14 Chapter Awards 16 CLC 20-22 Design Summit 14 Chapter
14 Chapter Awards 16 CLC 20-22 Design Summit 14 Chapter
INSIDER THE NEW JERSEY CHAPTER FALL 2009 ATTENTION: This newsletter is interactive. Click on any website address in the newsletter and you will be linked to that website. For more information about advertisers, simply click on the ad and you will be linked to their website. 14 Chapter Awards 16 CLC 20-22 Design Summit NY style. NY sophistication. NJ location. NÜ ÞÕ `½Ì >Ûi Ì ÌÀ>Ûi Ì iÜ 9À Ì }iÌ Ì i } iÃÌ µÕ>ÌÞ `iÃ}iÀ vÀ VÛiÀ}à >` Ü`Ü v>à à vÀ ÞÕÀ ViÌð "ÕÀ ÌÜ VÛiiÌ V>Ìà vviÀ > ÃiiVÌ Ì >Ì ÞÕ >Ûi Ì Ãii Ì LiiÛi q >Ì ÕLi>Ì>Li «ÀVià q Õ>À>Ìii`t OÕÀ `iÃ} ëiV>ÃÌÃ Ü iÃÕÀi Ì >Ì ÞÕÀ iÝ«iÀiVi à v>ÜiÃà vÀ VVi«Ì Ì V«iÌ° ` Üi >Ài «ÀÕ` Ì vviÀ Ì i Ì« ViVÌà vÀ >ià ÞÕ Ü >` ÌÀÕÃÌ° THE DESIGNER SHOWROOM AT EDISON U ÇÎÓäÈ£{ää U £äxx ,Ì° £ -ÕÌ LA7, 6 U ÈäxÎäÈää U ÓÇxä Õð ,Ì° £ ÀÌ ÜÀ`Ü`iÜ iÃ>i°V CONTENTS INSIDER THE NEW JERSEY CHAPTER FALL 2009 ON THE COVER This warm master bath was designed by Mary Brennan, ASID. The colors, textures, dark wood and rich materials create a master bath that is refined, with the warmth and coziness the client desired. Working with the client from the blueprint stage to completion on this home, the master bath was completely redesigned and reconfigured from the original plans in order to make space for his-and-her closets and a back stairway up to the third floor. The result was improved layout and use of space, while keeping the design and aesthetics of the master bath as the main priority. 2009 NJASID DESIGN SUMMIT Industry Partners on this project were Mediterranean Tile and Marble, Swift Electrical and Lighting, Hardware Designs, Schwartz Design Showroom, Wayne Tile. 20 Photography by Jay Rosenblatt. MARKETING YOUR MESSAGE Correction: The 2009 Summer Issue of the Insider featured a cover photo which was photographed by Peter Rymwid, an Industry Partner member of ASID. HIs name was inadvertently omitted. CLC ‘09 26 14 LEADERSHIP TRAINING 32 NY INTERNATIONAL GIFT FAIR 18 FEATURES 14 18 19 20 2009 CLC Leadership Training Thank You to Sponsors 2009 NJASID Design Summit 24 26 30 32 2010 Design Excellence Awards Competition Marketing Your Message Sydell Mittler, ASID, CID, an ASID Member Remembered New York International Gift Fair INSIDER u FALL 2009 | 3 OUTGOING PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Passing the gavel… My year as president of NJASID has come to an end. It has been a wonderful year – filled with so many new experiences and associations – and with the full appreciation of the commitment of so many talented people who have worked hard on behalf of NJASID. There are many thanks… First, my thanks to the membership – all of you – for giving me the honor to lead NJASID and to represent our chapter at various events and conferences. You have given me the support and encouragement to proceed with new programs, and I am most appreciative of the suggestions and the feedback you provided as the chapter embraced new initiatives. Next, my thanks to the wonderful Board of Directors and Chapter Administrator who worked with me during this past year. They were a cohesive and forward-thinking group and our chapter benefitted from their hard work. This superb group included: Mary Brennan, ASID, President-Elect; Sharon Sherman, ASID, Professional Development Director; Ben Slack, Finance Director; Gwen Nagorsky, ASID, Communications Director; Sharon Draznin, ASID, Membership Director; Diane Evans, ASID, At-Large Director; Tammy Bolden, Student Member ASID, Student Representative to the Board; Gale Youngworth, ASID, Parliamentarian; and DeAnna Schwarz, our Chapter Administrator, whose diplomacy and knowledge of NJASID make her a unique talent for working with a new chapter president each year. And finally, thanks to the chairs and co-chairs of committees and to the people who worked with them, for bringing to us outstanding programs, CEUs, the Holiday Party, the Web site, the Trade Show, and the Design Summit. Also, to those who assumed responsibilities for Marketing, Public Relations, Spruce It Up!, NCIDQ and STEP, Student Affairs, Community Service, IP Steering, Membership, Foundation, Newsletter, Legislative Affairs and Student Chapters, I can only say to all ... jobs well done! They took the time and the initiative to work persistently on behalf of our chapter. The chapter could not exist without the commitment of our volunteers and we owe them a great deal. So much has been achieved this year and I’d like to list just a few of the more noteworthy advances we have made. We launched a new Web site on August 1st. It is expansive in its information content and is our best way to communicate with the public and our members. We expanded the Trade Show – this year at The Garden State Exhibit Center -- which gave a new face and direction for future trade shows. We introduced online invitations -- and replaced mailed invitations with online announcements for program meetings (except for the Trade Show and Design Summit). We created an events Web site - www.njasidevents.com – which is a no login site that lists all of our important events. It keeps us informed about all chapter events and provides easy access to registration forms and directions. We enhanced our Marketing Program for taking NJASID to the public. While continuing with Spruce It Up!, we introduced a new NJASID ad for print media and participated with a booth and a Directory ad at the New York International Gift Fair. We implemented a Leadership Program that offered a day-long training session for all our members in chapter leadership positions and a reference manual for assistance and guidance. We instituted a new NCIDQ Prep Program for those who are ready to study and take the exam. But the work of an active organization cannot stop … and it won’t with NJASID. On October 1st we welcomed a new president, Mary Brennan, ASID. Mary and her Board will serve the chapter well. They have a great year planned and I look forward to supporting them and to enjoying NJASID with all of you in the year ahead. Wishing you all the best, Sincerely, Karen M. Topjian, ASID, CID President, NJASID 2008-09 4 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER CONTENTS EDITOR Lauren Johnson, Allied Member ASID COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Joan Ravasy, ASID INSIDER CONTRIBUTORS Mary Brennan, ASID Lisa Campoli, Student Member ASID Marie Donnelly, ASID Diane Evans, ASID Diane Gote, FASID Lauren Johnson, Allied Member ASID Lisa Jones, Allied Member ASID Lynda Jones, Allied Member ASID Steven M. Levy, ASID Anne Marie Soto, Public Relations / Marketing Consultant Rona J. Spiegel, ASID DeAnna Schwarz, NJ-ASID Chapter AdministratorKaren Topjian, ASID Sharon L. Weiner, Esq. Gale Youngworth, ASID THE NEW JERSEY CHAPTER FALL 2009 DEPARTMENTS 4 Outgoing President’s Message 28 The Lawyer’s Column 6 President’s Message 33 Welcome New Industry Partners 7 New Board of Directors 34 LEED AP Designers 8 Editor’s Message 34 Certified Designers 10 Public Relations Report 36 Student News 11 Calendar of Events 42 2009/10 Board of Directors 12 Book Review and Committee Chairs INDEX OF ADVERTISERS CHAPTER ADMINISTRATOR DeAnna Schwarz NJASID Chapter Office P.O. Box 46 Middletown, N.J. 07748 732-787-5981 732-787-5984 fax [email protected] www.njasid.org PUBLIC RELATIONS Anne Marie Soto • 201-692-8087 [email protected] ADVERTISING DSA Publishing & Design, Inc. Duff Tussing, Publisher 6900 Edge Water Drive McKinney, TX 75070 972-562-6966 972-562-7218 fax [email protected] www.dsapubs.com Dawn Lyon, Art Director [email protected] 13 A&R Interiors 11 Lazarus & Williamson 15 Allstate Flooring 39 Major Mills 28 Anthony Albert Studios 17 Birdsall Bath Design 44 New Jersey Decorating Exchange 41 California Closets 23 Peter Rymwid Photography 27 Carl Schaedel & Co. Inc. 38 Reno’s Appliance 34 CMI Interiors, Inc. 39 Samuelson Furniture, Inc. 37 Design NJ 30 Schwartz Design Showroom 39 Designer’s Resource Group 40 Steve’s Custom Drapery Shoppe 41 Fiber-Seal 27 Warshauer Electric Supply 23 Frankentek 36 West Essex Lighting 31 Galaxy Glass & Mirror 33 Window Works 25 Greenbaum Interiors 35 Woodbridge Stereo/Video 29 Karl’s Appliance 27 Larry Gerber, Inc. 9 2 Nevada Exchange Trading Post Worldwide Insider magazine is published quarterly for the New Jersey chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers by DSA Publishing & Design, Inc. Editorial content and theInsider magazine are controlled and owned by the New Jersey chapter of ASID. Reproduction of this publication in whole or in part or in any form, is strictly prohibited without the written permission of the New Jersey chapter of ASID. INSIDER u FALL 2009 | 5 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Colleagues, The gavel has passed…and I am honored and excited to begin serving as president of ASID New Jersey! I would like to introduce you to your Board of Directors: Diane Evans, ASID, President-Elect Celeste Chirichello, ASID, Director of Professional Development Sharon Draznin, ASID, Director of Membership Rosemary Marchetto, Student Member ASID, Student Representative to the Board Joan Ravasy, ASID, Director of Communications Sheila Rich, Allied Member ASID, Director At-Large Ben Slack, IP, Director of Finance Please read more on the following page about each of their positions. It is my pleasure to be working alongside each of these professionals as we guide the committees and the chapter to achieve great things! The Board and I, along with a number of other chapter members, developed our Strategic Plan earlier this year. The plan we put together is very forward-looking and it will be our “road map” as we advance NJASID to an even higher level over the coming year. We have a terrific year before us. Check the calendar of events in this issue and go to the Web site often – you can get up-to-the minute details on chapter events, IP events, and so much more! Mark your calendar now for the ASID New Jersey Holiday Party – December 9. ALL NEW!!! We’ve turned the party around and kicked it up! Join us at a chic nightclub with great music, great food, and great conversation! Now THIS will be a party! I would like to personally invite you to join us that evening to bring in the holiday season, celebrate our successes, catch up with old friends and meet lots of new ones. I sincerely hope to see you there. Details are coming soon so watch your email and check the Web site. For Allied Members considering taking the NCIDQ exam in the spring, don’t miss out on the STEP workshop to help you prepare. The workshop will be held in January 2010; additional details can be found in the insert to this issue. If you have not taken one before, let me assure you it is a most valuable tool in preparing for the exam – it will give you a very clear picture of what to expect and what kinds of questions you’ll get, as well as the drawing portion. By taking a complete practice exam, you’ll know immediately what you should focus on and you’ll know what strategy to use. By having the STEP workshop in January, there will still be a great deal of time to form study groups and further prepare yourself for the exam in April. I find that one page doesn’t seem to be enough for me to let you know everything the chapter has to offer you. Suffice it to say the best thing you can do is come to our events and take advantage of this wonderful professional organization. I am truly looking forward to the coming year and I hope you are too. Very best wishes, Mary Brennan, ASID President 6 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER New Jersey ASID officers at CLC ‘09 in Cincinnati: Francesca LaPara, Student Chapter President / Kean University; Donna Kammerer, Student Chapter President / Brookdale Community College; Mary Brennan, President NJASID; Sharon Draznin, Director of Membership; Sheila Rich, Director AtLarge; Carol Barbieri, Student Chapter President / Somerset Technical; Rosemary Marchetto, Student Representative to the Board; Joan Ravasy, Director of Communications; Diane Evans, President-Elect. Meet Your Board of Directors! NEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mary Brennan, ASID President As president of NJASID Mary is the chief elected officer. With a diverse and visionary team, including the Board and other chapter members, Mary developed the chapter’s Strategic Plan for the coming year. The President is responsible for representing the entire membership and best interests of the chapter; exercising personal leadership and motivation; implementing the strategic plan; facilitating the chapter Board in understanding its role and responsibilities; acting as spokesperson and inspirational leader; and taking an important part in monitoring and evaluating chapter performance and effectiveness. Celeste Chirichello, ASID Director of Professional Development Diane Evans, ASID, CID, LEEP AP President-Elect As president-elect, Diane will assume the responsibilities of the chapter President in his/her absence; and assist the President in carrying out the functions of that office. Diane will serve as chairperson to design and execute a successful trade show; develop chapter surveys in order to gather information to be used in her term as president; develop the chapter’s Strategic Plan for 2010-2011. The president-elect position will be Diane’s orientation for the future chapter presidency. Sheila Rich, Allied Member ASID, CID Director At-Large Celeste is responsible for overseeing a number of committees including programs, CEUs, STEP workshop, the Student Career Expo, Design Summit, and other conferences and programs. Working with each committee chair, Celeste helps to ensure that all programming meets educational requirements of ASID; that offerings are developed in response to the needs of chapter members; and that it serves all segments of membership. As director-at-large, Sheila is your resource for information relating to legislative issues, the chapter’s professional standards and code of ethics, and appellation usage. She works with headquarters if a violation should occur. Additionally, Sheila has oversight of the chapter’s community service efforts. She handles or oversees other matters of chapter importance as the need arises. Rosemary Marchetto, Student Member ASID Sharon Draznin, ASID, CID Student Representative to the Board The “SRB” is a key member of the Board of Directors. Rosemary’s main responsibilities are to act as the liaison between student chapters and the Board, to provide information both ways and present to the Board students’ concerns and needs so they may be fully provided for by the chapter. Additionally, Rosemary will visit each school, assist in the development and execution of the Student Career Expo and any other student events. She is a voting member of the Board in a one-year term. Joan Ravasy, ASID, CID Director of Membership Sharon plans and, overseeing the Membership Committee, executes all the membership development and retention functions of the chapter including recruitment of new members and student members, retention of members, and prevention of membership attrition. These efforts include a broad range of activities from communicating member benefits, to conducting surveys, to the new member reception, among others. Sharon also is an integral part of student outreach, visiting each school as well as participating in other student-focused efforts. Ben Slack Director of Finance Director of Communications Joan is responsible for overseeing all internal and external communications for NJASID, including the Web site, newsletter, and public relations/media outreach efforts. She ensures all communications are in keeping with the image of the chapter and with the brand message of ASID; and ensures that communications are directed appropriately for various internal and external audiences. Ben is responsible for handling all chapter funds and accounts, preparing the chapter budget, making regular financial reports to the Board of Directors, rendering an annual financial statement and maintaining proper financial controls. He also communicates with and prepares quarterly reports for ASID national headquarters. INSIDER u FALL 2009 | 7 EDITOR’S MESSAGE NEW JERSEY ASID CHAPTER MISSION STATEMENT ASID inspires and enriches its members by promoting the value of interior design, while providing indispensable knowledge and experiences that build relationships. This is a special issue of the Insider, for now is the time that we say "good-bye" or rather "thank you" to Karen Topjian, ASID, now past president, and "welcome" to Mary Brennan, ASID, our new chapter president. I personally will miss Karen immensely since she has been such a positive and beyond helpful source to me during my first year as editor of the Insider. That being said, I also look forward to the coming year with Mary as President, as I am sure she too has a lot of new and exciting ideas in store for the chapter! Throughout this issue we reflect on the past year - we thank out generous IP event sponsors, we recognize deserving award recipients, and we view photographs and read articles on recent events, such as the 2009 Design Summit and CLC. It is with much pleasure that I thank all of you for your continued participation in our chapter newsletter. It does not go unnoticed that this is volunteer based, so I can't thank you enough for taking the time to submit articles and photos and follow-up on current happenings. As always, if you have any new suggestions, I welcome them - feel free to contact me at [email protected]. I look forward to seeing what the remaining months of 2009 and the start of 2010 will offer our chapter, our OUR MISSION The Insider is dedicated members, and our profession in general...I wish you all the best! Sincerely, to delivering relevant state and national design information in a timely manner to chapter members. 8 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER Lauren A. Johnson, Allied Member ASID Editor MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Public Relations The following publications recently highlighted NJASID interior designers. This list, updated regularly, appears under “Public Relations” in the public area of our chapter’s Web site (www.njasid.org) and, if the publication also appears on the Web, a live link to the article is included with the listing. We monitor the major N.J. publications, such as those listed below. However, if you have been featured in other publications, please let us hear from. Submit your information by fax (201-692-1291) or e-mail ([email protected]). Be sure to include the name and date of the publication, the name of the article, and the appropriate page numbers. MAGAZINES DESIGN NJ-OCT./NOV. ISSUE “Design Magic” (cover & pp.38-43)-Jana Manning, Allied Member ASID “Petite Retreat” (p.72)-Sheila Rich, Allied Member ASID “Aviary Trio” (p.79)-Laurie Deliman-Burke, ASID DESIGN NJ-AUGUST/SEPT. ISSUE “Beacon of Light” (pp.66-75)-Elizabeth Gillin, Allied Member ASID “Coastal Charisma” (cover & pp.76-83)-Vanessa DeLeon, Allied Member ASID “Antiquity Inspired” (p.101)-Mary Sferra, ASID REPORT By Anne Marie Soto, NJASID Public Relations/Marketing Consultant July 18: “Ask the Designers” (p.6)-Susan Barbieri, ASID & Blanche Garcia, ASID THE STAR-LEDGER/HOMEFINDER SECTION/"ASK THE DESIGNER" COLUMN Sept. 12: “Select a Bathroom Vanity that Fits Your Home”-Siobhan Abato, Allied Member ASID Sept. 5: “Make Home Renovations a Team Effort”Denise Whiting Jones, ASID Aug. 29: “Foyers Make a Grand First Impression”Lauren Johnson, Allied Member ASID Aug. 22: “Shedding Light on Window Treatment Options”-Dawn Parrasch, Allied Member ASID Aug. 15: “Give Kids Space to Grow in Gender Neutral Rooms”-Lisa Jones, Allied Member ASID Aug. 8: “Window Seats Add Style and Function to Any Room”-Lynn Ronan, ASID Aug. 1: “Exploring Environmentally Friendly Products”-Linda Barrett Wagner, ASID July 25: “Re-feathering Your Empty Nest”-Sheila Rich, Allied Member ASID July 18: “Making the Most of a Long Distance Relationship”-Gwen Nagorsky, ASID July 4: “Explore the Ups and Downs of a Home Elevator”–Diane Boyer, ASID June 27: “Keeping a Home Current for Years to Come”-Ann Lind Bowers, Allied Member ASID cated to the Women’s Association’s nine founding trustees at a special luncheon in the spring. "The Califon Private Residence" by Jim O'Brien, IP Jim O’Brien, IP, Jim O’Brien Architecture & Interiors took the top award in four categories in the 2009 Awards Of Excellence sponsored by the Community Builders Association of N.J. and the Builders & Remodelers of Northern N.J.. He received the following awards: Best Historic Residential Renovation (Froh Heim, Far Hills), Best Accessory Building Renovation (pergola, Froh Heim, Far Hills), Best New Residential Design (private residence in Califon) and Best New Commercial Design (Z-Baby Boutique, New York City). MEMBER NEWS RECORDER PUBLISHING/ELEGANT LIFESTYLES Sept. issue: “Current Trends” (pp.10-11)-Ann Lind Bowers, Allied Member ASID NEWSPAPERS THE RECORD/NORTH JERSEY HOMES SECTION Sept. 12: “Ask the Designers” (p.4)-Judy Miller, Allied Member ASID & Lori Margolis, Allied Member ASID Aug. 15: “Ask the Designers” (p.6)-Helen Kraft, Allied Member ASID & Vanessa DeLeon, Allied Member ASID Aug. 1: “Taking It to the Next Level” (cover & pp.4-5)-Terri Fiori, Allied Member ASID 10 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER Sharon Sherman’s NKBA Award Photographer: Peter Rymwid NJPAC Bench and Table by Tere Bresin, ASID Tere Bresin, ASID donated her time and talents to create a specially-commissioned garden bench and coordinating table for NJPAC. The bench and table, which have been installed in Theater Square, NJPAC’s outdoor public plaza, were dedi- Sharon Sherman, ASID, CKD took honors in the National Kitchen and Bath Association’s 2009 National Design Competition. She won second place in the “Other Rooms” category with a sophisticated family room that features separate but related areas for relaxation, conversation and interaction. Its décor was inspired by the client’s extensive collection of French Art Deco prints and CALENDAR 2009 Calendar of Events NOVEMBER FRIDAY 13TH - 9:00 am - 5:30 pm “HOW TO ‘SHOOT’ YOURSELF,” A PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP FOR INTERIOR DESIGNERS Sharon Sherman’s HGTV appearance Photographer: Peter Rymwid African and Aboriginal art. Sharon also made her HGTV debut in September. Her home was featured on “My Big Amazing Renovation,” Episode 210. Dubbed “New Jersey Nirvana” by the folks at HGTV, the episode follows Sharon and her family as she transforms their split-level residence into a home that's more than double its previous size. The schedule for repeat episodes can be found by visiting www.hgtv.com. Judy Miller, Allied Member ASID, was featured in the Jan./Feb. 2009 issue of ASID ICON. The article, “Shadowing Design,” focused on participation in the Real World Design week and included photographs of Judy and her student. .6 CEU credits, Berkely College, Paramus, N.J. - download registration form at www.njasidevents.org . DECEMBER WEDNESDAY 9TH HOLIDAY PARTY FEBRUARY ARCHITECT/DESIGNER MEETING AIA AND ASID MARCH STUDENT CAREER EXPO S t a y c u r r e n t o n c h a p t e r e v e n t s . G o t o w w w. n j a s i d e v e n t s . o r g . INSIDER u FALL 2009 | 11 BOOK REVIEW The Printed Word . . . T hre e Cu p s o f Tea ; O ne Ma n’s M iss io n t o Pr omo t e Pea ce…O ne S ch oo l a t a Ti me Author: Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin By DeAnna Schwarz, NJ-ASID Chapter Administrator You’re probably wondering what “Three Cups of Tea” has to do with the world of interior design. This past July, I attended ASID’s Chapter Leadership Conference (CLC ’09) in Cincinnati. New Jersey ASID’s Board of Directors attend this conference for training, but my purpose in attending was for the Awards Ceremony to see two of our chapter’s own, receive the great honor of an ASID award (see page 14). The ceremony was a parade of well deserving award recipients. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing about each recipient’s amazing accomplishments on behalf of the interior design community. It was truly an awe-inspiring evening. One of the most moving awards of the evening was ASID’s Design for Humanity Award, bestowed upon Greg Mortenson, the co-author of the book “Three Cups of Tea.” As the award presenter spoke about Mortenson, I was inspired by his compelling story. I quickly reached into my pocketbook to grab pen and paper to write down the title of Mortensen’s book, so that I could purchase it upon my return home. Instead I stopped short as it was announced that each audience member would be receiving a complimentary copy of the book – a great addition to my summer reading list. After finishing the book, I felt like I was behind the times. How had I not heard of this gem of a book? “Three Cups of Tea; One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace…One School at a Time” by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin was published in 2006 and has been on the New York Times Best Seller list for over two years. If you haven’t yet read this book, it is a must for your reading list. This inspirational story will have you marveling at how one man is truly making a difference in the world. Mortenson’s story begins with disappointments – “a summit not reached, a woman lost, a bridge and a school, not built.” But his perseverance pushed him forward on his true path. When others would have given up, Mortenson’s determination helped him fulfill his promise to a small village in Pakistan that would lead him to his amazing accomplishment of building over 80 schools in the northern-most areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan. It is also a glimpse into the culture of these remote communities – their traditions, religion and geography. Mortenson had to overcome many cultural differences to achieve acceptance. Through the tradition of sharing a cup of tea, Mortenson gained the respect of the villagers, and only then was he able to accomplish his goal. The first time you share a cup of tea, you are a stranger; the second time, you are an honored guest; and the third time you share a cup of tea, you become family. Mortenson’s vision is stated over and over again throughout the book; “if you want to change a culture, to empower women…the answer is to educate girls.” Through education, Mortenson hopes to obtain peace in this volatile region of the world. With education as his main goal, he is changing the culture of these mountain villages “One School at a Time.” For more information www.threecupsoftea.com. I nt i m u s I n t e r i o r De s i g n T h e o r y R e a d e r Edited by Mark Taylor and Julieanna Preston Wiley 2006 by Lynda Jones, Allied Member ASID This text covers an unimaginable range of subjects all relating to interior design. It’s not a “fun” read, rather it’s a thoughtful, controversial coverage of our historical infatuation with interiors. Each chapter is an essay written by a very articulate writer, and the subjects are many and varied. It is organized simply by the author’s last name, rather than by subject matter. You careen from subject and viewpoint so wildly that you will likely be forced to re-examine your views or simply dig in your heels. For example, I found three essays themed around women and design - all with different point of view. The first, "Women's Domestic Body," discusses women through the last two centuries. The woman's job was to create a haven for her family - so much so that it became an extension of whom she was. It was said in 1875, that "a woman's character was manifest in her home"…her home becomes a personification of her "self " (Harriet Beecher Stowe's "We and Our Neighbors"). The pattern of women and interiors, women and fashion, women and ornamentation has long been accepted. From the turn of the century to now, not only could the elite make a statement as to where they were on the social and economic ladder, but so could the majority of the population. 12 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER about this captivating book, visit How we fashioned ourselves and our home became a visible statement to everyone. Men are discussed as well. Next is the "Curtain Wars.” Men make the buildings, women hang the curtains. Men turn their noses down at such an unnecessary artifact – the drape only hides construction beauty, while women say they are necessary to provide privacy and relief from the austere building form. Could this really be a curtain war - a more interdependent construct than oppositional? Is an architect really a decorator in hiding? Is the stringent line between the two really “his” way of keeping “women” off of his turf? The third example of these dissimilar essays is "The Chic Interior and the Feminine Modern." In the Impressionist Era, people began to realize that fashion followed art and interiors followed fashion. Women were taught that a room is a canvas where one should arrange all the pieces as a composition with perfect balance, perfect color and perfect light. This was the intent of keeping women safe in the home, decorating her constrained world while men in their constrained business suits went about making the world a bevy of constructs and machinations. Men could create art and their world; women were consumers, imitative and could decorate or arrange their space. We have become very good at decorating our world and deciding our future. 13,000 Square-Foot Showroom • Complete Interior Design Service • Your Personal Designer Liaison • 13,000 sq ft Showroom • Trade Discounts up to 40% on Orders/Showroom • Vast Selection of Global Sources • Accessories & Furniture on Consignment • Spacious Workroom for You and Your Clients • CAD Computer Design • Complete KRAVET/LEE JOFA Showroom • Convenient Location just minutes from Routes 80 & 46 • Free In-Bound Shipping /Delivery at Reasonable Rates INTERIORS 26 Broadway, Denville, NJ 07834 973.625.8950 Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5:30pm • Thurs till 8pm • Sat 10-5pm • Sun 12-4pm PLEASE VISIST OUR NEW WEBSITE www.arinterior.com 2009 Chapter Leadership Conference CHAPTER NEWS JUDY FOSSHAGE RECEIVES FELLOWSHIP AWARD GALE YOUNGWORTH AWARDED MEDALIST By Steven M. Levy, ASID By Gale Youngworth, ASID Judy Fosshage was officially inducted into ASID College of Fellows at the CLC Cincinnati, Ohio on July 16, 2009. It’s highest honor bestowed on a member of Society and given in recognition outstanding service and contributions to Society and the profession. the in the the of the Inspired by the positive impact of well-designed environments upon quality of life, Judy Fosshage’s career focuses on designs that dignify the human spirit and advocate for the often unrepresented client through commitment to health care, education and public housing. As consultant to Yonkers Fair Housing Implementation Office, she helped develop sites for racial integration of public housing. After 9-11, Judy led a team through the healing process to create conceptual submission for WTC Memorial Competition. At the request of four national ASID presidents, she has implemented the Society’s strategic goals with service on several Councils by analyzing the new International Building Code’s impact upon interior designers and elevating the quality of ASID-ICON. As a current member of ASID Education/Training Advisory Council and current representative to InformeDesign’s Technical Review Board, she supports professional design education and research. She advanced legislation, as N.J. Coalition President, by successfully working to ensure that certified interior designers are exempt from N.J. Home Improvement Contractors Act and are identified as “closely allied professionals.” Her continued leadership resulted in the N.J. State Board of Architects’ ruling in the Coalition’s favor, denying an appeal for rule change, thus setting national precedent valuing interior designers’ role in protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public. While chapter president, she reorganized the NJASID Board, facilitated more collaborative proactive leadership, initiated accountability standards and acknowledged each member’s contribution with special awards. She is an effective leader and supporter of our chapter who justly deserved the Fellowship Award for her humanitarian efforts, professional advocacy and caring leadership. We are honored and very proud to have Judy in our chapter! Congratulations, Judy! At the ASID Summit in Red Bank, Gale Youngworth, ASID was awarded the highest honor the chapter can bestow on a member, The Medalist Award. The following is a quote from the presentation: “Gale brings exuberance and enthusiasm on a daily basis to everything she encounters. Gale has been my friend and colleague since she served on the first committee I chaired for the chapter, Programs. She has served the chapter diligently on numerous committees including Strategic Planning, Directory, Show House, Newsletter and Career Day where she always demonstrated a concerned passion for ASID and the profession." Gale's Trade Show, as president-elect, was dynamic and a great success. She served as our chapter president in 2003 – 2004 with outstanding people skills and inspiring leadership. During her term there were many accomplishments: • The Governor of N.J. appointed the Certification Committee. • The chapter won the ASID award for increased membership. • She created “Story Tellers” a series of programs featuring leading designers throughout the country. • Her Strategic Plan goals were achieved. Among our members, Gale is one of the most willing and enthusiastic individuals who understands and cares for our members and their concerns. She has continued to serve our chapter on several committees including Community Service, for Monmouth Medical Hospice Committee, with devotion to the profession. As Awards chair, she has submitted several member awards that have been granted due to her diligence. This year she has served as NJASID Parliamentarian and chair of our By-Laws Committee. As a Certified Interior Designer, she has been an active proponent of legislation in the state and is a member of NJCIDL. Beyond her service to NJASID and her award winning interior design practice, she acts as a volunteer to Habitat for Humanity in Newark, where she promotes the use of green materials and redesigned their existing offices pro-bono. She is also active in her community as a dedicated volunteer for fund-raising events.” It is quite apparent that she is extremely deserving of this recognition! MARLENE WANGENHEIM, ALLIED MEMBER ASID RECEIVES THE RENEE BARON HENNESSEY AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING ALLIED MEMBER Marlene Wangenheim is the 2009 winner of this prestigious award - the 10th recipient since 1998! This special award in honor of Renee Baron Hennessey, Allied Member ASID was established to recognize the outstanding service of an Allied Member. Renee was so proud of her ASID membership and gave generously of her time to NJASID. When she died in 1997, the chapter created this service award in her honor to recognize the outstanding contributions of an Allied Member to NJASID. The Renee Baron Hennessey Award for Outstanding Allied Member is given to an Allied Member whose professional conduct follows the ASID Code of Ethics and whose dedication to ASID is shown through involvement in chapter committees and events. Candidates for the award must have been an active member of the chapter for 5+ years with service on a committee, or on the Board, or on both. Most importantly, they need to have made a beneficial impact through their volunteer work in the chapter. 14 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER Marlene’s service to NJASID includes the following: co-chair and then chair of the Programs Committee 2003-2006; Board Director - At-large - from 2006-2008 with special attention to ethical matters; the Design Excellence Awards Committee in 2008 and she will co-chair this committee in 2010. Her enthusiasm and friendly smile can be seen at most chapter events. Marlene has her own company, Interiors by Design, whose focus and goals are to design any space in a safe, practical and visually enticing way. She is a member of NKBA, attaining the AKBD designation, and is working towards her CAPS certification (Certified Aging in Place). What goes on at the Chapter Leadership Conference? CHAPTER NEWS By Diane Evans, ASID, President-Elect The Nuts and Bolts of Being a Chapter President - Jumpstart 2010: Delivering Professional Development - Student Chapter President 102 : Boot Camp - ASID Public Policy and Board Responsibility - Legislative Affairs: Design Advocacy for All - Strategic Planning and Other Extreme Sports - Best Practice Discussion: Retention - Best in Show: Gold Medal Chapter Programs - Business Etiquette and People Skills Ask Alan: Professional Legal Advice for Chapters - How to Run Effective, Productive & Efficient Meetings… These are just a few of the more than 30 sessions our New Jersey board members attended at the national Chapter Leadership Conference (CLC) this past July in Cincinnati. CLC is a very hectic two-day annual event that provides valuable information and skills to our board members on how successful chapters are run. Some of the meetings are held with members from other chapters who hold the same board positions. This provides our leadership with insights into what we do right and where we can improve. The time spent together helps our New Jersey board get to know one another and prepare for working effectively together during the upcoming year. In addition, the opportunity to meet with our national leadership and administration benefits NJASID in so many ways. This year, CLC was extra special because two of our members received national recognition. Judy Fosshage became a Fellow of ASID and Gary Reinhardt, our IP from CMI Interiors, received the national IP Merit Award. (Please see related articles.) The presentations were made during the National Awards Ceremony held at CLC. New Jersey board members were proud to be in the audience. Until the economic climates changes, 2009 is the last time national CLC sessions will include the entire chapter board. At the close of this year’s conference, it was announced that the next national CLC will be held in conjunction with NEOCON in Chicago. The president and presidentelect from each chapter will attend. NJASID will hold its own board training sessions here in New Jersey in 2010. INDUSTRY PARTNER MERIT AWARD GARY REINHARDT, CMI INTERIORS, INC. The Industry Partner Merit Award is the highest award that ASID bestows on an Industry Partner representative for their outstanding service and significant contributions to their chapter and to the profession of interior design. NJASID presented this award to Gary Reinhardt last year at the 2008 Design Summit; he was nationally recognized and presented the award at CLC (Chapter Leadership Conference) in Cincinnati, Ohio on July 16, 2009. Congratulations Gary! 16 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER Birdsall Bath Design Opens the First LEED Certified Bath Showroom in the Country B irdsall Bath Design announces the opening of their 5,500 square foot, LEED-certified luxury bath showroom offering the finest in bath products and technologies from the US and Europe. The showroom is open to designers, contractors and homeowners. Visitors can browse hundreds of displays and design ideas for the bath and kitchen. Many displays feature working faucets, showers, whirlpool tubs, and toilets as well as bath furniture, lighting and accessories. Also on display are a broad range of sinks and faucets for the kitchen. Adjacent to the showroom is a 1,000 square foot plumbing/HVAC counter for contractors, and a 3,000 square foot warehouse is on site to accommodate a large inventory of in-stock products. “We are thrilled to open this flagship showroom, which was created with the design community in mind,” said Patricia Whelan, Director at Birdsall Bath Design. “The showroom is not only an interactive shopping experience that allows you to test the design and function of our products. It is also a space to host events, conferences and training seminars for designers. Most of the seminars are approved for CEU credits. We hope that designers will use our beautiful, WIFI-ready showroom and the expertise of our talented staff to create the most beautiful bath and kitchen projects for their clients.” SOME OF BIRDSALL’S EXAMPLES OF OVER 70 WORKING DISPLAYS AT BIRDSALL BATH DESIGN. “Birdsall & Co. was founded in 1911 before indoor plumbing was widely available,” said owner, Michael Murphy. “Our company was on the forefront of technology then and continues to be so today. By building green and becoming the first LEED certified bath showroom in the country we are demonstrating our commitment to sustainability, innovation and leadership in the decorative plumbing industry.”n Birdsall Bath Design 993 Route 22 West • North Plainfield, NJ • 908.753.8181 • www.birdsallbath.com Photos by Wing Wong/MemoriesTTL Leadership Training CHAPTER NEWS A New Program for NJASID! By Karen Topjian, ASID T his year NJASID offered an exciting day of training for our chapter board members, committee chairs and co-chairs on September 12th at the Time Warner Retail Sales and Marketing corporate offices in Parsippany. While ASID has had leadership programs in the past, both nationally and regionally, this program, developed and executed by NJASID, is a first for our chapter. With the assistance of professional facilitators from MGD Enterprises, LLC -- Marilyn Davidoff and Connie Kelly -- we had a full day of discussions and training on leadership styles, delegation, communication and time management. Helpful tools and tips were given throughout the day. And, the participants got to know one another better through interactive exercises. It was a productive day and to be sure, our chapter is on its way to exploring the current and innovative ways of helping our chapter leaders transition into their positions. With the positive response received from those who attended the day, we can look forward to more leadership seminars being offered by the chapter in the future. Connie Kelly Karen Topjian, NJASID President; Marilyn Davidoff, Connie Kelly, facilitators; Diane Evans, NJASID President-ElectElect; Mary Brennan, NJASID President-Elect Marilyn and Leadership Qualities 18 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER INSIDER u FALL 2009 | 19 CHAPTER NEWS 2009 NJASID Design Summit By Anne Marie Soto, PR / Marketing Consultant The third annual Design Summit was a rousing success! Since this year's Design Summit was a one-day event, the Summit committee arranged Pre-Summit activities on Tuesday, September 29, for those who wanted to take advantage of extra time in Red Bank. CEUs were offered by two of the Summit luncheon sponsors who were local to Red Bank. The first CEU, hosted by Nevada Exchange and presented by Ron Redding of York Wallcovering (breakfast sponsor), was “Wallcovering- Back In Style.” The second CEU, presented at Artistic Tile by Susan Ahimovic of Artistic Tile, was “Introduction to Natural Stone.” Both events were well attended, as was the evening's dinner at the Red Restaurant & Lounge in Red Bank. The day was a relaxing and an enjoyable kick-off to the Summit for those who could come down early! On Wednesday, September 30, more than 150 designers and IPs came together at the Molly Pitcher Inn in Red Bank for the Design Summit itself. “The New Face of Business – A Strategic Approach for Design in a New Era” was a day of seminars and socializing. Information was gathered, business cards were exchanged, old relationships were renewed and new connections were made . . . and everyone left smarter than when they arrived in the morning. The Design Summit was started in 2007 to bring our designers and Industry Partners together for a one- or two-day getaway where we could use our most precious commodity to its fullest – time! It is our time to learn and our time to build relationships - all in a relaxed environment. The setting was perfect. Built in 1928, the Molly Pitcher Inn is a charming and elegant national landmark that overlooks the scenic Navesink River. The day began with continental breakfast and a welcome message by outgoing Chapter President Karen Topjian, ASID. Then attendees broke out into their choice of classes, which covered such diverse topics as developing business goals and plans, exploring social media, project management tools, legal issues facing the interior design industry, light control solutions, and planning and problem solving for today’s market. While the topics were serious, camaraderie was high, and laughter could be heard emanating from the seminar rooms. At lunch, each table had an IP sponsor. The Design Summit Committee organized the seating so that the IP host could interact with a significant representation of interior designers. During lunch, Karen Topjian entertained us with a photo presentation that reviewed the activities of the past year; awarded Board and Presidential Citations; and recognized and presented awards to several members for their outstanding service to our chapter and ASID. Those honored included Judy Fosshage, FASID, who was recently named a Fellow of the ASID; Gary Reinhardt, who received the Industry Partner Merit Award at CLC; Gale Youngworth, ASID, who received the Chapter Medalist Award for outstanding service to the chapter; Marlene Wangenheim, Allied Member ASID, who received the 2009 Renee Baron Hennessey Award for Outstanding Allied Member; and Sandy Cabelis, Allied Member ASID, Anna Maria Mannarino, Allied Member ASID and Gwen Nagorsky, ASID, who all received Presidential Citations for their work, respectively, on the chapter’s Web site, Marketing and Communications endeavors. Design Summit Committee (l. to r.) Lori Jacobsen, Allied Member ASID; Anna Maria Mannarino, Allied Member ASID; Mary Sferra, ASID; Brooke Morales, Allied Member ASID; Karen Topjian, ASID, President; Patricia Costa, Allied Member ASID (not pictured: Susan Medaglia, Allied Member ASID) At the close of the afternoon seminar sessions, everyone gathered to hear “The Wow! The Of Course! And the When?” which gave us a fresh and valuable perspective on the art of closing the deal. Presented by Joy Baldridge, it was an entertaining, informative and energizing way to end the learning part of the day. But that wasn’t the end of Design Summit ’09! While most of us were busy attending seminars, the Design Summit Committee was working magic to transform the ballroom from lunchtime venue to a Caribbean getaway complete with dance floor, great band and fabulous food. The Design Summit Committee— Chair Lori Jacobsen, Allied Member ASID; Anna Maria Mannarino, Co-chair, Allied Member ASID; Mary Sferra, ASID, Advisor ; Patricia Costa, Allied Member ASID; Susan Medaglia, Allied Member ASID; Brook Morales, Allied Member ASID; and Karen Topjian, ASID, President —really knows how to put on a smashing event! Marlene Wangenheim, Allied Member ASID, recipient of the 2009 Rene Baron Hennessy Award for Excellence, being congratulated by Karen Alessi, Allied Member ASID, the 2005 recipient, and Chapter President Karen Topjian, ASID Speaker: William Asdal, Asdal Builders LLC Laura Mauceri, Allied Member ASID; Terri Blancone, Allied Member ASID; Blanka Jurecky, Allied Member ASID; Joyce Reiser, Allied Member ASID DeAnna Schwarz, Chapter Administrator; Duff Tussing, DSA Publishing & Design, Inc. Karen Topjian, ASID; Windows Loretta DeSantis, Allied Member ASID; Jean Neri, Allied Member ASID; DeAnna Schwarz, Chapter Administrator Karen Topjian, ASID; Bruce Goff, ASID; Ria Gulian, ASID; Camille Waldron, ASID John Focacci, IP, Pella 20 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER Speaker: Manny Ferris, LEED AP, Lutron Electronics Speaker: Shari Weiner, Esq., Scarinci & Hollenbech, LLC Kim Donahue, IP, Carl Schaedel and Co., Cocktail Reception Sponsor Gale Youngworth, ASID; Steven Levy, ASID; Karen Topjian, ASID Susan Johnson, IP, Samuelson Furniture; Andrea Volter, Allied Member ASID Karen Topjian, ASID congratulating Judy Fosshage, FASID on becoming an ASID Fellow Gwen Nagorsky, ASID; Bob Gallic, IP, Workroom Services, Inc. Stephanie Kleczynski, IP, West Essex Lighting; Linda Kregloski, IP, Reno’s Appliance Steve Warshauer, IP, Warshauer Electronics; Cathy Balto, ASID Vicki Sarracino, IP, Birdsall Bath Design; Christine Tripp, IP, The Closet Factory Nicole Grech, IP, TrueForm Concrete; Sean Benetin, IP, Millwork & More Karen Arakelian, IP, and Cynthia Crossley, IP, To the Trade Design Resource Blanche Garcia, ASID; Eylana Garfinkle, IP, Greenbaum Interiors Patricia Costa, Allied Member ASID; Matt Dingle, IP, Green Demolitions Linda Lee Potter, ASID; Troy King, IP, Pella Diane Picyk, Porcelanosa Patricia Cinque, Allied Member ASID; Lauren Johnson, Allied Member ASID Debra Young, Student Member ASID; Sandy Cabelis, Allied Member ASID; Deborah Wessely, Allied Member ASID; Maureen Fiori, Allied Member ASID ASID; Estefania Wendt, IP, INSIDER u FALL 2009 | 21 Karen Topjian, ASID; Linda Lee Potter, ASID Marilee Schempp, ASID; Tere Bresin, ASID Overview of luncheon table decorations Sandy Cabelis, Allied Member ASID received a Presidential Citation from Karen Topjian, ASID for her work on the chapter’s new Web site Gwen Nagorsky, ASID received a Presidential Citation from Karen Topjian, ASID for her work on the chapter’s marketing endeavors Anna Maria Mannarino, Allied Member ASID received a Presidential Citation from Karen Topjian, ASID for her work on the Marketing Committee Beth Insabella Walsh, ASID; Jill Ryan, Allied Member ASID; Barbara Busch, ASID Passing the gavel from outgoing Chapter President Karen Topjian, ASID to incoming Chapter President Mary Brennan, ASID Design Summit Chair Lori Jacobsen, Allied Member ASID; Karen Topjian, ASID Ruth Richardson, ASID; Ginny Zonfrelli, ASID Diane Reinhardt, IP, CMI Inc.; Patricia Costa, Allied Member ASID; Susette Schwartz, IP, Schwartz Design Showroom Mary Brennan, ASID; Jerry Williamson, IP, Lazarus & Williamson Jean Neri, Allied Member ASID; Darryl Tucker, ASID; Celeste Chirichillo, ASID Great band at the Cocktail Reception! Fran Schier-Potter, Allied Member ASID; Emelia Letts, Allied Member ASID Gale Youngworth, ASID; Rona Spiegel, ASID; Camille Waldron, ASID; Loretta DeSantis, Allied Member ASID Sheila Rich, Allied Member ASID; Robin Schultz, Allied Member ASID; Jim O'Brien, IP, Jim O'Brien Architecture & Interiors; Sharon Draznin, ASID; Camille Waldron, ASID Co-sponsors of the Cocktail Reception got their chance to shine on the dance floor! 22 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER MAGAZINE COVER as seen in Design NJ Magazine. Gain the upper hand let us photograph your design. Call For Scouting And Affordable Pricing We can work with your budget. Peter Rymwid ARCHITECTURAL As seen in Design NJ. Designer Jana Manning, Allied Member ASID, Photographer Peter Rymwid PHOTOGRAPHY 973.628.1527 www.PeterRymwid.com Introducing the newest style of electronic artistry… The Crescendo Experience Center... Engage Your Senses! It is the perfect compliment of high technology and stylish design – something you must see in person, but surely a showplace that will inspire your imagination and creativity. The Crescendo Experience Center is an impressive venue that allows you to experience over two-dozen advanced electronic home concepts and systems in action. Here, awake your senses as they are engaged by the latest control automation and audio visual presentations coupled with ultra-sophisticated interior design ideas. Crescendo luxury: you must experience it! It’s advanced technology you will want to share. By appointment only. Call for details. Presented by Frankentek Residential Systems, LLC 708 Stokes Road • Medford, NJ 08055 tel: 609.654.6888 • fax: 609.654.2494 e-mail: [email protected] INSIDER u FALL 2009 | 23 CHAPTER NEWS 2010 Design Excellence Awards Competition ANNOUNCING THE O By Marie Donnelly, ASID Design Excellence Awards Chair ur Design Excellence Awards Competition honors the finest achievements in the fields of residential and contract interior design in the state of New Jersey. There are many benefits to entering and winning. Your winning projects can be featured in magazine articles, on the New Jersey chapter’s Web site and in your marketing materials. In addition, Gold Award winners are invited to become members of New Jersey Monthly magazine’s Design Advisory Council. All this benefits you, individually, as well as the design industry as a whole. We look forward to entries in all categories. In 2008, the addition of Green Points Awards was well received. This year we have decided to recognize both environmental awareness and universal design. You will be able to download the one-page forms to fill out for recognition in theses two areas from our chapter Web site. Each form should be submitted in a see-thru plastic binder page. Details about the environmental awareness and universal design form requirements will be posted on the chapter Web site and included in our next newsletter. Entry forms announcing the competition, with a mail-back intent-to-enter form and directions for submitting your entry, will be mailed at the beginning of November. The entry form will also be available for downloading from the New Jersey chapter Web site. Decide which of your completed projects are truly distinctive, add up the number of binders you would like to enter and send the form back with your check. Entry forms are due on Friday, January 22, 2010. Binders are due at the chapter office no later than Friday, March 26, 2010. This gives you plenty of time to photograph your projects, but be sure to line up your photographers early! The categories are as follows: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RESIDENTIAL SINGLE SPACE – ANY ROOM IN A HOUSE OR APARTMENT RESIDENTIAL SEVERAL SPACES – OVER 5,000 SF RESIDENTIAL SEVERAL SPACES – UNDER 5,000 SF RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN RESIDENTIAL BATH RESIDENTIAL SHOW HOUSE SMALL CORPORATE - UP TO 20 EMPLOYEES ON SITE MEDIUM CORPORATE - UP TO 50 EMPLOYEES ON SITE LARGE CORPORATE - ABOVE 50 EMPLOYEES ON SITE RETAIL / SHOWROOM / EXHIBIT SPACE HOSPITALITY – INCLUDES HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, CATERING FACILITIES, ETC. EDUCATIONAL / ACADEMIC HEALTH CARE HISTORIC PRESERVATION / RESTORATION ENTERTAINMENT / RECREATION / SPORTS – INCLUDES FITNESS FACILITIES, THEATERS, CLUBS, YACHTS, ETC. • PUBLIC SPACES – INCLUDES LOBBIES, RELIGIOUS FACILITIES, BANKS, LIBRARIES, ETC. Good luck to all of you!! New Jersey Designers: You can help your clients and Furniture Assist! What is Furniture Assist? Simply put, Furniture Assist is a group that collects furniture from those who have and gives to those in need. Designers are in the fortunate position to know families preparing to move or renovate, with furniture and items to give. Spread the word! • Tell your clients how they can help those in need. • Provide homeowners a manner of discarding items they wish to get rid of. • Advise friends how they can donate and receive a tax write-off. • Help keep furniture and other items from becoming landfill. 24 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER Furniture Assist was established to provide furniture, appliances and other household items, free of charge, to Northern New Jersey families or individuals in need. We are volunteers providing furniture and items free of charge. We are a Registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity corporation. Please help spread the word!! Please help spread the word!! For more information, please check out the Web site: www.furnitureassist.com Contact David Buckman to discuss how you can help: www.linkedin.com/in/davidbuckman Find It. Design It. Create It. Love It. Your Client Will Love You! Greenbaum To-the-Trade can provide support from concept to project completion, serving as a more comprehensive design resource to their trade customers. The Greenbaum family provides an experienced trade division team, its vast home furnishings inventory and custom design capabilities with a wider range of services to give more independent designers and architects the freedom to focus on the design process. We want you to be free to be the artisan your client expects. “Many of the designers we work with are freelancers or small operations for whom we can serve as a back office and collaborator to better enable them to deliver a high level of service to their clients,” noted Eylana Garfinkle, Director of the Trade. “We can help them with sourcing, importing, warehousing and deliveries, they can meet with their clients in our private design suite to present design plans, then shop our showroom and even watch the progress of their custom furniture designs in our own workshops.” The division works with many repeat customers and their referrals within the industry have helped grow Greenbaum’s trade business overall as well as specifically its custom furniture manufacturing business. We also supply designers around the country. “No one can provide the vast number of resources we can access. We have worked with some designers for more than 30 years,” said Garfinkle.” Given the breadth of what Greenbaum can offer, the design projects her division supports cover the full spectrum from “modern to traditional and everything in between.” We understand better than anyone what your day is like. Let us show you how we can assist your growing business with over 58 years in the industry. Let us be your partner. Greenbaum Interiors provides all that is required for award-winning professional designers; vast selections of elegant home furnishings you will find in our 140,000 square foot flagship store; and 30 on-site artisans who will handcraft fabulous furniture to your specific desires. With 2000 suppliers to help you complete your job, including a full-time staff to provide you with complete service and support. “Together we can make it all happen!” HQ 101 Washington Street Paterson, NJ 973-279-3000 1105 Mt. Kemble Ave. Rt. 202 Morristown, NJ 973-425-5500 greenbauminteriors.com INSIDER u FALL 2009 | 25 CHAPTER NEWS Marketing your MESSAGE Having a Presence on the Web By Anne Marie Soto, NJASID Public Relations/Marketing Consultant I n today’s marketplace, it’s virtually impossible (pun intended!) to have a successful business without a presence on the Web. A Web site should be an integral part of your marketing plan. In fact, the wise person has multiple presences to maximize Web exposure. As an ASID member, it’s both possible and easy to do this. YOUR OWN WEB SITE Finding a good Web site designer at an affordable price can be a challenge. There are thousands of them out there. Most can do a serviceable job, but an interior designer needs better than that. Because design is your business, the way you present yourself on the Web is extremely important. In this technological age, your Web site designer doesn’t need to be someone in your own backyard. Take the time to surf the Web and explore the sites of other interior designers. Note the things you like and don’t like about the way their sites work. If it’s a site you particularly like, poke around it a bit and you will probably find the name and a link to that Web site’s designer. No matter where you find your potential Web site designer, ask for references . . . and follow up to see what those references have to say. PORTFOLIO PAGE ON THE NATIONAL ASID SITE ASID offers interior design members portfolio pages on www.asid.org. There is no cost for this service. Using your membership information, log on to the site. On the list that pops up, click on Designer Referral Service, then follow the steps to upload your information, including five photographs of your work. PORTFOLIO PAGE ON NJASID’S NEW WEB SITE This is the Web presence that no NJASID designer member should be without! NJASID’s new Web site includes redesigned Portfolio Pages. The cost is low: $250 for the first year and $200 every year thereafter. And the benefits are great: •DSA Publishing, who manages our site, has a partnership with a company that is one of the leading search engine optimizers in the nation. While your own site can serve as a marketing tool to potential clients who already know your name, in the vast interconnecting highways of the Web, you want to be part of a site that has a high profile in search engines. •NJASID’s editorial and advertising programs consistently put our Web site address in front of the public. Editorial features in The Star Ledger/Home Finder section, The Record/North Jersey Homes section and Elegant 26 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER LifeStyles (ELS) magazine all include a blurb about our Web site with a direct address to the Find a Designer page (www.njasid.org/findadesigner). •Portfolio Pages are self-managed. This means that you can go in to your Page and change the photographs or the written information yourself, as often as you like, at no additional charge. •You can include multiple photographs of your work. Warning: Be judicious. No potential client wants to see every photo you’ve ever had taken of your projects. And remember that the Portfolio Page includes a live link to your own Web site where potential clients can see more of your work. •You can choose your specialty. There are several categories (including Residential, Commercial, Kitchen/Bath, Hospitality/Healthcare/Institutional and Green/Sustainability) where your Portfolio Page can reside. If you would like it to appear under more than one of these specialties, the cost is $50 for each additional category. •If you don’t have your own Web site, you can create a Web address that bypasses the rest of the NJASID site and takes potential clients directly to your Portfolio Page. This is a great way to buy some time until you get your own site up and running. So, how to get started? Go to www.njasid.org and log on to the Members section of the site. Once you are on the Members Home Page, go to the list of links under Membership Info at the bottom of the page. Click on Edit Designer Profile. It will take you to a page with complete information about how to purchase a Profile, and then provide you with an easy-to-follow tutorial for setting up your page. It’s that simple! ,!229'%2"%2,*,- UÊ,/Ê7 "6, ÜÜÜ°>ÀÌiÌiÀ>Ì>°V UÊ,/ ÊEÊ",ÜÜÜ° và >`iðV UÊ-/",Ê*",/ÜÜÜ°>ÃÌÀ>«ÀÌðV UÊ/, ,/Ê1, /1, ÜÜÜ°i>Ì iÀVÀ>vÌvÕÀÌÕÀi°V UÊ°Ê,, ÜÜÜ°LLiÀ}iÀ°VÊ UÊ87Ê, ÜÜÜ°>ÝÜiv>LÀVðV >ÃiÊEÊ Ê>À`Ü>Ài ÜÜÜ°V >Ãi` °VÉ UÊ Ê" Ê, - *>ÀÃÊ/iÝ>ÃÊÀ>«iÀÞÊ>À`Ü>Ài UÊ-Ê"" ÜÜܰðV >Ê °ÊÀ>«iÀÞÊ>À`Ü>Ài UÊ-/7,/Ê1, /1, ÜÜÜ°ÃÌiÜ>ÀÌvÕÀÌÕÀi°V UÊ9ÊEÊ, UÊ,,Ê/,Ê Ê,*,9Ê,7, ÜÜÜ°LÀ>ÀV°V UÊ ,-/"*,Ê19Ê ÀÀÀÊ>`ÊÕÀÌÕÀi ÜÜÜ°V ÀÃÌ« iÀ}ÕÞ°V UÊ6Ê, -Ê1, /1, ÜÜÜ°`>Û`vÀ>VÃvÕÀÌÕÀi°V /-\ Ê UÊ7, ,Ê7 "6, Ê ÜÜÜ°Ì iÜ>ÀiÀV°V UÊ7- "Ê, ÜÜÜ°ÜiÃVv>LÀVðV UÊ7 / Ê ÜÜÜ°Ü`V>ÌÌiÀÀÌÀÞ°V UÊ7 Ê7 "6, ÜÜÜ°Üvi``iÃ}°V UÊ"-Ê,1ÜÜÜ°`iÃÀÕ}ðV UÊ /-Ê/,Ê/ ÜÜÜ°iiiÌÃÌÀ>`i°V UÊ, Ê+1/,-Ê "Ê-*,UÊ -,° " ÜÜÜ°vVÃÀii`°V UÊ,, Ê1, /1, ÜÜÜ°vÀi>ÀV°V ,,9Ê,, Ó{Ê>ÀL>À>Ê-ÌÀiiÌÊ*>Àë«>Þ]Ê ÊäÇäx{ * \ÊÇΰÎÎx°Ç{ÎäÊÉÊ>Ý\ÊÇΰӰnÎÎÓ >\Ê>ÀÀÞJ>ÀÀÞ}iÀLiÀV°V 7iLÃÌi\ÜÜÜ°>ÀÀÞ}iÀLiÀV°V INSIDER u FALL 2009 | 27 THE LAWYER’S COLUMN Government work can be a good source of revenue! By Sharon L. Weiner, Esq. In this recession, many companies have found that government work can be a good source of revenue with the State of New Jersey putting out about $2 billion dollars in contracts a year and an additional $3 billion in contracts issued by the state’s 566 municipalities and 574 school districts. In August 2009, Governor Corzine signed an Executive Order setting a goal that 109 state agencies, authorities, commissions and colleges award contracts to minority and women business owners to ensure they benefits from state and economic stimulus programs. However, for many businesses, public contracts remain a mystery. Some say they are not aware of new projects and do not know how to bid for them. Yes, there are rules that have to be understood and followed but there is assistance to help you navigate the system. The first step is to become certified either as a small or as a woman/minority business owner. Getting certified puts your company in a state database which allows both agencies and prime contractors to find you. Going through the database, I have found that most requests for bids involving interior design are for space planning services but you also could team up with an architectural firm which would be the prime contractor with your interior design company serving as a subcontractor. But in either case you would be required to become certified either as a minority, woman or a small business owner to meet the state contracting goals. 1. Minority and Women Business Entrepreneurs (MWBE) Certification. Governor Corzine has demonstrated his commitment to providing MWBE expanded and increased access to state opportunities by issuing Executive Order 34. By this Executive Order the State has created services and opportunities to enable small business enterprises to take advantage of the state’s purchasing power. In order to take advantage of these programs, you must become certified with the state as an MWBE. The following are the criteria to become MWBE certified: a. Business management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more minorities or women owners and is at least 51% owned by one or more minorities or women. b. Woman or minority owner must demonstrate technical competence in the affairs of the business to satisfy the requirement for operational control. c. The business must be a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company or corporation with 100 or fewer employees in full-time positions. d. The business must have gross revenues which does not exceed $12 million. 2. Small Business Certification. A business may apply at any time to be register as a small business and placed on the small business database. If you intend to bid on a project, you must be registered as a small business on the date the bid is due as the state contracting agency. You can go online and register as a small business at www.newjerseybusiness.gov. There is a nonrefundable $100 application fee for a 3-year registration. The small business database is used by state contracting agencies to confirm eligibility to set aside awards and subcontracts and report progress toward the established contract award goals. In order to be eligible as a small business, the business must satisfy all of the following criteria: 1. The business must be independently owned and operated as evidenced by its management being responsible for its daily and long-term operations and its management owning 51% interest in the business. 2. The business must be incorporated or registered to be a business in the state and have its principle place of business in New Jersey. 3. The business must be a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company or corporation with 100 or fewer employees. 4. a. Small businesses whose gross revenues do not exceed $500,000. b. Small businesses whose gross revenues do not exceed $5,000,000. Small businesses registered in categories a and b above, are eligible to participate in set-aside contracts and subcontract programs. Pursuant to Executive Order 971, at least 25% of the total dollar value of state construction contracts are to be set aside for eligible small businesses. This rule applies to state construction contracts awarded by any state contracting agency. Construction contracts are defined as any contract to which the state or any state contracting agency is a party involving any construction, renovation, reconstruction, rehabilitation, alteration, conversion extension or demolition of or repair or other changes or improvements of any kind whatsoever to public structural or facilities or highways. The term also includes contracts for consulting services supervision, inspection and other functions incidental to actual construction. The Division of Property Management and Construction (DPMC) is the state agency within the Department of the Treasury which provides a centralized design and construction contract procurement and administrative services for other state agencies. -Something New Something Fresh- Tailored Cabinetry for Kitchens & Bathrooms Please call to tour our showroom and see what we can do for you 201-857-2868 40 E. Prospect St., Waldwick NJ Anthonyalbertstudios.com 28 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER One caveat: before a firm can compete for consulting work on a state construction project, the firm’s qualifications must be certified by the Division of Property Management and Construction (DPM&C). The firm must complete DPM&C’s pre-qualification form (48A) which provides comprehensive information on the management of the firm, the financial history, the type and dollar amount of past project work and other related information. This information is used to evaluate the firm for future DPM&C’s projects and to establish the maximum construction cost, dollar level and professional discipline for which the firm is qualified. On the list of specialties of professions is Interior Design Space Planning and under the column Professional Technical Staff are listed Interior Designers. You will be asked to list the number of staff with a New Jersey certification. Now is the time to expand your business through bidding on government contracts. I have tried to provide you with a brief overview of the process of becoming certified as a small or minority/women owner in New Jersey. If you need further information, the state maintains a very complete Web site which can be accessed at the State of New Jersey Taking Care of Business, www.njgov/njbusiness, or feel free to contact me. Good luck!! Please send suggestions for upcoming "Lawyer's Corner" topics to Editor Lauren Johnson at [email protected]. See the Sub-Zero “Living Kitchen” at Karl’s Fairfield Designer Showroom We’ve built an excellent reputation with ASID members. Our superior selection and service keep ASID members returning again and again. Ask your fellow members about Karl’s, and inquire about our unique follow-up service. At Karl’s you’ll find the most advanced food preservation and preparation systems from Sub-Zero & Wolf. Guide your clients through Karl’s designer showroom in Fairfield to experience the magnificence of Sub-Zero & Wolf’s “Living Kitchen.” Designer Showroom Locations: • Fairfield - 65 Passaic Ave. • Madison - 300 Main St. - Rte. 124 (In the Staples Plaza) • Orange* - 557 Main St. - (On the Border of West Orange) • Perth Amboy* - 104 Smith St. • Sparta - 10 Main St. Other New Jersey Locations: Montclair - 520 Bloomfield Ave. • Belleville - 111 Washington Ave. *3.5% Sales Tax www.karlsappliance.com 1-888-98-KARLS CHAPTER NEWS *OTQJSBUJPO ORDESIGNERS An ASID Member Remembered Sydell Mittler, ASID, CID Longtime member Sydell Mittler, ASID, CID passed away on September 29, 2009. She joined ASID in 1979, and operated her business, Sydell Mittler Interiors, in Franklin Lakes, N.J. In recent years she was not actively involved in ASID, but she and her husband Mel never missed the chapter's annual holiday party. She is survived by husband Melvin, daughters Wendy (Joseph) Matano, Michelle (Gary) Hydrusko, Phyllis (Stephen) Cornman and grandchildren Joseph (Katie), Daniel (Alison), Justin (Renee), Matthew, Andrew, Gregory, Michael, Dylan, Carly, and Elizabeth. Donations can be made on her behalf to the to Susan G. Komen for the Cure organization. Schwartz Design Showroom !S .EW *ERSEYS ONLY FAMILYRUN INTERIOR DESIGN SHOWROOM OPEN EXCLUSIVELYTOTHETRADE3CHWARTZ$ESIGN3HOWROOMWILLINSPIREYOUTO CREATE UNIQUE DESIGN EXPERIENCES FOR YOUR CLIENTS 7EVE BEEN IN THE BUSINESSFOROVERYEARSSOOURTALENTEDANDEXPERIENCEDSTAFFKNOW HOWTOHELPYOUWITHALLTHEDETAILSFROMRESEARCHINGANDORDERINGTO FOLLOWUPANDCUSTOMERSERVICE#OMESEETHEDIFFERENCE n3USETTE3CHWARTZ!LEXIS6ARBERO lNEFURNITUREsLIGHTINGsDECORATIVE ACCESSORIESsRUGS !MBOY!VENUEs-ETUCHEN.* SCHWARTZDESIGNSHOWROOMCOM 30 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER “Sydell died suddenly Sept 29th, one month after this photo was taken. I would like to tell you all something about this stellar individual. She was a treasured colleague and my partner in studying for the NCIDQ. We had attended a class at FIT together; we studied and prepared as a team for the test. At that time it was a lengthy 10-hour drafting exam and as well as the day of multiple choice exams. We both passed, but the experience left us with a shared camaraderie and some great stories. She prepared herself for this exam even though she was well into her career at the time and quite successful. I was just starting out, had just completed my education and her reassurance was so comforting. Why I am sharing all this with you is that she is a great example of a designer who reached out and went beyond the minimum in the search for knowledge and in the desire to have the credentials that would define her practice for years to come. Recently, she also became a N.J. Certified Interior Designer. We want her family to know that we will miss her at ASID as she is an example of a life well lived and a designer of high integrity. Sydell—you passed the test with flying colors!” Diane Gote, FASID, CID Past President NJASID "Sydell was a lovely person, professional in every way. She was alway willing to help out. I remember her calling me when she got a new resource. She wanted to let me know that if I wanted to order from that company, she would extend her resource to me to enable me to provide those items to my clients too. She shared and it was a great example to all of us who followed in her footsteps. I always thought of her with respect and admiration. She will be missed." Rona J. Spiegel, ASID, CID Past President NJASID Inspired Designs Innovative Solutions O n e T r u s t e d R e s o u r c ej Fairfield, New Jersey Tel 973.575.3440 www.galaxycustom.com 50mm Pure Cast Glass Hand Silvered Single Source Responsibility For Multi-Materialed Projects technical consultation material development field dimensioning custom fabrication precision manufacturing installation services glass decoration 38mm Pure Wave Rolled Cast Glass INSIDER u FALL 2009 | 31 CHAPTER NEWS NJASID and NY Metro ASID forge a Partnership with the New York International Gift Fair … ASID Exhibits at Pier 94; Members Receive Show Benefits By Karen Topjian, ASID In August, NJASID and NY Metro collaborated with the New York International Gift Fair (NYIGF) to introduce ASID to its exhibitors and attendees. Through a special arrangement with NYIGF, we were given a booth at Pier 94 and advertising space in the Market Directory to spotlight the New Jersey and New York ASID chapters. The NYIGF directory is distributed to 20,000 people and NJASID was there in print! It was a successful first for our chapter. With our visibility at Pier 94 for five days, we introduced many of the buyers to ASID and to our designers. We also introduced our designers to this expansive, multi-faceted show. The Gift Fair offered us the opportunity to shop the best of new products on the market. But, there is another part of this story to be told … our designers have an invitation to be attendees once again in winter 2010, at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center and Pier 94. Shop this show in order to expand your business and find new opportunities to increase revenue through new product offerings -- bedding, accessories, plants, furniture and more! NYIGF happens twice a year – in January and in August. Plan to come to the next NYIGF event from January 30 - February 4, 2010. NJASID and NY Metro will be there! We have already started preparing with GLM, the owners of NYIGF, to offer more incentives to encourage our designers to participate and to purchase products offered by the hundreds of exhibitors. Mark your calendars and plan to explore new sources for making your businesses flourish in the coming year. Designers Celebrate Great Finds N.J. Design Professionals Unearth Hidden Treasures at the New York International Gift Fair By Donna Boyle Schwartz Details, details…leading interior designers agree that the difference between a good job and a great one is all in finding the perfect finishing touches. Uncovering unique accessory pieces and distinctive décor is now significantly easier for New Jersey ASID members due to an innovative partnership with the the New York International Gift Fair® (NYIGF®). As the kickoff to this special relationship, ASID created its own booth at Pier 94 during the August NYIGF, and nearly100 exhibitors offered ASID members a number of valuable benefits, including discounts and lower minimums on merchandise, gift with purchase programs, and free shipping. “NYIGF has so much variety,” points out Rona Spiegel, ASID of Lifestyle Interior Design in Englewood Cliffs, N.J. “It is a way to gather new resources and revisit those companies you already do business with, and it affords the local designer an opportunity to shop, find and present items to their clients for their projects.” “I like the accessories category the best,” Spiegel continues. “It is always the most difficult part of the project—to find ‘just the right thing’—but the amount of product displayed is advantageous to the designer. Accessorizing is the difference between a completed space and a finished one.” “The Gift Fair really covers the gamut in terms of style,” Spiegel adds. “If you’re looking for country, you can find roosters and pottery pieces; if you’re looking for contemporary, you can find beautiful sculpture and artwork; if you’re looking for traditional, you can find a lot of antique reproduction pieces—it really is a shopper’s dream. It’s very easy to find things that you need to complete the space for a client.” 32 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER Anna Maria Mannarino, Allied Member ASID of Mannarino Design in Holmdel, N.J., says she views the Gift Fair as a crucial resource for both her residential projects and her special event designs. “I find a lot of items that I use for my clients’ holiday décor, in their homes and for special events,” she explains. “There are wonderful ornaments, candles, votives, vases, centerpieces and other accessories that help me whenever I’m transforming a space for a client. “I love the At Home section of the Gift Fair,” Mannarino enthuses. “I found some fabulous lamps at Kinzig Design and lovely accessories including beautiful mirrors and small furniture items like tables and chests. I made some new contacts—Dot Chehoma, Julian Chichester, Bungalow 5 and Carriage House. As a matter of fact, I have incorporated products from each of these companies in current design plans. Many of the vendors that I do business with, I originally found at NYIGF, including Legacy Home, Eastern Accents and Worlds Away.” NYIGF features eight divisions showcasing 2,900 exhibitors and 100,000 lines. The At Home division at Pier 94 features nearly 250 home furnishings suppliers with hundreds of additional home décor resources housed at the Javits Center in four key divisions: Accent on Design; At Home featuring Home Textiles; Handmade and Tabletop & Housewares. “Calling it a ‘gift show’ is really a misnomer,” Mannarino adds. “A lot of designers think of it as primarily gifts, but they don’t realize how many furnishings exhibitors there are. I always go to NYIGF with three goals: to find interesting products and actually place orders; to look for new things from vendors that I already know; and to look for innovative new vendors. The Gift Fair has really good energy and is very valuable to me—designers who don’t go to NYIGF are really missing out!” In 2010, the NYIGF runs Saturday, January 30 through Thursday, February 4; and Saturday, August 14 through Thursday, August 20 at New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center and Passenger Ship Terminal. CHAPTER NEWS Welcome New Industry Partners James Demestichas Porcelanosa USA-Tile/Kitchen/Bath 600 State Rt 17 Ramsey, NJ 07446-2017 (201) 995-1310 (866) 282-8971 fax [email protected] Andrea Boucher Cosentino USA Creating Reality from Inspiration 13124 Trinity St Stafford, TX 77477-4225 (281) 494-7277 (281) 582-7459 fax [email protected] LuAnn Nigara Window Works 38 E Northfield Rd Livingston, NJ 07039-4502 (973) 535-5860 (973) 535-5846 fax [email protected] Michael S. Leber Eldridge Textile 22 Meridian Rd Ste 3 Eatontown, NJ 07724-2278 (732) 544-4500 (732) 544-4555 fax [email protected] Andrea Garone Eldridge Textile 22 Meridian Rd Ste 3 Eatontown, NJ 07724-2278 (732) 544-4500 (732) 544-4555 fax [email protected] Jim O'Brien Ph.D. Jim O'Brien Architecture & Interiors 46 Headquarters Plz Morristown, NJ 07960-3964 (973) 993-5800 [email protected] Window Works is very proud to have created this enchanting window treatment for Charles Pavarini III Design Associates. Their imagination was captured and executed by our team of professionals for the New York Holiday House, 2008. We have over 25 years of experience designing and producing the finest custom window treatments. If you would like to see your visions brought to life, contact us today; by phone at 973-535-5860 or by email at [email protected]. Karen Arakelian To the Trade Design Resource 1221 Bloomfield Ave Fairfield, NJ 07004-3706 (973) 575-1331 (973) 575-0840 fax [email protected] Classified MORRISTOWN - FOR LEASE 973-535-5860 38 East Northfield Road, Livingston, NJ 07039 EXPERIENCE, EXPERTISE, EXCELLENCE 1,500 sq. ft. of prime office space. Walking distance to the center of town. Ideal for designers. Photography by Phillip Ennis Please contact Jay at J. GRAHAM REALTY Exclusive Broker 973-540-1232. INSIDER u FALL 2009 | 33 CHAPTER NEWS Certified Designers as of October 1, 2009 BY THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY Barbara Abbott, ASID JoAnn Alston, Allied Member ASID Nancy Asselta, Allied Member ASID Ferruccio Babarcich, ASID Linda Barrett Wagner, ASID Gina Behrle, Allied Member ASID Annette Beshar, ASID Suzan Bierly, ASID Patricia Blaser, ASID Dorothy Bocchino, Allied Member ASID Diane Boyer, ASID Tere Bresin, ASID Barbara Busch, ASID Michael Callori, ASID Lois Caruso, ASID Alessandra Cerza-Larcher, ASID Jim Cline, Allied Member ASID Cheryl Costa-Price, ASID Laurie Deliman-Burke, ASID Susan Devanney, Allied Member ASID Marie Donnelly, ASID Elizabeth Drake, ASID Sharon Draznin, ASID Marsha Drechsler, Allied Member ASID Diane Durocher, ASID JoAnn Eltringham, ASID Diane Evans, ASID Judy Fosshage, FASID Carrie Fusella, Allied Member ASID Claire Gabert, ASID Suzan Globus, FASID Laura Goomas, Allied Member ASID Diane Gote, FASID, Past President NJASID Linda Granert , ASID Michael Guarini, ASID Ria Gulian, ASID Elizabeth L. Humphrey, Allied Member ASID Mary Ann Imbriaco, ASID Susan Quick, ASID Joan Ravasy, ASID Sheila Rich, Allied Member ASID Jane Riedel, ASID Debbie Ryan, Allied Member ASID Suzan Santiago, ASID Marilee Schempp, ASID Stuart Schepps, ASID Barbara Schoenfeld, Allied Member ASID Robin Schultz, Allied Member ASID Sarah Scott, ASID Hope Sferra, Allied Member ASID Mary Sferra, ASID Susan Shaub, ASID Alicia Shearer, ASID Sharon Sherman, ASID Arthur Simon, ASID Roberta Sloan, Allied Member ASID Susan Spanedda, Allied Member ASID Rona Speigel, ASID Tracy Stephens, Allied Member ASID Peggy Storer, ASID Sylvia Strauss, ASID Jill Thompson-Ryan, Allied Member ASID Karen Topjian, ASID Karla Trincanello, Allied Member ASID Darryl Tucker, ASID Eileen Ulrich, ASID Camille Waldron, ASID Karen Weidner, ASID Jean White, ASID Gail Whiting, ASID Gale Youngworth, ASID Maria Zampieri, Allied Member ASID Pat Ziv, ASID Virginia Zonfrilli, Allied Member ASID Beth Insabella Walsh, ASID Meg Jacobs, ASID Lisa Jensen Cozzolino, Allied Member ASID Hong Jin, ASID Denise Jones, ASID Blanka Jurecky, Allied Member ASID Timothy Klesse, ASID Kingsley Knauss, ASID Jeffrey Kracht , ASID Linda Kregloski, IP Philip LaBossiere, Allied Member ASID Sandra Lambert, ASID Barbara Littman, ASID Donna Lombardi, ASID Gerard Maddalena, Allied Member ASID Lori Margolis, Allied Member ASID Susan Mauro, ASID Nancy McNeilly, ASID Sydell Mittler, ASID Patricia Montalbano, ASID Phyllis Morin, Allied Member ASID Ron Nathan, Allied Member ASID Audrey Leigh Nevins, Allied Member ASID Joan Norkus, ASID Barbara Noud, Allied Member ASID Jim O'Brien, Allied Member ASID Dianne O'Connor, ASID Barbara Ostrom, ASID Richard Ottens, Allied Member ASID Jennifer Pacca, Allied Member ASID Steven Patrick, ASID Barbara Pelly, Allied Member ASID Denise Persico, ASID Diane Picyk, ASID Jeannine Podesta, ASID Norma Pofsky, Allied Member ASID Mark Polo, Allied Member ASID Linda Lee Potter, ASID If you have become a Certified Interior Designer by the State of New Jersey, please contact the chapter administrator, DeAnna Schwarz. Email: [email protected] or call the chapter office at 732-787-5981. LEED Accredited Professionals IN THE NEW JERSEY CHAPTER Joann Eltringham, ASID, LEED AP Diane Evans, ASID, LEED AP Judy Fosshage, FASID, LEED AP Blanche Garcia, ASID, LEED AP Suzan Globus FASID, CID, LEED AP Elizabeth Goldberg, Allied Member ASID, LEED AP Brooke Morales, Allied Member ASID, LEED AP Jim O'Brien, AIA, NCARB, Allied Member ASID, CID, PhD, LEED AP Karin Schluer, Allied Member ASID, LEED AP Peggy Storer, ASID, LEED AP Jean White, ASID, LEED AP If you have become a LEED Accredited Professional by USGBC, please contact the chapter administrator, DeAnna Schwarz. Email: [email protected] or call the chapter office at 732-787-5981. 34 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER Industry Partner and Publisher for your ASID Chapter Newsletter Support your Advertisers TO THE TRADE For Advertising Information 972-562-6966 • [email protected] STEREO/VIDEO WOODBRIDGE world-class home entertainment and so much more...since 1970 Woodbridge Stereo/Video is the Interior Designer’s ONE-STOP Technology Source. Let Woodbridge Stereo/Video be your technology partner on every project. We are expert at seamlessly integrating all of today’s required electronic systems into your design scheme. We offer the industry’s widest array of high technology products in all of the low-voltage disciplines — high end audio, lighting, shades, distributed audiovisual, automation and control, theaters, seating, telephony, acoustics, networking — you name it. You design it and we make it work within your vision. Now and forever. Our 40 years of experience and tens of thousands of delighted clients are your guarantee to a successful project without limitations. www.woodbridgestereo.com 751 Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge, New Jersey 07095 t 732 636 7777 f 732 636 7673 INSIDER u FALL 2009 | 35 STUDENT NEWS 2009 CAREER EXPO Students from all four New Jersey design schools attended the Career Expo. They had the opportunity to sign up for scholarships, volunteer opportunities, free ASID memberships and ASID and IP mailing lists. The host school showcased some of their best work. The 2010 Expo will be hosted by Kean University. Industry Partner sponsors for the 2009 Career Expo were Fessenden Hall and NJDX. Fessenden Hall, Rick Krause 36 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER Students and designers had a chance to learn about what these IPs have to offer to them. NJ Decorating Exchange, Roxy Kopooshian DESIGN: J. STEPHENS INTERIORS, BERNARDSVILLE, NJ DESIGN: INTERIOR DECISIONS INC., FLORHAM PARK, NJ DESIGN: MANNING DESIGN GROUP, ASBURY PARK, NJ DESIGN: L.D. BURKE DESIGNS, MONMOUTH BEACH, NJ ALL PHOTOS BY PETER RYMWID Celebrating 10 years of partnering with the New Jersey ASID to promote design excellence. designNJ NEW JERSEY’S HOME & DESIGN MAGAZINE 207 Commercial Court Morganville, NJ 07751 800-969-7176 www.designnewjersey.com STUDENT NEWS It’s time to step up. Online Design Education By Lisa Campoli, ASID Student Chapter President, The Art Institute of Pittsburgh—Online Division The interior design field is appealing to creative people, so why not provide a creative way to learn? The Art Institute of Pittsburgh – Online Division is the place to study when schedules are difficult to manage and creativity can flow beyond confined school hours. The Online Division is part of The Art Institutes’ system of schools with more than 40 locations throughout the United States, supported by 85 years of campus-based education. The school offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Interior Design, a Residential Design diploma, and an Associate degree in Kitchen and Bath Design for those interested in the interior design field. Online classes are the same as those provided on campus and follow the same rigor. I am enrolled in the Bachelor of Science program and will be graduating in June, 2010. Some of the design courses students study are hand drafting, sketching (including SketchUp), AutoCAD, Revit, 3-D design, space planning and preparation of construction documents. In addition, students are exposed to the history of art, design and architecture. Students learn and develop designs for different fields including retail, hospitality, corporate and health care. An important aspect of the design solution is to communicate, so students learn how to present their work through a variety of visual media. An 11-week internship is part of the required curriculum, so students are able to learn and practice their newlyacquired skills with a local designer or firm. Classes weave in green design, LEED certification, ADA and Universal Design guidelines. Upon graduation, students are prepared with their own design portfolios that showcase the practical and technical knowledge learned while in school. The following Web site provides the list of courses students are required to take: www.aionline.edu/degrees /interior design/course-list. Step up to the controls. Simmer, Sear and Boil. Step up to a five burner cooktop in 30 inches of space. Step up to Reno’s Appliance, the KitchenAid experts since 1951. Each course is presented in an accelerated 5-½ week schedule; and three to five assignments are due within a prescribed time each week. Students communicate with each other and their professors through class discussion threads in an asynchronous mode. Email and online chats are also available, as well as tutoring classes for both small groups and for the individual. To do all of this, a student needs a computer, scanner, a variety of software programs, and the textbooks and materials required for each class. Once all of this is in place, the learning environment is really exciting because students can work around their own schedules while making sure assignment due dates are met. The faculty provides various forms of feedback including written feedback within the classroom, digital drawing redlines, live audio and webinar feedback, and Jing audio/video feedback. The quality of the feedback is great because students get detailed individual attention that might not always be available with a campus-based experience. Students experience the same benefits as those taking campus-based classes,such as our ASID student chapter that holds monthly online meetings. We have quality speakers attend, and we kick off each year with an address by the ASID national president. Route 46 West, Fairfield Route 20 North, Paterson RenosAppliance.com 1-866-88RENOS © 2009 Reno’s Appliance 38 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER Over 900 students are enrolled in the Bachelor of Science program today supported by 16 full-time and 37-80 part-time faculty members. All faculty members have at least a master’s degree in their field and complete over 100 hours of training to teach online. The school is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Higher Education, and the Online Division is scheduled for a Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) accreditation visit in April, 2010. For more information about the school and programs, please visit www.aionline.edu. Please contact me if you have any questions about the online student experience at [email protected] D e s i gn e r ’ s Re so u r c e C o r p . 80-B Industrial Rd. Lodi, NJ 07644 www.designersresourceinc.com [email protected] ph-973-894-3155 fx-973-894-3156 Your wholesale distributor and showroom for Kirsch, Paris Texas, Brimar, Conso, Gould, Finial Company, Maxwell Fabrics, Michael’s Textiles, Stroheim, Comfortex and more. INSIDER u FALL 2009 | 39 Rosemary Marchetto STUDENT NEWS Student Representative to the Board (SRB) In June of 2009 Rosemary Marchetto was elected to the Board of NJASID to serve as the 2009-2010 Student Representative to the Board (SRB). In her role as SRB she will be representing all New Jersey ASID design students to the Board. Rosemary holds a B.A. in Communi-cations from Fairleigh Dickinson University and is in the process of completing her second degree, an A.A. in interior design from Berkeley College, Paramus, N.J. “I’m very excited to be serving as this year's Student Representative to the Board and participating in all of the opportunities ASID offers. This will be a great opportunity to not only serve my school, but also reach out to the other design students in New Jersey and encourage student participation in ASID functions. We are encouraging students to look to ASID as a tremendous networking force as well as a lifetime affiliation in a professional organization to carry with them through their career in interior design.” In this position Rosemary will focus primarily on promoting student involvement in professional activities and raise awareness of all ASID student issues. ASID supports students through award programs as well as Student Affairs Committee projects, such as Career Day, RealWorld DesignWeek, internship programs, mentoring programs, student exhibitions, student competitions, and scholarship programs. To find out more, please visit www.asid.org and www.njasid.org. STUDENT CONTACTS STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE TO THE BOARD Rosemary Marchetto 201-927-6344 [email protected] BERKELEY COLLEGE 64 East Midland Avenue Paramus, NJ 07463 (201) 967-9667 ext. 1741 BROOKDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Newman Springs Road Lincroft, NJ 07738 732-224-2622 KEAN UNIVERSITY Dept. of Design 1000 Morris Avenue Union, NJ 07083 908-737-4434 SOMERSET COUNTY TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE 14 Vogt Drive Bridgewater, NJ 08807 908-526-8900 ext. 7271 Student Chapter President: Joseph Palladino 973-224-5260 [email protected] Student Chapter President: Francine Demarco Student Chapter President: Francesca La Para 973-557-8557 [email protected] Student Chapter President: Carol Barbieri 908-788-8903 [email protected] 40 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER When your reputation depends on the services you recommend… Tell your clients about Fiber-Seal, the premier name in fabric protection since 1971... • • • We offer custom protection products for the fine rugs, carpeting, upholstery, draperies, leather and other soft surfaces you specify We test fibers to help you make smart selections for every installation We make your designs worry-free and livable for families, pets and parties and offer no-charge spot calls and other personalized services your clients will love! 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NJ contractor’s lic.#13VH01142500 INSIDER u FALL 2009 | 41 2009-2010 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Mary Brennan, ASID 973-305-0558 [email protected] PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Celeste Chirichello, ASID 732-224-2621 [email protected] PRESIDENT-ELECT Diane Evans, ASID 908-232-0172 [email protected] AT-LARGE BOARD MEMBER Sheila Rich, Allied Member ASID 732-870-3012 [email protected] FINANCIAL DIRECTOR Ben Slack, IP 732-388-5707 [email protected] MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Sharon Draznin, ASID 973-912-9408 [email protected] COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Joan Ravasy, ASID 908-236-2788 [email protected] STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE TO THE BOARD Rosemary Marchetto 201-927-6344 [email protected] ADVISOR: PAST PRESIDENT Karen Topjian, ASID 201-894-5381 [email protected] 2009-2010 COMMITTEE CHAIRS BY-LAWS/POLICIES: Gale Youngworth, ASID Chair [email protected] CEU CONT. Susan Barbieri, ASID, Co-Chair [email protected] CEU: Claudine Henry, Allied Memer ASID, Co-Chair [email protected] CHAPTER AWARDS: Linda Lee Potter, ASID, Chair [email protected] COMMUNITY SERVICE: Anna Maria Mannarino, Allied Member ASID, Chair [email protected] NEWSLETTER: Lauren Johnson, Allied Member ASID, Editor [email protected] DESIGN AWARDS COMPETITION: Marie Donnelly, ASID, Co-Chair [email protected] NOMINATING: Karen Topjian, ASID, Chair [email protected] Marlene Wangenheim, Allied Member ASID, Co-Chair [email protected] PROGRAMS: Joan Norkus, ASID, Chair [email protected] IP STEERING: Susie Maley, IP, Co-Chair [email protected] STEP WORKSHOP: Jana Manning, Allied Member ASID, Chair [email protected] Michael O’Brien, IP, Co-Chair [email protected] STRATEGIC PLANNING: Diane Evans, ASID, Chair [email protected] LEGISLATION: Sheila Rich, Allied Member ASID, Chair [email protected] STUDENT AFFAIRS: To Be Announced MARKETING: Gwen Nagorsky, ASID, Chair [email protected] TRADE SHOW: Diane Evans, ASID, Chair [email protected] MEMBERSHIP: Robin Schultz, Allied Member ASID, Chair [email protected] Sean Benetin, IP, Co-Chair [email protected] NCIDQ PREP: Eileen Ulrich, ASID, Chair [email protected] 42 | ASID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER WEB SITE: Sandy Cabelis, Allied Member ASID, Chair [email protected]
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