West Prairie Lutheran Church Williston, ND


West Prairie Lutheran Church Williston, ND
West Prairie Lutheran Church
Williston, ND
Annual Congregational Meeting – January 31, 2016
1. Call to Order
2. Organization of the meeting
a. Declaration of a Quorum (C10.04 “Ten voting members shall constitute a
b. Adoption of the agenda
3. Approval of minutes of January 11, 2015 congregational meeting (page 2-3)
4. Report of the Treasurer for 2015 – David Jorgenson WP treasurer + Denise Horab, parish
treasurer (pages 4-10)
5. Pastoral Acts (pages 11)
6. Parish Report – Susan Jorgenson, parish president (pages 12)
7. Memorial Account Fund – Jenny Jorgenson (page 12)
8. Banquet West – Sara Cerkoney, parish secretary (page 13)
9. LWR – Sara Cerkoney, parish secretary (page 13)
10. WELCA Fund – Suzi Lee, WELCA treasurer (page 13)
11. Bethel Home Report – Rodney Miller, representative (page 14)
12. UMM – Blaine Jorgenson, representative (pages 15-16)
13. Adoption of 2016 Shepherd of the Prairie Budget (pages 8-10)
14. Adoption of the 2016 West Prairie Budget (page 5)
15. Report of the Nominating Committee/Elections
16. Motion to Adjourn
West Prairie Lutheran Church, Williston, ND
Annual congregational Meeting
January 11, 2015
1. President Bob Horab called the meeting to order.
2. A declaration of a quorum was called by the president. A motion to adopt the agenda with
additions as written M/S/C Blaine Jorgenson/ Suzi Lee
3. The minutes of the annual meeting from January 12, 2014 were read silently. Motion to
approve minute as written M/S/C Myron Le/ Larissa Theige.
4. The treasurer’s report from January 1, 2014-December 31, 2014 was given by Myron Lee.
American State Bank $9,084.13. Western Cooperative Credit Union $27,754.57. Thrivent
Financial for Lutherans $58,891.98, interest earned in 2014 from this account was
$2,878.00. We spent $5,027.78 more than our income in 2014. The Parish Report was
d=given by Denise Horab. Parish was under budget by $6,730.47. M/S/C Blaine
Jorgenson/Floyd Miller to approve report as written.
5. The Memorial Report was given by Jenny Jorgenson. M/S/C Myron Lee/ Rodney Miller to
approve report as written.
6. The Parish Report was read silently. M/S/C Floyd Miller/Blaine Jorgenson to approve the
report with corrections.
7. Pastor’s report given by Pastor Muriel. She did some questions and answers for prizes. Good
Shepherd is in a renewal process. Discussed doing Round robin for Lent services.
8. Women of the WELCA report is in the Annual report booklet.
9. Bethel Home report is in the Annual report booklet.
10. Parish Budget was given by Denise Horab. No raises for the Pastor or secretary. Budget is
higher due to higher medical expenses. GS- $131.00 per giving unit per month. WP-$140.00
per giving unit per month. Discussion was held. M/S/C Myron Lee/ Rodney Miller to
approve the budget as printed.
11. West Prairie 2015 budget. $5,000.00 more than last year. We donated $2,000.00 from our
Thrivent Lutheran fund. $1,000.00 to the Salavation Army, $500.00 to women’s shelter in
Williston. $500.00 for a water well in Africa. Discussion was held that if we can not meet
this budget we could hold back on donating the Thrivent interest. M/S/C Flyod Miller/ Stan
12. Old Business- None
13. New Business- Floyd Miller suggested setting up a fund for donations given to the church so
they would not go directly in the general fund. Pastor Muriel suggested if this is something
we want to do to go with an endowment fund. Usher list needs to be updated. Floyd Miller
would like to see the Pastor out at West Prairie for ½ a day each week.
14. Elections of officers 2015
Congregational Council Vice President (2 yr term) Mark Oyloe nominated by Myron Lee.
Motion for nominations to cease and secretary to cast an unanimous vote M/S/C Kathy
Larson/Floyd Miller.
Secretary (2 yr term)- Suzi Lee nominated by Kathy Larson. Motion for nominations to cease
and secretary to cast an unanimous vote M/S/C Blaine Jorgenson/ Floyd Miller.
Treasurer (2 yr term)- David Jorgenson nominated by Blaine Jorgenson.
Motion for nominations to cease and secretary to cast an unanimous vote M/S/C Kathy Larson/
Stan Larson.
Education/Youth Position (2 yr term) No Nominations
Shepherd of the Prairie Parish Council (3 yr term) Rodney Miller was nominated by Kathy
Larson. Motion for nominations to cease and secretary to cast an unanimous vote M/S/C Kathy
Larson/ Suzi Lee.
Western North Dakota Synod Assembly – June 5-6, 2015 Minot, ND. Floyd Miller, Debbie
Miller and Susan Jorgenson.
Upper Missouri Ministries Representative Blaine Jorgenson M/S/C Floyd Miller/Stan Larson
Bethel Lutheran Home & Rehabilitation Center Representative Rodney Miller. M/S/C Jenny
Jorgenson/ Myron Lee
Motion to adjourn Rodney Miller/ Kathy Larson
Submitted by, Jenny Jorgenson
2015 Pastoral Acts
Disciples of Jesus new to Good Shepherd
Tom & Christa Lippert, Tyson, Braedan
Disciples of Jesus new to West Prairie
Haiden Grace Dilworth
Easton Hadley Hinricksen
Haiden Grace Dilworth – September 13 at West Prairie
Easton Hadley Hinricksen – December 20 at West Prairie
Affirmation of Baptism/Confirmation – November 1 at West Prairie
Matthew Jorgenson
Megan Jorgenson
Nichol Beyer & Craig Parpart – June 20 at Good Shepherd
Johan Sigurd Rockstad – January 2 at West Prairie
Donna Marie Eide (mother of Kevin Eide) – January 24 in Tioga
Charli Magdalene-Sue Schmidt (infant daughter of Jackie Shelton & Brock Schmidt) – July 25 at
Good Shepherd
Mildred Heller (member of West Prairie) – October 13 at Good Shepherd
Dash Warren Comford – May 23, 2015 – funeral at Eastgate Funeral Service in Bismarck
Transfers from Good Shepherd
Sandy Winter to First Lutheran, Williston
Duane Winter to First Lutheran, Williston
Lori Long & family to First Lutheran, Williston
Larry & Janet Fransen to Faith Lutheran, Bismarck, ND
Adrienne Stepanek to First Lutheran, Williston
Jeri Weiss to First Lutheran, Williston
Claire Flaten to First Lutheran, Williston
Transfers from West Prairie
Merle & Mary Ann Lund to Christ Lutheran, Jonesville, North Carolina
Sandy Solberg to Faith Lutheran, Bismarck, ND
Funerals done by Pastor Muriel for Gloria Dei Lutheran Church at the request of
Bishop Mark Narum (August 1 – September 30)
September 14 – Gene Lindsey (funeral held at First Lutheran to accommodate everyone
September 17 – Kaye Ratzak (funeral held at Everson Coughlin Funeral Home)
September 19 – Myron Arndt
September 28 – Lucille Bartram
Parish Report
Parish council met in September and October of 2015. Good Shepherd council requested a
meeting of all three councils at the October meeting. This meeting took place on December 13,
2015, a Sunday; Bishop Mark Narum and Assistant to the Bishop, Sherri Heine were also
present. At this meeting, Pastor Muriel Lippert read her resignation letter that had been read at
both services.
What is the future of our Shepherd of the Prairie Parish? Time will tell. By June we should know
or perhaps at the annual meetings….
Parish council members this past year have been Denise Horab, Vince Stenson, Nathan
Jorgenson, Rodney Miller, Kevin Eide and Becky Egge. Thank you for your time and service!
God’s love shines everywhere. May His Spirit guide each of our hearts.
Susan Jorgenson, parish president
West Prairie Memorial Fund
Balance on Jan. 1st 2015: $2476.08
No Deposits in 2015
Interest earned in 2015 $1.12
One withdrawal:
$346.48 Supplies to rebuild and paint the merry go round and teeter tooters
Balance as of Dec. 31st 2014: $2129.60
Respectfully submitted by, Jennifer Jorgenson
Banquet West
Our parish served the meal at Banquet West at First Lutheran church three times in 2015:
January 25, June 28, September 27. This is a significant ministry that benefits participants and
our community.
Respectfully Submitted, Sara Cerkoney
Lutheran World Relief Gifts
68 Personal Care Kits
22 Blankets2
65 Quilts
100 School Kits
5 Baby Care Kits
Respectfully Submitted, Sara Cerkoney
West Prairie WELCA - 2015
West Prairie WELCA - 2015
Beginning balance: $351.90
Receipts: $1696.00
(Offerings, Potlucks, Card & napkin sales, etc.)
Expenditures: $1564.81
*Offerings/convention registrations
Ending balance: $483.09
Suzi Lee, Treasurer
Bethel Home Report
Bethel Lutheran Nursing & Rehabilitation Center and Bethel Lutheran Foundation held their
annual meeting on Wednesday, September 30, 2015.
1948-2015; 67 years
Highlights from 2015
Upgrades on the dining areas, quality of food / dining conditions
Last year went from a 2 star to a 3 star rated facility
Major challenge – turnover rate of staff
Turnover related to oilfield
Earlier in year 7 to 8 fulltime nurses short, now okay
Some departments have 120 to 150% turnover rate
Average care of 194 residents / day
Approximately 30 to 40 beds open
66 residents discharged back into the community throughout the year
68 residents passed away during the year
Future plans to work on or replace Horizon Tower ( 67 years old )
Kurt Stoner is the new Bethel Foundation Director, replacing Jim Yockim who retired in 2015
Tammra Peterson is the new Bethel Home Administrator, replacing Kurt Stoner
Bethel Lutheran Foundation
Since the inception of the Foundation in 1986 over 9.3 million has been given by faithful donors
The Foundation gave $741,351 to BLNRC in 2014
The Foundation provides financial support for the work of Bethel in order to reduce costs to the
residents and to improve the quality of life for those residing at Bethel.
The Foundation owns and manages rental real estate property in Williston. The properties
include the Terrace Apartments (17 units), the Heritage Estates (9 units), the Golden Estates (16
units) and the Heritage Manor Apartments (20 units).
The Foundation completed the purchase of the Manor Apartments in January of 2015.
Some of the investment income the Foundation receives is from oil and gas (lease bonus and
royalty interest)
Rodney Miller
West Prairie Bethel Representative