Uirgiuia Jrceifpress tr. S.HOTIX, - West Virginia GeoExplorer Project
Uirgiuia Jrceifpress tr. S.HOTIX, - West Virginia GeoExplorer Project
/ *i*m3?& :'-ft And : { VOL. 46. CHABiLESTOVN, JEFFEESOK COTJITY, YIR6INIA, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 23, ffifc | llr. Johnston^ V.'her. I describe her asbeautiful beyond tr. S.HOTIX, P O E T E T description, beliere me, it is nut Y>& e*agfol'iwin?; thrilling icccoct of aa enr-i Uirgiuia Jrceifpress BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, ILHRPERS-FERRY, FAB, FA|t AWAY. gerttiaa, and us she sits In pensive litieasra?nt Ntwtra a boa cbnstrieior acd a cr^coiltie ia ue&s, gtzing upon thn maa/ merry ones iu W EM H- CAKC 3T.t,. Jara, is jfiven bf an eyewf!s«ss: tke street btceaih. while but sighs and tears T>ESPECrFULLX-annouaces 10 lyr fiieads TIt£ S.VAKt: A N D THE CROCODILE. Tvro Dollars and Fift Cents ?EU AN5UM, • % Payable half yearly; 3«t Two Dof-TuBi will betakei in paviaentiu ful'.if piiilentir:-"!T in advance. j^y Whenever pa meoi is deferred beyond the •expiration of ibe year (meres! will ^ charged. rsTSjJ^cripti^a* for »ix mostly, SI 25, to be paiii ieviiria'uiv in ad^aoce. ' ADVERTISING.* This terras oi"a<hv;rUin?are.for j sqstareorle*St. lor ttiree inwriic us— larger one* in the *ame ion. Each co. :tianiuict: 25 cents per sqoare. At! ad vsri isen:>:r:ts«ot ordere.d for a specific -. w i i j becimiuiiif.1 uutiii'orbid JKJ-"V. B. PAX,M£R, th.e American A'ewtpapcr A;;ei»t, i« i'" o"J« i-tith:-* -sitl Afftnl for rl.i* piper iu the cities of Itntoo, New Y>rk, anj Philadelphia, and i< duly cmp >wercd to tain- iiiTX-rluemeiiU And «ulMcrii>tioua •t the rat !•»»* n-quir«i by o«. llu r«tiii>t* will 1»- r--ni;. .' T» We** iro— fcOSTO.V.' ScolBuWins: :«EU' YORK, TriSnae Itoildinr* t A, X. W. corner TKii?4 and BA1. • Mr. WIM.UH TH ->i«...v, No. 6 '^.larroll Ha'!. TJ.-riiimof;. M a r v l » n i ' . i» an authorial! Ajrent io inc ci:r of Sa'.tiianre. io receive Subscriptions, Adveru'-»<rin^B>«, itc., fur ;be "F«c Pn-s-.," and a cor>r of the paper, terras, &•.., can be found'on fik at tiis orhce. •:. C. DL'SMAK. B. S'". KEABP^TT. DUNHAM & KEAKf OTT, l.MPOKTEKf- AND JOBIfEHS OF EncUib, Jfrrnrt), <£cnran an -SJmtr.can DRY GOODS, No. 2S.» HAt.Ti.MoitK > t I:I;I:T, Stcond Door Last of Sl-zrf Si-eft, JaiMivy '27, '53—1 ;LOTI21.\C il£Alrt'-.\i.;Di: t HERE uizy b-; obtainr-j :h-: oyjft'apeiedv remedy for all f-ri'/£ie Complaicbi, Gl>?ei:ij Stricture*, Sesnioii VFemfatMii, Pau» is ihe Lc :«,T Afleetiooi of the Kidney. Diceate* cf the Htt-1, I ^ real, Note and Side, femi ail those dreadful af..:::;. -ts'..n»!E;j from a ferret hsi'it of roolh, whiclt product; C^MtijBtiooal D<:bilitv, random Marri:;* in:;- . .;l.,-, -.-J ia the «od Uc.-troys both ixidr aotl mild. YOUNG MEN E»pecUll;r, who Jiave IK-CMU-.- tlie Tjctiiu* cf ;--: iMr/ Vice, that ireadill ami destructive Iiabi:. whji:h < r.oaiIjr sweeps to aa untii:>elr Rravr, ihcu :t.d - of • 'ooog men cf the meat extlied talenu zsA briliiau: ir,.- licet, •who mijLt otherwise lure enlrancrd lit <• .'^', tV-atc*, with the v! umJ..-r« of hn tic-jut-arc, cr v-.i;-ui u>.v >t-cj Uie iivinf Jyre, may Ci-11 with foil confid/*iccMarritd Ptit-nu, ur tls.jie c. atsmj.1 .-:..:•: i3.--.infr, i-.vin- of j>hy»ieul irrutr.r--. - h < > u - - . H :,«., -iltly Dr. J. aa-J be restored to perfect ut^ltU. it-light ±\ and the ira-XelJing public sfeiier.iHr. that DlffKER is IfUyi* rtadiiuis tt 2| *'&! id: . eipressIy tor the Passengers os. the Baiiiai&.'e and Ohio Rai iroail, in ihe Juwn train £oi:ig i a>t and for tbe special accoanaodatioa of Passeog-as in ihe Wiachef-ter trains JBreakrast at 8 o'clo<L A. M. whi>:h is in time to afil/r 1 an hour to rtmcin before th« depanore oftne Baitimore 9 a't:lo< It -:raic. Supper at 9 o'clock, s*. Jfi., v?hich gives time sufficient to stcip fro lours t<fore U'it-' Wiccbester irain leaves on its leiuru. £$" Ogftfrt as. all aouis for ilio*e who prefer [hem. • ^ -Mr*. E. H. C- aval's herself of r'ais cc';asion to ofer her sratefnl acknowrledgeraen;- to :l:3se who bar'.- so liberally patronized the U. ii. Holt !, and a-sscr^s them and ail other* thai iiliri>''cEie -nzioedto make the house, in ali respects,; t i t str.inser's home. fFiebru.-::.? S. Ie33. e CITAED IN TWO D-fiYS OR XO CIUKGE JJADE. i.'r: I C E , -Vu 7 South Frederick Street, 1 Duorj frcm Baltimore Street, Ka-t Side, op ;He step*. 0^-Be particular in iiWrrin; ihe >"ai..---Numt«r. w von will jaijiuk- the nJwe DR JOHNSON, Member of the Coyal College of Sui^ron*. L'xid-jn, ^raiiaate from cte of t;?e most cniiucnl college s i f the Tfaited Si»te», and th • greater part of •who-?* li'V his been spent in tlie firtt l;c.--;>:taj- nf London. P^r'st', Pfclia.lflpliu, und eltM-wher:, has effected some of tiff most j ."...:-hri_: cured tiat p-erc- ever known, n.anv tr Jubled rmrm£ m the earj am! bead, wlicn a»le'*ii, greai IUT\-,[.-;.<.•-•, bs-ing aiarmei at suJiK-n sounds, aac li*ihfulii.---, with frequent Mushing, attended S(<un-tiiui^ willi d--i»j--i-.-r .' of mind, n'--re cured immediately. • TAKK PJRTICULAIl NOTICE. Dr. J. aitdr«-*Kes a>.' those who have iujuri-d thcnsrlvus IIJT private and unproper icdulefn-ts. tlr>t'Secret and Solitarj' Habit, whirh ruins but); JJojV knd ^lind u-if.t i.i_ r lin-i.i for cither hu<iness or micirry.. T)ir»e arc som«- cf tho sa<l and nicllix-holv «:Ifeci" prv d-icod by early hkbili o,"youth, viz: Weakness jit" the Hack and IJmhs, Pains in (he head, Diicnrsj ol>i:ht, L(h-> cf VuH-ubr Powc;. Pjlpitation of tlie IZrari, I)y.s; • ; - » . . Nei.uui lrritab:lity, Deranjeinentof the Dise:<'ti>e Kunct'oua, Gcocrkl debility, Symjitn'us ol Con"•:njit:.,i;. tic. •MCNTAM.V—^57he frorfnl r.ffrcts on tli<- inir.il «rc rcucii to lie dread<-d : Loss of ->Ii-uiory, C(>nfu?:-.i. of 1s, DepritMiion of Spirits, E»<1 Forefaodiop*, A-rrsion to Socic-iy, Self Distrust, Lore of Solituitt-. Tit.ildity, tic. are ccnie of thi: evils |injduced. Such I.'I.TSOOS - . • • : . . : b-'forr cor,ti-'ci|i|.Min'; Marriapc cnnsult Dr. .lohn»tou, ai:d be at oiict' restored. Jx.-t not Fa'te l.'i-licary pretcnt, Int appiy i"" lec'iately and save y.>urs<-:f from the drc-auiul r.^-i . . - . : . cuujfe^ucuces of Uus V-ftiblc rnHE nndersjpned ha vin « pu rclased . toinu taonths J. siice, the isase and etfecu o! ihct old published house. The FoieHlaiu Hotel, LIGHT STREET, BAJLTIMORE, JIARVJ.ANT'. and baris^ repaired aud refuftiisheu it at a heavir ontiay, now offers to their friends an>i the travelling public an establishment second to none in COMrOTiT ASD COXVEX1ESCS. The Ladies Ordinary, and the suius uf room"! attached, will be fuuml to aSord the comforts ot •honi'Mo families, vrhile the. situatioL ol the house guarantees quiet reno^e to all i:-. patioiss ' It is the most desirable situation lur 5ihe man of business, bei^g in the centre «I ImsiHe^ , '<.ff<. rd» as convenient access to all the Railrna<i Depots and steamboat landings as any other Uurel in the city. It will be the desire and pleasure of the Proprietors to promote the conilort of the gnes's of the house. CLABAUCI1 & BROTHER. November 11, 1S5:!— ly. T FOR OKGi.MC V \ i . A K N I > S . Hy this g-.-c*t and snd important renu .i' , wcrl;ncs» of t«r organs art- s|jrojily cured and fui! »•!•_• or i-cstoreii —Tii..L-...-:-. ol lh«- mo?! Nervous and DeU'Jitat.r! individuals \r\ii bid lot all hope, l.ave been naui; ('utci'i,-i.i-n-J. All tc:iiediii:t!iit to < K«•••[! cn:istani!v on h;i>u!. a M i ' U U f lur al! f-.t* t. -JJ. ISZ-.J—iy. SAi.K A.\D HE.TA1L l:-ip; riiiiir, i'i=;d«i£; and' Leather N3. i«, S33TK C/ILVEHT ST.. EALTIM&SE. MAKRIAGK, Piiysical cr Mental L)isjualifirati-.n, Nerv&:is Itr-tabili13", Trt-iijbliiig a.id \^ rakncss. or ! . • • ; • . [ . .if thi? luo-t fearful kind -i>i-rd !y cu^-t-d tiy Dr. Jolrist^n. {TJ- Ail ictlers uiuit j j poat jiaid.—Renu uitN' j f n t by mail. [April 7, 1S53.—ly. t T1URD AXD CUESXUT STREETS. H A: ILATI.'IOJ T A \\ATVssi:s,tioLi>^ls!LVi:k \viliE L. ii. 7BEI.-L!-:;: & «,"«.. I T I alLViiii \V A TOHKS <>t ^verv .i^.cti,T.ion — V(H.l) LKl'Ki;* 'f.<m 845 '•> SIOO. ALSO, a varic'.y ol '«'ild Chains. K^rp. GoU', Teti.-il* aihl Pons. Uin.-s. E;ir-Kin?s, Bracelets. :V.c. A No. a lin? n»«.o- :metit oi Silver Spu-Kis. «-'iin". B ilier a:ui F r u i t I C r i i v t - - . <•:" g e n u i n e Silver t'loin. A variflv o! A!!'.itts Forl»v tjp>!:>ns, &c , Ac. Clocks «»d Fane Gooil-1 A "ar^e assa-tiiif nt ni Waieh uiaii~er»- 'i'liols, Jewels. Hauds, aud Wa-i'h Gl«!"i of evrv k i n d . nrccusTKY MERCHANTS and waich- niakers w i l l find it to ih-ir interest to call and exa m i n e mr '.n^U. a* I ir.tendto ?cll as lu« as any hou»e, at wholesal-- «r rrta;! prires CHARLES BLAKE. N«> 2!7 Bait'imue street. Baltimore. MsrrJ. "J>. t,Si.i .— !-,• Tho London W:ticu astF Jewelry S T C K B, JN'o. 10 /.i-ht Slrm, four Doors from Ba-'.fiatorc S.'., Offotiie tie foiuUi-in. Hold, Ba-+:utjre. rri HE stihscrit>e;-. afttr -0 years exr-"'r't-*'lc*' ln tne _L t>r»tCiiios «x" Europe, would ir.ijrm Citizens anil Strangers, w h n a r e i : i want ot a jt-x>d Watch, ;hat I jr q u a l i f y of Worlctuanship, his Sj'atches defy ajl ccmpetitifin. bavin? f-icilities tor <^''f>ininsr UBLIC Ruiidin?s ATannftctorJe.'., M-Ks. Machinery lin-piiinr Uiinses.-t'Mr-.'^. M-. P dise. Household F<irni:nre. Vtsstis o.i ! e 50 tons and upwards 41.50 do Put up in gor>d barrs, with the t'Ti: 1 of tbe Aseirs of the Peruvian Goverr.mrnt. winch is sailicienT guaranty of the puritv ol the ariirle. Feb24. 1653-tf FOWLE & CO. r : or wlule in por:,-fcc.. d c.. will oe insu;ei^a! va!?s as lo»- as ibe ric^: w i l l aiiinit. s :ur lust ranee mix be ninii-.- ;o B. w. SERBERT, I¥E1V BOOT AND SHOE In tlv ah.-etice of the Agent from Charl-'-tuivn, of JOBS ?. liiiowx, EMJ , who v.-ill ai!::Tiu li> fiem prmspily. Persons at a distance adatvss tiitvugh then;aii. . . K.B. On allChurcl RKiUi!rcsandCi<.rr<-men.:a pecsouai property, the Age>ii will present bi-* 1:012u;i.>>ions in reducing the aicoual ol premiums ca the ri<ks thus arisics:. Jucy 15. l?>52—Jr. T rpIIK iiii.Visisnf,!. Au'er.t for /.V^;.-,-; ± COMP.lXYafti, VALLt:\'«t r/.V a; li'-'HcArftfr *SP HAIlTFOlll) FIlfK-l A \CK COM PAX V. f. if'irliu: 4, Caw ,-\!K-J. will reeei'-e Appli'.-aiiu.-<$an-i regulate Pre'n::i<n*L-!iall risk* in the f»rmi;r Coir par. v. ;; : i l!i<;tiiO Frtt["rrty and deliver Policy on the Fr»p<:i!v In*uVed ns^oon as Piiaiiuui i.< paid in the Utter Coir.p!icr. Receired for the lollowiag Newspapers uuii Peri- SEAT OF GOVERNMENT, rsiKEMibsctiberbarii » est8blish«<i 'a GEXiZX SAL, AGE\CYir, Waste*zten-tXtv, D. C., for thi prosecu:ion *nds<utleineniol f.v;>ry description of Claims against th<j United StV.es, tenders uis wrrriccs to the public Ri'vo'.utioJiary Claims Suspended Pension and Uonn'.y Land Cases, and ^Iso Scspendeil Claims tor Lost H< rses, receive promirt attention, as do all other cases that are placed in my hands. Ro. U. G ALLAH ER . REl'^REXCES :—Prwiient FIU.XOB i • < STVAIT, COBWIX u>4 CCVKAO: JAS. E- UEJITH, E«q., OtMuuwtMcr uf Pauritns J so. S. G t -.uiunt, Kta . , Third Auditor i* t!u Trtwiry: C t i i n u P i - iitrt, «»d HOB. JACKSOX MOETOK, (7. Cask For HOSE persons having Kegrocs'for sale, can pel the highest price by calling <;n tbe ntMcrit^r ad Chariectovn. Application ii penron cr by letter will be promptly atienced to. ' JnlT94.l8a1. C. Cf. BRAGG. COHNi CORN! ITVEEE u adersigned ar • pntpared to rerrire Ca«». J. aoth at rite sercra' Depots ia the County and at (a« Okl Faraaee. They will >CMe BOW •* an iawariabi* rale tkat M it* Or* wiil oot be u«ten «l«ay price or otanv lero*. It-nuM fce etther WbtU w Yellow. They will recede con ««w aad will adraace one half of its «£aa<Mea> vain* aW p«|Ei»« balaae* » aea it reaeaf * •uitct.do JgtriaiT *•'' '^ co*t of ttuapKK^im from, tfaa otic* at «*ka it any cell. V> + F BLACKBD«N *«O. L-4' w»». br Spring and Summer Clothing, n^SE uniiersigued having enlargui. Uiei: &sore JL Room, have now on hand a', their 'bulking Kaipor'atm.. the most snjwrior s:ot-k o: fli^AD 13IADK CLOTHIXG ever oflered in HarpersFerry, ior ihe proem Spring and Suiutner trade, where purchasers can b: accbmujotUtied viih the following assortment of ;. B. \V. HF-RHERT. iteadv-Made Cloihsn; - Leok to Your ink-rest!!! ATTHE T D a i l y , tri-ireekly & weekly AV.'jonaJ Iii.:t'fiii:c'>cer. Do. cl«. Bti!timor(\An-triciin. do. week!" Episcopal'Rironitr. wetklr l,iI'd! J!i;-/Jip Aze Monthly •bi<v.««irf Girls .l/Vcr ;>'«<. Du. Youth's Cabinet''-.nt; M-'itor. Dec. 30. IRVl—ly. , CBiUBftft UHE. Costs, Pants, Ves'.s, Shirts, allqi:.ilir.;c:>, U"' wers,Boots, Hats, three qualities; Roagh and Ready Hats. Caps, a ves;- large supply ; ail of which will b<? -old on reasonable terms and prices that • actiot fail to please. AliO. a saperior loi of Silk. Cotton, and G:n;ham Poutet and Neck Handfcercbufs, Cravats. Gloves, Sooks, Saspen?!er». Uml-reilas, Canes. Pen Knive-s. Razor Strops &<: Ac. TRUCKS VAL.KES4- CARPET-llAGS5^* This beinj the Isn?est stock ol •Jfea'<fVJf«& Ci-^Aia.rever ofieredJn Harpers-Ferry, tl/s-'v ask a cali frctn alt purcobasers ilesiroaa of beisi served oa reasonable tenns, either wholi.'ale or i«=ir.:l. N. B. Persons that cannot M aixotninodated wkh oar present stock of Cloihiiijj. are ;';.urmed that we are prepared to have plotting nsad r to order at short notice atd a gaarantiedtFIT at tbeu&me low prices. . v »,» We return onr sincere thani* to tfce cftfcfDS of Harpers-Ferry and vicinity, for^u; ver.- liberal patrona»e we fcav«received,and rerjie<:tfa;:y -soiicit a coDtinuance of the same, as we jilettpe w. selves there shall be no.hiap vraniinson oat pari'M render reneralsatisfaction, both ia Ceed:}*KdPTi:-s. R. WALTER*. 1UIO. Harpera-Ferr/. April 14.185S. HE undersigned be£ leave to annc.iiv.-e to the Fanners and public generally thoi tt.ey will exectiti-iii tbe most durable Etil skiiliai ajauaer, all and evary Uicd ot vrcrk connected u-i:l. T Saddle & Harness Making, They wi!l expect theii piironstofarnkr. tuerj with the material—nut of \vii oh. thev will make any kind of work I jr JOUR.\'EYMEyS WAGES— thus enabling :heir frieu is to lake to ihrm-fh i'•» the profits of the^Bess Mechanic. Ali lie;-' dtsite, is a fair price 1'or taeir labor. Asevio>nce that they -.-annot and will'n'Mlv underbid in Prices, they will taake the Usi Sie H-inc Wagon, Gcsrs, such as now sell at $120, lur $'00. provided the above candaion is strictly complied with, and all r^her work in the same p;'.opvrtit'ii. Repairing dane at the shortest notice!va the best m *2"*r—workman-like, neat aad stror^TCF Sn«p ir, the room lately oceott:trf by Dr. Uoaglasa, ont dowr Nona of SanpinRtcp's Hotel. E. D. YOUNG, **• WM. HlvItS. NOTICE. farcish •• . . . ., in Ca.rlestown, a!$a P aster to the lamp at any of the D*TO!, They also will forntsb Cynn, S at the .faortert notice, also Pickws. cr c&sa will be reqaired in payment & CfJ. . - . ,7,. iScS.— , - . if.— , Spirit c. Ap?il copy. iap ih? Fr« Ptf JL- one lately in the neeupwe? of 'R1 L. Biker, deceeted. xxd tkr«lwr«e«ipied by Mr Pum^y.--A»pltc«tio« taay be «a<k to W. C. WorU>isgto« •cH.N.Gallaher. COWMW gim uMudsuAr. 7. ISVi. , .., S AUD OIL. Ajvilll. EBT MANUFACTORY, ! HE subscribers would respectfully i:i!.'>rm the citizens of Harpers-Ferry and Bol-i^r, that they have commenced the above usioe.---'! i Harpers-Ferry, on Hieh Street d fex dtiais e.iJ-.e S/tenandaaA, where theV will manufacture iii the very best manner, and out of the best matrri;!. a 0 kinds o( ISooIs and Shots' All wo-k «-ill be warranted te be of the best quality. ImttTr. inateris! an:! workmanship. REPAIRING will a!so be neatly and bUbslgiGtSaiiy done, and CD the shortest cocice. All *?ork c'.taranteed to equal in sivSe. bi-anty : finish, sod material, any thai, is mami/son^red in the Co.cty. JOHN T Ilir.LlTY, ^ A- G. McDAN'iEL. Harpers-Ferry, January 20,1S53. XI A E L O X D U Ar 1 V JL 3" C H E S odtea's: . Wh'-Mew in thi< Counfy possess be-'nspt' tonalit/ ac<: uainteit with the must eminent Uhiicon Manlitamrers. J. ALE5*INDER, Ltue c-f J X Ffitck'i Rival ExcA<w.g<:. London. Fine \VatchesanJ Jewelry repairei-^-»roperly. .All London Watckes Mild at ihts Eaabltsthaient, anteiLFtceof Cost ;or Fouryea. 1 . \Varrante FVtrr::ar.- 10, 1S53.— 1 r. « I love to stand on the . In the magic moc n of the «m;aer night, While rale and meadow ate jjir%- land, And rives come oat in th? pel bly strand, Aad fay* are nierrv in mboal:::lit dell, ' Asd earth a -.vitchcJ v,-::i a i --er-like spell, Aad lew tic voice oftla^j^ Secmetli to »ay in its miaitrelsr— " \Ve only tell of tie realms of day, Far, far iway !" I love to look on tbe ysang face fair, With the sunay smile cf chiihood there ; And the zephyrs breathe, in their lute-like tones, Like the »l aj-vom .- shout of the summer sea, For it seems t : say. as ihey float along, With mazy duiee and murmnred song, "The land ! — the land !—by snnset sky, Where tears are not, and we'll no mere die; Oh ! Uc old grow young, £u that realm of day, Far, far away!" There, starry river: sre Eunncring low ; To deathless flowers that by thea blow And the zephyrs breathe, ic their lute-like tones, And hymns the stars on their golden thrones , The sun sir.gs en , and there is no sight; And myrild ones', in robes of white; Floating along «pon azure wings, Their raptire tell on their trembling strings ; " Oh ! let us fly to that realm of that day, Frr, far away '." V • j I I J WAGON MAKING. oa, THE VICTI3I OF A lil.T CRU- BT R. G. ST TLc sirs of spring are sighing through the srcve. Oa p laiativc winss. Ii. S. WILLIS. ff^HE sBtatcriber successor of Mr. FR <I'ERICS A SCKCLTX. i^ now prepared t>:urtish V,' agons, and to derrt tfce old cmSomers oftlie e?ub isIiM^nt .^^ .11 tods «:" work ib ti, lia«. at the ov;l estabI.TOB PieccdBIa 8n*e!. He Vn vitw a ftieatf*. aad ia eoiiideet th^t he eaa JAMES ta* old enUMpert tin bffK writinf far >f agcm, I take this nwitr'i of in- T*:amn*eni him to a» » fted * otkmaa | aa4 aa AaBMt s^m. J -- v 1FRKDWUCK SCHJ^TZ ' WiteWstst. u»ici9t, Mir KlsT^T her own portion are, no wonder -lit r lips move in priyer, aad the marmuriBg of her heart is—-Oh (rod. let thi« cap pasa; Levsrthelsss..Thy will, net mine, be doae i' •My ladj, Squire Amesby is below, and wihi.es to sea van,' said the waitiug-nisid, as sh« entered the raoot. 'Tell hiit, Cora,.my girl, that I will be wit'i him in a moment.' And as the girt left the reora, Amelia buried her face in Ii?r hands and wept bitterly. 'I do not love this man,' said she to herself, : snd how cruel it is iu ay pnrent to forc-s S-BH £<? T; 1 bia ! Though I may bs- i coine bts wife:' n:y heart can never be Lis, j but always E asset's.1 •Good morning. Amelia, my love.' ex- i claimed the squire, as be banded the young ! girl t# a^eat; : my:ltdy looks beautifully this mamTng. j-et sad. What troubles her? Ii v-is one -nicruing that I stosd bv'.sioe a small lake, tVi by one of'the rills frooi die momiUics. The raters were cfear ts crvfital. aud every thing could b« aeea to the very Kotroiu. Stretching its iiiuba vlosc over tl<ia pon^- was a gigantic teak tra*. nnd in its t'tit k. sl'inin.r. evergreen leaves lay a huge bna. in an easy c«ii, taking its mc-r-.iing ntp. Abovo him *ras a powerful ape at" tbe baboon specie?, & bericg raia of scamps, always b6nt an aiiscltief. Now t^e ap. from hia position ssw & crocodile i& lb3 •Wvter, rising ta toe top exactly Quick as fell wkV* arljsli into ihe jaws of tho crocoiiile: Tie ^jS> saved himself by slinging tc a Htr.b pf th.j^ie, bet a battle rival imme-:liafely eMrnm{'rjr5!l in the water. The ! serpent prasj,^d in tbe middle by tbe crocodile, turtle the-rater boil by his furious contortion's. Wijidingbis fol-j round the body 'Na.$$fr. Amesby, "1 am not sick, and it ef bis antagonist h<i disabled his two hiader mijjht n«t pleaso you to know what ai's uia. leg?, and by b i s contractions made the scales Suffice it te sa;1, I am quite wjll this and baues of fba monster crack. Tbe water was speedHy tinged with tbe morning' blood of both combatants, yet neither was Squire Amesby, to judge from his appear ance. was a man of about forty winters — disposed to yield. They rolled over aad His locks were somewhat besprinkled with over, Cither bf ing able te obtain a decided grey, and beside the maiden of nineteen, he advance. AH this tim» the cause of niislooked rather to be her father than a suitor chiaf was in a state of the highest ecstacy. for her hand. Yet the squire was quite He Ifapcti up ind down the branches ef tho wealthy, and wa<» just the person to i'utt th-e tree, t-unie several thrrcs close to the scene of parent of the youug and fragile flowor—tLa the fig!:t, shool- the'.imbs of the tree, uttered a yell, and again frisked about. At ths end lair Amelia. 'Amelia, are you aware that tomorrow of ten tuii'.utes a silence bcgau to come over evening is the tinw appointed far our nup- the si-one : the folds of the surpent be^an to tials. Then I will tako my younij bird be relaxed and though they were trembling along tlie back, the head hang lifeless iu the home, and make her happy with my love.' The maiden suffered her hand to rest in watur. The crocodile also was still, and though that of the squirm's. It was the 'Sat or only the spines of his back were visible, it fate.' but oh. how her young heart bled at tke thought of the sacrafice she was about was evident that ho, too, was dead. The monkey now perched himself on tho lover to make to please her father! That night, afttr she parted with her af- limbs of the tree, close to the dead bodies, fiacced husband, how she turned on her pil- aad umu?t-d himself for ten minutes in maklow iu restlessness, and how ber heart sank ing all sorts oi' faces at them. This seemed within her .is she contemplated the dark to be adciing insult ta injury. One of my companions wss standing at a short distance, and gloomy future of life. The morning sun stole in at the window^ and takintr a stone from the edge of the lake and threw its rays on the floor of her room, hurled it ut tbe ape. ' He was totally unpreyet sleep had never yet visited her pillsw ; pared, aac as it struok him on the side of her mind waa bnsy with the days »f child- the hekd, he was instantly tipped ever, and hood, when Basset was ever beside her; and fell npcn tho crocodile. A few bounds, howthe present—oh, ehe could net bear to give ever, brosjht him ashore, and taking to th'e trees ho soon disappeared among the thick a thought, so frightful was the reality. ! *xf: From the altar she was led home, ' as a branches. • ': SA5S 0?-HE VA1UT. . Sta;e of the Rant of the Vfclfey in Yir{:i»i» ia«lwi» ing it» ifffices of Discount and Deposit, April 1,185*. Sperti< .......................... „ 373 Norcscf Hanks inoorponistdbj the State . ..98.S3T 1IS X'Jte;<,f Banks incor|>orjtedelj2v.-her'.' ..... 1-fJW 3 ' **•*<.< Due from ether Bosks . , Notes Discounted laioKii bills discounted. .343.401 E» Bond accocipt Stock purchased to secure * debt. Real, estate Bad fcbts S 2,754 46 Doubtful debts 12.^38 7$ Capital stock ..... : ......... ; ....... Ii.ioaeoo oo -Notes tn circulatiDn .................. 1,4J^3»T »» ihie to otber Banks .......... 58L639 Ht J^um ....................... .'.'.'".' 3T.612 US Surplas tod ............... , ......... .94.535 Ii Deposit asoner. ...... ................ .5,^;M3 03 in tracsita b*tw,*n-ifeal£ UK! £n .asbes . . , LOSS 37 - , , State of the Bank tf the Valley ia VirgiaiJi, iaclwl icg its offices of Disocuat:ind Do;«sit, A'\ail I, Specie 3 ,o-^ro» ; Xoted oiKjnks incorporated br tlie Sure... .127,3.33 T5 Xotes of Bsuiks incorporiged*el»fwhere.... 10S,', — ?tr .Pue from ciher Batiks . M4A& ?'> Xotes discounted .M'?S,2J>7 Jt iuland bilk dUcouutcd. Bond accompt Stock purchased to secure a debt Real estate ited debts: Doubtful debts u;,203 .. '.... ..fc.OOO CO 57,171 Sp$2.843 22 S W8 l-S——: : Capital stork ....................... $'? 179.600 "0 Notes in circulation .................. .'.191.-713 tiv Due to other Banks ................ — ; Ui'.,l - 1 .-4 Diswuut ............................... 42,635 -«1 Surplus fund .......................... 110,670 M Df -r-csit money ........................ 560,938 :«» In transitu betrc ten Bank aad Biuucbfei .... 1-5,534 . S TO TEi PSIENDS OF_TEETEBASCE UT VA. In accordance with the instructions of the St»to Temperance Couvention, held in Slauntcu, i (rusi hist, the nndecsiguedwState t'eutrjxl now announce the timt- ipd place of holding ;< CoiiTftitiaa in the present year. After due eorist'ieration the Cornniittee have fixed upon (.'harlottti?ville as ti.e place of meetinor. au-t, We'inraday, tin* 3d of August, as the most suitable period. The object of this Convention ui!l I.e to protnom the Temperunce ref»n:iation jreiisnilly. and esp«ciul.v to consider tlie prosit cuestioc— what shall 'jedone to secure the prohibition of the Mqnur Truilio in Virginia,—and to device the means of prosecuting, vigorously, this reform, until the work is ac-:i-in|.-Ibhed^ The committee would suggest that th<- Convention of last year did little comparative! r, from the suripl* fact that no efficient plan ^vas adopteti, br which ti» roLse the funds necessary to this grea\ tradertafeiaf; ; and they nov therefore urge the frieudJ! of Temperance in each county, to fjo'.d a meeting «.t 'in tarty day, and resolve to raise fonie specified sum tovranls » treneral t\n, 1. A l.ir-_i- Amount ( not It ss then frt>m SlO.OOO to $20,000.) ought to be placud in tbe hand* of the Cor- ention, forthc purpose- of employing anumbcr of ablelecturers to go forth into evt?>y part of the State to advocate the cousi: and by m^-ans of pamphlets, tracts, and colportucs, to spr^tid lig-ht and trnth iu!o eTcry ut.ok uml corner' of Ihia wida * Commonwenlth. Aii{;i!sta htis alrcadj responded to this coll, made by one of the (oiumittte :n person, and has nobly pledged tlie sum cf $500. ^s-her share, toward this fund. How many cunntii-** ill do likv^rise? At till events may we not asfe at least $100 from every county in th^ Jjtato'.' —Aad , let not tfc« cities tail to do their part Iu tliis nu^itr. Yon are also urgently requested t> Ippoirt de!«pntes fo repn-sont yon in the Convcntij;;, an<l it is; recommended, as :i measure of justice, preatly condpcive to *. full aad patient uttcnditnoe. tliit the ••easof-rible expensis constitoinre at « ln> are willing to attend at tht-ir invn coif, let them bjui> mntns. he :ipp<>inted. . The committee would lie prcatly aieii-d, in dcterminfnj: npon what plans 'ind measures they will re-c^mmend to the Convention, for its Action, if the tiiends of tempernnre wo:ild respond at as early a period as practicable, tc- the proposition cf riisinsVuods, and state \vb:tt nmont n-.iy be n-liod c; on from their iwpeetive counties ard1 obi poratious. Letters must be directed to ''.he address of th<- Central Committee, Stnunton. Va. LLX'IA.V MINOR, '} . a»r-* S. K. TAYU-R, ; Staje R. If. CAMEILL, )• Central P. POWERS, Cottaiittee J. F. KURTY. j Bright and beautiful as the fl«wera «f gpricg was our heroins in tbe days of her joyous childhood. S Beet and melodious was the tuning of her voice, and possessed ef a magic power to chaftq^. .as it fell in sweet cadence on the ar ia the fairy notes of s«Bg. Dne spring mprni bright and early, as sheep before its shearer is dumb'—th« wife TUB DOU.lt SIDE. I sauntered out taking iu v morning of Squire Amesby—and thus we will leave meal. I rame upon near the margin of her, for the present at least. A correspondirnt to tfceTfev.York Tints, in il— s beautiful esa crystal waters, i;f thei e.T!en«»e inflaence of the "almi;;hlilce & vast sheet of 5tl r,-gleamed with tho ty do'.lir," mak-i'S ;lie followingperliner.t remarks: CHAPTER 111. light of lhe ? r : 8ing sui How pure and ia- •But this is troinan'-i fate. It is not thus It is one oft which every question may be uocent she looked, s-ii't-ing beside her With proud, s:;iiiiij; man. Hi» mind viewed ; and Su its spirit of greedy gain tad With high loftr and thoughts, and lotre, and yauttiful lever, her sof^. tiny hand resting And narrow selfishness how much of wreteiied.-.II the v.-an;><-st ft-elinjs of his heart in his, and looking up'w^'th the confidence Are .--icrafiCL-.l at cold ambition's shriae.' ness, crime, and wanton Sacrifice of life uiay of ono whe is pure in tb'unght and deed, U be accounted for. Another dollar ta tho the handsome features of Basset Warren. In writing a short sketch, there are many dividends, anil it matters not i? the rail be As I sit now witain the roem of my betel incidcuts whioh would give it. beauty, that single, the engineer ill.paid. and consequentand memory holds before me her magic, tbe author is from necessitv forced to omit. ly incompetent—thu number of watchmen mirror. I see the father smile complacently It is so in my case; for instance—I would limited, the signals imperfect, the danger on tl)3 two young beings whom I have des- hav2 been pleased to have traced- the many hid by a sharp curve, and destruction yawncribed. and whisper, it is "b.ut a childish trials and sufferings »f young Warren since ing befi»ri! th^ living freight. Mere -Jollars whim — a tpuppjfiave? we :ast saw him until the present, but can in tbe cash b»x ! and plied up in the rrsi'Oh. arw I danpise this last expression, only say they were many and sore. BOUS wood—the beats race for the landing which is used so ojten by those wht> would Again, I would have liked to have re- — fire or blo'-vn uj>- What matter! human gladlv believe that; esrty or first' love is lated how this union between Squire \rjes- i lif« in thi> scale «!jainst quarterly returns.— nothing but a mere faircy. and thz-t indeed by an«f tho beauteous Amelia Somerby was | More dollars s t i l l f What matters want of 'love is but an idle flatne,' to say the most. brought about, but can only whisper in your j accetnnjodatieu ? ; Crowd another hundred Thus Amelia Somerby and Basset War- ear :bat it was accomplished l>y tlie work- j otF the Isthmus into tne reeking hold — ren were permitted to meet and go tageth- ings of a m»ncy-!oving and love-despising j Tin?e is Collars ! Make quick trips—hug er, uctil, as a natural consequence, they be- psrcnt. who was blind tef4 l a t would' tend j the store—in closer to the sunken rooks — came bound together by fhe holiest ties of to hid child's happiness' afta who cou\d see j Ila ! a shuck—a shriek—two hundred souls truthful love. but one thing to lead to matrimony, and have perished. . Tv'hat matter ! the ship's 'Amelia,1 whispered the vonth, on a clear, that was 'the rtot of all evil'—gold ! insured—the boi is..«-afe—shares don't fall. moonlit night in the early part of Mar,. I p^se quickly over the married life of •ave the dollar ! Jt!mplny no surgeon?—• 'Amelia- you are aware that I am now uo our heroine, leaving out the many scenes en- they take cabin room nnd require salaries Staunton. June 1st, Igrj. longer the mere playmate — that years have acted therein, and hasten to conclude ;ny Cheaper to bury th* victims of ship fever— A WORD IN SSASOV— EkpEi-iJiLf.T T» TB« L*fled since first we met in friendship.' stor-r, which I tmst may prove acceptable they are only emigrants, and if they die at 'Wjy, Basset !' exclcimed the yoa»g girl, to ai least some of the many thousands who sea, why the ler-3 head money to pay. Save j'i-:s. — The Philadelphia Inquirer Lai the loilo*. i is: 'you are not going to cut short ear friend- read thi* worthy paper. the dollars ! Abolish the school taz. True, Tbe Eirawberrr, which is now at the height of . ship. are you?' I was in tbe city of New Yerk a few e- prisons tiro ranre expensive; thon sustva pi»rfrrti-.M in pur marlreta, if ap.'iieJ wi'h a 'Xo. Amelia — it is not friendship now, venicgs since; the rain was pouring d"-vn tbe schools Make tbe dollars ! lium-f-hnps iis brush !••/ thf teelh. wilt reinnve ih? larter more effor it has ripened into a wamer aad holier in torrents, and tho sky wss black with tnd gambling tablfS ore profitable. W h a t fT»ua!ly than a n y dentifrice ever invented — feeling* than this cold formality ; it is l»ve, clouds, which hid the fair beauties of that matter youth .depraved, virtue lost, vice tri- Give it a trial. One or two s'rawberriw. eaiea in tnornine. will cleanse the mcuih deli^htfullj, Amelia — I love you.' glories orcii whioh spans tbe earth a:d umphant, men besr.tted. women sufferings, j ihe and w i t h their appliration to the te?th. as rrcom'Why. Basset,' murmured the maiden, as .sea. the midnight murder and the callows tree. men'.!»;d.'s;ive a dciicious fragraace 19 the breath. her checks reddened and her bead bowed in As I passed from Burling Ship into the Thus through tbe collar medium arc these - '-' ^ ID- ^iic S5.0CO race fcitireen Red E/e, of Vjrgiai*. confusion. stree* winch leads to Fulton ferry, in tie things viewed by men whose moral sense la aiid Nin i, of Soutli Caroma, came t'flfcTcjr th: FairScld 'Ob, Amelia!' and ie fell on. his knees act of crossing over to Brooklyn, leaning a- blinded by qne'scrded objcr-t. Coarae, i.rar Richmond, on Friday. Ti-«- fin- L?»t wi» before her. 'gparn not from your presence caiiitt u. post I s--v.- a wretched female, holdJiigbty dolls>, bloody Molech that tbo^ won by loiia and the second by R*-d Eye, wuen Nit • one who laves you with all bis warmth of ing out her hand ;• the passers by. is hopes art ! when thai! thy influence for pood be as iras witliirawo, and the purae liuiiieil (.ver K CM Virheart — with all his soul! Spurn me not, ef gaining a fe* pennies ta appease her vjfie as tLy agency for evil 1 Then, and jinia. , but tell me. oh, tell me. Ajnelia. that we hun^'ir. How ncy heart chilled within mo not till thea, may I be found on the dollar f %F A well known po!i:ical economist lays; — shall rever be separated on earth ! Premise es I gazed upon tbat slender form, stand- side. " We pay best, firsi, those who destroy Ci—geneto be my wife, and I shall fce so happy ! ing, heedless of tbe driving starm, with desrals; setx'&d, tha«e who cheat u« — j»oliticians aad A GOOD aOKE. Will you not promise?' •» pair written on her brow and gleaming from quacicH; third, ihose whc amuie u i — singer* acd The fair being extended her hand, and her -jyes. The following interview is Said to have musicians; and least of ali lbo*e wL'O iui'.ruci ut while a sweet gmile rested upan her features, Believe trie, geatie reader, waen I say it % taken place between Gev. Marry, and a | — authors, schooimasiers 2nd editoi>." . she b»de him arise. " wat enough to bring tk« tear U maay a prominent "politician from New York, who i iff- The Wheat crop of Locdoun i* L--.Tl>-=Iv injortd 'Oh. I am §o happy !' erclaimed the ani- j stoutrr heart than thine; nnd could you went to \V~sshingtfln for an office : tr. the " Fly." Some fielda will not 1« worth cutting, mated youtb. as he pressed a warm and af- | but have gazed into that pale and sorrow' Well my friend, what situation do you zr'J m:oy will scirct-ly produce- their'trj. Xo f re«t« fectiotate kiss upon the unresisting lips of j stricken face, your heart would have melted wish V biessin; coulJ fce conferred open tbe arficullurj} interthe blushing girl. with pity and compassion. est* cf the country, t h a n the discovery of fame rrjneOf •<-''\Vbv-y-y, 'I'm not very particular—but 'Scuuudrel !' exclaimed a rough voice at And now^jny friendsv>oale and female.' far tbe di'Etruclion of this insect. The L j .ui -u'ctd *nsome how or ocher. I think I sho-jM like to his sid«. 'is this the way Jflu repay kiy con- can you see i:t tiiat attenuated form ard ilnz\ly br th« farmers of the country in cowe.jueac* of fidencH '?« Begone ! never les me see you a- wild, bleed-shot eye, tbe «Bce beauteous A- be a Minister. I don't mean of the g the fly U enoriaonj — >l\uhinsU.niiu.. '• .. —but ens of them ministers to foreign gain v;i:a this timid girl. Know sir. that melifi t Oh, Low many aad strange are t-ie !/.'^>i>o whr-.ro we will, the tread earth my daughter shall never marry a vagrant.1- vicisiiitades of life, and could that father ports' 'I ara -fery sorry. Very sorry indeed— bears tbe beautiful : it pprin£3 li-ra top-j 'Fathtr. oh, father ! speak sot so! Basset but» se« the pictarc thiis. preseafed to yo ir there is t > vacancy jast now. "Weald ncl from sorrow over the ashes of th» dead- Itis worthy of my Jave-r-he is pare and noble. meat»l vision. h»v bitter wonld be his re-, lie? nestling upon tbe bosom of :he motk«r. Eeeall those cruel words, and do not destroy morse; bat le >«ay never see it, for the something else suit y*u ?' *Why-v-y,' answered tbe apple-hs'ad'vj It 5s with us when we open onr eye* t» tis your child's happiness.' cold i od covcra him now. He died soon af- mart, 'I much care if I tnok a pitu morninir. and the curtain of night s'suta fta 'I ata.your father, miss, and it is for me ter Ihs marriage of his daughter, a ban't»tion in ants of the Departments I wouldn't vision? id our hearts. It springs !ik-> tttc to say i7no is warthy of mj child's hand iu rupt mind miiCjbeing a <.oniptroller, Auditor. flower from the bad out of 'a- happy thought. marriage.' But -.he hujbr.ad of Amelia still lives— cr saraeshlMg of that^nirt. 1 It floats down like Elijah's uant'e, and 'Sir,' said Basset Warren, and his form yes, lives the courted of many for his wealtj. 'My fi^V sir. I'm sorry, very porry, very angels fold it about BS ws~'ii -re I aael ai . swelled, with indignation, 'sir, you are an eld Tb<yy think not of his cruel treatment of his sorry in-Jeid — but it happens unfortunately | 2ian. and should know better than to iasuit wifu' for 'goU liiiles a multitude «f sins,'and that all truse situations are at present fill- j the slirine of prajer. another ia y«ur ewri house, and-—' the forsaken e>ne is foigotten. - There is no happiaog-! so Socn after the completion of the blasted ed : wou>i yoa not take samethirg else V 'Get oat of ny house, you scoundrel ! — to a eraceful niind as the pleasure- of TeOar frir-nd stroked his chin, and seemt-ii ;Iew tlare you attempt to dictate to me ." hopes ftfUawett Warren, he left the abode straggling r.e bring dowa- the snvingsof hie (juittinc; tin? bent fits it has receded— ff exclaimed the enraged parent. •. •f hit relitiv'ew—the horns «f his yonth— liigu aruUt^n to the present crisis. At last Drovinsi that the seeds of kindness liavo not * Givicg a warn, aad affeatioaate la&k at the Eojnes of pleasure and eorraw—and has be bsen sf»wn ;n a 5-irren soil — of p-iuri'Tig baJit answe?-e<L the young girl. Basset bow=d aad left the aever since teen heard of r,n th» .rsrutsed heart— of recalim* the long •Whj-y-y, yes~I den't eara if I pel a , Thc» hn the happiness of many .a »G3 etaniien, with his bosom swelling with many C'jUactorsbip, or Surveyorsiiip, or 2s"a- j banirbed siu"tl« to the pnlti lip.-j of tbcs» who etrangtt emotions »f live, pride and nctent- been bligbteii, t>-r lel-evi me, kind reader, gf>od have befritihded us ia the arduous struiflt* vy sgent, or anything ef thai-sort' e i-f f ment Bat bis batter nature bad tbe cera- this i* BO isolated case— qo ezception to tai 'Really my ga?d «ir, said the Secretary. maod. aad be said to mor*. general rule. Parent* gh»ul;i be guarded ! •* »- - Charley Gral.b took a field to ia their mediillrz with the lore affairs ef 'I^regrtt exceedingly that not «rif^ these jilabut; every ether place of cnnsequensi at halve'. At hnrvest-time the owner their cijiidrei.. and especially when there is e-s the government is at present occupied -- for bis share of the pro-face: b-tt tbe wicked Pride tetn the hanixk heart,' asi ms j;et it like n« greater charge to make against tbe per- in The sea- beat rock, -which s -arterec rcs»els strike; Pray, s-ir, tiiink of something else.' wag told him very coolly that be waa.l son «f their cliili g tueice than th*: be '.a She breast* cadi joy.»fc'« her tc-'Etons rate He t|ien, after foroa hesitation, asked for that there, was nothing for bid. aa the . Makes tie fceit tacj-ht Eci w t*s: m^a a fool. poor. a clerkship and finally tfco place of mnss-jri- did not yield cat half a crop, irhioh aa ] J. H. Brruga, Hoping ted treating that I bars left a ger ^ ** - • "* te- '.jne of thi public offices, "Finding nr» Two —three yean bad p:i§s*d stsce tb» htaltby moral, -ad that sorac •?.• at least, iraeaney, fee seeiaei jio vast perplexity, tcl taken for /tj>JiaJf. may t« beneStted thereby, I take my lea^e incident related in the prior chapter. |53" An'-'^Sitnr rrcetred a Htter ir leaked ar 3 mi ta» room, fixing bis eye ;•- . Aamlia was sitting beside th« lattice at ef tbe gentle reader for tbe present, wiahing length r>ii tie Secretary, and measuring lib weather was spelled " wetker." He n M m r her beilrven, witb her bsarl resting «MB aim er'ter alifc of kappin«8» and useful- height JreJic bead to foot At lut, pattirg was tbe worst spell of weatkax bar ba;od, whilt the rich el oaten «f «ui» Beat, and tbat itia jiaat may ta firea fren en one of tLa drollest look* that crer aderu seen. ia pr»f*aioB ab»at ker aUUater'oeek acd taenta, a*d Ui« kkf aniimmed by a singU ed tlie faee of max:, be Mid : fLj"Bewarf of medd-era eletui of aerrow or ttiaersa. Au rrcotr.' • 'Mbter, reu and I «e«t» te be VoBt pet- UUUUA«tJ*W-«* a*«r»»"—-» -TW—- - «r «-.. Upon ker fair, Mdebedk ty. muoh alike, haven's yon Mm* aid eldtl^s yers, floolding wcmta, fira-e»aktJt, _ In Mexice, they bara a aoapr plant tear, aad fra» i«r boon con* u lew. qaiek yen e»a aptrs T brandy •maabera. sigh, vbie% Mrrael hn* to 4dl t**t ber wttk whie'u tfie waiuea wash cUthesJ "Bat tkii U sat tha tr . g3» L jmaa niyatAM h«rtik*4,4r5ite deep KTL11 H»*W««a**M^ ia *aiawa«a»*toMWM«M««r«^i rf tk* cap ef itrtotr-•je, t« tk* nrj elrtfa, tti!?.. ! ts it tesre. first wife wis » goaj o«», new*marry ajain. the hat be wa» Mdia§ i§ Aft i : gite cwicc •atit^ction. AMELIA; CHAPTER I. COI^GRKSS PHILADELPHIA, Jtri.r 1. 1832. rr^HEsubscriberst.ikepleasHn:-in inf.-:-n:iiig their JL friends and the travellingcommiiiiity it-neralGeneral ly, t>iat they have this day taken rjbsSs>-sit>ii of thai «? soi'Ttf st.. well established and favorably known hotel CONB A L T I M O R E , MD., TTENP paiiii-n arty to the sale uf Pf. OUR, GRESS HALL, Tterdand CkesintlStreet*. They have had the house tliorun-jhly repaired, ; M'HRAT. COA'.V and all btnc? ol cOQNTI.'.V PUOOUCK. ;uidar« prepared 10 ijrnish ana all the modern improvements intrmlac-ed, and furnished in a styleof eli-gaqce which wi'-i at once l)as"> l' i tanner"; wishinglo consist! to render it unsurpassed for comfort and convenience. Ualiim- re. Nov. 25. This is decidedly the bejf locate huas! in the city, being in the immediate -viclr.iiy ol' business, the Eschansre, Cu.>totn House, auc inai.y other or ^ pu! He buildinss. L:nt.'sof Oinnihusses leave forcvery p.i<T nf the n cf Tfrrjfni.7. ciiy every few minutes, ih^ir hea j qaarler* being CHARTERED MARCH 17, ts: THIOLK-SALE WATCH &. JEWFJ.UV HOUSE, w i t h i n one square ot the House. • -To. 227 Buiti.nare ii., .S, f . cor. of Jakarta ttrttt, Caj'iic.1 S5O.OOO, vifkpoicrrio iiicrc^..-: .' . sj~tt The subscribers are .leu-rmined to:=p2re uo pairs .Ml'OKTEKSol £, ^lish and Sv.-jss Wat.-hcs to SiOO.OOO. in making this a coc'-'enii.'iit and "ociforratiic home and Toul» of every des«:ription,,.\\'ati h Case HIS Cotnpaay, taring been duly or^/snized, to the iraveller. NORRIS & JACKS'J'N, Muker» wnil Manutact Ti>r.« of Kine £.»ul<l Jewelry. is now ready louceife A(nplieati:-;?i«a:) i issue f.uU of {'irginiti We call tt<« JUention of"Sortliiein *ud Weslern Policies, am: ojJers to the ciii/ens of Virjir.ia tbe July 15. 1S5C. ' ." Priipri^tors. dea!er» in Waiches-, Je-vt-lry Jtid riiiv-er Waie, to inducement ol a honii- Company for the .V;I!K InJames E. Xorrb; -a-ho is well known In r.'.any of our very i'ilen>ive sl*>c ',. a^s^iinjj ih-in that in no surance of ail kit:i!sot Propenv,Merchan'Ji.-.--. &c., the business men '.-isiting the city, lattvj in the inicle in uiir line shall •.i-eaiinv.-any eMabli-hnient at Jair and eijuiraliji* rares. T;ie Dire«:li" r -; assure Hardware house of James J. Dunr.in & Go.,T\rilt, -e surpas* us, eillier in q u a n t i t y , q u a l i t y t T- low ttie public that {fiis CcmpaK}' will b<? coin'lucted Brother & Co.. and formerly proprietor o! the Vi'rbrices. We are the on .- Whulc>ale l*onse in this j with a view to permanency, and on ;.h-j >!rictest cinia IJntel.St. LOUI'N. will hare the mr.na?emeBt iirauch of trade iu lialti>n<ire, and slisll u»e every | priiifiples (if equity, justice, ard a ch-su regard to of the HJUSC, assisted by pclit-.- and c-impe:eat !air nieaiis to iuiiuce Si mliern and Western uier- ecoujiay am! tiie safely (<i't!ie Insured. persons. . hauls io upen accoums w i t h us. Our terms shall JOS. S. CARSON, 'Prcti'ltnt. I«e a> liberal anJ accoannodating as can possibly U. S. FUNK, Secretory. PERUVIAN GUAKOT IK- ' •!:.! : in the U:iileil States. O. F. BRESKE. We »*il! lake great pleasure in slio\vin» or,r IE undersigned, b;g leave tc inform ihe FarDIRECTORS. I. l^-ocxl;. to ivxiilieitt and A'.'fsiern niftcliauis, wheihmers ol ihi< rttate, ibat thev liavu ni?de arWm. L. Clark, Jos. S. Carson »'r t h f V oji'-ti acL-juuts w . i h u-- or not. rangements with Me-srs. F. Barreiia ct Bro., Janii-s II. James P. IIit-ley, L. H. MILLIill & CO.. Agents of ihe Peruvian Goveinm^nt. for the i-zcluN. ^V'. Uict:&ui>>ii) t linpone:-«; ol^Vatclics, HalJiinure, MJ. Lluyii Logan, sirc importation of PERUVIAN GL'A\O into John Kerr. Jannary -7. 1H;»:>—!y. this city, direct from the Chincba l*lai i!.;: and, alOtfice on Piccadilla Street, near Vnl'c-, Bauk. so, lor the establishment of a laraf L'ti',;( tor the Winchester. B. W. HEKBF.KT. ~\VATr«ES .Ui> lEVVELRVT purpose of having always <in h.an.t it qii.c;;ity suf Agent lor Jefferso:! Cuutitv. ficii-nt to meet the demand, and at pi i •. > within July 29, 1850—!y. the reach of every con--umer. The t a r i l f of tatrs fi.xed hv the Agents ol the Peacfim GJV-;-:>;AIEXT, WOULD inform lu«- i:iii7j>nsnfiki t ! coun'y and llartfort' Fire tusarance (ompamr, is as follows:— HARTFORD, COXNECTICU'i'. 1 ton or less «UOf) p-r ton iCt'O Ibs. the pulilic ceiserali'v t h a i 1 have RL'.VIOV'EO 1 io 5 tons 43 50 " fro *w W A T C H a n d J K ' Y K . U i y SVOltli lo AX '. 5 to 10 tons 4.TOO -!o IS'O—CkarfcrffUfptlual—Oi;-!,'i//?I30, V! I T H.\l~TIMDR !'. .- ! V Vv' K i: '1 '. - : r a oars tc! • ir Ineorprraictl OW; icith, fotecraj intrcasir.a it [^ ••~i->l.-*.H)0. 10 to 25 tons 1C.50 do <.'\ariei $t<-ett, ll»iltta>-t . w h r r e llify w i i l liun a 25 to 50 tons 42,00 d\ iirsi- s u p p l r "l fine tiULD L•.•^•er^. LepiH'. and IE nn Irrsiijneil iinnuunces to Uie Public thai they are prepare.! to furnish 'a; iJie notice, a i d lowot rate-, the lara»>! a^tl raos>tsepp^ibr a»surtuieiit, cnu)p;i»:ng ol bOLiv-ifui J^li.VTH I^R., luitli loi'-i^n an. I A!.-o ItAlTEii CLdl'liS, WALLOONS. RIBBONS, L.AOK-S, ol ah fiiaiio and cjiour.s, acces^ar)' lot "Iiu trade, luw for ca^!! hy D A R U A G I I & ROSE. , Baltimore. Jan. 13. !;«;). —(>m. I to»e to look on the pc]>Ie~Wctt, Ia tfee gorge*u rctei c^ie iamiaer drat ; With iu crimson, pomp SBKLhannered sheen, Lfce the lonily state c f a iyi»S Queen i The distant «roodsr with JieJr crowns cf gold. And the hoary Kill). Time** fastness iold, While zepyjr* breathts tieif low, soft chime*, " VVe may onlT tell of the goUea dime*, And ihat bcttrr land, ia the realms of day, J^W, far twiy !" CITY HOTEL, COR.VZR OP WALL cf- MAI\ STREETS, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. ^HE nearest Hotel in the City to th ; Depots of the Central & Danville Raid Road and the Janes River Steamers. T. M. B. ROY, Pwrrietor. ASSISTANTS \V»i. J*ca. TAVLOU. Was. "Vt'ii.L Anril ihJ. I63-J. IJtt. JOAXSTO.VS INVIGORATING Hn.MPJDV JVj. o^l L'itititiin.-'c street, It Ji t 1 J VIRGINIA FREE PRESS MB FARMED' - -__ Oitatma fttt Press. \ Ti TGHPEBANCK COSVEMTJOX. AMOUO THS SaClttKBB*. Mr. CUIAHEB :—I mwM wk il» ttior tf • f^^eevitfcu ikeccloKasoTycv very valaafc Br tW fftfaof of calUn • the attatkn of year J the £rw»ii» of Temperjccc fw«r»llr, vkieh a.t HOW- beiaf made. «le«ttB. laVai by the *e»!h,i»j**d bl»jatsjig ri •ooTftIMC KOTICS OK TUP. OUCAK — Tfce W tifcio jton /.V*«. fr .i at the rste ol $-230,«•• a f««r, «*WiMe« '- •*.i»or el' 'love toi quiet the re doomrtl -inocrai... who arec'oon go t, the all the ta Uy «f tbe N.rth and the Fire-Eat-r* of ho»nt wonder that any body e!>* *ix»!«Ui be hmijrrT. Kwiy thins wwjLcaist Daliimore: The two extract ttrrecdered, a*V:<?d forRirenw.. and j T «DM tii* riMJorro ; an«! tbrrefore ii is necewary to I «T tfceiain tie traces by (c«!iog .h«n at ,he pubThe •' o:d fojrie* are * -> a matwr of course, and keep qo'f t , enoai* «hat Gen- Annstoug. Jefferson irtt John A. Dix, Pi --rre Soule, Uichard Motot Tho«p«»o Camptell, and other odd* and ends -j foe made prominent, and feed fat , the «poil< T Why should the old Union n.ca gamble 7 Did thty a* invite a feiM of all the mocgrek 1 What ri?Li hare Ik*? u> Krfl»blc> «h*ir g»wtt take the beM dishes 1 But it> «pKe of all taeir philosophy and patrit« «W W«e Democrats fitul they are ibemm a pcrtioo of frail humanity. They have Kcc other people, and a moderate degree , wjtkal and they can hardly keep cool t*, "axw&l bat weather." They begin to chafe »«*i»iontly, and the gambling will be audible by Ac lime Congress meet*. Tfcere U. too, a fprinkling ol discontent amongst "Young America." Tbe most »trik5ng found io tbe movement to get op anpaper at Washington. The men IT" promM" have not got all they tfeought them•elmentitlcd to; Mr. B«ref1y Tucker was not mad; Marshal ot the District, and therefore he and h* friend* m«st have a preis at the s-at of government throujk which to tree: tbeir complaints, either •ofrly or in thunder ton.-s as tbe necessity oxay require. True, Mr. TucUer was a Taylor man fe&r yeart ago-but what of that 1 Have cot later converts been rewarded 1 llave not far less bustling politician* bad their " sop." and been quieted 1 Beiidei, two y-ears are long enough for any .one •si af f»tai»fe t« ta*<? -the public printing. Ttiree «t l»«r iondred thousand dollar*, «n fhe s-hipe of Cotgre** irork, and 'Executive advertisements, are altogether wo tempting lor modern virtuosos, and •Crn. Arusstisng rouM divide. Douglas has not 4tir« up his aspirations for the Presidency ; ar.d without M especial urgao, what pragma can ho .make 1 TM» 'letter movement ta« alarmed the old concern, wh« are suspected cf a design to push Pier« .fcr j«-«*ecticn, and therefore A. O.P. Nicholson of Tcnestee and some other able writer are to be .placed in charge of the editorial batteries of the <CJ«ionl "There is fun ahead'. 1 Vv'liigs, keep fear powder dry. ' * f • ; •01L.URS IJi t* <q r*> iVTn^f^Pci 10 W u l » TUB The " Old Guard" of the Democracy are now ttefinnin? to discover that they are deemed but tbe ImmatcriaJ pottion of the par.y. In the South, the •Tire £ate«V' have tad the preference for all importamtapDoiatsaeatt; and in the North, not merely tbe Barnburners, but the regular Abolitioniale, are in the aicrcdant. In Masaachusetts, one of the most •otoriou* of the ilauer has been appointed Postmaster «f an important tovro, and in HVir.oii a regular flee Soil«r i* District Attorney, the better, we sup. po«e, U carry out the Fugitive Slave law. During the Presidential canvass, It w^s'urged •with great effect thai Gen. Scott, if .circled, would fcir« the anprenwy in his Administration to-Be^ wtrd and the Freesoilers. This apprehension defeated him unquestionably. What more could he K«»e done in this respect than Gen. Pierce has -done? Would not the whole Southern country Jia*e i»een in a flame At fc« had appointed a singls •TMBiaent.Frewoiler to zn office, hoveverunimj»ru«l? Would iu: the Nashville Convention kavve been re assembled long ere this, to have a^•ptedctrong meavures of denunciation, if not oj PMikUace 1 Would .not the welkin h« ve been now •infiig wiia noi»y execrations and cries of treay«t wu find the gorerntnent organ at Washington ^•t'lr engaged in soothing the -public discontent wjik the fliawy pretest th.it ali the iactionc hati Tjurreodered their opinions at the Baltimore <Conwcilira, aod it is necewary and just that they should hare a share of the public plunder! '/(V^be cr^an which has its pipes of praise tuned at:lhe«te of 9394,000 a year, softly urges the discontents to be -q«i»t—amnesty was promised,'and the spoi's must be c«»en to the repentant •inner.*'! The daily biisneM of iu editor is to rub hi* own fat paunch. anJ -bid the grumblers to hold still. The mere scent of the viands should be enoughJur them1! The Grat Dispcastr means to do what is ru'Af, tnd ihe di»•pp*inted mast not murmur, because tbe Whigs will bt gratified at the sy rasters s of discontent! Precious logic this, for the Conservative and 'ITni*n Democrats, who made themselves hoarse in .dtcUmttMD against Scott and.-Seward, end emptied .their pockets in the straggle .far ihe triumph of the I llaUliaore Platform 1 fTh* signs of a regular rcbelRsn agaiast the rule ^f -€«c«*»iotiism and Abolitionista are becoming «i«ily mote prominent. It was with great diiLeiilty (hat a • mnlity couli be suppressed in the J-.'i-v,iHaaipshirefiiate Convention, and in Georgia the .L'issaUtfaciioc .ie becoming both loud and deep.— The flame Jt.onlr uaothered for a season. The Adajinistraii in has been mon: than three «a**th* engaged is liittle else than a dispensation of ih«-«pMl«, and no: one-tweatteth part of the a«pirMte, hare 'been served. But, worse ihau all, the l««d«ra of the factions have had tbe preference, at th* espcsse of the National Democrats. 'In the iMgMg* "I the New York -Herald, the AdoiicistralMa u drifting en ihe breakers. Th'- flatteries of «vc«s>h>ats and courtier* may be aureeable, .but Thaii-oabe no re-anion of the Deraocracy-opon which esclndeand overshadow the Cass and portion* -if the party. Whit*, "waite tortht wsgon." ~ WM. I'. C-KAIGUIl.l>. This fimmg nalTiiinii f^oesi of WM. If- CsiAiGHitt, C.-^., sf tlu> eoMty.) »mT«d haste Tc*eidar creniog fnm W«t Pawl. whem£e has ja«t graduated. Out of * «hss «T 68 t^atatec, be stood So. fi- j He is a yoang -• * •• noise in «rety rtspiet. H« it not ' age. .We coaccatiilate him mpon hi* Yow readtm are BO docb* await, that • State Tots perflhce Conveatioa was held in IK <o«a cf S-auatcu. daring Aagnt of Ian «ear, Jiariaf for it* object tbe ha. tak« fhee praatotica of tac Trop«mce Refcncjtk*. - .That conit WC.UJ Irntioa ftt bat Eltie, !roaa the fact tbut uo eCeiat plan 1 it kmi otuuit.il iroe» iot»*i ? «— - - -—: •was adopted, fcjr which . a nyositc aiaooat of fnoda. ; roeefi|J .^nhfa for p»U* pfcndcr Trill »*»« -iw. T mijAt be raiacd m order to carry oct Ii ii freu ondertakiag. —The conrention, howerat, tricrc its adjcnm4 ^,t tbe Capitol of we country, orasy where ««i<: 71^ d,-f*» J« tfcflofk «p«« the ****** of Us-' sjwJj pn ty meat, detcmtiaed to hoU anixher C--.=r«:r.tion dnhsgihc present year, the tipe aad place of Jiolcii.n; whicu. to b«~fierbe fixed by a ccnmittre appciated fjr that ai,d o\h<T woo* raUe «P the w. purposes Tbe •canaille* bare («cnV na-id that patri «f their duty, aod hare fixed opon tbe tovru of Charlott*fiUe, aul ihe 3d day cf A apist next, as being &e iat-;: they are to b«- supported by the Gcvi-rnm>rn!— &xl itii initablc time ai.d place of holding said CoaTcatiuu. IB Wlblidueg iheir call, tbe camittec iiritc upon the to be converted into a wrt of Alias HOUM fur tb? Ik-mo- fr.eqJa of Teatpenoce ia each count j-, to hoi J rii-etinir* party. By the uul of July a jf«:atr.il fwiaircut at as etrly day, and re»ulre to raise a specified »ant toVT.iji°> tbil are I:-ft it to lute yia,;e; i J i-o i:\~jxs wards a general fnud. They saj, a larg".- amount, f nut silh Democrats. Shook! the iju.ils'.ar}):-be so*- leu thaa from $ 14ft) to 83X>0.~) ought to be placed in tie I'.aad* of the Coarentjaa, tar the f-ur}>osc of cmploverst&l iji tbc next Presidential eleeik.-i ffcen a ^at lit- inf a ntimber of able letnorcn to 50 forth into every tle hope ibat a liiuilar d andalctu srr;--iLIc I•>." o£rr i iii jrort of the State, to advocate the caoie 5 aad by mrara . cf pampUlctt, tf act i. and colporteurs, to ipreaU Ii ;h t s::u not be earrit J en. The fact that the otBcuf :irs a I tilled with Beaiorrats will not be suiE':;«n? «o pre* entit, troth into or..-ry oook ami corner of thu iride coajmoiwcaitfa. They aUo urge upon the friends of the cause fortlw ••avft' of their earn party wijl fall a tcBioftbe i." each county, the ncevssity of appoint icig delc^itn to ••ja*" and K-.ck to cust thesi- VTiien Dcni-xrurs bav'ni rvprrM-tt them is the cooreutioo, «.l tln-y recomujead got Whig* ta devour th^f fallopoc oca another. They it, as axameasore of justice, areatly comlucive to a £jlj believe in r<i/a{ioa in ofict, they say. anil soother v ic- aid patient attcndaoee, that the reasonable expenses cf tlicir delegate* be paid by their ra^ieciive conscituentory in "56 wonld give the "cult" a -lor,cos chu»« to cj«», bot in all ease*, where reliabU- Temperance mt-n, rotate tbe "in*" out, siod rotate thca;sclr«a rr.. \Ve B hose expenses cannot be provided for, but who sjxhope to soe the "in*" saved frooi tbat misfortun-.-. Iiow- to attend at their own expease, let licnj, ty &11 mc4as, ever, and aay rotatin' oat that is t<> '»e eono, Is per- be appointed. The good people: cf Jefferson feel a liyely interest in formed br a WhiR Ad:tini'tration. We ar«- in ?aracst asy measure which has for its object the alleviation of about thl-,, for the Wb:»s are joins t<. «Jeei u President human misery, it is to be hoped, therefore, they will at in 1550. Mark ttat do»-n as a fixed I'nit. TheVifmof aa early day rcspccd to the proposition suggested by Uie and Sfcnrc th» services cf able and efficient the times choar it already. SThe tli miands cf disap- committee, <lfli !•*:<•<, and contribute liberally fas the furtherance cf pomteil Uccioerav^whc liai'c-ust had -c jewe Waiting- tiii« praiseworthy design. jy. llarpcrs- Ferry, Jjjoc U. ton williual any thiag ixi l-.irir sa;:L;, ha, e beea truly uofcrtuuste, for s'jey ''issc't cdiie i*" next tiwe. If TUE COURTS. they will Uie a piece ^ aj^rice from us, tbt-r arc wcl£08ic lo it gratia—Go ha^ °od gc ta • mr!: At jotae The June term of (he County Court ^ontin aad hoaest calling and don't aspect, licrac ;c y»c a:c c HU,I. four days, during whjch a very 1 cary, docket was ocrat, that you ari: to te supportial b;. ihe (jcvrrr.ment. maiulv disposed of. The case .->{ the CommonCncle Sam tas cncugh to do to supf-ut&uu-elf, wJtsep wealth vs. Wm. D. Gilkeson was decjded bv a tb« Demoerasy hold the purse strings. i T TI.'^TIM T K fVI I**-• V \"'I."**-.» Vn fl'-V • llil frt l* d X .*1U..*1A 411^7 i Jvl-J*» The large DUQiber of delegates assciable-J it MI mphii! adjournril aftur a full intcrchacgc of scntmioDt? iu regard to £oBlk<rn and Western iclere-t.-i. Tiiedi'IiberatUns ad e^r to have beu* entirely h&nuorticu>- \Vc sincerely regret that tie adraacisl sc ^son pi-ovefcied so jnany of our merchant' friim particip:-.:iug iu a C i i . v e n tion to wbicli llicy wiulti gladly har^ bai-trnuj !o rool* er weather, toltinwire, bonrercr, felt c^rraja that vhatever tec^ci! to promote, tbe pr-.spcritr of,:be :cs;loai represented cculd nat but rcdoLiiJ to lier^relfere. The influential citizens who were oar <I«Jo£itcs in Memphis, did not a;-,pcar as the grasping .rir^ls of a trade which ba* hitherto ii'.iiri.-hc- . other cipilals:— They suiight to present, fairly, tUe • icilinei of car city as a depot for Western produce aad Soatb-rm ygricuiture, which, under th-: influence .tf ;- .lin-ct trafij with Eurojir, would be ablu to coaip<;:c v. ith iiortbcni cities as a earlier either to tbe eoniiucgt or to Jjivfrp'.'ii!. We are gl»d l«j sec ib^t no jecti-iaal 01 a&.vs«icn(ii feeling is shavn in t.bc resolutions linaljy pttscd. A spirit cf t"nion ]>ervs.tlo<l ihe as-icBj'jIy. TJie }-rcat Lilere£t (•{ "5»ivigatio:i" first of all e; gaged Jh-i^ onveiifioif's noticCj and "Pacific railroad" was a IrpKil as the .bond tbat is to girdle and ftrciigtJ:''n tbe \'Ati' -jf the land. The -unanimity with which • lis national project was «^stained, dexoastratcs that i the pr«.^ont -SouthWest and the West :ire no longer t!; be hailcii :.y thusu .distiikctJvc tillc£, bat are lobe know;u as In.? groafCentral States," nhile the "West"'and "South-West" will heuccforth apply lo Oregon and California Moac— 'The Orinoco, Amazon and La Platn rivers ; tl-i '1'cbuantej>cc roiite^ la-droojclicKauj;es ; diplomacy VoncerDjng cotton ; and sti;an;crs from Southern perls -, 'were al^ advocated in separate resolutiomi, w:', ich w? lh';i,-k cannot 'iii to excite interest if tliey do not in all ca-cs. produce gcncaal satisfactiou. We were especially sipl'J' to sec tbat gentlemen tYi m such regici.s arc tog :ming to awak<- to the necessity of national iua;r.'U. Hi.; . The Convention passed tbe Ibllowidg p-.canxblo aivl resolutions : Whereas, The Southern State? of tliii IJJion now have, and for a long |>i-riod mu -t hi-:'c, a vKfu'i-' wonppoly in the production* rf the rate settdx. cf ('anmrrct: and whereas, it is of viust importance to thc->e £>'utrs that their great staple should 'be *->.t air >od in it* ••).--.' co/u6/e/erni;and whereas, it is beli :TeU lltat-rais staple can be wrought up with extraordinary cheabneta and facility on ajid near thi j'sci-.L tf i'J .growth, tl <-rc:.irc be it : Rcso'ictJ, That the President of tbis-Cijnvi-atien appoint a committee of five members >rho fl.all oc ri.-guestcd tn prepare for publication and itistribt lion, pirtiruly in the Eiacufieturing districts of Muropf, a <uU report of the peculiar facilities ottered by .Southern and Wcs.tern Statcf/or Me mai.itf'actiire of'coltiyi, an>!,tbat this report be jiublished as a part of the jirocvi-liii •••« of this .convention. Jfow, mUea it is remepaicnidilitt priori .adjouraJOcnt the delegates n.;r».: J to the uppoinlmcn: of a committee of five to prepare "an addn-si to Congress'* and ito the people,of the CniK'd States ujioa the " tspk-; em.bracrd in the action of ibis Convention and ocfcrcing ,:lu-:!i upon their consiJentioc,"—wo arc encouraged to iope that the South at lost perceives that the security of its industryiiicpcnds as mnch u]>on its o?!'n manufactures as upon ita.Oicn power vf fxjior/e/jjp- The true value of cotton is impartc.-l to it by tue loon) ; and he who i an both gro>v the raw material mid fabricate it in,to an article of cojnmercr, as well aa «nd it ai-road to foreign maikcUj:posscsscs rcicursra cf wealth for which cven.Califoraia ncsd not 1* cnvicc.—Sell. ,4:ncrican. juifgine.tc.of 3100— the aajouni.;/ the tarimposeU upon theSheriilalty in this cou:ity— agsicst the plaintiff. Mr. Gilkesoa refssed to pay ihj ia< oa the ground that it was not ad valorem, sad was, therefore, •uncor.siiiutiontl. lie aas app-,rjed zgainst the -decision, and the case wij be argued £t .this term <:ft!:e Suptrior Court. Tbe Superior Court began on Wednesday.— There is a great deal of business, and k if probable that ti.e term will be a lecs'ln* one. Tl.i: criminal docket was gone through with en Ihe l.rstday. There was but one case of the grade of Mopy. — Nathan Tilden, of this co&aty, was convicted of stealing A horse from IJsnry I'.ichards, Jon the night cf the 10th of May, arid sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. The prisoner was deeply affected during .-trial, and eicited general sympathy. The .scarcity cf cases on tbe criminal doclce: speaks well for the law-observing people of Frederick county, andjs worthy of remark. ^^ _ New'York National Detnocrnt, an Old Hunker Journal, ia speaking of the New York Barnburners asking oiF:ce ot the present adminis. tration, and at the same lime erdeavc-ring'to reorganize their party, says: It may be faitly .qujftioned if the devil himself has brass enough to ask l~ur patronage to be used directly against the principles •nhich bestowed U.— Every body-inew that human iiatiirewi-: very bad, bnt nobody suspected it iapabb: of ruch 'bare-faced impudence. 'But we have the testimony of tie editor ef the National Democrat hitnwlf as to ihe fact that the iFreesoilers, while engaged in their attempt to re.orsanize their party, hare not only the "brass," the " baro-'aceo impudence." to a.s.t for patroaage, but Ike zt*>d luek to cct it. J^-'ow ii their asking impliai on their part raorc im-pudence thar the devil hinj sell pussesses, pray wb€.t do-:s tl.egmnti'izintpiy or. tie Administration f fart? Can the editors of the National Democrat, .who are trying to V: first-rate friends of the President, answer t.kat? The editors of the J>"ation£l Der&ocrat seem-to think that the Freesoil officeholders, in using the •Government patronage Tor strengthening Freesoilism, are " using it diwcily against (he principles which berfow it." But •Prc-sicent Piorce and his •Cabinet ought surely to know Vest upon -*-ha: pria. -ciples they bestowed the patr«uge, aau ;be very , fact that they bestowed it upon ihe ir.ost noted Free- j -sailers and Abolitionisms seems to ideate very clearly that the promotion of Fre«soiii*ro and AboJitioniss; is not either "direct!y" cr itdirectly "aeains: th«-pr'nciples wiiich bestac'ed i:.-" When the-adminislratiOQ selects thi? taosl loud- ! moniheu Aboiiiionists (or oSce, shall those Aboli. lior.U.s, because they remain onchaaged ia their Abolitionism, be accastd ot uring their patronage egaics: the-principles which brstoxred it? [ favisriut Jjurnel. CHUBCE^ DEDfCAnOK. CnBSAPBAKB AND tltllU The trade on the canal, as shown by thti collector's books at Georgetown, for ibe pas* v'st'tt has been good, though below what would hav* »>een we case but for the late strike at£ong the miners s\ Cumberland, and a smalt leak no the ei»Iit;.uiile or Seneca level, which,thaugh tn'lliug in kselji necessitated drawing uft'tfcewaier. • Here tollows the trade of tke Canal for ll;> trionth of May last past for -the articles mentiopt-d. from which one is enabled to perceive how Crwly its prospects are improyung, and iiow fair a future is before it: Dtseendins Trade. r.-nde. May, "l 833. Jtfay," 185:1. 4iliT'tcns. Wheat £7.r.i;0 bush. Corn 3i.%0 do Sa.c 139 do 22,3«0 bbls. Lumber Fla^r •238 &o 4-12 tons. Pla-ter Lumber 43!» do 40 do L.imc»;one 2 30!) perch. Hardware 2-2 3&S tons. Groceries Coal 74 do Toi&i 33:>2a tons. Tout l.-JM tone. Teial tolls collected for the month SI8.5U2.57. \$falianal Intelligencer. EIGHTH CONGRESSIONAL, DISTRICT. OFFICIAL. VOTE. We have at length obtained the official rote of this District. The Shcrilfs of thc>Coun>ics coinprsin; the district -met in Winchester on Friday week, to compare the polls, and the following statement was taken from the-Poll Books as they were there presented, and furnished to us b/ .the Sheriff of tlus.County. [dfeftintlrurg Gazette. Counties. Fanllaw. Bottler Berkeley 865 6S2 Frederick :="» 974 Hampshire 8-S9 6!)3 •Pare 878 123 Jefferson -822 SIS Morgan * 393 £17 Warren 411 Ifll Clarke 310 276 524 1556 .«091 •5545 iFaulincr'j mjaj .55-15 546. JOINT WORM. This enemy -to the wheat crop is supposed by -jape of our farmers, to have marie its appearance in Loudoun. ATc had left «t oar office this week, by R. J. T. White, Esq., eovcral stalks of wheat, taken from his field, which were -literally destroyed br a worm which entered the stalk at the second joint from the head. — The worm, which we discovered in one of the stalki, was about ar. ijich ia length, dark and white striped, and moved lijce what is commonly called ,the "measuring; worm." Some who profess lo know -something cf the nature of this worm, assert that the one left with us is too large for:|J;c real •"' joint warm." Whatever may be their opiniop, W° know the worm entered-the stalk at the joint, and completely destroyed the wheat. We should be glad -toilearn something of the nature of this small but tcrrible.cnemy ef'thc wheat ciop. — Jl'ask'n. SERIOCS ACTIBB:,T.—In this place, on ni'jht. a man liy 1the name Conoly. ami his will; carr.e near losinjr thek lives from an explosion of camphine. He hab purchased a barrel on taking it to. his yard be liiieovered that it contained a portion of oil. which he drew in a cmck. His wi!'e.to asoertiiin she quanlity, approachci.1 the crock with a canfile when thefiisiil igrated. communicating with the barrel it exploded with aloud report. A stave •or part of the 0?-ri*l struck Mrs. Conoly on the head, ciittinf: the scalp loose from the side and li-nving tte skull bare. Sire had prompt nedical attemlance. apd : the wound is not supposed to be n cry (It;n!jeron5, unless inflammation of the bniin should be caused by the shock. Miraculously, Mr. Conoly escaped unhur*. We refer to.the accident 'as another warning to those who will use this dangerous UAILSOAB ACOIpEKT Mr- noary Maxwell, of this place, --who !«vs tx>en a few weeks. on the railroad as brnkesnwn.-lost.his light hand by an aceidcutvjr'aich occurred at Green' Spring Run on Monday -jast. In attempted to pet from a train be jumped into a cattle stop as anothcr train was coming, aoa b* :-ome means jrottin^ hn arm on thetrai-kit wasso badlycrusheti by L'IC wheels as to require ccputatioa. •Ilt^friernas tiave^bcen to see him. and state that he b iloing as well as could beespected uuder the circumstance?. ['AT ,-rtinsbnrg Republican. Tac briiWing deft{f»sl for the us*; of tbe OM %rrm- | ^lK*5 Presbyterian Church of Shephcrdslowa, &5«Tfae Xer.- York.Post is responsible for the folj-ia this county, wai Dedicated to tiie -worehip •lowicg, *Bd.potwitbstandlng tbe Jat^t «mr friend -Tfc» ».-~«« »^-*«ra B> l t lirc tru t • cfG«ionThursdayJiast. 33u«gh small, this Con» * "W i tmi atht.. rr ••''n ~ *•** Douglas, it is *oo good, to be lost, p^micalith- as we I gregniion. uaacrtteTsrstaml ciii^ge of the Rev. Mr. have been reqsestsil to give it place^^— Spl*iL *« fc«««i »ilh «pri"kU»e Heatcu.*ercntly purchf^ed thelsrge53^ commodiBeverly Tucker, of .Vlrgbia.is said to hare projecons Sierc-biinsc, &c_ situatsd tm the ccraer of Main ted a DMT Democratic paper to be published in Washficd li»rket streets, formerly occupied by Mr. Webb. ington , City. If he will ssy oacc » week as good a thiiiic iis-he'saiii -to Doutrlak ju=t Ar/bretbe tteetins 0*e potion is to be set aps rt for of tic BslthBorc (JonvsntioD. tre irill guaranty •&"» success. Tl«e s little giant" was justth^n .niannfkcof.Tforship. Tbe turinp fricnfc as fiist he cou3<~. anil w«s ~ irilUng"' to ^ . ?-, as "tath^r woKt. hiive of course coabibnted ' ercrybody. Ssiunteriaj »np to Tueker one day, and jtiikc-irtlil onota to not -*aiy the purchaje but all the throwing his arm fluatiarlr-araacd him ho said : * Well, friend Tack«r. whs : cam-I do tor you T tt ,JBipra."cmeats which ba.ve l»een made to the building. When yau are dected Pwsideut.,'' said Tucker, K The Dedication Sermon was preached bv the Kev. ecme up to jaic ia this way and I inll tell jou."* Srv-Ar.T KouiN-sox. a na;ive of Berkdcy cotmtr. bat 0J-TV CicciBati Rulraad Record Mfs : , We ScaeUfy of the Xarr, we now a resident of Bahrno:v. and me of the most emiTb*re«re BOW €400 amteea neaped en ike CroaU*i b*t»ee. ZaiwmBe aad SThcelin^ aoi 1000 «•• nttte o«rfl«iatT, having reached the re- nent Pi vines of whidi th--u cay can tcosl. It yes a . ThtreM }>l««ty of work, prompt «f A>%KV;iQ|iDaOT,.Bs. w jtstasdar, splendid effort, original iu argjmcct and beautifully mi. a awtMy WWBJ-. grand iu conception. A latsjeiiumber of Ladies and a«ti> tokeS«i»hel andinopgcutknaea were in, atieniLiuas from oiir imrnedute . t-elrr auMt. *j**£™ ».^ •"*••« Ticiaity, mil af wltasn exptuwd tbe greatest satis&c- bet. a prolwgttMp «f tke B»Hiwr« * Oh-b Railroad into the h«^rf cwUllOkks fan^Biamectioo. with titm wit> the interestLig enrtiK* of the occaaoa. tbe l l H u i l i imfll «•**>>»• nf OUv I»lui« aad 0- __ Ta.; iriB jo U* IT A^aM. The*. G. \Tat- ^K- "a""* Variotu ranjon liaV, tecs »4o»t i» Pta»ce!paia\ ." To thtsenc I .".liTfee roa to scad for 3 minister ARXlVAf. HF THE STSAXER djy*, ia rcforeaee to the Itnai UbpionUa.-.» « cf she Gospel cl -^e reH};iaus pejrsujsicn to wfeith Ui'MSQLDT. the fcc*3y of Arvaar Sprins, and ire ntitice in ib* B ilWjonha/e aiiacSc«i yp>ar*sif; or, if unfortunately In the Criminal C*wT c* Wa^fagU.D cirj oa KR«»Jt K j tin, en Sitcraar, tfla affidaTits of r.-ro p*.»oc«, <*"*» yea should aot be.scg , oa ny reiieioiw ftssociailos, Tharsdav • CSMJ oi uiatv ^* send for them tu met yon prefier: He iriH acqua'st | jtite that thev haro opc»«l the coffin in which st •»• was disposed of, amier P-c«i»rJ.v SLV:' roa with the prox.isw of tbe Bible, •»«; prav with j alScjrf th* budy had been buried, an 5 « wt« »an«l to ^O yon and for yo;;, w-fn iasirtm you. wiU assi^ and S:"a «tance», wWchare tl.n> ^a;ed m the f A- feaiua a log oi wood awl tome cloihmr. bi» mo Wr t. «:uide you In the important work to wbieh vour srr.-jcfectl h*-' i*b-irf atjont 5j c'rfock. pAav day Judge CM wkr.i bver-raled a of &ny hamau being. trattou i> dire«*iiWore, weak mortals cannot do new trja! of Daniel T. \Voo.i«»r.i. *bo oa 'i -» '! Mi's. C'c!. i -.-maut KV* faai-lr t &. Schl«ifj^-Dunn- a di»ea*»k« bctwecm l>rsfor each other. Only tc you sns~esis the proprie- rt-IiSsVc speein! envoy fr-joj l*r«*nn»} U. iiki^hua. Consul day, the 5hh itwtaot, was coo»ioi VF«t*o. Boston, Dr. VT. »tated that in tlK-ecww «•" ty of oi^ervint shai, ia my judgment, there is M tleii, (ram i!ie i;«j;!i*U ttovcnuatut to Caracca**^; jeason tc sup|«<« th«. F.i-cntive will isterpcse in General wife, bj ^hootinsr her on the 21'h of O N. Browt. lale Alb -rkra-i Consul at R tar, and R- \"> • ft«r years and a half he had take* ftcoi »i<?; eit«eat «f Bostoo aud Ticiaity, one hundred barrel* w' >k>cd! aad, After ih«; lapse of a fe«r miCTites, she judge os-.*- your, behaof. 1 hesitated and denoted whether I Svkcs, bca.-cr of tic- [ itc ic> ftoui the Mexican Lfgatica should say so—ntiiectioa satisfied tae that to for- »t Paris. Kid adrainbtercd fu«ty-niie pouadj of roerrsry t; tbe prwiner. " Daniel T. Wcodwart, har yea bear tte renaaik would be cruelty to you. It is Tkc .-.K-.-.au-r Caav^ria arrived oat ou the 5th, ami the anythini; to say why tire ser-tence of the law s M ' made wi'.h the sole object u" prevtn'tin?"your mind Baltic oa :uc 7;t. jy It appears by »be Vate Ceusus rspcj t lijai TJ»-« ENGL.OJD. from bein? !;s;racted b>- delns:ve iopes. The not- be pnoaooccwl by tb«' coart 1" giiiia has 37 cotton fa<tcries ia oparatiuc, with a \ *pJit bad .>rcax"«ail ia the K.:-:'i>h eabiaet betxreen l^eat. perharf :!:• oulr, duty ihat you are now reThe prisoner, -iriioha.l risen ia thi Loni Jd B Ra««*il «d she Ir«ih aicwbcrs, »ntl tbe Ut- canital inrfjUmi of 1.908 90O. quired to pe: i:rr. in this i;fe is to prepare for death. Jeanin- opoa the rail, replied S :o it? full and fiithfal discliarge I give you my ter. bad » ile«l tirir :<r>:;-i2tiu>:. >lau«rll. K«wh and voies, - I have, TOOT honor." AU rj« *en: no» l»arilng caaa."?! :o<!etot» every energy'of voarbodV The M.bjectisf tbv aupHeoiuneat of Britah directed towards hi-TS, and there was more than usu- and njind—Bttcsrdiaiely and uncirasiB«!r. iu Sc-ati tNro&ja wss about te be brought be On the Uth of Mav. by Rer. J. G. Oa -tense, a"j«" It I" DOW «n 7 painful deity to pronounce the sen- fote the }'arliaaae:>;. al quiet in the court-room. He continued— TBOMAS WHEELER. f^She YiKj.Eia Cailcn'aae. W <s;>cru for the month of Mar exceeded taose oi *li*j ."U-VRY L. R1VE!>. yoanjrtst dao^t-trr rf |J« Jala '•I MI not sraiJsy of Uie charts broaght aspiinst tence of the !a-v upon you for the crime whereof ihTkc ' samo month las! year by £2,2od.0*>. havebe--u convicted. The sentence j*. that John {1- Rive*, of the county ol"RnnuKi.-t V'a. KJP. i did not cause the- death «f iay wife. The you Thel'attat Hutta. K-rcha Worts at Loadoa had be han»i-i'. r>v the ne:k until you are dead; and Oa Tuesdav evening, the 7th instant, lir El.kr T. D. witk'-sst!* zgainM ane sarore to t^isehoods. My vou boriit, ihTclv \;:^ a that the Marsfcn! !or the District of Caluinbia do, bcca UrriUon, 5lr. (iEOR(7E F. HAMPTON, af AWxaawife's uelicjs w«re wrought oa by her Jarber; I do on fhe screw steaairr Times, x DuWia and Ijrerpool peril of w^m may foil thereon, caase execution not deni' thk.' there had beta dides-nsees batwt«n us. of this with 30(> !>-s«a;er» on board, hail burst her drio. to -Mix ALCINDA U., d*«chu r ci &c Ul« Ja*. judgyaent co be made and s.roae up4in you racket, ho !cr>, by which \iiue jwi-soas were killed, and many Howler, all of LCL-JOUD. She knew I n.-ver raised tay kaa<t to her unless the seroni? jay of September next, between*th* On the 9th iastant, by Rrr. Dr. (Hmx. « Kcadht provoked to such 3 degi1-.* that I did not know what on hours of9 oVlrctv ^a ihe forenoon and 12 o'clock a; a-i'^htfull <- jijoliet:. TCRKET. (•rove, rx-iidciicc of Henry Gaithrr, K"V. Wont^aaerjr r 1>! a ^ * noon, of tbe s*ani? dav; that ytu be cow taken frrai 1 was about. From the fi ^ ? . The r.e^s fn'-w this qoartc-r it ArcnJedly wirlike.— c^Miotv. Maryland. Mr. THOMAS O. r*U',i:U, jr.. ol' until her death 1 never inetf that sli2 heace to the ja il ol Washington county, ia ;he Dis- Tlic Enilish 2crt in the- Mc-Jiterraaean had been or- lierryvillc, Virginia, and Miss MARTMA M , Am-a deprive hersett'of exisiertce. [ triet of Oolnifkbio. fri'tn whence you came, there to deicd to th«: OttdineBct, ami the Sect in "the Channel tcr ef Thomas 6. Fla~. £«]., of Berkeley. " Oa the evening cf th; :B1 of DiCettTJef, Hilton j be flosily ke-p; until the day of esecuiion ; and on had beor Jtsi.it>:b-.-J to thcAIediterracean. 'IHic Pre«ich On Thursday. 16lh instant, by Rrv. Mr. Coope?^ came u the house tor me; 1 don't recollect tnw ihe day cf«?«;;:ion appointed as aforesaid you afi> ttcet had also sjfived in IJcsica Bay. The Rcssian Mr. WILUA'M ii. SIMPSOX'IO .MI.I EMILY L. 1 hour—j«d I found my «ay to the Magistrate's of- io bs tzilrcn ta t!is place cf execution, according to force* wr.-c rao> si' ? towards Moldavia su>d \Vailachia, PSTfERMAN, of Martinsbur-. frontier r-niviiices cf Turkey, and the Ru*riaa troops fics. 1 asted what was ;he matter. Squire Drury the Oa Wedaealay. 9th instant, br R..-?. Daniel Mccf the act of Congress oi"C5th Janu- '.h? in Warsa-.r hail I'.'eived crJcrs to proc<-«l. by tbreud Oaulrv. Mr. SAMUEL CLARK'to M>*< MARY .*^1 >aid I had uttered abusire language. J replied, i ;iry,provislofci: !Si3, th.-r^ to.bs hanged as aforesaid un;il you marches 50 IJov-sr ibia. Tfcimilitarjjweparaticnj of the LKNDER, dau-hter ot" Mr. J*»b Alhuirr—^ «r do not !:uov thai 1 had, .'xcept talking roughly.— are dead. . Turks irrn- of thc'uiost d^aiitic charartrr. Mcrjan county, Ya. He then said if I wottld leave the pistol I might go " In clcsJDS this .«n]fnm scene. I earnestly prav The K»yptUn i5«tt rr:th »n army of 20,1X10 mca were home. J at first hesiiated, but anally gave up the that Alinisb'y God ic His icfinhe §oodntss hav« procet-dinj to thr^iJ of the Sultan, and the Turcoman On Wednesday, the l.~>ta instant, m l';tti«a Greva. pistol. Hilton said to Maston that Mrs. WoothvaJ mercy en your sou!!" •hiefs WS.TI- b\i>i!y rij-.ifed inrai«in? an army of lOO.WO Loudoun county. Vs.. by thcH»»-. j,Jr Uiu»t, Mr ' was afraid of her hastaca. and you are a sitgle fur thv a-->i>;auc«- cf the Porte. Similar efforts fllARLES M.'CASTLEMAXv of Al«-s*.iiria. >V. ^ The prisoner listened attentively to the reading iTion KYA E. FRANCIS, da-.j^tcr c: Mr. Johu man and can go boine.vilb. bc-r, snci that he w«uid" were also I'viag !?i»le in i-very province of the Empiiv. Miss ' gu along loo. We sat 'down there, talking, but a- of the senteticj, and did not appear to be as much Tbe midil.i'.icin ii'.VuRlria and Prussia wcru sj>oken cf ci*. cf the former piace. bont nothing in parifcnUir. It was- said by a.wit- affected by i; cs the most indifferent spectator in the to avert tl>.- tht>-atc«<rJ war, and Couat Ncs*olrode. with iuji^rtita •t'-«:»a!rb*'bad arrive J in London. A ness that 1 proposed to sing my wife's favorite *+j i e d : song>. ' WasBingion's Grave' and the ' Irish Kiui- court-room. However, his reflections now, in she late dUpiiinb «•> lav.lvradon Time* »ays that the Emperor of Russia haj >ent a cauHcr to Cca*taalmo(>le with night season t specially, cannot fail to impress him la ibis town en ".ucsday, the 2 l>t iintit,!,: after a pf» • % grant's Lament.' Hilton *aiil w me: ' ii's strange the demand ih :t' Mea-<cfcikatrs last proposition thbald traetcil illnes* of k-ou.-umiiiion. vrlm-h ^^c l'.>r-T without that atone time you are low-tinted as,d melan- Jeeply with 7uore feeling than he exhibited during bv complirtl with in eijht ifjy^. complaint, Mr^. M A R V HOOPER, rcii-it'of the Uu-, choly, and at other times are givi?n to levity.' 1 the prpjress of his trial. • He is probably about forU..Cjicr, * Martinsburg, is tke 31th year of: don't rucollect my answer, Jyr the reason he oid noi ty-two years or" a§e, and of genteel and intelligent T1551EE >1K*J K U 1 Ii!) 1M THK CHEK- Abraham, her ago. inqnirf! the cause of it. •1S NATION. ^, on ine IV.h inst.. J-: At V » tc.<i«li'n'V. ni*.ir •• I have been laboring under a sirang; condi- appearance. liB VjSHAXV BEVERLY. '.he .w:h y t J r of hU as«; tion ever since I left the jail. Afte: tbe officers bad Honp.int.s i^» E^onpy WORK.—On SatnrJay . THE CASE OF ANN McELUOY. Satunlav, H;h uistant, of orcup, ai'ttria very brief beer» at my house, EJiitoa, at icn o'clock, proposed nisbt la>t aa Jif-liarj, by the name of Ja>-k V.'.an, I '.l:.e«. SMITH M1LLEH, MIU 01 Ji.h^ ^ A. «n.l Ur>to go. They "left every thing peaceable &t\ quiet. An extmurdiniiry outrage and innrdcr has just was i-iili'd on the opposite s'ule of the river from lerJ. Naiieiiboush, of -Martiusbur::. .t§i-i! U yean, 11 1 hove fayself on the betl with a cigar. I\»y wife been commit tdl in \ew York, the nature of whicli tl.is place, by 4ac;hcr Indian named IX"itts, soa. \>: | months and U Jay*. was ur the opptisite fide of the bed. 1 a; p jaled to F.ig Nitts. ; • Ou Sunday, lith infant. MARIA \RMliTT. .lausKher feelings, and I wi«i tell you what L'trguage I is explained 1-y tbe following remarks of tbe New On Mowtay.saboftt three o'clocic, the eoftri -yas i terofMr. A. J. auJMrs. Olivo t* ttrisht, made uss of. Alterlyioj there with my cluihes on, York ('onmuu'dal Advertiser of Saturday afternoon : taken over Ire;.? town ia the place where th". Kerry, aged •> yean and S uumtU.4. :: I said io her: ' Why do Jon go after t'h«- j olice ofsrs~ The advertisement which anpeortil in ot;r paper v:as, aud whi!? the Iriends pf :Iiij nuird'-r-.d man ficers, and have constables running alter mel— yesterday. ::a>l was referral to editorially, will have 1 \Viut have I done that YOU shculii do sot I was iicqnaint'ed mn readers with the principal points coninjured in boih arms an;! ankles.' After repealing nected with slie disapp^ranco of Arm MvKIroy. :» to her feelings, I said I Jotrid not live -so, ami it' il youuK womnii cmplovei.l in the house of Mr. Charles was agreeable we would separate. I a>ked her II. Clayton, iu tbis city, aud the s»K-ci|uent findinu r what .'-lie would do. Considering a fr w moments, of her bodv in the East river at AYiiliurasbur;* wittt sbe said: -Weil, Dan, j'ca *haU nevf-r go to jail . i;nmist:ika^'.etV!tkMicos of brutal outraire nnil ninnlov. while 1 livfi ' I cot up and went m .o tbe shop :o | Ti,0 suj,jert was vt-rv propcrlv introduced in the en his juirvjefand shot v.irideai!. in les-siban t*'o aJvi-rtiseiiiout in another euluui.i. see what was making three imini*1:'- | Juuc^.—Ira. y there, and sae-weal into ihe | Board of Amijrmea fist eveninp. Al.U-rman Alvonl rcinutes in. ksileJ twsr rn^n, r back /ooni act! fastened the tiocr. "vVhen I went nw.inrr tbanlie Mayor be anUierizctl to offer n re- ed men Ivinjr. as .*.i 'A ere, all together, a huirid j FITS! FITS!! FITS!! into the from room I beard the rep« its cif a pistol, wnnl of ci-.e thov-.satv.l dollars (in r.ilditinu to l"s50i) spectacle to behol*' i,y any civi'izt-i! pciscn. 1 PF.USON.S who are lahorins under -iii- i!i lrr»?ias and er.terinsr: tiie other room I saw ir1 y wife breath- alreativ oflero.l by Messrs. Buslmpll, liiiisincr and S'nilA.'(Art.) lleruld, Juixi. > i ro." 1!Miv will Cud the r/.x;/:r.i/;/.f: /•; //.A /»77< ing her ia*i ' Claytio) fur the discovery of the fionrli.-li i>cri>etr;vtiiil'if.!.S to be th< - only rt'iucdy t-ver ili>i: n i-rcd lar eurCONVENTIOS. The prisoner acijuiring addition il earnestness, of this :itiuo:t unparalloled crime. AMerman 1'oi-k. in™ Kjiilepsy or Fallius: Fits. Thus-.- pill- ;I«"M.-»« a >}><• Dcnmnu. and ottiers jiro|io?ed andaiirocutcdabirecr and in a tremulous tone, continued,: Crac action on :lie ni-i\:jii-i system; uad, j.!ti>oa;;U >hf^" The su .jci-ts which received the t-nilorsement reward, and the resolution was finally amended, fo are prepared e>p*-ci;i!lv for ihc |«ir-,x>.-.e t<:: curnij; :ii-. " I could not destroy its oa!y :| ie ed 1 had oh ns to Authorize tUo .Mayr.f to offer Sl.OOO, or any i'urlUfV will Ue found of r>pccial !>eu«:!it I .r i- il peirsous Ueaxth. .1 ba>l nobody to care for uie I in that womnn. ther sum that lie may divm net-cssiry. to brimr tbe and rtrr^nTin-.Jation of the Coavcntioa wtre— llirtcd with xveak iii-nea, cr wlicse ni-n i ;!.• system lias 1. ". he':Ptv ilic Railrf'ail. Wisft'ever m}' railing-.: were, she ->v is my I'rieru!, IxTpc'tnit"'^'!'tisis outrage tu justirc. \\ e cordiaily 2. The iVirorat'li: settlement and aiiju>tmpnt > v been prostrated or =li.i tered frora :u. v r;u»e whatever. and 1 hers. '[Alter a pause.] Tlat eveninir s!:e roncur iu the remark of one of the aldermen, th.-U Price !j;! p«T l>ox. or two boxes f.u .^ -. l'cr«un* ratt said she was afraid. I di«i not harr.is-i Ler leeliugs, $10,000 hiwi letter 1« c.Tcred. or twice Stii.flno. ra- "'^T G> vermScnt of the ditiicuhies in regard to the of the ci!v euelt.>i!i^ a ri-iniuajure, -.till h a v e l h r p i t U to my kno'-vledge. Xtvtr! KEVKK ! H never cher- tber than the- brutalinurilc-rer.-? should go undetectt-1. Ti-huantrpee route. st-ut tlit*i:i through t.'u? mail, free of p:*;j;e. Fcr «alo :! The pr';.iectii'n of the Cotton Interest frnm in- bv S£TH S. JIAN'CI*. !('.•> B.tltim>>rt< rtn-ct, Kattucore. ished feelings of ili-will or hate to'.'r rds anybwly. Tiie resolution was coQfurred in by the Loard of jnrion? cisc:iininniions by iliplouiaey, x.hca prac>!.:.. to whoia ordor> frcui all paru af the I'tuoa mu.<t My character has^pen principle, ) oi .es:y. and. upticable. be addres.-td, p;_-:-{u»I. Oct. 7, lao*2. rightuess.in all my dealings ia liie.. I have been a Assistant?. f: "Let us ic-ok at tho fects of this ov-e. T'ao vlcljia •1. The !b "erinij an.1 enrotira^otnent nf ihf traJe solrijur, a sailer, and been in v«rio is parts of I lie was a yo'.tn'i woman, alioui eighteen oc r'.neteeti woric, and no man can sav that I-e\ er wronged or years Of age, well known to tbe threerespcctdljlegen- with tiie Ar.:-iz»n. Aro8o<-i> and Ln Plaia rivets, injured or had a cpite against him. ; [The interest | tlemen who have united in die oiler of .foiif) reward, tiirongn ---tet f-aers from Southern ports. 5. Dire* t ij-team communication with Europe TT NDEFl ihe a'.tthoii'.y su ! d i r i c ' j i « u ot a in the narration on t«e part of tiie ar.riience seemed having lived nubile in tbe family of. e;'.-;t'.. r»:i'l wo:i \J of the Circuit Superior C*-a;i ,.:' L.iv» and from Sotithis'n pmts. to increas-e wi'.h every success!vo s> :nten?e.] I re- tiieir conSdcnce aud respect )iy the uuiForm proprie0. Aiiilre;^ on tho most valuable form of Cotton Cuanoery for Jeil'-rson Cuiiuv r^iriUreil a: 'hi; side in Washington. la youth •'! ,:tssociaie<l with ty of her conduct. On th'1 eveiiinsr o£the 21st of May, last lerm ol said Comt. the H i i i i s : > i j ;nt. as d.mfor export. frieails now graybeaded, and nr» i ne ladv or genS iiii'l f o'clock, she wcr.t TO a store in the mi^iotiers of the Court, w i l l * •:!' r i ; »ale. beli-r.; 7. llivmi'.ini'C'.'aiion r fa behalf of Common tlemen can cotac forward and s-s / that Daniel T. l-.ctwceu of Mr. Cl.vy ton's residence, which is in Schools 111 tj,i! St.'lUs. the ilnor «f the Conn-rTonse of Jcl!i.:r-iMi i:oi:iit> . Woodward ever did a wrong living- to any family, Hcijjbborlwv"! sti-cet. ner.r Fourth avenue, on a domestic 8. T.'K- at''p:i;)'i of means to ascertain th» laws f n ."[fiintl.tu, \jt\ t.'.iii nf .-L.-ij-Ui'' ;i .-it, or lady, or any one's sister. ; it [ bad killed my Sixteenth \>i;i,-h ivou'd have.detained her but a few which Si-.vefn, an:l to inveslisnte thf prarticahilily the lullcvui'ir paroel* nl wile I would acknowledge it in the f.ice of the errand, She never returned, ami thu Ia>i ntitl'.enti^ of gnardihg-iinaitibt, thfeSoods of the •ITSpST -VALtMBLS wo/ld and *t Gud.^i w-lioai I c.rot- ;t forgiveness.:— minutes. n'ouiiuod respeflini; tier is tbat ou the and its tributaries. in Jtrlerb-.n County, the prupeily I'i'i- I M I K I . >TK>. I stand before your honor,and bi fu re Gud an inno- inforniatiini wav to fulfil her errand she »illeil in at a dry gnodi IJKII. v\7. : A Trr.< i.',: Land c.mtr»ii,;rtf 1UI .\Cfli:*-, cent man. on the avenue, where ?he was well known.— AGO()!> 5IOVE-CONVEX. :: KOODff A.\l) -U POLES, > i l\:^:-i:.\\s Laml. '•The witnesses te.sAiSed fals ;l;r against me. I stt;re The clerks were 1>u?y. ami she turned to leave the THIN. l y i n g IMS Elk Branch, and ru-.upt^i.'t! <•; ji-vt-ral pardid not know them. One oi'the tlerks jiroiniicil her immediate ateels', ali aiijoinin'4. This tract may be said in jiar" If I were a guilty man—I ha-re the heart of a ! itoro. tention, to wl k-li she replied that she wonltl return A Convention of the Editors in the Slate cf Connecti- eels, or ia one I'ddv — il divire.l, ti:e lines of dtviman—let my failings be what th- -y may, 1 would shortly. l!?t\vei:-n the dry goods store and the one to will be made known on ;he >lay uj >ale. corno forxvard, and, in the prese act,- of my God and which her principal errand would ie-.ul tier, are. we cut wa3 Iu Id at N« w Havon on Wednesday last. Mor; tha;i !-iva-;hirils of tlw papers in ihe Statu were rejircjrouJ acknowledge my crime. open lot.-. All attempts to trace her ALSO—AXOTIIEIf TH VCT. called S.»MI;K-. " I pray your honor to graa t to-: thU man who believe, some prove.! unavailing. When the body was seai*<l. An asioriali?u was formed uidcr the na^3c o STRIDKR'S '• Kiiriuiv K.irm." i--.»ii-.a.'f:irg iii7 Astands before you a new trial. . D •» not let that flag further ills Connecticut Xcvr^pajier Asiociatioii, fcr tiie purit bore evident marks of strangulation ainl CJ!KS. I KGOI) A.\H '23 POt.&S wh;ch has waived ov^r mv bra -1 i B sirift;nng, hun- found pose of estal'!is!uii» banaoniouj, social and business reoutrage, aud the strong probability is, tJiat bi-injra Of this, a pciriit'ii ba1! been Iniit o:f into lot* on ger, and thirst, waive over me i ov • as a condemned Fobnst laii. u bctw.'CB '.lie members of the eraft, and to pre- the Potumau Hiver and in that i.irui will l>e ^old ; girl, she strujr^Jeil s<> violently with the brute man. I have travelled under th i American rlaj*, *>r iNTiitui who vrere multrcatiuj; her, stad for fear of serve ami cahaac • tlio diguity of the profession. I?eso the whole traet is v e r y valuable. A - - u r v e y ot th-s and rode upon the .waves at se i, bet I have yet to defection, they itransrled her, mid. sisb£e«iuontly threw j v,-i_-re passed to the clTcc: that obituary notices, whole has late'y bt-en maiie. ai:-l a ->';>t «f il ami suffer death as an i?aucent w a n . I never knew {he corpst into the river. ?, &0-, exceeding five lines iu length, should its I'.iviMims lor sale, as well at •:; t;u- rir->t trrfet. wha: it was tj be considered a; cr irninal, and have •'Ths.t worse than robbtry was the villain's nu>- bj paid for at not le<i thaa regular advertising rate.< ; a Uas been ma.ie. antLcan l>e ceen ,.l any time at :bo my life plotted a^ainM by w;clx § d persons, who tive, ainiarcat. not only from the condition of the have, been the cause of the deat.' i < f my wife. They body,isbut gaiu.t selecting exclusive advertising agencies; ami clii^e ttl ^Vui (j. Wurihin^U'n. from the fact also that the trinkets upon Tbe lands I'lfsrcd tor sale unit- r :h:» notice, an sold my wife's clothes at publi< -. s lie, and ro-r.prop- her jierson, and the contents of h«r pockets, were led that editorial uot.ccs to promote private interest-, resobeliev'.-i! ID i e r c j a a l iu ijua!ii>-a:.il -.a'.i.e lo :n y .erty. and afterwards^ontrived ag linst my life. hiii -.113 of societies, i.e., should invariably !' • -• charged Uiitls in thi-s cour.tv, an.l the pt-r.icnji t>r lots on tl-n "Oh, God! it is a hard <-a se. God knows, the untouched. To Mr. Clayton, and the gentlemen asfailings of human nature. \V% f-an't icnow things sociated with him, niiidi commendation is due. Ann for. Poifiinar I'iviT. alioui Miiisb'e :mvl ;u!van!ajfeor.« bud r.o claims upon tlu-ni beyoml those of too my'sterioas to find oat. I t-.-ll you, judge. I McJJlroy positions ft r trade in merchaodi/.!: a«<i agricultu|T/~ A cnrious case has lately brer. Jeciilc.1 ::i tb.common humanity, made more i>otent with them beshould be afraid to stand up he re and open mv lips cause of the estimable conduct of the deceased while Pi-nsion Office In IS^IS Commoloro Crane, at the head ral prodnels. with falsehood upnn them. J ft ar not death. It TKRiia or S i i . K — O n e - f o u r t h of the pnrcha:"« domestic in their respective families. Yet we know- of one of the Naval Bureaus, took bis own life, whiii-. has no terrors to this rt;an. I fee! that it would be athat money ca*h—ih? balance in rqn:il iii-.iahnonts. at from the very evening of her disappearance Mr. sutlering unji-r an uuiloubU-d attack of insanity. l\.. one, twn ar.d t h r e e years, Iroui liw- day of ^a!'-. a stisraa on rny srayhf aded rrt ith :r to say that her has spared neither time, labor, nor expense wiJow claimed l pcnsioa on Ibe grou:i:ls that the ucca- w i l h inter?>t. Thf Deferred payments 10 be >e>-uison died a criminal. -"Tears eat te info liiseyes, Clayton discover her fate, lie has acte:l as became u man and at this point they «-ho almost treathlesslv hun? to sionii! fits of insimity, in lliu lu?t of whica be bad ]>;•.- eJ by the bonds of the pnreha.M-rs. «-,.[, approri-il a Cnnstian citizen, and on the bread principle upon his words appeared deepl r to sympathize with j ami ?fi:iiritv — and the title withheld a> aVitlithat tlw c ritr.e is the ^ame. ami the duty of discover- ishcil, were caused by diit-ascs coutraitril by exposure personal •the prisoner..] And oi;/ sisters' hi arts, too, would ing are while euijiloyeti in the line of hU duty. The Commis- tional security u n t i l the I'etVrfeil p a v r n r n ' s the criminal equal, whether the victim be linmbe so wounded if f)aii died a!: a murderer. It is ble and unknown or a star in society ; whether she sioner of Pension* dtrci'ied a^aiust the claiio. but he h;ii made. W\l. C. WORTMINOTi N, too hard. I pray God to show justice. \ V I L I . I \ M L.P-'AS, been overruled, and lh-; widow ;s entered upon the peiia'hireo doinej-tie or a beloved sister, or daughter, " I know that I am an innocei iti lau. My wife's Ixi E D M U N D I. LHE, or wife Tu seconding tile efforts_already made and siou roil as entitled to §60J free; the date of the Comfather and brother Grove her t > c ssti'iction. She stir! making, every citizen must remember" that any June -n, lS.'>:t. loved me She couid not help &. She knew I nev- female .member of his fuuiily. stepping at early even- modore's deatli. Conimi s oners' Sal«? ol' Laud. er would do wron? if t knew w.hat I was about. Ky- The sir!.-, in one cf the lower rooms on the Lawing into 11 ueurhboring street, may lidl into the pow" If it is possible, 1 pray you Jo .-jratit me a new er John Byers and o;iier«, rence Corporation, in Lowell, were somewhat starlit j S"ime prowling !>rute, who way be emboldened trial, and leave the ea.se with Almi rhiy God. -It is to of 0:1 Friday by :.bc appearance- of a huge b!a=U snake at gr.<tity his lust, if the niiinieror of Mi;j MeElroy a hard thin?. -Were I guilty of th e charge which escape uudetecteil or uupanislipd."' Jclui C..\Valpcr. one cf the \vii7iowj. He climbed up bv lutaas cf ihe was bronsht against me I wou.'d have nothing to Jacob Myers, s>hrubbcry u.iiJir tiia window, and, with bcuj ereiit, sav in defence. I would say 1 di (!'ie act, and prav EX\MINATIO!» OF THE R E M A I X S OF against was viewing the operation of the tnachir.cry, i-viden:ly God to forgive rae. There was n o s- out in the hpu=e The same. AUTHUR SPRING. with all the interest of a master mechanic. His prescnco to my knowledge. 'I tuink it wa i sint np. I don't John Hamm and know h»w it occurred, unless she d-tstroyed herself. The body of Arthur Sprinsr was taken to the Dis- not being particularly agreeable to the operatives, he [We here noticed many of the au liters in tears, oc- secting R"oin of the Philadelphia College of Medi- was assaulted with clubs and speedily despatched l>y Ttie sa casioned by the solemiily of the-, scene and sympa- cine, on Saturday morning week, and anatomically two men employed ia the room. He Qei>sarcd four fi et A. ?. Dandridcc-'s flat'?. thy for the prisoner, in view of the awful sentence examined by Professor James McClintock in the ia length. againsi shortly to I e pronounced.] I pn ty your honor to presence ot Dr. Kirkbriiiire, Dr. Evans anu several The same. : r C 3~^ ' Edward Scanlan, a dj-cg^ist in Cincinnati, reconsider my CBSC—to reflect, ne t for my sake in physicians and oiber scientific gejitl<|Oi(jj a&4 the N par*nance of two decrees tji' the C i r c u i t Court particular, bat for the sake of jus tice, and for the students of the Medical chss. cently bad tUroo teeth npon a ~ohl phtc placed in h-s of JciTlTson cu'Jnty, one prorinuni-fd at ;he Octor sake of mv poor old mother aad m • sisteri, and for mouth. On Tuesday ni;ht last, while ailcep, the jilaic The P;ofes«or, before proceeding to dts -ectthe ber Term loj-J. tl e other ai thj; Mav Term. the «akc of ohl acquaintances who bare known me i bo.ly.readaletterfrom Arih'r Spring.jr.. sivin his became loose and Mr. S. swallowed it a short 'iistaii.- e in the above causes, ihe iinilei?).'iie.i. Conunfc»sioohere in Wa-»hmsjlon. \\ hi!e lean ling a trade, and conspnt t-i the post mcrtetn examination". Youris below the pa'atc, wlien the suH'i^catian it occasion?J er.- appointed by said iJCL-ree fo- ib,- purimse. will growing np to manhoO'l, no persu i ctuld say that Spring said in the letter that he haJ no objection to cau.-rd him to awake. Ho cotdii not get it np nor down, oifer at p u b l i c .«a!e O.V.S'.l TCI! It A Y. 11 TU DA V r A wrong act was done by me. No ie can say so." sncli-an .examinatij.n of the b»ly ,i the deceased Of-' AUGUST, iooo, befoie >:••; (.'uu;t licnise iii an.l thus stati >nary, it gave b-ni much pain. The anThere was an interval of profoui d silence of sev- as the interests o? 'science might render desirable. terior portion: cf the neck became swollen and it was MartuiJsliiir^-, L-erlceUy county. Vir--i.-:ia. a:l tLe The phrenological developments of the head oi righ:. tit'e. and in;i*rt>t ot John C. V'ajp'.-r. in eral minutes duration, acd all ey»<.-s ivere now rli: murderer were characteristic ol the man. The thought that I-ifi-jaw wouid er_sae, bj| prompt iued. < al rec:ed to Judge Crawford, -wlicvha'.-in;r taken from the TWO THA€T« «!•' l^ll^D, head w-as larpe, being over 22 inches in circumfer- aid averted th .• docker, though he i; .-'.;-! in a pn-carkuj in sail! county ol Be:keiey, at siie ea»iem ba>e of his drawer a sheet of n-anuseript, an i filled a blank ence. The perceptive faculties were strong-, and coud:tio:i. Thirii Hill Mountain, one na;tt Ci>utaiuing i3-t the'ein, proceeded .to sentence the prisoner in the the reflective weak. Benevolence and otherorgans fX/-The Cmubcrland Telegraph sajv, that '.' in t!ie Acres, 2 Roods and -2-2 Pole? — ;.'ie oii.cr tiat.-!. adfollowing laagca^e. Ha was very nutch afiected which arc indicative of a goo>5 disposition were Selbysport district, along the vsdley of the Ycughoi^i- jacent lhareto. coDtaining:!" ^cr'.--, and M Poles. — while discharging this painTai bet fmcumbent offi- found very poorly developed, while selfishness and ny river aail its-irions tributaries, immense beds of The interest o." said Johu C. "Walper at-in^ an unwere large, and cautiousness was well decial duty,. his emotions at times neai ir cboktcg his firmness coal bavo been discovered recently on the property of divided moiety tbereofTsubjec: to hi* mother's dowveloped. Secretiveness was large, and the animal er. ibe otber inoicty being owntc by Mfc?s Mary H. utterance, and caasinj; him to shed t« ars: organs, snch ascombativeness anddestructiveness, Henry A. Karroo, es>|., living on Buffalo creek; two Walper, who has agreed to units in the >alc of the "'Yon have been convicted of 'he -nrime of mur- were eoormons. The bs.se of the brain was very veins cf coal of five fa-it each, one veia ol six, aad an- entire tract. der. The jnrors who tried you, if t'ley caaaot be larue. The forepart of the head was very small, other cf ten feet, h ivr bee.i opened, talking in the a;— ALSO— said to have been of ycr.r own choice', -were free anil ihe back very large, indicating sensuality ami _;rejate twi-nty-six feet cf coal. Iu quality it resembles On Saturday, 3rf Jay of September, 1853. •frooi allexception-ia iLeesticiaiion ot yocuself snd crnelty. The-Professor stvlrd the craninra of the tiie Pitub-jrg coal, which is sx'd to be an excellent arbefore the Hole! of Daniel Eniler, in Shepherdsyour counsel. They clevoted^heircielt es wiih com- deceased a " boll do? head." town. Jefferson county,. Virginia. all IB-.- right, litie, There BTSS but little in the aj>nf"araa<~<? of the ticle for raiir.ufiUurit)^ purposes. From fifteen tg twr.i- sad interest of .the said John C Wa!;>er, in lh« mendable assiduity 'throughout nine «laysjoafa:l umlerstanding of the law, the evidence ani tbe ar- brain tn indicate that the deceased had died from ty feet alx)V<? Jhese strata of cozl, extensive beds cf irc.n Ij*J«I> which he : nheritei! Iron bi-j father, Jfiini cu -nents which were Itrought t" their.cn xsifferation, any violence :o the head or neck. The brain was ore, cf the rWie»t quality, have been discoyci-'.-J, cca- Walper. lying and being in Jeifcrsofi county, Virand- were compelled by a painful sense of duty t;> very siiehfly n conger-ted and there was no si»ns sktiog cf the iiluc, b .;•, aad kidney kinds. ginia, situated at Walp-r's Crij-'-Ro.iiJ: ; said insaj that you were gaiity.- -You had, ma'recrer, the whatever of e ttrav#r«at!on. Th?re was nothing in gCj- At "iV cT.eling, oa the I5ib init there were 3 feet terest being one hundred Acre* r orfveved to him, aid of counsel who manifested great zsai asd ear- fact unasual ic the appearance of the brain. I%oth- 10 inches, of water in the channel cf vthe river, and fil- in tbe deed ot division, executed by John C. "Walnestnpss in your defence, and arped with ab'^lity in ine to indicatii hanging. Th«- d;ssec-ion of the neck disclospd a different ling ; anjl a: "itubiirg-, 2 feet 8 inrhea, and falling; and yojtr behalf all the facts and circumstances that in their judgment, were likely to weigh is your favor. condition of things. The muscles were found lobe at Cincinpali it fcad fallen six inchir* cyring the preTious These are BOt-unnsa;il advantages. T» 'an im- mu ;h congpst«d. and there was a srezt extrtversa- twentv-fjuf boors. Of the Wheeling Uoion line of to his mother for her do.wei. TL* cr».p* no w on the partial jury' and 'ths sssistanc; of (-eon:*1.' roti tton of blood. The windpipe Wa* found ro be dis- steamers, the Alvic Ad»ms and Dayid White, were at lanr will be reserved. hail a riant secured h-r the Constiintion of the "Uni- rapiurec in fr>n!. having been bnr«ted by the action Cincinnati wl-.eo the water became too low to rna, ar.d The lar,d (excepting t^a: in B^-rfclev Count?,) ted -States ; bnt the foil enjoyment o' this risrht gives ot ihe cora. This result unparailelled. so far as ihe have cuter--d iato tae evening line to I.onisrille. The will be sold free Irom ;he contiiisent cluims of she at 03 me a warrant for savins' '"* J' bare had it fair knowledge nf the demor^lra'.ion extended. This Thcs. Swann :uid Virginia are said to be aground between wife oJ John C. V/alper to dower, a* u> -*hich. protrial. was probablv the cause of the instantaneous death Cincinnati »a«l TVherb'ng, and the Falls City near vision will be made by iha Coor: inUu decree dis" The leading fact thai CartiaTine M. "Wood- of the culprit. "We understand that the remains po'ing of the proceeds of sale. ward's life was tlestrovsd by your-hand tras con- wi! i be irre-ttil this aitemoon after the examination Parkersbnr;. It is also stated that it -wili require from The terms of sale aro cce-:bird .-a?b, the balance 5-5,OCO to 3^,1)00 :o repair the damage to the Falls tested, but it was a v»5n efiort-tci repsl the eosvic- is condtu&l. ^ in two equal annual payment* -^iiu interest frooi City by the Ute hnrricaae. tiontr. which the erjiieDce irresiitiblj' l«l ihe jorv. the day of sale. The deferred r-yweru io te seV l R G I V I A ' S SHARK OF THE SFOIL.S. Ini o the de'ails.of the coarse of youi ma.rrie>l life. (jrj-ilon. J«jhn M. 3ot«, of Virginia, a,£clegate to cured by the bonds of the purchaser am; a deed oi anti the uniform eririence in .reiation to. it, I -will RICH A Uk H. LEE, The Sovth Side Bmotret is still grumbling over the the Mtn>lftii Coatcatioo, did not reach that city t'-'.il trust on the premises. not enter, for 'it cocld no£ h« done withorit iituni-' the laft d*y il the session, ia couietmecee, of the steamer X. S. WHITS, ne;it hazard of addict; tc siifferittf wh ich mast have meagre share cf the spoils which President Pierce ha* on which ^ic tiok pa; age, haviaj got "stuck ie th.: rand" June 23. 1853._ bome, and be now weigh injr, man oppressivelr up assigned to-Virginia. Jtsays: "Mr. Meadc having deon all connected by blood or alliance with th e de eliaed the «AaT^eship to Sardinia, Virginia is left to curry oa tho OLk'irirer, and thereby detaice.d 48 boon. He Frederick While SuIphntr~Spriags, cetsed or vonrself. Yoa have been i ronon need on ncgoti&iiisis at Copenhagec and to collect eonsal Sees at was, howvvi?,-, immediately on his arrival made a Vice guilty of the murder of t trotnan. and thst we man Rio. Novr, this a rather liarnlar. For the first time President tfj tJ-.e.C-DBvention, asid at the request of the rpHIS long-esrablislied ' WATR it fSG PLACE-. yo-ir wile, committet! on rhe 21tU daj- of Dece- nbf r ia •j* biitorr of the gcrernzsent, the Old Dominion is members Jr*.-. ercsi an addre«s. He adrocated inten>al A having passed into the hau Js cf tiie subscrilast in your own boose, in th« darkness nl the i not hccor«! with either a minister in the cabinet or aby the ^neral gc verameni. bers, they bey to announce to the ptb.'k- that they nisrht, .ind^ without a witness save God. This re- ' gj-This BfaltL-aore an-! Ohio Railroad Coispaiiv, and are no'v prepared tor the recep:ion atiJ entertainmart i* made with M devtre to •torture yonrfeel- ! broid. While a sprinkle of clerkships, &c-, may serve other ccntpaitjcs frcn» _Kew York to the Ohio and 31i$- tnent of visitors. An extender, pasepvrie of the inp». It wonld be hUiuicauitT to address with nn- to satirfj- the han*er of the ravenous place hncter, yet i remedial virt jes «f th«se waters they rt«em ntinecae.;ded sevwity a aisn npoa skom tie whole &rce they fail-to gratify the Stale pride of our people. They i ti-isipg: ritejj», haTtr opened an office in Xew Ywk, at essary, popular opinion dating t-aci; eighty years of society, in its various forms of power.. IS--BOW I(*.-k more'.a honor Ikiatohuoki." Andfcrther: "Vir- | the corner of Broadway and Park Plaeej for the sale of have approTe-i them. The«e Sari^gs are beautiBat it is made for the betisr purpose of er- ;mia lays no claim to office; 4o thewacU of her rapacious through ticket* from New York to Wheeling, Cineiiuufully xitaaied in Frederick couiitv, Va., 5 miles citcg: within your bosom remcrse for the sins of sons whobefcesner-Aeeapitel i»qoe»tcf ipoiU, her ti, Loaurilltj, IndUnajsciJ, Ice., aul have i^puiattil J. f.-ona Winchester and 1| mUe^ffont ,Sin*rxse»'s your Me. .which tnusupreeede, aad if lelt in true pcocle are indifferent. It a oMr in * matter where L. glemmcr a* their ajeat. Depot P. Oi,.oa the Winehesterinnd Harpers-Fefr ami tinctrr contrition of spirit »-HlBrcessariIvlend pride aad hoatr are concerted that they are sensitive." rr Railroads, aad aw therefore 4i ea;y seees* trw» 9t5-.VnTa.Tn of bees lit npoa a yoon; inaa aaioed to repmtaeee. If you repent ia hatoilitr ami broNorth and £ast. ¥isfae« leivin? Babiaww, "Prirfc and howw," indeed! \irglai» most come Fry, Satnrlay eveai«*, near the creek bridge, eorerickenne=«.of heart, and wf.l seek by Divine jrrace Waahingtbo. Ac., ia tie momin? uain arriv* ia . dowa fiwr. her ftflt* if *i« jett laytliin;. "Pride and ihronfh Ihe mediation of the Saviour of men the '• his -beadvtA laee, and rospendiog thecuelrcsJrnB Lis due tine to.diae. •for-irtae** and farrir of the^"r»ator and Jadee of honor," one woold think, oaiskt to have prevented these ears as if ibimeasc ear drops. He took the affair very Facilities for theaecomiBod^ioa;of zue»t are all l]*i««rth,tfceir«JI! be granted t» TOO. A man cdo.-.laiats. If Vitjiaii tcaB> - doe» not Tract »ome of. aiure nameroas than crer be 'era. a \*igt .ia TotT.circoqftstaBce* ipar-iiBaeinc that his situa- the loava awl S«"»e* to &cd upon, why get angrv be- coolly, by a«iia>tanee bnokeii them off into a ksg, anil. boilding baring been recently erected-. sold them tc » ecatiewan prctemt for two dotl&rs. Two tion u desperate— t&st fce eaa b:i re no nope far eteran, set thrust vpoi her? Mca of "priclp and For the iQllowins diseases ihe>« wat*r% are fooad < Gas stin-i was Cic extent of hat iaJBry.—OTptjgf nity .; jjiat as Jie U Iwwfed^o F*rith in tfcw world to be highly cfficacioa* : Dfap^ig; Uw Oia««geaerallr prewrre a dispified »Hener, lid the be mil be IDA ra that whn* is to come. Thh 9U-Wl«*i fc«er» awiwlmnl ia aa CBVcbpe, the ari- »es, Ernptir* Afiecticas, a»^&c. , and ata. dimr, and farabtttg cpeak right o»t. Gen. Pierce is wsaK -be a fatal «rrar— fiill HOI iam it Jeatreat drca, sKozid b«> inscribed M wrfl oalihe letter ittcii' a* reticaJt} alterative, ther are. nt: surpass ' eahrtating that "pride a»] hc»or" will keep yoi. We«re Uixbt t>?.«ar kit? i*H*lDa4»at nil on the.eatclop*; ojlwiwi** Ae-loa* «' t£e earciope Or-Cosch*» K the Depxrt to cmny 7ii •— steadily ia UK-traces, asdtien<fcte ACS, bawtret ccorwus. wOt iw farcicn. «a the e mistake and seriba tmfpjsm, oftuty mediately to the ea*Ui»B tint futem te mgfe at q» tigto girts iB lie bcrt places to Sarthera Free Soilei. T ~ 23. «* 1353. ta« •'• ' - • •Jane CASK. Married, CommisSioaer^ Sale of I 1 • • ;' TTRGINU TO CONTRA.CTOBS, *m vxvicu.3: cacafrr, HJ Proj*Jewrof twtHottJ, ai The /^err^^^r^uLA^ ki.t Xi- MASTIC PLACE FOil VISITOR*, b?* t-c M Ja*. Suaapw riming ii»ene Spri»_J* tsrweihrhe bea-*tifat K-xib Valley of V«t ^ « »er >n< a' th« be»t roids in tbe Suw' wi iuoacdii *s*n«rsr <«t surpassing levelJB*S.£I e [bt : fide. Tfas rari-ay of **aters, be «aiifal •- »i *3 and c< Hrlit/oi atmosphere, ren< >r it to iln-tmr ifc ,«'3CM-Vho »)i»h io spend a f-.v week* £wo th rareatrfU'e <a "Old Virrinny' style.tbe{>« \ig»tlb! p!*se of all the North Valley Sprijjs r«* watert of Orlnwry have '.em <amot*'ft> ,a«: «';y renn in Ea*t and W«-t Virginia* 1 -<>f! kni>»-.-! u be s.trnasi.7 Chalybeate, Ti' ;. : .ip '-a ir,;r in tiveir effect*, and ihe moctf tfr leinttiy «hiehN*tuie affords lor broke' btlitaltd -MIfiliations THH BBAR WALLOW SPRING,' tnr'r *%-ie:i the "Pool ot Siloata/ is the m>r»;.l is -ra'rr in tbe world tbi Cutanr'Qs •Blood fi«rt««« of all kinds, cod Dyspeptic* Mire ' 3 &i<i a certain care.Tin- -rutersof Orkney are Sulphur, Cb-?!yb He, *»Vaito. M?snafn. Btaf Wallo? and Sla*. l"y :U«trd per wp.-k, S^- B- ard per dfe, J CNtdre* and servant*, half-prke. " isle and dancing ev»rv V Ftr'or furnished *:':h t Piano an-'^St ar. •I Daily Line from Net? Marvel ^ad|idt. io tie Springs and rett rn. J£1, Ie53. A. II. SEYijf; DISTANCES ' * 50| From Winchester to Orkney by "WowIsto'V Kf»m Winrhr«ter i« Orkney by Capon af-"l 55 d'» While Sulphur Sprinirs ,i 'Toodstock to Oriney by Furn;i.?t ^ • 20 :0 • Froen M:. Jack«m to Orkney F prims ~7 n; ~: J5f Vi*i'o.'s Iravinjr Baitim-.-r<! in thc'rnor ? triin. f i f i v e at Winchester in i-me for thecve <>*thi-s llirungh ihe Vallry tu Mu Iac-;von ' Orkney Mprinjts, will tbna be enabled ffoia a1 ANALYSIS OF THE ORKNEV SPRIGS '..;.?. I L M COVTKVTS—Carbonii: Acid. At o^jOi**ric Air. S.H.ID COXTCXTS—(otirbona^i of i da, Oarhom.ie of Ma'nrsia, S-jlp'-^te of »Ma»n ia. • 'arborf-ie ot Lime, Ck'oiiJe c" Sodium, Oxi lluli. nn.vn WALLOW SPUING. • a COVTKNTK—O.irtioiiic cl M u l p h a t e of Masne-ia. ladine, ,a di* nt I I HI, ("artxin; <t ot Lime . Sulphate of [rim. OxMe «>f im. VlLCilLE AND FABMEES' REPOSITORY. Jeffeison Goroty, Set SHWNOKDALE SPBDfGS,; Virsiaia, CoS^C.aM, JuneJlat-, & OH YES I OB YES! - HI, ANSEL & CO,, USD. H5S feeaJri-jtivins: sad beaoUftl Wateriaj Pla« »Ri teuadar lie pertonal wpcrinieoi lottery Broken dea«*.of the acd«*f-;a«il daring s.fcc comio* SusaEALED f«cp«al« »HI be *ec;red by *be a«t URSUANT to a decree of tie CinrafcOnm of iT£Ute* i< Si* Caiferf .SSote, Jefferson county, in a sail in -nrhicb Au.ia woipMd n BB tkasan. in th* eonety ci" " in n»s .power to reeREAT ami f-iocf »cs iatlt ia wiling Prizes has waBo!eto»rt, Viry i:tia, ootit 5 o'clock P, M-, «>o thi> £ears!ej and other* are planuiff*, » n j JKearslcv of . attendee c urtncky-Offiee withsn tie la»t 60 nrsi^Jayoi Atigmst m at, for ibe Locks. Dams Carter and others are defendant*, ia ehaceerj, ETC. •n aa tonsucb an? EswSs J^rtSitnt Boutri, ^__ ^ __[002* . Prize* apoa Prizes haT« bjjea said and Pof Calvertaand &(tk>u if thcCunal fcom Ba<Aac- .loaoced at the May Term, 1S53, the uodersiMrc, A« Acjioa ot an to Craig's C-«*. ' ? irbo is appointed a coouBissicftcr for i be pnrpc Je pttjmptls; pail m [ tain, in tWtrs^aty of JsrifwsocfiVe "miles* south of Charlesiown the coun'v seat Payment* qrill b; trade in eorrenthanl- notes; by <tak! decree, will ;<i!. at public aoctiuo, to t-'ie Let all the iratftl-«MT wta* PasseBrers.j-avir^I^kimo« or Washington by Becidcs tke os«il rese Tatk)a oT Iwenty p*r cenii highest bidder, ia frost of ihe Cou;i-Hou*s ia on the mcnthlr esiima.es, ir-e -con tractors will DC Charlestown, on cottBtiW;iriiiic« rereivwl riie lairest the morning triia oi oars, will arrive at Har^rs- "S^ari^ bv afiiUn.it fitedin ihi5 «it.hat ; wqaired in fire ampie *pcnrity. satisfactory tothr Ftidmy the &th »f Jjutg, t8,?-j, Prizes wa« MdBocyaR* 1SS.M». EanpsLire S~t3.- ! Ferryat hsU-pasl ISA. M., from ihence ie the the ^'"""_? s..-..^.'. -residrntol this State, the •• IT appealing bv aiTulavit 8W in iaw »fctTt. ^ Deii>cdaot i.not t>^.':niiani i^iic Wiaeheaer anvi P ilailreajd ears, tea ratlcs Board of Direc* r«r for tae com pie-ion of me wori ,1112 o'clock, M., the FARM beloBgiastoihefceirs 000, Chariest o'BO SiOW, Hirprs-Ferry • -i-iihin . a twelve-passenser Coach •«•:„,.•...,_•.,>• S-,500. «> "i/vi Frederick i s»5 GTWI at tae tiae «nd is tie ctanner t-txt-i&cd in '.he ccc - : f Jotztaaa Kearsley, dec'd, ksown a^ (Tc^iilii.j, Winchester will receive srj cocve? them ioto Chat lest jwn, trans. Sit OiXj. Spo;i?ylyatia £4.0CO, Kiiir and Q t h U otttcr j ». ..-jnuiiLiiug abont is neoew»ry to protect hi. Plans of tbi ftbore »ork« will be jgxhihited by 5^,700, MaUi-fon Si^iOO, Rocibridge £3,L15, Shec- aftd if desired t ) tbe Springs Jo dinner, over a good is arrfe.-ed that thi-- or: er be.pKMbbed unre a «-wk 3 6 O A C R E S , «r,l, -r*l tUat thU order be toad and thronna i Kurt }y eaanirv. Edward Lorra ir.e. Ass *tant E.)siaeer IP P.act.anar.uoih Si,800. besides we sc-!J niacij n;hiars too * tor four Micce»i»i--ww-ss in the "Vir^n>a t r The Anal v,i • xniiiie bj- ibe late Dr. De B«;t£ from Press,* — ">e ., an. icd »peci5f ations will be deinreira by him- «5 of which are in Timber, the balance cividei numerous to tz.cnticn. and posit* a th^troti d<>or oi the C.mr. r< and po>:rdat ihe front door of ( Look out Jar Jaae, when we sell many more 100 sraies of lae w^ter filwn the main Jonctaia. House of" «fcis Coaatv, c^ the i?f*t asy ot thtf next : i»rt.and«Iso at tb«; <7>>inparv'« office ia Richmood ofe into 7 fields, with good lescing and in a high_oate Vs and after the 15 h day tCJalf. t.f coltivatioo, wiih running water in taree prizes and hop: Old Virginia will get. a pro! share Coonij-, ca ihi £rit day ot Tennor'thU'Coan. " A Copx—T f';'_ w Tf*i!> "' '*">• of them. Time wfll be latcn ler the cpn-ideraiicn ot the iod another can easily be madeaece>*iB«aT. r-qT. A. MOORE, Clerk. A HLN-.-KR P^. A CopT,_Te«e bids until the 5l i day cf Ausns:, when, if satisfac. r!e to water. There 'are IO ACRES , _ __ Jan« 5. 1853, June !>, 1S5 Muriate of Soda, 3-10 an. Sulphate of Iron, and tory, ihesc«rz.l Jobs ahore adrertizmi will- bfi 7.V ORCHARD of prime Fruit Trees. T.A MOORE. CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, 7-10 grs. Carbooaur of iron. . ot of which four hundred dollars bare !«'-. WALTER GWYKN. To be drawn on Sataiday, Jane 18. From tbe abd<~e aualvsis the waters of Shannon- ! Virgiuia> Jefferson ecaalj, set f CHefEngiuerr J. R. and H. Cs. La;n made in one year. There are LOJCMS atao'l. 1 capita] prizu of SH'-OOO 1 prize of SiOOO dale usav very rro|«rrly be classed among the Sa- j In ia? Coauty Conr;, June Rn!cs, Jnne 23. Ififi3~3t In the County Coatt, J UBe Rales, 1S3S tag on the land to loraish posts snfficisai > fence I prize oi lii.497 130 do crt . lint Chaly V ates— a comb inacion of the most valua- : £arm. llti-fy S. Forney, I do (i.OOO 100 do 500 We description in the v:bole range of Mineral j AGAINST The Improvements cor,l-.t ^ a comWhole Tickets 510--share= ia proportion. waters. Ii mar therefore be positively asserted. ; The Si^JKldMinufaauriif ANTED, a Cooper ofsttadv habits— a Kidfortable DWELLISC* BOUSE Kit axriihonl esag^e.-atioa ar f?arof contradsction. that | , An Ai-ioR of E'ibi. dle aged ctan preifrr»<;. 'Also a yoke c-f chen and all Oat-b^,^ngSr ceo;ssary so Tuxtts. Capital friza. no mineral iratt-r wriihia the liaasts of th>? United HE objeciof :r.is s-j .-*" A-tjon of D^bt. ; t ia U. attach Oxen of fair "UP, yoan^- and tine to draft— 3cd ;i 50») ithe convenicn« yi farming, sech as a 20000 1750 States, possesses the same constituent pans or is •• ah,l, ctferts c e ol <Ni- Dt-lenJanl*,, aad any {rood Brood ^Jaie. nne that wsirks well. Address 2.50 9,00 a more salutary an>l efBcient pursative thzn the due thuni. 10000 within liiiv&tte. ur »o much therevt as thesabseribrr at Kablrtow'n. J»5ereonConD'.r. 10.00 3230 waters of Sfcanr.ondate Springs. This water acts j may be sufiicieot .\i she payiseat ot the Piaiatit 81000 ;ilacksmitb.Ts Shoj, Q g'^d Servants,' Hooses 'a Jane S3, 1S53. GEORGE BACKBOUSS. 500 17.50 •21^00 as genjjv us the mi:Je*t aperient, withnu; giving ; : rjt-rai(i kcn^.iined Root Bouse, capable of hoJdIS, Jind v. .-.:s. ; .. , 1, , . 250 10314 9,75 rise to those un;>lea*ant s«Dsation« o! pain and «If- i cSaiO, •"» &"">; »:.«tr hundred L>uihe:s. Ice House, Car:i17, It appearing bv affidavit filtd ia *w »««i &* '•* To Journeymen Cooper*. 24.000 17,50 bilityso eft'U i-c-casiijiieil bv otdinary cathartics, D.eii-nJjctsaredr.^^e.'idcotsoJ-^is State, the•.** « 17, ^*- *"'x«ie, Poultry honse. &c. Also, o.ic of slio 300 iOOOO 23, ftONSTANT employment ami liberal wipes •*>t Cisterns in the County, and a Well of first9,25 by the mo-t skillful physiciatts. ! defendants are heiroy r.qaired to "PP*" V! ; sqo 2S500 Vy will be giyea to a trnsty and true Jonrneyi» :'a rate vrater convenient. 5-2.50 The free use of this wafr, acts almost iramedi- i one moah after Uu^uabl.caiioil of this order, a mojijh »i^.^ KjbUiaifc.ofTbU-ort.V'w.u;'. ad.poo 5.0$ Cooper App! Nation to the nniersig-ucd w. fl-'rn 17,50 sje-y upon the skin and iridneys. letnoves -j-otms. i do vrhat is nwwarrV protect their The Farm, is situated in Jefferson county, Va. taiei^jW" what,. neo.s.sarytn.iMotecthi, interest; .Sftt pon. Jefferson Cfenmv. • ' : Haifa mile from tbe Baltimore and Ohio Katlro&ii. 2.5U 22, 11.794 8,75 relieves the con rak-MjeBt fram bilious or other if- i it is onfereu tj>ai ii^s order i* poblfohi^onc^ a onierec that th* order ,-«.- cufefahed once a -m "'c.30 WO Jnnega. 181.3—31% SAM'L T 10'jW 3250 ver«. dyspeieia. (iropsical ssreilins^. calculon* af- : werlc ll-r tour su^i^iv-' weefca «a ihe • v"^.in,. foi:r.surcesive weekiin the - }Tirginia Free Pr#w •• .ice mile from tbe Wincbe&trr and Putoiaac il-- '*• *•! 500 •24000 175Q lections, heraorihoi'Js. scrofula, indijjestioa. rbeti- i Prc-e Press," aid-pa^] at tlie front do<ir oi we .•jad, oae.atid a half miles from the Ciiesapeaite 53, at t tf c "otth* Court Hon<* ,k Hack :ind 7500 if.QO 6.50 matism, ios* of -ippetite, exhaustion, general dehil- i Coiirt House of this County, OK tfce fir>t day ol tae f":" ^^. *£ y* 'f "»y«'»" .idd Ohio Canal,live and a halfmilesfroiii Cbarkjthe ncii Term of 15,000 400 12.5'0 itv, ?rayeij i concretions, strictures, and a variety ! neft Term ot ihis Ca;tf. T HAVE a fine Har-.w- ^A B n R? y Jor Hire byiUe lown, ;hree mile* from Harpers-Ferry, ajii a aali' .._, 1 c 9,000 3W J. day or week. Also • Ha<-*r »nd Hr^w-: -with laile t'rom the Sraitblield, Charlestown -end HJT«»f other rK«eawK to Avhii'h man »•« «bj«:«. "M*" « i DiL-criEBTV, ri). ' - A Conv.—Te*M*, 300QQ 8C.) •2o',50 freely acknnwIfj?eJ l>y a!l who have been affltcteii a carefol ;>?rs-Ferry Turnpike. If Icpation and ai!ranta«;ev fune 9.^833. " T. A. .MOORE, i GEORGE W. SPOTTS: J u^e !l, 185X J_Tj^ M22^- - '.500 16.50 witji any ef the abovr- djsea^s lhat the tree use of :i»ake it 'the most valuable'market farm in tie 2:i, 1P5T;.— :it 23, -i of o'ooq 9.QO Sbannondale water-i have effecteil permanent cures. County. 2,5J) .Virginia, Jefferson caanlrTsct sruet as, 33,50 J.P-WJ Solphur. Mitwrai. hot and cold Bathes furniihed Tfrvu of Salt.—One-fourth, cash, and ihe reNOTICE In ih.« County cbm:. yi-ne 'Rule*. 1853. In the Coiinrv Cnurt, Jnne Rtiie^ ISja 30, •Joooo li/,00 upon apnlii-atici) at the Bar. 1 ! FIE Trustee i of th« Charlsstc wn Academy nra mainderw ia one, two and three years, renal pay/. Step/ma, TAmtu J£inoin,(u.&<y F. fflfeCir*}) The Hotal is "larsii and comtaodious— ihe cotments ''"-h interest i>n deferred pa'menu-, securei! rpqupsteii tu meet at the Academy, on. f-'rU.ii/ A<JAISST THE LOTTERY OP LQTTEU1ES!:! tasfs n"merous and comfortable. IheZilk at 9 o'clock. As business of importance will ; i r a deed O; :rusl on the land. Notice given at P. Shannon, The Table will be suppjied with the b«'st beef. j The Chesaptab $ Ohio Canal Company be brought before the Hoard, a full racetins is Je- --'.U.Y of saie, -.vh?n possession will be given. JCT Behold 81,754,532 !"! ! Those liesirons of seeing the farm wiil call on mountain and v ^ l l t v mutton, t'isether wiih all the An Aciioii of Dt bt. »ired. AXDRi:W UCNTER. Au Ac'-Wn of Asstimpsit. • Capital Prize $?O,«GO. •he subscriber residing on the premises, or wishing luxuries annnled if the fertile Valiey of Yirsinia. i -fim: object o t " i l i i i s o i t is to attach any Estate June 23. 1SJ3. PraMe*'THE MAMMOTH LUTTEli Y, i ii'ormaiiou wfl! address ihe saiae at Cbarlestovvu, The best Wines. B-'andiesami other Liquors can JL at.d effects cf th« Defendants, and any debts MtC^il LIKE B «K S ALE. Js5ersi>n count*. Va. ai.vavs be had at tb-> ta'-.le or flt the Bar. To be lirawrnVn Saturday, June 25. G. W. SAPP1NGTON. S'AM'L C. KEARSLEY, Comm. I capital pri^e uf HAVE ior sale a gitn of FRESH LIME, 10 prices of Prriprietor of Sappington's Hot°l. 1 prize of 30.0(10 10 ou winch will be sol von dcVorarru>f<at ins frm-> Ap- : June 2, .Char'esiown, Jt Person county, Virginia. 1 do 20.000 CO do ply immediately. F. M. EICHELBERGER. 1.000 1 do June 2!, 185.1-31 10544 ect . ect. Defendants are not residents of Ibis State, the said ,nid All Pri:,*s and no Hi/inks. Defendants are hereliy recuircd to appear within TSnow at Cartel's Hotel, in Charlesto«rn, wheie OAL foi iale. Terras c^h. one month atler due phblication o.t this order, and MOORE ft. BRCKWITU. Jil he is ready to OPERATE m tAc TEETH.— Tickets SoO-Ilalves 15-Q.uarters730-E.'ghths3.75 rpIIE nmlcrsigned wi>hes to sell, at private sale, do whas is nece-«sa;v la protect their interests; ana . . . - - _ _ j_». „, t^m m , . [ _ . j "j ^ _ ^ I - 5 j e would ropectfully intimate thai many "(eelb, J. his FARM, situate.! in Jefferson co., Virginia, il is oniered that':h:s ur.ler be publish?«l once a h«rfi?nr success,ve irerka iftte •• Virginia F?re Suinmit Point, J 23. l£Kt.—It SMALL FRF-SHALL FRT—S^ALL FRY''.though much, diseased, however they may ache, about five tailes wcsi of Charlestown, the county Press," and posted at ihe front ' The Small Ftv Lmteries are drawn every Tnes- ; seat, and xr'ithin twj and half miles of Cameron's week for four successive wetks in the '• Virpnia be saved, without destroy ingijje nerve; thede"xEV^Z^ROC^ErfY STOltE. '.-Van : Free Press " ami posted at the front dcor of the <iay. Thursday and Saturday—Capitals £5,000, i Depot, oa the Winchester and Potomac Rai'road, rpilE sub.-crib'-r" respectlully infurius the uitizens MructifU of the nerve is the cause of mure dcepJL o! Ctiariest^wn an«l vicinity that he h:is com- :>;aieci pains ahtmt the face and head, tlis motie SI 000, S3.0CO, S2.00G—Tickets 31—Paofcase ot • .ami about one ?nj a fourth miles from" the Turn- Court House of ilvs County, on the first day of U.e • Copy.—Test#. Term of this Ccurt. uienccil the Gr"-~erv Btisinpss in the room form?r'y [''^restricting teeth is greatly more safe, ard is a:- "WJiole Tickets 3^15, Halves 7,50. Quarters S3.75. j pike leading from Middlewav to Harpers- Ferrv, next T. A. MOORE. _ CferV. DAUUHSRTY. pq. A Copy,—Teste. ''.i:n;!cii withmtcl lessjorff and the infliction of less All orders srecoaildmtial and the Oificial Drawj arijoiniug the lands of Robert V. Sail ley, John W. occupied l.v Thomas Johrsoa as a ^lloc-sture1 June l>. 1H53. T. A. MOORE._Clerit. .^ain, thafl by meihosls dependent on keyed instruins will be seat io all who uriier ti< L^is. Packeu. James firaniham and otfiers, containing where lie intend* io ki-cp constantly on hand a Virginia, Jefferson connty, set; Vv'e receive the notes of sc Ivent Hanks or Checks , about 221 ACKES more or less of Lipaestoatchoice and tror, supply of all articles nsua'l" kept '/uients, pullkans o' forceps. Tho^e vrhyiirestiffl-rIn tlie County Court, Jacc Rules, ISj Land. The Improvements consist uf at a sroccry slice, and hope* !yr strirt attention to ins pain in the forehead, lace and jaws. irou!d do of Drposit, and we r>?cit in return lor Ptizes, Bariji • In Hie Coiiptv Court, June Rales, Ib'-V. a Dwelling-house.Stable, Corn-house, Jonus P. Schooinj and Dtrizo C. ImMiie^s and a i!p*ire to please to receive a liberal '. \v-i\\ tosubcoit to his re media! treatnu-nt. The ino^ Checks on 203" place ih the United Sutes. jatislacJory certiScates and references, can be seen Charles W. Button, PLAIXTIFI;, No ri>n, no sail!. A Sinjrle Package of Tickets j siiare of the pu! lie patrouagi*. msi chant partners, under the nave u*d Smok-'iouse, &c., and a' A r. i •jis testimonials ot his skill ia his operaiion 5 . If nay draw tin; ti/ur highest prizes ! He has iist rcceivefl ami op"ne'l a general a«never-failing weli of water? of Schboley xj- Uough, T 1 arrangements are made, and the desiro sipresseit . All Letters iliiected to M. AN'SEI. & Co. will come j near the house, with a young orchard of snr!iueniolGHOCEaiRSAN'DQ.L EENSWAUt;, Thomas Bot'ler, Jja-rlfn Bolder, He AGAINST fur him tu do so, he will with pleasure srive Graluisafely to hand, and tiisiant correspiindents may feel ; choice frai: lately planted. Those deu'hich he offers at a very smal advance for cash, _ Bolder and Jalin Pradier, Sfn, DEFTS. Abruhazi Boxers, 'caatrv Produce laken in exrhaci-'e for •; tons lectures, under the sanction of the. Physicians sure lhat their orders wili b<: attended the same as siring to purchase w i l l do well to call on the subAn Action of Debt/ ii.-iii Dentists who may choose to atte'nd, in esplana- if they were Lere themselves. Ah Action of Debt. GooTs. R. H. BKOWN. G scriher at Hopewell Mills, near Leotown, Jellerst n ;;inn ol" the cay<es ot the disease of the Teeth, and During fifteen years we have never io^t one letter. roiiDty, Vs.. or on Mr. ISathan Barns, who is now rpHE object of this suit is to attach anv Estate and The object of this suit is to attach any Estate acd town June 2:1 1R53. .L elil-ciso' the Defendants Thos. Boteler, Barton eifects ot the Defendant, ami any liebts due him Al.-e nf their irri-»u!aritv, and the remedial treatat a distance will o? [.ar.iicular iu naming the presrnt occupant of said farm. S— A verf Mir^n'uf lot of OM \Vhis- ! lusQt to cure and correct them, likewise ctpose the theThose Boteler.and Hezekiah Boteler, and any debts dus within ?his State, orsomacli thereof as nay be sufEost Otfice, county, and State. The Terms will be made reasonable, and posseski-y, Brandies ana Wines, inst n-reivd acd ; jeiect* in the u.-ual modes resorted to to extrac; them, within this State, or su much thereof as may ji.-.ienl to pay the plaintiTs claim andcost.^ It has many times happened ihatwe have made i fur sale'hv H/H. BROWN.' . "Teeth, and hc\v the injuries they are liable to in- our correspondent ricU !>e!ure we have had the plea- sion given on the first cJav ot'April nest. be sufficient for the pay men: of the PlaitiiilTs claim It appeat ing by atldavit filed in ihis suit that th* JOHN CHAMBERLIN. June iJ. and co^is. I Jict can be avoided, and how they can b; extracted sure of a personal interview. A single trial may Defendant is mjt a residenl vf this State, the safel March 17, 1853.— t f ' ' It appearing by affidavit lileJ in this suit that the Dettndant fs hereby' required to appear wilhia on«; f~llt.iCf<ER:;—Prc*\i Si.,la, IVator. aad S«ga i'with much more comparative ease and safety. place you in possession of a competency for life.— Defendants, Thomas Boieier, Barton Boteler and month after due publication cf this ord«r, srd do i ; J^Sei- handbills. V> Crarker.-?, rtceiveil andfor:<ale bv Trv us. Trv us. Hezekiah Boteler, are not residents of ibis State, J u n e 23. R IJ. E EROWN. i;-1: A'pril 14. lgC«3—3t* Address,' $f. AXSEL & CO., HE large BRICK DWELLING HO^JSE on ihe said Defendants-are hort-bv required to appear what is necessary K- protect hi» interest ;'• and it ^ %jf/~ I wilj be in Srniihfield right or ten days. Corner of Saltiutvfe «fLi^iil streets, rnoWACCff M- CIGfRy.—A pri.ijie lot cot ToUnion Street, Bolivar, belonging to liachel within one month after due publication of this order, ordered thai this order be published once a week J u n e 1(1, 1K>3. . J. P. CALDWELL. June 2,1.353. BALTIMORE, M». Gannon, weeks, in the " Virginia Free J. bacc-i aud Cigars, uist received and for al^ by and'now occupied by herself and Mr. G. an'd do what is necessary so protect their interests; for lonr successive 1 June 2:5. •_•_ '_ R. H. BROWN. McC-innis. If i* sufficiently large for two families and it is ordered that tlus order be published once a Press," am. posted at the front door of ih« Court anJ so ccnstfucted — 53 feet "front, with a Portico week for fsursqccessr/i; weeks, in the " Vi'ljinia House of this County, on the first day of the ntxt ACO.\ — P.ivae Buc^n Stiles, for.sale bv of this Court. subscribers havin? purchased ihe right to HE subscriber respectfully infortas the citizens the full 'length. Any one wishing to purchase, i^ree Press,1' and jrosled at the frontdoor ot the Tt-rra .June23. R. H. BROWN. • '.friflE A. HL-.S-TER. pq. A Copy—Te^tc, jL dispose of Francis & tjart's Patent Cofecc will make application to the undersigned.'" Terms POUT! House of this Co.'inty, on the first day of the of Jeflerson and ihe adjoinin:r counties, that June !), ifio3. T. A. MOORI!, Clerk ftJCES — Nunneg^.tiniianiun. Cloves, Mace. i Jitoasters in JpfTerson, Berkeley and Clarke roun- he has opened AXEWT^NiNG/^STAaLISH- j very moderate— but a small amount ot the pur- next Term of thisjCoim. Turmtrick and Long Pepper, for »ale bv 'lies, are now prepared to !'u/nish one of .he great- MENTj'in ihe upper shop of the h'uildicg o;i Main ; chase money down, the balance on longtime. DACOHSRTX. pc. , -jV Copj%—Teste. From the Charlestown Tin-\Vare, R. II. BROWN. ; vst comforts and economists that can be hrousht Street, belonging to Mr. John Stephenson, and j iNJarch 1 7, 165:5. June'JS. CHA S. JO H N SQN. Junt-3, 1653. f T. A. MQORE. Clerk. ; Roofing, Spouting, Liglttnin<f Rod into a family. Roaf tin*; Coffee by steain.'.vith this HAD.—No. 1 Family Shad, just received and nearly opposite ;he Bank, where he will at all times i lloaster, preserves the entire strength—Aaking it k^ep on h a n . l - a ?pneral assortment Of 7V.Y j Jefferson Land for Sale. Shower-Balk and Bathing-Tub >r*nlehv R. II. BROWN. ;it l«-E.st one-third stranger than when roasted in the WARE, SHEET 7/ZO.V, »f-c., an.! will make to j J n n e 23. 1W3. WISH to sell two small Farms of good ISrasIn lbe County Court,' June Rules, 1H53. ordinary way. It prevents all escape of the aroma, stoaeLAND — one containing 15«J »j?rrfs. Henry S. Will ia MS, ^OBNflTARCJI.—A ne* article, for making adding peatly to its flavor, and requiies or.iy fii- order, every art c!e iti his Kne oi business at short | O notice, and en the tun»t reasoriabh? terms. II" is ] wiih good buildings, orchard, &c., adjoining the rTlFIG Machinerv o'f ihis Establishment is in full in" Custard, &c., 1'cr faie bv I AGAINST I -»en or twer.ty minutes in roastinp: it fit for use.— also prepared loatli-ntl to all orders for ROOFISG \ lauds X op* ration, ar <! the above inentlcn'eii Wares are of John Lock, Fisher A. Lewis and the heirs Abraham Bowers.* June 23. _ R. El. BROWN. ' Jt is very simple and economical, and the price A\D SPOVTJ.\O From his experience in hu- I of Daniel McPhersorr, dec'd — abont -40 acres in civ. rolling out with a rusli. ORTER.—Fresh Purttr, ju.st received .-nd lor • 'rings it within the reach ef every family. Coffee sjness, he feels justified in saying.that all work ; timber. The other, on ihe She nandoah river, conAc Aciion of A*iuu; ns.it. Tin-Ware, j salpby R. H. BROWN. • r-an'iot b? reusled with a* nmcti rf^«liirilr in the done by him will be inferior to none dsce'in this ; taining 123 »*crfs iirst rate Lan^ with 30 rTlIJE objeci of this suit is ui'atiach any Estate : ordinary way. KEYES &. KEARSLEY. June C3. !S53. section of country, and his prices shall be made to ' acres in timber— a Dwelling House on the same, .L and eifects ot Ue'endant, and any debts due . The assortment of Tin-Ware now crtha'aJ isei. Jun?"2, 1853. suit the times. and adjoining the Lands ot Gejrge L. Harris and tim, within this Ststr:, or so much thereof as may ten'sive, and^ll orders Irom Merchants *illreceivK He will he happy to supply Country Merchants ' Dr. John H. Lewis' heirs. For terms, &c., which be suflioient lor the payment of the Plaintiff's claim prompt attt-ptjoii and Wares be delivered at their • GEOEGE ii. BECKwrrn. . }. O. 1!00,R£. places of £usiaess without e^tra charge. AM.) with Tin Ware, and will make his terms such as i will be made easy, apply to the undersigned at and cosis. TC/ THE •It appearingby. affidavit li!ed in this suit, that to make it to iheir interest to deal with him. Mversiown, or by leiur (post-paid) to Kabletown, Stores. MILITARY INSTITUTE, the Defendant is nca a resident of this State, the t3P" He has the right lit make ami v«nd the ! Jeflerson county, Va. Citizens of Jefferson and Clarke. celebrated The Metropolitan Elevajed Oven Cook Stavr. Urbana, Fmieric.'; Cou.ily^ ^Maryland. said Defendant H hereby it-quired to appear within PATENT BOILER, one of th-most • JOSEPH MYERS. IE undersisned be? leave to announce that valuable improvements Tel out for boiling meats, i one month alter >!ue. publication of this order, anil f. r burning wood, is a strung and duraMe Stove, January 20. rpMIS Instituiion, siuated in a most hrauiifu! l J_ they are engaged" in the MERCANTILE vegetables, &r. EDWI>' R. HARRELL, do wna: is necessary iv prt'tt-ct iiis interest ; acd it and will be sold with all tijttures compete, i!cli»?rf.«r $311. J. and heaUliy region r.f country, tw» miles troui r-•/y'£'S/.V/'56', ia ihe Store house at SarnrnilPoint, is ordered that this (friier be i.nbhshed once a week el. set up and warranted tp operate well, April -J8, 1.S53. Agent Jor E. HUNT. For Rent. SU3 and $10 for Nos. 3, <f _and 5. All :peri9ns in thf Ijamsriile 'Depul, of the II. & O. R. R., will vj;merly occupied by Seevers & Ero. lor tour successive ^vteks in the "Virginia Free LEXANDER FORSETT having resigned Press," and posti-d [sitthe front door of the Court want of a good Slore, wil.I'please forward ilieirwcommence its 2nd session on lie 15th of Septe;nb'T I'?' They"have received, and now offer a full and NOTICE. , the c-xecutorship of George Little. decV, and House of this GoQafy, on she fir&t day of the next ders and they shall have'!he pleasure utseeingotx? next, and continue 10 months. The course of in- ji?ompleie assortmeni of SPRING and SOAlMER ofihe best stoves now in use, in operation in their struction is extended and thorough. Circulars ! -GOODS, af ihe very lalest and the most approved rPIlE co-pat :nership heretofore existing under the I Saving qaali.^eil as admini.-lrator with tLe vill Term of this Coin':; '^-•.v'les. They wwuld cali lh« ailenlion of the Lakitchens, and if the Stove does not ope: -Uesatisfaccontaining particulars A-ill l>e senl on applioatiuc : ± riim 1.1 AV1LL.IAM STABLER & BRO., anneseU. do oner, fur ren!, troui the first tiav of A. HUXTEO. p/;. t A Copy,— Teste. -"tiies to their Dress Goods, consisting of Silks, Tis- is dissolved bv the death of the senior partner, WM» April next, that large tVo-stb.-y STONE BUILDtorily, it will bs taken away after sixdnp trial anil toths principal at Ur!>aM. Frnlerick Co., JI/.-/. June'J. 1853. T/A. MOORE. Clerk. no <;ru.mbling. A sjood sefection of oth^r pattern-* TKRMS:—B<mrd, Tunion, Washing, Foci nnd ' sues. Grenadines. Bsrage de Lanes, L a w n s . &c , STABLER. All persons having claims against the ING, goixl Stable anJ c.".her" necessary out-build- j of Stoves kept constantly on hand, whiu'ii will be L,i2hts; 3:.GO, per session; where two are sent I jvi-Uich in beauty anil cheapness, will favorably coiu- late firm u p l u the 7i:i October, will please present ings, wiih 4 Acres of Land. This property has > I bare with any ibai can be found. sjlU cheap. .. th.'into the subscriber.and those indebted, will please beeti occupied for many years as a hotel—being iu j In the County Court. June Rules, 11353. SlfjP each. J- ?••• JONES. ! They have also an ercelleiu stock of Cloths, pay when called upon. a good location ic South Bolivar, Jefferson coun- | Junetfi. 1853-211^ Principal. Koolinr and Spoalin?. Townsend il£ f>i:.a». ! Oassiuieres, Summer Cloths, and c^her goods for ty, Virginia. JOHN LEADBEATER. Will be done in a thorough manner, t-t »njrt auIO THK MAsJQMC IM.RTEJXXITV OI' genilemen's wear.' " 1 also oiler for rent, from same date, three small " AGAINST §iirririiig partueri/j If/it. S/ai-'fr.jr Bro. tfce, and at prices lhat de!jr ccmpeiition.i VHICISIA.—The M. \Vor. Gran.1 Master Tht!ir stock 61 Groceries and Domestics is lar?ij DWELLjSG HliU.-SES, suitable for small fam- Abraham Bouxr.s. of the Grai.d Luilse of Virginia, heretv si!mmpri< ;:inj \veil seleV ted; in short, they have on hand. Liglitnin? Rods. ; The subscriber having purchased ihe entire in- ilies, adjoining-said property. 'Letters addressed to j An A-'iion of Assnmpsit. the Cralt ti> assemble a' Sl^un'ou. in the cnuniy i.f i - a n J intend to ireep constantly, all such Goods a^ teie*t ol his lute paritier, Win. Stabler, vrill tn in- me ai Charlestown, Va'., will receive prompt alien- j EIE objectof iliis suit is u> attach any Eslr.te and Iron Rods wiih silver-'plated Point5, flirajj CoaAosusta, un the 'Jtih in^i./at 10 o'clock. A. M.. 10 pare usnallv found at a Conniry Store. JOHN AVIS Jr., Adm'r ture. carry oa the business at tLe 61J siand, on his lion. effects of the D?fi«ndarii. and any debis"due him. i necters, Glass Insulaters and maiable 4*sll-'nlair*. assi>t hiui .mil the Grai.tl Omctrs in dedieaiin? llis PRODUCE of all sorts taken ia exchange for own account. March S4, 1R53. v i t h the Will annexed. within this State, or\so much theieof as may be j V'11 >e pat up in a durable'manner at lo>r pricea, new Masonic Hall of Stauntoa Lodge, No. 13, to gooiis. at the highest market prices. Having ha<i thesnlemanagemenlof the late consufficient to pay the plaintiff** claim and costs. ?I^*«M^. fim? T n i v ^ r « 3 ! tleiievolence. llpri*»i'ii!pnp** and IUniversal They solicit a call. BEKB-YV1 _JLLB PIOTEL. Shower Baths aud iiathins: Tub*. cern for the past eight years—possessing all the .adIt appearing by aC.la.vit uled in this suit that the Bv craer uf MOORE & BECK WITH. HE subscriber ha i-ing leased the above well Defendant is not a resident of this State, the said |. Dunn? ihe Summer months may be found at iLi* vantages in purchasing or manufactures goods oi M. W . E D M U N D P. HUNTER, G. M. P. S.—Having-leased the Depot r.nd Warehouse, tlie best qualiiy. and with a determicaiion to susknown Hotel, in Berryville, Clarke county, Defendant is hereby -eq'iin:d to appear v/ithin one a sood assortment of Sh->fer 8»th-v JCIHX DOVR. 'G. Secretary. we *hall give close attention to ihe Forwarding ami tain the reputation of his predecessors, he hope* to begs leave to inform the travelling public. tLat he • mouth after due publieati&a ot ihis ord'er, and do j Kstablijliraeni I'aihins Tnbs, Boston-Boats. Hip-Bailis, P«fReceiving Business. We have reduced ihe i.-om- re'.-eive a share of the patronasre ot his friends anil is now ready to receive guests. He is also prepared j what is necessary io ?n tec', his interest • 'and it i.s June 1(5, ISoTJ.— Ct 1 Tubs, Ac., &c., whTch will be finished ia tbe acait-jissions upon ?oods received, and taey are no-.v as the public. to accommodate Boan:ers, either by the day, week, ' ordered that this tinker be published once a week esi possible style and »old ai Baliiinorefrices. JOHN LEADBEATER, ' ONE X3EXT JiE\VARD. low- as at anv Depot p* the road. M. & B. month or year. H hoicsolc and Relail /humorist, » for tour successive u e t k s i n the " Virginia Free T) A N A W A Y from tiie sufi^cribcr, living in BerSuinmit Point, Maj 5. 1853—if. Spiri;. Job Work. HIS TABLE will always be furnished xvith all ! Press." and posted at .he front dorir of the Court SvuasoT to II ilKiim Stal-lw if- Brr>.. JA, rytfille. Clarke C'trnty Va., about the 1st ol Job Work of every description, connected wTtK FAIBKAX STREET, Ai.EXi.vE-Kii, VA. the varieties which l!r^ season and market will at- j House of this Count}-, oo the first day of '.he next March.last. an itilenia fd appieniir? to th"- Ciiacl: NOTICE. foril; his Uar with ih-i choicest Liquors, and his Term of this Court. the Tin and Sheel Iron business-, will b« done *it»i May -2C>, Ifv3. • HE undersigned havin?l)*en"compelled to abvinithing liusiiiew, by tiie.name of JOSEPH K1Rneatness and promptitude—in short thi-* E-tabii»hSlable with the best .hay, grain, and ostler. A. HCNTEB. pt;. A Copy.-^-Teste. sent himself lemporarily treoi his country, on \'<y. He is supjKjscd tu .have gone to Harpcrs^WHEAT REAPERS. As he intends to nnke this his permanent resiinent stall be the Emporium lor the a;>uve lies __June'J, 1H53. T.^\. MOD RE. Cl<rk. feccouni of poliiical convulsions, has determintd U '1'erry. tioned wares and Great Bargains will l>- civen '.9 FIE undersigned having been appointed the dence, he will spare' \\i pains in endeavoring to 1 hereby forewarn all p?rsor,s not Io h:irhor o'? yeside torsomeiime in this agreeable pla^e, \vhere all i's pat/ons. THOS. 0. PARSER. agents for the sale ol Wheat Reapers wiil'.-il- render ihose who iiiv*. him their custom, both comt-ust said appretti.-e. .is 1 shall prosrcute tiicm tu ii* will give instruction in the French. Spanish, and fortable and happy. .He Hatters himself, from his ! T Charlestowa, May 12,1S53. wavs DC prepared io lurn.ish all the various kinds In tae County Conn. Jace Rales, 1853. Italian Lsnguages, as well as iu Drawlag, Vv ritiie utmost extent of the law. at ths cheapest rates, among which will tx; (bond— long acquaintance with business, and the manners ! Samuel Roffli) I2f Cotton Rag*. Wool, IliJe.«, Shsep Siins. Berrwille, June lrt— 3>. g. H. BO WAN. Uns, Geography, and History. of ihe world, that he can please the most fastidious. ! AicCormick's Improved Virginia Reaper; Old Copper. Brass, Pewter. Lead, Iron, DricJ Froi' Bein» able >o give the best of reft-rences ihe perAGAINST His charges will b-; as moderate, as the expenses ot S?yinour & Morgan's New York do. ' Beeswax, Beans, Corn, ilay. Oats, W.KK! and Wheat Reaper f«r Sale. sons that should require his services can call (or i:> anv good public hoSse in this section of country Abraham Boicers, Hussey's Baltimore co. Bacon taken at the highest current pr;>es in ei.UAVE a wi ieat Reaper (Qiissev's) lor sale, iJimation to him at Carter'* Hotel. An Action of Assarapsii. The above Reapers com'jine all ol the latest im- will justify. He. im-r'.'tare, invites all to estend to i change for ware or work. !*• "• °JUSTO PAREDES. It is in ^ood o •der f-r use. I otfer it for sale a^ iirn a share of their custom. .fTlIIE .object of this. suit is !o attach any E-tate provements in articles of this Kind, and we are - Cha-lestown, June 7, 1S53—3t I have suspended farm n? operations and hv/e no WM. N. THOMPSON. J. and effects of tae Defendant, and anv c-bts due authorized :o> say to any o-,e pnrchasing :i Reaper use for it. In my iaa'i> it pruv;ii to be a valuable Berryville, April 5 J353. him, within this Stale, or so much thefeo/as may of us, that if upon a lair trial tt dees not operate inipJeuaent in cut! ing IBV gram Tops. Terms will A TEACHER WANTED, ^ Plain Marble Worker, be suffieientjo pay the Plaintiff's claim and'costs well, the Reaper will be la^en back and tl.e money N Di-trict No. 13. Obe weli qualitiod aiut ac- reminded. Ix? made knowu b ,- ap.rication to mt- near tlippon, It appearing by affidavit tiled in this sui:, that ~MAUCK'S ITOTEI,, V i i i i > r i?^ o T.tvr ft a CflAHLES S. TAYLOR. in ihis county. ceptable to the patrons of the tree S'.-ha&l wi.l * Market Strxt, Frederick, 2jar;j':ii*d, the Eiefendant is not a resilient of this State, its Leave your orders early at the Jefferson Machine June 1C. KS53- 3t iiiceive an additional compensation of 350 or $7.r.'. Shop OULD inform his customers and Cue public said Defendant is hereby required to appear wi'thiYi and Iron Foundry, at Chariestown, Virgin a, Jnnet>, 1.S53. J. J. WILLIAMS. Coriui generajiy, lhat he continues to jr.asaticmr.s one month after due publica-.ion of this order, and so that you may ail be supplied with t!; is valuable HE undersigned bas lakcn posspssion of tbe do what is necessary to pro:ect his interest ; and it iav?ntion in time for the present harvest. '[" OST on Wei^ne.- lav, the i." th day of May, be and wei!-known establishment, the .United States is drdired that ihis order be published once a week May ID, 1853. ZIMMERMAN & CO. I j tweeii Chail^si'.iwn and P>oeler's Mi i, <i se- : Hotel in Uarrisonburj. He has mst'e ample ir- for tun r successive weeks in th« "Virginia Free HEAD end fOO T STCSES, SCKOL LS, fre-, ENUIXE Cast Steel Hay and Grain Forks; coud hand SADDLL about lialt worn, tt>t which ; vJ~ ^Janure.do.; Cast Steel Hoes, with Trowel rang-men's to an-omniodate hand;brhe!y and com- Press '' and posted at the front door of ihe Court anil evefv decription of work asdoae in tLe ctti.os, BOOTS AND SHOES. a suitable rewaid » ill "oe given, by leaving intor- | '.Temper; Ha;.-ing an Ager.cjr for a New VorkFai-fortably all who call upon him.'Jje pledges his the best American and Italian Marblf». He can HE unde- r »igiied have on hand a Urge ami best efforts to ms.lce the .United Sla'tss one o'f ;he House of this County, on she first day of ihe neil of mation at the Fr-.e Press Officf, so thai I mav ijet ! .iory we warr»at every one of tne above articles in deliver all 'work as cheaplr as can be p^.-cbased in Term of this Court. well Delected asj=onment oi XORTHERX ji again. ^ [Jnne 1C, 1S5.1. roost pieasant'stopf'iBg place* for 'travellers and tverv respect .-uperior to anything of the kind eve.' Baltimore. lie finishes s'iruf his vro.':: frosa ibc A- HCSTF.R. pq. A Copy.—Teste, and CITY MADE WOHK, which will be sold visitors to be found i:; the Valley of Virginia.— c-tfered in ibis market, and cheaper. roush, which enables hiri to caEpetn v.^th an]r es JDiie9. 1653. __ T. A. MOORE. Clerk. at t very small advance a .o-.-e cost. Persons preHis JTrienris are ra'pecifnlly inyiied to try ihe June S, 1-353.' T. RAWJLJN.S & SQ;J. tablishmentin that city or elsewh«». Praw;n?J tarring this kind of Work, will find it ,- reatly to Hotel under the new administration'. oi" Monuments, Tombs, Heatf-.-iones, Scrolls or tar.HE under*-!' -JU has a Carrage with sis seats O! FOR f/ARVEST.—Grass acd Grain lhe.-r advantage to baj cl us, as the R.js ia all April 28. 1853. R. C. MAUCK. Prop'r. cy work,-will be sent free of charge to say pe»soa including tr.f driver for sail! or.exchance, as it Scythes, the genuine English WaldrW (and wct_k sclJ'by us will lie repiirftl frrg of Ciiar^f. Iii me County Court, Sane Rales," li&3. wanting work. With ample force con.vamly eznis :oo larye for l-ispres«ntpu.rpcse. Jde willeiiher T-.O mistake) Scythes, Sneads. Grass Xails, Rifles, RllEY & Mc~DAN)E,L. TJtosias McGough, ploycd,"he'i* reatfey to execute all.commands ai «il it at & reasonable price or w ill exchanse it for C rurab Creek Whet-stones, Pincers, Clout Nails, __IIi?h S,:reet. Harpers- F^rry, .May 13. 1353. '• AGAINST the shortest noiice. His materials are oTJ ' a smaller carriage/ The persdn .desiring .i! can Thompson's* celebrated Rakes, together with £ C L O T K I N G S T O R E . Ahraltam hest quality ibat can be procured in '"^^5'^ AXD SySADS.—Tiie genuine La.ve it.hy payi'ng thedt{rerence. Jt is in complete large stock of GROCERIES of all kincs (eice* jsis work cannot fail to pl«is« tns r" repair and every way comfortable. Those in want I .iouors,) Tin plates, Qtaeensware,' Stoneware, O English, Waldroa "Gi'ait end Graas Scythes, rpHE nnders??Ded has just received from, the An Action of Assnanpsit. of a'coiptortal>le"»nd'{re,uteel Ga-riage will do weU :Woodware, Iron Hoi lowware Castings, Ladles and ty the dozen, or at retail; Sneads that w(>o't trera- J_ Eastern-Cities an entire new Stock of rp.HE object' of rhis suit is to attach anv Estate to call on «ie undersigned as he wiU pa;t wiih the Skimmers, cheap Knives and Forks, Beflaieule ble ; Thompson's famous Flakes, and Scytlie HangJ. and elfecis of the Defendant, and anv der.-tsliae HE A D I'J/ A D E CLO THIX G, (\irria™e :»t a bairtin. him, within ihis State, or>e much thereof as mav E.nd Brasa Kettles^-and sach a variety of tisefal taps. for sale en the verv lowesi terms by of alf styles and qualities. Abo, a complete as- be sufacwnt to pay the PlaictiiFd claim and coit*. i May 13. 1&53. T. RAWLINS &. JOHN . JunelT. 1S53-S?. R. S. BLACKBPRX. trtttles that yon can hardly go amiss in sslcicg sor!nient of Third. Auditor ef V* *?**** It aiipearing by affidavit jile.1 in this suit, tfiat > I »r anything at the Harfeet-Ho'ase Store. A WA'S, LA WXS.—U the Ladies of our town PUBLIC S^NJLE. liie Urfendani is not a resiceit ef this State th<- ! T. RAWL1XS & SON. Clolbs^ Cashmeres and FcsUiigs, said . and county want cheap Ltwas. call at HE uhdersfj-hed will offer 'at PoWic Scle in } Jane 9, 1S53. Defendant is hereby reotj^ed'ro'appe'ar wkafa • Alay 19. HARRJS fe RIDEN'OUR'S. froct ef the Cqurt-Hpas; in Winchester, o*. '{TARTESTGOODS.—15 bbls.good Whisk.-y: vhich will be m«idf to order at the shortest notice. cue month aiter due publication cl ihis order and tJu I5tt day «f J**e> otyoj^Court day. .the Urges; XI Sagar, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Spices, Ten : above Goods are opened in the n«-w Store tlo what is necessary to protect his interest: and i: ; He «akes 9U spetial'referees b« ^ORN MliAL and MercerPotatcesllir sale by atThe stock of Msttrases. of airaescc'ip\i6ns, ever oSired ; levthcs Rakes, Whetstones, nnti Rifle*. the jnnction of the Winchester ani 'Potoma: is.ordered that^iis order be pubH.vhtj.1 OIK:e a week ' " wiensire acqua-nunce lu c.' April U. ' ' EBY & SON. in this market; consisting in-pc rt uf Spring, Hair, and the Baltimore ana Ohio Hail Roads, and are tor fonr successive weeks in ihe •' Virginia Free '< ' For sale as low as any house .ia 'town. bis (amilian-.y wth.the Feather, Hask and Straw Mattrassss; also, Soias. ejfered tM the public on" as toy terras as can' be f June 1C. HARRI3 & RlDEXOTJR. Press, ana pc*ted at las front door of 'lie Court ' : Lounges, aad Union Chairs o. the bes: material pnrcha?«I in tae cities, and respectfblly invite the Hoast: oi tiiia Coanty, on the first day of the next -J-l- May ;.. LGC±, CRAMER A. LIXE. ARVEST GOODS.—We hare ^iTTSimjust and workmar-ship. « •irablic to call Sad eiaunibe f«r ihetDselves' Wm ai ..Term of Ms .Cou'rt. ' • • • • • ed from inarkft. snd are now receiving a Terms made knowc oa U:c (lev of sale. R. HV POOXS AXD F.Q_RXS.—*.\bsU3, GennacApril js. lasH large stock of GROCERIES, for tbe presenJ seaJaae 2,1853.—1»' WM. WELLS. Siiver, ami Plated Tea aud Table Spauas and G. W. CCTSHAYT, Aseni Jnne p, 1853.' , which shtll be rold rery low. jrpers-Fsrry^r.ril.Sl^lKS. - ^ v Store, Forks, of the best quality, almost equal to silver X O TI C E . Jnne 16. LOCK, CRAMER vV LINE. very cheap. J. B^WLCJS & SON. subscriber bes« leave to return his sin w. FTMIE partnership heretofore exisUng between YMEAL, for Ktf.be a toe undersiirned. has been dissolved by m u t a 1 CoiulI Roles /cng>6. ' y In "" aland friendly consent, from and sUsr the .first cav iry number of Eashels of prime WaaiT-' of January. 1853. Hence, :i h;i« become positireAJcx&nder £diy, ... -*-~ . «xt.«tit?af \ji£Utiit:4. both red ac.l wb.tc and for which the highest Jv necessary for all accooato dus ST&UTS fc OoraSkillets. Toa Kettle*, Furnaces, Extra. Ores H. L. SBY &. th*.r at he market price will h* naid. Oce of our firm will AsraJuisi Baiters, - — to be paM *r «lo»pd. and Skillet Lids of ail nzes. oi wn evei a b v o r n basn Caaf*es'-3 7 Fr«l J wiere we wiil JOHN J. H. STRAITH, • lie bv An Actina cf Debt. WM. JL DOUGLASS. GOLD AXD object cf this su ii is 10 attach soy E-tate and . --'•— Bronze, (new ,.,.-.„ co. rUHE rery des^riplioB. and efiects of the Defrodast. and any debts due him, /' : Chraa." IJriiaEaiR, Brass -and Jan-inasd— il *' -. wtthit this State, or so tuoch thereof anmay be OITE aad Baa Marseilles \"**u, Silk rery'.arse-ajfcJrtsnefit;uoetceirtdb? .• :.?r- * as J A CABI>. ~~ - -^ to pay «be FiaiBtir* elaia and co^ts. Msyia. ... j T; gAWUNS te SON. Giafhaa and Liaen CMU, W.'irfe Cine . _ r r to«ltf<fSdavft filed ;0 this suit, that th« A MEETING of School Commis«ioaen of Jef- raBta,-a»d &*ci swoaaMe Goodk, m die create: -rtOR fcreat bargaiziut ready made (JLOTJUDefendaai UJbl^-fesidrtt c^ -.hi, Snip, tbe said US*s«of Ch«rt«w*l -* "7, at ISAAC ROSE'S Cheap Store, J%.fmim County will beheH4t;h*Co«rt-Hoose K . '* htftfrf'Wqntredtdlfp^eajr Brilhl'i one a ito* eagaged MM..-*^ •f rbe Ounir, on Sanrday, the Sack d»y ol Jaae. MaV U», "53. ISAAC ROSE'S Cbeap State, . mooth -jifter *dq»jpHh)katftn^r ibft *dW,-*:«3 dc ai ele»ea_p*clock, A: M., at which line tbe appliea. pAATTXW CtHPK Sfl**9LJSL-^87vi«,Poft i wfcai i * necesar^tci pr.j»ect his iatenrt * aaO t f« iioac oCTeachen wili be eoosidemi far lite D»- V "*.?«b«««sredOrw Palww, F, e«ch littordersd iBai'^is-order he poNssherf nocrf weejr it ISAAC RdeE :olorcd tawas ud for tour *ace«»i»« "wee]e* fu "rife-'-Virgimm f'rite ' at iae Iroat door of, tbe Goart S ,m iSik, l-sw- P T G Set; W T .T-l Virginia, Jefferson County» Set: T I _ _ !- J, F. CALDWELL, Dentist, ¥O"T H E Tu B LI c7 C N ite "S|«irit<.f Jiff rMin." of April the I • r l May trie &1. lr-'.">S. t n,'!?red to ihe p ;wh»t i call a Cbe«.'k. or iit:Miei to be u<*d <'n .lie - .sal B'>at-i. Ami in orje to be;;!>> to s u i t a l l c f^H of Boat* i nnw uSV.- i-ru iiioi'- which I •"•ribf a< brir(i' as fn««iMr. \r.d first. O M'I!« of the Boat i-i a ruV-htT. lioi'ei! fast liy one HO as to op^1? «nJ do1"; whet. rrq'>ir*:d-. w «!iicli. i« an Ir.in Scutcheon a l i in-injr t^c wo rih >!.« Ma«-'ri-work of the !< rij ; Vt-r.icall vhicti i« an ln'n rod pan-ir.? ti'i throu^ ! i the tirr-* ft the B'"! to the top of'iln iVrk. • )n ih ^•nd «f tl.c ror. ,i-' a levi-r, wurkir; likp tl And. to thr lower ?r.ii oft! e roil :i iiicl: fi met' *-t:Fki<-: at risht angles '-vith the •to fxpant. »[,•• rulihrr »-lif u rrq tired. 'hf I r-r<- a't»rhru »•» » slidrr or other !ixtnr«- c lh<* ,<-f :h •inird Abe an .! ;o be e lhat v^il cr any 6rl;cr d . AnoihtT has its inhh»r« 'O •'-> th«' -.eck, ;ind cnterin? in? oa Tubhcr .sr- 1» I" nrodujr? the ch nd lo to top in • a as I ers ck va ast rktbe ; i'wer f(-r 'o he raa-ie lfart»>feh ise hulk 1 1< the Koat <>r vessels |-ut op-.'ratvs ^t-Jireiy t.n the fmt-id-. etfectin^ what is required ty a lifter t5»i ea?v for<-e. j Thr aU'rf Checks ?rc now i^ady to be anjivied 1 t.« ti"' , bj Mr. Siii't. W. iiTciT'KH, "Agent forjihc A r.lar<sn»iih Shop is beiwrerrcted oa the Olti r«irna<-e, where ali orders for tiie f nsfji .;***i!l -nicies, ai.i:'re55«!d to 'he afercm i< nri.mri Iv a':»ndeil tu. ; at I will uUo mention hrre. thsit I have itivrSileJ ii M: irf n h i c h ma? l>c termt-d nn A L A R M , iiiyrevrnt the <•< lli'ion cif t i a i n s nn 5J;ul Roads. Jtrvon«i»t» nf a pici-e iJ' M^c^snj-m -iperated nn r-7 the i.n'ii n ol the liain. ar i a tlriver :iasj,in^ uptt-.rjHijh ihr Kail its tnncUneTV ; uns or. lor tbc ira.-lc iiul will >trike an AU.in. ur poin: ; • risurr indi;-;:'iusr tbe distaare th»t Uio ''ai:i is Irom the plai-ft wf »toppint r . The Sell to strike tli • alarm on, cr ihe board will the £sore on to tell ;be di^tanc^•. ijay he placed ,n a 1 cm»e or on a hi :i!^e, or any <*;|IT : »rcunr plaie lhat the cojnpa'n; mav elect. Tt.cy niav with i-afety lx p!s"i-d .the entire lonstb of jibe ruatl. and so at.'iiPired a« Jo tell at all lime* wl.irre me iiaiti> .ire p;issinjr. This b<-ir5 something of !<rrat it3{oriaii>:>.-. I wish to experiment on it ii'ore l u l l v IxlVr.- aj>p v i r g it to UM-. jitneC::, !853." JOHN" BAtlXETT. SPLENDID SCHEMES, i i-- >'.{ .1: t.v. iS-73. & MALTI1V. Managers. * to -J.-r -rr for tlic IvuetH i-f the >''»:te »/ P'!aieart, ' •,«»» U i l . t u r IH.*>:t. ..lr;iwn at ^.y'ilmiugtun, Dtl., 5>»tar(!.iy, Jaly -2. 1H.V8. K P I . K N D l p SCU*'v:. ' Prize of s??.7.UOO: 20^00 ; 10,000: n.OOO : ':sS-27; 3.000; 100 of l.C'OO; iO of .".00 : '•^OoftiOO; M of 200. &..?. Tict«i», rlO— Halves, 3">— i-liiartcrs S'2.50. Cer::licate* u( Pi.?*. -T« whole t: -kei>, SI 10 QO '.r>.» .to i» half do 7« fit !tio do 25 ijuarter do -'j 00 $,'1.000 : i,Lott«rv r«-r the beoet:'. ol lie Stale d ndavarr. • 1'iass i;,7, !.»r ISo", to be U-awn at \Vilining:oa, I>«-1-. on Satuniay. J u l v . S>t->. 18KI. 75 ^iuiiibet Lotu-ry— 14 O;-awn Ballots.. i l Pri«e «f ec. 1.000; 20.4: -1 ; 5 of 8,500: ' 6 of 1,000; 100 of 1000; 231 of 300, «fce.,A:o Ticket* SI 3— Hal v.-s S7.50- Ciuarters 5373. : Eighths. 1 s7.( r Certificate* .if packages uf id ^Vlmles, 51^0 (V) ' ' I),, \(o ofiWHalvn.. i»0 (HI 1K> t!o of 20 a la Hers, 4". 0<i J»o do 2G eighth do 22 30 910,000 ! .Lnt'erv far the bcneti; of the .-«*-'« of I^'airarr, C a** U3 for 1S53. to ;>e dr;-.»n at Wilmington, Del. : Saturday, Julv, IG. IcuCJ ' 73 Wo. Lottery— 13 Drawn Ballot*. 1 Trite of f40,000: 20.000 : 10.000: !£,000; t.OOO: 4,300; 50 ef 1.000; 50 «f 500 ; 40 of ^00 ; i30 of -00, &o. Tickets, 510—Halves. £5—litiartcrs, 5^.50. Certin.-aifsol Pk'»es of CC wh ie tickets, .JUOOO • ' v 4^; haJ: " ' ' -7000 .• .'.' th> qcr.r. ,': 35 0/J $6,».OO0 f Lottery for Jibe benefit of the S'aU <•' ^Jjrr««, Cia;*G, :"or 1853, drawn at "VVilminjtoa, Del., • Saiurda?. July 23, 1853. 7'i No. Lotterv—12 Dtawn Ballots. . 1 Sploadtd Capital of $65.000 ; 1 Splendid Priza ot? $39,000: 20,000: 15,000, 12,: 000 ; 1 Prize of S,000 : 7,000 ; 6.(K»0 ; 3,.940; 5D »f 2.000; 50 of 1,000; 111 of 500. Ac , & c. ' - Ti--kei*.$dO- Halres.f 10 -aaar.ers, 85. Eiahtbs »4,50. Certft. of Pl!3'»of 85 « hi. ticUels, Do to »««» dj, 85 quarter >lo do 3373 .f*)C -toe .b^nefirof the SMc •/ 174, for 1353, to be i>«wn at tott, »el., JB*i«rfay, July 3j). 1853. It Drawn Noinbe/s opt of -7,8. ••ILUAKT •cn-«i'.. . l1*rinef $37.000; 16,000; 10,000; 7.000; G.«KH>; 4,000; 3,000; SO of 1,000 ; 30 *f 500, 4C of 300 ; 257 o/ 200, &«. of Pkp. 36 Vntve ricktu, Ticket aad TShr,r« and Certi&« *tetW above splendid Lotteii*,ViJl ••* >noi»t aueatka, and a* nokUl *aeii4nvimr aent iawcdiaid* «Aerit sa *m to «U wto offer fi»* . P.J..B Vir^iniMe^i^Qn"CQunty, Sd: FOR T Roasting Coffee by Steam, B S Ney Tinning Establisnment, T S Virginia, Jefierson County, St;t: ESTABLISHMENT!! I C P Landon Acadamy A County, Sct T T T T T Virginia, JefersoMJountyTsctT I I HiilRISOSBURG, VA. W T T T Virginia, Jefferson County, SctT H L T H S " •• ~ ' ~ ^ - - _ — _ ^ •».»*! *^" ^ ' » -JL _," ^» A ^ » * » I -l tit. < • » ! ] W r^KG-^vp* larntebr tUOCK, CRAMER A LINE. -House of thi».CooBty, on ihe am Ua? of Uis r*ext Teoa of (hit Court. ^; ," 1 D*r3a«w*r* Woatawsro*. r* ^ A CopT>-T*»te, T A: MOOjtE, Cint. "StZ=3i£%?*e Jt 4 • - ' •- AND FAKMERS' EEPOSITOHY. I»«. MR I. A K B L C a r a t ire MEDICAL HOUSE, ln§irnne'i * .UK* 16, &QVT1I FREDERICK St. •CO., Anti-Rheumatic Cordial. 31O. ,B. C. mn.mnf.i..snat respectful iy annonsc!' rha: *«•» **•» - J- they Lave fi.'ruied a co-partr.trihip u> tr;x«ac"> F1 »>1 disease* incident to ito iu*naa o r.trynttim «f a general Bankiug aou Ki.-h«n.-;r Ousires; in ikU • , ih«e ia *»>oe perhaps which ocs>ni»B**» *»•• city, under the firm af SELDEX, WITHERS A \ Tbrfr.e5.jnJ J*r. . 'a. Aey 'tHeo pop cff imeaa* suflvriujr asd pay»ical db»?»iijr, afci •« • lt. SMITH has for many year* deTo!ed his CO., aai are prepared iu deal in iwhole attention to- ihe (Veatment cf Private iha»a? p*arsfa>elicit »o iiuie cowmiM-iai.'ce aai a To SpenJ tour y* »" »» vXic-*. Ttis tnttrameat is *ii!ip'.e, or>mpr*a«i;:i*f>>-, and foreign and Dmnestic Rxr.tgwgcj, Time-JKils, Pr»Complanils, n all their varied and complicated fonas. sv mnaibv a* S£t*m*fism in it* various *ad»fa»crer !ttdi"f, ar. J a»av be a-<ed without ibv si^hle*! WJA emjHf bes* - iltboe^t they wave ' mitsary Sates, Certi/ieaiesa) D<i"Kiiie, LttU-'t of llw great success iaih«$e 5oo§ standirx ami difficoit tiocs. Metiicai writers ana the lacrilir ia g*u*r« i incunvtnis'uce or the kitowledKt t*i the Uitf-5 intiDipl'Sv^ tarje 3 >d fcttef :ajr ; Cre&l, Bftnt Sates **4 Own. cases, such as w*ie torsneriy cor.s;det<:il incurabie. is aa*e entertained citfc f vnt views as :o lk«- caoM «« iste ft itrc !. il ia {o be used exierncUy. p. {uracteoi ip ccti j-,ead him to the public as votihy «f Tlwr bcart cfkac-^lj-agc. though cf Uist We undertake to make coliecacas aiid pn.vmpO? this rainici maiadr, and acne* the vaitoy of «•«i no pain or injoiy whatever, nt/r preveaiit .4 stay ose th* extrusive puronage. «: j has rec*ited. Withiu ihe They h svc but i m*re taottterin;. !o remit the pnx-eeds to aay detuned point -riUsin pound* ot one kind or oi^«r, whwa has* *ew **«"*OT last eight yeais Dt. S. iiss treated mot.- !han ?9,500 ! from i I'e'idi&g ui hisbesinessi am: wi).1.: ia at-e Ij or without the Union. stfuteu to ihr public as curatives. Tai»w a prapt* ASOBYSE CHERRY EXPECTORiXT cases of Private Compiaiats, iu their different fonr.s { ooi a »isg'e em:r-*iirfi rsni take plactr, in ; Derating ^fcsr fa«r c»3jt ra <•• a hapt must»ch, J**r th* ntptd €•>• «f ration originating entirely with th« >a&scrit«r and WILUAX SELDE.V, a member of ths fi.na, and i IBS cr:rao», in a short time, to ^ucfa an e.:'.i'T>! lha: i forMr. S coafcienslr recommended w laTslios, as »*- and stages : a practice vhich DO danbt exceeds ttial of With a h=l ]"c<; : kc x tower. maay years past, the Treei-nrer »f (kt United he caa therekire recommend it as p :-ifccsiy «fe, a» all the -Jlherptieiicians new adv«tii!;>» ia Baltimore, f OlfiiS. COLPS, IO&BSEKESS, ' itr? .-f-sa.nlicifpristUic'.vatixrof riicxiia-,ii:lQSS br anr (mourn preparation far - and not a sinal" case is kopwc wbeje'tis. directions In patrat leather t.ie we!: as efficient. being whwily Iree from aa* iiel»\ Sl-iics, will give hiscaretnl pers..4ialaueaiw.:Uiall -cureMima* caait-J by ear'.y abase, is the of fcarf, Jljcr»?«», and oilier f««ns of Conxion teriou* suuvacce whaierer. As proof of iia va.uj.financial business which we may be erapi.-.yed to J Cw««njrfwa in tn stricslj loiioac !, »tri omiiciees takers at rcasonible Brtatduta. -!«&*•*. Croup, time, *- ;hdr,i {ifecting a radical ami perananeui cut*; ble edix-Aoy, reaa tie io' lowing cs:; Scales : transact wirii any of the DeparUBeits of the G' , ASTWIA, ASD Eariy'stage, and for U»: r*I'#f of the !?aueiit cren a A woal«ioac cane, an opera * meet. therefore persons afflicted with diseases cf >be above Marca -and- 1850 A<lTacce«I Siagrs cf that Fatal Disease. CO^SCMPTIOI. A «et o' golden C-.UTOU too, The business -which onr employers aaay Rupe<-!td FHtxt! .- About four yenrs ago i was atIt combines"in a sciruunc manner, remedies of oag nature, of .he Back sud Low-r Ejtr.'Mitjies, Afcase r- «trul =Dtil tbry fcif tb* rirtr. upati the feoat the^ta? tacked with 'aiUininaiory llhcuiua-iMa;o» frctioui >jf tb« Eves, Impotence. Pin-0:U^,of the ns to transact, wili be conducted'with lidelisyaud •»sieenj..-dT»Uie with others of more rrctat do-covery, at hk> oU trtesfor sttai, icio* lu/tkal! notjiuk and tfe/mii ) that it involved ray whule lodv with aa aaoant »>l" promptitude, and npun the most reasonable ••' • and besides its sootnrr.st.sd fenfe qualities, act* tbrough Some oi»e ta p» >eir «n» to. Face, Fr;m2£Bte. Declic-i of Viiility, YTra'A-isss oi | rsi\t:i;c«l co reiaiiDeratiou \r:ji be required tbe skin genUy. aod With great efficacy, for the cure effectually * * - -^ . .^ - -* £»*»«»» tint »•••»» * «» ^^ unable t A U U i / t ^ to t u w«lli, <• * » n , or W( ev, ~ f c fB M f c k . WW " ^*^^.1^:?^^^ ^-3lf:'!, !| paia I was WILLIAM SELDEN', for his service*. His med.c ines arc f rev front Mercury •^ Memory anil Power lor Mental Apnli-'atiuji. DeHere was hop^for the sivk recorded Ion- ,So, aa<! j gjj- na-in:r heard of ,hy AQ'i-fiheuJO*-ic CoVTier tber. beg" t , wlk about of this class o"f diseases. LAtt Trtasunrr of tie I.'. S and r.U aiineral poisons; put up io a aeat umi cwnpact jec'iuo. Aversion to Society, Timidity, Se:f-Dis- j aSSUKlBCe eiS dia! ! JOHN wiTH;-Jts, ; term, aad may r* tatiei; in a public or a private hco>e, SSKSSffiJTK^1' - P'*0^ a lH>ltk cf «• ^ 255J bad »tru»t. Loi'c "I" S*jii:ude. &c. All ih?se ci-rnplt-iun | ...art tbat they Stabler^ Diarrhoea Cordial : As medic.-! science d'.scovera snd aer-ji-itcs the ken half ol it I was able to al'.end in my oUiswr or a-hile iraTcllro', -without exposure t*r hai^raiice i V&. invariatirdl-isppearas:!: onasib.eso ir:e Ufu-pped ! fCoohl eel veil'. * feather. R. W. LATHAM, IS a pleasant Milt"", compounded in agreement with from bnsiuess. and except in cases of Ttoleal iuSaci- remedi^ uamre has g"n-fb. one t«v m.e. ihe diseases ba^iaess, aad have lemair ?d free frura rj»e iii««a«« from wLica ihey emsoa.sd. " U.at atfict our isce yield to Ihe control of art. Of j ever since. DANIEL MCCARTHY, . > . C. the ruiesof Pharraaty. of therapeutic agents, loo? msttnu. CP cba «;« ol diel is necessarv. This histrnanent has i-iec examined atifi jp^rov- j At Jcngth they par', the dandy bar", STRICTURES' Dr. Smith hasJuccT?Tedanew ail the maladies we rutfer ftom. non* has cai 'ieJ mr-re i 92 Swtinson st, below Almond. PJliL L. P. BAY5f E , known and celebrated for their peculiar efficacy in ed of bv ih« hiahest au,joritie» in Etiropi: ar.d AHi« i»aal f»tc re;:rettiBR. method by which he can <-ure the worst form of stricvictims to m> ur.t«!»t'y grate iban Consuinpt.ou ot '.he ! Harpeis-Ferry. Va.. Angusi £7. 1S31. Cuiiug DI\RBH(EA-4'sinihirtffecti.jnsof the sysOf Baltimore -.\K. irj-n:a' is recoinmeadfi by Ihe mo.s: prumiLent Al'.hci:rli with ^mcnee notable, ;s. SL-bjoineJ vre nive_sciae etiUeuce thai ihis j ,Vr. Z>!!i^i->iftr~Dear Sir: It atfjrtU use ervat tem, la its action, it alloys nausea tad produces a ture in a very few days. anJ tbat withriut pain or inWashinjgtop. Dec. 6, 1350.— if Phv&ici^ns of all uouiiiries, _as the only ;cert£ia Be trici to keep from fretting. health) condition of the LIVER, thus remoTirg the couTenienre to ilse patient. Initation «f the urethra, j i0o may be cured, and tha.i Pulinonarv Complaints, iii pleasure to add m? lestimonv u> the benefic:al erltrt of p^o^!.rale g.-cind, or neck of the bladder, is some- a ii their ft ! remedy ^xistiny for those complaints, and iiss iww a»aj be removed by therry Pectoral. o; ZoilickotTor's R.h;uinatic Cordial. liar ing b«*i» caui>e it the same time that it cures the disease. And now he think; he** dead in lore times mistakes far sirlcture by geuerai practitioners i Space will QO» penuil us la J;UU>."MI lioia any propor- a3Tcted with Itheumatic Gout, or as it wa* termed coraplett ly iaperseded the useofiirags.l thebaagie, < cauurriz^ition. &c., cot to mention the t .ioe -and adTbe valuable iledioiiies above naaie-i have recently With one of the^e fair auttct, of tbo cures it has FtTocieJ. but the As.'i-.i b*;ow j ^7ome phv ? icUns7"injlamu»»lorv Rheumatism. TOUSG ME5 JOHV S. GALI.AUER, JR. & CO. natnetl. will larnUh cur Circular, free. i arc i-oll , Sur ^ ias, ,en vears t,.- mv life, ahnoat w<:bout inbeen introduced, with the approval of a number of the vertised r.usirums of ihe day, a* a-rdiaU, antiAnd loop to ztcal iron her sweet check Medkal Profession it the <_ity of Baltimore and else- and others afflicted with Neraituil Debility, whether i pauicuUrs and iuJisp^Ubls proof of the;-? ;'.*.dotes, &;:., &c. i iermii-iKT and the f«ain was greailv increased bv Solicitors acd Agents from a Certain Destructive Habit, or from Sufleiers : read and judge ior y where, and in practicis have succeeded mast admirably Be i'. also remembered, 'hat those comjv!a-'iKs are j thr prevalence of we: weather, M> -uach >i'.a* ' ' any othcr'cau^, with the train of bodily aud mema: FUR. •.NJjX.UENZi. AND \VHUOFINi; COUGH. in euricg the diseases for which they are prescribed. FOR Now when he tiiuks he feels himielf but littk understood fay the professiovi in si^neral, iilniu*: iiisuppattab'e: furtheriuorc. evils which follow, wben neglected. sh<»uM make ar NASBVH.S.E. Ttsr«., Jane i-j, lt>i>l. They tre offered to the Country Practitioner, as mediand that all the medicine in the world n^ver has, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC P1TESTS, cines vhich he can'in all respects depend flpon, as early application, thereby avokling much trnuhle am! With passiooau love near dying. Sir :—I have r^pcaleoJy UM-U your Cht'fU Peciom! I !y coiifineti to rav bed tor ttrt e ratttj.hs at s time — and nevi'r will, stop th«we losses, which, if allowed He cski'her hand, the Kerns aa suit. prepared :n agreement with the experience of seme of suffering, as woli as expense. By bis improved meth- for Whooping Cou;;:i auj iuduenza. at»i tiarVv n» be»-- j After having trie>! l various pby»ir'an)> and lenieNIXTH, EETtPEENE AXS F ST&EETS, io continue unchecked, are sure tu prodji-je the the most learned and juilic'.ous Piij >ic;;ins. and strictly od of treatment. Dr. S. can safely guarantee a speedy talinn in jiruunonein-; its rotnpitfle remedy. Vour of i d!<ts n-itliiiut i.:i!^. 'r-r. I was induced thrcugh n And scud* him .iff * Jiving. WASHINGTON crrsr. p. cmost digressing const jjences. my chudreu have b;co xdiicled witu these dise.iv*. '• I'fiemlto try your invaluable mrii'icine, ami 1 am in contorrnUy with tbe rules of Pharmacy, anil as es- and perfect cute in all roses of thU complaiul. I4OM considerable eiperier.cs, and successful TO FEMALES. Almsit ia«ane, he spm asd tell* It has 'wen a matter o.' surprise toscme. '-.iiatany aud the tree use of 'he PeilonJ b »s af»-a\.- atIor.!eU j hi'pp," to inform you, that at'let taUins one pecially servin* his canvenience. who ranjot so reaclipractice <n their protest-ion. t:iesr.ijsc:.6sri are All disease's peculiar to Females, (such as Suppresalmost iusiant rriiet'.! JAMliS GLOVER. oneot rc-'pectability ando! professional ausifmenu ly as the City Physician have his own prescriptions Hit *orrow§ to liU mother, ! ;>e! perfectly wVll (.'t'Rhco'naiisiri, anu Sal sions, Irre?ui.n:ties.4-c ,) speedily aiu! efft-ctuaily reWo attes>t llie ir>! h of ibe above Malprsierl. should c-jvote hisatten:ian to cliscai^s whic4 -people enabled to effcr their services iu I'ivetiion> and comprunded by i praciical Phairuaceulist. ••Ne'er mind." wy» she, "forsct the jada that mv general health has 1 een t!-,aeh improvrJ. others, and wii! attend promptly iu ali tni:ness gomoved. The eiJrchcv of his remedies, for tbe cure of See the descriptive pamphlets, to be had gratif of all I-!. Mct'lNTV. Kdilorot the N'a«hvilU Whig. ot every description pretecd to cure so «>iiv. If, Very *ruiy you.-.«, JOHN SELLKRS. And 50 aad court another." the above affections, huv.; been well teitsrd in au eiwho l;avc tbe Me<liciue>, for Ehle, containing recomJ. M. Z I M M H R M A N , Diu^i>', however, butihe»,6iethousandth partol'tbe fHiseries ing before the PATENT OFFJCK. Harpers-Ferrr. >Tov. I J. IS«l. fOU A CONSII.IIPTIVK COUCH. Preiiminary -.-xaminations made, and questions <neDdc.linns from Doctors Manin, Baltzell, Adjiscn, Kmsive prsclict- for the last twelve years. He do«, hot th! he'* Jacked 030111. these people brin^ "uaoo society we-.'c known, a Or. Smith's « PREVENTATIVKS," lor Marrir.l I take great pleasure in le>tiiyii;s; ;o 'Oe esce!Handy, Love, &c. PlTTSBi.'HO. PA.. Fcb -'), l-'ol. very <*iti*irt'nt opiiiion woulj be forniei. And it is of \nrclly nflnrentten and PatenUbilit v determined. Payu.;. And then it make* me »hiver Doi:t. S. B."Martin, says1'I do Dot hesitate toiecnm- Ladies, whose health will not admit o r w b o h n v e n j leut qiul;tie> of Mr. ZoliickortcrVActi-Kheuinaiic Dear Sir: For three years I have been a ill i-te«l with CX%-EATS prepared and filed. SpfdjKtatiinu pronot only the present misery and dejection, preying To tell yea, for hr drowns hii cures mend yeur Diarrhna Cordial and Anotyne Cherry Ex- desire 10 iaen'.ise their family, may be obtained as t- a t'oogh. soriistres-sii.g that i Itoquer.tly <!i-.(aired <«" Cordial, in eflVciiug what is claimed for iu 1 w»* I on the t'.ind as well as the bo»Iy, tha: is cirploreil, periy written out, and applicatioos dntwa up in pectorant." &.C. bove. Price $.1. Bv plunging in the river. •; rscovery ; iimcli of the time I was oliHpetl in sit upail pro-tratod •s-ith Rheumatism so iis to he entirely but some are of such a nature as to cffect. posterity, due form and presented. PKRSCNS AT A DISTANCE may consult Dr. Dovt. John Adili.jon. says'-I' gives me much pleain my chair, as my cous;l> >=-ould sarli"-ate me unable toattt'nd to myfcu»ir:ej.s,aij iniie-il coukt GE<IMETUICAI., IsosiETRrcAt. and PcnsrECTiTE sure to add my testimony to that of others, in favor of | by letter, postpaid, describing case, and have medi- uigbt THE SUMMfc-U 01* MY ilBAl^T IS FLED, and even to destroy the reproductive faculty, ?.ltowhen I laid down, i'lving used many re:nei!ies w-ti- •-csrcely waik or move. S<x>n a'.tt-r I cornnstrneett DRAWINGS, tnacle in a finished and accurate manthe E-ctr"ortlinaT\i tffizicy of yur fiteirhxa Cordial," cine securely ;:i;t up and forwaBMd to any part of the out much reii.-f, 1 a'. ;a.>t tiieJ.the t'U'iiRUV PJJCTO- the use'of the Cordial, I tell its iienECcial rtfrc'* jrether. It is a factthcit, when not prt.peilv treated, The summer cf m/ heart is fled. tbey may remain so dormant in the ctmsiiimion as ner, and when required, drawn iu a v:ale for prac- 4-c.; and of the Expectorant, "1I have uo hesitation ia United Slates, aiways accompanied with .lull and ex- RAL which uiu'er 1'roviilence has cured me aao-j^UKr. upon my sy»tcm. and no-< fiml'tbhi it has well niea tical purposes. plicit direction!? for use. Commuuicatio'ti consMend recommending it, as a most valuable nieiliciue," &c. 1 am v.-ith grstitui'e \onr-i. Its sun :s gone '.- ic^t, to appear in no other way than :n ;h'.'ir eil-.-cts uprradicaieil the di>ra>e. I walk wi;h tasc. ihe swclDout. U. A. Payne, iavs he has nseil the Diiarrhcca strictly confldentml. Office arranged with -separate :iEx.iM;.vATio.v3 utDE or SKETCHES, if accompaJAMES irCA.NHI.ESS. on postetvty ; yet, if properly understood, are most And studs but lorciome zhadowi from !ia» arid stillness has tjone out ol uiy l»ml>». and I rjarimcii'.s. so :hat patients never see any one but the Cordial in bis practice "with tbe happiest efl'ect, and nieii with explanation of the parts claimed asneu-. This isonc »f the numerous Cares of Asthma which easily and speedily removed. Tbabove, so inThe hills that jruard the West; feel assured that I >ha!l boon bf frre fsom the (}uthinks it ace ofth<: mast convenient aud efficient com- doctor himself- Attendance daily, from b iu the Lave been accredited to Cherry Pecio'M. L'.llers and Packages uiusl t* foil Paid. geniously contrived icstrainent, witl doubtless, in My eyes arc wcik for drouth of li>bt— morning till 9 at night. ujini«<n of :ny eneruv. JOILts* J. AL.LKN. binat^oas ever offered to our ptot'essiou " ALBASV.N. Y...April 17, IS-*S. Address. a great measure, contribute to thtick the evils of N. B. P'lrsfrnsafllicted with any cf the above comDoct. L. 1). Handy, writes.. •'! ha»e administered Bf ins Utniliar with the fact* n>«>ve Mat*d I MsbDB. AVER, Lowi-'l. Dear Sir:—I haro lor y<'ars My very pride is bowed— JOB:? S. GALLAHKR, Jn. & CO. quackery, so prevalent in this class of diseases your Anodyne Expectirar.l, in several cases of Bron- plaints will ilo .veil to avoid tbe various NOSTRUMS been aiHicled with Asllnna iu the worst lor .1. >» that scri!<e iny»e!f, C. \V. BUTTON P. M My step u like » >mu ghastly t!j:n;'s "Washington. Sept. 30. 1852. Agails. throughout the Union. chial ztfection, wills the most happy remits, and from a and SPECIFICS, advertised by Apothecaries a~ui 1 have been obliged u> tjee» iu my cbuir l'i r a larut-r 'T'^'Frprmrev.l only by HenrvM. Zoilickuffrr, That wcai* too close a shroud. Druggists, as E certain care for any and every disease. knowledge of its acmiroW* effect*, 1 can with the The price of the corunlete instrument, cr.refally part of' tho time, being ucaole to bieathe on my l>"d. corner id" Pine and SiJih street Piiiladrlf hia; nn<l The Ckarlestotrii Brpot. They ate put t']> to sell but ni.'t t" cure, and f greatest confidence r.'commen*) it." £c. I had tried a grest many medicines, to n•> purjxiM 1 . Si>ld in bi.t'les. S* each, br T. Ir. H A M M O N D , secured apiviost all observation in a box. is only Behind the hill* > f Memory, do much more harm tbau siooil, therefore avoid Ihcin. HE undersigned have iornind a C -> Partnership Doct. W. S. Love, writes to us s.hat lie has adminisuntil my physician presciibcd, as an espeiir.xcul, ) uur lljruer>-Ferrv. Va.. upon appli. .itinn tu wh'iia, $10. It car be sent, by express, to any aiiiiress in 1 too, woul.l, like the .Sun, in the management and buti:iess of the tered the Expectorant to his \vife. who ha* had the A word UxUn: wise is Mifficient. A«!iltc.-s Cherry" Pectoral, any patt of the Utiitml States, Canada, &c.. accertilucaies ol its ctiicacV can Le seen. Kaiu gli'l<;, an^ .-!'''' *'1C fricn£'y •~'l<^e DB.. J. B. SMITH, No. 16. S. Frederick St.. J3ruiiAiti» tor fourteen years, ;snd that .she is t"a»t reAt first it seeing '• to make me worse : bm in less numerous cording to order, accompanied by full-directions, Cbarlestown Depot, and hope :he liberal paironase covering from her long standing malady. It has.in a February 17. ISS3. December 3*.' . l&oi. — ly Uallimore, ,Md. That tc^ds my dcath-ccuch on ; than a week i begn.1 to experifiire the most ^nhifyiog and confidence extended to IJILold Crai, m a v be the expense*, even to the remote.-', parts of the relief from its. use : aad cow. in lour weeks, i ::e d^ease But I have far out-lived my biiss, continued to the new. "We are prepared, tu atiurd tew weeks done her more gocd than a.! the remedies coiirurv, being very trilling. she fcas heretofore u;:e<l um.er ^ible meilical counsel. reiuovotl. I can ^lerp on my bed with coinLoudoau County Agricultural lusti- isfort,entirely In being ever L'K-st The unexampled success thi^ lasirumet.'. has ob- every facility for transacting all Sixteen of the best.Apothe'juries and Pharmaceutists and enjny a state ui' health which I hao neror csBeneath the genial summer of tained :-ince its introckif lion in America, has in- Receiving and Foriraniing Business in tbe City ot Baltimore, write -'We are satisfied the tste aud Chc&iicai pectcd to enjoy. CEORtiK S. FAUANT, WATLR a'OilUR prep:tratisus knowa :is StitbUr's Anodyne Cherry £xduced some unprincip'.ed persons in New York, The Sun tbat'-i in the \W>t. Coniuijbsion and Korwatding Merchaut. AXh Philadelphia, Albany, Boston, &c,, ;o get ap some at the shortest nclice and in the uiost punctual ptctorant and Stabler't Diarrluta (Jard'ud are med cines From llio Pn»itlent u'f.AtfJWWVCdUege, ALDIE, LI.VJDOCN Co , Va . ) : manner. i of great value anil wry tfficietit for the relief and cure SPEED vs WIT.—A party challenged an- ridicul.ius things. naHed "lD>trutr:ent.s, ' which, KUWAB.U HITCHCOCK, M. L)., LI. D. January SItJtu, I86j. \ We are determined to leavi: ::o eTort unspared ot the diseases for which they are recommendfit. they A V L l ilieir MILLS iu ;iper.\'ion. They will J. C. AYLE. Mr:—I have ii!-ed your t'HERUY ether, trho was i:otorious for h\s speed of howevtT, bear nut the ai^htcst resesnlilanci". Neither to cLccoinmo'latt: the old, and all ;lie nijw Customers bear the evidence of skill an-1 care in ttjeir preparation MR. GALLSIIER — Dear SI?: The enterprising PECTORAf. in ir-y own ca>e of deep-ieatcd br<mi-:iipav the highest price iu Cash, for foot, to run a race of aconsidera.ble distance j in fi-rm nor principle, to my own invented, long whf may favor us with their pa'rona'g;<;. and st)!e ot putting uj>, and v,-i: take pleasure iu lecou- fanners ami i; ieuds of improvsmout iu Virsini«t tis, and ;t!ii stifisfi'd. from its chPinical fon>lit:i'i<'n, tried, and uisiversal'ly approved ln;trumenis, and Si*.*; *.'i. Corn mill Kye. \vill.doubilrfs. be gralifieU thai i have associated mending them." thtit it is an nilin.-rable cn,uji<mnd fur the jdiel'of. la- They w i l l prind all Uiinis of G i d i n li«r 'JVIl», e»V^e will keep constantly or: hand ;-. \atzn assortwttlt him. simply stipulating thiit the cham- j which ; re as similar to them as i!-"g-it i= to light.— Tiventy-seven of the most respectable Merchants, with tilt; Jlr. James il. Gulitk ana Mr. Hanuan ryu^ial and bronchial difficulties. If my np-nion. as !<> pion cf tho ' foot course' should carry ten j Evi-rv iittempl to sell .'.uch ''Instrumfnts" for mine mcrit of articles suitable to the vauts Of the fa nniDg residents of Marylaul, Virginia and North Carolina, Citzer, two p'uctical and sucressiul a^ricu!;uri>ts, its superior ch:ir:ii:t»r, can be of any service, you are cliau^e Flour for Wheat, or o'her Grain. — ireeive aud forward ail kind.-, of IV . . - : : ; • • . .-» other Gi>utU who have sold and alto useil these medicines them- for ihe piirpy.--!.' of establishing- ati Agricultural In- at liberty lo use it as voii think. pounds weight of any article his challenger j will be prosecuted to the fulle)-;. cstf-nt of tiie law, community, such as SALT, FISH, TAR, PL AST Ell, fyt., say, '-From oar own e.cprrience and that of our stitute aud Comical Academy ia this County.— Ii;: Baltiiiivre or -.nher Nonhern IViaikels. They KUWAR.D HITCIICOCIC. might choose to felect. In all the pride of j I being not willing to connect tiie well ami honestly which will be sold on the vt-ry lowest teams for cash, selves, cuatomrrs, we do crnlidently recoiniiifiid them Pro The experimental f-'arm will contain o20 Ac.-es, !;.»ve uiade.arrangementi v.- :::•, the rt-s;>ei.iul<le aa<i i earned reputation of my inventijr.s with quacks Ainhors-t Sept. 12. 1S48. well tested power.-, the cbampioc cried -done' and thoir worthless productions. No Instrument or exchanged for any marketaDie commodities. lioiio Publico. We Uave never known 'any remedies Amor.;; the otlii-r dislingushed au'.horities who II.ITO respt-n.-iUe House of Nexi-t-omer &. Sffnebrakrr, ol" which will bir cultivated accordiug to ihe truo printo the bargain; «hen, io, and behold! his is genuine and none can bewairamed but those tip* COAL will be dirnisht-d to order, when Jo- used for tho diseases ter which they are prescribed, ciple of science, and in which many iuierestinjr jnd lent their names to r«commtnd this preparation a* the Bailiiiicre. for ihe lian^action ul their lu>i;.t »•«. «>r t- b<- so efficient and lo give tuch eatire satisfaction to kmiwn to them tor affections of the lui'irs, ale : shed. V. W. MOORE &, BROTHER. any that shall 1-e eri.rusieil ii> their care. Rlr. Geu.. •pponent selected—not only for the effectu- orlered from myself. important expert meals will be made. And eifjrts best all.': President Perkins, Vermont Mt'ilic-'l College. G. 1S53. \V. Taylor, we M UIIOIVD iu this aini aujoiain? eoiinl All applications and remittance* mast be Erected The above nKices of recommcuiJation from members will ti? inaile : j obtain seeds !rom every par; ol tha al impediment bu tho most grotesque adornHon. Cukf Jus'.'ce Story, Sup. Keuch U. S. A. ties a* Miller. iia» cliarire ol their mills, who wili post paid. Dr. U. dc Laney, 51 Lispenaru street, United Slates and from Foreign Countries, la of the Jleilical Facjlty. Pliarmacentisls ot'liigU MandT'rof. Valentine Mttl. Sew York. ment af his competitor—ten pounds' weig/U JSexv York. ^ive his atieniion and spare no pnins io give saii>ATTENTION, HOUSEKEEPERS I ing, anil Merchants- ot* the first res-peclability. should addition to two commodious dwellings already on 1'rof. t'l»avel:iu !. Jlowdoiu Med. College. facliop. Tbe Cutapauy have MIIIHof full llown. biaddsrs! It is nee jJless to add, Office hours, daily, from 0 A. M. till S P. M., be ^ufTtcient to satisfy nil, that tltesc medicines nre the esla;e, a H'.-W building has been debigried 1HO by Prof. KutteilieJ J, Ohio Medical Coile^u. teorlhy of trial by the afflicted, aad that they are of a 30 [eel. UU'.1 half of which will he erecied the \¥atKr a'ower lo (ti.<*po«c of, th0 maa witk speed of foot lost pis wager to and from 7 tr! 8 P. M., the Sabtath excep'ed. Canailian Juiinril ur Medical Review.Old Furniture made IV diti'ereui stamp "aud class from the ^Quackery" and present year. The Lai oratory will be furnished *.• The undersi«nei certify, wrh areat pirasure, J'.i.jiuii Med 4- Surx Jnurnal. on sale or reh?. w i l l s;ive every rnrt.ioravvm?nl lo the man with speed of wit. : Alls'-' &o mucli imposej upon the public." ChnrlssioiuS. C., .Medical Review. that the above-mentioned Instrument is not only Manufacturers ami .Mechanic.*. They wuuid iuwith an exi'-T.tive collection i/t the largest, the HE undersigned having had long experience -Cure For sale by Druggists, Apothecaries and Country handsjiacst ;.ud best apparatus in the Usiittd • A Kentucky traveller, dining at a constructed <m scientific princip : '?s, but t h a t from New Jeit-fy M>diu-ii Rejiorter. vite them t j call and rxsmiiie f,.r »ht'tnselve>. — in the Cabinet-making- Business in Charles- Store-keepers generally. Hon. Henry Clay. U. S. Senator. They feel ciai.'i.lent in saving that a better imratioa holel ia Albany, was annj-ved by tha its use the happiest results may always, with con- town, as well as an Apprenticeship in PhiladelStates. Th:: museum will contain Geological "K. H. STABLER. & CO. 7lon. (;•?!) 1>J l n t h a , Am. Amt>;is.s->dor to Turkey, tor all kinds ul' Manufacturing business, cacs.'i be specimens, Minerals, Fossils, Shell and also Mod1 showing off of some of tho met bcrs of As- fidence be anticipate:; there borur. for the i-ure of phia, respectfully offers his services to vi-.it the Wltoltiale Druggitlt, 120 Pratt Street. Baltimore. (ien. Kininii' ! I'ali.es. I'rcsidf'l ct'Ctiili. those ilispases. NO OTHER CURTAIN ElEME- Housekeepers of the county at their house;-, and tbnnd. . . .... . els. Draughts vind Catalogues of Agricultural MaACEXT in Chariestomn, Tho. Rawlins & Son ; HarRt. Uov. F.il. 1 iiwfr, Lord Bishop iifTuroiao. other from eembly, who kept calling eacl They have obta;^?-.! a Charter fur a Bridge aero.** DY EXTANT. pers-Ferry, T.1J. llimmond; tt~incJies(er, L. P. Hart- chine:*, Impi-rnentsauu Tools. And for the coavelit. Rev. liist.i'p Keesp. of the Melh. Kpis. Church. Alter, Repair, Varnish am!2)rc~;s, their respective counties, after this fashion HSNRY S. KELLER. M.D. '.!.>• Shenandoah rirer ;:. their n!;- •>•. tthica, Wien man ; Sliddltloicn, J, S. Danner 4- Son ; ?fe>ctmcn, niencr <$ ma-ing and repairing apparatus a workArchbis'ioj" I'ur.-cil.ot Cinciiinali. Ohio. in any manner desired, all art-clesol OH. GmT7.E. At D..0fi Chambers street, construct. -d and Roai's ma^e. ^rll' uw:; u> the $uq. John Allcmong Sr S(a ; and by Merchants geairajly. —' I'll thank the eentletnan fr m OneiJa,' shop will benttsrltyj with Turuing ^.'ailie, bli-.!e Al*o miiny tni'.neut iicrsonages in foreign cc^utries. FURXITURK ; C.ECKMARDT.M.D.,24 Howard street, February 3, 1S53.—ly Not p'tly in tlii; mere dani;t'rous and «fistiesblhg d:s. settleui-.-n'.< in the Valley oj .Louoou'*, »nd "ive a Res.1 ninl all necessary !oo!s for working iu wooil, &.C., &c. — whereupon tho Kei uckian said , that may need renovating, No i,iatt-!r what may \ JSVir Vork. eases of th< Lun^s. hut :«l.«o as :i family med"cme for more direct communitriiion with Harpers-Fcirv iron and bra?s. Full courses of Lectures will i>« 1 thank the to the huge darkee waiter, ' I ^g" DR. DR LAVET is prfparcd lo execute all be the wc-rk rcii»ired, be will &;ienJ to H with A LARGE A 2TD SFLEXDl D delivered, which \vi!l be illustrated viih several occasion::' u.se, il is l.hc ialVst, p'eataulest and IA bL Ia ami Charle.stov. n, ai.d mu>t sive lo this pla're atltbe work!. gentleman from Africa for a sli • of hatn.' — ordtrs -."or ftiraicai apparatus, vi/..: Artifi'';:;! Arms ' promptness anil fidelity, and hi.i cha'rgcs will be ditional atlvaiilaces. They £;k a ihare ol the pubthousand tisritil and interesiing experiments. Hrepao-d in-I <i,!i! hv James C. Ajer, I'ra>. tical aud lic iillCieal aiid ; , . ' • . - : - JThis cooled ofF tiie fashion of at Ircssing the and L-;-i. which move like naUt:-al ineinl-.i.s; Ap- most 'reasonable. Th? insiru tinn will be thorcug'i acd praciical, Analytical CheiiaM. I.owejl, MaNS. Ileierence as to his capacity raay be made to paratus for Luxation; for CoiKracted Lr-»s. for ISAAO C i R E G O R V , Ager.:. embracing Nfattreoiatics, Me--hanic.s, Chriuis.iry eo, and so. -"or sa!f by t carvat.ireot the Spine and Wai-'.; for F*!:-^ Joints Mewrs. Leon and Sadler. Humphrey Keyes. tlohert Shenandoah '*ity. Feb. 3, I.S53. and other brnuches of Science and j\rt, in their apat Cost, for Cash 1.. M. SMITH, ICg^A curiosity greater thaa any ever ei- of the Arms and Knees; frr P ualytic L>-e*; lor T. Brown, Wells J. Hawks, audothe soi Charlesplicn'.iun to Inarming and Farm purpcs-es. . I'c, Cfoirltst Two IHiiudred Rfain^ Paper Pariicular aueutiun will be pain lo Afrrictil'tiral hibited here, ha.- just heen dis jvered by a Club Foot; for Lacrymal Pistuit*-. for KiiiMng of town. HE undersigned having sold his Property, inT, D. IIAMMOM;. ATH Post, jrnilt edge aad pljiin; Letter, Cap. Anv one desirin? his services will plense apply the Rr -turn; Hypperastrtc B e l t , Feds and Chairs Chenii^try — Preparation of Pure.Cbeinicals — Maiiry, Va. cluding his Store House to the government, of this city. liitlserto respect ,ble inhabitaat ^; Oih'ce Envelopeanii Wrapping Paper oi to him personally in Charlestown, or tlimugh the has determined lo close his business in the Mer- agement ef waier courses — Principk-s nl irrigation for Sit -c Persons; Crutches, Tt usses. *c ; OrthoS. II. FORNKY, It is a n;an thzt saw the saw tl it sawed the pedic Corset*. &c.. &•:. All work warranted; Let- Post Omce. all descriptions; l<onne( Roan's. Ai- . jus! received GEO. 11. EVEIUTT. Jin. ^7 , I'a. — Au:»l\rsis ot Soils— Construction of Farm Buili;1.0 cacuile line. He therefore offers his extensive and for sale cheap by G It. CCFFilOTJl, SenleiTiher 2. 1R52 tf. pino plank that produced the d ist by which ters ina-^t be post pai'!, contain:ug a proportionate incs— Estimates of Lumber— Planting. Budtlinrr, STOCK 01' GOODS, April -22. Opposiis thi- Conrt-Hou-e. T«i> Grafiiiijr, P r u n i n g and cultivaiion ot Fmir Trees n friend was enabled to ' plai k down the reinitinn'-e or city reference. which has been purchased as low as any S'.ock in — And iu fine every thing important \i. ihe practiJunr 2, l«-:53—ly Coats, Pants and Vests. and Adjoining dust.1 He has been caged. the Valley of Virginia, anJ all Fresh Goods, he cal farmer aiiti men of business. ; 1 F you want a suit of CLOTHES, o! sound ma•r.") f \ f } ( ] FINE Olii K e r a l i n , Plantation, La ("having been iu b-isinessunly about two years. — Caaatiesi I sliall die bappy, sairtan ~ I'FofessoF Mex. C. Barr>'»' To rumpk v the di-sljus of this Institution wiil terial and oi excellent style a^'.d n.-aVe, call on • / - — j U U v ' Nornia anil Pi^ncipfi; Sftjar-; B)COPH_EROUS, or Me : icat.-d C.j;»pound, WILLIAM J. STEPUE.ss,.Merchatit Tailor.cprper of This assortment consists in part of the following require an in, -.'ay ol -ID to 50 thousand dollars, and busband to his wife who was wiping by his !.". i«;t» Old H a v a n n a . Ilii'f a-.-ii Casjaboris S-rpirs; CXTLEM2N:—You no doubt h^ve-een my 10,00(1 Jenny Lind ; a.;-o S;x.ui»j» onct, and a vaif it receives :hat patronage which is iiope-l fo-- and f.ir beautify ing. curling, p:.-serving, rrstoi ing. Shenandoah and Bridge streets, near Mi*. Carrell's articles, viz : bedside, 'if you will only promise not to Plain, Black, Changeable, riaiil, Striped and nuiuiTu!].- aJvertiscmeats c u t i c t n i l j i ^ my expeU'-'d. no i-rpen&e viiil be spared to make it '.he strengthening th-- hair, r - l i e v i n g disfasts of Hotel, Harpers-Ferry, Va., where will be found at riety ul oiiicr line hrani!^.intrry the oLjec! af my unceasing jealousy, and Figured Silk; ; best iristiuui./r. of the kind in the World. If now Croup and ^Istinitu Syrup, and ot ils succe> -. Now OC rtOu Spanish ilu., 4:', 000 Half Spanish do. the s«.n, curing rheumatic pai::s, and healing ex- all times a lar^e assortment ot : Silk Ti^ues ol various patterns ; y»ar cousin Charles.' Makc yourself quite •.ernal wounds. Dounded by no :tecg- aphicSl lines, yo'ir bleedthe aiivocatt-s t.f improvemen; arercal.'y in earnest lei iu-' huinl-iy ask of you to lay aside All of which will be Mild v. rv low. -; Illusions, Tarltons, ana Sarcenets ; they will take :his enterprise by the hand a no help inp, blist-ring, scarifying, and j:i\ r.s lar_:e ilnses fla;y,'iny love,' sobbed the expectant widow, the reputation of Barrv's Tricoi lierotis pervades the Cloths, CassitriCFCS * G. K.'COKFKOTH, Barages of every qaality ; Baragv De Lains ; and other seasonable goods for Men's wear, which of Calutai'l H) 'thil.iren in ca^t• ol i-ioup. anti puril a'long, oy living a go.jd list ot students jit the Union. The sales ol the artici-- ol late ye;w*« have A p r i l ihJ. Opposi'c the Couit-Hnure. 'I am engaged to his brother.' Muslins and Lawns; Mourning Lawns; will be manufactured to order iti '.he best style and chase of vo-ir !i>i;ni>leservarii tbe receipt t» prepare comi.-K-nceni'-ut. It is honed tbal every county in increased in a ratio that almost eiceeds beli-jf— Swiss, plain, and figured Muslins; 53" One of the Birders of tbe mare's nest Profcf.sor Barry, after a careful exai"inati>iri of his at >hort notice. the Slate 'A-ill send at least one student the first sct- a mil'i, plea>ai't Iteraedv. btih tc ^ive ana to take, Tobacco.' T«»baccaTf~ Cambrics and Jaconets do.; Poplins ; Also, a larg.: assortment of CLOTSHiG, or sugive sntistactinn in ca-e r-t suiii. Anii •:!i.'l.t the diiTercnt Asriculiurai Sot ieiies which wili always O ;'T ll'.J.'CKS Tohaccu, various anil .«nperh has procured some grass from the 'path of ; sales. LcoS:, finds that :he uuniter of bottU's deliver: Super Curtain Muslin:* of various pattern* ; w i l l a'teit;ti:i i.ow taany s'.udeut-i can be sen. from croups, i/callec i>n n time. Donoiconsider.irentleOt* l>raiuis. Prime a;tk-le> Tor ed to ordt-r in quanti.ios ot fn-in half a p'oss up- perior quality, to which the attention oi' gentlemen rectitude.' Ginghams and Calicoes all patterns and prices; their respmv.'t; distrirt-s and fonvard. a iisl is particularly invited, as much of it is ;;otten up the j »enileint-n, ih:<t you are stooping too lov. tp pur- Just received aud for sale ve.y lorf hv Wo fear this path mast be sadly over- ward-; during the year 1S30, v. as wuhin.a trifle ot in a style not inferior to the best ordered -voric. Ladies super Linen HtlkYs. from 5U cis. up; chise oi me, l<c(:aii«e f have lieen raised :n ('ne of same by tae Isi day of December next. G. 1:. COFFP 950,000. Gentlemec's Linen and Silk tldk'ts.; grown with grass; there ore so few who Also a great variety of Furnish:ng-Ariicles,.such Th: losLl iii: wiil be opened for (be reception nt your neighboring Counties; it is jiisins ^ood to \Vinchester.April2--. Op| o-itr^h.-Conit-Hi-nse. his unnecessary tn presents: length the evidence Colored aud Black Cravats-; Stud-'i'ts on ihe ls:ol March, 1854. Terms, inclu- you, if it cares, as i f y o u h:u! ?"Uen it ot ihe Kinp of the wonderful properties of th-- tricopheri.nis when as Shirts, Drawers, Cravats, Gluves, Subrjerulers, tnvel in it. BOXES hall pound 1 amp Tobacco, ju*t r»Crape and Csihiner Shawls, of various sizes acd ding a.lespei.sesei-'cept Bodies and Stauimery S-i'O of Eni.'laiiil, and it -s'well known that •»!)!• regular j &e., comprising a complete as<ortn ent ol every |CJ* Hearing a physician remark that a the public have furnished such an endorsement as thing necessary to complete a gen ilfmtin's uardrobe. ceiired and ior sate low, vrhoif-ate anH reprices; presctiliinj: ot tin: djy lacks much ot'curirisr croup j per s-.-r-sion el ten months. this. Tbe cheapness of the ai:icl^. aud cho ex*, laG R. COFFROTIL •mall blow would break the ncse, our Jack nntions given of iis chemical •>. -lion upjti Uie hair, Thibet aad Barage Shawls, of various sizes and All Clothing purchased at '.his establishment Ci:ciilars May be had by addressing the princi- at ali times, with all 'he unreasonable bus.thcry.— | tail. 1 prices ; The subscriber will come to your house. tiiaVe the j April 2-J. TK52. the sca'p, and in a'l cases of ;'.iperfu:ial i/iitation, warranted well sewed and all rips vill je sewed pal a: A'ldic 1'. O.. Lnudonn County, Ya. said : Figured and plain Bobinets; Syrap spoken of u n t i l ycm are saiisSi-d vou can J'.ENJ. H. BEATON: i-rin ~ " NUl-TS.—t'O BosfsScut.:hSt.utf. in 2 act! •* oz. « Well, I doBO 'bout that. I've give my first r-.-comtnended it to the attention ot th-.' people. without charge. My stock is nj-.v J a i l and comA large assortment of Dress Trimmings; plete, and no pains will be spartd to.renr.er satisper'oiri: t!.e sam-". which w i l l "ive ;is in..ch satisThis was all that the inventor iiesirt\l. livery botpapers; 00 doz. (j'arreits, 3d quality dt:., in sf ike LoiidwH County Agricultural Institute nose many a good blow, and I've never Silk Laces and Fringes; factioti in two hours, as th* above treatment :tt » Bullies. Also. Rappse, M^crat^y 3n<> Gon^resa tle advertised itsell. The efi.-ctsoi the iluid i;x- faction, to all who may favor me with a call. Feiituarv o. 1853. ami Chemical Aw!-'mu. broke it yet.' French worked Collars ; WILLIAM J. STEPHENS. ceede'l expectation. It acted 'ikt a charm. The life- time, f?r ihe MI u of ??i5 for each rec>. .pt; and Snuffs. f,,rsale by G. si. COFFROTH, Ladies Kid, Silk, and Lisle Thread Gloves ; Harpers-Ferry, Oct. 21, '52. if the least feais It; apprehended, as to its value, a April --J Oppu.«tie ihr Court-ili'Dse. jr^- It is said that the Sadduoes, who be- ladie> would not be without ... Countiy dealers Gentlemen's Kiel and Silk Gloves; then will be jriven oi" one year will, iaterost. lieved uAieithcr angel or resurrection, were in every section of 'he Uniti.! Stales lot;i d they 100,000 Bushels of Wheat!! ; creiiit Parasols and irinbrellas ; must have i:; and thus was t.iilt up a wholesale ati'l on the sni scriber bein£ unable to prove it a O *\ '"ifin *'''V' v ^ ^ J O ' P E S . Maynard and IIE sub-bribers, bavin5 opened a Warehouse Terv rigo'rous iu punishing infractions of the trade of an extent hiiherto ur.heard of as regards Ladies' Silk, Cashmere, Lambs- "Wool a:id CotRemedy the amf.unt shall be n'i'1 and ,-£••/ t / U U Coves' Ink,^ SnutF Brxes. Sesar in Shepherdstown, in connection with ths valua'ile lawT No doubt of it. Such a faith, or rath- articles oi this kind. The highest pont has not ton Hose; void, and the aiavunt of or,'" cent shall 'iipver be Casfs, Tobacco Pouer>es, : Porffmonies. Elank HIS Foundry, situated on the "Winchester &, POTOMAC MILLS, ate prepared and wish io BJU'KS. Ac , for sale at redu^d prv.-es. hv Gentlemen's Lambs Wool Hose; er want of faith, generally renders people yet Leen reached, and it is believed '.he Files this demanded. DR. SALYAKDS. Potomac Railroad, Ii miles f:o-n Harperspurchase tli-* above quantity of Anril-22. G. R. COFKROTH. Super Black Cloths and Cassimeres; year''will be a million and a halt" of bottles. V/nnif^to'-k. IVTu.-cit 24. 1953 —3cn Ferry, has been rented lor a term o; years by the heartless and cruel. Wheat, Corn, &c., Depotand manufactory,No 137 Broaiiv.-ay.New subscriber, who would raspectiuIK" inform the j Do Fancy Cissinetts at very lew prices; ATCHES AND BL,-;f;KlMJ._iMl (Jros**s fj2f- The man too poor to take his connty York. Uetail price, twenty-five cems a larire bottle. public that he is now prepared to do, in a style of Silk Velvet, Satin, Figured Silk and Marsailes for which thi-y will pay the highest price, ia cash, J^j-t* 3*urct»aser& Matches. wood ant) ;:'aper lf>xcs; 10 gros the markets v.-ill afford. Vesting*; Lil'eral disc-cunt to purchasers b>' th? .jaantity. workmanship, which cannot be surprised if equallpaper was iu to^rti on Monday last. JerusaLATE ARRIVAL OF Bbckin-r. large and sinaii hiix^s. f u r j a l r b r i: Ti:c7 are p-epared to freislit to the Di.--trict afrd Tweeds of ail cclors and prices; Sold bv all the principal merchants and i:ru2aists ed, in this Valley, every description of iMachinery lem, but he was goaked !"— at an expense, April C-3. ^ Alejaf.dria, all kinds of Produce, &.c.. that uay lie Spring' ana Super White. Red anil Yellow Flannels; throushou: ths' United States at.d Cauada, Mexico, and Plough Castings, at short notice.. 1 too, sufficient t,i pay a whole year'asubscrip- Wes, Iridiii«, Great Britain. France &c. LU Plantation Seear;: ar.d other popular ofFer-iil. on ill ' best ten/is. We are now receiving, Canton Flannels; Domestics of every descripHavio; been engaged in the basi.iess for many JO IIIV ti»n to his county paper. bran-Is, on hand and HV and will keep on hand for the accommodation oi tion and co":ois; SiU and Fancy Bonnets; K,v- sale by L. M. SMITH, aud T. RA WLINS yuars in the largest foundries in the Ui'.ued Slates, AS i;i«; received at his Clothing April -">'. G._R. jtOF A large assortment of Fancy and Plain Ribbons. those dealing with us, a large stock of Plastei-, and being now "determined to devoir his whole at53" ' V.'hy. .Uck, I thought as how they & SON. Cha/lesiowr.. Eiiijioii'tni, at Harpers-Ferry, Salt &c. Artificial Flowers, Cape Tabs, Combs and Juiie'2. 1533—I'm* tention to the business, he is confident ibat those IPES.—30 Poxes Chhk~Pfpes7 ! had done away \vith the cat in the Nary .''— one of thslaiyest and best selected Mr. John KepHnger will be found at the "WardBrushes, and almost every article in the fancy who favor him with their work wili a; the same Pipes and Reed stem--; G.-naan Pipe*. finr StocU" of ' Well, so they Uave, old Salt.' • Not they. hou^i: to give the business prompt attention. way. W1W S ANDERS OK", time, be i'aroring their own interests;, as his prices sale by C. R. COFFAOTH. CB/.YJ jLVD QUEENSIl'ARE, I fcand one in a canister of preserved proF. & J. W. REYNOLDS. fur Castings shall be as bw as at anv foundry in Anr'il-2-2. the tasteru M.irlce's couW ati'or.i. MARBLE STONE CflTER, Among which are several handsome Tea Sets. — Sept. 30, 1-52. irsions only the day befcrc yesterday." the Valley. which, together \"ith his tbraier stuck, Frederic!; City. Hid, A good assortment of Hardware, Cutlery, CarpenTO TEE PUBLIC. Orders." from all in want of Casting* of any des53- A sentimental chap in Rhode Island ETURNS his thanks to the ciiuens cf Jeffer- cription. are respectfully solicited. ters' Tools,&c., Waiters, Looking Glasses and tin "JEFFERSON MACHINE"SHOP; comprises one of the most complete and 'f.!e.ndid assortments ol Clothing ever pressnted tothiscoiaWare. son aad adjoining counties ior th>: liberal paintends to petition Congress, at its next sest"^ Old Iron taken in exchange for Cr.stinss. N connexion with my hr,?inrss as ConxtahV. I rnrjnity. Every -inicle necessary to comr-ifte ihe sion, for an appropriation to improve the tronage extended to him in his line of business; reH ENRY C. P,\ 11KER. GROCERIES. offer my services as'ArCTIONKER ia this IRON AAD BRASS FOUNDRY. auomitieai of 'ne ''Outward Man," wiil b-.lotind in gives noli:e tbat he is new prepared to Shenandoah City, Aug. 5, 1852. I have a large stock of Groceries all of which part nf the County—those ds-ipoied to patronise roe channels of affection, so that henceforth the spectfully his selection. Hissiock embraces ,Coat?, PajQ^j, execute all kinds of work ir his line—si:-'!i as are of the best quality. can leave word with the editor, or v-rite to me at ; Old Things done away and ali tilings become Vesu-=, &c., of evi-ry style, quality and pric-'. coarse of true love may run smsoth.' A large lot of Ladies and Children Shoes; Silk Monuments, Tombslabs, ilead and Aware th.it newspaper putJs are not gem-rally re- Chorlestown, Jefferson coanty, Va. All business Ntic. g3« Dew, Jr , recommending marriage, To the Citizens of Jefferson. EerJicucy^ Fred- and Leghorn Hats , Massuth and Wool do.; Caps nnilE subscribers rcspecttuily call the attention garded, he will no. say mote than extend an iavi- will be promptly attended to. Foot Stones, <!r,, C. G. BRAGG, ot every description; all of which will positively says, ' A good wife is tho most constant and tation to those in i«eed of such ariicics, v. hieb he crick and Clark' Cou.iti-f. April IS. 1S5T. be sold at COST for CASH, as I am determined to _L ef the Farraicg commuaity to their very large pledges himself to sell cheaper thaa they hayeever faithful companion you can possibly have by at the shortest notic.f, and upo:: the mist reasonaassortment of close up mv basiness. been offered in this Market. appear before yon as a; PCM? MAKER. your sido while performing tho journey of ble tjrias; and his work shall compare with any Farming Implements, Those who desire to get good bargains are resother in the country. All Stoaes delivered at my I have also received a larjre assortment of Hats, FiOBfi & (,E.\EKAL and ^-1 hope yon Lave net -owttfr/ me in that pectfully invited to call soon and judge for themlife — a dog isn't a touch to her. cottiprisin^ t'verj' kino of implement used by Ihe Caps, B-»ots, Show, Shirts aad Drawers. Also, a own risk and expe«->e. capacity, you will, one and all call oa me should ., JOHN G. WILSON. faruer to tacilitate and cheapen his operaaons, in- superior lot ol Silir, Cottoa and Ginsham Pockett A ' orders thankfully received and prutap'Jy at- you need any thing ia that wav. P!?a*e rail on selves. JCj* Mr- Editoa — Ef a dog's tale is kut Harpers-Ferry, Ang. 1'J, 1852. cluding onr celebrated Patent and Necit Handkerchiels, Cravats, Gloves- Socku, A id HE nndersigned late of. ;he firm of "Woo«!& me at Charles-own, or mr sen Ti»>w.is J. BRAGG, »wf tntierly, wood it interfeer with his low- tended to. ' ^j. s ANDE a SO N. TJ. B. Those who know themselves to be inSuspenders. Urrorellas, Knives, Canes. ;Pocketrreralua Thresher aad Cleaner. living near Mr. Georye B. Beall's en tl-.e CharlesDanner ot Winchester^ Va.. takes this t p;>ordebted to me, are respectlully requested to call and cew»tion. Frederick CiV,-, M(L, . Collars Tionks. Valices, Carpet B^gs, &c. tunity to 8-iiend to his Uiej-ds his heartfelt thaaks town and SUepherdstown R ia,i. As I have em- settle iheir accounts. which received the first premium over the: New J. G. W. J. W. McGfNMS. A;tnt, Not egsactlv— it mite not effect his karurch: ser-5 will look ont for my nain ployed him to do the worfc. 1 pledge tnyielf that &\\ ! Angust 19, 163-2. lor their Iil>eral patreDage iirtce a resident oi this Yoik Piu Machine and several othersat the MaryJOHN STRAUS3. Oharle^.ovvn. Va., rige, bat it wood intierly stop his' Waggin. orders will be promptly atteatled.* : city., and begs leave tu iufi.rm them thai he has taland State Agricultural Fair i.ast lall; also, at the Ktar CarrcS't Hottlf Itarptrt-'Fary, or JOHN G. RIDEXOUR. A?t»t. February 24, 1853. C. <J. eJRAGG. ken Store-house No 4 South Howard Street, lately Wasain^tciD County Fair, Ha^ersiown, Md., and JC3^* Hello, I say, what did you say your May 5, l?5:i. _ __ Jza.20,1S53. Harpers-Ferry, Va. Carpentering and Joinering* occupied by Mr. JOBS N. BEI-L, and formerly by at c.-ar Vaiiey Fair, Charlestown—which for simmedicine woulii cure ?' '0. it'll cure everythe late KM AS SHAW, together vi:h Store- loose rpHE subscriber returns his most sincere thanks plicity ..du; ability, and capacity, has no equal in A T«icher Wanted. thing ; heal everything.' 'Ah, well, I'll 2 gives him ample roc-m. Ar-4 he is no?.' prethe'wot Id. Hv a recent improvement we :an make -L to the citizess of Charlsstown and neighborAttorney at Law and Rotary Public, hoof, for the libeial patranage he has receeived in the naciit: r clean all kinds of grain perfectly clean a TEACH EC. is required fin the co:a.ii.-n school r«"o. pared to do eny reasonab-e amount of FLQC'ft take a bottle. May be it'll heel my boots ; jfx io District Ko. J3. To a competent and A.\D GENERAL COMMISSION nUSISBSS. I'.l ., the lasl five years; and hopes to merit z continu- for market, taking oat aii cheat, smut, and litrBt tkey need it ba 1 enough !' HE sul»cri1>er is anxious to purchase alanje RACTICES in the Courts of this and the ad- ance of tbe same. Ha i* always ready lo execute -whsiit if wifbed, saving altogether Jhe use of a faiiblal Teethei.— beside the resuiar salary ot The location w a 500* one for zht- sale of at! k-'cd* number of Negroes, o: toth sexes, soand and §r^ Y«ung Indies who faint on "being 'projoining Counties, and will take Atnt'aviis, work at the shortest notice, and wili make it his Wiitai Fan; ihns saving ?he farmer two-thirds Jiis a-27T a vea"— a 'ilwral addi'ttm will be pnid. of country produce, and he rsspecUcliy solicits fvup TEIOMAS %V. KEYEa, Com'r. like!VPersons having Negroes lo dis|Xi>C'jf, will Depositions and the acknowledgement of Deeds, interest lo sail the 'times in his prices. patronage. • expense over the common thresher, requiring: lnzt p«ttd to,' can b. restored to consciousness by find it to their interest to give him a cali ba&re sellRippoa. Va., April 23, 1853. _ anywhere in Jefferson County ; and v;ill also proHe will also give strict attention to the par :l ase Ee has procured a selt of Draughting Instru- eight hands and from sii to eight horses to tbn-sh just whispering in their ears that you were ing, as he will pav the verv kighest casip"ifef. test foreign bills of exchange. of Plaster, S*lt, fish, Groceries Guano, or '*ny ments, and having made himself acquainted trith frota SK) w 400 bushels per day, perlectly cl^an S JO Reward. U.; <san beseen at t be Berkeley Courts, at Martins*«iy joking. : Feb. 21,1351.— Spirit. thirs else, and his knowledge of 'he wants of ice . Architecture, he is prepared to Draught and eive fof the .mill. Thja^as never been i;ccomp'ishei:. by fi8m the thesubscriber, subictiber, oa < tLe lOih of Agricultural and Mercantile comtauniiy, are »:ic'^ . AN AW AY' flam IE}" ; Samir y. whj don't yeur mother burs, on theiil Monday, and at Bermriiicon the 4th any etherraachioisibnt ourselves, and alisceptrve plans aad proportions for alt kinds of work ia wood. Monday in each month, and usitaJiy at his residence February, a JT^gro JT*rgro Man MJO nara naaed ORPHAN BOY. tha: he feels warranted in as«u<-in^ them thai roamind that rip in your trousers?' ' O h , inCnarlestown. He will also make and «:arve to order. Capitals lor rnind^ can have their doubts removed by try; -«f one JLEWIS, RPHAN BOY is a beautiful dark dnn, witk signments or orders with • .-hi-?i> ;, ; may be fan-red anrt'ifihey cannot do what we have repreaec'cv we columns in UK diSere&t orders cf Architecture, at *••'• gone to the acwing circle, to rt.iir A' 1 letieis addressed toflimTriI.be pn:anpflyatabont 24 year« of i %e. beiaesring to the «?*!:ite of the will be promptly and faith/ally zjtethieii m. black maue and tail, 1C hands high, 9 rears the shortest notice. Always on hand SASH of will iakt; the macuin- back wiihout charge. clothes jor poor children.' tendelto. WM. Ca6w. old, and took a premium at Use Baltimore Cattle various siza* for wiadovrs. Sibc.p pric^ of oar Thresher and Cleaner ftjm late J.J- H. Guar ell. who w^»s aent to Mr John MICHASLDANNEB. Ch irlestown. Jan. 13. I8g~y. ^ ia. Boltz «( Bert-eley eoncty, in order «» t« hired— Show in October last. . !3>6 to S273. that is: fcJ" A cl«tf yman, being complained of bj* Those wishinsrto patronize him will address him oa Mr. Bo'.U coiniilaininsr with the teims, be "was He wiH stand florin* «r<e ensning season, com- thrcueh the mail, or verlaliy at Charlesiown. Baltimore, March 10, Thresher and Chafier, S'M •aetker for drawing away iiis parishoners on Cash tor Negroes. 1 directed to re'arti with a bond for approval. I am Kicncins on the 23th of March and endinz on the DittoImpnr»^d Cleaner, " C7*A11 aiders shall be su-icUy aiteaded to, and Sanday. made this reply :— Feed your flock 25ih of June, at the folio wi8g places, viz: On Mon- general satisfaction give j. informed tha; (be said r.vg -o claims (be light to Horse-Power, 100 FISH! FISH!! FISH!.'! bstUr, aai tkcu they vout ctrajl AM desirous to ;p»rc!iase a large cumber ol day* aad Tuesdays, at the subscrirxr's stable; on Ol-l Castings bought at the highest price, &ad hire himself. Also, a Ne»T&Vratnah named WM. A. SUDDiTH. THE art MM NEGROES for the Sontltjrc "arteJ*, men, WedB«*cavsand"Thnrsd«.T«, at V. W. Moore's Jdr Whiek '.hwe lettar* of tk« alphabet _____ March 21. 1853-rVjr. •table in Chart«aowii;attii Fridays arid Saturdays t CO. aeeJ abaot 22 ye-ars; hss eloped from the service of talker f/o« ?si the btgbcst attributes iu woaun, boys, girls-and lamilies, for whic;i I will give th'J highest er.shprices. Et thsaaMe of Dr. Nelsa«, near MfeSdleway. Mr. NJShatill aftbis e?nnty, t/.. vhom I hired her. tie character • >f Washington ? Pe-wus having slaves to s«l iriil He wili bt 1« on the followinp conditions : Por Notice }s hereby given UiaiLpei:jons?wariviBgthem witk «-e«i IIE nadfrsipned Jjereby inform the HE undersigned ha.s always on hand EXTBA insoriBce. «S 50—irregntar snteidanca or parting ' What wwt the text!* churchto day please ird'orm use r>:rsonallT, u.* by Teller a^ainstetnplayiu; or harharia* «aid ns^roes un- Pith. My boats are coosractly n.ocii-g. •»«1'*| at ; »t*W iacaestcr.whirh will reMJ ve prom-:: i ke TAXES ter this rear whowdaa. FLOCB. No. I, for sale aad in exchange for a vith tie maie, lorfeio lie irsarwceEvery pre'IUUe^&th*r,tia«' der the penalty of the Jaw, mad: and provided Jor all limes the public can I e accotum JCJ*l«4 •-. '-r»li f.:»Fd*r? •ueotiou; or B. M. ft W. L. Cauipbell. camtoo wili bt used- bat no respuasibility fcr aeci- good article cf Wheat: The above Floor » kept in Biicaiases." the li*n tkat on my Agent, Mr. Israel f".os»ell. on fcaad ia CharUatown. by John K. Woods &, Qy. d«Bts. shoald aij octnr. N«. '.U'2, fTctt Pra*4«ireet. Baltimore.' The ijboTC re-orsrd '» ill bj: gt'^n for -ib* taking ^ JOHN A. GBSOH. ROBERT LUCAS. JB., fl. S, and Eby & Son; arjd by ditferent me/diana at rs*fThe undewigned offers a ,ver£iitm of Sa to ELIJAH MclXP and seciiriftg said near ie« ia. tb: county j;.i!, or the > Htrpers-Perry, March 51.1ST<3. ^ JAS. W. CAMPBELL, D. S. •hi«»iisfc«liSB'b»»er.pCpfpbi»'Boif. » beat call, HarpetvFerry. grows wfldi* S»Uj. If g-u(»r«.jr.*r.i»nm of ij^0>s ab«Te for either' cne oi" them, and Coaaty. Nor. 18, 18S2. SAWIX of •« Month's old. ia the »ut jron «f "SM. " ~ 4-1S51. U traa, th* tailors ia that •oti-.y irs» me ot tbe fact. As to «be matter of their '~"~ ~' Carpenter repair, asd bll» I aave also my Saw-M ill in "Vgiag. W. J.! final .di'.-:potitiou oiader. :Jte will of my •ettaiur, I IMOTHY 8BBD'.--Jmi rectired ariij for •aa a Fori U be hoaest. ANTED intmediiteir. wiU be f«rniahed»t the slio notice. B. TQMLWSCLN. have uK; i a bt!! in eqcity in order that tiie ojorl sale i y ' KE YES * KEAIU5LEY. MarfhSJ.l^S HELBEB6EB. * CHABL^STOWN TuaMARTIN The ma* «W tM'i 9ttul »f th.aitr, mar direct vka,t na>- h; dene in the premiae». Ffbrairr 17, 185S. - Bock 3priK Mflla May 9 GEORGE. TEIOS. HiTE, Exe-ntcr OOK STOVES.— AJsKiya on hand t ssiopie ot J. J. H. Qunr gj|. dec *£f^* tbajr *?*je*t nf ttte very bea Cock Stores MW iniwe, asd • fiM ardiele jast re, *J.Ulti*4 .1 /VB3LS.ofTar,bv A ¥ SLLil-IC J Trio** nti €arp« Eaga. tnr c T, BWrfctN.. 21. S«2*iy «»•« EBY*SOK. LO'^K, CRAMER & IU 21*7,5, LOf;S,CRA5:&?.*L»K. I Chtrlwlowit. B€*rcfc3!; uoly inialHbie <«ie^br iaa:«Jrea-:/"»i; ;auv>i a* S and iJ-|<if;K-i»-e £iiii*»iuav «n-> hief ia U;c aiaa (ot 5uaic<a«s suctay, at.; J. •««*»»- O1 D . CHERRY PECTORAL I 1 1 PATENT F T iHE SHEMANDO.*H CITY MANUFJiCTUHING GOfldPANT H T S T O C K OF B O O D S , T B Ci' T I G I S Shenandoah Iron Foundry. T T M H 0 P R T win. T. T P R O I T T T C ' W T