2015 3 March disPatcher - Orange Grove Quilters Guild
2015 3 March disPatcher - Orange Grove Quilters Guild
Orange Grove Quilters’ Guild Volume 33 #3 March 2015 Next Meeting: March 11, 2015 Doors Open at 8:30—Meeting Starts at 9:30 National Quilting Month—Guests are Free! Snacks: A-G UFO #3 Due Speaker: Jenny Lyon (QuiltSkipper.com) Topic: Quilting Techniques Workshop: Trapunto Sampler Jenny Lyon is the speaker for March. She makes art quilts with her domestic sewing machine. She took her first quilt class in 1983, but didn't take another until 1999 and then became an avid quilter. She calls herself a "Quilt Skipper" because one day she so loved what she had quilted with her machine so much that she skipped all over the house to celebrate its beauty! She looks to having her students experience that "skipping moment" too. She lives in Northern California where her patient husband took her to Napa Valley recently to watch the Super Bowl. Her two sons are grown and on their own, making more room for books and fabric. She also lives with a basset hound. Jenny has shown her work at Houston International Quilt Festival, American Quilt Show in Paducah and Pacific International Quilt Festival. And she will show it here at Orange Grove Quilters Guild on March 11. Be there to share her joy of quilting! Garden Grove United Methodist Church, Acker Hall 12741 Main Street, Garden Grove P.O. Box 453, Garden Grove, CA 92842-0453 Www.OrangeGroveQuiltersGuild.com DISPATCHER Page 2 February has rushed by so fast. I hope everyone had a wonderful and loving Valentine Day, spent with friends and loved ones. Isn’t quilting just another way to express your love and affection for another? So many quilts shared at Show and Tell are made for someone specifically as a gift. Not only are you using your creative talents to make a unique gift but there is the literal and symbolic gesture of wrapping someone in warmth and love. This is fresh in my mind as I work on two quilts that are gifts for upcoming graduations. I love to make quilts for someone that incorporates colors and themes special to them. My granddaughter’s quilt is pink and has embroidered teapots. My niece’s quilt is a T-shirt quilt with her team shirts from soccer. I am already excited about giving the quilts even though they are not done yet. We had a lot of fun in Larene Smith’s class. I have never really made a totally scrappy quilt, and am amazed how challenging it can be to follow the pattern. Larene was very patient and showed us piece by piece how to assemble the block she designed just for our guild. I have five blocks done so far. I don’t want it to turn into a UFO!! Plenty of those are already waiting for me someday. As you work on your UFO’s, remember the Auction and Tea. Completed UFO’s are the perfect item to donate for the auction. You get the satisfaction of completing a project and the satisfaction of donating, all with one piece. What more could you ask? It is never too early to think about what you will donate. I just want to remind everyone that opportunities to participate abound, and if you are feeling the call to volunteer in any capacity, I would really appreciate it. I look forward to working with all of you this year. I appreciate every smile and greeting that has welcomed me to the presidency. Our guild is full of wonderful, friendly people that share not only quilting as a passion, but a sense of community and shared purpose. I feel privileged to be part of this organization. ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 3 March Birthdays March 2 Sara Forster March 13 Beckie Welty March 3 Rose Viola March 14 Ellen Roman March 3 Aggie Venaas March 16 Pat Cook March 3 Carol Munn March 16 Barbara Garza March 3 Pat Ingersoll March 17 Netta Bryan March 3 Herta Spears March 20 Laurie Mutalipassi March 4 Kathleen Scharnhorst March 21 Judy Conner March 4 Janice Self March 25 Jody Burtch March 6 Pat Fiamengo March 27 Cindy Kruse March 6 Linda Craven March 27 Bonnie Crawford March 9 Peggy Schneider March 28 Bea Viera March 9 Chris Hankins March 28 Mary Stockard March 11 Mickey Mellevold March 28 Kay Even March 11 Glenda McNeil March 29 Mary Van der Lubbe March 12 Cathy Van Bruggen March 30 Betty Jean Wenner Don’t forget to pick up your Birthday fat quarter! DISPATCHER Words of Comfort, Hope and Promise Page 4 Donations to Bring to the March Guild Meeting T he guild has supported military spouses over the past six years, and is pleased to continue this support. All too often among our military spouses, time for self-care is a neglected priority, and even considered a luxury! They are looking for nice baskets suitable for making gift baskets and new, unopened items as follows: bath and body products hair care products smaller picture frames nail polishes, manicure tools candles jewelry fun note pads/cards/stationery sets hair ornaments, clips, etc. journals coffees, teas coffee mugs, tea cups purses/wallets scarves slippers spa items chocolates/candies/cookies Those who would prefer to contribute financially to this project, may either bring their checks to the meeting (made payable to Words of Comfort, Hope and Promise), or donate securely online at http://www.comforthopeandpromise.org/donations.html. ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 5 by Pam Boozan Church Liaison This individual lives close to our meeting place, Garden Grove United Methodist Church, and would be able to pick up the key either Monday or Tuesday before our general meeting, and then opens the doors before 8:00 AM the day of the meeting. There is a checklist of opening actions, simple things like turning on lights etc. Tea and Auction Chair or Co-Chair The individual(s) would lead the Tea and Auction planning process. There are examples and previous years records to guide the planning. I might have a volunteer to be a co-chair, but would still need someone who plans to actively participate in the process. There will be willing volunteers to assume responsibility for parts of the planning. The guild has always enthusiastically supported the Tea and Auction. I will be an active participant on the committee. Philanthropy Chair and Assistants The individual(s) would participate in defining the future of philanthropy. Set goals, host the sew-in workshops and contact perspective recipient organizations. This position is a board member and will attend the guild board meetings to report accomplishments and bring recommendations for board consideration. The assistants would oversee one aspect of philanthropy, such as pillowcases, baby quilts or veterans quilts. There may be some storage responsibilities. 2016 Opportunity Quilt Planning If you are interested in helping select a project for the guild, and helping organize everything, then this one is for you. This can be more than one person working together. If you are interested or need more information, please contact Pam Boozan at 714 962-5231 or 714 318-8673. “It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” Ralph Waldo Emerson DISPATCHER Page 6 I’m sitting here hoping for a little rain. We sure do need it. I’m also packing for a short quilt retreat and trying to find that darned add-a-quarter! I have two and can’t find either of them, yet! The report on the membership front is good. We have 42 members from last year that haven’t yet renewed. I know some have moved away and others don’t go to every meeting and will renew the next time they are at one. With that said we now have 268 members including the four new members we got at the February meeting. I hope everyone that was at the February meeting stopped by to see me and picked up their yearbooks and membership card. I had a few too many left last year so I cut our order down by 25 books. It costs around $4 for each yearbook and I hate shredding them at the end of the year. I have discovered that I can keep a PDF on my cellphone (or tablet, Kindle, etc.) and have it readily available when I need to find someone. If you are interested in having a copy of the membership roster as a PDF to save to your computer, phone etc., let me know and I can send it to you. On my iPhone it is saved to iBooks and is really easy to find and scroll through. Just remember no matter how you have your copy of the yearbook/roster, it is for your use only and not to be disseminated to others or used for advertising. Hope to see everyone at the March meeting. It will be after daylight savings time so be sure you turn your clocks forward. Spring=Forward, Fall=Back. Bonnie Lippincott Membership Chairman Philanthropy Sew Days ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 7 The winners of the 5 incentives I had were Susan MacVicar, Dolores Kaiser, JoAnn Williams, Helen Murray, and Janet Gavney. Congratulations ladies! These items were donated by Sharon Hayes, Carol Bird's collections, and Mary Gibbons. The winner of the floral bouquet wallhanging was Rose Cristino. For the next two months, we will be selling raffle tickets for the AccuQuilt Starter Set graciously donated by Darci Bodin. There will also be incentives as usual. What would it be if we didn't have some of those items donated by our wonderful Guild members? Also, please save those pink Yoplait lids. I will be collecting them so Komen will get credit for them. If you've got any, March will be the last time I can collect them. Our wonderful membership's continuing support of efforts on behalf of breast cancer awareness and education is appreciated. Our membership’s ongoing commitment to helping others is heartwarming. Thanks to all of you, so many are helped in one way or another. Barbara Purks Number of Members........42 Numbers of quilts completed..... 41 Turn in your project #3 at the March meeting !!!! Remember....QUILTED, BOUND AND LABELED !!!!!! The number of your UFO due in May will be announced at the March meeting. You are all doing an awesome job at finishing your UFOs. I want to encourage everyone to finish some of their UFOs this year, even if you did not join the challenge. Remember - we all learned that quilting is good for your health. Quilting lowers your stress levels and blood pressure. Quilting increases your sense of well being and boosts your self-esteem. WE CAN DO IT!!!!!! DISPATCHER Page 8 MARCH 12TH WORKSHOP With JENNY LYON Come join us for Jenny Lyon’s “Trapunto” Workshop on Thursday, March 12, 2015. This special class will concentrate on the stuffing technique of trapunto, adding another dimension and beautiful enhancement to quilting. The workshop is held at 5200 Blackpool in Westminster. The instructor begins teaching promptly at 9 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m. Doors to the room open at 8 a.m. giving participants plenty of set-up time in order to be ready to begin the class on time. Remember to bring your lunch, drinks and necessary supplies in order to enjoy your day creatively sewing with quilting friends old and new. Should you have any questions, please contact Susan Johnson [email protected], or Ellen Roman [email protected]. Road to California Bus Trip The bus trip was a success. We left here with 47 ladies—and came back with 47 ladies. I don’t know if they were the same ladies and since the count matched, I turned off my phone. - Kathy Scharnhorst ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 9 Member Workshop Sign-Up Sheet for 2015 Member Name and Phone Number______________________________________________ E-Mail address______________________________________________________________ You will be notified if one of your chosen workshops is full and you are put on the waiting list. If you are put on the wait list, you will be refunded your payment and payment will be due only if a space becomes available to you. _______ March 12 Jenny Lyon $30.00 Trapunto _______ April 9 Mary Tabor $30.00 Cut and Fold Applique _______ May 14 Leora Raiken $30.00 African Folklore Embroidery-felting,beading&stitching $30 materials fee _______ June 11 Ann Turley $30.00 What Goes Around _______ July No Workshop _______ August 13 Joe Cunningham $30.00 Creative Design _______ September 10 Linda Schmidt $30.00 Art Quilt Techniques $20. materials fee _______ October 15 Jean Impey $30.00 Basket-Case $5. Materials fee _______ November 12 Nancy Ota $30.00 Sashiko $5.00 materials fee _______ TOTAL Please check the workshop you wish to sign up for. Workshop must be paid for before you can be put on the list. Workshop theme is subject to change and will not be refunded. Any questions contact Susan Johnson [email protected] or Ellen Roman [email protected] DISPATCHER Page 10 Our 2015 quilt will be a beautiful appliqued quilt, called "Baltimore Christmas." It was made by Mary O'Driscoll and quilted by Cecelia Hosford. Every member will be asked to purchase or sell tickets for the quilt. If you have questions about our Opportunity Quilt, please contact Judith Stamper. February Opportunity Basket Winners Becky Meekhof and Becky Sproal February Door Prize Winners Quilt Cupboard: Pat Barton Bears: Aileen Trunela Larene Smith (Speaker): Judi Smith Quilt Cupboard: Betsy White Larene Smith (Speaker): Flo Mac Millan Quilt Cupboard: Ginger Fajack Larene Smith (Speaker): Camille Lang Quilt Cupboard: Bonnie Crawford Tranquility Quilts: Marilyn Pond ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 11 February Show and Tell DISPATCHER Page 12 Coming Events . . . Feb. 28-March 1 South Bay Quilters Guild Annual Quilt Show, Torrance Cultural Arts Center March 5 OGQG Philanthropy SEW DAY March 8 Daylight Saving Time Begins March 11 OGQG General Meeting March 13-14 Glendale Quilt Guild 36th Annual Quilt Show, Pasadena Convention Center March 14-15 Harriet Hargrave 2-day workshop “Basics of Machine Heirloom Quilting” Conejo Valley Quilters, $80 for non-members, contact Judy Gocke (805) 231-0134 March 20-22 Quilt Las Vegas 2015, Henderson, NV March 27 OGQG Board Meeting March 27-29 2015 Bunny Hop Participating shops: Flying Geese Fabric, The Quilt Cupboard (New Location), Orange Quilt Bee, The Sew N Sew, Tranquility Quilts April 2 OGQG Philanthropy SEW DAY April 8 OGQG General Meeting April 10-11 Orange County Quilters Guild Show, Anaheim, CA April 10-12 “Best of the Valley” Quilt Show, Lindsay, CA April 24 OGQG Board Meeting April 25 SCCQG “Meet the Teachers,” Carson Community Center April 25 Acacia Quilt Guilt Tea and Auction, Buena Park, CA May 1 OGQG New Member Luncheon May 2-3 Quilting in the Valley, Airtel Hotel, Los Angeles, CA May 7 OGQG Philanthropy SEW DAY May 13 OGQG General Meeting May 16-17 Antelope Valley Quilt Assoc. Quilt Show & Auction, May 29 OGQG Board Meeting More information on many of these events is available at http://www.sccqg.org/ in “Events.” ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 13 DISPATCHER Page 14 Support Our Supporters ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 15 The ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD is a tax exempt group organized to promote cooperation and the exchange of ideas among those interested or engaged in quilting and fiber arts; to encourage and maintain high standards of design and techniques of creative quilting and fiber arts; and to inspire personal achievement. MEMBERSHIP is currently open. Annual Dues are $25.00 per year beginning in February and ending in December. Guest donation is $5.00 per meeting. MEETINGS: Doors open at 8:30a.m. The regular meeting is 9:30am on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. December’s meeting is the 1st Wednesday. Meetings are held at Garden Grove United Methodist Church in Acker Hall, located at 12741 Main Street, Garden Grove, California. There is no General Meeting in July. President Pam Boozan 1st Vice President Becky Meekhof 2nd Vice President Marilyn Pond Secretary Marie Blash Treasurer Jane Oglesby Standing Committees: Past President Mary Stockard Parliamentarian Carol Logue Friendship Groups Carol Munn Historian Nancy Post, Marilyn Pond Librarian Shirley Ellsworth, Sherry Lincoln Membership Bonnie Lippincott, Betty Jean Wenner Newsletter Elaine Ohgi Philanthropy SCCQG Rep Alice Yonago Ways & Means Christi Kolisnyk, Alice Yonago Workshops Susan Johnson
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