,” she said. “It
was just too important to him though and as I got to
know more about it I understood why. The work that is
done here, the people that do it and the people we do it
all for just make ECS a great organization.”
Now the tables are turned. Just as John was looking
forward to cutting back on work and enjoying some
travel and leisure, Mimi is taking on a huge responsibility
at ECS. She wasn’t planning on assuming the presidency
when she was completing her final year on the board.
(Members are limited to 10 consecutive one-year terms.)
She was sad at the prospect of leaving, but planned to stay
active on several committees. However, when the
opportunity arose, it just seemed like something she had
to do.
“It’s such a difficult and exciting time. The social
service world is undergoing a lot of change and the
It’s a Family Affair: Mimi
Kepner is the new president
of the ECS Board of Trustees.
Her husband, John, served as
president two decades ago.
www.ecs1870.org 5
financial industry remains shaky. The cost of doing
business continues to go up,” Kepner said. “At the same
time, we’re looking forward to the new ECS Education
Initiative which will integrate education into all our
programs. That means we can have a deeper impact in
everything we do.”
Kepner’s interest in education goes back to some of her
earliest direct involvement with ECS 15 years ago. She
initially led a gift program at her parish, St. Thomas’
Church, Whitemarsh, to benefit families involved with the
former ECS after-school program at Church of the
Advocate in North Philadelphia. Wanting to help even
more, Kepner and her friend Pam Serra began
volunteering as tutors. The work was rewarding, but they
yearned to show the students a world beyond their
distressed North Philly neighborhood. The rolling fields
of the St. Thomas’ Church campus seemed like an ideal
escape, so the two women started a summer day camp at
the church. In the first years, their own children helped
out as counselors, but soon, they had more parish youth
wanting to get involved than they had campers.
“The kids and the counselors grew up before our eyes,”
Kepner said. “The difference the counselors can make in
these children’s days and the difference the campers make
in our counselors’ lives is just astonishing. We have had
kids at the church change their career goals after working
with these children.”
Passing the Gavel: Former ECS president Kurt Brunner with his
successor, Mimi Kepner.
6 Episcopal Community Services
Today, the camp continues to serve ECS children from
ECS St. Barnabas Mission as well as other local programs.
There is a vegetable garden, a basketball court and lots of
activities. Kepner and Serra also founded the Be an Angel
party for ECS clients, which serves a festive holiday meal,
complete with entertainment and a visit from Santa. The
dinner draws an average of 75 volunteers from the parish,
doing everything from cooking and decorating to serving
the meal and running crafts tables. Even more
parishioners shop for gifts so that everybody gets a
present. Thanks to Kepner’s efforts, ECS has also been
able to partner with the St. Thomas’ outreach committee
on several projects for children and youth.
“The key at St. Thomas’ has been connecting people
with people,” Kepner said. “The volunteer opportunities
and the ability to pinpoint specific projects that we would
like to support have helped keep ECS in the minds of the
parish community.”
For Kepner, faith and service are inextricable. Joining
St. Thomas’ in 1976 was an important step in her journey.
“I just started to listen more to what was being said in
the lessons, the gospels and the sermons. I really began to
be called to reach out to others. I began to realize that we
are all part of one human body and that we are called to
help each other through the things that drag us down and
celebrate the joys in life,” Kepner said. “I feel it is a Godgiven imperative to help others, no matter what your
particular faith. ECS allows me to live that out.”
Kepner has always been especially interested in ECS
programming. Over the last year she has also immersed
herself in other aspects of ECS, attending every finance
committee meeting and most other meetings to fully
prepare herself for her new position as board president. In
her new role, she has a unique opportunity to see how all
the pieces of ECS fit together to form a successful and
efficient organization.
“I wish more people knew about the kind of work ECS
does and how simple it is to help,” she said. “Dollars go a
long way because ECS is very fiscally responsible and
people work so hard at what they do there. Their
dedication is what makes it so effortless for me to devote
so much time to ECS. The organization is filled with
people who give much more to the people we serve.” I
J A N E J. O ’ N E I L L AWA R D R E C I P I E N T
ECS Honors a Longtime Volunteer, Benefactor and Friend
piscopal Community Services
presented the Jane J. O’Neill Award
for Outstanding Service to Julie D.
Williams of Bryn Mawr.
Williams’ philanthropy and service
have been a part of the fabric of ECS
for over 15 years. She served on the ECS
Board of Trustees from 1996 to 2006,
leading many initiatives during her
tenure. Serving as a volunteer, leader,
major donor and emissary, she has
introduced countless people to the
agency’s mission and helped to
significantly expand its base of support.
Most recently, she was a member of the
steering committee and auction cochair for ECS’ 140th anniversary
celebration held last November, helping
raise over $155,000.
“ECS is my arm reaching out to
humanity in ways that I can’t,” Williams
said. “ECS knows where to be and
how to do it. I trust their judgment.
My heart and soul reach out
through ECS.”
The award was part of an annual
reception honoring members of ECS’
Bishop White Circle and City Mission
Legacy Society whose members
demonstrate deep philanthropic
commitment to ECS through major
annual giving and planned gifts,
The Jane J. O’Neill Award was
established in 1995 to mark the 125th
anniversary of ECS and honors those
who demonstrate extraordinary service
and philanthropic commitment to the
agency. Past recipients include Jane J.
O’Neill, the Rev. Timothy Pickering,
Spencer D. Wright III, Raymond H.
Welsh, Elizabeth R. Moran and Howard
and Frances Kellogg. I
1. Julie D. Williams, center, recipient of
the ECS Jane J. O’Neill Award, with
previous recipients Elizabeth Moran
and Ray Welsh
2. Julie Williams and her family: Ira and
Arden Saligman, Daphne Howard, Julie
Williams, Carter and Ginny Williams
3. Julia and Darrell DeMoss
4. Kurt Brunner, Julie Williams, Ray Welsh
and the Rev. John Midwood
5. Margaret and David Langfitt
6. Joanne Welsh and Gretchen Riley
7. Ray Welsh, David Langfitt and Jay Riley
8. Elizabeth Moran and Mary Gall, lifetime
members of the Bishop White Circle
9. Dixie Wigton and Julia DeMoss
www.ecs1870.org 7
S H E LT E R & H O U S I N G
ECS FAST Housing
ECS FAST Housing provided housing and case
management to 45 families with disabilities and a history
of chronic homelessness during the 2010-2011 fiscal year.
The program is the result of multiple partnerships.
Bernadette and her son Shamar accept the Family of the Year
award from Robert Hills and Yavette Lowry-Mond of the ECS FAST
Housing Program.
ECS St. Barnabas Mission
ECS St. Barnabas is more than just a homeless shelter
because, for many families, an episode of homelessness is
a signal event that indicates a need for intervention in
issues related to physical and mental health, education
and family stability. A new family at ECS St. Barnabas
works with a case manager to develop a family service
plan, basically a set of goals and actions for achieving
independence. The staff of the Mission applies the same
logic to every aspect of shelter operation, identifying areas
for improvement and setting ambitious goals of their
own. This year, the Mission set a goal that 80% of
residents would utilize the health services department and
follow-up on referrals with appropriate medical services
and treatment. Instead, 99% of children and adults
pursued the care they needed. Other statistics at the
shelter are just as impressive.
Three quarters of the 84 families exiting the shelter this
year found safe, stable housing, some with friends and
family, but most in their own market-rate rentals or
subsidized transitional housing. This speaks to the multipronged efforts by case managers, including increased
utilization of the shelter’s Moving Up program that
8 Episcopal Community Services
Funding for the case management portion comes from
the Philadelphia Department of Human Services
Community Prevention Program because homelessness is
a risk factor for children being placed in foster care. The
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
funds the housing component. ECS handles the case
management while contracting with 1260 Housing
Development Corporation/Columbus Property
Management for the actual housing. This partnership
allows ECS to focus on its specialties in social work,
financial stewardship and program management to
provide a program that succeeds in helping families with
multiple barriers to housing remain in safe, stable homes.
This year, three families moved into their own marketrate housing, applying the life skills they learned at ECS to
living more independently.
Total Expenses: $1,002,468
10% Individual Contributions & Endowment
90% Government
identifies families with the resources and stability to
quickly move out of shelter. Participants receive
specialized case management and financial assistance with
upfront moving costs. Overall, the shelter served 122
families with 166 children this year.
The ECS St. Barnabas Mission after-school program provides fun and
structure to help students whose lives have been turned upside down
by homelessness to succeed in school.
Total Expenses: $1,649,751
45% Individual Contributions & Endowment
49% Government
6% Grants
S A F E T Y & S TA B I L I T Y
ECS Foster/Kinship Care
The ECS Foster/Kinship Care program includes two
areas: Medical, for children with special health needs, and
performance-based contracting (PBC) for other children.
On the City of Philadelphia Department of Human
Services’ most recent PBC Report Card, ECS ranked fifth
in overall performance among the 24 providers and first
in the annual inspection which measures quality of care.
ECS exceeded its benchmarks when it came to achieving
permanent outcomes such as adoption or family
reunification for children in care, with 23 permanencies
in PBC and 22 at the medical level. Reflecting ECS’ strong
focus on education, 91% of school-aged children in the
program maintained at least a “C” average over the school
year. Three of the four graduating high school seniors
went to college (the fourth transferred to an adult care
facility). Recruiting foster parents, particularly those
ECS Home Care
This year, the ECS Home Care department deployed
some not-so-cutting-edge technology: the telephone. An
initiative to improve communication between staff, clients
and outside case managers and a move to more phonebased nursing consultations helped save money and
improve services to 117 homebound seniors. It has also
increased the likelihood of a client returning home after a
hospitalization rather than being discharged into
institutional care. ECS home health aides delivered nearly
Longtime ECS Foster Parents Arthur and Lori Miles with Case
Manager Rashida Hamlin at the resource parent appreciation
willing and able to care for medically needy children,
continues to be a challenge which will be solved with new
and continued outreach strategies.
Total Expenses: $1,838,092
100% Government (<1% Contributions)
42,000 hours of service assisting clients with personal care
and household chores. Nurses provided nearly 300 visits
and as many telephone calls to continuously monitor the
health of clients, 75% of whom are confined to a bed or
wheel chair. Without ECS Home Care, the vulnerable
seniors ECS served this year would likely be unable to
continue living in their own homes.
Total Expenses: $1,571,466
59% Individual Contributions & Endowment
41% Government, Fee for Service
Crafts at the St. Thomas,’ Whitemarsh Be an Angel party for participants in the ECS FAST Housing program.
www.ecs1870.org 9
L I T E R A C Y & E D U C AT I O N
ECS Out of School Time
ECS Office Manager Art Fleschner takes some time out of his busy
schedule to help out with Fill the Bus, the annual ECS event that
works with local parishes and organizations to ensure that every
ECS child goes to school with a new backpack and supplies.
ECS St. Barnabas Mission
Educational Programming
Homelessness can be a serious interruption in a child’s
education, especially when a family has moved frequently
prior to entering shelter. Research also shows that early
childhood education has a huge impact on educational
success later in life. That is why the Mission offers an afterschool program and preschool. The after-school program
provides homework help and educational enrichment.
Meanwhile, the education coordinator ensures an open
ECS Urban Bridges
The ECS Urban Bridges adult literacy program closed its
doors at the end of the fiscal year. Although the program
provided exceptional service, its location limited the
population served to residents of nearby neighborhoods.
In keeping with ECS’ belief that education is the key to
ECS Workshops for Parents,
Children and Teens
ECS Workshops engage entire families across many ECS
programs. This year, 128 parents participated in six-week
programs using an evidence-based curriculum to
improve family dynamics and relationships. Workshops
for teens served 50 young adults. A pilot program funded
by The Barra Foundation utilized principles of cognitive
10 Episcopal Community Services
ECS provides after-school and summer programming in
the Feltonville neighborhood under the Out of School
Time model funded by the Philadelphia Department of
Human Services and administered by PHMC. Much
more than just fun and games, the program is centered
around hands-on, project-based learning, enriching the
education of the 261 elementary school students and 68
middle school students who participated this year. ECS
earned high marks from PHMC for involving the
students in developing projects and assignments.
Total Expenses: $584,747
15% Individual Contributions & Endowment
85% Government
positive relationship with local schools and helps parents
advocate for their children. As a result, 96% of school-aged
children at St. Barnabas Mission attended school more
than 80% of the time, an increase over the previous year.
The Butterfly preschool served 43 children this year, while
37 participated in the after-school program.
Total Expenses: $435,555
87% Individual Contributions & Endowment
4% Government
9% Grants
ending the cycle of poverty, the agency’s new 3-year
strategic plan includes an initiative to address the
educational needs of all ECS clients.
Total Expenses: $286,346
100% Individual Contributions & Endowment
behavioral therapy (CBT) to help 29 teen participants
reframe the negative thoughts that could prevent them
from continuing their educations. The pilot program
produced a manual and workbook so that other ECS
departments and peer agencies can replicate its success.
Total Expenses: $225,912
23% Individual Contributions & Endowment
33% Government
44% Grants
2011 Annual Report
Financial Summary
Unaudited statement of revenue and expenses for the years ended
June 30, 2011 and June 30, 2010.
Private Support (Includes Individual
and Parish Gifts, Grants, United Way,
Diocese of PA)
Public Support (Government Grants
and Contracts)
Endowment Income and Withdrawals* $2,755,000
Other (Includes Fee for Service,
Trust Income)
and General
Management and General Admin.
Endowment Value
Total Value of Restricted and
Unrestricted ECS Endowments as
of June 30, 2009
Capital and Trust Expenditures
Additions to Endowment
Investment Performance
Value of ECS Endowment as of
June 30, 2010
Other (Includes Fee
for Service, Trust
Income, etc.)
Income and
Private Support
(Includes Individual
and Parish Gifts,
Grants, United Way,
Diocese of PA, etc.)
* The ECS Board of Trustees authorized a spending rule of 5.38% and 5.2% of the
endowment’s previous 13-quarter rolling average in the 2011 and 2010 fiscal
years, respectively.
** Excludes depreciation and life care trust.
Public Support
Grants and
www.ecs1870.org 11
An Expression of Gratitude
Each year our annual report acknowledges and honors the many individuals and institutions that have supported us throughout the
previous fiscal year. It is impossible to express our gratitude for the contributions of so many who give in countless ways. On behalf of
everyone at ECS, please accept our profound thanks for your many gifts, talents and continued support that have helped us lead the
way in responding to changing human needs for over 140 years.
The Philanthropists’ Circle is
comprised of those individuals who
have made cumulative gifts of
$100,000 or more to ECS. Their
extraordinary commitment exemplifies the very essence of philanthropy
as the “desire to improve the welfare
of humanity through charitable
activities.” We are deeply grateful
for their leadership support.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ashley
Charles and Lucy Ann Bangert
Katherine R. Blyth*
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buck
Dr. Rosemary Cadigan
Donald R. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Day III
Charlotte J. Dunmore
Mary K. Gall
Anna and Tom Gerrity
John C.*and Chara C. Haas
Norman P. Harberger
Mrs. Henry Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Keen, Jr.
Jane C. MacElree
Dr. Geraldine Mantell
Deborah N. Marsteller
Louisa B. Mirick*
Mrs. J. M. Moran
Warren V. Musser
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Neilson
The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F.
Penniman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Riblet
Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Rorer
Buck and Mary Scott
E. Newbold Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh
Dixie G. Wigton
Julie D. Williams
Mrs. Spencer D. Wright III
Sustainers’ Circle members have
made an annual gift to ECS for a
minimum of 15 consecutive years.
This group of loyal individuals truly
embodies the word “sustenance.”
Their consistent and unwavering
support of ECS demonstrates their
deep dedication to our mission.
Evelyn C. Aaron
Nora E. Adelmann
12 Episcopal Community Services
Lucetta S. Alderfer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Arbuckle
Mrs. Duffield Ashmead III
Vance and Elna Bachman
Susan and Bruce Baumann
Thomas G. Bernas and Richard L. Craft
The Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Betts
H. Lloyd Beyer III
Stephen and Barbara Billings
Katherine R. Blyth*
Jean G. Bodine
Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Boorse
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer A. Bowers
Nancy J. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Stanhope S. Browne
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Brunner
John and Beverly Burkhardt
Walter F. Campbell*
Sheila Carson
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Cecil
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cheston, Jr.
William E. Christman III
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier IV
Mary H. Cooke
Dr. and Mrs. David Y. Cooper
Betsey and Ward Cockran
Fred L. Davidson
Betty K. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Day III
Patricia Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell DeMoss
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Duclow
Mrs. Jessie E. Engan
Eleanor Erskine
Edward and Nancy Gardiner
Jane L. Garrison
Gay P. Gervin
Dorothy E. Giachetti
Betty and Don Graff
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Groetzinger III
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Groshens
John C.* and Chara C. Haas
The Haggard Family
Henry S. and Ann P. Hamm
Norman P. Harberger
Shirley S. Hardcastle
Nancy G. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. John S.C. Harvey III
Wesley H. Heilman III
Eleanor T. and Paul R. Hertel, Jr.
Roger and Dee Hillas
Mrs. Orville Horwitz
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Hoyt
Mary and Tom Hyndman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Johnston, Jr.
William J. D. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kellogg
M. Jamie Lennan
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Lewis
William and Eleanor Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Lezenby
Jane C. MacElree
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McAdoo
Marian McAllister
Elizabeth Ray McLean
Kristine Messner and Thomas M. Petro
John and Faith Midwood
Michael M. Mills
Joseph N. Misuraco
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Mitchell III
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Montgomery II
Mrs. J. M. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Percival B. Moser III
The Rev. and Mrs. William S.
Clifton A. Ogburn, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram L. O’Neill, Jr.
The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F.
Penniman, Jr.
Mary W. Reid, in memory of James S.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Robb
Donald H. Roberts, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Rodgers, Jr.
Marcia J. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ruhling, Jr.
Joanne and Richard Schaaf
Susan T. Schindler
Buck and Mary Scott
Cornelia H. Seidel
Sarah L. O. Smith and James N. Kise
Craig and Billie Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stewart
John and Phyllis Taylor
Mrs. Clifton B. Thaw
Mrs. Harrison Therman
Mike and Betsey Useem
Mrs. Francis L. Van Dusen
C. A. Phillipe von Hemert
Mrs. Thomas J. Watt
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh
Kent and Sara Weymouth
Heyward M. Wharton
Dixie G. Wigton
Daphne R. Williams
Ira C. Williams
Julie D. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Wilmerding, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Wyllie
Richard Zwerlein
City Mission Legacy Society
members have included ECS in
their long-term plans through
their will or trust, a life-income
gift, or other deferred gifts.
Jeanne H. Adams
Nora E. Adelmann
Lucetta S. Alderfer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ashley
The Rev. and Mrs. Gilbert S. Avery III
Charles and Lucy Ann Bangert
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Baxter
The Rev. Michael R. Becker
Dorothea J. Bell
Sisters enjoy a break from the city amid the rolling hills of St. Thomas’
Church, Whitemarsh at their annual Harvest Festival.
The Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Betts
Cordelia F. Biddle and H. Stephen
Stephen and Barbara Billings
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bogle
John M. Briggs
The Rev. and Mrs. Robert T. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Brunner
James H. Bryson
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buck
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bullitt
Donald R. Caldwell
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Cecil
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Day III
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell DeMoss
Charlotte J. Dunmore
Flora Julia Dunmore
Eleanor Erskine
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Fuguet
Mary K. Gall
Anne Clark Godfrey
John C.* and Chara C. Haas
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Haggard
Mrs. Henry Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Burke Howell
William J. D. Jordan
John C. S. and Miriam P. Kepner
Patricia Kind
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Kozemchak
R. Kimball Leiser and Judy Marsh
Mrs. R. Schuyler Lippincott
Jane C. MacElree
Dr. Geraldine Mantell
Deborah N. Marsteller
The Rev. Dr. Jean Mather
The Rev. and Mrs. Glenn M. Matis
Mr. and Mrs. A. Donald McCulloch
Nina Lander McElroy
H. Scott Miller
Louisa B. Mirick*
Mrs. J. M. Moran
Virginia E. Musser
Warren V. Musser
Virginia Norton
Clifton A. Ogburn, Ph.D.
The Rev. Judith H. Parichy and Jerry
The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F.
Penniman, Jr.
Cornelia H. Seidel
Mrs. Paul A. Seltzer
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Shoop
The Rev. and Mrs. Peter W. Sipple
Dr. Chester E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Rush B. Smith
Sarah L. O. Smith and James N. Kise
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Smoot
Doris Z. Taylor*
John and Phyllis Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy I. Thomas
The Rev. James A. and Gail H. Trimble
Margaret E. Van Natta
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. P. Van Pelt
The Hon. and Mrs. Thomas D. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh
Helen W. White
Dixie G. Wigton
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wineland
Mrs. Spencer D. Wright III
ECS gratefully acknowledges the
support and generosity of all its
donors. Following is a list of all
individuals who have made a gift of
$125 or more and all contributing
foundations, corporations, parishes,
community organizations and
government agencies.
Bishop White Circle
($10,000 and above)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ashley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bennett
John G. Chou and Teresa A. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Day III
Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Forte III
Mary K. Gall
Anna and Tom Gerrity
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Keen, Jr.
Jane C. MacElree
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCausland
John and Faith Midwood
Mrs. J. M. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. George Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Neilson
Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Rorer
Buck and Mary Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Smoot
Mr. and Mrs. L. Frederick Sutherland
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh
Dixie G. Wigton
Julie D. Williams
Bishop White Society, Guardian
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Baruch
Katherine R. Blyth*
John M. Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Brunner
Dr. Rosemary Cadigan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Callaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell DeMoss
Norman P. Harberger
John C. S. and Miriam P. Kepner
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Kozemchak
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Langfitt
Mike and Betsey Useem
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Wietlisbach
Bishop White Society, Trustee
Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Ayres
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beck
The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Charles E.
Bennison, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bogle
Bill and Sheryl Bullitt
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Dilenschneider
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Eagleson, Jr.
Adrienne and Eric Hart
Stephen B. Heimann and Monika
Mrs. Orville Horwitz
Marshall J. House
M. Jamie Lennan
ECS employees Dennis Beck and Tymika Henderson demonstrate simple
home fitness moves at the ECS Health and Safety Committee fair,
dedicated to improving the health and well-being of ECS staff.
Dr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McClave
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Meyers
Drs. Richard K. Murray and Patricia
Mr. and Mrs. John Pickering II
Debra Reinhard and Pamela S. Prior
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Rorer
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Schneider
John and Phyllis Taylor
Jeri Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Valutas
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Williams
Bishop White Society, Steward
Mr. and Mrs. John Affleck
Lucetta S. Alderfer
James H. Anderson and William Di
Richard K. Assoian
Elizabeth P. and Nolan N. Atkinson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan F. Ball, Jr.
Jane A. Barth
The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Allen L.
Bartlett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Bauder
Mr. and Mrs. James Beers
Thomas G. Bernas and Richard L. Craft
Stephen and Barbara Billings
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bireley
Allen Black and Randy Apgar
Jean G. Bodine
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Broadbent
The Rev. and Mrs. Arthur F. Brunner
James H. Bryson
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Buck III
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buck
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bustard
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Castner
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Cecil
William E. Christman III
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier IV
Mr. and Mrs. Tristram C. Colket, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. David Y. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Dahl
Dr. and Mrs. Denis S. Drummond
Denise M. DuPont and R. Mark Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Englebach
Thomas C. Etter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Eyre, Jr.
James L. Fitzwater
Drs. Darryl and Gail Ford
Kristi Fox
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Gaunt
Mary Geisz and Keith Pryor
Gay P. Gervin
Robert and Mary Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S.
Greenwood, Jr.
The Haggard Family
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. V. Hamilton, Jr.
Donald W. Hans, Jr.
Eleanor T. and Paul R. Hertel, Jr.
Roger and Dee Hillas
Sarah L. Houston
Frank T. Innes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Jukes III
James H. Kelch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klavans
Andrew D. Klein
Henry Kwiecinski and Caroline G. West
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Legnini
www.ecs1870.org 13
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Lezenby
Dr. and Mrs. Eric L. Lien
Nicholas Lindberg and Jean Hosutt
Jim Logue
James R. MacRae and Suzanne R.
Paula R. Mandle
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Marsteller
Charles E. Mather III
Mr. and Mrs. McKinley C. McAdoo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McAdoo
Mr. and Mrs. Barry McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. James W. McLane
Kristine Messner and Thomas M. Petro
Ronald E. Midwood and Betsi
Sarah R. Mooers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelsen
Barbara Nugent
Clifton A. Ogburn, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram L. O’Neill, Jr.
Nick Procyk
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Roak
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Roberts
Donald H. Roberts, Jr.
Barbara S. Rolison
J. Douglas Rollow
Joanne and Richard Schaaf
Margaret M. Scruggs
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Senior
Dr. and Mrs. Henry H. Sherk
The Very Rev. E. Edward and
Kim Shiley
The Rev. Lula Grace M. Smart
E. Newbold Smith
Girard T. Smith, Jr.
The Rev. Robert C. Smith and Lorene
E. Cary
Mr. and Mrs. Rush B. Smith
Sarah L. O. Smith and James N. Kise
Jonathan Sprogell and M. Kathryn
Dr. H. Lynn Starr
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stewart
Barbara K. Tobin
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Toland
The Rev. James A. and Gail H. Trimble
Susan C. Van Allen
Mr. and Mrs. John Wallingford
Jenny and Bill Webb
Mary West
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Whartnaby
Helen W. White
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilde
Ira C. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Wilmerding, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wineland
Elizabeth McGree Wood
Mrs. Spencer D. Wright III
Bishop Stevens Society ($500–$999)
Evelyn C. Aaron
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Addis
The Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Betts
Marie E. Bigas
The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Frederick H.
Frank J. Borst
Jessica R. Brown
14 Episcopal Community Services
The Rev. Kenneth Bullock and Dr.
Kathryn R. Bullock
Peter H. Cappelli and Virginia
Nancy Celmins
Sonia and Morgan Churchman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter O. Clauss
The Rev. Elizabeth W. Colton
R. Jeanette Cord
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Crawford
Lindsay S. Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Crowell
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Davies
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Davis, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Dee
Maryjo J. Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. DelViscio
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeWyngaert
Elisabeth Doolan
Charlotte J. Dunmore
Mr. and Mrs. P. Bruce Ferguson
John T. Garvey
Elizabeth H. Gemmill
Mary S. Girling
Anne Clark Godfrey
Sharon L. Gray
The Rev. Sunny Hallanan
Harold H. Harrison
The Rev. Alison P. Harrity and
Mark Harrity
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Hart
Marilyn Hastings
Sharon L. Haynie
Elizabeth Heideman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Heywood
Nancy Hildreth
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hitchen
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Howse
Mr. and Mrs. James Infortuna
Kylius J. and Diane P. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kimmel, Jr.
The Rev. Mary E. and Earl W. Laney
The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Edward L.
Lee, Jr.
R. Kimball Leiser and Judy Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Leith
Mr. and Mrs. Keiron G. Lynch
John MacColl and Dorothy Hamill
Elaine Markezin and Ross Veltri
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Marvel
The Rev. Dr. Jean Mather
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Maven
Janice E. May
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. John S. McCutcheon
M. Sam McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McElroy III
Deborah E. Metalsky
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Miani
Michael M. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moore
Bruce F. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. H. John Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Morris, Jr.
Sherri Mullen
Cynthia R. Muse
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Nyiri
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Palumbo
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Parsons
The ECS Out of School Time program offers monthly events for families
of children in the program and the community at large. When a house
fire took the lives of several current and former students, the program
engaged the fire department in several educational presentations on
fire safety.
The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F.
Penniman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Percival
Kimberly A. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Petrie
The Rev. Nicholas B. Phelps
John M. Phinney
John B. M. Place
Michael J. Pongracz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle B. Pulling
Thomas H. Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Reichel III
Mary W. Reid, in memory of
James S. Reid
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Rockafellow
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Rodgers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rollins
Mr. and Mrs. Roderic Ross
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ruhling, Jr.
Mary E. Sales and Edwin F. Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Saligman
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Schaaf
Mrs. William C. Scheetz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cunningham
Karen M. Schoelles
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Seving, Jr.
Mrs. Walter Smedley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Staas
Dr. George H. Steele and Katherine A.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Suddath
The Very Rev. Judith A. Sullivan and
Gil Rosenthal*
Dr. and Mrs. Russell H. Sullivan
Eugene G. Thompson
Craig and Dana Toedtman
Cynthia L. Trago
The Rev. and Mrs. Richard L. Ullman
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Wallick
The Hon. and Mrs. Thomas D. Watkins
Sharon K. Webster, MSW, LSW
Kent and Sara Weymouth
Dr. and Mrs. L. Douglas Wilkerson
Lydia A. Williams
Carter and Ginny Williams
The Rev. and Mrs. Randolph L.
Catherine Wise
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Wyllie
The Rev. and Mrs. Marek P. Zabriskie
Old Saint Paul’s ($250–$499)
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Achilles
Nora E. Adelmann
Valarie Allen and Jerome Maddox
Dr. and Mrs. Joni S. Antar
Charles and Lucy Ann Bangert
Dana Barbry-Nuble
The Hon. and Mrs. Harvey Bartle III
Susan and Bruce Baumann
Martin M. Bodtmann
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Boehne
Janet E. Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brinker
The Rev. and Mrs. C. Reed Brinkman
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bromley
Nancy J. Brown
Wendy E. Brown
John and Marcie Burns
Mark Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Camarda
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Chase
Michael P. Christman
Dr. James E. Colberg and Kathleen A.
Jo Anna W. Collins
Col. and Mrs. William A. Connelly
Betsey and Ward Cockran
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Costin
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coyle
Dale A. Cranmer and William H. Hunt
Barclay Cunningham
Mrs. F. J. Dallett
Dr. Giulio J. D’Angio
Fred L. Davidson
William Davison IV
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Delp
Richard D. Dickson
Frederick W. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Duclow
James M. Duffin
Karen Y. Duffy
Caroline A. Dunleavy
Merle T. Edmunds
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. H. Robinson Ertelt
Kathleen Esposito
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer R. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Eyre
Mr. and Mrs. T. Ritson Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fifer
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Folkes
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fridy
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Friedman
Amy M. Furlong
Edward and Nancy Gardiner
Giby Garnier
Jane L. Garrison
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Gast
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geissler
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Golson
Betty and Don Graff
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Granson
Joe Griggs
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Guckes
Henry S. and Ann P. Hamm
Barbara Harberger
Shirley S. Hardcastle
Mr. and Mrs. Delroy Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. John S. C. Harvey III
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haslanger
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Earnshaw
Denny and Peggy Hatch
Bill and Sue Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Howell J. Herring
Catherine R. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hill
Teresa A. Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Hingston
Mr. and Mrs. Kevan Hirsch
Richard W. Hogg
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Holeman
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Holt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Horne
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Hutchinson
Cheryl Irving
JoAnn B. Jones, Esq.
Andrea C. Kay
Andrew L. Kellner and David Kasievich
Carolyn A. Kidder
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Koelle
The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph H. Laird
Kathy Langley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lansinger
Mrs. W. Mifflin Large
The Rev. and Mrs. Ledlie I. Laughlin
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lee, Jr.
Lucy K. Lenhardt and Maurice P.
Cynthia Lister
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Loftus
Mr. and Mrs. Burton A. MacLean, Jr.
Lynn Mander
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Maner
Dr. Bruno V. Manno and Dr. Catherine
S. Manno
Mr. and Mrs. James K. McAdam
Molly McAndrew and Ken Pendergast
Derrick McBride
Jane E. McKinney
Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Meloni
The Rt. Rev. Rodney R. Michel
Mr. and Mrs. Ludlow Miller
David and Lyn Montgomery
Constance C. Moore
Eric Moss and Margaret von Mehren
Virginia E. Musser
Mr. and Mrs. John Nee
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan L. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Vasil J. Pappas, Jr.
Tymika Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Piergiovanni
The Rev. Stanley A. Powell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Price, Jr.
Dr. Thomas Randall and Dr. Katrina
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Ravenscroft
Mr. and Mrs. George Reath, Jr.
Thomas D. Rees II and Josephine
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Rees
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Cohen
Dolly A. Richards
Mrs. F. Lee Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rinaldi
The Rev. and Mrs. David B. Rivers
Richard D. Rivers
Anna I. Roberts
Jane D. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Robertson, Jr.
Corona Robinson
Charles S. Rockey, Jr.
The Rev. Terence C. Roper
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Russell
Carla T. Sanders
James B. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Schaphorst
Gary Schatz
Susan T. Schindler
James J. Scott
Cornelia H. Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Sellers
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Seward
The Rev. and Mrs. Peter W. Sipple
Dr. and Mrs. B. Davison Smith, Jr.
John C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John Smyth, Sr.
Craig and Billie Snyder
Theresa R. Snyder
Stewart and Sidney Spahr
Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Starr
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine Stephano
Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart
Claudia and Jim Stowers
Linda Strong
Deborah K. Sullivan
Helen L. Swain
James Taylor and Douglas Alderfer
Elizabeth and Thomas R. Ten Have
Pamela Thaxter
Mr. and Mrs. Darryle Tillman
Torence J. Trout
Margaret E. Van Natta
The Rev. Peter T. Vanderveen and
Patricia Westervelt Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Vetrano
The Rev. Thomas C. Wand and The
Rev. Marlene Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Warner
Melinda J. Weaver
Christine M. Wendt
Charlotte G. White
Mrs. Lawrence P. White
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. White, Jr.
Robert Willenbucher
Alberta F. Williams
Daphne R. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilmerding
Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Wintner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wood
The Rev. and Mrs. William H. Wood III
Catherine A. Worrall
Thomas V. Zug, Jr.
Richard Zwerlein
1870 Society ($125–$249)
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Arbuckle
Jeanne Arnold, Ed.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ash
Mrs. Duffield Ashmead III
Vance and Elna Bachman
The Rev. Carolyn Baird and Robert
Claudine H. Barrick-Gray
The Rev. Judith T. Beck
Joan B. Bedell
Mr. and Mrs. Saul A. Behar
Jean Wyeth Bell
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bennett, Jr.
Jeanne L. Bernosky
Sandra M. Berwind
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bingaman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Black
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blanchard
Marilyn W. Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Boorse
Helen Bosley
John L. Braxton
Virginia C. Brookins
Dr. and Mrs. Fraser B. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Stanhope S. Browne
Micah Brunner
Thomas H. Buck III
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome G. Buescher
Nancy and John Buford
Laura T. Bullitt
Carol W. Butcher
John and Sherry Butterworth
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Butterworth
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Byler
Sheila Carson
Dr. Elwyn F. Chase, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cheston, Jr.
Angela Cimino
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Clay, Jr.
Janice M. Collins
Jean M. Cortner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Coslett, Jr.
Jim and Pat Lockhart Culbertson
The Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Davis
The Rev. and Mrs. Bancroft Gary Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Davis
Ann C. Deinhardt and David F. Jury
Richard C. DeKalb
Merrill and Suzanne Detweiler
Deborah A. Dooling
George Douglas
Studies suggest that the benefits of early-childhood education extend
to adulthood.
www.ecs1870.org 15
Mrs. Claus and her elves were on hand with Santa Clause for several
events this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doyle
Daniel J. Dugan and Kathleen
George T. Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Durbin
Kirby M. Eisenhart
Clarice E. Evans
The Rev. and Mrs. N. Dean Evans
Mary and David Farrow
Arthur L. Fleschner
Alice E. Floge
Kathy Ford
Rob Formica
Joan F. Fouracre
Patricia Fusco
Glenna Geiger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gelnett
Denise J. Glinkowski
Margaret Goodman and Jack
Virginia Goodrich
The Most Rev. and Mrs. Frank T.
Griswold III
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Groshens
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick G. Gunn
Mr. and Mrs. R. Victor Haas
Monica Hackett and Stephen
Rush T. Haines II
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Daniell C.
Zina Hanna
Debbie S. Harnsberger
Nancy G. Harris
Jane Hastings
Gunhild Hazler
Shirley A. Henderson
Carol and Jack Henn
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde R. Herr
Christian A. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. William Horn
Mimi Houghton
Robert E. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. George K. Huber
16 Episcopal Community Services
Susan L. Hunsicker
Annabelle Irey
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Irvin
Todd J. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. George James
Jane W. Johnson
William P. Johnson
Janelle F. Jordan
William J. D. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Morris C. Kellett
The Rev. Barbara A. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Kiel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kimberly
The Rev. Canon Debra Kissinger
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Klarman
Dr. Charlotte C. Kleis
Carol Anne Kline
Dr. and Mrs. Michael B. Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lancksweert
Carolyn P. Langfitt
Frederick J. M. LaValley
Maria Lawrence
Charles W. Lentz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Lipoff
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Lowry
Marion C. Mader
Herbert E. Manning
Elizabeth H. Marshall
Deborah N. Marsteller
Kelly McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. McCleary
Nina Lander McElroy
Chadwick and McKinney Funeral
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mecklin
Amy Michener-Wall and Beth
Joseph A. Micucci
Michael Miller
Lynda G. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Montgomery II
Margaret A. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Percival B. Moser III
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moss
Katherine J. Muckle
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Murphy
The Rev. and Mrs. William S.
Mary Helen Neuendorffer-Taylor
David Nice and Marian Wentworth
Krystian Nuble
Arthur E. Oldenhoff
Adele Openshaw
K. Gregory Oviatt
Jill and Bill Packer
Ralph E. Painter, Jr.
The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald W. Parker
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Pemberton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pinola
Janet E. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Powell
Severa K. Proudley
Joseph Raudenbush
Mr. and Mrs. F. Douglas Raymond III
Louisa C. Ridgway
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Robb
J. Robin Robb
Joan C. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. William Rogers
Carol Rush
Peter J. Ryker
John B. Salmon
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sargent
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Satullo
William G. Scarborough
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Scott
Stiles N. Seay and Joseph N. Misuraco
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Seely III
Ingrid Serrell
The Rev. Dr. Martini Shaw
Andrew M. J. Shawaluk
Dr. Catherine N. Shelton
Carl and Carroll Sheppard
Glenn A. Sibley
Andrea N. Simpson
Virginia M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Spencer
Susan W. Spencer
Michael Stairs
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Stevens, Jr.
Cynthia Stewart
Neville E. Strumpf
Barbara B. Supplee
Cynthia Teagle-Gale
James F. Tetzlaff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Thatcher, Jr.
Pamela Thomas
Dale P. Tibbetts
Geraldine S. Tom
Geraldine Towson
Ross and Mary Lou Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vardaro
Patricia S. Walsh
The Rev. and Mrs. Elliott M. Waters
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Wechsler
Paula D. West
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Whitmire
Benjamin H. Williams III
Sheppard V. Williams and Stephen
Bruce B. Wilson
Russell W. Wilson
Caroline P. Wistar
The Rev. James E. Wynn
In Memory of Donald S. Bartman
Jeanne H. Adams
In Memory of Edward M. Boehne
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Boehne
In Memory of Dr. Cletus M. Bonds III
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Neufeld
In Memory of Catherine B. Bononi
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wineland
In Memory of Edward Conners
Marguerite B. Conners
In Memory of Mary E. Cronmiller
National Rural Electric Cooperative
In Memory of Charles DeVoe
Barbara Elliott and Michael Rossman
In Memory of Cheryl DiGiandomenico
Joan DiGiandomenico
In Memory of George and Helen
George T. Duncan
In Memory of Elaine L. Evans
Barbara Elliott and Michael Rossman
In Memory of The Rev. Philip Fifer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fifer
In Memory of Lindwood T. Geiger
Glenna Geiger
In Memory of Freda Gowling’s Parents
Freda Gowling
In Memory of Dorothy Gross
Charles Gross
In Memory of The Rev. John Harmon
Charlotte J. Dunmore
In Memory of George and Elizabeth
Richard W. Hogg
In Memory of Our Son, Craig R. Holt
Mr. and Mrs. G. Roger Holt
In Memory of Howard & Dorothy
Karen Hoppock and Charles Baigis
In Memory of Jane Huttlin
Donald Huttlin
In Memory of Ida Johnson
Janice M. Collins
In Memory of Arthur F. Kelley
The Rev. Barbara A. Kelley
In Memory of William J. Knox III
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Adams
In Memory of Sue Langhorne
The Paoli Group
Dr. Margaret Reher
In Memory of My Mother, Emilie M.
Ronald E. Midwood and Betsi
In Memory of The Rev. John E. Margos
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Furfari
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martino
Nancy McKean
Nancy W. Parker
Marianne T. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Kirouac
Mr. and Mrs. William Oppenheim
Jill and Bill Packer
Trinity Church, Gulph Mills
Jenny and Bill Webb
J. Charlotte Woehr
In Memory of Mary McGann
Donna Thain
In Memory of Thomas McIlvaine
Amy B. McIlvaine
In Memory of The Rev. Winfield
Richardson and his Daughter, Jennifer
David and Lyn Montgomery
In Memory of Louisa MacLaren Mirick
Robin Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Earnshaw
Mrs. John High
In Memory of The Rev. Ralph K. Rogers
and Betty Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. William Rogers
In Memory of Betty Mosley
The Rev. Ann Smith and Dr. Kaighn
In Memory of Albert C. Openshaw
Todd B. Brown
Eleanor S. D’Amelio
Dorothy E. Giachetti
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Gropp, Jr.
In Memory of Mary Gay Peltier
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell DeMoss
In Memory of Mary A. and Henry B.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ash
In Memory of Eric Reath
Mr. and Mrs. George Reath, Jr.
In Memory of Manuel dos Santos Rebolo
George T. Duncan
In Memory of James S. Reid
Mary W. Reid
In Memory of The Rev. F. Lee Richards
Mr. and Mrs. M. Robert Ackelsberg
Marjorie H. Barba
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Blum
Annette B. Congdon
Margaret M. Drew
Elizabeth B. Farley
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hill, Jr.
Herman R. Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Little
Rita MacIntosh
Linda Mutch
Janet J. Phillips
Mrs. F. Lee Richards
Donald H. Roberts, Jr.
Marcia J. Rogers
Ruth W. Rosenthal
Karl A. Schneider
Ella R. Torrey
University of Pennsylvania
Mary H. Williams
In Memory of The Rev. Winfield W.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Abbruzzi
Cicely G. Clark
ESL Electro Science
Robert and Mary Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. David Gifford
Mary S. Girling
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Hauschildt
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Hubbard
In Memory of John M. Scruggs
Margaret M. Scruggs
In Memory of Cora Ioua Mayer
Virginia M. Smith
In Memory of Doris Zimmerman Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Spencer
In Memory of The Tily Family
Nancy T. Everson
In Memory of Mamie E. Wiggins
Joanne Bolard
The Rev. James E. Wynn
In Memory of Tom Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James K. McAdam
In Memory of Bessie Hackett Wilson
Russell W. Wilson
In Honor of The Rev. Raymond Atlee
Jonathan and Mary Ann Jones, Jr.
In Honor of The Rt. Rev. Charles E.
Bennison, Jr.
Marianne I. Black
In Honor of The Rev. Robert H. Betts
All Saints’, Norristown
In Honor of The Gerrity Family
Stephen and Barbara Billings
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Lipoff
Maryanne Origlio
In Honor of Barbara A. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Shefton
In Honor of The Rev. Randolph L.
Amber Brubaker
Theresa R. Snyder
In Honor of Jesus Christ
Benjamin H. Williams III
In Honor of Solomon and Myrtle Wilson
Denise McKinney
In Honor of Henry Kwiecinski and
Caroline West and Their Children
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dahlager
In Honor of James R. MacRae
Mr. and Mrs. Minturn Osborne
In Honor of The Rev. John G. Martin’s
The Rev. Nancy M. Stroh
In Honor of The Rev. Glenn M. Matis
Adele Openshaw
In Honor of The McCutcheon Family
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Brunner
In Honor of The Rev. John E. Midwood
Calvary Church, Germantown
Evan H. Horn
Free Church of St. John
St. Peter’s Church in the Great Valley
In Honor of The Rev. Dr. Sadie S.
Mitchell’s 90th Birthday
Mercedes A. Sadler
Charlene N. Wiltshire
In Honor of The Rev. Canon Gordon
Gerald Colsher
In Honor of The Rev. Susan E.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Suddath
In Honor of The Robertson Family
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Brunner
In Honor of Stiles N. Seay
Joseph N. Misuraco
In Honor of The Rev. Arthur and Joan
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Brunner
In Honor of Melissa Shaner’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Manuel
In Honor of The Rev. Arthur F. Brunner
Calvary Church, Rockdale
In Honor of The Very Rev. Judith A.
Mr. and Mrs. Gie Liem
In Honor of Donald Cheetham’s
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Manuel
In Honor of The Rev. Phyllis G. Taylor
Pamela J. McCracken
In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac H.
Clothier IV
Alexandra Piltch
In Honor of William Dornan
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Sostok
In Honor of Caroline A. Dunleavy,
Prison Ministry Program
Rudolph W. Stroh
In Honor of Barbara Ely’s Children
Barbara Ely
In Honor of Rob R. Formica
Grace Church and the Incarnation
In Honor of Tracey Valentine
Janet and Charles Plosser
In Honor of Dawn Thomas
Janet and Charles Plosser
In Honor of Elaine and Tim Thomas
St. Peter’s Church in the Great Valley
In Honor of The Rev. James A. and
Gail H. Trimble
Martin P. Trimble and Colette de
In Honor of Trinity, Buckingham Choirs
Dr. Regina Gordon
In Honor of The Rt. Rev. Franklin D.
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey C. Thomas
In Honor of The Rev. Richard L. Ullman
Adele Openshaw
Estate of Helen Aucott
Estate of Katherine R. Blyth
Estate of Louisa B. Mirick
The 1830 Family Foundation
2004 Carita Foundation, Inc.
Alpha Chi Omega Foundation, Inc.
Zeta Tau Chapter
America’s Charities
The Barra Foundation
Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church
Caroline Alexander Buck Foundation
The Callaghan Family Foundation
Alpin Cameron Memorial Fund
Caroline E. Boardley Chapter No. 49
The Chatham Foundation
The Claneil Foundation, Inc.
The Connelly Foundation
The Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation
Drinker Biddle and Reath, LLP
Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania
ESL Electro Science
Falconhead Foundation
Fund for Children of The Philadelphia
Girls Friendly Society in the Diocese
of PA
Giving Express Online - JustGive
The Grandom Institution
The Hamilton Family Foundation
The Haverford School
Holderness School
Homeless Assistance Fund, Inc.
Esther Gowen Hood Trust, a BNY
Mellon Mid-Atlantic Charitable Trust
The Huston Foundation
Independence Foundation
The Margaret and David Langfitt
Larking Hill Foundation
Leapfrog Advancement Services
Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback
The Terri Lynne Lokoff Child Care
The Christopher Ludwick Foundation
The Lumpkin Family Foundation
The McCausland Foundation
McLean Contributionship
Mr. Kingpin LLC
National Board of Medical Examiners
www.ecs1870.org 17
National Rural Electric Cooperative
The Grace S. and W. Linton Nelson
Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.
Philadelphia Department of Human
Philadelphia Office of Supportive
Richard Day Research, Inc.
Riley Family Foundation
The Rorer Foundation, Inc.
Lawrence Saunders Fund
The Scholler Foundation
School District of Philadelphia
The Second Baptist Church of
Shipley School
Joseph Kennard Skilling Foundation
Society of Colonial Wars in The
Commonwealth of PA
St. John’s, Worthington, Ohio
United Way of Southeastern
University of Pennsylvania
US Department of Housing & Urban
The William Penn Foundation
Aon Employee Matching Gifts
Bank of America
The Bank of New York Mellon
The Beneficial Foundation
Berwind Corporation’s Matching Gift
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Chadwick & McKinney Funeral Home,
Chadwick Service Company
Citizens Bank Foundation
City Cleaning Co., Inc.
Davidson Trust Company
Employees Community Fund of The
Boeing Company
Exude Benefits Group, Inc.
ExxonMobil Oil Foundation
Gen RE Corporation
Goldman Sachs & Co.
The Haverford Trust Company
J. S. Cornell and Son
Lincoln Financial Foundation
McMaster-Carr Supply Company
Merck Foundation
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global
Impact Funding Trust, Inc.
Pfizer Corporation
PNC Bank
The Prudential Foundation
The Swarthmore Group
T. Rowe Price
TD Charitable Foundation
Tempesta & Farrell, P.C.
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
18 Episcopal Community Services
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Verizon Foundation
WCD Group, LLC
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Wells Fargo Family Wealth
African Episcopal Church of St.
All Hallows’ Church
All Saints’, Norristown
Calvary Church, Germantown
Calvary Church, Rockdale
Christ Church and St. Michael’s
Christ Church, Ithan
Christ Church, Media
Christ Church, Philadelphia
Christ Church, Pottstown
Christ Church, Ridley Park
Christ Church, Upper Merion
Church of St. Andrew and St. Monica
Church of St. James, Kingsessing
Church of St. Jude and the Nativity,
Lafayette Hill
Church of St. Luke and the Epiphany
Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields,
Chestnut Hill
Church of St. Philip-in-the-Field,
Church of the Advent, Hatboro
Church of the Holy Trinity, Lansdale
Church of the Holy Trinity,
Rittenhouse Square
Church of the Messiah, Gwynedd
Church of the Redeemer, Bryn Mawr
Free Church of St. John
Grace Church and the Incarnation
Holy Comforter, Drexel Hill
Memorial Church of the Good
Shepherd, East Falls
Merion Deanery
Nevil Memorial Church of St. George
Philadelphia Cathedral
Redemption, Southampton
St. Andrew’s, West Vincent
St. Christopher’s Church, Gladwyne
St. Christopher’s Church, Oxford
St. David’s Church, Manayunk
St. David’s Church, Radnor
St. Dunstan’s Church, Blue Bell
St. George St. Barnabas Church
St. James’ Church, Collegeville
St. John’s Church, Concord
St. John’s Church, Lower Merion
St. Mark’s Church, Philadelphia
St. Martin’s Church, Radnor
St. Mary’s Church, Cathedral Road
St. Mary’s Church, Wayne
St. Paul’s Church, Chestnut Hill
St. Paul’s Church, Doylestown
St. Paul’s Church, Oaks
St. Peter’s Church in the Great Valley
St. Peter’s Church, Glenside
St. Peter’s Church, Philadelphia
St. Stephen’s, Philadelphia
St. Thomas’ Church, Whitemarsh
St. Timothy’s Church, Roxborough
Trinity Church, Ambler
Children at the ECS Out of School Time program created crafts projects
to sell with the proceeds benefiting local charities, learning about math
and business while building civic engagement. (They had fun too.)
Trinity Church, Oxford
Trinity Church, Solebury
Trinity Church, Swarthmore
Lois Albert
Rahil Alklatib
Kim Allen
Marit Anderson
Dariel Astillero
Dana Barbry-Nuble
Mr. and Mrs. Saul A. Behar
Erin Bennett
Shirley Birch-Green
Karen L. Bowers
Denise F. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Brunner
Paul Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Buck III
Amy M. Choudhari
Krystal Church
David Collier
Sigrid DaVeiga
Catherine DeHart
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell DeMoss
Wanece Downing
Carly Edwards
Charlene Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Eyre, Jr.
Thomasine Farrell
Dr. Taliba M. Foster
Carlita Gibbons
Jeanine Glasgow
Joan Gordon
Annette Hammie
Juanita Harris
La’Keyle Harris
Eric Harrison
Dr. Patricia Hatten
Scott Idol
Jacqueline Jefferson
Judy Johnson
Tanya Johnson
Eve Kanellopoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kessler
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kraus
Nancy Laudendale
John A. Leake
Theresa Ling
Isabel Mapp
Barbara Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCausland
Edward McKlindon
Mr. and Mrs. James W. McLane
Major James Montgomery
Leola L. Moore
Gage Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Myers
Holly Nelson
Geraldine Nicholas
Darlene Page
Anita Parker
Emily Parra
Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Pastor
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. John Pickering II
Philip Ravenscroft and Jill Santomero
Janet Ryder
Vivian Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Seay
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Slaughter
Daneen Smith
Susan Soares
John Span
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Staton
Joyce Stepteau
Lisa Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy I. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Warner
Ellen Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh
Khalif White
Julie D. Williams
Ralph Pothel and Michelle Williams
Carter and Ginny Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wolf
Organizations and Parishes
Adath Israel Synagogue
African Episcopal Boy Scout Troop
African Episcopal Church of St.
All Hallows’ Church
All Saints’, Torresdale
Applebee’s Neighborhood Bar & Grill
Astral Artists
Bible Way Baptist Church
Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church
Calvary Church, Rockdale
Calvary St. Augustine
Calvin Presbyterian Church
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
CHOP Care Network at Haverford
CHOP Global Health
CHOP Insights Alumni Association
Christ Church and St. Michael’s
Christ Church, Ithan
Christ Church, Media
Christ Church, Philadelphia
Christ Church, Pottstown
Church of Holy Apostles and the
Church of St. Asaph, Bala Cynwyd
Church of St. James, Green Ridge
Church of St. Jude and the Nativity,
Lafayette Hill
Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields,
Chestnut Hill
Church of St. Philip-in-the-Field,
Church of the Advent, Hatboro
Church of the Crucifixion
Church of the Good Samaritan, Paoli
Church of the Good Shepherd,
Church of the Holy Apostles, Penn
Church of the Holy Trinity,
Rittenhouse Square
Church of the Redeemer, Bryn Mawr
Church of the Redeemer, Springfield
CSS Star Harbor Senior Center
Easter Seals of SE Pennsylvania, Early
Intervention Center
Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church (East)
Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church
Equilibrium Pilates
Free Church of St. John
Germantown Academy
Good Shepherd Church, Hilltown
Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church
Grace Church and the Incarnation
Grace Epiphany Church, Mt. Airy
Grayco Equipment and Supply Corp.
Great Harvest Bread Co.
Greater St. John’s Rescue Full Gospel
Harambee Institute of Science and
The Haverford School
Holderness School
IBPOE Leverta Temple #653
Incarnation Holy Sacrament Church,
Drexel Hill
Lamberti Restaurant Consulting
Las Amigas, Inc.
Leapfrog Advancement Services
Longstreth William C. School
The Christopher M. Louis Scholarship
Madison Closet
Memorial Church of the Good
Shepherd, East Falls
Muir’s Little Scholars Daycare
Muslim Social Service Workers, Inc.
Nevil Memorial Church of St. George
North Central Victim Services
Our Mother of Sorrows School
Philadelphia Cathedral
Philadelphia Fire Department
Philadelphia Fire Department Engine
41 Ladder 24
Philadelphia Fire Department Engine
54 Medic 41B
Philadelphia Kappa Silhouettes
The Philadelphia Soul
Redemption, Southampton
Renal Care Group East, Inc.
Riverside Care, Inc. -- West
Shipley School
St. Alban’s, Newtown Square
St. Andrew’s, West Vincent
St. Christopher’s Church, Gladwyne
St. Clement’s Church
St. David’s Church, Radnor
St. Dunstan’s Church, Blue Bell
St. George St. Barnabas Church
St. John’s Church, Lower Merion
St. Luke’s Church, Newtown
St. Mark’s Church, Honey Brook
St. Martin’s Church, Radnor
St. Matthew A.M.E. Church
St. Matthew’s Church, Maple Glen
St. Paul’s Church, Doylestown
St. Peter’s Church in the Great Valley
St. Peter’s Church, Philadelphia
St. Rose of Lima Church
St. Simon the Cyrenian Church
St. Thomas’ Church, Whitemarsh
Suburban Wholesale Lighting
The Swarthmore Group
Termini Brothers Bakery
Throttle Control PA
Transformation Temple of CHCC
Traveling BRAS Book Club
Trinity Church, Gulph Mills
Trinity Church, Oxford
Turner Construction Co.
Villanova University
Vine Memorial Baptist Church
Wake Up Yoga
Wawa, Inc.
Jeanne H. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. John Affleck
The Rev. W. Franklin Allen and Dr.
Amy Allen
James H. Anderson
Ethan F. Ball, Jr.
Susan Fralick Ball
Dana Barbry-Nuble
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Baruch
Ellen W. Baxter
Joan B. Bedell
The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Frederick H.
Charis Bowling
Diana G. Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Burkhart
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Callaghan
The Rev. Randy Callender
Noreen Cameron
Benjamin Camp
The Rev. Diana Carroll
Amy M. Choudhari
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cirone
Mr. and Mrs. Tristram C. Colket, Jr.
The Rev. Elizabeth W. Colton
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Connelly
Cathy Cowling
Ka’Neesha Cubbage
Edward H. Dalglish
Susan Damiano
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Day III
Julia B. DeMoss
Christine Deussing
Carol Dopp
Stacey M. Duke-Middleton
John Ecks
Sarah V. Elliott
Jennifer Emmi Fiorini
Dennis Eyre
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Eyre, Jr.
Jennifer Farmer
Drs. Darryl and Gail Ford
Rob R. Formica
Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Forte III
Ivanna Freeman
Nichola Garvan
Nolan Gephart
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Gerrity
Janet Giandomenico
Reneé Malnak-Giansiracusa
Caroline Godden
Jane Golden and Tony Heriza
Joan Gordon
Josephine A. Graham
The Very Rev. Peter Grandell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S.
Greenwood, Jr.
Monica Hackett
Kariane Hahn
Ruth Haines
Emma M. Halpert
The Rev. Alison P. Harrity
Dina L. Harvey
Carol H. Henn
Susan Hepp
Amy H. Hirsch
Lisa Hostein
Susan, Paul and Camille Howard
Carrie Hutnick
Kenneth S. Jamison
Aramis Jenkins
Amy Jersild
Roberta S. Johnson
JoAnn B. Jones, Esq.
Gloria L. Jordan
Tricia Kalinoski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kathol, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Keen, Jr.
John C. S. and Miriam P. Kepner
The Rev. Harriet Kollin
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Kozemchak
Gregory Kozemchak
Trish Kreek
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Langfitt
Benjamin J. Lariccia
Elizabeth Laurent
Christopher Levy
Karen J. Leyden
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Lissack
Nancy Lonsdale
Deborah Lynch
John MacColl and Dorothy Hamill
George C. Macomber
Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Magalhaes
Paula R. Mandle
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Maner
Janet Martin
The Rev. Dr. Jean Mather
Mr. and Mrs. McKinley C. McAdoo
Kelly McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCausland
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McClave
Anne M. McCole
Regina McGonigal
Mr. and Mrs. James W. McLane
Rebecca L. Meese
John and Faith Midwood
Mr. and Mrs. Ludlow Miller
Mrs. J. M. Moran
The Rev. Dr. Kevin J. Moroney
Myrtle J. Musetti
The Rev. Claire Nevin-Field
Leigh Oppelt
Dorothy Orr
Ezra Oshtry
Lisa Pacheco
Mr. and Mrs. John Pickering II
Thomas H. Ramsey
Kate Randall
Shakina Randolph
Nancy Rasmussen
Diane Rauchut
The Rev. Canon Gordon Reid
Martha Renaud
Leah R. Riband
Janet Riddle
Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton Riley
Amy Roak
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Roberts
William Rusk
Jane B. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Saligman
Kathleen Schneer
Allison Schreffler
Pamela H. Serra
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Seward
Dr. Catherine N. Shelton
Kim A. Shiley
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Slichter
Rush B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Smoot
Usha Srinivasan and John Stevens
Yetta Stanford
Harold P. Starr
Christopher W. Stigum
Brenda Sullivan
Emily Sullivan
The Very Rev. Judith A. Sullivan and
Gil Rosenthal*
Barbara B. Supplee
Mr. and Mrs. L. Frederick Sutherland
Dane Tanner
Rebecca Tauber
Theresa Taylor
Cynthia Teagle-Gale
Joan S. Thomas
Helene B. Thorpe
Cynthia L. Trago
The Rev. James A. and Gail H. Trimble
Elizabeth L. Useem, Ed.D.
The Rev. Peter T. Vanderveen and
www.ecs1870.org 19
Patricia Westervelt Bennett
Edwin Vaughn
Cecilia Wagner
The Rev. Frank J. Wallner
Timothy Walsh
The Rev. Kathleen Walter
Shirley A. Warner
Gina E. Wayns
The Rev. John V. L. Weicher
Andrea Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh
Tracy White
Dixie G. Wigton
Julie D. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Carter D. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wineland
Donna J. Wolf
The Rev. and Mrs. William H. Wood,
The Rev. and Mrs. Marek P. Zabriskie
Organizations and Parishes
Church of the Advent, Hatboro
The Agnes Irwin School
All Hallows, Wyncote
Better Way Bible Church
Christ Church and St. Michael’s
Christ Church, Ithan
Christ Church, Media
Christ Church, Philadelphia
Christ Church, Pottstown
Eastern University
Germantown Academy
Church of the Good Samaritan, Paoli
Memorial Church of the Good
Shepherd, East Falls
Good Shepherd Church, Hilltown
Grace Church and the Incarnation
Grace Epiphany Church, Mt. Airy
Holderness School
Church of the Holy Apostles, Penn
Church of the Holy Trinity,
Rittenhouse Square
Incarnation Holy Sacrament Church,
Drexel Hill
Men’s Divisions International
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
Church of the Redeemer, Bryn Mawr
Church of the Redeemer, Springfield
Redemption, Southampton
Ridgefield Academy
Shipley School
St. Alban’s, Newtown Square
St. Andrew’s, West Vincent
Church of St. Asaph, Bala Cynwyd
St. Christopher’s Church, Gladwyne
St. Clement’s Church
St. David’s Church, Radnor
St. Dunstan’s Church, Blue Bell
Church of St. James, Green Ridge
Church of St. John the Evangelist,
St. John’s Church, Concord
St. John’s Church, Lower Merion
St. Joseph’s University
Church of St. Jude and the Nativity,
Lafayette Hill
St. Luke’s Church, Newtown
St. Mark’s Church, Honey Brook
Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields,
20 Episcopal Community Services
Chestnut Hill
St. Martin’s Church, Radnor
St. Mary’s Church, Philadelphia
St. Matthew’s Church, Maple Glen
St. Peter’s Church in the Great Valley
St. Peter’s Church, Philadelphia
St. Thomas’ Church, Whitemarsh
The Swarthmore Group
Swarthmore Presbyterian Church
Trinity Church, Gulph Mills
Trinity Church, Oxford
Villanova University
Amy Borer
Dorothy Collman
Betty L. Darley
Faith Elcock
Ann Haslanger
Betty Keating
Victoria Moulder
Betsy Wilkinson
David Agosto
Yolanda Alexander
Barbara Atwood
Robert and Florence Beasley
Cassandra Best
Dawn Bey
Kenneth Bowden
Donna Bowler
Lisa Bradley
Katrina Bridges
Shawnette Brown
Stephanie Brown
Tunizia Brown
Donna Bruce
Denise Bundy
Shondell Butler
Shenee Campbell
Judy Cooks and Edward Short
Tymika Coleman
Inez Core
Shandala Mia Cue
Vanessa Davis
Daphnee De Vastey
Josephine Dover
Donna Drain
Ella Mae Emeric
Crystal Ervin
Jarmilla Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Franco
Darnell Francois
Tiyan Fuller
Chantea Garner
Adjoa Garrett
Gina Gateward
Carmen Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Goode
Samiah Grant
Darlena Green
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hardy
Rosalind Harley
Theresa Harper
Lavinia Hayes
Suzanne Hill
Deborah Holmes
Toya Humphrey
Loyce Jackson
Laura Jacobs
Evelina and George James
Tawana Jenkins
Crystal Johnson
Dandelene Johnson
Francesca Johnson
Sheila Kanu
Deborah Lambert
Annette Lupton-Williams
Arminter McLaughlin
Lori and Arthur Miles
Lorraine Mitchell and Joseph Hubbard
Joan Mitchell
Edna Mae Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Newborn
Valerie Ortiz
Olga Ortiz
Donna Reese and Terry Young
Cheryl Robinson
LaToya Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Abdul Samad
Carol Snively
Susan Soares
Carol Soto
Carolyn Stafford
Cynthia Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stallings
Stacey Steadman
Ella Sutton
Amanda Thomas
Jonathan Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Thornton
Livonia Tippett
Tracey Valentine
Bennisicia Warner
Patricia Weeks
Charlene Werwinski
Alicia White
Mr. and Mrs. Victor White
Brenadett Williams
Lelia Williams
Melinda Williams
Mary Witt
April Wooten
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Zook
Jeanne H. Adams
Jacqueline Allen
Annette Bowers
Joan Bradford
Patricia Brownback
Margaret Carter
Gina Caruso
Beverly Clayton
Deborah Conly
R. Jeanette Cord
Frances Davis
Jesse T. Davis
Richard C. DeKalb
Karen G. Donnelly
James R. Downie
Patricia Duffy
James Earhart
Alexandra F. Ehret
John W. Elliott
Caral Firestone-Parris
Elizabeth Floyd
Mary Fosnocht
Raymond Freisheim
Rick Gibbons
Ramon Gomez
Carolyn Gould
Maxine Graham
Shirley Gregory
Nancy Halladay
Denis O. Hazam
Elizabeth Hopkins
Nancy B. Iredale
Claire Kaufmann
Ellen Kavash
Harriet A. Keith
Judith Kilpatrick
Barbara S. Koelle
Colette LeFevre
Marie A. Lezenby
Florence A. Lloyd
Thomas Lloyd
Beverly Loftus
Nancy Lonsdale
Deborah Matey
Sue Matuskowitz
Helene Miller
Ludlow Miller
Shona Moseley
Sylvia Nichols
Jane T. Nyiri
Dorothy Orr
Patricia Owens
Patricia Palladino
Donna Penman
Patricia Plumb
Jennifer Prudagis
Diane Rauchut
Emma Reavely
Barbara K. Rideout
Mary S. Rose
Cornelia H. Seidel
Raymond Sharp
Dr. Catherine N. Shelton
Lillian Smallwood
Christian Stanley
Lois Stephens
Janice Stilley
Ellen S. Stone
Pamela Thomas
Robert Thompson
Harry M. Urian
Pat Varleta
Pauline Wanner
Aurelia B. Waters
Sharon Welsh
Terrie Witmer
Merlin Wunn
† Deceased
ECS makes every effort to accurately
maintain its donor and volunteer
listings. If you find an error or
omission, please contact Debbie
Atkinson in the Development
Office at 215.351.1460
or [email protected].
Kurt W. Brunner, President
Miriam P. Kepner, President-Elect
The Rt. Rev. Charles E. Bennison, Jr., Chairman
The Rev. John E. Midwood, Executive Director
Gordon L. Keen, Jr., Esq., Vice President
Raymond H. Welsh, Vice President
Adrienne Yost Hart, Esq., Treasurer
John Pickering II, Assistant Treasurer
Gail H. Trimble, Secretary
Richard A. Ashley, CPA
Nolan N. Atkinson, Jr., Esq.
The Rev. C. Reed Brinkman
Darryl J. Ford, Ph.D.
The Rev. Sunny Hallanan
The Rev. Alison P. Harrity
James H. Kelch, Jr.
David D. Langfitt, Esq.
Richard G. Schneider, Esq.
The Rev. Robert Smith
Rush B. Smith
The Very Rev. Judith A. Sullivan
L. Frederick Sutherland
Elizabeth L. Useem, Ed.D.
Sharon Webster, MSW, LSW
The Rt. Rev. Allen L. Bartlett, Jr.
The Rev. Robert T. Brooks
William C. Bullitt, Esq.
Donald R. Caldwell
Elizabeth M. Cecil, Esq.
Earl M. Forte III, Esq.
Gay P. Gervin
The Rev. Donald T. Graff
Howard Kellogg
John C. S. Kepner, Esq.
Clifford W. Kozemchak
Ludlow Miller
The Rev. Sadie S. Mitchell, Ed.D.
Clifton A. Ogburn, Ph.D.
William A. Shumaker
Richard L. Smoot
The Rev. James A. Trimble
Dixie G. Wigton
Julie D. Williams
John L. Wineland
Richard A. Ashley, CPA
Nolan N. Atkinson, Jr., Esq.
The Rev. C. Reed Brinkman
Kurt W. Brunner
Julia B. DeMoss
John Ecks
Darryl J. Ford, Ph.D.
Earl M. Forte III, Esq.
Virginia Goodrich
The Rev. Sunny Hallanan
The Rev. Alison P. Harrity
Adrienne Yost Hart, Esq.
Karen M. Hudson, MSW, LSW
Gordon L. Keen, Jr., Esq.
James H. Kelch, Jr.
Andrew L. Kellner
Miriam P. Kepner
Barbara Kozemchak
Clifford W. Kozemchak
Jean Kozicki
The Rev. Mary E. Laney
David D. Langfitt, Esq.
Nancy Lauby
The Rev. James L. Ley
James R. MacRae
The Rev. Dr. Jean Mather
The Rev. Claire Nevin-Field
John Pickering II
Veronica Polaneczky
George Reath, Jr., Esq.
Richard G. Schneider, Esq.
The Very Rev. E. Edward Shiley
The Rev. Robert C. Smith
Rush B. Smith
Mollie A. Suddath
The Very Rev. Judith A. Sullivan
L. Frederick Sutherland
The Rev. Callie E. Swanlund
Gail H. Trimble
Elizabeth L. Useem, Ed.D.
Sharon Webster, MSW, LSW
Raymond H. Welsh
Julie D. Williams
John L. Wineland
The Rt. Rev. Charles E. Bennison, Jr., Chairman
Miriam P. Kepner, President
The Rev. John E. Midwood, Executive Director
Gordon L. Keen, Jr., Esq., Vice President
Elizabeth L. Useem, Ed.D., Vice President
Raymond H. Welsh, Vice President
Adrienne Yost Hart, Esq., Treasurer
John Pickering II, Assistant Treasurer
Gail H. Trimble, Secretary
Nolan N. Atkinson, Jr., Esq.
The Rev. Anne E. Horne Bridgers
The Rev. C. Reed Brinkman
John G. Chou
The Rev. Sunny Hallanan
James H. Kelch, Jr.
David D. Langfitt, Esq.
James R. MacRae
The Rev. Dr. Jean Mather
The Rev. Claire Nevin-Field
Richard G. Schneider, Esq.
The Rev. Robert Smith
Rush B. Smith
Mollie A. Suddath
The Very Rev. Judith A. Sullivan
L. Frederick Sutherland
The Rev. Peter T. Vanderveen
Sharon Webster, MSW, LSW
The Rev. John E. Midwood
Executive Director
James H. Anderson
Associate Executive Director
Victoria Bennett
Director, ECS St. Barnabas Mission
Almeter Davis
Director, Home Care and Health Services
Mark A. Davis
Director, Information Technology
Arthur J. Eyre
Director, Financial Administration
Beatrice Fulton
Director, Program Innovation and Professional
Lori Medica
Director, Community Programs
Kim A. Shiley
Director, Development and Communications
Cynthia Trago
Director, Children & Family Services
www.ecs1870.org 21
225 S. Third St.
Philadelphia, PA
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Philadelphia, PA
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Office of Planned Giving at 215.351.1461.