Weekly Pages.indd - The Eastern Gazette
Weekly Pages.indd - The Eastern Gazette
Front Cover FREE Established 1853 Your 1-800-287-2295 800 287 2295 • [email protected] ga ette@easternga ette com 17,000 Circulation • Copyright 2015 The Gazette, Inc. Volume 163 No. 8 *****ECRWSS***** U.S. Postage Paid Dexter ME. Permit No. 97 Local POSTAL CUSTOMER HomeTown AdVantage February 20 - 26, 2015 Delivered by U.S. Mail to every residential and business addresses in: Abbot, Atkinson, Barnard, Beaver Cove, Blanchard, Bowerbank, Brownville, Brownville Jct., Cambridge, Charleston, Corinna, Corinth, Derby, Dexter, Dover-Foxcroft, Ebeemee, Elliottsville, Exeter, Frenchtown, Garland, Greenville, Greenville Jct., Guilford, Harmony, Kingsbury Plt., LaGrange, Lake View Plt., Lily Bay, Maxfield, Mayfield, Medford, Milo, Monson, Orneville, Parkman, Ripley, Sangerville, Sebec, Shirley Mills, St. Albans, Wellington, Williamsburg, Willimantic. Ac AccuSharp Regular Price $12.99 SALE PRICE Knife Sharpener $ 5.99 Tillson True Value 11 Main St., Dexter • 924-7359 Hermon True Value Danforth Plaza, Hermon • 848-2500 Zachary Johnson photo ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW: DOVER-FOXCROFT’S CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Shoveling the roof of Hayes Law Office on February 12 offered Zachary Johnson, a Foxcroft Academy senior, the opportunity to capture this somewhat different perspective of the Congregational Church, with the 5 p.m. sky in the background providing promise. 7KH (DVWHUQ *D]HWWH Your HomeTown AdVantage Page One February 20 - 26, 2015 $70 virus fix/tune-up Sloooowwww, but still online? I can fix it remotely while I’m still in my pajamas. I save shampoo, you save $$. Dr. Dan 564.0150 Spooky Love: A Night of One Act Plays postponed ‘til February 21 DOVER-FOXCROFT – Because of the ‘blizzard’ that hit last weekend, the Center Theatre’s Saturday night performance of Spooky Love: A Night Of One Act Plays was postponed until Saturday, February 21 at 7 p.m. However, Friday night the Slightly off Center Players were able to present SPOOKY LOVE: A Night Of One Act Plays and the evening was a complete success with a packed house. Wendy Voter, the stage manager for the performance stated that the audience thoroughly enjoyed the evening, “Our first show was Happily Never After, directed by Sarah Planet. The all-children cast delivered a wonderful performance showing us just what happens in fairy tale land after those famous fairy tale weddings are over. The kids entertained the audience with their energy and delivery of a very funny story!! Patrick Myers performed a short, but funny monologue which was followed by a more serious performance of Without You (I Can’t Live), written and directed by Theresa Sneed. “Theresa wrote a moving piece about life and death and love. The cast delivered a romantic and uplifting performance.” Voter said there were lots of laughs throughout the night and they kept on coming after intermission with a hilarious play directed by Patrick Myers titled Last Man on Earth. It was set at the end of the world where we find out if the last man on Earth can date the woman of his dreams. ” The night ended with another play written and directed by a talented local author. Waiting To Be Probed: A Love Story is a new play written and directed by playwright Bobby Keniston. “Bobby’s play closed out the evening and it really brought down the house. This play about an awkward couple falling in love on an alien spaceship had the audience in tears from laughing, but was also very touching.” Voter said that while all the directors and cast were disappointed to postpone the Saturday show, she hopes it gives a chance for word to spread about the performances. “I know I can’t wait until Saturday for the second performance,” Voter said “This is a must see show!” At the performance on Saturday, February 21st at 7 p.m. the Slightly Off-Center Players will have Chocolate roses and a photo booth in the lobby as a fundraiser. Admission to the show is by donation, with a suggested donation $10. For more information about the performances, please email [email protected], call the Center Theatre at 564-8943 or stop by the Theatre at 20 East Main Street, DoverFoxcroft between the hours of 10am and 3pm Tuesday through Saturday. To purchase tickets or to learn more about upcoming events at Center Theatre, please call the box office at 564-8943 or visit the theatre’s website at www.centertheatre.org. Heat Pumps/Air Conditioners Installed at Unbeatable Prices $500 Efficiency Maine Rebate on select units. FREE ESTIMATES • FLAT RATES • 24 HOUR SERVICE 15 Years Experience Plumbing • Oil • Natural Gas • Propane Births of local interest DOVER-FOXCROFT – The following births of local interest have been reported to The Eastern Gazette by the staff of Mayo Regional Hospital. A son, Austin Edward Erickson, to Lauren and Tyler Erickson of Abbot on January 09, 2015. Wt. 7 pounds 13 ounces. A son, Maddox David White, to Rochelle Black and David White of Dover-Foxcroft on January 18, 2015. Wt. 8 pounds 8 ounces. A daughter, Oakley Avis Ann Murray, to Nikki Hamilton and Eugene Murray of Greenville on January 22, 2015. Wt. 6 pounds 12 ounces. A son, Isaiah Aaron Mozsgae, to Nichole and Aaron Mozsgae of Guilford on January 30, 2015. Wt. 8 pounds 7 ounces. A daughter, Penelope Marie Chevalier, to Stephanie and Mark Chevalier of Dover-Foxcroft on February 04, 2015. Wt. 8 pounds 15 ounces. A daughter, Miriam Rose Kowal, to Emily and Kristian Kowal of Wellington on February 05, 2015. Wt. 7 pounds 4 ounces. A daughter, Paityn Lea Jay, to Rachel Mahar and Zachary Jay of Sebec on February 06, 2015. Wt. 7 pounds 13 ounces. 207-949-9379 Pittsfield, ME • www.midmaineminisplits.com Observing our 65th year in 2015 The 0-78)2 94 Robinson ;LEX%VIXLI6IEP*EGXW %FSYX,IEVMRK;IPPRIWW# According to a recent study by the Better Hearing Institute, better hearing keeps people socially active and can improve: · Relationships · Sense of humor · Self-confidence · Mental, emotional and physical health · Cognitive skills · And more… OIL CO., INC. “COUNT ON US TO KEEP YOU WARM” Oil • Gas • Propane • Diesell Kerosene • Wood Pellets Propane Heaters Propane Stoves Gas Fireplaces Wood Stoves Wood Pellet Stoves Generators Full-Service Plumbing 'SQTPIXI,IEVMRK;IPPRIWW'LIGOYT Get a comprehensive look at your hearing wellness: Medical and audiological history – Let’s discuss. Otoscopic exam – We’ll inspect your ear canal and ear drum—it may be just wax! *6)) XSXLI½VWX GEPPIVW Hearing test – You listen for the beeps. Speech test – Word recognition alone and in noise. Review your results – They are available immediately! Recommendations and demo – Hear the newest technology in action. $200 OFF our already low priced level 10 and up Unitron hearing aids! All hearing aids have a 3 year warranty as part of the offer! CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE! 000-000-0000 564-3337 LIMITED TIME Day, Month # - Day, Month # February 1-28, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 2015 Dover Audiology LOGO Chris Clukey MA, CCC-A 859 West Main St. Dover-Foxcroft Address 1 |- Wednesday City, ST 912345 Open line Monday -5 Thursday 9-4 Stop by our A.E. Robinson Convenience Stores located in: Dover-Foxcroft Monson Open 7 East Corinth Pittsfield Days Guilford Sangerville A Week Brownville Corinna Dexter Dover-Foxcroft, Dexter, Greenville 564-8131 or 1-800-640-8131 • www.aerobinson.com Page 2 February 20 - 26, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage UMaine Forest Researcher to present American Chestnut Lecture, February 21 SANGERVILLE - Brian Roth knows his trees. A forester since the mid-1990s, Roth earned his bachelor’s degree in forest management from the University of Alberta 1991, a master’s in forest regeneration from Oregon State University in 1994, and a Ph.D. in production ecology from the University of Florida in 2010. For the past four years, Roth has served as Associate Director of the Cooperative Forestry Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. He also sits on the Board of Directors for the Maine Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation – and on Saturday, Feb. 21st he’s coming to East Sangerville Grange to talk about the group’s work to help restore these majestic trees in Maine. The Maine Highland’s MOFGA chapter is organizing the event. According to the U.S. Forest Service, chestnuts used to cover more than 200 million acres in the eastern United States. The tree was highly valued because its tall, straight trunks made excellent lumber. Then a blight imported from Asia in the early 1900s nearly destroyed the species, which has been the subject of intensive restoration efforts since 1995. EXETER CHIPS? - Ryan Crane from Crane Bros. Farm was a reSuccessful restoration depends on developing a blight-resistant species. Dr. Roth will talk about Chestcent guest speaker at Dexter Sunrise Kiwanis. Ryan is a graduate nut restoration and the benefits the work has to the Maine environment, wildlife, and society. The lecture, of Dexter Regional High School and a former president of Key Club. which runs from 3 to 5:30 p.m., it is free and open to all. For more information including directions to the He spoke about the new state of the art potato storage barn that was East Sangerville Grange, send e-mail to [email protected]. Learn more about the American Chestnut built at the farm. Crane Bros. sells a lot of their potatoes to Frito-Lay Foundation at www.me-acf.org. where they are made into Lays potato chips. Pictured with Ryan is Kiwanis member Barbara Herring. dZ/>^ “Skeleton Crew” - a new healthy bones group - will meet March 6 WOW! ƌŽƐƐŽƵŶƚƌLJ^ŬŝŝŶŐ ^ŶŽǁ^ŚŽĞŝŶŐ ^ůĞĚĚŝŶŐ,ŝůůƐ Look what you get for just $6 ΨϱWZ WZ^KE DEXTER - The Skeleton Crew, a new support group for those working toward building and preserving healthy bones, will hold its first meeting at Dexter’s Abbott Memorial Library on March 6th at noon. Participants from the tri-county area are invited. A free bone healthy lunch will be served at the first meeting. With the increasing prevalence of bone density loss in the area’s adult population, the group is designed to help those with bone concerns through education and discussion. It plans to meet monthly to share information, hear speakers, relate personal experiences, enjoy bone-healthy snacks and recipes, and research medical and natural treatments for preventing, halting, and reversing bone diseases such as osteopenia and osteoporosis. Group leaders Liz Breault and Beth Ranagan envision members inspiring each other toward self-help activities for strong, healthy bones. For more information call Liz at 924-7292 or Beth at 924-7903. 20 Words KƉĞŶƚŽƚŚĞƉƵďůŝĐŽŶǁĞĞŬĞŶĚƐ͊ ZZZ([HWHU1DWXUH&DELQVFRP Reaching ĂůůϮϬϳͲϲϳϭͲϭϮϲϬ ŽƌƐĞĞǁĞďƐŝƚĞĨŽƌĚĞƚĂŝůƐ 16,398 addresses Join us for the annual One Act performances by Foxcroft Academy Friday, February 27 at 7 PM And Sunday, March 1 at 2 PM Sorry, Wrong Number A mystery thriller tale of a neurotic invalid, whose only contact with the outside world is her phone. One night, because of a crossed wire, she hears plans for a murder, which turns out to be her own. Admission by Donation 20 East Main Street, Dover-Foxcroft 564-8943 • www.centertheatre.org. SMITH’S GROCERY & LUNCH BROWNVILLE ROUTE 11 Mon. 4 PM-7 PM, Tue. - Sun. 7 AM-7 PM • 965-8818 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Haddock 12oz & up …………… $8.95 Chicken Strips ……………… $6.95 Clams ………………………… $14.95 Scallops ……………………… $11.45 Pork Roast …………………… $8.95 Pot Roast …………………… $8.95 Breakfast Special: 2 Scrambled Eggs, Home Fries, Bacon or Sausage & Coffee $3.50 Sell what you’ve got… Find what you want in … The Eastern Gazette’s CLASSIFIEDS Call Today 1-800-287-2295 Let EVERYONE Know Use The Eastern Gazette /LPLWHG7LPH 2))(5 :PUJL ;H_7YV0UJOHZNV[P[Z JSPLU[Z4<3;04033065:PUYLM\UKZ >P[OV\YWYV]LUYLZ\S[ZL_WLY[PZL HUKWLYZVUHISLZLY]PJLZOV\SKU»[ `V\NP]L\ZH[Y`;6+(@& New Loc «¾È at Ä ¾ÉÊ ion Ç È ! {¨ úÇÄ» ¶É ¢ Ä ºÇÈ ¶¾Ã¨ º É ¥¾ÉÉ ÈIJº É˺ Á¹ 4HRLHZ^P[JO[V;H_7YV0UJ;6+(@ (335,>*30,5;:YLJLP]L=PZH.PM[*HYK *HYK K [OV[OLYVMMLYZ /\YY`VMMLYLUKZUV[[VILJVTIPULK^P[OV[OLYVMMLYZ Voted Best of the Best Tax Preparers 2012-2014 In The Blood As an innovative live “docu-exhibit”, In the Blood combines the projection of archived film and photography with authentic sound design, oral histories, and a live musical soundtrack, to tell the historical story of Maine lumbermen. Friday, March 6 at 7 PM $10 General Admission, $8 for Students, Seniors, and Theatre Members 20 East Main Street, Dover-Foxcroft 564-8943 • www.centertheatre.org. delivered each week by the U.S. Postal Service. taxpro ,1&25325$7(' 800.679.5006 | www.taxproinc.net 3ittVÀeOG 207.487.5006 6NowKeJan 207.474.2999 'oYer)oxcroIt 207.564.8500 CALL TODAY! No out-of-pocket costs The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage February 20 - 26, 2015 Page 3 NEWS IN EDUCATION Dexter resident involved in Champlain College’s production DEXTER - Teagan Cook of Dexter will be involved in Champlain College’s production of “The Vagina Monologues.” Cook is majoring in Legal Studies. Guo named to Wake Forest University Dean’s List DOVER-FOXCROFT - Shanyu Guo from Dover Foxcroft has been named to the Wake Forest University Dean’s List for fall semester, 2014. Students who achieve a 3.4 grade point average and no grade below a “C” were named to the list. NOVEMBER STUDENTS OF THE MONTH - The following students were named the Students of the Month for November at Dexter Regional High School. Pictured left to right: Tyler Levesque (Grade 9), Kirsten Swimm (Grade 10), Libby Toothaker (Grade 11) and Adam Malinauskas (Grade 12). DECEMBER STUDENTS OF THE MONTH - The following students were named the Students of the Month for December at Dexter Regional High School. Pictured left to right: Gabrielle Grant (Grade 9), Hannah Farrar (Grade 10), Daniel Wallace (Grade 11), Michaela White (Grade 12). Penquis Valley School Honor Roll MILO - The following are students named to the Penquis Valley School Honor Roll for the second quarter, grades 6 - 12. Grade 12 High Honor Roll: Aaron Goodine, Danielle Brawn, Dylan LaLime, Ryan Robinson, Lindsay Turner, Sara Tutt, RyAnne Young. Grade 11 High Honor Roll: Blake Morrison, Alyssa Murano, Mercedes Purdue, Destiny Ray, Jarod Webb. Grade 11 Honor Roll: Joshua Martin and Dennis Williams. Grade 10 High Honor Roll: Colin Beckett, Harley Brooker, Krista Dearborn, Colleen Demaris, Jordan Durant, Cody Guarino, Clayton Preble. Grade 10 Honor Roll: Jazmyn Gray, Ryan McIntosh, Jordyn Mills, Emily Spack. Grade 9 High Honor Roll: Samantha Gibson, Mitchell Carey, Adam Stetson, Noah Zambrano. Grade 9 Honor Roll: Kortnie Stone and Alex White. Grade 8 High Honor Roll: Cora Bailey, Katelyn Bolstridge, Jeremy Martin, Leah McKissick, Emily Monahan, Faith Sickler, Megan Valvo, Camryn Rolfe. Grade 8 Honor Roll: Madisyn Bellatty, Cooper Brown, Brooke McKenzie. Grade 7 High Honor Roll: Rosa Cianci, Angelique Farnsworth, Mackayla Hamm, Tegan Johnson, Rachel McMannus, Kaden Stalter. Grade 7 Honor Roll: Sydney Fowles, Macee Grant, Emily Herbest, Jakob Maynard, Amber Merrill, Katie Shaw. Grade 6 High Honor Roll: Ainsley Ade, Joslyn Black, Savannah Boislard, Salena Goodine, May Horton, Izaak Krause, Miranda Leclair, Zakary Mills, Courtney Rouleau, Brianna Sanborn. 191 East Main St., Dover-Foxcroft 207-564-3434 1-800-564-1264 www.rowellsgarage.com Page 4 February 20 - 26, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage Make Your Vehicle Last Longer 53nd Annual - February 14 & 15, 2015 2015 RESULTS 313 Fish Registered BROOKS TIRE & AUTO 1-800-339-7149 • 207-924-7149 • 207-924-5884 www.BrooksAuto.com • Route 7, Corinna Road in Dexter 419 Moosehead Trail, Newport, ME REGISTERED FISH DRAWING - 13 Drawings Worth over $2,600.00 All Registered Fish Prizes below include a PRIZE PACKAGE from MAINE ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS PRIZE WINNER 1. Packbasket w/ outdoor products - Bailey Lumber Mike Heath - Brownville 2. Portable Ice Fishing Shelter - Old Town Trading Post Aiden Murano - LaGrange 3. Two Nights Lodging & Dinner for 2 - Wildwoods Peter Kartimenos 4. Ice Fishing Gear - James W. Wadman, CPA Natasha Morris - Smithfield 5. Two Nights Cabin Rental - C.C. Polaris & Country Cabins Keagan Coover - Br 6. Jet Sled with Hich & Cover Jason Bickford - Greenbush 7. Master Mechanic Cordless Drill - Dover True Value Peggy Ellis - Hudson 355-3333 453 Main Street, Pittsfield, ME* 487-6655 NewportEyeCare.net For The Highest Quality Of Eye Care And Surgical Needs. FEBRUARY SPECIAL Dr. Kiran Jones 30 OFF $ Transitions Lenses GIFT CERTIFICATES Dr. Ian Jones Exclusions May Apply. Not in conjunction with Insurances. WE PARTICIPATE WITH THE FOLLOWING INSURANCES: Medicare • Mainecare • Anthem • Cigna • Aetna • Harvard Pilgrim Martins Point • United Healthcare • AARP • AND MANY MORE ALSO ACCEPTING: EyeMed and VSP Vision Plans NOW ACCEPTING: CARE CREDIT! Call: 355-3333 or 487-6655 to make your appointment. 8. Three Rivers Hardware Athurth Herbest - Milo 9. Coburn Family Restaurant Mike LaPointe - Orneville 10. The General Store & More Jim Brawn - Hudson 11. Smith's Grocery & Lunch Mike Heath - Brownville Sam Eckstein - Charleston 12. Russel's Live Bait Kamden Bell - Dexter 13. Winterport Boot Shop CASH PRIZES - $2,900.00 Total FISH Togue Salmon * Located in the Former Office of DR. FLINT REID Trout Pickerel Cusk Bass White Perch Bonus Prize Largest Togue OR Salmon WEIGHT (pounds) LENGTH (inches) PLACE NAME 1st - $400 Stephen Paul, Putman, CT. 6.14 26 2nd - $200 Ken Jay, Lake View 4.81 23 3rd - $100 Jeff Durant, Brownville 4.57 23 1st - $400 Dan Adams, Garland 4.97 24.25 2nd - $200 Jennifer Foley, Charleston 4.81 23.5 3rd - $100 Bob Brown, Brownville 4.70 21.5 1st - $400 Tommy Russell, LaGrange 1.87 17 2nd - $200 Mike Heath, Brownville 1.18 17.5 3rd - $100 Bert Farrar, Brownville 1.46 16.5 1st - $200 Tommy Russell, LaGrange 3.94 25.5 2nd - $100 Matt Hamlin, Lake View 3.41 24 1st - $200 Nich Machechnie, Howland 5.19 27.25 2nd - $100 Garvin Graves, Brownville 4.53 27 1st - $200 Mark Hobbs, Milo 4.13 20 2nd - $100 Stacy Light, Sabattus 3.65 18.5 1st - $200 Bert Farrar, Brownville 1.27 12.5 2nd - $100 Rich Stevens, Chicoppe, MA 1st - $200 1.13 13.5 Togue - Stephen Paul, Putman, CT. 6.14 26 Amanda Togue 4.07 21.5 3.83 22 3.54 21.5 Largest Fish 16 years or under 1st - $100 Gift Cert. by MaineSavings FCU 2nd - $50 Gold Goins by Camden National Emily Bank Togue 3rd - $25 Savings Account by Maine Highlands FCU Haskell, Monahan, age 13 - age 13 - Sam Eckstein, age 11 - Togue DONATED SHORE PRIZES - $3,500.00 Total PRIZE WINNER GRAND PRIZE: 2014 Polaris Sportsman 400 4x4 ATV - C.C. Polaris Keagan Coover, Milo #1 Husqvarna ST 121E Snowblower - Snow's Saw Shop Mike Comea, Atkinson #2 Eskimo Ice Auger - C & J's Variety Matt Bailey, W. Gardiner #3 Whale Watch Cruise & Deep Sea Fishing - Plymouth, Mass. Allison Durant, Brownville #4 Cabin for 2 Nights - Cole's Moosehorn Cabins Joseph Arsenault III, Seboeis #5 Camp for one Weekend - Four Seasons Camps Wyatt Ladd, Milo #6 20' Flagpole w/ Flag - World of Flags, USA Mark Gilman II, Argyle #7 Beveled Mirror, 36x60 w/1.5 Bevel - B&W Glass Jeff Curtis #8 1 Cord Wood, Cut/Split/Delivered 20 miles - Heath's Firewood Curtis Harmann, Ebeemee GIFT CERTIFICATES $250 - A.E. Robinson, Dover-Foxcroft Derek Usher, Pittston $200 - Tradewinds Market, Milo Steve Ferris, Brownville $150 - Graves Service Station, Brownville Jct. Angie Chase, Belgrade $100 GIFT CERTIFICATES Perkco Supply 1326 Exeter Road, Exeter Monday-Friday 7-5, Saturday 7-Noon 379-2900 1-800-453-3337 Joe's Repair Shop Lukas Freeman, Atkinson DeWitt-Jones Realty - Service Station Card Lucian Fitts, Brownville LakeView Realty, Inc. & Schoodic Enterprises - Sporting Goods Card Peter Gerrish, Brownville 0,/2),5(),*+7(56$8;,/,$5<5$))/( :LQQHU,NH3HSSDUG ,)<28+$9($1<48(67,216$%2877+(6(5(68/763/($6(&217$&7 0,/2),5('(3$570(17$7 Reprinted with permission from Three Rivers Community: www.trcmaine.org The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage February 20 - 26, 2015 Page 5 Obituaries JEANETTE S. (GREENLEAF) GETCHELL DEXTER - Jeanette S. (Greenleaf) Getchell, 74, beloved mother, grandmother, and friend, died February 13, 2015, at Mayo Regional Hospital, Dover-Foxcroft, after a long battle with cancer. She was born August 3, 1940, in Skowhegan, the daughter of Clarence and Iva (Cromwell) Greenleaf. Jeanette is survived by a daughter, Suzanne (Tracy) Provost of Dover-Foxcroft; seven grandchildren, Andy, Ben, Casey, Jesse, Alex, and Aaron Provost, all of Dover-Foxcroft, and Adam Tracy of Harmony; a brother, Clarence Greenleaf, Jr. of Madison; a sister, Doris (Greenleaf) Kimball of Bridgeton; and many nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by a son, Alan Tracy; and two sisters, Barbara (Greenleaf) Bolduc, and Irene (Greenleaf) Griggs. A memorial service will be conducted 1pm Saturday, February 21, 2015, at the Lary Funeral Home, Dover-Foxcroft, with Pastor Ray Beless officiating. Condolences and memories may be expressed at www. laryfuneralhome.com. Let’s heat things up a little bit! Electric Water Heaters CAUTION HOT DEAL · Isolated tank design reduces conductive heat loss · High efficiency resistored heating element for added 40 Gallon protection to prolong anode rod and tank life Marden’s Price · EverKleen™ self cleaning device fights harmful 00 $ sediment build-up with a high- velocity spiraling water stream – helps operating efficiency by 50 Gallon saving energy, money and improving tank life Marden’s Price · Brass drain valve 00 $ · Temperature and pressure relief valve included 189 LINDA LEE BOWERS DOVER-FOXCROFT and CORINNA - Linda Lee Bowers, 52, died February 15, 2015, at a Dover-Foxcroft hospital. She was born January 8, 1963 in Glens Falls, NY, a daughter of Robert and Eunice (Belrose) Bowers. She moved to Maine in 1980. Linda was a certified nurses aide and was in nursing for many years. She was always trying to help those that needed it the most. That was her nature. She will always be remembered for her devotion to her son, and as a loving and caring mother, daughter, and sister. Family meant everything to her. She will be sadly missed by all those whose lives she touched during her journey of life. She is survived by her son, Ryan Bowers of Newport; 2 brothers, Robert Bowers of Middlesex, VT and Russell and wife Gail Bowers of Waterville; 2 sisters and their husbands, Patricia and Bruce Gilbert of Dexter and Nancy and Don Levine of Plymouth; nieces and nephews, Vanessa and Beth McEwen, Aleah and Connor Levine, Christopher and Michael Gilbert, Kelsey and Marcus Bowers; and great nieces and nephews. Linda was predeceased her parents, and her stepfather Walter “Butch” Bacon. At her request there are no services. Cremation arrangements are by Crosby & Neal, Dexter. Those who wish may leave written tributes at www.CrosbyNeal.com. 199 All New add a splash of color to any area in your home Braided Rugs Are Finally Here! Home Dec & Upholstery Fabric 54” Widths These braided rugs were originally produced for a major national retailer. After a mix up in shipping the retailer cancelled the order and the manufacturer had to sell it fast. Marden’s Price Retails Marden's purchased the Assorted 99 up to whole container of first $ Yard $20.00 sizes and colors quality braided rugs for a fraction of the price. From drapes to throw pillows and so much Marden’s Prices more we have a large % selection of prints OFF & colors. The original Retail Prices 3 40-60 As an example 64” x 100” Selection wilhl vary in eac location 2GVCNU2NWU FLORIST 12 Stetson Rd., Corinna • 278-ROSE (7673) petalsplusflorist.net • [email protected] Marden’s Price $ Department Store retail $149.99 6999 Store Hours - M-F 9-8, Sat 9-5, Sun 10-5 Judy Richard, Owner pcf, mmfd – Tim Underhill, pcf,mmfd · 564 Wilson St., Brewer · 207-989-1750 REMEMBER OUR 30 DAY NO FUSS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE with RECEIPT FREE Delivery to Funeral Homes in Dexter, Corinna & Newport. We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct errors. Prices are for in-store purchases only. Delivery available to all other surrounding towns for small fee. Your Feelings… Our Flowers HOME-TOWN SAVINGS! HOME-TOWN PROUD Rt. 7 Dexter 924-5000 The Snow is Coming! Open Daily: 8 AM to 6 PM, Fridays 8 AM to 7 PM Time for shoveling and the aches and pains it brings. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Ames to help prevent the onset of acute back pain. Ames Chiropractic Wellness Center “Helping you to naturally feel and be your very best!” 110 DEXTER ROAD, CORINNA 907-AMES • 278-2292 Serving Bangor, Lincoln and Corinna www.ameschiro.net New year. New office. New refunds. Now open. Although our address has changed, the level of expertise you’ve come to expect from H&R Block has not. We sign and stand behind every return we prepare in our offices and guarantee the accuracy of returns prepared by H&R Block tax professionals.¶ Visit our new office today to put our expertise to work on your refund. Call today to make your appointment. 1073 West Main St, Ste 3, Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426 207-564-2363 FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS CALIFORNIA SUNKIST US GROWN CALIFORNIA Sleeved ALL PURPOSE YELLOW LARGE BUNCH Navel Oranges Cooking Onions $1.99 $2.99 Celery 2/$3 Each GROCERY SAVINGS IN EVERY AISLE POLAND SPRINGS .5 L PRINCE 12-16 Oz. Spring Water 1.78 KRAFT 5 Pack Boxed BEEF ROUND Extra Lean Boneless Cube Steak or Stew Beef 3.98 $ Whole Eye Round Whole Pork Loin 8-10 Lb. Avg. 4.3-6.2 Oz. IGA CAMPBELL’S 18.4-18.6 Oz. Pork Chops Salad Dressing $ 2/$3 Homestyle Soup 2/$4 IGA 16 Oz. CABOT 8 Oz. $1.18 GRAVY TRAIN 16 LB BAG 16 Oz. Cottage Cheese 2/$5 Dog Food $8.99 $ LAND O LAKES 16 Oz. ORE IDA 19-32 Oz. Butter Quarters $2.99 Frozen Potatoes 2/$6 RUSSER WUNDERBAR German Bologna 2.98 $ Lb. RUSSER Deli Sliced Roast Beef Bar or STELLA Extra Lean Provolone Cheese $6.98 Lb. $ 4.98 Lb. 3.98 5-6 lbs Avg. 2.98 GREAT LAKES Ground Chuck 4.18 $ IGA 3 Lb. White or Yellow 3.98 $ Block Chicken Leg Quarters Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs 1.88 Each FRESH 5 Lbs. or More FRESH $ 5 lbs or more Lb. 16 oz. Special Cut or Thick Sliced Sliced Bacon American Cheese 9.99 Lb. FRESH LEAN Lb. $ 2.38 $ Lb. BONELESS CENTER CUT Shredded Cheese 2/$6 Lb. BONELESS CENTER CUT Rice A Roni Sides 4.78 $ Lb. CHOICE BEEF Mac & Cheese $4.99 $3.99 Lb. BEEF ROUND 88¢ Assorted Pasta DELI SPECIALS ¶If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger tax refund (or smaller tax liability), we’ll refund the tax preparation fee for that return. Claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP#B13696 ©2013 HRB Tax Group, Inc. Assorted Pork Chops $ Bottom Roast 5 LB. BAGS 4 LB. BAGS GREAT BUY! BONE-IN 5 lbs or more Lb. 78¢ Lb. GREAT BUY! HATFIELD SPECIALS HATFIELD Chunk 16 Oz. Liverwurst $2.68 Pkg. HATFIELD 16 Oz. pkg. HATFIELD 8 Oz. pkg. Jumbo Skinless Assorted Franks $2.48 Pkg. Ham Steaks 2/$5 Pkg. PRICES GOOD FEBRUARY 22ND - FEBRUARY 28TH NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPO ERRORS Page 6 February 20 - 26, 2015 TIRES We Sell for Less, Make Us Prove It! Call BROOKS 924-7149 • 1-800-339-7149 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage Sebasticook Valley Health thanks those who visited holiday in-patients PITTSFIELD - Sebasticook Valley Health (SVH) would like to thank the local groups that performed for or visited their in- patients over the holidays: carolers from Nokomis Regional High and from Sebasticook Valley Middle School, MCI’s A Cappella Ensemble, Jubilee Family Worship Center Carolers, Hartland Christian School Carolers, Calvary Baptist Church Carolers, Pack 63 Boy Scouts, Troop 1541 Girl Scouts, and Pack 428 Boy Scouts. — COMPLETE — Denture Center FREE CONSULTATIONS Dexter Dover Area Towns in Transition Call for Appointment Today! 1(:(;3$1'(':$/.,1&/,1,&6 ϳ͗ϬϬͲϵ͗ϬϬĂŵ dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ ϵ͗ϬϬͲϭϭ͗ϬϬĂŵ &ƌŝĚĂLJ ϴ͗ϬϬͲϭϬ͗ϬϬĂŵ Ϯ͗ϬϬͲϰ͗ϬϬƉŵ ϳ͗ϬϬͲϵ͗ϬϬĂŵ EŽƌƚŚǁŽŽĚƐ^ĂŶŐĞƌǀŝůůĞ͗ DŽŶĚĂLJ dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ ϴ͗ϬϬͲϭϬ͗ϬϬĂŵ &ƌŝĚĂLJ ϴ͗ϬϬͲϭϬ͗ϬϬĂŵ Ϯ͗ϬϬͲϰ͗ϬϬƉŵ $/621(:(;3$1'('021621&/,1,&+2856 dƵĞƐĚĂLJ ϭ͗ϬϬͲϰ͗ϬϬ 'ƌĞŐŐŚƌŝƐƚĞŶƐĞŶ͕WͲ dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ ϴ͗ϬϬͲϱ͗ϬϬ EŝĐŽůĞ<ĂŶĞ͕&EW (DDATT) • Full Dentures Now • Partial Dentures Booking • Same Day Repairs/Re-lines • Lab on Premises MOST INSURANCES/MAINE CARE ACCEPTED EŽƌƚŚǁŽŽĚƐ'ƌĞĞŶǀŝůůĞ͗ DŽŶĚĂLJ dƵĞƐĚĂLJ tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJ Helping develop local food, energy, and economic systems that support a community moving from dependence on fossil fuels. PAUL LALICATA, L.D. 23 Spring Street, Dexter FMI: 924-3836 or [email protected] 207-735-3249 Email: [email protected] Formerly Dr. Chapman’s Office Good insurance is no replacement for good planning, and we are here to help you protect yourself, even before you have problems. +RZDUG,QVXUDQFH$JHQF\ 242 Moosehead Trail, Newport ♦368-2568 • 800-708-2568 Main St., Dover-Foxcroft ♦564-7194 • 800-244-7194 Lower Main, Dexter ♦924-7461 • 800-675-7461 howardins.com FROM ALL OF US AT RENYS, THANK YOU FOR 65 YEARS! Famous Specialty Store! Famous e! Stor Specialty Fashion Tops $ 9.99 Twill Shorts Prints & Solids $ 7.99 $ 9.99 Values to $18.00 Values to $24.00 Famous Label! Famous Specialty Store! Men’s Values to $50.00 “Their” $29.99 Tees $12.99 & Shorts $16.99 5.99 $ *Pocket *Non-Pocket Patriots Men’s Official Licensedd Super Bowl XL XLIX IX Disney’s Frozen en 85 Count, 2 Ply Tissuee Cube ¢ 2.99 to $9 9.99 99 $ Cargo Shorts 14.99 $ Beautyrest rest Latex Foam Pillows s 9.99 $ to $ 12.99 Standard, Queen, King Electric Blankets kets Full Queen King 39.99 to $59.99 $ Our Reg. to $14.99 Cherryman Mauna Loa Teddie Icy Pointt 10 Ounce 8 Ounce 16 Ounce 14.75 Ounce Maraschino 943-2561 or 1-800-564-3835 Ladies’ Knit Polos And More! Short Sleeve T-Shirts Decals, Pennants, Magnets, Static Clings Stop by or call: Famous Label! Ladies’ Tanks $9.99 Shorts $9.99 Jeans $19.99 Famous Brand! continues to offer automatic and will-call heating fuel services to the greater Milo, Brownville, LaGrange areas from our office here in Milo. The Harmon’s Fuel Oil business office on Main Street is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for orders, payments and additional heating services. 3rd Year! Famous Brand! Junior Fashions Girls’ Men’s 31 M Main i St Street, t Mil Milo ON SALE AT: Greenville - Jamison’s Corner Shop, Indian Hill Trading Post Monson - Robinson’s Milo - Bailey Lumber, Elaine’s, C&J’s, Tradewinds Brownville Jct. - General Store & More 2-16-15 to 2-22-15 Values to $42.00 HAR MON’S Heating Oil A quaint 19th century company town that was Maine’s only Iron Works & the Grand Canyon of the east. Completely illustrated with dozens of valuable old photos. 74 Grove Street, Dexter HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. All proceeds benefit Kiwanis community programs AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE You can request an online Auto Quote at howardins.com, or call us during our normal business hours. Stated SVH President and CEO/EMHS Senior Vice President Terri Vieira, “Being in the hospital during the holidays can be discouraging for patients, which is why visits from local groups to sing carols or give handmade gifts to our patients can be provide much-needed cheer. I am grateful for the many groups that visited our inpatient unit to generously share their talents during a very busy time of year.” For more information, contact Jennifer Yarbrough at 487-4024. Cherries $ 1.39 Macadamia Clusterss 2 for 5.00 $ Renys Gift Cards, Become a Maine Adventurer at Renys.com DQGEHWKHÀUVW to know about our specials! a great gift, one size ¿WVDOO Old Fashion er Peanut Butter $ Red Salmon Our Reg.$ 3.99 $ Smooth, Super Chunky, Creamy Unsalted Organic $4.99 Our Reg. $6.99 99 2.99 5.99 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage February 20 - 26, 2015 Page 7 INSPECTIONS AUTO - BIG TRUCKS - TRACTORS TRAILERS - MOTOR HOMES MOTORCYCLES BROOKS TIRE and AUTO Call 1-800-339-7149 • 924-7149 • 924-5884 www.BrooksAuto.com /D*UDQJH6HOI6WRUDJH8QLWV LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS – Pictured are the Dexter 5th/6th Boys White (1) and Red (2) teams that finished with the two teams playing each other in the Penquis Recreation League Championship game. Front row (left to right): Owen Brown, Ora Rudloff-Eastman, Seth Robbins, Clarence Rider, Cameron Corson, Caleb Schobel. 2nd/3rd row: Parker Ponte, Justin King, Will Kusnierz, Brett Kusnierz, Robbie Dorman, Colin Speed, Gage Sinclair, Nathan Schobel, Keith Grant, Ryan Gould, Hunter Dean, Elijah Warner. Rear: Coaches Robert King, Dan Kusnierz, Paul Robbins, Kip Dorman and Darrel King. Missing: Avery Gagnon, Shawn Yennie. Pine Tree Hospice Winterfest 2015 DOVER-FOXCROFT - Pine Tree Hospice’s 4th annual Winterfest (formerly known as “Snow Golf and Family Fun Activities”) will be held on Sunday, March 1 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Foxcroft Academy. Outdoor activities for all ages will be ongoing, as well as a snow golf competition with prizes awarded to winning teams. Warm indoor dining will be available. A hot lunch of chili, chowder, and hot dogs will be served. The chili cook-off will be judged by Tri-County Technical Center culinary program students and the cast from Downeast Dickerers. This fundraising event is sponsored by AE Robinson, Beacon Hospice, Bowman Constructors, Community Health & Counseling, E.W. Littlefield, Inc., Foxcroft Academy, Goulette, Inc., Hardwood Products Co LLC, Mallett Real Estate, and Moosehead Motorsports. Cost for the event is $5 per person for lunch and activities ($20 per family), $25 per person for golf (2 people on a team), lunch, and activities ($15 for students). For more information or to register call 564-4346 or email [email protected]. Sebasticook Valley Health welcomes Neurologist Gloria Simms, MD to SVH Specialty 9x16 units at $65/month plus $65 deposit Email [email protected] or call LaGrange General Store at 943-0999. %OLQG6KDU3HLQDPHG7LJHU /RVWRQWKH%URFNZD\0LOOV5RDG&HQWHU3RQGDUHD LQ6DQJHUYLOOH 7LJHULVWDQFRORUHGZLWKDEODFNFROODUDQGLVDOLWWOH VK\DURXQGQHZSHRSOHZKHUHKHLVEOLQG 7KHUHLVDGROODUUHZDUGIRUKLVUHFRYHU\ 3OHDVHFRQWDFWWKH3LVFDWDTXLV&RXQW\6KHUULII¶V GHSDUWPHQWZLWK$1<LQIRUPDWLRQDW :$17(' Contractor looking to give cash for unwanted old barns and salvage buildings in any condition to disassemble. Barns can be falling over or tilting, as long as the boards are sound. Looking in all locations and will travel. Call or text Wade, at (717) 363-0385. H.A.Higgins&Son, Inc. 447 Main Street, Pittsfield 487.4040 FOUNDATIONS & SITEWORK ONE CALL - WE DO IT ALL FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES CONCRETE &OUNDATIONSs&LOORS 3LABSs&ROST7ALLS A neurologist with over 13 years of treating adult patients living with stroke, headaches, epilepsy, SITEWORK and multiple sclerosis, Dr. Simms 285-3404 Fax: 285-7190 sees patients at SVH with various neurological diseases and conditions. For information about scheduling an appointment, please call today Dr. Simms is currently welcoming 487.4040 new patients. 447 Main Street, Pittsfield SebasticookValleyHealth.org %XCAVATIONs$RIVEWAYS 3EPTIC3YSTEMS 'RAVELs,OAMs3TONE Page 8 February 20 - 26, 2015 Weekly Rates ★★★ PLEASE BRING IN YOUR USED MOTOR OIL ★★★ BROOKS Tire & Auto 924-7149 or 1-800-339-7149 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage COMPASS COMPASS is primarily intended as a free of charge listing of special events sponsored by local volunteer civic, literary, fraternal, service and religious organizations. Listings should be 30 words or less. E-mail items to [email protected]; or mail to The Eastern Gazette, 97 Church Street, Dexter ME 04930; or drop them off at our Dexter office. The DEADLINE FOR COMPASS ITEMS IS MONDAY at 5 pm. Corinna Rd., Dexter • www.BrooksAuto.com FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 HUFF POWERSPORTS 284 North Road Detroit, ME 04929 Tel: (207) 487-3338 Check out our new updated website! Mon. thru Fri. 8 to 5, Sat. 8 to 1 [email protected] • www.huffpowersports.com (PHU\·V MEAT & PRODUCE Monmouth 933-8010 • Augusta 621-6382 • Newport • 355-0117 Tues. - Fri. 9 to 6, Sat. 9 to 4, Closed Sun. & Mon. FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED • emerysmeat.com 10 lbs. Boneless Chicken Breast 1.99Lbb $ Fresh Ground Chuck 4.29Lb $ while supplies last Mello Gold Hams 5 lbs. or More 3.99Lb $ Butts & Shanks 1.99 lb. $ Fresh Fish Fridays Center Ham Steaks Haddock - Scallops - Salmon Call ahead for prices and availability. $3.99 lb. We Accept MC, Visa, Discover, EBT Cards and Food Stamps Welcome MEET THE AUTHOR - Michele Maingot Cabral. Milo Library. 5:30 PM MAYO FREE COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERIES - Piscataquis Congference Room, Mayo Regional Hospital, Dover-Foxcroft. Presentation on Oral/Lip Cancer. 10 - 11 AM. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 PISCATAQUIS COUNTY AMERICAN LEGION - Poulliot-Seavey Post 53, Post Home. 6:30 PM supper, 7:30 PM meeting. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF SANGERVILLE & DOVER-FOXCROFT - Corner Church & Main St., Sangerville. Guest Speaker Lisa Laser, Musician Jason Curran. 9:30 AM. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 NAMI FAMILY & FRIENDS SUPPORT GROUP - Borestone Room, Mayo Regional Hospital, DoverFoxcroft. 6:30 - 8 PM. Every last Tuesday of the month. 924-7903 or 564-2393. FREE FASTING LIPID PROFILES - Mayo Medical Office Building, Dover-Foxcroft. 6:30 & 10 AM. And February 26. Fast 6 - 12 Hours.564-4207. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 BENEFIT SUPPER FOR DEANNA ALLEN Spaghetti supper for Milo 2nd Grade Teacher Deanna Allen who was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Milo Elementary School. 5 - 7 PM. Music by Josh Guthrie Trio. Silent Auction. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 BENEFIT SUPPER FOR JIM CIRILLO - Sebasticook Valley Elks Lodge, Central Street, Pittsfield. Spaghetti Supper. 4:30 - 6:30 PM. Cirillo, a charter member and past officer of the fraternal organization, was recently diagnosed with cancer and all proceeds will go toward his medical expenses. $6/person. 487-6300 after 3 PM. COFFEE HOUSE - Garland Community Baptist. 924-6475. 6:30 PM. MONDAY, MARCH 2 SAVVY CAREGIVER TRAINING - Reddy Health Center, Dexter. 12 - 2 PM. Through April 6. Registration required, Karyn Grass 941-2865. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 RIPLEY TRAIL RIDERS SNOWMOBILE CLUB MEETING - Ripley School House Rte. 23. 7 PM. Buying Coyote & Fox Unskinned Average Price $35 JEFF VENABLE • Award Winning Taxidermist Full-Time / Professional / 30 Years 342 Range Rd., Atkinson, ME • 564-3679 FRIDAY, MARCH 6 DOVER LOW VISION GROUP MEETING - Thompson Free Library, Dover-Foxcroft. 10 - 11:30 AM. Esther Ireland from DBVI. Nancy 270-2730. SATURDAY, MARCH 7 WINTER WELLNESS FAIR - Ridge View Community School, Dexter. 1 - 3 PM. 924-6000. THE SKELETON CREW - Abbott Memorial Library, Dexter. Support group for healthy bones. Free lunch. MONDAY, MARCH 9 BLOOD DRIVE - Mason Columbia 149, 281 Pritham Ave., Greenville. 12:30 - 5:30 PM. Expecting a Refund? We have a nice selection of New & Used Furniture THURSDAY, MARCH 12 AMATEUR RADIO CLASS - Milo Town Hall. 7 - 9 PM. Ben Kittredge 943-2849. FRIDAY, MARCH 13 CONTRA DANCE - Dexter Universalist Church. 7 - 10 PM. $7/singles, $12/families. Jim Bunn 3925 or Georgia Prickitt 277-3961. SUNDAY, MARCH 15 HEALING SERVICES - People’s UMC, 91 Pritham Ave. Greenville Jct. 3 PM. 183 Spring St., Dexter • 924-3066 COMPASS is sponsored weekly by: 897 West Main Street Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426 Mon. - FRI. 9-5 • Sat. 10-4 ,SPTPUH[L/PNO/LH[PUN)PSSZ 564-8401 www.mayohospital.com +LHSLYZOPW5HTL Central Maine Classics Bingham, ME *P[`:[H[L 207-672-4455 7OVUL5\TILY Your partners in better health $OO(&ODVVLFRXWGRRUZRRGIXUQDFHVDGDSWHDVLO\WRQHZRUH[LVWLQJKHDWLQJV\VWHPV,W¶VLPSRUWDQWWKDW\RXURXWGRRU IXUQDFHDQGV\VWHPEHSURSHUO\VL]HGDQGLQVWDOOHG6HH\RXUORFDOGHDOHUIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ *LU[YHS)VPSLYJVT The Eastern Gazette Stop into one of our convenient locations. We are YOUR Community y Pharmacy. Established 1853 Published Fridays by The Gazette Inc., 97 Church Street, Dexter Maine 04930. Delivered FREE each week by U.S. Postal Standard Class Mail to more than 16,398 local residential and business addresses, plus up to 1,000 store copies. Michele Lancaster Joanne Henderson PUBLISHERS GENERAL MANAGER SALES & MARKETING India Shank Kelsee Lancaster Jesse Quiambao EDITORIAL ASSISTANT OPERATIONS MANAGER GRAPHIC DESIGNER Robert & Janice Shank Tristan Shank TECHNOLOGY 1-800-287-2295 • [email protected] Dexter - 37 Church St. - 924-6259 Corinth - 689 Main St. - 285-7289 Newport - 44 Moosehead Trail - 368-5230 Copy Deadline: Monday at 5:00 P.M. The Eastern Gazette assumes no liability for errors of commission or omission, but will, at no charge, publish a correction of that portion of an ad in which an error occurred, provided notice of said error is received by the Monday following publication. We reserve the right to reject any and all editorial and advertising material. Copyright 2015 The Gazette Inc. The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage February 20 - 26, 2015 Page 9 FORUM The Eastern Gazette welcomes Letters to the Editor from readers in our coverage area addressing issues of local public interest. All letters must be signed with town of residence noted beneath the signature, and a daytime telephone number provided for verification purposes. Unsigned letters, letters with fictitious names, letters without verification information, or letters that are not addressed exclusively to The Eastern Gazette, may not be considered for publication. Partisan political letters will not be published in the final edition of The Eastern Gazette prior to any election. All letters will be considered based on space available, standards of taste, and libel. Editing for space and clarity will be at the discretion of the Editor. Letters may be e-mailed to [email protected] or mailed to P.O. Box 306 Dexter ME 04930. Letters must reach The Eastern Gazette by 5 pm Monday for consideration for Friday publication. “…a difference in a child’s life.” To the Editor: Three Rivers Milo-Brownville Kiwanis Club put 272 happy faces on children this Christmas, an increase of sixty (60) children. Families also received a complete Christmas dinner. This would not have been possible without the generosity of our local businesses, citizens and Kiwanians. We would like to give a big Thank You to the following Santa’s Helpers: Sangerville Mason’s, who handed out 100 dinners from their trailer outside below zero weather. Toy’s 4 Tot’s, United Bikers of Maine and Maine Savings FCU for making it possible to give 2 toys per child. JSI Store Fixture’s, knitters within state and out of state giving children a warm and fuzzy feeling. Donations of hat’s mittens and scarves were in the hundreds. Jim Lord who co-ordinates a blanket drive for additional warmth to our families. Santa’s Shoppers, Lynn Weston who purchased several pairs of boots, Linda and Cedric Rhoda who has a love for shopping for children one hundred and fifty (150) and had a blast. A special Thank You goes out to all Kiwanians who helped make a difference in a child’s life. And we cannot forget You who sent donations to make this yet another successful year. So, until we meet again, we wish you a very Happy 2015. Three Rivers Milo-Brownville Kiwanis Club MILO GARDEN CLUB MEETINGS - Terry Bouchard, member of Milo Garden Club, decorates for the February 10 meeting. The program was given by Brian and Elaine Redmond who provided a glimpse of spring in their presentation of beautiful photographs from their visit to Ireland. Most Garden Club meetings are held in the Milo Town Hall Dining Room, at 1 p.m., on the second Tuesday of the month from September to June. For more information, contact Barbara Reed at 943-5538. P.O. Box 126, 2 Park St., Milo (207) 943-5070 Kent Ladd, Owner Web: www.mainegenerator.com e-mail: [email protected] A local Maine company specializing in generator sales and service since 1997. “The Diet of Lent” To the Editor: This Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, the 40-day period before Easter, when many Christians abstain from animal foods in remembrance of Jesus’ 40 days of fasting in the desert before launching his ministry. But meat-free Lent is much more than a symbol of religious devotion to Christ. It helps reduce the risk of chronic disease, environmental degradation, and animal abuse. Dozens of medical reports have linked consumption of animal products with elevated risk of heart failure, stroke, cancer, and other killer diseases. A 2007 U.N. report named meat production as the largest source of greenhouse gases and water pollution. Undercover investigations have documented farm animals being beaten, caged, crowded, deprived, mutilated, and shocked. Lent offers a superb opportunity to honor Christ s powerful message of compassion and love by adopting a meat-free diet for Lent an beyond. After all, it’s the diet mandated in Genesis I-29 and observed in the Garden of Eden. Our supermarket offers a rich array of plant-based meat and dairy alternatives, as well as the more traditional vegetables, fruits, and grains. Entering vegan recipes in our favorite search engine offers more products, recipes, and transition tips than we can use. Ellis Gardner Dexter We service most makes and models. Factory Trained Sales & Service for Kohler, Generac & Cummins Generators. Newport Chiropractic Center Triangle Plaza, Newport • 368-4318 Dr. Michael Saulter Specializing in the initial treatment & management of painful conditions of the neck, shoulders, back, hips & extremities. • Neck & Back Pain • Headaches • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome • Work Related Injuries • Tendonitis & Muscle Injuries • Sports & Recreational Injuries Caring for you naturally with: Manipulation ~ Exercise ~ Nutrition Most insurances include Chiropractic Coverage and are accepted. Visit our new website at: NewportChiropracticCenter.net Now Open In Downtown Dexter SEBASTICOOK FAMILY DOCTORS āā Í,Q7KH2OG*D]HWWH%XLOGLQJÎ 6PRNHG0HDWVDQG&KHHVHV +DQGFUDIWHG6DXVDJHVÈ%HHI-HUN\ The Heart of the Matter Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women. Symptoms include: Mild chest pain ~ Cold sweats Unusual tiredness Weakness or dizziness Nausea, Stomach/abdominal pain And more…. Log on www.heart.org to learn more 0RQGD\WKURXJK6DWXUGD\DPSP SFD Services: SHUKRXUIRUWZRPHQ Medical, Dental, Behavioral Health Prescription Assistance, Sliding-Fee Scale 1-866-364-1366 sebasticookfamilydoctors.org 0DWWKHZ6HFLFK)DPLO\ :HKDQGOHSDLQWLQJÁRRULQJLQFOXGLQJODPLQDWH VKHHWURFNDQGVSDFNOLQJLQVXODWLQJGHFNLQJ ZLQGRZDQGGRRUUHSODFHPHQWURRÀQJPRUH (YHU\WKLQJWRGRZLWK\RXUKRPH )UHHHVWLPDWHVDQGUHIHUHQFHVDYDLODEOH &DOO6WHYH Store your stuff with us! N N Convenient & secure location Lots of space – 20% more per unit com- N pared to other standard storage facilities N Fork-lift services N On-site service Visa & MasterCard auto-pay plan Reasonable monthly rates Call us today! 368-4633 552 Moosehead Trail / Route 7 N Newport, Maine N Page 10 February 20 - 26, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage 7KH(DVWHUQ*D]HWWH Telephone: 1-800-287-2295 Email: [email protected] Gazette/AdVantage Classified 97 Church Street, Dexter, ME 04930 Your HomeTown AdVantage Classified DEADLINE is Monday at 5:00 P.M. THE CLASSIFIEDS...$6 PER WEEK FOR 20 WORDS Our office, located at 97 Church Street, is open Monday through Thursday, 9 am - 5 pm. POSITIONS AVAILABLE CNAs & Part-Time Nurse Day and Evening Shifts Please contact: Dexter Health Care Kim Phillips, RN, DON 64 Park Street, Dexter, ME 04930 (207) 924-5516, Ext. 202 Help Wanted Conventional Loggers We need three crews of conventional loggers with skidders and Workers’ Comp, year round. Please contact George at 965-8400 or 557-5718. Downeast Horizon’s Children’s Workers Needed Join a growing team who are making a difference in the lives of children with Autism & Cognitive Disabilities in community and group settings. Immediate need in the Dover-Foxcroft and surrounding area. $ 10-$13 per hr starting wage, paid training, mileage reimbursement. Up to a $250 sign-on bonus. For more information call 207-945-0068 or 207-667-7464 To apply, please visit our website at: www.dehi.org (PLUS 10 CENTS FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD) If paying with Visa, MasterCard, or Discover: Credit Card # Expiration Date RENTALS RENTALS DEXTER - Single apts. No pets, no smokers. Security deposit. Bryant Apartments. 924-3371. Please speak slowly & leave clear message. DOVER-FOXCROFT - 2 1/2 bedroom house for rent. $550 per month plus security. Sorry, no pets or smoking. 207-557-0157. M.S.A.D. #4 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION (Abbot, Cambridge, Guilford, Parkman, Sangerville, Wellington) Kindergarten registration is being held on Thursday, March 12th, 2015 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Piscataquis Community Elementary School in Guilford for all children who will be five on or before October 15, 2015. All registrations are by appointment only. Your child’s state birth certificate, custody papers, and immunization record are required at the time of registration. Please call 876-4301 for an appointment by Friday, March 6th MSAD #46 Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration at Ridge View Community School for children in the Towns of Dexter, Exeter, Garland, and Ripley Wednesday, March 11, 2015 from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM If you are unable to make this date, please call for an appointment at 924-6000 (opt. #1). Child must be registered by a parent or legal guardian. Child does not need to attend registration. E.O.E POSITIONS AVAILABLE LPN’s & RN’s Full-Time/Night Shift Benefits Available Please contact: Dexter Health Care Kim Phillips, RN, DON 64 Park Street, Dexter, ME 04930 0D\R5HJLRQDO+RVSLWDO BILLING REPRESENTATIVE Mayo Regional Hospital is seeking an experienced Billing Representative for our patient financial services office. Position is full-time working 8 am - 4:30 pm weekdays. Follow up of designated unpaid insurance claims experience preferred. Must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and will be responsible to correspond with patients in reference to their account or bill. Computer and electronic billing experience and knowledge of insurance and/ or patient payment receipting preferred. These opportunities offer a competitive wage and benefits package that includes: Group health/dental/life, 403(b) retirement plan with employer match, tuition assistance and a generous paid time off program. Applications can be completed on-line or picked up at the human resources office located in the Old Mayo Building. www.mayohospital.com Required at Registration: • LEGAL copy of birth certificate - A hospital birth certificate is not accepted. Legal birth certificates can be obtained from the town office of the town/city you were living in when the child was born or at the town office of the town/city of the hospital the child was born in. • Immunization Record of the child. • Proof of Residency - A current document with your name and current address on it, i.e. driver’s license, tax bill, rental lease, utility bill, etc. • Custody Papers – A copy is needed if parents have been through the legal system for custody. The parent registering must have primary residency of the child. Date of Birth Deadlines: Pre-K - child must be 4 years of age on or before October 15, 2015. Kindergarten - child must be 5 years of age on or before October 15, 2015. 7KH(DVWHUQ*D]HWWH Your HomeTown AdVantage CLASSIFIEDS (207) 924-5516, Ext. 202 20 WORDS for $6 PER WEEK 10 CENTS FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD OVER 20 PER WEEK, PREPAID Delivered to more than 16,000 ADDRESSES EVERY WEEK! POSITIONS AVAILABLE Kitchen Aide Part-Time Weekends Day/Evenings Please contact: Vicki Haskell 64 Park Street, Dexter, ME 04930 (207) 924-5516, Ext. 209 1RZ+LULQJIRURXU (OOVZRUWK(DVW0LOOLQRFNHW%DQJRU/RFDWLRQV &/,1,&,$166RFLDO:RUNHUV 3DUWRU)XOO7LPH*UDKDP/DNH&DPSXV(//6:257+ 3DUWRU)XOO7LPH'D\7UHDWPHQWDW6FKRRODQG+RPH &RPPXQLW\7KHUDS\+&7($670,//,12&.(7 3DUWRU)XOO7LPH±)RVWHU&DUH&RPPXQLW\3URJUDPV 2XWSDWLHQW7KHUDS\+&7±*5($7(5%$1*25$5($ $OODERYHSRVLWLRQVUHTXLUH/&3&/&3&&/&6:/06:RU/0)7 ',5(&7&$5(7(&+1,&,$1±(//6:257+ +LJK6FKRRO'LSORPDRUHTXLYDOHQW5HTXLUHG )XOODQG3DUW7LPH QGDQGUGVKLIWVÀH[RUZHHNHQGV ('8&$7,217(&+,,,DQG%+3±(//6:257+ )7DQG37DOO'2(FHUWUHTXLUHG $SSO\IRUDERYHSRVLWLRQVRQOLQHDW.LGVSHDFHRUJ 2XU0LVVLRQ« 7RJLYHKRSHKHOSDQGKHDOLQJWR FKLOGUHQIDPLOLHVDQGFRPPXQLWLHV CATEGORY:______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 = $6 21 = $6.10 22 = $6.20 23 = $6.30 24 = $6.40 26 = $6.60 27 = $6.70 28 = $6.80 29 = $6.90 30 = $7.00 25 = $6.50 Please mail completed form along with your Check or Money Order or Visa, MasterCard or Discover information to: The Eastern Gazette, 97 Church Street, Dexter ME 04930 Name as it appears on check or Number of weeks to run:_______ credit card: Amount enclosed: ____________ ___________________________ Credit Card No. Address: ___________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Expiration Date: _____________ Telephone: __________________ Security Code:_______________ 75($70(17)267(53$5(1761(('('±*5($7(5%$1*25 *HQHURXVVXSSRUWUHLPEXUVHPHQWDQGWUDLQLQJRIIHUHG &RQWDFW.LGV3HDFHDW Classifieds may be taken by telephone or e-mail with Visa, MasterCard or Discover 1-800-287-2295 or 924-7402; e-mail: [email protected] CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: MONDAY AT 5:00 P.M. The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage February 20 - 26, 2015 RENTALS Apartments FOR NEW IN-TOWN DEXTER APT TENANTS - 50% off 1st month, 10% off for next 5 months. One and Two Bedrooms. All utilities included. NO PETS. Call now for more information. 924-6867. 1&2 bedroom apts. Eastville Village Newport Ask about Rental Assistance NOTE: Must meet certain income guidelines. DEXTER - 2 bedroom apartment available. Stove, refrigerator and heat included. No pets. 876-3713. Page 11 Piscataquis County’s ONLY New Car & Truck Dealer! C.B. Mattson, Inc. PROUTY FORD INC. Come See the NEW 2015 Ford F-150 with Aluminum Body 360 Maine Ave., Farmingdale P.O. Box 10, Gardiner, ME 04345-0010 ‘12 Ford Escape Limited 1-800-244-2297 Accepting Applications Park Street Village Milo 1&2 Bedroom Apts. Ask about Rental Assistance Featured Property Lowell Waterfront Lot $55,000 Nearly 400 feet of shore frontage on Eskutassis Pond, and a soil test has been completed. This lot is at the end of the road for privacy and has incredible views of the water and surrounding mountains. This lot is competitively price and even has an outhouse. Don’t miss out on this lot on Eskutassis! NOTE: Must meet certain income guidelines. C.B. Mattson, Inc. 360 Maine Ave., Farmingdale P.O. Box 10, Gardiner, ME 04345-0010 www.cbmattson.com 1-800-244-2297 Equal Housing Opportunity Dial 711 for TTYS/TTDS An equal opportunity provider and employer Let us find your ideal property. Agents in Dexter & Bangor. Maine Properties Realty 86A Church Street, Dexter, Maine 04930 (207) 924-6600 www.maineprop.com Opening available for skilled agent. HILLSIDE PARK APARTMENTS, DEXTER 1 Bedroom Immediate Vacancy. Rent starts at $591.00. Vouchers Welcomed!! For applications, visit www.mainedevelopment.com or contact us at Maine Development Associates 1-800-639-1747 TTY 711 / 800-437-1220 Equal Housing Opportunity $EERWW+LOO$SDUWPHQWV %HDXWLIXOEUDQGQHZEHGURRPEDWKDSDUWPHQWIRU UHQWRQ$EERW+LOOLQ'H[WHU&ORVHWRWRZQDQGORFDO DPHQWLHV,QFOXGHVKHDWHOHFWULFZDWHUVHZHUDQG VQRZUHPRYDO$SDUWPHQWKDV:'KRRNXSWZRKHDW VRXUFHVDLUFRQGLWLRQLQJDQGDRQHFDUFDUSRUW 6PDOOSHWVRNZLWKGHSRVLWPRSOXVGHSRVLW &DOO ELDERLY AND FAMILY RENTAL APARTMENTS SUBSIDIZED RENTAL ASSISTANCE s/!+2)$'%!043'5),&/2$ s(%"2/.(%)'(43!043-/.3/. s$%!.0!2+!043'2%%.6),,% s&!)27!9+./,,3$%84%2 To Apply: Call 534-7379 TOLL FREE 1-888-244-7072 Dial 711 for TTD/TTY %LDERLYAPPLICANTSMUSTBEYEARSOFAGEOROLDER (ANDICAPPEDDISABLEDAPPLICANTSMAYBEUNDER Theriault Property Management PO Box 215, Rockwood ME 04478 We are an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer Equal Housing Opportunity Dial 711 for TTYS/TTDS 4x4, Leather, Moonroof, Fully Loaded An equal opportunity provider and employer $ 21,995 APARTMENTS FOR RENT ‘13 Ford Escape SEL AWD 25,000 Miles, Remaining of Factory Warranty DEXTER: 58 Main St. 1BR apt., second floor. $555/mo. Heat, hot water & trash removal included. Spacious 1BR ground floor apt, $540/ mo. Heat & trash removal included. $ 22,995 DEXTER: 79 Maple St., cozy 1BR upstairs ‘12 Jeep Libery 4WD apt. $540/mo. Heat, hot water & trash removal included. V-6, Auto, PW, PL, 32,000 Miles DOVER-FOXCROFT: 109 Pleasant St. $ 18,495 1BR, first floor apt. $595/mo. Heat, hot water & trash removal included. MILO: 3BR house for rent., Tenant pays for all utilities. $575/mo. One year lease, references and security deposit required. $200 move-in bonus when you mention this ad! Call 343-1447 email: [email protected] ‘12 Ford Focus SE 5 Door, 23,000 Miles $ 13,995 19 Summer Street, Dover Foxcroft • 564-3395 [email protected] LOCAL TRADES • FORD PROGRAM VEHICLES Chevrolet Buick GMC 0DGLVRQ$YHQXH6NRZKHJDQ :LOWRQ5RDG)DUPLQJWRQ Ford Mercury 0DGLVRQ$YHQXH6NRZKHJDQ Dodge Chrysler Jeep 5RXWH0DGLVRQ 6LQF 6L QFH QFH H H 2QH)DP 2 2QH Q ) )DP PLO LO\\ LO\ \1D \1 1DP 1 1D DPH PH 1 Z:L 1RZ 1R :LWK :LWK :L /RFDWL / /RFD /R RFD FDWL WLR WL RQ RQV RQ QVV 270-2927 * 924-3083 6HQLRU&LWL]HQ'LVFRXQW $FFHSWLQJ&UHGLW&DUGV 6HUYLQJ'H[WHU'RYHU)R[FURIW1HZSRUW $OO6XUURXQGLQJ$UHDV R A ADRUNNER D TAXI Page 12 February 20 - 26, 2015 Vehicles For Sale MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES 924-6867 or 717-5386 04 F550 4x4 V8 diesel auto 9’ dump …………… $8950 03 IMPREZA 4 dr sedan AWD auto loaded 98k from CA $5990 03 MONTE CARLO SS 3.8L Auto loaded 96K ……… $5550 01 FORESTER 4cyl Auto Loaded AWD 96k from CT … $5575 01 OUTBACK WAGON 4cyl, Auto, Loaded, 142K … $2500 01 WRANGLER 60th anniv. ed 4l Std. 4x4 115k from CA $8850 02 GRAND MARQUIS 4 dr V8 auto loaded 88k …… $3450 00 9-3 SE CONVERTIBLE 4 cyl auto loaded 140K $3990 00 CAMRY 4 cyl auto loaded 121K from Maryland …… $5550 99 WRANGLER SPORT 4L auto 4x4 H-Top 103K … $5550 98 GMC 1500 X/CAB 350 auto loaded 4x4 98K …… $5990 03 ELANTRA GLS 4 cyl auto loaded 94K ………… $3990 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage RENTALS FOR SALE FOR SALE SERVICES DOVER-FOXCROFT - 2-bdrm house on 2 acres. $600/mth plus deposit, references, & credit checks. No pets. 270-0888. DEXTER - Mobile homes are all ready to move-in. Will owner finance. Homes stay in the park. Call 207-946-2085 or visit us online at www.ericsoncountrymhp. com. CHARLESTON - Rummage sale at the Charleston Town Hall March 7th from 7-4. Lots of stuff from many different families. If questions please call Cindy, 3271513. MILO - AKC Registered black and brown labs, $600. First shots, wormed, and vet checked. Will be ready February 9th, just in time for Valentines Day! Taking deposits of $100. 943-3015. FOR SALE John’s Carpentry & Home Improvement. Painting, roofs, decks, drywall, siding, doors, windows, kitchens, and trim. Chimneys cleaned and inspected. $12/hr. Contractor insured. Call 5640008 or 322-1171. SPA & HOT TUB HOT TUB AND SPA SERVICE. We repair all brands of spas and hot tubs. We also repair steam and sauna. Call 277-3540. Please leave a message. FOR SALE GUILFORD - Shih Tzu puppies for sale. Two females. Have had their first set of shots and have been dewormed. Call 802-3933461. DISCOUNT AUTO SALES FABRIC SALE - Fabric, yarn, supplies as low as 2.99/yard. Top quality by the yard fat quarters and ruminants. Lagoys Sewing and Supplies, 32 Clinton Street, Central Boiler OUTDOOR Milo. Saturday 2/21 from 9 am - 5 WOOD FURNACE. Safe, Clean, pm. 279-9810. Efficient, WOOD HEAT. 25 year warranty available. Central Maine Classics 207-672-4455 j.1%#6'':6'4+5%1706+4'k ‘06 SUBARU B9 TRIBECA ‘09 NISSAN MURANO S Flat 6cyl, AWD, Auto, Moonroof V6, AWD, Auto, Rust Free, 4 New TIres $9,995 $9,995 BUY HERE ~ PAY HERE Dexter Rd., Corinna • kandjautosales.com Van Johnson, Electrician 511 Moosehead Trail Dixmont, ME 04932 • Decks • Additions • Siding • Roofing, etc. Call us for all your construction needs! FULLY INSURED Frank Santos Over 35 yrs experience Call 876-3713 234-1177 924-7994 and CLEANING DOORE Oil Energy Inc. 343-1781 WYMAN CONSTRUCTION Excavation • Gravel Septic Systems Land Clearing Dexter - 924-5902 Stop by the Mill or Give Us a Call 278-3539 Cedar Shavings Rebuilt Transmissions Automatics - Rebuilt & Repaired Appointments Only! Call 207-965-8019 Brownville, Maine 04414 FIFTH GENERATION LOGGING Selective Cutting Specialist, 25 years experience Many Referrals Top Prices Paid Great fuel prices coming right to your front door! ,QWHULRU([WHULRU 6RPH&DUSHQWU\'U\ZDOOUHSDLUV )UHH(VWLPDWHV)XOO\,QVXUHG Lawn Care, Lawn Cleanups Fully Insured • Free Estimates &DOO5RQ#RU LQIR#UHUD\PRQGFRQVWUXFWLRQOOFFRP 924-3405 Residential & Commercial )UHH(VWLPDWHV²,QVXUHG Foster Painting Co. 25 years of Quality and Reliability LEAD CERTIFIED INTERIOR • EXTERIOR FULLY INSURED (207) 368-5078 PAGE’S BUILDING David 924-5142 Garages, Siding, Roofing General Carpentry Camps - Insured Jacob Burdin Owner - Operator CROUSE BUILDERS Kiln Dried $275/cord Building Quality Homes for Over 30 Years Reliable References - Insured 876-2783 Sangerville 631-9587 Cell Water Wells Complete Pump Installation Water Softeners Call DOUG 876-4580 Free Estimates SANGERVILLE UPHOLSTERY • Furniture • Marine It’s cheaper to redo than buy new! 207-745-3509 [email protected] Specializing in Hazardous and Hard to Access Trees - Land Clearing - Competitive Stumpage - Timber Harvest - Lump sum payments - Grinding - Advance payments 564-7400 Robert Goodwin, Owner [email protected] 277-3733 Certified Logging Professionals Licensed Professional Forester (207) 564-2186 or (207) 717-2901 www.jdraymond.com ACCEPTED! RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL LICENSED AND INSURED Greg & Casey Macomber Dexter, Maine • (207) 907-6849 CORINNA AUTO BODY BALL INSURANCE, L KIMAUTO • HOME • COMMERCIAL .L.C. 35 Hudson Ave., Guilford ME 04443 State of Maine Licensed Arborist Locally Owned Fullyy Insured 28 Years Experience SIDING, WINDOWS, DECKS, ADDITIONS, SHEDS, HOME BUILDING, REMODELING, ROOFS, AND MORE. Kennedy Plumbing (207) 876-9777 (877) 844-3388 SALTING & SANDING -RAPID RESPONSESNOWPLOWING HOME IMPROVEMENT JD Raymond * Registered Representative offering securities though United Planners’ Financial Services of America, a Limited Partnership. Member FINRA, SIPC. RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL 277-3196 0$5.:,//+,7( FREE ESTIMATES 592-7354 • LIFE & HEALTH • FINANCIAL SERVICES • inc. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 270-0524 http://ronmartin.servehttp.com Cut, split & 2 cord loads delivered free in local area. Good Wood. certified measure. Doug Thomas • 277-3017 • fi[email protected] 924-6863 BILL HASKELL & SONS, INC. Timberlands $ Gustin’s Services Residential • Commercial Industrial • Wiring Garland, Maine 564-3384 Home 343-1377 Cell FIREWOOD Unseasoned 225/cord PHOTOGRAPHY ȱȱȱ ¢ȬȂ ǰȱDZȱŜŞřȬśŖśŗ ȱǰȱȱ ǰȱDZȱŘŝŞȬŝřŝŜ ǰȱ ǰȱȱ ǰȱȱȱ 5HPRGHOLQJ1HZ&RQVWUXFWLRQ6LGLQJ 'RRUV:LQGRZV7ULP0XFK0RUH Sebec, ME 1220 Stetson Road, Exeter 379-3320 • Monday-Friday, 8-5 *HRUJH¶V3DLQWLQJ S-H ELECTRIC CEDAR IS OUR SPECIALTY 16 Bolstridge Rd, Corinna • www.yoderssawmill.com FURNACE REPAIRS 100% Bumper to Bumper Warranty <2'(5·66$:0,////& Choose from: 5/4 Decking, V-Match Siding, Clapboards, Log Siding. Also available in Pine. Hemlock Dimensional Lumber. Bagged Psalm 32:7 Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. New Beginnings Bible Church, Silvers Mills Road, Dexter. Sunday School 9:30 am, Church 10:30 am. 924-7590/938-4136 Selling Affordable & Inspectable Cars & Trucks Home Building & Remodeling SNOW REMOVAL - House, house trailers, camps, shed and barn snow removal. No job too big or small. Will get it done right. Satisfaction guaranteed. Insured. Call for a free estimate, 717-4964. NOTICES 139 Spring Street, Dexter • 924-7400 SANTOS BUILDERS THE CRAFTY SPACE Miniclasses Mondays, 10% Tuesdays, Kids Crafts Saturdays. Call 924-2054. Located on Grove St (Route 23N) Dexter Rt. 7, Corinna • 924-6464 • Trained Technician • Commercial Truck Painting & Equipment • Complete Auto Body Repair & Refinishing • 24 Hr. Towing FREE for Collision Customers • Chassis Liner Frame Equipment • DuPont Paint • Enterprise Rentals Available *UDQWV3UD\V 6HSWLF6HUYLFHDQG&RQVWUXFWLRQ FIREWOOD 3XPSLQJ7DQN5HSODFHPHQWV 7DQN5LVHUV6HSWLF6\VWHP,QVWDOODWLRQV Ask for Carrie Green Hardwood $220 CORD Seasoned Hardwood LA NCASTER CUT • SPLIT • DELIVERED 16” Hardwood Slabs - 2 Cord Loads Seasoned C.L. FOUNDATIONS 924-5423 FOUNDATIONS, FLOORS & SLABS Don Reynolds 938-3649 LI HEAP CUSTOMERS WELCOME Free estimates - Fully Insured The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage February 20 - 26, 2015 FIREWOOD WANTED DEXTER - Firewood. No we are not out of business. Sawed, split & delivered. Call for prices. Stan White d/b/a M & S Firewood. 9246217. BUYING attic, shed, cellar, camp and barn contents, old signs, and buttons. Items with words Esso, Veedol, Tydol, Socony, Dekalb, Delaval on them. Old barber shop items. Will travel. 683-6031. WANTED FIDDLES (VIOLINS) for the new fiddle classes to be offered in the Guilford schools, grades K through 12. We will take fiddles of any size and in any condition. call 876-2919. NAMI GUILFORD DOVER-FOXCROFT - NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Family and Friends Support Group meets on the last Tuesday of every month from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Borestone Room, Mayo Regional Hospital, AL-ANON Dover-Foxcroft. For more inforMILO – Mondays, 7-8 p.m. Unit- mation call Beth at 924-7903 or ed Methodist Church, Park St. Debbie at 564-2393. HARTLAND - Wednesdays 7-8 p.m. at Irving Tanning Community Center, Hartland. For information, call 938-3163. Buying Salvage Vehicles PAYING TOP DOLLAR MOTOR COMPANY BAD CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! tion Installa ble Availa We also have a great inventory of new and used Fisher® parts. Looking for a Quality Used Vehicle at a Reasonable Price? LOOK NO FURTHER! s"59(%2%s0!9(%2% s!3,)44,%!3 $/7.7+ s9%!2-),% 7!22!.49 s&5,,3%26)#% $%0!24-%.4(2 Bring it in for professional Fisher Plow service. DETROIT MOTORS 17 South Main St., Detroit GERRY’S USED CARS 384 Somerset Avenue, Pittsfield For more info go to www.FisherPlows.com Visit us on the web at www.varneychevrolet.com 257-2629 Bank Fi Financing Available Expecting a Tax Refund? Call Marcus 487-5111 Need Work Done On Your Fisher Plow? NOW BUYING USED FISHER® PLOWS Your Authorized Fisher her® Snowplow Dealer SALES & SERVICE 876-2200 Jeff & Sandy Peters SNOW PLOWS Your Area AUTHORIZED FISHER® PLOW DEALER Sales, Service & Parts Available REBUILD YOUR CREDIT All you need is $1500 Income Proof of Residence Proof of Employment Call Mert anytime at 924-7933 or 717-3939 Page 13 62 Water Street, Guilford .EWPORT2D#ORINNAs /AKLANDs3KOWHEGANs6EAZIE Every Vehicle Sold Under Invoice!!! Just off Exit 157 on I-95 Visit us at www.varneyford.com We Care About You Before and After the Sale 368-4300 • 1-800-613-3673 All New 2015 Ford F-150 S/Crew XLT 11208, 4x4, 5.0 V-8, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise, Rear View Camera, Satellite Radio, Chrome Package, Tow Package, Loaded, MSRP $45,500 2014 Ford F-150 S/Cab XLT 4x4 Sign & Drive *RCL Lease $ 353/Month Come Check it Out 36 Months, 10500 Miles/Year, Includes Competitive Lease Cash, For Well Qualified Buyers 2014 Ford Transit Connect XLT Wagon 30461, 2.0, Auto, Air, Tilt, CC, PW, PL, Sync, Alloys, CD, Plus More, MSRP $20,535 Sign & Drive *RCL Lease Sign & Drive *RCL Lease $ Varney Price $ 33,495 23,295 6,120 36 Months, 10500 Miles/Year, Includes Competitive Lease Cash, For Well Qualified Buyers Varney Price $ 22,295 30363, 4cyl, Auto, Air, Tilt, CC, PW, PL, Sync w/MyFord Touch, Appearance Pkg., Spoiler, MSRP $18,730 192/Month Varney Price $ $ 2014 Ford Fiesta SE $ 249/Month You Save 2014 Ford Focus SE 7144, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise, A/C, CD, 7 Passenger Seating, Plus Much More, MSRP $27,920 36 Months, 10500 Miles/Year, Includes Competitive Lease Rebate, For Well Qualified Buyers 2014 Ford Fusion SE 30361, Ecoboost Engine, SE Tech Package With MyFord Touch, Moonroof, Alloy Wheels, Rear View Camera, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise, A/C, & Much More, MSRP $28,415 11152, 5.0 Engine, Auto, Air, Tilt, CC, PW, PL, P. Seat, Rear View Cam., Chrome Pkg., Sat. Radio, Tow Pkg., + Much More!, MSRP $44,435 You Save Varney Price $ 14,995 $ 2,535 Varney Price $ 16,195 ASK ABOUT 0% FINANCING AVAILABLE ON MOST NEW MODELS!!! 2014 Ford Expedition 4x4 XLT VARNEY PRICE $ 31,995 2012 Ford Focus SEL N5372A, 2.0, Auto, Air, Tilt, CC, PW, PL, Sync, Sat. Radio, Alloys, +More VARNEY PRICE 2013 Cadillac CTS AWD N5527, Leather Heated Seats, Bose Sound System, Climate Control, Alloys, Much More N5568, V-8, Auto, Air, Tilt, CC, PW, PL, Moonroof $ 12,995 VARNEY PRICE $ 27,995 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan 87845A, V-6, Auto, Air, Tilt, CC, PW, PL, 7 Pass., Stow & Go Seats, Low Miles, +More VARNEY PRICE 2014 Ford Taurus Limited VARNEY PRICE $ 26,995 2013 Ford F-150 S/Cab 4x4 11243A, Ecoboost, PW, PL, Tilt, CC, A/C, CD, Sync, Chrome Pkg, Tow Pkg, Only 7 Mi., +More $ 15,995 VARNEY PRICE 2010 Ford F-150 Raptor 4x4 VARNEY PRICE $ 34,995 2013 Hyundai Accent N5581, 4cyl, Auto, Air, CD, Plus More $ 29,995 VARNEY PRICE 2012 Toyota Tundra 4x4 Crew 11180A, TRD Pkg., V-8, PW, PL, P. Seat, Tilt, CC, A/C, Moonroof, Upgrade Wheels N5554, 5.4, Auto, Raptor Leather Seats, Graphics Pkg, Upgrade Wheels, Low Miles, Must See N5569, V-6, Auto, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, Leather Heated Seats, Sync, Alloy Wheels VARNEY PRICE $ 33,995 2012 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab 11211A, 5.0 V-8, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, A/C, Sync, Chrome Package, Low Miles VARNEY PRICE 2009 Mercury Milan Premier 30362A, V-6, Auto, Air, Sync, Moonroof, Leather Seats $ 12,995 VARNEY PRICE $ 11,995 *Prices subject to change without notice. Price includes all applicable incentivies. For trade assistance must trade 95 or new car, truck or SUV. Must qualify for incentivies. Tax and Title extra. See Dealer for complete details. $ 27,995 Page 14 February 20 - 26, 2015 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage M-F 8 to 6, Sat. 8 to 5 Browse our Inventory at www.varneyvalue.com 384 Somerset Avenue, Pittsfield Hours: Sales Mon.-Fri. 8 AM-6 PM, Sat. 8 AM-5 PM Service/Parts Mon.-Fri. 8 AM-5 PM 1-800-427-5115 • (207) 487-5111 Shop 24-7 @ www.varneychevrolet.com FIND NEW ROADS™ Just Off I-95 - Exit 150 VARNEY VANTAGE $OO3UHRZQHGYHKLFOHVVROGFRPHZLWK\HDUIUHHPDLQWHQDQFHIUHHRLOFKDQJHV WLUHURWDWLRQVPXOWLSRLQWLQVSHFWLRQZLWKHYHU\YLVLWORDQHUYHKLFOHVDQGFRXUWHV\VKXWWOHVHUYLFH $OOQHZYHKLFOHVFRYHUHG\HDUVE\9DUQH\9DQWDJH 7ZR\HDUVFRYHUHGE\*0DQGWKLUG\HDUFRYHUHGE\9DUQH\&KHYUROHW 1(: 2014 Chevrolet Silverado Crew 4x4 LT Z-71 2015 Chevrolet Silverado Double Cab 4x4 LS #14047, 5.3 V-8, Heated Seats, All Star Edition, LT Plus Package, HD Tow, MSRP $46,505 #14124, 5.3 V-8, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, 6” Tube Steps, Rear Defog, MSRP $40,225 Or lease 39 Months $306/Month Sale Price - $42,245 Rebate - 4,250 GM Loyalty - 1,000 Trade Bonus - 2,000 Sale Price - $37,745 GM Loyalty - 1,000 Rebate - 1,750 NEW! 0 down 1st month due @ signing. 1000 GM Loyalty 2875 CCR 36795 Sale Price, 23732 Residual, 1.9% APR, 10,000 Miles/year $ Varney Price 2014 Chevrolet Silverado Reg. 4x4 LT Z-71 NEW! 334,995 34 4,995 Varney Price 2015 Chevrolet Equinox AWD LS #14031, 5.3 V-8, PW, PL, PS, Rem. Start, Rear Camera, 6” Tube Steps, HD Tow, MSRP $41,285 Sale Price - $37,495 GM Loyalty - 1,000 Rebate - 3,500 Trade Bonus - 2,000 NEW! Varney Price $ 30,995 30,995 #14015, 4cyl, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise, MSRP $27,670 or lease 24 months $199/month Varney Vantage Sale Price - $24,995 GM Loyalty - 1,000 NEW! Varney Price 2014 Chevrolet Spark LT #14094, 4cyl, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise, MSRP $16,525 23,995 23,995 2014 Chevrolet Cruze 2LT RS #14068, V-6, Auto, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, MSRP $25,900 #14033, 4cyl, Auto, Heated Leather, Sunroof, PW, PL, PS, Rear Cam., MSRP $25,590 Sale Price - $22,995 GM Loyalty - 1,000 NEW! $ 2014 Chevrolet Camaro 334,995 34 4,995 2014 Chevrolet Impala #1294, 4cyl, Auto, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, MSRP $27,280 1700 Down, Cash or Trade &1st Month Payment , 1000 GM Loyalty, 325 CCR, 24995 Sale Price, 19096 Residual, 1.32 APR, 10000 Mi./year $ Varney Price $ #1291, 6.0 V-8, PL, Tilt, A/C, Tow Package, MSRP $43,795 8½ Ft. Extreme V2 Plow NEW! Sale Price - $14,995 Rebate - 500 GM Loyalty - 500 Varney Price $ 113,995 13 3,9995 95 86(' Sale Price - $23,745 Rebate - 2,750 GM Loyalty - 1,000 Varney Price $ 119,995 19 19, 9,995 9955 Sale Price - $23,495 Rebate - 3,000 GM Loyalty - 500 Varney Price $ 21,995 21,995 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4x4 WT Sale Price - $40,250 Rebate - 1,250 GM Loyalty - 1,000 NEW! Varney Price 119,995 19 19, 9,995 9955 $ 337,995 37 7,995 995 All prices i iinclude l rebates, business and dealer incentives. Tax and Title not included. 2013 Chevrolet Malibu LTZ 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe 4x4 Varney Price $ 18,995 Varney Price Varney Price $ 32,995 Varney Price $ $ 15,995 #14105A, 4cyl, Auto, Leather, Sunroof, PW, PL, PS 2014 Chevrolet Silverado Crew 4x4 CT 18,995 P2501A, V-8, Auto, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, HD Tow 2011 Chevrolet Cruze 2013 Hyundai Accent P2457B, 4cylm, Auto, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise P2587, 4cyl, Auto, PW, PL, Tilt, A/C Varney Price P2579, 5.3 V-8, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, 20” Wheels, HD Tow 2014 Nissan Maxima $ 12,995 P2473, V-6, Auto, PW, PL, PS, Sunroof, Tilt, Cruise 2013 Chevrolet Equinox AWD LT Varney Price $ 20,995 Varney Price $ 13,995 P2529, 4cyl, Auto, PW, PL, PS, Tilt, Cruise The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage February 20 - 26, 2015 Page 15 Hartley’s WINTER CLEARANCE PRICE 2012 DODGE AVENGER NICE CAR, GREAT VALUE STOCK #1430S 2011 TOYOTA CAMRY 2010 FORD FUSION SPORT AWD 2011 HYUNDAI SONATA V6, LEATHER, SUNROOF STOCK #1450S SHARP, 48,000 MILES STOCK #1416S LOADED, SUNROOF STOCK #1409S GREAT VALUE! LOW MILES! NICE CAR! ONLY 45K MILES! HARTLEY’S PRICE HARTLEY’S PRICE HARTLEY’S PRICE HARTLEY’S PRICE $12,999 $16,555 $15,999 $13,999 2012 DODGE JOURNEY 2012 JEEP PATRIOT ALTITUDE EDITION 2014 JEEP COMPASS 4X4 2011 JEEP GRAND 2010 JEEP WRANGLER CHEROKEE SAHARA UNLIMITED AUTO, VERY CLEAN STOCK #14179A GREAT MPG STOCK #1479S AUTO, ONLY 12,000 MILES STOCK #1470S VERY TOP, CLEAN AUTO, HARD TRADE-IN STOCK#14243AA #1402S STOCK ONLY 15K MILES! LOCAL TRADE! LOW READY MILES! TO GO! LOW MILES! HARTLEY’S PRICE HARTLEY’S PRICE HARTLEY’S PRICE HARTLEY’S PRICE $13,888 $15,849 $19,999 $21,999 $23,888 2011 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY 2012 RAM 1500 EXPRESS 4X4 2011 JEEP 2011 RAM 1500 WRANGLER SAHARA QUAD CAB 2010 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY READY FOR ANY TRIP! STOCK #1466S HEMI, ONLY 18,000 MILES STOCK #14503A AUTO, EXTRA CLEAN, SPORT, HEMI STOCK #14401A #14475A LOCAL TRADE IN, ONLY 62K MILES STOCK #1454SA LOW MILES! ONLY 20K ONE MILES! OWNER! LOW MILES! LOW MILES! HARTLEY’S PRICE HARTLEY’S PRICE HARTLEY’S PRICE HARTLEY’S PRICE $18,999 $24,999 $25,888 $26,999 $14,999 MEET HARTLEY’S SALES TEAM Steve Hartley Owner Adam Friend Sales Manager Aaron Hawes Sales Manager Shawn Richards Sales Representative Jim Martin Sales Representative Tony Francis Sales Representative 368-5751 • 1-844-714-5751 www.hartleyscountry.com All prices include all rebates and incentives to dealer when Chrysler Capital assistance is applicable. 7 11 100 Back Cover Introducing the ultra-compact, high-efficiency TRINITY Ti Gas Boiler When you choose the TRINITY Boiler, you choose the ultimate in top-quality, high-efficiency boilers. 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