January Newsletter 2015


January Newsletter 2015
January 2015
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Hilltop News & Views
Volume 12, Number 1
January 2015
The Lord has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To Act
justly and to Love mercy and to Walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
God certainly has shown us what is good! 2014 brought with it the distinct privilege of celebrating 60 years of ministry
through Lutherhill. What an honor to play even a small part in this story.
Over the past 60 years, Lutherhill has…
- Transformed from an oil pump station to a 16 cabin retreat
- Grown from a staff of 1 (plus lots of volunteers) to a staff of over 72 in the summer
- Expanded from 46 to 88 acres
- Cultivated deep relationships with individuals and congregations
- Impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of campers
Over the last year, Lutherhill has…
- Shared the good news with 1,248 onsite summer campers
- Lead Day Camps for 1,638 campers across Texas, Louisiana and even Oklahoma!
- Hosted 4,492 retreat guests with programmed and self-guided retreats
- Partnered with LWR to send 1,152 Personal Care Kits and to people in need
- Celebrated the retirement of Gene Citzler, Maintenance Director Extraordinaire, after 43 years of faithful service
God certainly has shown us what is good! As we move into a new year of ministry at Lutherhill, we are grateful as always
for your faithful support. In the year to come, we will renovate and open the Zion Retreat Center on Galveston Island.
In the year to come, we will discern continued site improvements on the La Grange property. In the year to come, we
will continue to be a place for all people of every generation to experience the love of Christ in unique settings and new
So, what does the Lord require of you? Well, we’re glad you asked. Throughout the retreat season and into the summer
we are exploring our theme – Act, Love, Walk – based on the words from the Prophet Micah. We will focus on discipleship, a life set apart to follow God. This life is marked by an active faith that justly serves, compassionately loves, and
intentionally walks with our God. We invite you to join us – for a retreat, for a week, even just for a moment. Explore new
ways to act in faith, gather around the campfire with the ones you love, take a walk in the woods.
Matthew Kindsvatter
Executive Director
Lutherhill is excited to announce that over $700,000 has been raised for the Zion
Renewal Appeal. We are only $125,000 from completion of this exciting project.
In order to complete the Zion Retreat Center, gifts and pledges are being sought
through spring of 2015. Once funding is in place, the renovation will begin and the
new Zion Retreat Center will be completed with the following features:
• Nine guest rooms, depending on occupancy configurations will sleep from 18 to
36 people with private baths for each bedroom
• Dedicated meeting space to accomodate 100
• A seperate dining room and full commercial kithchen
The Zion Renewal Appeal includes a challenge goal of $175,000 to reduce a portion
of the Lutherhill capital debt. With this Challenge Goal a total of $1,000,000 to
improve the ministry of Lutherhill.
To learn more about this project or to help us reach our goal, visit www.lutherhill.org.
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Hilltop News & Views
Volume 12, Number 1
January 2015
FALL 2015-SPRING 2016
When worships end we are sent out into the world
with the call to, “Go in peace and serve the Lord,” to
which the congregation replies, “Thanks be to God!” At
Lutherhill, we joyfully follow this with “...And WE WILL!”
Join us this year as we explore what it means to go in
peace, serve the Lord and confirm as a body of believers
that WE WILL!
E Big Bend Retreat
Fall Family Retreat
Creation Care Retreat
Jr. High Retreat
Advent Retreat
Advent Family Retreat
Mother Daughter Retreat
Sr. High Retreat
Women's Pampering Weekend
Elementary Retreat
Creative Distractions Retreat
Spring Family Retreat
18 years and older
All ages
All ages (adult sponsors required)
6th-8th grade
1st-3rd grade & 4th-6th grade (NEW: two tracks!)
All Ages
All Ages
9th-12th grade
18 years and older
1st-3rd grade & 4th-6th grade (NEW: two tracks!)
All Ages (adult sponsors required)
All Ages
September 23-27
October 9-11
November 6-8
November 13-15
December 4-5
December 11-13
January 29-31
February 19-21
March 4-6
March 11-13
April 1-3
April 22-24
ADULT GETAWAY- Big Bend Retreat Highlights
You’re never too old for camp! Spend an extended weekend away in
Big Bend National Park with Lutherhill. Join camp adventure guides as
we travel to west Texas for fun paddling on the Rio Grande, stargazing
at McDonald Observatory and hiking around the national park's
mountains and hot springs. Grow in your faith with daily Bible studies
and worships led by Lutherhill. We will provide all meals and housing
options (i.e. hotels, tent camping). All you need to provide is your own
clothes and an adventurous spirit!
Visit our website,
Wednesday, Sept. 23
Thursday, Sept. 24
Friday, Sept. 25
Saturday, Sept. 26
Sunday Sept. 27
www.lutherhill.org or
8pm Registration at Lutherhill
contact Geoffrey at
6am breakfast and depart from Lutherhill
888-266-4613 for upDay long river trip
Day hike in Big Bend & McDonald Observatory at night to date information
and details.
Big breakfast before heading back to Lutherhill
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Hilltop News & Views
Volume 12, Number 1
January 2015
We’ve had such a great retreat season so far. We’re sharing some of the highlights from some of our fall retreats. We
hope you are making plans to come to Lutherhill before summer is upon us. Take a look at what we’ve been up to!
This fall we welcomed 20 families who were celebrating the first
communion milestone. During this weekend, youth learned all
about the sacrament of Holy Communion. We sculpted chalices,
baked unleavened bread, and even enjoyed a Seder meal together.
Local pastors led sessions for adults and youth on the meaning and
significance of communion.
This retreat reminded us to WALK humbly with God, as we saw
campers learn about the holy sacrament of communion and grow in
their faith.
Families from across Texas gathered for a weekend of outdoor fun! Pastor Jeremy
Freye shared the Word and challenged our families to deepen their faith together.
Lasting memories were made around the new fire ring near the outcamp treehouses.
Some of our youngest campers were able to get their first taste of Lutherhill life.
This retreat reminded Lutherhill to ACT justly as we saw multiple generations living
out and passing on their faith this weekend. Lutherhill was blessed to be a part of
these families’ faith journeys.
If you would like to be a part of this faith-filled family fun experience, join us next
year at the Fall Family Retreat on October 9-11, 2015.
Camp was alive and buzzing with over 180 junior high youth during
this weekend retreat. Torrential rains could not deter the campers
from having so much fun playing games, making new friends through
small groups and even performing in a poetry slam. Joe Davis, a
spoken word artist from Minnesota, led our students on a creative
journey to explore their faith and express themselves.
This retreat reminded us to LOVE mercifully as the contagious energy
and passion of these junior high youth spread throughout Lutherhill
this weekend.
Join us next year and be a part of this jammin’ jolly jr high experience,
join us next year at the Jr High Retreat on November 13-15, 2015.
Lutherhill has gone social! In order to stay current and
informed about what is happening at Lutherhill, check us
out on social media.
Lutherhill Ministries
Lutherhill Ministries
Lutherhill Ministries
Join our email list. Send us your
address: [email protected]
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Hilltop News & Views
Volume 12, Number 1
January 2015
For a full schedule of Lutherhill Retreats please visit our website at www.lutherhill.org
E FAST SENIOR HIGH RETREAT-We are called to justly serve and
DEADLIN ING!!! compassionately love our neighbors, and to intentionally
walk with our God. This weekend we will explore our theme,
“Act, Love, Walk,” through inspiring worships, small group
discussions, and Lutherhill activities. Students in 9th-12th grade are invited
to grow in their faith during an awesome, fun-filled weekend.
Impactful Sessions with Pr Jay Gamlin & Musicians, Justin & Graham
Small Group Discussion facilitated by Lutherhill Staff
Activities such as the Ropes Course, Arts & Crafts, and Archery
A Polar Bear Swim & S’mores
DAILY BREAD RETREAT-We have been gifted in so many ways and our God
calls us to share our blessings with others. Bring your youth group or come
individually to Lutherhill to spend some time exploring how we are called
to live a life of service. Join us as we “Act, Love, Walk” alongside our Lord
and each other helping those who need it most.
• Meredith Massey will be our special guest. Meredith served 12 months in the ELCA
Young Adults in Global Mission in Hungry.
• Lutherhill Worships
• Service Work organized by Lutherhill
ELEMENTARY RETREAT-As flowers are blooming, birds are singing and
the weather is warming up, spend a weekend at camp learning about how
to put your faith into action. Make crafts with your youth group, spend
time at all your favorite camp activities and participate in Lutherhill Bible
Studies and worships. Even at a young age, God speaks to us and calls us
to serve. This retreat has two tracks: one for 1st-3rd grade and another for
4th-6th grade.
Lutherhill worships
Age specific Bible Studies
A great weekend for FIRST TIME CAMPERS to see what Lutherhill is all about
Camp games, giant swing, swimming, archery, arts & crafts
CREATIVE DISTRACTION RETREAT-This retreat is designed just for those
of us who express ourselves through a creative outlet. Join others who are
looking for some time away to craft, take pictures or scrapbook all while
enjoying the beautiful views from Lutherhill. Guests will have ample time
to enjoy what they love during the weekend.
• Beth Hartfiel, Director of Planning and Operations for LEAD, will be the devotion leader.
• Instructional Photography Sessions and Personal Scrapbooking & Quilting Time
• Share tips of the trades and creative ideas with one another
W e C elebrate
Mr. & Mrs. Carsten Alsguth
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Beckler
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Brett S. Carleton
Mr. & Mrs. J.M. Garbarini
Mr. & Mrs. David Harris
Mr. Kenneth Heideman
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick L. Higgs
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Jaster
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Piland
Michael & Elaine Riggs
Mrs. Becky Roach
James & Dana Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Witte
Norman Winkelmann
First Lutheran, Galveston
Kinsmen, Houston
Living Word, Katy
o ur
2 0 1 4 A n n ual F u n d D o n o r s
Huey & Colleen Kliebert
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Milroy Krebs
Mr. William Lutz, II
Gayle Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Macaulay
Bob & Maryellen Madsen
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Michalk
Mr. & Mrs. Mote
Mrs. Julie Muery
Travis & Ashley Nelius
Mr. & Mrs. Chris J. O’Sullivan
Rev. & Mrs. Brad Otto
Dr. Kenneth & Suzanne Albers
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Payton
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Anderson
Lee & Virginia Petersen
Rev. Lawrence & Sharon Bade
Mrs. Claudette Pfennig-High
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Baker
Naida Roden
Mr. & Mrs. James Barolak
Arthur & Melinda Rodiek
Mr. Pat Blough
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Rosseisen
Don & Carol Blue
Garry & Leonita Sanders
Jody & Kim Born
Bennie H. Schramm
Patrick & Vicki Beecher
Peter & Kristen Bridgeman
Michael & Brenda Sewell
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Berlin
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Carstens
Mr. & Mrs. K. C. Adams
Rev. & Mrs. V. George Brookover Mr. & Mrs. Scott Shank
Atlan & Jeanette Citzler
Chuck & Debbie Spiess
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Chester
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Baden
Joey & Deborah Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sternau
Ashley & Mark Dellagiacoma
Tim & Susan Brady
Vijay & Amy Dhodapkar
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Tobecksen
Lena & Jerrod Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Frerichs
Mr. & Mrs. Miles Dollinger
Melvin & Carolyn M. Tobola
Michael & Marilyn Johnson
Rev. & Mrs. Arlyn J. Hausmann Tom & Lisa Donahue
Tom & Barbara Van Akkeren
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Kaldor
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lee Held
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Espegren
Rev. Jill Vivroux
Thomas & Elizabeth Kuper
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Hitchcock
Mandy & James Faucett
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Jeanne Lawson
Diane & Stan Humphrey
Brenda Ferri
Michelle Wiedrich
Mr. & Mrs. Edward LeBlanc
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Kruse
Taani & John Follis
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Winkelmann
Brett & Christi Matens
Rev. & Mrs. Sidney Roden
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Goessler
WELCA Brazos Cluster
Peace, Rosenberg
Mrs. Joyce Teinert
Michael Hannah
Shared Ministry of Fayette Co.
Natalie Stancik
Butch & Angela Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Heise
Silver Eagle Distributors
Michael & Donna Strickler
Celebration Lutheran Church
Carolyn & Donnie Hill
Skin Deep Medspa
Christ the King, Houston
Rev. & Mrs. Charles Kindsvatter Doris & Cullen Thompson
St. John of Rutersville WELCA
Lord of Life, The Woodlands
Matthew & Jennifer Kindsvatter Mr. Jay Tillis
St. John, Cat Spring
Chris & Karen Whitefield
St. John’s, Waller
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Kramer
St. Paul of Rehburg
Holy Cross, Houston WELCA
St. Paul’s, Brenham
Christine & Robert Kuehl
St. Paul, La Grange Men
Immanuel of Wiedeville
St. Peter, Bay City
Mr. Eugene Lawson
St. Peter’s, Goliad
St. Martin’s, Sugar Land
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Lawson
Tbs Spark Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Leonhardt
World Materials, Llc
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Adams
Clay Albers
Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Albers
Rev. James & Dr. Louise Abbott
Carol Bark
Rev. George Bement &
Mrs. Evelyn Akerman
Albert H. Loehr, Jr.
Berdene Bethel
Barbara Strobel
Barbara Bone & Paul A. Antolik
Mr. Richard R. Beyer
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Born
Rev. & Mrs. Larry Beck
Wesley & Gretchen Bruner
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Chaffee
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Bennetsen
Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Oestreich
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Bulau
Mr. & Mrs. Atlan Citzler
Mr. & Mrs. David Bockhorn
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Olfers
Gail & Clay Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dittrich
Mr. Dennis Braaten
Gloria Dietz
Timothy & Katrina Donoughue
Carmel Bradbury
Keith & Marla Patterson
John & Lee Fackler
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Ehler
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Broman
Mike & Suzanne Rose
Rev. Jeremy & Jaymie Freye
Paul & Namieta Janssen
Robin & Aaron Bruso
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Gerland
Melissa & James Larkin
Velon & Martha Burnett
Mr. Wilbert Gross
Becky Linsenbardt
Richard & Sara Byrnes
Jeff & Christy Schnellhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hank
William Mintz & Kathy Collins
Clayton & Tara Childs
Rev. Kathy Haueisen
Peter & Tande Moreau
Dr. Annette Citzler
Richard & Annette Haut
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Charles Saenger
Stephen & Sheron Citzler
Karla & Greg Vesey
Rev. & Mrs. John Hunsicker
Lucky & Maureen Sahualla
David & Becky Collins
John & Eileen Weida
John & Jane Jacobi
Mr. & Mrs. Milton C. Schmidt
Phil & Sherri Crepinsek
Ms. Sue Jahn
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schmidt
Marilyn & Dan Cupp
Mr. Donnie Wunderlich
Louise A Johnson
Edward & Anne Spaulding
Mr. Eric Draper, Jr.
Advent, Houston
LaVerne Kalbow
Mike & Julie Taetz
Mrs. Karen Eikenhorst
Lester & Jeanette Keilers
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Vorpahl
Peter & Pauline Eng
Mrs. Carolyn Kirk
Brady, Chapman, Holland
& Associates, Inc.
Heritage Wealth Management
L/k Oil Field Products, Inc.
Memorial, Texas City
Salem, Houston
St. Paul, Columbus
Thrivent-Willow Creek Community
TX-LA Gulf Coast Synod
Zion, Houston
Faith, Bellaire
Faith, Dickinson
Holy Cross, Houston
Hosanna, Houston
Ixtapan De La Sal
Martin Luther, Carmine
Memorial, Texas City WELCA
Nalco Champion
New Hope, Missouri City
Our Saviour’s, College Station
Piland, Adams & Associates, Inc.
Sabi Boutique Sabi Boutique
Salem Evangelical, Brenham
South Texas Corrugated Pipe, Inc.
St. James of New Wehdem
St. John of Rutersville
St. Paul, La Grange
Rev. & Mrs. Mark England
Mr. & Mrs. Vic Fair
Mark Flora
Ms. Christine Franke
Frias Family Vineyards
Stephanie Gossett
Kevin Gregory
David & Jacqueline Halfaday
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hauglie
Dede Heidt
Rev. & Mrs. Walter Hildebrandt
Jon & Ruth Hoyme
Mr. Donald L. Hynek
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Jackson
Jon & Laura Jennings
Adriana Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. James Kelley
Fred Korge & Patricia Hogan
Dr. Gayle LeBon &
Paul Sonnemann
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lincke
Amber Lisman
Rev. Kinndlee Lund
Rev. Blair & Donna Lundborg
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Markert
Peggy & Harold Mathis, Jr.
Robert & Melissa Minieri
Mr. & Mrs. Don H. Morrison
Linda Morrison
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mueller
Rev. & Mrs. John David Nedbalek
Rev. Kerry Nelson &
Ms. Kelley Keller
Melanie Nelson & David Kingery
Mike & Thelma Newton
Mike & Linda Nicolosi
Mr. Wayne Norden &
Mrs. Joni M. Weir
Laverne Peter
Lloyd Pieper Family
Mr. Mark Pokluda
Mr. & Mrs. G. L. Prenzler
Rev. & Mrs. Steve Quill
Robert W. Reinicke
Mr. Ben Remmert
Ms. Annette Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Roesler
Ed & Mary Ross
Dane & Anna Sever
Cindy Scanland
Marian Shelton
Charles L. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Smith
Alexis Stacy
Mr. & Mrs. William Steiner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stock
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Torrison
Cindy & Scott Vermilyea
Pieter Visser & Marsha Seale
Allen & Hildy Warner
Mr. Craig White
Laurie Wilmoth
Roger & Mary Lou Winkelmann
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Zuehlke
Cypress Lakes Golf Club
W e C elebrate
Dorcas Community Sewing Circle
of Peace Lutheran Church
First United Methodist, La Grange
Hope, Beasley
Houston Ballet
Krause & Jaster Family Fund
Redeemer, Houston
St. John, New Ulm
St. John of Prairie Hill
St. John of Warrenton
St. John, Wallis
St. Paul of Shelby
St. Paul of Shelby WELCA
Galveston County Chapter of
Thrivent Financial
True Expressions Photography
Wildcat Golf Club
Zigal Insurance Agency
Zion of Zionsville
o ur
Maggie Brenek Anderson
Lisa Brenskelle & Elmer Ledesma
Mildred Bridges
Mike & Bonnie Brinkmeyer
Nickie Brooks
R.E. & Bernadette Brown
Cheryl & Bruce Buenger
Mrs. Vida Burnett
Rev. Mike Button
James & Kathy Campbell
Kay Carelton
Mr. Brian Carlson
D. Keith & Marla Carlson
Greta & Scott Carlson
Mr. James Carlson
John & Carolyn Carlson
Ms. Carrie A. Cavanagh
Jason & Stephanie Chandler
Pete’s Hobby Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Citzler
FRIENDS $250 or <
Dr. Dinna Cohen
James & Kathy Aaron
Jana Coke
Gary Addison
Leonard M. Columbus
Mark Adkins
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Contreras
Donald & Florence Ahrens
Elizabeth & Clarence Cooper
Marion & Bill Anderau
Roger & Laurrie Cordes
Mr. Gary Anders
Mr. & Mrs. Max Antwerp-Rangel Michelle Cortez
Dale Crawford
Mark & Christine Armstrong
Mavinee Cullison
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Aschenbeck
Betty Curry
Olan & Sylvia Ashorn
Doris & Dennis Dahse
Lindsay Augerinos
Kathy D’amico
Mrs. Shirley Bacher
Ms. Donna Dauenhauer
Mrs. Sharon Bage
Dr. Patricia Davis
Linda Ball
Suzanne & Ben Davis
Mr. Chad Barber
Fredericka Deberry
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Barnett
Rev. John Dellis
George & Cherie Bartges
Desperado Decor
Mr. Scott Barton
Pam & Gary Dishberger
Mary & David Bartsch
Russell Dittrich
Rev. Sue Beall
Kevin Dolezal
Mark & Janice Beatty
Rev. Pamela Dorman
Mike Beck
Egons & Sue Dunens
Cindy & Ronnie Becker
Burt Echtenkamp
Mr. Scott Benesh
Stan & Janis Eckermann
Baron Bennetsen
Julia & Adam Edmonson
William & Beverly Bentzinger
Mr. Gary Einem
Mr. Gary Bertelson
Eric Elias
Barry & Laurie Bettis & Family
Monica & Nick Emerson
Ms. Mary Beyer
Mr. & Mrs. Berrie L. Etzel
Walter & Rebecca Bivens
Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Fidler
Stephen Blackmore
Ray & Kathy Finnegan
Bishop & Mrs. Paul J. Blom
Mr. Raymond Finnegan, Sr.
Erick & Lorna Blount
Brian & Virginia Fischer
Lisa Blum
Willard & Linda Fischer
Preston Blum
Mr. & Mrs. James Flannery
Mrs. Shelby Bockeloh
Milton & La Ruth Flentge
Dave & Darlene Boggs
Mrs. Teri Fletcher
Dr. Scott Bolz
Wayne & Rita Flory
Diana Booren
Mr. Himar & Barbara Flowers
Sandra & Douglas Borchardt
Rev. & Mrs. Eugene F. Fogt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bouldin
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Bourgeois Barbara & John Force
Charles & Margaret Fougeron
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Braaten
Rev. & Mrs. James E. Fowler
Gertrude Braun
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Frenzel
Matt Brawley
2 0 1 4 A n n ual F u n d D o n o r s
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar F. Fricke, Jr.
Mrs. Frances L. Fundling
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Gangluff
Ms. Imelda H. Garbarini
Nancy & Michael Gibbs
Marty Gibula
Dr. & Mrs. Noel Giesecke
Rev. Dr. Brian K. Gigee
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Goedecke
Mr. & Mrs. Billie Goetz
Alta Goodnight
Robert Grabarschick
Marvin & Betty Gray
Michaelyn Greene
Chad & Susan Greer
Justin & Nikita Grimes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grimes
Randy & Diana Grobe
Bethany & Walter Guthmann
Ralph & Majorie Hackemack
Mr. & Mrs. Dewayne Hahn
Rudy & Florence Halvorsen
James Lynn Hamilton
Carol & Dan Hanrahan
Andrew & Jaclyn Hanson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hanson
Heather Harris
Mr. John Harris
Beth Hartfiel
Denise & Curtis Harvey
Lolly & Ryan Hatkowski
Mr. Hardy Head
Brian & Virginia Helweg
Heather Henderson
Mary Ellen Hendricks
Russell & Kathy Hensel
Mrs. Ruth Hensel
Kathy & Juergen Henze
Mr. Michael Henze
Lamar Hervey
Diane Herzik
Rev. Lemae Higgs
Mr. James Hilliard
Val & Thelma Hinze
Mark Hinzie
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Hjerpe
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Hodde
Mr. & Mrs. Don Hodde
Tracy & Teresa Hoffart
Johnie & Kristine Holland
Terry & Linda Holmes
Ms. Elisabeth Hootman
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Huebner
Ms. Ruth Marie Hueske
Heather & Shane Hughes
Joan & Warren Jackson
Darwin & Barbara Jacob
Gilbert & Kathryn Janner
Mr. Robert Jefferis
Mr. David Johnson
Francis & Joan Johnson
Jan Johnson
Karl E. Johnson
Louie Johnson
Jon & Lisa Jones
Aubrey Jordan
Mr. Jaakko Jyrkama
Mike & Phylis Karas
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Karisch
Richard & Darleen Kastner
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kautz
Shirley Kearns
Ricky & Dana Kettler
Ms. Kathy Kirk
Dolores & Wallace Klussmann
Mr. & Mrs. George Knaub
Rev. & Mrs. Leon Knitt
Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard Koegele
John & Nancy Koenig
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Kollatschny
Raymond & Carrie Kolojaco
Malcolm & Elaine Krause
Betty Krueger
Jim & Hailey Kruse
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Kruthoff
Calvin Kuehn
John & Nancy Laine, Jr.
Barbara Lange
Dick & Jan Langhammer
Paul & Charlotte LaRoche
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis E. Leitko
Emily Leitko
John Leonhardt
Zak Leonhardt
Andrew Lewis
Mr. David Lewis
Sterling & Marna Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley C. Loehr
Barney & Ashley Loesch
Garrett & Dianne Lude
Carol Lueders
Michae & Patl Lysell
Geraldine G. Mallett
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Maple
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Marburger
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Markowich
Joseph & Sharon Martella
Andy & Sara Massey
Bess Matthys
James & Gail Matthys
Dr. & Mrs. Don Mayer
Shannon McAfee
Conrad & Dawn McGarry
Mr. Donald Mclemore
Dr. & Mrs. Keith McPherson
Paul & Dolores McRae
Wilbert & Ruby Meier
Lucille Meischen
Mrs. Dorothy Menke Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Menn
James & Connie Merrill
Jerry & Connie Merten
Mr. & Mrs. C. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Mikeska Jr.
Gerald Mikeska
Richard & Marsha Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Miller
Gary & Debra Minzenmeyer
Glen Minzenmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. John H Minzenmeyer
Leon & Monika Miura
Mr. & Mrs. Evan M. Moilan, Jr.
Carla & Bernard Morrey
Dennis & Jo Ann Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Allen L. Mueller
Ginger Muesse
Karen & Timothy Murawski
Deborah & Kevin Murphy
Ms. Carolyn Muske
Oneida Nawara
New Life, Pearland
Dennis & Kristina Newton
Mr. Sidney B. Nice
Harold & Arlynne Nickell
Janie Nielsen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Niemann
Billy Nietsche
Connie & Jim Nolan
Steven & Mary Norlin
Mrs. Helen Oestreich
Mike Olfers
Dorothy Olson
Janet & Daniel Orfield
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Orr
Hector & Ana Ortega
John O’Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Otto
Michelle Palmer
Kortney Parchman
H.W. & Belle Parkman
Rev. Charles & Carol Parnell
Megan Paulson
Peace, Pasadena
Hazel & Bill Peska
Rev. & Mrs. Marlo D. Petersen
Ms. Mildred Pfluger
Lynn & Glenda Pieper
Mike & Lori Pittman
Adrienne Poppe
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Posey
Carolyn Poston
Mr. & Mrs. Hilmer Potcinske
James & Gina Potenza
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Potter
Rachel Poysky
Kathleen A. Prather
Shawn Pressley
Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Rapp
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rau
Sara & Chris Ray
Gayle Reed
Russell & Gloria Reider
Larry & Karin Reinhart
Mr. Don Repetowski
La Nell Ressmann
Helen Christine Reyna-Bishop
Ms. W.J. Reynolds
Kathryn Richey
Don Ricks
Russell Riggs
Arline Rinehart
Kenney Ritter
William & Marlys Rittman
Chrissy Roach
cont. on page 8
Our 2014 Annual Fund Donors, cont.
John & Wendy Rohan
Carolyn Roitsch
Delma Roitsch
Mr. & Mrs. Winston Rosenbaum
Mrs. Bea Rost
Jennifer Rowe
Gregory Rumph
Herbert & Joyce Rust
Dr. & Mrs. David Ryder
Glyn Sabrsula
Bela Sanchez
Priscilla Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sather
Sheri Satterwhite
Mr. Glenn Schaefer
The Steve Schatz Family
Mr. & Mrs. L. Philip Schawe
Randall L. Schawe
Tracey & Dean Schieffer
Trent Schielack
Robert & Nancy Schmadeke
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Schmid
Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Schoenst
Mr. Nixon Schrader
Ernie & Carla Schreiber
Patricia Ann Schroeder
Vickie & Jason Schroeder
Michael & Rebecca Schultz
Norman & Lorali Schultz
Mrs. Susan. Schultz
Kristen Schulze
Joe Seymour
James Sheffield, Jr. &
Margarett Ellis
Madeline Sidenblad
Mr. Gary Siegworth
Pastor Nancy & Gregg Simpson
Suzanne Skaggs
Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Sladek Jr.
Lori Sladek
Mrs. Phyllis Slater
Christina Sleeper
Ms. Erika Soechting
Tiffany Spears
Drew Stackel
Genelda C. Stahmer
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Steele
Dr. David Steely
John & Debra Stern
Tony & Brenda Stewart
David & Anna Stock
John Stokes
Dale Stoughton
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt P. Swanson
Bill & Carol Swearingen
Kirt & Sue Tabbert
Daryl Taylor
Earnest & Margie Taylor
Heather Taylor
Bill Teska
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Theilemann
Don & Carol (Eilers) Thompson
Dr. Tommy Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Tiemann
J. & Cathy Tiemann, Sr.
Keith & April Townsend
Ken Trunell
John & Crystal Tucker
Ellie Tyson
Richard & Gloria Ubel
Marilyn & Randy Ullrich
Marilyn Underwood
Mr. James Uschkrat
Doyle & Ute Volkmer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Volz
Mrs. Rhonda Von Minden
Constance Wade
Mr. Patrick Wade
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Wage
Shirley & Clarence Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Wagner
Amy & Richard Walla
Mr. Harvey Walther
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Watson
Kenneth Weiss
Mrs. Viola Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Weissbach
Elizabeth Weissenborn
Bethany & Matthew Wells
Ms. Kristina Wenzel
Dr. & Mrs. Noel Giesecke
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Citzler
Dr. Annette Citzler
Allen & Annie Mueller
Garry & Leonita Sanders
John & Lisa Hartfiel
Beth Hartfiel
Gilbert & Kathryn Janner
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Don Kluth
Marilyn & Gifton Underwood
Willie & Wallene Ludwig
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Barnett
Meredith Massey
Andy & Sara Massey
Mrs. Rose Mayer
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Moellenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Don H. Morrison
Ron & Susan Moellenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Don H. Morrison
Rev. Arthur Murphy
The Steve Schatz Family
Mrs. Helen Oestreich
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Miller
Rev. Candis O’Meare
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Miller
Rev. & Mrs. Brad Otto &
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Otto
Rev. Charles Parnell
Milton & La Ruth Flentge
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Lois Payton
Marilyn & Gifton Underwood
Ms. Mildred Pfluger
Bethany Wolf
Pfluger-Kelly Family
Bethany Wolf
Art Preisinger
William Mintz &
Kathy Collins
Galveston Historical Foundation
Gulf Coast Chemical, Llc
Houston Museum of
Natural Science
Joyful Life Lutheran Church
King of Glory, Dallas
Kwik Kar Automotive
La Grange Little League
Master Hair Design
Northgate Country Club
Plants for All Seasons
Pleasant Hill Winery
Bible Study Group Rachel Circle
The Refuge Bar & Bistro
Royer’s Round Top Cafe
Shannon Fine Jewelry & Watches
Spec’s Corporate Giving Program
St. John’s, Santa Fe
St. Paul of Phillipsburg
St. Paul of Rehburg WELCA
St. Paul Women, Afternoon
Circle, La Grange
St. Paul, Rosenberg
St. Peter’s of Gay Hill, WELCA
Theatre Under The Stars
Waller Rustic Furniture
Gifts Received in January 2015
Gifts given in
Sheri Alsguth
Mr. & Mrs. Hilmer Potcinske
M/M Nelson Aschenbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Aschenbeck
Olan & Sylvia Ashorn
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Huebner
Mr. & Mrs. Milroy Krebs
Rev. Sue Beall
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Schmid
St. Paul Women, Afternoon
Circle, La Grange
Edward & Gayla Boss
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Brady
Rev. Toby Burk
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Brett S. Car-
Mrs. Bernice Wessels
Mr. Kale Wetekamm
Mr. & Mrs. El Gene Weyand
Glen & Betty Weyand
Margery & William Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Widlund
Tom & Nadine Wildrick
Thomas Wimberly
Barbara & Michael Winburn
Leslie & Andy Winesett
Elizabeth Winkelmann
Doug & Nadine Wittenberg
Zara Woerner
Bethany Wolf
Debbie & Ronald Woltmann
Rob & Robin Work
Jo Lynn & William Wray
Walt & Carole Wright
Rev. Edward Wunderlich
Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Wunderlich
Clarence & Janet Zaozirny
Randall Ziehe
Theodore Ziehe
Paul Zuehlke, Jr.
Alde Lonestar Chapter
Eliza Grace Boutique
Emmaus Group, Columbus
Frerichs Dairy, Inc.
A Friend of Lutherhill
Al Reese
Marilyn & Gifton Underwood
Ms. Elise Riggs
Fred Korge &
Patricia Hogan
Jamie & Kyle Ringgenberg
Elisabeth Hootman
Ms. Nancy Rosenbaum
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Bea Rost
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Miller
Jeff Rost
Mrs. Bea Rost
Mr. Jerry Sauer
Norman & Lorali Schultz
Mrs. Josie Schuldt
Shirley & Robert Bacher
Elizabeth Stern
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Rev. Daniel Timm
Ms. Ruth Marie Hueske
Rev. Jeremy Ullrich
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Hodde
Rev. Jill Vivroux
Olan & Sylvia Ashorn
Fredericka Deberry
Melinda Zajicek
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Miller
Gifts given in the form of checks dated after
12/31/2014 are recorded as 2015 gifts. As such,
donors’ names are not listed in this newsletter, but
will be in the August edition of the Hilltop News &
Views. We are thankful for your generosity and are
careful in recording your gifts. However, if you find
that your name has been omitted, please contact us so
that we can correct our error.
Lutheran Foundation of the Southwest
By thinking of Lutherhill Ministries in their estate planning
through the Lutheran Foundation of the Southwest, these
donors ensure that the ministry of Christ will continue for
years to come. We are thankful for the work of our partners
at Lutheran Foundation of the Southwest.
Clarence & Judy Albers Endowment
John & Norma Barr Endowment
Ellis L. & Elsa B. Garlin Endowment
Hilmar A. & Pearl Glenewinkel Lange Endowment
Rebekah Eilers Heidemann Campership Endowment
Anne Dolores Johnson Endowment
Dora B. Klaus Endowment
Lutheran Foundation SW Endowment
Leif Johnson Common Fund
Alfred L. & Elizabeth R. Pfenning Endowment
Pietsch Endowment
Carl & Lois Mae Stern Endowment
Endowments held by Lutherhill:
Kathy Teinert Memorial Campership Endowment
Citzler Family Endowment
Dagg/Schmidt Endowment
Manfred & Lois Albers Holck Endowment-held by ELCA Fndn
Gifts given in Memory of...
Rev. Cliff Akerman
Mrs. Evelyn Akerman
Clarence & Judy Albers
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Baden
Brian Bage
Verlene & Atlan Citzler
Eddie Barosh
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Schmid
Wella Mae Behnke
Val & Thelma Hinze
Joe Belota
Mr. & Mrs. David Stancik
Herman Bentke
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Jerry Blum
Garry & Leonita Sanders
Leon Boecker
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Menn
Mike & Lori Pittman
Alvin Button
William Mintz & Kathy Collins
David Campbell
Rudy & Florence Halvorsen
Doris Carlson
Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Piland
Edna Citzler
Verlene & Atlan Citzler
Clarence Dittrich
Baron Bennetsen
Dr. Annette Citzler
Garry & Leonita Sanders
Vickie & Jason Schroeder
George Dobrovolny
The Steve Schatz Family
Melissa Dockery
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Citzler
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lincke
Mr. & Mrs. David Stancik
Mr. David Folschinsky
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Tiemann
Alfred Frerichs
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Citzler
Garry & Leonita Sanders
Genelda C. Stahmer
Fredde Lee Fritsch
Genelda C. Stahmer
Brian Garbarini
Ms. Imelda H. Garbarini
Mr. David Griffin
William & Marlys Rittman
Rev. Clarence Hagens
Mrs. Vida Burnett
Don & Carol (Eilers) Thompson
Elaine Hallquist
The Steve Schatz Family
Rebekah Heideman
Donald & Florence Ahrens
Mary & David Bartsch
Preston Blum
Mrs. Charles Bridges
Dr. Annette Citzler
Elizabeth & Clarence Cooper
Marilyn & Dan Cupp
Suzanne & Ben Davis
Burt Echtenkamp
Brian & Virginia Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Billie Goetz
Marvin & Betty Gray
Ralph & Majorie Hackemack
Rev. & Mrs. Arlyn J. Hausmann
Mr. Kenneth Heideman
Rebekah Heideman cont.
Brian & Virginia Helweg
Diane Herzik
Darwin & Barbara Jacob
Shirley Kearns
King of Glory, Dallas
Dolores & Wallace Klussmann
Rev. & Mrs. Leon Knitt
John & Nancy Koenig
John & Nancy Laine, Jr.
Barbara Lange
Dick & Jan Langhammer
Lutheran Foundation of the SW
Michae & Patl Lysell
Sharon, Joe, Jacob & Josh Martella
Gary & Debra Minzenmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. John H Minzenmeyer
Carla & Bernard Morrey
Ginger Muesse
Brad, Stacie & London Otto
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Otto
Gayle Reed
La Nell Ressmann
Arline Rinehart
Carolyn Roitsch
Delma Roitsch
Glyn Sabrsula
Tracey & Dean Schieffer
Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Sladek Jr.
Lori, Rodney & Shea Sladek
Bill & Carol Swearingen
Earnest & Margie Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Theilemann
Don & Carol (Eilers) Thompson
Melvin & Carolyn M. Tobola
Keith & April Townsend
Elizabeth Weissenborn
Thomas Wimberly & Family
Jo Lynn & William Wray
Alfred Herrmann
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rau
J.D. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. David Stancik
Frank & Sandra Teykl
Mary Sue Hueske
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Menn
Gladys Hueske
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Tiemann
Shirley Hueske
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Darryl B. Johnson
Ms. Carrie A. Cavanagh
Russell & Kathy Hensel
Arthur Kalbow
LaVerne Kalbow
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Miller
LaVerne Kalbow
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Miller
Rita Kelly
Ms. Mildred Pfluger
Constance Wade
Lois King
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Kollatschny
Ellen Joan Knape
Don & Carol (Eilers) Thompson
Frank Kruppa
Mr. & Mrs. David Stancik
Fred Lee
The Steve Schatz Family
Emmett & Shirlene Lehmann
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Rev. Arnon L. Lundborg
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schlaudraff
Rita Markwardt
Mr. & Mrs. Berrie L. Etzel
Edgar Mayer
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Miller
Sheila McGrath
Don & Carol (Eilers) Thompson
David Meyerholtz
Rev. Kathy Haueisen
Wilbert Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Citzler
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley C. Loehr
Genelda C. Stahmer
Dana Neumann
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Herbert Nienstedt
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Rev. Clarence Oestreich
Verlene & Atlan Citzler
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Miller
Annie Lee Peschel
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kautz
Royce Peschke
Russell & Kathy Hensel
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Schmid
Genelda C. Stahmer
H.W. Pfennig
Mrs. Claudette Pfennig-High
Erna Pieper
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Menn
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Marian Reinhart
The Andersons
Linda Ball
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Braaten
Dr. Patricia Davis
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Ehler
Barbara & John Force
Ms. Christine Franke
Jan Johnson
Louie Johnson
Deborah & Kevin Murphy
Marian Reinhart Janie Nielsen
Dorothy Olson
Carolyn Poston
Rev. & Mrs. Steve Quill
Larry & Karin Reinhart
Richard & Gloria Ubel
Mr. James Uschkrat
Loyd Richey
Brenda Heaney
Laurie Wilmoth
Eva Marie Roitsch
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lincke
Mr. & Mrs. David Stancik
Frank & Sandra Teykl
Don & Carol (Eilers) Thompson
Leona Roitsch
Don & Carol (Eilers) Thompson
Dan Rost
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Miller
Alice Rust
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Wilbert Schneider
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Johnnie Schramm, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Citzler
Allan Schulz
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Esther Schulz
Rev. Lawrence & Sharon Bade
June Sellars
Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Piland
Carol Skelton
Mr. & Mrs. David Stancik
Linda Smalley
Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Piland
Arthur Lee Stern
John & Debra Stern
Kathy Teinert
Mr. & Mrs. Walt Teinert
Mr. Clamens Tiemann
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Elaine Tinker
Val & Thelma Hinze
Juliana Volk
Richard & Marsha Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Piland
Otis Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Otto
Eunell Lucille Weyand
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Menn
Larry Wied
Russell & Kathy Hensel
Lydia Winkelman
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Menn
Myrtle Winkelmann
Mrs. Joyce Weiss
Edna Young
Rev. Lawrence & Sharon Bade
William & Beverly Bentzinger
Mr. & Mrs. J.M. Garbarini
Ms. Imelda H. Garbarini
Dr. Gayle LeBon & Paul Sonnemann
Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Piland
Priscilla Sanders
Sheri Satterwhite
James F. Sheffield, Jr.
& Margarett Ellis
Zara Woerner
for the 9th Annual
S’mores &
Champagne Gala
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Special Thank You to our 2014 Donors & Volunteers
W e C elebrate
V olunteers
Many thanks to those who give their time to
Lutherhill. Those who helped to spread the good
news through our 2014 mailings are:
Carolyn Bennetsen
Frances Berckenhoff
Betty Burkland
Ashley Dellagiacoma
Mark Dellagiacoma
Michael Dittrich
Pat Dittrich
Pat Ehler
Marilyn Fichtenberg
Mildred Frenzel
Mary Ann Frerichs
Mannie Fritsch-Schmid
Kelly Groot
Nancie Harlan
Betty Huebner
Lisa Jones
Laurie Karisch
Gayle Lyons
Diana Macaulary
Jerry Markowich
Judy Matejowsky
Delta Mischer
Linda Morrison
Bea Rost
Leonita Sanders
Arline Schlaudraff
Leatrice Scholtz
Genelda Stahmer
Margie Stardig
Joyce Steinmann
Frank Teykl
Sandra Teykl
Roselyn Vasut
Darlene Weyand
In Kind Gifts 2014
We are grateful for these gifts that we have received.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dittrich
Cost & Supplies for food
serving tables & cabinets
for staff cottages
David & Brenda Ferri
Rainbow Clubhouse &
Fatcat AirHockey/pool
Rev. Dr. Brian Gigee
Staff Lunch
Rev. & Mrs. Chuck Kindsvatter
Staff Cottage Furnishings
Malcolm & Elaine Krause
Building food serving tables
James & Gail Matthys
Building food serving tables
Ron & Ann Pare
Dishes and Silverware
Dudly & Cynthia Piland
Supplies for Special Event
& Lutherhill Staff Christmas
Lutherhill is a better place thanks to the
hard work of the following volunteers:
Mark & Garrison Bage
Building Treehouse Village
Colton Beall
Building Treehouse Village
Tim Brady
Building Treehouse Village
Camp Tejas
Building fire pit and benches, painting,
& brush clearing
Jason Carstens
Building Treehouse Village
Celebration Lutheran Church
Spreading mulch around chapel & painting
Creation Care Retreat Guests
Gardening work around chapel
Thrivent Choice®
Members of Thrivent Financial who own Thrivent Financial products help Lutherhill by
participating in the Thrivent Choice program. Lutherhill received more than $26,000 through
the Thrivent Choice program in 2014! We are thankful for all who participated in this
program and gave back to Lutherhill in this very special way.
Gerald Ahrens
Carl Albers
Monica Albers
Janice Beatty
Charles Beierle
Carolyn Bennetsen
Leroy Bennetsen
Kathy Blum
Lisa Blum
Floradell Boecker
John Boldt
Lois Boldt
David Butler
Susan Cantey
Brett Carleton
Robert Copeland
Jane Crenwelge
Keith Crowell
Lois Desimone
Michael Dittrich
Pat Dittrich
Russell Dittrich
Egons Dunens
Ronald Falksen
Betty Feldmann
David Feldmann
Brian Fischer
Karl Fortenbach
Bob Fox
Francis Frey
Annie Fritz
Randell Fuchs
Jeremy Gaertner
MiLisa Gaertner
Elaine Gaskmap
Nancy Gibbs
Brandon Goeke
Joyce Gosh
Ruby Halvorsen
Jack Hank
Mary Ann Harris
Jeanell Hart
Maurice Hart
Cheri Herbrich
Warren Holmes
Judith Howard
Steve Howard
Landon Howell
Jon Hoyme
Joan Hunsicker
John Hunsicker
Paul Janssen
Bridget Jensen
Abbrey Jordan
Susan Jordan
Daniel Kaldor
Matthew Kindsvatter
Jennifer Kindsvatter
Kevin Konstanty
Donna Koska
Ruth Lorenz
Delbert Luedke
Joylene Mathis
Joyce May
Pam Macnaughton
Evan Moilan
Peter Moreau
Carole Neubauer
Hubert Noack
Laura Olson
Beverly Palmer
Charlie Patranella
Janet Payne
Catherine Peddie
Howard Peterson
Daniel Pietsch
Edward Pietsch
Jeffrey Pitsenbarger
Marti Pitsenbarger
Steven Pohorelsky
Ruth Poncik
Laverne Prilop
Edward Rebisz
Charles Rodstrom
Daily Bread Retreat Guests
Service work with Burton Bridge Ministries
Jamison Davis
Eagle Scout Project-Lifeguard stands
Arnie Fichtenberg
Building Treehouse Village
John and Ruth Hoyme
Service around camp
MLLES Alumnae
Landscaping around chapel
Peace Lutheran Church, College Station
Painting fence & cleaning Zion Retreat
Center, Galveston
Dennis Roehling
Judith Roesler
Matt Roesler
Keith Rogers
Nancy Rosenbaum
Bea Rost
Donna Salas
Frederico Salas
Fritz Schoenst
Jeanette Schoenst
Kathy Schroepfer
Barbara Schultz
Norman Schultz
Jerry Schwake
Francis Sechelski
Patrick Sechelski
Sedgwick Simons
Peggy Schwarze
Charles Spinn
Victor Spinn
Sharon Swize
Lauri Tokoi
Linda Tokoi
Gail Tondra
Paul Tondra
Marian Ullrich
Pieter Visser
Jill Vivroux
Dana Walker
James Walker
R. J. Warren
Joyce Weiss
Max Westerman
Anna Fay Williams
Edmond Williams
Myra Williams
Gary Williamson
Leslie Winesett
Debbie Winkelmann
Kenneth Winkelmann
St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church, La Grange
Les Sitz
Building Treehouse Village
Triumphant Love Youth Group
Organizing and cleaning in dining hall
University of Houston/Rice University
Lutheran Campus Ministries
Installation of Frolf course
...also, every summer camper who made a
health kit.
Page 9
Hilltop News & Views
Volume 12, Number 1
January 2015
register online: www.lutherhill.org or call us: 888-266-4613
JR HIGH NIGHT OWL (completed 6th - 8th grade)
What better way to spend the summer then staying up late and sleeping in! You will get
to discover all Lutherhill has to offer at night during this new week of camp. From midmorning to when the rest of camp goes to bed, you will get to participate in worships,
Bible studies, and typical afternoon activities. However, when the stars come out, the
fun of the Night Owl Program is just beginning!
• Roast marshmallows over the fire & sleep in treehouses and hammocks at Outcamp.
• Stargaze through a ten-inch telescope.
• Fly through the night sky on the giant swing.
• Chow down on a late night breakfast.
• Night time excursions into La Grange!
• AND lots of glow in the dark! Glow in the dark scavenger hunt, frisbee, arts & crafts!
Dates: June 21-26, July 12-17 Camp Fee: $405
SR HIGH ARKANSAS ADVENTURE (completed 9th - 12th grade)
Hop across state lines into the Natural State this summer. Explore
Arkansas' beauty and wilderness with Lutherhill. On this week-long trip,
campers will kayak the in crystal clear waters of Lake Ouachita, zip line
in the canopies above Hot Springs, and dig for diamonds. Bible Studies
and worships throughout the week will be led by our Lutherhill guides.
• Team Building and Ropes Course at Lutherhill
• Travel to Ouachita State Park, Arkansas
• Hike Ouachita National Forest and kayak around Lake Ouachita
• Zip Line Tour over Hot Springs
• Travel to Diamond Mine State Park and Dig for Diamonds
Dates: June 14-20 Camp Fee: $480
work for lutherhill this summer!!!
We are currently looking for staff members to be part of our ministry team this summer! If you are enthusiastic, love to be
with kids, and excited about a summer of service to God, then a position at Lutherhill is waiting for you! Join our staff of
70 other college-aged individuals for a summer full of challenges, growth, and tons of fun! Apply online at www.lutherhill.
org under Summer Camp.
ready to be an INTERN?
The Intern Program is a great way to learn the skills
it takes to be part of the camp staff community. Each
intern will have a chance to experience the different
jobs that help make camp run. For more information
and to apply, visit our website at www.lutherhill.org.
we’re looking for CAMP MEDICs...
We are looking for volunteers to help tend to the
health care needs of the campers! LVN, LPN, RN, or
other medical professionals are preferred. Please call
our office at (888)266-4613 or email [email protected].
Friday, May 8, 2015
Cypress Lakes Golf Course
14th Annual Lutherhill
Golf Tournament!
Page 10
Hilltop News & Views
Volume 12, Number 1
MARCH 3rd!!!
When we receive your registration form and
camp balance by March 3rd, you can save $20
OFF your camp fees (or 5% for Family Camp)!
Visit our website for additional information about our programs.
For questions please call us at 888-266-4613
Mission Statement
a place for all people, of every
generation to experience the
love of Christ in unique settings
and new ways.
Our Values
That all are valued, cared for, and
loved through their interactions with
Love of Christ
To exemplify Christ’s Love and a
desire for all to experience that Love.
Holy Spaces
We strive to create opportunities for
people to experience God’s presence
in all things.
We value relationship modeled
around God’s Love and acceptance.
Dated Material: Please do not delay.
Phone: 979.249.3232 or
Fax: 979.249.4032
E-mail: [email protected]
Lutherhill Ministries
PO Box 99
La Grange, TX 78945
TLGCS Outdoor and Retreat Ministries
Return Service Requested
Permit 3
La Grange, TX
January 2015
January 2015
OPEN CAMP DAY - All ages are invited out to a FREE day at camp!!! - Saturday, May 30, 2015
ALPHA completed 1st Dates: June 7-10; July 12-15; July 26-29; Aug 2-5
YOUNGN’S completed 2nd or 3rdDates: June 7-12; July 12-17; July 26-31; Aug 2-7
YEARLINGS completed 4th-6th Dates: June 7-12; July 12-17; Jul 19-24; July 26-31; Aug 2-7
JuniorHighCamp completed 6th-8th Dates: June 14-19; June 21-26, July 5-10; July 19-24
CONFIRMATION Dates: June 14-19; June 21-26, July 5-10; July 19-24
JR HIGH NIGHT OWL completed 6th-8th Dates: June 21-26, July 12-17
JR HIGH SERVICE EXPERIENCE completed 6th-8th Dates: July 5-10; July 26-31
JR HIGH TX ADVENTURE completed 6th-8th Dates: June 7-12; July 19-24
SR HIGH ARKANSAS ADVENTURE completed 9th-12th Dates: EXTENDED!June 14-20
SR HIGH SERVICE EXPERIENCE completed 9th-12th Dates: June 14-19
SR HIGH TX ADVENTURE completed 9th-12th Dates: June 21-26
FAMILY CAMP for all ages Dates: June 28-July 3
LYLE I completed 9th-11th Session A: June 7-19, Session B: July 5-17
LYLE II cmpl. LYLE I or 10th Session A: June 21-July 3, Session B: July 26-Aug 7