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20% - The Eastern Gazette
Front Cover FREE Established 1853 Your 1-800-287-2295 [email protected] 800 287 2295 • gazette@easterngazette com 17,000 Circulation • Copyright 2015 The Gazette, Inc. Volume 163 No. 51 *****ECRWSS***** U.S. Postage Paid Dexter ME. Permit No. 97 Local POSTAL CUSTOMER HomeTown AdVantage December 18 - 24, 2015 Delivered by U.S. Mail to every residential and business addresses in: Abbot, Atkinson, Barnard, Beaver Cove, Blanchard, Bowerbank, Brownville, Brownville Jct., Cambridge, Charleston, Corinna, Corinth, Derby, Dexter, Dover-Foxcroft, Ebeemee, Elliottsville, Exeter, Frenchtown, Garland, Greenville, Greenville Jct., Guilford, Harmony, Kingsbury Plt., LaGrange, Lake View Plt., Lily Bay, Maxfield, Mayfield, Medford, Milo, Monson, Orneville, Parkman, Ripley, Sangerville, Sebec, Shirley Mills, St. Albans, Wellington, Williamsburg, Willimantic. A CHRISTMAS CAROL - Chris Viera (Scrooge) and Connor Plante (Young Scrooge) both kick up their heels at the Fezziwig Mill Ball during the Center Theatre’s production of A Christmas Carol. (Photo courtesy of Love Your &KULVWPDV/RDQ6SHFLDO $35IRUPRQWKV Angels Photography) Story on page 6 5DWHVDVORZDV Borrow up to $2500 payable over 12 months. SEE US TODAY, start your Christmas shopping tomorrow! THERE’S STILL TIME! Gift Cards Pages 2 & 3 Disclosure: *Annual Percentage Rate. Sample payment: $84.92 per month for each $1,000 borrowed. Assumes a repayment term of 12 months at 3.5% Annual Percentage Rate. Membership eligibility is required. 3LWWV¿HOG1HZSRUW ZZZVYIFXPHFRP The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage December 18 - 24, 2015 Interior Painting Looking to get a fresh look on your interior over the winter season? Give us a call. Quality work. $35/hr for 2 men. Free estimates and references available. 924-0143 Tree Removal & Pruning inc. RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL SALTING & SANDING -RAPID RESPONSESNOWPLOWING 564-7400 Robert Goodwin, Owner State of Maine Licensed Arborist Locally Owned Fullyy Insured bluewatertree.com Robinson Page 1 Myrick Award presented to Eddie Lewis by Mike Lange DOVER-FOXCROFT – He’s done everything from mend fences and mow lawns at the Piscataquis County Fairgrounds to load backpacks with food for youngsters in Dover-Foxcroft and Guilford. He also served on the DoverFoxcroft Fire Department for 46 years and was named Kiwanian of the Year by the Dover-Foxcroft Kiwanis Club earlier this year. But Ralph “Eddie” Lewis had to be convinced to show up for one of the community’s most prestigious honors Monday night at the Piscataquis County Economic Development Council’s annual meeting: the Pete Myrick award for community service. “I thought I had to hog-tie him to bring him over here,” DoverFoxcroft Fire Chief Joe Guyotte joked. “Then I told him he ought to wear a tie. That took some convincing.” Guyotte, State Rep. Norm Higgins, and many others praised Lewis for his role as one of the community’s unsung heroes. U.S. Sen. Angus King and U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin also sent videotaped congratulations to the meeting which drew more than 100 people to the Mill Event Center. Guyotte said that in most community organizations, “There’s only a half-dozen who do 99 percent of the work. Eddie is the goto person at the fair. Weeks before it starts, you’ll see him mowing and weed-whacking everywhere.” Lewis, 72, graduated from Dex- ter High School in 1962, served in the military until 1969 and went to work for Guilford Industries after his discharge. That same year, he joined the Dover-Foxcroft Fire Department and eventually was promoted to captain. “The captain on a fire department is the one who goes into the building and makes sure that the fire is out,” said Guyotte. Lewis later worked for Judkin’s Shop ‘N Save for over 20 years Continued on Page 11 A.E. ROBINSON +ROLGD\66SHFLDOV THANK-YOU CARD – Attendees at the December 14 Piscataquis County Economic Development Council’s annual meeting had a chance to sign a huge thank-you card for Ralph “Eddie” Lewis, recipient of the Pete Myrick award for community service. (Eastern Gazette photo – Mike Lange) KEEBLER CRACKERS – 3/$1* KELLOGGS SS POPTARTS – 2/$1* CHEX MIX 3.75 OZ. – 2/$2.50* SNICKERS, M&M, TWIX, 3 MUSKETEERS & MILKY WAY STANDARD SIZE – 2/$1.25* REESES PEANUT BUTTER CUP KING SIZE – 2/$2.50* *OR 1 AT REGULAR PRICE COCA--CCOOLA LA FFAMILY AMILY 2 LLITE ITERRSS 99¢¢** PEPSI FAAMILY MILY 1 LLITER ITER 89¢¢** *plu *p *plu plus pllu p l s ta tax tax x an and nd deposi de deposit d pos posi po osi os o si st BUD & BUD LIGHT 12 pk. 16 oz Aluminum Bottles $999* MILLER LITE AND COORS LIGHT M $ 99 9 pk. 16 oz Aluminum Bottles 8 * TWISTED TEA FAMILY 6 pks. $699* BEST DAMN ROOTBEER 6 pks. $849* *plus tax and deposit December 18th, 2015 - January 3rd, 2016 Available at all A.E. Robinson Convenience Stores Brownville, *Corinth, Corinna, Dexter, Dover-Foxcroft, Guilford, Monson, Pittsfield and Sangerville *beer not available at the Corinth store Halo hearing aids are ideal for people who want to stay Enhance every experience engaged and active. Halo are advanced, feature-rich hearing aids designed to help you hear everything better even in today’s challenging environments. They are also engineered to work specifically with the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, so that you can: • Stream all audio generated from mobile Apple® devices wirelessly to your Halo hearing aids (imagine the hearing aids acting as wireless speakers) • Use your iPhone to remotely control your hearing aids Dover Audiology Chris Clukey MA, CCC-A 859 West Main St. Dover-Foxcroft doveraudiologycenter.com • 564-3337 Open Monday through Wednesday 9 -5 and Thursday 9-4 Page 2 December 18 - 24, 2015 Holiday Hours December 24 - closing at 1:00 pm December 25 - closed December 31 - closing at 4:00 pm January 1 - closed +ʋSʠɨ+ɼʙLGʋ\ɡʓUʝə Dexter Dover-Foxcroft Greenville Guilford Brownville www.MaineHighlandsCreditUnion.com Toll Free 1-888-806-6920 Berg Activewear 852 Dexter Road Suite A Corinna 1-800-242-2374 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage A NORTHERN CHRISTMAS DOWN SOUTH - Tri-County Technical Center Health Occupations students have partnered with staff at the Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center in Orlando, Florida to bring a northern Christmas to students living in the sunny south. The TCTC students shopped for the Florida students and put together a holiday box for each individual kindergartener containing toys, clothes, treats and a full helping of northern hospitality. Abby New, a Bangor native, worked with Health Occ. student Chloe Gustin and her TCTC classmates along with TCTC staff members Sharon Foster, Barbara Herring, Donna Whalen and Brian Welsh to make sure clothing sizes were correct and that the Santa substitutes in the unseasonably warm, but still colder than Orlando north country knew what each child was hoping for way down there where the mosquitos don’t need parkas. The packages are scheduled to arrive just before Christmas break. TCTC students are hoping to participate in the package unwrapping via Skype so they can share in the fun they’ve made possible. Pictured in front: Katelyn Bagley. Back, left to right: Michelle Weymouth, Kollin Cobb, Jenna Crane, Emily Watson, Dakota Flagg, Lacey Harding, Tiffany Porter, Mariah Hughes and Chloe Gustin. Brooks Tire & Auto Center Coffee House Route 7, Dexter 22 E. Main Street, Dover-Foxcroft 924-7149 802-8052 Harris Drug Store Millside Fitness Newport Fireworks Pritham Ave., Greenville 28 Main Street, Dexter 751 Moosehead Trail, Newport 695-2921 924-7360 368-2488 Spring Street Greenhouse The Crafty Space Tillson True Value 325 Garland Road, Dexter 85 Grove St., Dexter 924-2161 924-2054 11 Main St., Dexter 924-7359 Dexter Lumber 21 Jennings Hill Rd., Off Rte. 94, Dexter Dexter Variety & Discount Tobacco 924-6408 171 Spring St., Dexter Save A Lot Snowflakes 1090 W. Main St. Dover-Foxcroft 564-3039 Whitney’s Family Supermarket 689 Main St., Corinth 285-7500 924-6286 15 Main St., Dexter 924-6803 Woolen Mill Primitives 26 Main St., Dexter 270-1177 Looking For The Perfect Gift? 4 Seasons Floral 262C Moosehead Trail, Newport 368-4488 Dunkin’ Donuts 51 Church St, Dexter 1104 W. Main St., Dover-Foxcroft Give a Gift Certificate Make A Difference - Shop Local. The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage December 18 - 24, 2015 Page 3 Squaw Mountain reopening date questionable by Mike Lange BIG MOOSE TOWNSHIP – The seven inches of snow that blanketed Big Squaw Mountain Ski Resort earlier this month is now a distant memory as unseasonably warm weather continues in the state. This week, a mixture of sleet, snow and freezing rain is expected for most areas north of Bangor with Greenville right on the edge of the rain-snow line. So the planned reopening date of December 19 will probably be postponed, although all the activities originally planned for that day will still take place, said Amy Lane, president of the Friends of Squaw Mountain. “With the ground saturated and a mild extended forecast – snow guns or not – it is not likely we will be skiing on the 19th,” Lane said. “However, we’ll still have our ski equipment swap from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Santa Claus will be here from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., the Mittens for Moosehead collection is still going on and Northwoods Gourmet Girl will be serving up waffles and other treats from the café.” The local ski area bought three used snow guns from Plattekill Mountain in upstate New York last year. Gift certificates and season passes will also be on sale, and they’ll have “family friendly entertainment starting at 12:30 p.m. after Santa leaves,” Lane said. The Mittens for Moosehead campaign is also looking for coats, ski pants or any kind of children’s cold weather gear for needy families. Northwoods Gourmet Girl is owned and operated by Abby Freethy of Greenville who will also run the clubhouse food concession this year. The ski swap is an extension of the November 28 event that took place at the school cafeteria. But this weekend, sellers can bring tagged and priced items to the lodge with 10 percent of the proceeds going to benefit Friends of Squaw Mountain. Squaw Mountain was built in 1963 and went through a series of management changes until Jim Confalone bought it in 1995. He shut it down in 2010, but agreed to lease it to the Friends of Squaw Mountain for a token $1 a year three years later. It reopened in February 2013 and became a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation last year. For updates visit www.skibigsquaw.com and the Friends of Squaw Mountain Facebook page. 207-270-6112 2SHQ'D\VD:HHN Call ahead for take out DEXTER Come see SANTA! December 19th 12:30 to 3 PM Holiday hours: Kitchen closing at 3 pm Christmas Eve, Gift Certificates available for purchase until 5 pm. Closed Christmas Day Looking for the PERFECT Gift this Christmas Season? Why not a FETTINGER FUEL Gift Certififcate that they can use all year long 1220 Stetson Road, Exeter 379-3320 Monday-Friday, 8-5 Great fuel prices coming right to your front door! Exeter Country Store Route 2, 1178 Stage Rd., Etna 1784 Exeter Rd., Exeter 269-2720 379-2044 Dover True Value 69 Union Square, Dover-Foxcroft 564-2274 Tradewinds Marketplace 55 Park St., Milo 943-8855 Lupos Gym Shaw’s 1073 West Main St., Dover-Foxcroft 564-3500 BB’S Tattoo Company Perkco Supply 262 Moosehead Trail, Newport 1-800-453-3337 368-5560 Emery’s Meat & Produce 262 Moosehead Trail, Newport 355-0117 Moosehead Trail Home & Hearth 42 Elm St., Guilford 876-2322 Bud’s Shop ‘n Save 924-6410 487-5161 • Newport 368-4733 • Dexter • Pittsfield 1326 Exeter Road, Exeter Toot’s Delicatessen Subway 91 Spring St., Dexter 924-7060 Huff Powersports Route 100 Grove Hill, Pittsfield Foxy Hair Designs Triangle Plaza Unit B 487-3338 368-4356 Moon Hing Chinese Restaurant Lovell’s Guilford Hardware Dover-Foxcroft Plaza Dover-Foxcroft 564-8440 66 Water St., Guilford 876-2222 Gift Certificates A Great Way To SHOP LOCAL! All Aboard Restaurant Rowell’s Car Wash Rt. 7 North, ITS 85, Dexter 191 East Main St., Dover-Foxcroft 270-6112 564-3434 Page 4 December 18 - 24, 2015 If you see this cutie on December 20th wish him a Happy 10th Birthday Love Grammy and Grampy &DPEULGJH *HQHUDO6WRUH 7KHIRUPHURZQHUVRI7KH)RUNLQWKH 5RDGDQG0\)RUNUHVWDXUDQWVDUHQRZ FRRNLQJXSWKHLUVSHFLDOLWLHVLQFOXGLQJ WKHLUDZHVRPHIUHVKVHDIRRG %UHDNIDVW6SHFLDOVWKLVZHHN 0RQ)UHQFKWRDVWHJJVEDFRQ 7XHVHJJKDPFKHHVHRPHOHWWH :HGV6DXVDJHJUDY\ELVFXLWHJJVKIULHV 7KXUVHJJVKRPHIULHVEHDQVFRIIHH )UL&RXQWU\IULHGVWHDNKRPHIULHVWRDVW 6DW+DPVWHDNKRPHIULHVWRDVWFRIIHH 6XQ(JJV%HQHGLFWKRPHIULHVWRDVW DGGEHDQVWRDQ\RUGHU )ULGD\QLJKWVSHFLDO 3ULPH5LE Give a Gift of Maine 0RQ7KXUVGD\$030 )UL6DWXUGD\$030 6XQGD\$030 BOB’S SUGARHOUSE Visit Our Maple Winter Wonderland For All Your Christmas Favorites HOLIDAY GIFTS Pure Maine Maple Syrup and Maple Products FREE $10 Gift Coupon for orders over $100 FREE $5 Gift Coupon for orders over $50 (to be used on next order) excludes sales tax and shipping s#USTOM-APLE'IFT"ASKETSs'IFT"OXES s#REATIVE0ACKAGING s,ARGE6ARIETYOF&UDGE#HOCOLATES s%VERYONES&AVORITE-APLE#OTTON#ANDYAVAILABLE INTAKEHOMECONTAINERSGREATFORSTOCKINGSTUFFERS The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage Spring Street Greenhouse Open to serve all your floral arrangement needs. From weddings to funerals or ‘just because’ stop in or give us a call. 0RQ)UL6DW We are here for you! Mike and Susan Laferriere 325 Garland Road, Dexter, ME 04930 (207) 924-2161 SCHOODIC LAKE REVISTED $ 18.95 BY BILL SAWTELLE On sale at: Indian Hill Trading Post, General Store and More, the LaGrange Store, or call 965-3971. ‘First Day Hike’ at Lily Bay State Park LILY BAY TWP – Start the New Year off with a brisk “First Day Hike” on Wednesday, January 1 at Lily Bay State Park. Lily Bay is one of four Maine State Parks participating in a ‘First Day Hike” this year. Hikers will meet at the park entrance booth at noon and hike the woods and shoreland on majestic Moosehead Lake. This will be a 3.5-mile hike with fun facts along the way. Participants should bring snacks and wear warm clothing and boots or snowshoes. A bonfire and hot beverages will be available at the manager’s residence. There is no charge or admission fee for the hike. Call the park at 695-2700 or visit www.parksandlands.com. Susan Estes art featured at Dexter exhibit DEXTER - The Dexter Historical Society is sponsoring an Art Exhibit at the Abbott Museum on Saturday, December 19, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. They will be featuring the art work of Susan Estes of Palmyra. Light refreshments will be served. Maine artist Susan Estes works in pencil, charcoal, pastels, acrylics and oils. She primarily works with landscapes and animals, specializing in equine art. For more than three decades, Susan has participated in juried shows, one-person exhibits and does commissioned works. People attending can bring a clear photo of a pet and have a line drawing made during the show for a small fee. Barb’s Village Square Restaurant Merry Christmas & Happy New Year :HZLOOEHFORVHG 'HFHPEHUVWWKUX-DQXDU\WK IRURXUZLQWHUEUHDN 7KDQN\RXIRUPDNLQJDVXFFHVVIXO\HDU :HORRNIRUZDUGWRVHHLQJ\RXLQ 15 Stetson Rd., Corinna 278-2799 • Tue. - Sun. 7 am - 2 pm (Closed Mondays) Fri. 7 am - 8 pm Open 7 days a week through December 24th AMPMANDONTHEINTERNETAT Bob’s www.mainemaplesyrup.com Sugarhouse BeYWbbo Emd[Z Ef[hWj[Z 2TEAT%-AIN3T$OVER&OXCROFTACROSSFROM&OX"ROOK6ARIETY We ship UPS worldwide daily in time for Christmas. Give us your order and we will ship for you. Open 7 D O Days a W Week k 7 am to 8 pm 943-5600 7KH0DWWKHZ6HFLFK)DPLO\IRUPHURZQHURI 5LYHUVLGH0HDW0DUNHWLQ'H[WHU DQQRXQFHWKHRSHQLQJRI &KDUFXWHULH $GHOLFDWHVVHQVSHFLDOL]LQJLQ GUHVVHGPHDWVVPRNHGPHDWVFKHHVHV /HHO\Q5RDG8QLW\ :HLQYLWHDOORXUIULHQGVIURPWKH JUHDWHU'H[WHUDUHDWRFRPHYLVLW :HDUHRSHQ WRRQ7XHVGD\DQG:HGQHVGD\ WRRQ)ULGD\ WRRQ6DWXUGD\ ³:HUHDOO\RQO\FORVHZKHQ WKHODVWSHUVRQOHDYHV´ &ORVHG6XQGD\V0RQGD\VDQG7KXUVGD\V NOW OPEN IN MILO Saturday & Sunday December 19th and December 20th 10% OFF Storewide (excludes Carhartt & tobacco) Come see what everyone is talking about! Carhartt • Muck Boots Real Tree Sneakers Household Items Cleaning Supplies • Toys Clothing • Christmas Items and so much more. The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage December 18 - 24, 2015 :RROHQ0LOO3ULPLWLYHV Katahdin Valley Health Center 0DLQ6WUHHW'H[WHU Brownville Clinic NOW OPEN! $FURVV)URP5HQ\·V 7XHV6DW6XQGD\ 0HUU\&KULVWPDV+DSS\1HZ<HDU Katahdin Valley Health Center’s Brownville Health Center is conveniently located at 180 Main Road. KVHC provides comprehensive medical and behavioral health services, as well as a wide variety of patient support services. :HZLOOEHFORVLQJDWSP RQ'HFHPEHUWK DQGZLOOUHPDLQFORVHG XQWLO-DQXDU\WK 5H2SHQLQJRQ-DQXDU\WK Meet Your KVHC Providers 7KDQN\RXDOOIRUD VXFFHVVIXO Christmas Party Saturday, December 19, 1 – 3 pm At the Garland Community Center/Town Office Activities for everyone and a special holiday visitor Foxcroft Page 5 Robert Cleaveland, PA-C, is your Primary Care Provider in Brownville. Bob is a long time resident of Maine; “A Mainer by Choice”. He relocated to the Katahdin area from the Mid-Coast area of Maine. Bob has recently started dabbling in cabinetry, enjoys hiking and small sailboats. He looks forward to building relationships with his patients in Brownville and the surrounding communities. Robert Cleaveland, PA-C Primary Care Provider Erica McDougal, LCSW, is your Behavioral Health Counselor in Brownville. Erica was born and raised in Northern Maine, and has a long history of providing quality mental health services to patients of all ages. She is looking forward to the opportunity to continue her passion of providing quality care to the members of our communities, and shares KVHC’s vision of providing quality, affordable care. 564-2730 • foxcroftagway.com Erica and Bob are now accepting new patients at our Brownville clinic. For more information or to schedule your appointment, call or visit our website today! 1-866-366-5842 Every Thursday Erica McDougal, LCSW Counselor 76 NORTH ST., DOVER-FOXCROFT Merry Christmas from all of us to all of you! GIFTS for Pets, Pet Lovers, Gardener’s, Bird Lovers and Crafters OUR FAMOUS Beef Bone-In Rt. 7 Dexter 924-5000 Ground Fresh Daily Ground Chuck 3.98 $ DEXTER COMMUNITY SINGERS PRESENT THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CANTATA Lb. 5 Lbs. or More $2.98 Lb. Haddock Fillets $22.98 Pork Crown Roast Sat., Dec. 19 & Sun., Dec., 20 at 4 PM 8.99 HATFIELD 16 OZ. Jumbo Meat Franks HATFIELD 16 OZ. Ham Steaks $298 Pkg. $248 Pkg. DARLING SWEET SEEDLESS Clementines 5 Lb. Box $ 5.88 IMPORTED GUATEMALA Chicken Thighs Pork Loins $1.58 Lb. $1.98 Lb. KNORR Cantaloupes $1.88 Lb. Sides 3.8-5.9 Oz. Pkg. ne with a eo Delight som Shank $1.28 Lb. Butt $1.58 Lb. STELLA Deli Sliced IGA 15 Oz Cans Pumpkin 5/$5 IGA 15 Oz Ready to Use Pie Crust 2/$4 COLLEGE INN 14.5 Oz. Broth 78¢ OCEAN SPRAY 14 Oz. Cranberry Sauce 2/$3 PILLSBURY OR ROBIN HOOD 5 Lb. bag Flour $1.99 BETTY CROCKER 15.25 Oz. Super Moist Cake Mix 5/$5 BETTY CROCKER 18.3-19.9 Oz. Brownie Mix 5/$5 WESSON 48 Oz. Cooking Oil $2.99 HERSHEY 12 Oz. Baking Chips 2/$5 ARIZONA 128 Oz. Drinks 2/$5 Land O Lakes 16 Oz. Cracker Barrel 6-8 OZ. Philadelphia 8 Oz. Cheese Bars Cream Cheese $2.99 $1.88 5/$5 Cool Whip 8 Oz. Florida’s Natural 59 Oz. Birdseye 13-16 Oz. Whipped Orange Juice Frozen Vegetables 2/$4 5/$5 tom Topping ket Fruit Btoasorder! 99¢ P&L Cus Alexander Hornung Ham Portions Butter Quarters 5/$5 88¢ Lb. $1.98 Lb. CASLEWOOD Hickory Smoked RONZONI 12-16 Oz. Pasta 77¢ FOLGER’S 10.3-11.3 Oz. Coffee 2/$5 STOVE TOP 6 Oz. Stuffing 5/$5 CAMPBELLS 10.5 Oz. Gravy 5/$5 KRAFT 30 Oz. Assorted Miracle Mix $2.99 GENERAL MILLS 18 Oz. Cheerios 2/$6 KOOL AID 10 Pack Jammer Drinks 2/$5 OCEAN SPRAY 64 Oz. Cranberry Juice 2/$5 HUNT’S 24 Oz. Pasta Sauce 5/$5 DOMINO 4 Lb. Bag Sugar 2/$4 Large US #1 SOUTHERN Spiral Hams Whole Boneless Center Cut ROAST BEEF $6.98 Lb. TURKEY BREAST $4.98 Lb. PROVOLONE CHEESE $3.98 Lb. $398 Pkg.. Beef Franks HATFIELD Asst. Boneless 8 OZ Lb. ALEXANDER HORNUNG Foil Wrapped Hickory Smoked Boneless Skinless RUSSER Deli Sliced Lb. SS Beef Loin Boneless Ground Pork Sweet Potatoes Ribeye $ Rib Eye Roast NY Sirloin Steak $4.98 Lb. EXTRA LEAN TRY PHIL’S SPECIAL First Baptist Church of Dexter, Main Street Hill. Above the Post Office 7.99 WHOLE BONELE Beef Rib Boneless $9.48 Lb. FROZEN 5 LB. BOX REFRESHMENTS FOLLOWING. Donations Appreciated. WHOLE BONE-IN Ribeye $ Rib Roast $8.48 Lb. OPEN 8 AM - 6 PM, FRIDAY 8 AM - 7 PM OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY 8 AM - 12 PM (Excludes Livestock Feed & Wood Pellets) www.kvhc.org Made fresh Prices good from Dec. 20th. thru 26th. Not responsible for typographical errors. Check on facebook for more specials. Page 6 December 18 - 24, 2015 COMPASS email: [email protected] COMPASS is primarily intended as a free of charge listing of special events sponsored by local volunteer civic, literary, fraternal, service and religious organizations. Listings should be 30 words or less. E-mail items to [email protected]; or mail to The Eastern Gazette, 97 Church Street, Dexter ME 04930; or drop them off at our Dexter office. The DEADLINE FOR COMPASS ITEMS IS MONDAY at 5 pm. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19 ART EXHIBIT - Abbott Museum, Dexter. 10 AM - 4 PM. Featuring art of Susan Estes from Palmyra. Bring a pet photo to have a line drawing made for a small fee. CHRISTMAS CANTATA - First Baptist Church of Dexter, Main St. Hill. 4 PM. Shout the Good News by Lloyd Larson. 4 PM. and Sunday, December 20. CHRISTMAS CAROLS AROUND A BONFIRE - Guilford Center Baptist Church parking lot. 194 Butter St. 5 PM. CHRISTMAS PARTY - Garland Community Center/Town Office. 1 - 3 PM. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 1ST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF DEXTER - Next to Buds. 10 AM. Congregational Sharing. CHURCH CHRISTMAS PROGRAM - Garland Community Baptist. 10 AM. 924-6475. THE HYSSONGS - New Hope Baptist Church, 130 Spring St., Dexter. 6 PM. CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH - Dexter. Bible Study 9 AM. Fellowship 9:30 AM. Service 10 AM. “The Sign to The Shepherds.” TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22 THE ULTIMATE CHRISTMAS PARTY - Cambridge Baptist Church. Age 5 through 6th grade. 277-3234. DEXTER AMERICAN LEGION POST 53 - Open to the public for recreation. Tuesdays & Thursdays. 11 AM - 2 PM. Lunch by donation. Board games, socialize, cards. Rodney Giles 924-3589 or Neil Clukey 924-3839. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23 CHRISTMAS SINGING CELEBRATION - Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, 59 Main St., Dexter. 6 PM. Pastor Dever 217-4694. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24 1ST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF DEXTER - Next to Buds. 5 PM. Christmas Eve Service. BROWNVILLE COMMUNITY CHURCH - Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship. 6 PM. Fellowship to follow. BROWNVILLE JCT UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - Candlelight Service. Pastor Stephen Dean, Sr. 7:30 PM. 965-2324. CAMBRIDGE BAPTIST CHURCH - Christmas Candlelight Service. 6 PM. GRACE BIBLE CHURCH and Monson Community Church together at Grace Bible 40 Douty Hill Rd., Sangerville. 6 PM. Christmas Program “They Missed Christmas.” NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH - 130 Spring St., Dexter. Christmas Eve Service. 6 PM. RIPLEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 12 Ripley Rd. Christmas Eve Candlelight service. 5 PM. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 ST. AUGUSTINE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - 1213 Dexter Rd., Dover-Foxcroft. 9 AM. Christmas Day service with Eucharist with Rev Dr. Kevin Hollsapple. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29 NAMI FAMILY & FRIENDS SUPPORT GROUP - Borestone Room, Mayo Regional Hospital, DoverFoxcroft. 6:30 - 8 PM. Every last Tuesday of the month. 924-7903. COMPASS is sponsored weekly by: Bud’s Shop‘n Save SUPERMARKETS DEXTER • PITTSFIELD • NEWPORT Holiday Hours of Operation Wednesday, December 23 7:00am to 8:30pm - Dexter and Pittsfield 7:00am to 9:00pm - Newport Thursday, December 24 7:00am to 6:00pm - Dexter, Newport and Pittsfield Closed on Christmas Day The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage Local actors shine in Center Theatre’s Christmas by Patrick Myers, Theatrical Reviewer and Center Theatre Executive Director DOVER-FOXCROFT It has been several years since the Center Theatre and the Slightly Off-Center Players put on a production of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol but it has been well worth the wait. This adaptation of the classic tale was written by Dani Maupin for the Center Theatre. Several new actors and many veterans to the Center Theatre stage combine to put on a wonderful performance full of holiday cheer. In the lead role of Ebenezer Scrooge is Pastor Chris Viera. His strong clear voice transitions well from the pulpit to the stage and his passion for the role of Scrooge and for this story of redemption and Christmas cheer is unmistakable. Leading Scrooge and the audience through the story are two talented narrators (Dan Porter and Janet Currie). Scrooge is joined on stage by a series of ghosts who in turn scare, cheer, cajole, and encourage Scrooge to become a better man. Jacob Marley and the Ghost of Christmas Future are both played by Cary Libby who has not only starred in previous versions of Christmas Carol, but has also directed one as well. His experience and skill bring a depth to Marley that is rarely seen. Christmas Past is played by Alice Myers a talented 4th grader at SeDoMoCha Elementary. While being considerably younger (and shorter) than many of her fellow actors, few will doubt who is in charge when she takes the stage. Derrick Buschmann, Drama teacher at Foxcroft Academy, fills the auditorium with his larger- than-life portrayal of the Ghost of Christmas Present. Resplendent in a rich green costume he shows Scrooge all the joy of the season. Far from relying on any of these actors to carry the show, this is truly an ensemble presentation with strong and engaging performances from the entire cast of 30+ local actors. This community of “talented actors, designers, crew, and volunteers” is mentioned by Angela Bonacasa, Director of A Christmas Carol and former Executive Director of the Center Theatre, in her Director’s Notes: “They have come together because of a love of theatre, a love of this story, and above all, a love of the community that an experience like this creates.” Supporting Director Bonacasa in the production of the show is Stage Manager Joshua Kelley, Lighting Designer Haley Bergeron, Sound Designer Megan Bergeron, Costumer Wendy Voter, and many others who volunteered hundreds of hours to bring the production to life. The cast will be performing three more shows this weekend: Friday the 18 at 7 p.m. and Saturday the 19 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Prices have been kept low to encourage as many people to attend as possible with tickets ranging from $5 to $12 for advance tickets and $15 for tickets the day of the show. There are also family passes available with 4 family members able to see the show for only $25. For more information on this production of A Christmas Carol visit www.centertheatre. org, call the Theater at 5648943, or stop in during business hours of 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. Dan Tilton joins Skowhegan Savings SKOWHEGAN - Skowhegan Savings Bank has announced the addition of Dan Tilton to their commercial and retail lending team. Tilton has been named the Senior Vice President of Sales and Customer Relations for the bank. He joins the bank with over 18 years of sales management experience and in this position he will oversee both the commercial and retail lending teams. “We’re very pleased to have someone of Dan’s caliber join the bank,” said John Witherspoon, president. “His broad experience in customer relations and business development will help us deepen our customer relationships and assure that we are meeting the needs of our customers and communities. “ Previously, Tilton was the vice president of sales at Pride Manufacturing in Burnham, Maine where he led sales and customer service teams worldwide for multiple locations in the US and UK. He most recently comes to the bank from Blackstream Creative, based out of McMinnville, Tennessee, where he spearheaded the startup’s launch into the marketplace in 2006 as the vice president of sales overseeing sales, marketing and customer service for the company. Tilton earned his bachelor’s of science in business management and accounting at Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts. He is active in his community having served on the Sebasticook Valley Federal Credit Union’s board of directors where he held the position of chair for five years. Tilton lives in Detroit, Maine, with his wife and children where he enjoys hunting, fishing, ice hockey, golfing and spending time with his family. 7KDQN<RX The family of Alice Guay would like to extend their appreciation for the community, friends, and co-workers support during our time of need due to Alice’s passing. The flowers, cards, handshakes, and hugs were greatly needed and delivered. The monetary donations to her memorial fund will help many young people that are in need. You all have made this difficult time a little more bearable for her family. Thank you! The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage December 18 - 24, 2015 Page 7 OBITUARIES NORMAN C. “NORM” COOKSON GARLAND - Norman C. “Norm” Cookson, 78, died December 13, 2015, at his home in Garland, with his daughter, Terry and his special companion, his dog Mason at his side. He was born in Dover-Foxcroft, July 18, 1937, the son of Michael and Gladys (White) Cookson. He and his wife, Betty started Norm Cookson Realty 42 years ago. Norm has been active in local affairs and has sponsored activities for the local children such as annual pig scramble, and the art contest in conjunction with the Dexter Fire Department. NorNorman C. Cookson man loved traveling and had gone on four world cruises. He is survived by a daughter, Terry Mackie and her companion, Barry Humbert of Hermon; 2 stepsons, Glen Fogg and his wife, Judy of Stetson, and Jeffrey Fogg and his wife, Jolene of Corinna; 3 stepdaughters, Belinda Stone and her husband, Lloyd of Corinna, Tammy Pullyard and her husband, Randy of Guilford, and Elena Eaton and her husband, Rodney of Garland; step-daughter-inlaw, Peggy Cookson Fogg of Dover-Foxcroft; 2 brothers, Michael Cookson Jr. and his wife, Joanne, and Frederick Cookson and his wife, Karen, all of Dover-Foxcroft; 3 sisters, Eunice Cabel and her companion, Dick of NH, Eva Hagins of Sanford, and Flora Cates of Orono; 3 grandchildren, including a special granddaughter, Diana Morrill and her husband, Kendall of St. Albans; 7 great grandchildren; nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his wife Betty, a daughter, Rosemarie; step-son, Joey Fogg; grandson, Shawn Curtis; and a great granddaughter, Alexia Stone. Friends may call Friday, December 18, 2015, from 12 noon - 1:30 PM, at Crosby & Neal, 61 Main Street in Dexter, followed by a graveside service at 2 PM, at the West Garland Cemetery, with Pastor Lyman Curtis, Jr. officiating. For an online guest register, go to www.CrosbyNeal.com. CLIFFORD E MACKAY HARMONY- Clifford E Mackay, age 95, passed away peacefully surrounded by family on December 1st, 2015 at his residence. He was born November 10, 1920 in Brooklyn, NY. He was the son of Frank and Marie (Cornelius) Mackay. He was raised in Valley Stream, NY, and graduated from Valley Stream High School. He enlisted in the Army and served in WWII and the Korean War, and was commissioned Clifford E. Mackay 2nd Lieutenant in 1945. He ran his own business, Mackay’s Plumbing and Heating, and was a hard worker even after retirement. He married Grace (Antonsen) in 1949, and together they raised their 3 children in Brentwood, NY. He was a devoted husband, father, and grandfather (“Papa”), who loved his family dearly and eventually moved to Maine in 2004 to be closer to his children. He enjoyed gardening, and had a “green thumb” growing vegetables. He was predeceased by his parents, brothers Frank and Wilbert, sister Gloria, and wife Grace of 64 years. He is survived by his children: daughter Christine and husband James Dimauro of Parkman, daughter Cindy and husband Ron Strouse of Cambridge, son Clifford A. Mackay of Harmony, grandchildren Ronald Strouse and his partner Katy, and Kristy Strouse and her partner Kenny, and great grandchild Eva Jean Strouse. A special niece (godchild) Kathy and husband Bob Laviano, whose visits he enjoyed very much. Special niece Rhonda Salica and her partner Gary, and several nieces and nephews and their families. A heartfelt thanks to all of the nurses and aides from Maine General Health Hospice for the care and comfort they provided. No services will be held. “Papa” I have considered all the ways one could comprise 95 years into something comprehensible, how to convey my Grandfather into words when perception varies. Though in this case no one ever looked in Papa’s eyes and saw anything but generosity and spirit. Still, it would take an anthology to just scratch the surface of his accomplishments, his character, and you would still be missing the personal moments that connect each of us to him. I know he would want plenty of laughter because it was monumental in his life (his own a sound I’ll forever long to hear). And I would reference food, one of his loves, and say this: like a quality recipe Clifford Mackay was a unique mix. A man made of kindness and strength, courage and intelligence, with the rare ability to see humor and joy in all situations. But it was his eccentricities, his quirks; those not scripted, that made him memorable. The warmth he shared will never leave this world, or our hearts, even if he has. This is merely a haiku compared to the great novel that was our patriarch, and his story - however perceived- continues on in all of us who had the privilege of knowing him. Love Kristy, your Granddaughter. DALE E. RACKLIFF HARMONY-Dale E. Rackliff, 69, passed away unexpectedly at his home in Harmony with loved ones by his side on Wednesday, December 9, 2015. He was born April 13, 1946 in New Sharon, Maine to the late Leon and Bertha (Bachelder) Rackliff. He was one of 11 children. He grew up in New Sharon, settled in Jay and became a volunteer fire fighter for many years. Later he spent several years as a machinist in various companies throughout his lifetime leading to his retirement from B & B Precise Products in Benton. He was very special to many and always brought laughs to our all-day campfires which was one of the things he enjoyed most. Some of his other enjoyments included dancing, snowmobiling and watching NASCAR and football. His very favorite thing was camping with family and friends which he loved to beat at a good game of cards. He is survived by his wife of 27 years, Crystal (Trafton) Rackliff of Harmony and their children: Gary Rackliff and wife Melissa; Althea Rackliff and significant other Darren Richard and her children, Shae and Kristopher and his children Kolten and Keegan; Valerie Rackliff and significant other Rob Keller and their daughter Roslyn; Lori Cushing and fiancé Doug and her Dale E. Rackliff children Chayse and Jessie; Chad Rackliff and his daughter Elizabeth and her significant other Kyle Hancock; Lisa Rackliff Rice and husband James and their children Maverick and Montana. He is also survived by his siblings: Dennis and wife Janet of Dixfield; Greg and wife Lorelei of Winslow; Stanley and wife Lisa; Raynold and wife Elnora and Neil, all of Wilton; Nelson and fiancé Shirley of Chesterville; and Peggy Sue Paradis and husband Ron of Lewiston; sister-in-law Polly of Lewiston and a brother-in-law Donnie Knight of Jay along with step siblings and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. He was predeceased by his step-father Frank Cox and step-mother Ida Rackliff; sisters: Beverly Trafton and Nancy Knight; and his brother Buddie. The family would like to send special thanks to the Harmony Ambulance Service for their assistance. The family received friends from 6-8 p.m., Monday, December 14, at the Shorey-Nichols Funeral Home, 191 Hartland Avenue, Pittsfield. A funeral service was held at 11 a.m., Tuesday, December 15, at the funeral home with Pastor Henry Thibodaux. A committal immediately followed at the Libby Cemetery in Harmony. In lieu of flowers, those who wish to make a memorial contribution can do so to one of the following: The Harmony Ambulance Service, 37 North Road, Harmony, ME 04942 or The Amy, Coty & Monica Memorial Scholarship Fund, c/o Maine Highland Federal Credit Union, P.O. Box 233, Dexter, ME 04930. To leave a message of kindness for the family, please visit www.shoreynichols.com. Care has been provided by Shorey-Nichols Funeral Home, Pittsfield. Life is not always easy. Seeing your provider should be. Sebasticook Valley Health Family Care provides high-quality primary care close to where you live and work. Even better, our patients can often be seen the same day they call for an appointment. That’s just one way SVH can help make your life a little bit easier. 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Main St., Guilford, ME 876-3206 Open Mon thru Sat 9:30 to 5 20% 7KHUPDO8QGHUZHDU 20% )ODQQHO&KDPRLV 6KLUWV 20% 9HVWV 20% /DGLHV-DFNHWV &RDWV Off Off Off Off Katahdin Valley Health Center Holiday Closings ;0'9;' #22 #4 * KVHC’s Primary Care and Dental Clinics will be CLOSED on the following days: 2 0 16 Christmas New Years 12/23/1512/25/15 12/31/151/1/16 Houlton Open Access and the KVHC Pharmacy will be OPEN during the hours of 11am - 7pm on these days, and will be OPEN normal business hours of 9am - 7pm on the weekend. May your holiday season be happy, healthy and safe! PENQUIS ARTISTS HONORED – Eleven students from SAD 41 will have their art on display at the Hall of Flags now through the end of February. Front row, from left, Brooke Champeon, Jordan Prendergast, Selena Siebert and Rachel Whitten. Back row: Walker Clark, Jericho Prado, Christopher Johnson, Telos Wallace, Michael Lally, Alexis Peters and MacKenzie Conley. (Eastern Gazette photo – Mike Lange) Penquis students artwork showcased at Hall of Flags by Mike Lange AUGUSTA – Visitors to the Hall of Flags in the State House can now view some of the best artwork by Maine high school students between now and February 29, following last week’s kickoff of the Excellence in Maine Visual and Performing Arts Education. Out of the 63 participating students, 11 are from Penquis Valley High School in Milo. “We were very pleased,” said art teacher Sasha Bladen. “We’ll have gridded pen-and-ink along with some digital photograph submissions on exhibit.” Participating students were Brooke Champeon, Walker Clark, Mackenzie Conley, Christopher Johnson, Michael Lally, Alexis Peters, Jericho Prado, Jordan Prendergast, Selena Seibert, Telos Wallace and Rachel Whitten. Other participating schools were from AOS 92 (Waterville-Winslow), AOS 93 (Damariscotta area) and Biddeford School Department. First Lady Ann LePage presented each art student a certificate and a letter from Gov. Paul R. LePage recognizing their creative accomplishments during the Dec. 4 exhibit opening. “Arts education is essential for all students in order to gain the skills needed to develop college and career readiness, such as critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity so that Maine kids can succeed in the ever-changing diverse and global economies of today’s world,” Maine DOE Visual and Performing Arts Specialist Beth Lambert said in a press release from the Department of Education. Bladen agreed. “Art requires self-motivation,” she said. “When students see their progress, it makes them want to work even harder.” The third-year art teacher said that Penquis Valley will be joining other Maine schools in implementing national standards for art courses in the next few years. “The courses will be more in-depth and specific,” she explained. “Art not only enhances creative-thinking skills, but it’s part of our everyday life – from computer programming to furniture design.” Christian Fellowship moves to former elementary school in Garland GARLAND - There’s a new presence on Sundays at the Garland Community Center! Garland Christian Fellowship has become the first renter of the newly converted former elementary school building, which has become the new Town Office, located at 108 Corinth Road. Garland Christian Fellowship began meeting in a home six years ago. At that time there were a handful of families, but their numbers have now grown to more than 50 people (including a delightful host of young ones). Preferring not to own a building of their own, they are very pleased with the new facility. There’s room enough to expand -- and it allows them to continue the practice of sharing a meal together after the Bible teaching hour. How might its members describe the young church? “We simply try to live out the teachings of Christ and the apostles as recorded in the Bible. Jesus saved us from our sins and in gratitude, we try to live for Him. The example and teaching of the early Christians was that ‘church’ is not about buildings but God and His people. Christ is our Master, the Bible gives us light, so we study and teach it -- and we love one another.” The public is welcome! They meet every Sunday at 11:15 a.m. -- and they’d love to have anyone stay for lunch. Small groups meet in homes during the week, for Bible study, fellowship and prayer. Currently, these mid-week groups meet in Garland, Dover-Foxcroft and Parkman. They also hold a Kids’ Bible Club on Tuesday afternoons in a home in Garland. Interested in more information? Feel free to call 200-1211 or email them at [email protected]. Or you can visit the website: garlandchristianfellowship.org Every Address. Every Week. This edition of The Eastern Gazette is being delivered to all 16,193 local U.S. Mail customers. The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage December 18 - 24, 2015 Page 9 Weekly Rates ★★★ PLEASE BRING IN YOUR USED MOTOR OIL ★★★ BROOKS Tire & Auto 924-7149 or 1-800-339-7149 Corinna Rd., Dexter • www.BrooksAuto.com Best Prices in Central Maine! mid maine metal Roofing & Siding Supply, LLC FREE Quotes Rt. 7, Newport • 278-2520 1/'5''75(14#..;17424+0)241,'%65 Metal Roofing, Trims and Accessories ★ Colored steel at $2.35 Ln. Ft. ★ Galvanized $2.15 Ln. Ft. ★ Energy Star rated on most colors ★ New Products: Decra & Edco ★ 24-48 Hr. turnaround time ★ 21 colors (8 in-stock) to choose from ★ Custom Cuts www.midmainemetal.com 2GVCNU2NWU FLORIST 12 Stetson Rd., Corinna • 278-ROSE (7673) petalsplusflorist.net • [email protected] Judy Richard, Owner pcf, mmfd MASONIC DONATIONS – Members and friends of the Abner Wade Masonic Lodge in Sangerville gathered on December 11 at the Stott-Flanders American Legion Post to pack 250 boxes of food for needy families in the area. Each box contains a turkey and all the ingredients for a family Christmas dinner. This is the sixth year that the Masons have worked on the project with local businesses, Kiwanis Clubs and the Parkman Grange. Pictured, from left, are Scott Green, Past Master Lance Burgess, Jeff Cross and Tom Goulette, a member of Mount Kineo Lodge in Guilford. (Eastern Gazette photo – Mike Lange) 2)) Store Hours are 8am to 8pm. Closing at 5pm Christmas Eve. 4thYear!! Men’s Denim Jeans Sweaters 9.99 $ Mini, Medium & Large Traction cost less at Renys! *V-Neck *Crew Neck *1/4 Zip Men’s, Ladies’,Kids’ Warm Waterproof & Designed for Living! 24.99 $ Values to $30.00! ENJOY OUR STOCKING E TOCKI TOCKI TOCKING TOC KING K ING NG G ST STUFFER TU ER BUFF TUFFE BUFFET!! FE ET ET! T T!! T!! Wool Blend Socks 2.99to $4.99 $ /LQGRU7UXIÀHV 2 Count 99 ¢ Green & Black’s Chocolate $2.99 Hot ot Hands ds stie Toes Toastie 99¢ to $1.99 li k Slinky Metal & Plastic $ Sconza Can S C Candy d 1.69to $ 3.49 Zachary y Bigelow Ghirardelli 5.5 to 6.1 Ounce nce 20 Count $ Premium Hot Cocoa a Mix Our Reg. $2.39 Peppermint Our Reg. $5.99 Assorted LED Decorative Lamps p $ Infrared Quartz Heaters Tea Mints 1.99 99¢ Gift Bags & Boxes 39¢ And Up! Headlampss 1.99 too $ 9.99 $ Renys Gift Cards, Become a Maine Adventurer at Renys.com DQGEHWKHÀUVW to know about our specials! a great gift, one size ¿WVDOO 10.5 Ounce $ And d Up! 2.99 *URYH6W'H[WHU HAR MON’S Heating Oil NEW! 4.99 $ 31 M Main i St Street, t Milo 1 1500 Watt 5 5100 BTU’s $ continues to offer automatic and will-call heating fuel services to the greater Milo, Brownville, LaGrange areas from our office here in Milo. The Harmon’s Fuel Oil business office on Main Street is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for orders, payments and additional heating services. 99.99 Our Reg. to $149.99 O Thank you for Shopping Renys! 16 Great Locations throughout Maine e Visit us @ Renys.com! Bath - 207-443-6251 Belfast - 207-338-4588 Bridgton - 207-647-3711 Camden - 207-236-9005 Main Store - 207-563-5757 Underground - 207-563-3011 Dexter - 207-924-7524 Ellsworth - 207-667-5166 7KH&UDIW\6SDFH Holiday Coffees 2.99 9.99 9 $ Paramount Farmington - 207-778-4631 631 12 Gardiner - 207-582-4012 Madison - 207-696-4405 05 3LWWVÀHOG 61 Portland - 207-553-9061 Saco - 207-282-1233 Topsham - 207-373-9405 05 Wells - 207-646-1566 photo by: Ben Magro Canvas Totes $4.99 to $9.99 100% Cotton *Short *Regular *Long The Maine Gift Bag! All gift items thru December Hurry in for Best Selection Famous Brands! Ladies’ Lots of in house specials to make your Christmas gift giving easier. DECEMBER SPECIAL 12-14-15 to 12-20-15 Famous Brand! Let us be your last minute elf! Custom designed and delivered. Stop by or call: 943-2561 or 1-800-564-3835 Page 10 December 18 - 24, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage PVAEC looks for more business partnerships Land Use Planning Commision approves new store and cabins at Rip Dam by Mike Lange MILO – Prior to 2005, adult education programs in the Penquis region weren’t very popular and considered by some people to be a drag on the local school budgets. But eventually, former SAD 41 Superintendent David Walker, the late Warren “Pete” Myrick, who served as SAD 4 adult education director and former SAD 4 Superintendent – and now State Representative – Paul Stearns helped turn the program around and eventually, saw it evolve into the Piscataquis Valley Adult Education Cooperative. Today, PVAEC is providing new educational opportunities for residents and helping local businesses find qualified employees, Executive Director Thelma Regan told the Three Rivers Kiwanis Club last week. “People come to us for a variety of reasons,” Regan said. “We have our basic education programs; a high school equivalency program similar to GED, but a little more rigorous; and a college transition program where we prepare students for college without having to take remedial courses at a college-tuition price.” PCAEC also offers career development programs like certified nursing assistant and commercial truck driving. “We are always trying to figure out how we can connect people and employers,” Regan said. “That helps us achieve our goal of raising the standard of living.” One successful example is the certified nurse’s aide (CNA) program which normally has only two classes of 10 students each. “This year, we’re running four programs,” she said. “Hibbard Nursing and Rehabilitation Center came to us and said they needed help, so we started working with them.” Under one scenario, the CNA course tuition will be forgiven for graduates who agree to work at Hibbard’s for a minimum of one year, Regan said. “That’s a wonderful opportunity,” she added. “It also has a positive impact on the community.” by Mike Lange TOWNSHIP 3 RANGE 11 – While winter has been reluctant to make an appearance so far, the owners of Rip Dam Sporting Camps and Abol Bridge Campground in northeast Piscataquis County are already making plans for next summer. “We made a lot of headway last summer,” said David Surprenant, who owns the businesses with his wife, Luisa, “and there’s a lot more to do.” The Land Use Planning Commission recently approved an application to restore a vital part of the Rip Dam camps: the former Pray’s General Store. “We’re going to rebuild the store and another cabin that will serve as staff housing for both Rip and Abol,” Surprenant said. “We will start construction next spring.” Pray’s Store, which was owned and operator by former Maine Senate President Charles Pray, was a fixture on the Golden Road for decades. The Surprenants bought the Rip Dam property in April 2012 and demolished and removed a mobile home, two garages, two sheds, a duplex rental cabin along with the store. The new store and cabin will both be 20-by-32 feet, according to the LUPC application. “We’ve extensively renovated all five cabins at Rip Dam, too – gutted them out completely and put on log siding,” Surprenant said. “We have all new windows, doors, kitchens, bathrooms, carpeting, furniture, and beds.” At Abol Bridge Campground, the Surprenants have added 10 new bunkhouses that sleep six each and a post-and-beam open-air pavilion at the base of Katahdin on Abol Stream called the “Ktaadn Pavilion” that seats 160. Abol Bridge is also the new base camp for Northern Outdoors of The Forks, Surprenant said. “They are Maine’s first and oldest whitewater rafting company and the only one located right on the West Branch of the Penobscot,” he added. “That puts rafters 10 miles from the put-in at McKay station; or, if they’re staying at Rip Dam Cabins, they are only one-eighth of a mile away.” Last summer, the Maine Department of Economic Development approved a $120,000 Micro-Enterprise Assistance grant for the campgrounds for equipment, furnishings and working capital, which will be matched by $120,000 from the business. Updates on the construction will be posted at www.greatnorthernvacations.com. PVAEC also partners with TriCounty Technical Center in Dexter on the commercial truck driving courses. Successful students can land jobs with Sargent Corporation in the summer months and R.H. Foster Inc. during the winter and spring heating season. “The CDL-B course is a little easier than the ‘A’ course because not everyone is able to drive a tractor-trailer,” Regan said. Drivers with CDL-B license permits can operate heavy vehicles like dump trucks and oil delivery tankers. The demographics of the PVAEC student body are also changing. “The under age 24 group is growing,” Regan said. “Young people who get disenfranchised in the regular K-12 system are realizing that they can’t really achieve much if they don’t have their diploma.” Middle-age PVAEC students also serve as an inspiration to the younger group, Regan noted. “They emphasize the value of education,” she explained. “They’ll say ‘I’m your mom and I’m doing it the hard way. I also have to run the household and take care of children.’ But they still see the value of education.” Regan said that other courses in the planning stages include woodworking, which could help prepare workers for positions at JSI Store Fixtures, Milo’s largest private employer. Another concept is a pool of food service employees who could work catering events on an asneeded basis. In all cases, Regan stressed that adult education “is not easier than regular high school. The only advantage is that you can take courses on your time frame … But the old days of calling GED’s ‘Good Enough Diplomas’ are long gone.” For more information about available courses, visit www. pvaec.maineadulted.org. Make Your Vehicle Last Longer BROOKS TIRE & AUTO 1-800-339-7149 • 207-924-7149 • 207-924-5884 www.BrooksAuto.com • Route 7, Corinna Road in Dexter 6HDVRQV)ORUDO*LIWV &0RRVHKHDG7UDLO1HZSRUW %HKLQG(PHU\·V0HDW0DUNHW 6SHFLDOL]LQJLQ6\PSDWK\ :HGGLQJ(YHU\GD\)ORUDO1HHGV 7LP8QGHUKLOO3&)PPIG Our Gift to You 207-277-5251 or 207-922-8775 cell 6-12 foot trees: $20 precut or $25 to select and cut from the field Retail and Wholesale Balsam Firs Pick from our Stocking and receive 10% to 50% Off a COMPLETE PAIR of GLASSES. Rooted in Maine Sappi Maine Forestry Program Foresters from the area, that know the land. Can use Flex Spending Account. Not in conjuction with Insurances, Exclusion May Apply Sappi provides services for forest health, recreation, revenue, or wildlife habitat, working with you to make the most of your land. 1-207-399-9914 419 Moosehead Trail, Newport, ME 355-3333 NewportEyeCare.net Helping develop local food, energy, and economic systems that support a community moving from dependence on fossil fuels. FMI: 924-3836 or [email protected] John Johnston, Owner 1300 State Hwy 150 Parkman, ME 04443 DECEMBER SPECIAL #" ' " Af a XX Dexter Dover Area Towns in Transition (DDATT) Forest Briggs 10 years in Maine’s forests MVYLZ[Y` THPUL www.sappimeforestry.com Fresh Apples for Holiday Baking PLUS try our own Milk, Butter and other Dairy Products Rollins Orchards Rt. 94 Garland 924-3504 M - Sat. 9-6 Sun. 12-6 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage December 18 - 24, 2015 Page 11 INSPECTIONS AUTO - BIG TRUCKS - TRACTORS TRAILERS - MOTOR HOMES MOTORCYCLES BROOKS TIRE and AUTO Call 1-800-339-7149 • 924-7149 • 924-5884 www.BrooksAuto.com WKŽdžϯϲϮϬtĂƚĞƌ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ,ĂƌŵŽŶLJ͕DϬϰϵϰϮϮϬϳͲϲϴϯͲϮϮϱϭ ŵĞƌŝĐĂ͛Ɛ,ŝƐƚŽƌŝĐĂůzĂƌŶͲ^ŝŶĐĞϭϴϮϭ &ŝŶĞtŽŽůzĂƌŶƐ͕ůĂŶŬĞƚƐ͕ZŽǀŝŶŐ͕<ŶŝƚǁĞĂƌ PETE MYRICK AWARD – Ralph “Eddie” Lewis of Dover-Foxcroft was presented with the Pete Myrick award for community service at the Piscataquis County Economic Development Council’s annual meeting on December 14. Pictured, from left, are Paul Raymond and Deb Somers, representing the Dover-Foxcroft Kiwanis Club; Lewis, Dover-Foxcroft Fire Chief Joe Guyotte and incoming PCEDC President Tom Goulette. (Eastern Gazette photo – Mike Lange) Myrick Award from Page 11 taking care of the frozen food and produce aisles. Higgins said that Lewis was a perfect choice for the honor since he, like the late “Pete” Myrick, willingly donated his time “never asking for anything in return – never expecting an award. In fact, if Pete was around, he’d be a little embarrassed if he received his own award … But if he was here today, he’d extend his hand to Eddie and say, ‘Job well done.’” Myrick was a social studies teacher, coach, athletic director, assistant principal and adult education director in School Administrative District 4 and one of the founders of PCEDC. He passed away in 2002. King, in his video message, also praised PDEDC for its dedication and ongoing efforts to bring jobs to the region. “It’s the really the ‘secret sauce’ that makes good things happen,” King said. He also mentioned that he knew Pete Myrick’s son, Gary, who works for the C-SPAN network. “Coming down here three years ago as a brand-new senator, it was great to have him take me under his wing and show me how all this process works,” King said. At the annual business meeting, Guilford Town Manager Tom Goulette was elected president of the council, succeeding Matt Pineo of Brownville, who was recently hired as Jackman’s town manager. Keep your eyes peeled for these and more deals! Pets love their toys just as much as they love their people! Assorted Styles Huge selection of pets toys. Starting at $ 99 and up 1 Lifelux Series Ultimate 8 Element Extra Large Room Infrared Heater W/Air Ionizer System and Deluxe Wood Cabinet • • • • 3 heat setting including 500 watt eco setting 9 hour start and stop timer des Digital thermostat with remote Inclu remote Stylish wood cabinet Marden’s Price 7999 $ Sold at Home Improvement Store for $133.99 We have twin mattresses Marden’s Price 00 starting $ and up at only. . . 88 · 564 WILSON STREET, BREWER 989-1750 · Store Hours MON - FRI 9 to 8 SAT 9 to 5 SUN 10 to 5 REMEMBER OUR 30 DAY NO FUSS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE with RECEIPT We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct errors. Prices are for in-store purchases only. .QLWWLQJ$FFHVVRULHVDQG*LIWV 6WRUH2SHQ0RQGD\)ULGD\DP²SP ǁǁǁ͘ďĂƌƚůĞƩLJĂƌŶƐ͘ĐŽŵƐĂůĞƐΛďĂƌůĞƩLJĂƌŶƐ͘ĐŽŵDͬsŝƐĂĐĐĞƉƚĞĚ &RXQWU\+HDUWV Gifts from the Heart for you and your Home (FORMERLY IN THE AIRPORT MALL) Candles – Home Decor – Jewelry – Flags – & So Much More 20% Off ALL Christmas Items Open M-Th 10-6, Fri & Sat 10-7, Sun Noon-5 68 Main Street, Milo • 207-943-7935 [email protected] • facebook.com/countryheartsbangor C (PHU\·V MEAT & PRODUCE Gardiner 621-6328 • Newport • 355-0117 Tues. - Fri. 9 to 6, Sat. 9 to 4, Closed Sun. & Mon. FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED • www.emerysmeat.com Whole Rib Eyes Boneless $ 7.99 Lb Bone-In $ 6.99 Lb Fresh Ground Chuck $ 4.49 Lb 5lbs Or More $ 3.99 Lb $ 10 Lb Bag Boneless Chicken 1.49 Lb $14.90 a Bag while supplies last Mello Gold Hams Whole Halves Ends Centers $ 2.49lb. 2.99lb. 2.29lb. 3.99lb. $ $ $ Don’t forget to call & place your order for your holiday Prime Rib Roast & Hams We Accept MC, Visa, Discover, EBT Cards and Food Stamps Welcome ~ THANK YOU ~ We are overwhelmed by the community support shown at our Ribbon Cutting/Open House ceremony. We look forward to serving you in 2016! +ROLGD\+RXUV&ORVLQJ&KULVWPDV(YHDW1RRQ DQGUHRSHQLQJRQ'HFHPEHUWK 1HZ<HDUV(YHFORVLQJDW1RRQDQGUHRSHQLQJRQ-DQXDU\WK Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 6HDVRQV)ORUDO*LIWV &0RRVHKHDG7UDLO1HZSRUW 7LP8QGHUKLOO3&)PPIG %HKLQG(PHU\·V0HDW0DUNHW H.A.Higgins&Son, Inc. FOUNDATIONS & SITEWORK ONE CALL - WE DO IT ALL FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES CONCRETE &OUNDATIONSs&LOORS 3LABSs&ROST7ALLS SITEWORK 285-3404 Fax: 285-7190 %XCAVATIONs$RIVEWAYS 3EPTIC3YSTEMS 'RAVELs,OAMs3TONE Page 12 December 18 - 24, 2015 TIRES We Sell for Less, Make Us Prove It! Call BROOKS 924-7149 • 1-800-339-7149 SHUKRXUIRUWZRPHQ :HKDQGOHSDLQWLQJÁRRULQJLQFOXGLQJODPLQDWH VKHHWURFNVSDFNOLQJLQVXODWLQJGHFNLQJ ZLQGRZGRRUUHSODFHPHQWPHWDOURRÀQJ VLGLQJPRUH (YHU\WKLQJWRGRZLWK\RXUKRPH )UHHHVWLPDWHVDQGUHIHUHQFHVDYDLODEOH &DOO6WHYH The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage Dexter Family Practice “loses their marbles” DEXTER - The Dexter Family Practice Quality Care Team along with their participating patients, patient families, friends and colleagues will be celebrating their 1000 pound weight loss achievement thus far in their “Marble Weight Loss Challenge” On January 11. Since late May of this year, patients at Dexter Family Practice have collectively lost more than 1000 pounds. This weight loss challenge which started as a patient incentive has grown into a successful, innovative and inspiring venture. For each pound lost by a patient, one marble is placed in a jar, one jar for the ladies and one jar for the men. Many folks who have been struggling for years with weight loss have been successfully placing marbles in the jar consistently for months. Everyone is invited to this community open house. There will be representation from the State of Maine, Quality Counts of Maine as well as guest star patients showcasing their success. Billy Sudduth to speak at New Life Church GREENVILLE - Billy Sudduth is a young man with a great passion for the Lord and a strong desire to fulfill the calling that God has placed on his life. From an early age Billy faced a lot of challenges. As a former drug addict, and High School drop-out, many times he was unsure where he would lay his head at night. At 23 years of age, Billy had a radical transformation take place after giving his heart to God. He desired to restore others through the same power he has experienced. Especially, those who have grown up without a father. In 2008 Billy graduated from Faith School of Theology in Charleston as valedictorian of his class. The fact that he dropped out of school in tenth grade again tells a tale of God’s restorative power. Billy will be speaking at New Life Church, 60 Mayhew Manor in Greenville on December 27 at 10 a.m. For rides call 735-6564. TWO DAY SALE ON ALL HOME DECOR Northwoods Healthcare Patient and Friday & Saturday, December 18th & 19th Family Advisory Group kickoff December 23 The Rest of the Day Fri. & Sat. 1st hour of Fri. & Sat. 25% OFF 10% OFF WITH THIS AD ONLY - SOME EXCLUSIONS APPLY ASK ABOUT OUR FLOORING SPECIALS: 12’x12’ Room Starting at $95 Harmony H Cash & Carry OME DECOR 2OUTEs.EWPORT2Ds#ORINNAs P.O. Box 126, 2 Park St., Milo (207) 943-5070 GREENVILLE – The first meeting of the Northwoods Healthcare Patient and Family Advisory Group will be held Wednesday, December 23 at 4 p.m. in the Whitman Board Room at C.A. Dean Memorial Hospital in Greenville. The Patient and Family Advisory Group will advise the administration and healthcare provider leadership on patient needs and priorities from a patient and family perspective. Any current Northwoods Healthcare patient can apply to join the group. Come to the first meeting to learn more about how you can help make appropriate resources available for all Northwoods Healthcare families. Participants are asked to RSVP by Friday, December 18 to Megan Ryder at 876-4811 or mlryder@emhs. org. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. ANTIQUES WANTED Kent Ladd, Owner Web: www.mainegenerator.com e-mail: [email protected] Glass • Photography Books Furniture Art • Gold & Silver Almost Anything Old A local Maine company specializing in generator sales and service since 1997. We service most makes and models. Factory Trained Sales & Service for Kohler, Generac & Cummins Generators. SINGLE ITEMS TO COMPLETE ESTATES Maynard Ross Antiques Rt. 7, Corinna 278-3400 Maynard & Tonya Ross Roofing Contractor Interior/Exterior Carpentry HONEST & DEPENDABLE CALL US TODAY! )XOO\,QVXUHG )UHH(VWLPDWHV OVER 32 YEARS EXPERIENCE! — COMPLETE — Denture Center FREE CONSULTATIONS Call for Appointment Today! x 'RFWRUVFULSWLVQRWUHTXLUHGXQOHVVVSHFLÀHGE\\RXU LQVXUDQFHFDOOXVDQGZHFDQFKHFNIRU\RX x :LWK7:2FRQYHQLHQWORFDWLRQVZHFDQJHW\RXLQ IRUDQDSSRLQWPHQWZLWKLQKRXUV :LOVRQ6WUHHW %UHZHU0( &RULQQD5RDG 'H[WHU0( BANGOR – Mainers regularly go the extra mile to help others: a couple revives a man who suffers a heart attack; a cancer patient promotes blood drives to help others; a teacher saves a choking student. The Red Cross is accepting nominations for its annual Real Heroes Award. If you know of a Good Samaritan who performed an extraordinary act of heroism or courage, nominate them for an American Red Cross Real Heroes Award. The Real Heroes Award recognizes Mainers who have demonstrated acts of heroism, provided outstanding community service, and shown courage, kindness, and unselfish character in service to others: Past Awards have been presented to: Military personnel Law enforcement officers, firefighters and other first responders Medical providers Teachers Teenagers Neighbors Everyday citizens Awards will be presented at events in Bangor, Caribou, Lewiston and Portland beginning in March. For a nomination form, visit www.MaineRedCross.org. Deadline for submission is Friday, January 8. B.L. Grant & Son &DOO x 1RQHHGWRZDLWIRUDGRFWRU·VDSSRLQWPHQWOHWXV KHOS\RXQRZ Red Cross seeks nominees for annual Real Heroes award • Full Dentures Now • Partial Dentures Booking • Same Day Repairs/Re-lines • Lab on Premises MOST INSURANCES/MAINE CARE ACCEPTED PAUL LALICATA, L.D. 23 Spring Street, Dexter 207-735-3249 Email: [email protected] Formerly Dr. Chapman’s Office 7HUU\'*UDQW&HOO -DVRQ'*UDQW&HOO 'R]HU([FDYDWRU6HUYLFH *UDYHO6FUHHQHG6DQG/RDP&UXVKHG6WRQH 6HSWLF6\VWHPV,QVWDOOHG &RULQWK0DLQH NEWPORT GENERAL RENTAL Laugh at the Cold!! We rent and repair most models of kerosene heaters. Propane Culvert Steamers Electric Pipe Thawing Units 800-540-5771 80 MOOSEHEAD TRAIL, NEWPORT The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage 7KH(DVWHUQ*D]HWWH Your HomeTown AdVantage Classified DEADLINE is Monday at 5:00 P.M. THE CLASSIFIEDS...$6 FORPER20WEEK WORDS Our office, located at 97 Church Street, is open Monday through Thursday, 9 am - 5 pm. December 18 - 24, 2015 Telephone: 1-800-287-2295 Email: [email protected] Gazette/AdVantage Classified 97 Church Street, Dexter, ME 04930 (PLUS 10 CENTS FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD) If paying with Visa, MasterCard, or Discover: Credit Card # Expiration Date Cummings Health Care Facility Inc. • Rural Advocate • Rural Outreach Advocate • High Risk Response Domestic Violence Advocate For more information, visit our website at www.sprucerun.net +LEEDUG6NLOOHG1XUVLQJ&HQWHU 5 Crocker St., Howland ME 04448 732-4121 Immediate openings for R.N. part time and per diem C.N.A./MedTech part time 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Please apply to: Jennifer Lane, R.N., D.O.N. Family owned and operated for over 40 years. Spruce Run-Womancare Alliance is hiring for three positions: EOE Charlotte White Center NEW YEAR, NEW CAREER! 3DLG7UDLQLQJSURYLGHGZLWKPDQ\VKLIWVDYDLODEOH 1HZKRPHRSHQLQJLQ'RYHU)R[FURIW 6HHNLQJVWD൵WRSURYLGHVXSSRUWWRLQGLYLGXDOVLQRXUQHZ$TXLUHG %UDLQ,QMXU\GLYLVLRQ0XVWKDYHD+LJK6FKRROGLSORPDRUHTXLYDOHQW DQGYDOLG0(GULYHU¶VOLFHQVHLQJRRGVWDQGLQJ Please apply online: www.charlottewhitecenter.org E.O.E. :HVW0DLQ6WUHHW'RYHU)R[FURIW0( IMMEDIATE OPENING We are taking applications for a part-time: Residential Care Aide Applicants must be willing to work every other weekend. Stop in to pick up an application. – E. O. E. +LEEDUG6NLOOHG1XUVLQJ&HQWHU :HVW0DLQ6WUHHW'RYHU)R[FURIW0( We are taking applications for a full-time: ACTIVITY ASSISTANT This position will work closely with our skilled and long term residents. You will be required to work every 3rd weekend as well as a few holidays. Occasional evening hours. Come join our dedicated health care team! Excellent fringe benefit package available. Stop in to pick up an application. – E. O. E. CHARLOTTE WHITE CENTER Immediate Openings 3URYLGLQJLQKRPHDQGFRPPXQLW\VXSSRUWVWRDVVLVWFKLOGUHQ ZLWKVSHFLDOQHHGVLQOHDUQLQJOLIHVNLOOV 37SRVLWLRQVDYDLOLQ'H[WHU0LOR'RYHU)R[FURIW DQGVXUURXQGLQJDUHDV9DOLG0('ULYHU¶V/LFHQVHLQVXUHG UHOLDEOHWUDQVSRUWDWLRQ+6GLSORPDRUHTXLYUHTXLUHG For more information visit: www.charlottewhitecenter.org E.O.E. CHARLOTTE WHITE CENTER NEW OPENINGS! - Paid Training Provided 6WD൵ QHHGHG WR ZRUN ZLWK DGXOWV LQ RXU EHKDYLRUDO KHDOWK DQG GHYHORSPHQWDOGLVDELOLWLHVUHVLGHQWLDOSURJUDPVORFDWHGLQ$EERW 'H[WHU 'RYHU)R[FURIW DQG &RULQWK ,PPHGLDWH RSHQLQJV IRU ZHHNHQG/LYHLQSRVLWLRQV6DWUXGD\WKURXJK6XQGD\DVZHOODV HYHQLQJVDQGRYHUQLJKWV0XVWKDYHD+6GLSORPDRUHTXLYDOHQW DQGDYDOLG0(GULYHU¶VOLFHQVHLQJRRGVWDQGLQJ Please apply online: www.charlottewhitecenter.org E.O.E. Are you looking for a rewarding career that offers an excellent benefit package, home and work life balance, and generous amounts of time off? Katahdin Valley Health Center offers all of this and more as we search for a: Family Medicine Physician Dentist To serve our patients in our new Brownville Clinic and our Millinocket Clinic. Visit www.kvhc.org for more about these positions. You can also contact Michelle LeFay at 207-528-2285 or [email protected] with questions or to submit a resume. KVHC is a National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Site and An Equal Opportunity Employer. Downeast Horizon’s Children’s Workers Needed Join a growing team who are making a difference in the lives of children with Autism & Cognitive Disabilities in community and group settings. Immediate need in the Dover-Foxcroft and surrounding area. Up to a $13 per hr starting wage, paid training, mileage reimbursement. Up to a $250 sign-on bonus. For more information call 1-855-894-3599. To apply, please visit our website at: www.dehi.org E.O.E EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Milo Water District 146 Park Street, Milo ME 04463 dŚĞDŝůŽtĂƚĞƌŝƐƚƌŝĐƚŝƐƐĞĞŬŝŶŐĂŶŽĸĐĞƐƵƉƉŽƌƚ ƉĞƌƐŽŶŽŶĂƉĂƌƚͲƟŵĞďĂƐŝƐ͘<ŶŽǁůĞĚŐĞŽĨŐĞŶĞƌĂů ůĞĚŐĞƌ͕ŬŬĞĞƉŝŶŐĂŶĚŐĞŶĞƌĂůŽĸĐĞĚƵƟĞƐ͘dŚŝƐ ƉŽƐŝƟŽŶ ŝƐ ϮϬ ŚŽƵƌƐ Ă ǁĞĞŬ ǁŝƚŚ ƐŽŵĞ ƉĂƌƚ ƟŵĞ ďĞŶĞĮƚƐ͘WůĞĂƐĞĐĂůůϵϰϯͲϮϱϬϭĨŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ OFFICE MANAGER POSITION Pearl Contractors is currently accepting applications for the position of Office Manager at our office at 118 Moosehead Trail Suite #2, Newport ME 04953. The position is full time 40 hours\week. The candidate must be experienced in QuickBooks, and Excel. Must also have good personality, and be able to deal with customers, employees and management on a regular basis both over the phone, and in person. Applicants should call 207-368-6147 to schedule an appointment for an interview, or stop in to pick up an application at our Newport office. Pearl Contractors is a family based, fast growing business. We offer competitive pay, some benefits, and a fun, friendly working environment. Come join our team and grow with us! 118 Moosehead Trail, Suite 2 Newport ME 04953 Page 13 RENTALS FOR NEW IN-TOWN DEXTER APT TENANTS - 50% off 1st month, 10% off for next 5 months. One and Two Bedrooms. All utilities included. NO PETS. Call now for more information. 924-6867. DEXTER - Single apts. No pets, no smokers. Security deposit. Bryant Apartments. 924-3371. Please speak slowly & leave clear message. MILO - 1 bdrm efficiency apt. on dead end street. First floor. Off road parking, washer and dryer, private entrance, and plowing included. Section 8 approved. $400/ month, plus utilities. 478-1010. DEXTER - 1 bedroom apartment available. Stove, refrigerator and heat included. No pets. 876-3713. ENFIELD - 3 bedroom house. $700 plus utilities. Washer/dryer included. References and security required. Call 478-1010. SANGERVILLE - 3 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 1 bath apartment upstairs. Lawns, plowing, and water included. No pets, references and credit check. First, last and deposit required. $600/ month. 270-0888 or 924-5682. CHARLESTON - 1 bdrm apartment in a quiet country setting, all utilities and DirecTV included. $750/month. Call, 478-7219. SPA & HOT TUB HOT TUB AND SPA SERVICE. We repair all brands of spas and hot tubs. We also repair steam and sauna. Call 277-3540. Please leave a message. CAMP FOR SALE ECHO LAKE/PUFFERS POND - Waterfront camp located at 90 Snowgoose Lane. 100’ of water frontage. Two bedroom, one bath. Dexter, Maine. $109,000. Call, (207) 485-5844. AUTO 2010 TOYOTA TACOMA Access Cab 4x4, 4 cyl, 5 speed, red, 99,000 miles. $17,500. Call, 6950088. FOR SALE HARMONY - Organic eggs $4 per dozen. Also, looking to give away three Guinea Hens. Please call, 683-2100. FIREWOOD DEXTER - Green sawed, split & delivered in local area. $210/cord. Doing business as, M & S Firewood, Stan White. 924-6217. POSITIONS AVAILABLE CNA Full-Time Evening Position Please contact: Dexter Health Care Kim Phillips, RN, DON 64 Park Street, Dexter, ME 04930 (207) 924-5516, Ext. 202 Page 14 December 18 - 24, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage FIREWOOD HILLSIDE PARK APARTMENTS, DEXTER Immediate 2 Bedroom Vacancy. Vouchers Welcomed! Rent starts at $626.00. Income limits apply. Coin-op laundry available on site. For applications, visit www.mainedevelopment.com; or contact us at Maine Development Associates 1-800-639-1747 TTY 711 / 800-437-1220 Housing We are an Equal Opportunity OrganizationEqual Opportunity NORTH VIEW APARTMENTS DOVER-FOXCROFT We are now accepting rental applications for a brand new non-smoking Elderly Community, 62 years of age, or older, or disabled, tentatively ready for occupancy the middle of September 2015. One bedroom and one bedroom accessible apartments available. Rent is 30% of your adjusted income all utilities are included. Income restrictions do apply. For more information and an application, please contact Realty Resources Management 1-800-338-8538 TTY 711 Equal Housing Opportunity Apartments Accepting Applications 1&2 bedroom apts. Eastville Village Park Street Village Ask about Rental Assistance Ask about Rental Assistance NOTE: Must meet certain income guidelines. NOTE: Must meet certain income guidelines. Newport Milo 1&2 Bedroom Apts. C.B. Mattson, Inc. C.B. Mattson, Inc. 360 Maine Ave., Farmingdale P.O. Box 10, Gardiner, ME 04345-0010 360 Maine Ave., Farmingdale P.O. Box 10, Gardiner, ME 04345-0010 1-800-244-2297 Equal Housing Opportunity www.cbmattson.com 1-800-244-2297 Equal Housing Opportunity Dial 711 for TTYS/TTDS An equal opportunity provider and employer Dial 711 for TTYS/TTDS An equal opportunity provider and employer DEXTER - Nelson’s Firewood. Green Hardwood, cut, split and delivered within a 25 mile radius of Dexter. Please call 924-0385 or 924-5837. S.E. HANSCOM & SONS Processed stove wood. Unseasoned sawed, split and delivered. Call for pricing 924-5973. GUILFORD - Dry, cut, split and delivered, firewood for sale. Virtually all beech. Call for price, 8764010. DEXTER - Firewood sawed, split & delivered. Good wood, call for best price in area. Allen 270-0198 or 924-3480. BUSINESS JEFF ANTHONY: Computer expertise that won’t break your piggy bank! Now serving DoverFoxcroft. (207) 619-1235. www. jeffanthony.info for rates. APARTMENTS FOR RENT DOVER-FOXCROFT: 109 Pleasant St., Spacious 2BR, 1½ Ba, Downstairs Apt., Lg Kitchen, Pantry & Dining Room, Separate Entrance. Heat, Hot Water & trash removal inc. $750/mo. Available Mid Nov. CORINTH: Skolfield Manor, 1 BR Downstairs Apt. Heat & trash rem. inc. Coin-op laundry in building. $600/mo. Available Mid Nov. DOVER-FOXCROFT: 38 Coombs Rd, 2BR Mobile Home W/1 car gar. & sep. utility rm. Tenant pays all utilities, responsible for lawn & plowing (long drieway). $600/mo. Available Late Nov. One year lease, references and security deposit required. Call 343-1447 email: [email protected] NOTICES Revelation 19:16 He has this Name written: KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS. New Beginnings Bible Church, Silvers Mills Road, Dexter.Sunday School 9:30 am, Church 10:30. Featured Property Beaver Cove 2ac $75,000 This rare find is a buildable lot in N Ridge Association. This Beaver Cove subdivision has fantastic amenities; a sandy beach on Moosehead Lake with docks, picnic tables all in a protected cove. There are hiking trails throughout and the protective covenants making this one of the best spots for a vacation or a year round home. Taxes are low, and the association fees are too. There are few buildable lots left. The subdivision should become more desirable as the years go on. All this and the association abuts Lily Bay State Park. Let us find your ideal property. Agents in Dexter & Bangor. Maine Properties Realty 86A Church Street, Dexter, Maine 04930 (207) 924-6600 www.maineprop.com Opening available for skilled agent. HELP WANTED MILO - Looking for a PSS/CNA/ PCA. Reliable transportation and lifting are musts. Must pass criminal background check. Call 943-2586. DOVER-FOXCROFT - Part time help wanted for a house keeper/ dog sitter. Please call, 564-3031. ALFASLOPES FARMS, Charleston, is seeking a reliable individual for full time employment. Duties to include, but not limited to: the proper mixing of rations and feeding dairy cattle. Call 2857714 for full job description and interview. Chevrolet Buick GMC 0DGLVRQ$YHQXH6NRZKHJDQ 166 Moosehead Lake Rd. Greenville, Maine 04441 Deb Chapman 207 717--4950 207--717 [email protected] :LOWRQ5RDG)DUPLQJWRQ Ford 0DGLVRQ$YHQXH6NRZKHJDQ Dodge Chrysler Jeep 5RXWH0DGLVRQ Turn Key Property SANGERVILLE: 25+/- acres to call your own! Well maintained with many improvements, a quiet neighborhood and access to snowmobile and ATV trails. Features include first floor bedroom and laundry room, mudroom and open floor plan. Detached barn gives you plenty of room to store your toys. Move right in and enjoy!! #1233 $115,000 www.c21moosecountry.com 6LQF 6L QFH QFH H H 2QH)DP 2 2QH Q ) )DP PLO LO\\1D LO\ \1D \ 1DP 1 1D PH PH 1RZ:L 1RZ 1R :LWK : :L LWK K /RFDWL / /RFD /R RFDWL WLR WLRQ LRQ RQVV RQV The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage December 18 - 24, 2015 WANTED BUYING SALVAGE Vehicles. Call Mert anytime at 924-7933 or 717-3939. PRIVATE COLLECTOR paying top $$$ for all old coins and paper money. I have the books to show you the value. IE silver dollars $18 and up. Any silver coins 1964 and below paying 10 times face value or numismatic value. IE 1877 Indian cent $500. Also seeking pocket watches, old banks, Civil War items, gold and silver. I am not a dealer. I do not melt coins. Ralph 207285-3346 or 207-478-5717. REWARD - $1000 reward for individuals who slashed tires on Abnaki Dr. Newport on 11/25. Driving white mid 90’s GMC 1/2 ton pick-up. 416-5722. TOWN OF CORINTH NOMINATION PAPERS 120,1$7,213$3(56:,//%(0$'($9$,/$%/($7 7+( &25,17+ 72:1 2)),&($)7(5 '(&(0%(5 WK)257+()2//2:,1* 7:26(/(&73(56216$66(66256 29(56((562)7+(3225 )257:27+5((<($57(506 21(',5(&7252)6$'568 )2521(7+5((<($57(50 Page 15 The Milo Town Office Will Be Closed ed Thursday, December 24, 20155 Friday, December 25, 2015 Thursday, December 31, 2015 T Friday, January 1, 2016 Thursday’s curbside will be picked up Wednesday December 23rd & 30th. LANE’S COLLISION CENTER www.lanescollisioncenter.com 186 Exeter Rd., Rt. 43 Corinna 278-2435 • Cell: 949-6069 Kevin Lane, Owner • Mon.-Fri. 8-5, Sat. 8-12 Complete Auto Body & Collision Repair 21(&(0(7(5<75867(( )2521(7+5((<($57(50 New State-of-the-Art Facility - Over 17 Years Experience Now offering: Light Auto Repair • Tires • Oil Changes & More 120,1$7,21 3$3(56 0867 %( ),/(' :,7+ 7+( 72:1&/(5.%<)(%58$5< DECEMBER SPECIAL: Purchase a Vehicle and Receive a FREE $200 Walmart Gift Card I-CAR CERTIFIED Spray On Free Estimates Bedliners Rentals Available All Insurance Companies Honored Piscataquis County’s ONLY New Car & Truck Dealer! PROUTY FORD INC. CHECK OUT OUR INVENTORY BUY HERE & PAY HERE $ $ for as little as 500 Down and 40 A Week! ‘08 Dodge Caliber ‘12 Nissan Frontier AWD RT, 4 Cyl, Auto, PW, PL, CC, Tilt, WAS $7,995 Ext Cab, 4x4, V6, 6 Spd Manual PW, PL, AC, WAS $18,995 $ 7,495 $ 17,995 We Are a Full Service Dept. $45/hr. GERRY’S USED CARS ‘11 Hyundai Santa Fe 266 Newport Rd., Corinna • 278-2205 • Oakland - 465-9566 • Skowhegan - 474-6700 • Veazie - 990-2206 7KH(DVWHUQ*D]HWWH Your HomeTown AdVantage CLASSIFIEDS 20 WORDS for $6 PER WEEK 10 CENTS FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD OVER 20 PER WEEK, PREPAID Delivered to more than 16,000 ADDRESSES EVERY WEEK! CATEGORY:______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 = $6 21 = $6.10 22 = $6.20 23 = $6.30 24 = $6.40 25 = $6.50 26 = $6.60 27 = $6.70 28 = $6.80 29 = $6.90 30 = $7.00 Please mail completed form along with your Check or Money Order or Visa, MasterCard or Discover information to: The Eastern Gazette, 97 Church Street, Dexter ME 04930 Name as it appears on check or Number of weeks to run:_______ credit card: Amount enclosed: ____________ ___________________________ Credit Card No. Address: ___________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Expiration Date: _____________ Telephone: __________________ Security Code: _______________ Classifieds may be taken by telephone or e-mail with Visa, MasterCard or Discover 1-800-287-2295 or 924-7402; e-mail: [email protected] CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: MONDAY AT 5:00 P.M. V6, Auto, PW, PL, CC, Tilt, 4x4, WAS $14,995 $13,995 ‘12 Jeep Gr. Cherokee Laredo Loaded $21,995 19 Summer Street, Dover Foxcroft • 564-3395 [email protected] LOCAL TRADES • FORD PROGRAM VEHICLES Looking for the Perfect Gift? It’s just a click away: Go to rowellsgarage.com or Facebook Car Wash The Works $16 Super $ Your Best Value! 12 ProTouch Wash Spot Free Rinse Deluxe $ 10 Basic $ 8 Flash Dry Underbody Wash Wheel Scrubber Triple Foam Wax OverGlow Hot Wax Open 7 am to 9 pm, 7 Days A Week 192 East Main St., Dover-Foxcroft • 207-564-3434 Page 16 E %X December 18 - 24, 2015 +DOO·V$XWR5HSDLU The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage Need Work Done On Your Fisher Plow? Bring it in for professional Fisher Plow service. (formerly Mike’s Transmission) 55 Church St., Dexter 924-3062 NOW BUYING USED FISHER® PLOWS Your Authorized Fisher her® Snowplow Dealer SALES & SERVICE Full Service Garage General Auto Repair • Shocks/Struts • Diagnostic Testing Custom Welding/Fabrication • Unlocking of Vehicles Honest, Reliable Service You Can Depend On! Open 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday, Saturday by Appt. For more info go to www.FisherPlows.com DETROIT MOTORS 17 SouthDetroitMain St., 257-2629 SCOOTERS Used Cars and Service Center 2011 2 20 011 FORD FOCUS A/C, Auto $ 6,995 ‘04 JEEP WRANGLER SE ‘01 FORD F-250 SUPER DUTY LARIAT 4 Cyl, 2.4L, Auto, 4WD, 8 Cyl, 5.4L, Auto, 4WD $9,995 1999 SATURN 4cyl, Auto, 124k $ $ 7,995 Dexter Rd., Corinna • kandjautosales.com 2,295 924-7590/938-4136 BAD CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! REBUILD YOUR CREDIT All you need is $1500 Income Proof of Residence Proof of Employment 100% Bumper to Bumper Warranty 2007 FORD F-250 2 4WD, 116K, Good Shape PROUTY AUTO BODY $ 10,995 , 2010 TOYOTA CAMRY Call Marcus 487-5111 1-800-464-8353 *Servicing our customers for over 30 years * ALL Collision Repairs Guaranteed *We work with ALL Insurance Companies *We work on ALL MAKES & ALL MODELS *Enterprise rental cars Will your car ever be the same? If it’s repaired at Prouty Auto Body it will. We have the Knowledge & Equipment to GUARANTEE IT. 4cyl, Auto, 76k $ 12,995 SNOW TIRE SEASON EASON IS HERE, EA HERE HURRY IN FOR BEST SELECTION 26 Summer St., Dover-Foxcroft 180 Summer St. 564-2780 Dover-Foxcroft 384 Somerset Avenue, Pittsfield Visit us on the web at www.varneychevrolet.com SERVICE DIRECTORY SANTOS BUILDERS Call us for all your construction needs! FULLY INSURED DOORE Oil Energy Inc. 343-1781 WYMAN CONSTRUCTION Frank Santos Over 35 yrs experience Excavation • Gravel Septic Systems Land Clearing Call 876-3713 Dexter - 924-5902 DCS Construction 5HPRGHOLQJ1HZ&RQVWUXFWLRQ6LGLQJ 'RRUV:LQGRZV7ULP0XFK0RUH )UHH(VWLPDWHV²,QVXUHG GENERAL CONTRACTING • Metal Roofing • Home Remodeling • Windows & Doors &DOO5RQ#RU LQIR#UHUD\PRQGFRQVWUXFWLRQOOFFRP 938-2821 home or 416-4117 cell BILL HASKELL & SONS, INC. <2'(5·66$:0,////& Water Wells Complete Pump Installation Water Softeners Call DOUG 876-4580 Free Estimates SANGERVILLE CEDAR IS OUR SPECIALTY Choose from: 5/4 Decking, V-Match Siding, Clapboards, Log Siding. Also available in Pine. Hemlock Dimensional Lumber. Bagged Stop by the Mill or Give Us a Call 278-3539 Mike Foley 717-7605 277-3196 PAGE’S BUILDING David 924-5142 Garages, Siding, Roofing General Carpentry, Camps - Insured CertainTeed - Extended Warranty Kennedy Plumbing 277-3733 UPHOLSTERY • Furniture • Marine It’s cheaper to redo than buy new! RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL LICENSED AND INSURED )UHHVLWHHYDOXDWLRQV Dexter, Maine • (207) 907-6849 Lyford & Lyford Builders Metal and Asphalt Roofing Greg & Casey Macomber JMR’s Roofing & Painting Decks, replacement windows, and siding. All phases of construction Over 30 years of experience Call Gary for a FREE estimate, 943-3596 Interior Paint, Handyman Work Carpentry and Light Remodeling Jason M Ramsdell (207) 341-3900 SERVICE DIRECTORY ADS: Foster Painting Co. 25 years of Quality and Reliability 2”x1” 3 Months $ 120 LEAD CERTIFIED INTERIOR • EXTERIOR FULLY INSURED JMR’s roofingandpainting • [email protected] 1-800-287-2295 (207) 368-5078 Sullivan Masonry S-H ELECTRIC Brick - Block - Stonework Chimneys - Chimney Lining Residential ~ Over 40 years experience ~ 207-745-3509 [email protected] http://ronmartin.servehttp.com ACCEPTED! ,QVSHFWLRQ6DOHV6HUYLFH RI¿UHH[WLQJXLVKHUVNLWFKHQ VXSSUHVVLRQV\VWHPV Charleston 285-3572 Cell: 570-2482 3(5+285 JD Raymond )257:20(1 Timberlands Residential • Commercial Industrial • Wiring Garland, Maine 924-3405 CROUSE BUILDERS Local References. Free Estimates. 25 Years Experience. 270-0524 16 Bolstridge Rd, Corinna • www.yoderssawmill.com 3XPSLQJ7DQN5HSODFHPHQWV 7DQN5LVHUV6HSWLF6\VWHP,QVWDOODWLRQV Ask for Danny, 735-3405 SANDING & REFINISHING, NEW INSTALLATIONS. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Cedar Shavings *UDQWV3UD\V 6HSWLF6HUYLFHDQG&RQVWUXFWLRQ Foley’s Wood Floors and CLEANING Home Building & Remodeling • Decks • Additions • Siding • Roofing, etc. 0255,6),5(3527(&7,21 FURNACE REPAIRS Building Quality Homes for Over 30 Years Reliable References - Insured 876-2783 Sangerville 631-9587 Cell :HKDQGOHSDLQWLQJÁRRULQJ VKHHWURFNVSDFNOLQJ LQVXODWLQJGHFNLQJZLQGRZ GRRUUHSODFHPHQWPHWDO URRÀQJVLGLQJPRUH (YHU\WKLQJWRGRZLWK\RXUKRPH - Land Clearing - Competitive Stumpage - Timber Harvest - Lump sum payments - Grinding - Advance payments Certified Logging Professionals Licensed Professional Forester )UHHHVWLPDWHV DQGUHIHUHQFHVDYDLODEOH (207) 564-2186 or (207) 717-2901 &$//67(9( www.jdraymond.com Snow Plowing Dover Area Accepting New Customers 717-TREE (8733) C.L. FIREWOOD Unseasoned 210/cord $ $ Kiln Dried 285/cord Cut, split & 2 cord loads delivered free in local area. LIHEAP Gladly Accepted Doug Thomas • 277-3017 • fi[email protected] LA NCASTER BALL INSURANCE, L KIMAUTO • HOME • COMMERCIAL .L.C. • LIFE & HEALTH • FINANCIAL SERVICES • FOUNDATIONS 924-5423 FOUNDATIONS, FLOORS & SLABS 35 Hudson Ave., Guilford ME 04443 (207) 876-9777 (877) 844-3388 * Registered Representative offering securities though United Planners’ Financial Services of America, a Limited Partnership. Member FINRA, SIPC. Free estimates - Fully Insured The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage December 18 - 24, 2015 Page 17 M-F 8 to 6, Sat. 8 to 5 384 Somerset Avenue, Pittsfield 1-800-427-5115 (207) 487-5111 Shop 24-7 @ www.varneychevrolet.com Just Off I-95 - Exit 150 2016 Chevrolet Silverado Dbl Cab LT Z-71 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4x4 2016 Chevrolet Cruze 1LT RS 8 1/2 FT. V-PLOW EXTREME V2 #14274, 4x4, V-8, Auto, PW, PL, PS, Rear Camera, Remote Start, HD Tow, Chrome Steps, MSRP $44,520 Sale Price - $40,995 Rebate - 1,000 Varney Price $ 39, 39 9,995 995 5 Or Lease 0 Down $ 369 369 6 /Mo /M /Mo. Mo. Mo M o.. #12455, VV-8, #12455 8 Auto, PW, PL, Sale Price - $44,995 Rebate - 2,000 Remote Entry, Rear Camera, Dwn. Pmt. Asst. - 500 HD Tow, Tilt, Cruise, gS Sa alle ale a e - 2,500 Tag Sale Rear Defogger, MSRP $46,560 Varney Price $ Varney Price 39 Month Lease, 10k/Year, 1.8 APR, 3000 CCR, 27157 Residual, 1st Month Due @ Signing 2016 Chevrolet Equinox LT AWD #1330, 4cyl, Auto, Sunroof, PW, PL, PS, Remote Start, Rear Camera, Navigation, MSRP $32,225 Sale Price - $30,245 Rebate -750 Bonus Tag -1,500 Varney Price $ 27, 2 27 7,995 995 5 39,9 39 995 9 95 95 #1331, 1.4 6spd, Power Windows, Power Locks, Power Steering, Tilt, Cruise, Spoiler, MSRP $21,125 Sale Price: $19,995 Rebate -1,000 Bonus Tag -1,000 Varney Price $ 17,995 17, 1 17 7,,995 995 5 Or Lease $ 1877/Mo. 187 /Mo. /Mo Mo.. Mo 27 Month Lease, 10k/Year, 19995 Sale Price, 3775 CCR, .96 APR, 12886 Residual, 0 Down 2015 Chevrolet Silverado Crew 4x4 LT Or Lease $ 298/Mo. 298 /Mo Mo. M o.. 39 Month Lease, 10k/Year, 30245 Sale Price, 1800 CCR, 1.8 APR 18707 Residual, 1000 Down Cash or Trade Plus 1st Payment Sale Price - $37,745 Varney Price Rebate -2,250 $ Or Lease $ /Mo. /Mo Mo. M Mo o.. Dwn. Pmt. Asst. -1,000 Bonus Tag -2,500 39 Month Lease, 10k/Year, 36245 Sale Price, 1400 CCR, .96 APR, 23633 Residual, 2500 Down Cash or Trade Plus 1st Payment #14133, V-6, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise, MSRP $41,515 31, 3 31 1,995 99 9 95 95 292 292 2016 Chevrolet Sonic LT 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 4x4 LS Varney Price Varney Price $ $ 29,995 2 9,995 9 ,995 16,995 16 1 6,995 6 ,995 #14198, V-6, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise, Chrome Steps, HD Tow, MSRP $35,185 Sale Price: $32,745 Rebate -2,250 Down Payment Assist -500 #12461, 4cyl, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise, Rear Spoiler, Fog Lamps, MSRP $19,015 2015 Chevrolet Trax AWD LT 2015 Chevrolet Malibu 2LT Varney Price Varney Price $ $ 23 3,995 ,995 995 24,995 24 2 4,995 4 ,99 95 5 #14218, 4cyl, Auto, Leather Seats, Heated, Rear Camera, Power Windows, Power Locks, Power Steering Sale Price: $18,495 Bonus Tag -1,000 Down Payment Assist -500 Sale Price: $27,495 Rebate -1,500 Bonus Tag -1,000 #14241, 4cyl, Auto, Sunroof, Bose Audio, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise, MSRP $26,465 Sale Price: 25,495 Rebate -500 Bonus Tag -1,000 Page 18 December 18 - 24, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage 1-800-613-3673 368-4300 Visit us at www.varneyford.com m Just off Exit 157 on I-95 2015 Ford F-150 S/Crew XL *0% Financing and No Payments until March Available. See Associate for Details. *0% Financing and No Payments until March Available. See Associate for Details. 2015 Ford Focus S Varney Price $ 34,995 11319, Sport Package, Power WIndows, Power Locks, Cruise Control, Tow Package, Plus More!!, MSRP $43,210 *0% Financing and No Payments until March Available. See Associate for Details. 2015 Ford Fusion Hybrid Titanium Varney Price $ 2015 Ford Fiesta S *0% Financing and No Payments until March Available. See Associate for Details. Varney Price $ Varney Price $ 29,754 30490, Heated Steering Wheel, Navigation, Heated Loaded Seats, Plus More!!!, MSRP $34,890 2016 Ford Escape SE 4WD 12,995 30518, 4cyl, 5spd, Power Locks, CD, AC, Sync, Plus More, MSRP $15,280 *0% Financing and No Payments until March Available. See Associate for Details. 2016 Ford F-250 4x4 XL Varney Price $ 23,595 87924, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, Tilt, Cruise Control, AC, CD, Sync, Plus Much More, MSRP $28,435 2014 Toyota Camry SE 15,595 30501, 2.0, Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise Control, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, CD, Sync, Remote Start, Plus More, MSRP $19,630 –Includes Trade Assist Varney Price $ 31,995 11336, 6.2, Auto, Air, Tilt, Stereo, Tow Package, Shift on the Fly, E-Lock Rear End, Brake Controller, Running Boards, Plus More, MSRP $37,805 2014 Dodge Caravan 2013 Ford F-150 S/Crew XLT 4x4 N5644, V-6, Auto, Air, Tilt, CC, CD, Stow & Go Seats, 7 Passenger VARNEY PRICE $ 16,995 2015 Nissan Altima Varney Price $ 17,595 N5664, 4cyl, Auto, Air, Tilt, CC, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, CD, Plus Much More N5650, Auto, Air, Tilt, CC, CD, PW, PDL, Power Seats, Plus More VARNEY PRICE $ 15,995 Varney Price $ 29,995 N5691, 5.0, Leather Seats, CC, Rear Cam., Tow Pkg., Off Road Wheels, +Much More, Low Miles 2014 Ford Escape SE 4x4 2014 Ford Mustang Convertible 2006 Chevrolet Impala 87913A, Ecoboost, Air, Tilt, CC, PW, Power Door Locks, Sync, Alloys, Plus More N5646 V6, Auto, AC, Tilt, CC, PW, PDL, CD Alloy Wheels & More 11146B, AM/FM, Tilt, Power Windows, Power Locks VARNEY PRICE $ VARNEY PRICE 21,995 2013 Dodge Ram 4x4 Crew SLT $ 16,995 2013 Ford Focus SE N5652, Auto, Fog Lights, Alloy Wheels, Power Windows, Satellite Radio, Cruise, SYNC, Tilt, Leather, Power Drivers Seat VARNEY PRICE VARNEY PRICE $ 7,995 2008 Ford F-150 Crew 4x4 Lariat $ 12,995 2012 Nissan Rogue Varney Price $ 25,995 87869A, Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise Control, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, Running Boards, Bedliner, Plus More N5619A, Moonroof, Leather Seats, CD Player, Plus More!! VARNEY PRICE $ 19,995 Varney Price $ 24,995 11298A, V8, Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, Moonroof, Leather, Low Miles, Plus More *Prices subject to change without notice. Price includes all applicable incentives. For trade assistance must trade 95 or new car, truck or SUV. Must qualify for incentives. Tax and Title extra. See Dealer for complete details. The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage December 18 - 24, 2015 Page 19 &+5<6/(5 6$:' &+5<6/(5 6$:' &+5<6/(5 6$:' &+5<6/(5 6$:' E ANC T CH LAS E ANC T CH LAS E ANC T CH LAS E ANC T CH LAS 0653 0653 0653 0653 +$57/(<635,&( +$57/(<635,&( +$57/(<635,&( +$57/(<635,&( &+5<6/(5 /,0,7('$:' '2'*( &+$5*(56;7$:' '2'*( &+$5*(56($:' &+5<6/(5 72:1&28175< 'LVFRXQW 'LVFRXQW 'LVFRXQW E ANC T CH LAS E ANC T CH LAS 'LVFRXQW E ANC T CH LAS E ANC T CH LAS 0653 0653 0653 0653 +$57/(<635,&( +$57/(<635,&( +$57/(<635,&( +$57/(<635,&( 'LVFRXQW 'LVFRXQW 'LVFRXQW 5$0 5$0&5(:&$% 5$0 48$'&$%6/7; 287'22560$1; &5(:&$%6/7; E CO DIE 'LVFRXQW 5$0 5(%(/; SEL &$1 7%($77+(6(35,&(6 0653 0653 0653 +$57/(<635,&( +$57/(<635,&( +$57/(<635,&( 'LVFRXQW 'LVFRXQW 'LVFRXQW 0653 &$//)25 '(7$,/6 Back Cover ,W¶V¿QDOO\WLPH)RUJHW%ODFN)ULGD\EHFDXVHRXU Super Saturday Sale is here December 19th! 7KHGHDOVGRQ¶WHQGWKHUHWKRXJK 1RZWKURXJKWKHHQGRIWKHPRQWKHQMR\KXJHPDUN GRZQVRQWRSVHOOLQJSKRQHVWDEOHWVDQGDFFHVVRULHV $VNDERXWRXULQWHUHVW¿QDQFLQJRSWLRQV :K\ZDLWIRUOD\DZD\ZKHQ\RXFDQWDNH \RXUQHZGHYLFHKRPH72'$< 7RQVRIJUHDWSURPRWLRQVDYDLODEOHIRUQHZDQGFXUUHQW FXVWRPHUVIRUDOLPLWHGWLPHRQO\VR'21¶70,66287 WR $FFHVVRULHVXS ) 2) WV DW V QH KR GS HD %HD + 2)) $QGZKLOH\RX¶UHKHUHGRQ¶WIRUJHW DERXWRXURWKHUVHUYLFHVOLNH +RPH3KRQHV0RELOH+RW6SRWV 9HKLFOH0RQLWRULQJ DQGPXFKPXFKPRUH %X\ORFDODQGVDYHORFDOZLWK'DYH¶V:RUOG86&HOOXODU \RXUORFDOZLUHOHVVH[SHUWV Dave’s World U.S. Cellular 16 Summer Street, Dover-Foxcroft Maine 04426 207-717-2784 Open Monday- Friday 9-6 Saturday and Sunday 9-5
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