BSS goes HOLLYWOOD - Blessed Sacrament School


BSS goes HOLLYWOOD - Blessed Sacrament School
Class Treasures
Hopefully you’ll be able to catch the preview of the wonderful works of art that
our children and many parents have been creating for the Gala. A BIG THANK
YOU to Jo-Anne Vlacich and her team for working so diligently all year on the
wonderful Classroom Treasures. Won’t your kids be thrilled when you bring one of
the treasures home to always remember their 2011-2012 school year. (Some items
will be on display during assembly)
Class Treasures Team:
Jo-Anne Vlacich
Erin Kinehan
Wendy Cataldo
Helena Findlen
Kate Powers Pam Seymour
Liz Leonard
Laurie Kelly Liz Laracy
Eithne Stover
Mary Garrity
Brenda Dayaa
Mary Cahill
Because of the overwhelming success of the Barnes and Noble bookfair, we were able to purchase a video camera for the school as well as almost seventy new books for the library. Thank
you to Mrs. Feldman for coordinating this very successful event as well as to all of our families
who supported it.
Because series books are so popular with our students I have created two new Series sections
in the library. One is geared toward older readers and the other for younger readers. As part of
the development of the series section for younger readers, I also created a “Junior Fiction” section
which is geared toward transitional readers. These books are great choices for students who are
just beginning chapter books.
Students in grades 4-6 have been creating Book Brochures of books they would like to recommend to other students. They each selected their favorite books, series, or authors and wrote
summaries of the books and why they would recommend them. Some are quite fancy, with book
covers and pictures of the characters decorating the brochures. These projects will be printed out
and displayed in the library so there will be plenty of great suggestions when students are selecting books.
The week of March 5th will be National Reading Week. Author Ralph Masiello will be visiting
grades PreK-5, and there will be more fun activities including Newbery and Caldecott Bingo and
the bookmark design contest. It is always a fun week as we celebrate the importance and joy of
March 13th is the day of the Battle of the Books for grades 3-5. Teams have been busy reading
from their booklists to prepare for this day. Good job to all participants and best of luck!
Forty Pilgrims representing the Blessed Sacrament community joined the 39th annual March for Life in Washington,
DC, in January. They met up with more than 500 youth, young
adults, and leaders in a Pilgrimage for Life which included
many spiritual experiences as part of their weekend journey.
As part of their pilgrimage, the group visited the National
Shrine of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, the National Basilica at Catholic University of America, the Lincoln
Memorial, and the War Memorials. The Blessed Sacrament
pilgrims also attended a concert with Matt Maher at a rally
sponsored by the Diocese of Arlington, VA.
On Monday, January 23, the day of the national March, Cardinal Seán O’Malley and the seminarians from St. John’s
Seminary at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart in DC celebrated
a special liturgy. Afterwards the pilgrims headed out to the
March for Life, where they walked alongside more than
400,000 people in a witness for life and against the Roe v. Wade
Supreme Court decision. The March being a celebration not a
protest was an amazing experience for everyone who came.
Still have those raffle tickets? Please
turn your tickets in to the office by
March 9! We’ll announce the winner at
the Gala…you could be the winner of:
• Broadway Weekend in NYC •
• Ulimate Xbox Kinect Experience •
• $300 Cash •
Special Gala
Thank You to:
* Our Platinum Sponsor: RB
Hockey (the Barletta Family)
* The Artcraft Company (the
Dumouchel Family) for the
printing of our invitations, raffle
tickets, and Gala program
* Club T Productions (the
Walsh Family) for their lights,
and sound
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Important Dates
March 4-9 National Reading Week
March 6
Author Visit: Ralph Masiello
March 9 Report Cards Distributed
March 9
Half Day
March 10 Spring Gala
March 13
Battle of the Books, Grades 3 – 5
March 14
Grade 4 Retreat
March 15
School Mass, Grade 3 Hosts
March 19– 23 Stanford Testing
March 27
Spelling Bee
March 29
Anti-bullying Presentation for Parents
April 5 Holy Thursday
April 6 No School, Good Friday
April 11 – 13 No School – Catholic Schools Conference
April 16 – 20 April Vacation
Blessed Sacrament School News
...building the City of God on a foundation of faith and knowledge
March 2012
From the Principal
“Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart.”
Each year at the Ash Wednesday liturgy, we hear these words from the prophet Joel. As we begin the holy season of Lent, Joel reminds us of God’s invitation to return to him, to recommit our lives to the values that are at the
core of our faith. As a response to this invitation, Lent is traditionally a time for Catholics to focus on three sacred
traditions: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
But what does Lent really mean for us? Is it just a time to give up something (something we probably should
give up anyway!) or to not eat meat on Fridays? Or can it be something different for us? I think it can be something different, but it requires a real commitment on our part—a commitment to living differently than we may
do during the other 46 weeks of the year. For prayer, this may mean devoting a certain amount of time each day
for some kind of prayer, or trying out new forms of prayer than the ones we are used to. There are many great online resources that provide busy people of faith like us with daily prayers and reflections to guide our spiritual lives
(one of my favorites is a prayer site created by the Irish Jesuits: For fasting, it means refraining from all those behaviors that draw us further from God and one another. Perhaps it means using the Lenten
season to take a closer look at all the relationships in our lives, seeking to discover where we may be called to give
more or where our actions have been hurtful to another. For almsgiving, it means seeking out new ways to share
our gifts in service to others, especially those who are in need. Consider organizing a family service experience to
a local food bank or other social service agency, or making a donation to a charity instead of buying extra Easter
candy this year.
The path of return to God is certainly different for each of us. It is important, however, that we remain open to
truly exploring what this return may look like for us and how God may be calling on us to be transformed during
this Lenten season.
Saturday, March 10, at Christina’s in Foxboro!
You’ve heard so much about the Gala all year; it’s hard to believe it’s only days away! We hope you’ve got the babysitter
booked, your dancing shoes picked, and are getting as excited as we are!
Inside: the evening’s agenda, auction sneak peek, class treasures, FAQs, and this year’s must-have: blinky “diamond”
rings, available only at the Gala.
High School Admissions
This year, BSS eighth graders applied to fifteen Catholic and independent high schools in the area. As the eighth graders and their
families are well aware, the application process is not a simple one.
There is a great deal of thought and consideration that goes into
what high school may be the right fit for each student. There are
visits to schools, interviews, conversations, applications, and waiting
for decision letters. We are very excited and proud of our students’
acceptances thus far and the thousands of dollars in scholarship
they have been offered. In fact, 4 of the 16 scholarship recipients
for Bishop Feehan High School’s ninth grade class are BSS students.
Scholarships were also offered by BC High and Xaverian. The high
schools our students choose to attend will be lucky to have them!
BSS participates in the Stop and Shop A+ Program, which provides our school with money
we can use to buy books and other teaching
supplies. So far this year, we have earned $462
from the 39 cards we have registered. Just think
of how much more free money we can earn if
more parents register their cards! Please visit today to register
your Stop and Shop card with Blessed Sacrament School.
Standardized Testing
This year, Stanford 10 testing will take place March 19 – 23rd. This is the third year Blessed Sacrament students will take the
Stanford 10 test. This week of testing is nothing for which parents or students should be anxious. The best preparation for optimal performance is a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast – just like all school days! Students will be given a practice test
the week of March 12th to prepare them for the schedule and format. Although there are always emergencies and unexpected
events, the more we can minimize absences and late arrivals during the testing, the calmer and more pleasant the environment
will be for all. Finally, encourage your children to share with you the content of the assessment and how they feel when taking
it. Do they catch themselves day dreaming or excited by all they know? This kind of anecdotal information can be helpful when
looking at the results from year to year.
There is always something new and exciting for children to work on in Art class! The projects we do in class are entertaining and educational, as they relate to the topics we are studying from the art curriculum. We often discuss famous artists, as well as their styles and the
art they have created. Students learn a little background about the artist and they are able to
identify some of their works of art. Some artists we’ve discussed are Vincent Van Gogh, Piet
Mondrian, Leonardo Di Vinci and Georges Seurat. We learn to work with a variety of materials throughout our lessons including charcoal, acrylic paint, colored pencils, and oil
pastel. We discuss different techniques in art and the importance of art in other
cultures. We’ve discussed art from cultures including Egyptian, Indian and Mayan. This week with
the Middle School students, I will be discussing art
from Guatemala.
Art is
all around us and we are constantly recognizing it. I
like to encourage students to be as creative as they
want to be. I will often point them in a direction, but
give them the freedom to run with the idea. That is
what art is all about! In March our “ARTIST OF THE
MONTH” is Michelangelo, who was born on March 6, 1475.
All grades will be learning something different about this Italian
Renaissance artist. He was a sculptor, painter, architect, poet and engineer. Students will be creating Michelangelo inspired artwork of their own.
Watch for these projects to be displayed soon!
The music room is alive with all kinds of “sounds of music.”
In our younger grades, (pre-k and kindergarten) we explored the many different kinds of songs and finding the beat in various
ways. In some songs, clapping on the beat works well and in others it feels better to march. We do all kinds of movement songs
and we LOVE to use the rhythm sticks. Second grade just got to listen to “Peter and the Wolf ” by the composer, Sergei Prokofiev
after learning about the instrument families. It is fun to identify the instruments that represent the characters in this story. Third
and fourth grades are working with recorders. We have a “Recorder Karate” system where we will go for our “belts” by playing
various songs correctly.
The older grades are doing some interesting learning about music. The fifth and sixth grades actually learned a little bit about
yodeling and are now studying the differences between opera, musical theatre and oratorio. Seventh and eighth grades are working hard on rhythm and have had fun playing ‘Rhythm Baseball.” Another fun thing the older kids do in music class is called
the “Music Share.” One person brings in a piece of their own music for the class to listen to. They need to identify the genre,
the instrumentation, and what made them choose their piece. We are learning to talk about music in musical terms rather than
just saying we like (or hate) a piece of music. We are finding that knowing why a piece of music is interesting to us is sometimes
hard to put into words, but we are getting better at it! We are also getting to hear some interesting music that we may have not
ever heard before.
All of this makes the music room a busy and fun place to be!
Buy the “Ring” if you want some “Bling”
Upon check-in, you’ll have a chance to buy a fab blinky “diamond” ring for only
$20…buy one, maybe even buy two! One lucky ring wearer will be the winner of
some beautiful “bling” to take home! There is a limited supply of rings, you don’t
want to miss out!… Another reason to get there early!!!
Here’s a sample of items you can bid on...a complete list of auction items is coming soon!
…Live Auction…
Gala Agenda for the evening:
6:00 Check-in, Cocktails, and Silent Auction
7:45 Silent Auction Tables close
Dinner served
8:00 Welcome / Invocation
8:45 Dessert served – Legacy Awards
9:00 Live Auction
9:45 “Raise the Paddle”
10:30 Check-out opens
11:30 Evening concludes
“L.A. Story”
Steve Martin would tell you that it is always sunny in Los Angeles. So pack your bags anytime this year. Your package will include two round trip airline tickets and three night accommodations in a deluxe ocean view room at the luxurious Fairmont Miramar Hotel and Bungalows in Santa Monica.
The Miramar has served as a serene getaway for celebrities from Marilyn Monroe to Steven Spielberg as well as numerous other famous guests since
1921. The award-winning property is perched atop the bluffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean and located just a short walk from the Santa Monica
Pier, the Third Street Promenade, and of course, the beach. Cruise down Sunset Boulevard to check out Hollywood and then make your way over
to Warner Brother Studio for a studio tour. The package will also include several other fun activities and treats to enjoy. You’ll have everything you
need to create your very own L.A. Story.
“A Night At The Museum”
PJ day at BSS has nothing on this night. This is BSS’ first ever SLEEPOVER! There won’t be any walking in the halls or whispering in the library when
Mr. Spillman, Mrs. Trudell, Mrs. Grogan, and who knows who else stops by along with parent chaperones camp out at the school. Just think of the
games to be played, stories to be told, and memories to be made! You will bring your child to the cafeteria at 6pm on a mutually agreed upon Friday
where they will be met by all of the boys OR girls in his/her grade (open to grades 2-8). The evening will kick off with a pizza party and until 9:00 am
the next morning anything can happen! Dodge ball in the gym? Nail salon in the foyer? Extra special scavenger hunt! It’s all-possible as a fantastic
time is guaranteed. Bagels and orange juice will be served before you come pick them up on Saturday morning.
…Silent Auction…
Like Big Truck Day? Does your child dream of being a firefighter, or what it’s like to ride in a fire truck with the lights, bells and sirens going off? Now
is his/her chance! Drop your child off at the Walpole Fire Station and he/she will get the ride of their life to school! Ride around Walpole and get
dropped off fire-fighter style at the school for all of BSS to see! (donated by the Walpole Fire Department)
“The Greatest Game Ever Played”
Round of golf for 4 at Charter Oak Country Club. One of the few chances you’ll get to play at this beautiful private country club in Hudson, MA.
Designed by world-renowned architect, Robert Trent Jones, Jr., this Championship Golf Course has established itself as a challenging 18-hole layout
that measures up to 6,950 yards long.
“No Reservations”
Tired of the same old take out? Want to have a home cooked meal without all the work? Want to go out with friends, but can’t agree on the restaurant?
Chef Fred Rubin (of “Someone’s in the Kitchen” in Medway) will come to winning bidder’s home and cook dinner for 4. Winning bidder and Chef
will set the menu together. (donated by Absolute Health Chiropractic and the McKenna Family)
“Revolutionary Road”
What is the name of the little alley along the side of the school building? You know, the one where we’ve all parked well beyond those 15 minutes we’re
supposed to??? Well, if you bid well enough, it could soon be called “Corleone Drive”, “Dunphy Way” or “[Insert Your Name Here] Alley”.
“The Great Gatsby”
Need a night away? Check out what the Vanderbilts used to refer to as “summer cottage” along Bellevue Avenue. Follow the mansion tour with a wine
tour and tasting at Newport Vineyards. Then enjoy an overnight stay at the Newport Marriott Hotel in the heart of historic Newport…
“The Commitments”
Win this package an you’ll feel like you have been instantly transported to Dublin as you enjoy St. Patty’s Day with your Guinness and live soulful Irish
entertainment. This package includes a limo for 6 people for a total of 5 hours on St. Patrick’s Day (next Saturday March 17th) and VIP entrance to
the Black Rose. Our “Commitment” to you is that you’ll always remember entering the Black Rose looking like true “Hollywood Elite” as you pass by
everyone else waiting in the infamous long lines that form outside this historic and iconic Boston venue. Your “Commitment” to us is that you have
to take pictures and tell us all the stories of your incredible Irish adventure. Please note however that limo charges beyond 5 hours are not covered
with this package, neither are costs of guitars and drum sets if your group decides to start your own Irish soul band! (donated by the Glynn Family)
What should I wear?
Don’t worry about our “red carpet” / Hollywood theme. We’re at the Gala to have
fun, so be as formal or informal as you’d like to be!
When should I get there?
Check-in, Cash bar, and Silent Auction will be open at 6pm! Please make every effort
to get to Christina’s in time to do your “shopping”. The Silent Auction will close and
dinner will begin at 7:45. You don’t want to miss out on our awesome auction items!
How can I pay for items?
When you check in, we’ll be able to swipe your credit card and match it to your “Bid
Number.” This will expedite the check-out process later that evening. We’ll also accept cash or checks.
What if I can’t make it but am dying to bid on something?
Please contact Anne Rijo ([email protected]) or Heather Smart (heath26s@aol.
com) and we will arrange for a “phantom bidder” to bid on your desired item up to
your pre-set maximum.
Wait, there’s more…
Sports fanatic? Check out our sports memorabilia including:
• Autographed Tom Brady jersey
• Autographed Rob Gronkowski football
• Autographed Aaron Hernandez jersey
• Autographed Super Bowl football
signed by all the patriots players and
Bill Belichick
Want to catch a game? We’ve got sports tickets
Got relatives visiting this summer? We’ve got
tickets to popular Boston attractions.
Standardized Testing
This year, Stanford 10 testing will take place March 19 – 23rd. This is the third year Blessed Sacrament students will take the
Stanford 10 test. This week of testing is nothing for which parents or students should be anxious. The best preparation for optimal performance is a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast – just like all school days! Students will be given a practice test
the week of March 12th to prepare them for the schedule and format. Although there are always emergencies and unexpected
events, the more we can minimize absences and late arrivals during the testing, the calmer and more pleasant the environment
will be for all. Finally, encourage your children to share with you the content of the assessment and how they feel when taking
it. Do they catch themselves day dreaming or excited by all they know? This kind of anecdotal information can be helpful when
looking at the results from year to year.
There is always something new and exciting for children to work on in Art class! The projects we do in class are entertaining and educational, as they relate to the topics we are studying from the art curriculum. We often discuss famous artists, as well as their styles and the
art they have created. Students learn a little background about the artist and they are able to
identify some of their works of art. Some artists we’ve discussed are Vincent Van Gogh, Piet
Mondrian, Leonardo Di Vinci and Georges Seurat. We learn to work with a variety of materials throughout our lessons including charcoal, acrylic paint, colored pencils, and oil
pastel. We discuss different techniques in art and the importance of art in other
cultures. We’ve discussed art from cultures including Egyptian, Indian and Mayan. This week with
the Middle School students, I will be discussing art
from Guatemala.
Art is
all around us and we are constantly recognizing it. I
like to encourage students to be as creative as they
want to be. I will often point them in a direction, but
give them the freedom to run with the idea. That is
what art is all about! In March our “ARTIST OF THE
MONTH” is Michelangelo, who was born on March 6, 1475.
All grades will be learning something different about this Italian
Renaissance artist. He was a sculptor, painter, architect, poet and engineer. Students will be creating Michelangelo inspired artwork of their own.
Watch for these projects to be displayed soon!
The music room is alive with all kinds of “sounds of music.”
In our younger grades, (pre-k and kindergarten) we explored the many different kinds of songs and finding the beat in various
ways. In some songs, clapping on the beat works well and in others it feels better to march. We do all kinds of movement songs
and we LOVE to use the rhythm sticks. Second grade just got to listen to “Peter and the Wolf ” by the composer, Sergei Prokofiev
after learning about the instrument families. It is fun to identify the instruments that represent the characters in this story. Third
and fourth grades are working with recorders. We have a “Recorder Karate” system where we will go for our “belts” by playing
various songs correctly.
The older grades are doing some interesting learning about music. The fifth and sixth grades actually learned a little bit about
yodeling and are now studying the differences between opera, musical theatre and oratorio. Seventh and eighth grades are working hard on rhythm and have had fun playing ‘Rhythm Baseball.” Another fun thing the older kids do in music class is called
the “Music Share.” One person brings in a piece of their own music for the class to listen to. They need to identify the genre,
the instrumentation, and what made them choose their piece. We are learning to talk about music in musical terms rather than
just saying we like (or hate) a piece of music. We are finding that knowing why a piece of music is interesting to us is sometimes
hard to put into words, but we are getting better at it! We are also getting to hear some interesting music that we may have not
ever heard before.
All of this makes the music room a busy and fun place to be!
Buy the “Ring” if you want some “Bling”
Upon check-in, you’ll have a chance to buy a fab blinky “diamond” ring for only
$20…buy one, maybe even buy two! One lucky ring wearer will be the winner of
some beautiful “bling” to take home! There is a limited supply of rings, you don’t
want to miss out!… Another reason to get there early!!!
Here’s a sample of items you can bid on...a complete list of auction items is coming soon!
…Live Auction…
Gala Agenda for the evening:
6:00 Check-in, Cocktails, and Silent Auction
7:45 Silent Auction Tables close
Dinner served
8:00 Welcome / Invocation
8:45 Dessert served – Legacy Awards
9:00 Live Auction
9:45 “Raise the Paddle”
10:30 Check-out opens
11:30 Evening concludes
“L.A. Story”
Steve Martin would tell you that it is always sunny in Los Angeles. So pack your bags anytime this year. Your package will include two round trip airline tickets and three night accommodations in a deluxe ocean view room at the luxurious Fairmont Miramar Hotel and Bungalows in Santa Monica.
The Miramar has served as a serene getaway for celebrities from Marilyn Monroe to Steven Spielberg as well as numerous other famous guests since
1921. The award-winning property is perched atop the bluffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean and located just a short walk from the Santa Monica
Pier, the Third Street Promenade, and of course, the beach. Cruise down Sunset Boulevard to check out Hollywood and then make your way over
to Warner Brother Studio for a studio tour. The package will also include several other fun activities and treats to enjoy. You’ll have everything you
need to create your very own L.A. Story.
“A Night At The Museum”
PJ day at BSS has nothing on this night. This is BSS’ first ever SLEEPOVER! There won’t be any walking in the halls or whispering in the library when
Mr. Spillman, Mrs. Trudell, Mrs. Grogan, and who knows who else stops by along with parent chaperones camp out at the school. Just think of the
games to be played, stories to be told, and memories to be made! You will bring your child to the cafeteria at 6pm on a mutually agreed upon Friday
where they will be met by all of the boys OR girls in his/her grade (open to grades 2-8). The evening will kick off with a pizza party and until 9:00 am
the next morning anything can happen! Dodge ball in the gym? Nail salon in the foyer? Extra special scavenger hunt! It’s all-possible as a fantastic
time is guaranteed. Bagels and orange juice will be served before you come pick them up on Saturday morning.
…Silent Auction…
Like Big Truck Day? Does your child dream of being a firefighter, or what it’s like to ride in a fire truck with the lights, bells and sirens going off? Now
is his/her chance! Drop your child off at the Walpole Fire Station and he/she will get the ride of their life to school! Ride around Walpole and get
dropped off fire-fighter style at the school for all of BSS to see! (donated by the Walpole Fire Department)
“The Greatest Game Ever Played”
Round of golf for 4 at Charter Oak Country Club. One of the few chances you’ll get to play at this beautiful private country club in Hudson, MA.
Designed by world-renowned architect, Robert Trent Jones, Jr., this Championship Golf Course has established itself as a challenging 18-hole layout
that measures up to 6,950 yards long.
“No Reservations”
Tired of the same old take out? Want to have a home cooked meal without all the work? Want to go out with friends, but can’t agree on the restaurant?
Chef Fred Rubin (of “Someone’s in the Kitchen” in Medway) will come to winning bidder’s home and cook dinner for 4. Winning bidder and Chef
will set the menu together. (donated by Absolute Health Chiropractic and the McKenna Family)
“Revolutionary Road”
What is the name of the little alley along the side of the school building? You know, the one where we’ve all parked well beyond those 15 minutes we’re
supposed to??? Well, if you bid well enough, it could soon be called “Corleone Drive”, “Dunphy Way” or “[Insert Your Name Here] Alley”.
“The Great Gatsby”
Need a night away? Check out what the Vanderbilts used to refer to as “summer cottage” along Bellevue Avenue. Follow the mansion tour with a wine
tour and tasting at Newport Vineyards. Then enjoy an overnight stay at the Newport Marriott Hotel in the heart of historic Newport…
“The Commitments”
Win this package an you’ll feel like you have been instantly transported to Dublin as you enjoy St. Patty’s Day with your Guinness and live soulful Irish
entertainment. This package includes a limo for 6 people for a total of 5 hours on St. Patrick’s Day (next Saturday March 17th) and VIP entrance to
the Black Rose. Our “Commitment” to you is that you’ll always remember entering the Black Rose looking like true “Hollywood Elite” as you pass by
everyone else waiting in the infamous long lines that form outside this historic and iconic Boston venue. Your “Commitment” to us is that you have
to take pictures and tell us all the stories of your incredible Irish adventure. Please note however that limo charges beyond 5 hours are not covered
with this package, neither are costs of guitars and drum sets if your group decides to start your own Irish soul band! (donated by the Glynn Family)
What should I wear?
Don’t worry about our “red carpet” / Hollywood theme. We’re at the Gala to have
fun, so be as formal or informal as you’d like to be!
When should I get there?
Check-in, Cash bar, and Silent Auction will be open at 6pm! Please make every effort
to get to Christina’s in time to do your “shopping”. The Silent Auction will close and
dinner will begin at 7:45. You don’t want to miss out on our awesome auction items!
How can I pay for items?
When you check in, we’ll be able to swipe your credit card and match it to your “Bid
Number.” This will expedite the check-out process later that evening. We’ll also accept cash or checks.
What if I can’t make it but am dying to bid on something?
Please contact Anne Rijo ([email protected]) or Heather Smart (heath26s@aol.
com) and we will arrange for a “phantom bidder” to bid on your desired item up to
your pre-set maximum.
Wait, there’s more…
Sports fanatic? Check out our sports memorabilia including:
• Autographed Tom Brady jersey
• Autographed Rob Gronkowski football
• Autographed Aaron Hernandez jersey
• Autographed Super Bowl football
signed by all the patriots players and
Bill Belichick
Want to catch a game? We’ve got sports tickets
Got relatives visiting this summer? We’ve got
tickets to popular Boston attractions.
Class Treasures
Hopefully you’ll be able to catch the preview of the wonderful works of art that
our children and many parents have been creating for the Gala. A BIG THANK
YOU to Jo-Anne Vlacich and her team for working so diligently all year on the
wonderful Classroom Treasures. Won’t your kids be thrilled when you bring one of
the treasures home to always remember their 2011-2012 school year. (Some items
will be on display during assembly)
Class Treasures Team:
Jo-Anne Vlacich
Erin Kinehan
Wendy Cataldo
Helena Findlen
Kate Powers Pam Seymour
Liz Leonard
Laurie Kelly Liz Laracy
Eithne Stover
Mary Garrity
Brenda Dayaa
Mary Cahill
Because of the overwhelming success of the Barnes and Noble bookfair, we were able to purchase a video camera for the school as well as almost seventy new books for the library. Thank
you to Mrs. Feldman for coordinating this very successful event as well as to all of our families
who supported it.
Because series books are so popular with our students I have created two new Series sections
in the library. One is geared toward older readers and the other for younger readers. As part of
the development of the series section for younger readers, I also created a “Junior Fiction” section
which is geared toward transitional readers. These books are great choices for students who are
just beginning chapter books.
Students in grades 4-6 have been creating Book Brochures of books they would like to recommend to other students. They each selected their favorite books, series, or authors and wrote
summaries of the books and why they would recommend them. Some are quite fancy, with book
covers and pictures of the characters decorating the brochures. These projects will be printed out
and displayed in the library so there will be plenty of great suggestions when students are selecting books.
The week of March 5th will be National Reading Week. Author Ralph Masiello will be visiting
grades PreK-5, and there will be more fun activities including Newbery and Caldecott Bingo and
the bookmark design contest. It is always a fun week as we celebrate the importance and joy of
March 13th is the day of the Battle of the Books for grades 3-5. Teams have been busy reading
from their booklists to prepare for this day. Good job to all participants and best of luck!
Forty Pilgrims representing the Blessed Sacrament community joined the 39th annual March for Life in Washington,
DC, in January. They met up with more than 500 youth, young
adults, and leaders in a Pilgrimage for Life which included
many spiritual experiences as part of their weekend journey.
As part of their pilgrimage, the group visited the National
Shrine of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, the National Basilica at Catholic University of America, the Lincoln
Memorial, and the War Memorials. The Blessed Sacrament
pilgrims also attended a concert with Matt Maher at a rally
sponsored by the Diocese of Arlington, VA.
On Monday, January 23, the day of the national March, Cardinal Seán O’Malley and the seminarians from St. John’s
Seminary at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart in DC celebrated
a special liturgy. Afterwards the pilgrims headed out to the
March for Life, where they walked alongside more than
400,000 people in a witness for life and against the Roe v. Wade
Supreme Court decision. The March being a celebration not a
protest was an amazing experience for everyone who came.
Still have those raffle tickets? Please
turn your tickets in to the office by
March 9! We’ll announce the winner at
the Gala…you could be the winner of:
• Broadway Weekend in NYC •
• Ulimate Xbox Kinect Experience •
• $300 Cash •
Special Gala
Thank You to:
* Our Platinum Sponsor: RB
Hockey (the Barletta Family)
* The Artcraft Company (the
Dumouchel Family) for the
printing of our invitations, raffle
tickets, and Gala program
* Club T Productions (the
Walsh Family) for their lights,
and sound
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Important Dates
March 4-9 National Reading Week
March 6
Author Visit: Ralph Masiello
March 9 Report Cards Distributed
March 9
Half Day
March 10 Spring Gala
March 13
Battle of the Books, Grades 3 – 5
March 14
Grade 4 Retreat
March 15
School Mass, Grade 3 Hosts
March 19– 23 Stanford Testing
March 27
Spelling Bee
March 29
Anti-bullying Presentation for Parents
April 5 Holy Thursday
April 6 No School, Good Friday
April 11 – 13 No School – Catholic Schools Conference
April 16 – 20 April Vacation
Blessed Sacrament School News
...building the City of God on a foundation of faith and knowledge
March 2012
From the Principal
“Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart.”
Each year at the Ash Wednesday liturgy, we hear these words from the prophet Joel. As we begin the holy season of Lent, Joel reminds us of God’s invitation to return to him, to recommit our lives to the values that are at the
core of our faith. As a response to this invitation, Lent is traditionally a time for Catholics to focus on three sacred
traditions: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
But what does Lent really mean for us? Is it just a time to give up something (something we probably should
give up anyway!) or to not eat meat on Fridays? Or can it be something different for us? I think it can be something different, but it requires a real commitment on our part—a commitment to living differently than we may
do during the other 46 weeks of the year. For prayer, this may mean devoting a certain amount of time each day
for some kind of prayer, or trying out new forms of prayer than the ones we are used to. There are many great online resources that provide busy people of faith like us with daily prayers and reflections to guide our spiritual lives
(one of my favorites is a prayer site created by the Irish Jesuits: For fasting, it means refraining from all those behaviors that draw us further from God and one another. Perhaps it means using the Lenten
season to take a closer look at all the relationships in our lives, seeking to discover where we may be called to give
more or where our actions have been hurtful to another. For almsgiving, it means seeking out new ways to share
our gifts in service to others, especially those who are in need. Consider organizing a family service experience to
a local food bank or other social service agency, or making a donation to a charity instead of buying extra Easter
candy this year.
The path of return to God is certainly different for each of us. It is important, however, that we remain open to
truly exploring what this return may look like for us and how God may be calling on us to be transformed during
this Lenten season.
Saturday, March 10, at Christina’s in Foxboro!
You’ve heard so much about the Gala all year; it’s hard to believe it’s only days away! We hope you’ve got the babysitter
booked, your dancing shoes picked, and are getting as excited as we are!
Inside: the evening’s agenda, auction sneak peek, class treasures, FAQs, and this year’s must-have: blinky “diamond”
rings, available only at the Gala.
High School Admissions
This year, BSS eighth graders applied to fifteen Catholic and independent high schools in the area. As the eighth graders and their
families are well aware, the application process is not a simple one.
There is a great deal of thought and consideration that goes into
what high school may be the right fit for each student. There are
visits to schools, interviews, conversations, applications, and waiting
for decision letters. We are very excited and proud of our students’
acceptances thus far and the thousands of dollars in scholarship
they have been offered. In fact, 4 of the 16 scholarship recipients
for Bishop Feehan High School’s ninth grade class are BSS students.
Scholarships were also offered by BC High and Xaverian. The high
schools our students choose to attend will be lucky to have them!
BSS participates in the Stop and Shop A+ Program, which provides our school with money
we can use to buy books and other teaching
supplies. So far this year, we have earned $462
from the 39 cards we have registered. Just think
of how much more free money we can earn if
more parents register their cards! Please visit today to register
your Stop and Shop card with Blessed Sacrament School.