FREE - The Eastern Gazette
FREE - The Eastern Gazette
Front Cover FREE Established 1853 Your 800 287 2295 • gazette@easterngazette com 1-800-287-2295 [email protected] 17,000 Circulation • Copyright 2016 The Gazette, Inc. Volume 164 No. 18 *****ECRWSS***** U.S. Postage Paid Dexter ME. Permit No. 97 Local POSTAL CUSTOMER HomeTown AdVantage April 29 - May 5, 2016 Delivered by U.S. Mail to every residential and business addresses in: Abbot, Atkinson, Barnard, Beaver Cove, Blanchard, Bowerbank, Brownville, Brownville Jct., Cambridge, Charleston, Corinna, Corinth, Derby, Dexter, Dover-Foxcroft, Ebeemee, Elliottsville, Exeter, Frenchtown, Garland, Greenville, Greenville Jct., Guilford, Harmony, Kingsbury Plt., LaGrange, Lake View Plt., Lily Bay, Maxfield, Mayfield, Medford, Milo, Monson, Orneville, Parkman, Ripley, Sangerville, Sebec, Shirley Mills, St. Albans, Wellington, Williamsburg, Willimantic. COMING HOME SOON – “Krazy Jake” Hodgdon’s Comedy Show “’Till the Cows Come Home” takes place Friday, May 6 at Dexter Regional High School to benefit dairy farmer Kenny Trafton. Pictured are some of his herd that he hopes to bring home by June 1. (Stacy Edgerly photo) Story on Page 7 McKusick McKusick Petroleum Price Protection Plans 2016-2017 Heating Season insert inside leum CO. Petro 1-800-564-3835 McKusick Petroleum Co. 564-3406 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 29 - May 5, 2016 Page 1 DIGGING IT – Construction of the Dexter Utility District’s new water main line continues on Church and Spring streets. Crews finished this segment by the post office last week. (Eastern Gazette photo – Mike Lange) Dexter water mains should be ‘substantially complete’ by mid-June by Mike Lange DEXTER – The $2.13 million construction project to replace about 6,900 linear feet of water main pipe on Spring and Church streets in Dexter should be “substantially complete” by mid-June, according to Dexter Utility District superintendent Jeff Wiers. “We should be back to normal soon after that. The lines should be in and connected,” Wiers said. “There will be some clean-up and lawn and sidewalk work afterwards, but the major construction should be finished.” One glitch that almost hampered the progress is the town’s shoreland zoning ordinance that prohibits excavating work within a certain distance of a lake or stream between Nov.1 and May 6SULQJLV+HUH *LYH\RXUKRPHRURIÀFHDIUHVKORRN :HKDQGOHLQWHULRUDQGH[WHULRUSDLQWLQJ ÁRRULQJLQFOXGLQJODPLQDWH VKHHWURFNDQGVSDFNOLQJLQVXODWLQJ GHFNLQJZLQGRZDQGGRRUUHSODFHPHQW PHWDODQGDVSKDOWURRÀQJVLGLQJDQGPRUH 4XDOLW\ZRUNIRUDQ\WKLQJWRGRZLWK\RXUKRPHRURIÀFH KUIRUPHQ*LYHXVDFDOOWRGD\ )UHHHVWLPDWHVDQGUHIHUHQFHVDYDLODEOH &RPHVHHRXUQHZH[SDQGHG *5((1+286( The code enforcement officer added that Memorial Day is coming up in a few weeks “and if we had to delay the construction, traffic would be clogged up right by the Exxon station (on Church Street).” Wiers said the mild weather has helped everyone stay on target. “As long as we don’t get any unexpected spring rains, we’re good to go,” he said. Wiers also said that plans for the Maine DOT to resurface Route 7 through Dexter have been moved to the 2017 work plan. “Our engineers been told 15. Little Wassookeag Lake falls within the 250-foot setback at Dam Street. But Code Enforcement Officer Al Tempesta met with Wiers and the contractors Friday and said that construction could proceed. “They’re all certified in erosion control and the project is an essential service to the community,” Tempesta said. “This serves everyone, not just one particular business.” Tempesta said he discussed the issue with Town Manager Shelley Watson “and she agreed that the project should move forward.” that the job won’t go out to bid until next April,” he said. “We assume it’s going to be done some time, but we just don’t know the time frame.” Tempesta said he was also disappointed with the MDOT decision. “They’re just prolonging the pain,” he said. The USDA Rural Development Agency is picking up 42 percent of the cost of the water main project and the Dexter Utility District is financing the rest of it with a 40year loan at an interest rate of 2.75 percent. Veto of jail funding threatens taxpayers, supporters say AUGUSTA – Several lawmakers have criticized Gov. Paul LePage’s veto of a bill to provide extra funding for county jails during the next year. The Legislature will reconvene this week to consider overriding some of the governor’s vetoes including rejection of the jail funding bill (LD 1214). “Lawmakers have been working hard with sheriffs and other county officials on this bipartisan solution,” said Rep. Jeff McCabe (D-Skowhegan), the House Majority Leader. “In communities like mine in Somerset County, property taxpayers are already being squeezed by inadequate school funding and sharp drops in mill valuations.” As amended, the legislation provides an extra $2.4 million during the next fiscal year for Maine’s county and regional jails. The bill was sponsored by Sen. Kim Rosen (R-Hancock) and went through several procedural moves before being enacted “under the hammer” in the Senate or by unanimous consent The bill passed the House by a vote of 115-32, more than the two-thirds margin needed to override a Continued on Page 6 HALO ™ The Made for iPhone hearing aid (DV\0DLQ6WUHHW$FFHVV Hanging Baskets, Vegetable Seedlings, Annuals, Perennials, Soils, Mulch, Compost and more. ® Control your hearing experiences with Halo™, the breakthrough Made for iPhone® Hearing aid and our personalized TruLink™ Hearing Control app. Halo is designed to: • Stream calls from your iPhone directly to your hearing aids using Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology. • Deliver pristine sound and exceptional listening clarity. • Eliminate buzzing and whistling. • Stream FaceTime, music and more directly to your hearing aids. 3/86DOO\RXUJDUGHQLQJWRROV TILLSON TRUE VALUE 0DLQ6W'H[WHU ZZZ7LOOVRQ7UXH9DOXHFRP Chris Clukey MA, CCC-A 859 West Main St. Dover-Foxcroft • 564-3337 Open Monday through Wednesday 9 -5 and Thursday 9-4 STOP BY FOR FREE HEARING AID CLEANING. Page 2 April 29 - May 5, 2016 Stutzman’s Farm Stand & Bakery 891 Douty Hill Road, Sangerville ME 04479 (Pine Street on the Dover-Foxcroft end) OPEN FOR THE SEASON. COME EXPERIENCE OUR WOOD-FIRED BRICK OVEN PIZZA BUFFET WITH FARM FRESH HOME MADE SOUPS AND SALADS. 2014 GAZINE’S YANKEE MA TO FORK” M “BEST FAR NT IN RESTAURA D NEW ENGLAN MUSICAL GUES CAFE SPRING HOURS: T Friday 10 am - 7 pm JT CURRAN OLDIES KIN Saturday 10 am - 6 pm G Sunday Brunch WITH LIVE MUSIC 10 am - 1 pm FARM SHARE CLOSED FOR SEASON PLEASE CALL THE FARM AT 564-8596 FOR OUR WAITING LIST FRESH BAKED BREAD AND DESSERTS PIZZA AND SANDWICHES - EAT IN OR TAKE OUT ALL PIZZAS, SALADS, SOUPS AND DESSERTS AVAILABLE A LA CARTE More information available at Stutzman’s Farm Stand, Bakery & Cafe Facebook page. 564-8596 REAL FOOD FROM A REAL FARM We accept s r r TM THE RED MOOSE (FORMERLY SMITH’S LUNCH AND GROCERY) 547 MAIN ROAD – ROUTE 11 BROWNVILLE, ME • 207 965 8300 0XG6HDVRQ+RXUV&ORVHG0RQGD\DQG7XHVGD\ :HGQHVGD\DQG6XQGD\$030 7KXUVGD\)ULGD\6DWXUGD\$030 )UHVK6FDOORSV &ODPV+DGGRFN 5LE(\H6WHDN5LEV DQGGDLO\VSHFLDOV SWEETPEAS FLORAL CASUAL DINING – WITH ADULT BEVERAGES BREAKFAST – LUNCH – DINNER – PIZZA – EAT IN – TAKE OUT 7 by Mike Lange MILO – Last summer, the Milo Police Department became the first law enforcement agency in Piscataquis County to have naloxone on hand, a medication that temporarily reverses the effects of an opioid overdose and restores breathing Police Chief Damien Pickel, who is also Milo’s town manager, credited the drug with saving at least three lives over a short period of time. So Pickel said he was angry and upset last week when Gov. Paul LePage vetoed a bill passed by the Legislature that would have allowed naloxone – also known by its brand name Narcan – to be available as an over-the-counter medication. The governor said in his veto message that naloxone “does not truly save lives. It merely extends them until the next overdose.” LePage added, “Creating a situation where a heroin addict has a needle in one hand and a shot of naloxone in the other produces a sense of normalcy and security around heroin that serves only to perpetuate the cycle of addiction.” “The governor has no idea how to address the addiction and drug issue in the state of Maine,” Pickel said. “Anyone who believes that Narcan is just an addict’s safety net is cynical.” Pickel posted an open letter to LePage on the Milo Police Department’s Facebook page, stating that by denying that Narcan saves lives, “You are being disingenuous and are doing a disservice to those of us who have administered it. It does save lives. It’s not a safety net for the addict that will ‘perpetuate the use of heroin.’ When an addict is overdosing, they lack the skills to administer it themselves.” The police chief suggested that the governor “listen to your police, fire, EMS and medical professionals before you make any further uninformed statements.” Pickel said that he might “get some flak” for the post, but he stands by it. “If the governor wants to be a part of the solution, he should fund treatment and outpatient centers in towns like Milo. We are the forgotten part of Maine.” There were 17 people who testified during a committee hearing on the bill (LD 1547) and all 106 14)'6 who spoke favored it. Cora Best of the Maine Medical Association (MMA) said that 235 people See us for Mother’s Day Specials in Maine died of opioid overdoses last year. “Unlike many other Open Sunday, May 8th from 9 - Noon causes of death, an opioid overdose is almost always reversible with Naloxone; however, there is 38 Elm Street, Milo • 943-2600 typically a very short window of Monday - Friday 10 to 5, Saturday till noon time in which the drug is effec- Mother’s Day is May 8 Have a Pizza and a Pitcher for your next night out. NOW SERVING DRAFT BEERS CLOSED MON & TUE • WED & SUN: 6 AM – 7 PM • THU, FRI, SAT: 6 AM – 8 PM ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED $ The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage Milo Police Chief disappointed with veto of Narcan access bill Continued on page 8 off any gallon of EasyCare® Ultra Premium, EasyCare Platinum, WeatherAll® Ultra Premium, WeatherAll Extreme Paint or Woodsman® Stain With coupon. Limit 5 gallons. Valid at participating True Value® stores 4/20/16 – 5/3/16. 6SULQJLV+HUH(YHQW Rustic crafts and Home Decor along with lots of garden decorations just in time for Mother’s Day! 6DWXUGD\$SULOWK6DWXUGD\0D\WKIURP $EERWW+LOO5RDG'H[WHU0DLQH SCHOODIC ENTERPRISES Pleasure Island Aluminum Boat Docks, Boat Lifts, Marine Supplies & Rhino Shelters 24 Park Street, Milo (207) 943-5200 or call 943-3440 Woodsman Oil Stains are not available in all states depending on local laws and ordinances. – [email protected] Barb’s Village Square Restaurant )ULGD\ +DGGRFN6KULPS&RPERZLWK)ULHV&ROHVODZ +RPHPDGH0DFDURQL&KHHVHZLWK*ULOOHG+RW'RJV 6DWXUGD\ (JJV.LHOEDVD+RPH)ULHV7RDVW 6XQGD\ (JJV+DP+RPH)ULHV7RDVW 7XHVGD\ (JJV.LHOEDVD+RPH)ULHV7RDVW :HGQHVGD\ +DP&KHHVHOLWHOXQFK7RPDWRHV&XNHV&RWWDJH&KHHVH 7KXUVGD\ &KRS6XH\DQG*DUOLF%UHDG )ULGD\ &KLFNHQ&RUGRQ%OHX3RWDWR9HJHWDEOH5ROO )ULHG+DGGRFN)ULHV&ROHVODZ5ROO 15 Stetson Rd., Corinna 278-2799 • Tue. - Sun. 7 am - 2 pm (Closed Mondays) Fri. 7 am - 8 pm Paints ranked by a leading consumer magazine for various qualities. Results varied by sheen. EasyCare was priced lower than those in top ten ranking based on published retail values at time of testing. 7 $ off ® TILLSON aany gallon of EasyCare 924-7359 • 11 Main Street, Dexter U Premium, EasyCare Platinum, Ultra ® W Ultra Premium, WeatherAll WeatherAll Extreme Paint or W 564-2274 • 69 Union Square, Dover-Foxcroft Woodsman® Stain DOVER Valid at participating True Value® stores 4/20/16 —5/3/16. Limit 5 gallons. One coupon per household. Maximum coupon value: $35. Not redeemable for cash. Not valid with any other offer or gift cards. Not refundable. Not transferable. Do not duplicate. Void where prohibited. Customer responsible for all taxes and fees. See store for details. ©2011 True Value® Company. All rights reserved. ©2016 True Value® Company. All rights reserved. ©2011 True Value® Company. All rights reserved. )5('&$52/6+(5%851( 7RZQ)DUP5RDG'H[WHU0( WRZQIDUP#DROFRP Custom Grazing Cattle - Organic Pastures and Conventional Consulting Services for Organic Cattle Restoration agriculture on your property. Homesteading - Practical approach to self sufficient food production - Raising livestock and grazing management Family Cows Available - Both Dairy & Beef Do the best you can – Where you are – With what you have The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 29 - May 5, 2016 Page 3 207-270-6112 DEXTER REC SIGN-UPS 2SHQ'D\VD:HHN T-Ball and Coach Pitch sign-ups for Pre-K through 2nd grade. APPLES Monday, May 2 from 5 - 6:30 pm at the Town Hall, Dexter. Macs, Cortlands, Northern Spy, Empire and Red Delicious $15 PROGRAM FEE – 270-0195 H.A.Higgins&Son, Inc. FOUNDATIONS & SITEWORK ONE CALL - WE DO IT ALL CONCRETE FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES &OUNDATIONSs&LOORS 3LABSs&ROST7ALLS Try our Dairy Products Cider & Maple Syrup Farm Fresh Eggs, too! Rollins Orchards Fax: 285-7190 %XCAVATIONs$RIVEWAYS 3EPTIC3YSTEMS 'RAVELs,OAMs3TONE 0$5.<285&$/(1'$5 5 :H·UH2SHQ /HWKHUNQRZKRZVSHFLDOVKHLV 0RWKHU·V'D\ 6HDIRRG6WHDNV3DVWD %XUJHUV&KLFNHQ0RUH *LIW&HUWLÀFDWHV$YDLODEOH 0D\WK :RROHQ0LOO3ULPLWLYHV 0DLQ6WUHHW'H[WHU$FURVV)URP5HQ\·V 7XHV6DW Do you LOVE someone who LOVES Primitives? Find the perfect gift for Mother’s Day Rt. 94 Garland 924-3504 M - Sat. 9-6 Sun. 12-6 *LIW&HUWLILFDWHV$YDLODEOH BEGINNING MAY 1ST OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TO 3 SITEWORK 285-3404 Rt. 7 North, ITS 85, Dexterr 20TH ANNIVERSARY BUY ANY 6-INCH OR FOOTLONG SUB, GET ANOTHER SUB OF EQUAL OR LESSER PRICE FREE! Expert care... Close to home s %YE%XAMS s %YE %MERGENCIES s #ATARACT %VALUATIONS/PTIONS 2ECOMMENDATIONS David P. Frasz M.D. Alesia L. Higgins O.D. 1048 South Street Dover-Foxcroft, ME 564-8441 WHEN: WHEN MAY 7TH, 2016 11AM-7PM Spring Street Greenhouse WHERE: 91 SPRING STREET DEXTER, ME 04930 (207)924-7202 (& Floral Shop) Don’t Forget Mother’s Day May 8th Fresh Flowers, Balloon’s, Plants, Gifts, Candles Greenhouse is open and full of Color Hanging Baskets, Planted Pots and much more. We are here for you! – Mike and Susan Laferriere 325 Garland Road, Dexter ME 04930 • (207) 924-2161 ATV Trail Access Bull Moose Lounge Moosehead Trail Motor Lodge 300 Corinna Rd., Rt. 7 Dexter 924-7286 • 11 AM - 1 AM Daily DAILY SPECIALS – Breakfast 7 Days a Week, 5-11am WELCOME U.S. MILITARY! Available only at location listed above. Limited time only. Available at participating SUBWAY® Sandwich Shops only. Plus tax where applicable. Additional charge for extras including Deluxe. Prices and participation may vary. Cannot be combined with any other offers. SUBWAY® is a Registered Trademark of Subway IP Inc. ©2016 Subway IP Inc. Wil Shop ’n Save $ 5 OFF EVERY $50 April 29th and 30th & May 1st and 2nd. Function Hall & Catering Ask About Room Packages No limit. Good for every $50 you spend. Live Entertainment EXCLUDES spirits, postage stamps, lottery tickets and gift cards. Friday April 29th and Saturday May 1st Indoor dry, secure storage $30 Month (Boats, ATV’s, Motorcycles etc) Page 4 April 29 - May 5, 2016 Weekly Rates ★★★ PLEASE BRING IN YOUR USED MOTOR OIL ★★★ BROOKS Tire & Auto 924-7149 or 1-800-339-7149 Corinna Rd., Dexter • Snowflakes Main Street, Dexter Open 7 Days a week, 10 am to 6 pm In Store Specials for Mother’s Day SNOWFLAKES 2 WILL BE RE-OPENING ON MAY 1ST HANDCRAFTED ITEMS, KIDS CLOTHING, JEWELRY, CONSIGNMENT ITEMS AND MORE The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage COMPASS email: [email protected] COMPASS is primarily intended as a free of charge listing of special events sponsored by local volunteer civic, literary, fraternal, service and religious organizations. Listings should be 30 words or less. E-mail items to [email protected]; or mail to The Eastern Gazette, 97 Church Street, Dexter ME 04930; or drop them off at our Dexter office. The DEADLINE FOR COMPASS ITEMS IS MONDAY at 5 pm. FRIDAY, APRIL 29 HIGHLANDS CLASSICAL TRIO - Foxcroft Academy Main Lobby, Dover-Foxcroft. 6:30 PM. SATURDAY, APRIL 30 PUBLIC SUPPER - Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, Dexter. 4 - 7 p.m. $7/person. Pork Loin with drink and dessert. WAYSIDE THEATRE CONCERT - Anni Clark & Jim Gallant. 7 PM. 851 N. Dexter Rd. $10. No reservations. Joe Kennedy 277-3733, Dave Pearson 924-5035. P.E.T.S. BENEFIT LASAGNA DINNER - Congregational Church, Dover-Foxcroft. 4 - 6 PM. $6.50/ adult, $3.25/under 12. SUNDAY, MAY 1 1ST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF DEXTER - 10 AM worship. Speaker Rev Mary Edes. HIGHLANDS CLASSICAL TRIO - Main Lobby Foxcroft Academy, Dover-Foxcroft. 3 PM. PAINT PARTY - Dexter Fire Department Auxiliary. $45. CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH - Dexter. Bible Study 9 AM, Fellowship 9:30 AM, Service 10 AM, “The Kingdom Come and The Coming Kingdom.” TUESDAY, MAY 3 HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETING - Brownville Elementary school. 4 PM. MOUNT KATAHDIN SENIOR CITIZENS - Brownville Community Church. Noon. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4 12:23(1 )5((&RPSRVW7HD 7XHVGD\V6DWXUGD\V :LWK$Q\3XUFKDVH 606A Moosehead Trail, Newport, ME 04953 Just past Green Bear 420 (.3 miles on opposite side of the road) ST. AGNES CATHOLIC CHURCH - Detroit St., Pittsfield. Eucharistic Adoration. 6 PM. St. Agnes Ladies Guild meeting 7 PM at Church Hall. Connie 278-5430. FRIDAY, MAY 6 YARD & BAKE SALE - & May 7. Sebec Village Community Church, 734 Sebec Village Rd. 8:30 AM - 1 PM. Diane Lamson 564-8786. DDATT FIRST FRIDAY MOVIE - Community Currency. Abbott Memorial Library, Dexter. 6 - 8 PM. 277-4221. SATURDAY, MAY 7 LIBRARY LECTURE SERIES by Alder Fuller. Abbott Memorial Library, Dexter. “How temperature and chemistry of Earth’s atmosphere and ocean remained suitable for life for 3.5 billion years.” 11 AM. Free. SUPPER & SINGSPIRATION - LaGrange Full Gospel Assembly Linda’s Food Cupboard. 4:30 PM. Singspiration 6:30 PM. SHILO CREEK - Harmony Community Center. $10. 7 - 10 PM. $10. Carolyn 683-5237 or Cheryl 683-5621. A TASTE OF CHOCOLATE - Brownville Community Church. 1 - 3 PM. Ten Tastes $5, Five Tastes $3. KIWANIS BIKE RODEO & SAFETY DAY - Ridge View Community School, Dexter. 9 - 11 AM. 11 Years and younger. Rain date May 14. BAKED BEAN SUPPER - Charleston Community Center. 5 - 7 PM. Baked beans, hot dogs, chop suey, etc. $6/adults, $3/under 12. Benefits Charleston Historical Society. MOTHERS DAY TEA - Parkman Grange. 10 AM - Noon. Pam Sukis guest of honor. Music by Bobby Kimball & Hill Artman. $5/person, Free/5 and under. Reservations suggested. Sue Manchester 277-3942. COMPASS is sponsored weekly by: Designed to make the toughest work easy. Husqvarna Z246 • Engine manufacturer: Briggs & Stratton • Engine name: Endurance Series V-Twin • Endurance V-Twin Engine Price: $ 2,699.95 HUSQVARNA RZ5424 • Engine manufacturer: Briggs & Stratton • Engine name: Endurance Series V-Twin • No turning radius by individual wheel-drive Price: $ 2,999.95 Paving, Excavation, Hardscaping, Roadways, Recycled Asphalt and Snow Removal Services Copyright © 2014 Husqvarna AB (publ). All rights reserved. J D BRAWN INC 207-564-7763 101 south stage coach rd Atkinson Maine 04426 5HVLGHQWLDORU&RPPHUFLDO 3DWFKLQJ)XOO\,QVXUHG)UHH(VWLPDWHV $ 150 OFF ANY DEAD OR LIVE TRADE IN Call 368-2050 or 416-3534 We accept all major credit cards. Call today for a free estimate The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 29 - May 5, 2016 74 Grove Street, Dexter HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. All proceeds benefit Kiwanis community programs Page 5 Building on a Budget? - Visit Marden’s First! MArden’s Price 159 $ 1299 $ 1499 2”x 4” x 92 5/8” K D B.L. Grant & Son 7HUU\'*UDQW&HOO -DVRQ'*UDQW&HOO 'R]HU([FDYDWRU6HUYLFH *UDYHO6FUHHQHG6DQG/RDP&UXVKHG6WRQH 6HSWLF6\VWHPV,QVWDOOHG only 1/2” x 4’ x 8’ Plywood Sheathing 3 or 4-PLY 1/2” x 4’ x 8’ CDX Plywood 5-Ply PVC Decking 1” x 5 1/2” available in 12’, 16’and 20’ MArden’s Price $ 25 Choose from 3 colors - Heather Gray, Brazilian IPE and Moroccan Cedar &RULQWK0DLQH '$#56+%11-'%4'#6+10n2146 Look what 1166 Moosehead Trail • Newport 207-368-5377 4 per linear foot ¢ 66 will buy you! per linear foot Health & Beauty Aids, Party Goods, Toys and more 7HOOKHUVKH·VVSHFLDO ZLWKD7HOHIORUD /RYH-R\%RXTXHW Store Hours - M-F 9-8, Sat 9-5, Sun 10-5 · 564 Wilson St., Brewer · 207-989-1750 REMEMBER OUR 30 DAY NO FUSS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE with RECEIPT )ORZHUV%DOORRQV*LIWV &DQGOHV:LOORZ7UHH DQGPXFKPRUH We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct errors. Prices are for in-store purchases only. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! OUR 20TH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVITIES BEGIN FRIDAY, MAY 6TH OPEN Saturday, May 7th 9 to 4 Mother’s Day May 8th 9 to 2 Beef Boneless 6HDVRQV)ORUDO*LIWV Roast $298 Lb. &0RRVHKHDG7UDLO1HZSRUW 7LP8QGHUKLOO3&)PPIG BUD OR BUD LIGHT 18 Pack 12 Ounce Cans or Bottles UP TO $1,000 REBATE PLUS FOR 84 MONTHS * CALIFORNIA Sweet 1 Lb. Pkgs. Wow! 18 oz. 18 Ounce Strawberries 2/$5 • Boomer™ Compact Tractors – 24 to 50 Gross HP • WORKMASTER™ Compact Tractors – 32 to 36 Gross HP • WORKMASTER™ Utility Tractors – 53 to 70 Gross HP HATFIELD Chunk Stop by today or visit for more details. Don’t wait! Offer ends June 30, 2016. R RE Liverwurst 16 Oz. Pkg. $ 68 2 $348 Lb. Petite Cut Pork Bottles Sirloin Roast $188 Lb. *Plus tax & deposit FRESH SWEET Butter & Sugar Corn 6/$3 HATFIELD Thick Sliced Slab Bacon $ 38 Lb. 3 GUATEMALA Extra Large Cantaloupes 2/$3 HATFIELD Jumbo Meat Franks 16 Oz. Pkg. $268 DELI & BAKERY SPECIALS DELI SLICED Provolone Cheese *For Commercial use only. Customer participation subject to credit qualification and approval by CNH Industrial Capital America LLC. See your participating New Holland dealer for details and eligibility requirements. Down payment may be required. Offer good through June 30, 2016 at participating New Holland dealers in the United States. Not all customers or applicants may qualify for this rate or term. CNH Industrial Capital America LLC standard terms and conditions apply. Taxes, freight, set-up, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in price. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. © 2016 CNH Industrial Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland Agriculture is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. CNH Industrial Capital and New Holland Construction are trademarks in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. Beef Boneless FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS Get Ready to Roll for the e season ahead with the tractor you need. Buy Bu select New Holland tractors now and get a REBATE up to $1,000 and 0% FINANCING FOR 84 MONTHS*. That’s SEVEN years with no finance charges! $398 Lb. Fresh Bone In Chicken Drumsticks 78¢ $898 Lb 5 Lbs. or more Beef Boneless KRETSCHMAR Black Forest Ham $498 Lb. PRICES GOOD FROM MAY 1ST - MAY 7TH KRETSCHMAR $398 Lb. $1998 Chicken Breast $198 Lb. Boneless Pork 10 Lbs. or more Pine Ridge Pork Sirloin Country Style Cutlets 40 LB. BOX Fresh Boneless Skinless Sirloin Tip Roast Sirloin Tip Steak 15 Pack $1499* $1699* 0% FINANCING 3 Lb. Block $388 Lb. Visit Phil’s Beer Cave for Everyday Low Prices on Your Favorite Adut Beverages! TOMORROW STARTS TODAY. $398 Lb. White or Yellow American Cheese Ground Chuck New Spring Hours: Open Daily 8 AM - 7 PM B E IN G R E A D Y F O R Stew Meat or Cube Steak Great Lakes Fresh - 5 Lbs. or More Rt. 7 Dexter 924-5000 Ingraham Equipment Co. 3 Knox Ridge South, Knox, ME 04986 (207) 568-3245 Beef Round Bottom Round %HKLQG(PHU\·V0HDW0DUNHW EVENT Compare at $ 35 2 • Floating & dock-on-post varieties • Aluminum gangways & lifts • Full line of accessories • Aluminum & red cedar construction SALES $ Tenderloins Ribs $198 Lb. $218 Lb. GROCERY SPECIALS KRAFT 16 Oz. Salad Dressing. . . . . . . . . . . 2/$4 IGA 10.3 Oz. Classic Roast Coffee. . . . . . . . . . . 2/$5 OLD EL PASO Asst. Ct. Dinner Kits. . . . . . . 2/$5 GROWER’S PRIDE OLD EL PASO 4.6-6.6 Oz. Taco Shells. . . . .2/$3 59 Oz. IGA 5 Oz. Chunk Light Tuna in Water. . . . . .78¢ Orange Juice IGA 48 Oz. Vegetable or Corn Oil. . . . . . .$2.98 2/$ KRAFT 17.5 - 18 Oz. Barbecue Sauce. . . . 2/$3 GATORADE 8 Pack Drinks. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.99 IGA 24 Pack Spring Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.99 IGA 16.5 Oz. Cake Mixes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 HUNTS 4 Pack. Snack Pack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 COUNTRY CROCK RAGU 14 Oz. Pizza Sauce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.18 15 Oz. Vegetable IGA 8 Oz. Mustard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2/$1 Spread IGA 21.16-32 Oz. Frozen Potatoes. . . . . . . . .2/$3 Oven Roasted Turkey Breast $498 Lb. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS 5 2/$5 KELLOGG’S 18.2-18.7 Oz. Raisin Bran Crunch Raisin Bran Cereals 2/$ 5 FIND US ON FACEBOOK. Page 6 April 29 - May 5, 2016 INSPECTIONS AUTO - BIG TRUCKS - TRACTORS TRAILERS - MOTOR HOMES MOTORCYCLES BROOKS TIRE and AUTO Call 1-800-339-7149 • 924-7149 • 924-5884 GEFLOORING SALE HU Shipment UP TO New 50% OFF 5 Just IN! Looking L k for f the perfect giftt for Mother’s Day? The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage Veto of Jail from Page 1 gubernatorial veto. Rep. Norman Higgins (R-Dover-Foxcroft) and Rep. Paul Stearns (R-Guilford) voted in favor of the bill while Rep. Ray Wallace (R-Dexter) opposed it. LePage, in his veto message, pointed out that county funding for operation of jails is currently capped. “If counties spend above the cap, which they invariably do, then the state is asked to provide supplemental funding to cover the different,” he wrote. “For too long, state taxpayers have had to pick up the tab for the cost of the county jails because, due to the cap, there is no incentive for counties to rein in jail spending.” The governor indicated that if the bill had a provision to eliminate the cap on county funding, he might not have vetoed it. The Piscataquis County jail budget has been capped by the state at $878,940 this year, but the actual cost of operating it is over $1.4 million, according to County Manager Tom Lizotte. Supporters of the legislation say that there are many reasons why the cap doesn’t work including unexpected expenses for prisoners with extensive health needs and increased cost of facilities maintenance. Rep. Lori Fowle (D-Vassalboro), the House chair of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee, accused LePage of “suggesting that the Legislature should impose a tax shift on to local communities. We, as a committee and as the representatives of those communities, rejected that. I’m urging my colleagues to stand behind this bipartisan solution and override the governor’s veto next week.” Sug Retail Rockwall Gardens Gift Certificates available “It’s in our nature” Home Décor, Candles, Lights, Signs and d more!! Open for the Season – Mother’s Day May 8th Hanging Baskets, Annuals, Perennials, Over 400 Trees & Shrubs and much more Harmony HOME DECOR 2OUTEs.EWPORT2Ds#ORINNAs Foxcroft 0$5. :,//+,7( 76 NORTH ST., DOVER-FOXCROFT 4/29/16 - 5/05/16 HOME IMPROVEMENT Open Monday - Friday 8 to 5:30, Saturday 8 to 5, Sunday 9 to 1 Licensed Construction Supervisor Mother’s Day OUR GREENHOUSE IS OPEN 28 Years Experience Plenty of References, You Can Be the Next Sunday, May 8th diTrees, Shrubs, Visit Us For Flowers, Baskets & More s&LOWERING3HRUBS s"LEEDING(EARTS s4REES s(ANGING"ASKETS sANDSOMUCHMORE We are YOUR Local Garden Center! I <LOVE MOM SIDING, WINDOWS, DECKS, ADDITIONS, SHEDS, HOME BUILDING, REMODELING, ROOFS, AND MORE. OPEN SUNDAYS 9 to 1 FREE ESTIMATES CALL: (207) 592-7354 Veggies, herbs, soils, fertlizers and organics! Gift Certificates Available 552 Water St., Guilford • 564-3322 [email protected] • Like us on Facebook 6HDVRQV)ORUDO*LIWV &0RRVHKHDG7UDLO1HZSRUW %HKLQG(PHU\·V0HDW0DUNHW 6SHFLDOL]LQJLQ6\PSDWK\ :HGGLQJ(YHU\GD\)ORUDO1HHGV 7LP8QGHUKLOO3&)PPIG Stop into one of our convenient locations. We are YOUR Community y Pharmacy. photo by: Ben Magro Sale starts 4-25-16 to 5-1-16 Thank you for Shopping Renys 17 Great Locations throughout Maine Visit us @! Bath, Belfast, Bridgton, Camden, Main Store, Underground, Dexter, Ellsworth, Farmington, *DUGLQHU0DGLVRQ3LWWVÀHOG3RUWODQG6DFR Topsham, Wells, Windham Famous Store! Specialty Just In! Famous Brand! Ladies’ Denim Jeans $ 19.99 by Jenny Tops $ 14.99 to 19.99 $ 5.99 $ Woven Shirts Young Men’s Spring Cardigans Ladies’ Scoop Neck High-Low *Short Sleeve 22.99 $ HAR MON’S Heating Oil *Long Sleeve 24.99 $ “Their” to $49.95! Values to $36.00! Dexter - 37 Church St. - 924-6259 Corinth - 689 Main St. - 285-7289 Newport - 44 Moosehead Trail - 368-5230 Men’s Celebrate Spring! New Summer Prints! Fashion Sunglasses Ladies’ Fashion Sandals *Adults & Kids Ladies’ Flip Flops Hand Made In Hawaii Fun Merchandise at Renys Great Prices! McVitie’s Lakeshore 7 Ounce 7.2 Ounce $ 1.99 2 Our Reg. $2.99 each Get the Party Started 99¢ Paperware *Napkins ns *Plates *Cups $ Renys Become a Maine Adventurer at DQGEHWKHÀUVW to know about our specials! Organic Rice 5.00 Assorted Stoneware Bowls 4.25 Inches 32 Ounce for $ Milk Chocolate & Orange 3.99 Rustic Hanging ging Basket Ba Bas as Gift Cards, 14 Inch with Liner $ 9.99 a great Our Reg. $12.99 gift, one size Replacement Liners $5.99 99 ¿WVDOO M Maine Sea Salt Co. Texas Best Irish Mustards Digestives $ 3.6 Ounce Gluten Free! Grinders 3.99 3. 3.9 9 JUST IN! 3.99 Digital 2ɣ ɣ Indoor/Outdoor 6 Ounce Spritz Spray Thermometer w/suction cup $ $ 3.99 Reclaimed Wood Mirror 16”X16” 6” or Distressed Wood & Metall Shelf 36” $ 31 M Main i St Street, t Mil Milo Unscented with Aloe $ 3.99 Fatwood 10 Pound Firestarter restarter $ 16.99 Stop by or call: 9.99 Our Reg. to $12.99 continues to offer automatic and will-call heating fuel services to the greater Milo, Brownville, LaGrange areas from our office here in Milo. The Harmon’s Fuel Oil business office on Main Street is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for orders, payments and additional heating services. 943-2561 or 1-800-564-3835 Our Reg. $19.99 $ The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 29 - May 5, 2016 Krazy Jake Comedy Show to benefit Trafton fire fund by Mike Lange DEXTER — One of New England’s fastest-rising comedy stars will host a show at Dexter Regional High School on Friday, May 6 to assist a Dexter dairy farmer who lost his home, barn and milking equipment to a fire earlier this year. “Krazy Jake” Hodgdon’s show is named “’Till the Cows Come Home” – and it’s an appropriate title for the fundraiser. Kenny Trafton lost nearly half of his 80-cow dairy herd in the March fire and the surviving animals are being cared for at Dennis Blaine’s farm, a mile-and-a-half away from their home. “Things are picking up for us,” Trafton said. “We had an excavator come in to do some clearing over the weekend. Hopefully by the end of the week, we’ll be able to set the footing and gravel for the milking parlor.” Mud season hampered Trafton’s cleanup and rebuilding efforts for a while, but he said that the road is much better now. “There are no soft spots,” he said. “The truck loop is 100 percent hard right now.” Trafton’s goal is to get the milking parlor finished by June 1. “Then we can turn them out on green grass,” he said. “We want them home by then.” The Krazy Jake Comedy Show is expected to give a nice boost to ongoing community efforts to assist Trafton. Hodgdon currently stars in the Animal Planet TV show “Yankee Jungle” and has made over 400 2[[>^]d\T]cDTaeXRTb appearances in New England during the past three years in2IILFH cluding the Skowhegan State %RE©V&HOO Fair, Waterville Opera House, ,QGRRU6KRZURRP Collins Performing Center for the 6WHWVRQ5G1HZSRUW0( Arts at UMaine and Husson Uni0DLOLQJDGGUHVV versity. 32%R[1HZSRUW0( 1HZSRUW0RQXPHQWV ZZZQHZSRUWPRQXPHQWFRP QHZSRUWPRQXPHQW#JPDLOFRP Newport Chiropractic Center Page 7 Make Your Vehicle Last Longer BROOKS TIRE & AUTO 1-800-339-7149 • 207-924-7149 • 207-924-5884 • Route 7, Corinna Road in Dexter 2GVCNU2NWU FLORIST 12 Stetson Rd., Corinna • 278-ROSE (7673) • [email protected] Judy Richard, ard, Owner pcf, mmfd Flowers for Mother’s Day Choose from our FTD Bouquets or our Hanging Baskets, Planters and more! n Call early for best selection OPEN Mother’s Day week Monday - Saturday 9 to 5, Sunday Mother’s Day 9 to 2 Triangle Plaza, Newport • 368-4318 Dr. Michael Saulter Specializing in the initial treatment & management of painful conditions of the neck, shoulders, back, hips & extremities. • Neck & Back Pain • Headaches • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome • Work Related Injuries • Tendonitis & Muscle Injuries • Sports & Recreational Injuries Caring for you naturally with: Manipulation ~ Exercise ~ Nutrition Most insurances include Chiropractic Coverage and are accepted. Visit our new website at: The Berry Patch Greenhouse 638 Bear Hill Road, Dover-Foxcroft 9am-5pm Daily - 564-3081 Our 39th SEASON and Still Growing! Opening for the Season May 4th Don’t forget MOM on Mother’s Day, May 8th We have a nice selection of HANGING BASKETS We have what you are looking for - come see! 419 Moosehead Trail Newport, ME 355-3333 For The Highest Quality Of Eye Care And Surgical Needs. Seeing your provider should be. APRIL SPECIAL Dr. Kiran Jones 30 OFF $ Anti-Glare with purchase Life is not always easy. Sebasticook Valley Health Family Care provides high-quality, patient centered primary care close to where you live and work. Even better, our patients often can be seen the same day they call for an appointment. That’s just one way SVH can help make your life a little bit easier. Dr. Ian Jones E l i Exclusions May M Apply. A l Not in conjunction with Insurances. WE PARTICIPATE WITH THE FOLLOWING INSURANCES: Medicare • Mainecare • Anthem • Cigna • Aetna • Harvard Pilgrim Martins Point • United Healthcare • AARP • AND MANY MORE ALSO ACCEPTING: EyeMed and VSP Vision Plans NOW ACCEPTING: CARE CREDIT! Call: 355-3333 to make your appointment. * Located in the Former Office of DR. FLINT REID Call to schedule an appointment today! C L I N T O N • 130 9 M A I N S T. • 426 - 0 976 NEWPORT • TRIANGLE PLAZA, 8 MAIN ST. • 368-4292 PIT T SFIELD • 70 S OMER SET AVE • 487-5154 Page 8 April 29 - May 5, 2016 TIRES We Sell for Less, Make Us Prove It! Call BROOKS 924-7149 • 1-800-339-7149 (PHU\·V MEAT & PRODUCE Gardiner 621-6328 • Newport • 355-0117 Tues. - Fri. 9 to 6, Sat. 9 to 4, Closed Sun. & Mon. FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED • while supplies last Freezer Package #1: 3 lbs of each $84.95 5 lbs of each $149.95 10 lbs of each $289.95 Boneless Pork Chops Chicken Legs London Broil Sliced Slab Bacon Boneless Pork Ribs Ground Chuck Kirschner Franks Chicken Nuggets We Accept MC, Visa, Discover, EBT Cards and Food Stamps Welcome 364 CORINNA RD., RT. 7 DEXTER 924-6538 Open Monday - Saturday 8 to 5 Perennials, Annuals and Many Herbs 10” Hanging Baskets $14.99 and up 6 Packs starting at $2.99 BRING YOUR CONTAINERS IN AND LET US FILL THEM! HOME OWNERS INSURANCE We are an independent insurance agency, providing affordable insurance services backed by a friendly and experienced staff of insurance agent specialists. We believe that good service is just as important as good insurance, and our helpful staff reflects that belief. +RZDUG,QVXUDQFH$JHQF\ 242 Moosehead Trail, Newport ♦368-2568 • 800-708-2568 Main St., Dover-Foxcroft ♦564-7194 • 800-244-7194 Lower Main, Dexter ♦924-7461 • 800-675-7461 Through the Garden Gate Greenhouses & Landscaping Services Door Prizes Join Us on April 30 Refreshments for our Open House and Maine Greenhouse & Nursery Day LANDSCAPING QUESTIONS ANSWERED ALL DAY. JOIN US FOR A CHILDREN’S PLANT PROJECT Maine Highlands FCU celebrates 50th anniversary by Diane Parola DEXTER - Since 1966, Maine Highlands Federal Credit Union has been proudly serving its members. From its humble beginnings in a shoebox at Dexter Shoe Factory to its current status with five locations and over $100 million in asset size, Maine Highlands FCU will be celebrating its 50th anniversary all year long. The year began on April 18, 2016 at the credit union’s annual meeting. This year, to get back to its roots, Maine Highlands FCU’s annual meeting was held at Factory One which is housed in the former Dexter Shoe Factory #1. Credit Union Board Chairperson, Linda Dulac welcomed approximately 200 guests in attendance and reported on how much growth the credit union has seen in just the last year with a 6.80% increase in asset size. It’s 11,700 members now have access to many technology services including a new internet banking platform, bill pay, mobile banking, remote check deposit, as well as EMV chip debit and credit cards. Supervisory Committee Chairperson, Tammy Lovejoy, reported on the safety and soundness of the credit union ‘feeling confident that Maine Highlands FCU is taking all the appropriate steps to improve and strengthen its operations’. President and CEO, Rhonda Taylor reported on all the changes that have taken place in the her last 30 years of employment at the Credit Union; from handwritten receipts, to giant computers, adding machine tapes, Sonia Cianchette, MCN, MCL • 341-0191 438 Exeter Rd., Corinna • Open M-F 8-5, Sun 8 -4 fax machines, internet, email, and all the technology changes throughout the years. Now having to deal with fraudsters and hackers is an everyday concern and the amount of cyber security protection needed to keep members funds secure. The evening was also dedicated to those fifty-plus members who opened their accounts during the credit union’s first year (1966) and still hold those accounts today. More than twenty of those members were in attendance. State Representatives, Paul Stearns, Norm Higgins, and Senator Paul Davis were in attendance and presented the Credit Union with a Legislative Sentiment. A buffet dinner was served by Perley’s Catering and all members took home a nice gift. Maine Highlands FCU will continue it’s 50 year celebration in May with a Road Trip Scavenger Hunt; in June employees will serve ‘Breakfast by the Bridge’ in Guilford during Guilford’s Bicentennial Celebration; July will be a free bicycle drawing at each office; in August Maine Highlands FCU is a major sponsor of Dexter’s 2016 Red Hot Dog Festival; September will be ‘Monty Moose Madness’ month; October will include a Harvest Fair in Dover-Foxcroft; in November the Credit Union will be having a ‘Choose Your Fuel’ Giveaway; December will be a surprise; in January 2017 the Credit Union will be hosting ‘Community Movie/Fun Day’ in Brownville; in February 2017 there will be a free ski day at Squaw Mountain in Greenville; and March 2017 will be dedicated to Dexter Shoes. MHFCU RECOGNIZED - State Representatives, Paul Stearns, Norm Higgins, and Senator Paul Davis were in attendance and presented the Credit Union with a Legislative Sentiment to recognize their 50th Anniversary. Milo Police from Page 2 tive,” she said. The bill passed in the Senate 25-8 and in the House by a margin of 98-49. Rep. Norman Higgins (R-Dover-Foxcroft) and Rep. Paul Stearns (R-Guilford) voted in favor of the bill while Sen. Paul Davis (R-Sangerville) and Rep. Ray Wallace (R-Dexter) opposed it. The Legislature is expected to revisit several bills vetoed by the governor, including this one. 0RZLQJ 'ULYHZD\0DLQWHQDQFH +\GURVHHGLQJ 'UDLQDJH /DQGVFDSLQJ DGVPLWKWUXFNLQJ#JPDLOFRP &DPS0DLQWHQDQFH S&R Cleaning Shawn & Rachael Darrah Residential & Commercial Cleaning Family Owned & Operated Reasonable Rates Flexible Services Free Estimates Instructions on Pruning 101 How can I Love so many Hydrangeas? Now learn how to take care of them Professional P roffessio i nall L Landscaping andscaping d Services The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage [email protected] Home:207-564-2054 Mobile:207-279-0956 Dexter Dover Area Towns in Transition (DDATT) Spring Street Greenhouse Helping develop local food, energy, and economic systems that support a community moving from dependence on fossil fuels. From weddings to funerals or ‘just because’ stop in or give us a call. FMI: 924-3836 or [email protected] Open to serve all your floral arrangement needs. 0RQ)UL6DW We are here for you! Mike and Susan Laferriere 325 Garland Road, Dexter, ME 04930 (207) 924-2161 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 29 - May 5, 2016 7KH(DVWHUQ*D]HWWH Your HomeTown AdVantage Classified DEADLINE is Monday at 5:00 P.M. THE CLASSIFIEDS...$6 PER WEEK FOR 20 WORDS Our office, located at 97 Church Street, is open Monday through Thursday, 9 am - 5 pm. Page 9 Telephone: 1-800-287-2295 Email: [email protected] Gazette/AdVantage Classified 97 Church Street, Dexter, ME 04930 (PLUS 10 CENTS FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD) If paying with Visa, MasterCard, or Discover: Credit Card # Expiration Date RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS HELP WANTED FOR NEW IN-TOWN DEXTER APT TENANTS - 50% off 1st month, 10% off for next 5 months. One and Two Bedrooms. All utilities included. NO PETS. Call now for more information. 924-6867. DEXTER - Single apts. No pets, no smokers. Security deposit. Bryant Apartments. 924-3371. Please speak slowly & leave clear message. DEXTER - Mobile homes with option to buy. Now accepting applications. Call 207-946-2085 or visit us online at MEDIUM SIZE DAIRY FARM taking applications for a full time milker. Please call 683-2438 or 514-5889. Hibbard Skilled Nursing Center 1037 West Main Street, Dover-Foxcroft, ME 564-8129 COOK’S ASSISTANT/RELIEF COOK The Dietary Department is searching for a motivated individual to join their team on a full-time basis 7 am - 3:30 pm. Must be able to work every other weekend and alternate holidays. Relief Cook hours are 6 am - 6 pm and must be able to cook for 100 people. Interested applicants may appy in person or call the Dietary Manager at 564-8129 Monday - Friday, 8 am - 4 pm to schedule an interview. EOE TOWN OF SHIRLEY FOR SALE BY BID For sale by bid: 1992 Ford E-350 Utility Vehicle. Minimum bid of $400. Bids due Tuesday May 3, 2016 by 2pm. Bids will be opened at the selectmen’s meeting on Wednesday May 4, 2016 at 7 pm. The vehicle is being sold As-Is. Call 207-695-3257 with any questions. Please send bids to: Shirley Town Office PO Box 147 Shirley, ME 04485 72:12)'(;7(5 38%/,&+($5,1*127,&( 1RWLFHLVKHUHE\JLYHQWKDWWKH'H[WHU7RZQ&RXQFLOZLOO KROGD3XEOLF+HDULQJRQ7+856'$<0$< DW SP LQ WKH7RZQ &RXQFLO &KDPEHUV WR FRQVLGHU WKHIROORZLQJ $SSOLFDWLRQ IRU 9LFWXDOHU¶V /LFHQVH IRU 1RUHHQ 2¶%ULHQGED6QRZÀDNHV,,0DLQ6WUHHW $OOSHUVRQVPD\DSSHDUWRFRPPHQWRQWKHDERYHPDWWHUV GDWHGDW'H[WHU0DLQHWKLVWKGD\RI$SULO .P0+XJKHV7RZQ&OHUN TOWN OF CORINNA ROADSIDE MOWING The Town of Corinna is seeking proposals to do the roadside mowing. Mowing will be for 2016-2019 season for the chosen contractor. Corinna has approximately 30 miles of roads to be mowed on both sides. The Town of Corinna requests that all proposals be stated in an hourly rate and include type of equipment to be used. All machinery, fuel, and maintenance costs shall be the responsibility of the selected contractor. Contractor Liability Insurance is required. Proposals must be received prior to 4:30pm on Wednesday, May 11, 2016, and addressed to: Town of Corinna Roadside Mowing 8 Levi Stewart Drive Corinna, Maine 04928 DEXTER - Quiet location, newer 2 bedroom apartment. Heat included. Plenty of parking. Washer/dryer hookup. Small pets OK. Security deposit and lease. Call 852-7763. BUSINESS HELP WANTED RAY’S SEASONAL SERVICES looking for part-time mower and trimmer person for the Monson area. Two days per week, maybe DRIVERS: CDL - A 1 yr. exp., more. Zero turn and trimmer Earn $1,250+ per week, Great experience preferred. Call, 997Weekend Hometime, Excellent 2050. Benefits & Bonuses, 100% No Touch/ 70% D&H. 888-406-9046. WYMAN CONSTRUCTION ACE ROOFING, LLC - Metal Roofing, fully insured. For free estimates and great pricing call Neil at (207) 949-6694. Bark mulch now available! HANDYMAN SERVICES - All types with reasonable rates. Ralph Wayne Perkins Sr., Owner. Dexter, Dover-Foxcroft, Milo, and other area towns. Call 564-0462 or 279-9818. Excavation • Gravel Septic Systems • Land Clearing Dexter - 924-5902 P.O. Box 126, 2 Park St., Milo (207) 943-5070 CHIMNEYS - Build, top out, repair, replace flashing around chimneys. Free estimates. Contact Raymond Murray 938-3285. TURNING 65 soon or receiving help with prescription coverage? Let me show you how your Medicare plan can help pay for dental, eyeglasses, hearing aids and fitness clubs! Call Anita Wiley today 323-6943. Certified Senior Advisor. WE WASH WINDOWS for homes and businesses. Inside and outside, or just outside. We travel all over! Quality work, affordable prices. Call Perkins Cleaning Services 207-279-1478 or email us at: [email protected]. Kent Ladd, Owner Web: e-mail: [email protected] A local Maine company specializing in generator sales and service since 1997. We service most makes and models. Factory Trained Sales & Service for Kohler, Generac & Cummins Generators. Best Prices in Central Maine! mid maine metal Roofing & Siding Supply, LLC FREE Quotes Rt. 7, Newport • 278-2520 1/'5''75(14#..;17424+0)241,'%65 Metal Roofing, Trims and Accessories ★ Colored steel at $2.35 Ln. Ft. ★ Galvanized $2.15 Ln. Ft. ★ Energy Star rated on most colors ★ New Products: Decra & Edco ★ 24-48 Hr. turnaround time ★ 21 colors (8 in-stock) to choose from ★ Custom Cuts MID-MAINE SOLID WASTE ASSOCIATION FREE DISPOSAL DAY FOR THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AND QUANTITIES SATURDAY, MAY 14TH s4)2%3PASSENGERCARSONLYWOUTRIMS s#&#REFRIGERATORORAIRCONDITIONER s#2446OR#OMPUTER-ONITOR This is a per household and persons delivering these materials must have a Valid MMSWA permit. Reminder:--37!ISA-ANDATORY2ECYCLING&ACILITY2ECYCLING HELPSOFFSETOURCOSTSFORWASTEDISPOSALSOWECANHAVETHESE&2%% DISPOSALDAYS0LEASEDOYOURPARTINRECYCLINGSOWECANCONTINUE OFFERINGTHESE&2%%DAYS Items recycled at MMSWA include the following: q.EWSPAPERAND-AGAZINES q#ORRUGATED#ARDBOARD q4IN#ANSSOUPCANSCATANDDOGFOODCANS q0LASTICMILKJUGSLAUNDRYDETERGENTCONTAINERS KITTYLITTERCONTAINERSETC q'LASS*ARSAND"OTTLES q/FlCE0APER q-IXED0APERJUNKMAILCEREALBOXESSHREDDEDPAPERETC Items for Sale (see attendants for details) q"ACKYARD#OMPOST"INS q2ECYCLE"INS q+ITCHEN0AILS q#OMPOST!ERATORS Thank You for Recycling Page 10 April 29 - May 5, 2016 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage SPA & HOT TUB General Help Wanted We are now taking applications for general help. Main job will be folding. We are looking for a motivated/cooperative individual that is a team player and willing to help co-workers when needed. MUST be punctual with reliable transportation. Please apply in person to: CHARLOTTE WHITE CENTER NEW OPENINGS! - Paid Training Provided 6WD൵ QHHGHG WR ZRUN ZLWK DGXOWV LQ RXU EHKDYLRUDO KHDOWK DQG GHYHORSPHQWDOGLVDELOLWLHVUHVLGHQWLDOSURJUDPVORFDWHGLQ$EERW 'H[WHU 'RYHU)R[FURIW DQG &RULQWK ,PPHGLDWH RSHQLQJV IRU ZHHNHQG/LYHLQSRVLWLRQV6DWXUGD\WKURXJK6XQGD\DVZHOODV HYHQLQJVDQGRYHUQLJKWV0XVWKDYHD+6GLSORPDRUHTXLYDOHQW DQGDYDOLG0(GULYHU¶VOLFHQVHLQJRRGVWDQGLQJ Please apply online: E.O.E. 852 DEXTER ROAD, SUITE A, CORINNA ME 04928 HOT TUB AND SPA SERVICE. We repair all brands of spas and hot tubs. We also repair steam and sauna. Call 277-3540. Please leave a message. HOUSE FOR SALE RETIREMENT HOME or nice hunting camp. New well and septic with log siding and pine inside. 36x24, with two bedrooms and full bath. 1,000 feet off Route 23, located on Twin Oaks Drive. House situated on 3 acres that borders year round stream. Insulated wood stove and oil furnace. $70,000. Call, 924-5052. 1-800-242-2374 HELP WANTED TECHNICIANS dǁŽ&ƵůůdŝŵĞDĞĚŝĐĂůƐƐŝƐƚĂŶƚKƉĞŶŝŶŐƐ ŝŶĞĂƵƟĨƵů'ƌĞĞŶǀŝůůĞ͕D͊ ,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽůĚŝƉůŽŵĂŽƌ'ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞĚ͖ ƐƵĐĐĞƐƐĨƵůĐŽŵƉůĞƟŽŶŽĨĂDƉƌŽŐƌĂŵ͘ /ĨŶŽƚŶĂƟŽŶĂůůLJĐĞƌƟĮĞĚ ;Dd͕ZD͕EDŽƌDͿ DƵƐƚŽďƚĂŝŶƐƐĞƐƐŵĞŶƚͲĂƐĞĚZĞĐŽŐŶŝƟŽŶ ŝŶKƌĚĞƌŶƚƌLJ;ZͲKͿǁŝƚŚŝŶϯŵŽŶƚŚƐ͘ tŝůůŝŶŐƚŽƚƌĂǀĞůƚŽ^ĂŶŐĞƌǀŝůůĞŽĸĐĞĂƐŶĞĞĚĞĚ ZĞǀŝĞǁĂŶĚĂƉƉůLJĨŽƌĐĂƌĞĞƌŽƉĞŶŝŶŐƐŽŶůŝŶĞĂƚ͗ ĐĂƌĞĞƌƐ͘ĞŵŚƐ͘ŽƌŐ KͬͬDͬ&ͬsĞƚͬŝƐĂďůĞĚ We are looking to add a couple Technicians to our team in Corinna, guaranteed 45+hours a week, must have your own tools and be ready to work, clean driving record a must and inspection license preferred, apply in person, or send your resume to [email protected] or fax 207-278-2209 POSITIONS AVAILABLE CNA Full-Time Evening Position Please contact: Dexter Health Care Kim Phillips, RN, DON 64 Park Street, Dexter, ME 04930 (207) 924-5516, Ext. 202 You Say There’s NO Work? We’ve got JOBS in your area! We are Currently Seeking: Entry level and experienced personnel to join the team working for Manpower at JSI Store Fixtures! SALES REPRESENTATIVES Renewal by Andersen, a high growth replacement window subsidiary of Andersen Corporation, is seeking candidates for a Sales Representative opportunity with in our Central Maine sales team. You will present our product in a consultative sales process at prearranged appointments and build relationships through instilling confidence, sharing information, and meeting commitments to our customers. The ideal candidate will possess: s 2 years of customer service and sales experience (in-home sales preferred; home improvement sales strongly preferred) s0ROVENSALESRECORD s3TRONGWRITTENANDVERBALSKILLS s4IMEANDWORKPROCESSMANAGEMENTSKILLS s#USTOMERORIENTATION s2ESULTSORIENTATION x x x Assemblers/Carpenters/Builders Finishers/Painters/Sanders Material Handlers & Shipping Clerks Positions will be available on multiple shifts! Starting wage of $9++/hour DOE plus shift differential Applications and Interviews ON SITE JSI Store Fixtures 140 Park Street, Milo Appointments Preferred, Walk-Ins Welcome! Call Manpower by Tues. 5/3 to schedule an interview on Wed. 5/4, 1pm-4pm 207-942-6178 or 1-800-539-6178 A valid driver’s license and a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent combination of education and experience is also required. Our homeowners value integrity and quality. If you share these values and your goal is to use your talents to lead sales growth while insuring customer delight, we want to hear from you! 7E PROVIDE AN AGGRESSIVE COMPENSATION PLAN 0LEASE FORWARD YOUR resume with salary history to: Renewal by Andersen 118 Moosehead Trail Suite 2 Newport, ME 04953 [email protected] 207-368-6163 Renewal by Andersen is an Equal Opportunity Employer Don’t want to wait? Apply today! In Person: 23 Water Street, Bangor Online: Email: [email protected] The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage FOR SALE GARLAND - Aged cow manure and loam. Pick ups to small trailers and biggest dump trucks. Land scapers welcome. $10.00 per tractor bucket. 564-9035 ENGLANDER PELLET Stove. 56,000 BTU’s. Hopper holds 5 bags. $1200. Call, 683-2106. HOLLY HAWKES 6 packs $2.99. Bwart’s Plants. 364 Corinna Rd., Dexter. 924-6538. Open Monday Saturday, 8 to 5. COW MANURE loaded on your truck. $25 pick up. 924-6248. ‘95 DODGE RAM 4x4 plow truck with 130K. Inspection sticker good through 2016. $2,500 OBRO. Call, 564-0462. MOVING SALE FRONT PORCH MOVING SALE 17 Clinton St, Milo. Saturday, April 30th from 8AM-4PM. Model airplanes, pellet guns, Blue Willow dish set, air conditioner, Eden Pure heater, air mattresses, and more household items. FIREWOOD DEXTER - Green sawed, split & delivered in local area. $210/cord. Doing business as, M & S Firewood, Stan White. 924-6217. GREEN $210, DRY $250. Cut, split, free delivery within 25 miles of Lagrange. 1.5 cord loads. Scott Winchester, 745-4589. CLEANING SERVICE WILL DO YOUR regular cleaning and your spring cleaning in the Milo/Brownville area! Please feel free to ask for references. Call, 943-6041. NOTICES Genesis 2:7 The LORD God formed a man’s body from the dust of the ground and breathed into it the breath of life. New Beginnings Bible Church, Silvers Mills Road, Dexter.Sunday School 9:30 am, Church 10:30. April 29 - May 5, 2016 JOB OPPORTUNITY ASSISTANT MANAGER Mountains Market in Dover-Foxcroft is looking for an experienced Assistant Manager. Position is full-time, afternoon and evening shifts. Knowledge of food prep helpful. Please call (207) 564-2814 for an interview, or send resume to Mountains Market, 914 West Main Street, Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426. 326,7,21$9$,/$%/( (;3(5,(1&('6(59,&(7(&+1,&,$1 Ford service experience preferred. We offer paid vacations and employee benefits package available. Competitive salary depending on experience. Please contact Rocco Coratelli 237 Moosehead Trail, Newport 207-368-4300 BUYING SALVAGE Vehicles. Call Mert anytime at 924-7933 or 717-3939. VACANT LAND - Do you have land that’s just sitting there and you don’t know what to do with it? Want to make a little money off of it? Looking for land with a septic, electricity and water to rent. If you have anything, please call Dusty at 253-590-8641. PAYING CASH for old cast iron cookware. Looking for Griswold, Wood-Bishop, Noyes & Nutter, Portland Stove Foundry. Call, (207) 837-2732. +(/3:$17(' /,&(16('(/(&75,&,$1 WRMRLQRXUHVWDEOLVKHGDQGJURZLQJFRPSDQ\ 0XVWEHKRQHVWUHVSRQVLEOHFRPPXQLFDWLYH WLPHO\VHOIPRWLYDWHG (DUQ9DFDWLRQ+ROLGD\%RQXVSD\ &DOO%UHQW Downeast Horizon’s Children’s Workers Needed Join a growing team who are making a difference in the lives of children with Autism & Cognitive Disabilities in community and group settings. Immediate need in the Dover-Foxcroft and surrounding area. Up to a $15 per hr starting wage, paid training, mileage reimbursement. Up to a $250 sign-on bonus. For more information call 1-855-894-3599. To apply, please visit our website at: E.O.E ,00(',$7(23(1,1* 6$/(63(5621 Full time sales position available. We offer paid vacations and employee benefits package available. Competitive salary depending on experience. Contact Andre Lester at 237 Moosehead Trail, Newport 207-368-4300 +(/3:$17(' RALPH McNAUGHTON CONSTRUCTION, INC. 94 Blaisdell Road, Newport, ME 04953 ,00(',$7()8//7,0(23(1,1*6 &RQVWUXFWLRQ/DERU&DUSHQWHUV)RUP&DUSHQWHUV Ralph McNaughton Construction, Inc. provides residential and commercial building services including excavation, concrete, carpentry and masonry. Applicants must have a valid drivers license and interest in learning a variety of construction procedures. Benefits include 401k, paid vacation and holidays. Pay based on experience. Resumes will be accepted by mail, fax or e-mail. Fax: 368-5343 E-mail: [email protected] CANDIDATES WILL BE CONTACTED FOR AN INTERVIEW WANTED PRIVATE COLLECTOR paying top $$$ for all old coins and paper money. I have the books to show you the value. IE silver dollars $18 and up. Any silver coins 1964 and below. IE 1877 Indian cent $500. Also seeking pocket watches, old banks, Civil War items, gold and silver. I am not a dealer. I do not melt coins. Ralph 207-478-5717. Page 11 PROJECT FLAGGING, INC. NOW HIRING!! FLAGGERS! $9 - $11 an hour. Call today for more information! 973-3911 EEO/AA Employer 8&$1,1& +DPPRQG6W%DQJRU0( HELP WANTED FULL-TIME & PART-TIME U-Can Inc. is looking for employees who are interested in working with Adults with disabilities. The applicant will need to pass a background check and provide DSP, CRMA, First Aid and CPR Certifications. Training can be provided. Only caring individuals who can follow directions and work a flexible schedule should apply. Applicant must have reliable transportation and provide a recent insurance card as well as be able to provide clear writing skills for written documentations. Please call 945-4033 for further details. TOWN OF DEXTER SUMMER CAMP COUNSELOR OPPORTUNITY Due to a generous gift from the Alfond Foundation the Town of Dexter will host a summer camp which creates four (4) job opportunities for area youth. Applicants must be between the ages of 16 and 25; live in towns of SAD #46; and they must be available the entire month of July. All interested applicants may obtain an application from the Recreation Director at 10 Hall Street, the Town Office at 23 Main Street during normal business hours or on the town’s website at All applications must be received at the town office by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, May 10, 2016. The Town of Dexter is an equal opportunity employer. Help Wanted FULL-TIME ACCOUNTANT/LOBBY PERSON PART-TIME BARTENDER Must be dependable. Apply in person at Moosehead Trail Motor Lodge 300 Corinna Rd., Rt. 7 Dexter Auto Technician Needed Qualified applicant must have state inspection license, own tools and a strong automotive background. Must be highly motivated and dependable. Maine State Inspection License and ASE Certified. Pay based on experience. Stop in or call Rick at Ladd Brothers Engineworks, 663 Milo Road, Milo or Call 564-3300 SIGN ON BONUS! Are you looking for a rewarding career that offers an excellent benefit package, home and work life balance, and generous amounts of time off? Katahdin Valley Health Center offers all of this and more as we search for: General Dentists Brownville/Millinocket and Houlton Clinics. We are seeking Dentists who will help us provide quality dental health services to the people in the Brownville, Millinocket and Houlton regions. We offer state of the art facilities and technology, a competitive salary and benefits package which includes a sign on bonus, generous amounts of paid time off, health insurance, life and disability insurance, 401K match and much more. Visit for more about these positions. You can also contact Michelle LeFay at 207-528-2285 or [email protected] with questions or to submit a resume. KVHC is a National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Site and An Equal Opportunity Employer. Page 12 April 29 - May 5, 2016 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage HILLSIDE PARK APARTMENTS, DEXTER Immediate 2 Bedroom Vacancy. Vouchers Welcomed! Rent starts at $626.00. Income limits apply. Coin-op laundry available on site. For applications, visit; or contact us at Maine Development Associates 1-800-639-1747 TTY 711 / 800-437-1220 Housing We are an Equal Opportunity OrganizationEqual Opportunity AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY - GREENVILLE HYLANDS - Greenville Hylands has two and three bedroom apartments available for immediate move in. Income limit for two people is $35,000 annual. Rent is 30% of adjusted income and includes heat, water, sewer, electric, etc. Grounds work is provided. Full basements with washer and dryer hook ups. On site mail delivery. For application and more information call 1-800370-4001 or 695-3733. L+L Management, 5 Chieftan Heights Office, Greenville, Maine 04441. Tenant selection criteria will apply. Equal housing Opportunity Accepting Applications Park Street Village Milo 1&2 Bedroom Apts. Ask about Rental Assistance NOTE: Must meet certain income guidelines. C.B. Mattson, Inc. 360 Maine Ave., Farmingdale P.O. Box 10, Gardiner, ME 04345-0010 1-800-244-2297 Dial 711 for TTYS/TTDS Equal Housing Opportunity BAD CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! REBUILD YOUR CREDIT All you need is $1500 Income Proof of Residence Proof of Employment An equal opportunity provider and employer Call Marcus 487-5111 Apartments Vehicles For Sale MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES 924-6867 or 717-5386 Damaged Vehicles 02 SAAB 93 SE CONVERTIBLE 01 SENTRA 02 SENTRA 4dr Sedan, Auto, Loaded, 137k ……………… $1900 04 SUZUKI AERIO Wagon, 4cyl, Auto, AWD, Loaded, 109K ……… $1550 Newport 07 FORD FOCUS 4dr Sedan, Auto, Loaded, 60k ………………… $2800 Ask about Rental Assistance 05 FORD FOCUS C.B. Mattson, Inc. 384 Somerset Avenue, Pittsfield 360 Maine Ave., Farmingdale P.O. Box 10, Gardiner, ME 04345-0010 Visit us on the web at Dial 711 for TTYS/TTDS $950 4dr Sedan, Auto, 183k ……………………… NOTE: Must meet certain income guidelines. 1-800-244-2297 $1100 03 SUBARU LEGACY 1&2 bedroom apts. Eastville Village An equal opportunity provider and employer $980 4dr Sedan, 4cyl, Auto, 120k ………………… 4dr Sedan, 4cyl, Auto, 79k ………………… Equal Housing Opportunity $800 4cyl, 4spd, 104k …………………………… E %X 04 SUBARU LEGACY 4dr Sedan auto loaded 170k ………………… $1100 06 TOYOTA TACOMA X-CAB SR5 4X4 4cyl, 5spd Frame, Front & Rear End, Engine, Trans. $2975 06 FORD TAURUS SEL 4dr Sedan, V6, Auto, Loaded, 98k …………… $1900 +DOO·V$XWR5HSDLU (formerly Mike’s Transmission) 55 Church St., Dexter 924-3062 Full Service Garage General Auto Repair • Shocks/Struts • Diagnostic Testing Custom Welding/Fabrication • Unlocking of Vehicles Honest, Reliable Service You Can Depend On! Open 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday, Saturday by Appt. Need Work Done On Your Fisher Plow? Bring it in for professional Fisher Plow service. Featured Property Exeter 2ac $14,000 Nicely wooded 2-acre lot with views of pasture and woods behind. Attractive lot in large straight pines. Great location for home or camp. Easy commute to Bangor. Surveyed lot. High and dry spot for a home. Gravel driveway in place. Let us find your ideal property. Agents in Dexter & Bangor. Maine Properties Realty 86A Church Street, Dexter, Maine 04930 (207) 924-6600 Opening available for skilled agent. NOW BUYING USED FISHER® PLOWS Your Authorized Fisher her® Snowplow Dealer SALES & SERVICE For more info go to DETROIT MOTORS 17 SouthDetroitMain St., 257-2629 2841 Bennoch Road, Alton – 356-2588 •394-3533 Open M - F 8 to 5, Sat. 9 to Noon MALLETT REAL ESTATE, LLC Eleven North Street, Dover-Foxcroft, Maine 207-564-8073 • [email protected] NEW LISTING 1257772 Dover-Foxcroft: Gorgeous setting comes with this four bedroom home on 6.8 acres in excellent neighborhood. Highbush blueberries, fruit trees. Kitchen, livingroom, diningroom, 1 1/2 baths,two car garage. $179,900 NEW LISTING 1259948 Dover-Foxcroft: Charming and quaint older home with all new Windows, heat pump, foamed basement, kitchen, dininroom, living room with pellet stove, four bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, two-car garage, big beautiful back yard. $135,000 NEW LISTING 1259498 Sangerville: A beautiful hilltop location comes with this three bedroom , two bath ranch with huge attached two-car garage. Also in-law apartment, beau1tful sunroom. Gorgeous views, PRIVATE LOCATION. $149,000 NEW LISTING 1260226 Dover-Foxcroft: Lg contemporary in beautiful neighborhood with four bedrooms, two full baths and one 1/2 bath, large kitchen, diningroom, livingroom,lovely sunroom,familyroom,in-ground pool, two car garage, barn. Located just on the outskirts of town with some nice views. $234,000 NO CREDIT, BAD CREDIT, No Problem, You’re approved! Apply on line at APARTMENTS FOR RENT CORINTH: Skolfield Manor, 1 BR upstairs apt. Heat, hot water & electric inc. $625/mo.; Coin-op laundry in building. Trash removal provided. DOVER-FOXCROFT: 38 Coombs Rd, 2BR Mobile Home W/1 car gar. & sep. utility rm. Tenant pays all utilities, responsible for lawn & plowing (long drieway). $600/mo. Available in Spring. MILO: Masonic Block retail space (former video store) fo rent. $300/mo. Tenant pays all utilities. One year lease, references and security deposit required. Call 343-1447 email: [email protected] 2008 Ford Focus 2007 Subaru Legacy AWD GU6HGDQ 0LOHV GU6(&\O $XWR$LU3/3: 2QO\ /RZ0LOHV M&M Automotive, LLC. >DG/!*/J3*5!0''- +''-30,-/3/(GFA[FCAA /3)Y/3-/ %-![@4*AJ/4@4***! % >CC>"-03*'-4 ā/"*-[@= [/RDGHG /HDWKHU û @J>CC .DXIPDQ7UDLOHUOEVIW'HFN « .DXIPDQ7UDLOHUOEVIW'HFN «« The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage SPECIAL OF THE WEEK April 29 - May 5, 2016 Page 13 PROUTY FORD INC. Piscataquis County’s ONLY New Car & Truck Dealer! FULL WARRANTY ‘14 Ford F-150 FX4 S/Cab, Leather, Navigation, Heated & Cooled Seats, Moonroof, Loaded! ‘16 Ford Focus SE 4 Cyl, 5 Spd, MSRP $19,985 MSRP $48,930 SAVE $8,380 PROUTY FORD PRICE $40,550 $ 17,098 or 0% Financing for 60 Mo. ‘11 Subaru Forester AWD, 46k Mi, PW, PL, AC, Very Clean 2006 Chevrolet Uplander $ 15,995 #5673, FWD, LOW DOWN & WEEKLY PMTS!! GERRY’S USED CARS 266 Newport Rd., Corinna • 278-2205 Oakland - 465-9566 • Skowhegan - 474-6700 • Veazie - 990-2206 • See us on FaceBook ‘07 Chevy Malibu LT V6, Auto, Loaded, Very Clean $ 6,995 19 Summer Street, Dover Foxcroft • 564-3395 • [email protected] LOCAL TRADES • FORD PROGRAM VEHICLES SERVICE DIRECTORY SANTOS BUILDERS Home Building & Remodeling • Decks • Additions • Siding • Roofing, etc. Call us for all your construction needs! FULLY INSURED Frank Santos Over 35 yrs experience Call 876-3713 UPHOLSTERY SERVICE DIRECTORY ADS: 207-745-3509 2”x1” 3 Months $ 120 • Furniture • Marine It’s cheaper to redo than buy new! [email protected] 7561/ #$4+%#6+10 Railings • Gates • Interior/Exterior Portable Welding Repair • Cast Iron 1-800-287-2295 WYMAN CONSTRUCTION Excavation • Gravel Septic Systems Land Clearing Dexter - 924-5902 Building Quality Homes for Over 30 Years Reliable References - Insured 876-2783 Sangerville 631-9587 Cell Sullivan Masonry Brick - Block - Stonework Chimneys - Chimney Lining Residential ~ Over 40 years experience ~ Charleston 285-3572 Cell: 570-2482 &RXQWU\&ODVVLFV3HW*URRPLQJ 160 Elm Street Milo, ME Ph: 943-7373 Full service grooming salon 15 years experience “Where pets are people too” Lyford & Lyford Builders Metal and Asphalt Roofing Decks, replacement windows, and siding. All phases of construction Over 30 years of experience Call Gary for a FREE estimate, 943-3596 FURNACE REPAIRS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 876-4580 270-0524 277-3196 Free Estimates SANGERVILLE <2'(5·66$:0,////& CEDAR IS OUR SPECIALTY ACCEPTED! RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL LICENSED AND INSURED Greg & Casey Macomber Choose from: 5/4 Decking, V-Match Siding, Clapboards, Log Siding. Also available in Pine. Hemlock Dimensional Lumber. Bagged Stop by the Mill or Give Us a Call 278-3539 Cedar Shavings Foster Painting Co. 25 years of Quality and Reliability Tree Removal & Pruning Residential Utility Line Clearance Residential & Municipal Emergency Services LEAD CERTIFIED INTERIOR • EXTERIOR FULLY INSURED 924-3405 Fully Licensed & Insured - Free Estimates Dover-Foxcroft 207-564-8290 (207) 368-5078 Bush Hogging • Stump Grinding Power Rake a.k.a dirt doctor SERVICE DIRECTORY ADS: Eric Curtis Guilford, Maine • 207-717-2208 [email protected] Fully Insured • Credit Cards Accepted 1-800-287-2295 CORINNA AUTO BODY Tree Removal and Pruning 0ROPERTY-AINTENANCE ,ANDSCAPE3ERVICES Emergency Tree Removal - 24/7 AUTO • HOME • COMMERCIAL • LIFE & HEALTH • FINANCIAL SERVICES • 35 Hudson Ave., Guilford ME 04443 4XDOLW\:RUN5HDVRQDEOH5DWHV ,QWHULRUa([WHULRU /LJKW&DUSHQWU\'U\ZDOO5HSDLU &DOODQH[SHULHQFHG3UR($%OLJK 'H[WHU LICENSED ARBORISTS Foxcroft Fruitscaping BALL INSURANCE, L.L.C KIM . PRO PAINTER Engstrom & Tumosa Residential • Commercial Industrial • Wiring Garland, Maine 277-3733 Energy Inc. 343-1781 S-H ELECTRIC 683.5525 Jeff McKenney • Trained Technician • Commercial Truck Painting & Equipment • Complete Auto Body Repair & Refinishing • 24 Hr. Towing FREE for Collision Customers • Chassis Liner Frame Equipment • DuPont Paint • Enterprise Rentals Available DOORE 16 Bolstridge Rd, Corinna • Stump Grinding Rt. 7, Corinna • 924-6464 and CLEANING Oil Dexter, Maine • (207) 907-6849 Kennedy Plumbing Tree Removal and Pruning 564-7400 GHGgEGKL Water Wells David 924-5142 CROUSE BUILDERS 5HDO(VWDWH%URNHU BILL HASKELL & SONS, INC. Complete Pump Installation Water Softeners Call DOUG PAGE’S BUILDING Garages, Siding, Roofing General Carpentry, Camps - Insured CertainTeed - Extended Warranty 0HOYLQ:\PDQ PHOYLQZ\PDQ#\DKRRFRP Maine Stump Removal Harmony Fully insured ARROW TREE SERVICE at Discounted Rates sLawns sFences sJacking & Leveling sOrchards/Fruit Trees s&OOD0LOTS s-ULCHMORE (207) 446-7766 Please leave a message. All calls are returned promptly! 2”x1” 3 Months $ 120 C.L. LA NCASTER FOUNDATIONS 924-5423 FOUNDATIONS, FLOORS & SLABS We Work Weekends Get that tree before it gets you! Free estimates - Fully Insured A Proud Veteran Serving Central Maine FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES 717-TREE (8733) 1-800-287-2295 0RZLQJ'ULYHZD\0DLQWHQDQFH +\GURVHHGLQJ/DQGVFDSLQJ 'UDLQDJH&DPS0DLQWHQDQFH FIREWOOD (207) 270-2424 Call Allen, 270-0198 DGVPLWKWUXFNLQJ#JPDLOFRP CUT, SPLIT & DELIVERED TO LOCAL AREAS (207) 876-9777 (877) 844-3388 * Registered Representative offering securities though United Planners’ Financial Services of America, a Limited Partnership. Member FINRA, SIPC. FIREWOOD Unseasoned 210/cord $ Kiln Dried $275/cord Cut, split & 2 cord loads delivered free in local area. LIHEAP Gladly Accepted Doug Thomas • 277-3017 • fi[email protected] 564-2939 • 800-640-5657 Cell: 322-2231 10 Sullivan Road, Jackson ME 04921 NOW OFFERING CHIP SEAL (tar & stone compacted) Great for town roads, fire lanes, and parking lots! Commercial & Residential Driveways • Parking Lots & Roads Seal Coating • Recycled Asphalt Foley’s Wood Floors SANDING & REFINISHING, NEW INSTALLATIONS. Local References. Free Estimates. 25 Years Experience. Mike Foley 717-7605 Page 14 April 29 - May 5, 2016 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage Just Off I-95 - Exit 150 • 384 Somerset Avenue, Pittsfield M-F 8 to 6, Sat. 8 to 5 – 1-800-427-5115 • (207) 487-5111 Shop 24-7 @ 2016 Chevrolet Silverado Dbl Cab 4x4 LT All Star 2015 Chevrolet Impala LT #1350, V-8, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Power Steering, Spray-in Liner, Brake Controller, Remote Start, Rear Camera, HD Tow #14187, 4cyl, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Power Steering, Tilt, Cruise, Remote Start $ MSRP - 44,380 Discount - 3,885 Rebate - 5,500 0 $ Varney Price MSRP - $30,670 Discount - 4,075 5 5 15% Off MSRP - 4,600 SAVE - $8,625 334,995 34 4,995 Varney Price $ 21,995 21 1,995 2016 Chevrolet Equinox AWD LT 2016 Chevrolet Traverse AWD 2LT 2016 Chevrole Chevrolet Malibu LT #1338, Power Windows, Power Locks, Power Steering #14309, 4cyl, Auto, Convenience/Technology/Driver Confidence Pkg., Power Windows, Power Locks, Power Steering, Remote Start SAVE 4,060 $ MSRP - $43,545 Discount - 2,800 Rebate - 1,250 Bonus Tag - 1,500 SAVE $5,550 Varney Price $ 37,995 3 37 ,995 ,9 995 95 MSRP - 28,125 Varney Price Or Lease $ Discount - 1,120 $ 0 Down Rebate - 2,000 39 Month Lease, 26500 Sale Price, 10k/Year, .96 APR, 2510 CCR, 16031 Residual, 1st Month Due At Signing 24, 2 24 4,995 99 9 95 95 2566/Mo. 256 /Mo /Mo Mo. M o.. 2016 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 Reg Cab 4x4 2016 Chevrolet Sonic LT #14297, V-8, Auto #12461, 4cyl, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Fog Lamps, Tilt, Cruise, Spoiler MSRP - $19,015 Varney Price Discount - 1,020 Rebate - 3,000 $ SAVE $4,020 MSRP - $40,710 Discount - 3,215 Rebate - 1,000 Bonus Tag - 2,500 SAVE $6,715 Varney Price $ 33,995 33,9 33 ,995 ,99 ,9 95 2016 Chevrolet Camaro 2SS #14289, 6.2 V-8, Leather, Sunroof, Low Gloss Black Wheels, 8 Spd, Auto MSRP - $45,655 Discount - 2,660 Varney Price $ 42,995 42,9 4 42 2,9 ,995 995 95 2016 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 Crew LT 4x4 #1339, 6.0 V-8, Leather, Spray-in Liner, MyLink, Remote Start, Rear Camera, 18” Chrome Wheels, MSRP $54,170 Discount - 3,675 Varney Price Rebate - 3,500 $ SAVE $7,175 46,995 46,9 4 46 6,9 ,995 ,995 95 14,995 14,9 14 4,9 ,995 ,99 95 2016 Chevrolet Suburban 4x4 LT #14310, V-8, Auto, Navigation, heated Leather, 2nd Row Buckets, Rear Entertainment, Max Tow Pkg MSRP - $63,520 Discount - 6,025 Varney Price Bonus Tag - 2,500 $ SAVE $8,525 54,9 5 54 4,9 ,995 995 95 2016 Chevrolet Trax AWD LT #14233, 4cyl, Auto, Sunroof, Bose, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise, Roof Rack, MSRP $26,685 MSRP - $26,685 Varney Price Discount - 2,690 $ 23,995 23,9 2 23 3,9 ,995 ,995 95 #14314, 4cyl, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Power Steering, Remote Start, Rear Camera, Heated Seats MSRP - $30,655 Discount - 1,910 Varney Price Rebate - 750 Bonus Tag - 1,500 $ SAVE $4,160 26,495 2 26 6,4 ,495 ,495 5 2016 Chevrolet Tahoe 4x4 LT Z-71 #14249, V-8, Auto, Sunroof, Luxury Package, 2nd Row Buckets, Saftey Zone Alert, Power Folding Seats, MSRP $63,015 Discount - 5,520 Varney Price Rebate - 2,500 $ SAVE $8,020 54,995 5 54 4,9 4 ,995 ,995 ,9 95 2016 Chevrolet Spark LT #14298, 4cyl, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt, Cruise, MSRP $16,660 Discount - 665 Varney Price Rebate - 1,000 $ SAVE $1,665 14,9 1 14 4,995 4 ,995 ,9 995 95 2016 Chevrolet Silverado Dbl Cab 4x4 LTZ #1351, 5.3 V-8, Leather, Tilt, Cruise, Remote Start, Rear Camera, HD Tow, MSRP $46,140 Discount - 3,645 Varney Price Rebate - 4,500 $ SAVE $8,145 37,995 3 37 ,995 ,995 ,9 95 The Eastern Gazette * Your HomeTown AdVantage April 29 - May 5, 2016 Page 15 1-800-613-3673 368-4300 Visit us at Just off Exit 157 on I-95 2015 Ford F-350 C/Cab 4x4 Diesel 2015 Ford Fusion Titanium Hybrid 11239, XL Trim, i Cruise Control, CD, Upgrade Tires, E-Lock Rear End, Alloy Wheels, UpFitter Switches, Step Bars, Plus Much More, MSRP $51,015 Varney Price $ 41,995 2015 Ford Transit 150 LR VAN 30490, 2.0, ECVT, Auto, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, Climate Control, Heated Leather Seats & Steering Wheel, Moonroof, Plus Much More, MSRP $34,890 Varney Price $ 27,595 2015 Ford C-Max SE Hybrid 7157, 3.5, Auto, Air, i XL Trim, 8600 Pound GVW Pkg., 3.31 Rear Axle, Rear Door Fixed Glass, Plus More, MSRP $33,465 Varney Price $ 25,595 30520, 2.0 C CVT Transmission, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, Tilt, Cruise Control, AC, CD, Sync, Power Gate, Fixed Glass Roof, Plus More 2015 Ford Focus Titanium Hatchback 2015 Ford Mustang Premium #30542 2 #30542, 2.0, 0 Auto Auto, Climate Control, Leather Heated Seats, MyFord Touch, Heated Steering Wheel, Moonroof, Plus Much More, MSRP $25,635 4223, Ecoboost, Auto, PW, PDL, CD, Sync, Reverse Park Assist, Adaptive Cruise Control, Shaker Stereo, Anti Theft System and More, MSRP $34,965 Varney Price $ 18,995 Varney Price $ Varney Price $ 20,995 28,595 WE CARE ABOUT YOU BEFORE AND AFTER THE SALE 2012 Ford F-150 C/Cab Lariat 4x4 2013 Ford F-150 FX4 4x4 S/Cab 2008 Ford F-250 SuperDuty 4x4 11370A, Ecoboost, Bucket Seats, Console Shift, Tilt, CC, CD, Sync, Bedliner, Tow Pkg. VARNEY PRICE $ 27,995 2011 Ford F-150 XLT Crew 4x4 Varney Price $ 28,995 N5697, Ecoboost, Auto, Climate, Sony Sound, Nav, Sync, Moonroof, Rear Cam, Running Boards, Plus Much More 11355A, Ecoboost, Auto, Air, Tilt, CC, PW, PDL, Chrome Pkg, Tow Pkg, 2 Tone Paint & Much More VARNEY PRICE Varney Price $ 18,495 11272A, V-8, Auto, AC, 9’ V-Plow, Used One Winter, Only 64,000 Miles $ 25,995 2013 Chevrolet Equinox AWD 2014 Dodge Ram 4x4 SLT Dbl Cab 2013 Ford Taurus SEL 87959A, 4cyl, Auto, Air, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, CD, Bluetooth, Low Miles N5687, Hemi, Auto, Air, Tilt, CC, PW, PDL, CD, Bluetooth, Chrome Pkg., Bedliner, Plus More, Low Miles N5772, V6, Auto, Air, Tilt, CC, PW, PDL, Power Seat, Sync, Alloy Wheels, Plus More VARNEY PRICE $ VARNEY PRICE 19,995 2015 Ford Expedition 4x4 XLT $ 27,595 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4 VARNEY PRICE $ 19,995 2012 Ford F-150 4x4 S/Cab Lariat 87975A, Laredo, 6cyl, Auto, AC, CD, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, Leather Heated Seats, Moonroof, Navigation, Plus Much More VARNEY PRICE $ 24,595 2015 Jeep Cherokee Latitude Varney Price $ 36,995 N5768, Ecoboost, Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise Control, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, Power Seat, Moonroof, Alloys, Plus More 11389B, 4cyl, Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise Control, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, CD, Plus More VARNEY PRICE $ 18,995 Varney Price $ 27,995 N5693, Ecoboost, Auto, Air, Tilt, CC, PW, PDL, P. Seat, Leather Heated & Cooled Seats, Sync, Moonroof, Running Boards, Plus More *Prices subject to change without notice. Price includes all applicable incentives. For trade assistance must trade 95 or new car, truck or SUV. Must qualify for incentives. Tax and Title extra. See Dealer for complete details. Back Cover Energy Efficient Space Heaters Enjoy comfortable heat anywhere all winter long. Rinnai heaters are efficient and easy to install. And the innovative cool-to-the-touch cabinet makes it safe for the whole family. Rinnai’s ductless heaters are among the quietest operating on the market. Efficient fans offer exceptional air flow at very low decibels, a little louder than a whisper (31-47 dBA).
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