Newsletter - Padbury Catholic Primary School
Newsletter - Padbury Catholic Primary School
Respect Excellence Sacredness Togetherness N u m b e r 1 3 A u g u s t 2 5 2 0 1 6 Newsletter May you always know the peace of Jesus, The Light of Love and the Joy of His Life Within You. AUGUST 2016 26 Daffodil Day Sausage Sizzle Merit Assembly 27 Tournament of Minds 29 Sacrament of Penance Parent/Student Workshops 30 4S Mass 11.05am Sacrament of Penance Parent/Student Workshops 31 PK2 Daddy & Me Play Session 8-9am Sacrament of Penance Parent/Student Workshops 1 PK1 Daddy & Me Play Session 8-9am Kindy Fathers’ Night 2 P&F Fathers’ Day Breakfast PP Prayer Assembly 6 4B Mass 7 KG Excursion to IGA 8 KW Excursion to IGA 9 Newsletter Sausage Sizzle Yr 1 Assembly P&F Disco Click below for: Merit Awards Principal’s Notes Dear Parents & Carers First Eucharist Mass- We extend heartfelt congratulations to all children who received their First Eucharist last weekend. They should be very proud of the way in which they participated in the mass and I thank our wonderful Padbury families for their commitment in supporting the children on their faith journey. What a very special time in the lives of the children and their families. I thank Father Joseph, Father Renald and Donna Moxey for working so closely with the school, the children and their families in preparing them for this special day. We all enjoyed some knock, knock jokes and a reverent mass in which the communicants were all intimately involved. I also thank their teachers, Mrs Randazzo and Mr Spencer, for the preparation of the students to receive the sacrament. My sincere gratitude is extended to the Padbury staff who contributed to the success of the day by attending one of the masses over the weekend. I have quoted before, “It takes a village to raise a child” and when you see our community come together to celebrate such a marvellous occasion as First Eucharist, you can see all the village coming together to raise the child. May God‟s Blessings be with our Holy Communicants and all the students who have received their First Eucharist and to those receiving this weekend. On The Radar P & F News O’Leary Road, Padbury WA 6025 PH(08) 9404 4000 Facsimile (08) 9307 7533 Absentee Telephone Line (08) 404 4080 Email:[email protected] Website: Page 2 State Cross Country- Recently our state cross country team competed against 90 schools across the State. I am pleased to announce that our Padbury Catholic boys were number 1 in the State and we were successful in achieving FIRST place overall in the State. It was certainly a remarkable achievement by the students involved and a fabulous reflection of Mr Hignett‟s dedication to the task of preparing the students to achieve their personal best at this extra curricula event. Our Padbury Catholic Prayer Group encourages you to “RESET “on any Monday of the school term at 9am in the Pre Kindy Room. Good Luck- On behalf of the school community I wish our extension students all the very best as they compete in the Tournaments of Mind this Saturday at ECU Joondalup. These students have been working for 6 weeks on their challenge, after school and on weekends. We wish them all the very best as they take on this challenge on the weekend. I thank Miss Ashleigh Remigio for her coordination and support of this extra curricula event. Wirrpanda Foundation- This week we welcome Sharna Little to our Pre Kindy class. Sharna will be assisting in the Pre Kindy room on a Wednesday and Thursday. We look forward to her involvement with the school and our support of the foundation. Parking Policy- As our community is aware we have developed a parking policy to ensure the safety of our students and ensure the steady flow of traffic during high traffic times. It is unfortunate that unless I am standing at the entrance of the school some parents will choose to turn right, off O‟Leary Road, into the school . I also find it interesting that I will often have children alight from their cars and say, “Sorry Mrs Hutcheson but my Mum/ Dad didn‟t go down to the end of the road.” I certainly appreciate the busy morning life of a parent trying to get their children to school and get to work on time. However, I also know that people would live with a lifetime of regret if they were to injure a child as a result of not following the parking policy. I ask all our parents to examine their behaviour at pick up and drop off time to ensure that it reflects our shared understanding of the Padbury Catholic Parking Policy. Please click on these links: Parking Policy Kiss and Ride Map to read our Parking Policy. I thank you in advance for your support regarding this safety matter. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend filled with the joy of your football team winning the last game of the season. Ciao and keep smiling Pina Hutcheson Extra Curricula activities for the fortnight… 12 Assistant Principal’s Notices Evacuation Drill / Lockdown Practice In the coming weeks, the staff and students will take part in two emergency drills. All Catholic schools are required to develop a school-based Crisis Management Plan. Catholic schools have a responsibility to provide a safe and supportive environment for staff, students and members of the community. Therefore it is a requirement that we practise the drills in case of a crisis. Staff will be notified of the days on which this will occur, so that they are able to discuss and practise the drills with the students prior to the day. Be rest assured that the safety and care of all students are paramount. Does Homework contribute to student success? Over the last few months there has been much debate as to whether or not homework in the primary school serves any purpose. Homework attracts many opinions. Parents have many differing views on this topic. I invite you to click on the link and read this interesting research: Your opinion in regards to this topic matters. If you wish to comment further, please feel free to email me. [email protected] Eucharist Weekend We congratulate our amazing Year 4 students who received the Sacrament of the Eucharist last weekend. You are all to be commended for your reverence. Parents, thank you too for your love and support of the children. Thank you to Fr Mark, Fr Renald and Fr Mark for helping the children celebrate this special day. Reconciliation A reminder to Year 3 Parents that next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the reconciliation workshops will be held at the Parish centre. The times are 5pm and 6.30pm. Please ensure you are aware of the date and time of the session you will be attending. I have included an excellent link to read in regards to celebrating First Reconciliation with your child. 20Parents%20flyer.pdf Regards, Maura Killalea I‟VE TRIED TO EXPLAIN THAT HE‟S GOING TO BE WITH ME FOREVER, BUT HE JUST DOESN‟T GET IT! The School Emblem The Cross The cross is stylised on the Mercy Cross because of the link with the Sisters of Mercy and Sister Carmel Wringe who was the Foundation Principal. As it was a CEO school, the Mercy Cross was not copied exactly. It also represents Christ as the foundation of all that we aspire to be as a Catholic school. The Rainbow of the Covenant Every time we see a rainbow, we are reminded of our friendship with God. This friendship is called a „covenant‟ and as God promised Noah never to turn a back on those people chosen as partners and friends, our job is to make this a world of peace and love and never turn away from the God who cares for us. Padbury Catholic Primary 2W, 1995 The Water The water symbolizes our Baptism and also represents God‟s gift of the ocean to us as part of our locality. Disco in 1989!!! NOT LONG TILL OUR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS BEGIN IN MERCY WEEK ON 19 SEPTEMBER, 2016. IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO RSVP FOR MASS (11AM) OR THE SUNDOWNER 5-7PM. PLEASE CONTACT HELEN AT THE OFFICE OR email [email protected] ON THE RADAR O N T H E R A DA R Daffodil Day Daffodil Day is this Friday 26th August. 3W are continuing to sell Daffodil Day bears ($10), volleyballs ($7), wrist bands ($2), pens ($2 or $6), office clips ($2), Peppa Pig stickers ($1) and daffodil pins ($5). They are available all week from the front office or 3W (Room 7) before or after school. Children or their parents are very welcome to come and purchase items which help raise money for the Cancer Council. On Friday, stalls will be set up on the lawn outside the office, near the Library and 3W, from 8am for people to buy merchandise. There will be some extra bunches of daffodils for sale as well for those who didn't get to order them. Stalls will sell left over daffodils and merchandise after school near the front office, hall and near the Library. Daffodil orders will be delivered to your child's class this Friday for your child to bring home. Thank you for supporting this very worthy cause. Stephanie Wilson. Priests and Parents Catch Up You are invited to a special gathering of parents, new families, existing families, to have a cuppa with the Parish Priests. It is a great opportunity to ask questions, have a chat about your faith, about the Sacraments, ANYTHING. WHEN: TUESDAY 6TH SEPTEMBER TIME: 9am WHERE: MACKILLOP ROOM WHY: If you want to find out more about the Faith; ask questions about the Sacraments; have a chat with Fr Mark, Fr Renald, Fr Jo. WHO: Any parent is welcome to have a coffee and cake with us. Very informal gathering with our parish priests. Please email: [email protected] if you wish to attend. No special meeting, just a get together of those who are interested to chat about things in relation to the Catholic Faith. ON THE RADAR Olympics We are half way through the term and the Padbury student have been busy showing their best! In class, students from Yr4-6 have been encouraged to earn Olympic Points by displaying qualities that support our motto of „Love One Another,‟ as well as our Core Values and Keys to Success. At the end of each week the scores are tallied and given medals, 15pts for a Gold, 10pts for a Silver and 5pts for a Bronze. Our top three competitors are currently: Greece TALLY GOLD 9 SILVER 2 BRONZE 2 Japan 8 3 Pakistan 9 2 3 3 Junior Nature Play Area The Junior Nature Play Area is slowly taking shape but we are short of a few hands and expertise! We have been gifted, by a lovely Padbury Catholic family, a small „dinghy‟ which we would like to „jazz up!‟ We are looking for anyone willing to lightly sand and paint the fibreglass boat. Please contact: Mrs Randazzo or Miss Conca via email or in person: [email protected] or [email protected] Performing Arts Congratulations to our future rock stars Jake, Tyson and Matthew (Year 5) for showing their talent on the guitar at the Performing Arts at Zenith Music. Also Julia and Annika (Year 4) who played the ivories at the same venue. Well done girls! Mrs Sylvia Cusack Congratulations Nicole Trofimczyk has been selected as a member of the Western Australian Aerobic Gymnastics State Team for 2016. She will be attending the Australian championships from 17-19 September in Bendigo, Victoria. We wish you every success Nicole! Extraordinary Fathers’ League Don‟t forget the Dad‟s Footy Night this Friday, 26 August in the School Hall, West Coast vs Adelaide on the Big Screen! Doors open 6pm. ON THE RADAR BOOKWEEK What an amazing display of book characters, authors, famous Australians, Australian animals and Australianism to celebrate the theme - Australia: Story Country. Thank you to all children and parents for your amazing efforts in making our Book Week celebrations a fun day. Tamara Bastow ON THE RADAR Spor ts Notices Ter m 3 We have had a busy start to Term 3 with a number of Interschool events. In Week 3 we entered 4 teams from Year 5 & 6 in an Interschool Basketball Competition at Warwick Leisure Centre. Most children were experiencing basketball for the first time and all had a fantastic day. The quality of the basketball was a high standard throughout the day. I‟m sure we have future Boomers and Opals in the making. All of our teams experienced success with our two girls‟ teams winning 7 and 4 games respectively from the 7 games they played. The boys‟ teams won 4 and 2 games from the 7 games they played. Thank you to Mr Randazzo, Mr Bernhard and Mrs Young who assisted with coaching and managing our teams on the day. State Cross Country 12 th August. On Friday the 12th August we entered a team of 48 runners in this year‟s State Cross Country Championships. The competition is held at McGillivray Oval each year and this year 90 schools were in attendance. There were approximately 300 runners in each race. Our school performed amazingly well and finished 1st overall! Our boys were also ranked 1 in the State! I am tremendously proud of our committed runners. The children have consistently spent 2 afternoons in training with the team and numerous other hours after school in training for our cross country events. Hard work and persistence has definitely paid off. Congratulations to Riley Smith who finished 8th and Sean Lougheed who finished 5th. Both have a chance to run for WA if selected next year at the national trials in May. City 2 Surf Sunday 28th August This Sunday we will be participating in the City 2 Surf event. Members of our community will be running and walking the 4km and 12km event. It is not too late to enter if you are keen. Register at and join our school team. Members of staff will be at the 4km start line at 7:30am if you would like to join us. Currently we have 60 people in our team. We would love to get to 100 members. Regards, John Hignett Physical Education ON THE RADAR Year 4 & Under Girls 2000m Year 4 & Under Boys 2000m Place Name Time Place Name Time 40 Mia Klimpsch 9:32 5 Sean Lougheed 8:03 106 Phoebe Hignett 10:16 17 Joshua Ross 8:24 126 Ashley McGee 10:27 40 Sam Swadling 8:44 133 Jessica Maxweell 10:30 50 Jack Sprigg 8:49 152 Abbey McQueen 10:40 75 Jai Baron Hay 9:02 165 Kirsten Tan 10:48 91 Finlay Hill 9:10 171 Niamh Hackett 10:50 124 Daniel Johnson 9:26 169 James Bloomfield 9:39 189 Peter Young 9:50 203 Noah McEntee 10:07 Year 5 Girls 2500m Year 5 Boys 2500m 18 Sienna McLaughlin 11:18 8 Riley Smith 9:42 49 Sienna Cortese 11:53 13 Trent Johnson 10:00 70 Rhiannon Coulter 12:12 52 Mitchell Baker 10:35 112 Summer Hodges 12:35 63 Jack McGrath 10:42 178 Emily Maxwell 13:26 80 Dylan Moses 10:54 92 Alex Walford 11:00 154 Will Brennan 11:39 Year 6 Girls 2500m Year 6 Boys 2500m 36 Asha Campbell 11:15 25 Ashton Waters 9:54 53 Jemima Hignett 11:38 38 Luke Sprigg 10:06 61 Sophie Axworthy 11:46 52 Cooper Smith 10:13 64 Montana Meek 11:50 57 Finlay Cannon 10:15 140 Sienna Shortland 12:52 77 Riley Hill 10:32 155 Remy Baron-Hay 13:22 107 Sam Smart 10:51 117 Joel Bayntun 10:56 ON THE RADAR School of Opportunity Liturgical Dancers and Singers at Assumption Mass Students from Padbury Catholic who attended a Dockers’ Clinic These 15 boys and both Year 2 classes sang in the Performing Arts Festival at the Vasto Club last Friday. Both choirs looked amazing and sang like angels! Congratulations to both groups. Mrs Sylvia Cusack Our Tournament of Minds team, hard at work, in preparation to compete this weekend. We wish them well! One Big Voice at Perth Arena ON THE RADAR Pre-Kindy Stem We celebrated National Science week as we love being scientists and discovering the world around us. We were so lucky to have a grown up scientist visit last week to demonstrate and conduct experiments with us. We even used real scientific equipment such as beakers and measuring cylinders. Scientist Lisa Fogliani, Deputy of Teaching and Learning at Newman College and wonderful Padbury Mum of Jack 1F and Stella KG, delighted and engaged the children with dissolving the colours of Skittles in water and sinking and floating with the children's choice of classroom objects. The children were amazed that objects that sunk could be made to float by using an aluminium foil boat! Kindy Connect Numbers are often seen in pattern form in the early years. At this stage of development, they are trying to understand how the shapes making the numbers are formed, and connecting them to a value. Often children feel that in order to be great at counting, they need to count fast. This leads to careless errors and does not refect the child‟s true understanding. In Kindy, we share the motto, „Slow counting is great counting‟ to support our learning and consolidate where needed. This term, the Kindy classes have been actively learning about numbers and their values. We have focused on number ordering, identifying and subsisting sets to 6. We have enjoyed playing number bingo and even making number burger buns filled with numbers we have rolled with the dice. The children have loved the challenge and have become aware of numbers to 10 with confidence. ON THE RADAR Pre-Primary Olympics „Watch out for these budding athletes from Pre-Primary in future Olympic Games.‟ A big thank you to all the parents for their support and attendance. The children certainly had a spectacular day! OSHClub Hello Everyone! Hoping you are all happy and well and enjoyed the baked goods the children made to raise money for the RSPCA. They did an amazing job!! You will also notice that some of the children‟s artwork is displayed on pockets of a fabric wall hanging we will be using to plan the activities for subsequent weeks. The children are to take an activity suggestion order from the black pocket, write on it what they want to do at OSH and put it in the pocket for the session they will be attending. On Friday, I will take the suggestions and do my programming for the following week using the children‟s ideas. Lately, there have been a few children coming down with colds and being picked up from school – if parents are able to send me a text on the OSH program phone that will be extremely helpful so we aren‟t chasing up the whereabouts of children missing after school. Our Missing Child procedure is displayed above the sign-in table – the Area Manager is required to start calling police if we have not heard from a parent or reached a parent thirty minutes after the start of an OSHClub afternoon session. Texting is preferred to telephoning as I am able to read many messages quickly when we have all the children arriving. We thank you so much for all the support you give our wonderful program and welcome all suggestions and feedback. M E R I T C E RT I F I C ATE H O N O UR B OA R D 25th August 2016 PPH Daniel Carey 3SR Joshua Malyniak Emma Carter Samuel Studman Olivia Diaz Jett Wilson Ingrid Munyongani 4R PPW Kuku Chibiliti Holly Cannon Thien Hoa Tran Caleigh McGuirk Sophie McQueen 4S Zen Ing Caitlyn Leahy 1F Heath Ross 1PR Tyler McGuinness Jack Sprigg 5B Inaya Stewart 2C Eliza Brennan Lara Benato Cameron Menage 5BK Tyson Zencich Sean Fox 5D 2W Kiera Aitken Flynn McGuane Micheal Buckley Sophie Monisse-Redman Elizabeth Sanders Ben Steinmann 3S Mia Eastcott Oliver Kunzli 6R Imogen Curwood James Fowler 3W James Bloomfield Sienna Crockford 6WH Lewis Dolan Luke Sprigg MERIT AWARDS WILL BE PRESENTED AT THE ASSEMBLY TO BE HELD AT 2.30PM THIS FRIDAY IN THE SCHOOL HALL P&F NEWS SCHOOL DISCO FRIDAY 9TH SEPTEMBER OLYMPICS Theme Children can come dressed as their favourite Olympian or Sportsperson or dressed for their favourite Olympic Sport! PLEASE remember to purchase your DISCO Tickets ($3) and order your Sausage Sizzle Dinner on FLEXI SCHOOLS!! More details to follow…. Scholastic Bookclub Thank you for your continued support of Bookclub. Issue 6 has been sent home this week. Could we please have all orders back by September 6. If there are any queries, please contact the Bookclub team at [email protected]. Father's Day Breakfast This is the last week Dads can RSVP for the Father's Day Breakfast. Please go to to RSVP. Also it's the last week for Dads to submit their photos for the Father's Day slide show. Please email your pics to [email protected]. P&F NEWS PARISH NEWS Our Lady of The Mission WEEKEND MASS TIMES: SAT 6.30PM SUN 8AM 9.30AM 11AM 5.45PM COMMUNITY NEWS TRINITY COLLEGE CURRENTLY TAKING ENROLMENT INTERVIEWS If you are looking for a holistic, quality Catholic education for your son, Trinity College in East Perth may be the school you are searching for. We strive to provide the highest level of teaching and learning in an environment that keeps expanding to meet the physical and emotional needs of all students. To learn more about the extensive things on offer such as our state-of-the-art robotic observatory or our Design and Technology centre using the latest equipment in technology laboratories, please visit our website for further information. Interviews are now taking place for Year 7 in 2018, with limited places available for Year 7 next year. Visit or contact 9223 8121 to book a guided tour. MERCEDES COLLEGE OPEN DAY MONDAY 5 SEPTEMBER 9.30AM-12 NOON To register, please go to: Celebrating 170 years of quality education HAMERSLEY LITTLE ATHLETICS REGISTRATION 2016 SATURDAY 3rd SEPTEMBER 8am-11am Clubrooms Wendling Rd North Beach Bring Birth certificate or passport and registration fees $220-$230 SORRENTO CLUB training Monday 5-630pm Robin Reserve Sorrento WHITFORDS CLUB training Thursdays 430-6pm McDondald Reserve Padbury VACSWIM OCTOBER ENROLMENTS close on Monday 29 August. It is important for every child to learn to swim and develop essential water safety skills. VacSwim offers affordable school holiday swimming lessons run by qualified instructors at a range of locations throughout the state. To enrol or find out more, please visit
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