Br. Thomas Gerrow Concludes Tenure As President Of St


Br. Thomas Gerrow Concludes Tenure As President Of St
Brothers of the Christian Schools
District of Eastern North America
P.O. Box 1710
Beltsville, MD 20704-1710
(301) 210-7444
VOL. 21 No. 3
Br. Thomas Gerrow Concludes Tenure As President Of St. John’s
After sixteen years of dedicated service, Brother Thomas Gerrow is retiring as
President of St. John’s College High School.
He has held that position longer than any
other president in the school’s 156 year history. During these years Brother Thomas
has directed a total transformation of the
school. When he arrived at St. John’s the
total enrollment, including its middle
school, was 440 students. Today, without
a middle school, enrollment has increased
to over 1,000 students. In addition, he has
overseen a $25 M renovation of the campus.
These renovations have covered all aspects
of the school including an entirely new science wing, state of the art technology in all
renovated classrooms, a new art room, the
building of a second gym, and a renovation
of all the athletic fields. Anyone who has
not been at St. John’s in recent years would
hardly recognize it.
However, the achievement Brother
Thomas is most proud of is the founding
of our San Miguel School, a middle school
for Hispanic boys who live in the area and
cannot afford to attend a Catholic school.
Opened eight years ago in affiliation with
St. John’s, its academic program focuses on
the fundamentals needed to go on to high
school and college. Its success can be seen
in the large number of its graduates who
attend Catholic high schools and colleges
in the area. As a result of Brother Thomas’
efforts, our San Miguel School recently
moved into a totally renovated building that
includes the latest technology in classrooms,
a library, counseling center, cafeteria and
administrative offices. Brother Thomas’
service to St. John’s and San Miguel is a testimony to his dedication and concern for the
Lasallian mission. He will be greatly missed
at both schools.
Mr. Jeffrey Mancabelli, who will succeed
Brother Thomas as the 28th President of St.
John’s in July, has been a vital force on the
campus for the past ten years. He came to
St. John’s as Vice Principal for Academic Affairs and has served as Principal for the past
nine years. During these years Mr. Mancabelli has become a true Lasallian and is well
prepared to become the first lay president
in school history. Last year he attended a
program at the Christian Brothers Motherhouse in Rome deepening his understanding
of St. La Salle’s spirituality and the Lasallian educational mission. Brother Dennis
Malloy, Provincial of the District of Eastern
North America, states that he is “fully con-
fident that Mr. Mancabelli’s leadership experience, combined with his extensive Lasallian formation, will not only keep St. John’s
on its present course, but will also take the
school to even higher degrees of success.”
Brother Michael Andrejko, a teacher
at St. John’s from 1996-2000, has been appointed to succeed Mr. Mancabelli as principal. He has served on the school’s Board of
Trustees since 2004.
A native of Pittsburgh, Brother Michael’s
previous teaching assignments have included
La Salle College High School and St. Gabriel’s
Hall in suburban Philadelphia. He has also
served as the Academic Vice Principal of West
Catholic High School in Philadelphia. He is
currently the Director of Campus Ministry
and member of the administrative team at
Central Catholic High School in Pittsburgh.
By Brother Martin Zewe, FSC
St. John’s College High School
Mr. Jeffrey Mancabelli and Br. Thomas Gerrow at a March dinner
honoring Br. Thomas. Alumni and friends raised over $200,000
for a scholarship fund in his name.
Michael Andrejko, FSC is the
newly appointed Principal of
St. John’s.
In early March the Cardinal Gibbons
School community was shocked to learn
that their school would be closing at the
end of the school year. The Archdiocese of
Baltimore announced that twelve Catholic
elementary schools would also be closing in
June. Cardinal Gibbons, which opened in 1962
under the supervision of the Brothers of Mary
(Marianists), is located in West Baltimore
on the site of what had formerly been St.
Mary’s Industrial School under the Xaverian
Brothers. Personnel limitations resulted in the
Brothers of Mary leaving in 1990.
In 1997, at the request of Cardinal Keeler,
the Christian Brothers welcomed Cardinal
Gibbons into its Lasallian network of schools
as an Affiliated Member, which enabled their
faculty to participate in programs of professional development and other educational activities. Although this collaboration did not involve a formal commitment of Brothers to the
school, Cardinal Keeler received permission
in 2004 to invite Brother Kevin Strong, FSC
to become the school’s first President. Brother
Kevin readily accepted the invitation and set
about the work that summer with his characteristic enthusiasm.
When asked about his early days at Gibbons, Brother Kevin remarked: “I was warmly
welcomed by the faculty and staff, as well as by
students, parents and alumni. The school had
an all inclusive feeling and I loved everything
about the place and the people associated with
it. Babe Ruth’s presence (a former St. Mary’s
student) was always tangible there, especially
on the playing fields. We immediately set about
opening up buildings that had been closed and
giving a new appearance to the school. The business community and alumni were very generous
in helping with the renovations of the facilities.”
Brother Kevin served as president until
2009 when health issues required his resignation. He continued his service to the school as
a member of its governing board this past year.
The thought that the Archdiocese would make
the decision to close the school without warning and without more personal consultation
with the Board and the Brothers has “astounded” him and he feels “devastated by the impact
it has had on the entire school community.”
During Lent Calvert Hall students packaged sandwiches for distribution to Baltimore’s Franciscan Center to feed the
Students and faculty of LaSalle High,
Philadelphia, gathered for prayer before
classes on Fridays during Lent. Students
organized the services and shared personal
reflections on the Gospel passages selected.
In late March, Br. Stephen Olert, Director of the Office for Senior Brothers for the
District of Eastern North America, invited
nurses from the new District’s retirement
homes to meet at La Salle Hall in Ammendale for a sharing and planning session. In
attendance were District Health Care Coordinators Sr. Maryanne Burgoyne, RSM, and
Mary Gorman, as well as Corinne Racioppa
and Mary McCrory from La Salle Manor
in Toronto, Joanne Beagan, Rebecca Gwinnell and Carol Light from De La Salle Hall
in Lincroft (NJ) and Robin Shrader from La
Salle Hall, Ammendale. Also representing
the District were Br. John Patzwall, District
Manager of Retirement Resources, and Br.
Jerome Sullivan, Auxiliary Provincial.
Among the matters discussed during the
day long meeting were the guidelines for The
Physical and Pastoral Care of the Brothers,
monthly news notes on wellness topics, the
maintenance of a District database, common
health forms and communication among
District nurses, driving issues for senior
Brothers, and procedures for admission to
District retirement homes. Brother Stephen
was pleased with the energy and enthusiasm
participants brought to this first District
Nurses’ Conference and anticipates future
meetings on a yearly basis.
Apolo Ohno with Ms. O’Neill’s 6th Grade Class
Olympian Apolo Ohno
Visits La Salle Academy
Olympic gold medalist, Apolo Ohno, visited
La Salle Academy in North Philadelphia on
April 14th to discuss the dangers of underage
drinking. The Century Council, a group funded
by a number of alcohol distilling companies
whose goals are fighting drunk driving and underage drinking, provided the program. “Ask,
Listen, Learn” was developed to inspire middle
school children to embrace a healthy lifestyle
and say no to underage drinking. Apolo invited
the students to play a quiz game and answer
questions about alcoholism while playing a Wiilike motion video game.
Although Apolo shared his speed skating
experience with the students, it was evident that
he did not come to talk about his accomplishments; he was there to inspire students to live
healthy lives and follow their dreams. “You guys
give me energy too. You inspire me.” He told the
students, “You make me feel good that you’re the
future of our country.”
Because of the importance of Apolo’s message and who he was as an eight-time Olympic
medalist, La Salle Academy invited 7th and 8th
graders from the surrounding schools of Saint
Laurentius and Saint Malachy to participate.
Students from San Miguel School, Camden,
and Hope Partnership were also in attendance.
By Sr. Jeanne McGowan, SSJ
President of La Salle Academy
Approximately 140 students and faculty
members from Lasallian schools and colleges
in the United States and Canada assembled at
the United Nations in New York City from
April 25-27 for the Lasallian Convocation on
the Rights of the Child. Participants in this
unique teach-in event learned about why and
how a world fit for children can be established.
In so doing, Lasallians joined thousands of
others in their call for universal ratification
of the UN Convention on the Rights of the
Child (CRC).
Since the adoption of the CRC in 1989,
the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian
Schools, who conduct about 1,000 educational ministries throughout the world, has
advocated for the human rights and guiding
principles enshrined in the treaty, which provides legal and moral standards for the rights
of children. The Convention emphasizes the
rights of children to survival; to develop to
their full potential; to protection from abuse,
neglect, discrimination, and exploitation; and
to participate in family, cultural and social
life. This complements the Brothers’ mission
of providing a human and Christian education to the young, especially to those who are
poor and marginalized.
The Lasallian Convocation at the UN was
part of a global effort to achieve a culture of
action on behalf of the rights of children. The
three-day event involved activities and presentations that were designed to inform, educate
and inspire the way Lasallians think, judge,
decide and act as individuals within the community. The Vatican’s Permanent Observer at
the UN endorsed the gathering and delivered
an address to the assembly.
Some 100 Lasallian educational ministries in the US-Toronto region involve more
than 67,000 students, 800 Brothers and
9,000 teaching partners. The Convocation
marked the beginning of a concrete effort by
this educational community to combine service activities with justice-oriented advocacy
ref lective of Lasallian education as it moves
forward in the 21st century.
By Br. Ernest Miller, FSC
Associate Director for Mission & Ministry
District of Eastern North America
Students from Lasallian schools and colleges attended UN convocation on the Rights of the Child.
St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute
Entertains Ammendale Brothers
During their spring break in late March
the Swing Choir of St. Joseph’s Collegiate
Institute of Buffalo, NY put on a very lively
and entertaining performance for the retired
Brothers of La Salle Hall. The very talented
singers, performing under the direction of
Mr. James Deiotte, were on a “Goodwill
Tour” to the Washington, DC area. They
also performed for the Little Sisters of the
Poor Home and the Veterans Home. The
Ammendale visit was arranged by Br. Peter
Killeen, a doctoral student at Catholic University, who himself was a member of the
troupe in his high days. At the end of the
show, the Brothers enjoyed hosting the students and their chaperons for dinner.
The 64 students of San Miguel Providence (RI)
recently raised $565 for the people of Haiti.
Shown are eighth grade class officers and teachers. During Lent they focused their efforts on
raising $1000 for Rongai Agricultural School, a
Lasallian school in Kenya.
Saint La Salle Society
Baumeister-Reichard Trust
Mr. Thomas Curley
Mr. John E. Joseph
La Salle University - De La Salle
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Merrick
St. Gabriel’s Hall - Brothers’
Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Strohminger Jr.
Saint Benilde Society
La Salle College HS - Brothers’
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard L. Mazur
Ms. Mary Bridget McErlean
IMO John, Rose & Henry J.
St. John’s College HS Brothers’ Community
Saint Miguel
Cordero Society
Rev. Gerald D. Canavan
IMO James & Louise Canavan
Ms. Susanne M. Cassidy
IHO Br. Patrick G. Cassidy, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Croteau
IMO Br. Adrian Powers, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Louis T. Donatelli
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Fitzsimmons
IMO Br. D. Peter Hughes, FSC
Mrs. Mary Anne Freitag
IMO Bernie Freitag
Mr. & Mr. Louis J. Guarrieri, Jr.
Mr. Michael J. Hackett AFSC
IMO Deceased Brothers
Mr. Brian M. Keelty
Br. Patrick Power, FSC
IMO James & Mary Power
Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Schaefer
IMO Br. John Byrne, FSC
Mr. Joseph D. Stinson
IMO Margaret Force
Mr. Joseph L. Tallant Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Vitt
Mr. Joseph M. Weigman
IMO Br. Faber Lauer, FSC
Saint Mutien Marie Society
Mr. Laurence M. Basinski
Mr. & Mrs. William Bauersfeld
Mrs. Susan M. Bradley
IMO Francis Bradley
Mrs. Denice P. Brown
Dr. John F. Carabello, DDS
IMO Frank & Phoebe Carabello
Central Catholic Class of 1959
IHO Brothers Arthur Bangs,
Thomas Caldwell, Kevin Erb,
Emery Mollenhauer
Christian Brothers - Roncalli
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Degnan
Mr. William T. Gallagher
IMO Diana Gallagher
Mr. Nicholas A. Giordano
Rev. Michael P. Hegarty
IMO John & Catherine Hegarty
& Family
Mr. Lawrence A. Jones
IMO Lawrence & Catherine
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Kochis
IMO John, Margaret, Jack &
Phil Kochis
Mrs. Julia K. Maher
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffry D. Martin
IMO William Melofchik &
Br. Joseph Melofchik, FSC
Mr. Edward P. McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. Austin A. Meehan
Rev. Walter J. Paulits
IMO Br. Edward Baldwin, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. W. Dennis Zerega Ed.D.
Saint Jaime Hilario Society
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Bernacki
IHO Br. Colman Coogan, FSC
Bishop Walsh School - Brothers’
Mrs. Dorothy M. Bondra
Calvert Hall College Class of ‘53
IMO Our Deceased Classmates
Mr. G. Edward Combs
Mr. John F. Coogan
Dr. Michael V. Coogan, MD
IMO John & Gertrude Coogan
John J. Dean Esq,
IHO Br. Arthur Bangs, FSC
Br. Timothy Dean, FSC
Hon. Thomas E. Dempsey
Mr. Walter F. Dobrzycki
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Easby-Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Martin H. Giegerich
IMO The Giegerich &
Schaich Families
Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Hannan
IMO Denis T. Hannan
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Javie
Mr. Dennis J. Kelleher
Mr. John H. Kennedy
Mr. William W. Kuhn
La Salle College HS Mothers’ Club
IHO Susan Bilotta
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Mauer Jr.
Mr. Patrick J. McCloskey
IMO John & Florence
Mr. & Mrs. Peter McKeon
IMO Thomas M. McKeon
Mr. James G. Mundy Jr
IMO Bernard J. Freitag
Mr. Charles M. Murray
Mr. William R. Ponton, Jr.
IMO Br. Phillip Callahan, FSC
Mr. William P. Sarkees Jr
IMO Mr. & Mrs. William Sarkees
Mr. Donald A. Trinite
Martyrs of Turon Society
Mr. James V. Aanstoos
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Albright
Mr. John C. Altrogge
IMO Brothers John, Anthony,
Thomas, Michael & Jeremy
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Amy Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Anagnos
IMO Br. Rene Sterner, FSC
Dr. Raymond C. Andries, MD
IMO Raymond M. Andries
Dr. L. E. Arrington
Dr. Louis B. Balizet, MD
Mr. Hoyt W. Bangs
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick P. Bangs
Mr. Bryan R. Beane
IHO The Brothers of St. John’s
Mr. James A. Bendel
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Bennison
Mr. Alfred E. Bittner
IMO Richard J. Flanigan
Sr. Helen Blendermann, CSJP
IMO Anna, Herman &
Edward Blendermann
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Bofinger
IMO Ann Marie Bofinger
Ms. Michal Bohn
In Appreciation of Thomas
Rev. Msgr. John P. Boland
Ms. Margaret M. Boylan
The Brennan Family
IMO Denis T. Hannan
Ms. Mary Ann Broderick
IMO William & Helen
Broderick William Poole
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Broderick
IMO The Broderick & Poole
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brooker
IMO Anthony & Catherine
Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Brown III
IMO Howard & Vivian Brown
Mr. C. Edmund Burke
IMO Nancy Burke
Mr. Michael Burke
Mrs. Helen A. Cannon
IMO Br. Edward Cannon, FSC
Mrs. & Mrs. Joseph M. Cardaci
IMO Br. Lewis Mullin, FSC
Gen. & Mrs. Michael P.C. Carns
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Cattie
Mr. Christopher W. Cavaney
Mr. & Mrs. Claude C. Caylor III
Mr. Anatole J. Chauvin
Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Clark
IMO The Clark & Boylan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Clary AFSC
IMO Br. Andrew Dinoto, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Clendenin
Mr. James R. Collis
IMO Classmates,West
Catholic ‘41
Br. Edward Conway, FSC
IMO James & Mildred Conway
Mrs. Patricia R. Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Coulson
IMO William R. Sundermann
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard S. Cox
Mr. Michael F. Coyle
IMO Michael & Margaret Coyle
Mr. John T. Cullen
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Cunnane
Mr. Michael J. Cunningham, Jr.
IMO Hugh A. Cunningham
Mr. Mark Curran & Ms.
Margaret Straub
IHO Christian Brothers of
Trinity HS, 68-72
Mr. & Mrs. Allen W. Dahle
Mr. James T. Derwin
IMO James Derwin & Anna
Deacon Dale J. Di Santo
IMO Margaret Peg Di Santo
Mrs. Margaret Diorio
IMO Br. F. James McEntee &
Br. G. Vincent McEntee
William B. Dixon Esq.
Mr. Robert B. Donohoe
John H. Doud, III, Esq.
IMO Br. Gabriel Cannon &
Br. Gerald Malseed
Ms. Rosemary L. Doyle
IMO Arthur Lynch, Edward &
Michael Doyle
Mr. Henry E. Dugan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dymowski
Mr. & Mrs. Roger N. Eddy
IMO Denis T. Hannan
Col. & Mrs. William Y. Epling
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Fielding Jr.
IMO Br. Clement Smith, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Fierko
IMO Mr. & Mrs. S. Fierko &
Mr. & Mrs. S. DiBella
Mr. Terence Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Flanagan
Dr. Joseph C. Flanagan, MD
Mr. Paul B. Frampton
Dr. Gregory M. Frank, DMD
Mr. Stephen J. Frank, Jr.
IMO Stephen & Helen Frank
Mrs. Betty Froehlich
IMO Raymond P. Froehlich
Br. Timothy J. Froehlich, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gardiner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Gardner
IMO Joseph & Gertrude Gardner
Mr. John C. Gargani
Mr. William A. Gaudreau
IHO Br. Gregory Cavalier, FSC
Mr. Joseph J. Gerngross Sr., AFSC
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Gibbons
IMO The Gibbons Family
Mrs. Judith N. Goldhammer
IMO Albert D. Goldhammer
Mr. Edward J. Grady III
IMO Br. Rene Sterner &
Br. Edward Cannon
Ms. Joyce R. Griener
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar M. Guertin
IMO Edgar & Thomas Guertin
The Thomas Hannan Family
IMO Denis T. Hannan
Ms. Del R. Hannigan
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Heisler
Mr. Edward F. Heller
IMO Suzanne L. Heller
Br. Eric Henderson, FSC
Rev. Francis X. Herron
IMO Msgr. Bernard J. Herron
& Deceased Christian Brothers
Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Herron
Mr. William Hillgrove
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hogan
Mr. Thomas J. Hoskins
IMO Br. Jeremy McNamara, FSC
Dr. Mary Ellen Hrutka PhD
IMO Peter J. Hanczor, Sr.
Mrs. Margarite A. Hudson
IMO Ralph & Margaret Ponzio
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Hussey
Mr. Bernard R. Jacobs
IHO Calvert Hall Class of ‘46
Rev. Anthony W. Janton, AFSC
Mr. & Mrs. Darel S. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Johnson
IMO Br. E. Joseph Melofchik &
Br. William Garvey
Mr. Kenneth J. Jones
Mr. Louis J. Julg, Jr.
IMO Carolann Julg
Mr. Ronald J. Julkowski
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Kane, Jr.
IMO David M. Kane & David
Mr. Raymond J. Kane Jr.
Dr. Louis L. Keeler, MD
IMO William H. Keeler
Rev. Mr. & Mrs. James R. Kelly
Mr. Thomas A. Kelly
IMO Central Catholic
Classmates ‘51
La Salle Hall Expansion Completed, Brothers Express Gratitude to Donors
Last fall the Christian Brothers appealed
to donors for their support in helping to
fund the expansion of our retirement facilities at La Salle Hall in Ammendale, Maryland. The project involved the addition of
eight bedrooms to the twenty-two bedroom
facility that was opened in 1994. The new
construction also included an exercise center and staff office along with laundry and
storage facilities.
We are very happy to report that our
donors contributed a total of $98,650 to
the appeal, an outstanding response during
these difficult economic times. An additional $36,850 was contributed by Brothers’
communities. These amounts, combined
with proceeds of $81,500 from last OctoMr. & Mrs. Gerard G. Killeen
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Kinzler Jr.
IHO Brother Gregorian, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kinzler
Mr. John R. Klein
Mr. George P. Kramer
IMO Joanne Liberatore Kramer
Ms. Anne M. Kredell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Krysiak
Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Kusick Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Kyhos
IMO Mr. & Mrs. Milton Kyhos
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lavin Jr.
Mr. William A. Leasure, Jr.
Mrs. Alice Laffey Leone
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Linehan
Mr. George E. Lion
IMO Br. Erminus Joseph, FSC
Mrs. Betty Lipinski
IMO William A. Lipinski
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Logan, Jr.
Mr. Eugene T. Lucente
IMO E. J. Lucente
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch
Mr. William J. Madden
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Malone
IMO Br. Christopher Businsky
& Br. Joseph Bender
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A.
Mancuso Jr.
IMO The Gretz & Mancuso
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Marvin
IHO South Hills Catholic HS
Mr. James M. Mc Aneney
Mr. Jerome P. McCann
ber’s Service Awards Dinner, has resulted in
$217,000 in total donor giving for the project. Such a generous outpouring of support
from our benefactors will greatly assist us in
meeting the $1.3 M cost for the building’s
construction and furnishings.
Br. John Patzwall, Manager of Retirement Resources for the District of Eastern North America, worked closely with
Whiting-Turner Construction and Architects Group Practice in the designing and
building of the new addition. During the ten
month construction phase even the heaviest sleepers among the Brothers didn’t need
alarm clocks, as hammers and saws broke
the early morning quiet promptly at 6:00
AM. The final stages of the work were un-
Mr. John E. McFaul, Jr.
IMO Louise A.McFaul
Mr. Thomas J. McGinn
Mr. Edward O. McGovern
IMO Leo B. Kelly
Mr. Patrick E. McHale
IMO Anthony, Eileen & Ellen
Mr. & Mrs. James J. McKay
IMO Rose & James McKay,
Mary & Herman Laule
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. McMahon
Mr. Regis T. McMahon
IMO Br. Leo Quinn, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. McManus
Mr. James J. McMeekin
IMO Br. Eligius of Mary
McGovern, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. James Meier
Mr. & Mrs. Martin P. Mellett
IMO Br. Gabriel C.
Cannon, FSC
Dr. John F. Mermel
Ms. Rosalind R. Meyers
IMO Paul Cavaliere
Mr. Joseph G. Michels
IMO The Brothers of St. John’s
College & La Salle University
Dr. Vincent P. Miraglia MD
Mr. Francis X. Moll
Mrs. Jane F. Morgan
IMO Martin H. Morgan
Mr. Thomas F. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Moser
Mr. John J. Mullaney
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Murphy III
IMO David & Evelyn Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Murphy Jr.
Msgr. Ignatius L. Murray, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Hung D. Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. William Nolte
IMO Br. Lawrence Colhocker &
Dr. Joseph Flubacher
Mr. Milton G. Nottingham Jr
IMO John F. Hartman, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. O’Brien
IHO The Christian Brothers
Mr. Edward G. O’Connor
IHO Central Catholic Class of
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. O’Connor
IMO John R. Maas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. O’Donnell
Mr. Gerald R. O’Neill
IMO Timothy O’Neill
Mr. Chester J. Orzechowski
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Paul
Mr. Charles G. Peckham
Mr. & Mrs. J. Bart Pietz
IMO Wilbert H. Peitz & Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Pietro Jr.
IMO Philip & Josephine Pietro
Mr. Francis M. Piperno
Mr. Donald P. Pittman
IMO Brother Paul Tynan, FSC
Mr. John T. Quigley
IMO James & Marie Quigley
Rev. Joseph J. Quindlen
Mr. Charles M. Radigan
Mr. James M. Rebel
Mr. Raymond W. Reich
IHO Br. Patrick Power, FSC
Ms. Patricia S. Reisert
deterred by the Great Blizzard of 2010. In
fact, our construction workers came to the
rescue in plowing driveways and walkways
through the thirty inches of snow and higher
drifts around the property.
With life back to normal here in Ammendale, the community is enjoying nature’s
re-birth and the pleasure of the outdoors.
During these holy seasons of Easter and Pentecost we are especially mindful of the great
blessing our benefactors continue to be in assisting us in the care of our retired Brothers.
We pray daily that God will bless you and
your loved ones abundantly.
Thank You!
The Brothers of La Salle Hall
Ms. Dorothy Rescher
IMO Frank & Sophie Henle
Mr. Mark A. Ricci
IHO Raymond Ricci, AFSC
Mr. William J. Richeson
IMO Rosemary K. Richeson
Mr. Joseph J. Rockwell, Jr.
IHO Br. Patrick Ellis, FSC
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Rogers
IMO Deceased Family
Mrs. Carole Rowland
IMO Robert J. Rowland, Jr.
Mr. Edward A. Ryan
IMO Rev. Michael Romero
Rev. Thomas Ryan
IMO Christina Marie Fry
Mr. Joseph R. Sadowski
Mr. James M. Schaeffer
Mr. Walter Schearer, Jr.
IMO Mary & Walter Schearer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Schenk III
IMO Paul G. Schenk
Mr. David Scheve
Mr. Leo J. Schilling, Jr.
Mr. John T. Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Schugsta, Jr.
Mrs. John H. Scott
IMO John H. Scott, MD
Mr. Spencer A. Shaw
Mrs. Rosemary R. Sheehy
IMO Edward J. Sheehy
Mr. Herman Shipman
IMO Marie Shipman
Mrs. Marianne M. Simpson
Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Skelly
Mr. Bernard R. Smelstoys
Rev. Ignatius E. Smith OFM
IMO Br. Gordian, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Smith
Mr. Almon T. Sorrell
The Stanton Family
IMO Martin & Mary Stanton
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Stellute
IMO Br. Lawrence Carrr, FSC
Mr. Thomas W. St. Hilaire
Ms. Carole Stolba
IMO Mary & Philip Whitman
Mr. Raymond F. Stopper, Jr.
Mr. Charles P. Sulmar
Mr. Frank C. Sulzbach
IMO Br. Edward Cannon, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Tague Sr.
Mr. Vincent F. Tana
Dr. & Mrs. William F. Taylor DSC
Col. & Mrs. Richard M. Thoden Jr.
Rev. Edward J. Trzeciakowski
Mr. & Mrs. Fred M. Turkoff
Mr. Robert M. Unetich
Mr. James Vendetti
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Videtto
IMO Nora S. Videtto
Mr. Frank A. Vitrano
Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Vollmer
IMO Frederick & Margaret
Mr. Michael Watson
IMO Evelyn Watson
Mr. Lawrence T. Weber
Mr. Robert P. Weinaug
Mr. Joseph E. Welsh
Mr. James H. Werner
IMO All The Brothers Who
Guided Me
Mrs. Marie B. Woolley
Mr. Joseph T. Yacucci
IMO Deceased Family Members
Beatified Brothers’ Society
Mr. Charles E. Adler
IMO Marie V. Adler
Ms. Judy S. Ahern
IMO Charles F. Strong, Jr.
Mrs. Lillian C. Alesczyk
IMO Joseph J. Alesczyk
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Amicone
Dr. & Mrs. Adam F. Andrews
IMO Kevin & David Andrews
Mr. Raymond J. Anselmo
Ms. Cynthia A. Antos
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Argentine
Jr., MD
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Armstrong Jr.
Lt. Col. William D. Austermann
Mr. Regis Bahr
Mr. John Banyas
IMO John & Katherine Banyas
Mr. William S. Barranger
IMO Marie G. Davis
Mrs. Barbara A. Basile
IMO Br. Rene Sterner, FSC
Dr. Louis J. Beccaria PhD
Mr. Francis J. Bees Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Behrendt
IMO Waldemar & Emma
Behrendt, Frank & Angeline
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Benso
IHO The Boland, Burke &
Young Families
Mrs. Margaret Berkey
IMO John C. Berkey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Beyer
IMO Family & Friends
Mr. John M. Bissell
IMO Grady Genin
Mr. Perry K. Blatz
Mr. Thomas H. Blaydes
IMO Dr. Frank Blaydes
Mr. John P. Blisard
Mr. James Bloise
IMO Lloyd Vreeland
Ms. Joyce Bobko
Mr. Michael J. Boyle
Mrs. John N. Braca
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew E. Brach
Mr. & Mrs. Brian B. Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Brady
Rev. Robert H. Breen
IMO Br. D. Albert Kocher, FSC
Mr. Joseph J. Brett
IMO Br. G. Henry Laffey, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Brissette
Mr. Raymond Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Brosnahan
Mr. Fred T. Brown, Jr.
IMO Zee & Tody Brown,
IHO Dot & Bill Brown
Mrs. Ann S. Bryers
The John Bryers & Sopko
Mr. Paul G. Buchanan
Mrs. Louise E. Burgan
IMO Denis T. Hannan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Burns
Mr. John V. Calabrese
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Callan
IMO John & Marie Callan
Mr. John H. Campbell
Dr. Joseph J. Capista DDS
IMO Harold “Matt” Penney
Mrs. Wilhelmina A. Carey
IMO Edward J. Carey
Mr. & Mrs. N. Vernon Carfine
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Carlin
Mr. Thomas V. Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Carroll
Mr. James F. Casey Jr.
Ms. Kathleen A. Casey
IMO Br. Edward Cannon, FSC
Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Cassidy
Mr. Christopher W. Cavaney
IMO William T.Cavaney
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Chambers Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Checchia
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Chrismer
Dr. Joseph J. Cicala, PhD
IMO Br. John Johnston, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. David Clayton
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Cocimano
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Coggins
Dr. Stephen E. Cohn, PhD
Ms. Noreen P. Collins
Mr. Charles Connelly III
Mr. Richard M. Connolly
Mr. Francis J. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Cooney
IMO The Cooney Family
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Cooper
IMO Louis Casale
Mr. Joseph Corasaniti
IMO Br. Vincent Feeney, FSC
Mr. William J. Cover III
IMO Penny S. Cover
Mr. James M. Cox Sr
Mr. Thomas S. Coyne
Mr. & Mrs. David N. Crapo III
IMO Bre. George Heil, FSC
Ms. Catherine A. Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Creedon, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Cross
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Crowe
Mr. David P. Crum
Mr. James K. Curtin
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Cusick
Mr. Edward J. D’Auria
IMO Albert & Regina D’Auria
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Daschbach Jr.
Mr. Vincent P. Davis
Mr. Frazier P. Dawson
IMO Anne & Tommy Dawson
Ms. Colleen M. DeJohn
IMO Joanne McCann
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. DeLalla
Mr. & Mrs. John DeMarco Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Deppish
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Devinney
Br. William DiPasquale, FSC
IMO Angelo & Pauline
Mr. John R. Dietrich
IMO Regis & Ann Dietrich
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Donatelli
Mr. R. Timothy Dowd
Mr. Joseph P. Dowling
Mr. William R. Downey
IMO Br. Clement Smith, FSC
Ms. Joan Doyle
Mr. Michael J. Doyle
Mr. Thomas A. Dufner
Mr. Richard C. DuLaney
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Dunleavy Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Egan
IMO Charles F. Strong, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Ejzak
Lt. Col. & Mrs. George P. Emodi
USAF (Ret)
Mr. George T. Evans
IHO Br. Emery Mollenhauer, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Ewachiw
IMO Bridget Ewachiw
Donald E. Exner Esq.
Mrs. Sharon Fagioli
IMO Warren & Eileen Schieler
Br. Martin Fahey, FSC
Mrs. Evelyn B. Fay
IMO John F. Fay, Jr.
Rev. William J. Fay
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Fazio Sr.
IMO The McErlean Family
Mr. Richard P. Felten
IMO Joseph & Mary Felten
Mr. Daniel J. Ferri
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Ferrick
Rev. Henry J. Ferry, PhD
Mr. Leslie F. Fewster
Mrs. Deborah A. Filizzola
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Fisher
Mr. Edward J. Fisher
IMO Edward McErlean
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Fitzgerald, Jr.
Mr. Richard B. Fitzgerald
IMO Richard & Catherine
Rev. Timothy Fitzgerald, CP
Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. Flattery
Mrs. Roberta L. Flynn
IMO Michael P. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Foertsch
Ms. Diane M. Foos
IMO Bill McCool
Mr. & Mrs. J. Craig Forrest
IMO William Forrest & Ellen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Foster
Mr. Leo C. Franciscus
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Franz
IMO Ken Franz
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Fuchs
IMO Br. Thomas Miller, FSC
Ms. Christa Gahagan
Mrs. Gail A. Gallagher
IMO Thomas H. Gallagher
Mr. Richard J. Gallagher
IMO Kathryn & Aloysius
Mr. William P. Gallagher
Mr. Edward C. Gannon
IMO Thomas M. Gannon, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Gaumer
Ms. Anne C. Gavaghan
IMO William & Katherine
Mr. Michael J. Geraghty, Jr.
Dr. Susan M. Gisler
Mrs. Margaret A. Giuffrida
IMO John A. Giuffrida
Mrs. Margaret A. Glancey
Ms. Diane M. Glendon
Mr. & Mrs. Leo N. Gorman
IHO Br. Patrick Power, FSC
Mr. Michael M. Gorman
Ms. Kathleen R. Gormley
IMO Br. James Muldoon, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Grady
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Graham
IMO Br. Gene Graham, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Greco
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Green
IMO George J. & Mary P. Green
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Greenwald
Mr. Michael E. Gresh
IMO Helen Gresh
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Grexa
IMO Grexa, Murray, O’Kane &
Deasey Families
Mr. Martin Griffin
Lt. Col. Tony Grimm, USMC (Ret)
IHO Br.Kevin Erb, FSC “Semper
Mrs. Barbara Guidera
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Habra, MD
IMO Deceased Parents &
Mr. Glenn A. Haig
Mr. Frank Hall
IMO John & Lillian Hall
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Hall
IMO The Hall & Carey Families
Mrs. Joan F. Halpin
IMO Thomas & Michael Halpin
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Hamilton
Ms. Rosemary F. Hamm
IMO Rose, Frederick & Fred
Filberg, Bernadette Fenning,
James Hamm
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hammann
Ms. Geraldine Harchut
Mrs. Cynthia A. Hawthorne
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Heinstadt
Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester K. Helminiak
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hennessy Sr.
IMO Edward & Marie Gallagher
Mr. Ted J. Hense
Ms. Ruthann Hockenbrock
IMO Br. Hugh Wilson, FSC
Ms. Marsha L. Hoff
IMO John, Hazel and Paul Howe
Mr. James L. Hogler
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Holub
Mr. James J. Huggard
IMO Helen Jurczak, John Kelly,
Joseph Gallo
Mr. Robert C. Hughes
Mr. Bernard E. Hynson Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Iacoboni
IMO Anthony J. Iacoboni
Mr. William N. Jackson
Mr. Frederick J. Jaklitsch
Mr. James J. Jaklitsch, P.E.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Jannetti
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Jarboe
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Jarosinski
Mrs, Barbara M. Jenkins
Mr. Charles A. Jessen
IMO Br. G. LeoBosch, FSC
Mr. Edward M. Jones
Ms. Marybeth Kahle
IMO Mary & Joseph Kahle
Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Kaifer
Mr. Leo P. Kane
Mrs. Mary Kaskauskas
IMO Obuchowicz, Kaskauskas
& Leonard Families
Mr. & Mrs. Leon B. Kazunas
Mr. James J. Kearns
IMO The Kearns & Crilley
Mr. John B. Keefe
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Kefer
Mr. Glen A. Keller
Ms. Barbara M. Kelly
IMO The Kelly Family
Mr. Robert A. Kenaan
IMO Brother Patrick
Mr. Richard Kendrick
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kenney
IMO Joseph & Dorothy Kenney,
Joseph & Mary O’Mara,
Elizabeth & Thomas Riley
Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Kenny
IMO The Brothers of
Seton-La Salle HS
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kiely
IMO Charles F. Strong, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Kiesel
IMO Helen Burke
Mrs. Dolores C. Kirsch
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Klesius
IMO Alsinda D’Alessandro
Mr. Thomas F. Knight
Rev. Thomas P. Kobuszewski
Mr. Sidney J. Kowalczyk
Ms. Regina A. Kozar
IMO The Kozar Family &
Mrs. Margaret C. Kraft
IMO Dr. Albert J. Kraft, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Lafferty
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Lang
Mr. Thomas Lanyi
Mr. David C. Larkin
IMO Deceased Brothers of
West Catholic
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Larkin
Mr. Robert Larkin
IMO Robert C. Larkin
Mr. & Mrs. Juergen Laue
Mr. John C. Laux
Mr. & Mrs. John Lazzaro, Jr.
Mrs. Marian D. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Leinheiser
IMO Br. G. Anthony Kent, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred W. LeRoux
IMO Br. Lawrence Carr, FSC
Col. Elmer J. Linthicum, Sr.
IMO All the Good Guys in
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph G. Longo
IHO Br. Colman Coogan, FSC
Mr. George J. Lordi Jr.
IMO Patricia Ann Lordi
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Lorenz
Mr. Thomas P. Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Macalis
Ms. Regina O. Maenner
IMO Albert Goldhammer
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Magee
IMO Hugh Magee
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Mahon
Rev. Joseph F. Mahon CSP
Rev. Richard J. Maisano
Dr. Gabriel M. Makhlouf MD
IMO Avril Makhlouf
Mr. Joseph Malik
Mr. Joseph T. Maloney
IMO J.A. Maloney
Ms. Beatrice R. Mannering
IMO Mr. & Mrs. George
Mr. Martin Mannion
IMO The Mannion Family
Mr. Joseph Marchese
IMO Connie & Leo Marchese
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Masker
IMO William, George and
Barbara Masker
Mrs. Belinda S. Mathers
IMO The Davis, Connelly,
Beach & Mathers Families
Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Mauch
Mr. John E. May
Mr. & Mrs. William C. May
Mr. Donald J. McAneny
IMO Harry T. McAneny
Mr. Joseph S. McAuliffe
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. McCarthy
IMO Edward & Irene McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCracken, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael
McDonough Sr.
Mr. Bernard J. McElhare
IMO The McElhare Family
Mr. & Mrs. John J. McElroy
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. McEvoy
Mr. James P. McFadden
IMO The Brothers of La Salle
High & La Salle College
Ms. Nada McFarland
Mr. John R. McGann
IMO John & Catherine McGann
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. McGarvey
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mc Gee
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McGervey
IMO The Appel, Bratz, Blaney
& McGervey Families
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mc Gettigan
IMO James McGettigan
Mrs. Eleanor M. McGlynn
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Mc Govern
IMO Bernie McGuire
Mr. Francis T. McGrath
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. McGrath
Mr. John J. McHugh
Mr. & Mrs. John R. McIntyre Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William P. McKee
Mrs. Connie McKenzie
IMO Martin F. McKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. Terrance McManus
Mr. Daniel J. McNerney
Mr. Philip T. McPoyle
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McQuillen
Ms. Mary A. Melofchik
IMO Br. Joseph Melofchik &
Br. Phillip Callahan
Mr. Arthur P. Menno
Mr. Christopher P. Merrick
Mr. Ronald E. Meyers
IMO Edna Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Michenzi
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Miller
Rev. William C. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Miner
Mr. Thomas J. Mitchell
Mrs. Teresa Molloy
IMO William J. Molloy
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Moore
Mr. Harry Moore
IMO Mary M. Powers
Mr. Marc J. Morgan
IMO Charles E. Morgan, Esq.
Mr. Stanley J. Mrozinski
IMO The Mrozinski Family
Mr. Edward J. Mulvihill
IMO Dorothy R. Mulvihill
Mr. & Mrs. Martin G. Murphy
IMO Mr. & Mrs. Raymond
Mrs. Thomas A. Murphy
IMO Thomas A. Murphy
Mr. Burt Murray
Ms. Florence T. Murray
IMO Edward & Richard Murray
Mr. Francis X. Murray
IMO Br. Edward Cannon, FSC
Mr. William J. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Nagle
Col. A. Joseph Nattans Sr.
Mr. S.A. Neff, Jr.
IMO Br. James Donovan, FSC
Mr. John J. Neuschel
IMO Br. Stephen Paul &
Br. Lawrence Colhocker
Mr. E. C. Ney
Ms. Margaret T. Nickleach
Mr. G. Joseph. Noto
Mr. Hugh P. O’Brien
IMO James L. O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. James M. O’Connor
Mrs. Lorraine O’Connor
IMO Joseph T. O’Connor
Mr. Philip P. O’Neill
IMO Cdr. E.P. O’Neill
Dr. Anthony J. Orrico DMD
IMO Joseph & Mary Orrico
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Palmieri
IMO Br. Rene Sterner, FSC
Mr. Paul E. Pathe
Mr. John J. Patrick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Patzwall
IMO James Patzwall
Mrs. Dolores L. Peitz
IMO Wilbert H. Peitz
Mr. Jeffrey Pelesh
Mr. Gene Perret
Mr. Joseph J. Perry
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Peters
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Petro
IMO The Petro Family
Mr. Thomas R. Phillips
Mr. Charles P. Plantholt
IMO Bertha & Joseph
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Posimo
Mr. Christopher B. Powell
Mr. Thomas J. Powell
IMO Thomas & Cecelia Powell
Ms. Mary B. Prats
Mr. & Mrs. Sam R. Prestianni
IMO The Prestianni Family
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Presto
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Quintiliani
Mr. Joseph D. Raley
IMO Francis D. Raley
Mrs. Helen T. Razzano
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Reip
Mr. Paul B. Ricci
IHO Raymond Ricci, AFSC
Mrs. Frances Rocco
IMO Joseph Rocco
Mr. Joseph N. Roche
IMO Br. D. Aloysius Lumley, FSC
Mr. George J. Romig
IMO Br. F. Regis Mullin, FSC
Mr. Richard A. Rothwell
Mr. Dennis R. Rubisch
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Ryan
Mrs. Ofelia Salgado
Dr. Kathleen M. Sandman
Mr. George C. Sapp
IMO Br. Luke Conneen, FSC
& Charles Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Savidge
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sawyer
IMO Edward & Marie
Mrs. Barbara A. Schmidt
IMO George Ktatinski &
Florence Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Schmitt
Mr. Joseph A. Schmitz
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Schneider
Mr. John J. Schroeder
Mr. Herbert E. Schweizer
IMO Patricia A. Schweizer
Mr. Harry E. Seidell
IMO Madeline Seidell
Mr. Anthony P. Serio
IMO Elizabeth Ann Serio
Mr. William F. Serody
Mrs. Madeleine Shallow
Mr. Charles H. Shanabruch
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Sharry
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sheehan
IMO Regis J. Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Shemeley
Mr. Raymond P. Sheridan
Mr. Thomas P. Sheridan Jr
IMO Br. Patrick Sheekey, FSC
Rev. Maurice L. Shields
IMO Mr. & Mrs. Maurice
Mr. Richard E. Siclare
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Slattery
IMO Catherine & Eugene
Mr. James A. Slavish
IMO Mary Keefer
Mr. Joseph L. Small
IMO Tony Quinn
Mrs. John Smallwood
IMO Br. G. Augustine
Roberts, FSC
Mr. & Mr. David J. C. Smith
Mrs. Lillian M. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. Smith
Dr. Maurice F. Snyder, PhD
Mr. Douglas J. Sortino
Mr. Keith R. Soucy
Mr. Robert M. Sowa
IMO Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sowa
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Edward P.
Spellacy USAF (Ret)
Mr. Lawrence W. Spellman
Rev. William W. Spencer
IMO Margaret M. Spencer
Mr. Rick Spires
IMO Br. John Brady, FSC
Mr. Gregory C. Sprissler
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Stabile
IMO Anna Stabile
Br. Kevin Stanton, FSC
IMO Charles F. Strong, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Stanton
IMO Charles F. Strong, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Stengle
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Straumann
Mrs. Ruth L. Strong
IMO Charles F. Strong, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Stubenbort
Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Stuhltrager
Mr. Joseph C. Sullivan
Cmdr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Taraborelli
Mr. Albert H. Them
IMO Br. Edward Cannon, FSC
Mr. George J. Thomas
IMO Dolores M.Thomas
Mrs. Rose P. Thompson
Br. Kevin Tidd, OSB
IMO Br. Rene Sterner, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Tier III
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll P. Tignall, Jr.
IMO Gerald E.Tignall, Sr.
Mr. John R. Tiskus
Mr. John J. Tolan
Mr. Edward J. Tomulis
Mr. Michael J. Toso, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Travis Jr.
IMO Deceased Family &
Mr. Charles C. Tyson
Mrs. Margaret Vaughan
IMO Alice K. Laffey
Mrs. Dorothy Veneziale
IMO Rev. Christopher Carney
Mr. Dominic J. Vicino
IMO Mary A. Vicino
Mrs. Barbara P. Vitt
IMO Br. G. Lewis Mullin, FSC
Mr. Frederick G. Vogt
IMO Robert Vogt
Mr. John P. Vroble
Joseph Walheim, Esq.
Mr. John H. Walsh III
Mr. James J. Ward
IMO The Ward Family
Mr. Leo P. Weidman
Mrs. Doris J. Weigold
IMO Thomas Weigold, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Leo I. Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Welt
Dr. John D. Whiteman, PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Wieber
IMO The Wieber Family
Mrs. Kelli Wilson
IMO Nick Alvino
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wiseman
IMO Br. Michael Phillips, FSC
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wishing
Mr. Mark P. Woods
Mr. Edward A. Wright
Stephen A. Wydrzynski Esq,
Mr. Richard Ziegler
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Zurick
Mr. Victor J. Zverloff
IHO = In Honor Of
IMO = In Memory Of
Visit The Christian Brothers On The Web:
Go to for
Information on the Brothers and their ministries,
Mass Cards and all occasion cards from the St. La Salle Auxiliary,
Online donations
Go to for
Information regarding the annual Service Awards Dinner
honoring our Christian Brother Jubilarians
Brothers of the Christian Schools
Office of Development
P.O. Box 1710
Beltsville, MD 20704-1710
The Christian Brothers’ Service Awards Dinner
Save the Date
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Honoring our Brother Jubilarians
75 Years
Br. Patrick Phillips
65 Years
Br. Hugh Albright
Br. Thomas Caldwell
Br. Francisco Martin
Br. Hilary McGovern
Br. Nicholas Sullivan
60 Years
Br. Timothy Dean
Br. Brendan Garwood
Br. Joseph Gerry
Br. Charles Gresh
Br. Philip Whitman
50 Years
Br. James Bednar
Br. Philip DePorter
Br. William Fealy
Br. Eric Henderson
Br. William Johnson
Br. Richard Kestler
40 Years
Br. Lawrence Shine
25 Years
Br. Charles Huber
Br. Anthony Nguyen
Br. Leonard Rhoades
Entertainer Brendan Pelan is
accompanied by visitors from
Calvert Hall in a rousing version of the Irish Rover. The
CHC Alumni Association
annually joins the Brothers
in Ammendale for Mass, and
then treats the community to
a delicious meal and evening
of entertainment. Joining the
singers is Br. Patrick Phillips,
a long time teacher at Calvert
Hall, who, at 93, is celebrating his 75th anniversary as a
Christian Brother this year.
Photos in this issue courtesy of Stephanie Beard, John Chung FSC, Lewis Clark, Phil DeRita, Roy Engelbrecht,
Lawrence Goyette FSC, Doug Heidrick, Rebecca Minarik, and John Patzwall FSC