2015 Annual Report - Hephzibah Children`s Association


2015 Annual Report - Hephzibah Children`s Association
hephzibah annual report
c h i l d r e n ’ s
a s s o c i a t i o n
2014 - 2015
with the
the believers, the
courageous, the
cheerful, the planners,
the doers, the
successful people
with their heads in the
clouds and their feet
on the ground.
Let their
spirit ignite
a fire within
you to leave this
world better than
when you found it.
— Wilferd A. Peterson
Author, The Art of Living
Dear Friend of Hephzibah,
A local mom had died, leaving behind four grieving adopted
children. After the orphaned youngsters had been safely settled in four
different emergency foster homes, we began to search for permanent
During our search, we shared the children’s story with Oak Parkers
Dennis and Bunny Murphy, who had already adopted three children
through another agency.
Although Peter, John, Marita and Anne Marie were not related by
blood, the Murphys felt that the siblings should be placed in the same
home since they’d been living together before the death of their mom.
When we worried out loud that it would be difficult to find a family to
raise all four children, Dennis said quietly, “We will do it.”
That simple declaration changed the lives of four very vulnerable
youngsters —youngsters who thrived in the Murphys’ care and
eventually matured into four productive, positive and utterly charming
adults. Peter is now a child care worker helping other children in need at
Hephzibah Home, and the children adore him. John is a firefighter and a
family man. Marita is a happily married mother of two, while Anne Marie
is a college student and a Hephzibah Day Care mom. You’ll learn more
about their journey on page five of this report.
The story of the Murphy family
seems like a fitting place to begin as we
reflect on the many acts of kindness that
have helped Hephzibah’s children and
families thrive in FY15.
Number of neglected
You’ll read about some of these
and abused children who
selfless acts in the pages that follow —
found a safe haven and
from the high school students who
a place to heal in our
spent countless hours mentoring the
Diagnostic Treatment Center
children in our group homes and the
and Residence
Hephzibah Children’s Association
technology pros who spent every Saturday
morning schooling them in the ways of
the digital world to the celebrity chef who
Number of volunteer
donated a summer of fun in the form of
hours logged by our caring
camp scholarships.
community of friends and
But these were just a few of the acts of
kindness that brightened our fiscal year.
To help the children in our group
homes lead safer, healthier and happier lives, West Suburban Medical Center
conducted a Healthy Living Program at Hephzibah, with sessions devoted to
topics such as Your Body and Exercise and Healthy Eating.
In May, Loyola University’s Ronald McDonald Children’s Hospital
dispatched its pediatric mobile health care unit to Hephzibah Home. When
the 40-foot-long “children’s clinic on wheels” rolled into our driveway, the
children in our Foster Care Program clambered aboard for physical exams,
immunizations, health screenings, asthma checks and more.
During the growing season, our Alex Anderson Memorial Garden
continued to serve as a healing natural oasis for the traumatized children in
our care, thanks to the green thumbs and funds provided by the family of
Alex Anderson and family friend Patti Spangler.
Throughout the year, our committed and compassionate corps of
corporate and community partners continued to give unstintingly to enhance
the health, happiness and well-being of the children in our group homes,
foster homes and Day Care Program.
The Avis Budget Group volunteered at our annual Day Care pancake
breakfast fundraiser and treated the children in our group homes to a
private movie screening at the Lake Theater, while employees participating
in the CME Group Amicus Volunteer Program cruised Chicago’s waterways
with the children on a Wendella boat tour and accompanied them on other
recreational outings in the Chicago area.
On Giving Tuesday in December, Gene & Georgetti restaurant donated
$8,000 to Hephzibah from their November dessert sales, donations from
Number of community
and corporate partners
that enhanced the lives
of Hephzibah’s children
with vital support and
A forever family forged
through Hephzibah foster
care: Executive Director Mary
Anne Brown (third row center)
with foster parents Dennis
and Bunny Murphy (second
row center), and the Murphy’s
eight adopted children, their
children’s spouses and their
generous guests and a matching gift from the Durpetti Foundation.
McDonald’s Corporation signed on as a $20,000 sponsor for the
Heart of Gold Ball and sent a crew of employees to northern Illinois to
flip burgers at our annual sibling camp cookout.
Back in Oak Park, a gregarious group of employees from Philips
Lighting fired up the grills and cooked up platters of hot dogs and
hamburgers to fuel the cowgirls and cowboys at our annual Rodeo.
The Peninsula Chicago hotel donated more than $16,000 in
revenues from its rooftop ice skating rink, hosted a skating party for the
children in our group homes and dispatched a costumed employee in a
Mini Cooper decked out with bunny ears on Easter and a giant spider on
Halloween to pass out candy and toy bears at Hephzibah Home.
Because nothing soothes the spirit like the sound of music, the Oak
Park Arts Council sponsored a series of concerts for the children in our
Diagnostic Treatment Center. Meanwhile, our individual benefactors were engaging in their own
acts of kindness. In December, our first-ever challenge grant donors offered
to match every donation to our Hephzibah Holiday Challenge dollar for
dollar up to $15,000. Their extraordinary generosity inspired nearly 300
other people to give, generating more than $126,000 and, in the process,
changing many lives for the better.
After we launched our new Planned Gift Programs in January,
Hephzibah board member Francesca DeBiase and her husband, Jassem el
Mahmoud, marked the occasion with a generous bequest to the Hephzibah
Children’s Trust.
These acts of kindness, big and small, had a ripple effect. After
witnessing the altruistic endeavors of a caring community, a young artist in
our Residence held an art show to benefit the Oak Park River Forest Food
Pantry. When this young survivor of abuse learned that the proceeds from
the sale of his paintings would feed 10 families, his jaw dropped — and he
has already started to create a new body of work for his next art benefit.
In Summer 2015, a compassionate group of Hephzibah Day Care kids
formed a Hephzibah chapter of the GenerationOn Kids Club, a global
youth service movement that inspires young people to work together to
help others in their communities and around the world. The children sold
lemonade to raise money for Hephzibah and the Animal Care League;
carefully crafted crate blankets, toys and “Adopt Me” bandannas for the
homeless animals at the Animal Care League shelter; helped preschoolers
with special needs; and volunteered at a food pantry.
As times get tougher, these acts of kindness make a bigger difference
in the world. Thank you all for helping us build a better future for the
children we serve!
Mary Anne Brown
Executive Director
Eric Sorensen
Board President
2015 Annual Report
in Training
Guided by some good-hearted
technology pros, Hephzibah’s
kids are going digital
ost post-millennial kids
are “digital natives” who have
grown up with computers,
digital music players, video games and
other tools and toys of the digital age.
But many of the survivors of
neglect and abuse at Hephzibah Home
have had little or no exposure to the
digital world—and lag far behind their
peers in technology skills.
With the help of a kind-hearted
cadre of volunteer Technology Mentors,
Hephzibah’s kids are finally crossing
that digital divide. Guided by their
very own “geek squad” of technology
professionals, they’ve learned
the basics of safe web browsing,
created PowerPoint presentations,
disassembled a computer to learn
about its components and even done
some rudimentary coding.
What’s next for our young techies
in training? Brian Druley and Sue Stark,
the visionary volunteer founders of
Hephzibah’s Technology Program, are
already hatching a plan to wow
the kids with a course
in robotics.
Hephzibah Children’s Association
D ay care
A Super-Sized
Helping of FUN
D iagnostic treatment center and residence
Abused Dogs Helping Abused Kids
ne of the most heartwarming stories of the year is the story of Paws for
Strength, a new pet therapy program made possible by a partnership between Hephzibah
and the Bryan and Amanda Bickell Foundation. Paws for Strength pairs rescued and
rehabilitated therapy dogs with the abused children in our group homes to create a healing
human-animal bond.
During the eight-week program, the children teach their canine companions tricks and then
demonstrate their dog’s new skills at a graduation ceremony.
Chicago Blackhawks forward Bryan Bickell and his wife, Amanda, visited Hephzibah in
December to read the children a story about an abused dog that was rescued and now lives
with a loving family.
“Hopefully that will be my story,” said one child after listening intently to every word.
When Hephzibah Executive Director Mary Anne Brown asked the children why Bryan and Amanda
had chosen them to learn about and work with rescued dogs, one little boy responded, “Because bad
things have happened to us too.”
“The kids really relate to these dogs,” says Amanda Bickell. “When they learn that the dogs live with
families now and they’re able to love and be happy again, it gives the children hope that they can have a
brighter future too.”
ur Day Care kids got
an extra helping of fun in
Summer 2015 with the launch
of 25 new Super-Sized Playshops.
These beefed-up, two-week summer
camp workshops offered something
for everyone in our diverse camp
population, from knitting, puppetmaking and theater arts to adventures
in engineering and extreme sports.
Budding comics honed their stand-up
skills during an improv workshop, young
fashionistas sketched and stitched up
clothing designs at the Hephzibah House
of Style and aspiring chefs engaged in
hands-on kitchen sessions, while the
earnest souls in the Hephzibah chapter
of the GenerationOn Kids Club dreamed
up ways to make the world a better
place through service projects.
foster care and adoption
The FAMILY That Hephzibah Built
he year was 1982— and it was shaping up to be the worst year ever for Peter, John, Marita and Anne
Marie, whose single adoptive mom had just died.
Hephzibah was still setting up its Foster Care Program, with a foster care license in hand and foster
families lined up, but no state contract. No contract meant no funding for the children’s care, but that
didn’t deter Hephzibah’s first foster families, who took the orphaned siblings in without pay.
The children were in good hands, but they were also in separate emergency foster homes. They missed
their mom and they missed each other. When night fell, they lay alone in unfamiliar beds, wondering if they’d
ever see one another again.
Hephzibah Executive Director Mary Anne Brown was also lying awake at night
worrying about the sibling group. Would she have to split them up permanently to
facilitate their adoptions? She had to find a better way.
Brown mentioned the children’s plight to Oak Parkers Dennis and Bunny
Murphy, who had already adopted three children. Without hesitation, the
Murphys responded, “We’ll take them all,” and Hephzibah’s first forever
family was born.
Thirty-three years later, it’s clear that the ties that bind the Murphys
are emotional, rather than genetic. But, says Anne Marie, the bonds are no
less enduring.
“We were brought together through a Hephzibah adoption,” she notes,
“and our bond is deeper than blood.”
Peter, John, Marita and
Anne Marie (above, l-r)
in 1982, when they were
placed with Dennis
and Bunny Murphy
The foursome,
33 years later, in 2015
H eph z ibah H E A D S T A R T
Paving the Way for a
Successful Future
tudies show that high-quality
experiences during the first
five years of life can promote the
development of a robust network of
neural pathways that can enhance a child’s
ability to think, react, process and grow.
Yet the U.S. ranks 25th in the world
for early learning enrollment—and fewer
than 30 percent of all four-year-olds
nationwide are enrolled in quality early
learning programs.
To help address this unmet need,
Hephzibah’s Day Care Program now
offers Head Start services free of charge for qualifying
families in Oak Park and surrounding communities. Each year, scores of
preschoolers are nurtured and enriched by our Head Start curriculum as they
engage in activities that foster their growth and development in areas such as
language, literacy, math, science, creative arts, physical skills, learning skills and
social and emotional functioning.
The program has drawn rave reviews from Head Start parents—and
accolades from the State of Illinois. In FY15, Hephzibah earned the Gold Circle
of Quality Designation—the highest of four ratings available through the state’s
new quality rating system for early learning and development providers.
2015 Annual Report
H eph z ibah ’ s au x iliary boards
Putting Compassion into Action
Keith Elkins (third from top) at Hephzibah in 1935
P lanned giving
Paying it
ur Chicago, Oak Park and Western auxiliary
board MEMBERS energized and inspired everyone at
Hephzibah in FY15 with their boundless enthusiasm as
they raised awareness of Hephzibah’s mission, hosted
fundraising events and organized activities for the
children living in our group and foster homes. Over the course of the
fiscal year, this dynamic force of 90 committed and compassionate
citizens raised a combined total of $390,000 to help make our
mission possible. We’ve highlighted just a few of their labors of
love below.
n 1935, Keith Elkins and his little
sister, Muriel, landed on Hephzibah’s
doorstep. Their parents, financially
depleted by the Great Depression and on
the verge of a breakup, had come to the
discouraging conclusion that they could no
longer provide for their children.
Keith doesn’t remember much about
that day, but he does remember his years
as a “Hephzibah kid.”
“My years at Hephzibah turned out to
be the happiest of my childhood,” he notes.
“Well into adulthood, I treasure the gift that
Hephzibah gave me—the gift of hope.”
Now Keith and his wife, Kathleen,
have returned that gift by naming
Hephzibah as the beneficiary of a bequest
in their will.
“I want to help ensure that Hephzibah
can provide as much security and
happiness for children now as it did for
me and my sister back in the 1930s,” says
the retired college professor, whose fond
memories also inspired him to write a
deeply personal account of Hephzibah’s
history and evolution from the 1930s to
the present.
We are deeply grateful to Keith and
Kathleen for their planned gift, which will
help other children find a safe haven at
Hephzibah Home in the years to come.
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Runners of all ages hoof it through Glen Ellyn on Memorial Day 2015 at the Western Auxiliary’s Hoof it for Hephzibah 5K Run/Walk; Western Auxiliary Board Vice President and real-life
rocker Tami Wanless performs with her band, Savile Row, at the Western Auxiliary’s Valentine’s Day fundraiser, Rock N Roll for the Heart and Soul; guests at the 2015 Heart of Gold Ball
revel in the evening’s festivities; and young Chicagoans play a game of Twister at the Chicago Auxiliary’s first annual 90’s Theme Pub Crawl.
The Oak Park Auxiliary Board spent countless hours
promoting our 2015 Heart of Gold Ball, The Stars
Among Us, soliciting and packaging auction items
and creating the celestial setting for our biggest
fundraiser of the year. Their efforts helped us raise
just under $312,000 — an increase of $82,000 over
the previous year.
In November 2014, the Oak Park Auxiliary
hosted its fifth annual Fall Harvest Wine & Beer
Tasting at Paramount Events. Paramount owner
Jodi Fyfe, an Oak Park Auxiliary Board member and
Hephzibah Corporate Partner, donated the food
and enlisted vendors to provide wine and beer
samples for the event, which raised nearly $4,300 for
Hephzibah’s kids.
The Western Auxiliary Board chased away the
winter chill with its third annual Valentines Day fundraiser, Rock N Roll for the Heart and Soul. The event,
which featured performances by three rock bands and
an auction at the Elevate Studio & Gallery in Glen
Ellyn, generated raves from guests and more than
2014, scores of supporters slathered on their sun$12,000 in proceeds.
screen and headed over to North Avenue beach for a
More than 600 supporters hit the road for
day of sports, socializing, live music and more at the
Hephzibah on Memorial Day 2015 at the Western
Chicago Auxiliary’s 7th annual Dodgeball Tournament.
Auxiliary Board’s 14th Annual Hoof it for Hephzibah
Nearly 100 enthusiastic dodgeballers participated in
Run/Walk and Kids Dash.
the tournament, which raised over $10,000 for the
The popular Glen Ellyn 5K
children in our group
raised $38,000 for Hephzibah
programs while raising
The following March,
awareness of our mission in
more than 50 young
the western suburbs.
Chicagoans participated
Meanwhile, our growin the Chicago’s
ing Chicago Auxiliary Board
Auxiliary’s first annual
continued to spread the word
90’s Theme Pub Crawl, a
about Hephzibah to other
lighthearted tour of some
young urban professionals
of the trendiest taverns in
while introducing the chilChicago’s Logan Square
dren in our group homes to
neighborhood, with
Young urbanites at
recreational activities in the
different bar games at
the Chicago Auxili
ary Board’s
2014 Dodgeball To
downtown area. In August
each stop.
urnament in Augu
H eph z ibah huskies
Kids Helping Kids
hen Hephzibah’s Rodeo rolled around in
June 2015, the children in our group homes could
barely contain their excitement. They adore the
rodeo, which is held annually to reward them for
their hard work and achievements during the academic year.
But, more than the pony rides and prizes, the dunk tank
and the bounce house, the comical llama in the petting zoo
or the nice lady who makes those twisty balloon animals, the
main attraction at the festival is the undivided attention of the
Hephzibah Huskies— a group of Oak Park River Forest
high school students who have captured the hearts of
A healing m
oment: A H
ephzibah H
Hephzibah’s kids.
young friend
uskie and
share a laug
h over a go
appetite fo
In FY15, these energetic and idealistic volunteers not only
at’s voraci
r hay at the
tting zoo.
organized and hosted the Rodeo, but took the children to high
school sporting events, hosted a sports day and a St. Patrick’s Day party, served
up three Sunday Suppers at Hephzibah Home, joined their young friends and fans for regular movie and
game nights and volunteered in our Day Care Program.
Their gifts of time and companionship have worked wonders for the traumatized children that we serve,
helping youngsters who are reluctant to love or trust develop healthy emotional bonds. We applaud these
high-school humanitarians for their selflessness and enduring commitment to children in need.
Getting back in the saddle of life: Through events such as the 2015 Rodeo, the Hephzibah Huskies have helped the traumatized
children at Hephzibah Home learn how to relax and enjoy life again.
A day of music video production at Steve & Kate’s Camp
Cooking Up the
Best Summer EVER
A Celebrity Chef Serves Up Steve & Kate’s Camp
Scholarships for Foster Kids in Need
n Summer 2015, several Hephzibah children walked into a
world packed with new possibilities: a world free of adult judgments and
expectations where they could experience new sensations, make their own
decisions and explore their passions and potential. It was Steve & Kate’s
Camp, where kids can zero in on what truly makes them happy.
The camp, which offered activities ranging from ziplining to software
development to fully choreographed music videos, was a gift from Emmynominated chef and Food Network star Jeff
Mauro, who has been a Hephzibah fan ever
since his mom served on Hephzibah’s board in
the early 1990s. Mauro is one of three celebrity
chefs who assist with menu planning for Steve
& Kate’s Camp, which offers five-course meals
featuring cuisines from Mexico, Asia, France
and other far-flung locales.
This is just the latest of many good
works on behalf of Hephzibah’s kids for
Mauro, who has made a habit out of naming
Hephzibah as the beneficiary of his prize
star Jeff Mauro
rt of Gold Ball
money whenever he competes in a Food
honored at
for his
of Gold Award
Network cooking contest.
mmitment to H
outstanding co
2015 Annual Report
Number of generous donors
who supported our mission
with 4,037 financial contributions
and in-kind gifts
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Gifts and grants from Kent Barnett and the late Lauren Heath
Barnett ($40,000), the Lerner Family Foundation ($15,000),
The Toy Industry Foundation ($7,500), UPS ($10,000), the
Harry F. Chaddick and Elaine Chaddick Foundation ($5,000)
and Sloan Valve ($5,000) enabled scores of siblings living in
different group, foster and adoptive homes to reconnect at
our annual Camp HepSIBah sibling camp and create positive,
shared childhood memories that will last a lifetime.
Gina Donlin
Brother and sister at Camp HepSIBah sibling camp
for your acts of kindness!
$100,000 and above
Hephzibah Auxiliary Boards
$25,000 to $49,999
Mr. Kent D. Barnett and
Ms. Lauren Heath*
McDonald’s Corporation
NOW Health Group, Inc.
The Lavin Bernick Huber
Charitable Fund
Union Pacific Foundation
$10,000 to $24,999
Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Brown
Paul and Sherry Carbery
CDBG–Community Development
Block Grant Oak Park
CME Group Community Foundation
Economy Shop
GE Capital Commercial Finance, Inc.
Helen Brach Foundation
Hephzibah Children’s Trust
John F. Smiekel Foundation
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
Latham & Watkins
Lerner Family Foundation
Northern Trust Company
Oak Park River Forest Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Paice
Peninsula Chicago Hotel
Richter Consulting, Inc.
T. Kendall Hunt Family Foundation
The John Buck Company Foundation
The UPS Foundation
US Bank
$5,000 to $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Ambrosino
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Andrews
Anna Kushel Marshall Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dahir
Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation
Dolan Family Foundation
Ms. Carol J. Dunning
Mr. Jassem el Mahmoud and
Ms. Francesca DeBiase
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Emerson
First Midwest Bank
Forest Park National Bank
GE Antares Capital
Harry F. Chaddick & Elaine Chaddick Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Haupers
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Jordahl
King & Spalding LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Lane
LJ Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Lou McKeever
Mr. and Mrs. Noel G. Moore
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Moses
Mr. and Mrs. Dave L. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Rosenwinkel
Mr. Joseph C. Scully and
Dr. Judith Scully
The PrivateBank
The Ward Foundation
Toy Industry Foundation
United Way Metro Chicago
W.R. Berkley Corporation
Charitable Foundation
$1,000 to $4,999
Mr. Alex Anderson and
Ms. Anne Hennessy
Mr. David A. Ansell and
Ms. Paula M. Grabler
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aque
Mr. John Araujo
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Arends
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Arnett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Babbo
Barker and Castro, LLC
Ms. Jackie M. Barlow
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Beil
Mr. Robert Bloch and
Ms. Barbara Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bonomo
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bowker
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cuyler Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Brown
Capstone Financial Advisors
Careful Peach Boutique
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Cederoth
Chapman & Cutler
Chicago Teacher, Inc.
Dr. Joseph Christian
Chuhak & Tecson
Clayton A. Struve Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Connelly
Mr. Burt Constable and
Ms. Cheryl ter Horst
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Conway
Corporate Relocation Council
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Daily
Mr. Larry G. Dakof and
Ms. Irma Aguilar
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Deitch
Ms. Jane Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Diomede
Mr. Brian Druley
Mr. and Mrs. David Dunning
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Durpetti
Ecolab Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Edwardson
Mr. John C. Filosa and
Ms. Cathaleen Roach
First United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flynn
Ms. Ann Fraioli
Dr. Frances Gaik
Ms. Cheri Gallagher and
Ms. Joanne Turko
Mr. and Mrs. John Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Garber
Ms. Maria Garvy
GE Capital
GE Capital Solutions
Gene & Georgetti Restaurant
George M. Eisenberg Foundation for Charities
George and Barbara Kovacs
Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gerber
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gladden
Mr. and Mrs. John Glavin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glick
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Goldring
Mr. David Grande
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Green
Mr. Daniel N. Greenstone and
Ms. Heidi Lynch
Greentarget Global Group, LLC
Guy Fieri’s Cooking With Kids Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hayes
Ms. Mercedes Hennessy
Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club
Hogan Marren, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Horwich
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jarrett
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Jensen
Jocarno Fund
Mr. Thomas Johnson and
Ms. Leslie A. Jones
Ms. Gina Judge
Mr. and Mrs. Ken P. Kansa
Mrs. Mary Ann Karris
Mr. David J. Kerwin
Mr. Steve Kiger and Ms. Leslie Berns
Kohl’s Cares for Kids/
Community Relations
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kozak
Mr. Nate Laurell and Ms. Kris McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Laurenzo
Mr. Aaron Lebovitz and
Ms. Donna Myers
Mr. Byron Lee and
Ms. Audrey Williams-Lee
Prof. Richard Leftwich and
Ms. Susan Hammond
Dr. David Levy and Dr. Janis Wiener
Mrs. Christine Linde
Ms. Sharon Lipinski
Mr. and Mrs. George Locasto
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Loftus
Dr. Gregory J. Macchio and
Dr. Rosa M. Navarro
Mr. and Mrs. Michael MacKinnon
Mr. and Mrs. David Majewski
Mr. and Mrs. James Malpede
Mr. Sheldon Mandell
Mary Lou Downs Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Matas
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mauro
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCann
McCarthy & Trinka, Inc.
McCarthy Tetrault LLP
Mr. and Mrs. John McIlwain
Mr. Marvin McLean and
Ms. Donna Rolf
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mead
Mr. and Mrs. Neeraj Mehta
Mr. Robert Merriweather
Mesirow Financial
Dr. Anthony Millard and
Dr. Dietra D. Millard
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Miller
Mr. Joseph Monahan and
Ms. Kathleen McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Murphy
Ms. Sara Myers
Ms. Frances Nauth
Mr. and Mrs. Donald X. Nekrosius
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Nesburg
David and Lee Neubecker
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Noonan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pacioni
Per Se Group, Inc.
Ms. Lorenza Perelli
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd D. Perkins
Mr. Michael T. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Pero
Ms. Laura Petrie and
Ms. Shelley Petrie
Philips Lighting Systems and Control
Timothy and Molly Philosophos
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Players Sport and Social Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pontrelli
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Ramquist Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Pravin Rao
Mr. and Mrs. Viresh Rawal
Reliance Capital Markets II, LLC
Retail Properties of America
Ms. Carolyn J. Roche
Roosevelt Middle School
Rush Oak Park Hospital
Mr. Michael Salvati and
Ms. Charlotte Rubenstein
Mr. Rodney Schainis and
Dr. Lisa Chorzempa
Scheck Industries
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scheck
Scripps Networks Interactive
SG 360
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sher
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Shiner
Sidley Austin Foundation
Sidley Austin LLP
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Silver
Simplified Search, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Skodol
Sloan Valve Company
Mrs. Virginia Sonnenschein
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Sorensen
Mr. Arthur H. Soudek and
Ms. Nora M. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Stanislaw
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Stratton
Mr. Michael Stutz and
Ms. Kari McGrath
Supera Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Byron F. Taylor
Terri Joe Charitable Foundation
Terri Race Educational Technology Fund
The Good Heart, Work Smart Foundation
The Grainger Foundation
The Palmer Family Foundation
The Sweet Water Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Thier
Thrivent Choice
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tinervia
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Tortorici
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Toye
Mr. Mark Trinka and
Ms. Bernadette Diaz
TTX Company
United Way of the National
Capital Area
Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Weaver
Mr. James A. White and
Ms. Andrea Ravin
Whole Foods Market
Ms. Martha Williams
Winston & Strawn LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wojack
Mr. Jon Yates
Mr. Thomas Yates and
Ms. Diane Ratekin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Young
Mr. James Yuratovac
$500 to $999
AccuVal Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Suresh T. Advani
Ms. Wincy Alforque
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Alles
Ms. Barb Althaus and Ms. Lynn Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Anderson
Ms. Laura L. Arterburn
Mr. Jesse H. Austin III
Mr. Don Babwin and Ms. Joan Radovich
Mr. Curt Bachman
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Barbato
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Barkidjija
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Battreall
Mrs. Patricia Belke
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bianucci
Ms. Pashen Black
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Blackburn
Bleifuss Law, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec P. Bliss
Ms. Theresa H. Boland
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bosco
Ms. Elizabeth Britt
Burger Boss, LLC
Mr. Brian Byrne and Ms. Mary Jane Joyce
Ms. Rajmonda Caceres
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Caldarone
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cargie
Carolinas Healthcare System
Carrac Capital Partners
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Caudell
Chicago Board Options Exchange
Mr. William Cleavland and Ms. Lisa Collings
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Coffee
Ms. Ann Colins
Comet Die & Engraving Company
Community Bank of Oak Park & River Forest
* deceased
2015 Annual Report
Mr. Michael Cope and
Ms. Laura Dunne
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cox
David James Company
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan De Witte
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Deaton
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Deftos
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. DelBeccaro
Mr. Allen Dick and Ms. Diane Bonina
Mr. Rich DiVerde
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Egan
Mr. and Mrs. James Eldred
Mr. Bruce Elegant and
Dr. Debra Gurney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Euler
Mr. Sumner T. Farren and
Ms. Sharon L. Hermanns
Mr. and Mrs. Thadford Felton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Finley
First United Church of Oak Park
Ms. Wendy Foster
Frito Lay
Fuschia Boutique
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Galland
Gap Foundation
Garvey’s Office Products
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gibbs
Global Hope
Ms. Rosemary Godfrey
Mr. Morris B. Goldman and
Ms. Hilarie Lieb
Mr. and Mrs. John Grimes
Mr. Michael Grimes
Mr. Brian Hammersley
Senator and Mrs. Don Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Harren
Mr. and Mrs. Garratt Hasenstab
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hoffman
Mr. Julius Lloyd Horwich
Mr. Richard C. Huettel and
Ms. Susan J. Harrold
Mr. Rich Iorio and
Ms. Irina Konstantinovsky
Ms. Phyllis A. Isaacson
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jones
Ms. Mary Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Killoren
Ms. Michele K. Kitch
Mr. and Mrs. John Kulie
Mr. Peter Labadie and
Ms. Suzanne Saxman
Mr. and Mrs. James Lago
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Landis
Mr. and Mrs. John LeFevour
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lerner
Mastercare Building Services, Inc.
Ms. Emily Mauro
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Mauro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson
Ms. Kristin Mayhew
Ms. Karen W. McClard
Mr. and Mrs. John McConville
Mr. Robert McCurdy
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McKune
Ms. Cary McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Duschan W. Milojevic
Mr. Roger J. Modder
Moller Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrison
The Mulcahey Family
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nations
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Nelson
Ms. Tracey Nicastro
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Niederman
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Noble
Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Noll
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Noonan
NRC Realty & Capital Advisors, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. James Nugent
Parkview Presbyterian
Mr. and Mrs. Zdenek A. Pecenka
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pellegrini
Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Pelzer, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Petrosino
Mr. Don Pilcher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pogvara
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Poulos
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Powell
Ms. Marijke Raju
Mr. Michael E. Reed and
Ms. Camille A. Olson
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Rotary Club of Oak Park &
River Forest
Salesforce.com Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Scheck
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schoon
Schulz-Brundage, Inc.
Ms. Sandra L. Seegers
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seltzer
Showtime Fitness
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sichlau
Mr. Arthur J. Simon
Mr. Aaron Smith and Ms. Lisa Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Spadoni
Mr. Darryl J. Strouse and
Ms. Josephine E. Halpin
Sugarcup Trading
Mr. Danny Sugimoto and
Ms. Sondra L. Summers
The Law Recruiters
The Lumpkin Family Foundation
The Robert Thomas Bobins Foundation
The Trainer Family
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Thompson
Transportation Warehousing Enterprises, Inc.
Travelers Insurance Employee
Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Trimble
Mr. and Mrs. John Tulley
Mr. Shawn Vogen and
Mrs. Kristen Carlson Vogen
Mr. Matt Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wanless
Mr. Curt Warner and
Ms. Kathryn E. Hempel
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Weigel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weldon-Linne
Mr. and Mrs. John Wickes
Windgate Wealth Management
Ms. Kristina Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Wright III
Ms. Lola Wright
$250 to $499
Mr. and Mrs. John Adam
Ms. Catherine Adduci
Ms. Carolyn Z. Alford
Mr. and Mrs. Graham C. Allen
Allstate Insurance Company
Ms. Bonnie S. Anderson
Ms. Patricia L. Angell
Mr. Frederick Arkin
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Atchison
Avis Rent A Car System, LLC
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Donna Barrows
Bartel’s Auto Clinic & Quick Lube
Mr. and Mrs. Dell L. Bellile Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Benson
Ms. Denise Berdelle and Family
Mrs. John R. Blair
BP Fabric of America Fund
Ms. Jean Brackett
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Calkins
Ms. Anne Campana
Ms. Iole Cappiello
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Casson
Mr. and Mrs. Kellen Choi
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Clemente
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Corsino
Mr. and Mrs. David Coverdale
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cunningham
Mr. James Cusick
Ms. Nadine P. Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dixon
Ms. Gina Donlin
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dornamen
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Duddleston
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dvorsky
Ms. Christina Ewing
Mr. Patrick Fahey and Mr. Carl Branch
Ms. Megan Feinberg
Mr. John B. Flanigan and
Ms. Michele M. Zurakowski
Mr. Michael J. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Friedberger
Mr. and Mrs. William Fuller
Ms. Eileen M. Garvey
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gatrell
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Giardina
Dr. William J. Gradishar and
Dr. Cynthia Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gravely
H4 Training, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Farooq Hassan
HealthTrack Sport Wellness
Mr. Melvin D. Hover
Ms. Leigh Ann Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Hutchinson
Ms. Jewel Hyland
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Joss
Ms. Anne McNamee Keels
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Kelleher
Ms. Cindy Kielkucki
Mr. Glen A. Kienitz
Ms. Paula Kovarik
Ms. Barbara Krause & Family
Kristi Hughes Photography
Mr. David Kroopkin and
Ms. Michelle Brode
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Laible
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Landay
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Laney
Mr. and Mrs. John Lee
Mr. and Mrs. David Lentz
Leo Burnett Company Charitable Foundation
Ms. Susanne Lodgen
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lofgren
Ms. Kimberly Louis
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lovelace
Mr. Joseph Loveland, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mann
Mr. Michael Mariottini and
Ms. Laura Kitsos
Mr. George Matkov
Mr. and Mrs. James McCracken
Mr. Edward McGillen and
Ms. Mary Raleigh
Meathead Management, LLC
Mr. Paul Medford and
Ms. Ellen Marie Snare
Mr. Michael Mikoola
Ms. Mary Kay Mireles
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mizgala
Mr. Chris D. Molen
Municipal Systems, Inc.
Northern Trust Matching Gift
and Volunteer Grant Program
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nussbaum
Ms. Sarah Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Rourke
Ms. Lynn O’Rourke
Mr. Andrew Packer
Mr. Michael W. Papciak
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Parrell
Mr. Thomas Pasternak and
Ms. Carolyn Kilbride
Ms. Amanda Perkett
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Petty
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pickering
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Pisani
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Planek
PNC Foundation
Precious Moments
Prudential Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Puccini
Pulaski International School
of Chicago
Pure Processing
Ms. Jan Pyrce
Mr. Devon Quinn and Ms. Jodi Fyfe
Mrs. Edward Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Damon Rafiei
Ms. Kelly N. Reeves
Renee Hughes Incorporated
Mr. Joel Rhea
Mr. Andrew Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Richardson
Ms. Mylene Richardson
Ms. Leslyn G. Rigoni
Ms. Frances M. Roach
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roche
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Roche
Ms. Paige Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Rothermel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Rupe
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ryan
Ms. Rosa Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saporito
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schiffman
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Schmalzl
Dr. Marieke Schoen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schoeny
Sear’s Pharmacy
Ms. Renee Sichlau
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sinaiko
Mr. Gary Smith
Ms. Melissa Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Speracino
Ms. Cara Stader
Ms. Helena Stancikas
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Steinberg
Mrs. and Mrs. Mason W. Stephenson
Mr. Jeffrey Stocker and
Ms. Mary Spyropoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Sturch
Ms. Aaron Sullivan
Mr. Ronald J. Suszek
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Svehla
Mr. Dan Swinford
Ms. Rosemary E. Szurko
Ms. Leesa Tinervia
Ms. Kimberly Underwood
Ms. Sira Urbina
Value Auto
Ms. Michaelle Van Linden
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Vliet
Mr. Steven Wade and
Dr. Elaine Lee Wade
Mr. John Walter and
Ms. Sagari Medappa
Mr. Mike Warren and
Ms. Julie Buchanan
Mr. Keith Weiler
Wheaton Montessori
Wheaton Orthodontic Center
Mr. David H. Wick
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Willey
Mr. John D. Wilson
Windy City Carpet Service, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Woywod
Mr. and Mrs. Dean N. Yannias
A Matter of Style
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Abrahamson
Alex Transport, Inc.
Mr. Michael C. Alexander
AmazonSmile Foundation
Mr. Brian Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. M. Scott Anderson
Ms. Jessica K. Boelter
Mr. Andre D. Bonakdar
Mr. and Mrs. John Boyaris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Bradt
Brennan’s Pest Control
Mr. and Mrs. Juergen Broscheit
Ms. Tatjana Brown
Ms. Theresa Brown
Brownie Troop #41169
Ms. Gina Bruzzichesi
Ms. Constance R. Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. John Burns
Ms. Sandra Burns
Mrs. Delilah Butler
Ms. Piper Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Callaghan
Camille Margaret Designs
Ms. Martha Cantu
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cardamone
Mrs. Rose M. Carroll
Mr. Paul Caruso
Ms. Marci Chartrand
Ms. Stephanie Child
Mr. Ching-Cheng Chou
Christina Publishing Society
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Christou
Mr. Bernd Clauberg
Cole’s Bar
Mr. Christopher Collins
Ms. Carol L. Anglet
Mr. Michael Antonietti
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Ashton
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Auvinen
Ms. Marilyn J. Ayersman
Bag Lady/Sheet Lady
Mr. Brian Baginski and
Ms. Cathey Bojalad
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Bakken
Mr. Timothy Bannon and
Ms. Cecelia Bacom
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Barsanti
Ms. Mary Beach
Ms. Kathryn Beedle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Beeman
Mr. Kenneth K. Bellaire
Ms. Mary Bianchi
Mrs. Sarah Bielecki
Ms. Amber Blatt
Ms. Colleen M. Collins
Community Shares
Mr. Robert Conrardy and Ms. Diane Dygert
Ms. Joan E. Coogan
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cornman
Ms. Hilda Corral
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Corsini
Dr. Francine Cournos
Mr. and Mrs. David Craighead
Ms. Mary A. Crane
Ms. Joy Cunningham
Ms. Emily Davies
Ms. Suzanne De Vos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Denisiuk
Mr. and Mrs. Prakash Desai
Ms. Christine M. Devries
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dieschbourg
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. DiNapoli
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Divis
Mr. Thomas J. Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. John Doerrer
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Doherty
$100 to $249
C O M M U N I T y & C orporate
Hephzibah owes a debt of gratitude to the following community
and corporate partners for enhancing the lives
of children and families in FY15. We appreciate all that you do!
Aarons Sales and Leasing
AT&T Corporate Real Estate
Athletico–Oak Park
Avis Budget Group
Boelter Companies
Bryan & Amanda Bickell Foundation
CenterPoint Properties
Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association
CIT Group, Inc.
CME Group Amicus Volunteer Program
Concordia University
Corporate Relocations Council
Cosmetology Training Center
Craig/Steven Development Corp
David King and Associates
DePaul University Steans Center for Service Learning
Dominican University Doody Enterprises
Eli Lilly
Eze Castle Integration
Fed Ex
GE Corporate Finance
Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club
James Anthony Salon and Day Spa
Kohl’s Care for Kids
Let it Be Us
Loyola University Children’s Hospital–
Pediatric Mobile Health Unit
McDonald’s Corporation–US Legal Department
McDonald’s Corporation–Global Total Compensation Department
Northwestern University Health Service
Oak Park Elementary School District #97
Oak Park River Forest High School Hephzibah Huskies
Oak Park Women’s Guild
Old Navy – Oak Park
On-Line Communications
Peninsula Chicago Hotel
Philips Lighting Systems and Control
Photgraphy by Ebert
R. P. Fox and Associates
Red Hen Bread
Robert Morris University –Technology Department
Rock of Ages Baptist Church
RPAI-Retail Properties of America
Rush Oak Park Hospital
Securities and Exchange Comission
Service Club of Chicago
SPEX Optical – Oak Park
St. Luke Religious Education Office
The Gap – Oak Park
The Ismaili Religious Education Center, Glenview
The Menta Group – Hillside Academy Team Transition
The Neighborhood Giving Project
ToyBox Connection
Trinity High School
UAW Local 6
Unity Temple
UPS-Franklin Park Branch
Viet-Now Berwyn/Cicero Chapter
West Suburban Eye Associates
Whole Foods Market
Women Everywhere Partners in Service Project, Inc.
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Domask
Mr. and Mrs. Manny Dominguez Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis S. Dornburg
D-R Rosemont, LLC
Mr. David Dranoff and
Ms. Wendy Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Drez
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dugan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunphy
Ms. Margaret Eades
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edwalds
Emerson Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Fahrney
Mr. Dave Faust
Mr. Kevin Feeley
Ms. Chrissy Felton
Mr. Joe Ferarro
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ferrone
Mr. and Mrs. Dominique Feteau
Ms. Meagan E. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Fitzpatrick
Ms. Lois M. Flaherty
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fletcher
Ms. Karen Fogg
Ms. Ruth Fogg
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Foreman
Mr. Bryan Forero
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Danny L. Franceschina
Mr. William C. Funke
Ms. Kathryn Furman
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Galo
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gancer
Dr. Stephen R. Gawne
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gebert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Geselbracht
Dr. Roe P. Ghislaine D.D.S.
Ms. Traci Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Gillingham
Mr. Steven Gillman and
Ms. Gillian Siegel
Glass from the Past
Ms. Candice Glover
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Glubisz
Mr. Richard C. Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Gold
Mr. Robert F. Goldstein and
Ms. Amy Bernstein
Ms. Ileana Gomez
Mr. Fred C. Good
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grace
Mr. Jose Gracia
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Greenberg
Ms. Catherine Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. John Grogan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Gross
Ms. Theresa Gruenwald
Mr. and Mrs. Bojan Guzina
Ms. Amy Guzman
Mr. Michael J. Haddad
Ms. Nancy Hagan
Mr. Philip G. Hanahan
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hardtke
Ms. Linda Harman McIntosh
Mr. Geoffrey Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Harris
Mrs. Harriet Hausman
Ms. Julianne Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Marcin Hiolski
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Hoenig
Mr. Karl Hofbauer and
Ms. Sarah Lash
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hoke
Ms. Maria Homorozan
Ms. Masa Hosomizu
Mr. Clay Howell
Mr. and Mrs. James Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hurt
Mr. Robert M. Hyman and
Ms. Sara Caswell
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Isaacs
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond O. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jordan
Mr. David Jordan
JP Morgan Chase
Dr. Wayne Juhnke
Ms. Laura Kahan
Ms. Marilyn Kamm
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Kamper
Mr. Michael Karp
Mrs. Mary Ellen Kelly
Kelty Lawn Care, LLC
Mr. Mark Kerman and
Ms. Marsha Moseley
Mr. Kurt Kidder
Mr. Stuart Kipnis
Ms. Mary Klich
Ms. Susan Klinger
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kollman
Mr. John Konrath
Ms. Lanita Koster
Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher Kotte
Mr. and Mrs. Dino Kourelis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kowalski
Ms. Susan M. Kraemer
Mr. and Mrs. John Krenzer
Ms. Leah B. Kutz
Mr. James Lapera
Ms. Annie Larson
Mr. Richard Larson
Mr. Blake Latta
Ms. Nancy Latta
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lazzeretti
Ms. Sonya Leathers
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Leavy
Ms. Evangeline Leggin
Mr. James Limber
Ms. Mary Jane Linke
Mr. Stephen Ljubenko
Ms. Margaret Loisel
Mr. James H. Lokey Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric London
Ms. Jennifer Lorbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Loughran
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lucchesi
Ms. Ruth Mack
Mr. and Mrs. John H. MacKinnon
Mr. William A. Mahoney
Ms. Barbara Maka
Ms. Patricia A. Malespin
Ms. Alice Matesanz
Ms. Genie Matthews
Ms. Keiko Matthewson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Matusiak
Ms. Dana Mauro
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maychruk
Ms. Dorothy Mayer
Dr. Philip E. McAndrew and
Mr. Rex B. Reeve
Ms. Noreen McCann
Mr. William McCarthy
Ms. Rhonda McCarty
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonnell
Ms. Jana McIlroy
Ms. Laura McNamara
Medinah Country Club 18 Hole Women’s Golf Group
Mr. and Mrs. David Menzel
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mercer
Mr. Paul Metaxatos
Ms. Margaret Metzger
Ms. Veronica Micklin
Mr. Jeff Miller and Ms. Lisa Garling
Monahan Law Group, LLC.
Ms. Victoria Monarrez
Ms. Janice Moskoff
Ms. Raluca Motoi
Mr. and Mrs. William Niro
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Nix
Ms. Polly Novak
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Novey
Mr. Jimmy Nugent
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Nyhan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Adekunle Onayemi
Mr. and Mrs. Chris O’Neill
Optimist Club of Oak Park
Ms. Margarita Orozco
Ms. Penny Ellen Oszak
Ms. Jaya Oza
Pan American Bank
Ms. Laura Panicola
Ms. Luca Pasqualini
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Passi
Mr. Himanshu Patel
Mrs. Pamela Peak
Ms. Erica Peek
Mr. Gary L. Penrith
Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Pepper
Mr. and Mrs. David Persino
Personal Expressions Designs
Mr. Michael Pesigan and
Ms. Dianna Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Picone Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Pizzo
Ms. Renee A. Pleshar
Mr. Keith Plummer
Mr. and Mrs. John Polhill
Mr. Edward Pont
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Quil
Mr. and Mrs. M. Patrick Quinn
Mrs. Lisa L. Rees
Mr. Francis Regan
Mr. Tyler J. Reighley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reitz
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rhomberg
Mr. Harry Richter
Mr. Jeff Ridgell
Ms. Casandra Ringsdorf
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rischitelli
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rock
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Roden
Ms. Nancy Rolock
Mr. Richard Roman
Mr. David A. Rooney
Ms. Kristi Ross
Mr. Lawrence Roth
Mr. Morrie Rutman
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Schaff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Schimmel
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Schuler
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Schwartz
Ms. Lisa Schwartz
Mr. Craig M. Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shay
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shea
Mr. Brent Shepherd
Mr. Steven Shields
Mr. Glenn Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Sjostrom
Mr. John W. Slocum and
Ms. Rachel N. Weber
Ms. Mary Beth Smith
Ms. Charlene A. Soby
Mr. and Mrs. John Sokolowski
Specialty Jewelry
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Spurgeon
Ms. Holly G. Starck
Mr. and Mrs. John Starmann
Mr. Mitch Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Steinke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoll
Mr. G. Ralph Strohl and
Ms. Meena C. Rao
Ms. Kristen Sundquist
Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton
Mr. Matt Svejcar and Ms. Ellen Winter
Sweetpea’s Chocolates
Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Taubman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Taylor
Mr. Trent Thakur
The American Legion #0796
American Legion Riders
The Book Table, Inc.
The Transport Group
Dr. Chris Thomas, D.D.S.
Mr. Les Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Titus
Ms. Angela Topel
Ms. Victoria Tovar
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Towner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Truelove
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Tulsky
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Twomey
U.S. Bank Foundation
United Methodist Women
of First United Methodist Church
Mr. Jack Vainisi
Ms. Amanda Valente
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Van Vliet
Mr. Michael Vangrunsven
Mr. and Mrs. Walter VanSlyke
Ms. Elizabeth Vavrek
Mr. and Mrs. James Vostal
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walicki
Ms. Jennifer I. Walsh
Ms. Kim Warburton
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Watkins
Dr. Michele Watson-Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Jason W. Watts
Mr. Mark C. Weber and
Ms. Joanne Kinoy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Weicher
Ms. Kate Weidner
Ms. Hannah Weigel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Weil
Mr. Dustin R. Weinberger and
Ms. Erika A. Olson
West Suburban Alumnae Association of Kappa Delta
Ms. Ellie Whitlock
Ms. Kathleen Wirtz
Mr. Kenneth Wojciak
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Zampa
Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Zawacki
Mr. Brandon Ziemann
Mr. Thomas C. Zimm
Mr. John Zuraw
Under $100
7 Sandwich Stop
A & J Paving, Inc.
Mr. Marvin Abrahamson
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Adaire
Mr. John Adamczyk
Mr. Paul Aeschleman and
Ms. Patricia Feeley
Mr. Kenneth Agrimonti and
Mrs. Andrea Cohen-Agimonti
Mr. Victor Aguirre
Ms. Rachel Alcorn
Ms. Mari Alexakis
Mr. Dima Ali
Ms. Nina Allread
Amato’s Pizzeria, Inc.
AMC Accounting Solutions
Mr. David N. Anderson and
Ms. Becky Palmer
Ms. Mary L. Anderson
Mr. Daniel Antonacci
Ms. Elva Antonio
Ms. Dianna Antosiak
Ms. Yasmeen Archer
Mr. Mohammed Arif
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Arlaskey
Ms. Jennifer Arvidson
Ms. Hannah Auger
Ms. Erin Austin
Ms. Eva Ayala
Ms. Patricia Badami
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bagato
Ms. Geraldine Baillod
Baird & Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl E. Baker
Mr. David Baker
Mr. John Balanoff
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Balch
Ms. Robin Baldwin
Ms. Mary Anne Balinski
Ms. Gianna Bamonti
Ms. Natalie N. Banks
Ms. Jueun Bar
Ms. Margaret Barber
Ms. Colleen Barkley
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Barnes
Mrs. Donna J. Battiato
Ms. Susan Beach and
Mr. Richard White
Mr. Domenico T. Beatini
Dr. Diane F. Bejcek
Ms. Ann Marie Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Everett J. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Bell
Ms. Karen Beller
Mr. Mike Bellutiar
Ms. Sarah Benedict
Mrs. Terese Benjamin
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Benton
Ms. Shana Bernstein
Mr. Thomas C. Bigelow
Bird on a Wire
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Birmingham
Ms. Sydney Blattner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boban
Ms. Julie Boczkowski
Mr. Henry J. Bode and
Mrs. Susan Cartland-Bode
Mr. Max Bode
Ms. Keena Bonds
Ms. Kathleen Bots
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Boyer
Mr. Jeremy Boynton
Mr. and Mrs. Darric Brambora
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Brandt
Ms. Amy Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Max Brigide
Ms. Laura Brinkman
Mr. Michael Brooks
Mr. Leonard Brown and
Ms. Rudi Vanderburg
Mr. Steven J. Brown and
Ms. Laura B. Bretner
Ms. Debra Brownlee
Mr. Donovan Bush
Mr. Michael Buttita
Mr. and Mrs. John Butzke
Mr. Alexandru Buzura
Mr. Carlos Cabrera
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Caden
Ms. Kim Calabrese
Mr. Alejandro Calderon
Ms. Jennifer Camporeale
Mr. Joseph Carbonara
Ms. Danielle Carleton
Ms. Phoebe Carleton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Carter
Ms. Tina Casale
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Catrambone
Mr. and Mrs. John Cavalaris
Ms. Christine Celik
Ms. Christine Centeno
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Chagnon
Mr. Jeffrey Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chapleau
Ms. Pam Chaplin
Ms. Katherine Chin
Miss Madelyn Choi
Mr. Jim Christofferson
Ms. Shari Christofferson
City Of Rochelle
Ms. Marsha Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clark
Mr. Jesse Clarks
Ms. Cindy Cohn
Cold Stone Creamery
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cole
Mr. John M. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Collie
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Comiskey
Ms. Danielle Condon
Ms. Gina Conforti
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conner
Ms. Kelly Connolly
Ms. Maribeth Conway
Ms. Nicole Conway
Ms. Nancy Cook
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Coon IV
Ms. Libby Costigan
Ms. Janice Cousin
Mr. Lucas Craig
Mr. Michael H. Cramer and
Mrs. Harlene Ellin
Mr. Chris Cronin and Ms. Elisa Gordon
Ms. Judith Crozier
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cuculich
Mrs. Eileen Curran
Ms. Stephanie Curran
Mr. Rob Currie
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Cuthbert
Mr. Faren D’Abell
Mr. Brian Dag
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dahlgren
Ms. Lauren Dain
Mr. Brian Daly
Mr. Mark Day
Ms. Christine De Luca
Mr. Alex De Van Weenen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dedoes
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeGiorgio
Ms. Wanda Del Rio
Mr. Christopher Delgaldo
Mr. and Mrs. Vito Della Polla
Mr. Keith Demchinski
Mrs. Patricia J. Demerath
Ms. Jennifer Dettloff
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Dickson
Mr. Vladan Dimitrijevic
Mr. and Mrs. Vito Dipietra
Ms. Kim Doan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dohman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Domanowski
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Dombrowski
Ms. Crystal Dominguez
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Domio
Downtown Oak Park Corporation
Ms. Mira Dragisic
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dumelle
Mr. Sean Dungey
Ms. Diedre S. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dunne
Ms. Nancy Ebner
Ms. Felicia Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Egolf
Ms. Jen Eldersveld
Ms. Dominque Ellison
Ms. Berit Engen
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Engesser
Ms. Jean Ernsting
Euclid Avenue United Methodist Women
Mr. Everett L. Evans
Ms. Barbara Fanta
Ms. Norma Federighi
Ms. Connie Feigl
Ms. Ruth Femali
Ms. Emily Fenske
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Ferguson
Ms. Gina Ferrantelli
Ms. Ashley Fimian
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Finn
Fitzgerald’s Fine Stationery
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Fleisher
Ms. Deirdre Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fojas
Ms. Colette Foley
Ms. Pamela Fontana
Ms. DeAnna Foran
Ms. Sue Foran
Ms. Felicha Framke
Ms. Megan Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Franz
Mr. Kyle Frayn
Mr. Scott Frayn
Mr. and Mrs. James Froslid
Gabriel John Naturals
Ms. Ashley Gaddis
Mr. Gregory Gajewski
Mr. Arun Ganesh
Ms. Lindsey Ganote
Mr. David Garcia
Ms. Denine Garrett
Mr. Larry Gast
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gates
Ms. Kathleen Gaucher
Ms. Katie Gavenda
GE Foundation
Mr. Nick Georgakilas
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gerut
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Gettle
Ms. Jackie Giaimo
Mr. Todd Glickstern
Mr. and Mrs. James Gilchrist
Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Gilyot
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Givens
Glen Ellyn Juniors
Mr. Paulo Goelzer and
Ms. Nancy G. Burgoyne
Ms. Carrie B. Goldbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Goldbranson
Mr. Alex Gonzales
Mr. Charles Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Gooch
Ms. Ellen F. Gorin
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gorski
roots &wings
“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give to our children.
One of these is roots — the other, wings.”
H odding C arter
Hephzibah Children’s Association thanks the members of our
Roots and Wings Society for their generous support.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Ambrosino
Mr. Alex Anderson and Ms. Anne Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Andrews
Mr. David A. Ansell and
Ms. Paula M. Grabler
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aque
Mr. John Araujo
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Arends
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Arnett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Babbo
Ms. Jackie M. Barlow
Mr. Kent D. Barnett and Ms. Lauren Heath*
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Beil
Mr. Robert Bloch and Ms. Barbara Kahn
Brian and Christine Bonomo
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bowker
Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Brown
Paul and Sherry Carbery
Dr. Joseph Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Conway
Mr. Burt Constable and Ms. Cheryl ter Horst
Matt and Carrie Cotter
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dahir
Mr. Jassem el Mahmoud and
Ms. Francesca DeBiase
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Deitch
Ms. Jane Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Diomede
Mr. Brian Druley
Ms. Carol J. Dunning
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Durpetti
Mr. and Mrs. John Edwardson
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Emerson
Mr. John C. Filosa and
Ms. Cathaleen Roach
Mark and Christine Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flynn
Ms. Ann Fraioli
Dr. Frances Gaik
Mr. and Mrs. John Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Garber
Ms. Maria Garvy
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gerber
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gladden
Mr. and Mrs. John Glavin
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Goldring
Mr. David Grande
Kevin and Tammy Hammortree
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Haupers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hayes
Ms. Mercedes Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Horwich
Mr. and Mrs. T. Kendall Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jarrett
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Jensen
Mr. Thomas Johnson and Ms. Leslie A. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Jordahl
Ms. Gina Judge
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kansa
Mrs. Mary Ann Karris
Mr. David J. Kerwin
Mr. Steve Kiger and Ms. Leslie Berns
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kozak
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Lane
Mr. and Mrs. James Laurenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Laurenzo
Mr. Aaron Lebovitz and Ms. Donna Myers
Mr. Byron Lee and Ms. Audrey Williams-Lee
Prof. Richard Leftwich and
Ms. Susan Hammond
Dr. David Levy and Dr. Janis Wiener
Ms. Sharon Lipinski
Mr. and Mrs. George Locasto
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Loftus
Dr. Gregory J. Macchio and
Dr. Rosa M. Navarro
Mr. and Mrs. Michael MacKinnon
Mr. and Mrs. David Majewski
Mr. and Mrs. James Malpede
Mr. Sheldon Mandell
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Matas
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCann
Ms. Kris McCoy and Mr. Nate Laurell
Mr. Michael Stutz and Ms. Kari McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. John McIlwain
Dr. and Mrs. Lou McKeever
Mr. Marvin McLean and Ms. Donna Rolf
Mr. and Mrs. Neeraj Mehta
Mr. Robert Merriweather
Dr. Anthony Millard and Dr. Dietra D. Millard
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Miller
Mr. Joseph Monahan and
Ms. Kathleen McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Noel G. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Moses
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Murphy
Ms. Sara Myers
Ms. Frances Nauth
Mr. and Mrs. Donald X. Nekrosius
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Nesburg
David and Lee Neubecker
Mr. and Mrs. Dave L. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pacioni
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Paice
Ms. Lorenza Perelli
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd D. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Pero
Ms. Laura Petrie and Ms. Shelley Petrie
Molly and Tim Philosophos
Steve and Deb Poe
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pontrelli
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Ramquist Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Pravin Rao
Mr. James A. White and Ms. Andrea Ravin
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Richard
Ms. Carolyn J. Roche
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Rosenwinkel
Mr. Michael Salvati and
Ms. Charlotte Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scheck
Mr. Joseph C. Scully and Dr. Judith Scully
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sher
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Shiner
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Silver
Mrs. Virginia Sonnenschein
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Sorensen
Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Stanislaw
Ms. Donna Stoll
Mr. and Mrs. Byron F. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Thier
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tinervia
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Toye
Mr. Mark Trinka and Ms. Bernadette Diaz
Mrs. Sarita Warshawsky *
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Weaver
Ms. Martha Williams
Mr. Byron Lee and Mrs. Audrey Williams-Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wojack
Mr. Jon Yates
Mr. Thomas Yates and Ms. Diane Ratekin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Young
* deceased
Mr. Andrew Gorup
Ms. Susan Grady
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Graff
Ms. Cheryl Gratson
Ms. Molly Gray
Ms. Olivia Gray
Ms. Linda A. Green
Ms. Cindy Grimaud
Mr. George Grimes
Ms. Andrea Gritis
Ms. Doris M. Gruskin
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Guarino
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Guerino
Mr. and Mrs. E. Andre Guerrier
Ms. Olivia Gunter
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gusanders
Mr. Frank Guzzo
Mr. Sal Guzzo
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gwozdz
Ms. Marian Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Hager
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hall
Ms. Gail Hamilton
Ms. Sarah Hampson
Mr. Matt Hanley
Ms. Regina Harbor
Mr. Rick Haring
Ms. Judith Harju
Ms. Mary Harris
Ms. Rhonda L. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Tiger Harris
Ms. Cara Harrison
Ms. Pat Healey
Ms. Virginia L. Hegarty
Mr. Justin Heim
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Helle
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon K. Hellwig
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Henaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Hendren
Ms. Emilie Hennessy
Ms. Patricia Hensler
Mr. David Hernandez
Mr. Michael Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hickey
Mr. Edward Hines
Ms. Stephanie Hipp
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Hirschman
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hirshman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hlinka
Mrs. Helen Hlinka
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoban
Ms. Hilary Hobson
Mr. Alan Hoffstadter
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Holderfield
Mr. and Mrs. Ping Homeric
Ms. Simona M. Homorozan
Ms. Laurie A. Hoppe
Ms. Elizabeth Hopson
Mr. Bill Hovel
Mr. Butch Hovel
Ms. Dori Hovel
Ms. Sheryl Hovel
Mr. Thomas Hovel
Mr. Martin Huggins
Ms. Kristi Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Humowiecki
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hunter
Inforika Tech, Inc.
Ms. Abosede Isiwele
Ms. Sally Ivaska
Ms. Ellen Izenson
Ms. Wioletta Jablecka
Ms. Alexandria Jackson
Mr. Donald Jackson
Ms. Stacey Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jakobsze
Mr. Jerzy Janczak
Mr. Dan Jaskiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Jeffrey
Ms. Becki Jeka
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Jenkins
Ms. Norma Jenkins
Mr. Lee C. Jenne III
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Jensen
Ms. Renee Jereb
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Jeske Jr.
Ms. Lisa Jimenez
Mr. and Mrs. Corey S. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson
Mr. Ken Johnson and
Ms. Amy Stearns
Mr. David Johnston
Ms. Crystal Jones
Ms. Deborah Kadin
Mr. Michael Kaim
Ms. Carolyn Kalina
Mr. William Kalinowski and
Ms. Kathleen Bulaga
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kawa
Mr. Anthony Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Keeley
KeyBanc Capital Markets
Ms. Grace Khamou
Ms. Cherie KibbleSmith
Ms. Beth Kies
Mr. Andrew R. Kiger and
Ms. Emily C. Krauspe
Mr. Bradford King
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford King
Mr. and Mrs. Jay King
Ms. Judy Kipnis
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kirkeby
Stacey Kirkpatrick
Mr. Darren Kliss
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Knapp
Mr. Peter Knight
Mr. Benjamin Kochanski
Mr. Paul Koeppe and
Ms. Asela Paredes
Ms. Jen Koertge
Ms. Barbara Kogen
Ms. Barbara Kolasinski
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Korenchan
Mr. and Mrs. Folkert Kosten
Mr. and Mrs. August Koster
Van Groos
Ms. Sanela Kostova
Ms. Rachel Kravitz
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Krayer
Mr. Chester Krol
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kroopkin
Ms. Sharon Krosnicki
Ms. Evelyn Krueger
Ms. Marie Kruse
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kruss
Mr. James Ktsanes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kucharz
Ms. Bridget Kuglin
Mr. Chris Kuhl
Ms. Sara Kurtz
Ms. Cynthia L. Kurucar
Mr. and Mrs. William Kwiatkowski
Mr. Jason Lambert
Ms. Mary W. Landreth
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Laria
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Latas
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Latta
Mr. Chuck Lavezzi
Ms. Sarah Leahy
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond LeFevour
Ms. Anita Lenell
Ms. Ashley Lepse
Ms. Wende Leverton
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lewis
Dr. Sybil Licht
Mr. Jon Lind
Ms. Sandra Lindahl
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lipinski
Mr. Gregory H. Little
Ms. Christine Joy Locquiao
Mr. and Mrs. John Long
Mr. Gustavo Lopez
Mr. Paulo F. Lopez
Mr. Mike Lovergine
Ms. Megan Lowrie
Mr. Dan Luna
Ms. Karla Lund
Ms. Sallie Lupescu
Mr. Frank Ma
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Mace
Ms. Erica M. Magnus
Mr. Michael J. Malloy
Ms. Ryan Maloney
Ms. Karen Mangan
Ms. Martha Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Manuel
Ms. Nancy Marek
Mr. Zachary Markin
Mr. Mark Maroney
Mrs. Antoinette Martin
Mr. James W. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Marcos Martinez
Mr. Primo Martinez
Mr. Felix Marty
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Massarello
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Masters
Ms. Lindsay Maxson
Mr. Alvin Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Maza
Mr. James McCarthy Jr.
Ms. Judy McCurdy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
McInerney III
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin
Mr. Martin Medina
Mr. Oscar Mendez
Mr. John Mensik
Mr. and Mrs. Angel Mercado
Mr. and Mrs. John Merker
Ms. Karla Merlo
Ms. Jennifer Metler
Mr. James Michel
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mihalopoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Millard
Ms. Jean Miller
Miss Allie Minning
Mr. Robert Molinaro
Mr. and Mrs. Padraic Molloy
Ms. Dominique Moore
Ms. Sarah Moore
Master Kasper Moorman
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morales
Ms. Cheryl Morawski
Ms. Maureen Moriarty
Ms. Patricia Mota
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall J. Brown
Ms. Barbara Mulay
Ms. Teodora Muresan
Ms. Nancy Murphy
Muse, LLC.
Mr. Darrell Nakagawa
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Naughton
Mr. Justin A. Neagle
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford G. Nelson
Ms. Teresa Neufeld
Ms. Katherine Nierman
Ms. Grace Nosko
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Noth
Ms. Stacey Nussbaum
Mr. Kweku Obed
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Obrochta
Ms. Jennifer O’Connor
Ms. Peggy M. O’Hara
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Olderr
Olive & Vinnie’s Market
Mr. Calvin Orszak
Ms. Christine Osborne
Ms. Michelle Ote
Ms. Leslie Owens
Ms. Cecily Padilla
Mr. John Palomino
Ms. Kristin Papierski
Ms. Allison Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker
Ms. Linda Parker
Mr. Dom Pastore
Mr. Ade Patton
Ms. Darla Patterson
Ms. Julie Patterson
Ms. Tawana Patterson
Ms. Debra A. Pauly
Mr. and Mrs. John Payne
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Pearson
Mr. Dave Pederson
Mr. Shane Pederson and
Ms. Mary Dowling
Ms. Katherine Pence
Mr. Hector Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Peterson
Mr. Kirk Peterson
Mr. Mark E. Peysakhovich and
Mrs. Barbara Otto
Mr. Lance Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pinnella
Ms. Sarah Pinter
Ms. Diane Plummer
Ms. Jenna Podraza
Ms. Susan M. Poetzel
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Polan
Ms. Joanne Ponzio
Ms. Sarah Popp
Mrs. Cheryl Potts
Ms. Susan Poulsen
Mr. Darius A. Povilaitis
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Powell
Ms. Janice T. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prischman
Mr. and Mrs. Ben P. Protess
Ms. Patricia Pruitt
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Prus
Ms. Julie Ptasinski
Mr. Scott Puck
Ms. Therese M. Pudela
Ms. Janice Pumilia
Pumpkin Moon
Ms. Katarzyna Purzecka
Mr. Colin Quinn
Mr. Emmanuel Quintana
Mr. William Race
Ms. Marc Raifman
Ms. Sheela Raja
Ms. Sharon Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Raspatello
Ms. Denise Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reiger
Ms. Holly Reilly
Ms. Meg Reynolds
Ms. Stacia Richards
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Richards
Ms. Shahna Richman
Mr. and Mrs. Jonel Rienton
Ms. Kristine Rienton
Mr. Samuel Rinella
Rise-A Fitness Studio
Ms. Andrea M. Rizzo
Ms. Harriette Robinet
Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. John Roeder
Ms. Gail Rogall
Ms. Sarah Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Rooney
Ms. Janice M. Rosales
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Roscich
Ms. Rebecca Roscich
Miss Sophie Rosenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl J. Rossini
Mr. David Rozkuszka and Mrs.
Bridget C. Cavanagh
Mr. James Russ Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Russiaky
Ms. Cecilia Ruvalcaba
Ms. Natalie Salerno
Mr. Jose Sanchez
Mr. Robert Sassetti
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schattauer
Ms. Rhiannon Schmieg
Ms. Loretta Schmitt
Ms. Suzanne T. Schnaitman
Ms. Alyson Schoenfeldt
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Schoenherr
Ms. Kathleen Schroer
Ms. Barbara A. Schwartz
Ms. Karen Schwartzwald
Scratch ‘n Sniff
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Segal
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Seipel
Mr. Martin Senica
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Sepe Jr.
Ms. Emily Sermersheim
Service Club of Chicago
Mr. Ted Shady
Ms. Jenna Shaker
Pauline and Brian Sharpe
Mr. Jason Sherman and
Ms. Victoria Storm
Ms. Debra Shipley
Mr. and Mrs. William Shorney
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Shorser
Ms. Angela M. Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. Athanasios Sinioris
Ms. Debra Sitar
Mr. Dan Slattery and
Ms. Ellen Mrazek
Ms. Julianne Sloan
Miss Emma Smith
Ms. Tecia Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith
Ms. Faith N. Smith-Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Sonnamaker
Mr. Gustavo Sosa
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Soto
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Spencer
Ms. Annie Spindler
Mr. Christopher M. Staffeldt and
Ms. Rachael L. McKennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stamm
Stars by Stephanie
Ms. Marilyn Stasica
Ms. Ariel Steffens
Mr. Michael Stein
Ms. Jennifer Steinhagen
Stella & Dot, Lauren Fraser–
Independent Consultant
Ms. Lisa Stern
Mr. Andrew A. Stewart and
Ms. Jennifer M. Steffes
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Stewart
Ms. Aimee Stoltz
Mrs. Kimberly Stoltz
Mr. Marc Stopeck
Mr. James Strunk
Ms. Lorna Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. John Suttle
Sweet P Doll Studio, Inc.
Mr. Kevin Szczerba
Ms. Penelope Taback
Ms. Patricia Tabet
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Tallard
Ms. Hsiu Tao Homo Lee
Ms. Natalie Watson
Mr. Bob Wayne
Ms. Patricia E. Webber
Ms. Anne C. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Wedeking
Ms. Marion Weedermann
Ms. Audley Weidman
Ms. Elizabeth Weintraub
Ms. Marilyn S. Weitzel
Ms. Rachel Wendt
Mr. Kelvyn West
Ms. Jan Westcott
Ms. Anita R. White
Mr. Bradley White
Ms. Sonia Wielosinski
Willard School
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Williams
Ms. Canentra Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Williams
Ms. Taylor Williams
Ms. Alicia Tapia
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Taylor
Ms. Rachael Telleen
Ms. Ruth Teplitz
The Bag Lady
The Presbytery of Blackhawk
Ms. and Mrs. Scott R. Thick
Ms. Karen Thiesse
Ms. Jenni Thompson
Ms. Julie Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tortorici
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Trueblood
Ms. Alexandria Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Uhlir
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Van Ermen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Van Poucke
Ms. Shelby Varela
Ms. Norma J. Vavra-Klein
Ms. Maricela Venegas
Mr. Sree Venkit
Mr. and Mrs. John Vercillo
Mr. Fernando Villa
Mr. Raul Villaron
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Vince
Ms. Cristen C. Vincent
Visit Oak Park
The Vogel Family
Mr. Dominic Volini
Mr. Chris Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walaszek
Ms. Tasia Wallace
Mr. William Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Walther
Ms. Kathleen Walton
Ms. Carmen Waters
Ms. Mary Jo Willis
Mr. Jerrold R. Wojtak
Ms. Deborah Wolkstein
Ms. Michelle Wong
Mr. Matthew Yanos
Ms. Rebecca Yanos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yehnert
Mr. Vince Yuan
Mr. Stephan Zaniolo
Mr. Pawel Zaremba
Ms. Arlene Zielinski
Ms. Rachel Zimak
In Memory of Barbara Aeschliman
Ms. Marilyn J. Ayersman
In Memory of Alex Anderson, Jr.
Mr. Alex Anderson and
Ms. Anne Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Bradt
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Caden
Ms. Sheila Chale
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Geselbracht
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Grandholm
Ms. Emilie Hennessy
Ms. Grace Hennessy
Ms. Mercedes Hennessy
Ms. Vickie Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Naughton
Ms. Julie Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. John Roeder
Mr. Mark C. Weber and
Ms. Joanne Kinoy
Ms. Marilyn S. Weitzel
Ms. Kathleen Wirtz
In Memory of Shayne Callahan
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Barbato
In Memory of Marcia Christian
Dr. Joseph Christian
In Memory of Kathy DeLeo
Ms. Patricia Mota
In Memory of Pastor Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Millard
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Sepe Jr.
The Presbytery of Blackhawk
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Douglas
Ms. Lorna Sullivan
In Memory of Love Lee Foster
Ms. Wendy Foster
In Memory of Anthony J. Fraioli
Mrs. Ann Fraioli
In Memory of Matthew Goldbranson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Goldbranson
In Memory of Richard Hague
Ms. Mary W. Landreth
In Memory of Jeff Hague
Ms. Mary W. Landreth
In Memory of A.G. and Bertha Hebert
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kirkeby
In Memory of Albert F. Hirschman
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Hirschman
In Memory of Marty Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jordan
In Memory of Jacob Kiepacz
Friends and Family of Jacob Kiepacz
In Memory of Jimmy Krenzer
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dumelle
Mr. and Mrs. John Krenzer
In Memory of Jamie Kurucar
Ms. Cynthia L. Kurucar
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yehnert
In Memory of Magnus Laader Ve
Ms. Berit Engen
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Richards
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Spurgeon
In Memory of Mildred Laub
Ms. Pennyellen Oszak
In Memory of Wesley Szymborska
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Ambrosino
In Memory of Danny Laurenzo to
benefit Danny’s Birthday Closet
Ms. Ann Marie Bell
Ms. Sydney Blattner
Bleifuss Law, Ltd.
Ms. Phoebe Carleton
David James Company
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hurley
Ms. Ellen Izenson
Mr. and Mrs. Corey S. Johnson
Ms. Judy Kipnis
Mr. and Mrs. James Laurenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Laurenzo
Ms. Genie Matthews
Ms. Stacey Nussbaum
Ms. Shahna Richman
Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Rodriguez
Ms. Gail Rogall
Simplified Search, Inc.
Ms. Aimee Stoltz
Ms. Jenni Thompson
Ms. Elizabeth Vavrek
In Memory of Gasper “Gabby”
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bagato
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Doherty
Ms. Renee Jereb
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Jeske Jr.
Mr. William Kalinowski and
Ms. Kathleen Bulaga
Mr. Chester Krol
Ms. Nancy Marek
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Obrochta
Mr. Dom Pastore
Mr. and Mrs. John Payne
Mr. Hector Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Perkins
Ms. Loretta Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tortorici
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Vince
Ms. Arlene Zielinski
In Memory of Marvin Licht
Dr. Sybil Licht
In Memory of Clare Mellon
Ms. Carol L. Anglet
In Memory of Eric Peek
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson
In Memory of Paula Frances (Williams) Phillips
Ms. Barbara Krause and Family
In Memory of Dennis Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boban
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker
Ms. Janice T. Powers
In Memory of Ann Raptis
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hardtke
In Memory of Bonnie Rossell
Ms. Patricia E. Webber
In Memory of John Smiekel
John F. Smiekel Foundation
In Memory of John E. Spurgeon
Mrs. John R. Blair
City of Rochelle
Ms. Virginia L. Hegarty
Mrs. Pamela Peak
Timothy and Molly Philosophos
Ms. Diane Plummer
In Memory of Katie Vogg
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Domask
In Memory of Georg Weiss
Cicero Chiropractic
In Memory of Henry Wettstein
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Algozino
In Memory of Rose Virginia Williams
to benefit the Rose Virginia Williams
Music Enrichment Fund
Mrs. John R. Blair
Ms. Martha Williams
In Memory of Dr. Janet Yanos
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Atchison
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Balch
Mr. Thomas C. Bigelow
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bowker
Ms. Jennifer Camporeale
Ms. Judith Crozier
Ms. Joy Cunningham
Ms. Cheryl Gratson
Ms. Nancy Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. Marcin Hiolski
Mr. Paul Koeppe and
Ms. Asela Paredes
Ms. Daniela Lukic-Cole
Mr. Paul Metazatos
Ms. Jean Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford G. Nelson
Ms. Leslie Owens
Ms. Linda Parker
Ms. Barbara A. Schwartz
Ms. Allyson Voss
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Wedeking
Mr. Matthew Yanos
Ms. Rebecca Yanos
Ms. Rachel Zimak
In Memory of Sheila Yeager
Ms. Sandra Lindahl
In Memory of Avril Yuill
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Domanowski
Hephzibah would like to thank all of
the individuals, businesses and
organizations that provided in-kind
gifts during the fiscal year. Your
generosity, compassion and
commitment played a vital role in
helping us fulfill our mission in FY15.
Thank you for your support!
93 WXRT Chicago’s Finest Rock
AA Rental Center
Aaron’s Sales and Leasing
Ms. Mary Jo Abel
The Abel Family
Aces Security, Inc.
Ms. Kate Adams
Ms. Sue Adams
Agora Greek Taverna
Mr. Victor Aguirre
Ahimsa Yoga Studio
Mr. Michael Ahlers
Alfa Baking
Ms. Heather Alger
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Algozino
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Allgood
Allied Live
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Allscheid
Al-Mart Furniture
Alpine Food Shop
Amato’s Pizzeria, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Ambrosino
American Legion #0796
American Riders
Mr. Alex Anderson and
Ms. Anne Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs. David Andries
Antiquing Geneva
Ms. Lauren Aplington
Ms. Melin E. Arias
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Arlaskey
Ms. Kate Arneth
Ms. Coreen Arnold
Mr. Jose Arteaga
Arts N Spirits
AT&T Corporate Real Estate
Atlas Galleries, Inc.
Avenue Ale House
Avis Budget Group
AYSO Soccer Region #425
Back Pocket Burbon
Ms. Kristin Bailitz
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Baker
Ball Like Me Sports Management
Ms. Rhonda Ballard
Ms. Christa Barkdoll and
Ms. Michelle Mariage
Ms. Colleen Barkley
Ms. Jackie M. Barlow
Ms. Ann Barrios
Ms. Colette Basil
Ms. Kathy Basil
Bead in Hand
Ms. Nina Beatty
Ms. Luanne Bemnisker
Ms. Beth Benedict
Ms. Denise Berdelle and Family
Ms. Elizabeth Berg
Berto’s Deli
Ms. Barbara Best
Ms. Lisa Biedron
Ms. Sheila Bielecki
Big Ten Network
Bikefix, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Black
Boelter Companies
Ms. Janice Boggs
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Botsch
Boyle Design Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bracco
Mr. Garrick Bradley and
Ms. Kristine Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brinkman
Ms. Laura Brinkman
Broadway in Chicago
Ms. Tammy Brock
Mr. Bruce Broerman and
Mr. Jim Kelly
Bronco Resale
Brookfield Zoo/
Chicago Zoological Society
Mr. Yohnah Madassah and
Mrs. Barbara Brotman
Mr. Dylan Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Brundage III
Bryan & Amanda Bickell Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bryant
Ms. Mara Bujnowski
Mr. Daniel Burke and
Ms. Margot McMahon
Burke Beverage
Mr. John Byrne and
Ms. Lindsay Hunkleler
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Caldarone
Ms. Piper Caldwell
Mr. Larry Canterbury
Cantigny Golf
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Cappelli
Paul and Sherry Carbery
Ms. Liz Cardwell
Careful Peach Boutique
Ms. Jennifer Carizey
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carlson
Carmike Cinemas
Carnivore Meats & Seafood
Ms. Tina Casale
Ms. Denise Castala
Ms. Sue Castle
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Catrambone
Central Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Sal Cerami
Cernan Earth & Space Center
Ms. Sheila Chale
Ms. Andrea Charest
Chase Bank – Oak Park
Ms. Catherine Chavez
Chicago Architecture Foundation
Chicago Blackhawks Charities
Chicago Bulls
Chicago Kids Company –
Theatre For Children!
Chicago Skydiving Center
Chicago White Sox Charities
Chicago White Sox
Premium Seating Services
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Child
Mr. and Mrs. Kellen Choi
Ms. Julie Chyna
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ciacciarelli
Cicero Chiropractic
Mr. Ruben Ciobanica
CIT Group, Inc.
CME Group
Mr. and Mrs. James Cogan
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Colapietro
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cole
Collective Brands, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Condon
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Conner
Mrs. Judy Contreras
Ms. Nancy Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Cooper
Ms. Jasmine Cordilla
Core Power Yoga
Corner Tobacco
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Corsino
Cosmetology Training Center
Ms. Karen Costantino
Costco Warehouse
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cotter
Creata USA Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Creighton
Ms. Shannon Croisant
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cronin
Cucina Paradiso
Ms. Jill Dahl
Ms. Lauren Dain
Mr. and Mrs. Dharmesh Dani
David King & Associates
Ms. Joan Davis
Ms. Hortencia De La Torre
Mr. Jassem el Mahmoud and
Ms. Francesca DeBiase
Ms. Connie DeBlasio
Ms. Melinda Degucz
Delia’s Kitchen
Delta Kappa Gamma
Mr. Kempali Desai
Ms. Crissy DeSantis
Design Pac, Inc.
Ms. Danielle DiBari
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeGiorgio
The Dillard Family
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Diomede
Mr. and Mrs. Vito Dipietra
Ms. Nina Dixon
Doc Ryan’s
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Dombrowski
Dominican University
English Honor Society
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Doody
Doody Publishing
Mr. Nicholas Dorich
Ms. Catherine Doyle
Ms. Cindy Doyle
Mr. Zach Draus
Dream Big Toy Company
Dressel’s Hardware
Ms. Marge Druska
Ms. Ruta Dudenas
Ms. Sharon Dudley
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Duncan
Ms. Carol J. Dunning
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dvorsky
The East Bank Club
Ms. Lisa Economos
Elan Hair Body and Sole
Ms. Jen Eldersveld
Ms. Erin Elliot
Fluid Content
Flying Turtle Publishing
Ms. Wanda Fogerty
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fojas
Ms. Kim A. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fournier
Frances B. McCord School
Frank Lloyd Wright Trust
Ms. Debbie Frantisak
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Franz
Mr. and Mrs. John Freeland
Friends Of Hillside Library
Frito Lay
Ms. Tara Froelich
Ms. Valerie Furr
Mr. Dave Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. John Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Garber
Ms. Nancy Gardner
Garland Flowers
Ms. Lisa Garling and Mr. Jeff Miller
Ms. Renee Garrett
Mr. Greg Georgevich
Geppetto’s Toy Box
The Gill Family
Ms. Peggy Gilmore and
Mr. Kevin Wood
Girl Scout Troop #40140
Girl Scout Troop #40720
Girl Scout Troop #41490
Girl Scouts of Homer Glen Troop #70769
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gladden
Emerald City Theatre
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Emerson
Mr. Paul Engelhardt and
Ms. Dawn Haney
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Engesser
Ms. Nicola Evans
Ms. Fleur Ewald
Eze Castle Integration
Mr. and Mrs. Arild Farkvam
Mr. Miles Fedowicz
Mr. Oliver Fedowicz
Ms. Megan Feinberg
Ms. Geri Fellow
Ms. Liesl Field
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Fisher
Fit Golf Performance Centers
Fitzgerald’s Fine Stationery
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Flannery
Flavour Cooking School
Ms. Teresa Fleischman
Ms. Candace Fleming
Ms. Maria Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. John Glavin
Glen Ellyn Running Club
Go Bananas
Mr. John Godfrey
Mr. Stuart Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Goldstein
Mr. Jonathan Gomez
Mrs. Jackie Good
Mr. Nicolas Goroillo
Mr. Travis Goroillo
Ms. Alyssa Gorski
Mr. Andrew Gorup
Mr. and Mrs. James Gotti
Gourmet Spice Company
Ms. Tish Graf
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Grandholm
Great Books Foundation
Ms. Susan Greeley and Mr. Jeff King
Mr. Kyle Green
Mr. Michael Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. John Grogan
Ms. Katherine Gross
2015 Annual Report
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Guarino
Ms. Sonal Gupta
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Hager
Mr. Christopher Hahs
Mr. and Mrs. Marcelo Halpern
Ms. Kris Hamick
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hammortree
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hanley
Ms. Maureen Harnett
Ms. Rhonda L. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Tiger Harris
Ms. Kristen Hartman
Mr. Michael Hartmann
The Hartschuh Family
Ms. Denise Hazen
Ms. Bridgett Hedgeman
Ms. Kim Hefner and
Ms. Dawn Drumm
Ms. Ann Heggans
Ms. Laura Henneberry
Ms. Emilie Hennessy
Ms. Grace Hennessy
Mr. Mike Herbert and
Ms. Shannon Staley
Mr. Kurt Hessler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Higgins
Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Hobaugh
Mr. Richard Holland
Ms. Maria Homorozan
Horace Mann Elementary –
Girls on the Run
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Horwich
Hotel Baker
Mr. Mike Howes
Ms. Kristi Hughes
Ms. Susan Huizinga
Mr. and Mrs. T. Kendall Hunt
Ms. Paula Hunter
Ms. Catherine Huntowski
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. John Ide
Ms. Suzi Ilic
Independence Charters LLC –
Windy City Salmon
Independent Paving Company
Ms. Phyllis A. Isaacson
J. Gordon Designs, LTD.
Ms. Alexandria Jackson
Ms. Lynn Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jakubosky
James Anthony Salon & Day Spa
Mr. and Mrs. Kasani Jamison
Ms. Ana Jansen
Mr. James L. Jepsen and
Ms. Jackie Finch
Ms. Alaiya Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Johnson
Ms. Pam Johnston
Ms. C.N. Jones
Ms. Lisa Jones
Ms. Leslie Jordano
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Joseph
Ms. Anne Joyce
Ms. Mary Jane Joyce and
Mr. Brian Byrne
Julie Kaplan Photography
Ms. Rae Kalin
Ms. Caroline Kansa
Mrs. Maria Roxanna Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keleher
Judge Carol Kelly
Mr. Corey Kessler and
Ms. Holly Utter
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford King
Mr. Stuart Kipnis
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kitzman
Ms. Mary Klich
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Knaul
Mr. William Knittle and
Ms. Alma Lizcano
Ms. Corace Koch
Kominiarek Bresler Harvick & Gudmundson
Ms. Sandra Korek
Ms. Janie Kostecka
Ms. Barbara Krause & Family
Kristi Hughes Photography
Mr. David Krupp and
Ms. Beth Ann Cafaro
Mr. and Mrs. James Lago
Lagunitas Brewing Company
Lakeshore Beverage Company
Lakeview Bus Lines
Ms. Janice Lakey
Mr. Samuel Landers and
Ms. Kathleen Roderick
Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. Landgren
Ms. Sandra Landis
Ms. Mary E. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Lane
Lane Custom Framing
Ms. Annie Larson
Ms. Roberta Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Latta
Mr. and Mrs. James Laurenzo
Ms. Anne Layne-Farrar
Ms. Judy Ledgerwood
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lee
Legacy Marketing Partners
Ms. Ashley Lepse
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lerner
Dr. David Levy and Dr. Janis Wiener
Mr. Jim Lewandowski
Ms. Joanne Lewandowski
Mr. Morris B. Goldman and
Ms. Hilarie Lieb
Lincoln School – Ms. Bajo’s Classroom
Ms. Patricia Littlecreek
Ms. Vickie Lockwood
Mr. Michael Loiacono
Mr. Thomas Long
Ms. Megan Loutfi
Loyola Medical Center –
Ronald McDonald Children’s Hospital
Loyola University Health System
Ms. Jeanette Lozada
Ms. Teagan Lucas
Ms. Mary Ludgin
Lund & Company
Lutz Family Center
Mr. Jim Macak
Ms. Julie MacCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Mace
Mr. and Mrs. Michael MacKinnon
Mr. Brian Madine
Mr. James Mahler
Mr. and Mrs. James Malpede
Mr. Tim Maly
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Manuel
Map of Hope Foundation
Marion Street Cheese Market
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Markowitz
Marriott Chicago Downtown –
Magnificent Mile
Ms. Laura Marshall
Ms. Donna Martensen
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Marcos Martinez
Ms. Sherie Mascola
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Matas
Ms. Kelly Matyas
Ms. Barbara Mauro
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mauro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson
Maya del Sol Restaurant
Ms. Luna Mazin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mazur
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mc Evoy
McCarthy & Trinka, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James McCracken
McDonald’s Corporation –
Global Total Compensation Group 145
Ms. Eve Ocasio
Mr. Tony N. O’Cha and
Ms. Martha Payne
Office Max
Ms. Dee O’Hair
Old Navy
One 80 Group
Mr. Ray O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Chris O’Neill
On-Line Communications
Mr. and Mrs. Justin O’Reilly
Organizing With You
Ms. Susan Ormsby
Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Rourke
Ms. Jennifer Orze
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Food Pantry
Ms. Heather Overbeck
Ms. Veronica Pagan
Pan American Bank
McDonald’s Corporation –
John Pantos
McScrapper’s Group
Paper Source Oak Park
McDonald’s Employee Networks
Mrs. Natalie Papier
Ms. Bernadette McHale
Paramount Arts Centre
Mr. and Mrs. John McIlwain
Paramount Events
Ms. Jackie McKnight
Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin
Park Avenue Hair Studio
Mr. Charles McNellis
Park District of Oak Park
Mr. John E. McParland
Ms. Susan Parks
MDI Investments, Inc.
Miss Claire Parrell
Mrs. Jean Meister
Ms. Barbara Parrilli
Mr. Andrew Menshizaden
Mr. Robert Pasin and
Mr. Tremaine Menshizaden
Ms. Muriel Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. John Merker
Ms. Rita Patel
Mr. Robert Merriweather
Pat’s Pet Emporium
Ms. Margaret Metzger
Ms. Tawana Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. John Michel
Ms. Nicole Paulk
Midwest Foods
Mr. and Mrs. Zdenek A. Pecenka
Dr. Anthony Millard and
Mr. Frank Peni
Dr. Dietra D. Millard
Peninsula Chicago Hotel
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Miller
Pepsico Beverages & Foods
Ms. Stacy Miller
Performance Food Service
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Miller
Mr. and Mrs. David Persino
Ms. Donna Mindrum
Ms. Madison Peterson
Ms. Dana Mitchell
Ms. June Petricig
Montopoli Custom Clothiers
Mrs. Shana Petrone-George
Ms. Joanna Moran
Ms. Kara Petruzelli
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Morris
Mr. Mark Philips
Ms. Inell Morrow
Philips Lighting Systems and Control
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Moses
Tim and Molly Philosophos
Mr. and Mrs. Randy W. Mosley
Photography by Ebert
Moss Modern Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. Maks Piper
Ms. Raluca Motoi
Ms. Kimberly Plaxton-Drobot
Ms. Catherine Murphy
Ms. Kari Pligge
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Murray
Steve and Deb Poe
Muse, LLC.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pogvara
Napa Autoparts
National Sporting Goods Association Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pontrelli
Poor Phil’s, Inc.
Ms. Frances Nauth
Mr. Tyler Porterfield
Ms. Sanjuana Negrete
Potbelly Sandwich Shop
Mr. and Mrs. Donald X. Nekrosius
Precious Moments
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nelson
Printer Parts Repair
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Newton
Mr. and Mrs. John Prouty
Mrs. Margaret Nicholson
PRP Wines International
Nicklaus Companies
Public Guardians Office
Mr. Tom Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Puccini
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Noll
Puckered Pickle Company
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Norgaard
Ms. Kyra Pych
Mr. Brian Northup and
Quincy Street Distillery
Mr. Mark Wilson
Mr. Devon Quinn and Ms. Jodi Fyfe
NXStage Medical, Inc.
Oak Park & River Forest High School Ms. Jacqueline Quitter
Mr. Don Babwin and
Huskie Athletic Council
Ms. Joan Radovich
Oak Park River Forest Food Pantry
Ms. Addison Rao
Oak Park Women’s Guild
Ms. Tallin Rao
Mr. and Mrs. Dave L. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Raspatello
Mr. Roger Razo
The Read Family
Readers Ignite
Red Mango Cafe and Juice Bar
Ms. Betty Redmond
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reitz
Ms. Samantha Rekas
Retail Properties of America
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Rettberg
Mr. Michael Ring
Ms. Carmen C. Rivera
Mrs. Jennifer Rivera
Robert Morris University –
Technology Department
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Robinson
Ms. Katie Rodgers
Ms. Khloe Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rogalla
Mr. Aaron E. Perry and
Mrs. Abigail Rogers
Mr. Eric Rohmann
Ms. Donna Rolf and
Mr. Marvin McLean
Ms. Veronica Roony
Ms. Joanne Rosenbush
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Rosenwinkel
Ms. Beckie Rosich
Ms. Yolanda Ruiz and
Ms. Judith Ruiz-Branch
Ms. Kathy Rush
Russell’s Barbeque
Mr. Kevin Saedi and
Ms. Jane Chadesh
Ms. Anita Salazar
Ms. Natalie Salerno
Salon 212 & Day Spa
Mr. Michael Salvati and
Ms. Charlotte Rubenstein
Ms. Helen Salvatori
Sam’s Club
Ms. Graciela Santacruz
Mr. Jon Sarpelli
Saville Row
SavWay Fine Wine and Spirits
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schattauer
Ms. Clancy Scheck
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Scheck
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Schoenherr
School of Rock
Schulz-Brundage, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Schumacker
Ms. Mary Beth Schumacker
Mr. and Mrs. James Scibek
Scratch ‘n Sniff
Securities Exchange Commission –
Chicago Regional Office
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seltzer
Ms. Mary Selvie
Service Club of Chicago
Mr. Jetal Sesen
Ms. Lillian Shaker
Ms. Marilyn Shalloo
Ms. Alexis Rae Sharabalka
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shay
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shea
Sheetmetal Workers International
Ms. Andrea Sidorow
Mr. Steven Gillman and
Ms. Gillian Siegel
Ms. Karina Siffero
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simitz
Ms. Adrienne Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Singer
Mr. Jim Sinisi
Ms. Barbara Siska
Mr. Mark Sitzman and
Ms. Cathy Morgan
Skidmore Owings & Merrill
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Skodol
Skrine Chops
Ms. Susan Slater
Sloan Valve Company
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Smalheiser
Mr. Aaron Smith and
Ms. Lisa Rhodes
Mr. David W. Smith
Sneakers Sport Bar and Grill
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Snelling
Ms. Sandra Sokol
Sono Wood Fired Pizzeria
Sonya Gilbert Photography
Ms. Barb Soper
Ms. Donna Sorensen
Mr. Gavin Sorensen
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Sorg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Soto
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Spadoni
Ms. Diane Spangler
Spex Optical
St. Giles Council of Catholic Women (CCW)
St. Luke Religious Education Office
Ms. Kelley Staley
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Staley
Mr. Venu V. Talanki and Ms. Ritu Vig
Mr. and Mrs. Tim White
Target Greatland
Ms. Melissa Taub
Ms. Rachael Telleen
Mr. Burt Constable and
Ms. Cheryl ter Horst
The 206 Foodtruck
The Academy at Forest View
The Becca Kaufman Orchestra
The Container Store
The Fox Bowl
The Good Heart, Work Smart Foundation
The Ismaili Religious Education Center, Glenview
The Nineteenth Century Charitable Association
The United Center
The Village Links Golf Course
Mrs. Nancy Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Thompson
Mr. Terry Thulis
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Tietz
Tigers and Tulips
Ms. Leesa Tinervia
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toliopoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Tortorici
Toy Box Connection
Toys For Tots
Mr. Ryan Staley
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stanard
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Stankovich
Starbucks Company
Mr. and Mrs. James Stark
Mr. and Mrs. John Starmann
Starship Subs
STATE Restaurant and Cafe
Mr. and Mrs. Al Staven
Ms. Laura Stefanic
Mr. Matt Stolfe
Ms. Donna Stoll
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoll
Mrs. Kimberly Stoltz
Ms. Jennifer Stratman
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Strubel
Ms. Alexis Stultz
Mr. Ethan Stultz
The Sturtevanis Family
Sugar Fixe Patisseri
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sussking
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Svehla
Ms. Maxine Swanson
Systech Information Services, Inc.
Ms. Sandy Tragos
The Trainer Family
Transportation Warehousing Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. Trevino and Ms. Schaefer
Mr. Mark Trinka and
Ms. Bernadette Diaz
Triton College Cernan Space Center
Mr. James Turek
UAW Local 6
Mrs. Jen Ullrich Eveslage
Ms. Gina Ulrch
Unity Temple 1st Grade
Sunday School
Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation
UPS – Franklin Park Branch
Mr. Paul Upshaw
Mr. Corey Kessler and
Mrs. Holly Utter
Mr. Jack Vainisi
Mr. Arv Vaitkus
Ms. Tina Valentino
Value Auto
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Van Vliet
Viet Now-Berwyn/Cicero Chapter
Ms. Varsha Vig
Mr. and Mrs. Ved D. Vig
Mr. Bruce Vinnick
Ms. Jean Vipond
Viride Massage & Bodywork Studio
Ms. Liz Vondrasek
Ms. Margaret H. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wanless
Ms. Kim Ward
Ms. Carolyn Warner
We Clean Green
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Weaver
Ms. Helen Wei
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Weigel
Ms. Nancy Weiler
Ms. Anna Weinstein
Ms. Claire Weinstein
Ms. Leslie Weiss
Ms. Deborah Wess
West Suburban Family Medicine Residency
Ms. Elizabeth Wheeler
Whole Foods Market
Mr. David H. Wick
Mr. and Mrs. John Wickes
Mr. Maurethius Wilkerson
Mr. and Mrs. David Willard
William Wrigley Company –
Sales Department
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Williams
Ms. Martha Williams
Ms. Marya Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Williams
Ms. Tamika Williams
Mr. Byron Lee and
Mrs. Audrey Williams-Lee
Winberie Café
Ms. Robin Winge
Ms. Carol Winters
Mr. Ken Wojtas
Ms. Kathy Wolthusen
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wolthusen
Wonder Works
Ms. Jasmine Wood
Ms. Randi Woodworth
Mr. and Mrs. James Woywod
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Wright III
Ms. Amanda Wurst
Ms. Lori Yagoda
Zanies Comedy Nite Club
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Zarosl
Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Zawacki
Zengers, Inc.
Mr. Mark Suchomel and Ms. Liz Ziehl
Ms. Olivia Zimbler
Mr. Thomas C. Zimm
To err is human, to forgive, divine...
Have we erred? Please contact Barb
Krause in the Development Office
at 708.649.7160. We sincerely regret
any errors or omissions.
Most of the children pictured in this report
are friends of Hephzibah or children
enrolled in Hephzibah’s Day Care Program.
To ensure the safety and protect the privacy
of the children living in our group homes
and foster homes, we have not featured any
photos showing their faces.
2015 Annual Report
The People
Behind Hephzibah
Board of
O ak P ark
A u x iliary
Eric Sorensen
Chair and President
Kathy Hager
Lesley Arlasky
Laura Brinkman
Tom Yates
President Elect
Marci Lerner
Vice President
Heather Froslid
Past President
Amber Blatt
Audrey Williams-Lee
Vice President
Rachael Telleen
Wendy Reitz
Children’s Interaction
Andrew Gorup
Byron Taylor
Melissa Kowalski
Membership Chair
Alicia Skodol
Children’s Services
Stephen Kohn
Membership Chair
Terry Brown
Lauren Dain
Bake Sale Chair
Kristin O’Neill
Hospitality and Social
Jackie White
Jodi Fyfe
Harvest Wine Chair
Kristen Gusanders
Hoof It For Hephzibah
Raluca Motoi
Marketing Chair
Greta Landis
Gala Chair
Nicolette DiGiorgio
Holiday of Hope
Colleen Barkley
Natalia Barrera *
Karin Bianucci *
Emily Davis
Jorie Grogan
Faithee Johnson
Nikki Mead
Margaret Metzger
Meghann Moses
Natalie Noonan
Jean Powell
Donna Rolf
Jacqueline Scott
Marissa Scott *
Elizabeth Seltzer *
Pam Soto
Chrissy Stamm *
Teri Svehla
Jen Weaver
David Wick
Ellen Winter
Debbie Brambora*
Michele Choi
Stephanie Clark
Julie Cole
Doreen Domask*
Jen Eldersveld
Maha Engesser
Carla Franz
Cindy Glavin
Karen Hoban
Kristi Hughes
Tina Hutchinson
Laura King
Andrea Knapp
Jen Lewis
Dottie Lipinski*
Tara Manuel
Sherry Martinez
Laura McLaughlin
Jacqueline Merker
Janelle Metz
Angel Oakley-Kawa
Terri Persino
Elise Powell
Carla Puccini
Jenny Rieger
Becky Roscich
Jennifer Schoenherr
Courtney Seipel
Kimberley Stoltz
Janelle Sullivan
Anne Weber
Mary Anne Brown
Executive Director
Sarah Arnett
Jackie Barlow
Sherry Carbery
Francesca DeBiase
Brian Druley
Carol Dunning
Lisa Emerson
Mark Fisher
Leslie Ann Jones
Kenna MacKinnon
John McConville
John McIlwain
Beth Pecenka
Cheryl ter Horst
Mark Trinka
Children’ s
Mark Trinka
Nancy Quinn
Vice President
Jackie Barlow
Gail Hague
Margaret Horstman
Leslie Ann Jones
Nancy McCracken
Maureen Stratton
Anneke Taglia
A u x iliary
Megan Scheck
Tami Wanless
Vice President
Penny Latta
Recording Secretary
Megan Feinberg
Molly Starmann
Membership Co-Chair
Alexandru Buzura
Shari Christofferson
Dima Dairanieh
Alyssa Gorski
Michelle Groth
Chris Marchwick
Tony Millard
Allie Minning
Jessica Parks*
Jenell Rodriguez*
Elizabeth Schwartz*
* Sustaining Member
L eadership
Mary Anne Brown
Executive Director
Shaun Lane
Chief Operating Officer
Julie Dvorsky
Director of Family Based Services
Mary Jane Joyce
Human Resources Administrator
Amy O’Rourke
Director of Day Care Services
Molly Philosophos
Director of Development
Mary Tortorici
Director of Finance
James Woywod
Director of Group Homes
Lisa Diomede
Membership Co-Chair
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Writing and P hotography:
Susan Reich
Design :
Anne Boyle
Financial Statement
For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014, and ending June 30, 2015
Hephzibah helps children
thrive and families flourish
Individual, Corporate and Foundation
Contributions and Grants
Fees and Grants:
State Government Agencies
Local Government Agencies
Other Revenue:
Program Service Fees and Grants
Investment and Other Income
$ 5,380,674
$ 1,386,715
$ 70,889
Fundraising, Development, Volunteers
$ 6,458,447
$ 1,316,285
$ 499,063
$ 8,273,795
Increase in Net Assets
Net Assets, End of Year
$ 4,944,991
Unaudited totals — excludes unrealized loss on investments of $81,839
Chicago Board Options Exchange
Clayton A. Struve Family Foundation
CME Group Community Foundation
Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation
Dolan Family Foundation
Ecolab Foundation
First Midwest Charitable Foundation
GE Capital
George M. Eisenberg Foundation for Charities
Harry F. Chaddick & Elaine Chaddick Foundation, Inc.
Helen Brach Foundation
Hephzibah Children’s Trust
Jocarno Fund
John F. Smiekel Foundation
Lerner Family Foundation
LJ Foundation
Mary Lou Downs Foundation
Moller Family Foundation
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Northern Trust Company
Oak Park River Forest Community Foundation
T. Kendall Hunt Family Foundation
Terri Joe Charitable Foundation
Terri Race Educational Technology Fund
The John Buck Company Foundation
The Lavin Bernick Huber Charitable Fund
The Lumpkin Family Foundation
The Palmer Family Foundation
The Sweet Water Foundation
The UPS Foundation
The Ward Foundation
Toy Industry Foundation
Union Pacific Foundation
Village of Oak Park Community Development Block Grant
FY15 Fundraising highlights
jHephzibah board member Francesca DeBiase and her husband, Jassem el Mahmoud, provided funding for two Foster
Care Get-togethers, which enabled siblings living in different foster homes to reconnect and mend broken family bonds.
sources of funding
State Government
Service Fees
Hephzibah is accredited by the
National Council on Accreditation
for Children and Family Services,
Inc. in New York.
Contributions and
Investment Income
D istribution of revenues
and Development
D istribution of revenues
allocated to programs
Family Based Services
Foster Care)
Day Care
(includes Head Start)
jAn anonymous $70,000 grant and an additional $12,000 grant from John F. Smiekel provided funding for FY16
enhancements to the playground and therapeutic Residence at Hephzibah Home.
jDonations to Danny’s Birthday Closet ensured that the closet was filled with birthday gifts for 55 neglected and abused
children at Hephzibah Home in FY15.
All Other
through a continuum of
internationally recognized
programs that include short-term
and long-term group homes for
neglected and abused children,
foster care and adoption services,
comprehensive services for
children and families in crisis and
award-winning after-school day
care services on a sliding scale for
families of all income levels.
Group Homes
Hephzibah is licensed by the
Illinois Department of Children and
Family Services as a Child Welfare
Agency, Group Home, Child Care
Institution and Day Care Center.
Hephzibah receives funding from
Oak Park School District 97, United
Way, the Illinois Department of
Children and Family Services, the
Department of Mental Health, the
Department of Human Services
and our own fundraising activities.
Helping children thrive
and families f lourish
since 1897
946 North Boulevard
Oak Park IL 60301
708.649.7100 Fax 708.649.7102
1144 Lake Street
Oak Park IL 60301
708.649.7140 Fax 708.649.7194