Rev. John Bohn, Pastor Padre Juan Chavajay, Associate Pastor
Rev. John Bohn, Pastor Padre Juan Chavajay, Associate Pastor
October 4, 2015 October 4, 2015 Sunday in Ordinary Time Twenty-seventh Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time MASSES MASSES Saturday Vigil: Vigil: 5:00 P.M. Sunday s: Sundays: 8:00 A.M., 10:30 A.M., 5:00 P.M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Weekda ys:8:00 A.M.7:0 0 A.M . 7:00 A.M., 8:0 0 A.M . Tuesday, Thursday: Holy Days: 7:00 A.M., 5:30d P.M. As Announce in Bulletin Holy Days: NURSERY As Announced in Bulletin AT ALL SUNDAY MASSE S NURSERY AT CRYALL ROSUNDAY OM MASSES In Church CRY ROOMfor all Ma sses In Church for all Masses RECONCI LIATION Saturday, 4:30 -5:1 5 P.M . RECONCILIATION or By Appointmen Saturday, 4:00-4:45t P.M. or By Appointment RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RELIGIOUS Sunday : 9:1 5 EDUCATION - 10:1 5 A.M . Sunday: A.M.9 Adults &9:15 Ages- 410:15 - Grade Wednesday: 6:00 - 7:00 P.M. Adults & Ages 3 - Grade 9 1242 Lynnwood Drive 1242 Lynnwood Drive Jackson, MS 39206 Jackson, MS 39206 Mailing Address: Mailing Address: P.O. Box 16547 P.O. Box 16547 Jackson, MS 39236 Jackson, MS 39236 Phone (601) 366-2335 Sr. Therese Jacobs, BVM Raymond Barry Pastoral Minister Raymond Barry Director of Christian Service Director of Christian Raymond Barry Service Suzan Cox Director of Christian Service Suzan Liturgy Cox Director Suzan Director Cox Liturgy Allyson Harris Liturgy Director Kim Turner of Religious Education Coordinator Kim Turner Coordinator of Religious Education George Q. of Evans Coordinator Religious Education Pastoral Minister George Q. Evans Pastoral Minister Tom Lewis RCIALewis Coordinator Tom Lewis Tom RCIA Coordinator Debbie Tubertini RCIA Coordinator Debbie Tubertini Director of Evangelization & SFC’s Debbie Tubertini Director ofShapley Evangelization & SFC’s Melissaof Director Evangelization & SFC’s Melissa Shapley Senior High Director of Youth Ministry Amelia Rizor Senior High Director of Youth Ministry Amelia Rizor Junior High Director of Youth Ministry Amelia Rizor Junior High Director of Youth Ministry Junior High Director of Youth Ministry Helen Walsh Helen Walsh Helen Walsh Director of Music Director of Music Director of Music Jules Michel Cathy Wilson Jules Michel Principal,St. St. Richard Richard School School Principal, 601-366-1157 601-366-1157 Rev. John Bohn, Pastor Rev. Chavajay, John Bohn,Associate Pastor Pastor Padre Juan Padre Juan Chavajay, Associate Pastor FROM FATHER JOHN FROM FATHER JOHN December Men’s 8th Lenten Saturday, - Feast PrayerofBreakfast the Immaculate Conception any of us enjoyed and were inspired by the visit of ourHoly Holy Father, Pope Holy Day of Obligation March 23rd Fr. Juan Chavajay, Associate Pastor Richard any of us enjoyed and were inspired by the visit of ourSt. Father, Pope Mass for the Feast ofFrancis, the Immaculate Conception will last week. be at 9:00 a.m. his There willhe be both no 8:00 a.m. Mass us to the United States During visit, encouraged March 30th that Francis, Bishop Kopa Catholic Diocese ofencouraged Jackson to the UnitedJoseph States last, During his visit, he both us day. challenged Saturday night Mass at work 5:00 p.m. is the VigilofMass forChrist, Sunday.especially in our use and us in our as disciples Jesus and challenged us in our work as disciples of Jesus Christ, especially in our use of money. Specifically, he illustrates for usCathol in very very profound profound ways life of of ‘voluntary poverty’ and The Immaculate Conception is a dogma offor theus ic Churchways maintaining that from the moment sheand of money. Specifically, he illustrates in aaatlife ‘voluntary poverty’ During Mondays inVirgin Lent, the 7:00 a.m. Ma ss will be 6:30 a.m. The prayer ‘simplicity.’ From the car he uses (a Fiat 500) to the clothing he wears, the Holy Father tries to was conceived, the Blessed Ma ry was kept free of original sin and was filled with the sanctifying ‘simplicity.’ From the car he uses (a Fiat 500) to the clothing he wears, the Holy Father tries to breakfast will start at 7:00 a.m. inism. Foley Hall and over bythe 7:40. All men grace baptunencumbered It is oneby of the four should dogmas inbeRoman Catholic Mariology. lead by example this of being unencumbered by material possessions and the unfettered purlead bynormally exampleconferred this life lifeduring of being material possessions and unfettered purMary is often called the Immacula ta (the Immaculate One), particularly in artistic and suit of wealth. are welcome to attend. suit of wealth. cultural contexts. He because he he truly truly believes in the the Gospel Gospel of of Jesus JesusChrist, Christ,which whichteaches teaches He does does this this largely largely because believes in that wealth can make one’s soul increasingly vulnerable to greed. greed.Approaching! The Pope Popeknows knowsJesus Jesuswas wasseriseriEaster Flower Deadline that wealth can make one’sMemorials— soul increasingly vulnerable to The This is the Year of Faith ous when our Lord said, “You cannot serve both God and mammon,” (MT 6:24) and “it is easier ous when Lord said, “You cannot serve both Godceand mammon,” (MT 6:24) and “it is easier This yearour believers around the are called to renew their commitment to the faith. During Memorials can bethrough mailed toworld the church offi or put in an envelope inthe the collecfor aa camel to pass the eye eye of of aa needle needle than than for for one one who who is is rich rich to to enter enterthe kingdomof of for camel to pass through the kingdom the Mass become full, active of andyour conscious participants.” Show yourincommitment the tion basket with“the names loved ones. They willatbe listed the money Easterto God.” (MT 19:24). Is the Pope saying that money is bad? No, not all. He realizes is necesGod.” (MTand 19:24). Is the Pope saying that money is bad? No, not at all. He realizes money is necesthe Eucharist responding to the prayers and singing. At Mass we come Mass Sunday bulletin. Duenever toby printing deadlines, the information must be in by Frisary in the Holy Father the rich rich should be taxed taxed aa certain certain amount sothat that the poor sary in life. life. Isone thebody, Holy Father the be so the together asIs as saying asaying spectator. Let’sshould celebrate this Year ofamount Faith with great joypoor and will have more? No. The Pope will leave those questions to politicians and law-makers. day, March 27th . If you miss the closing date, it will be published in the followwill have more? No. The Pope will leave those questions to politicians and law-makers. celebration. What Francis DOES want usinfo to consider consider is more more fully embracing lifeof ofat VOLUNWhat Pope Pope Francis DOES want to is fully embracing aalife VOLUNing Sunday’s bulletin. Please mail allus rmation to the attention of Ebony St. TARY poverty and simplicity, where we FREELY and CHEERFULLY give more of ourselves finanRemember Our Seminarians When Sending Out Christmas Cards TARY poverty and simplicity, where we FREELY and CHEERFULLY give more of ourselves Richard Catholic Church P. O. Box 16547, Jackson, MS 39236. Please print. finanOurto loveneedy to know we are thinking and praying for them. Those The studying atundercially the while living moreabout modestly and simply simply ourselves. ThePope Pope undercially toseminarians the poor poor and and needy while living more modestly and ourselves. Notre Dame Seminary (2901personal South Carrollton, New LA 70118-4391) are Jason stands and has seen from experience that aa Orleans, preoccupation with pursuing pursuing andJohnston, acquiring stands that preoccupation with and acquiring Priest Education Fund Raffle Adam Nobles, Binh Ngyen, Rusty Vincent and Jose de Jesus Sanchez. Those studying at St. wealth can and often does have disastrous consequences on our souls and the community atlarge. large. wealth consequences on our souls and the community at Tickets each Joseph Seminary River Road, St. Benedict, LA 70457) are Aaron Williams, Adolfo Suarez, I$5 know I (75376 am taking the Pope’s ideas to heart, heart, and I am examining how I live in relation to and I am examining how I live in relation to Nick and Mark Punter ShoffnerRay. Guy Cesarand Sanchez is NFL studying in Mexico. money. I*Football hope Alvarez, all ofautographed you willAdam Prizes:Candido by HOF other greats money. do the same. The seminarians will go on break December 10th. *Gift certificate for Homemade Pie from the Hickory Pit Bar-B-Q October is Respect Respect for for Life Life Month Month *Mississippi Braves memorabilia ProtectingasGod’s Children Join our fifth graders at St. Richard they pray pray and and share share what what that thatmeans meansto tothem: them: they *We will also auctionis off a signed baseball donated by Fr. Burke Masters, The Diocese of Jackson committed to ensuring that no one being served by the Church MSU be at risk of sexual abuse or exploitation bygift clergy, religi ous it or church personnel. The spiritual well1990. “Lord, thank you for the Without it IIlay wouldn’t be here. here. Again Again thankyou, you, Lord, of life. Without wouldn’t be thank Lord, being of all the victims, their families and others in the community is of particular concern to the our Father! (Thank you also dad). Amen.” our for my mom and dad). Amen.” Drawing will be March 27th. The Knights of Columbus Council 15131 will be sellChurch. In accordance with our policy, all victims are offered counseling and pastoral care. Anying raffle tickets at the Friday fish fr y dinner. Youreligious can alsoorcontact any Knightand one who“Dear has been a victimFather, of abusethank or exploitation by of clergy, lay church personnel you for the life you have Heavenly the gift gift of life and and for for everything everything you havedone doneto to yet reported it is encouragedtotopurchase do so.a Our victim assistance coordinator, Valerie ticket. createhas create it. not Thank you! Amen.” McClellan, a licensed social worker, is available to assist in making a report . Please contact her at 601-326-3728. “Lord, thank you for waking me up this morning morning and and starting starting aa new newday. day.Thank Thankyou youfor for For more information about diocesan policies and toIIlearn whatStudy the diocese is doing to create a God Save the Book giving youDate—New for my body. will treat itit with respect knowing that giving me the gift of life. Thank will treat with respect knowing that Godgave gave safe environment for facilitate everyone, please diocesan website at it to me! it to Amen.”will George Evans a newvisit book thestudy after Easter st arting April 8th and and click onofProtecting God’s Children. Notice Banner TakeMay Respect for Life Banner meeting once a week until 13th atthe 6: Respect 30 p.m.for inLife the Mercy Room. The book is Joseph N. Latino is a Pro-Life Banner. It is to remind us life isisworth livHanging in the church Banner. It is to remind us that thatevery every life worth livby Cardinal Walter Mercy-The Essence of the Gospel and the Key of Christian Life Bishop of Jackson ing. The banner was created from sketches by the ing. the St. St. Richard Richard sixth sixth grade grade class, class,then thenenlarged enlargedand and Kasper. Books are $20. Contact George to order a book: ev- are filled in by by St. Richard Richard students in through sixth grade. hands filled in St. students in kindergarten kindergarten through sixth 601-366-2335 grade. The The large largeor hands arean [email protected] age to the the Creation Creation of of Adam Adam. by age to by Michaelangelo, Michaelangelo, part part of of the the Sistine Sistine Chapel. Chapel. Students’ Students’hands handswere were TAKE TEN WITH FAMILY OR FRIENDS Spend 10 minutes reflecting on God’s traced and enlarged. Find more information on respect for life go to traced and enlarged. Find more information on respect for life go to Word. M NEXT Sunday’s Scripture: Baruch 5:1-9 Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11 Luke 3:1-6 TAKE TEN WITH FAMILYthis ORAdvent? FRIENDS Spend minutes How are you waiting, preparing, observing What “rough ways” might10need to be reflecting “made on God’s Word. TAKE TEN WITH FAMILY OR FRIENDS Spend minutes reflecting on FAMILY Spend 10 10 minutes reflecting onGod’s God’sWord Word smooth” in yourWITH life, your world aOR moreFRIENDS meaningful celebration of Christmas? Sunday’s Scripture: Markfor 11:1-10 Philippians 2:6-11 Mark 14:1-15:47 NEXT NEXT Sunday’s Scripture: Wisdom 7:7-11 Hebrews 4:12-13 NEXT Sunday’s Scripture: Wisdom 7:7-11 Hebrews 4:12-13 Which of his human traits draws you closer to Jesus? Recall a time when you were disappointed with Mark Mark10:17-27 10:17-27 As we listen today to God’s word, what in our lives keeps us from entering God’s kigdom? As we listen today God’s word, whatHow in our lives keeps us from entering God’s kigdom?How Howmight might yourtoown human weakness. did you deal with that disappointment? God help help us? us? God JOIN THE COMMUNITY YOUTH WORLD FAITH LIFE Grades 10, 11 and 12 This Sunday regular Faith Life meeting after Mass in Glynn Hall. Bring $3 for pizza and drink! Coming Soon– Faith Life Bonfire!!! ALIVE Grades 7, 8, and 9 This Sunday “SNL” meets on Sunday evenings from 6:00 P.M.– 7:30 P.M. in the Youth Center. Get ready to play some Dodgeball!. Bring $3 for pizza and drink! Wednesday Night Discipleship Discipleship meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 until 7:00 P.M. in the Youth Center. The Game Room will open at 6:00 P.M. Sunday School Sunday School meets from 9:05 A.M. until 10:15 A.M. in the ALIVE room. Juice and Jesus Juice and Jesus meets every Thursday from 7:25 A.M.– 7:45 A.M. in the St. Joe Field House. All 7th and 8th graders are welcome. SAVE THE DATE Meet and Greet sponsorship gathering hosted by Catholic Charities October 12 from 6 P.M. until 8 P.M. at the Old Capitol Inn. Tickets are $100 per person The Journey of Hope Luncheon October 13, 2015, Join Catholic Charities at the Jackson Marriott to hear guest speaker Fr. Jonathan Morris from 12 P.M. until 1 P.M. Hunger Banquet Silent Auction November 12, 2015 in Foley Hall “My Big Fat St. Richard Wedding” The 35th Annual Squat and Gobble November 19, 2015 at the Old Capitol Inn. Help be a part of our campaign to stop Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence. PROTECTION OF CHILDREN The Diocese of Jackson is committed to ensuring that no one being served by the church be (is) at risk of sexual abuse or exploitation by clergy or by religious or lay personnel. The spiritual well-being of all the victims, their families and others in the community is of particular concern to the church. In accordance with our policy, all victims are offered counseling and pastoral care. Anyone who has been a victim of abuse or exploitation by clergy or by religious or lay personnel and has not yet reported it is encouraged to do so. Our victim assistance coordinator, Valerie McClellan, a licensed social worker, is available to assist in making a report. Please contact her at 601.326.3728. For more information about diocesan policies and procedures and to learn what the diocese is doing to create a safe environment for everyone, please visit the diocesan website at and click on “Protection of Children”. -Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D., PH.D. Mission Mississippi Prayer Breakfast Tuesday, October 6 Prayer Committee meets 6:45 A.M.-8:00 A.M. Christian Life Center First Baptist Church, Jackson St. Richard Mom’s Prayer Group This is a new group here at St. Richard for moms who want to share their faith and have fellowship with other moms. We will read and discuss the Mass readings for the upcoming weekend and prayerfully consider what the readings are calling us to do or be. We will meet every Tuesday night at 6:00 P.M. in the Chatham Room. Each week is independent of the other weeks so do not worry about missing a meeting. If you have questions please contact Mary Kate Rees at [email protected] or Debbie Tubertini at 601.366.2335 ext. 107 or email [email protected] Mothers Morning Out We are off to a great start this year, and having so much fun! Mother’s Morning Out is every Tuesday and Thursday and we still have several spots available. If you are interested in registering your child, contact Daphne Logan at 601.955.6099. Year of Consecrated Life Continues This is a time to give thanks to the women and men for their witness of faith and models of inspiration. A time to pray for the priests and religious that have walked with us on our journey of faith through Baptisms, First Holy Communions, Confirmations, weddings, the anointing of our sick. For articles and a prayer for those of consecrated life go to Congratulations to Jon Fairbank who completes six years of service as President of the St. Richard Conference of St. Vincent de Paul on Monday, October 5. Mike Prince will be installed that same day as new President for a three year term. We are indebted to Jon for getting the Conference off to a great start and welcome Mike to keep us going in the right direction and ever upward with your help and God’s grace and blessing. SAINT RICHARD CATHOLIC SCHOOL CORNER Coffee with the Cardinals St. Richard Catholic School will offer a school tour on Wednesday. October 7 following our 8:15 A.M. All School Mass. We invite you to attend Mass with our St. Richard students, following Mass meet in the school lobby for coffee and a tour of our wonderful school. For more information, please contact the development office at 601.366.1157 Cardinalfest October 25– a day filled with joy, good, music, and lots of fun! Cardinalfest 2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off Have a good chili recipe? Like to cook for crowds? Like to compete for great prizes? Get your team together and support our school on October 25 at 11 A.M. on the St. Richard football field. $75 entry fee per team (up to four teammates). 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes for the BEST chili. Contact Susan Steckler for more information– 601.942.2764 or [email protected] “like” us on Facebook The Hunger Banquet The Saint Richard Hunger Banquet Thursday, November 12, 2015 6 P.M. until 9 P.M. in Foley Hall The theme this year will be MY BIG FAT SAINT RICHARD WEDDING The dress for the evening is wedding casual. You have a little over 45 days to hit the gym, count those carbs, and work on squeezing into your wedding attire. The attire includes, but is not limited to, bridal, bridesmaid, mother of the bride. (All you grooms and groomsmen should don the ever appropriate tuxedo.) The food for the evening will feature massive amounts of wedding cake. All proceeds from this annual event is given to organizations that feed the hungry in our city, state, or world. A nursery will be available. DON’T MISS OUT! It’s still not too late to sign up for Small Faith Communities! The next season begins the week of October 11. We will be using a DVD series called “The Biblical Walk Through the Mass” by Edward Sri. According to Sri, “From the moment of our creation and throughout biblical history, God has desired to enter into an intimate communion with humanity. In fact, God, who loves us beyond comprehension, has chosen to give us His very Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist. It can truly be said that the Catholic Mass is the most amazing event on earth.” This series is sure to renew your faith and deepen your love and devotion to the Eucharist. REGISTER NOW for this new series– pick up a registration card in the vestibule of the church or go to our website Registration cards should be returned to the box in the vestibule of the church or brought the church office. If you have questions please contact Debbie Tubertini at 601.366.2335 ext. 107 or email [email protected]. October is the Month of the Holy Rosary This is primarily due to the fact that the liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated annually on October 7. It was instituted to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary in gratitude for the protection that she gives the Church in answer to the praying of the Rosary by the faithful. The rosary is prayed daily at 7:30 A.M. in the church, on Mondays at 8:45 A.M. at the Jackson Women’s Health Clinic, on Wednesdays at 6 P.M. in the St. Richard Conference Room, and on the first Friday of every month at 2:30 P.M. in the church. All are welcomed to any of these rosary times. Young at Heart The Young at Heart group would like to invite everyone to join them for what is sure to be a very interesting gathering on Thursday, October 15 at 11:30 A.M. in Foley Hall. We have John Malanchak, a Certified Sommelier who will trace the History of Wine from 6000 B.C. for us. We will also learn what role the Catholic Church played in the spread of wine throughout Europe and the New World. We might even have to sample some of the subject matter. Lunch is $5 per person. Y@H sponsors these monthly meetings, however, anyone is invited. Please join us even if you are not able to stay the entire time. The Cursillo Movement In the Cursillo Movement, we approach evangelization as a very natural act of being Christ-like within each of our daily activities. The Cursillo Movement provides a method and a technique to provide each of us with the tools, the mentality, the strength, and the support to make this natural type of evangelization possible. The Cursillo Movement endeavors to restore the beauty of the first Christian communities which prompted pagans to say with admiration, “See how they love one another!” Contact Sue Anne Booth, [email protected] or 601.960.8474 for more information. Applications can be downloaded from the Diocesan website ( Upcoming Cursillos- Men’s Weekend– October 8-11 at the Canton Duncan Gray Campground Ladies’ Weekend– October 15-18 at the Canton Duncan Gray Conference Center St. Richard Bereavement Support Group (Please note changed date) Thursday, October 15, 6:30 p.m. (Note: Changed to THIRD Thursday This Month) “No One Understands What I Am Going Through” - Parishioner, Dot-T Dehmer The monthly St. Richard Bereavement Support Group will meet Thursday, October 15, at 6:30 p.m. in the Mercy Room. Please note that the date is changed to the third Thursday of October. Parishioner and author, Dot-T Dehmer, will be helping us to understand the human side of losing our loved one and helping us to connect with the spiritual grace that is available through God’s Word. Losses in Dot-T’s life make her words genuine. If you are hurting from losing a loved one or you are trying to comfort and understand the grief of a family member or friend, it will be helpful to attend. If you know someone who is bereaved, please invite them. It is open to all. If you have questions or just need to talk to someone, call Suzie Cranston (601-982-5464), Linda Lalor (601-853-8840), or Nancy McGhee (601-942-2078) or email [email protected] 40 Days for Life– Raymond Barry A group of us from St. Richard have made a commitment to pray the rosary at the only abortion clinic in Mississippi. Monday, during our prayer, a sidewalk counselor interrupted us to ask if any one of us spoke Spanish. A young woman had scheduled an abortion for that morning. The friends that came with her hoped that she would reconsider. They felt that she was more likely to reconsider if someone spoke to her in her native language. No one in our group spoke Spanish, but I texted a friend who does and she was willing to help. The young mother’s friend came out to talk to us. We were told it was too late. The woman was already with the doctor and she would not be able to come outside to speak with us. Her friend stayed as we finished the rosary. She told us that she asked her friend, what she would tell her aborted child when they were reunited– when her baby asked her WHY? Hopefully, this friend will be a comfort to the young woman as she recovers from the abortion. A group from St. Richard prays the rosary at the clinic every Monday at 8:45 A.M. THIS WEEK AT ST. RICHARD MON Coffee & Creed– “Timeline, the Great Aventure Bible Study, The Early World” Genesis 1-3 Timely Topics– Dana Larkin– Initiative 42 Scripture Study with Fr. John Good Shepherd Parents of Youth Prayer Group in the Chatham Room until 7:30 P.M. Go & Make Disciples Dinner 8:45 A.M. 40 Days Rosary for Life at the Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2903 N. State Street) All Welcome 6:00 P.M. Centering Prayer– Conference Room 6:30 P.M. St. Vincent de Paul meeting TUE 9:15 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. St. Richard’s Mom Prayer Group– Chatham Room 7:00 P.M. Young Adults– Mercy Room WED SUN Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:15 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. All School Mass Adoration Parish Dinner Scripture Study with Fr. John Good Shepherd Book Study “Jesus– A Pilgrimage” in the Library Catholic Inquiry– Chichester Room until 8:30 P.M. Rosary in the Conference Room (All Welcome) ROSARY THU 7:45 A.M. Catholic Habitat Build #30 at Greenview Drive until 5:00 P.M. SUN 6:00 P.M. Evening With Mary SAT Join us every weekday at 7:35 a.m. to recite the rosary before the 8:00 Mass Troubled? The Crisis Line Listens 601-713-4357 All Masses St. Richard School will be speaking at all Masses, and selling CardinalFest wristbands after all Masses Catholic Habitat Build #30 Update 10/10/15 Finish installation of siding, begin exterior painting PASTORAL CARE Remembering all the Faithful Departed St. Richard Parish continues to share in the loss of family members. A book has been placed at the entrance of the church. Please write the names of your deceased loved ones in the book. All names will be remembered at all Masses in November. Follow Pope Francis with “The Pope App” on iphone or ipad Please notify the church office of births, deaths and hospital stays PLEASE PRAY FOR HEALING At Home: Laquita Koenig, Natalie Rose Sant’ Angelo, Joe Lemoine, Carrie Maniscalco, Dora Roell, Avery Nejam, Fr. John Leogue, Jim Payne, Edna Dollar, Catherine Marler, Julian Rose (O), Alejandro Flores– son of Sandra and Jose Flores (C), Janet Green (C), Jack Hoffman– son of Tico and Mitzi Hoffman (C) Steve Waggener (M) Friends and Family: Theresa Jabaley– sister of Mike Jabaley (M) Margie Hunter– sister of Ginger Hogg (J), Beth Justus Warga, sister of Caroline Gaudet (L), Denise Wissel (D), and Martha Joseph(G) Saint Richard Parish Finance Corner 2015 Weekly Budget $37,500.00 Contributions for 9/27/15 $24,706.00 MASSES FOR THE WEEK Sunday: Monday: Please Pray for our Nursing Home Parishioners & Friends The Orchard: Kay McDonald, Mildred Wilkinson, Billie Tonos Manhattan Nursing and Rehabilitation Center: Eileen Meeney, Janis Franklin, Lura Matthews, Laura Campbell, Roy McMillan Highland Home: Peter Daschbach, Betty McAndrew, Adelle Rice St. Catherine’s Village: Mary Catherine Grower, Norma Blossman, Mary Hogg, Avenelle Allison, Gwen Lundy, Vic Duvic, Carol Ann Koby, Ann Fournet, Fr. Richard Somers, Mary Herlihy, Jeanne Michel, Rosemary McMullan, Vic Duvic Chateau Ridgeland: Carol Weimar, Jim Willis, Bill Morgan Lakeland Nursing & Rehabilitation: Marguerite Andrews The Blake: Posey Albriton People of the Parish 7:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. Tuesday: Catharine Thomas req. by Arthur & Mary Louise Jones & family Reverend Patrick Riley Smith 7:00 A.M. Fran & Nic Fairly & Mimi req. by the Gray-Lewis family 5:30 P.M. People of the Parish Wednesday: 7:00 A.M. Hank, Gus, & Skip Harkins req. by the Gray-Lewis family (special intention) 8:15 A.M. People of the Parish Thursday: 7:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Genny Leblanc req. by Richard & Tammy Conrad People of the Parish Friday: 7:00 A.M. Willie Doll Thomas req. by her family 8:00 A.M. Bruno Carnevaletti, Jr. req. by Sharon & Marie Prestridge Saturday: 8:00 A.M. People of the Parish
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Rev. John Bohn, Pastor Padre Juan Chavajay, Associate Pastor A
Room. (Dot-T Dehmer, Cleta Ellington, Robert McElvane, and
Luke Lundemo will facilitate discussion on subsequent chapters)