Rev. John Bohn, Pastor Padre Juan Chavajay, Associate Pastor A
Rev. John Bohn, Pastor Padre Juan Chavajay, Associate Pastor A
October 11, 2015 October 11, 2015 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASSES MASSES Saturday Vigil: Vigil: 5:00 P.M. Sunday s: Sundays: 8:00 A.M., 10:30 A.M., 5:00 P.M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Weekda ys:8:00 A.M.7:0 0 A.M . 7:00 A.M., 8:0 0 A.M . Tuesday, Thursday: Holy Days: 7:00 A.M., 5:30d P.M. As Announce in Bulletin Holy Days: NURSERY As Announced in Bulletin AT ALL SUNDAY MASSE S NURSERY AT CRYALL ROSUNDAY OM MASSES In Church CRY ROOMfor all Ma sses In Church for all Masses RECONCI LIATION Saturday, 4:30 -5:1 5 P.M . RECONCILIATION or By Appointmen Saturday, 4:00-4:45t P.M. or By Appointment RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RELIGIOUS Sunday : 9:1 5 EDUCATION - 10:1 5 A.M . Sunday: A.M.9 Adults &9:15 Ages- 410:15 - Grade Wednesday: 6:00 - 7:00 P.M. Adults & Ages 3 - Grade 9 1242 Lynnwood Drive 1242 Lynnwood Drive Jackson, MS 39206 Jackson, MS 39206 Mailing Address: Mailing Address: P.O. Box 16547 P.O. Box 16547 Jackson, MS 39236 Jackson, MS 39236 Phone (601) 366-2335 Sr. Therese Jacobs, BVM Raymond Barry Pastoral Minister Raymond Barry Director of Christian Service Director of Christian Raymond Barry Service Suzan Cox Director of Christian Service Suzan Liturgy Cox Director Suzan Director Cox Liturgy Allyson Harris Liturgy Director Kim Turner of Religious Education Coordinator Kim Turner Coordinator of Religious Education George Q. of Evans Coordinator Religious Education Pastoral Minister George Q. Evans Pastoral Minister Tom Lewis RCIALewis Coordinator Tom Lewis Tom RCIA Coordinator Debbie Tubertini RCIA Coordinator Debbie Tubertini Director of Evangelization & SFC’s Debbie Tubertini Director ofShapley Evangelization & SFC’s Melissaof Director Evangelization & SFC’s Melissa Shapley Senior High Director of Youth Ministry Amelia Rizor Senior High Director of Youth Ministry Amelia Rizor Junior High Director of Youth Ministry Amelia Rizor Junior High Director of Youth Ministry Junior High Director of Youth Ministry Helen Walsh Helen Walsh Helen Walsh Director of Music Director of Music Director of Music Jules Michel Cathy Wilson Jules Michel Principal,St. St. Richard Richard School School Principal, 601-366-1157 601-366-1157 Rev. John Bohn, Pastor Rev. Chavajay, John Bohn,Associate Pastor Pastor Padre Juan Padre Juan Chavajay, Associate Pastor FROM FATHER JOHN FROM FATHER JOHN December Men’s 8th Lenten Saturday, - Feast PrayerofBreakfast the Immaculate Conception HolyChavajay, Day ofOctober Obligation week ago this past Thursday, 1st, aa lone lone gunman shotand andkilled killed99 March 23rd week ago this past Fr. Juan Associate Pastor St. Richard Thursday, October 1st, gunman shot Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception will be at 9:00 a.m. There will be no 8:00 a.m. Mass innocent people at Umpqua Umpqua Community College in Oregon. Oregon. Several more March 30th that Bishop Joseph Kopa cz, Catholic Diocese of Jackson innocent people at Community College in Several more day. Saturday night Mass at 5:00 p.m. is the Vigil Mass for Sunday. people wounded. Preliminary Preliminary reports reports indicate indicate that that the thegunman gunmanasked askedhis his people were were wounded. The Immaculate Conception is awas, dogma of those the Cathol ic Church maintaining that from the moment she victims what religion each and who said ‘Christian’ were summarily shot in the victims what religion each was,the and those who said ‘Christian’ were summarily shot in the Mondays inVirgin Lent, Ma ss will 6:30 a.m. The prayer wasDuring conceived, the Blessed Ma 7:00 rywere wasa.m. kept free of original sinbe andat was filled the sanctifying head. Those victims whose answers other than ‘Christian’ were shotwith elsewhere, usually head. Those victims whose answers were other than ‘Christian’ were shot elsewhere, breakfast willconferred start at during 7:00 a.m. Foley over Catholic by 7:40. Allusually men grace normally bapt inism. It is one Hall of theand four should dogmas inbeRoman Mariology. in the leg. in the leg. Mary is often called the Immacula ta (the Immaculate One), particularly in artistic and are welcome to attend. This recent example example of of persecution of of Christians. Christians. Many Manyof ofus usare arewell well This is is not not the the only only recent cultural persecution contexts. aware of the current atrocities being perpetrated against Christians in the Middle East by aware of the current atrocities being perpetrated against Christians in the Middle East by Flower Approaching! ISIS. why Why now are areThis Christians being more frequently targetedfor forviolence violenceand and is the being YearDeadline ofmore Faithfrequently ISIS. So SoEaster why is is this? this? WhyMemorials— now Christians targeted persecution? Many people smarter than me offer varied opinions about this question. As for This year believers around the world are called to renew their commitment to the faith. During Memorials can be mailed to the church offi ce or put in an envelope in the collecpersecution? Many people smarter than me offer varied opinions about this question. As for the IMass become “the full, active and conscious Show your the me, think the answer is this; the persecutors know we Christians are correct. Correct about tion with names of your lovedparticipants.” ones.we They will be listed incommitment theCorrect Easterto me, Ibasket think the answer is this; the persecutors know Christians are correct. about the Eucharist by responding to the prayers and singing. At Mass we come Mass and God, correct about faith, correct about morality, correct about Christ. God, correct aboutDue faith, about morality, about must Christ. Sunday bulletin. to correct printing deadlines, thecorrect information be in bywith great joy Fri-and together as one body, never as aviolence spectator.and Let’s celebrate this Yearthe of Faith Nothing oppression more than truthof of something. Nothing brings about oppression more than the truth something. day, March 27thbrings . Ifabout you violence miss the and closing date, it will be published in the followcelebration.the truth is professed, Satan will tempt the Satan hates truth, wherever and and whenever whenever Satan hates the thebulletin. truth, and and wherever the truth professed,ofSatan willattempt ing Sunday’s Please mail all info rmation to theis attention Ebony St.of the forces to try destroyWhen it. As AsSending the world world continues to try try and andkick kickGod Godout outof forces of of darkness darkness to Our try and and destroy it. the continues to Remember Seminarians Out Christmas Cards Richard Catholic Churchgrow P. O.more Boxantagonistic 16547, Jackson, MSChristianity 39236. inPlease print. public life, people against general, we can public life, and and as aslove people growwemore antagonistic against Christianity in general, Our seminarians to know are thinking about and praying for them. Those studyingwe at can expect moreSeminary of this. Yet weSouth Christ predicted this would wouldare happen, butHe He Notre Dame (2901 New Christ Orleans, LA 70118-4391) Jason Johnston, expect needCarrollton, not be afraid. predicted this happen, but Priest Education Fund Raffle said to fear not. He promised on your your head will be destroyed,” destroyed,” andthat that “By Nobles, Binh Ngyen, Rusty Vincent and Jose de Jesuswill Sanchez. Those studying at St.“By saidAdam that “not a hair on head be and Tickets $5 each(75376 Joseph Seminary Road, St. Benedict, 70457) are Aaron Williams, Adolfo Suarez, your perseverance you River will secure (LKLA 21:18-19). Therefore, letus uskeep keepthe the faith, your your lives.” (LK 21:18-19). Therefore, let faith, Candido Alvarez, Nick Adam andtake Mark Shoffner Cesarand Sanchez is NFL studying in Mexico. let us continue to persevere, in Ray the.Truth Truth that is Jesus Jesus Christ. Prizes: *Football autographed by HOF Punter Guy other greats let let us solace in the that is Christ. The seminarians will go on break December 10th. *Gift certificate for Homemade Pie from the Hickory Pit Bar-B-Q A *Mississippi Braves memorabilia Protecting God’s Children *We will also auctionis off a signed baseball donated by Fr. Burke Masters, The Diocese of Jackson committed to ensuring that no one being served by the Church MSU be at risk of sexual abuse or exploitation by clergy, religi ous or lay church personnel. The spiritual well1990. being of all the victims, their families and others in the community is of particular concern to the Drawing will be March 27th. The all Knights of Columbus Council 15131 will be sellChurch. In accordance with our policy, victims Catholic are offered counseling and pastoral care. AnySt. Richard School Catholic School ing raffle tickets at the Friday fish fr y dinner. You can also contact any Knight one who has been a victim of abuse or exploitation October 25 Octoberby 25clergy, religious or lay church personnel and has not yet reported it is encouragedtoto11 do so.a Our victim assistance coordinator, Valerie purchase ticket. A.M. until 33 P.M. until P.M. McClellan, a licensed social worker, is available to lot assist in making a report . Please contact her at Church parking football field lot and and football field 601-326-3728. Cardinalfest is the St. Richard Catholic School School Parent Parent Association’s Association’sannual annualcelebration celebrationof of For more information about diocesan policies and to learn what thebe diocese doing to create a Save the Date—New Book Study our parents, and community. Come aa part our our students, faculty and staff, community. Come be partisof of ourT.E.A.M. T.E.A.M. safe environment for everyone, please visit diocesan website at chairs andthe getstudy ready for Split-the-Pot Bingo, Chili Bring tents and lawn readyafter for Split-the-Pot Bingo,April ChiliCook-Off, Cook-Off, George Evansyour will facilitate a new book Easter st arting 8th and and click on Protecting God’s Children. Carnival is all Carnival and Kids’ Admission is $15 $15 per person person (includes allfood, food, meetingFood, once Vendors, a week until May Games! 13th at Admission 6: 30 p.m. in per the Mercy(includes Room. The book is Joseph N. Latino entertainment, and kids’ games). Bring cash for vendors and bingo! entertainment, vendors and bingo! by Cardinal Walter Mercy-The Essence of the Gospel and the Key of Christian Life Bishop of Jackson Thank you to our sponsors—Burke’s Insurance; Insurance; Unequal, Unequal, LLC; LLC; Mississippi MississippiCenter Centerfor for Kasper. Books are $20. Contact George to order a book: 601-366-2335 or evPlastic Surgery; Davis Court Reporting; A & A Trucking; and Gaddis and McLaurin! Plastic Surgery; Davis Court Reporting; A & A Trucking; and Gaddis and McLaurin! [email protected] Email. the Email the St. St. Richard Richard Parent Parent Association Association for for more more information information TAKE TEN WITH([email protected]) FAMILY OR FRIENDS Spend 10 minutes ([email protected]) reflecting on God’s Word. NEXT Sunday’s Scripture: Baruch 5:1-9 Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11 Luke 3:1-6 TAKE TEN WITH FAMILYthis ORAdvent? FRIENDS Spend minutes How are you waiting, preparing, observing What “rough ways” might10need to be reflecting “made on God’s Word. TAKE TEN WITH FAMILY OR FRIENDS Spend minutes reflecting on FAMILY Spend 10 10 minutes reflecting onGod’s God’sWord Word smooth” in yourWITH life, your world aOR moreFRIENDS meaningful celebration of Christmas? Sunday’s Scripture: Markfor 11:1-10 Philippians 2:6-11 Mark 14:1-15:47 NEXT NEXT Sunday’s Scripture: Isaiah 53:10-11 Hebrews 4:14-16 NEXT Sunday’s Scripture: Isaiah 53:10-11 Hebrews 4:14-16 Which of his human traits draws you closer to Jesus? Recall a time when you were disappointed with Mark Mark10:42-45 10:42-45 Listening to these words today, let us give thanks to God for the great gift of Jesus Christ, Listening to these words today, let us give thanks to God for disappointment? the great gift of Jesus Christ,and andpray prayfor for your own human weakness. How did you deal with that the grace grace to to become become more more like like him. the him. JOIN THE COMMUNITY YOUTH WORLD FAITH LIFE Grades 10, 11 and 12 This Sunday No Faith Life Meeting Coming Soon– Faith Life Bonfire!!! ALIVE Grades 7, 8, and 9 This Sunday “Sunday Night Live” will not meet this Sunday. Wednesday Night Discipleship Discipleship meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 until 7:30 P.M. in the Youth Center. The Game Room will open at 6:00 P.M. Juice and Jesus Juice and Jesus meets every Thursday from 7:25 A.M.– 7:45 A.M. in the St. Joe Field House. All 7th and 8th graders are welcome. Sunday School Sunday School will not meet this weeek There will be a Protection of Children Parent Review meeting on Wednesday, October 14 at 5 P.M, in the Youth Center. This is for all parents who are interested in the material that will be presented to the 7th, 8th, and 9th graders at Sunday School Class on Sunday, October 18 and Discipleship Class on Wednesday, October 21. The information may also be found on the Diocesan website ( SAVE THE DATE Meet and Greet sponsorship gathering hosted by Catholic Charities October 12 from 6 P.M. until 8 P.M. at the Old Capitol Inn. Tickets are $100 per person The Journey of Hope Luncheon October 13, 2015, Join Catholic Charities at the Jackson Marriott to hear guest speaker Fr. Jonathan Morris from 12 P.M.- 1 P.M. Boots & BBQ October 13, 6:30 P.M. until 8:30 P.M. at Broadmoor Baptist Church in Madison, MS. Featuring the Pilgrim Family Band. Tickets are $15 per person . To get your tickets call 601.713.2322 (Benefitting the Center for Pregnancy Choices) St. Joseph Catholic School Open House November 1 at 2:00 P.M. in the Fine Arts Auditorium. We welcome all, grades 7-12, who are interested in a Catholic education. Contact Kristi Garrard at 601.898.4812 Hunger Banquet Silent Auction November 12, 2015 in Foley Hall “My Big Fat St. Richard Wedding” The 35th Annual Squat and Gobble November 19, 2015 at the Old Capitol Inn. Help be a part of our campaign to stop Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence. MISSION MISSISSIPPI PRAYER BREAKFAST Tuesday, October 13 Governor’s Mansion at 8 A.M. Call 601.353.6477 to sign up! Thursday, October 15 Briarwood Presbyterian Church 620 Briarwood Drive St. Richard Moms’ Prayer Group This is a new group here at St. Richard for moms who want to share their faith and have fellowship with other moms. We will read and discuss the Mass readings for the upcoming weekend and prayerfully consider what the readings are calling us to do or be. We will meet every Tuesday night at 6:00 P.M. in the Chatham Room. Each week is independent of the other weeks so do not worry about missing a meeting. If you have questions please contact Mary Kate Rees at [email protected] or Debbie Tubertini at 601.366.2335 ext. 107 or email [email protected] Year of Consecrated Life Continues This is a time to give thanks to the women and men for their witness of faith and models of inspiration. A time to pray for the priests and religious that have walked with us on our journey of faith through Baptisms, First Holy Communions, Confirmations, weddings, the anointing of our sick. For articles and a prayer for those of consecrated life go to October is the Month of the Holy Rosary This is primarily due to the fact that the liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated annually on October 7. It was instituted to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary in gratitude for the protection that she gives the Church in answer to the praying of the Rosary by the faithful. The Rosary is prayed daily at 7:30 A.M. in the church, on Mondays at 8:45 A.M. at the Jackson Women’s Health Clinic, on Wednesdays at 6 P.M. in the St. Richard Conference Room, and on the first Friday of every month at 2:30 P.M. in the church. All are welcomed to any of these Rosary times. Attention Newcomers– Dinner is on us! We would like to extend a special welcome to all of our new families here at St. Richard of Chichester. We would like to treat you and your family to dinner on Wednesday, October 14 from 5 P.M. until 6:30 P.M. in Foley Hall. All you need to do is look for the “newcomer tables” and there will be a member standing there to provide you with a ticket. Present this ticket to the person taking money and dinner is FREE! This is a wonderful opportunity to meet members of our parish and for them to meet you! We hope you will join us! Timely Topics Make plans to join Timely Topics for a 6 week reflection on Pope Francis’ second encyclical “Laudato Si” (Medieval Central Italian for “Praise the Lord”). The encyclical has the subtitle on care of our common home. Billy & Jana Avalon will introduced the encyclical on Sunday, October 11 at 9:15 A.M. in the Chichester Room. (Dot-T Dehmer, Cleta Ellington, Robert McElvane, and Luke Lundemo will facilitate discussion on subsequent chapters) SAINT RICHARD CATHOLIC SCHOOL CORNER Cardinalfest 2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off Have a good chili recipe? Like to cook for crowds? Like to compete for great prizes? Get your team together and support our school on October 25 at 11 A.M. on the St. Richard football field. $75 entry fee per team (up to four teammates). 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes for the BEST chili. Contact Susan Steckler for more information– 601.942.2764 or [email protected] “like” us on Facebook October is Respect for Life Month Join our fifth graders at St. Richard as they pray and share what Respect for Life means to them: “Dear Heavenly Lord, please help people learn about and respect human life. Thank you for my family and friends. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.” “Dear God, help me be pure in the relationships that come my way. I thank you for all the things that you have given me that I don’t deserve. Amen.” “Dear God, thank you for our wonderful selves. Thank you for all that you have done for us and how you made us. Amen.” “God, I want to thank you for the gift of life, and for my mom and dad, that you helped them create me. Amen.” St. Richard Bereavement Support Group (Please note changed date) Thursday, October 15, 6:30 p.m. (Note: Changed to THIRD Thursday This Month) “No One Understands What I Am Going Through” - Parishioner, Dot-T Dehmer The monthly St. Richard Bereavement Support Group will meet Thursday, October 15, at 6:30 p.m. in the Mercy Room. Please note that the date is changed to the third Thursday of October. Parishioner and author, Dot-T Dehmer, will be helping us to understand the human side of losing our loved one and helping us to connect with the spiritual grace that is available through God’s Word. Losses in Dot-T’s life make her words genuine. If you are hurting from losing a loved one or you are trying to comfort and understand the grief of a family member or friend, it will be helpful to attend. If you know someone who is bereaved, please invite them. It is open to all. If you have questions or just need to talk to someone, call Suzie Cranston (601-982-5464), Linda Lalor (601-853-8840), or Nancy McGhee (601-942-2078) or email [email protected] Join Young at Heart for a Presentation by a Certified Sommelier The Young at Heart group would like to invite everyone to join them for what is sure to be a very interesting gathering on Thursday, October 15 at 11:30 A.M. in Foley Hall. We have John Malanchak, a certified sommelier who will trace the History of Wine from 6000 B.C. for us. We will also learn what role the Catholic Church played in the spread of wine throughout Europe and the New World. We might even have to sample some of the subject matter. Lunch is $5 per person. Y@H sponsors these monthly meetings, however, anyone is invited. Please join us even if you are not able to stay the entire time. The Hunger Banquet The Saint Richard Hunger Banquet Thursday, November 12, 2015 6 P.M. until 9 P.M. in Foley Hall The theme this year will be MY BIG FAT SAINT RICHARD WEDDING The dress for the evening is wedding casual. You have a little over 45 days to hit the gym, count those carbs, and work on squeezing into your wedding attire. The dress code includes, but is not limited to, bridal, bridesmaid, mother of the bride. (All you grooms and groomsmen should don the ever appropriate tuxedo.) The food for the evening will feature massive amounts of wedding cake. All proceeds from this annual event is given to organizations that feed the hungry in our city, state, and world. A nursery will be available. DON’T MISS OUT! It’s still not too late to sign up for Small Faith Communities! If you are not currently participating in a SFC– now is the time to join. Our SFC groups are a tremendous support system for sharing our Catholic faith and for giving us more confidence to share with others. This next season begins the week of October 11. We will be using a DVD series called “The Biblical Walk Through the Mass” by Edward Sri. According to Sri, “From the moment of our creation and throughout biblical history, God has desired to enter into an intimate communion with humanity. In fact, God, who loves us beyond comprehension, has chosen to give us his very Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist. It can be truly said that the Catholic Mass is the most amazing event on earth.” This series is sure to renew your faith and deepen your love and devotion to the Eucharist. REGISTER NOW for this new series– pick up a registration card in the vestibule of the church or go to our website Registration cards should be returned to the box in the vestibule of the church or brought to the church office. If you have questions please contact Debbie Tubertini at 601.366.2335 ext. 107 or email [email protected]. Catholic Diocese of Jackson Seeking Part-Time Employee The Catholic Diocese of Jackson is seeking a part-time employee for the Benefits Office. Successful applicant will work 15 hours a week now, with the potential to grow into full-time employment of 35 hours a week. Position will include working with various aspects of company benefits. Must be able to use Word and Excel, maintain high standards of timeliness and discretion, and be able to work as a team member. Applicants may send a letter to: BENEFITS DEPARTMENT, Catholic Diocese of Jackson, P.O. Box 2248, Jackson, MS 39225-2248 THIS WEEK AT ST. RICHARD Coffee & Creed– “Timeline, the Great Adventure Bible Study” Genesis 4-11 Timely Topics- “Laudato Si” presented by Billy and Jana Avalon Extraordinary Minister Training in the Church St. Richard School will be speaking at all Masses, and selling wristbands for Cardinalfest after all Masses No Good Shepherd St. Richard Catholic School will be closed Monday, October 12 for Columbus Day 8:45 A.M. 40 Days Rosary for Life at the Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2903 N. State Street) All Welcome 6:00 P.M. Centering Prayer– Conference Room 6:30 P.M. St. Vincent de Paul meeting 9:30 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 8:15 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. 5:00P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:30 P.M. Meals on Wheels in Foley Hall Kitchen Sacramental Prep Reconciliation Meeting for Parents in Foley Hall St. Richard Moms’ Prayer Group– Chatham Room Young Adults– Mercy Room ROSARY Join us every weekday at 7:35 a.m. to recite the rosary before the 8:00 Mass All School Mass Adoration Parish Dinner (Newcomers eat free!) Protection of Children Parent Review Meeting in the Youth Center Good Shepherd Catholic Inquiry– Chichester Room until 8:30 P.M. Troubled? The Crisis Line Listens 601-713-4357 SAT 11:30 A.M. Young at Heart in Foley Hall 12:00 P.M. Centering Prayer in Conference Room 6:00 P.M. Bereavement Support Group in the Mercy Room 7:45 A.M. Catholic Habitat Build #30 at Greenview Drive until 5:00 P.M. SUN THU WED MON 9:15 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 1:00 P.M. All Masses TUE SUN Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time All Masses Special Collection for World Mission/ Propagation of the Faith Catholic Habitat Build #30 Update PASTORAL CARE Remembering all the Faithful Departed St. Richard Parish continues to share in the loss of family members. A book has been placed at the entrance of the church. Please write the names of your deceased loved ones in the book. All names will be remembered at all Masses in November. 10/17/15 Exterior Painting Saint Richard Parish Finance Corner Please notify the church office of births, deaths and hospital stays PLEASE PRAY FOR HEALING At Home: Laquita Koenig, Natalie Rose Sant’ Angelo, Joe Lemoine, Carrie Maniscalco, Dora Roell, Avery Nejam, Fr. John Leogue, Jim Payne, Edna Dollar, Catherine Marler, Janet Green (C), Jack Hoffman– son of Tico and Mitzi Hoffman (C) Steve Waggener (M) Friends and Family: Margie Hunter– sister of Ginger Hogg (J), Beth Justus Warga, sister of Caroline Gaudet (L), Denise Wissel (D), and Martha Joseph(G) Please Pray for our Nursing Home Parishioners & Friends The Orchard: Kay McDonald, Mildred Wilkinson, Billie Tonos Manhattan Nursing and Rehabilitation Center: Eileen Meeney, Janis Franklin, Lura Matthews, Laura Campbell, Roy McMillan Highland Home: Peter Daschbach, Betty McAndrew, Adelle Rice St. Catherine’s Village: Mary Catherine Grower, Norma Blossman, Mary Hogg, Avenelle Allison, Gwen Lundy, Vic Duvic, Carol Ann Koby, Ann Fournet, Fr. Richard Somers, Mary Herlihy, Jeanne Michel, Rosemary McMullan, Vic Duvic Chateau Ridgeland: Carol Weimar, Jim Willis, Bill Morgan Lakeland Nursing & Rehabilitation: Marguerite Andrews The Blake: Posey Albriton Hospice: Mike Ellis Follow Pope Francis with “The Pope App” on iphone or ipad 2015 Weekly Budget $37,500.00 Contributions for 10/4/15 $39,358.91 MASSES FOR THE WEEK Sunday: People of the Parish Monday: 7:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. Jake Addison req. by Claudia & Mac Addison People of the Parish Tuesday: 7:00 A.M. Dane Korkmas req. by Mary Anne & Larry Lefoldt 5:30 P.M. Catharine Thomas req. by Linda Lalor Wednesday: 7:00 A.M. Sara & Bill Dunning req. by Margaret Campbell (special intention) 8:15 A.M. Thomas Leber req. by Dierdre Payne Thursday: 7:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Peter Saway req. by Margaret Campbell People of the Parish Friday: 7:00 A.M. Janet Snuggs req. by Mary Anne & Larry Lefoldt (special intention) 8:00 A.M. People of the Parish Saturday: 8:00 A.M. People of the Parish
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