Annual Report - Canadian Mental Health Association, Edmonton
Annual Report - Canadian Mental Health Association, Edmonton
2 014-15 A NNUA L REPORT EXECUTIVE MESSAGE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Making Mental Health Matter BE MIND FULL ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH OUR VISION Contents 2 3 4 6 8 9 Mentally healthy people in caring communities. MENTAL HEALTH RECOVERY SERVICES OUR MISSION HOUSING SERVICES EDUCATION SERVICES 10 VOLUNTEER SERVICES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 11 VOLUNTEER AWARDS 12 REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT AUDITOR ON THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 14 16 2 MISSION VISION VALUES Make mental health matter in our community by promoting mental health and supporting the resilience and recovery of people affected by mental illness. OUR VALUES Social justice, individual and collective responsibility, self-determination, community integration, integrity, innovation, excellence, strength through diversity, collaboration, open communication, and respect. DONORS AND FUNDERS GOLF SPONSORS CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION – EDMONTON REGION Executive Message Board of Directors President Joan Wright Vice President Janet-Sue Hamilton Treasurer Dayton Marit Member-at-Large Marilyn Thurston Directors Bobbi Menard Cameron Naqvi Chris Heisler Doug McLean Peter Daly Ryan Bosch Sandra Anderson Terena Delaney Vanessa Laroque ANNUAL REPORT 2015 MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS. It matters to the people who are struggling to regain their footing, it matters to their family members, it matters to their neighbours, it matters to their colleagues and mental health matters to you and to us. We are all in this together. Together we support recovery; promote mental health and talk about stigma; advocate and navigate for those bumping up against barriers; provide long term, safe and affordable housing for vulnerable Edmontonians. Often people say that the climate has changed with respect to mental health. Certainly there are more conversations about mental health and mental illness and more people speak up and speak out. The Mental Health Commission of Canada has had its mandate renewed for another 10 years, Councillor Scott McKeen is leading an Urban Isolation and Mental Health initiative for the City of Edmonton, and strides are being made locally and provincially to more coherently address suicide prevention. The GAP MAP (gap analysis of mental health and addiction programs) report released by Alberta Health has been received and studied with interest. We are pleased to be partners with the Family Centre, Boys and Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters, Edmonton John Howard Society, SAGE and Pride Centre to offer a new FREE Drop in Single Session Counselling Session service. The person who needs help needs help today. Helping, for those of us not ‘in the system’, can seem overwhelming. What can we do? We can educate ourselves about the facts and where the resources are to be found in our community, we can reach out and start the conversation, and we can offer hope and compassion. We are grateful for the confidence and support of our long term funders; Alberta Health Services Addiction and Mental Health Edmonton Zone, ECALA, Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Capital Region Housing, United Way of the Alberta Capital Region and Homeward Trust and Alberta Seniors. Our highly trained staff and volunteers are dedicated to achieving excellence and advancing our mission. They are mental health advocates in every sense of the word. Our Board of Directors provide sound governance and connection to our community and other thought leaders. Those who come to CMHA Edmonton for support on their recovery journey and to learn about mental health inspire us. TOGETHER WE MAKE MENTAL HEALTH MATTER. JOAN WRIGHT IONE CHALLBORN President Executive Director 3 Be Mind Full ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH 4 CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION – EDMONTON REGION We make mental health matter through awareness. Increase understanding, decrease stigma, and promote mental health. 27 workplace presentations on stress, suicide awareness, and mental health myths 268 Hoarding Conference participants including people living with hoarding disorder 700 participants in Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training and Mental Health First Aid workshops at CMHA-ER offices ANNUAL REPORT 2015 5 We make mental health matter by supporting recovery. Mental Health Recovery Programs: An enriching environment for people in various stages of recovery and for family members supporting adults living with mental illness. Mental Health Recovery Services OUR MENTAL HEALTH RECOVERY SERVICES are a variety of programs and services that provide practical supports and enriching experiences in safe environments. Our Peer Supports programs offer opportunities for people living with mental illness to develop their leadership skills while participating in social, leisure and recreation activities. Participation in Peer Connections groups remains strong with an increase in the number of participants, resulting from the formation of two new groups: a Family Peer Support Group and a Hoarding Support Group. These new peer led groups expand the scope of Peer Connections significantly to include families with lived experience of mental health challenges and persons living with hoarding disorder. The annual Peer Connections Craft Sale was held at the University of Alberta Hospital foyer. Sales were brisk and proceeds from the sales were directed to the groups that created the items for sale to help purchase new supplies and equipment. • 129 participants this year • 11 peer-led groups: Recovery Support Group, Scrapbooking, Limber Up and Choir, Women’s Web, Reading Group, Knit and Crochet Club, Quilting Club, Family Peer Support Group, Writing Our Recovery Stories (x2), Hoarding Support Group Family Support “The most important thing that I’ve learned is that recovery is an ongoing process that one needs to be dedicated to, not a one-time information session that one attends.” — RECOVERY SUPPORT GROUP PARTICIPANT Hoarding Support Social Skills Workshops Friendship Feast Practical Supports Services offers assistance with practical tasks such as grocery shopping, meal preparation, attending health care appointments and preparing to move. In addition to the assistance provided by the Practical Supports Services Workers, clients can receive cleaning assistance and moving assistance from our program partners, Burke Temporary Employment Services and Redemptive Developments. One of the program’s major successes this year was that Practical Supports Services can now help clients attend programming in the community, such as social recreation groups, fitness activities and educational opportunities. Receiving this type of support can empower people living with significant mental illness to maintain independent housing when this would not be possible otherwise. Staffed by people with their own lived experience of mental illness, this program received 129 new requests for support this year and provided 4,005 of direct support to clients. “Thank you for supporting [my client] in her move; it sounds like it was a very positive experience for her and she appreciated the professional and respectful manner with which the move was conducted.” — IM, MENTAL HEALTH THERAPIST 6 CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION – EDMONTON REGION Challenge by Choice is a wellness-oriented recovery program that offers young adults, 16-30 years of age, the opportunity to enjoy recreation and leisure activities while developing personal and social skills. Participating in this program can contribute to increased mental health, increased social connection and decreased stigmatization and isolation, among other benefits. This year, 256 youth participated in the Challenge by Choice program. Some of the activities offered included art, healthy relationship workshops, sports and fitness, and group social outings. Challenge by Choice Groups • Relaxation • Art • Come and Hang Out • Guitar • Education • Employment Preparation • Monday Exercise Group • Wednesday Active • Thursday Fitness • Friday Social Recreation Mental Health Supports for Teen Parents, offered in partnership with Terra Centre for Teen Parents, provides one-on-one mental health support to students at Braemar School. The Mental Health Recovery Facilitator worked with 55 teen parents this year, empowering them to maintain and restore mental health and build healthier relationships. Clients came to the Mental Health Recovery Facilitator for help with a number of mental health challenges, including depression, anxiety, trauma, addictions and abuse. This year, funding from RBC and a collaboration with CASA also made a psychologist available for clients who required more intensive mental health care. In a survey administered to assess the effectiveness of the Mental Health Supports for Teen Parents program, 100% of clients indicated that they were able to get the help they needed to address their mental health issues. In addition to one-on-one mental health support, the program offered various psychoeducational groups over the year, covering topics such as stress and anger management, healthy relationships, boundaries, mindfulness, communication skills and positive thinking. We make mental health matter by supporting recovery. 256 participants in Challenge by Choice youth programming 286 one-on-one mental health support sessions with teen parents 268 participants at 3rd Annual Hoarding Interventions Conference The Hoarding Support and Education program offers both a 10-week education group and a 10-week drop-in support group for people living with hoarding disorder. These groups provide a safe and supportive environment where participants can talk about their experiences with hoarding, gain a greater understanding of hoarding issues, and learn practical ways to manage clutter. From March 25-27, CMHA-ER hosted its 3rd Annual Hoarding Interventions Conference to build the capacity of communities to assist people affected by hoarding disorder. Drs. Christiana Bratiotis, Sheila Woody and Jyothi Robertson, among others, presented on topics including animal hoarding, peer responses to hoarding, and developing an integrated community response to hoarding situations. ANNUAL REPORT 2015 7 We make mental health matter through community integration. CMHA-ER is a member of the Edmonton Coalition on Housing and Homelessness and the Alberta Public Housing Administrators Association. Housing Services THE CMHA-ER HOUSING PROGRAM promotes integrated community living by providing safe, affordable and long-term housing for people living with mental illness. We currently manage 6 buildings in Edmonton with a total of 131 units. This year, we processed 50 housing applications and welcomed 6 new tenants. This year, the Housing Program has been touched again and again by our community’s generousity. Coast Hotels provided funds to help tenants in need purchase furnishings. A grant from the EPCOR Community Essentials Council has helped CMHA-ER continue to offer practical supports services to our tenants, including assistance with general housekeeping, grocery shopping, banking and attending appointments. Thanks to funds from the 2014 No Room at the Inn Grant and the St. Paul Foundation Grant, we were able to replace the roof on our Citrus Court building, and another grant from the REALTORS Community Foundation allowed us to repair damage that had been caused by the leaks in the old roof. CMHA-ER has continued to be an active member of the Edmonton Coalition on Housing and Homelessness, the Alberta Public Housing Administrators Association, and the Alberta Residential Landlord Association (formerly the Edmonton Apartment Association). 131units housing 129 individual tenants and 6 families Practical Support Services: Helps tenants with daily living; e.g., shopping, banking, and health-care appointments 8 CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION – EDMONTON REGION Education Services OUR EDUCATION SERVICES TEAM works to raise understanding, decrease stigma, and promote mental health and well-being through public education, school programs, and workshops. This year, the Light Up Your Mind youth education program delivered 151 interactive presentations about mental health to junior and senior high students, with an average audience of 45 students per presentation. During Mental Health Week, over 1000 Edmonton students were invited to Get Loud! for Mental Health at Northlands during Mental Health Week, with Stephen Page as MC, and numerous activities were offered to emphasize the importance of good mental health for students. CMHA-ER also delivered 27 community education presentations on mental health to 1140 adult participants, and hosted 31 workshops where 700 participants received training. For Mental Illness Awareness Week, we hosted a film screening of “The Fisher King” starring Robin Williams at Metro Cinema. “Sarah came into our CALM Class today speaking about mental health, handling stress, resiliency and suicide. It was very evident that she has a passion for this field and was so comfortable and knowledgeable with the content… I asked my class after Sarah left what they thought about the topic and the delivery and the consensus was that all high school students should hear this info as most high school students face these topics to one degree or another, whether personally or through someone they know.” — TERRY, CALM TEACHER We make mental health matter through awareness. 151 school presentations on suicide awareness, mental illness, stigma and stress management 5,000+ junior and senior high students engaged in informed dialogue through school presentations 1,375 participants engaged in mental health awareness events throughout the year ANNUAL REPORT 2015 9 We make mental health matter with volunteer opportunities. Supports mental health recovery services, administration, education, and special events. Volunteer Services and Special Events VOLUNTEERS COME TO CMHA-ER from across the community. Some are people living with mental illness who are on their own journeys of recovery. Some are family members, friends and co-workers of people with lived experiences of mental illness who want to share what they have learned. Others include professionals, students, and community members who share our vision of mentally healthy people in caring communities. This year, 130 volunteers contributed 6911 hours in a variety of positions, including board membership, peer support, administration, special events and fund development. NUMBER OF VOLUNTEERS HOURS VOLUNTEERED Administration Volunteers 4 98 Board Members 16 2,604 Education Volunteers 7 150 Golf Committee Members 14 993 Peer Connections Leaders 17 1,314 Special Event Volunteers 49 320 ROLE 149 volunteers strong and growing! 6,911 volunteer hours Mental Health Recovery Service Volunteers 4 130 Gaming Volunteers 24 924 University of Alberta Student Group 14 378 “We believe that mental health is an important issue. In our class, we focus on maintaining a healthy mind and body. We strive for balance. We also strongly believe in the importance of reducing the stigma around mental health. We hope that our money can help contribute to a positive change.” — WINDSOR PARK SCHOOL GRADE 6 CLASS, 3RD PARTY FUNDRAISING EVENT ORGANIZER 10 CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION – EDMONTON REGION Volunteer Awards OUR ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING was held September 25, 2014 at the Crowne Plaza Chateau Lacombe. The following volunteers were honoured for the extraordinary contributions to CMHA-ER: Sharing Hope Award 2014 Bridging Communities Award 2014 Don Jamieson Lillian Osborne High School Student Council Stamping Out Stigma Award 2014 Fostering Excellence Award 2014 CMHA – Edmonton Region University of Alberta Student Group Olga Guzman 2015-2015 VOLUNTEERS Aaron B. Aaysha S. Adelle M. Aisha P. Al D. Al D. Al M. Alex R. Amrita C. Andrea B. Andrea C. Andrea H. Andy D. Aneta S. Anne Marie D. Aqib S. Ashley M. Ayesha S. Bob “Dizzy” D. Bob W. Bobbi M. Brenda P. Brian S. Cam N. Candace L. Carly B. Carol G. Caroline F. Casey M. Cathy M. Celia K. Chris H. Claude H. ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Colette S. Connie L. Connor M. Daisy R. Dale Z. Dan S. Daryll L. David F. David S. Dawn A. Dayton M. Denis L. Dick S. Don J. Donna A. Donna S. Dora N. Doreen A. Doug M. Drury S. Eric F. Erin G. Esther L. Eunice H. Ev W. Frank S. Gerry B. Hilton F. Jackie H. James M. Janet-Sue H. Jennifer R. Jenny Y. Jessica T. Jillian J. Jim “Buzz” B. Jim G. Jim O. Joan W. Jolene P. Jonathan T. Joyce H. Kaluba S. Kate H. Kathy L. Kelly C. Kim A. Larry H. Larry I. Laura B. Laurie D. Lesley C. Lorelie H. Lyle W. Lynda J. Lynette W. Lynette W. Margot C. Marilyn T. Mark T. Maryann L. Matthew D. Melanie M. Michelle H. Michelle N. Naba S. Nancy D. Natasha H. Noah H. Olga G. Peter D. Rhonda W. Richard B. Richard B. Ricky W. Robert P. Rodger G. Ryan B. Ryan W. Sam G. Sandra A. Scott S. Shiona C. Steve O. Suraj C. Susan K. Susan S. Tammy M. Tara T. Terena D. Teresa P. Terry S. Vanessa L. Velda G. Vicky B. Wendy B. Zohaib S. 11 Report of the Independent Auditor on the Summary Financial Statements THE ACCOMPANYING SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, which comprise the summary statement of financial position as at March 31, 2015 and the summary statement of operations for the year then ended are derived from the audited financial statements of the Canadian Mental Health Association – Edmonton Region for the year ending March 31, 2015. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those financial statements in our report dated X of May 2015. Those financial statements, and the summary financial statements, do not reflect the effects of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on those financial statements. The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian accounting principles for not-for-profit organizations. Reading the summary financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements of the Canadian Mental Health Association – Edmonton Region. MANAGEMENTS’ RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Management is responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. AUDITORS’ RESPONSIBILITY Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standard 810 – Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements. OPINION In our opinion, the summary financial statements derived from the audited financial statements of the Canadian Mental Health Association – Edmonton Region for the year ended March 31, 2015 are a fair summary of those financial statements, in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. HAWKINGS EPP DUMONT LLP Chartered Accountants 12 CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION – EDMONTON REGION STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION As of March 31, 2015 2015 Current Assets Cash Receivables Prepaid expenses Investments Tangible capital assets Liabilities Accounts payable Deferred contributions Long-term debt Obligations under capital lease Net Assets Invested in tangible capital assets Internally restricted Unrestricted STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS Year Ended March 31 Revenue Grants Fundraising Rent Fees for service Management fees Investment income Expenses Salaries & benefits Building occupancy Program expenditures Amortization All other expenditures Excess of Revenue over Expenses ANNUAL REPORT 2015 2014 $ 491,202 $ 453,206 176,661 50,529 718,392 95,686 63,860 612,752 326,192 5,087,930 $ 6,132,514 291,696 5,253,230 $ 6,157,678 2015 2014 $ 193,174 3,949,829 179,016 52,666 $ 4,374,685 $ 154,686 4,103,002 199,551 73,093 $ 4,530,332 $ 1,148,817 340,793 268,219 1,757,829 $ 6,132,514 $ 1,117,486 301,296 208,564 1,627,346 $ 6,157,678 2015 2014 $ 1,225,735 374,480 336,687 321,131 90,000 37,718 $ 2,385,751 $ 1,049,971 240,303 319,003 200,328 89,258 43,209 $ 1,942,072 $ 974,889 429,388 233,133 199,078 418,780 $ 2,255,268 $ 826,413 340,231 124,079 198,658 375,290 $ 1,864,671 $ 130,483 $ 77,401 13 Donors and Funders $5,000+ Alberta Teachers’ Association Edmonton Community Foundation Marian Centre Southminster-Steinhauer United Church $1,000 - $4,999 Anne Charlton ATCO Electric ATCO Gas ATCO I-Tek ATCP Pipelines Bethel Lutheran Church Cameron Naqvi Catholic Parish of Assumption Catholic Parish of St. Thomas More Covenant Christian Reformed Church Emily Quinn Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Garneau United Church Grace United Church Knox Metropolitan United Church Martha Taylor McDougall United Church Melanie Moore RBC Foundation Robertson Wesley United Church Sandra Anderson Scenic Route to Alaska Social Justice Office – Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton St. Albert United Church St. Andrew’s United Church St. Augustine of Canterbury Anglican Church St. John Bosco Catholic Parish St. Joseph’s Basilica St. Paul’s United Church Strathearn United Church Terena Delaney Trinity United Church Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton Union 52 Benevolent Society $500 - $999 Apocalypse Kow Entertainment ATCO Power Audrey Der Nederlanden Catholic Parish of St. Clare Catholic Parish of St. John the Evangelist Dormition Ukrainian Catholic Parish Ebenezer United Church Fellowship Christian Reformed Church George Wilbert Smith School IMARK Inc. Jill Easy Ken Tonn L. Janke Lisa McCormick Mee Ja Oh Melvin Vogel Michael Stafford 14 Millwoods United Church Ottewell United Church of Edmonton Patricia Kiel Riverbend United Church Spirit West United Church St. John’s Lutheran Church Stephen Seewald The Catholic Parish of Church of the Resurrection Ursulines of Jesus Wipro General Zack Sikora $250 - $499 ATCO Structures Bell Canada – Employee Giving Program Bernie Crinklaw Beverly United Church Camilla School Activities Carman McNary Curtis Dengler Curtis Dombrosky Donald Massey School Doug McLean James Easton Katherine Connor Katherine Johnson Lorne Shandro Mark Zutz Ritchie United Church Ron Johnson Rudy Roopnarine Sherwood Park United Church St. Matthias Anglican Church Sumeet Shinde Team TELUS Cares W. Beekman Westmount Presbyterian Church Wyatt Skovron $100 - $249 Aaron Rusnak Aboriginal Consulting Services Association of Alberta Alan Burant Allan Doupe Altaf Smani Andy Crighton Anne Marie Decore Art Lowe Barb Diederich Bibiane Robitaille Bill Hilton Bjorn Morisbak Brad Daviss Brent & Alison Forberg Brent Quinton Campbell Sydie Canadian Direct Insurance Inc. Social Fund Capital Sec Temporary Fencing Carolin Pang Catholic Parish of Our Lady of Victory Challenge Insurance Group Inc. Charles Campbell Chelsea Hack Ciaran O’Flynn Daniel Cameron Daniel Hallihan Daphne Kuehn Dayton Marit Debbie Willard Debra Bundschuh Dennis Wasnea Dinea Loutas Dr. Darcy Dietz Edmonton Bicycle Commuters’ Society Eleanor Tymchuk Elizabeth Horcica Elvira Johnson Frank Greenough Gail Faulkner Gail Wright Gerry Yuen Gibbons Emmanuel Anglican Church Guy & Lina Magnan Hardisty School Harold Hudson Helen C. Turner Ian Evans Janet-Sue Hamilton Jen Moffat Jill Pruden Jim Odishaw Joanne Sware Jordan Rice Justine Burton Karen Bolstler Kathy Wright Keith King Kelly Hartle Kerry Day Kim Oh Kimberly Cameron Kirk United Church Congregation L. Thomas Lana Blackett Landmark Mazda Lexus of Edmonton Linda Fleury Lisa McCormick Lisa Molo Maddy Gordon Martin Hodgson Mary MacGregor Mary Palm Medical Mart West Mee Ja Oh Michael Stafford Mohammed Moussa Nena Publicover Patricia Liviniuk Patricia Newton Paul Collis Peter Wright Phyllis Slukynski Raja Barna Ralph Ernest Riley Rob Wild Robert McKeon Roger Schilf Ronald B. Carkner Sam Narayan Sandy Allison Sarah Forgie Shaun O’Connor-Parsons Sheila Boretski Shelby Painchaud St. John Bosco Catholic Women’s League St. Patrick’s Anglican Church St. Thomas More Catholic School Tammy Jones Tammy Jorgensen TELUS The Tumm Family Thomas Dimos Tracy McKay Virginia Sharek Yellowhead Brewery UP TO $99 A. Cahill A. Jatterjee A. Jess Aashif Esmail Adam Freed Adrian Wong Afzal Akram Aisha Karidio Aj An Al Pletcher Alan Ewasiuk Alec Ratulowski Alice Ellendt Alice Siye Alix Youn Allen Stewart Alma Schram Amanda Hill Amir Shakir Amy Shi Ana Lowrie Andrea Cruickshank Andrea Metcalfe Andrew Cho Andrew MacDonald Angela Lu Anita Kapoor Anne Fong Anne Moy Anninna Chiu Annu Kaul-Kohan Anqruz Baidwan Aoife Jones April Scholten Arjun Bhamra Arnold Lork Ashley & Mike Szott Asukad Siln Ather Bano Atma Bhamra Audrey Rozack Audrey Yong Austin Gordon B.G. Hagan Baja Wang Bal Paruhar Baldeu Singh Barb Anderson Barb Donadt Barb Schmidtke Barb Westra Ben Lu Ben Pineau Ben Sugars Beth Ruest Bill Bhamra Bill Graunke Blake Numan Bob Baer Bonnie Jardine Brad Gatschene Brad Matthiesson Brandy Brozny Brenda Lori Brenda Nelson Brent Gilbert C. Jayashree Caden Braune Cale Kristel Calli R. Canlyn Fraser Carl Buck Carne Dansm Carol Carr Carol Ellendt Carol Lessmeister Carrie Pohl Carrie Waggott Casey Valetzhan Catherine Bulbuc Cathey Payne Cathy Campbell Chad Sager Chaitana Lalh Charmaine Whitbourne Cheryl Knig Chris Dailey Chris Larsen Christi Krawchuk Christina Kaumeyer Christine Ens Christy Middleton Clara Ao Clarence Valendez Colin Eaiyson Con & Lyn Gengenbach Cory Janse Craig Frier Cristina Torres D. Burt D. Lynn Kuzbik Daisy Mair Daniel Chow Daniel Nielsen Danielle Reid Darice Kelly Darin Detil Daryl Fenrich Dave Reyrnal Dave Zukiwsky David Antle David Delancey David Milne Dawn Pedgenwright Deanna Portz Deanne Kenny Deb Price Debbie Ford Debbie Wald Deborah Alford Deirdrie Murphy Deon Wilner Derek Townsend Devinder Baidwan Diane Cooper Diane Kushneryk Diane Smitten Dianne Legare Dianne Schuldhaus Dickie Bavero Dinesh Rai Dino De Guzman Dixie Baxter Diya Omkar Don MacLeod Donna Glor Donna McKay Donna Mountsol Donna Siroski Dr. Gordon Goplen Dunstable School Pembina Hills School Division E. Bochinski E. Hicks Edward Hahn Elena Moon Ellie Parish Emily Laing Emily Richer Emmanuel Wiresu Eric Sauze Erika Krawchuk Erin Krawchuk Evan Parish Evelyn Cruz Fantsih Kung Faria Ajamain Fengyun Xiao Fern Wong Finvarr Motherway Firouzeh Foroosandeh Firoz Charania Frances Cuyler Frank McGovern Fred and Ruby Husband G. Rajotte Garry Holden Geoff Rode George Cathcart George Dribnanki Geraldine Young Gil Christensen Gillian Belter Ginette Bluett Gordon Laing Gurdeep Baidwan Gurinder Matharoo Gurjeet Gill Gurpreet Blar Gurvinder Baidwan Haley Shandro Hannah Pare Harry & Stacy Myers Harvinder Baidwar Heather Buck Hee Ja Song Heidi Hadubiak Heidi Morel Heidi Sugars Helen Lightfoot Helene Caryk Henry Leung Herlina Wong Hong Mirls Hubert Colohan Hynnsoon Um Hyun Joo Choi I. Rashid I.D. McGinnis Iftekhar Mazumder Ignacio Lastra Igor Czarnecki Imran Ally In Hak Youn Inder Sangha Irene Agrew Isaac Cantine Ivan Rebeyka Jackie Roberts James Doble James Easton Jamie Milley Jamie Sale Jane Donaldson Janet M. Caryk Psychological Services Corporation Janice Palmer Jas Gill Jasgurdiy Matharoo Jasjeet Bhamra Jasleen Sidhu-David Jason Abdi Jason McNabb Jason Youn Jasvinder Matharoo Jaswant Matharoo Jeanne Raikles CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION – EDMONTON REGION You can make a donation to CMHA Edmonton Region online through Canada Helps. Jeannett Corbell Jeff Spiller Jeffrey Paches Jennifer Prestash Jesse Poulin Jessica Marin Jill MacLean Jillian Knowles Jim & Leslie Bortolotto Jim Drinkwater Jim Loree Jin Lu Jit Yu Joan van Dulder Joan Wright JoAnn Thai Joanna Cho Joanna Lau Joanne Forberg Jody Desutter Jody Feigel Johann Sacher John & Marilyn Carr John Mueha Jonathan Lau Jong Lil Lee Jordan Kruhluk Josie Rehmann Jothi Das Joyce Kong Judy Adams Judy Slavutyla Jun Hu K. Brosseau K. Hewphill Kaitlyn Pohl Kalwinder Baidwan Karen Cook Karen Finch Karen Kundlas Karen Track Karl Ramsperger Kathleen Sorenson Kathy Godsmear Kathy Gray Katie Li Katrina Bruner Katrina Tung Kayla McCarthy Kaylan Tomasi Keith Mould Keith Mountsol Ken Lowe Kent Petrovicz Keri McLeod Kerinsten Strebchuk Kevin Bialobzyski Kevin Cho Kevin Song Kevin Wong Klaus Portz Kolleen Paches Konrad Becker Kristjana Loptson Krystina Guspie Kying Hee Lee Kylan Maksymchuk-Harris Kyung Park L. Mihell Laila Nizam Lan Bui Lary Shaben Laura Bower Laureen Mantai Lauren McHea Lauri Baldwin Lee Frisby Leigh Krysko Les Karpyshyn ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Leslie Willis Lester Owre Liesl Sham Lily Charez Linda Feniak Linda Hu Lindsay Phee Lindsey Corsaut Lindy Brown Linh Loi-Luong Lisa Clarke Lisa Cox Lisa Tanguay Liz Gray Lohoa Yogasunduran Lorna Gawlinski Lou Bassouls Louise Zhang Luba Tbisax Luke Martino Lyle McGonigle Lynda Hough Lynn Hruczkowski M. & Y. Nizam Madhu Khemchandani Madison Miller Maggie & Vince Gervars Malik Simlains Mallo Hung Mandeep Dlaha Manjit Dhanoa Manju Dev Manraj Dhanoa Margaret Daneliuk Margot Hrynyk Maria Milanowski Maria Wojcichowsky Marie Foster Marissa Zhang Mark Gowda Mark Mendoza Mark Mielke Marlaine Dupre Marta McKennan Mary Bogner Mary De Pauw Mary Goss Matthew Barker Max Omer Megan Wolfe Mehdi Hajramezan Mel Miller Melanie Jorkman Melanie Sorensen Melissa Lowe Menasha Nikhany Michael Neuman Michelle Condie Michelle Dreyer Mikaela Michailides Mike Chalk Millie Kim Minal Gohil Moez Virji Monica Donadt-Milne Muhamad Muhwad Munira Ladha Nai Liang Li Najam Heisan Natasha Raffa Nathaniel Wong Navraj Takhak Nawaid Usmani Nazlin Moreni Nick Davis Nicole Etch Nicole Miranda Nicole Sestito Nicole Supert Nicoletta Filippis Niki Purani Nilufa Virji Noah George Noah Martino Olann Scott Omar Adnan Omar Shaji Onyeka Chukwuemeka Pam Mathura Pam Warraich Pat Friesnan Pat Takacs Patricia Workun Patty Taverner Paul & Milka Phee Paul Brennan Peter Co Peter Giffre Peter Gray Philip and Patricia Sturges Philip Koning Philip Varrghen Phyllis Fenrich Ping Ju Pouja Sharma Qinghua Fang R. Huizings Raj Dhanoa Rajiv Avuthu Randy Dupree Randy Radmanovich Raqhir Baidwan Rasik Kothari Ravendra Kumar Raymond Brunning Raynelle Unruh Rhianna Ford Rhiannon Jones Richard Lau Richard Lowe Richard McCallum Rick Piche Rick Stevens Rida Irshud Rob Busby Rod Szarka Roger Brook Rokhand Khademi Romana Kabalin Ronnine Oppen Ronny Yu Roseanne Wallewein Rosie Chatters Rosy Amlani Rowshon Ara Rubina Virji Ryan Busenius Ryan Shek S. Winter Sabira Rizwan Sai Avuthu Sana Ahmed Sandeep Pandher Sandhya Singh Sandi Knight Sandi Lambertus Sandra Schultz Sandy Girvan Sandy Lam Sandy Lambert Sandy Radomski Sanjay Sharma Sara & Winston Oh Sarabjit Gill Sarah Brennan Sarah Faily Saranjeeu Lalh Sean Baxter Seung-Ju Pyun Shafin Kanji Shaher Bano Shaniff Esmail Shannen Shott Sharan Soodhar Sharen Bhamra Shawa Naqui Sheila Coulombe Shelly Barron Sig & Anita Donadt Siham Araj Simran Bhatti Sodhi Pillay Sonja Whitbourne Srinijar Lanchitanh St. Faith’s Anglican Church Stacey Hannay Stan Papulkas Stephane Beauchemiu Stephanie Gonzales Stephanie Kuehn Stephanie McGovern Sue Blocksidge Suezette Rucker Sukaindh Khan Sukhhir Singh Sukhwinder Gill Susan Laing T. Gatscheng T. Rota Tammy Buck Tarlochan Lalh Taylor Mitchell Ted Yu Tereasa Sadovia Teresa Klimchuk Terrance Stratichuk Terri Biasini Terri Skaggs Tessa Stockley The Dom Lo Family Theresa & Sophia Faitakis Tim Richer Tina Oh Tina Vogel Ting Wang Todd Edmonds Tony Trieu Tony Willacy Tracy Freddrak Tracy Shaben Ursula Owre Uwais Qarni V. Heward Valerie Johnson Varon Kapoor Vashti Purtey Veronica Perea Vienna Mak Vincent Gregory Wally Streit Wayne Hale Wayne Winters Weitong Zhang Wendy Beaudoir Wendy Leung Wendy Moody William Wang Wilsun Xu Wing Chan Wong Yuk Man Y. Loi-Luong Yilang Gao Yogi Samiah Yvette Ternowsky We make mental health matter with our funders. Alberta Health Services Addictions and Mental Health Alberta Seniors Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation Capital Region Housing Corporation ECALA Homeward Trust United Way of the Alberta Capital Region THIRD PARTY EVENTS APOCALYPSE KOW ENTERTAINMENT Apocalypse Kow Kristmas Kabaret $950.00 EASY, JILL Bev Facey 2004 High School Reunion $500.00 SCENIC ROUTE TO ALASKA Break the Silence Fall Fundraiser $5,695.00 LILLIAN OSBORNE HIGH SCHOOL Lillian Osborne Rock-A-Thon $15,497.71 EDMONTON AND DISTRICT COUNCIL OF CHURCHES No Room In the Inn $70,556.31 ALBERTA TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION SloPitch Tournament $5,000.00 2014 WESTERN REALTY GROUP MENTAL HEALTH CLASSIC $70,577.67 15 We make mental health matter. Golf Sponsors PRESENTING SILVER Western Realty Group Inc. Allstar Construction Best Western Plus Westwood Inn Douglas Sollows Architect Inc. Focus Corporation ISL Engineering and Land Services JATEC Kiwanis Club of Edmonton MAP Group of Companies McQueen Automotive Melcor Developments Limited Parkwood Master Builder Select Engineering Consultants Springwood Treadmark Properties Volvo of Edmonton Witten LLP ON THE GREEN Cameron Development Corporation ATB Corporate Financial Services WAM Developments MEDIA CTV Edmonton News #300, 10010 - 105 Street Edmonton AB T5J 1C4 t: 780-414-6300 f: 780-482-7498 e: [email protected] w: PLATINUM DES Engineering Ltd. HOLE-IN-ONE Don Wheaton Chevrolet Buick GMC Cadillac Ltd. Nova Hotels Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer LLP GOLD Ernst & Young LLP Oxford Properties Group Sky’s the Limit Window Cleaning Sturni-Hueston Engineering Ltd. BRONZE Colliers International LLP Crystal Glass Magna IV Engineering Pioneer Press Ltd. ReidBuilt Homes Williams Engineering Canada Charitable #118834316RR 16 CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION – EDMONTON REGION