Please visit our NEW website now at


Please visit our NEW website now at
Please visit our NEW website now at
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Student enrolments and staffing - 2014
As we organise our classes and teachers for 2014, it is most important that I know if
any families are moving to a new school over the Christmas holidays.
It is also important that I know of any new families moving into our school area and
starting at Bossley in 2014.
If you can help us in these important matters, would you contact the office as soon
as possible ?
If you are planning extended holidays over January and you will be returning after
school starts, would you also contact the office as there are forms to be completed
before you leave.
Kindergarten orientation
A big thankyou to Mrs Betts for organising a most successful Kindergarten orientation over the past few weeks. Thank you also to our Kindergarten, support teachers
and current Kindergarten students for your help in making the orientation a great
success. This means that our 2014 students will settle into school very quickly.
The lack of courtesy and disregard of road and parking rules around the kiss and
drop area in particular continues to concern me. The behaviour of some drivers poses a safety risk to our students especially after school. I have notified Fairfield parking rangers and Fairfield police who will be making regular patrols. There are quite
substantial fines and demerit points for drivers who disregard the road and parking
It has come to the point that a “name and shame” photo gallery may be put in our
newsletters. Please be mindful of the safety of all members of the community.
School reports
Your child’s report and portfolio will be available from Friday of next week. We
have had outstanding student success across
many curriculum areas this year. The success is a reflection of the work and dedication of our students, teachers and parents. It
is a wonderful partnership and a tremendous
strength in our school.
By Cormac and Jamie
Our school was successful in fundraising for the fire fighters and families of
the recent bushfires. We managed to raise $600 on Wednesday
(13/11/2013). Thank you to all the students who came to school in orange
and donated a gold coin. Here are some photos of students on the day!
I’d like to start by thanking our PSSA coaches for their commitment to
training, supervising and refereeing students and games throughout the
year. A huge thank you to the teachers who stayed back at school, ensuring all students a sporting chance.
A big CONGRATULATIONS to our senior Girls AFL team for winning their
grand final. Well done to all students and we are all looking forward to another great year of sporting glory in 2014.
Our 3-6 Sports Presentation will be held on Wednesday 11 December
2013. The presentation ids due to begin at 9:15am.
Ms L. Moro
Sports Co-ordinator.
We have had many interesting debates this year and here is an update of the
debates from Term 3 Week 8.
Term 3 Week 8: The topic was ‘Education is the key to success’. We debated
against William Stimson and were the negative team. We won.
Term 3 Week 10: The topic was ‘Winning is everything’. We debated against
Governor Phillip King and were the affirmative team. We won by a slim
Term 4 Week 2: The topic was ‘You should say what you think’. We debated with
Prarievale and were the affirmative team. We unfortunately lost by 1 point.
Term 4 Week 4: The topic was ‘Space exploration is a waste of time. We debated
with Smithfield and were the negative team. Unfortunately we lost.
We have enjoyed debating this year and have learnt so much about what it takes
to be a great debater!
By Anthony and Jamie
In week 4, Bossley Park students had a visit from the Environmentors. This
was a special program where we learned about recycling and what harmful
waste could do to our planet.
It is very important to learn to recycle so the world can keep going efficiently.
We learnt about the materials that different things are made of. Did you
know plastic is made from crude oil? We also learnt about recycling paper
so we don’t have to cut down as many trees. Paper can be recycled up to 8
Stage groups participated in different activities, but everyone still learnt
about recycling and how important it is for our planet. Stage 3 learned about
the different stages of recycling. It all starts with the recycling truck coming
around emptying your bins in the morning. Then the truck goes to a factory
where they sort the objects into material groups. After that it gets compacted
into cubes so it doesn’t take up as much space and it’s ready to be made into something new!
Another highlight of the talk was about recycling plastic. It gets crushed into
bits and turns into little tubes. It is then blown up to make bottles using hot
air and then is filled up with liquid before going onto supermarket shelves
ready to be sold. That’s the process and it just keeps going!
Everyone learned something new. I know we did!!
During the last 4 weeks, Stage 3 students have been participating in the
Bossley Park Football League. The teams would play each other during
recess with an organised referee and timetable. There is one more week of
the preliminary rounds before the semi-finals and final would be played.
A huge thanks to Mrs Asencio for organising this event on behalf of all the
seniors of our school. Here are the results so far:
Football results:
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Tip Tops
On the 7th of November Tony Murphy, a successful cartoonist, came to our
school to show us some basic techniques of cartooning. It was an educational, yet humorous show.
Students from Stage 1 drew a cartoon version of a bird flying over the
school. Stage 2 drew the same except with a cat and Stage 3 had the
pleasure of drawing an elephant.
All students drew Spongebob Squarepants from the popular T.V show on
Nickelodeon. We all had a fantastic time and gained some excellent
cartooning techniques.
Hola a toda la comunidad de BPPS community!
I would like to congratulate my Spanish Extension class for their enthusiasm
during this last term of the year. We are living “un poquito La Vida Loca”
these days with our cooking lessons and un poquito of the free language
program, thanks to Language Perfect!
I am very grateful for the parent support with the pre-cooking and providing
all the ingredients for our wonderful feasts every Friday afternoon. ¡Qué rico
lomo saltado! We have some photos that we want to share with you.
Gracias y Hasta pronto,
La señora Asencio
Our library officially closed for borrowing at the end of week 6
(15th November). We will be stocktaking all fiction and non fiction
books this year, so we would really appreciate the return of all student
loans by Thursday this week (week 8). If you are unable to locate a
book or have some other query please feel free to call in and speak
to us.
The Premier’s Reading Challenge certificates have just arrived. All
non gold certificates will be printed at school and then distributed to
students in K-2 and 3-6 assemblies. This year we have numerous
students receiving gold certificates. These will be presented at our
school Presentation Day.
Robynne Mullard
Pina Pisano
Teacher Librarian
Library Assistant
Week 8 – 25/11 – 29/11
The canteen will be having a “Sour Week” with “The Grinch hates Christmas” theme. There will be lots of fun sour items, a guessing competition
and a colouring competition. There are prizes to be won. A notice with full
details, including a pricelist has been sent out to all students. All competitions end on Thursday 28th of November
Mrs Pope
Canteen Manager
By Jordan
During school, there will be an Aussie of the Month in each month being
handed out during assemblies. There will be one nominee in each class and
a winner from K – 2 and 3 – 6. Here is a list of the nominees and winners
from October.
October Nominees:
KB – Jordan
KF – Lavinia
KN – Chloe
1H – Cristian
1M – Sebastian
1SM – Cavaldi
2K –Patrick
2G - Marianne
2R – Sophie
34L- Jalin
34M -Hailey
34N – Daniella
34S –Alessia
56B – Annetta
56C –Emma
56R – Emily P.
56S – Victoria
K-2 Aussie of the month
3-6 Aussie of the month
Do you have an ipad/iphone/ipod or any other device? Do you want to use it in an
educational way? The newsletter group will be testing educational apps that could
be used to help or practise with what is learnt at school! These are simply
suggestions for students to try at home and could be played by students of all ages.
These are the final apps for this year. We hope you have enjoyed all the apps!
By Natasha and Tsolin
We reviewed Grandpa’s Workshop ($2 on iTunes and $1 at Google play). This app
is about Grandpa’s workshop and how you help him make a cubbyhouse. At the
end of each level you get pieces to build your very own virtual cubby house. The
way you help Grandpa is by using your many math skills! We recommend this app
for students from K-2.
The good things about this app are: Grandpa gives you compliments when you do
the right thing and encourages you to keep on going and try again. It helps you use
your length, measurement, and fraction skills.
The negative things about this app is that it costs money to download (though this
app is sometimes listed as free). The levels might be repetitive for students, in the
sense that each level requires you to do the same task.
The interesting things about this app are: Grandpa gives you an interactive hi-five
when you have completed the activities on that level. In each level there are
different educational videos that shows you how to safely saw a piece of wood
correctly, screw in a screw etc. It also has cool sound effects.
In Conclusion, we rate this app 4.9 out of 5. It’s an addictive app where we use our
maths as well as have fun!
By Alec and Cormac
We reviewed BT Number Board (Lite version is free on itunes or google play). The
app teaches students how to count and identify numbers to 160.It teaches you
about even and odd numbers, skip counting, how to find numbers and recognise
them. This app is mainly for students in K-2.
The good things about this app are:
You can learn how to count by even and odd numbers
You can practise counting up to 100 in a fun way
You can explore the app by yourself
The lite version gives you a chance to explore these before you buy the full
The bad things about this app are:
 It costs $0.99 cents for the FULL version
 When an answer is wrong, there is a very annoying buzzer sound
 The free version has a lot of advertisements.
The interesting things about the app are:
The numbers can be colour coded so you can see the different number
There’s a challenge option where you need to find numbers. This gives you a
chance to test if you really know your numbers up to 100.
We think it is a good app for K-2 because it teaches them about numbers In
particular, it shows them the difference between their odds and evens and their
number patterns.
By Tsolin and Natasha
We reviewed Madagascar Math Ops (free version available on iTunes and
Google Play). This app has the Madagascar gang, Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria
and the Penguins. The gang is in trouble and you play as the Penguins trying
to save them using mathematic skills. This app is for students from Years 3-6.
The good things about the app are: The app is free, you can play up to 80
game levels, it increases difficulties as the levels go on and it’s fun and
interactive. You also need to use what you know about angles to earn rewards
(similar to angry birds).
The bad things about this app are: There are pop up ads if you don’t have the
full version and you don’t have as many levels with the free version.
The interesting things about the app are: It has cool and colourful graphics.
The storyline is fun and interesting and the reward part is like angry birds!
In conclusion, we recommend this app because it is a fun and interactive game
that helps you with angles, multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.
3/4S are participating in the My Green Wall program, a community
engagement program powered by STIHL Pty Ltd. It encourages children
in primary schools around Australia to get outdoors and get their hands
dirty whilst learning about their natural environment.
With the help of Mr Brims, we re-potted our beautiful flowers and placed
them on the Green Wall. It was a wonderful experience and a great time
was had by all. We now have a bright and colourful wall. If you get a
chance, come and have a look at our Green Wall. Here are some photos:
A gold chain has been found at school. The chain fits a
child. If you have lost a gold chain, please visit or contact
the school office on (02) 9610 6286.
BPPS Fun Page
Q: What’s the difference between a
teacher and a train?
The teacher says take out your gum and
the train says chew chew chew.
Q: What time should a person go at the
Q: What has a head, a tail, and no
A coin!
Q: What kind of animal should you
never play cards with?
A Cheetah!!!!:)
Where can you find an ocean with no
On a map!
By Emily and Eva
In this newsletter, we interviewed students from Year 1. This term they are learning
about celebrations and the weather. We wanted to find out what they liked to do in
their favourite season as well as their celebration. All students like to read, so we
decided to find out what Year 1 were interested in too!
Q1.What is your favourite celebration? Why?
Nicolas – Christmas because I get lots of
Amelia – My Birthday because I get to
see my friends.
Marco – Halloween because I get lots of
Anisia – My Birthday because it’s fun.
Aiden – My Birthday because I get lots of
Lara – Christmas
Q2.Whats your favourite season and what do you like to do in that season?
Nicolas – Summer. I like to go to the pools
Amelia and Marco – Spring. Playing out in the playground
Anisia – Winter. I like going to the snow.
Aiden – Summer. Going to the beach when it is hot!
Lara – Spring. I like to see all the pretty flowers and butterflies.
Q3.What type of books do you like to read?
Nicolas – I like to read dragon books.
Amelia – I like to read Non Fiction books.
Marco – I like to read books about celebrations.
Anisia – I like Barbie books.
Aiden – My favourite books are Non Fiction.
Lara – I like to read Non Fiction books.
In this newsletter, we interviewed the teachers from Year 1. We asked the
teachers about celebrations, seasons and what inspired them to be a teacher.
Q1. What influenced you to be a teacher?
Miss McCulloch: My primary teachers - they were inspirational and taught me
that I could be anything I wanted.
Mrs Smith: The children inspired me to be a teacher.
Miss Han: A teacher that I had in primary school. She inspired me to feel like
we could all make a difference.
Ms Micallef: My passion is to work with children and make a difference to their
Q2. What’s your favourite celebration? Why?
Miss McCulloch: Any party because it’s always fun!
Mrs Smith: Christmas because it is a time when all my family get together and
Miss Han: Chinese New Year because you get to celebrate the new year
fresh and in a fun way!
Ms Micallef: Christmas because I get to share the spirit of Christmas with
family and friends.
Q3. What’s your favourite season? What activity do you do in this
Miss McCulloch: Summer. I enjoy going to the beach.
Mrs Smith: Summer. It is usually a time when my family go on holidays.
Miss Han: Spring. I love to walk around parks and see the beautiful flowers
Ms Micallef: Summer. Holidaying is best in this season!
The Studio Page
We have had a lot of success in a variety of art competitions! Congratulations to
the following students for their achievement!
The first congratulations goes to Jordan Hardy for being one of 350 finalists in
the Google competition. This is an accomplishment as she was chosen from
16500 entrants. Unfortunately she was beaten in the state selection.
Students have also been successful in a local competition. You may have seen it
in the Fairfield Champion. Congratulations to Alex Boyajian for his entry in the
Design an Ad competition. His illustrations and design for Calmsley Hill was most
impressive. Gabrielle Chea also designed an ad for Bonnyrigg Plaza which was
very colourful and informative. Well done to both students!
Also, congratulations go to Tayla Williams and Jordan Williams who were
presented with certificates and $20 for their entries in the Fairfield Art Association
exhibition at the Marconi Club recently. Tayla was even successful in selling her
art work. Congratulations!
At the same show, our very talented office assistant Pat Hanman received a
Highly Commended in the traditional section for a wonderful floral painting.
Thank you to the parents who have left donations of materials and containers in
the studio.
Don’t forget to drop of your magazines and any recyclable materials to the studio
any time.
Parent helpers are always welcome in the Studio on Wednesdays 9-1.30pm.
Thank you
Nika Norman.
Art teacher
Student Artwork
Jordan Hardy: Google competition entry